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1 Visiting a Museum Stating Preferences 9:30-9:40 Ice Breaker What was the best thing that happened this last week? What was the worst thing that happened this last week? Chicago is a great city with many different activities for people to enjoy. Some of the most fun and educational activities are visiting Chicago’s many great museums. The variety of museums appeals to many different interests. In fact, there are so many museums that it can be difficult to choose! This lesson will give some basic information about some of the famous museums found in Chicago and hopefully inspire you to visit a few yourself! 9:40-10:00 Vocabulary and Conversation fascinating: very interesting exhibit: as a noun, an object or collection of different objects on public display gem: a valuable stone, like a diamond skeleton: bones connected together, like in the picture below on the next page of an elephant skeleton relevant: connected to what is being talked about interactive: something that can be affected by a person’s input (like an iPad) Conversation: (Tutors might want to bring pictures or brochures from museums they have visited in the past, if possible.) Laura: Hi Jenny. How was your weekend? Jenny: It was so much fun! My family went to the Field Museum in downtown Chicago and spent the day looking at the different exhibits. Laura: I’ve never been there. What was your favorite part of your trip? Jenny: Well, I enjoyed looking at the “Hall of Gems.” They had some really beautiful jewelry from all over the world. On the other hand, my children spent half an hour looking at the different animal skeletons. They found them fascinating. Laura: Did you have much information about the museum before you went?

15 Visiting a Museum - · Visiting a Museum Stating Preferences 9:30-9:40 Ice Breaker • What was the best thing that happened this last week? • What was the

Jun 17, 2020



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Page 1: 15 Visiting a Museum - · Visiting a Museum Stating Preferences 9:30-9:40 Ice Breaker • What was the best thing that happened this last week? • What was the


Visiting a Museum Stating Preferences

9:30-9:40 Ice Breaker

• What was the best thing that happened this last week? • What was the worst thing that happened this last week?

Chicago is a great city with many different activities for people to enjoy. Some of the most fun and educational activities are visiting Chicago’s many great museums. The variety of museums appeals to many different interests. In fact, there are so many museums that it can be difficult to choose! This lesson will give some basic information about some of the famous museums found in Chicago and hopefully inspire you to visit a few yourself!

9:40-10:00 Vocabulary and Conversation

• fascinating: very interesting • exhibit: as a noun, an object or collection of different objects on public display • gem: a valuable stone, like a diamond • skeleton: bones connected together, like in the picture below on the next page

of an elephant skeleton • relevant: connected to what is being talked about • interactive: something that can be affected by a person’s input (like an iPad)

Conversation: (Tutors might want to bring pictures or brochures from museums they have visited in the past, if possible.)

Laura: Hi Jenny. How was your weekend?

Jenny: It was so much fun! My family went to the Field Museum in downtown Chicago and spent the day looking at the different exhibits.

Laura: I’ve never been there. What was your favorite part of your trip?

Jenny: Well, I enjoyed looking at the “Hall of Gems.” They had some really beautiful jewelry from all over the world. On the other hand, my children spent half an hour looking at the different animal skeletons. They found them fascinating.

Laura: Did you have much information about the museum before you went?

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Jenny: Oh yes. Their website has all the relevant information, like how much it costs, where it is located, and what the current exhibits are.

Laura: I don’t think my family has any plans for this coming weekend. Would you like to come with us to a different museum?

Jenny: Sure! Which one would you like to visit?

Laura: My friend told me that the Kohl Children’s Museum in Glenview is a great place to go with your family, but I have also wanted to visit the Museum of Science and Industry or the Art Institute of Chicago, which are both downtown. Which one do you recommend, Jenny?

Jenny: Since your children are young, I would recommend the Kohl Children’s Museum. They have lots of interactive exhibits.

Laura: That sounds like good advice. My husband loves art, so maybe he and I will visit the Art Institute some other time. Would you like to meet us at the Children’s Museum on Saturday?

Jenny: I would love to do that.

Laura: How fun! See you then.

10:00-10:20 Discussion Here are some questions about visiting museums. Discuss them together as a group. It’s not necessary to discuss all the questions; choose the ones that are most interesting to you.

1. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “museum”?

2. Have you ever been to a museum? How about one in the Chicago area?

3. What is the first museum you remember visiting as a child?

4. What is the best museum you have ever been to?

5. What is a museum that you would like to visit?

6. What kinds of museums are your favorite (art, history, science, children’s, etc.)?

7. What are some good museums in your home country? Which is your favorite?

8. Do you prefer museums with interactive exhibits, or ones you just look at?

9. Do you think museums are important?

10. Do you prefer going to museums alone or with other people?

11. Which do you like better: museums, movies, zoos, or sports events? Why?

12. Would you like to work in a museum? If you answered “yes”, which museum? If you answered

“no”, why not?

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13. Have you ever gotten in trouble at a museum for touching something you shouldn’t have (tell

the truth now!)?

14. If you made a museum about your life, what would be the best exhibit?

15. Do you research museums you visit before you go? If so, how do you get the information?

10:20-10:40 Grammar: Stating preferences There are several different ways of stating your personal preference.

(a) I prefer science to art. (b) I prefer visiting a museum to reading.

Prefer + noun + to + noun Prefer + -ing verb + to + -ing verb

(c) I like science better than art. (d) I like visiting a museum better than reading.

Like + noun + better than + noun Like + -ing verb + better than + -ing verb

(e) Judy would rather have desert than a salad. (f) I’d rather visit the Field Museum.

Would rather is followed immediately by the simple form of a verb.

(g) Would you rather go to the Art Institute or the Children’s Museum?

In a polite question, would rather can be followed by or to offer someone a choice.

Answer the questions below by stating your preference. Try to answer the question using a form similar to the question. Example:

Question: Which do you like better: the Museum of Science and Industry or the Field Museum?

Answer: I like the Field Museum better than the Museum of Science and Industry.

1. Which do you prefer: having a tour guide at a museum or exploring by yourself? 2. Which do you like better: museums in Chicago or museums in your hometown? 3. Would you rather visit an art museum or a history museum? 4. If you were going to a museum downtown, would you rather drive downtown or take the train?

10:40-11:00 Bible Story: The Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-32

11 To further illustrate the point, he told them this story: “A man had two sons. 12 When the younger told his father, ‘I want my share of your estate now, instead of waiting until you die!’ his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons. 13 “A few days later this younger son packed all his belongings and took a trip to a distant land, and there wasted all his money on parties and prostitutes. 14 About the time his money was gone a great famine swept over the land, and he began to starve. 15 He persuaded a local farmer to hire him to feed his pigs. 16 The boy became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the swine looked good to him. And no one gave him anything. 17 “When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, ‘At home even the hired men have food enough and to spare, and here I am, dying of hunger! 18 I will go home to my father and

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say, “Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, 19 and am no longer worthy of being called your son. Please take me on as a hired man.”’ 20 “So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long distance away, his father saw him coming, and was filled with loving pity and ran and embraced him and kissed him. 21 “His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and you, and am not worthy of being called your son—’ 22 “But his father said to the slaves, ‘Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. And a jeweled ring for his finger; and shoes! 23 And kill the calf we have in the fattening pen. We must celebrate with a feast, 24 for this son of mine was dead and has returned to life. He was lost and is found.’ So the party began. 25 “Meanwhile, the older son was in the fields working; when he returned home, he heard dance music coming from the house, 26 and he asked one of the servants what was going on. 27 “‘Your brother is back,’ he was told, ‘and your father has killed the calf we were fattening and has prepared a great feast to celebrate his coming home again unharmed.’ 28 “The older brother was angry and wouldn’t go in. His father came out and begged him, 29 but he replied, ‘All these years I’ve worked hard for you and never once refused to do a single thing you told me to; and in all that time you never gave me even one young goat for a feast with my friends. 30 Yet when this son of yours comes back after spending your money on prostitutes, you celebrate by killing the finest calf we have on the place.’ 31 “‘Look, dear son,’ his father said to him, ‘you and I are very close, and everything I have is yours. 32 But it is right to celebrate. For he is your brother; and he was dead and has come back to life! He was lost and is found!’”

Words You May Not Know:

prodigal = someone who spends all he has; estate = inheritance, a piece of land; wealth = large amount of money or property; prostitute = a person who earns money by performing sexual acts with other people; starve = suffer from not eating; persuade = to convince someone to do something through reasoning; pods = bean hulls fed to pigs; swine = pigs; embrace = hug; sin = wrong actions and thoughts against God; worthy = valuable; hired man = a person paid by an owner to work; meanwhile = during the same period of time; calf = young cow; feast = a large meal

Questions from Luke 15:11-32

1. Why did the young man decide to go back to his father? (v.16-19) 2. What are some wrong actions that cause people to be broken and feel miserable like the

younger son? 3. What does this parable teach us about sin (wrong actions and thoughts)? 4. What is the promise of God if you return to Him in repentance? Will He accept you? (v. 20, v.

22-24) 5. What is God, our Father, like?

蕩(ほうとう)息子 ルカの福音書15章11-32節

11 イエスはもっとよく説明しようと、また別のたとえ話もされました。「ある人に息子が二人

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いました。 12ある日、弟のほうが出し抜けに、『お父さん。 あなたが亡くなってからでなく、今すぐ財産の分け前がほしいんです』と言いだしたのです。 それで父親は、二人にそれぞれ財産を分けてやりました。

13 もらう物をもらうと、何日もたたないうちに、弟は荷物をまとめ、そそくさと遠い国に旅立ちました。 そこで放蕩に明け暮れ、全財産を使い果たしてしまいました。 14一文なしになった時、その国に大ききんが起こり、食べる物にも事欠くようになりました。 15それで彼は、その国のある人のもとで、畑で豚を飼う仕事をもらいました。 16あまりのひもじさに、豚のえさのいなご豆さえ食べたいほどでしたが、だれも食べる物をくれません。

17 こんな毎日を送るうち、彼もやっと目が覚めました。 『お父さんの家なら雇い人にだって、あり余るほど食べ物があるだろうに。 なのに自分は、なんてみじめなんだ。 こんな所で飢え死にしかけてる。 18そうだ。 家に帰ろう。 帰って、お父さんに頼もう。 「お父さん。 すみませんでした。 神様にも、お父さんにも、罪を犯してしまいました。 19もう息子と呼ばれる資格はありません。 どうか、雇い人として使ってください。」』

20 決心がつくと、彼は父親のもとに帰って行きました。 ところが、家までは、まだ遠く離れていたというのに、父親は息子の姿を、いち早く見つけたのです。 『あれが帰って来た。 かわいそうに、あんなにみすぼらしいなりで。』こう思うと、じっと待ってなどいられません。 走り寄って抱きしめ、口づけしました。21 『お父さん。 すみませんでした。 ぼくは神様にも、お父さんにも、罪を犯してしまいました。 もう息子と呼ばれる資格はありません。』

22 ところが父親は、使用人たちにこう言いつけたのです。 『さあさあ、何をぼやぼやしている。 一番よい服を出して、この子に着せてやりなさい。 宝石のついた指輪も、くつもだ。 23それから、肥えた子牛を料理して、盛大な祝宴の用意をしなさい。24死んだものとあきらめていた息子が生き返り、行方の知れなかった息子が帰って来たのだから。』こうして、祝宴が始まりました。

25 ところで、兄のほうはどうだったでしょう。 その日も畑で働いていました。 家に戻ってみると、何やら楽しげな踊りの音楽が聞こえます。 26いったい何事かと、使用人の一人に尋ねると、 27『弟さんが帰って来られたのです。 だんな様は、たいへんなお喜びで、肥えた子牛を料理し、ご無事を祝う宴会を開いておられるのです』と言うで す。

28 事情を聞くて、無性に腹が立ってきました。 家に入ろうとしません。 父親が出て来てなだめましたが。 29兄は父に食ってかかりました。『私はこれまで、お父さんのために汗水流して働いてきました。 お父さんの言いつけに、 ただの一度もそむいたことはありません。 なのに、友達と宴会を開けと言って、子やぎ一匹くれたことがありますか。 30ところが、遊女におぼれて、あなたのお金を使い果たした弟のためには、最上の子牛を料理して、お祭り騒ぎをするのですか。』

31 すると父親は言いました。 『いいか、よく聞きなさい。 おまえはいつだって、 私のそばにいたではないか。 私のものは全部おまえのものだ。 32考えてもみなさい。 あれはおまえの弟なのだよ。 死んだと思ってあきらめていたのが、無事に帰って来たのだ。 いなくなっていたのが見つかったのだから、お祝いするのはあたりまえではないか。』」



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1. どうして、弟は、父のもとへ帰ろうとしたのですか?(16、19、21節) 2. 時として、人(例:この話に出てくる弟)は、誤った人生の中で、 痛みや悲しみを経験します。その原因となる、誤った考えや、思いや、行動には、具体的に、どのようなものがありますか?(例:陰口、アルコールなど)

3. この例え話は、罪についてどう教えていますか(悪い行いや思い)? 4. もしあなたが、心改めて、父なる神様の元に戻るとき、神様の約束とはどのようなものですか?父なる神は、あなたをどのように受け入れてくれますか?(20節、22-24節)

5. このたとえ話を読んで、父なる神とは、どのようなお方ですか?