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Dec 15, 2015



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ngilizce Hikayeler ve Trkeleri, evirileri, Tercmesiyle Birlikte1Best Looking Girl in Town by Thyra Samter WinslowFrom the time she was thirteen Rilla Mabry had been ashamed of her appearance. It was then that she started growing taller than the other girls. She was also awkward as well as tall and she was too thin.By the time she was twenty she was fully convinced that her appearance was really something terrible. All of the other girls seemed little and cute and attractive. No matter what Rilla wore it seemed wrong. She was much too tall to wear tailored clothes. And thin dresses hung around her loosely.All of the girls and boys in the group liked Rilla. She was a fine girl if you could forget the way she looked. Even her hair was wrong-rather stringy- but she had a pleasant and attractive face.In spite of her looks Rilla had a boy friend. He was Patrick Redding and his father kept a grocery store. Pat wasnt any great price but then you couldnt expect Rilla, with her looks to do any better. People feel that Rilla ought to be satisfied. Pat was a nice looking boy, and he shouldnt be considered unimportant.Rilla didnt consider Pat unimportant. She was grateful to him for being nice to her. She was as pleasant and as friendly as she could be. As a matter of fact she liked Patrick a lot. He was fun to be with. She would have been perfectly satisfied except for the fact that she was in love with Shane Tennant. All of which did her little good for Shane was the price of the town. Shanes father was a banker and rich.His mother was the social leader of the town. Shane was well much taller than Rilla- and handsome besides.Pat went into the grocery business with her father. Shane went into the bank. Thats the way sons do in small towns unless they have definite ideals about law or one of the other professions. Rilla didnt do anything. Her parents have just enough money so she didnt have to work. She went to parties with Patrick- and admired for Shane from a distance. The towns people felt that she would marry with Pat, that hed take over his fathers grocery store, and that theyd settle down.That might have happened if it hadnt been for Leslie Durant. Leslie Durant was - and still is-a well known magazine illustrator. And he came to Morrisville to visit an aunt. And he was taken an anywhere to all of the parties , of course. He was the social lion of the season. He stayed in town only for few days but that was long enough for a lot to happen.He saw Rilla Mabry. Rilla was standing near the door and she was looking at Shane Tennant. She never knew her face how much showed what she was thinking about. No one else noticed- but Durant being knew, understood the situation. He saw Rilla standing not quite straight because she didnt feel quite as tall that way, in a badly fitted dress and her hair not quite smooth- and he saw Shane, perfectly dressed, self confident, good looking. And then Pat came to ask Rilla for the dance.On the second day of his visit Durant made his remarkable statement. He told anyone who would listento him that Rilla Mabry was by far the best looking girl in town. One of the best looking girl hed ever seen.Rilla never had a compliment about her looks before. She had always been shy, self conscious, and often unhappy about her appearance. And now the first authority in beauty who had ever been in town claimed that she was the price.When Durant, himself told her what he thought of her she was filled with confusion. She managed finally to thank him. And later, very shyly , she went up to him.I do wish that you would tell me how can look better, she said.Thats not really my particular kind of work, he told her, but may be if we get together ..They got together the next morning. Durant came to Rillas house. And with Rillas mother acting as helper, they did things to Rilla and to Rillas clothes. Durant made her stand up straight . and he rearranged her hair. And he told her what was wrong with the clothes she wore.That night there was a dance for Durant- his last evening in town. And, as he had thought when he started things, Rilla was, for the first time in her life, the center of attention. Toward the end of the evening Durant had the satisfaction of seeing Shane Tennant dancing very attentively with Rilla, Shane Tenant whom Rilla had looked at with longing eyes and who had paid any attention to her.Durant went back to his home and his work in New York and forgot about the whole thing. Years passed. And then, just the other day, this happened:Durant was lunching alone at a restaurant when an attractive, tall woman, past her first youth, came up to him. You dont remember me ? she said.Durant didnt remember her. I am Rilla tenant I was Rilla Mabry when you knew me. You came to my home town and and rather made my life over. Remember now ?Of course I do said Durant. I remember very well. It was my one attempt at changing the destiny of another person. You did a wonderful job. said Rilla. There was a strange note in her voice which he didnt understand.You married the boy you were in love with. I see. His name was Tannent wasnt it ?Why, yes said Rilla. But how did you remember the name ? And how did you know I was in love with him?I am good at remembering names. And I saw you looking at him. Simplicity itself! And to think that I was the cause!Yes you were said Rilla. It was very funny when you look back on it. There I was going with Patrick Redding, and in love with Shane, and terribly unhappy and awkward. And you came down and said I was a beauty- so automatically I became a beauty. And the boys all wanted to go out with me. And I married Shane.Wonderful said Durant. And he smiled happily. How are you getting along , now ? That is the difficult part. said Rilla. You shouldnt have asked. Shane and I got married. And it didnt get along very well though I was awfully happy in the beginning. The Tennant lost all of their money in a bank failure- and my family had its money in the Tennant bank by that time, so our money went, too. Then Shane fell in love with a chorus girl. I got a divorce of course. Ive been teaching in a girls school for the past three years. Thats too bad! said Durant. But maybe that was better than marrying that other boy whom you didnt love. May be, said Rilla. You can never tell. Love goes Patrick Redding took his fathers grocery store and married the cutest girl in town. They have three children and are very happy. And, oh , yes he became quite ambitious and started a chain of grocery store. Now he is the richest and most important man in town

Kasabadaki En Gzel Kz by Thyra Samter WinslowOn yandan beri Rilla Mabry grnnden utanyordu. Bu yatan sonra dier kzlardan daha uzun olmaya balad. Ayn zamanda beceriksiz, ok ince ve olduka uzundu.Yirmi yana geldiinde grnnn korkun olduuna tamamen ikna olmutu. Dier kzlarn hepsi ksa, sevimli ve ekiciydi. Rilla ne giyse, kt grnyordu. ok uzun olduundan hazr elbiseler tam anlamyla zerinde asl ekilde duruyordu.Gruptaki btn kzlar ve erkekler Rillay seviyordu. yi bir kzd,eer grnne kulak asmazsanz. ok ince olduu iin sa bile kt grnyordu, fakat ok ho ve ekici bir yz vard.Grnne ramen Rillann bir erkek arkada vard. O Patrick Reddingti ve babasnn bir bakkal vard. Pat fazla etmezdi, fakat baklaryla Rilladan da fazla birey bekleyemezdiniz. nsanlar Rillann tatmin olmas gerektiini dnrlerdi. Pat iyi grnl bir ocuktu ve nemsiz olduu dnlmemeliydi.Rilla Patin nemsiz olduunu dnmyordu. Kendisine iyi davrand iin o da ona kar sayglyd. Elinden geldiince ona ho ve arkadaa davranyordu. Aslnda Pati ok seviyordu. Onunla birlikte olmak elenceliydi. Shane Tannenta ak olmasayd ok memnun olabilirdi. Bunun faydas yoktu zira Shane kasabann gzdesiydi. Shanein babas bankacyd ve zengindi.Annesi kasabann sosyal lideriydi. Buna ilaveten Shane Rilladan daha uzun ve stelik yakklyd da.Pat babasyla beraber bakkal iine girdi. Shane bankaya girdi. Eer Hukuk veya dier meslekler hakknda idealleri yoksa erkek ocuklarn kasabada ba vurduu yol buydu. Rilla birey yapmad. Onun anne ve babasnn yeterince paras vard ve o almak zorunda deildi. Patrickle beraber partilere gitti ve Shanee uzaktan hayranlk duydu. Kasaba halk onun Pat ile evleneceini, babasnn bakkaln devralacan ve kasabaya yerleeceklerini zannediyordu.Eer Leslie Durant olmasayd bu beklentiler gerekleebilirdi. Leslie Durant gemite ve halen tannm birgazete ressamyd. Halasn ziyaret iin Morisvilleye geldi ve tabiki partilerin olduu her yere ***rld. Sezonun en sosyal insanyd. Kasabada yalnzca bir ka gn kalmasna ramen bu sre birok eyin gereklemesi iin yeterliydiRilla Mabryi grd. Rilla kapnn yannda duruyor ve Shane Tennanta bakyordu. Ne dndn yznn ne kadar gsterdiini hibir zaman bilmiyordu. Daha nce hikimse bunu farketmemiti, ama yeni olduu iin Durant durumu anlamt. zerinde kt duran bir elbise ve dzgn olmayan salaryla uzun grnmemek iin eik duran Rillay grd. Sonra Shaneigrd, mkemmel giyinmi, kendine gvenir ve yakkl. Ve sonra Pat Rillaya dans teklif etmek iin yanna geldi.Ziyaretinin ikinci gnnde Durant dikkat ekici szlerini syledi. Onu dinleyen herkese Rillann kasabadagrd en gzel kz olduunu syledi. Hayatnda grd en gzel kzlardan biri diye syledi.Rilla daha nce baklar hakknda hi iltifat almamt. Her zaman utanga, kendi halinde ve genellikle grnnden mutsuzdu. Ve imdi gzellik konusunda ilk otorite olan ve kasabaya ilk defa gelen birisi onun kasabann gzdesi olduunu sylyordu.Durant onun hakknda ne dndn anlattnda kafas kart. Sonunda teekkr etmeyi baarabildi. Ve daha sonra utanga bir ekilde ona gitti.Bana nasl daha gzel grnebileceimi anlatabileceinizi umuyorum dedi.Bu gerekten benim uzmanlk alanm deil dedi ona Fakat belki beraber olabilirsekErtesi sabah bulutular.Durant Rillan evine geldi. Rillann annesinin yardm ile Rilla ve elbiseleri zerinde dzeltmeler yaptlar. Durant ona dik durmasn gsterdi. Ve salarn tekrar dzenledi. Ve giydii elbiselerde neyin hatal olduunu anlatt.O gece Durrant iin dans vard.Kasabadaki son gecesiydi. Ve Durant dndklerini yapmaya balarken Rilla hayatnda ilk defa ilgi odayd. Gecenin sonlarna doru Durant, Rillann zlemle bakt ve ona dikkat bile etmeyen Shane Tannentn Rilla ile nazike dans ediini grmenin mutluluunu yayordu.Durant Newyorka evine ve iine geri dnd ve hereyi unuttu. Yllar geti. Ve evvelsign bu gerekleti:Durant bir restoranda tek bana le yemei yerken uzun boylu, ekici ve orta yal bir hanm ona doru gelip durdu. Beni hatrlamyorsun deil mi?dedi. Durant onu hatrlamamt.Ben rilla Tannent. Siz beni tandnz zaman ben Rilla Mabry idim. Sen benim kasabama geldin ve hayatm deitirdin. imdi hatrladn m? Elbette hatrladm. dedi Durant. ok iyi hatrlyorum .Bu baka birinin hayatn deitirmek iin gsterdiim bir abayd.ok iyi bir i yaptndedi Rilla. Sesinde onun hi anlamad bir ton vard.Anladm, ak olduun ocukla evlendin. Ad Tennantt deil mi? Evet dedi Rilla Fakat onun adn nasl hatrlyorsunuz? Ve benim ona ak olduumu nasl anladnz?simleri hatrlamakta ok iyiyimdir. Ve seni ona bakarken grdm. ok kolayd. Benim sebep olduumu niye dndn?Evet sendin dedi Rilla. Tekrar ana dnp baktnda ok komikti. Ben orada Pat Redding ile kyordum ama Shane Tennanta aktm ve ok mutsuzdum. Sonra sen geldin ve bana gzelsin dedin ve ben gzel oldum. Ve btn erkekler benimle kmak istedi. Ve ben Shane ile evlendim.ok gzel dedi Durant ve mutlu ekilde glmsedi. Ya imdi ne yapyorsun?Bu zor taraf dedi Rilla. Sormamalydn.Shane ve ben evlendik fakat fazla uzun srmedi, ilk zamanlar ok mutluydum. Bir bankann batmas ile Tennantlar btn paralarn kaybettiler. Ve benim ailemde o zamanlar parasn Tennant Bankasnda saklyordu, ve bizim paramzda utu. Sonra Shane bir koro kzna ak oldu. Boandm, elbette. Son yldr kzlar okulunda retmenlik yapyorum.Bu ok kt dedi Durant. Fakat belkide bu sevmediin dier ocukla evlenmekten daha iyidir. Belki dedi Rilla. Hi bir zaman anlatamassn. Ak geici Patrick Redding babasnn bakkaln ald ve kasabann en irin kzyla evlendi. ocuklar var ve ok mutlular. ok hrsland ve bir bakkallar zincirine sahip oldu. imdi kasabann en zengin ve saygn adam.

ngilizce Hikayeler ve Trkeleri, evirileri, Tercmesiyle Birlikte2SWALLOW AND SPARROWSwallow and sparrow became close friends. They started walking around in together. Other swallows said nothing at the beginning about this circumstance. However, the things changed when the swallow started bringing the sparrow to its nest. Nest of the swallow was under the eaves of an empty wooden house and there were many nests of swallow next to it. Going there from and thereto made swallows disturbed.Swallows held a meeting and they appointed a spokesman. This spokesman told about this circumstance with it in a suitable time and said it not to bring this sparrow to its nest.Although the swallow showed some obstinacy, it finally was obliged to obey by this requirement.One night the sparrow suddenly wakened while it was sleeping. Tree on which it built up its nest among its branches was swinging. It flied away and had a look-see round the environment. Thereupon, it recognised that it was an earthquake.Its close friend, the swallow, came to its mind. It arrived at its nest and it weakened its close friend. It said the swallow to weaken other swallows and the wooden house may be fallen onto the ground. The swallow fulfilled what it said. Once the last swallow flied away there, the wooden house was fallen onto the ground. Later, swallows set up new nests under eaves of another house and they did make no rejection for the sparrow to go from and to the nest of the swallow for the reason that they were owed their life to it.KIRLANGI LE SEREKrlang ile sere dost olmular. Birlikte gezip dolamaya balamlar. Dier krlanglar nceleri bu duruma ses karmamlar. Fakat krlang sereyi yuvasna getirmeye balaynca iler deimi. Krlangcn yuvas ahap, bo bir evin saak altndaym ve burada pek ok krlang yuvas varm. Serenin gelip gitmesi, krlanglar rahatsz etmi.Krlanglar toplanp bir szc semiler. Szc uygun bir zamanda krlangca konuyu am ve sereyi yuvasna getirmemesini sylemi.Krlang biraz direttiyse de sonunda genel istee boyun emek zorunda kalm. Bir gece sere yuvasnda uyurken aniden uyanm. Dallar arasna yuva kurduu aa sallanyormu. Uup evreyi yle bir kolaan etmi. O zaman bunun bir yer sarsnts olduunu anlam.Aklna dostu krlang gelmi. Krlangcn yuvasna gitmi, onu uyandrm. Krlangca dier krlanglar uyandrmasn, ahap evin sarsntdan yklabileceini sylemi. Krlang syleneni yapm. Son krlang da kanca ahap ev yklm. Daha sonra krlanglar baka bir evin saak altna yeni yuvalar yapmlar ve yaamlarn borlu olduklar dost serenin krlangcn yuvasna gelip gitmesine kar kmamlar.ngilizce Hikayeler ve Trkeleri, evirileri, Tercmesiyle Birlikte3POOR AHMETAhmets mother and father were poor. They were living in a small house with only one room. Since his fathers lungs were ill, he compulsorily retired. Ahmet finished primary school in difficulty by selling pretzel out of school time. Later by the help of his neighbour he started to work in a restaurant to do the washing up. Ahmet had taken the first step to realize his dreams. He had met the wonderful meals which he formerly used to see behind the restaurant windows. Now he had full three courses a day. He had kept Uncle Veli, who was cooking in the restaurant, observing. He would learn cooking from him and he would be a cook himself, too but Ahmet would work not in somebody elses restaurant but in his own one.Ahmet opened a restaurant in the city centre after he had done his military service. Because his meals were very delicious, the restaurant was full of customers. He was earning well. Sometimes poor people used to come to the restaurant and eat free meal.The waiters working in the restaurant and the customers couldnt find any sense of Ahmets going and leaving two plates of meals to an empty table during lunch times. How would they know that they were Ahmets present to his mother and father, whom the poverty had finished years ago? They also wouldnt be able to hear that while putting the plates on the table Ahmet was murmuring you arent going stay hungry any more from now on mummy and daddy. Have your meals and get yourself very full.FAKR AHMETAnnesi, babas fakirdi Ahmetin. Tek gz odal bir gecekonduda oturuyorlard. Babasnn cierleri hasta olduundan zorunlu emekliye ayrlmt. Ahmet okul olmad zamanlar simit satarak zorlukla ilkokulu bitirdi. Daha sonra komusunun yardmyla bir lokantaya bulak olarak girdi. Ahmet hayalini gerekletirmek iin ilk admn atmt. Eskiden lokantalarn camlar arkasnda grd o gzelim yemeklere kavumutu. Artk gnde n karn doyuyordu. Lokantada yemek piiren Veli dayy gz hapsine almt. Ondan yemek yapmay renecek ve kendi de bir a olacakt ama Ahmet bakasnn lokantasnda deil kendi lokantasnda grevini yerine getirecekti.Ahmet askerden geldikten sonra ehrin mevki yerinde lokanta at. Yapt yemekler ok lezzetli olduu iin lokanta mterilerle dolup tayordu. Kazanc yerindeydi. Ara sra muhta insanlar lokantaya gelirdi ve bedava yemek yerlerdi.Lokantada alan garsonlar ve mteriler Ahmetin le vakitleri bo bir masaya giderek masann stne iki tabak yemek brakmasna bir anlam veremezlerdi. Onlar ne bileceklerdi yllar nce sefaletin bitirdii anne ve babasna Ahmetin armaann. Hem onlar duyamazlard ki, tabaklar masann stne brakrken Ahmetin Bundan sonra a kalmayacaksnz anneciim ve babacm. Aln yemeklerinizi karnnz bir gzel doyurun diye mrldandn.ngilizce Hikayeler ve Trkeleri, evirileri, Tercmesiyle Birlikte

4RABBITThere was a rabbit imagining itself like a lion. One day this rabbit convened all rabbits in the vicinity on a high hill and said them that it would frighten wolf, jackal, fox in the case they would pass through the rough path in the downstairs. Rabbits listened to it with no movement.Ten minutes later, a wolf was passing through this path and it was suddenly surprised to see a rabbit shouting and running toward itself, and this circumstance caused it to frighten, and it urgently run away and disappeared there.TAVANTavann biri kendini aslan zannedermi. Bir gn bu tavan civardaki tavanlar ykseke bir tepeye toplayp aadaki patika yoldan kurt, akal, tilki gemesi halinde korkutup karacan sylemi. Tavanlar, onu sakin ekilde dinlemiler.On dakika sonra bir kurt geiyormu ki, bir de ne grsn, barp ararak stne doludizgin gelen tavan grnce rkm ve son srat oradan kam.

5FOXThere was a fox hanging wings on it and stealing hens from poultry-houses upper sides of which were uncovered. Once poultry-house owner recognised this circumstance, they covered upper-sides of them.A fox never likes being hungry and remaining with no remedy. It learnt soil digging work from one mole and started entering into poultry-houses through underground. Poultry-house owners thought that mole was stealing the hens and always hoped to catch a mole.TLKTilkinin biri kanat takp st ak kmeslerden tavuk alarm. Kmes sahipleri durumu fark edince kmeslerin stn kapatmlar.

Tilki al ve aresizlii hi sevmezmi. Bir kstebekten toprak kazma iini renip, yeraltndan kmeslere girmeye balam. Kmes sahipleri tavuklar alann kstebek olduunu sanp, hep bir kstebek yakalamay ummular.6JACKALOne of the jackals found a rifle while it was walking in the jungle. It recognised therewere two cartridge in the rifle, and it immediately started robberies. Animals inthe jungle, properties of which were stolen and were under threat convened andthey arrived before lion.The lion was informed about the circumstance and this made it very angry and thereafter, it followed the jackal around.The lion seeing the jackal to walk some ahead has roared. The jackalpointed its gun at it when it saw that the lion was approaching, and immediately before opening fire, the lion frightened and started running away. Thereupon, the jackal run after the lion, too. Just then, a river appeared in front of them. Both of them swam and crossed the river.The lion run a while and then suddenly stopped running. The jackal stopped as well. The lion turned back and walked over the jackal.The jackal realized that wet rifle did not open fire and thrown the rifle out and it crossed back the river. The lion followed the jackal.The lion chased the jackal for a long time in the jungle, and it hit a fiston it as soon as caught it. The jackal escaped with great difficulty its life from the lion. From then, no body has seen it in the surrounding.AKALakaln biri ormanda gezerken bir tfek bulmu. Bakm tfekte iki fiek var, hemen soygunlara balam. Mal alnan, tehdit edilen orman hayvanlar toplanp aslann huzuruna kmlar. Durumu renen aslan ok kzm, akaln peine dm.akal ilerde giderken gren aslan kkremi. akal aslann geldiini grnce tfeini dorultmu, tam ate edecekken aslan korkmu, kamaya balam. akal da aslan kovalam. Derken, nlerine bir rmak km. Ikisi de yzerek karya gemi. Aslan biraz daha komu, sonra aniden duruvermi. akal da durmu. Aslan geri dnp akaln stne yrm.

akal slanan tfein ate etmediini grnce tfei atp rmaktan karya gemi. Aslan da peinden gelmi. Aslan akal ormanda uzun sre kovalam, yetitii yerde vurmu. akal gbela cann kurtarm. Bir daha onu oralarda gren olmam.7THE OCTOPUSOur dear world; which is turning around silently somewhere in the universe, which is full of mysteries, secrets and a lot of unknown. The living creatures, which you have allowed to live on you, survive and take shelter for ten thousands of years, existing maybe only on you with everything of them. The idealists with their genuine talent of thought, with their power of imagination; who are possible to appear always and everywhere with their stubbornness and by leaving the normality of the life, which they have to live with pleasure, desire; and by getting a little over the normality to know an unknown, to help the solutions of problems and assimilating some kinds of efforts, searches for the benefit of that normalitists who they left behind.Although a young octopus travelled a lot of places on the blue sea, the things he saw werent strange to him; he was indifferent to the things he saw as if he had seen them before and the motivating passion occurring in his thought, made him decide to reach the source, the spring of the river when he first realized it, which was flowing into the sea.The young octopus started to move forward slowly. He could always have the chance to watch closely the trees, the grass, the flowers, the birds and the large and small living creatures by the river because he was taking pains to swim on the surface. As the days passed one after the other, the broadness of the river started to become narrow, the water started to flow a little more wildly and the slope started to increase. Since the young octopus was swimming towards the stream, he realized that he started to be some more compelled every passing day. If he didnt suffer the difficulty and leave himself, he would be able to return to the sea. However, this was a matter that he wouldnt be able to do. Now that he was an idealist and he had come till here for the sake of an idea, returning back could never be possible.When the young octopus arrived at the side of the snowy mountain, which was difficult to see from faraway, a waterfall; whose water was falling from quite high, appeared. He had to cross this waterfall and go on his way, but how? A few attempts he made showed that it was impossible for now. Anyway he was tired. He had come till here without stopping, and by exerting himself to the utmost for days. He thought I should relax for a while, gain my energy; when I believe that I can cross this waterfall, I will come and cross it and go on my way. I will take one of the paths I saw yesterday while I was coming, I will look for a place where I will be able to pass my days in peace. Let the waterfall wait for now.The young octopus returned back and took one of the paths. He reached a lake in the end by saying this or that way. The young octopus life in the lake lasted quite long. Actually time wasnt very important for an idealist. Let the time pass. What was important was to be able to use the time skillfully. You would always improve and show progress in point of thought. You already had this idealism from birth. The conditions would force you to this whether you wanted or didnt. When you started to support an idea, namely when you became an idealist, you would think carefully of your past and you would realize and be surprised that even how the unhappy, pessimistic, desperate days, which you dont want to remember now, had educated you, and had made you experienced.Several years passed and the young octopus had grown up and had become a mature octopus by the passing years. He always had good relationships with the living creatures in and around the lake; he had had quite a lot of accumulation of knowledge by adding his observations on the things they told. Everything was very well; perhaps it would be much better if the peole hadnt pitched a camp near the lake. As soon as the octopus saw the people, he had listened to his common sense saying be careful, he had withdrawn to his cave at the bottom of the lake. He was passing his days in his cave; he was sometimes touring at the depth of the lake. On some days he saw a few boats on the lake but he couldnt do anything more than watching the peoples in the boats rowing from the depth of the lake while swimming.One day, while a boat was going near to the middle of the lake, it suddenly got dark. A heavy rain started. The wind blowing gradually harder was building big waves on the lake. The efforts of the people on the boat who were trying to escape from the storm were useless. They werent able to prevent their boat from capsizing and sinking. The octopus had felt the storm in advanced; he had taken the risk to be seen by the people on the boat and he had come a few metres close to the boat. He had covered two people, who were flopping about when the boat sank, with his strong arms, had come to the surface to prevent them drowning and started to swim quickly towards the shore. After leaving the unconscious people to a safe place, the octopus withdrew to his cave in the depth of the lake.On the following ten days after this event, the octopus, who couldnt see any boats on the surface of the lake, came to the surface because he thought that the people might have gone and he looked at the shore, where the camp was, from far away. The first thing that called his attention was the huge, iron boats. The people had also built wooden sheds near the tents, where the camp was pitched. There were lots of people on the shore. He started to swim towards the branch, which let the superfluous water of the lake float into the river. He was planning to come out of the lake going without making the people realize. However, when he reached the exit, he realized with sadness that there were barbed wires around, which were preventing him going. He was afraid of making a mistake. He could pull the wires to pieces, throw away and go on his way. There were the possibilities of getting injured and being undersized. The waterfall on the river was already a big problem on his way. It wouldnt be proper to be powerless after crossing the waterfall.On the following days the surface of the lake suddenly got into action. The ships that the people made by putting together the pieces, which they brought till the lake shore by lorries, started to move constantly. The divers started dive from the ships and examine the bottom of the lake. The harpoons that were in the divers hands would direct to the octopus as soon as it was seen. There was a huge octopus with eight arms, each of whose length was nearly five metres, and the one who would kill this octopus would be rewarded. It was necessary to think now. This octopus, who was wanted to be killed, saved certainly two peoples lives in a stormy weather. They had seen the octopus before they fainted and they informed the others too, there was even a reward. It is necessary to consider this situation as a labyrinth without an exit.The octopus had understood that it was impossible to live in the lake now. Although all his goodwill, the people wouldnt let him search some more in this lake. It was also unnecessary to live more in this lake. The things he learnt were enough and more than enough. The octopus got out of his cave with rancor. He came with a terrible speed out to the water surface just opposite the ships being anchored in front of the camp. He was puffing up and up and was causing artificial waves on the lake as he was saying you have been looking for me for days, here I ** and Im not afraid of you. He suddenly directed to his left. He entered the branch by pulling the barbed wires at the exit of the lake to pieces under the amazed looks of the people on the shore and he reached the river after a while. He came before the waterfall by withstanding easily to the rivers stream and he went up by holding his both arms out and by holding of the rocks there.On the following days the octopus continued the intensive efforts to reach the source of the river. He was passing in difficulty through the gorges at the sides of the mountain where the source existed and he was moving forward step by step at the places where the depth didnt let him swim. The rain falling on the sides of the mountains was turning into snow because of the weathers getting gradually cold and trembling in the ice cold water under the snow was teaching him how difficult the life was in the mountains. When he started to think that it was impossible to go more forward, he found the source of the river. The source was coming out of rocks, it was coming out of a place like a cave and it was appearing on the earth.The octopus summarized the topic: Now that the source had been here. It comes out to the earth from that narrow place, it is fed by the rain and snow water, it goes down till the waterfall by gathering some of the little rivers water. After passing the waterfall, the water gathering a lot of branches from both sides gradually grows and it reaches the sea, where I was born, as a river and integrates with the sea. And the lake, where I lived for a long while, was nothing more than a drift of water, which let its superfluous water flow into the river by means of a branch.On his way back, while coming closer to the waterfall, the octopus started to think. He wondered if the people would wait for him there. It was a fifty fifty possibility. Namely, theyd either wait or wouldnt wait. It wouldnt be definite. The octopus wasnt absolutely frightened. Anyway, fear was the last think to be considered by an idealist in such a situation. There was no reason to be frightened. After the octopus evaluated the situation, considered what he would do after what might happen, he went down the waterfall. He went past the branch, which was connecting the lake to the river, by swimming bravely on the water.The octopus reached the sea a few days later. He had set off years ago for the sake of an ideal when he was a young octopus; after years, he had turned back as a mature octopus. However, the ideal still wasnt an ideal. An idealist should teach the others the things he learnt and should acquaint them too. As well as you couldnt say you have enough knowledge for yourself so you wouldnt need to learn more, you couldnt also say you were more knowledgeable than the others; let the others not learn the things I knew. After relaxing for a while, the octopus wanted to start his attempts. He would teach the others the things he learnt and he would acquaint them too. Until there would be no other knowledge in his mind what he knew but the others didnt

Written by: Serdar YILDIRIM AHTAPOTGizem dolu, sr dolu, pek ok bilinmezliklerle dolu kainatn bilmem nerelerinde sessizce dnp durmakta olan sevgili dnyamz. zerinde yaamalarna, hayat bulmalarna, barnmalarna olanak tandn on binlerce yldan beri her eyi ile belki de sadece sende var olan canl varlklar. zgn dnme yetenekleriyle, hayal gleriyle, inatlklaryla her zaman, her yerde ortaya kabilen ve bir bilinmezi bilmek iin, problemlerin zmne yardmc olmak iin evkle, istekle; kendilerinin yaamalar lazm gelen hayatn normalitesinden arnarak, normalitenin bir para stne karak ve o geride braktklar normalitecilerin yararna bir takm abalar, araylar iine giren idealistler.Denizin engin maviliklerinde aylardr pek ok yeri gezip dolamasna karn grdkleri ona hi de yabanc gelmeyen, o grdklerine daha nceden biliyormuasna ilgisiz ve bu denize sularn aktan rma ilk fark ettiinde dncesinde oluan tutkunun harekete geirdii, rman kna, kaynana ulamaya karar verdirttii bir gen ahtapot.Gen ahtapot rmakta ar ar ilerlemeye balad. Daima yzeyde bulunmaya zen gsterdii iin, rmak kenarnda bulunan aalar, otlar, iekleri, kular ve kkl, bykl canl yaratklar yakndan incelemek olanan buluyordu. Gnler birbiri ardna geip gittike, rman genilii daralmaya, sular daha bir cokun akmaya ve meyil artmaya balad. Gen ahtapot, akntya kar yzd iin, her geen gn biraz daha fazla zorlanmaya baladn fark etti. Hani skntya katlanamayp kendini brakverse hi yorulmadan denize geri dnebilecekti. Fakat, bu onun yapamayaca bir iti. Mademki bir idealistti ve bir idea uruna buralara kadar gelmiti, kesinlikle geriye dn sz konusu olamazd.Gen ahtapot ok uzaklarda zorlukla fark edilen karl dan yamalarna ulatnda nne olduka yksekten sularn dkld bir alayan kt. Bu alayan ap yoluna devam etmesi gerekirdi, ama nasl? Yapt bir iki deneme bu iin imdilik olanaksz olduunu gsterdi. Zaten yorgundu.Gnlerdir dur durak bilmeden,gcnn snrlarn sonuna kadar zorlayarak buralara kadar gelmiti. Bir zaman iin dinlenmeli, gcm toplamal, bu alayan amay baarabileceime inandm an gelip alayan geer yoluma devam ederim, diye dnd. Dn gelirken grdm kollardan birine sapar, orada gnlerimi sakin geirebileceim bir yer ararm. alayan imdilik bekleyedursun. Gen ahtapot geriye dnp, rman kollarndan birine girdi.Yok uras, yok buras derken,sonunda bir gle vard. Gen ahtapotun gldeki sakin yaants olduka uzun srd. Gerekte bir idealist iin zamann fazla bir nemi yoktu. Zaman brak gesindi. nemli olan geen zaman ustaca deerlendirebilmekti. Devaml olarak fikir bakmndan bir byme, bir ilerleme iinde olacaktn. Bu idealistilik zaten sende doutan vard. Sen istemesen de artlar seni buna zorlard. Bir ideann peinden gitmeye baladn yani sen bir idealist olduun zaman, dikkatli bir ekilde gemiini dnrdn ve imdi anmsamak istemediin o mutsuz, o karamsar, o kederli gnlerinin bile seni nasl eitmi olduunu, deneyim sahibi yaptn fark eder de aar kalrdn.Aradan yllar gemi,geen yllarla birlikte gen ahtapot bym,olgun bir ahtapot olmutu.Glde ve gln evresinde yaayan canl varlklarla daima iyi ilikiler kurmu, onlarn anlattklarna kendi gzlemlediklerini de ekleyerek epey bir bilgi birikimine sahip olmutu. Her ey ok gzeldi, belki de ok daha gzel olacakt. Eer gl kysna insanlar kamp kurmasalard. Ahtapot insanlar gl kysnda grr grmez, igdsnden gelen dikkat et sesine kulak vermi, gln dibindeki maarasna ekilmiti. Gnlerini maarasnda geiriyor, ara sra da, gln derinliklerinde dolayordu. Baz gnler gl yzeyinde bir iki kayk gryor, fakat kayklardaki insanlarn krek ekilerini gln derinliklerinde yzerek seyretmekten baka hibir ey yapmyordu.Gnlerden bir gn, bir kayk gln ortalarna yakn bir yerde giderken ortalk kararverdi. iddetli bir yamur balad. Gittike daha sert esmeye balayan rzgar glde byk dalgalar oluturuyordu. Kaykta bulunan insanlarn yaklaan frtnadan kamak iin gsterdikleri abalar bouna oldu. Kayklarnn alabora olarak batmasn bir trl engelleyemediler. Ahtapot yaklaan frtnay nceden hissetmi, kaykta bulunan insanlar tarafndan grlme tehlikesini gze alarak kayn birka metre altna kadar sokulmutu. Kayk battnda dev dalgalar arasnda rpnp duran iki insan gl kollaryla skca kavrayp, onlarn boulmalarna engel olmak iin, yzeye kt ve sratle kyya doru yzmeye balad. Baygn durumdaki iki insan kyda emin bir yere brakan ahtapot, gln derinliklerindeki maarasna ekildi.Bu olay takiben geen on gn iinde gl yzeyinde hi kayk gremeyen ahtapot insanlarn gitmi olabileceklerini dnerek yzeye kp ok uzaklardan kampn bulunduu kyya doru bakt. lk dikkatini eken ey, kydaki kocaman demir kayklar oldu. nsanlar ayrca kampn bulunduu adrlarn yanna tahtadan barakalar yapmlard. ok insan vard kyda. Gln fazla sularn rmaa aktan kola doru yzmeye balad. Kydaki insanlara fark ettirmeden glden kp gitmeyi planlyordu. Fakat ka vardnda etrafta gitmesini engelleyen dikenli teller olduunu zlerek grd. Bir hata yapmaktan korkuyordu. Bu dikenli telleri paralayp atar, yoluna devam edebilirdi. in iinde yaralanmak,aptan dmek olasl da vard. Irmaktaki alayan zaten yolunun stnde bir byk engeldi. alayann karsna ktnda gsz durumda bulunmak yakk almazd.Sonraki gnlerde gl yzeyi birdenbire hareketlendi. nsanlarn gl kysna kadar kamyonlarla getirdikleri paralar birbirine monte ederek yaptklar gemiler vzr vzr gidip gelmeye balad. Gemilerden dalglar gle girerek, gln dibini taramaya baladlar. Dalglarn ellerindeki zpknlar grlr grlmez ahtapota yneltilecekti. Glde her kolunun uzunluu be metreyi bulan sekiz kollu dev bir ahtapot vard ve bu ahtapotu ldren dllendirilecekti. te burada biraz dnmek gerekirdi. Katledilmek istenen bu ahtapot frtnal bir havada iki insan mutlak bir lmden kurtarmt. Onlar baylmadan nce kendilerini kurtaran grmler, tekileri ahtapotun varlndan haberdar etmilerdi. tekiler tekilere, tekilerde tekilere durumu bildirmiler ve son tekiler, ortaya bir dl bile koymutu. Bu durumu k olmayan bir labirent biiminde alglamak gerekmektedir.Ahtapot artk glde barnmasnn olanakszln anlamt. Tm iyi niyetine karn insanlar onun bu glde biraz daha fazla aratrma yapmasna izin vermeyeceklerdi. Zaten glde bir sre daha yaamak gereksizdi. rendikleri yeter de artard bile. Ahtapot maarasndan hnla dar frlad. Korkun bir sratle kampn nnde demirli bulunan gemilerin tam karsnda su yzeyine kt. Gnlerdir aryordunuz ite buradaym ve sizden korkmuyorum der gibi kabardka kabaryor, glde yapay dalgalarn olumasn salyordu. Aniden soluna doru yneldi. Kydaki insanlarn hayret dolu baklar altnda gl kndaki dikenli telleri parampara ederek kola girdi ve bir sre sonra rmaa ulat. Irman akntlarna rahata kar koyarak alayann nne geldi ve iki kolunu uzatarak oradaki kayalara tutunup yukarya kt.Daha sonraki gnlerde ahtapot rman kaynana ulamak iin gsterdii youn abay devam ettirdi. Kaynan bulunduu karl dan yamalarnda darack boazlardan zorlukla geiyor, derinliin yzmesine olanak tanmad yerlerde de adm adm ilerliyordu. Yamalarda yaan yamur havann giderek soumasyla birlikte kara dnyor, yaan kar altnda buz gibi souk suda titremek ona dalarda yaamn ne derece zorlu olduunu retiyordu. Ahtapot daha ileriye gitmenin mmkn olmadn dnmeye balad bir srada rman kaynan buldu. Kaynak, kayalarn arasndan, maara gibi bir yerden, yeryzne kp douyordu.Ahtapot konuyu zetle toparlad: Demek kaynak burasym. Su bu darack yerden yeryzne kyor, yaan kar ve yamur sularyla besleniyor, evreden kimi dereciklerin sularn alarak alayana kadar iniyor. alayan geildikten sonra sadan soldan pek ok kol alan su gittike byyerek bir rmak halinde benim doduum denize varyor ve denizle btnleiyor. Uzun bir sre iinde yaadm gl de fazla sularn rmaa bir kol araclyla aktan byke bir su birikintisinden baka bir ey deilmi. Dn yolunda, alayana yaklatka, ahtapotu bir dncedir ald. Acaba insanlar onu oralarda bekleyebilirler miydi? Bu yzde elliye yzde elliydi.Yani bekleyebilirlerdi de beklemeyebilirlerdi de. Onun oras belli olmazd.Ahtapot, kesinlikle korkmuyordu. Zaten byle durumlarda bir idealist iin korku en son akla getirilecek bir eydi. Korkmak iin hibir neden yoktu. Ahtapot, yle bir durum deerlendirmesi yaptktan, ne olursa ne ekilde hareket edeceini hesapladktan sonra, alayandan aa indi. Sularn stnden, gsn gere gere yzerek, gln rmakla balantsn salayan kolun yanndan geti, gitti.Ahtapot, birka gn sonra denize vard. Yllar nce, gen bir ahtapotken, bir idea uruna yola km; yllar sonra, byk, olgun bir ahtapot olarak ite geriye dnmt. Fakat, idea, ideal deildi henz. Bir idealist, rendiklerini bakalarna da reterek, onlar da bilgilendirmeliydi. Ben, bana yetecek kadar bilgi sahibiyim fazlasn renmesem de olur diyemediin gibi, ben herkesten ok daha fazla bilgiliyim varsn benim bildiklerimi bakalar bilmeyiversin de diyemezdin. Ahtapot, ksa bir sre dinlendikten sonra giriimlerine balamak istiyordu. rendiklerini bakalarna da reterek onlar da bilgilendirecekti. Beyninde kendisinin bilip de bakalarnn bilmedii tek bir bilgi kalmayana kadar

Yazan: Serdar Yldrm8ClockworkHoward BreslinIt was a small window with narrow pieces of paper pasted across it to prevent its breaking during the heavy air raids. In the small space at the center that remained, a little man with eyeglasses was carefully setting out his display of clocks and watches. He paid no attention to many Londoners hurrying by to begin another day.When he finished placing his merchandise, the little man came out of the shop and stared in the window. He had placed the clocks and watches with great care the clocks in a row at the back, and in front of them lying flat, a semicircle of watches. All the clocks had their faces neatly divided in the middle by hands that pointed to six oclock; all the watches, thin or fat, had their hands pointing straight at three oclock.Yes, said the jeweler with a satisfied look. Very nice.About an hour later a passenger got out of the bus at the corner. He was a tall man with a blonde mustache, and he wore a heavy overcoat and black hat. He was slightly lame and carried a cane. He smiled when the policeman at the corner said Good morning to him. The lame mans name was Gebhardt, and the policemans superior officers would have been very glad to know that.Gebhardt walked slowly, leaning heavily on his cane. The meeting with the policeman never failed to amuse him., and he smiled to himself at the stupidity of the English. Gebhardt looked into the jewelry shop window.There was no expression on his face as he looked from the clocks that said six to the watches that said three. He had passed the shop faithfully every day for two weeks, but had never gone in. Gebhardt set his wristwatch and pushed open the door.A salesman was talking to the jeweler at the far end of the counter, but they turned as the door shut. The jeweler walked toward Gebhardt and stared at him. Yes? asked the little man.My watch, said Gebhardt. It seems to have stopped. An hour or so ago. He took off his watch and laid it on the counter.The watchs hands indicated nine oclock. I see, said the jeweler, Stopped.Gebhardt looked toward the salesman but salesman was busy examining a catalogue. The jeweler picked up the watch.Gebhardt said: And you might change the strap. That one is about worn up.He leaned against the counter and waited. Once he looked into the back room where the jeweler had taken his watch. He could see the old man, bent over a desk, examining his watch. Gebhardt lit a cigarette and waited.It was less then five minutes when the little man came back. He held out the watch with its new strap and Gebhardt put it on. You should be careful, said the jeweler. That is a fine watch.Yes, I know, said Gebhardt casually. And Im sure it will work perfectly now. He paid the jeweler and left the shop.All the way back to his room Gebhardt was conscious of the strap on his wrist, but he did not look at the watch even once. After all, in his business you couldnt be too careful.Once inside the small room where he had lived since he first came to London, Gebhardt put aside all appearance of lameness and moved about the room with quick sureness, locking the door, pulling down the curtains. Finally, he lit the light over his desk and took of his wristwatch.Working rapidly, he removed the straps from both ends of the watch. Then with a knife he opened the end of the straps and, finally, from one hand took out of a small piece of very thin paper. He spread the paper out on his desk and with a glass began to study the message, which was written in code.The message was short and to the point. It read: Trucks from King Charles Square will transport Regiment 55 tomorrow A.M. Act at once.So, said Gebhardt softly. He burned the paper in the ashtray. For a moment he sat thinking. He previously knew that a large number of trucks in King Charles Square would be used to carry soldiers from London to the coast. And somewhere along the route trucks and soldiers would be blown to pieces with explosives.Gebhardt drew his suitcase from under the bed and opened it on the desk. From its nest of cotton he picked up one of the bombs. It was wide and flat, quite different in form from the usual, old-fashioned type of bomb. Attached with wire to the bottom of an automobile engine the bomb was deadly when the motor heated.He decided to take with him in a small package about fourteen of the bombs. That was about all he could take care of in two hours. He had detailed information on King Charles Square. By midnight all the soldiers and mechanics were gone; at two oclock a policeman looked in to check up. Gebhardt was very much pleased with himself. Thanks to Britishs inefficiency, he would have the place to himself between twelve oclock and two oclock.Thinking of the importance of time suddenly reminded him, and he put a new strap on his watch and then put the watch on his wrist then he sat very still, looking into space, mentally checking every detail of the plan.Gebhardt smiled. Of course! Outside the jeweler shop he had set his watch back sixty-four minutes for the signal to the jeweler. He smiled again as he now moved the minute hand of his watch exactly sixty-for minutes ahead. Never forgetting these small details made him a good secret agent, and he knew it.When the time came, Gebhardt moved carefully through the darkness of the blacked-out streets.In the alley behind King Charles Square he stopped and looked at his watch. Twelve oclock exactly. Gebhardt smiled. The whole thing was going like clockwork. He waited another ten minutes just to be on the safe side.Gebhardt climbed a fence, moved carefully along a narrow space between two buildings, and came out in King Charles Square. He stood a moment, counting the black forms of the trucks.Gebhardt moved over to the nearest truck. He set down his package, took some wire and a wire cutter from a pocket. He slid under the truck and felt along the bottom of the engine. Lying flat on his back, working in the dark, he began to wire the bomb to the exact place he wanted it.Somebody stepped on his ankle.Pain shot up Gebhardts leg, and he bit his lip, not breathing. No, he thought, there cant be anyone here. There is never anyone at this hour. I have checked it many times. But that weight kept pressing into his ankle.All right, mister, said a voice. Come out of there.The wire cutter fell down from his fingers. Hands grabbed at Gebhardts legs, pulled. In a panic, he kicked himself loose, got up, and run wildly.A man shouted. Someone blew a whistle. A form jumped from nowhere and knocked him to the ground. Gebhardt drove his fist into a face, twice, pulled away free, ran on. He ran into a wall, turned the wrong way. A flashlight focused on him. He turned back but too late.There! Get him!Gebhardt drew his revolver. As he ran, he heard them shout as they came closer to him.

There was the noise of rapid gunfire behind him, and something struck him in the back. No, thought Gebhardt, the plan was perfect. There was a sharp pain. He said weakly: No. He was dead when the soldiers reached him. He lay with his one arm stretched out in front of him, his wristwatch showing the hourImagine the nerve of the guy! said a young soldier. He walked in here as though we didnt even exist. Thats a nice watch he has on. But it broke when he fell.Its an hour fast, said a second soldier. How did that happen?the little jeweler was even more surprised when he read the newspaper report the next day about Gebhardt. I cant understand it, he thought. The man must have been careless. Nothing went wrong on my part. Why, I even set his watch correctly before I gave it back to him.

TrkesiSaatiHoward Breslin

Ar hava bombardmannda krlmasn engellemek maksadyla, dar kat paralar yaptrlm, kke bir vitrindi. Vitrinin ortasnda kalan kk yerde, duvar ve kol saatlerini dikkatlice yerletiren ufak tefek, gzlkl bir adam grnyordu. Yeni bir gne balama tela iindeki pek ok Londralya fazla dikkat ettii sylenemezdi.Ufak boylu adam saatleri yerletirmeyi bitirdikten sonra, dkkann dna kt ve pencereden ieriye doru bakt. Kol ve duvar saatlerini gerekten byk bir zen gstererek sralamt; arkada bir sra duvar saati ve onlarn hemen nnde bir sra boyunca yarm daire halinde dmdz uzanan kol saatleri Btn duvar saatlerinin akrep ve yelkovanlar dzgn bir ekilde saat alty; btn ince ve daha kaln kol saatlerinin akrep ve yelkovanlar saat gsterecek ekilde ayarlanmt.Evet dedi saati, houna gittiini belli edecek bir bakla, ok gzel!Yaklak bir saat sonra, kede, otobsten bir yolcu indi. Sar bykl, kaln bir palto ve siyah bir apka giyen, uzunca bir adamd. Az da olsa topallyordu ve bir bastonu vard. Kedeki polis kendisine Gnaydn deyince, hafife glmsedi. Topal adamn ad Gebhardt idi ve polisin amirleri bunu renmekten ok mutlu olacaklard.Gebhardt, bastonuna yaslanarak yavaa ilerledi. Polis ile karlamak hi bir zaman onu neelendirmezdi. ngilizin aptallna glmsedi. Saati dkkannn vitrininden ieriye doru bakt.Baklarn, saat alty gsteren duvar saatlerinden, saat gsteren kol saatlerine doru kaydrrken yznde hi bir ifade yoktu. ki haftadr her gn saat dkkannn nnden dzenli bir ekilde geiyordu ama asla ieri girmemiti. Gebhardt saatini kurdu ve kapdan ieri girdi.Tezgahn en sonunda saati ile bir sat eleman konumaktayd. Kapnn kapanma sesi ile birlikte o tarafa doru dndler. Saati Gebhardta doru yrd ve yzne bakt. Ufak adam Buyrun! dedi.Gebhardt, Saatim dedi. Bir saat ya da daha ncesinde durmu gibi grnyor. Saatini kararak tezgahn stne koydu.Gebhardtn saati dokuzu gsteriyordu. Anlyorum, durmu dedi saati.Gebhardt sat elemanna doru bakt ama adam bir katalou incelemekle meguld. Saati saati ald.Gebhardt: Kay da deitirebilirsiniz. Bu artk iyice yprand dedi.Tezgaha yasland ve beklemeye balad. Saatinin saatini ***rd arka odaya doru bakt. Yal adam bir masann stne doru eilmi, saatini incelerken grebiliyordu. Bir sigara yakt ve beklemeye devam etti.Ufak adam be dakikadan daha ksa bir srede geri dnd. Yeni kayyla birlikte onarlan saati geri verdi. Gebhardt saati koluna takt. Saati:Dikkatli olmalsn. Bu gerekten gzel bir saat dedi.Gebhardt rahata: Evet, biliyorum. Eminim artk tkr tkr alacak dedi. Saatiye cretini dedi ve dkkandan ayrld.Odasna gidinceye kadar, kolundaki yeni kayn farknda olmasna ramen bir kere bile saatine bakmad. Sonuta, onun mesleinde gereinden fazla dikkatli olamazdnz.Londraya ilk geldiinden bu yana kald kk odasna girer girmez, topallamay brakt. Kapy kilitleyerek emin ve abuk admlarla pencereye doru yrd ve perdeleri kapatt. alma masasndaki lambay yakt ve kol saatini kard.Sratli alarak, saatin kayn iki taraftan birden kard. Sonra bir bakla kaylarn dibini kesti. Kestii yerlerin birinden, kk ve olduka ince bir kat paras kt. Kodlu bir dille yazlm olan kk kad, masann stne yayd ve mercekle mesaj okumaya balad.Mesaj ksa ve zlyd: Kamyonlar 55 nci Alay Kral Charles Meydanndan yarn leden nce nakledecektir. Hemen harekete gein.Gebhardt, yleyse dedi hafie. Kad kl tablasnda yakt. Bir sre ylece oturarak dnd. Daha nceden, bir ok kamyonun Londrada, Kral Charles Meydanndan sahile asker tayacan biliyordu. Yollar zerinde bir yerde kamyonlar ve askerler patlayclarla havaya uurulacaklard.Yatan altndan antasn kard ve masann stne at. antann pamuk yuvalarndan birinden, bir bomba ald. Geni ve przsz, ekil olarak eski tiplerden tamamen farklyd. Tel ile bir arabann motorunun altna balanyor ve motorun snmas ile patlyordu.Bombalardan on drt tanesini, kk bir pakette yanna almaya karar verdi. Bu miktar iki saat iinde ba edebilecei en fazla bomba saysyd. Gece yarsna doru btn askerler ve tamirciler gitmi, saat ikide de bir polis kontrole gelmiti. ngilizlerin verdii bu bolua krediyordu. Gece on iki ile iki arasndaki sre ona kalyordu.Zamann nemini dnrken birden saati aklna geldi. Saate yeni bir kay takarak, saati koluna takt. Sonra, sakince oturdu ve gkyzn seyrederken, zihninde yapt plann son detaylarn kontrol ediyordu.Elbette! Saat dkkanna girmeden nce saatiye parola vermek iin bir saat drt dakika geriye almt. Tekrar gld ve saatin yelkovann atm drt dakika ileriye ald. Bu tr kk ayrntlar asla unutmay onu iyi bir gizli ajan yapmt ve bunu gayet iyi biliyordu.Gebhardt, zaman gelince, dikkatli bir ekilde karartlm sokaklarn loluunda ilerlemeye balad.Kral Charles Meydannn arkasndaki dar sokakta durdu ve saatine bakt. Saat tam olarak gece on ikiyi gsteriyordu. Glmsedi. Her ey saat gibi iliyordu. Tam olarak gvende olabilmek iin on dakika daha bekledi.Bir itin zerinden atlad. ki binann arasndaki dar yoldan dikkatlice ilerleyerek, Kral Charles Meydanna kt. Kamyonlarn siyah siletlerini sayarak, bir sre ayakta bekledi.En yakn kamyona doru ilerledi. Paketi yere koydu ve bir para tel ve bir tel makas kard. Kamyonun altna uzand ve motorun alt tarafna dokundu. Srt st dzgnce yatarak, karanlkta, bombay uygun ekilde tel ile irtibatlamak istedii yeri ayarlamaya alt.Birisi ayak bileinin zerine bast.Gebhardt, ayanda byk bir ac hissetti. Nefes bile almadan, dudaklarn srarak bekledi. Hayr; hayr; burada hi kimse olamaz diye dnd. Bu saatlerde buralarda hi kimsecikler olmazd. Bir ok defa kontrol etmiti ama ayn arlk bileinin zerinde durmaya devam ediyordu.Pekala baym dedi bir ses; k oradan dar.Tel makas elinden yere yuvarland. Ayaklarndan tutan eller onu dar ekti. Panik halinde, adam tekmeleyip kurtuldu, ayaa kalkt ve hzla komaya balad.Bir adam bard. Baka birisi slk ald. Bir yerlerden bir ey atlad ve onu yere drecek iddette vurdu. Gebhardt bir yze bir, iki yumruk sallad. Kurtulur kurtulmaz, komaya devam etti. Karsna bir duvar kt. Yanl yolmu. Bir fener zerine odakland. Geriye dnd ama artk ok geti.te, orada. Yakalayn!Gebhardt, tabancasn kard. Koarken badklarn ve ok yaknna geldiklerini farkediyordu.Arkasnda mermi sesleri vard. Srtndan bir ey ona vurdu. Olamaz diye geirdi iinden. Plan mkemmeldi. Keskin bir ac duyuyordu. Zayf bir ses tonuyla Hayr dedi. Askerler geldiinde oktan lmt. Bir kolu nde, yerde uzanm yatyordu. Kolundaki saat zaman gsteriyordu.Gen bir asker: Adamn cesaretini tahmin etsene. Bizim burada olmayacamz dnerek ieri girdi herhalde. Kolundaki saat ok gzel ama dt zaman krlm dedi.Baka bir asker:Bu saat, bir saat kadar ileri. Bu nasl olabilir ki? dedi.Kk saati, ertesi gn gazeteden, Gebhardt ile ilgili haberleri okuduu zaman ok ard:Anlayamyorum diye dnd.

Adam ok dikkatsiz davranm olmal. Ben hi bir hata yapmadm. Evet, evet; hatta, geri vermeden nce saatini tam olarak ayarlamtm bile9Decision

Roy HilligossEven after a year, Chad still called us Aunt Pat and Uncle Bill. But we thought our job had become that of mother and father until that letter arrived from the 6th Artillery headquarters in North Africa in our mailbox in East Orange, New Jersey.Chad had come to us as an English refugee. He was supposed to stay until they had put Mr. Hitler in the bag, as he expressed it, and he could go back to his adored father, Major Jollison of the Royal Artillery. In other words, he had been sent to the United States like many other English children to live with an American family for the duration of the war, after which time he planned to return home to London.But Major Jollison had been killed while resisting a Nazi tank attack in the North African desert.Chad had taken the news without the slightest show of emotion. Probably Pat and I alone realized the sharp pain that must have torn through his young heart when he learned that his father was dead. He was English and his people were fighting a desperate battle, so he could not let his own individual tragedy show.England meant much to him, but when he had recovered a little from the shock he seemed resigned to living with us and becoming an American. He had had no one else but his father.

I shall try very hard, he told us seriously in that thin, rather sharp voice of his, to be as you would want your own boy to be. I shall get onto your American ways as quickly as I can and try to make you quite proud of me.He smiled. I shall even admire your Revolutionary patriots.So we could not help loving him, you see, and hoping he really wanted to stay with us forever, even after the war had ended.He did brilliantly, and an early problem the way the other boys at school kidded him about his English accent and manners had disappeared. Everyone in town knew how bravely his father had died, and this gave Chad a certain romantic interest.In fact everything had gone beautifully till that letter came from a member of the 6th Artillery, Captain Burroughs. The 6th Artillery had been Major Jollisons military unit.Pat held the letter out to me one evening, the moment I came in the door. But she was too upset emotionally to wait until I read it.He was terribly fond of Chads father, Bill, she said. And hed like to offer Chad a place to live with his mother in her home just outside London.I looked up from letter. He says he recognizes the danger.But hes like all Englishmen, I suppose, Pat said. Rain or shine, bombs or no bombs, they think that England is the only place in the world to live. And of course he thinks Chad will be company for his mother. Shes old and alone. Oh, Bill, do you think hell go?I shook my head. I dont know. But Ive been afraid he would some day.But he has no relatives there. Surely hed rather be with us.Its like you said rain or shine. And hes not really our boy, Pat; we just hope he would be, and hes tried to pretend.She sighed. I know, I was only hoping, not talking sense. Well she took my arm, lets go up to his room and tell him.Chad was lying on his small stomach, reading, when we entered his room. He got quickly to his feet and shook my hand he always did that when I got home evenings. Howd the stock market go today, Uncle Bill? He was picking up our ways fast.I handed him the letter.I watched his blue eyes move quickly back and forth across the page, and when they reached the bottom they stayed there. He was thinking rapidly. Suddenly I knew hed made his decision because his face lost all expression: a habit of his.Are you going dear? Pat asked softly.He nodded. I must, Aunt Pat.Theyre raining bombs on London, son, I said.I know, he said. Thats why Im going.I dont understand, I said.I mean for a moment he paused, well, when your countrys having its most difficult times, thats when it needs you most.That sounded a bit too grown-up, too like something he had read somewhere. I looked suspiciously at him, but his eyes met mine bravely. All right, son, I said. Im sorry, but if you.Im sorry too, he said quickly. Really, Uncle Bill. But I must go.Id better finish getting dinner, Pat said in a queer voice, and left us.And I have to wash, Chad said steadily.I was left, staring down at the letter from Captain Burroughs, already missing these strange youngster as if hed been all our own from the very start.We didnt talk much about his going. But we might as well have discussed it constantly; it certainly was with us every moment. From that first night, on through the week following, there were few signs of cheerfulness in our house.But the evening I came home with final details about his trip to New York, where a friend of mine would take charge and get him safely onto the boatwell, that about finished it. Chads quiet unrevealing face didnt change a bit, but Pat looked at me as if I would struck her. I knew how she felt.Late that night I woke up, frightened, sure I had heard Chad crying in the next room. But it was Pat.You are crying, darling?Of course, she said shakily. Oh, Bill, it hurts to lose him.I held her close. I know so well, I said. Hes like our own boy.And then so quickly, it was the day for Chad to leave us. I had stayed home to drive him to the station, but Pat wasnt going alone. She said she simply couldnt take it.The three of us were standing in the doorway, just standing there with little to say. Chad was wearing the same clothes he had come to America in he had wanted to wear them the short coat, the small cap, the wool stockings that left his knees bear. But when we had first seen him on a dock in New York, he had been looking about him defiantly, with his chin out, trying to hide his fears; now his face was serious, his lower lip pulled slightly in.Ive been happy here, he said.He was interrupted by the mailman, who handed a letter to Pat. She passed it on to me.Goodbye, Chad, she said weakly. Always remember that we.Wait, I broke in. This letters from Captain Burroughs. But my enthusiasm was short lived. Its just a little consolation, I said. He says we wont have to worry about Chad. Mrs. Burroughs is being removed to Australia and Chad is supposed to join her there. There wont be any bombs anywhere.Thats something, Pat said.But Chad was suddenly all animation. Then I dont have to go!Pat dropped to her knees and stared at him. You dont have to go? Didnt you want to go?Why, no, Chad said. But she was a very old lady and all alone in the bombings. I thought I would be able to protect her. But now that shes been sent to Australia.Why on earth didnt you tell us how you felt? I demanded.He seemed a little embarrassed. I was afraid, he said, that it might seem forward of me to think I could protect Mrs. Burroughs. And I knew you wouldnt want a son who was forward.Pat was half-laughing, half-crying, and hugging wildly. To cover my own feelings I said with an imitation English accent, then youre quite happy now, old boy?Quite happy?. He smiled up at me. Uncle Bill, I feel like a million bucks!Chad Jollison American schoolboy, our boy.

TrkesiKararRoy Hilligoss

Aradan bir yl gemesine ramen, Chad bizi, Pat teyze ve Bill amca diye aryordu. Ama biz ona, ana baba gibi davranma ynnde kendimizi sorumlu hissediyorduk. Taki, Kuzey Afrikadaki 6nc Topu Alayndan, New Jerseynin, Dou Orange kasabasnda bulunan evimizin posta kutusuna gelen mektubu okuyana kadar.Chad, bizim yanmza bir ngiliz mlteci olarak gelmiti. Onun szyle ngilizlerin, Hitlerin iini bitirecei ve ok sevdii babas, Kraliyet Topu Birliinden Binba Jollisonun yanna geri dnecei zamana kadar kalmak zere gelmiti. Baka bir deyile, dier bir ok ocuk gibi, o da Amerikaya sava sona erinceye kadar bir Amerikan ailesinin yannda kalmas iin gnderilmiti. Belli bir sre sonra da Londraya, memleketine geri dnmeyi planlyordu.Ama Binba Jollison, Kuzey Afrika lnde, bir Nazi Tank taarruzuna kar koyarken lmt.Chad babasnn lmn rendii zaman, yznde en kk bir znt emaresi belirmedi. Ancak Pat ve ben, babasnn lm haberini ald zaman gencecik kalbini yrtarcasna batan keskin bir ac saplandn hissettik. Ama o bir ngiliz idi ve halk mitsiz bir savan gbeinde mcadele veriyordu. yleyse, kendi kiisel zntlerini gstermeye hakk yoktu.ngiltere, ona ok ey ifade ediyordu, ama oktan kendini biraz kurtardktan sonra, kaderine boyun emi grnerek, bizimle yaamaya ve bir Amerikan olmaya raz oldu. Babasndan baka hi kimsesi de yoktu zaten.O ince ve nispeten keskin sesiyle, gayet ciddi bir ekilde: Btn gcmle kendi olunuzun nasl olmasn istiyorsanz yle bir ocuk olmaya alacam. Amerikan yaay tarzna, gelenek ve greneklerine, yapabildiim kadar abuk ayak uydurarak, benimle gurur duymanz salayacam dedi veglerek ekledi: Hatta sizin bamszlk sava kahramanlarnza da hayran olacam.Byle bir ocuu sevmemek imkanszd. Hatta onu o kadar ok seviyorduk ki, sava sona erdikten sonra da, bizimle her zaman kalacan umuyorduk.ok abuk yaam koullarmza ayak uydurdu ama ksa bir sre sonra karlatmz bir problem Okuldaki dier ocuklarn, onun ngiliz aksanyla ve tarzyla alay etmeleri de ortadan kalkt. ehirdeki herkes, babasnn ne kadar cesurca ldn biliyordu. Bu da Chade bir sempati kazandryordu.6nc Topu Alayndan Yzba Burroughs tarafndan gnderilen mektup bize ulaana kadar her ey gayet gzel gidiyordu. 6 nc Topu Alay, Binba Jollisonun askeri birliiydi.Pat, bir akam eve geldiimde, kapdan girer girmez, mektubu bana uzatt. O kadar zgn ve duygu yklyd ki ben mektubu okuyuncaya kadar zor sabretti.Chadin babasn ok severmi, Bill ve Chade Londrann biraz dnda kendi annesinin evinde yaamay neriyor dedi.Mektuptan kafam kaldrdm ve: Tehlikenin farknda olduunu sylyor dedim.Pat heyecanla: Ama o da btn dier ngilizler gibi. Yamur veya gne; bomba olsun veya olmasn; hepsi, ngilterenin dnya zerinde yaanabilecek tek yer olduunu dnrler. Chadin annesine can yoldal yapacan sylyor. O yal ve yalnz bir kadn Bill, sence gerekten de gider mi?Kafam salladm: Bilmiyorum. Ama uzun zamandr bir gn gitmesinden korkuyordum dedim.Ama orada hi akrabas yok. phesiz bizimle kalmay tercih eder dedi Pat.Senin de dediin gibi yamur veya gne. Zaten o, bizim ocuumuz da deil Pat. Biz sadece onun bizim olumuz olmasn istedik, o da yle yapmaya alt, hepsi bu dedim.Pat derin bir i ekti: Biliyorum, sadece yle olmasn umuyorum, duygusal konumak amacnda deilim. Yani elimi tuttu ve Haydi, odasna gidip ona syleyelim dedi.Odaya girdiimizde, Chad uzanm kitap okuyordu. Her akam eve geldiimde yapt gibi, ayaa kalkt ve elimi skt. Bugn borsa nasl gitti? dye sordu. Bizim yaammza abuk ayak uyduruyordu.Mektubu ona uzattm. Mavi gzlerinin sayfann sana soluna sratle hareket ediini seyrettim. Sayfann sonuna geldiinde gzleri orada kald. Hzl dnyordu. Birden, kararn verdiini anladm. nk, yzndeki btn o ifade silinmiti. Bu, onun bir alkanlyd.Gidiyor musun, hayatm? diye sordu Pat, hafife.Onaylarcasna kafa sallad: Gitmeliyim, Pat teyze dedi.Londrann stne yamur gibi bomba yadryorlar, evlat dedim.Biliyorum, zaten bu yzden gidiyorum dedi.Anlamyorum dedim.Sylemek istediim bir sre duraklad ve Yani, lkenizin en zor zamanlarn yaad an, size en fazla ihtiya duyduu andr dedi.Bu szler bir para, ok daha byk insanlarn syledii szler gibi grnd. Sanki bir yerlerden okumutu. pheli bir ekilde ona baktm ama gzlerini cesurca benimkilere dikti. Pekala, evlat dedim. zgnm, ama eer Ben de zgnm dedi hemen. Gerekten, Bill Amca. Ama gitmek zorundaym.Ben akam yemeini hazrlasam iyi olacak dedi Pat garip bir ses tonuyla ve odadan ayrld.Ben de du almalym dedi Chad.Ben, Yzba Burroughsdan gelen mektuba bakar halde kaldm. imdiden bu yabanc ocuu, sanki doduundan beri bizimleymi gibi zlediimi hissettim.Gidii hakknda fazla konumadk. Yine de srekli bu konu hakknda tarttk. nk bu konu her an bizimle birlikteydi. Bu ilk geceden itibaren, geen bir hafta boyunca evimizde ok az bir mutluluk havas vard.O akam eve, onun New Yorka gidiiyle ilgili son detaylarla geldim. New Yorkta da bir arkadam ona gz kulak olup, gvenle gemiye binmesini salayacakt. te o anda, evde kalan son mutluluk klar da snd.Chad sakindi. Anlamsz yz ifadesinde hi deiiklik olmad. Ama pat, sanki onu fena halde hrpalamm gibi bakyordu bana. Neler hissettiini biliyordum.Gece ge saatte, Chadin olduuna emin olduum bir alama sesiyle irkildim. Ama alayan, Pat idi.Alyor musun, hayatm? diye sordum.Elbette dedi titreyen sesiyle. Onu kaybetmek ok ac veriyor.Onu kucakladm ve: ok iyi biliyorum dedim. Sanki bizim z olumuz gibi.Sonra ksa srede, Chadin bizden ayrlaca gn geldi att. Ben, onu istasyona ***rmek iin evde kalmtm ama Pat, buna kolayca katlanamayaca iin gelmeyeceini de kapnn giriinde, birbirimizle fazla konumadan ayakta duruyorduk. Chad, Amerikaya ilk geldii zaman giydii kyafetlerini giymiti. Kendisi, onlar giymek istemiti; ksa bir palto, kk bir apka, dizlerine kadar gelen yn oraplar Onu, New Yorkta limanda ilk grdmzde, buraya geldiine hi memnun olmam gibi bakyordu. enesi dardayd ve korkularn gizlemeye alyordu. imdi ise yznde ciddi bir ifade vard. Alt duda biraz daha dierine yaknd.Burada ok mutluydum dedi.Postac daha fazla konumasna engel oldu. Pata bir mektup uzatt. Pat mektubu bana verdi. Chade dnerek:Gle gle, Chad. Her zaman hatrla ki bizDur! diye araya girdim. Bu mektup Yzba Burroughsdan. Ama heyecanm uzun srmedi: Yalnzca teselli etmek iin yazm. Chad iin endielenmemizi istiyor. Bayan Burroughsun Avusturalyaya gnderildiini ve Chadin de ona, orada katlacan, orada da hi bomba olmayacan yazyor dedim.Bu da bir ey dedi Pat.Ama Chad birden, byk bir cokuyla:O halde gitmeme gerek yok! dedi.Pat dizlerinin zerine dt ve ona bakakald:Gitmek zorunda deil misin? Gitmek istemiyor muydun? diye sordu.Neden? Tabi ki hayr dedi Chad. Ama o ok yal bir kadnd ve bombalarn altnda yalnzd. Ben onu koruyabileceimi dnmtm. Ama madem ki imdi o Avustralyaya gnderildiNeden daha nce neler hissettiini bize sylemedin? diye ktm.Biraz utanm grnerek: Korktum dedi. Bayan Burroughsu korumaya almam bir kstahlk olarak grlr ve siz de kstah bir oul istemezsiniz diye korktum.Pat yar alar, yar gler bir halde lgnca ona sarlyordu. Ben de duygularm gizlemeye alarak, taklit ngiliz aksanyla: O halde imdi gerekten mutlusun, ihtiyar ocuk dedim.ok mutlu glerek yzme bakt ve Bill Amca, kendimi bulutlarn stnde hissediyorum dedi.

Chad Jollison: Amerikal renci, bizim olumuz10Detour to Romance

Located in the checkroom in Union Station as I am, I see everybody that comes up the stairs.Tony - who owned the magazine stand to my left-, studied the laws of probability because he liked to bet on the horse races. He claimed that he could calculate, according to his system, that if I held my job one hundred and twelve years more I would know everybody in the world by sight.And I came to the theory that if you wait long enough in a big railroad station like Union Station youll see everybody that travels.Ive told my theory to lots of people but nobody ever did anything about it except Harry. He came in a little over three years ago and waited at the head of the stairs for the passenger from the 9:05 train.I remember seeing Harry that first evening. He wasnt much more than a thin, anxious kid then. He was all dressed up and I knew he was meeting his girl and that they would be married twenty minutes after she arrived. There is no use in my trying to explain how I knew all this, but after youve watched people waiting at the head of the stairs for eighteen years as I have done, then it is easy.Well, the passengers came up and I had to get busy. I didnt look toward the stairs again until nearly time for the 9:18 and I was very surprised to see that the young fellow was still there.She didnt come on the 9:18 either, nor on the 9:40, and when the passengers from 10:02 had all arrived and left, Harry was looking pretty desperate. Pretty soon he came close to my window so I called out and asked him what she looked like.You would have thought that I had checked her among the packages in my checkroom from the way he came over and half crawled through my window. Shes small and dark, he says, and nineteen years old and very neat in the way she walks. She has a face, he says, thinking a minute that has lots of spirit. I mean she can get mad but she never stays long. And her eyebrows come to a little point in the middle. Shes got a brown fur, but may be she isnt wearing it.I couldnt remember seeing anybody like that.He showed me the telegram hed received: ARRIVE THURSDAY. MEET ME AT STATION. LOVE LOVE, LOVE. -MAY. It was from Omaha, Nebraska. Well, I finally say, why dont you phone to your home? She is probably called there if she got in ahead of you. He gave me a seek look, Ive only been town two days. We were going to meet and then drive down south where Ive got a job promised me. She- she hasnt any address for me. He touched the telegram. I got this general delivery.With that, he walked off to the head of stairs to look over the people from the 11:22.When I came on duty the next day he was still there and came over as soon as he saw me. Did she work anywhere? I asked.He nodded. She was a typist. I telegraphed her former boss. All they say is that she left her job to get married. Well, that was how it began. Harry meet every train the next three or four days. Of course the railroad line made a routine checkup and the police look into the case. But nobody was any real help. I could see that they all figured that May had simply played a trick on him. But never believed that, somehow.One day, after about two weeks, Harry and I were talking and I told him about my theory. If youll just wait long enough, I say, youll see her coming up those stairs some day. He turned and looked at stairs as though he had never seen them before, while I went on explaining about Tonys figures on the Laws of Probability. Next day when I came to work Harry was behind the counter of Tonys magazine stand. He looked at me rather sheepishly and says, Well, I had to get a job somewhere, didnt I? So he began to work as a clerk for Tony. We never spoke of May anymore and neither of us ever mentions my theory. But I noticed that Harry always saw every person who comes up to stairs.Toward the end of the year Tony was killed in some argument over gambling, and Tonys widow left Harry incomplete charge of the magazine stand. And when she got married again some time later, Harry bought the stand from her.He borrowed money and installed a soda fountain and pretty soon he had a very nice little business.Then came yesterday. I heard a cry and a lot of things falling. The cry was from Harry and the things falling were a lot f dolls and the other things which he had upset while he was jumping over the counter. He run across and grabbed a girl not ten feet from my window. She was small and dark and her eyebrows came to a little point in the middle.For a while they just hung there to each other laughing and crying and saying things without meaning, It was the bus station I meant- and hed kiss her speechless and tell her the many things he had done to find her. What apparently happened three years before was that May had come by bus, not by train, and in her telegram she meant bus station , not railroad station . She had waited at the bus station for days and had spent all her money trying to find Harry. Finally she got a job typing. What? says Harry. Have you been working in town? All the time? She nodded. Well, Heavens didnt you come down here to the station? He pointed across to his magazine stand. Ive been there all the time. I owned it. Ive watched everybody that came up the stairs She began to look a little pale. Pretty soon she looked over at the stairs and said in a weak voice, I-I never came up the stairs before. You see, I went out of town yesterday on a short business trip Oh Harry! Then she threw her arms around his neck and really began to cry.After a minute she backed away and pointed very stiffly toward the north end of the station. Harry, for three years, three solid years, Ive been right over there working right in this very station, typing, in the office of the stationmaster.

The wonderful thing to me is how the Laws of Probability worked so hard so long until they finally got May to walk up those stairs of ours.Trkesi Dolambal Bir Ak MacareasUnion stasyonunda emanet odasnda merdivenlerden yukar kan herkesi grebiliyorum.

Soldaki dergi bayisine sahip olan Tony, olaslk kanunlarna alt nk at yar oynamay ok seviyordu. Yzoniki yl daha bu ii srdrrsem dnyadaki herkesi simaen tanyabileceimi kendi sistemine gre hesaplayabileceini iddia ediyordu.Bende, eer Union stasyonu gibi byk bir tren istasyonunda yeterince uzun beklersem seyahat eden herkesi grebileceim teorisine ulatm.Teorimi birok kiiye anlattm fakat Harryden baka hikimse bu konuda birey yapmad. yldan az fazla bir sre nce geldi ve 9:05 treninden gelen yolcular o merdivenlerin banda bekledi.Harryi o akam ilk kez grm hatrlyorum. O zamanlar zayf, endieli bir ocuktan baka birey deildi. yi giyinmiti ve kzn beklediini ve kz geldikten yaklak yirmi dakika sonra evleneceklerini biliyordum. Btn bunlar nasl bildiimi anlatmann bir anlam yok, fakat benim gibi onsekiz yldr merdiven banda bekleyenleri seyredince bu ok kolay.Yolcular geldi ve ben ok meguldm. Merdivenlere doru saat 9:18e kadar bakmadm ve o gen arkadan hala orada olduunu grnce ok ardm.Kz 9:18 treniyle de gelmedi 9:40ta da gelmedi. 10:02 yolcularnn hepsi gelip ayrldklarnda, Harry gerekten umutsuz grnyordu. Biraz sonra penceremin yanna yaklat ve ona kzn neye benzediini sordum.Gelii ve srnmesinden onu emanet odasnda gelen bagajlardan kontrol ettiimi dnebilirdiniz, Kk ve esmer dedi. Ondokuz yanda ve etkileyici bir yry var . Yz dedi bir dakika dnd olduka anlaml. Demek istediim kzar, fakat uzun sre kzgn kalamaz ve kalar ortada kk bir nokta oluturur. Kahverengi bir krk var fakat belkide onu giymemitir.

yle birini grdm hatrlayamadm.Bana ald telgraf gsterdi . PEREMBE GN GELYORUM. BEN STASYONDA KARILA. SEVGLER, SEVGLER, SEVGLER.,-MAY. Telgraf Omaha , Nebraskadan geliyordu.Sonunda Evini neden aramyorsun dedim. Eer senden nce gelmise mutlaka oray aramtr.Bana aptalmm gibi bakt Kasabaya geleli daha iki gn oldu. Buluup bana teklif edilen i iin gneye arabayla gidecektik. Bana hibir adres vermedi. Telgrafa dokundu. Bunu genel postadan aldm. Bunu dedikten sonra merdivenlerin ucuna 11:22 trenindeki yolculara bakmaya gitti.Bir sonraki gn mesaiye geldiimde o hala oradayd ve beni grr grmez yanma geldi.Kz bir yerde alt m? diye sordum.Ban ne sallad. Daktilocuydu. nceki patronuna tegraf yolladm. Btn bildikleri evlenmek iin iten ayrldyd. te olay olay byle balamt. Harry sonraki veya drt gn btn trenleri karlad. Elbette demiryollar rutin kontroller yapt ve polis olay aratrd. Fakat hikimse gerek bir yardmda bulunamad. Herkesin davrannn aka Mayin ona oyun yapt eklinde olduunu grebiliyordum. Fakat naslsa buna hibir zaman hafta geciktikten sonra bir gn, Harry ile konuuyorduk, ve ben ona teorimden bahsettim. Eer yeteri kadar beklersen dedim, birgn onun o merdivenlerden yukar ktn greceksin. Ben Tonynin olaslk konular hakknda aklama yaparken, o arkasna dnd ve merdivenlere daha nce onlar hi grmemi gibi bakt .Ertesi gn ie geldiimde Harry, Tonnynin dergi bfesinin tezgahnn arkasndayd. Bana sklgan bir ekilde bakt ve Bir yerde i bulmak zorundaydm, deil mi? dedi.Sonuta tezgahtar olarak Tony iin almaya balad. May hakknda daha fazla hi konumadk, teorimizden hi bahsetmedik. Fakat Harryin gelen her kiiyi daima gzlediini farkettim.Senenin sonuna doru Harry bir kumar oyunu yznden kan tartmada ldrld ve Tonnynin dul kalan ei bfenin tm sorumluluunu Harry'e brakt. Bir sre sonra tekrar evlendiinde ise Harry bfeyi ondan satn ald.Bor alarak bir soda tezgah kurdu ve ksa bir sre sonra kk, gzel bir ie sahip odu.Sonra dn geceye geldik. Bir lk ve bir ok eyin yere dtn duydum. lk Harryden ykseliyordu ve den eyler de tezgahn zerinde zplarken yere drd bir ok oyuncak ve dier eylerdi. Karya doru kotu ve penceremden metreden daha yaknda bulunan bir kz elleriyle yakalad. Kz ufak tefekti ve kalar ortada birleerek nokta oluturuyordu.Bir sre orada birbirilerine sarlm olarak kaldlar, aladlar, gldler ve birbirilerine anlamsz eyler sylediler. kasdettiim otobs durayd gibi kz birka kelime syledi. Harry, kz birey syleden defalarca pt ve onu bulmak iin yapt birok eyi anlatt. Belliki yl nce, May trenle deil otobsle gelmiti ve telgrafnda bahsettii otobs durayd, demiryolu istasyonu deildi. otobs duranda gnlerce beklemi ve btn parasn Harryi bulmak iin harcamt. Sonuta daktilocu olarak bir i bulmutu.Ne ? dedi Harry. Btn bu sre boyunca bu kasabada m alyordun ?Evet anlamnda ban sallad.Aman Allahm, Hi aaya bu istasyona gelmedin mi? diyerek kadaki dergi bfesini iaret etti. Btn bu zaman boyunca ben oradaym. Oras benim. Merdivenlerden kan herkesi seyrettim. Kz hafife solgunlamaya balad. Ksa bir sre sonra merdivenlere bakt ve O merdivenlerden daha nce hi kmadm. Grdn gibi dn ksa bir i gezisi iin kasaba dna kmtm. Oh,Harry ! Sonra kollarn Harrynin boynuna dolad ve gerekten alamaya balad.Bir dakika sonra, biraz geriye ekildi ve kaskat bir ekilde istasyonun kuzey ucunu gstererek; Harry, yldr, uzun yldr ben tam oradaydm, ite bu istasyonda alyordum. stasyon mdrnn ofisinde daktilocuydum.

Benim iin mkemmel olan Olaslk Kanununun byle zor almas ve ok uzun bir sre sonra Mayi bize kavuturmasyd. ngilizce Hikayeler ve Trkeleri, evirileri, Tercmesiyle Birlikte11John Rossiter's Wife

Charles G. NorrisThe most fascinating place in the United States is Palm Beach and the most interesting spot in Palm Beach is Whitneys. The name isnt Whitneys at all, but anyone who has ever been to Palm Beach will know the establishment to which I refer.Whitneys is a restaurant and a gambling place, and sooner or later everybody who comes to Palm Beach visits Whitneys.There is no restaurant or hotel in France, Italy, Germany, or Spain whose food can compare with Whitneys. At Whitneys there are no menus; you order what you wish from an endless variety of special foods, anything from duck soup to birds tongues and the surprising fact is that you get what you order. But on your first visit to Whitneys you often pay little attention to what you eat, for very soon, as the room commences to fill, you can hardly believe your eyes. At every table you soon recognize someone who is either famous or notorious.After lunch this brilliantly dressed group of persons goes down to the gambling room. By two oclock this room is well filled, by three it is crowded, and it remains so until early hours of the morning. Its far more interesting and better conducted than Monte Carlo. I was deeply impressed, and soon I welcomed an opportunity to meet Mr. Whitney himself.We found him in a small, businesslike office hardly large enough to hold the big old-fashioned roll-top desk and a chair or two. Perhaps there was a safe; I cant remember. The office was protected by some iron bars, and there was a uniformed attendant at the door who admitted us after Mr. Whitney had given the word he would see us.I found him a man square of jaw, cold of eye, his face rather unexpressive much what I expected.He runs his gambling place as a business and it is a matter of pride with him that it is conducted in an efficient, businesslike way. It is said that his profits are two million dollars a season, and I doubt this just as one doubts the salaries of motion picture stars.However the man had a strong personality. He interested me. I liked him. I wanted to talk to him, but it was difficult. He was not a very communicative person. Soon I asked him how much he lost a season in the way of bad checks and bad debts. He said approximately two hundred thousand dollars, which he didnt seem to consider heavy. As he spoke of this a light came into his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.I had a rather interesting experience the other day, he said. I was sitting in my office one morning when word was brought to me that a lady wanted to see me; Mrs. John Rossiter, the man told me. I knew who John Rossiter was, so I told him to show her in.Before she said a word she began to cry, not bitterly; but tears came into her eyes and began to run down her cheeks, and she kept wiping them away with her handkerchief, trying all the time to control herself. I dont like that sort of thing, you know, and I usually avoid it, but this rather impressed me. I felt sorry for her before she opened her mouth.Her husband had been gambling, she told me, and on Wednesday the day before had lost thirty thousand dollars. Ive been acquainted with John Rossiter off and on for five or six years. Every year he has been coming down here, and Ive known him well enough to say Hello, but not much more intimately than that. At any rate, Ive always had a good feeling about Rossiter. He was a clean-cut man, a good sport, well liked, belonged to a club, and was rather popular everywhere. I had seen him year after year here, but I hadnt an idea of how he played or what he won or lost.He had an account with me and always paid very promptly at the end of the month if there was any paying to be done.Mrs. Rossiter explained that the great problem of her life had been her husbands gambling. She had begged him to keep away from the stock market and from cards, and hed promise her that hed stop, but then hed slip and get caught again. The thirty thousand dollars he had lost on Wednesday about cleaned him and his wife out. It meant oh, Ive forgotten what she told me exactly: selling the home it was mortgaged already, she said, taking the two girls out of the school, herself perhaps having to find a position. It was a long story, I dont remember the details, but I confess that I felt very sorry for her. Taking those two girls out of school was what I believe impressed me, I dont know why exactly. Well, at any rate, I told her that I didnt like the idea of anybody coming here and losing everything. Sentiment, if you like, but its good business at the same time. It doesnt help an establishment like this to get a reputation that people can loose everything they have here. The result of it all was that I agreed to give her back the money which her husband had lost, but on one condition, and I made that point very clear: John Rossiter was never to enter my place again. I dont like that kind of a loser around here. If he hasnt got the money, he shouldnt play. She promised me with the tears running down her cheeks, and I gave her the money, and she made me feel like a damn fool by kissing both my hands and asking God to bless me all that foolishness that a grateful woman feels she has to do when you do her a favor.

I didnt think anything more about the affair until the very next afternoon when it was clearly brought back to my mind. My floor manager came to me ant told me that John Rossiter has just come in, and had gone to the gambling room, and was playing at one of the tables. As a rule, I never mix in with what happens outside, but this made me pretty mad, so I walked out there myself.I went straight up to him and said: May I speak to you a minute? And when we were off in a corner away from the crowd, I asked him what he meant by coming into my place .I want to know what this means, I demanded. Your wife came to see me yesterday morning and told me about your troubles and about your losing thirty thousand dollars here on Wednesday, and I gave her back the money youd lost on one condition and that was that you were never to enter my door again. Now, what do you mean by coming here?Rossiter looked at me for a moment. Then he said:Why Mr. Whitney, there must be some mistake. Im not married!

TrkesiJohn Rossiter'in Kars Charles G. NorrisAmerika Birleik Devletlerinin en byleyici yeri Palm Sahili, Palm Sahilinin en iligin kesi de Whitneyin Yeridir. Gerekteki ismi elbetteki bu deil ama, Palm Sahiline gelen herkes kastettiim bu yeri bilir.Whitneyin Yeri bir restoran, ayn zamanda da bir kumar merkezidir. Palm Sahiline gelen herkes er ya da ge buray mutlaka ziyaret eder.Fransa, talya, Almanya ve spanyadaki hi bir otel veya restorann yapt yemekler Whitneyin Yerindekilerle boy lemez. Whitneyin Yerinde men yoktur, siz sadece rdek orbasndan ku diline kadar her ne istiyorsanz sipariini veriyorsunuz ve sipariiniz ksa srede yerine getiriliyor. Ama Whitneyin Yerini ilk ziyaretinizde ne ne yediinize fazla nem vermezsiniz. nk restoran dolmaya balaynca gzlerinize inanamazsnz. Her masada ya bir nl ya da kt hretli birini grebilirsiniz.le yemeinden sonra bu k giyimli insanlar aa kata kumar odasna inerler. Saat iki gibi oda epeyce dolu bir hal alr. Saat te iyice kalabalklar ve sabaha kadar bu kalabalk hi eksilmez. Monte Carloya gre daha ilgi ekici ve daha iyi ynetilen bir yerdir. Ben de bu zelliklerinden ok etkilendim ve ok gemeden restoran sahibi Bay Whitney ile bizzat tanma frsat da buldum.Bay Whitneyi iine byk bir antika yaz masas ve bir veya iki sandalye alabilecek genilikteki kk bir ofiste bulduk. Odada tam olarak hatrlayamyorum ama muhtemelen bir de elik kasa vard. Oda demir ubuklarla korunuyordu ve kapda, Bay Whitneyin grmeyi kabul etmesi zerine bizi ieri davet eden niformal bir grevli vard.Bay Whitney umduum gibi birisiydi. Oval eneli, souk bakl ve nispeten anlamsz bir yz olan bir adamd.Kumarhanesini bir iyeri edasyla ynetiyordu ve bu etkili ve iyeri benzeri ynetim de onun iin bir gurur kaynayd. Sezon bana karnn iki milyon dolar olduu syleniyordu ama nasl birisi Hollywood artistlerinin maana inanmazsa ben de buna inanmyordum.Yine de adam gl bir ahsiyete sahipti. Benim de ilgimi ekti, ondan holandm. Onunla konumak istedim ama iletiim kurmak konusunda pek istekli birisi deildi. Sonunda bir sezonda denmeyen ekler ve borlardan dolay ne kadar kaybettiini sordum. Kendisi iin ok olmadn belli edecek bir tavrla hemen hemen iki yz bin dolar kaybettiini syledi. Bunu sylerken gzleri parlad ve dudaklarnda zayf bir gl belirdi.nceki gn olduka ilgin bir deneyim yaadm dedi. Sa-bah ofisimde otururken hizmetkar, bir bayann benimle grmek istediini, isminin de Bayan John Rossiter olduunu syledi. John Rossiteri tandm iin eiyle grmeyi kabul ettim.Bayan ieri girer girmez daha azn amadan alamaya balad ama iddetli deil. Gzleri ya doldu ve yanaklarndan szlmeye balad. Kendini kontrol etmeye alt. Gzlerinden yanaklarna szlen yalar mendiliyle silmeye alyordu. Bu tr olaylardan aslnda pek holanmam, hatta kanrm ama bu durum beni olduka etkiledi. Daha azndan bir tek sz kmamasna ramen onun iin znt duydum.Kocasnn bir gn nce aramba gn kumarda otuz bin dolar kaybettiini syledi. Bay Rossiteri be, alt yldr tanyorum. Her yl belli zamanlarda buraya gelir ve ben karlatmzda bir merhaba diyecek kadar onu tanrdm ama daha fazla bir samimiyetimiz yoktu. Yine de onun hakkndaki grlerim hep olumlu ynde olmutu. Bakml, atletik, iyi bir kulube mensup, nispeten her yerde popler bir adamd. Onu yllardr burada grmeme ramen nasl kumar oynad veya ne kazanp, ne kaybettii hakknda hi bir fikrim ve bilgim yoktu.Benim yerimde bir hesab vard ve ay sonunda, eer denmesi gereken borcu varsa vakit geirmeden derdi.Bayan Rossiter, hayatndaki