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JavaScript in Depth Svetlin Nakov Telerik Software Academy Manager Technical Training

15. JavaScript in depth - Web Front-End

Nov 29, 2014



Advanced JavaScript - using JavaScript's built-in objects, accessing and manipulating HTML documents
Telerik Software Academy:
The website and all video materials are in Bulgarian

Table of contents:
What we know so far: JavaScript syntax; JavaScript operators; JavaScript Data Types; JavaScript Pop-up boxes; If and switch, loops; functions
What is an object?
Built-in JavaScript objects (common): Boolean; Number; Array; String; Date; RegExp; Function; Object
Built-in JavaScript objects (uncommon): Typed arrays; Errors; JSON; Math; Infinity; NaN; undefined
Enter the DOM, Difference between JS and DOM
DOM objects
Querying the DOM
Traversing the DOM
Browser differences
Feature detection: Shims, shivs; Polyfills; JavaScript libraries; Closures; Module pattern
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Page 1: 15. JavaScript in depth - Web Front-End

JavaScript in Depth

Svetlin Nakov

Telerik Software

Manager Technical Training

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Table of Contents What we know so far

JavaScript syntax

JavaScript operators

JavaScript Data Types

JavaScript Pop-up boxes

If and switch, loops


What is an object?2

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Table of Contents (2) Built-in JavaScript objects

(common) Boolean








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Table of Contents (3) Built-in JavaScript objects

(uncommon) Typed arrays







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Table of Contents (4) Enter the DOM

Difference between JS and DOM

DOM objects Querying the DOM Traversing the DOM Manipulation Events


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Table of Contents (5) Browser differences Feature detection Shims, shivs Polyfills JavaScript libraries Closures Module pattern


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What we know so far?

Just a recap

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Built-in Objecta.k.a. language features

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Boolean Boolean It’s either true or false There isn’t much to it Just know that:

Use x = Boolean(false), or x = false instead


x = new Boolean(false)if (x) { // this code will execute}

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Number Doesn’t do much either


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Array One of the favorite data structures in JS Supports instance and literal syntax Array properties

length – that’s it

Array methods Mutators: pop, push, reverse, shift, sort,

splice, unshift

Accessors: concat, join, slice, indexOf*, lastIndexOf*

Iterators*: filter, forEach, every, map, some, reduce

* = not yet fully supported


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Array Mutators


var arr = [1,2,3];

arr.pop() // => 3 (last element), arr=[1,2]

// Array.push(element)arr.push(4) // => 3 (arr.length), arr=[1,2,4]

arr.reverse() // => [4,2,1], arr=[4,2,1]

arr.shift() // => 4 (first element), arr=[2,1]

// Array.unshift(element)arr.unshift(5) // => 3 (arr.length), arr=[5,2,1]

arr.sort() // => [1,2,5], arr=[1,2,5]

// Array.splice(index, howMany[, element1[,...[,element2]]])arr.splice(1,1,6,7,8) // =>[2] (removed), arr=[1,6,7,8,5]

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Array Accessors


var arr = [1,2,3];var arr1 = [4,5,6];

arr.concat(arr1) // => [1,2,3,4,5,6], arr=[1,2,3]

// arr.join(separator)arr.join(“ | ”) // => “1 | 2 | 3”, arr=[1,2,3]

// arr.slice(begin[, end])arr.slice(0,1) // => [1,2], arr=[1,2,3]

arr.indexOf(1) // => 0arr.indexOf(5) // => -1

arr.push(1) // arr=[1,2,3,1]arr.lastIndexOf(1) // => 3arr.lastIndexOf(5) // => -1

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String For strings or a sequence of characters

(array wise) Supports instance and literal syntax Supports array like accessing e.g.

string[0] String properties


String methods charAt, concat, indexOf, lastIndexOf,

match, replace, search, slice, split, substr, substring, toUppserCase, toLowerCase, trim*, trimLeft*, trimRight*

Just to name a few


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String Methods


var str = “Hello, World!”;

str.charAt(1) // => “e”str.concat(“!!”) // => “Hello, World!!!”

str.indexOf(“o”) // => 4str.indexOf(“x”) // => -1str.lastIndexOf(“o”) // => 8str.lastIndexOf(“x”) // => -1

str.replace(“Hello”, “Goodbye”) // “Goodbye, World!”

str.split(“ ”) // => [“Hello,”, “World!”]

// str.substr(start[, length])str.substr(0,4) // => “Hell”// str.substring(indexA[, indexB])str.substring(0,4) // => “Hell”

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Date Creates Date instances which let you work with dates and times.

Only instance syntax Few “static” methods Many instance methods


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RegExp Deals with regular expression Supports literal and instance syntax RegExp properties





RegExp methods exec


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Function The function is an object too In case you wander:

new Function ([arg1[, arg2[, ... argN]],] functionBody);

new Function("a", "b", "return a + b");

Function methods (of note) apply



toSource, toString


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Function Methods


function doStuff(a,b,c) { alert(this); alert(a + b + c);}

doStuff(1,2,3) // => [Object Window], 6

//[, arg1[, … [,argn]]])“Ola”,2,3,4) // => “Ola”, 9

// function.apply(thisArg[, argsArray])doStuff.apply(“Ola”,[2,3,4]) // => “Ola”, 9

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Object Surprisingly, it had few things Now it’s getting better Methods*:

Object creation: create

Object properties: hasOwnProperty, definePoperty,

defineProperties, keys

Sealing seal, freeze, isSealed, isFrozen


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Document Object Model


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Document Object Model (DOM)

Every HTML element is accessible via the JavaScript DOM API

Most DOM objects can be manipulated by the programmer

The event model lets a document to react when the user does something on the page

Advantages Create interactive pages

Updates the objects of a page without reloading it 22

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DOM Nodes The DOM hierarchy consists of nodes

Each node has a type Important types:


Node.TEXT_NODE == 3




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DOM Nodes Types Other types:










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Querying the DOM Three general approaches:

Query a specific element

Query a collection of elements

Built in collections

Some methods are applied to document only

Some could be applied to elements


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Querying the DOM (2)


var header = document.getElementById( “header” );// => DOMElement or Null if not found

var inputs = document.getElementsByName( “choises” );// => NodeList with 0 or more elements

var divs = document.getElementsByTagName( “div” );// => NodeList with 0 or more elements

var popups = document.getElementsByClassName( “popup” );// => NodeList with 0 or more elements

var links = document.links;// => NodeList with 0 or more elements

var header1 = document.querySelector( “#header” );var popups2 = document.querySelectorAll( “.popup” );

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Querying the DOM (3)


var section = document.getElementById( “section” );

var divs = section.getElementsByTagName( “div” );

var popups = section.getElementsByClassName( “popup” );

var header = section.querySelector( “#header” );var popups2 = section.querySelectorAll( “.popup” );

Some methods are applied to document only

Some could be applied to elements

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Traversing the DOM


You are somewhere in the DOM and you need to get elsewhere

Methods for adjacent nodes Methods for children collection

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Traversing the DOM (2)


// Going UPnode.parentNode // parent node or null if node is document

// Going DOWNnode.childNodes // collection of all the child nodesnode.fistChild // first node or null if nonenode.lastChild // last node or null if none

// Going LEFTnode.previousSibling // preceding node or null if none

// Going RIGHTnode.nextSibling // succeeding node or null if none

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Accessing Elements through the DOM Tree –


Warning: may not return what you expected due to Browser differences 30

var el = document.getElementById('div_tag');alert (el.childNodes[0].value);alert (el.childNodes[1]. getElementsByTagName('span').id);…<div id="div_tag"> <input type="text" value="test text" /> <div> <span id="test">test span</span> </div></div> accessing-elements-


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DOM Manipulation Once we access an element, we can read and write its attributes


function change(state) { var lampImg = document.getElementById("lamp"); lampImg.src = "lamp_" + state + ".png"; var statusDiv = document.getElementById("statusDiv"); statusDiv.innerHTML = "The lamp is " + state";}…<img src="test_on.gif" onmouseover="change('off')" onmouseout="change('on')" />


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Common Element Properties

Most of the properties are derived from the HTML attributes of the tag E.g. id, name, href, alt, title, src,

etc… style property – allows modifying the CSS styles of the element Corresponds to the inline style of

the element Not the properties derived from

embedded or external CSS rules

Example: style.width, style.marginTop, style.backgroundImage


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Common Element Properties (2)

className – the class attribute of the tag

innerHTML – holds all the entire HTML code inside the element

Read-only properties with information for the current element and its state tagName, offsetWidth, offsetHeight, scrollHeight, scrollTop, nodeType, etc…


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DOM Events

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DOM Events JavaScript can register event handlers Events are fired by the Browser and

are sent to the specified JavaScript event handler function

Can be set with HTML attributes (legacy):

Can be accessed through the DOM (legacy):


<img src="test.gif" onclick="imageClicked()" />

var img = document.getElementById("myImage");img.onclick = imageClicked;

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DOM Events (2) Can be accessed through the DOM (standard):

“onclick” vs “click”

Clicking on one element, clicks all the way up the DOM!

False makes element event to fire first


var img = document.getElementById("myImage");img.addEventListiner(“click”, imageClicked, false)

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The HTML DOM Event Model (3)

All event handlers receive one parameter It brings information about the

event Contains the type of the event

(mouse click, key press, etc.) Data about the location where the

event has been fired (e.g. mouse coordinates)

Holds a reference to the event sender E.g. the button that was clicked


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The HTML DOM Event Model (4)

Holds information about the state of [Alt], [Ctrl] and [Shift] keys

Some browsers do not send this object, but place it in the document.event

Some of the names of the event’s object properties are browser-specific


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Common DOM Events Mouse events:

onclick, onmousedown, onmouseup onmouseover, onmouseout, onmousemove

Key events: onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup Only for input fields

Interface events: onblur, onfocus onscroll 39

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Common DOM Events (2)

Form events onchange – for input fields onsubmit

Allows you to cancel a form submission

Useful for form validation

Miscellaneous events onload, onunload

Allowed only for the <body> element

Fires when all content on the page was loaded / unloaded


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onload Event – Example onload event


<html><head> <script type="text/javascript"> function greet() {alert("Loaded.");} document.body.addEventListener(“load”, greet, false) </script></head><body></body></html>

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Debugging JavaScript

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Debugging JavaScript Modern browsers have JavaScript console where errors in scripts are reported Errors may differ across browsers

Several tools to debug JavaScript Microsoft Script Editor

Add-on for Internet Explorer

Supports breakpoints, watches

JavaScript statement debugger; opens the script editor


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Firebug Firebug – Firefox add-on for debugging JavaScript, CSS, HTML Supports breakpoints, watches,

JavaScript console editor Very useful for CSS and HTML too

You can edit all the document real-time: CSS, HTML, etc

Shows how CSS rules apply to element

Shows Ajax requests and responses Firebug is written mostly in



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Firebug (2)


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JavaScript Console Object

The console object exists only if there is a debugging tool that supports it Used to write log messages at

runtime Methods of the console object:

debug(message) info(message) log(message) warn(message) error(message)


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Browser differences

Every browser for itself

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Browser differences

The landscape today: Desktop

5 major desktop browsers

4 major desktop rendering engines

Mobile 4 major mobile browsers

4 major mobile rendering engines

Platform = browser + OS Make the math


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Feature detection

Feature detection Shims, shivs Polyfills JavaScript libraries Clojures Module pattern


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Shims, shivs

What is feature detection Shim – a compatibility

workaround Shiv – a shim that ends with a “v”


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Polyfill, or polyfiller, is a piece of code (or plugin) that provides the technology that you, the developer, expect the browser to provide natively

Flattening the API landscape if you will

A shim that mimics a future API providing fallback functionality to older browsers


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A "closure" is an expression (typically a function) that can have free variables together with an environment that binds those variables (that "closes" the expression)


(function() {

// do stuff here // what happens in closure stays in closure // unless exposed


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Module pattern

Basically, an implementation of closure



var Module = (function() { // Do magic stuff here // Don’t forget to return return { … } // some object})()

(function() { // Do magic stuff here // Don’t forget to return window.Module = { … } // some object})()

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JavaScript libraries

A JS library may: Abstract common work:

Traversing / manipulating DOM

Ajax related


Normalize browser differences trough shims

Have syntactic sugar for easier coding

Have a module factory 54

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JavaScript in Depth

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1. Create an HTML page that has two text fields (first name and last name) and a button. When the user clicks the button, a message should show the text in the text fields followed by the current time.

2. Create a Web page that asks the user about his name and says goodbye to him when leaving the page.

3. Modify the previous HTML page to have a text field for email address and on clicking the button check if the email is valid (it should follow the format <something>@<host>.<domain>).

4. Create a Web page that shows 20 <div> elements with random location, size and color.


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Exercises (2)5. Create a drop-down menu

Use table for the main menu blocks

Use hidden <DIV> elements (display: none; position:absolute; top:30px)

Use JavaScript and onmouseover and onmouseout event to change display: none/block


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Exercises (3)6. Create a DTHML page that has <div>

containing a text that scrolls from right to left automatically

Use setInterval() function to move the text at an interval of 500 ms

Use overflow:hidden for the <div>

Use scrollLeft and scrollWidth properties of the <div> element


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