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BISHOP DRUITT COLLEGE COFFS HARBOUR 11 May | 2012 | Page 1 DYNAMIC CARING OPTIMISTIC Issue # 13 COLLEGE NEWS CHAPLAIN’S CHAT It was pleasing to see the Federal Government commit to the new ‘School Kids Bonus’ in the Budget this week. I hope that many of our families will benefit from this bonus of $410 for a Primary student and $820 for a Secondary student. The devil is in the detail of course, and that devil is that this is to be means tested. From what I have been able to ascertain since Tuesday night, families who qualify for Family Tax Benefit A, will be eligible for the payments, only offered to families earning less than $101,000 if they have one primary-school-aged child, rising to $123,000 for families with two teenagers. When I see a schedule of benefits published by the department concerned, I will include it in a future newsletter. The Education Tax Refund that has been in operation has been discontinued. $300m remains unclaimed this year, which highlights the inefficiencies of the scheme. The good news is that you will no longer need to keep a shoe-box full of receipts until tax time. It was disappointing not to hear anything more definite in terms of school funding in the budget. There is a great deal of discussion happening in education circles around the country about the implications of the Gonski Review. As soon as I have something concrete to report about Bishop Druitt’s funding status, I will report it. On an unrelated matter, I have been approached by a school in Japan about the possibility of BDC hosting a short-term study tour by 15-20 of their students next year. This would involve the students coming to school each day with their homestay brother or sister, where they would be immersed in a busy program of activities. The students would be with us for about 10 school days (probably 13 homestay nights). In order to have this program run at school, we would need families who were willing to have one or two visiting students stay with them. Homestay families would be paid a per diem amount (about $40 per night), and would need to do things with their Japanese student on the middle weekend of their visit. Other than that, it would be a matter of a providing meals and a separate bedroom for your student. (The payment for hosting one of these students would be paid either as a cheque, or, if parents preferred, could be credited against school fee accounts). This will be a great opportunity for our students of Japanese language to have a native speaker in their homes, but will be open to any of our families who would like to have the experience of having an overseas student join them for a short homestay. These programs run very successfully in other schools. BDC has been identified as a possible host school because of our location and complexion – on the coast and co-ed, but also because we are away from the big cities. I would be very keen to hear from any families who might be interested in hosting a Japanese student next year [email protected] Congratulations to Sol Fergusson (6), Max Jones (5), and Darcy Newell (5) who have been selected in the North Coast Football Team to play in the 11 boys State Championships held in Coffs Harbour over the June Long weekend. Special mention and congratulations go to Brad Carron-Arthur, our guest at the Captains’ induction in February. Brad reached the tip of Cape York Peninsula yesterday, 10 May. He left Canberra on 1 January, and has run 5000km solo to raise money for mental health research. I am pleased our students were able to share in his journey, and hope that his extraordinary effort inspires them to step outside their comfort zones to do things they never imagined they could. Traditionally this Sunday is Mothers Day. There has been a hive of activity surrounding the College, particularly in the primary area, but shhh! I can’t spoil a secret can I? To all who have experienced the role of a mother, may you be blessed with God’s love, especially on Mothers Day. Hopefully the one thing that mothers share universally is unconditional love for their children, but we know that for some, mothers day is a time of grieving. May you be comforted this mothers day and covered in Gods compassion and love. I hope that you have you have had time this week to enjoy the amazing weather that we have been blessed with here on the Coffs Coast. Sometimes when we spend our days working inside, we never have the opportunity to even notice what’s happening outside unless you happen to walk outside and look at your surroundings. I make it a habit of looking up at the vast expanse of blue sky, and as I do, give thanks to our God for this wonderful masterpiece. Have you noticed here in the Boambee Valley the mixture of colours with the crispness of the blue skies and the green vegetation? If you sit still for long enough you can enjoy the sounds of a wonderful array of birdlife and wildlife around the College, particularly along the creek where the vegetable gardens are positioned. Earlier in the week, our Primary student’s gardening club took to the vege patch once again. With so many keen young gardeners it’s a wonderful activity to be a part of where many conversations about gardening are shared with some of the stories that they tell bring a smile to my face. This week in the vege patch we pulled out all of the weeds that had overgrown the gardens over the break and prepared the ground for new plantings. We even planted a number of young lettuce plants that had been raised from seed by the students at OSHC. FROM THE PRINCIPAL PASTORAL CARE Alan Ball Principal
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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Issue # 13





Chaplain’s Chat

It was pleasing to see the Federal Government commit to the new ‘School Kids Bonus’ in the Budget this week. I hope that many of our families will benefit from this bonus of $410 for a Primary student and $820 for a Secondary student.

The devil is in the detail of course, and that devil is that this is to be means tested. From what I have been able to ascertain since Tuesday night, families who qualify for Family Tax Benefit A, will be eligible for the payments, only offered to families earning less than $101,000 if they have one primary-school-aged child, rising to $123,000 for families with two teenagers. When I see a schedule of benefits published by the department concerned, I will include it in a future newsletter.

The Education Tax Refund that has been in operation has been discontinued. $300m remains unclaimed this year, which highlights the inefficiencies of the scheme. The good news is that you will no longer need to keep a shoe-box full of receipts until tax time.

It was disappointing not to hear anything more definite in terms of school funding in the budget. There is a great deal of discussion happening in education circles around the country about the implications of the Gonski Review. As soon as I have something concrete to report about Bishop Druitt’s funding status, I will report it.

On an unrelated matter, I have been approached by a school in Japan about the possibility of BDC hosting a short-term study tour by 15-20 of their students next year. This would involve the students coming to school each day with their homestay brother or sister, where they would be immersed in a busy program of activities. The students would be with us for about 10 school days (probably 13 homestay nights).

In order to have this program run at school, we would need families who were willing to have one or two visiting students stay with them. Homestay families would be paid a per diem amount (about $40 per night), and would need to do things with their Japanese student on the middle weekend of their visit. Other than that, it would be a matter of a providing meals and a separate bedroom for your student. (The payment for hosting one of these students would be paid either as a cheque, or, if parents preferred, could be credited against school fee accounts). This will be a great opportunity for our students of Japanese language to have a native speaker in their homes, but will be open to any of our families who would like to have the experience of having an overseas student join them for a short homestay.

These programs run very successfully in other schools. BDC has been identified as a possible host school because of our location and complexion – on the coast and co-ed, but also because we are away from the big cities. I would be very keen to hear from any families who might be interested in hosting a Japanese student next year [email protected]

Congratulations to Sol Fergusson (6), Max Jones (5), and Darcy Newell (5) who have been selected in the North Coast Football Team to play in the 11 boys State Championships held in Coffs Harbour over the June Long weekend.

Special mention and congratulations go to Brad Carron-Arthur, our guest at the Captains’ induction in February. Brad reached the tip of Cape York Peninsula yesterday, 10 May. He left Canberra on 1 January, and has run 5000km solo to raise money for mental health research. I am pleased our students were able to share in his journey, and hope that his extraordinary effort inspires them to step outside their comfort zones to do things they never imagined they could.

Traditionally this Sunday is Mothers Day. There has been a hive of activity surrounding the College, particularly in the primary area, but shhh! I can’t spoil a secret can I? To all who have experienced the role of a mother, may you be blessed with God’s love, especially on Mothers Day. Hopefully the one thing that mothers share universally is unconditional love for their children, but we know that for some, mothers day is a time of grieving. May you be comforted this mothers day and covered in Gods compassion and love.

I hope that you have you have had time this week to enjoy the amazing weather that we have been blessed with here on the Coffs Coast. Sometimes when we spend our days working inside, we never have the opportunity to even notice what’s happening outside unless you happen to walk outside and look at your surroundings. I make it a habit of looking up at the vast expanse of blue sky, and as I do, give thanks to our God for this wonderful masterpiece. Have you noticed here in the Boambee Valley the mixture of colours with the crispness of the blue skies and the green vegetation? If you sit still for long enough you can enjoy the sounds of a wonderful array of birdlife and wildlife around the College, particularly along the creek where the vegetable gardens are positioned.

Earlier in the week, our Primary student’s gardening club took to the vege patch once again. With so many keen young gardeners it’s a wonderful activity to be a part of where many conversations about gardening are shared with some of the stories that they tell bring a smile to my face. This week in the vege patch we pulled out all of the weeds that had overgrown the gardens over the break and prepared the ground for new plantings. We even planted a number of young lettuce plants that had been raised from seed by the students at OSHC.

From the prinCipal

pastoral Care

Alan BallPrincipal

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Issue # 13





Tim EganAssistant Principal (Head of Secondary)

Karin LisleDirector of Pastoral Care K-12

From the head oF seCondary

Careers news

This week, our Secondary assembly was something to behold. I was so impressed with the level of talent, dedication and sense of community that our students display. It may sound strange to focus on a twenty-five minute weekly assembly, but it really was a microcosm of life here at Bishop Druitt College.

Jo Ashley captivated every person in attendance with a performance of his own composition The Rain and Bird. He shared with us his amazing guitar and vocal talents, along with a bass drum beat added in the chorus! The faces of our staff and students were something to behold – a truly inspiring effort. Our Vice Captain, Annabel Duguid shared something that she was passionate about in her Senior Spotlight this week; the rest of her cohort! She devised a very cute poem that included most of her peers and it was presented very well.

Our Open Girl’s Soccer Team were presented with their medals from winning a recent gala day and Mr Klipin stated that they were the absolute stand out team not only for their display of skill, but in relation to their attitude and sense of fairness. We then heard from Lara, Naomi and Monique, the relay for life representatives. The girls have managed to raise over $9,000 in the support of cancer research, truly an unbelievable effort.

I am very proud of our young people and wanted to share with you these achievements. My hope is that one day our media can start reporting more stories such as these to restore public belief in our teenagers.

National Career Development Week 2012 is May14-20. Here are a few helpful links regarding careers and future choices;

We are blessed at this school that we do not have a large truanting problem and that most children do love to come to school every day. When students miss school, they not only miss out on academic progress (which some may never catch up) but also the social interactions that compound issues of social isolation and low self-esteem.

As part of the peer relationship survey we conducted last term, one of the questions asked if parents allowed students to stay away from school after they had been bullied. It was surprising how many parents acknowledged that this was the case (even though the incidence of bullying is fairly low at this school). If you are aware of any incidents, we encourage you to contact the school – even though your child may believe that reporting an incident will compound the problem, this is very rarely the case and we take every report seriously.

One of the most important things that parents can do is to send their child to school every day… and get there on time. The more time students spend at school, the more their success is assured. When students are regularly absent form school they are at a greater risk of dropping out of school early and experiencing long-term unemployment. We have been given strong guidelines by the government to track attendance of all our students. You may have already received a letter outlining the concerns of continued absence of your child. If you are having concerns about the attendance of you child to school, please contact us so we can assist you. We have many support services available to you and your family, and we want to work with you to ensure your children are happy and come to school every day. If you wish to contact me on this or any other issue, please do so.

seCondary sChool

Reverend Marion TanfieldChaplain

Please note: I have just received the latest information for CAMP ICHTHUS – SENIOR HIGH for students in Years 10,11,12. These camps are being held in the JULY school holidays. They are always a source of great fun and an opportunity to network with other young people within the Diocese. Students will be able to access application forms from the Secondary Office or online at and follow the links.

Throughout our journey may we grow and reap the good harvest as we too discover Jesus together.


sChool attendanCe

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WorK ExPEriEnCE 12-15 JunE 2012Thank you to all students who have secured a work experience placement and have also submitted completed and signed paperwork. Next week confirmation letters of approval will be posted to both parents and employers. Please email me if you need to seek special consideration or request an extension for your work experience application.

MAy 1-4 unSW rurAl CliniCAl SCHool ProgrAM CoffS HArbourStudents thoroughly enjoyed this inspiring opportunity for Careers in Medicine. Thank you to the students of UNSW for their time and energy.

friDAy MAy 4 univErSity of nEW EnglAnD oPEn DAy Many of our Year 12 students have been inspired and as one student today remarked ‘it put the cherry on top for me’ and has already submitted her application for College accommodation. Thank you to Mr Brown, a former UNE graduate, for accompanying our students.

tuESDAy MAy 8 CoffS CoASt CArEErS ExPoCongratulations to our Year 10 students for being punctual, their presentation and asking great questions. Several students have remarked that it was a very worthwhile event.

friDAy MAy 18 At 10:45Visitor Tom Betts from Bond University QLD, invites Year 12 students interested in scholarships at Bond University to attend. Please meet me in the Careers Lounge.

WEDnESDAy JunE 13 tHE HEAltH CArEErS ExPo CoffSExpressions of interest are still open from students from Year 11-12 who show an interest in pursuing a career in the health sector.

Robyn CrispCareers Advisor

Ian YoungEnglish faculty

The Cambodian Travelers

plain english speaking awards

Cambodia trip Fundraiser at the show!!

On Tuesday 8 May, Liam O’Mara and Hugh Hocker of Year 10 represented the College at the North Coast Regional Finals of the Sydney Morning Herald’s Plain English Speaking Awards held at CHEC.

Each speaker gave an eight-minute prepared speech and a two-minute impromptu speech. Whilst our boys did not win the competition, they gave powerful speeches and were excellent ambassadors for the College. Liam had the unenviable task of giving the first speech in a field of nine schools. He spoke on the topic of Stigma and had the audience thinking about the political and social abuses throughout history associated with stereotyping people. Hugh was in the middle of the draw and spoke about the topic of Police Brutality. The adjudicator commented on his natural ability as an orator. The impromptu topic was “Make my day!” and all speakers had fun playing with this idea.

The next Public Speaking event is the Rotary Junior competition and I encourage students in years 7 to 9 to consider entering. They can see me over the next week or so.

This Saturday and Sunday, BDC will have a stall at the Coffs Harbour Show. The stall will sell lollies, chips, cupcakes, balloons and kids beanies. We will be located in the kid’s area, so if you are going to the show, call in and see us! We are raising money for the Tabitha Foundation to build 18 houses for impoverished families in Cambodia. We need to raise $27,000 so that when we travel to Cambodia in December, we will be able to build new houses for 18 extended families. We hope you can support us.

StAff nEWSThis week Mrs Sonja O’Connor took on her new role as Primary ESL teacher. Sonja’s experience and expertise in the area of learning support made her the obvious choice for this important role. I am very pleased to be able to announce that Mr Ryszard Herzig has agreed to share responsibility with Mr Danny Fleming for 6OF. Mr H will be well known to many of you through his casual work at the College and he brings with him vast Primary School experience. Mrs Beth Hilton has accepted the role of Assistant Sport Administrator (K-12) and much of her Teacher Aide responsibilities will now be carried out by Ms Kelly Gray. Kelly, who has a son in Year 7, is an experienced Teacher Aide who has been working in local Primary Schools for a number of years. I look forward to working with these two experienced educators and am sure they will enrich our Primary School community.

From the head oF primary

primary sChool

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Graeme NaftelAssistant Principal (Head of Primary)

grade oF the week - year 2

ASSEMbliESVery soon the COLA will become unavailable and Primary assemblies will be held in the Secondary Greenroom. Whilst this is an excellent location, we are at the mercy of the weather. The ground surface does not dry quickly and we will need to make a decision each week as to whether or not the assembly goes ahead. I am certainly keen to ensure we proceed if at all possible, and I will make a decision by 12.30pm each Thursday. Please check the ‘BDC Spotlight’ on the College website or call the College after this time if you are in any doubt.

PiCASSo CoWLast week the Primary School became the proud owners of a life-sized fibreglass cow! BDC is one of ten schools in the region participating in the ‘Picasso Cow’ competition, an initiative of Dairy Australia aimed at educating children about the importance of the dairy industry, as well as the health and nutritional benefits of consuming dairy. In the coming weeks the Primary SRC will be coordinating several activities and events surrounding this initiative (she needs to be named and painted!).

More information about Picasso Cows can be found at

If you are a dairy farmer (or know of one) who would be interested in talking to our children about the dairy industry, please contact Mrs Wendy Phillips at [email protected]

Descriptions of Fireworks

The sky was black when the fireworks start and everybody was excited. They started to scream when the fireworks took off. The fireworks exploded into colours of the rainbow. There were reflections on the water and loud music. The fireworks were crackling around in colours. They smelled like smoke. The fireworks remind me of bananas peeling.

Jase Taylor (2B)

Fireworks feel like asteroids flying into your face and they look like fireballs exploding. The sky lights up like nothing else and they reflect off the water magnificently. It looks like fireflies turning into disco lights. The fireworks sound like gunshots, but not as loud. Plus, the fireworks look like gems exploding. It feels to me, impressive.

Sam Bleechmore (2D) Ellyse Walker (2B) Impressionist style pastel and watercolour

Our Picasso Cow

Jorgia Young (2D) Artwork inspired by the book

‘The Gruffalo’

the samba experienCe

Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 students were treated to workshops run by the very talented Tom Harding this week. The Samba Experience is a carnival style Brazilian drumming workshop that is innovative, unique and fun! The workshops were designed to build motivation and encourage teamwork as well as being enjoyable. The Samba Experience used African rhythms and instruments and offered an opportunity to play four different rhythms of four sets of instruments.

musiCal notes

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Dale CondonHead of Music K-12

Community beneFits sChemeThank you to all the families who are showing their BDC community benefits card when they shop at ‘Amart All Sports’. Cards can be collected when shopping at the store. We have gained a considerable amount of kickback dollars to be spent on new sporting equipment for our students.

College sport

Alice Jamison is running a Kodaly voice class from 8am on Wednesday morning in M2 for primary students. This is a musicianship-based class where kids can consolidate their learning of pitch, part-singing, harmony, rhythm. Classes are $5. Anybody is welcome. These classes are a no pressure, fun way of building of your music skills. Please contact Alice if you would like your child to participate at [email protected].

On Friday 18 May 2012, the Music Department will be holding a Brass & String soiree, where students will showcase their eisteddfod performance pieces. The evening starts at 6pm and will finish at 7:30pm with light refreshments served. Students will have a rehearsal with the accompanist next week and have been given a time, so please remind your child to attend their accompaniment rehearsal.

On Sunday 20 May 2012, we will be holding a String Soiree, where students will showcase their eisteddfod performance pieces. The afternoon starts at 2pm and will finish at 4:30pm with light refreshments served. Students will have a rehearsal with the accompanist next week and have been given a time, so please remind you child to attend their accompaniment rehearsal.

The eisteddfods are fast approaching. You will be receiving information letters regarding school performance groups this week, please be on the look out for these. All students performing will be traveling to and from the College by bus and are expected to wear full school uniform. All sections begin at 9:30am and expected to conclude by 12:30pm on the set days.

Date: Thursday 24th May 2012Group: Senior Concert Band, Senior Jazz Band, Senior String Consort

Date: Friday 25th May 2012Group: Primary Guitar Ensemble, Superstrings, Primary Performance Band

Date: Monday 28th May 2012Group: Year 2 Choir, Year 6 Choir, Year 5 Folk Song Group

Date: TBCGroup: Senior Choir

If you child would like to join the new Secondary Guitar Band please remind them go to M1 during lunchtime on Friday. This band provides opportunity for students who came through the primary guitar band program to continue learning and performing as well as inviting any secondary student, who can already play guitar, has their own and can practice their part at home.

Please contact the music office if you have any queries.

kodaly VoiCe Classes

string, brass & woodwind soirees

CoFFs harbour eisteddFod 2012

ensemble inVolVement

Football - nCis gala dayoPEn boyS

The first game was against TAS, Armidale. TAS won the NCIS gala day last year and our boys played free flowing, ball-along-the-ground football, winning 3-1. Backing up straight away into a second game against Lindisfarne proved a challenge and our boys could not convert their chances. The team went on to defeat Blue Hills College (2-0) and Kempsey Adventist (2-0) to finish second overall for the competition. Noah Bedford showed good leadership for a young team who will now go into the NSWCIS Opens knockout with confidence. Five boys were selected for the NCIS side to travel to Sydney later this month. Congratulations to Noah Bedford, Macthony Nebo, Gordon Adams, Je Jacobs and Joel Teece, and also James Simpson and Damon Laverick who were selected as reserves.

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Jim WebberSports Administrator K-12

BDC has had a busy week in League. On Monday 7 May we played against Christian Community School in the Under 16’s. The game started as a scrappy affair until Jacob Wicken crashed over next to the posts. Three more tries to BDC before half time set up a comfortable lead. The boys continued with a solid performance in the second half scoring a further five tries. CCS were down on numbers towards the end of the match, so Nick Allen joined their side and scored their only try.

On Wednesday BDC competed in the Under 13s and 15s Country Cup at Advocate Park. The 15’s had a number of tough encounters and were unlucky not to win two matches with intercepts and the bounce of the ball being our nemesis. The Under 13’s showed great improvement throughout the day. They struggled in their first match against Orara High and were then unlucky to go down to JPC by one try. In their final game they secured a 14-6 victory over Coffs High.

Congratulations Vienna Schoeffel who has been successful in making the NSWCIS Golf team. Vienna will now compete at the NSW All Schools Golf Championships at Wyong from 26-28 June.

Shot put trials will run at lunchtimes next week. Please encourage students to check notices for which day each age group will be participating.

14 May – Girls Bill Turner Cup vs John Paul College17-18 May – NCIS Cross Country Championships at Fingal Head

oPEn girlS

Our girls played exceptionally well, finishing the day undefeated. Their games were a pleasure to watch as they moved the ball around and made some fantastic breaks to score 24 goals in their four games. All the girls would have been selected to represent NCIS at the upcoming NSWCIS trials, but unfortunately only six can make the team.

PriMAry boyS

We played four games against other independent schools from the North Coast and had three convincing victories and one very close nail biting 1-0 defeat to Lindisfarne. I was proud of all the boys’ efforts, and we combined with the girls’ team to win the NCIS shield. Angus Watson was brilliant on the wing, scoring fourteen goals!

Solomon Ferguson – Captain

PriMAry girlS

On Tuesday the Primary Girls went to Coffs Harbour Stadium to play in the NCIS Football gala day. The girls played four games and were undefeated. The scores were: BDC 2 Lindisfarne 0; BDC 0 CVAS 0; BDC 3 Kempsey Adventist 0; BDC 5 Blue Hills College 0. Chelsea Williams scored eight goals including two hat tricks. Other scorers were Mercedes Oliver, Tahnee Marr and Cicely Bennett. we returned in high spirits, having won the competition for the fourth consecutive year. The team had a great day and would like to thank our coach, Mr McNeil, and all the other teachers who organised this great opportunity.

Sereima Caldwell and Imogen Rose

rugby league



upComing eVents:

important dates and eVents

15-17 May NAPLAN 2012

18 May NCIS Cross Country Brass & Woodwind Soiree: 6:00pm-7:30pm

22 May Primary ICAS Computer Skills

23 May U14’s Rugby vs JPC

25 May Coffs Harbour District Eisteddfod

College Community

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Success is not just about being good at something; It’s about courage, self-motivation and the determination to lead: Just ask Aussie Olympic Gold Medallist Lara Davenport.

Lara’s journey to represent Australia and her team at the 2008 Beijing Olympics wasn’t handed to her on a silver platter. She had to overcome many obstacles, apply her determination and commitment and learn to set goals and manage her time to reach the pinnacle of her chose sport, swimming. Four years on, Lara has applied the determination and skills she learnt as an athlete to become a Youth Role Model, encouraging and inspiring young community members.

Outward Bound Australia is calling all aspiring and current school leaders who, like Lara, have a desire to be challenged and be the best they can be, to apply for the School Leaders program.

The seven-day leadership program will incorporate classroom-style theory, including exclusive workshops with Lara, along with outdoor wilderness expeditions and is designed for those interested in developing their leadership knowledge, experience and potential.

Not only will you get the chance to climb, navigate, canoe, mountain bike and camp, you’ll make new friends, add sparkle to your Resume and important person in your life – you!

Set yourself up for success like Lara and demonstrate your commitment to achieving your best. Outward Bound @Inter-Action is now taking enrolments — but hurry, places are filling up fast!


Eva Breidenbach Free call: 1800 267 999 Email: [email protected]  


Interested in leadership?

School Leaders:

7 days in Northern NSW’s

Rainforest for students aged 16-17, held in the

July school holidays

1st—7th July $1,000

Set yourself apart from the rest while learning from the best!

Exclusive Leadership Workshops

with Olympic Gold Medallist Lara Davenport

out oF sChool hours Care

parents and Friends

This week we are learning all about Fire Safety. We are practicing a fire evacuation and learning how to Stop, Drop and Roll. We are also learning what to do if there is a fire emergency at OSHC and making our own fire evacuation plans for our homes and OSHC. Once completed, we will get our own OSHC Fire Fighter badges. This week we are also making Chinese lanterns and learning about Chinese art. We will also be checking our garden for any strawberries or pumpkins and on Friday we will be enjoying an ice cream down at the COLA.

To make a booking for After School Care please notify Mariellos on 6651 7400 or send an email to [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you at OSHC soon.

tHE MotHErS’ DAy StAll What a fantastic response we have had this year to the Mother’s Day Stall, with an all-time record of 504 gifts being purchased.

A big thank you must go to the mum’s & their children who gave up their time to help wrap and man the stall. They are Jenny Morrall, Coral Wheatley, Sian Leal, Nicolle Foster, Astrid Linjawi, Georgina Morrall, Perry Foster & Deborah Mauger.

It is always interesting for the helpers on the day to hear many of the wonderful & often funny comments the children make whilst choosing and this year we thought we would share some of them with you.

“Don’t get mum soap this year, she is clean enough!” year 4 girl to sibling “Soap is a good idea because we have a new bath!” year 3 girl “Does a bath bomb make the bath explode?” year 4 boy“Twizzers, great, my mum loves picking at things!” year 5 boy

uPCoMing EvEntSTrivia Night - 2nd June - We are currently looking for donations for prizes and/or items to be auctioned on the night. If you are able to help with this please email Erika at the P&F email below. Trivia Night information here...

PArEntS & friEnDS CAtEring vAn Throughout the College year, the van will be facilitated at various events and will need volunteers to assist and prepare food. It is a great way to assist the College in providing a wonderful service to the students and visitors. If you would like to be placed on our Parents & Friends Catering Van Volunteer list, please email the P & F or phone President Allan Williams.

CAntEEn voluntEErS nEEDEDIf you have a spare hour or more, especially between 10.30am and 12pm (recess service) or 1pm and 2pm (lunch service) the Canteen Manager, Ben Pike would be greatly appreciative. If you can offer a hand please fill in the form located on the BDC website and return to the College or for further enquiries please email Ben on [email protected]

PoSitionS AvAilAblE - viCE PrESiDEnt SoCiAl AnD viCE PrESiDEnt funDrAiSingDetails available from President Allan Williams.

ContACt uSFor more information, to view our Constitution or read our latest meeting minutes, click on “Our Community” then “Parents and Friends” on the College Website. We look forward to your support.President: Allan Williams 0408 332 082 [email protected] & F email: [email protected] Meeting: Monday 21st May, 6.30 to 7.30 pm, Senior Common Room, refreshments provided

The Bishop Druitt College Parents and Friends Association is an organisation that supports the aims and objectives of the College. It does so through the promotion of fundraising, fellowship, friendship and fun.

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Co�s Regional Community GardenCo�s Regional Community Garden

on the web

International CompostingAwareness Week

Get in touchPhone: 0424 989 979Online map: [email protected]

International Composting Awareness Week Australia (ICAW), is a week of activities, events and publicity to improve awareness about the importance of this valuable organic resource and to promote compost use, knowledge and products. Go to for more information.

The Community Garden group will be holding a number of dem-onstrations and hosting events on Saturday May 12, which includes:

Primary school worm farming competition judging

Installing & demonstrating worm towers

There is heaps to get your hands into - Activities start 9am through to 12:30pm

Remember to bring your water or morning tea, a hat, gloves & sunscreen. Supervised children are most welcome!


12Saturday 9am - Mid-day

Come along & get your hands dirty!

Sun protection Bottled water




green Corner