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13 Eng Maths Editied

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  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied






    With the help of examples illustrate how statistics and probabilitiescan be used in your respective field (Quality Control and Safety

    During Construction ) for batch production sampling and or qualitycontrol of production


    1. RAMROOP Bhavish Kumar

    2. NEERAYE Krishna Kumar

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    LECTURERS NAME: Mr. M Madelon

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied



    1.0 Qualit and !a"et Con#erns in Constru#tion..................................................................$

    2.0 Or%ani&in% "or Qualit and !a"et ...................................................................................'$.0 (or) and Material !*e#i"i#ations....................................................................................+

    '.0 ,otal Qualit Control.......................................................................................................-

    +.0 Qualit Control !tatisti#al Methods............................................................................/

    .0 !tatisti#al Qualit Control ith !am*lin% Attri utes................................................11

    -.0 !tatisti#al Qualit Control ith !am*lin% aria les.................................................1-

    3.0 !a"et ..............................................................................................................................2$

    /.0 Re"eren#es......................................................................................................................210.0 4ootnotes......................................................................................................................2-

    ,a l

    ,a le 1 5 6oad Ratio and Pa 4a#tor..........................................................................................-,a le 25 Non"atal O##u*ational 7n8ur and 7llness 7n#iden#e Rates........................................2$,a le $5 4atal O##u*ational 7n8uries in Constru#tion9 1//- and 200'.....................................2'

    ,a le ' 5 4atalit Causes in Constru#tion9 1// :1//- and 200 :200-....................................2+


    4i%ure 15 E;am*le O*erative Chara#teristi# Curves 7ndi#atin% Pro a ilit o" 6ot A##e*tan#e..................................................................................................................................................1'4i%ure 2 5 aria le Pro a ilit

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    1.0 Quality a ! Sa"#ty C$ %#& ' i C$ 't&u%ti$

    Qualit #ontrol and sa"et re*resent in#reasin%l im*ortant #on#erns "or *ro8e#t mana%ers.

    ood *ro8e#t mana%ers tr to ensure that the 8o is done ri%ht the

    "irst time and that no ma8or a##idents o##ur on the *ro8e#t.

    As ith #ost #ontrol9 the most im*ortant de#isions re%ardin% the =ualit o" a #om*leted

    "a#ilit are made durin% the desi%n and *lannin% sta%es rather than durin% #onstru#tion. 7t is

    durin% these *reliminar sta%es that #om*onent #on"i%urations9 material s*e#i"i#ations and

    "un#tional *er"orman#e are de#ided. Qualit #ontrol durin% #onstru#tion #onsists lar%el o"

    insurin% #on"orman#e to these ori%inal desi%n and *lannin% de#isions.

    (hile #on"orman#e to e;istin% desi%n de#isions is the *rimar "o#us o" =ualit #ontrol9 there

    are e;#e*tions to this rule. 4irst9 un"oreseen #ir#umstan#es9 in#orre#t desi%n de#isions or

    #han%es desired an o ner in the "a#ilit "un#tion ma re=uire re5evaluation o" desi%n

    de#isions durin% the #ourse o" #onstru#tion. (hile these #han%es ma e motivated the

    #on#ern "or =ualit 9 the re*resent o##asions "or re5desi%n ith all the attendant o 8e#tives

    and #onstraints. As a se#ond #ase9 some desi%ns rel u*on in"ormed and a**ro*riate de#ision

    ma)in% durin% the #onstru#tion *ro#ess itsel". 4or e;am*le9 some tunnellin% methods ma)e

    de#isions a out the amount o" shorin% re=uired at di""erent lo#ations ased u*on o servation

    o" soil #onditions durin% the tunnellin% *ro#ess. !in#e su#h de#isions are ased on etter

    in"ormation #on#ernin% a#tual site #onditions9 the "a#ilit desi%n ma e more #ost e""e#tive

    as a result.

    (ith the attention to #on"orman#e as the measure o" =ualit durin% the #onstru#tion *ro#ess9

    the s*e#i"i#ation o" =ualit re=uirements in the desi%n and #ontra#t do#umentation e#omes

    e;tremel im*ortant. Qualit re=uirements should e #lear and veri"ia le9 so that all *arties

    in the *ro8e#t #an understand the re=uirements "or #on"orman#e.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    !a"et durin% the #onstru#tion *ro8e#t is also in"luen#ed in lar%e *art de#isions made

    durin% the *lannin% and desi%n *ro#ess. !ome desi%ns or #onstru#tion *lans are inherentl

    di""i#ult and dan%erous to im*lement9 hereas other9 #om*ara le *lans ma #onsidera l

    redu#e the *ossi ilit o" a##idents. 4or e;am*le9 #lear se*aration o" tra""i# "rom #onstru#tion

    &ones durin% road a reha ilitation #an %reatl redu#e the *ossi ilit o" a##idental

    #ollisions. Be ond these desi%n de#isions9 sa"et lar%el de*ends u*on edu#ation9 vi%ilan#e

    and #oo*eration durin% the #onstru#tion *ro#ess. (or)ers should e #onstantl alert to the

    *ossi ilities o" a##idents and avoid ta)en unne#essar ris)s.

    (.0 O&)a i*i ) "$& Quality a ! Sa"#ty

    A variet o" di""erent or%ani&ations are *ossi le "or =ualit and sa"et #ontrol durin%

    #onstru#tion. One #ommon model is to have a %rou* res*onsi le "or =ualit assuran#e and

    another %rou* *rimaril res*onsi le "or sa"et ithin an or%ani&ation. 7n lar%e or%ani&ations9

    de*artments dedi#ated to =ualit assuran#e and to sa"et mi%ht assi%n s*e#i"i# individuals to

    assume res*onsi ilit "or these "un#tions on *arti#ular *ro8e#ts. 4or smaller *ro8e#ts9 the

    *ro8e#t mana%er or an assistant mi%ht assume these and other res*onsi ilities. 7n either #ase9

    insurin% sa"e and =ualit #onstru#tion is a #on#ern o" the *ro8e#t mana%er in overall #har%e o"

    the *ro8e#t in addition to the #on#erns o" *ersonnel9 #ost9 time and other mana%ement issues.

    7ns*e#tors and =ualit assuran#e *ersonnel ill e involved in a *ro8e#t to re*resent a variet

    o" di""erent or%ani&ations. Ea#h o" the *arties dire#tl #on#erned ith the *ro8e#t ma have

    their o n =ualit and sa"et ins*e#tors9 in#ludin% the o ner9 the en%ineer:ar#hite#t9 and the

    various #onstru#tor "irms. ,hese ins*e#tors ma e #ontra#tors "rom s*e#iali&ed =ualit

    assuran#e or%ani&ations. 7n addition to on5site ins*e#tions9 sam*les o" materials ill

    #ommonl e tested s*e#iali&ed la oratories to insure #om*lian#e. 7ns*e#tors to insure

    #om*lian#e ith re%ulator re=uirements ill also e involved. Common e;am*les areins*e#tors "or the lo#al %overnment?s uildin% de*artment9 "or environmental a%en#ies9 and

    "or o##u*ational health and sa"et a%en#ies.

    ,he O##u*ational !a"et and @ealth Administration O!@A routinel #ondu#ts site visits o"

    or) *la#es in #on8un#tion ith a**roved state ins*e#tion a%en#ies. O!@A ins*e#tors are

    re=uired la to issue #itations "or all standard violations o served. !a"et standards

    *res#ri e a variet o" me#hani#al sa"e%uards and *ro#edures "or e;am*le9 ladder sa"et is

    #overed over 1'0 re%ulations. 7n #ases o" e;treme non5#om*lian#e ith standards9 O!@A

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    ins*e#tors #an sto* or) on a *ro8e#t. @o ever9 onl a small "ra#tion o" #onstru#tion sites

    are visited O!@A ins*e#tors and most #onstru#tion site a##idents are not #aused

    violations o" e;istin% standards. As a result9 sa"et is lar%el the res*onsi ilit o" the

    mana%ers on site rather than that o" *u li# ins*e#tors.

    (hile the multitude o" *arti#i*ants involved in the #onstru#tion *ro#ess re=uire the servi#es

    o" ins*e#tors9 it #annot e em*hasi&ed too stron%l that ins*e#tors are onl a "ormal #he#) on

    =ualit #ontrol. Qualit #ontrol should e a *rimar o 8e#tive "or all the mem ers o" a *ro8e#t

    team. Mana%ers should ta)e res*onsi ilit "or maintainin% and im*rovin% =ualit #ontrol.

    Em*lo ee *arti#i*ation in =ualit #ontrol should e sou%ht and re arded9 in#ludin% the

    introdu#tion o" ne ideas. Most im*ortant o" all9 =ualit im*rovement #an serve as a #atal st

    "or im*roved *rodu#tivit . B su%%estin% ne or) methods9 avoidin% re or)9 and

    avoidin% lon% term *ro lems9 %ood =ualit #ontrol #an *a "or itsel". O ners should *romote

    %ood =ualit #ontrol and see) out #ontra#tors ho maintain su#h standards.

    7n addition to the various or%ani&ational odies involved in =ualit #ontrol9 issues o" =ualit

    #ontrol arise in virtuall all the "un#tional areas o" #onstru#tion a#tivities. 4or e;am*le9

    insurin% a##urate and use"ul in"ormation is an im*ortant *art o" maintainin% =ualit

    *er"orman#e. Other as*e#ts o" =ualit #ontrol in#lude do#ument #ontrol in#ludin% #han%es

    durin% the #onstru#tion *ro#ess 9 *ro#urement9 "ield ins*e#tion and testin%9 and "inal

    #he#)out o" the "a#ilit .

    +.0 W$&, a ! Mat#&ial S-#%i"i%ati$ '

    !*e#i"i#ations o" or) =ualit are an im*ortant "eature o" "a#ilit desi%ns. !*e#i"i#ations o"

    re=uired =ualit and #om*onents re*resent *art o" the ne#essar do#umentation to des#ri e a

    "a#ilit . , *i#all 9 this do#umentation in#ludes an s*e#ial *rovisions o" the "a#ilit desi%n as

    ell as re"eren#es to %enerall a##e*ted s*e#i"i#ations to e used durin% #onstru#tion.

    Constru#tion s*e#i"i#ations normall #onsist o" a series o" instru#tions or *rohi itions "or

    s*e#i"i# o*erations. 4or e;am*le9 the "ollo in% *assa%e illustrates a t *i#al s*e#i"i#ation9 in

    this #ase "or e;#avation "or stru#turesD

    Con"orm to elevations and dimensions sho n on *lan ithin a toleran#e o" *lus or minus

    0.10 "oot9 and e;tendin% a su""i#ient distan#e "rom "ootin%s and "oundations to *ermit *la#in%and removal o" #on#rete "orm or)9 installation o" servi#es9 other #onstru#tion9 and "or

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    ins*e#tion. 7n e;#avatin% "or "ootin%s and "oundations9 ta)e #are not to distur ottom o"

    e;#avation. E;#avate hand to "inal %rade 8ust e"ore #on#rete rein"or#ement is *la#ed.

    ,rim ottoms to re=uired lines and %rades to leave solid ase to re#eive #on#rete.

    ,his set o" s*e#i"i#ations re=uires 8ud%ment in a**li#ation sin#e some items are not *re#isel

    s*e#i"ied. 4or e;am*le9 e;#avation must e;tend a su""i#ient distan#e to *ermit ins*e#tion

    and other a#tivities. O viousl 9 the term su""i#ient in this #ase ma e su 8e#t to var in%

    inter*retations. 7n #ontrast9 a s*e#i"i#ation that toleran#es are ithin *lus or minus a tenth o"

    a "oot is su 8e#t to dire#t measurement. @o ever9 s*e#i"i# re=uirements o" the "a#ilit or

    #hara#teristi#s o" the site ma ma)e the standard toleran#e o" a tenth o" a "oot ina**ro*riate.

    (ritin% s*e#i"i#ations t *i#all re=uires a trade5o"" et een assumin% reasona le ehaviour

    on the *art o" all the *arties #on#erned in inter*retin% ords su#h as su""i#ient versus the

    e""ort and *ossi le ina##ura# in *re5s*e#i" in% all o*erations.

    7n re#ent ears9 *er"orman#e s*e#i"i#ations have een develo*ed "or man #onstru#tion

    o*erations. Rather than s*e#i" in% the re=uired #onstru#tion *ro#ess9 these s*e#i"i#ations

    re"er to the re=uired *er"orman#e or =ualit o" the "inished "a#ilit . ,he e;a#t method

    hi#h this *er"orman#e is o tained is le"t to the #onstru#tion #ontra#tor. 4or e;am*le9

    traditional s*e#i"i#ations "or as*halt *avement s*e#i"ied the #om*osition o" the as*halt

    material9 the as*halt tem*erature durin% *avin%9 and #om*a#tin% *ro#edures. 7n #ontrast9 a

    *er"orman#e s*e#i"i#ation "or as*halt ould detail the desired *er"orman#e o" the *avement

    ith res*e#t to im*ermea ilit 9 stren%th9 et#. @o the desired *er"orman#e level as attained

    ould e u* to the *avin% #ontra#tor. 7n some #ases9 the *a ment "or as*halt *avin% mi%ht

    in#rease ith etter =ualit o" as*halt e ond some minimum level o" *er"orman#e.

    !xample "# Concrete $avement Strength

    Con#rete *avements o" su*erior stren%th result in #ost savin%s dela in% the time at hi#h

    re*airs or re5#onstru#tion is re=uired. 7n #ontrast9 #on#rete o" lo er =ualit ill ne#essitate

    more "re=uent overla s or other re*air *ro#edures. Contra#t *rovisions ith ad8ustments to

    the amount o" a #ontra#tor?s #om*ensation ased on *avement =ualit have e#ome

    in#reasin%l #ommon in re#o%nition o" the #ost savin%s asso#iated ith hi%her =ualit

    #onstru#tion. Even i" a *avement does not meet the ultimate desi%n standard9 it is still

    orth usin% the lo er =ualit *avement and re5sur"a#in% later rather than #om*letel

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    re8e#tin% the *avement. Based on these li"e # #le #ost #onsiderations9 a t *i#al *a s#hedule

    mi%ht eDF1G

    Table 1 - Load Ratio and Pay Factor

    6oad Ratio Pa 4a#tor


    0.+050. /













    7n this ta le9 the 6oad Ratio is the ratio o" the a#tual *avement stren%th to the desired desi%n

    stren%th and the Pa 4a#tor is a "ra#tion hi#h the total *avement #ontra#t amount is

    multi*lied to o tain the a**ro*riate #om*ensation to the #ontra#tor. 4or e;am*le9 i" a

    #ontra#tor a#hieves #on#rete stren%th t ent *er#ent %reater than the desi%n s*e#i"i#ation9

    then the load ratio is 1.20 and the a**ro*riate *a "a#tor is 1.0+9 so the #ontra#tor re#eives a

    "ive *er#ent onus. 6oad "a#tors are #om*uted a"ter tests on the #on#rete a#tuall used in a

    *avement. Note that a /0J *a "a#tor e;ists in this #ase ith even *avement =ualit onl

    +0J o" that ori%inall desired. ,his hi%h *a "a#tor even ith ea) #on#rete stren%th mi%ht

    e;ist sin#e mu#h o" the #ost o" *avements are in#urred in *re*arin% the *avement "oundation.

    Con#rete stren%ths o" less then +0J are #ause "or #om*lete re8e#tion in this #ase9 ho ever.

    .0 T$tal Quality C$ t&$l

    Qualit #ontrol in #onstru#tion t *i#all involves insurin% #om*lian#e ith minimum

    standards o" material and or)manshi* in order to insure the *er"orman#e o" the "a#ilit

    a##ordin% to the desi%n. ,hese minimum standards are #ontained in the s*e#i"i#ations

    des#ri ed in the *revious se#tion. 4or the *ur*ose o" insurin% #om*lian#e9 random sam*les

    and statisti#al methods are #ommonl used as the asis "or a##e*tin% or re8e#tin% or)

    #om*leted and at#hes o" materials. Re8e#tion o" a at#h is ased on non5#on"orman#e or
  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    violation o" the relevant desi%n s*e#i"i#ations. Pro#edures "or this =ualit #ontrol *ra#ti#e are

    des#ri ed in the "ollo in% se#tions.

    An im*li#it assum*tion in these traditional =ualit #ontrol *ra#ti#es is the notion o"

    an a##e*ta le =ualit level hi#h is allo a le "ra#tion o" de"e#tive items. Materials o tained

    "rom su**liers or or) *er"ormed an or%ani&ation is ins*e#ted and *assed as a##e*ta le i"

    the estimated de"e#tive *er#enta%e is ithin the a##e*ta le =ualit level. Pro lems ith

    materials or %oods are #orre#ted a"ter deliver o" the *rodu#t.

    7n #ontrast to this traditional a**roa#h o" =ualit #ontrol is the %oal o" total =ualit #ontrol. 7n

    this s stem9 no de"e#tive items are allo ed an here in the #onstru#tion *ro#ess. (hile the

    &ero de"e#ts %oal #an never e *ermanentl o tained9 it *rovides a %oal so that anor%ani&ation is never satis"ied ith its =ualit #ontrol *ro%ram even i" de"e#ts are redu#ed

    su stantial amounts ear a"ter ear. ,his #on#e*t and a**roa#h to =ualit #ontrol as "irst

    develo*ed in manu"a#turin% "irms in a*an and Euro*e9 ut has sin#e s*read to man

    #onstru#tion #om*anies. ,he est )no n "ormal #erti"i#ation "or =ualit im*rovement is the

    7nternational Or%ani&ation "or !tandardi&ation?s 7!O /000 standard. 7!O /000 em*hasi&es

    %ood do#umentation9 =ualit %oals and a series o" # #les o" *lannin%9 im*lementation and

    revie .

    ,otal =ualit #ontrol is a #ommitment to =ualit e;*ressed in all *arts o" an or%ani&ation and

    t *i#all involves man elements.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    ene"its that had een una**re#iated in traditional a**roa#hes. E;*enses asso#iated ith

    inventor 9 re or)9 s#ra* and arranties ere redu#ed. (or)er enthusiasm and #ommitment

    im*roved. Customers o"ten a**re#iated hi%her =ualit or) and ould *a a *remium "or

    %ood =ualit . As a result9 im*roved =ualit #ontrol e#ame a #om*etitive advanta%e.

    O" #ourse9 total =ualit #ontrol is di""i#ult to a**l 9 *arti#ular in #onstru#tion. ,he uni=ue

    nature o" ea#h "a#ilit 9 the varia ilit in the or)"or#e9 the multitude o" su #ontra#tors and

    the #ost o" ma)in% ne#essar investments in edu#ation and *ro#edures ma)e *ro%rams o"

    total =ualit #ontrol in #onstru#tion di""i#ult. Nevertheless9 a #ommitment to im*roved

    =ualit even ithout endorsin% the %oal o" &ero de"e#ts #an *a real dividends to


    !xample %# !xperience with Quality Circles

    Qualit #ir#les re*resent a %rou* o" "ive to "i"teen or)ers ho meet on a "re=uent asis to

    identi" 9 dis#uss and solve *rodu#tivit and =ualit *ro lems. A #ir#le leader a#ts as liaison

    et een the or)ers in the %rou* and u**er levels o" mana%ement. A**earin% elo are

    some e;am*les o" re*orted =ualit #ir#le a##om*lishments in #onstru#tionD F2G

    On a hi%h a *ro8e#t under #onstru#tion ,aisei Cor*oration9 it as "ound that the lossrate o" read 5mi;ed #on#rete as too hi%h. A =ualit #ir#le #om*osed o" #ement masons

    "ound out that the most im*ortant reason "or this as due to an ina##urate #he#)in% method.

    B a**l in% the #ir#le?s re#ommendations9 the loss rate as redu#ed 11.'J.

    7n a uildin% *ro8e#t !himi&u Constru#tion Com*an 9 ma #ases o" "ault rein"or#ed

    #on#rete or) ere re*orted. ,he iron or)ers =ualit #ir#le e;amined their or)

    thorou%hl and soon the "ault or)manshi* disa**eared. A 10J in#rease in *rodu#tivit

    as also a#hieved.

    /.0 Quality C$ t&$l y Stati'ti%al M#t $!'

    An ideal =ualit #ontrol *ro%ram mi%ht test all materials and or) on a *arti#ular "a#ilit . 4or

    e;am*le9 non5destru#tive te#hni=ues su#h as ;5ra ins*e#tion o" elds #an e used

    throu%hout a "a#ilit . An on5site ins*e#tor #an itness the a**ro*riateness and ade=ua# o"

    #onstru#tion methods at all times. Even etter9 individual #ra"tsmen #an *er"orm #ontinuin%

    ins*e#tion o" materials and their o n or). E;haustive or 100J testin% o" all materials and
  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    or) ins*e#tors #an e e;#eedin%l e;*ensive9 ho ever. 7n man instan#es9 testin%

    re=uires the destru#tion o" a material sam*le9 so e;haustive testin% is not even *ossi le. As a

    result9 small sam*les are used to esta lish the asis o" a##e*tin% or re8e#tin% a *arti#ular

    or) item or shi*ment o" materials. !tatisti#al methods are used to inter*ret the results o" test

    on a small sam*le to rea#h a #on#lusion #on#ernin% the a##e*ta ilit o" an entire lot or at#h

    o" materials or or) *rodu#ts.

    ,he use o" statisti#s is essential in inter*retin% the results o" testin% on a small sam*le.

    (ithout ade=uate inter*retation9 small sam*le testin% results #an e =uite misleadin%. As an

    e;am*le9 su**ose that there are ten de"e#tive *ie#es o" material in a lot o" one hundred. 7n

    ta)in% a sam*le o" "ive *ie#es9 the ins*e#tor mi%ht not "ind an de"e#tive *ie#es or mi%ht

    have all sam*le *ie#es de"e#tive.

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    uildin% #om*onent is ina**ro*riate sin#e 8oints that are hard to rea#h ma e more li)el to

    have ere#tion or "a ri#ation *ro lems.

    Another assum*tion im*li#it in statisti#al =ualit #ontrol *ro#edures is that the =ualit o"

    materials or or) is e;*e#ted to var "rom one *ie#e to another. ,his is #ertainl true in the

    "ield o" #onstru#tion. (hile a desi%ner ma assume that all #on#rete is e;a#tl the same in a

    uildin%9 the variations in material *ro*erties9 manu"a#turin%9 handlin%9 *ourin%9 and

    tem*erature durin% settin% insure that #on#rete is a#tuall hetero%eneous in =ualit . Redu#in%

    su#h variations to a minimum is one as*e#t o" =ualit #onstru#tion. 7nsurin% that the

    materials a#tuall *la#ed a#hieve some minimum =ualit level ith res*e#t to avera%e

    *ro*erties or "ra#tion o" de"e#tives is the tas) o" =ualit #ontrol.

    2.0 Stati'ti%al Quality C$ t&$l 3it Sa4-li ) y Att&i ut#'

    !am*lin% attri utes is a idel a**lied =ualit #ontrol method. ,he *ro#edure is intended

    to determine hether or not a *arti#ular %rou* o" materials or or) *rodu#ts is a##e*ta le. 7n

    the literature o" statisti#al =ualit #ontrol9 a %rou* o" materials or or) items to e tested is

    #alled a lot or at#h. An assum*tion in the *ro#edure is that ea#h item in a at#h #an e tested

    and #lassi"ied as either a##e*ta le or de"i#ient ased u*on mutuall a##e*ta le testin%

    *ro#edures and a##e*tan#e #riteria. Ea#h lot is tested to determine i" it satis"ies a minimum

    a##e*ta le =ualit level AQ6 e;*ressed as the ma;imum *er#enta%e o" de"e#tive items in a

    lot or *ro#ess.

    7n its asi# "orm9 sam*lin% attri utes is a**lied testin% a *re5de"ined num er o" sam*le

    items "rom a lot. 7" the num er o" de"e#tive items is %reater than a tri%%er level9 then the lot is

    re8e#ted as ein% li)el to e o" una##e*ta le =ualit . Other ise9 the lot is a##e*ted.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    More "ormall 9 a lot is de"ined as a##e*ta le i" it #ontains a "ra#tion *1 or less de"e#tive

    items. !imilarl 9 a lot is de"ined as una##e*ta le i" it #ontains a "ra#tion *2 or more de"e#tive

    units. >enerall 9 the a##e*tan#e "ra#tion is less than or e=ual to the re8e#tion "ra#tion9 *1

    *29 and the t o "ra#tions are o"ten e=ual so that there is no am i%uous ran%e o" lota##e*ta ilit et een *1 and *2. >iven a sam*le si&e and a tri%%er level "or lot re8e#tion or

    a##e*tan#e9 e ould li)e to determine the *ro a ilities that a##e*ta le lots mi%ht e

    in#orre#tl re8e#ted termed *rodu#er?s ris) or that de"i#ient lots mi%ht e in#orre#tl

    a##e*ted termed #onsumer?s ris) .

    Consider a lot o" "inite num er N9 in hi#h m items are de"e#tive ad and the remainin%

    N5m items are non5de"e#tive %ood . 7" a random sam*le o" n items is ta)en "rom this lot9

    then e #an determine the *ro a ilit o" havin% di""erent num ers o" de"e#tive items in the

    sam*le. (ith a *re5de"ined a##e*ta le num er o" de"e#tive items9 e #an then develo* the

    *ro a ilit o" a##e*tin% a lot as a "un#tion o" the sam*le si&e9 the allo a le num er o"

    de"e#tive items9 and the a#tual "ra#tion o" de"e#tive items. ,his derivation a**ears elo .

    ,he num er o" di""erent sam*les o" si&e n that #an e sele#ted "rom a "inite *o*ulation N is

    termed a mathemati#al #om ination and is #om*uted asD


    here a "a#torial9 nL is n n51 n52 ... 1 and &ero "a#torial 0L is one #onvention. ,he

    num er o" *ossi le sam*les ith e;a#tl ; de"e#tives is the #om ination asso#iated ith

    o tainin% ; de"e#tives "rom m *ossi le de"e#tive items and n5; %ood items "rom N5m %ood



    >iven these *ossi le num ers o" sam*les9 the *ro a ilit o" havin% e;a#tl ; de"e#tive items

    in the sam*le is %iven the ratio as the h *er%eometri# seriesD

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied



    (ith this "un#tion9 e #an #al#ulate the *ro a ilit o" o tainin% di""erent num ers o"

    de"e#tives in a sam*le o" a %iven si&e.

    !u**ose that the a#tual "ra#tion o" de"e#tives in the lot is * and the a#tual "ra#tion o" non5

    de"e#tives is =9 then * *lus = is one9 resultin% in m N*9 and N 5 m N=. ,hen9 a "un#tion

    % * re*resentin% the *ro a ilit o" havin% r or less de"e#tive items in a sam*le o" si&e n iso tained su stitutin% m and N into E=. $ and summin% over the a##e*ta le de"e#tive

    num er o" itemsD


    7" the num er o" items in the lot9 N9 is lar%e in #om*arison ith the sam*le si&e n9 then the

    "un#tion % * #an e a**ro;imated the inomial distri utionD



    ,he "un#tion % * indi#ates the *ro a ilit o" a##e*tin% a lot9 %iven the sam*le si&e n and the

    num er o" allo a le de"e#tive items in the sam*le r. ,he "un#tion % * #an e re*resented

    %ra*hi#al "or ea#h #om ination o" sam*le si&e n and num er o" allo a le de"e#tive items r9as sho n in 4i%ure 1. Ea#h #urve is re"erred to as the o*eratin% #hara#teristi# #urve OC

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    #urve in this %ra*h. 4or the s*e#ial #ase o" a sin%le sam*le n 1 9 the "un#tion % * #an e



    so that the *ro a ilit o" a##e*tin% a lot is e=ual to the "ra#tion o" a##e*ta le items in the lot.

    4or e;am*le9 there is a *ro a ilit o" 0.+ that the lot ma e a##e*ted "rom a sin%le sam*le

    test even i" "i"t *er#ent o" the lot is de"e#tive.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    Figure 1- Example Operative Characteristic Curves ndicating Probability o! Lot "cceptance

    4or an #om ination o" n and r9 e #an read o"" the value o" % * "or a %iven * "rom the

    #orres*ondin% OC #urve. 4or e;am*le9 n 1+ is s*e#i"ied in 4i%ure 1. ,hen9 "or various

    values o" r9 e "indD

    r 0 * 2'J % * 2J

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    r 0

    r 1

    r 1

    * 'J

    * 2'J

    * 'J

    % * +'J

    % * 10J

    % * 33J

    ,he *rodu#er?s and #onsumer?s ris) #an e related to various *oints on an o*eratin%

    #hara#teristi# #urve. Produ#er?s ris) is the #han#e that other ise acceptable lots "ail the

    sam*lin% *lan i.e. have more than the allo a le num er o" de"e#tive items in the sam*le

    solel due to random "lu#tuations in the sele#tion o" the sam*le. 7n #ontrast9 #onsumer?s ris)

    is the #han#e that an una##e*ta le lot is a##e*ta le i.e. has less than the allo a le num er o"

    de"e#tive items in the sam*le due to a etter than avera%e =ualit in the sam*le. 4or

    e;am*le9 su**ose that a sam*le si&e o" 1+ is #hosen ith a tri%%er level "or re8e#tion o" one

    item. (ith a "our *er#ent a##e*ta le level and a %reater than "our *er#ent de"e#tive "ra#tion9

    the #onsumer?s ris) is at most ei%ht 5ei%ht *er#ent. 7n #ontrast9 ith a "our *er#ent a##e*ta le

    level and a "our *er#ent de"e#tive "ra#tion9 the *rodu#er?s ris) is at most 1 5 0.33 0.12 or

    t elve *er#ent.

    7n s*e#i" in% the sam*lin% *lan im*li#it in the o*eratin% #hara#teristi# #urve9 the su**lier and

    #onsumer o" materials or or) must a%ree on the levels o" ris) a##e*ta le to themselves. 7"

    the lot is o" a##e*ta le =ualit 9 the su**lier ould li)e to minimi&e the #han#e or ris) that a

    lot is re8e#ted solel on the asis o" a lo er than avera%e =ualit sam*le. !imilarl 9 the

    #onsumer ould li)e to minimi&e the ris) o" a##e*tin% under the sam*lin% *lan a de"i#ient

    lot. 7n addition9 oth *arties *resuma l ould li)e to minimi&e the #osts and dela s

    asso#iated ith testin%.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    4or a t o *er#ent de"e#tive "ra#tion * 0.02 9 the resultin% a##e*tan#e value isD

    sin% the inomial a**ro;imation in E=. + 9 the #om*ara le #al#ulation ould eD

    hi#h is a di""eren#e o" 0.001/9 or 0.21 *er#ent "rom the a#tual value o" 0./020 "ound a ove.

    7" the a##e*ta le de"e#tive *ro*ortion as t o *er#ent so * 1 * 2 0.02 9 then the #han#e o"

    an in#orre#t re8e#tion or *rodu#er?s ris) is 1 5 % 0.02 1 5 0./ 0.1 or ten *er#ent. Note

    that a *rudent *rodu#er should insure etter than minimum =ualit *rodu#ts to redu#e the

    *ro a ilit or #han#e o" re8e#tion under this sam*lin% *lan. 7" the a#tual *ro*ortion o"

    de"e#tives as one *er#ent9 then the *rodu#er?s ris) ould e onl "ive *er#ent ith this

    sam*lin% *lan.

    !xample # Designing a Sampling $lan

    !u**ose that an o ner or *rodu#t #onsumer in the terminolo% o" =ualit #ontrol ishes

    to have &ero de"e#tive items in a "a#ilit ith +9000 items o" a *arti#ular )ind. (hat ould e

    the di""erent amounts o" #onsumer?s ris) "or di""erent sam*lin% *lans

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    (ith an a##e*ta le =ualit level o" no de"e#tive items so * 1 0 9 the allo a le de"e#tive

    items in the sam*le is &ero so r 0 in the sam*lin% *lan. sin% the inomial a**ro;imation9

    the *ro a ilit o" a##e*tin% the +9000 items as a "un#tion o" the "ra#tion o" a#tual de"e#tive

    items and the sam*le si&e isD

    ,o insure a ninet *er#ent #han#e o" re8e#tin% a lot ith an a#tual *er#enta%e de"e#tive o" one

    *er#ent * 0.01 9 the re=uired sam*le si&e ould e #al#ulated asD


    As #an e seen9 lar%e sam*le si&es are re=uired to insure relativel lar%e *ro a ilities o" &ero

    de"e#tive items.

    5.0 Stati'ti%al Quality C$ t&$l 3it Sa4-li ) y 6a&ia l#'

    As des#ri ed in the *revious se#tion9 sam*lin% attri utes is ased on a #lassi"i#ation o"

    items as good or de!ective . Man or) and material attri utes *ossess #ontinuous *ro*erties9

    su#h as stren%th9 densit or len%th. (ith the sam*lin% attri utes *ro#edure9 a *arti#ular

    level o" a varia le =uantit must e de"ined as a##e*ta le =ualit . More %enerall 9 t o items

    #lassi"ied as good mi%ht have =uite di""erent stren%ths or other attri utes. 7ntuitivel 9 it seemsreasona le that some #redit should e *rovided "or e;#e*tionall %ood items in a sam*le.

    !am*lin% varia les as develo*ed "or a**li#ation to #ontinuousl measura le =uantities

    o" this t *e. ,he *ro#edure uses measured values o" an attri ute in a sam*le to determine the

    overall a##e*ta ilit o" a at#h or lot. !am*lin% varia les has the advanta%e o" usin% more

    in"ormation "rom tests sin#e it is ased on a#tual measured values rather than a sim*le

    #lassi"i#ation. As a result9 a##e*tan#e sam*lin% varia les #an e more e""i#ient than

    sam*lin% attri utes in the sense that "e er sam*les are re=uired to o tain a desired levelo" =ualit #ontrol.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    7n a**l in% sam*lin% varia les9 an a##e*ta le lot =ualit #an e de"ined ith res*e#t to an

    u**er limit 9 a lo er limit 69 or oth. (ith these oundar #onditions9 an a##e*ta le =ualit

    level #an e de"ined as a ma;imum allo a le "ra#tion o" de"e#tive items9 M. 7n 4i%ure 29 the

    *ro a ilit distri ution o" item attri ute ; is illustrated. (ith an u**er limit 9 the "ra#tion o"

    de"e#tive items is e=ual to the area under the distri ution "un#tion to the ri%ht o" so that

    ; . ,his "ra#tion o" de"e#tive items ould e #om*ared to the allo a le "ra#tion M to

    determine the a##e*ta ilit o" a lot. (ith oth a lo er and an u**er limit on a##e*ta le

    =ualit 9 the "ra#tion de"e#tive ould e the "ra#tion o" items %reater than the u**er limit or

    less than the lo er limit. Alternativel 9 the limits #ould e im*osed u*on the

    a##e*ta le average level o" the varia le

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    Figure # - $ariable Probability %istributions and "cceptance Regions

    7n sam*lin% varia les9 the "ra#tion o" de"e#tive items is estimated usin% measured

    values "rom a sam*le o" items. As ith sam*lin% attri utes9 the *ro#edure assumes a

    random sam*le o" a %ive si&e is o tained "rom a lot or at#h. 7n the a**li#ation o" sam*lin%

    varia les *lans9 the measured #hara#teristi# is virtuall al a s assumed to e normally

    distributed as illustrated in 4i%ure 2. ,he normal distri ution is li)el to e a reasona l %ood

    assum*tion "or man measured #hara#teristi#s su#h as material densit or de%ree o" soil

    #om*a#tion. ,he Central 6imit ,heorem *rovides a %eneral su**ort "or the assum*tionD i" the

    sour#e o" variations is a lar%e num er o" small and inde*endent random e""e#ts9 then the

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    resultin% distri ution o" values ill a**ro;imate the normal distri ution. 7" the distri ution o"

    measured values is not li)el to e a**ro;imatel normal9 then sam*lin% attri utes should

    e ado*ted.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    the de%rees o" "reedom *arameter increases . As the num er o" de%rees o" "reedom e#omes

    ver lar%e9 the t5distri ution #oin#ides ith the normal distri ution.

    (ith an u**er limit9 the #al#ulations are similar9 and the *ro a ilit that the avera%e value o"

    a *o*ulation is less than a *arti#ular u**er limit #an e #al#ulated "rom the test statisti#D


    (ith oth u**er and lo er limits9 the sum o" the *ro a ilities o" ein% a ove the u**er limit

    or elo the lo er limit #an e #al#ulated.

    ,he #al#ulations to estimate the "ra#tion o" items a ove an u**er limit or elo a lo er limit

    are ver similar to those "or the *o*ulation avera%e. ,he onl di""eren#e is that the s=uare

    root o" the num er o" sam*les does not a**ear in the test statisti# "ormulasD




    here t A6 is the test statisti# "or all items ith a lo er limit and t A is the test statisti# "or allitems ith a u**er limit. 4or e;am*le9 the test statisti# "or items a ove an u**er limit o" +.+

    ith '.09 s $.09 and n + is t A 3.+ 5 '.0 :$.0 1.+ ith n 5 1 ' de%rees o"


    7nstead o" usin% sam*lin% *lans that s*e#i" an allo a le "ra#tion o" de"e#tive items9 it saves

    #om*utations to sim*l rite s*e#i"i#ations in terms o" the allo a le test statisti# values

    themselves. ,his *ro#edure is e=uivalent to re=uirin% that the sam*le avera%e e at least a

    *re5s*e#i"ied num er o" standard deviations a a "rom an u**er or lo er limit. 4or e;am*le9

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    ith '.09 3.+9 s $.0 and n '19 the sam*le mean is onl a out 3.+ 5 '.0 :$.0 1.+

    standard deviations a a "rom the u**er limit.

    ,o summari&e9 the a**li#ation o" sam*lin% varia les re=uires the s*e#i"i#ation o" a sam*le

    si&e9 the relevant u**er or limits9 and either 1 the allo a le "ra#tion o" items "allin% outside

    the desi%nated limits or 2 the allo a le *ro a ilit that the *o*ulation avera%e "alls outside

    the desi%nated limit. Random sam*les are dra n "rom a *re5de"ined *o*ulation and tested to

    o tained measured values o" a varia le attri ute. 4rom these measurements9 the sam*le

    mean9 standard deviation9 and =ualit #ontrol test statisti# are #al#ulated. 4inall 9 the test

    statisti# is #om*ared to the allo a le tri%%er level and the lot is either a##e*ted or re8e#ted. 7t

    is also *ossi le to a**l se=uential sam*lin% in this *ro#edure9 so that a at#h ma e

    su 8e#ted to additional sam*lin% and testin% to "urther re"ine the test statisti# values.

    (ith sam*lin% varia les9 it is nota le that a *rodu#er o" material or or) #an ado*t t o

    %eneral strate%ies "or meetin% the re=uired s*e#i"i#ations. 4irst9 a *rodu#er ma insure that

    the avera%e =ualit level is =uite hi%h9 even i" the varia ilit amon% items is hi%h. ,his

    strate% is illustrated in 4i%ure $ as a hi%h =ualit avera%e strate% . !e#ond9 a *rodu#er

    ma meet a desired =ualit tar%et redu#in% the variability ithin ea#h at#h. 7n 4i%ure $9

    this is la eled the lo varia ilit strate% . 7n either #ase9 a *rodu#er should maintain hi%hstandards to avoid re8e#tion o" a at#h.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    Figure (- Testing !or %e!ective Component )trengths

    !xample # *esting for defective component strengths

    !u**ose that an ins*e#tor ta)es ei%ht stren%th measurements ith the "ollo in% resultsD

    '.$9 '.39 '. 9 '.-9 '.'9 '. 9 '.-9 '.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    Table #- +on!atal Occupational n*ury and llness ncidence Rates

    7ndustr 1// 200

    A%ri#ulture9 "orestr 9 "ishin%



    ,rade9,rans*ortation and utilities

    4inan#ial a#tivities

    Pro"essional and usiness servi#es












  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    Table (- Fatal Occupational n*uries in Construction 1../ and #00

    Year 1//- 200'

    ,otal "atalities

    4alls,rans*ortation in#idents

    Conta#t ith o 8e#ts S


    E;*osure to harm"ul su stan#es

    and environments







    2 -


    !our#eD Bureau o" 6a or !tatisti#s

    Table - Fatality Causes in Construction 1..231../ and #0023#00/

    Year / :/- 0 :0-

    ,otal a##idents

    4alls "rom a hei%ht

    !tru#) a movin% vehi#le

    !tru#) movin%:"allin% o 8e#t

    ,ra**ed somethin% overturnin%:#olla*sin%

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    e;*anded "or #onstru#tion e=ui*ment and tools. Materials and or) *ro#ess #hoi#es also

    in"luen#e the sa"et o" #onstru#tion. 4or e;am*le9 su stitution o" alternative materials "or

    as estos #an redu#e or eliminate the *ros*e#ts o" lon% term illnesses su#h as asbestiosis .

    Edu#atin% or)ers and mana%ers in *ro*er *ro#edures and ha&ards #an have a dire#t im*a#t

    on 8o site sa"et . ,he reali&ation o" the lar%e #osts involved in #onstru#tion in8uries and

    illnesses *rovides a #onsidera le motivation "or a areness and edu#ation. Re%ular sa"et

    ins*e#tions and sa"et meetin%s have e#ome standard *ra#ti#es on most 8o sites.

    Pre5=uali"i#ation o" #ontra#tors and su 5#ontra#tors ith re%ard to sa"et is another im*ortant

    avenue "or sa"et im*rovement. 7" #ontra#tors are onl invited to id or enter ne%otiations i"

    the have an a##e*ta le re#ord o" sa"et as ell as =ualit *er"orman#e 9 then a dire#tin#entive is *rovided to insure ade=uate sa"et on the *art o" #ontra#tors.

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    *e#uliarities and as a result o" e;a#tl these s*e#ial *ro lems9 im*rovin% or)site sa"et is a

    ver im*ortant *ro8e#t mana%ement #on#ern.

    8.0 R#"# %#'

    1. An%9 A.@.!. and (.@. ,an%9 Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and

    %esign4 $olume - 5asic Principles 9 ohn (ile and !ons9 7n#.9 Ne Yor)9 1/-+.

    2. Au9 ,.9 R.M. !hane9 and 6.A. @oel9 Fundamentals o! )ystems Engineering4

    Probabilistic 6odels 9 Addison5(esle Pu lishin% Co.9 Readin% MA9 1/-2

    $. Bo )er9 A.@. and 6ie ermann9 >. .9 Engineering )tatistics 9 Prenti#e5@all9 1/-2.

    '. 4o;9 A. . and Cornell9 @.A.9 eds 97uality in the Constructed Pro*ect Ameri#an

    !o#iet o" Civil En%ineers9 Ne Yor)9 1/3'.

    +. 7nternational Or%ani&ation "or !tandardi&ation9 !am*lin% Pro#edures and Charts "or

    7ns*e#tion aria les "or Per#ent

  • 8/9/2019 13 Eng Maths Editied


    10.0 9$$t $t#'

    1. ,his illustrative *a "a#tor s#hedule is ada*ted "rom R.M. (eed9 ill 9 A. ,ouran9 and ,. Asai9 Qualit Control Cir#les in Constru#tion9 ")CE

    ;ournal o! Construction Engineering and 6anagement 9 ol. 11$9 No. $9 1/3-9 *% '$2.

    $. !ee mproving Construction )a!ety Per!ormance 9 Re*ort A5$9 ,he Business Roundta le9

    Ne Yor)9 NY9 anuar 1/32.

    '. @in&e9 immie (.9 Construction )a!ety 9 Prenti#e5@all9 1//-.