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Home Chapter 16 Concept Check Retail store types pass through stages of growth and decline that can be described as the _____. wheel of retailing product life cycle retail life cycle retail positioning map levels of retailing Stores use _____ to measure a product's handling costs from the time it reaches the warehouse until a customer buys it. economic order quantity direct product profitability break-even analysis product differentiation procurement analysis _____ refers to the "look" a store has, planned to suit the target market. Aesthetics Layout Tempo

12th Edition

Apr 05, 2015



Faisal Bumbia
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 Home Chapter 16 Concept Check

Retail store types pass through stages of growth and decline that can be described as the _____.

  wheel of retailing

product life cycle

retail life cycle

retail positioning map

levels of retailing

Stores use _____ to measure a product's handling costs from the time it reaches the warehouse until a customer buys it.

  economic order quantity

direct product profitability

break-even analysis

product differentiation

procurement analysis

_____ refers to the "look" a store has, planned to suit the target market.





Floor plan

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According to most experts, the three most important keys to success in retailing are _____.

  product mix, service mix, prices

product, price, promotion

atmosphere, products, location

communication, location, services

location, location, location

_____ are unbranded, plainly packaged, less expensive versions of common products.

  Private labels


House brands

Retailer brands

House labels

_____, also known as cash and carry wholesalers, sell a limited line of fast moving goods to small retailers for cash.

  Merchant wholesalers

Full-service wholesalers

Limited-service wholesalers

Brokers and agents

Specialized wholesalers

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_____ involve(s) planning the infrastructure to meet demands, then implementing and controlling the physical flows of materials and final goods.

  Inventory analysis

Economic order quantity

Market logistics

Demand chain management


_____ refers to the elapsed time between an order's receipt, delivery, and payment.

  Credit cycle

Payment-delivery cycle

Market logistics cycle

Order-to-payment cycle

Receipt-to-payment cycle

_____ consist(s) of putting the goods in boxes or trailers that are easy to transfer between two transportation modes.





Distribution management

_____ describes the use of rail and trucks used together as transportation modes.

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Retailing includes all activities involved in selling goods or services directly to final consumers for personal, non-business use.



To better differentiate themselves and generate consumer interest, some luxury retailers are attempting to make their store and merchandise more narrow and specialized.



Regional shopping centers refer to smaller malls with one anchor store and between 20 and 40 smaller stores.



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A community shopping center contains a cluster of stores, usually housed in one long building, serving a neighborhood's needs for groceries, hardware, laundry, shoe repair, and dry cleaning.



Non-store-based retailers do not take buyers away from store-based retailers since they are targeting different consumers.



Wholesaling includes all the activities involved in selling goods or services to those who buy for resale or business use.



Wholesalers finance customers by granting credit, and finance suppliers by ordering early and paying bills on time.



Wholesalers cannot hold inventory therefore inventory costs and risks are borne by suppliers and consumers.

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Wholesalers often help retailers improve their operations by training sales clerks, helping with store layouts and displays, and setting up accounting and inventory-control systems.



Wholesalers rely primarily on their sales force to achieve promotional objectives.



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After a retailer has defined the store's product assortment how might he develop a product-differentiation strategy?

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 Home Chapter 17 Concept Check

Concept Check

This activity contains 22 questions.

A program designed to promote or protect a company's image or its individual products is called _____.


sales promotion

public relations and publicity

direct marketing

personal selling

_____ involves the use of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail, or Internet to communicate directly with or solicit response or dialogue from specific customers and prospects.


Sales promotion

Public relations and publicity

Direct selling

Personal selling

_____ involves face-to-face interaction with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making presentations, answering questions, and procuring orders.

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Sales promotion

Public relations and publicity

Direct selling

Personal selling

A(n) _____ appeal elaborates on product or service attributes or beliefs.






A(n) _____ appeal elaborates on non-product-related benefit or image.






_____ channels involve two or more persons communicating directly face-to-face, person-to-audience, over the telephone, or through e-mail.

  Personal communications

Non-personal communications

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Direct communications

Indirect communications

Congruent communications

_____ consist(s) of print media; broadcast media; network media; electronic and display media.



Sales promotions

Public relations

Personal communications

Some companies set their promotion budget to achieve share-of-voice parity with competitors. This is called the _____ method.






The advantages to using _____ as a communications tool are: 1. it can be customized, 2. it is up-to-date, and 3. it is interactive.


sales promotion

direct marketing

personal selling

public relations

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_____ is a concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan.

  Integrated marketing communications

Coordinated marketing channels

Public relations and publicity

Multiple-stage campaign

Multiple-vehicle campaign

Marketing communications allow companies to link their brands to other people, places, events, brands, experiences, feelings and things.



Anything that causes the consumer to notice and pay attention to the brand can increase brand awareness.





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Image is the set of beliefs, ideas, and impressions a person holds regarding an object.



Communicators use negative appeals such as fear, guilt, and shame to get people to do things, or stop doing things.



Advocate channels consist of neighbors, friends, family members and associates talking to target buyers.



Expert channels consist of company salespeople contacting buyers in the target market.



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Non-personal channels are communications directed to more than one person and include media, sales promotions, events, and publicity.



Mass communications affect personal attitudes and behavior through a four-step process.



Marketers tend to underuse public relations in their communication mix.



Describe the six major modes of communication in the communications mix.

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Describe the elements in the macromodel of the communications mix.

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 Home Chapter 18 Concept Check

Concept Check

This activity contains 22 questions.

_____ is/are any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.


Mass communication

Sales promotion


Public relations

_____ advertising aims to create liking, preference, conviction, and purchase of a product or service.






_____ advertising aims to create brand awareness and knowledge of new products or new features of existing products.



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_____ is/are a pervasive medium. Its main advantages to advertisers are its flexibility; audiences are very targeted, ads relatively inexpensive to produce and place, and short closings allow for quick response.





Web pop-up ads

_____ is finding the most cost-effective media to deliver the desired number and type of exposures to the target audience.

  Promotion strategy


Media selection



_____, also called out-of-home advertising, is a broadly defined category that captures many different alternative advertising forms.

  External advertising


Mass media

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Place advertising

Point-of-purchase advertising

_____ refers to the number of people with target audience characteristics who actually saw the ad.



Effective audience

Effective ad-exposed audience


_____ consist(s) of a collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular products or services by consumers or the trade.


Sales promotion


Direct marketing

Public relations

_____, formally known as publicity, is used to support corporate or product promotion and image making.

  Sales promotion

Mass advertising

Events sponsorship

Marketing Public Relations

The mission statement

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The _____ method to measuring the effects of sponsorship activities focuses on reported exposure from consumers.






An advertising goal is a specific communications task and achievement level to be accomplished with a specific audience in a specific period of time.



Reinforcement advertising aims to stimulate repeat purchase of products and services.





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Message strategy refers to the positioning of an ad, while creative strategy refers to how the ad expresses the brand claims.



Although newspapers are timely and pervasive, magazines are typically more effective at building user and usage imagery.



Advertorials are print ads that offer editorial content that reflects favorably on the brand and is difficult to distinguish from newspaper or magazine content.



Sales promotion objectives are derived from broader promotion objectives, which are derived from more basic marketing objectives developed for the product.



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A higher proportion of the promotion pie is devoted to trade promotion tools than to consumer promotion.



Event sponsorship involves a variety of programs designed to promote or protect a company's image or its individual products.



A public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on a company's ability to achieve its objectives.



What are the five major decisions, known as "the five M's" that marketing managers must make in developing an advertising campaign?

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Page 22: 12th Edition

List and discuss three elements that explain how many exposures, E, will produce a level of audience awareness, A.

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Concept Check

This activity contains 22 questions.

_____ is the use of consumer-direct channels to reach and deliver goods and services to customers without using marketing middlemen.


Personal communications

Personal selling

Direct marketing

Direct selling

_____ refers to calling on customers to maintain and nurture key account relationships and give more attention to neglected accounts.





Customer service

_____ refers to taking orders from catalogs or ads and also doing outbound calling.

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Customer service

A(n) _____ is a limited area on the Web managed and paid for by an external advertiser/company.






A salesperson who is not expected or permitted to take an order but whose major task is to build goodwill is called a(n) _____.


order taker

demand creator



A _____ is a salesperson whose expertise is in the solving of a customer's problem, often with a system of the company's products and services.



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demand creator

solution vendor

A(n) _____ sales force consists of full- or part-time paid employees who work exclusively for the company.






_____ sales supervision refers to how management communicates what the sales reps should be doing and motivates them to do it.






The first step in the selling process is _____.


presentation and demonstration

prospecting and qualifying

overcoming objectives


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In the _____ step of the selling process the salesperson needs to learn as much as possible about the prospect company and its buyers.




overcoming objectives


In B2B direct marketing, the prospect is often not an individual but a group of people or a committee that includes both decision makers and multiple decision influencers.



Interactive marketing refers to the use of the telephone and call centers to attract prospects, selling to existing customers, and providing service by taking orders and answering questions.



Interstitials are small, rectangular boxes containing text and perhaps a picture.

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Banner ads are advertisements, often with video or animation that pop up between changes on a Web site.



A demand creator is a salesperson who relies on creative methods for selling tangible products.



A deliverer is a salesperson who acts predominantly as an inside order taker (salesperson standing behind the counter) or outside order taker.





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Straight-commission plans attract higher performers, provide more motivation, require less supervision, and control selling costs.



Sales reports are divided between activity plans and write-ups of activity results.



The stage where customers typically pose objections is during the prospecting and qualifying stage.



Discuss the various ways television can be used by direct marketers.

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What are the seven design elements (the 7Cs) that effective Web sites feature? Define each of these.

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 Home Chapter 19 Concept Challenge

Concept Challenge

This activity contains 22 questions.

_____ is when direct marketers gather or buy as many names as possible and send out a mass mailing.

  Carpet bombing

Database marketing

Interactive marketing

Real-time personalized marketing

Lifetime-value marketing

_____ is when direct marketers mine the database to identify prospects who would have the most interest in an offer.

  Carpet bombing

Database marketing

Interactive marketing

Real-time personalized marketing

Lifetime-value marketing

Ads for Johnson and Johnson's Tylenol headache reliever pop up on brokers' Web sites whenever the stock market falls by 100 points or more. These ads are called _____.

  banner ads

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alliance ads



There are almost 1 million independent Internet companies that post banners on their Web sites through a(n) _____ with Amazon.

  endorsement program


affiliate program

target program

microsite agreement

John's first task as a new salesperson is to look for leads. This is called _____.






As a seasoned salesperson, Rhonda's job is deciding which customer will get products during product shortages. This task is called _____.




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The _____ component of sales force compensation is intended to stimulate and reward effort.

  fixed amount

variable amount

expense allowance


total amount

The _____ component of sales force compensation is intended to provide security and job satisfaction.

  fixed amount

variable amount

expense allowance


total amount

The AIDA formula in selling refers to _____.

  advantages, income, dividend, action

advantages, interest, demand, alternatives

action, interest, demand, attention

attention, interest, demand, action

advantages, interest, demand, attention

Page 33: 12th Edition

In _____ exchange the terms are established by administered programs of pricing and distribution.






Direct marketing can be timed to reach prospects at the right moment and receive higher readership because it is sent to more interested prospects.



In direct marketing an order-response rate of 2 percent is normally considered good.



One of the great disadvantages of direct marketing is the inability to test, under real marketplace conditions, different elements of an offer strategy.



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With a leveraged sales force, the sales force focuses on selling the company's more complex and customized products to larger accounts, while low-end selling is done by inside salespeople and through Web ordering.



A direct sales force consists of manufacturers' reps, sales agents, and brokers, who are paid a commission based on sales.



A direct sales force includes inside sales personnel and field sales personnel.



Fixed compensation receives more emphasis in sales with a high ratio of non-selling to selling duties and in jobs where the selling is technically complex and involves teamwork.



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Variable compensation receives more emphasis in jobs where sales are cyclical or depend on individual initiative.



Logical resistance includes resistance to interference, preference for established supply sources or brands, apathy, and reluctance to giving up something.



Psychological resistance might consist of objections to the price, delivery schedule, or certain product or company characteristics.



What five components of the mailing itself are an important part of the direct mailing and contribute to its effectiveness? Elaborate on each of these.

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Page 36: 12th Edition

The term sales representative covers a broad range of positions. Discuss six ranging from the least to the most creative types of selling.

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 Home Chapter 18 Concept Challenge

Concept Challenge

This activity contains 22 questions.

A factor to consider when setting the advertising budget is _____. This is because new products typically receive larger advertising budgets to build awareness and gain consumer trial.

  competition and clutter

market share and consumer base

stage in the product life cycle

advertising frequency

product substitutability

_____ refers to the number of repetitions needed to put across the brand's message to consumers.

  Competition and clutter

Advertising frequency

Product substitutability

Repetition ration


A _____ statement describes the objective, content, support, and tone of the desired ad.

  creative brief

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message strategy


copy strategy


Which advertising medium is characterized by the fleeting nature of the message and high production and placement costs?





web pop-up ads

_____ refers to the number of different persons or households exposed to a particular media schedule at least once during a specified time period.






If a full-page print ad costs $200,000 and the magazine's estimated readership is 3.1 million people, the cost of exposing the ad to 1,000 persons is approximately _____.



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 Home Chapter 17 Concept Challenge

Concept Challenge

This activity contains 22 questions.

Receivers in the communication process will often hear what fits into their belief system. This concept is referred to as _____.

  selective attention

selective perception

selective distortion

selective retention

selective reception

People will retain in long-term memory only a small fraction of the messages that reach them. This concept is called _____.

  selective attention

selective perception

selective distortion

selective retention

selective reception

Page 41: 12th Edition

People are bombarded with so many messages each day; this explains advertisers' concerns about _____.

  selective attention

selective perception

selective distortion

selective retention

selective reception

The principle of _____ implies that communicators can use their good image to reduce some negative feelings toward a brand but in the process might lose some esteem with the audience.






_____ channels consist of company salespeople contacting buyers in the target market.






Samples, coupons, and premiums are examples of _____.

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sales promotions

events and experiences

public relations

personal selling

The _____ method of determining the promotion budget is criticized for viewing sales as the determiner of promotion rather than as the result.






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 Home Chapter 16 Concept Challenge

Concept Challenge

This activity contains 22 questions.

Independent retailers who use a central buying organization and joint promotional efforts are called a _____.

  retailer cooperative

consumer cooperative

voluntary chain

corporate chain store

merchandising conglomerate

A retail firm owned by its customers in which members contribute money to open their own store, vote on its policies, elect a group to manage it, and receive dividends is called a _____.

  retail cooperative

consumer cooperative

voluntary chain

corporate chain store

merchandising conglomerate

The oldest and most heavily trafficked city area is called a(n) _____.

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  prime location

general business district

regional shopping center

community shopping center

urban district

Giant retailers called _____ concentrate on one product category such as toys (Toys "R" Us) or home improvement (Home Depot).


box stores

department stores

variety stores

category killers

Retailers such as Benetton, The Body Shop, and Marks and Spencer carry mostly own-brand merchandise. These are called _____ brands.

  private label


retail label

creative label

generic label

A(n) _____ fee is the charge many supermarkets impose for accepting a new brand to cover the cost of listing and stocking it.



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_____ carry stock, maintain a sales force, offer credit, make deliveries, and provide management assistance.

  Merchant wholesalers

Full-service wholesalers

Limited-service wholesalers

Brokers and agents

Specialized wholesalers

The market logistics task calls for _____, involving materials management, material flow systems, and physical distribution, abetted by information technology.

  inventory analysis systems

integrated logistics systems

integrated supply systems

information technology analysis

logistical economic systems

Which of the following is not one of the four major decisions that must be made with regard to market logistics?

  How should orders be handled?

Where should stock be located?

How should stock be financed?

How much stock should be held?

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How should goods be shipped?

The _____ quantity can be determined by observing how order-processing costs and inventory carrying costs sum up at different order levels.

  near-zero order


optimal carrying

optimal processing

optimal order

Non-store retailing has been growing at a faster rate than store retailing.



Most retail stores are independently owned.



Although only a third of a retailers' products produce a profit, most retailers are unaware of which third of their products is generating the profit.

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Different types of stores (discount stores, catalog showrooms, department stores) all compete for the same consumers by carrying different types of merchandise.



In the United States store brands now account for one of every five items sold.



The growing power of store brands ultimately helps strengthen national brands.



Wholesalers absorb some risk by taking title and bearing the cost of theft, damage, spoilage and obsolescence.



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One of the functions of wholesalers is to supply information to suppliers and customers regarding competitors' activities, new products, price developments, etc.



Most companies today are trying to lengthen the order-to payment cycle.



The longer the order-to-payment cycle, the lower the customer's satisfaction and the lower the company's profit.



What are the four major categories non-store retailing falls into? Explain each of these.

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Page 49: 12th Edition

Why are wholesalers used at all? Why don't manufacturers sell directly to retailers or final consumers? Discuss the functions wholesalers perform to make the selling process more efficient.

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