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12284 Digital Mwtastability

Apr 05, 2018



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  • 7/31/2019 12284 Digital Mwtastability



    When asynchronous events enter synchronous system they can cause to go intometastable states.

    Every real life bistable (such as a D-latch) has a metastable state

    Whenever there are setup and hold time violations in any flip-flop, it enters a state where

    its output is unpredictable: this state is known as metastable state(quasi stable state).

    Metastability Can occur if the setup (tSU

    ), hold time (tH), or clock pulse width (t

    PW) of a flip-

    flop is not met.

    A problem for asynchronous systems or events.

    Three possible symptoms:

    Increased CLK Q delay.

    Output a non-logic level

    Output switching and then returning to its original state.

    Theoretically the amount of time a device stays in the metastable state may be infinite.

    At the end of metastable state, the flip-flop settles down to either '1' or '0'.

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  • 7/31/2019 12284 Digital Mwtastability


  • 7/31/2019 12284 Digital Mwtastability


    Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" A. Steininger & M. Delvai / TU Vienna 4

    Inconsistent Perception









    The metastable state may be regarded as 1 by one FFand as 0 by another

    CMOS 3V










    threshold A


    Btreshold B


  • 7/31/2019 12284 Digital Mwtastability


    Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" A. Steininger & M. Delvai / TU Vienna 5

    Resolution Time




    tcomb tSUtres









    normal operation:tclk2out < tr


    > tr

  • 7/31/2019 12284 Digital Mwtastability


    mean time between failures (MTBF)

    Suppose an asynchronous input changes with a frequency of fD and the clock

    frequency of the system is fc We sample the output value of the flip-flop to which

    the asynchronous input is connected after a period t.

    The sampled value will be incorrect due to metastability in the flip-flop and that

    will cause some form of failure called mean time between failures (MTBF):

    MTBF is a figure of merit related to metastability(IT IS A MEASURE OF REALIBILITY)

    FD: Data Frequency

    FC: Clock Frequency

    TP: Flip Flop Propagation Delay

    tr: Resolve Time/settling time

  • 7/31/2019 12284 Digital Mwtastability


    2/19/03 ECE 426 - Lecture 7 7

    Resolution Time Example

    Suppose that

    fclk = 100MHz (tclk = 10ns)

    a = 1MHz

    tprop = 6.7ns

    tsu = 1ns

    Calculate tr:

    tr = tclk - tsu - tprop

    tr = 10ns - 6.7ns -1ns

    = 2.3ns



    D Q D Q




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    MTBF gives us information on how often a particular element will fail or it gives the average

    time interval between two successive failures

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    Type of flip-flop SN74ALS74

    Mean frequency of asynchronous interrupt signal fin = 10kHzSystem clock frequency fclk = 25MHz

    Setup time of following circuit tsu = 15 ns,RC= =1.0

    At the output of the synchronization stage, the settling time (tx) is

    calculated as follows:

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    A 74LS74 FF (T0 = 0.4, = 1.5) at a clock rate of 10 MHz and in input av. rate of

    change = 100 KHz tr = 80 ns (100 ns clock period - 20 ns tsu)

    MTBF = 3.6 1011 sec.

    If we just change the clock to 16 MHz, things get really strange

    tr = 42.5 ns (62.5 ns clock period - 20 ns tsu)

    MTBF = 3.1 sec.

    if we change to a 74ALS74 FF (tr = 52.5 ns)

    (62.5 ns clock period - 10 ns tsu)

    MTBF = 4.54 1015 sec.

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    Adding a second Flip Flop to the design will reduce the chance of the output going


    The output from the first flip flop may go valid before the second flip flop is clocked.

    It connect asynchronous input to the rest of system

    Whenever there is signal transfer between two systems operating at different

    frequencies or same frequency with different phases, synchronizer block is used as an

    interface so that signal from transmitter block is reliably interpreted by the receiver.

    This block ensures that there is no metastability for a target MTBF.

    There are two inputs the clock C and the

    asynchronous signal D and one output the

    synchronised signal D.

    The two input signals interact asynchronously

    modelled roughly by operating frequencies f1 and


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    A simple synchronizer comprises two flip-flops in series without any

    combinational circuitry between them. This design ensures that the first

    flip-flop exits its metastable state and its output settles before the second

    flip-flop samples it

    The synchroniser is expected to provide a defined logic level (0 or l) within

    a bounded decision time after D otherwise a synchronisation failure has

  • 7/31/2019 12284 Digital Mwtastability


    2/19/03 ECE 426 - Lecture 7 13

    MTBF Calculation Example

    Typical values for a 0.25m ASIC library


    = 0.31ns

    To= 9.6as a = 10-18

    tr = 2.3ns

    MTBF = 20.1 days - unacceptable!

    MTBF(tr)e(t r / )

    To fclk a

  • 7/31/2019 12284 Digital Mwtastability


    Two-Stage Synchronization

    The second flip-flop receives the output signal of the first stage after one clock

    period and can go into a metastable state only if its input conditions are also


    the output of the first flip-flop is still metastable during its setup and hold time. So

    the critical input frequency fin(2) of the second stage is calculated from the

    reciprocal of the mean time between two failures of the first stage:

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    one SN74ALS74 flip-flop, the MTBF was 54 minutes. Again, assuming that the

    second flip-flop is sampled after 25 ns

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    Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of a particular flip-flop in the context of a given clock

    rate and input transition rate is 33.33 seconds then the MTBF of two such flip-flops used tosynchronize the input would be (33.33* 33.33) = 18.514 Minutes

  • 7/31/2019 12284 Digital Mwtastability


    Double Synchronizer for Single-Bit

    Data Transfer

    2-bit shift register structure clocked by the receiving clock.

    The second stage of the shift register reduces the probability of metastability on the data

    output from the first register propagating through to the output of the second register.

    More than two stages of the synchronizer circuit can be used at the expense of increased


    The benefit of more stages is that the mean time between failures (MTBF) is increased with

    each additional stage.

  • 7/31/2019 12284 Digital Mwtastability



    SRAM(Static RAM)- stored data persists indefinitelyso long as power is

    applied to the memory component.

    DRAM (dynamic RAM) which we will describe laterand which loses stored data if it is not periodicallyrewritten.

    Static RAM is volatile, it requires powerto maintainthe stored data and loses data if power isremoved

    asynchronous SRAM because it does not rely on aclock for its timing

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    Asynchronous SRAM

    Asynchronous SRAM internally uses 1-bit storage cells that are similar to the D-latch circuit

    Address is decoded to select a particular group of cells that comprise one location.

    For a write operation the selected latch cells are enabled and the input data is


    For a read operation the address activates a multiplexer that routes the outputs of

    the selected latch cells to the data outputs of the memory component.

    chip-enable input (CE) is used to enable or disable the memory chip.

    This input from a select control signal (address decoder)

    write-enable input (WE) controls whether the memory if enabled

    performs a write or read operation.The output-enable input (OE) controls the tristate data drivers during a

    read operation.

    When (OE) is low during a read the drivers are enabled and

    can drive the read data onto the data pins.

    When (OE) is high the drivers are in the high-impedance


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    The control section selects the particular

    memory chip by driving CE low activates

    The write operation by driving WE low and

    ensures that the chips tristate drivers are

    disabled by driving OE high.

    It also sets control signals to the datapath toprovide data on the data signals. The data is

    stored transparently in the latch cells for the

    addressed location.

    The final data to be stored must be stable on

    the data signals a setup time before the

    rising edge of the WE signal or the CE


    The data and the address must also remain

    stable for a hold time after the WE or CE

    signal goes high.

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    The control section selects the particular

    memory chip by driving CE low activates

    The write operation by driving WE high and

    ensures that the chips tristate drivers are

    disabled by driving OE low.

    It also sets control signals to the datapath toprovide data on the data signals. The data is

    stored transparently in the latch cells for the

    addressed location.

    The final data to be stored must be stable on

    the data signals a setup time before the

    rising edge of the WE signal or the CE


    The data and the address must also remain

    stable for a hold time after the WE or CE

    signal goes high.

  • 7/31/2019 12284 Digital Mwtastability


    charge-coupled device

    A charge-coupled device (CCD) is a device for the movement of electrical charge within the

    device to an area where the charge can be manipulated.

    The charge-coupled device (CCD) is by far the most common mechanism for converting

    optical images to electrical signals.

    It uses a quantity of electrical charge to represent an analog quantity, such as light intensity

    sampled at discrete times

    CCD is a discrete-time device, i.e., a continuous, or analog, signal sampled at discrete times.

    The fundamental element of every CCD is the metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) capacitor

    The CCD is a major technology for digital imaging. In a CCD image sensor, pixels are

    represented by p-doped MOS capacitors.

    These capacitors are biased above the threshold for inversion when image acquisition begins

    allowing to convert incoming photons into electron charges at the semiconductor-oxide

    interface; the CCD is then used to read out these charges.

    Invention of CCD Smith & Boyle 1969 George Smith and Willard Boyle were working in a

    Bell Labs group interested in creating a new kind of semiconductor memory for computers.

    Also great hope was then held for the video telephone service.

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    Basics of operation

    An image is projected through a lens onto the capacitor causing each capacitor toaccumulate an electric charge proportional to the light intensity at that location.

    A one-dimensional array, used in line-scan cameras, captures a single slice of theimage, while a two-dimensional array, used in video and still cameras, captures atwo-dimensional picture corresponding to the scene projected onto the focalplane of the sensor.

    Once the array has been exposed to the image a control circuit causes each capacitorto transfer its contents to its neighbor (operating as a shift register). The lastcapacitor in the array dumps its charge into a charge amplifier.

    charge amplifier converts the charge into a voltage.

    By repeating this process, the controlling circuit converts the entire contents of thearray in the semiconductor to a sequence of voltages.

    In a digital device, these voltages are then sampled, digitized, and usually stored in an analog device they are processed into a continuous analog signal (e.g. by

    feeding the output of the charge amplifier into a low-pass filter) which is thenprocessed and fed out to other circuits for transmission, recording, or otherprocessing.

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    Single CCD Cell

    One cell of a CCD would just be a MOS capacitor if its function were to just pass along the

    analog charges by bucket-brigade.

    MOS capacitor is light sensitive as in aphotodiode (PD).

    As an elementof a CCD the single cell would, in general, be capable of:

    (1) receiving a quantity ofcharge from an upstream cell,

    (2) holding the charge for a time withoutappreciable loss(3) passing the charge to the next cell downstream.

    CCD would be a few MOS capacitors arranged in a single row

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    Device Architectures

    Full Frame Readout: full-frame would require a mechanical shutter to cut off the

    light input in order to prevent smearing during the time the charges are passing

    through the parallel vertical registers or vertical-CCD (V-CCD).

    The pixel charges are transferred in parallel, to the horizontal-CCD (H-CCD) where

    they are then transferred in serial to the output.

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    Frame Transfer. The image is transferred from the image array to the opaque

    frame storage array b

    Inter-Line Transfer. Each pixel includes both aphotodiode and a separate opaque

    charge storage cell. The image charge is first quickly shifted from the lightsensitive

    PD to the opaque V-CCD. Inter-line transfer hides the image in one transfer

    cycle, thus producing the minimum image smear and the fastest optical shuttering.