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Assurance of Learning UG Learning Goals
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Assurance of LearningUG Learning Goals


I am sure you have seen the front end of our web site. I would like to pay your attention to this logo here (AACSB). It symbolizes the fact that our school is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.2

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Seal of Approval of Quality

Being accredited provide us with a seal of approval of quality by an outside independent body3

Why should it be important to you that you are getting your degree from an accredited program?

Well, as you can see only 5% of B-Schools world-wide are AACSB accredited and this matter because 20% of companies only recruit from AACSB accredited programs and in general, graduates receive higher, more competitive salaries if they graduate from an AACSB accredited program.4What Does it Take to be Accredited?Rigorous processAssesses a school's ability to perform in critical areas:Teaching and student learningAssurance of Learning (AoL)curricula developmentResearch

Achieving AACSB Accreditation is a rigorous process. Each accreditation standard assesses a school's ability to perform in critical areas, such as teaching, research, curricula development, and student learning. Generally, it takes a lot of work and time to meet all of the AACSB Accreditation Standards


Assurance of Learning Process

6Problem Solving SkillsProfessional Integrity / Ethical Reasoning SkillsGlobal Context SkillsWritten Communication SkillsLearning GoalsUndergraduate Program

7Problem Solving SkillsProfessional Integrity / Ethical Reasoning SkillsGlobal Context SkillsWritten Communication SkillsLearning GoalsStudents will be able to use a variety of theoretical perspectives to identify and critically evaluate implications of business decisions for organizational stakeholders and the natural environment

8Insert here a slide explaining how your course (BUSXXX) enhances students Problem Solving Skills (use the definition from the previous slides to find the connection)

The next slide contains the rubric we use to measure students attainment of this learning goal (problem solving skill)9CriteriaExemplaryUnderstanding the problemClearly defines the problem and outlines necessary objectives in an efficient manner.Integration of knowledgeEffectively applies previous knowledge to current problem. Integrates with new information to assist problem solving process.Use of informationConsistently gathers a broad spectrum of resources and information and integrates it with prior knowledge and problem-solving strategies. DocumentationComprehensive collection of raw and summarized data. Includes detailed information to allow repetition of experiments based only on written notes.Interpretation of dataAble to describe results and conclusions clearly and concisely. Relates results to hypothesis and to currently accepted theory.Analyzing alternative interpretations and solutionsCan account for un-explained results. Recognizes limitations of current hypothesis and proposes alternative interpretations.Problem solving processCritically reflects on problem-solving techniques, strategies, and results. Identifies those most helpful to self. Offers clear insights regarding self-knowledge.Problem Solving Rubric10Students will be able to recognize ethical issues, demonstrate familiarity with alternative frameworks for ethical reasoning, and recognize trade-offs and implications of employing different ethical frames of reference when making business decisionsLearning GoalsProblem Solving SkillsProfessional Integrity / Ethical Reasoning SkillsGlobal Context SkillsWritten Communication Skills

11Insert here a slide explaining how your course (BUSXXX) enhances students Ethical Reasoning Skills (use the definition from the previous slides to find the connection)

The next slide contains the rubric we use to measure students attainment of this learning goal (problem solving skill)12CriteriaExemplaryEthical Self Awareness Student discusses in detail/ analyzes both core beliefs and the origins of the core beliefs and discussion has depth and clarity. Understanding Different Ethical Perspectives/ Concepts Student names the theory or theories, can present the gist of said theory or theories, and accurately explains the details of the theory or theories used. Ethical Issue Recognition Student can recognize ethical issues when presented in a complex, multilayered (grey) context AND can recognize cross-relationships among the issues. Application of Ethical Perspectives/ Concepts Student can independently apply ethical perspectives/ concepts to an ethical question, accurately, and is able to consider full implications of the application. Evaluation of Different Ethical Perspectives/ Concepts Student states a position and can state the objections to implications of and can reasonably defend against the objections and implications of different ethical concepts and the student's defense is adequate and effective.Ethical Reasoning Rubric13Students will be familiar with major economic, social, political, and technological trends influencing foreign investment and development of the global economy and demonstrate an understanding of the cultural, interpersonal and analytical skills required for engaging in global business activitiesLearning GoalsProblem Solving SkillsProfessional Integrity / Ethical Reasoning SkillsGlobal Context SkillsWritten Communication Skills

14Insert here a slide explaining how your course (BUSXXX) enhances students Global Context Skills (use the definition from the previous slides to find the connection)

The next slide contains the rubric we use to measure students attainment of this learning goal (problem solving skill)15CriteriaExemplaryKnowledgeUnderstands multifunctional global issues Argues pro and conEffectively critiques issuesExamines inconsistenciesDemonstrates value of informationExpositionUses reasonable judgmentSuccinct explanationMain arguments are statedSubstantial depth of expositionAnalysisDiscusses issuesFormulates conclusionsJustifies conclusionsQuestions validity of informationShows intellectual honestyGlobal Context Rubric16Students will demonstrate proficiency in written communications by creating written documents that are clearly written, with appropriate content and conclusionsLearning GoalsProblem Solving SkillsProfessional Integrity / Ethical Reasoning SkillsGlobal Context SkillsWritten Communication Skills

17Insert here a slide explaining how your course (BUSXXX) enhances students Written Communication Skills (use the definition from the previous slides to find the connection)

The next slide contains the rubric we use to measure students attainment of this learning goal (problem solving skill)18CriteriaExemplaryPurpose/main pointThe writers purpose is clear. The document has a clear focus.AudienceThe writer has written for a clearly defined audience, and has addressed that audience expertly.OrganizationThe report has a clear organizational logic. Transitions between ideas are handled well.Correctness: grammar and writing mechanicsFew errors, if any. The document is clear, and the writer shows considerable mastery of the language.Document design/appearanceThe document uses design elements (white space, titles & sub-titles etc.) expertly to create a professional-looking document.Written Communication Rubric19

Learning GoalsProblem Solving SkillsProfessional Integrity / Ethical Reasoning SkillsGlobal Context SkillsWritten Communication Skills
