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121 Thoughts of Hope, Joy and Inspiration for Daily Living (Quotations, Affirmations and Cartoons) By Mike Moore

121 Thoughts of Hope, Joy and Inspiration for Daily Living Inspirational Thoughts.pdf · In this book I want to give you specific quotations, affirmations and visualization techniques

Jun 30, 2020



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Page 1: 121 Thoughts of Hope, Joy and Inspiration for Daily Living Inspirational Thoughts.pdf · In this book I want to give you specific quotations, affirmations and visualization techniques

121 Thoughts of Hope, Joy

and Inspiration for Daily


(Quotations, Affirmations and Cartoons)

By Mike Moore

Page 2: 121 Thoughts of Hope, Joy and Inspiration for Daily Living Inspirational Thoughts.pdf · In this book I want to give you specific quotations, affirmations and visualization techniques


We all know that positive thoughts and visualization are really effective when it comes

to re-educating our subconscious mind and changing our behavior.

My interest in the life changing power of positive thought and visualization started in my

mid twenties (quite a few years ago) when I picked up a copy of Norman Vincent

Peale’s best seller “ The Power of Positive Thinking”.

I didn’t just read this book with interest and enthusiasm, I devoured it and followed its

suggestions to the letter.

I recall posting quotations and affirmations on my bathroom mirror so I could read and

repeat them while I shaved each morning. I memorized them and recited them while I

drove to work. I pictured myself being what I envisioned. The process soon became an

enjoyable habit.

Slowly I ,and my wife, began to notice changes appear in my attitudes and behavior. I

emphasize the word slowly here because things just didn’t change overnight. But

change they did.

Years of worry, fear, anxiety, negativity and impatience just don’t disappear with the

reading of one book. But the journey to peace, calmness and joy had definitely begun

and results were apparent quite quickly.

In the intervening years I have continued to learn a great deal more about the power of

positive thought to transform individual lives and even the world in which we live.

Great progress has been made in the area of mind /body research by people like

Wayne Dyer, Herbert Benson, Deepak Chopra, Lynn McTaggart, Dr. Bernie Seigel,

Carl Simonton MD just to name a few.

Their findings reveal a dimension to living positively that includes healing the body with

the mind that goes beyond mere positive thinking.

In this book I want to give you specific quotations, affirmations and visualization

techniques to help you bring about huge positive changes in your life.

I have included some of my own inspirational and motivational cartoons for your

enjoyment. I suggest that you put them on the fridge door so you can be inspired every

time you go to the fridge for a bite or three.

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Inspirational Thoughts

On Love… the most powerful force in the universe.

Count lost that day whose low descending sun views from your hand no act of kindness


God is love and all who live in love live in God and God in them. Bible.

Love one another as I love you.

We must learn to live together as brothers and sisters or perish together as fools.


All men and women are brothers and sisters in the human family. We are one. MM

Three things God asks… To love tenderly, act justly and walk humbly with your God.

( Micah)

Until we love completely all things can hurt us. Thomas Merton

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On Positive Thoughts

I am the product of the thoughts I think therefore I choose to think positive thoughts.

A Positive Attitude attracts people to you, is a major factor in good health and is vital to

the achievement of peace of mind. I commit to a positive attitude

Pain in life is inevitable- misery is optional.

A sour face is the result of sour thoughts.

Thoughts rule the world. Let positive, happy thoughts rule yours.

We are what we think.

All that we are arises

With our thoughts.

With our thoughts

We make our world.


Wisdom keeps you from making mistakes and comes from having made plenty of them.

Optimism is a lot like electricity... nothing much happens without it.

In our eagerness to give our children what we didn’t have as children we run the risk of not giving them the wonderful things we did have. MM

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On Peace of Mind Some people think their lives are full, when really they're just cluttered. Simplify your life.

Think Thoughts of peace and not of affliction. Bible.

Peace I leave with you my peace I give to you. Jesus

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46

Sit loosely in the saddle of life. Robert L. Stevenson

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On Prayer

We must pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended

on us.

Slow me down Lord. Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind.

Good morning God and thank for the glory of the sun. And thank you for the health I

have to get my duty done. Gratitude attracts abundance.

There are more things brought about by prayer than this world ever dreamed of.

Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to

change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Lord help me to love those I find difficult to love. MM ( I say this one often.)

Worry is like a rocking chair. It will give you something to do but won’t get you

anywhere. Anon

We are spiritual beings experiencing a human journey, not human beings experiencing

a spiritual journey.

I am one with the infinite Spirit of love, flowing through my body healing all disease.

On Hope

When life puts a hurdle in front of you become a high jumper.

Trust in God And Let tomorrow take care of itself.

The eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor has it entered the heart of human kind the

things God has prepared for those who love. (1 Cor. 2:9)

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes and death shall be no more.

Apoc 21:4)

I am one in God and God is one in me. Brunet

Hope is the best medicine any doctor can prescribe.

While medicine might be important to healing , hope is essential. MM

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On Joy

Joy is the serious business of heaven. CS Lewis

They deserve paradise who make another laugh. The Koran.

" If it weren't for laughter we'd be a lot sicker than we are." Victor Borge

A leader without a sense of humor is like a grass cutter at a cemetery. You have a lot of

people under you paying absolutely no attention. We are always only one thought away from experiencing JOY. .

Drink deeply from the cup of pleasure. Paul Pearsall ( The Pleasure Principle)

Life isn’t all fun and games but it isn’t all fear and suffering either. ENJOY!!

This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

God wills that all be well.

Every morning rise and say, “ I choose to be happy.”

Humor and laughter are God’s gift to us, not just to help us survive the changing

fortunes of life, but to thrive in spite of them. MM

There is no physician like cheerful thoughts for dissipating the ills of the body.

People who laugh together last together.

In order to heal, the mind needs laughter, body needs play and the spirit needs joy.

Laughter helps us rise above any dilemma.

Humor is a whisper from the soul imploring the mind and body to relax, let go and be at

peace. Anon

We don’t laugh because we’re happy. We’re happy because we laugh. William James

We begin to heal the moment we begin to laugh. MM

It is important to exercise your sense of humor daily. Use it or lose it.

Each day choose to live in the Joyful mode. Avoid the sadness mode at all costs.

All great Spiritual traditions are rooted in joy, celebration and rejoicing. (You’d never

know it by observing many Church services today.)

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Jumping for joy is fantastic exercise. Give it a try!

A religion without joy is no religion at all.

George Bernard Shaw once said that if you find something funny search it for hidden truth

Laughter helps us create sandbags of wit against a flood of misfortune. For a joyful life think joyful thoughts.

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Humorous Wisdom

A bore is always "ME" deep in conversation. Listen attentively to others.

Anyone who says that swimming is good for the figure has never taken a real good look at a whale.

Always borrow money from a pessimist. They don't expect to be paid back. Pain and suffering are a lot like gas....they too shall pass.

The tragedy in life is not in how much we suffer but in how much we fail to achieve. MM

To expect life to treat you fairly because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge you because you're a vegetarian.

If at first you don't succeed, try not to be amazed. Never throw a pity party. You’ll be the only one there.

When I grow up I want to be a little boy. Joseph Heller ( Never lose the child within.)

Men love women because they're wonderful. Women love men because chocolate

can't mow the lawn.

Willie Nelson's concept of leadership: Find a group heading in your direction and jump

out in front of it.

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On Healing

For every ailment under the sun there is a cure or there is none.

If there is one try to find it. If there is none never mind it. Anon

Doctor to family of deceased patient: "He failed to achieve his wellness potential."

We are the healing hands of God to a world in dire need of healing hands. MM

Let’s not be too quick to say that our enemies are God’s enemies. ( Paraphrasing

Thomas Merton)

Disease and health, like circumstances, are rooted in thought. James Allen

Sickly thoughts will express themselves through a sickly body. James Allen

Just because you have a pain doesn’t give you the right to be one. MM

All authentic religions have a radical connection to healing body and spirit. MM

On Wonder

If there is no God then the stars are a staircase to nowhere. Anon

We are all strings in the concert of God’s Joy. Jakob Boehme

Let us learn to rest daily in the sunlit silence of the Supreme. MM

Nature reflects the wonder of its Creator. MM

The sea never sleeps and in its vigil there is consolation for the troubled soul. Gibran

Mortal I know I am - short lived, yet whenever I stand beneath a canopy of swirling stars

I no longer tread this earth, but rise to feast with God and enjoy the food of the

immortals. Sophocles

We must all have listening points on the earth where we can go and listen in silence to

the eternal rhythms of the universe as they speak to us of love, wisdom and wonder.


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Life is hard by the yard but a cinch by the inch

On Fear

If God is for us who can be against us. Bible

Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.

The mind can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven. Milton

You wouldn't worry what people thought about you if you only knew how seldom they


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I have carved you in the palm of my hand.

If we only knew who walks beside us every moment of every day we would never be fearful again.

Fear not for I am with you always. Let not your heart be troubled or let it be afraid. Jesus

Worry is like a rocking chair; it will give you something to do, but won't get you


Everyone dies; few really live.

The people who live in fear of disease are the people who get it. James Allen

Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. Everything passes away except God.

God alone is sufficient. St. Theresa

Trust God and live one day at a time.

Which of you by worrying can add a single moment to your allotted span of life? Matt.6

On Belief

We have what it takes to overcome any obstacle. If we only believe.

Every day in every way I am getting better and better. ( Say this ten times in the

morning and ten times before going to sleep.) It reconditions your subconscious mind.

To those who believe no explanation is necessary; to those who don’t know explanation

is possible.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.

We feel and know that we are eternal. Spinoza

If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything

A belief is a thought linked to a strong feeling.

To believe life is sacred is to believe that it is eternally valuable. MM

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All things are possible if you only believe.

God Is and everything else is up for grabs. Anon

Let go and let God.

God is the ground of our being.

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We all exist on this planet to support and affirm the dignity, uniqueness and eternal

value of one another. MM

Everyone laughs and loves in the same language. MM

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Love one another.

Love and do what you will. St. Augustine ( If we really love we will do no harm to


Do no harm. Hippocrates

Speaking ill of others is a dishonest way of praising yourself.

Live and let live.

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The love of God becomes real when, through me it touches another.

Happiness doesn’t depend on the circumstances you find yourself in but rather on the

attitude you have in any circumstance.

To be happy you must have someone to love, something meaningful to do, something

to look forward to and someone to laugh with.

People will be as happy as they make up their mind to be. A. Lincoln

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We must never stop believing that things will work out in the end.

All things work together for good.

If the world is going to change it must begin with me.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Violence is destructive communication. H. Arendt

Don’t do anything to another that you wouldn’t want done to you.

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This actually was inspired by one of my senior high school students who said this to me

in Sociology in class.

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There you have it…

121 ( Plus) Thoughts of Hope, Joy and Inspiration for

Daily Living Now let’s take a look at how to use them most effectively

As I mentioned in the introduction I started posting quotations and affirmations on my

bathroom mirror so I could read and repeat them while I shaved each morning. I

memorized them and recited them while I drove to work. I pictured myself being what I

envisioned. The process soon became an enjoyable habit and changes started

happening in my life..

I suggest that you, too, select one or two from this collection that speak to you. Write

them on a post-it note and stick them where they can be easily seen. At first read them

until you can say them without referring to the post-it. Now that you have them

memorized get in the habit of reciting them throughout the day and thinking about what

they say and mean for you in your life.

Remember that the thoughts we think, when linked with a strong feeling and visualized

in our mind, tend to become our reality. Thoughts become real when we believe they


I often write about something called the act as if principle. It flows from this thought

process and can work wonders for you. It simply states that if you act the way you want

to be you’ll become the way you act. It really does work in every aspect of your life from

overcoming shyness, to gaining self confidence. I used it to become a confident and

humorous public speaker.

I would think about the kind of speaker I wanted to become, visualize myself as that

kind of speaker and link strong feelings to the mental picture. The result ? I became,

with practice, a very confident and humorous speaker and now make my living as such.

In a nutshell here is the process…THINK, VISUALIZE, FEEL, BECOME

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