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9. Earth Star. A Gold Chakra: cared for by Sandalphon the Sacred Guardian. Scent: Sandalwood. C: Amber. Lies three to seven inches beneath the feet of the incarnate Soul, and allows the notion of Planet Earth's duality to be balanced within the individual. With Infinite Free attention and the ability to infinitely focus attention Duality Reaches a point of interconnectedness, a comprehension of oneness occurs – the still point of the turning world between poles. This Chakra unifies the trans-personal Chakras with the personal Chakras. Unified, Source Energy Pours through the individual to restore the harmony of Planet Earth's consciousness. This Ability allows us to perceive the pulsations of Mother Earth within the physical presence of her Sun and Moon Cycles, so that her rhythms and pulsations are honoured by all. 1. Base / Root Chakra: cared for by Hanael the Sacred Warrior. Sexual Organs & Glands. Scent: Geranium. C: Ruby. The Red of this Chakra is the root of the physical body in three dimensions. It focuses our earthy life, and deals with issues associated with survival, endurance, grounding, maintaining and nourishing vital forces. It is similarly associated with the sexual organs and glands. 2. Sacral chakra: cared for by Zaphkiel the Sacred Lover. Sexual Organs & Glands. Scent: Cinnamon. C: Carnelian. The Orange ray of this Chakra portal connects with the issue of polarity, the yin and yang of the relationship process. It helps us connect and relate with other beings and the world through creative pathways. This energy is associated with the sexual organs and glands. 3. Solar Plexus Chakra: cared for by Jophiel the Holy Liberator. Adrenal Glands. Scent: Narcissus. C: Citrine. The Yellow Ray of this Chakra the seat of emotions and will-power. It connects with the Adrenal Glands, and the fight – flight, attraction-repulsion, contraction and expansion impulses which are all triggered by outer stimuli. 4. Heart Chakra: cared for by Raphael the Holy Healer. Scent: Lavender. C: Emerald or Malachite. This Green Chakra processes unconditional love, empathy, authenticity and compassion. It is connected with the movement between the non-physical and physical senses of self, and is associated with the Thymus Gland. 10. Cosmic Heart a Beautiful Larimar coloured Chakra: cared for by Zadkiel the Divine Comforter. Scent: Sage. C: Larimar. Lies between the heart and the throat Chakra in the physical body, and aligns the Soul's incarnation with the interconnectedness of cosmic love, a mixture of heart centredness and divine expression. It is opened in celebration of its alignment with the consciousness of the other civilizations within the Universe – there by open to expanded awareness of the vast astronomical life existing within the Multi-verse. 5. Throat Chakra: cared for by Gabriel the Divine Messenger. Scent: Myrrh. C: Lapis Lazuli. This Blue Chakra portal is associated with expression, communication, and the Thyroid gland. It is the centre of your higher creative energy and, therefore, creates a transition between your personal will and the ability to have faith in yourself to share love wisdom with unity consciousness of all Sentient Life & Light beings. 6. Third Eye -Forehead Chakra: cared for by Raziel the Sacred Portal Keeper of all time ~ positioned at the entrance to the Hall of Divine Mysteries containing the actual record of Eternal Truth and Love Wisdom. Scent: Violet. C: Obsidian & Moonstone. The Indigo nature of this portal is connected with the pituitary gland, as is seen as the “all seeing eye” of the intuitive aspect of our consciousness. This eye of wisdom looks at the inner seeing of transcendent consciousness, and is awakened as intuition and clairvoyance. Through this “eye” we develop the ability to see through physical form the underlying energy patterns of the subtle body of the Universe. 7. Crown Chakra. The Violet of this Portal Represents the Zenith of the 7 Personal Chakras: cared for by Michael the Cosmic Leader. Scent: Rose. C: Amethyst. Through this energy centre “light body energy” flows into the trans-personal chakras of the 8 th through to the 12th. Thereby linking the nature of our three dimensional human form with the higher realms of spirit. The Crown Chakra sits a few inches above the head and connects with the pineal gland. This chakra allows light from the Source to Pour into the physical membrane of the individual, and brings connection with the super-conscious mind, the Self at one with unity consciousness, the cosmic consciousness and co-creative perceiver. 8. Universal Heart. The Silver of this beautiful Chakra lies just above the Crown: cared for by Uriel the Divine Companion. Scent: Rosemary. C: Pink Quartz. The Universal Heart has a vibratory state that connects the individual with the notion of universal love – all living beings are interconnected throughout the Planet and at one within the Universe. This Chakra is the route through which the Soul Awakens the mental body of the person, illuminating the conviction that “what is above is also below” and so spiritual discernment occurs on the Earth Plane. Objectivity Awakens bringing about detachment from conditioned beliefs that are no longer functioning realities within the context of living our lives as free spirits experiencing humanity. Through the Universal Heart, we receive wisdom messages from spirit realms, which download into the 7 personal chakras of the physical, emotional and memory bodies. 11. Soul Star. Magenta Chakra: cared for by Shamael the Divine Guide with a Lilac Orb. Scent: Hyacinth. C: Mother of Pearl. Connects the Soul Entity to the Feminine aspect of Crystalline Consciousness, represented by Mother Earth. This light portal lying above the 8 th Chakra gently holds the Soul of the human being within the physical body, and is represented by the anointed compassion of the individual incarnation. 12. The Stellar Gateway. A White Light Force Chakra: cared for by Metatron the Supernal Teacher. Scent: Frankincense. C: Diamond or Clear Quartz. An Energy Vortex of vast magnitude through which you can truly experience the cosmic nature of your Soul in marriage with the soul of the Cosmos. The Sphere or Vehicle for your Light body, that counter-rotates within its geometry as a double formed star, carrying your spirit & physical body from one dimension to another. Actively using this chakra we perceive our Original Sense of creative consciousness, encompassing the totality of unconditional love. 12. The Stellar Gateway. A White Light Force Chakra: Cared for by Metatron the Supernal Teacher, at one with Unity Consciousness of Cosmic Creation. Soul-Heart Perception of : Adoration * Charisma * Jubilance * Magnification. To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion. 11. Soul Star. Magenta Chakra: cared for by Shamael the Divine Guide Soul-Heart Perception of: Cherish * Genius * Orientation * Reconciliation To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion. 8. Universal Heart. The Silver of this beautiful Chakra lies just above the Crown: cared for by Uriel the Divine Companion Soul-Heart Perception of: Idyll * Veneration To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion. 7. Crown Chakra. The Violet of this Portal Represents the Zenith of the 7 Personal Chakras: cared for by Michael the Cosmic Leader. Soul-Heart Perception of: Boldness * Exaltation * Protection * Sovereignty To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion. 6. Third Eye -Forehead Chakra: cared for by Raziel the Sacred Portal Keeper of all time Soul-Heart Perception of: Devotion * Enigma * Eternity * Humility To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion. 5. Throat Chakra: cared for by Gabriel the Divine Messenger Soul-Heart Perception of: Bliss * Illumination * Insight * Prophecy To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion. 10. Cosmic Heart a Beautiful Larimar Coloured Chakra: cared for by Zadkiel the Divine Comforter. Soul-Heart Perception of: Acceptance * Beloved * Luxury * Pleasure To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion. 4. Heart Chakra: cared for by Raphael the Holy (Joyously Whole) Healer. Soul-Heart Perception of: Embrace * Harmony * Resolution * Sympathy To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion. 3. Solar Plexus Chakra: cared for by Jophiel the Holy (Joyously Whole) Liberator. Soul-Heart Perception of: Adventure * Celebration * Thrill * Wonder To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion. 2. Sacral chakra: cared for by Zaphkiel the Sacred Lover Soul-Heart Perception of: Anticipation * Awe * Delight * Euphoria To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion. 1. Base / Root Chakra: cared for by Hanael the Sacred Warrior Soul-Heart Perception of: Champion * Innocence * Loyalty * Victory To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion. 9. Earth Star. A Gold Chakra: cared for by Sandalphon the Sacred Guardian Soul-Heart Perception of: Assurance * Stillness To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion. Together We Can Use The Diamond, Platinum & Gold Principles of Co-Creative Consciousness, Joyous Cosmic Communication & the Golden Vision for Humanity – With the Cosmic, Universal and Personal Solvent of Sacred Love Wisdom and the Eternal Light of Co-Creative Truth, As We Joyously Desire for Cosmic FUN. 12 Helix DNA Refined by the Clarity of Intention to Increase the Light Field of Each Living Thing Sustained by the 12 Chakras of the their Personal & Trans-personal Bodies. 12 Helix DNA. 1. The Biological Layer. 2. Personal Learning in Life . 3. Ascension & Activation. 4. Your Angelic Name - The Light & the Power of Love. 5. The Core Crystal Energy. 6. The Infinite Self. 7. Lemurian Helix 1. DNA Home Language & Divinity Revealed. 8. Origins * Master Akashic Record. Lemurian Helix 2. 9. Healing. Lemurian Helix 3. 10. Divine Perception. God Layer 1. 11. Wise Divine Feminine. God Layer 2. Illumination. 12. All Mighty. God Layer 3. 12 Senses 1. Life. 2. Movement. 3. Equilibrium/s. 4. Smell. 5. Taste. 6. Vision. 7. Warmth. 8. Hearing. 9. Speech. 10. Thinking. 11. Self. 12. Touch 12 Helix DNA 12 Helix DNA 12 Helix DNA 12 Helix DNA 12 Helix DNA 12 Helix DNA 12 Helix DNA 12 Helix DNA 12 Helix DNA 12 Helix DNA 12 Helix DNA 12 Helix DNA

12 Helix DNA Refined by the Clarity of Intention to Free attention and the ability to infinitely focus

May 12, 2018



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Page 1: 12 Helix DNA Refined by the Clarity of Intention to Free attention and the ability to infinitely focus

9. Earth Star. A Gold Chakra: cared for by Sandalphon the Sacred Guardian. Scent: Sandalwood. C: Amber. Lies three to seven inches beneath the feet of the incarnate Soul, and allows the notion of Planet Earth's duality to be balanced within the individual. With Infinite Free attention and the ability to infinitely focus attention Duality Reaches a point of interconnectedness, a comprehension of oneness occurs – the still point of the turning world between poles. This Chakra unifies the trans-personal Chakras with the personal Chakras. Unified, Source Energy Pours through the individual to restore the harmony of Planet Earth's consciousness. This Ability allows us to perceive the pulsations of Mother Earth within the physical presence of her Sun and Moon Cycles, so that her rhythms and pulsations are honoured by all.

1. Base / Root Chakra: cared for by Hanael the Sacred Warrior. Sexual Organs & Glands. Scent: Geranium. C: Ruby. The Red of this Chakra is the root of the physical body in three dimensions. It focuses our earthy life, and deals with issues associated with survival, endurance, grounding, maintaining and nourishing vital forces. It is similarly associated with the sexual organs and glands.

2. Sacral chakra: cared for by Zaphkiel the Sacred Lover. Sexual Organs & Glands. Scent: Cinnamon. C: Carnelian. The Orange ray of this Chakra portal connects with the issue of polarity, the yin and yang of the relationship process. It helps us connect and relate with other beings and the world through creative pathways. This energy is associated with the sexual organs and glands.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra: cared for by Jophiel the Holy Liberator. Adrenal Glands. Scent: Narcissus. C: Citrine. The Yellow Ray of this Chakra the seat of emotions and will-power. It connects with the Adrenal Glands, and the fight – flight, attraction-repulsion, contraction and expansion impulses which are all triggered by outer stimuli.

4. Heart Chakra: cared for by Raphael the Holy Healer. Scent: Lavender. C: Emerald or Malachite. This Green Chakra processes unconditional love, empathy, authenticity and compassion. It is connected with the movement between the non-physical and physical senses of self, and is associated with the Thymus Gland.

10. Cosmic Heart a Beautiful Larimar coloured Chakra: cared for by Zadkiel the Divine Comforter. Scent: Sage. C: Larimar. Lies between the heart and the throat Chakra in the physical body, and aligns the Soul's incarnation with the interconnectedness of cosmic love, a mixture of heart centredness and divine expression. It is opened in celebration of its alignment with the consciousness of the other civilizations within the Universe – there by open to expanded awareness of the vast astronomical life existing within the Multi-verse.

5. Throat Chakra: cared for by Gabriel the Divine Messenger. Scent: Myrrh. C: Lapis Lazuli. This Blue Chakra portal is associated with expression, communication, and the Thyroid gland. It is the centre of your higher creative energy and, therefore, creates a transition between your personal will and the ability to have faith in yourself to share love wisdom with unity consciousness of all Sentient Life & Light beings.

6. Third Eye -Forehead Chakra: cared for by Raziel the Sacred Portal Keeper of all time ~ positioned at the entrance to the Hall of Divine Mysteries containing the actual record of Eternal Truth and Love Wisdom. Scent: Violet. C: Obsidian & Moonstone. The Indigo nature of this portal is connected with the pituitary gland, as is seen as the “all seeing eye” of the intuitive aspect of our consciousness. This eye of wisdom looks at the inner seeing of transcendent consciousness, and is awakened as intuition and clairvoyance. Through this “eye” we develop the ability to see through physical form the underlying energy patterns of the subtle body of the Universe.

7. Crown Chakra. The Violet of this Portal Represents the Zenith of the 7 Personal Chakras: cared for by Michael the Cosmic Leader. Scent: Rose. C: Amethyst. Through this energy centre “light body energy” flows into the trans-personal chakras of the 8 th through to the 12th. Thereby linking the nature of our three dimensional human form with the higher realms of spirit. The Crown Chakra sits a few inches above the head and connects with the pineal gland. This chakra allows light from the Source to Pour into the physical membrane of the individual, and brings connection with the super-conscious mind, the Self at one with unity consciousness, the cosmic consciousness and co-creative perceiver.

8. Universal Heart. The Silver of this beautiful Chakra lies just above the Crown: cared for by Uriel the Divine Companion. Scent: Rosemary. C: Pink Quartz. The Universal Heart has a vibratory state that connects the individual with the notion of universal love – all living beings are interconnected throughout the Planet and at one within the Universe. This Chakra is the route through which the Soul Awakens the mental body of the person, illuminating the conviction that “what is above is also below” and so spiritual discernment occurs on the Earth Plane. Objectivity Awakens bringing about detachment from conditioned beliefs that are no longer functioning realities within the context of living our lives as free spirits experiencing humanity. Through the Universal Heart, we receive wisdom messages from spirit realms, which download into the 7 personal chakras of the physical, emotional and memory bodies.

11. Soul Star. Magenta Chakra: cared for by Shamael the Divine Guide with a Lilac Orb. Scent: Hyacinth. C: Mother of Pearl. Connects the Soul Entity to the Feminine aspect of Crystalline Consciousness, represented by Mother Earth. This light portal lying above the 8 th Chakra gently holds the Soul of the human being within the physical body, and is represented by the anointed compassion of the individual incarnation.

12. The Stellar Gateway. A White Light Force Chakra: cared for by Metatron the Supernal Teacher. Scent: Frankincense. C: Diamond or Clear Quartz.An Energy Vortex of vast magnitude through which you can truly experience the cosmic nature of your Soul in marriage with the soul of the Cosmos. The Sphere or Vehicle for your Light body, that counter-rotates within its geometry as a double formed star, carrying your spirit & physical body from one dimension to another. Actively using this chakra we perceive our Original Sense of creative consciousness, encompassing the totality of unconditional love.

12. The Stellar Gateway. A White Light Force Chakra: Cared for by Metatron the Supernal Teacher, at one with Unity Consciousness of Cosmic Creation.

Soul-Heart Perception of : Adoration * Charisma * Jubilance * Magnification.

To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion.

11. Soul Star. Magenta Chakra: cared for by Shamael the Divine Guide

Soul-Heart Perception of: Cherish * Genius * Orientation * Reconciliation

To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion.

8. Universal Heart. The Silver of this beautiful Chakra lies just above the Crown: cared for by Uriel the Divine Companion

Soul-Heart Perception of: Idyll * Veneration

To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion.

7. Crown Chakra. The Violet of this Portal Represents the Zenith of the 7 Personal Chakras: cared for by Michael the Cosmic Leader.

Soul-Heart Perception of: Boldness * Exaltation * Protection * Sovereignty

To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion.

6. Third Eye -Forehead Chakra: cared for by Raziel the Sacred Portal Keeper of all time

Soul-Heart Perception of: Devotion * Enigma * Eternity * Humility

To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion.

5. Throat Chakra: cared for by Gabriel the Divine Messenger

Soul-Heart Perception of: Bliss * Illumination * Insight * Prophecy

To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion.

10. Cosmic Heart a Beautiful Larimar Coloured Chakra: cared for by Zadkiel the Divine Comforter.

Soul-Heart Perception of: Acceptance * Beloved * Luxury * Pleasure

To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion.

4. Heart Chakra: cared for by Raphael the Holy (Joyously Whole) Healer.

Soul-Heart Perception of: Embrace * Harmony * Resolution * Sympathy

To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra: cared for by Jophiel the Holy (Joyously Whole) Liberator.

Soul-Heart Perception of: Adventure * Celebration * Thrill * Wonder

To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion.

2. Sacral chakra: cared for by Zaphkiel the Sacred Lover

Soul-Heart Perception of: Anticipation * Awe * Delight * Euphoria

To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion.

1. Base / Root Chakra: cared for by Hanael the Sacred Warrior

Soul-Heart Perception of: Champion * Innocence * Loyalty * Victory

To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion.

9. Earth Star. A Gold Chakra: cared for by Sandalphon the Sacred Guardian

Soul-Heart Perception of: Assurance * Stillness

To Enjoy Sacred Love Wisdom of Joyous Truth in Motion.

Together We Can Use The Diamond, Platinum & Gold Principles of Co-Creative Consciousness, Joyous Cosmic Communication & the Golden Vision for Humanity – With the Cosmic, Universal and Personal Solvent of Sacred Love Wisdom and the Eternal Light of Co-Creative Truth, As We Joyously Desire for Cosmic FUN.

12 Helix DNARefined by the Clarity of Intention to Increase the Light Field of Each Living Thing Sustained by the 12 Chakras of the their Personal & Trans-personal Bodies.

12 Helix DNA. 1. The Biological Layer. 2. Personal Learning in Life . 3. Ascension & Activation. 4. Your Angelic Name - The Light & the Power of Love. 5. The Core Crystal Energy. 6. The Infinite Self. 7. Lemurian Helix 1. DNA Home Language & Divinity Revealed. 8. Origins * Master Akashic Record. Lemurian Helix 2. 9. Healing. Lemurian Helix 3. 10. Divine Perception. God Layer 1. 11. Wise Divine Feminine. God Layer 2. Illumination. 12. All Mighty. God Layer 3.

12 Senses1. Life. 2. Movement. 3. Equilibrium/s. 4. Smell. 5. Taste. 6. Vision. 7. Warmth. 8. Hearing. 9. Speech. 10. Thinking. 11. Self. 12. Touch

12 Helix DNA

12 Helix DNA

12 Helix DNA

12 Helix DNA

12 Helix DNA

12 Helix DNA

12 Helix DNA

12 Helix DNA

12 Helix DNA

12 Helix DNA

12 Helix DNA

12 Helix DNA