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12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures

Apr 10, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    Think Twicebefore you signanyThing again

    12 Bsiess Cases o Diial Siaes

  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    Of all the bsiess operatios we flll every day, sigatre

    reqests seem so ordiary we rarely give them a secod thoght.

    Yet its precisely becase they are commoa reglar part of jst

    abot every bsiess activity or processthat they impose so

    may costs, obstrctios ad delays.

    Research shows that 80% of all bsiess processes rely o forms.

    Ad most of these eed to be siged, iitiatig a expesive

    cost cascade. While ot every compay is exposed to all of

    the followig expeses, orgaiatios that trim or elimiate ay

    of these expeses will realie measrable beets to their top

    ad bottom-lie operatios. Expeses that ca be avoided with

    digital sigatres typically iclde:

    Pt paes a $0.03 a shee

    rt coss, ia a, ail, coies ad oeih shippi,

    ha ae o $0.05 o $42.55 pe delieable

    s d vcoss a abo $1.33 pe doce

    L d pdt coss o ohl $20.00 o each loss

    ad $40.00 o each epodcio

    idt t i delas, los deals, wokow obscios,

    declies i csoe o pae saisacio, ad s plai

    wased ie.

    The pictre is clear: while sigig oe docmet hardly seems

    brdesome, copyig, collectig, storig, distribtig, process-

    ig ad scaig thosads of docmets reqirig sigatres

    is a expese o eterprise ca afford to igore.

    Hadwritte sigatres arestraglig yor eterprise.Fortately, theres a easy

    way to break free.


  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    Tt td tp dtl t

    Digital sigatres captre sigatres withot the expeses of

    paper, yet with a degree of secrity, reliability ad simplicity

    matched by other sigig techologies.

    Digital sigatres provide critical competitive advatages byredcig operatig costs ad icreasig trst ad cotrol

    over iteral operatios ad exteral bsiess processes for

    greater cstomer satisfactio, stroger parter collaboratio,

    ad icreased sales efciecy. With the right digital sigatre

    techology, bsiesses ca:

    alt that are crretly jammed by sigatredelays

    gt di the validity of the siger ad of the

    siged docmet

    cl m dl tby allowig cstomers to approvedeals olie or yor sales staff to captre sigatres wheethsiasm is at its peak

    e lltacross departmets, vedor etworksad mltiple ofces by distribtig ad flllig sigatrereqests, fast

    ct tm d pt ptlthat facilitate sales ad

    project coordiatio electroically

    cmpl t lt qmtfor docmetedapprovals that ca be obtaied, stored ad retrievedqickly ad easily.

    M ppl tt d vto accelerate workprocesses ad make archivig easier

    rlz t ll vlof yor docmet maagemet tech-ologies, by elimiatig depedece o wet sigatres

    rd dpdo IT by sig a stadard techology thatdoes ot reqire special dowloads or proprietary software

    T 3 i T Dtl st

    Wha akes a diialsiae he old sadadi he wold o elecoicsiaes?

    Look o he Is:

    iDenTiTyEach se es a iqe,diial epi hasees as his ideicaio.

    inTenTA diial siae wih he

    ih pocedes i place e-qies a ses aeio, ak-i i dicl o ses o akesbseqe clais o beiawae ha he had sieda ie doce o a speciceaso o ppose.

    inTegriTyOce sied, he docecao be chaed o aleedwiho deecio. A aip-laio iediael ialidaes

    he siae ad ies aisal chae ha aleseades, sakeholdes ad/oeaies.

    b v t md t bottoml

    A simple sigatre becomes a complex cost whe it

    iterferes with the otherwise efciet ow of trasactios

    amog compay employees ad betwee the compay ad

    its parters, vedors ad most importatly, its cstomers.

    My colleages ad I at ARX have writte Think Twice Before

    You Sign Anything Again: 12 Business Cases for Digital

    Signatures to ct throgh the cofsio ad demostrate the

    practical bsiess vale of implemetig digital sigatres.

    Withi the followig pages, yoll d case-by-case examples

    of bsiess beets, simple methods for calclatig

    the ROI of digital sigatres, ad a checklist to help yo

    dee the right soltio for yor eterprise.

    Whether yo read, skim or sca Think Twice Before You Sign

    Anything Again: 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures,

    yoll ever thik of a sigatre i the same way agai.


    Boa Latsma

    VP Marketig, ARX.

    [email protected]


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    Addig digia sigas ShaPi dp has

    chagd h wa w d bsiss. I has sad s

    ad sigifica ipd cs sic.


    FuLFILL PROMISES OFPAPerleSS AutomAtIon InveStmentS

    To facilitate collaboratio throghot the eterprise, may orgaiatioshave embraced electroic docmet maagemet (DM) soltios, sch

    as Microsoft SharePoit, to give employees easy ways to share crcial

    iformatio, fast.

    Bt sigatre reqests compromise electroic soltios at the last mile

    i the process. Whe docmets eed to be prited, siged, scaed, faxed

    ad/or delivered, they reitrodce costs the DM soltio was iteded to

    remove. By deployig digital sigatre capabilities with docmet

    maagemet systems, orgaiatios ca realie the fll vale of theiratomated-workow ivestmets.


    Digia sigas aw CPI aiz h fa f is ShaPi si

    C&P Ispectio (CPI), a ispectio ad qality assracerm, made a bold leap from paper-based docmet ma-

    agemet to electroic workows by ivestig i Microsofts

    SharePoit soltio. Its itetio? To make it easier for

    CPIs worldwide team of ispectors to sbmit reports

    from cstomer locatios across the globe.

    Bt to its dismay, CPI fod that a cosiderable amot

    of paperwork kept creepig back ito the process, de-

    featig the prposead the valeof its SharePoit

    soltio. CPI IT Maager Carste Peyk ivestigated the

    sitatio ad covered the core problem: the egieersreports reqired atheticatig sigatres, forcig the

    reitrodctio of prited docmets ito the workow.

    Carste addressed the problem by icorporatig a digital

    sigatre soltio that allowed egieers to complete the

    electroic loop withot paper pritots. By istallig

    the digital sigatre compoet to the workow, ot oly

    did CPI save a estimated $3,000 i paper-related costs

    per siger, per year, it completed the last lik i the

    electroic docmet process ad allowed CPI to reap

    the fll rewards of its SharePoit ivestmet.


  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    Whether its to esre coformace of exterally imposed reglatios,

    evidece of compliace is key i may idstries, particlarly i life

    scieces, healthcare, egieerig, govermet ad acial services.

    Digital sigatres brig certaity to the process, providig sers with

    a fast way to approve forms while satisfyig all athorities that the

    sigatres are valid. I a global ecoomy, it is especially importat to

    keep p with varios iteratioal stadards, sch as the Eu Directive

    o Electroic Sigatres, that allow docmets to cross borders withot

    pttig yor eterprise i the reglatory athorities cross-hairs.

    EnSuRE ComPlIAnCe

    t bai a appa a pjc qid s fa dcs

    f HQ i h uK bachs ad h wd. I cd

    ak awh bw h f wks g sigas

    f a pais. tda, hw, h pcss is cpd

    i 10 is. Digia sigas paid f hss js i

    s f icasd pdcii.



    PareXeL t p mt t tt mt

    As a leadig provider of Cliical Techology Services to

    the pharmacetical idstry, CliPhoe (a sbsidiary of

    PAREXEL, a leadig cliical research orgaiatio) is

    der pressre to demostrate compliace with FDA 21

    CFR Part 11 reqiremets while expeditig paperwork

    across ofces arod the globe.

    Movig papers from cotiet to cotiet cost CliPhoe

    a lot of moeyad p to for weeks of time. The compay

    istalled a digital sigatre soltio that chaged all that,

    eve before ivestig i a expesive docmet maage-

    met system. Oce they wet electroic ad started sigdigital sigatres, CliPhoe got the compliace it eeded

    while gettig the speed it wated: ow, all ofces ca com-

    plete the ecessary sigatres withi twety mites.


  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures



    May importat docmets reqire sigatres from participatig

    parties who may be operatig i disparate ofces, ad ofte i

    differet cotries. O paper, these remotely located sigers add

    rotig ad pritig costs (mltiple copies distribted to additioal

    sigers), ot to metio paifl delays.

    Digital sigatres leverage the power of electroic docmet maage-

    met soltios by givig sigers, regardless of locatio, a easy way to

    add their ofcial approvals to ay docmet, from ay ofce, that, itr, may be roted to ay additioal locatios as eeded.

    Sh Caia Dpa f ma Hah aais ha 9,500 sigd

    fs a da acss 21 cais

    Resposible for twety-oe hospitals ad commity health ceters throghot

    the state, the Soth Carolia Departmet of Metal Health (SCDMH) fod itself

    delged with complex forms that had to meet HIPAA ad GPEA reglatios.

    I additio to reqirig the sigatres of 3,500 medical staff, most of the doc-

    mets eeded siged athoriatios from patiets or patiet gardias at varios

    locatios. SCDMH arrived at a system of digital sigatres that allowed patiets

    to sig at poit of service via kiosk sigatre pads, with sbseqet physicia/

    rse digital sigatres servig as otariatio. The digital sigatre soltio

    ot oly made it easier to collect approvals from varios locatios i the SCDMH

    system, it simplied the etire process of obtaiig seqetial approvals from

    the patiet or patiet gardia to the spervisig medical staff.



  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    SECuRE AuTHORIzATIOnS FROMexeCutIveS on tHe move

    May exectives travel extesively, yet eed to sig approvals while

    o the road to avoid accmlatig piles of docmets that await their

    sigatres po their retr. Otherwise, importat approvals, work

    orders ad deal docmets may be shifted ito the slow laeor

    eglected altogether. Paperwork delays ca be frther compoded

    by the time it takes to idetify the locatios of travelig exectives

    ad to rote the docmets appropriately.

    Digital sigatres move the workow olie, allowig all parties

    to distribte ad sig docmets istatly, via ordiary ad widely

    available etwork coectios, or eve smart phoes, regardless

    of locatio.

    Iaia Sa cdias sigas h

    I additio to its law-makig powers, the Italia Seate

    provides gidelies for govermet actio ad holds the

    govermet to accot. With sch broad resposibilities,

    the 315 seators ad their staffers are freqetly travel-

    ig. Yet their correspodece mst be siged to meet

    Italia reglatios.

    The Seates digital sigatre soltio overcomes

    the challeges of physical distace, allowig Seators

    ad staffers to create ad distribte siged memos

    from ay locatio, ad o the move, withot imposig

    time delays or delivery costs.



  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    MAnAGEmultIPle APProvAlS

    I may complex idstriessch as egieerig ad mafactrig

    operatios caot proceed withot seqetial approvals from mltiple

    athorities. Whe these are paper-based, the costs i time ad speed

    are obvios. Bt whe they also reqire sophisticated docmetatio,

    sch as CAD drawigs, the drai o resorces becomes oeros.

    Digital sigatres ot oly elimiate the slow distribtio of approved

    docmets, they make it easy for all participatig parties to cotribte

    their athoriatios withot reqirig mltiple pritots ad rotig.


    nw F sas capaci sais

    A leadig mafactrer i the heavy-trasit market,

    new Flyer coordiates Egieerig Chage Orders

    (ECOs) from more tha 100 egieers. Each order

    reqires ve CAD drawigs plotted for TIFF ad

    vectorised PDF, approved ad siged by three

    differet employees.

    Paper orders made matters eve more complicated,

    as may of the orders were geerated from a

    remote ofce, the physically drive to headqarters

    for plottig. new Flyer resolved the problem, ad

    icreased the prodctivity of its desigers, by

    icorporatig digital sigatres ito the electroic

    stream that prodces the drawigs. now new Flyer

    maages 250350 ECOs per week withot pritigad scaig costs, ad withot distribtio delays.


    nw F was kig ip a d--d

    digia sig-ff pcss kp p wih is high

    pss giig ad afacig i-

    . usig digia sigas aws gis

    cica add hi sigas ad pfssia

    sas CAD, micsf Wd, ec, ad Adb PDF

    dcs, sigifica hacig pcsss

    dcig pap, sca ad ab css ad

    iiaig ab 25% f h i w dd i

    h giig as pcss.

    DAvE frASEr, CAD SyStEmS mAnAgEr, nEW fLyEr

  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    COLLECTrePortS From FIelD StAFF

    Gatherig sigatres withi the same bildig is a icoveiece.

    Bt collectig them from employees who flll their dties ot i the

    eld is a otright headachead a expesive oe as well.

    Whether ecessary for billig, cotractig or compliace, eld reports

    flll a critical role withi the operatios of may far-g orgaiatios.

    Fortately, digital sigatres elimiate the eed for costly express

    delivery services by collectig docmetatio electroicallyad

    istatlythrogh secre, olie applicatios.


    meDrAD bigs i 15,00020,000 digiaps f h d

    As a leadig, worldwide provider of medical imag-ig devices ad services, MEDRAD was resposible

    for complex, FDA-reqired service reports gathered

    from meros eld service represetatives. I the

    FDA market, compaies typically sped hdreds of

    thosads of dollars aally jst o priority mail-

    ig of siged docmets from eld staff to the home

    ofce or to cliets. Accordig to MEDRAD records,

    that meat cotrollig betwee 15,000 to 20,000

    Field Service Reports that had to be siged ad

    roted to cliets ad FDA aditors.

    By sig a digital sigatre soltio to complete the

    last mile i the electroic docmet maagemet

    process, MEDRAD elimiated a eormos paper

    brde while acceleratig the speed at which impor-

    tat records are siged, roted ad archived.

    thgh s f a digia siga si, meDrAD

    sigifica cs css i shippig, pap-ad pdcs

    ad wkad, pdcig a siad aa saigs f

    $150,000. Addiia, fid sic psais

    a w ab cca wk, papwk.

    AngELA gASPEr, It PrOjECt mAnAgEr, mEDrAD


  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    CREATE ACuStomer PortAl

    As we all kow, every cstomer iteractio we move olie improves

    cstomer satisfactio, accelerates sales ad redces expesive direct

    cstomer service costs.

    Bt movemet to fll-service cstomer portals ca come to a dead

    halt whe sigatres are reqired. Sddely, the service chaibecomes iterrpted with a process that mst shift to paper.

    Every actio reqired from a cstomer ca lead to delaysor

    worse. If cstomers are reqired to sig ad fax a form, they may

    defer actio, get secod thoghts, or chage their midsdeals

    cold be lost altogether.

    Digital sigatres ca break p the logjam, allowig portals to collect,

    with a simple click, the iqe ideticatio (der garateed data

    itegrity), that the corts, reglators ad other athorities demad

    while facilitatig cstomer actio whe they are most ethsiastic

    abot closig the deal.

    7Gbavlik is ff h acs wih a icicai pcss

    GlobalVetLik (GVL), a service eterprise for aimal

    health providers i north America, operates i a

    strict reglatory eviromet that careflly moitors

    aimal movemet. Whe horses chage owership,

    stables or are trasported across state lies, a

    Doctor of Veteriary Medicie (DVM) mst complete

    ad sig Ofcial Certicates of Veteriary Ispectio

    (OCVI) ad Eqie Ifectios Aemia (EIA) certi-

    cates before the aimals ca be legally moved.

    For GVL, the aswer was a olie cstomer portal

    backed with a digital sigatre soltio that removed

    paper from the process. With a few simple clicks,

    the siged certicates ca be shared istatly

    amog the DVM, horse owers ad aimal health

    athorities. By lachig a efciet olie portal

    ad ehacig it with compliat digital sigatres,

    GVL captred a market leadership positio.

    I was skig dp a w bsiss d

    ha dd accss h Cifica f

    Hah bd h iaia dic h

    aia w. B sig digia sigas

    s w sa i cpiac whi hpig

    ip fficic i a aspcs f aia

    hah ad cds, w bca a

    pd ad, abig s f

    hdds hsads f ss.



  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    EXPEDITEServICe rePort turn-ArounDS

    I may service idstries, the primary deliverable is a siged report

    that veries, evalates, assesses or qalies a isse of both bsiess

    ad legal sigicace for the cliet. The faster these reports ca be

    sbmitted, the greater the perceived vale to the cliet ad the better

    the positioig of the vedor.

    Digital sigatres remove the delivery delays associated with paper

    (pritig, had-sigig, faxig, mailig, hard-copy archivig), allowig

    compaies to share siged reports immediately.


    maa Aaics disis p di f

    3 das isaas

    Project maagers i ftee labs throghot Caada

    create ad sbmit reports for Maxxam Aalytics cli-

    ets i evirometal scieces, petrolem testig,

    food safety ad foresics. Each year, they test more

    tha 1,500,000 samples for everythig from food

    cotamiatio to determiig paterity.

    natrally, Maxxams cliets are eager for the lab

    reslts. Bt the ecessary sigatres mst stad

    o their ow withot reqirig additioal software

    for validatio, ad mst meet legal reqiremets to

    stad as evidece i cort. By movig to digital sig-

    atres, Maxxam ot oly met all of these reqire-

    mets, bt ct report sbmissio times from 3 days

    to istataeos delivery, givig them a cosider-

    able advatage over their competitors.

    Digia sigas wk sass wih h

    PDF-basd ps cad i wkfw.

    maas pjc aags sig ad sa

    ad 15,000 ps h.

    SOrIn BOBArIu, APPLICAtIOn-DEvELOPmEnt mAnAgEr, mAxxAm


  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    MAnAGEPAPerleSS ContrACtS

    For eterprises with meros cliets (sch as B2B service providers,

    tilities, israce rms, etc.), cotract maagemet ca become a

    complex, expesive ad time-cosmig affair. To drive efciecy,

    may of these eterprises are trig toward electroic cotract

    maagemet systems that ca redce paperwork ad delays.

    Bt sigatre reqests ca disrpt the cotractig process ad re-isert

    paper ito the otherwise digital chai. Digital sigatres ca help

    eterprises maitai the electroic itegrity of the cotractig process,

    elimiatig obstacles to achievig the efciecies they seek.


    Digia sigas ha abd s aiz a

    papss pcss. Wih h digia siga si,w wd si b hidig gaizaia pcsss b

    idcig s f f pap i wkfw f

    cac appas.

    jOHn LAuEr, It mAnAgEr, EntErPrISE SErvICES,


    oghp Pw sas $300,000 i iss a f digia siga ipai

    Based i Georgia, Oglethorpe Power Corporatio

    (OPC) is oe of the largest power spply coopera-

    tives i the uited States. To accelerate project

    workows ad redce costs, they ivested i a

    cotract maagemet applicatio that wold tr

    approvals ito a electroic process.

    Sigatre obligatios, however, iterrpted the

    workow at the last mile. By itegratig a digital

    sigatre soltio with its cotract maagemet

    applicatio, OPC keeps the electroic workow

    itact. I jst its rst year of implemetatio, the

    compay saved over $300,000 ad made a complete

    retr o its ivestmet i jst three to for moths.


  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures



    Today, a ever greater portio of bsiess is codcted, ad

    eve fllled, electroically. With the Iteret as the leadig

    bsiess driver, eterprises mst be prepared to sbmit, trasmit

    ad receive ivoices electroically, via Web forms or emails.

    Digital sigatres allow yo to work with electroic ivoices withot

    compromises i secrity or isses with acceptability by the cstomer.

    Fortately, todays digital sigatres (like previos geeratios of

    electroic sigatres) are stadards-based, meaig that they do ot

    reqire proprietary software or dowloads o the recipiets part.

    10uPS Isa diffias isf wih ciciicig f cssAlthogh its recogied as a leadig carrier re-

    owed for qality service, uPS refses to rest o

    its reptatio ad cotially seeks ways to improve

    the cstomers experiece.

    uPS Israel tred to digital sigatres to give

    cstomers the optio of receivig ivoices electroi-

    cally, rather tha by paper. Based o a stadard

    techology available with the free Adobe Acrobat

    Reader, the digital sigatre didt reqire ay

    special vericatio software. Withi the rst moth,

    a mch larger mber of cstomers tha expected

    chose the electroic optio. The ew service helpedexpedite paymet collectio for the compays

    accots receivable departmet while givig

    cstomers a coveiet way to redce their

    depedecy o paper.

    uPS Isa pids isf sig iai

    It sis diffia isf f is

    cpis, ip is cs sics,

    as w as dc b i pss.

    migaig -iicig wih a digia

    siga si is ah ap f

    hw uPS bais cpii adaag.

    EyAL mAyO, uPS ISrAEL


  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    CAPTuRE SIGnATuRESAt tHe PoInt oF SAle

    Carpe diem or seie the day: it applies as mch to bsiess as it

    does to classical philosophy. Whe the cstomer is ready to sig o

    the bottom lie, yo dot wat to edre ay bsiess delays imposed

    by paper cotracts.

    Whe mch of yor sales force is i the eld, however, paper cotracts

    mst be circlated by fax or mail. Digital sigatres provide the alter-

    ative: as legally-bidig as wet sigatres, they have the importat

    advatage of immediacy. Oce a docmet is siged, it ca be istatly

    sbmitted to iitiate actio.


    Digia sigas ha dcd h i i aks

    f h gaizai cp a sa b 50%. B

    cbiig digia sigas wih bi chgis

    ad igaig h i bsiss pcss w

    w ab ip daa accac, spd pcssig

    i, ad dc paia css.EtzIOn yAtSIv, CIO, AIg ISrAEL

    AIG-Isa ccs sigas a iscss hs

    Israce is a very persoal matter. I fact, AIG-Israel,a leadig israce ad acial services compay,

    completes may of its cosmer sales off-site, i the

    cstomers ow homes. I this cotext, excess paper-

    work is ot oly a icoveiece, bt a impedimet

    at the least opporte mometwhe cstomers are

    ready to sig.

    AIG-Israel chose a digital sigatre soltio that

    easily itegrated with its cetral compter facilities

    for rapid imagig ad storage. Accessible via laptops

    ad celllar coectios, the soltio has allowed

    AIG-Israel represetatives to captre secre ad

    graphical sigatres that are completely compliat

    with Israce Commissioer ad reglatory agecy



  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures



    Jst as mltiple ofce locatios reqire a efciet way of distribtig

    ad approvig docmets, parters from differet orgaiatios eed

    a timely ad cost-effective way of collaboratig with each other.

    Ay collaboratio, however, reqires cotracts, chage orders, project

    reqests ad other approvals that mst be siged i order to iitiate

    work. Some smart eterprises are creatig olie portals, accessible

    via the Web, to help parters maage the paperwork electroically.

    By addig a digital sigatre soltio to the portal, reqired approvals

    ca be secrely recorded for all ofcial docmetatio.


    Dk ra bids a i pa f iscsci pas

    With more tha 144 millio sqare feet of ofce,idstrial ad healthcare properties der

    maagemet, Dke Realty is oe of the largest

    real estate compaies i the uited States.

    I its roles as Desig Bilder, Geeral Cotractor

    or Cotract maager, Dke Realty oversees

    thosads of cotract parters o behalf of its


    Wisely, Dke Realty bilt a i pa,

    Costrctio Coect, where the compay ca

    easily maage commicatios, cotractig,

    reportig ad more with its parters. Addig

    the digital sigatre soltio compoet to

    the portal elimiated paper from the process,

    allowig Dke Realty to take advatage of a

    efciet, etirely electroic, collaborative tool.

    Kds Dk! th ad i his

    sas Ac Ai is ch appciad!

    mArEttE EKArt, ACE AIr (A DuKE rEALty PArtnEr)

  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    tAKe A HArD looK At tHe numBerS

    Pt t

    Its ot jst paper,bt toer ad ik aswell. O average, thesm of their expesesis $0.03 per page.

    ValeMaxs aalpritig costs:

    200,000 pages x $0.03

    = $6,000

    rt t

    Oe way or aother,docmets mst movefrom the siger toelsewhere, whetherto other sigers, otherdepartmets, or exter-al parters, vedorsor cliets.

    Lets say oly half of

    ValeMaxs sigeddocmets (50,000)eed exteral rotigby mail, corier,shippig or faxig.Eve if oly 10% of its

    docmets are deliveredby overight shippig,the total costs are hge:

    ValeMaxs total

    aal rotig costs= $438,300

    s t

    To save o storagead hadlig costs,may archives todayare electroic, rathertha physical. SpposeValeMax scas jsthalf of their docmetssig employees whomake $10/hor:

    ValeMaxs aalscaig costs:

    50,000 docmets x $0.50

    = $25,000

    Pp v t

    If half of the docmetsare scaed for elec-troic archivig, whatabot the other half?Its eve more expesive:

    ValeMaxs aalpaper archivig costs:

    50,000 docmets x $0.83

    = $41,500

    Dmt l d

    pdt t

    It sholdt happebt it does: docmetsget lost, ecessitatigsearches ad, if thesefail, reprodctio of themissig item.

    ValeMaxs aal lossad reprodctio costs:

    $120,000 + $60,000

    = $180,000

    Ttl t


    Keep this i mid:we took a coservativeapproach sig redcedgres ad a modestly-sied eterprise. Yet thembers are staggerig:

    All told, ValeMaxsaal cost of paper-

    based sigatres= $650,000

    That meas:

    Average cost per paper-based sigatre:


    = $6.50 p t

    Aal cost per siger:

    $6.50 X 500

    = $3,250

    200 eploees who elal si doces

    500 doces sied pe eploee, pe ea(o 2 doces each woki da)A doce sie o 2 paes aos o 200,000paes pe ea


    Thik sigatres are a soft isse? Yo may be i for a

    srprise whe yo take a close look at the hard mbers.

    Eve whe qalitative isses (sch as workow delays,

    legal hassles ad reptatio risks) are set aside, the

    directly measrable factors expose the startlig costs

    associated with paper-based sigatres.

    For the prpose of the followig calclatios, well work with

    a hypothetical compay, ValeMax, that has a modest prole:

  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    bt t, t m. M m.

    Weve tallied the expeses that are relatively easy to qatify.

    Bt may of the most expesive costs associated with paper-based

    sigatres elde direct measremet.They may ot be readily

    qatiable, bt they are certaily very real:

    evmtl t. A estimated of a barrel of oil, half a tree,

    ad 150 pods of carbo emissios, per siger, per year

    opptt t. Lost bsiess de to delays i sigig agreemets

    bd t. Damage to reptatio cased by lost docmetatio or

    docmets that caot be atheticated

    roi t. Failre to realie the fll potetial of yor cotet maage-

    met system


    Both the qatiable ad qalitative expeses of

    paper-based sigig impose hgead ecessary

    brdes o yor orgaiatio.

    For more isight o costs, dowload the free white paper:

    Cacaig h roI f digia siga ipai
  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    tHe toP ten DIGItAlSIGnAture CHeCKlIStWhich diial siae solio eall delies?

    I the precedig pages, yove see evidece for thereal bsiess beets of digital sigatres: elimiatig

    the costs associated with paper, movig docmets

    istatly across ofces (or eve cotiets), acceleratig

    workows ad flllig the potetial of yor docmet

    maagemet system.

    Yet ot every electroic or digital sigatre soltio

    ca trly deliver o its promises. Before yo ivest

    i a digital sigatre system, apply the followig

    Top Te checklist. If the soltio yore cosiderig

    ca satisfy all te reqiremets, the its

    likely to provide the beets yo wat

    ad satisfy the most demadig

    expectatios of allyors.


    D t l dmt t q pt?

    May programs, sch as Microsoft Word, allow sers to add a electroic

    sigatre to a docmet. Bt as log as these docmets ca be altered withot

    chagig the sigatre, the docmet ist trly sealed. A secre digital sigatre

    soltio seals docmets with a tamperproof digital gerprit iqe to both

    the siger ad the docmet; ay chages whatsoever immediatelyad visibly

    ivalidate the sigatre.

    c t ppt mltpl pplt t zt?

    Soltios for Microsoft Word ad Adobe Acrobat are commo. Bt to facilitate

    movemet throgh yor workows, yor digital sigatre system mst work

    with meros applicatios, icldig poplar ofce apps sch as Microsoft

    Word, Excel, PDF ad AtoCAD. I additio, the techology shold spport

    sigatres i docmet maagemet ad workow systems sch as

    Microsoft SharePoit.

    wll t lt pl t?

    I electroic docmets, the real secrity is provided by the derlyig techology.

    Bt what we actally see is a visally coveiet way of recogiig ideticatio.

    Look for digital sigatre soltios that allow yo to apply ad see a graphical

    represetatio of the traditioal wet sigatre.

    c t d m t t?

    May of the most importat docmets, like cotracts, reqire more tha oe

    sigatre. Yet some electroic systems have o meas for accommodatigmore tha oe valid sigatre per docmet. The right soltio allows more

    tha oe perso to sig i more tha oe place while maitaiig the validity

    of the docmet.

    c t tt iT mmt?

    Who hast bee bred by digital soltios that have become massive

    admiistrative headaches? May of the electroic sigatre systems ot there

    deped o proprietary software that reqires itesive IT maagemet for

    istallatio, maagemet, cotrol ad trobleshootig. Yo wat oe that rs

    simply from day oea soltio thats easy to se withot legthy learig cycles.






  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    D t mpl t ll ll qmt?

    If the sigatre doest stad p i cort, it cat meet yor bsiess

    stadards. Yor soltio mst meet the followig basic reqiremets:

    Atheticity: the sigatre is iqely liked to the siger

    Itegrity: ay tamperig to the docmet ca be detected

    Eforceability: sigatres mst be veriable by all parties

    no-reftability: the sigatre caot be deied or disavowed

    c t vd tm, , ?

    Yove assiged yor sigatre with yor system. Bt will the receivig party

    be able to verify it withot istallig the same digital sigatre software?

    A effective soltio allows recipiets to see ad verify altered sigatres

    with the ordiary docmet software, sch as Microsoft Word or Abobe

    Acrobat, they already have.

    D t ll ml -p?

    no ser shold have to se a wiard or call a help desk to sig yor doc-

    mets. Istead, the assigig of digital certicates shold be easy, fast ad as

    trasparet as possible. Oce the digital sigatre system is deployed, either

    the sers, or IT people, shold be aware of the derlyig techology.

    i t mpl t ?

    A wet sigatre reqires pe ad papersimple. Bt a digital sigatre

    system that isists o mlti-step, wiard-like processes is aythig bt simple.

    The acid test? The right soltio shold take o more tha 10 secods or 1-2mose clicks to esre that a docmet is siged, sealed ad legally compliat.

    D t v l ttl t p?

    Look der the hood for hidde costs: complex software istallatios,

    additioal stafg reqiremets, help desk demads, registratio ad/or

    reewal fees for digital certicates, ad more. The digital sigatre soltio

    yo wat shold solve problems, ot impose ew costs.







  • 8/8/2019 12 Business Cases for Digital Signatures


    What does a system that satises all of the above reqiremets look

    like? I a way, yo already kowall of the case stdies i this ebook

    featre cliets who se CoSig as their digital sigatre soltio.Bt yo ca lear more i this vd. Ad if yo like what yo

    see, we ivite yo to try CoSig for a moth, free of charge.

    To lear more abot how a digital sigatre soltio ca redce

    costs, accelerate workows i yor eterprise ad improve

    relatioships with cstomers ad parters, cotact the experts

    at ARX at [email protected] or by phoe at (415) 839-8161.

    at arXT Dtl st cmp

    ARXs CoSig digital sigatre soltio atomates approvalsaffordably i a compliat maer, allowig orgaiatios to go

    paperless, expedite bsiess processes ad redce costs. CoSig

    is the oly digital sigatre soltio that is seamlessly itegrated

    with Microsoft SharePoit ad other poplar DM/ECM soltios.

    For reliable cotrol of sigatre privileges ad ease of admiistratio,

    sigatres are maaged cetrally throgh the orgaiatios ser

    directory. Jst as importatly, CoSig sigatres are globally accepted

    by exteral parters withot the eed for proprietary validatio

    software. Lear more abot the CoSig digital sigatre soltio at:


    Yo may post this ebook o yor blog or email it to whomever yo

    believe wold beet from readig it. Thak yo!


    See WHAt A GreAt DIGItAl SIGnAture

    SolutIon reAlly looKS lIKe