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12 5 12 and 9 9 13 Coughlin's Complaints to NV Commiss. Judicial Discipline and 1 14 13 WCDA ADA Helzer Innuendo Etc

Apr 14, 2018



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  • 7/29/2019 12 5 12 and 9 9 13 Coughlin's Complaints to NV Commiss. Judicial Discipline and 1 14 13 WCDA ADA Helzer Innue



    Zachary Barker Coughlin

    1471 E. 9th St.

    94967 74026

    949 667 7402 tel and fax is the same

    rmc judge william gardner

    Reno Mun c pal Court

    11 CR 26405


    I recently appealed the denial on 11/14/12 of a Motion forFor New Trial filed a

    in late October 2012

    w ll supplement later, but

    and 7/5/12 bail hearing in12 cr 12420 and transfer

    in 12 cr 006ng12-0204, ng12-0435, ng12-0434 (SBN v. Coughlin 11/14/12 formal hearing)

    arraignment in 11 cr 22176 10/10/11

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  • 7/29/2019 12 5 12 and 9 9 13 Coughlin's Complaints to NV Commiss. Judicial Discipline and 1 14 13 WCDA ADA Helzer Innue


    please see attached materials

    please see attached materials

    incorporate by reference all of Zach Coughlin's documents and exhibits on file before thenevada supreme court incorporate all materials found therein as well

    in all these links


    and incorporate by reference all materials found at all links herein andtherein

    failed to file in my 6/28/12 notice of appeal in 11 cr 26405...judge steven elliotmember of CAAW's board, went to Stanford with washoe legal services paul elcano, whomi sued along with CAAW, Elcano and WLS in cv11-01955 no 60317 and associated ith 60301and elliot presided over, did not disclose and was "randomly" assigned my cases in


    cr11-2064 (resulted n suspens on of my law l cense) cr12-1262 and cr12-0376 (8 days n a l andmedical records privacy rights raped, 40K attorney fee award against me in cv11-03628

    richard g. hill, esq. interspersed throughout...

    oh, and see n s ct case 54844 judge w. gardner's sister I sued Mandamus he passed her ordercited as sole cause for firing me by WLS to RMC Judge Nash Holmes...ghost grievancein re frank....

    failed to forward 11 2 12 Notice of Errate, etc. in 11 cr 26405, cd/dvds missin' (common theme) withlocal judges lately, ask rjc sferrazza and clifton in rcr2011-063341 and rcr2012-065630

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    zach coughlin

    1471 e. 9th st

    949 667 7402

    dorothy nash holmes and kenneth howardrmc

    reno mun court

    11 tr 26800 and 11 cr 22176 and 11 cr 00696

    can't tell anymore


    every last one of them

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  • 7/29/2019 12 5 12 and 9 9 13 Coughlin's Complaints to NV Commiss. Judicial Discipline and 1 14 13 WCDA ADA Helzer Innue


    6/28/12 notice of appeal in 11 cr 26405...judge steven elliotmember of CAAW's board, went to Stanford with washoe legal services paul elcano, whomi sued along with CAAW, Elcano and WLS in cv11-01955 no 60317 and associated ith 60301and elliot presided over, did not disclose and was "randomly" assigned my cases indcr11-2064 (resulted in suspension of my law license) cr12-1262 and cr12-0376 (8 days in jail andmedical records privacy rights raped, 40K attorney fee award against me in cv11-03628richard g. hill, esq. interspersed throughout...oh, and see n s ct case 54844 judge w. gardner's sister I sued Mandamus he passed her ordercited as sole cause for firing me by WLS to RMC Judge Nash Holmes...ghost grievancein re frank....failed to forward 11 2 12 Notice of Errate, etc. in 11 cr 26405, cd/dvds missin' (common theme)withlocal judges lately, ask rjc sferrazza and clifton in rcr2011please see attached materialsplease see attached materialsincorporate by reference all of Zach Coughlin's documents and exhibits on file before thenevada supreme court incorporate all materials found therein as well all these linksxand incorporate by reference all materials found at all links herein andtherein

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    Zachary Barker Coughlin

    1471 E. 9th St., Reno, NV 89512

    my telephone and fax is 949 667 7402

    STeven Elliot

    Second Jud c al D str ct Court for Washoe County

    cr12-0376, cr12-1262, cr11-2064

    xcr12-0376 resulted in unlawful 8 day incarceration and coercion of waiver of HIPAA rights

    cr11-2064 and cr12-1262 were fraudulentlydenied


    most of them, I will supplement this later but he is or was on CAAW's Board while presiding overcv11-01955, wherein I was suing CAAW, and he has "randomly" managed to sink his hooks into threecriminal matters involving me this year, wherein ordeal withChief Appeals Clerk Lori Matheus has been especially curious. appearance of impropriety

    incarcerated me for lies by Lakes Crossing thatwere not in an affidavit as required by NRS 22.030...DDA Young violated NRS 178.405 stay

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    see attached and I will supplement this soon

    see attached and I will supplement this soon



    cv11-10955 was appealed in 60317...I tried appealing cr11-2064 but apparently that, like Hiibelwill require a Mandamus Petition. Now, my appeal of the denial of my motion for new trialis being retained as an extension of my initial appeal of rmc 11 cr 26405, in cr12-1262, though Ido not feel Judge Elliot should ever touch another one of my case, ever.

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    zach coughlin

    1471 e. 9th st

    tel and fax 949 667 7402

    judge peter j. sferrazza

    reno justice court

    rev2011-001708 and rcr2011-063341

    not sure where either case is exactly


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  • 7/29/2019 12 5 12 and 9 9 13 Coughlin's Complaints to NV Commiss. Judicial Discipline and 1 14 13 WCDA ADA Helzer Innue


    6/28/12 notice of appeal in 11 cr 26405...judge steven elliotmember of CAAW's board, went to Stanford with washoe legal services paul elcano, whomi sued along with CAAW, Elcano and WLS in cv11-01955 no 60317 and associated ith 60301and elliot presided over, did not disclose and was "randomly" assigned my cases indcr11-2064 (resulted in suspension of my law license) cr12-1262 and cr12-0376 (8 days in jail andmedical records privacy rights raped, 40K attorney fee award against me in cv11-03628richard g. hill, esq. interspersed throughout...

    oh, and see n s ct case 54844 judge w. gardner's sister I sued Mandamus he passed her ordercited as sole cause for firing me by WLS to RMC Judge Nash Holmes...ghost grievancein re frank....failed to forward 11 2 12 Notice of Errate, etc. in 11 cr 26405, cd/dvds missin' (common theme)withlocal judges lately, ask rjc sferrazza and clifton in rcr2011please see attached materialsplease see attached materialsincorporate by reference all of Zach Coughlin's documents and exhibits on file before thenevada supreme court incorporate all materials found therein as well all these linksxand incorporate by reference all materials found at all links herein andtherein

    didn't file in notice of appeal submitted 12/26/12 as to ORder "Resolving" contest proprty lienthearing on 12/20/12 (its fraudulent to say I "agreed" to the "orderd" plus didn't give me a hearingfor 6 weeks though NRS 40.253 calls for one within 10 day sof 11/17/12...called jonas and stancilcoerced me out of fifth amenments rights at trial in rcr2011-063341 and ltos else.

    i am not sure


  • 7/29/2019 12 5 12 and 9 9 13 Coughlin's Complaints to NV Commiss. Judicial Discipline and 1 14 13 WCDA ADA Helzer Innue



    Zach Coughl n

    1471 E. 9th St. Reno NV 89512

    tel and fax is 949 667 7402I prefer email to [email protected]


    ts not ent rely clear to me

    reno justice court

    Judge Dav d Cl fton



    this is mostly done out of an abundance of caution because I sense Judge Clifton being taken over byper pressure from his fellow Judges and we need good Judges like Judge Clifton and I think its not toolate for him to use his talents for helping the forces of good, and notevil, but he may need to help in getting there. pat flanagan hit me we a $42K atty fee award incv11-03628 where I was a pro se tenant appealing a summary eviction...motion filed while judge elliothad me

    locked up and deprived of medications...then the order came down shortly after the rpd andjudge gardner had me locked up on a phony charge and he raised the bail 10 times high overnuthin'

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    Judge Clifton was shaking with anger and venom when he forced me to admit I had filed grievances

    against DDA Zach "Norman Nifong" Young, Esq. for his rampant prosecutorial misconduct, saying "well,that say's a LOT about YOU as a person" and other disparaging and threatening remarks...1983 McGeorge

    Gammick 1982 McGeorge, suspended from practice of law 4 hours after emailing Gammick only time ever

    on June 6, 2012...regarding alleged victim battering me with a lit cigarette....McGeorge Mafia:

  • 7/29/2019 12 5 12 and 9 9 13 Coughlin's Complaints to NV Commiss. Judicial Discipline and 1 14 13 WCDA ADA Helzer Innue


    6/28/12 notice of appeal in 11 cr 26405...judge steven elliotmember of CAAW's board, went to Stanford with washoe legal services paul elcano, whomi sued along with CAAW, Elcano and WLS in cv11-01955 no 60317 and associated ith 60301and elliot presided over, did not disclose and was "randomly" assigned my cases in

    dcr11-2064 (resulted in suspension of my law license) cr12-1262 and cr12-0376 (8 days in jail andmedical records privacy rights raped, 40K attorney fee award against me in cv11-03628richard g. hill, esq. interspersed throughout...oh, and see n s ct case 54844 judge w. gardner's sister I sued Mandamus he passed her ordercited as sole cause for firing me by WLS to RMC Judge Nash Holmes...ghost grievancein re frank....failed to forward 11 2 12 Notice of Errate, etc. in 11 cr 26405, cd/dvds missin' (common theme)withlocal judges lately, ask rjc sferrazza and clifton in rcr2011please see attached materialsplease see attached materials

    incorporate by reference all of Zach Coughlin's documents and exhibits on file before thenevada supreme court incorporate all materials found therein as well all these linksxand incorporate by reference all materials found at all links herein andtherein

    judge clifton summarily took away my fax filing rights poor little dda young couldn't take itand I had barely even been inserted as counsel yet when he did that, plus he tried to depose wcpddogan to get some rhythmn on denying me a continuance.

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    th s guy went to Stanford around 1966 w th Washoe Legal Serv ces Paul Elcano, whom headmits to being "boyhood chums" with (what about the wine business, guys?) and JudgeSTeven Elliot, who has "randomly" been assigned three criminal appeals of Coughlin'ssince Coughlin upset the brother and sister Judge tandem of Linda and William Garnderby filing a Petition for Writ of Mandamus in 54844 after her sanctions against him

    were cited by Elcano as thesole reason he fired

    Coughlin....then in CV11-01955 Coughlin sued WLS and CAAW and Judge Elliot did

    disclose that he was onCAAW's Board or that he

    worked at Echeverria andOsborne, and now Echeverria is the Panel Chair for Coughlin formal Discipline

    hear ng and Elcano s added as a w tness ust a couple days before the hear ng along w thmost of the other people who graduated from McGeorge School of law between 1977-1982

    please add JOhn Echeverr a s he s sub ect to Jud c al D sc pl neCommission Jurisdiction in his role as Panel Chair.

    Tom Susich and Pat King really did a "shake andbake" on the formal disciplinary hearing Panelselection for the 11/14/12 hearing in sbn vcoughlin

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    RE: Missing property

    From: Campbell, Debra ([email protected])Sent: Tue 3/13/12 10:49 AMTo: [email protected]

    No, a micro sd card is not listed on the evidence envelope.

    Debi Campbell, Detention Operations Manager Washoe County Sheriff's Office911 Parr BlvdReno, NV 89512-1000(775) 328-2893 (Office)

    (775) 328-6305 (FAX)[email protected]


    To serve the residents of Washoe County, consistently earning the public's confidence by providing asafe and secure community using the highest quality law enforcement, detention, and support servicespossible within the resources entrusted to us.

    CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION AND WORK PRODUCT: This communication, includingattachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privilegedinformation. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution isstrictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email,delete this communication and destroy all copies.

    From: Zach Coughlin [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:29 AMTo: Campbell, Debra

    Subject: RE: Missing property

    Did these items that were placed into evidence include a micro sd card?

    Zach Coughlin, Esq., 1422 E. 9th St. #2, RENO, NV 89512, tel: 775 338 8118, fax: 949 667 7402;[email protected] Nevada Bar No: 9473

    Hotmail Print Message

    1 of 17 3/29/201

    Subject: Missing propertyDate: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 10:14:59 -0700From: [email protected]: [email protected]

    Mr. Coughlin:

    Your email regarding your missing secure property was forwarded to me for response. I apologize for the delayin responding to you but it took me a little while to figure out the issue.

    Your two cell phones and electric razor were put into evidence at the request of Judge Nash-Holmes onFebruary 28, 2012. In order for us to release them to you, we will need an order from Judge Nash-Holmes thatthe evidence can be released to you.

    To make this matter smoother for you all documentation should reflect Washoe County Sheriffs Office casenumber 12-1805 and evidence number C-47591. The court case number corresponding to this issue is11TR26800.

    If you have any questions all of my contact information is listed below.

    Debi Campbell, Detention Operations Manager Washoe County Sheriff's Office911 Parr BlvdReno, NV 89512-1000(775) 328-2893 (Office)(775) 328-6305 (FAX)[email protected]


    To serve the residents of Washoe County, consistently earning the public's confidence by providing asafe and secure community using the highest quality law enforcement, detention, and support servicespossible within the resources entrusted to us.

    CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION AND WORK PRODUCT: This communication, includingattachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privilegedinformation. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution isstrictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email,delete this communication and destroy all copies.

    mail Print Message

    17 3/29/2012 2:18 PM

    FW: missing property from my secured property

    From: Cummings, Tami ([email protected])Sent: Mon 3/05/12 8:43 AMTo: [email protected]: Sheriff - Bkg_CC Supervisors ([email protected])

    Dear Mr. Coughlin:

    Thank you for your email. We are forwarding your email to our Deten on Booking Supervisors for theirreview and response. Shou ld you need to contact them by phone, you can call Deten on Administra on at328-2971.


    Community Relations| Washoe County Sheriff's Office

    From: Zach Coughlin [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 9:40 PMTo: SheriffWebSubject: missing property from my secured property

    Dear Washoe County Sheriff's Office and Jail,

    The secured property returned to me today did not include either of my cell phones or the micro sd card that were listed on my check in sheet. My agent,Peter Eastman, did come and retrieve my keys and wallet, etc. (to help makesure my dog would not starve to death, and I am so thankful to you for lettinghim do that as animal control would have likely cost much money and I alreadyhad a $300 towing bill for my car upon being release from jail and I amliterally flat broke, and just had to pay my $450 per year bar dues and pay for twelve credits of continuing legal education and my yearly CLE it

    Hotmail Print Message

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    RE: Missing property

    really helped that the Sheriff's Office let Mr. Eastman get my keys to feed mydog, thank you!).

    However, Mr. Eastman indicates to me that he did not receive either cell phoneor the micro sd card upon picking up my secured property.

    If possible please reply by fax or email as I, obviously, do not have my phonesand there is a problem right now with my usps mailbox.

    Zach Coughlin, Esq., 1422 E. 9th St. #2, RENO, NV 89512, tel: 775 338 8118, fax: 949 667 7402;[email protected] Nevada Bar No: 9473

    From: Campbell, Debra ([email protected])Sent: Tue 3/13/12 1:57 PMTo: [email protected]

    Yes, a micro sd card was listed on the inventory at intake and was released with the rest of your p roperty on2-29-12 to Peter Eastman. I will scan and email you a copy of the intake property form and the release formsigned by Mr. Eastman.

    Debi Campbell, Detention Operations Manager Washoe County Sheriff's Office911 Parr BlvdReno, NV 89512-1000(775) 328-2893 (Office)(775) 328-6305 (FAX)[email protected]


    To serve the residents of Washoe County, consistently earning the public's confidence by providing asafe and secure community using the highest quality law enforcement, detention, and support servicespossible within the resources entrusted to us.

    CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION AND WORK PRODUCT: This communication, includingattachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privilegedinformation. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution is

    mail Print Message

    17 3/29/2012 2:18 PM

    strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email,delete this communication and destroy all copies.

    From: Zach Coughlin [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 11:08 AMTo: Campbell, DebraSubject: RE: Missing property

    Is a micro sd card listed on the property sheet at intake?

    Zach Coughlin, Esq., 1422 E. 9th St. #2, RENO, NV 89512, tel: 775 338 8118, fax: 949 667 7402;[email protected] Nevada Bar No: 9473

    Subject: RE: Missing propertyDate: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 10:48:59 -0700From: [email protected]: [email protected]

    No, a micro sd card is not listed on the evidence envelope.

    Debi Campbell, Detention Operations Manager Washoe County Sheriff's Office911 Parr BlvdReno, NV 89512-1000(775) 328-2893 (Office)(775) 328-6305 (FAX)[email protected]


    To serve the residents of Washoe County, consistently earning the public's confidence by providing asafe and secure community using the highest quality law enforcement, detention, and support servicespossible within the resources entrusted to us.

    CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION AND WORK PRODUCT: This communication, includingattachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privilegedinformation. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution isstrictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email,delete this communication and destroy all copies.

    Hotmail Print Message

    5 of 17 3/29/201

    From: Zach Coughlin [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:29 AMTo: Campbell, DebraSubject: RE: Missing property

    Did these items that were placed into evidence include a micro sdcard?

    Zach Coughlin, Esq., 1422 E. 9th St. #2, RENO, NV 89512, tel: 775 338 8118, fax: 949 667 7402;[email protected] Nevada Bar No: 9473

    Subject: Missing propertyDate: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 10:14:59 -0700From: [email protected]: [email protected]

    Mr. Coughlin:

    Your email regarding your missing secure property was forwarded to me for response. I apologize for the delay

    in responding to you but it took me a little while to figure out the issue.

    Your two cell phones and electric razor were put into evidence at the request of Judge Nash-Holmes onFebruary 28, 2012. In order for us to release them to you, we will need an order from Judge Nash-Holmes thatthe evidence can be released to you.

    To make this matter smoother for you all documentation should reflect Washoe County Sheriffs Office casenumber 12-1805 and evidence number C-47591. The court case number corresponding to this issue is11TR26800.

    If you have any questions all of my contact information is listed below.

    Debi Campbell, Detention Operations Manager Washoe County Sheriff's Office911 Parr Blvd

    mail Print Message

    17 3/29/2012 2:18 PM

    RE: Missing property

    Reno, NV 89512-1000(775) 328-2893 (Office)(775) 328-6305 (FAX)[email protected]


    To serve the residents of Washoe County, consistently earning the public's confidence by providing asafe and secure community using the highest quality law enforcement, detention, and support servicespossible within the resources entrusted to us.

    CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION AND WORK PRODUCT: This communication, includingattachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privilegedinformation. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution isstrictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email,delete this communication and destroy all copies.

    From: Campbell, Debra ([email protected])Sent: Tue 3/13/12 2:50 PMTo: [email protected]

    1 attachmentCoughlin Property Docs 0312.doc (2.6 MB)

    The two documents I referred to in my last email are a ached.

    Debi Campbell, Detention Operations Manager Washoe County Sheriff's Office911 Parr BlvdReno, NV 89512-1000(775) 328-2893 (Office)(775) 328-6305 (FAX)[email protected]


    To serve the residents of Washoe County, consistently earning the public's confidence by providing asafe and secure community using the highest quality law enforcement, detention, and support services

    Hotmail Print Message

    7 of 17 3/29/201

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    possible within the resources entrusted to us.

    CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION AND WORK PRODUCT: This communication, includingattachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privilegedinformation. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution isstrictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email,delete this communication and destroy all copies.

    From: Zach Coughlin [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 11:08 AMTo: Campbell, DebraSubject: RE: Missing property

    Is a micro sd card listed on the property sheet at intake?

    Zach Coughlin, Esq., 1422 E. 9th St. #2, RENO, NV 89512, tel: 775 338 8118, fax: 949 667 7402;[email protected] Nevada Bar No: 9473

    Subject: RE: Missing propertyDate: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 10:48:59 -0700From: [email protected]: [email protected]

    No, a micro sd card is not listed on the evidence envelope.

    Debi Campbell, Detention Operations Manager Washoe County Sheriff's Office911 Parr BlvdReno, NV 89512-1000(775) 328-2893 (Office)(775) 328-6305 (FAX)[email protected]


    To serve the residents of Washoe County, consistently earning the public's confidence by providing asafe and secure community using the highest quality law enforcement, detention, and support servicespossible within the resources entrusted to us.

    mail Print Message

    17 3/29/2012 2:18 PM

    CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION AND WORK PRODUCT: This communication, includingattachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privilegedinformation. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution isstrictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email,delete this communication and destroy all copies.

    From: Zach Coughlin [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:29 AMTo: Campbell, DebraSubject: RE: Missing property

    Did these items that were placed into evidence include a micro sdcard?

    Zach Coughlin, Esq., 1422 E. 9th St. #2, RENO, NV 89512, tel: 775 338 8118, fax: 94 9 667 7402;[email protected] Nevada Bar No: 9473

    Subject: Missing propertyDate: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 10:14:59 -0700From: [email protected]: [email protected]

    Mr. Coughlin:

    Your email regarding your missing secure property was forwarded to me for response. I apologize for the delayin responding to you but it took me a little while to figure out the issue.

    Your two cell phones and electric razor were put into evidence at the request of Judge Nash-Holmes onFebruary 28, 2012. In order for us to release them to you, we will need an order from Judge Nash-Holmes that

    the evidence can be released to you.

    To make this matter smoother for you all documentation should reflect Washoe County Sheriffs Office casenumber 12-1805 and evidence number C-47591. The court case number corresponding to this issue is11TR26800.

    If you have any questions all of my contact information is listed below.

    Hotmail Print Message

    9 of 17 3/29/201

    RE: Missing property

    Debi Campbell, Detention Operations Manager Washoe County Sheriff's Office911 Parr BlvdReno, NV 89512-1000(775) 328-2893 (Office)(775) 328-6305 (FAX)[email protected]


    To serve the residents of Washoe County, consistently earning the public's confidence by providing asafe and secure community using the highest quality law enforcement, detention, and support servicespossible within the resources entrusted to us.

    CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION AND WORK PRODUCT: This communication, includingattachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privilegedinformation. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution isstrictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email,delete this communication and destroy all copies.

    From: Campbell, Debra ([email protected])Sent: Wed 3/14/12 6:52 AMTo: [email protected]

    I am saying that two cell phones and an electric razor were placed into evidence at the instruc on of JudgeNash-Holmes and the evidence envelope states that is what is in the envelope. As I do not work in or haveaccess to the evidence unit, I am relaying what they told me when they checked the envelope.

    In response to your prior email, the property record form stated that there was a micro sd card. TheAuthoriza on for Release of Property/Money w as dated 2-29-12 and signed by Mr. Eastman. The statementhe signed states that he acknowledged that he received the items listed on the property record form. I canonly assume that is the case as he signed the form and you authorized him to pick up the property.

    Since I am not an a orney I will send your last two emails to the Assistant District A orney assigned to theSheri s O ce for response.

    mail Print Message

    f 17 3/29/2012 2:18 PM

    Debi Campbell, Detention Operations Manager Washoe County Sheriff's Office911 Parr BlvdReno, NV 89512-1000(775) 328-2893 (Office)(775) 328-6305 (FAX)[email protected]


    To serve the residents of Washoe County, consistently earning the public's confidence by providing asafe and secure community using the highest quality law enforcement, detention, and support servicespossible within the resources entrusted to us.

    CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION AND WORK PRODUCT: This communication, includingattachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privilegedinformation. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution isstrictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email,delete this communication and destroy all copies.

    From: Zach Coughlin [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:23 PMTo: Campbell, Debra; Kandaras, MarySubject: RE: Missing property

    So, are you saying you or your o ffice currently have an "evidence envelope" that containsthese items placed into "evidence" . Do you whether that comprots with previousassertions made by your office or agents, or, if, in fact, it con tradicts representations as towhom came and took what? If you still have any of this property in your possession,

    please consider whether it is legal for you to allow the RMC or the Reno Marshal to comecheck it out like a book from the l ibrary, or whether you have some liability if, oopsie,something "disappears". Please ask Deputy Cheung about all of these circumstancesdetailed in our correspondences and p rovide written documentation detailing hisresponses. Further, please provide pictures of the evidence envelope and all the "evidence"within such an envelope, inclu ding whether a micro sd card in within such materials or whether such a card is somehow contained in one of the phones or otherwise insteretedinto the same. Additionally, please indicate whether a phone battery or two is present.Please ask yourself who is running what and whether th at is appropriate.


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    Zach Coughlin, Esq., 1422 E. 9th St. #2, RENO, NV 89512, tel: 775 338 8118, fax: 949 667 7402;[email protected] Nevada Bar No: 9473

    Subject: RE: Missing propertyDate: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 10:48:59 -0700From: [email protected]: [email protected]

    No, a micro sd card is not listed on the evidence envelope.

    Debi Campbell, Detention Operations Manager

    Washoe County Sheriff's Office911 Parr BlvdReno, NV 89512-1000(775) 328-2893 (Office)(775) 328-6305 (FAX)[email protected]


    To serve the residents of Washoe County, consistently earning the public's confidence by providing asafe and secure community using the highest quality law enforcement, detention, and support servicespossible within the resources entrusted to us.

    CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION AND WORK PRODUCT: This communication, includingattachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privilegedinformation. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution isstrictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email,delete this communication and destroy all copies.

    From: Zach Coughlin [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:29 AMTo: Campbell, DebraSubject: RE: Missing property

    Did these items that were placed into evidence include a micro sdcard?

    mail Print Message

    f 17 3/29/2012 2:18 PM

    Zach Coughlin, Esq., 1422 E. 9th St. #2, RENO, NV 89512, tel: 775 338 8118, fax: 94 9 667 7402;[email protected] Nevada Bar No: 9473

    Subject: Missing propertyDate: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 10:14:59 -0700From: [email protected]: [email protected]

    Mr. Coughlin:

    Your email regarding your missing secure property was forwarded to me for response. I apologize for the delayin responding to you but it took me a little while to figure out the issue.

    Your two cell phones and electric razor were put into evidence at the request of Judge Nash-Holmes onFebruary 28, 2012. In order for us to release them to you, we will need an order from Judge Nash-Holmes thatthe evidence can be released to you.

    To make this matter smoother for you all documentation should reflect Washoe County Sheriffs Office casenumber 12-1805 and evidence number C-47591. The court case number corresponding to this issue is11TR26800.

    If you have any questions all of my contact information is listed below.

    Debi Campbell, Detention Operations Manager Washoe County Sheriff's Office911 Parr BlvdReno, NV 89512-1000(775) 328-2893 (Office)(775) 328-6305 (FAX)

    [email protected]


    To serve the residents of Washoe County, consistently earning the public's confidence by providing asafe and secure community using the highest quality law enforcement, detention, and support servicespossible within the resources entrusted to us.


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    RE: request for written response regarding property beingheld in evidence

    attachments, is for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privilegedinformation. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution isstrictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email,delete this communication and destroy all copies.

    From: Beckman, Trish ([email protected])Sent: Tue 3/20/12 8:49 AMTo: [email protected]

    Mr. Coughlin, A ached is the wri en response to your email. Per our phone conversa on a copy of thisresponse has been sent to the fax number you gave me (949-667-7402).


    From: Zach Coughlin [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 4:58 PMTo: Beckman, TrishSubject: request for written response regarding property being held in evidence

    Dear Ms. Beckman,

    A WCSO Deputy informed me that my property was being held in evidence, including aflip phone style cell phone, and an HTC g2 smartphone in addition to a micro sd memorycard, and an electric shaved. He indicated the items were booked into evidence on2/27/12, th en taken by the City of Reno Marshal Division on 2/28/12. A WCSO Deputyalso indicated these items in evidence were release again to the City of Reno MarshalDivision on 3/14/ 12 because "its just easier to get it back to you that way"....However, nowit appears once again your office has the property.

    I would like a written response detailing the chain of custody of all the property for alltimes since the arrest, and itemized listing of the property, and an indication of when, if ever, I will be informed of why it is being held and when, if ever, it will be returned to me,

    mail Print Message

    f 17 3/29/2012 2:18 PM

    RE: request for written response regarding property beingheld in evidence

    and and indication of what exactly has been done with this property, including whether anviewing or copying of the contents has been undertaken or will remain in anyone's

    possession other than mine.


    Zach Coughlin, Esq., 1422 E. 9th St. #2, RENO, NV 89512, tel: 775 338 8118, fax: 949 667 7402;[email protected] Nevada Bar No: 9473

    From: Beckman, Trish ([email protected])Sent: Tue 3/20/12 11:12 AMTo: [email protected]

    1 attachmentCOUGHLIN.docx (145.4 KB)

    From: Zach Coughlin [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 11:11 AMTo: Beckman, TrishSubject: RE: request for written response regarding property being held in evidence

    Dear Ms. Beckman,

    There was nothing attached to your email. Would you please resend and attach the fileyou referenced below?


    Zach Coughlin, Esq., 1422 E. 9th St. #2, RENO, NV 89512, tel: 775 338 8118, fax: 949 667 7402;[email protected] Nevada Bar No: 9473

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    Subject: RE: request for written response regarding property being held in evidenceDate: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 08:49:52 -0700From: [email protected]: [email protected]

    Mr. Coughlin, A ached is the wri en response to your email. Per our phone conversa on a copy of thisresponse has been sent to the fax number you gave me (949-667-7402).


    From: Zach Coughlin [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 4:58 PMTo: Beckman, TrishSubject: request for written response regarding property being held in evidence

    Dear Ms. Beckman,

    A WCSO Deputy informed me that my property was being held in evidence,including a flip phone style cell phone, and an HTC g2 smartphone in addition to amicro sd memory card, and an electric shaved. He indicated the items were bookedinto evidence on 2/27/12, then taken by the City of Reno Marshal Division on2/28/12. A WCSO Deputy also indicated these items in evidence were release againto the City of Reno M arshal Division on 3/14/12 because "its just easier to get itback to you that way"....However, now it appears once again your office has theproperty.

    I would like a written response detailing the chain of custody of all the property forall times since the arrest, and itemized listing of the property, and an indication of when, if ever, I will be informed of why it is being held and when, if ever, it will bereturned to me, and and indication of what exactly has been done with this

    property, including whether an viewing or copying of the contents has beenundertaken or will remain in anyone's possession other than mine.


    Zach Coughlin, Esq., 1422 E. 9th St. #2, RENO, NV 89512, tel: 775 338 8118, fax: 949 667 7402;[email protected] Nevada Bar No: 9473

    mail Print Message

    f 17 3/29/2012 2:18 PM

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    1 CODE: 4185LORI URMSTON, CCR #51

    2 Peggy Hoogs & Associates435 Marsh Avenue

    3 Reno, Nevada 89509(775) 327-4460

    4 Court Reporter







    11 Plaintiff ,Case No. CR12-0376

    12 vs.Dept. No. 10


    14 Defendant. _____________________________/




    18 APRIL 19, 2012; THURSDAY






    24 Repo rted by: LORI URMSTON, CC R #51

    F I L E DElectronically

    05-09-2012:09:42:24 AMJoey Orduna Hastings

    Clerk of the CourtTransaction # 2941159

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    2 For the Plaintiff: ZACH YOUNGDeputy District Attorney

    3 1 South Sierra StreetSouth Tower, 4th Floor

    4 P.O. Box 30083Reno, Nevada 89520


    6 For the Defendant: BIRAY DOGANDeputy Public Defender

    7 350 S. Center StreetP.O. Box 30083

    8 Reno, Nevada 89520


    10 For the Department of

    Parole & Probation: GAIL FALCONER11














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    1 RENO, NEVADA; THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2012; 10:20 A.M.

    2 --o0o--

    3 THE COURT: And then the last thing we're going to

    4 t ak e b ef or e a r ec es s w il l b e t he Za ch ar y C ou gh li n.

    5 MR. YOUNG: Good morning, Your Honor.

    6 MR. DOGAN: Your Honor, Biray Dogan on behalf of

    7 M r. Co ug hl in wh o i s p re se nt to da y a nd ou t o f c us to dy.

    8 THE DEFENDANT: Good morning, Your Honor.

    9 THE COURT: All right. Then this matter is here on

    1 0 a r ep or t o f p sy ch ia tr ic e va lu at io n. T he re i s a l et te r

    11 h er e f ro m S al ly F ar me r a nd B il l D av is . A nd h av e y ou

    12 received this, Mr. Dogan?

    13 MR. DOGAN: Your Honor, can I have the Court 's

    14 indulgence?

    15 MR. YOUNG: Your Honor, can we approach?

    16 THE COURT: Yes.

    17 (A discussion was held off the record.)

    18 THE COURT: Well , as a result of the hearing here

    1 9 a t t he be nc h, th e C ou gh li n m at te r w il l b e c on ti nu ed to

    2 0 t he en d o f o ur do ck et so th at we ca n t ak e a re ce ss no w.

    2 1 A nd th e e nd of th e d oc ke t m ea ns th at it wo ul d b e a ft er

    2 2 t he 10 o' cl oc k m at te r, be ca us e i t' s a lr ea dy 25 af te r

    2 3 1 0: 00 or so , a nd we ne ed to ge t o n w it h a no th er ma tt er

    24 in t hat we have a lot of people here.

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    1 All r ight. So court will stand in recess .

    2 (A recess was taken and the followingproceedings were had at 10:45 a.m.:)


    4 THE COURT: As our next case then, we'l l go back to

    5 t he 8: 30 do ck et , a nd le t' s t ak e Z ac ha ry Co ug hl in ag ai n.

    6 Let' s see if we can conclude that matter.

    7 MR. YOUNG: Good morning, Your Honor.

    8 THE DEFENDANT: Good morning, Your Honor.

    9 THE COURT: And then we're here to discuss the

    1 0 l ett er of Ap ril 17 tha t w as se nt out rea lly to

    11 M r. Do ga n w it h c op ie s t o m e a nd M r. You ng f ro m S al ly

    1 2 F ar me r a nd B il l D av is w ho ar e p sy ch ol og is ts at t he

    13 Lakes Crossing Center.

    14 And, Mr. Dogan, do you want to explain th is?

    15 MR. DOGAN: Yes, Your Honor.

    16 THE DEFENDANT: I'm sorry, Your Honor, if I can

    17 interject quickly.

    18 THE COURT: I'm asking Mr. Dogan to start .

    19 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor, but before he puts

    2 0 a ny th in g o n t he re co rd , I 'm g oi ng to as k t o h av e h im

    21 withdrawn or--

    22 MR. DOGAN: That would be a separate matter.

    23 THE COURT: I' l l go with Mr. Dogan.

    24 THE DEFENDANT: Thank you, Your Honor.

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    1 MR. DOGAN: Your Honor, if any issues are raised

    2 r eg ar di ng a m ot io n t o w it hd ra w o r a ny th in g d ea li ng wi th

    3 m y r ep re sen ta ti on of Mr. C oug hli n, th at wou ld be a

    4 s ep ar at e h ea ri ng . T ha t h ea ri ng w il l b e u nd er You ng

    5 v ers us S tat e. Tod ay w e a re h ere f or o ne ma tt er , a nd

    6 t ha t i s t he SB 89 re ga rd in g m y c li en t' s c om pe te nc y a nd

    7 w het he r h e' s fi t t o pr oc ee d w ith adj udi ca ti on .

    8 Your Honor, I 'm going to be requesting a short

    9 t wo -w ee k c on ti nu an ce in th is ca se so th at my cl ie nt ca n

    1 0 b e e va lu at ed by La ke s C ro ss in g, by bo th Sa ll y F ar me r

    11 and Dr. Davis.

    12 My client has done all he can do to make his

    1 3 s ch ed ul ed ap po in tm en ts wi th bo th of th e d oc to rs in th is

    1 4 m att er . An d th ere h av e b ee n s om e si gn if ica nt

    1 5 d if fi cu lt ie s w it h M r. Co ug hl in be in g e va lu at ed by bo th

    1 6 o f t ho se do ct or s. H ow ev er , I be li ev e th ose

    1 7 d if fi cu lt ie s w il l b e a bl e t o- - w e' ll ir on th em ou t a nd

    1 8 w e' ll be ab le to ge t t ha t c om pe te nc y e va lu at io n f or th e

    19 Court within two weeks.

    20 THE COURT: So you're in essence tell ing me that

    2 1 y ou be li ev e a t t hi s p oi nt in ti me th at yo ur cl ie nt is

    2 2 w ill in g t o c oop era te w it h a n e va lu at or?

    23 MR. DOGAN: I do, Your Honor. Your Honor, the

    2 4 r ea so n i s b ec au se t he C ou rt h as n ev er -- w e' ve ne ve r

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    1 a ppe ar ed in c ou rt. An d i f Yo ur H ono r o rd er s

    2 M r. Co ug hli n to co op er at e a nd to obt ai n t he

    3 e va lu at io ns , b y t he n w e s ho ul d b e a bl e t o h av e t ho se

    4 evaluations for Court.

    5 The one thing that I want to prevent in this case

    6 i s M r. Co ug hl in be in g r em an de d i nt o t he cu st od y o f t he

    7 Was ho e C ou nt y S he ri ff so th at he ca n b e e va lu at ed wh il e

    8 h e' s a t t he Was ho e C ou nt y J ai l. T ha t' s a h ug e c on ce rn

    9 o f m in e. A nd I d o n ot w an t M r. C ou gh li n t o b e r em an de d

    10 to the custody of the Sheriff .

    11 Your Honor, the main reason is because Mr. Coughlin

    1 2 i s a l ic en se d a tt or ne y. H e d oe s h av e c li en ts a nd h e' s

    1 3 r ep re se nt in g t ho se c li en ts . I f h e i s r em an de d i nt o t he

    1 4 c us to dy of th e S he ri ff , h e w il l n ot be ab le to pu rs ue

    1 5 t he li ti ga ti on th at he mu st wh il e r ep re se nt in g t ho se

    1 6 i nd iv id ua ls , an d h is li ve li ho od -- it wi ll si gn if ic an tl y

    1 7 i mp ac t h is l iv el ih oo d. A nd , t he re fo re , I 'm g oi ng t o

    1 8 m ak e t ha t r eq ue st , t ha t t hi s m at te r b e c on ti nu ed

    19 brie fly for two weeks, Your Honor.

    20 THE COURT: Well , clearly if he's not going to

    2 1 c oo pe ra te ou t o f c us to dy, p ut ti ng hi m i nt o c us to dy, y ou

    2 2 k no w, an d f or ci bl y c oo pe ra ti ng is th e a lt er na ti ve , s o

    23 it has to be considered.

    24 And, Mr. Young, what is the State 's posit ion?

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    1 MR. YOUNG: Your Honor, I think Mr. Dogan

    2 a ccu ra te ly st at ed th at es se nt ial ly yo ur two

    3 a lt er na ti ve s a t t hi s p oi nt ar e j us t t o c on ti nu e t he

    4 m att er o ut a fe w w ee ks to giv e M r. C oug hl in an

    5 o pp or tu ni ty to be ev al ua te d o r a lt er na ti ve ly re ma nd hi m

    6 i nt o c us to dy wh er e, as yo u s ta te d, i t w ou ld mo re o r

    7 l ess see k t o- - t ha t th e e va lu ati on s t ak e pl ac e.

    8 I 'm going to respectfully ask that you follow the

    9 l at te r o f t ho se t wo a lt er na ti ve s. A nd i f I c ou ld t ak e

    1 0 a mi nu te to ex pl ai n w hy I' m m ak in g t ha t r ec om me nd at io n.

    11 He was released for this case on a 1,500-dollar

    1 2 b ond t ha t h e po ste d. A nd o bv iou sl y, on e of t he

    1 3 c on di ti on s o f s om eb od y b ei ng re le as ed , w he th er it 's

    1 4 b ond , OR or oth erw is e, is con dit io ne d u po n t hat

    1 5 i nd iv id ua l' s g oo d b eh av io r. A nd w ha t w e h av e h er e i s

    1 6 a n i nd iv id ua l w ho -- T he c om pe te nc y e va lu at io n w as

    1 7 f il ed i n J us ti ce C ou rt F eb ru ar y 2 7t h. T he m at te r w as

    1 8 s et to my kn owl edg e fo r A pr il 3r d in fro nt of Yo ur

    19 Honor for the evaluation.

    20 There was the request , albeit done by e-mail by

    2 1 M r. C ou gh li n i n h is p er so na l c ap ac it y, b ut a ft er

    2 2 s pe ak in g w it h t he co ur t s ta ff an d M r. Do ga n, I a gr ee d

    2 3 t o c on ti nue tha t o ut to gi ve Mr. Cou gh li n t he

    2 4 o ppo rt un ity t o g et h is e va lua tio ns d one .

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    1 We then go forward to today. And Your Honor has

    2 a lre ad y r ef er en ced the le tt er wh ic h t alk s a bo ut

    3 t hr ea te ni ng le ga l a ct io n a ga in st on e o f t he ev al ua to rs ,

    4 s ho wi ng up la te to th e s ch ed ul ed ap po in tm en t, ta ki ng

    5 addi tional t ime to--

    6 THE DEFENDANT: Object , Your Honor; hearsay.

    7 THE COURT: Overruled.

    8 THE DEFENDANT: Move to strike.

    9 THE COURT: You're not in a posit ion to object to

    10 anything.

    11 THE DEFENDANT: I understand that , Your Honor.

    1 2 R esp ec tf ull y, I su bm it th at ra th er th an hav in g

    1 3 h an dc uf fs on me , b y h av in g M r. Do ga n a s m y a tt or ne y, I

    1 4 w oul d as k t ha t I be al lo we d t o r ep re sen t my se lf .

    15 THE COURT: You're in a posit ion where, you know,

    1 6 i f y ou in te rr up t a nd ca us e t ro ub le , y ou 'r e g oi ng to be

    1 7 t ak en in to cu st od y a nd th en fo rc ib ly, y ou kn ow, g iv en

    1 8 t he se ev al ua ti on s, so i f I we re y ou , I w ou ld si mp ly

    1 9 c oop er at e w it h u s a nd do n' t c aus e a pr ob lem .

    20 All r ight. Mr. Young, you may proceed.

    21 MR. YOUNG: Your Honor, after showing up 20 minutes

    2 2 l at e a cc or di ng to th e l et te r, wh ic h i s o n f il e w it h t he

    2 3 c ou rt , h e t ak es an ad di ti on al te n m in ut es argu in g w it h

    2 4 s ec ur it y p er so nn el an d b as ic al ly be in g c om pl et el y

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    1 disruptive to the process.

    2 The ironic thing about this is that this evaluation

    3 i s e nt ir el y f or M r. C ou gh li n' s b en ef it . T he t hr es ho ld

    4 q ue st io n i s: I s h e c om pe te nt t o s ta nd t ri al ? B ut e ve n

    5 i f h e' s- - i f th e e va lu at io ns com e ba ck th at he is

    6 c om pe te nt , h is a tt or ne y c an u se t ha t t o h is be ne fi t

    7 w ith wha t's con tai ne d i n t he eva lu at io ns fo r an y

    8 p ot en ti al ne go ti at io n p ur po se s, se nt en ci ng , s ho ul d w e

    9 get to that point, and the like.

    10 And so through the actions of the defendant, not to

    11 m en ti on hi s p re vi ou s s ta te me nt s t ha t, on e, he do es n' t

    1 2 e ve n w an t t o g et e va lu at ed fo r c om pe te nc y, a nd t he n

    1 3 s ub se qu en t t o t ha t h av in g a p ro bl em h av in g L ak es

    1 4 C ro ss in g d o t ha t, a t a mi ni mu m, h is a ct io ns ar e n ot

    1 5 e vi de nc in g g oo d c ha ra ct er as is re qu ir ed by hi s b ai l

    1 6 b ein g po ste d. A t w ors t, i t's co mp le tel y

    17 obstructionist.

    18 And he is in the sole position to bring this entire

    1 9 p ro ce ed in g t o a sc re ec hi ng ha lt if he co nt in ue s t hi s

    2 0 b eh av io r, sh ow in g u p l at e, no t c oo pe ra ti ng wi th go in g

    2 1 t hro ug h e va lu at ion s wh ic h b en efi t hi m.

    22 So based on that , Your Honor, what I would ask is

    2 3 t ha t y ou re vo ke th e b on d t ha t w as pr ev io us ly po st ed an d

    2 4 r em an d h im i nt o c us to dy. We c an s et t hi s f or a no th er

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    1 h ea ri ng co ns is te nt wi th th e C ou rt 's ca le nd ar an d t he

    2 e va lu at or s a t L ak es Cr os si ng so th at we ca n c om e b ac k

    3 t o You r H on or an d d ete rm in e, whi ch is th e o nl y

    4 t hr es ho ld qu es ti on at th is po in t, is he ev en co mp et en t

    5 to go forward.

    6 And, like I say, based on the actions in this case,

    7 t he co rr es po nd en ce se nt to me , e it he r c c' d o r d ir ec tl y

    8 f ro m M r. Co ug hl in , i t' s c le ar to th e S ta te t ha t h e' s

    9 j us t b ei ng a n o bs tr uc ti on is t t hr ou gh t hi s e nt ir e

    1 0 p ro ce ss , a nd so re ma nd is ap pr op ri at e t o t he St at e.

    11 THE COURT: Well , Mr. Coughlin, we are at this

    1 2 s ta ge w he re y ou n ee d t o h av e t hi s e va lu at io n. A nd I

    1 3 n ee d t o k no w, ar e y ou go in g t o c oo pe ra te an d g o o ve r t o

    14 Lake s Crossing and get the evaluation?

    15 THE DEFENDANT: Your Honor, if I may address that

    16 for a moment.

    17 THE COURT: Please do.

    18 THE DEFENDANT: Okay. Your Honor, there ' s been

    1 9 s om e p ro bl em s i n t er ms of wo rk in g w it h M r. Do ga n h er e.

    2 0 I h av en 't b ee n c op ie d o n f il in gs t o t he C ou rt . I t' s

    2 1 a lw ay s b ee n m y u nd er st an di ng , e it he r b y M r. Do ga n o r b y

    2 2 t he D .A ., i t' s a lw ay s b ee n m y u nd er st an di ng a s a n

    2 3 a tt or ne y t ha t t ha t' s j us t a ma tt er of co ur se , y ou co py

    2 4 y ou r c li en ts on an yt hi ng yo u f il e a nd an yt hi ng y ou

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    1 receive.

    2 Mr. Bosler, after I had complained of Mr. Dogan's

    3 f ai lu re to so co py me in th at re ga rd , p ar ti cu la rl y w it h

    4 r es pe ct t o, s ay, t hi s o rd er f or c om pe te nc y e va l- -

    5 MR. DOGAN: For the record, that was provided to

    6 Mr. Coughlin.

    7 THE DEFENDANT: He might have e-mailed that to me,

    8 b ut ce rt ai nl y d oc um en ts su ch as th e D .A .' s o pp os it io n

    9 t o m y mo tio n to ap pe ar as co- cou ns el an d ha ve

    1 0 M r. Do ga n, I be li ev e, w it hd ra w a s c ou ns el , t ha t w as

    11 neve r forwarded on to me despite my--

    12 MR. DOGAN: For the record, that was also provided

    13 to Mr. Coughlin.

    14 THE DEFENDANT: Excuse me, sir . I would l ike to

    15 have my opportunity now.

    16 THE COURT: Go ahead.

    17 THE DEFENDANT: I have provided Mr. Dogan express

    1 8 w ri tt en i nd ic at io n t ha t I wi sh t o b e c op ie d o n e ve ry

    1 9 s in gl e f il in g i n t hi s m at te r. I n a dd it io n, m at te rs

    2 0 w hi ch pe rh ap s a re go in g t o b e s ub je ct to a w or k p ro du ct

    2 1 e xc ep ti on wh ic h t he Pu bl ic De fe nd er wo ul d n ot ha ve to

    2 2 p rov id e m e, suc h a s e- ma il s b etw ee n M r. Dog an an d

    2 3 M r. Yo un g, bu t I ha ve ex pr es sl y i nd ic at ed in wr it in g o n

    2 4 n um er ou s t im es t ha t I w is he d t o b e c op ie d o n t ha t.

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    1 To get back-- I know this is gett ing somewhat far

    2 a fie ld , You r Ho nor , fr om wh at yo u pr om pt ed me to

    3 a dd re ss , b ut th is co mp et en cy ev al ua ti on , I wo ul d o bj ec t

    4 t o t hi s c om pe te nc y e va lu at io n o n a nu mb er of gr ou nd s.

    5 O ne w oul d b e re s j ud ic at a. T her e wa s a lr ea dy a

    6 c omp et en cy e val uat io n d on e. I p as se d w it h f lyi ng

    7 colors.

    8 Judge Sferrazza thought so much i t that he

    9 e ss en ti al ly fo ld ed it up in to a p ap er ai rp la ne an d w en t

    1 0 l ike tha t ( in di cat in g) an d se nt it ri gh t ba ck to

    11 M r. G oo dn ig ht , a nd t he b il l a lo ng w it h i t. W he re up on

    1 2 M r. G oo dn ig ht p ro mp tl y- - H e' s a P ub li c D ef en de r w ho

    1 3 a tte nd ed to the fi rs t c om pe te ncy eva lua ti on .

    1 4 M r. Go od ni gh t p ro mp tl y a sk ed to be al lo we d t o w it hd ra w.

    15 And Judge Sferrazza sagely pointed out to

    1 6 M r. Go od ni gh t t he in eq ui ty an d d is in ge nu ou s o f h is so

    1 7 s ta nd in g b eh in d a re qu es t f or a c om pe te nc y e va lu at io n

    1 8 o nl y t o i mm ed ia te ly t he re af te r s ee k t o w it hd ra w,

    1 9 e ss en ti al ly s ay in g: W hi ch i s i t, M r. G oo dn ig ht ? D oe s

    2 0 y our cli ent nee d a com pe te ncy ev al or is he so -- he

    21 doesn' t need you?

    22 Your Honor, there's some legal points I would l ike

    2 3 t o p ut i n t he r ec or d h er e. N RS 1 78 , I b el ie ve i t' s d ot

    2 4 4 55 , b ut I c ou ld be wr on g, bu t I di d c op y M r. Do ga n a nd

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    1 M r. Yo un g o n th is re ce nt ly in wr it in g, sa ys tha t

    2 m ot io ns h av e t o b e i n w ri ti ng . T he re w as n o w ri tt en

    3 m ot io n i n t hi s r eg ar d. I 'v e r ev ie we d t he f il e i n t he

    4 R en o J us ti ce C ou rt . A nd t hi s i s t he c as e w it h b ot h o f

    5 t he co mp et en cy ev al ua ti on s t ha t h av e b ee n o rd er ed he re .

    6 A nd bo th of th em , I be li ev e, de mo ns tr at e a re ta li at or y

    7 i nte nt o n t he p art o f t he P ub lic D ef en de r.

    8 And Mr. Hunt who was testifying here earl ier , well ,

    9 h e w en t i nt o m at te rs to wh ic h I ca n' t- - I ca n' t s ay --

    1 0 I k no w M r. D og an . We w en t t o h ig h s ch oo l t og et he r.

    11 We' re bo th Re no Hi gh , I be li ev e, cl as s o f ' 95 -i sh , f ro m

    1 2 S wop e to Re no H igh . A nd I 've ne ve r k no wn h im t o b e a

    1 3 J iha di st or a ny thi ng o r t ha t s or t. You k no w- -

    14 MR. DOGAN: A Jihadist for the Public Defender,

    15 though.

    16 THE DEFENDANT: He's always been a bright guy with,

    1 7 y ou k now, a g oo d s en se o f h um or. So I c an' t c on cu r

    1 8 w ith Mr. Hu nt 's st at em en ts in th at r eg ar d.

    19 Now, respectfully, I can submit I 've been shushed.

    2 0 I 'v e b ee n t ol d, yo u k no w, th in gs si mi la r t o w ha t w as

    21 being said.

    22 I understand that the Public Defender is in a very

    2 3 f un ny s it ua ti on . I t' s a v er y- - I t' s g ot t o b e v er y

    2 4 d if fi cu lt . A nd I 'l l j us t s ay r es pe ct fu ll y, You r H on or ,

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    1 I wa s a dom es ti c v io le nc e a tt orn ey fo r a le ga l a id

    2 o rg an iz at io n w hi ch I b el ie ve yo u' re aw ar e o f a tt en da nt

    3 t o a no th er ca se in yo ur co ur t, bu t I th ou gh t t ha t s tu ff

    4 w as h eav y t o de al w ith o n a n e mo ti on al l eve l. B ut

    5 s it ti ng he re th is mo rn in g, wi tn es si ng wh at th e b en ch

    6 a nd th e P ub li c D ef en de r a nd th e D is tr ic t A tt or ne y h av e

    7 t o d ea l w it h, th at the y h av e t o d o i n t he co urs e o f

    8 t he ir bu si ne ss e ve ry d ay, i t' s- - I d on 't wa nt to s ay

    9 i mp re ss iv e, bu t i t m ak es me ha ve ev en mo re re sp ec t f or

    1 0 t he co ur t a nd t he P ub li c D ef en de r a nd t he D is tr ic t

    11 A tt or ne y, b ec au se t he se a re h ea vy m at te rs . T he se a re

    1 2 v ery hum an i ssu es t hat y ou de al w ith h er e.

    13 And I say that respectfully. Now I 'm going to get

    1 4 t o w ha t I w an te d t o s ay, w hi ch i s s om ew ha t c ri ti ca l.

    1 5 A nd I j us t p re fa ce d i t w it h t ha t r es pe ct , t o p oi nt ou t

    1 6 t ha t I do ev en mo re so no w c om pr eh en d t he en or mi ty of

    1 7 t he -- th e h ea vi ne ss an d t he em ot io na l b ur de n t ha t y ou

    1 8 a nd t hos e a t th e b ar h er e f ac e e ve ry d ay.

    19 But I have been shushed a lot . I 've had Mr. Dogan

    2 0 s to rm a wa y f ro m m e. G ra nt ed , i t' s n ot e as y t o h av e a n

    21 attorney as a client.

    22 THE COURT: Mr. Coughlin, you know, I have l imited

    2 3 t im e t od ay t o d ev ot e t o t hi s m at te r, an d r ea ll y w ha t

    2 4 y ou ar e f ac in g i s t hat I a gre e t ha t y ou nee d th is

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    1 e va lu at io n, I w an t t o s ee it , a nd ei th er yo u a gr ee th at

    2 y ou 'l l c oo pe ra te an d g o o ve r t o L ak es Cr os si ng an d g et

    3 t he tw o e va lu at io ns or I w il l r ev ok e y ou r b ai l, pu t y ou

    4 i nto cus tod y an d t he n a s a n i n-c us to dy yo u w il l be

    5 evaluated.

    6 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor. And jus t quickly

    7 f or th e r ec or d, I' ll di sp en se wi th th e f ri ll y l an gu ag e

    8 a nd ex te mp or an eo us , y ou kn ow, s pe ec hm ak in g, bu t t he re

    9 w as no mo ti on he re ma de pu rs ua nt to 17 8, I b el ie ve do t

    1 0 4 55 . T he re n ee ds t o b e i n t he r ec or ds w it h t he J us ti ce

    11 C ou rt ar ti cu la ti ng an ex pr es s b as is fo r s ee ki ng th is .

    1 2 I be li ev e t he re 's a re ta li ato ry b asi s.

    13 Just days prior to this being made, and I believe

    1 4 i mp ro pe r c on ta ct be in g m ad e w it h t he Mu ni ci pa l C ou rt by

    1 5 s om eb od y w it h t he Pu bl ic De fe nd er 's , j us t d ay s p ri or to

    1 6 t ha t, I f il ed a m ot io n c ri ti ca l o f M r. Do ga n m is si ng a

    1 7 h ea ri ng . I n t ha t r eg ar d, I b el ie ve t he re a ls o n ee ds t o

    1 8 b e a h ea ri ng . T he re w as n o h ea ri ng i n e it he r o f t he se

    19 matters.

    20 THE COURT: Mr. Coughlin, are you basical ly tel l ing

    2 1 m e t ha t y ou 'r e n ot in te nd in g t o g et t he ev al ua ti on ,

    22 that you're resist ing--

    23 THE DEFENDANT: No, sir , that 's not what I 'm

    24 tell ing you. I 'm saying--

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    1 THE COURT: Because if you're not going to do i t on

    2 y ou r o wn , I 'l l p ut yo u i n c us to dy an d w e' ll ta ke c ar e

    3 of i t that way.

    4 THE DEFENDANT: I understand, Your Honor. And

    5 t ha t' s n ot w ha t I 'm s ay in g. W ha t I 'm s ay in g i s- - You

    6 r ef er en ce d t hi s p ro ce ss . I b el ie ve i f w e' re g oi ng t o

    7 c all it a p ro ce ss, it ne ed s t o e nt ai l s om e p roc ess ,

    8 some due process hopefully.

    9 And if I ask Mr. Dogan to conduct some Legal

    1 0 r es ea rc h o n- - w hi ch I h av e d on e, Yo ur Ho no r, an d I

    11 w ou ld li ke t o p ut f or th so me o f t he se ca se s t o y ou ,

    1 2 d ire ct ed to the pa ra me te rs of su ch co mpe ten cy

    1 3 e va lu at io n, di re ct ed to th e p ri va cy ri gh ts at te nd an t t o

    1 4 o ne f or ce d t o u nd ergo s uc h a n e va lu at io n. I 'v e s im pl y

    1 5 r ec ei ve d n o c ou ns el or no ad vo ca cy in th is re ga rd fr om

    1 6 t he P ub li c D ef en de r. I 'v e h ad m ee ti ng s m is se d. I 'v e

    1 7 b ee n t ol d t o s hu sh . I 'v e b ee n t ol d a ll s or ts o f t hi ng s

    18 that just frankly I 'm taken aback by.

    19 This evaluation, we have no idea of the scope of

    2 0 t his oth er th an I' m gi ve n s om e i nd ic at io n b y th e

    2 1 s tat ut e w ha t it is dir ec te d t o, my ab il it y t o

    2 2 u nd er st an d t he pr oc ee di ng s, to as si st Mr. D og an in th e

    2 3 d ef en se t he re of . A nd t he re 's o ne m or e e le me nt w hi ch

    2 4 I 'm b la nk in g o n r ig ht n ow, b ut i t' s s ub st an ti al ly

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    1 similar to the first one.

    2 It 's not a-- i t 's not a blank check to

    3 p syc hi at ris ts wh o h ave so me so rt of req ui re me nt

    4 c on tr ac t w it h t he Pu bl ic De fe nd er , a nd I s ta te d s om e- -

    5 o r t he c ou rt . I 'v e s ta te d s om e o bj ec ti on s. I b el ie ve

    6 I sh ou ld be abl e t o ha ve a pr iva te ps yc ho lo gi st

    7 a pp ro pr ia te ly ce rt if ie d u nd er NR S 1 78 to pe rf or m t hi s.

    8 I 've b ee n t ol d n o. I ' ve b een to ld I w on 't b e

    9 reimbursed in that regard.

    10 But i t 's not a blank check, I don't believe, to

    11 f or ce me , s om eo ne wh o i s s ee ki ng to ta ke ad va nt ag e o f

    1 2 m y t ax d ol la rs a t w or k b y h av in g m y S ix th A me nd me nt

    1 3 r igh t to co un se l a cc or de d t o m e. It 's n ot a b la nk

    1 4 c he ck to La ke s C ro ss in g t o d em an d a ny th in g t he y w an t t o

    1 5 k no w a bo ut m e, p ar ti cu la rl y w he n I 'm in vo lv ed in a

    1 6 f ie ld wh er e m en da ci ou s a nd sc ur ri lo us in di vi du al s s uc h

    1 7 a s R ic ha rd G. Hi ll wi ll co -o p a ny so rt of in fo rm at io n

    18 or innuendo--

    19 MR. YOUNG: Your Honor, I 'm going to object to this

    20 as completely irrelevant.

    21 THE DEFENDANT: --to further their ends.

    22 THE COURT: I have to agree.

    23 Mr. Coughlin, if you're tell ing me fundamentally

    2 4 t ha t y ou do n' t p la n t o c oo pe ra te , I 'l l r ev ok e y ou r b ai l

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    1 a nd pu t y ou in to cu st od y o f t he Wa sh oe Co un ty Sh er if f

    2 a nd th en th ey ca n g et yo u, yo u k no w, th e e va lu at io ns as

    3 a n i n- cu st od y p er so n. T ha t' s w ha t I w ou ld h av e t o d o.

    4 You know, you are a very art iculate man and, you

    5 k no w, yo u' re st at in g y ou r p os it io ns on th is , b ut yo ur

    6 posi tions are against what I want done.

    7 THE DEFENDANT: I don't know what you want done,

    8 Your Honor.

    9 THE COURT: I just want you to get the two

    1 0 e va lu at io ns a t L ak es C ro ss in g. T he y' re t he p eo pl e t ha t

    11 n orm al ly do thi s f or ev er yb od y, yo u k now, a nd --

    12 THE DEFENDANT: And I presented--

    13 THE COURT: --that 's the appropriate thing to have

    14 done at this time.

    15 THE DEFENDANT: And I presented twice in that

    1 6 r eg ar d, Yo ur Ho no r, an d i t' s m y u nd er st an di ng th ey ju st

    1 7 f la t o ut r ef us e t o c on ti nu e. I n t ha t r eg ar d, I b el ie ve

    1 8 I s ho ul d- - O ne , I d is pu te t he a cc ur ac y o f t he ir l et te r

    1 9 w hol eh ea rte dl y. I f in d i t in acc ur at e, I fi nd i t

    2 0 r et al ia to ry i n t on e. B ut I d id p re se nt -- A nd t he re 's

    21 a case--

    22 THE COURT: Well , I 've never seen a let ter l ike

    2 3 t hi s b ef or e. I m ea n, p eo pl e j us t d on 't s ho w u p, t ha t' s

    2 4 t ru e, bu t o nc e t he y s ho w u p, th ey ge ne ra ll y, yo u k no w,

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    1 c oo pe ra te wi th th e t al ki ng an d t ak in g w ha te ve r t es ti ng

    2 n eed s to be d on e a nd g et t he e va lu at io n. I t' s n ot a

    3 very painful process.

    4 THE DEFENDANT: And I was told-- Maybe not for

    5 p eo pl e w ho ar en 't ve ry aw ar e o f c on st it ut io na l r ig ht s.

    6 B ut fo r s om eo ne wh o i s b ur de ne d w it h t he fa ct th at th ey

    7 w en t t o l aw s ch oo l, y ou k no w, i t' s d if fi cu lt . A nd I

    8 w ou ld su bm it th at t he re 's a n um be r o f c as es in j ur is

    9 p ru de nc e i n t hi s r eg ar d t ha t s pe ak t o t he e xt en t- -

    10 THE COURT: Mr. Coughlin, since you're not going to

    11 cooperate--

    12 THE DEFENDANT: No, I will cooperate. I just need

    13 to know, Your Honor--

    14 THE COURT: But you're tel ling me you're not

    15 cooperating.

    16 THE DEFENDANT: No, I will . I 'm tell ing you I

    1 7 w ill . A nd I di d, I sh ow ed up . T hey as ke d m e a

    18 question--

    19 THE COURT: You have to show up and you have to

    2 0 m ee t w it h t he tw o p sy ch ia tr is ts or ps yc ho lo gi st s, I

    2 1 g ue ss , t ec hn ic al ly, w ha te ve r t he y a re , a nd , y ou kn ow,

    2 2 t al k t o t he m, b e r es po ns iv e a nd g et t he ap pr op ri at e

    23 evaluation.

    24 THE DEFENDANT: If they ask me to take off my

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    1 c lot he s a nd app ear nak ed , d o I ne ed to do th at?

    2 THE COURT: I think i t 's unlikely that that 's going

    3 t o h ap pe n t o yo u. I 'm n ot go ing t o s pec ula te a s t o,

    4 y ou kn ow, t ot al ly ab su rd , y ou kn ow, t hi ng s t ha t c ou ld

    5 happen during a psychological--

    6 THE DEFENDANT: If they ask me if I 've ever had any

    7 m en ta l h ea lt h t re at me nt , i f t he y a sk me to ha ve a c op y

    8 o f a ny of my me dic al re co rd s, if the y as k m e an y s or t

    9 o f p er so nal inf orm at io n t ha t w ou ld no rma lly be

    10 protected--

    11 THE COURT: Then you're saying you won't cooperate?

    12 THE DEFENDANT: No, I didn't say that , si r. And I

    1 3 d id n' t s ay t ha t t o L ak es C ro ss in g e it he r. T he y s to rm ed

    1 4 o ff . I s ai d, " I' ll h av e t o c he ck m y r ec or ds , l et m e- -"

    1 5 s ome th in g l ik e, "L et m e t hi nk ab ou t t hat ."

    16 And they stormed off in anger. They said, "We're

    17 done and left ."

    18 And it was appalling. And then to send the let ter

    1 9 t he y s en t y ou , You r H on or , i s a pp al li ng . I d id n' t

    2 0 s tan d th ere a nd sa y: I 'm r ef usi ng t o t el l y ou

    2 1 a ny th in g. I d id n' t d o t ha t. D r. D av is a pp ea re d- -

    22 THE COURT: Look, Mr. Coughlin, I just need to

    2 3 k no w, ar e y ou go in g t o g o t he re an d c oo pe ra te an d g et

    2 4 t hi s p sy ch ol og ic al e va lu at io n o r n ot ? I m ea n, a re y ou

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    1 goin g to do it on your own out of custody?

    2 THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor, I will , but--

    3 THE COURT: Okay. Well , if you are going to do

    4 t hat and yo u co mmi t to th is co ur t ba si ca lly und er

    5 p en al ty o f b ei ng f ou nd in co nt em pt f or f ai li ng t o d o

    6 i t, yo u k no w, I' ll le av e y ou ou t o f c us to dy an d y ou ca n

    7 g et t his on y ou r o wn . B ut if yo u' re no t go in g t o g o

    8 t he re an d c oo pe ra te , I 'm fo rc ed to re vo ke yo ur ba il an d

    9 p ut yo u i nt o c us to dy an d t he n a s a n i n- cu st od y p ri so ne r

    1 0 y ou ca n g et so me ps yc ho lo gi ca l c ou ns el in g, an d, yo u

    11 know, evaluation.

    12 THE DEFENDANT: Your Honor, I would just put forth,

    1 3 I a lw ay s i nt en d t o f ol lo w o rd er s o f t he c ou rt . I w ou ld

    1 4 l ik e a n o pp or tu ni ty to br ie f t hi s a nd op po se th e o rd er

    15 init ially since I've been--

    16 THE COURT: Well , that is denied. We're at the

    1 7 p oi nt no w w he re it 's al re ad y d et er mi ne d t ha t y ou 'r e t o

    18 get this evaluation.

    19 THE DEFENDANT: But I believe that an excusable

    2 0 n eg le ct an al ys is wo ul d a ug er to wa rd s a ll ow in g m e t o

    2 1 r ep la ce Mr. D og an ba se d o n h is fr au du le nc e b as ic al ly or

    2 2 h is ex cu sa bl e n eg le ct or so me th in g, bu t I ha ve no t b ee n

    2 3 a cc or de d a du e p ro ce ss ri gh t t o o pp os e t hi s e va lu at io n.

    24 I would l ike that.

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    1 Fail ing that , I would l ike an opportunity to brief

    2 t he ex te nt to wh ic h t hi s e va lu at io n i s a bl an k c he ck to

    3 L ak es C ro ss in g. I w ou ld a ls o l ik e t he o pp or tu ni ty t o

    4 b ri ef th e e xt en t t o w hi ch I m us t u ti li ze La ke s C ro ss in g

    5 v er su s a pr iv at e c er ti fi ed en ti ty or a p ro fe ss io na l.

    6 THE COURT: Well , Mr. Coughlin, after hearing you

    7 a rgu e an d a rg ue ab ou t t hi s is sue , I ' m ma kin g th e

    8 d et er mi na ti on th at yo u' re no t g oi ng to co op er at e w it h

    9 this , and I am revoking your bail .

    10 THE DEFENDANT: Sir , I will cooperate. If that 's

    11 what i t comes down to, I--

    12 THE COURT: You're going to be placed into custody

    1 3 o f t he Was ho e C ou nt y S he ri ff a t t hi s t im e. I r ev ok e

    14 your bail .

    15 THE DEFENDANT: Your Honor, I just respectfully ask

    1 6 t ha t y ou re co ns id er , a nd I' ll do wh at ev er yo u s ay fo r

    17 my--

    18 THE COURT: We're done with this. I 'm sorry that

    1 9 y ou 'v e f or ce d m e t o t ak e t hi s a ct io n. I d on 't r ea ll y

    2 0 w an t t o p ut yo u i n c us to dy, b ut it 's cl ea r t ha t y ou 'r e

    2 1 r ea ll y n ot g oi ng t o c oo pe ra te . A nd y ou 'r e r ai si ng

    2 2 i ss ue s a bo ut is su es th at se em ki nd of pr ep os te ro us bu t

    2 3 t ha t w ou ld g iv e y ou s om e e xc us e n ot t o c oo pe ra te . S o

    2 4 y ou 'l l h av e t o g et th e e xa mi na ti on a s a n i n- cu st od y

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    1 person.

    2 MR. DOGAN: Your Honor, can I make one suggestion?

    3 THE COURT: Yes.

    4 MR. DOGAN: As soon as those competency evaluations

    5 a re co mp le te d, ca n w e h av e M r. Co ug hl in re mo ve d o r n o

    6 l ong er i n c us to dy a t t he Wa sh oe C oun ty J ail ?

    7 THE COURT: He's going to remain in custody unti l

    8 h e c an b e b ro ug ht b ack he re f or t he h ea ri ng on

    9 competence.

    10 THE DEFENDANT: Your Honor, if I may just make one

    11 r eq ue st . G iv en y ou r r ul in g, You r H on or , I b as ic al ly

    1 2 w ill do w ha t yo u s ay t o d o, p art ic ul ar ly --

    13 THE COURT: Well , I don't believe that you will .

    1 4 A ft er al l t hi s, we 'v e s pe nt a l ot of ti me on it , I ju st

    15 don' t believe you anymore.

    16 THE DEFENDANT: Well , Your Honor, if I may move to

    1 7 s tay bas ed on th e p rej ud ic e t o m y cl ien ts th at --

    18 THE COURT: Denied.

    19 MR. YOUNG: Your Honor, do we want to set a new

    20 date?

    21 THE COURT: So let 's set this out about in about a

    22 month.

    23 MR. DOGAN: Can we just--

    24 THE COURT: And if i t 's done earl ier , f ine, but

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    1 l et 's tr ac k i t f or ab ou t a mo nt h i s w ha t i t n or ma ll y

    2 takes.

    3 MR. DOGAN: I understand, Your Honor. Can we just

    4 h ave a s tat us h ear in g j us t in ca se b ot h o f t he

    5 evaluations have been completed?

    6 THE COURT: If i t 's done, you all can get together

    7 a nd se t i t b ack on the ca le nd ar a t t hat tim e.

    8 THE CLERK: Your Honor, the first available date

    9 w oul d be Ma y 24 th a t 8 :3 0. I s t ha t a cce pta bl e?

    10 MR. YOUNG: May 24?

    11 THE CLERK: Yes. Is that acceptable?

    12 MR. DOGAN: It is. Thank you.

    13 THE DEFENDANT: May I have those papers entered

    14 into the record?

    15 MR. YOUNG: Thanks, Your Honor.

    16 THE DEFENDANT: That legal research on the table.

    17 THE COURT: Denied.

    18 (The proceedings were continued toMay 24, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.)


    20 --o0o--





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    1 STATE OF NEVADA )) ss.



    4 I , L OR I U RM STON , C er ti fi ed C ou rt R ep or te r, i n a nd

    5 f or th e S ta te o f N ev ad a, do h ere by c ert if y:

    6 T ha t t he f ore go in g p ro ce edi ng s w ere ta ke n b y m e

    7 a t t he ti me and pl ac e t he re in se t fo rt h; th at th e

    8 p ro ce ed in gs we re re co rd ed st en og ra ph ic al ly by me an d

    9 t her ea ft er tr an scr ib ed vi a co mpu te r u nde r m y

    1 0 s up er vi si on ; t ha t t he fo re go in g i s a fu ll , t ru e a nd

    11 c or re ct tr an sc ri pt io n o f t he pr oc ee di ng s t o t he be st

    12 of m y knowledge, skill and abili ty.

    1 3 I f urt he r c er ti fy t ha t I am n ot a r ela ti ve no r an

    1 4 e mp lo ye e o f a ny at to rn ey or an y o f t he pa rt ie s, no r a m

    1 5 I fi na nc ia ll y o r o th er wi se in te re st ed in th is ac ti on .

    1 6 I d ec la re u nd er p en al ty o f p er ju ry u nd er t he l aw s

    1 7 o f t he St at e o f N ev ad a t ha t t he fo re go in g s ta te me nt s

    18 are t rue and correct .

    1 9 D AT ED: A t R en o, N ev ad a, t hi s 19 th d ay o f

    20 May, 2012.


    22 LORI URMSTON, CCR #51

    23 ___________________________

    24 LORI URMSTON, CCR #51

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    A filing has been submitted to the court RE: CR12-0376


    Official File Stamp: 05-09-2012:17:17:16

    Clerk Accepted: 05-09-2012:17:18:18

    Court: Second Judicial District Court - State of Nevada


    Document(s) Submitted: Order of Competency/Return JC

    Filed By: Heidi HowdenYou may review this filing by clicking on thefollowing link to take you to your cases .

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