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] JacK-Popeck.and Queen Will Reign at 1952 Jun·ior · Pro ·m Bauer, Mulady Will Head '53 Iris Sta.ff Danc·e Will Be Held on May 17 Eunice. Bauer and Jim Mulady wUI head the statr of the 1953 Iris ac- cording to- an announcement made 1 today b'y Burdette W. Eagon and ·or. A Spanieb mos'B celling and Uaruingo murals will lend o. sout h ern atmosphere to the annual Junior Prom, whi~h will be held on Saturdo.y,~ May 17, at the P. J. Jacobs HI ib School gym. Jack Popeck, C11ntonvllte , president . of the Junior class, has chosen as. bis queen MaTl1yn Gossage, a Junior fTom Stevens Point and they will leo.d the gro.nd march, always a colorful part of the 'Prom. I ,• ·ally for the aMual Junior Prom to be hold in the P. J, Jacobs High school gym on ur<lay e•enlnq. May 17, are Jack Popeck. lunlor class president and his queen. ilyn Gossage. Marilyn Ii a Junior In the lnlorme-dlate di•lsloa and ls from vens Point. eans Name 11 to · emester Honor ·Roll Harold M. Tolo, ed.ftorlal and busl- ness-advlsen, respectlYely, Eunice, who Is Crom Wausau, will be a senior next year, and has ser\•ed tor three years on the staff. During the past year She held the position The theme tor the dance ts "Flamingo." The music wUJ bo provided by Reg Brault and the Canadians, a band from Green Bay, Wisconsin. Guests at the Prom will be President and Mrs. Wllllam C. Hansen, Regent and Mrs. Wllson S. Delzell, Mrs. Elizabeth Ptlttner. Mr. and Mre. Herbert R. Steiner, Mlaa Dessie '!\1ay Allen and Miss Hel en Meston. or copy editor. Jim, a Stevens Pointer, has been assistant business manoger this year, bis first year on tho staff. Other appoint ments ma~e ore Patricia Derge, assistant editor: Diane Self, layout editor: Judy Clay- ton_. art editor; and Marguerite Smith, advertising manage r. Mr. and Mrs. Arol C. Epple, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Harris and Mr . and Mrs. Quincy Doudna will be chaperones tor the dance. Miss Monica Bainter and Frank W. Crow are advisers for the Junior class. Th e general chairman tor the dance Is Rose Ann Kearns. The com- mittees Include . the following: Theme, Barbara Hanson, Nancy Mal- chow, Roland Krueger, J oh n Bruha and Ruth Fletlng; dance, Jack Po- peck. Arion Parkin and Rose Ann Kearns ; decorations, Jun Sar back- er, Sylvia Abrnhamson , I Mary Lund, Bryan Purchatzke. Wilbur Way and Jack Popeck . · Publicity, Jerry Bar tou. Frank De Quire, Sally Connor, Ardis Raathe and Bill Clayton; Invitations and chaperones, Kny Leahy and Mary .enune.r; turntture, Barbara Bau- man, Henry Dreachler. Robert Mc- Mahon and Jack Sandburg; programs and tickets, Marlyn Gilbert, Arline Meister and Dick Bruhn.. CENTRAL STATE 11iePOINTER Stevens Point , Wis. May 8, 952 No. 17 Student Union Will . Open Friday 'j-=- Mr. ~pecht Awa~d~d, Juke Box Dance Main Feature A!~~~ds:.~:~~r: 1 h, ~~ , 00 _. A Juke box dance on Friday e, ·e- p.m. to 11 on Sundays. grnphy depnrtment has been awar ded nlug. May 9 at S o'clock will mark The stu dent union commltt'ee. a Carnegie Arctic seholnrship tor the the lnltlnl opeu1ng of the new Stu- which 01,erates under the sLU4eut ! 952 geog rnphy summer school at ~t~e~::~~a~~~:~:~.!nd!~!,i~::;~ient ~~~U:!\:;:\.'i:,:~hc:::~=~~l~~n;r~I:~ McGill university, Montr ea l, Quebec. The dance Is open to nil members an ces. Is com1>osed ot Dnrt Mcl\'am- The geogra 1,hy s ummer school ls of the st udent union. Members hl1> nra. Sharon Sutton. Al Due. Willie ~;:~s l'~;ldbu~n 1 !~:c:; 11 1 1 :uhaol~r ::~ ~::= ~~:k:t:~?;:e a;·:1:n~~e 1!o~r:n/!r c:.~! N Gr o ea rt ,o hn cnnednE t:r 1o aalnoC , 0Coa rd ti~1- nator lege In Stnnstend. Quebec. Mr. library todar and Friday. This nom- ~~~: :; sl 1 1 !:~~~: t;~~ 1 ~ 1 ~:u~~~:::~ ; s:~ lnal ree Is made to help detray the Corlfers _ With Faculty . th e Arctic nnd nlso or the Soviet ~~!\~~d~'~':!p~1 1 \7: 1 ~:;~d t~~r: ·.ages for Dr. H. w. Reni nger of Iowa State Union. Th e new student union · wilt be ;:::b:~~n; 01 !! 8 ~ 0 !:~e~e: . t~~h P~~!~ltl; operated and Jl1rected entirely by stu- committees working on n genernl dent s. Flnnnces will be han dl ed education orogrnm. Or. Heninger Is under the direction of the college's chairman of th e English and Mu manl- soclal committee. Frnnk \V. Crow ties de1mrtment at the town collegl'. Is -chairman of the committee and and 1 8 one of the coo rdinators tor s tudent representnth•cs 11re Wilson the Jnstltullo~al Studies conducted Special Awards to Be Presented to Top Students on May- 19 Announ cement was made today by ans Elizabeth Ptlffner and Herbert Steiner of 11 s tudent s named to second semester honor roll. The Includes both second semester summer school graduates. Gr enton and Sharon Sutton. by the Nor th Centrnl association. ties. Each student mu st ba, ·e main- Th e union promises to be a very In addition to speaking at group One ot the moat lml)ortnnt nasem- tained at least a two point average 1>opular recreation cente r. !t Is pro· t D R I ill 1 lk biles of th e y'cnr will be held on Mon- nnd been acth·e In au extra-curricular vlded with attracth•e and comfortable ~~'\ :~e~ 1 ~:~itv ~;t /~;;f 0 ~~ 1 ":neet~lg day afternoon, May 19, at 2: 10 o'- fleld for two years. chair s and sofns. ca rd t ab les, n ping this e,•enlng. · Mi s toi>lc wlll be " Tlie' clock, when th o annual awards wlll The character traits of leade rship ; J>ODg table and a snnck bar. It will General Education Program In Iowa 6e prese nted to the 9u ts tandlng st u- consldera1eness. coope rath•eness nnd be open from i p.m. to 11 p.m. on State Teachers College." The meet- dents on the camp us. Trophi es, pins r ~llabillty are nlso a fa ctor In the Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Ing wlll be held In the rural Assen)- nnd medals for high scholarship, for deiins· c hoice of students eli gible tor from 7 1 ,.m. to 12 on Wednesdays, bl y. Lelnnd M. Burroughs. cha lrmun leadc rsh lJ> and for outstnndlng work this high honor. frqm 7 P,.m. to 12:30 on Fridays. 1 or he fa culty, has asked Pres ident In ex tru-currlcu lar activities will be lonored by the deans are M'tlry uvllle, Muriel Held , J eanett e Im, Gretchen Holst ein: Lolita II, Norma Mayer. Elizabeth Ring- . P atricia Skowronski. Donald en, Alvin Long and Mnrtln Han- his Is the first time th e Deana· bas Included s um mer school duates. Pr e,·iously. o nl y those untlng at th e end of the regu lar 1 were considered. Ken Nyberg Wins Sigma Tau Contest Kenneth Nyberg was awarded rfrst place In th e creative w' rlting contest sponsored by SlgmR Tnu De l- ta, national honorary English Cr ate r- llglblllty for U.1e- honor Is based :!t;··co~e:~lt~~~elnw~':oerp:~:. ac:I~;~ tJoo: h/:h e=~~ao~r:~~~ 1 ::d a:t~~~= .··oesron 23 ." Is' Glee Club and e Girls' Glee club and Chorus ting c lass, both under the di- n or Peter J. Michelsen. will orate Friday morning to pre- a conce rt in the auditorium be- g nt 1 O o'clock. Th e songs to ng and the st ud ent director of Hon orable mention was gi ven no Norman Queram for his poem, "The Night .on the Canal." Judges tor th e contes t were Mrs. Raymond E. Specht and Miss Mildred Davia. The better entr ies In th e con- t est wlll be published In "Words- worth." annual creative writing pub- li cation or the fraternity, which wlll appear soon, Six Newman Club Members Attend Annual Conclave are as follows: Croup one. Six members of the Central Slate Upon a Hilltop." Mary Dou- Newman Club, Mary Pflffner, Mary "In My Gard6n," Sylvia Abfa- Brlttnacher. Hel en Null)·. Kathryn n: "Clouds," Allen~ Stankevlch':""1'ellsa DorJa, and Henry Wildrose," Joan Wysocki ; Oreschler. repr esented the local c lub two, "God So Loved the at the annua l ·regional con,·entlon ," Janice Gruen; "Aa Long as held at Rochester, Mtn' nesota, on 0 A::;. ~.·" J: ao:em;:: r e:::::; ~u:: a:r::: !~tedn3J~d M::: .: ra~n~e~- can Prayer," Nadine Bah r; eral meetings and panel disc ussions three, "My Heart Ia a Silent on Saturday. A banquet Was held ' Claire Mueller; "Glendy Saturday e,·eJJ..lng. followed by a ' Ma. rlt yn Schllllog; "Ole dance. The Sunday program con· -Moverlo'," Ruth Tallmadge. alsted · ot maas and breakfast .' at eld will play an organ Inter- which the Bishop of Winona guest sJ)llaker. · p.m. to 12:30 on Saturdays: and 1 \\'llllam C. Hansen to preside at the gh·e u by \ ,·arloua Individuals and or- meeting. ganlzations. Phi Sigs Present Yearly Style Show The eighth annual Phi Sigma Epsi- lon style show wns pr esented Monday and Tuesday nights, May 5 and 6,· ln th e auditorium under the production of Frank Wesley and the direction of Jack Popeck , Members of the fraternity , In- cluding married men . a dog, a bi- cycle. birds, etc., parti cipated. The specialty acts were highlight- ed by "Cbeezy Teezee" with Wlllls Zick aud Dick Toser, by a married men's act , a dancing duo composed or Tex Polzin and Jack Popeck . and by vocals sung by Tony Klein. The beefy chorus line directed by Walt ··Toots" Brunsman Included Pat O'Brien, Ra y Anderson, Dick Turzenskl, Don Vlssers, Don Plonke, J ohn Lnngto n, J erry Baer enwald and Arlynn Kline brought an encor e. · Like last year, anpther Wagnerian opera was "decomposed." "Sleg- C.rl ed." In tbTee acts, was climaxed by a happy ending (?) Th e Phi Sig bana. using music' st ands furn ished by Stan Ness and his Band. and mu sic and musicians furni shed by Benny Graham and bis orchestra. pro,·lded Instrumental en- tertainment. Jerry Dn rt osz and, Turzenskl ~ere mastett of ce remony. The production was dedicated to members or the fraternity who are n<;>w serv ing In the armed forces. The social committee. und er the Amon g awards to be 1>rcseo t ed a re chairmanship or Frank w. Crow, the Phi Sigma Epsilon award for wlll se r\'e refreshments after the scholarship and leadership , which Is meeting. gh·en to a se nior man; the Alpha -----,- . Kappa Rho trophy, give n to an out- Men' S Glee Club etondlng sen ior gir l; tho $100 Home Economics scholarship, to an out- Holds Annual Dinner standing 1uu1or 1. born• ecooomca: Presentation of senior awards and : 1 :~ !~: 1 ; 1 ~ :;.~ 1 ~; 1 ~~ :wsa:n~:: ~~ the Ins tallation of new officers we re highli ght s or the annual spring ban- quet or ·the Men 's Glee Club. held on Tueada) ' evening, May 6. at th e Trnln- lng school. Edward Plank, ~r., a gleo c lub alum, was th e t oastmaster. The gold key senio r awards were glvep to Chet Polka, Bob Cllbeit, Don Schulz and Gordy Falrbert. Don Ol- sen r eceived a three year silver sen ior award. Two year bronze and thr ee year sliver keys, In addition to the Also listed a. re the Joseph V. Col- lins award tor o utstanding ach ieve- ment In the field . of mathematlce; the se nior· scholarship trophy of Cht Delta. Rho; the Sigma Tau Delt a medal to the senior who bas done outstanding work lo the fie ld of cr eative writing; and tho Sigma Zeta award to the outstan(ltng member or that b rganlzatlon . The $25 Culver-Rogers memorial traditional freshman awards. were fμnd · award will be given to an able ~~::er;:~~:~~~ t::r ;~::e~~a~:::~e n, Junior majoring In science and the New officers t or next year who Hlrzy athletic nwnrd will go to the were Installed are Frank De Guire. best all-a round Q.Ulleto of the year. pr esident ; Jerry Boett cher, business Other awards tor activity 11). ath- :~:~:t~~~\ D~~; 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ::b:r~:r~~t:'a:1!:7 let ics. music, drnmatlce and work on and John Bruha, wardrobe manager. student publl~atjons wlll also be Ou es ts at the dinn er Included given. Pfealdent· and Mrs. WIiiiam C. Han-I .----'-----------, sea, President Emeritus nod Mrs. Frank S. Hyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond E." Gotham, Mrs. Herbert R. Steiner, Mre. Frank N. Spindler, Mr. and Mrs. Plank, C.llbe.rt W. i<"'auat, M111. John l\t. Leary. Miss Carolyn Rolfson, Mias Mari e Swallow, Miss Susan Colman, Mrs. Ellia~rn-P11rf- ner and Mias Bertha Clennon. Notice I All orgnolzntlons planning pic- nics or other activities thi s spring aro neked to 1chedu1e them l.n the calendqr which l8 in Mrs. PUUner'a omce. rn thlt •·ay conflicts ·w111 be avoided .

11iePOINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point

Apr 30, 2022



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Page 1: 11iePOINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point


JacK-Popeck. and Queen Will Reign at 1952 Jun·ior ·Pro·m Bauer, Mulady Will Head '53 Iris Sta.ff

Danc·e Will Be Held on May 17 Eunice. Bauer and Jim Mulady wUI

head the statr of the 1953 Iris ac­cording to- an announcement made

1 today b'y Burdette W. Eagon and ·or.

A Spanieb mos'B celling and Uaruingo murals will lend o. southern atmosphere to the annual Junior Prom, whi~h will be held on Saturdo.y,~ May 17, at the P. J . Jacobs HI ib School gym. Jack Popeck, C11ntonvllte , president .of the Junior class, has chosen as. bis queen MaTl1yn Gossage, a Junior fTom Stevens Point and they will leo.d the gro.nd march, always a colorful part of the 'Prom. I


·ally for the aMual Junior Prom to be hold in the P. J, Jacobs High school gym on ur<lay e•enlnq. May 17, are Jack Popeck. lunlor class president and his queen. ilyn Gossage. Marilyn Ii a Junior In the lnlorme-dlate di•lsloa and ls from

vens Point.

eans Name 11 to· emester Honor ·Roll

Harold M. Tolo, ed.ftorlal and busl­ness-advlsen, respectlYely,

Eunice, who Is Crom Wausau, will be a senior next year, and has ser\•ed tor three years on the staff. During the past year She held the position

The theme tor the dance ts "Flamingo." The music wUJ bo provided by Reg Brault and the Canadians, a band from Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Guests at the Prom will be President and Mrs. Wllllam C. Hansen, Regent and Mrs. Wllson S. Delzell , Mrs. Elizabeth Ptlttner. Mr. and Mre. Herbert R. Steiner, Mlaa Dessie '!\1ay Allen and Miss Helen Meston.

or copy editor.

Jim, a Stevens Pointer, has been assistant business manoger this year, bis first year on tho staff.

Other appoint ments ma~e ore Patricia Derge, assistant editor: Diane Self, layout editor: Judy Clay­ton_. art editor; and Marguerite Smith, advertising manage r.

Mr. and Mrs. Arol C. Epple, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Doudna will be chaperones tor the dance.

Miss Monica Bainter and Frank W. Crow are advisers for the Junior class. The general chairman tor the dance Is Rose Ann Kearns. The com­mittees Include . the following: Theme, Barbara Hanson, Nancy Mal­chow, Roland Krueger, J ohn Bruha and Ruth Fletlng; dance, Jack Po­peck. Arion Parkin and Rose Ann

Kearns ; decorations, Jun Sarback­er, Sylvia Abrnhamson, IMary Lund, Bryan Purchatzke. Wilbur Way and Jack Popeck. ·

Publicity, Jerry Bartou. Frank De Quire, Sally Connor, Ardis Raathe and Bill Clayton; Invitations and chaperones, Kny Leahy and Mary .enune.r; turntture, Barbara Bau­man, Henry Dreachler. Robert Mc­Mahon and Jack Sandburg; programs and tickets, Marlyn Gilbert, Arline Meister and Dick Bruhn..


11iePOINTER Stevens Point, Wis. May 8, 952 No. 17

Student Union Will. Open Friday'j-=- Mr. ~pecht Awa~d~d ,

Juke Box Dance Main Feature A!~~~ds:.~:~~r:1h,~~ ,


A Juke box dance on Friday e,·e- p.m. to 11 on Sundays. grnphy depnrtment has been awarded nlug. May 9 at S o'clock will mark The student union commltt'ee. a Carnegie Arcti c seholnrship tor the the lnltlnl opeu1ng of the new Stu- which 01,erates under the sLU4eut ! 952 geog rnphy summer school at

~t~e~::~~a~~~:~:~.!nd!~!,i~::;~ient ~~~U:!\:;:\.'i:,:~hc:::~=~~l~~n;r~I:~ McGill university, Montrea l, Quebec. The dance Is open to nil members ances. Is com 1>osed ot Dnrt Mcl\'am- The geogra1,hy summer school ls

of the student union. Membershl1> nra. Sharon Sutton. Al Due. Willie ~;:~s l'~;ldbu~n 1!~:c:;1111:uhaol~r ::~ ~::=

~~:k:t:~?;:e a;·:1:n~~e 1!o~r:n/!r c:.~! NGroeart,ohn cnnedn Et:r1oaalnoC, 0Coarrdti~1-nator lege In Stnnstend. Quebec. Mr.

library todar and Friday. This nom- ~~~::;sl11!:~~~: t;~~1~ 1~:u~~~:::~; s:~

lnal ree Is made to help detray the Corlfers _ With Faculty . the Arctic nnd nlso or the Soviet ~~!\~~d~'~':!p~11\7:1~:;~d t~~r:·.ages for Dr. H. w. Reninger of Iowa State Union.

The new student union · wilt be ;:::b:~~n;01!!8

~ 0!:~e~e: .t~~h P~~!~ltl; operated and Jl1rected entirely by stu- committees working o n n genernl dents . Flnnnces will be handled education orogrnm. Or. Heninger Is under the direction of the college's chairman of the English and Mu manl­soclal committee. Frnnk \V. Crow ties de1mrtment at the town co llegl'. Is -chairman of the committee and and 18 one of the coordinators tor s tudent representnth•cs 11re Wilson the Jnstltullo~al Studies conducted

Special Awards to Be Presented to Top Students on May- 19

Announcement was made today by ans Elizabeth Ptlffner and Herbert Steiner of 11 s tudents named to second semester honor roll. The Includes both second semester summer school graduates.

Grenton and Sharon Sutton. by the North Centrnl association. ties. Each student must ba,·e main- The union promises to be a very In addition to speaking at group One ot the moat lml)ortnnt nasem-tained at least a two point average 1>opular recreation cente r . !t Is pro· t D R I ill 1 lk biles of the y'cnr will be held on Mon-nnd been acth·e In au extra-curricular vlded with attracth•e and comfortable ~~'\ :~e~

1~:~itv ~;t /~;;f0~~ 1 ":neet~lg day afternoon, May 19, at 2: 10 o'­

fleld for two years. chairs and sofns. ca rd tab les, n ping this e,•enlng. · Mis toi>lc wlll be " Tlie' clock, when tho annual awards wlll The character traits of leadership; J>ODg table and a snnck bar. It will General Education Program In Iowa 6e presented to the 9u tstandlng stu­

consldera1eness. cooperath•eness nnd be open from i p.m. to 11 p.m. on State Teachers College." The meet- dents on the campus. Trophies, pins r~llabillty are nlso a factor In the Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Ing wlll be held In the rural Assen)- nnd medals for high scholarship, for deiins· choice of students e ligible tor from 7 1,.m. to 12 on Wednesdays, bly. Lelnnd M. Burroughs. cha lrmun leadcrsh lJ> and for outstnndlng work this high honor. frqm 7 P,.m. to 12:30 on Fridays. 1 or h e faculty, has asked Pres ident In ex tru-currlcu lar activities wil l be

lonored by the deans are M'tlry uvllle, Muriel Held , J eanette Im, Gretchen Holstein: Lolita II, Norma Mayer. Elizabeth Ring­. Patricia Skowronski. Donald

en, Alvin Long and Mnrtln Han-

his Is the first time the Deana· bas Included sum mer school

duates. Pre,·iously. o nl y those untlng at the end of the regu lar

1 were considered.

Ken Nyberg Wins Sigma Tau Contest

Kenneth Nyberg was awarded rfrst place In the creative w'rlting contest sponsored by SlgmR Tnu Del­ta, national honorary English Crate r-

llglblllty for U.1e- honor Is based :!t;··co~e:~lt~~~elnw~':oerp:~:. ac:I~;~

tJoo: h/:h e=~~ao~r:~~~1::d a:t~~~= .··oesron 23 ."

Is' Glee Club and

e Girls' Glee club and Chorus ting class, both under the di­n or Peter J. Michelsen. will orate Friday morning to pre­

a concert in the auditorium be­g nt 1 O o'clock. The songs to

ng and the student director of

Honorable mention was gi ven no Norman Queram for his poem, "The Night .on the Canal."

Judges tor the contes t we re Mrs. Raymond E. Specht and Miss Mildred Davia. The better entries In the con­test wlll be published In "Words­worth." annual creative writing pub­lication or the fraternity, which wlll appear soon,

Six Newman Club Members

Attend Annual Conclave are as follows: Croup one. Six members of the Central Slate

Upon a Hilltop." Mary Dou- Newman Club, Mary Pflffner, Mary "In My Gard6n," Sylvia Abfa- Brlttnacher. Helen Null)· . Kathryn n: "Clouds," Allen~ Stankevlch':""1'ellsa DorJa, and Henry

Wildrose," Joan Wysocki ; Oreschler. represented the local c lub two, "God So Loved the at the annua l ·regional con,·entlon

," Janice Gruen; "Aa Long as held at Rochester, Mtn'nesota, on 0A::;.~.·" J:ao:em;::re:::::; ~u::a:r::: !~tedn3J~d M:::.:ra~n~e~-

can Prayer," Nadine Bahr ; eral meetings and panel discussions three, "My Heart Ia a Silent on Saturday. A banquet Was held ' Claire Mueller; "Glendy Saturday e,·eJJ..lng. followed by a ' Ma.rltyn Schllllog; "Ole dance. The Sunday program con· -Moverlo'," Ruth Tallmadge. alsted · ot maas and breakfast .' at eld will play an organ Inter- which the Bishop of Winona

guest sJ)llaker . ·

p.m. to 12:30 on Saturdays: and 1 \\'llllam C. Hansen to preside at the gh·eu by \,·arloua Individuals and or-meeting. ganlzations.

Phi Sigs Present Yearly Style Show

The eighth annual Phi Sigma Epsi­lon style show wns presented Monday and Tuesday nights, May 5 and 6,· ln the auditorium under the production of Frank Wesley and the direction of Jack Popeck,

Members of the fraternity , In­cluding married men. a dog, a bi­cycle. birds, etc., participated.

The specialty acts were highlight­ed by "Cbeezy Teezee" with Wlllls Zick aud Dick Toser, by a married men's act , a dancing duo composed or Tex Polzin and Jack Popeck . and by vocals sung by Tony Klein.

The beefy chorus line directed by Walt ··Toots" Brunsman Included Pat O'Brien, Ray Anderson, Dick Turzenskl, Don Vlssers, Don Plonke, J ohn Lnngto n, J erry Baerenwald and Arlynn Kline brought an encore. ·

Like last year, anpther Wagnerian opera was "decomposed." "Sleg­C.rled." In tbTee acts, was climaxed by a happy ending (?)

The Phi Sig bana. using music' s tands furn ished by Stan Ness and his Band. and music and musicians furnished by Benny Graham and bis orchestra. pro,·lded Instrumental en-tertainment. ~

Jerry Dnrt osz and, Turzenskl ~ere mastett of ce remony.

The production was dedicated to members or the fraternity who are n<;>w serv ing In the armed forces.

The social committee. under the Among awards to be 1>rcseoted a re chairmanship or Frank w. Crow, the Phi Sigma Epsilon award for wlll se r\'e refreshments after the scholarship and leadership , which Is meeting. gh ·en to a senior man; the Alpha

-----,- . Kappa Rho trophy, given to an out-Men' S Glee Club etondlng senior girl ; tho $100 Home

Economics scholarship, to an out­Holds Annual Dinner standing 1uu1or 1. born• ecooom•ca:

Presentation of senior awards and : 1:~ !~:1; 1~ :;.~1~;1~~ :wsa:n~::~ ~

the Ins tallation of new officers we re highlights or the annual spring ban­quet or ·the Men 's Glee Club. held on Tueada)' evening, May 6. at the Trnln­lng school. Edward P lank, ~r., a gleo club alum, was the toastmaster.

The gold key senio r awards were glvep to Chet Polka, Bob Cllbeit, Don Schulz and Gordy Falrbert. Don Ol­sen received a three year s il ve r sen ior award. Two year bronze and three year sliver keys, In addition to the

Also listed the Joseph V. Col­lins award tor outstanding ach ieve­ment In the field. of mathematlce; the senior· scholarship trophy of Cht Delta. Rho; the Sigma Tau Delta medal to the senior who bas done outstanding work lo the fie ld of c reative writing; and tho Sigma Zeta award to the outstan(ltng mem ber or that b rganlzatlon .

The $25 Culver-Rogers memorial traditional freshman awards. were fµnd · award will be given to an able ~~::er;:~~:~~~ t::r;~::e~~a~:::~en, Junior majoring In science and the

New officers tor next year who Hlrzy athletic nwnrd will go to the were Installed are Frank De Guire. best all-around Q.Ulleto of the year. president ; Jerry Boettcher, business Other awards tor activity 11). ath-:~:~:t~~~\ D~~;


1::b:r~:r~~t:'a:1!:7 letics. music, drnmatlce and work on

and John Bruha, wardrobe manager. student publl~atjons wlll also be Ouests at the dinner Included given.

Pfealdent· and Mrs. WIiiiam C. Han-I .----'-----------, sea , President Emeritus nod Mrs. Frank S. Hyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray­mond E." Gotham, Mrs. Herbert R. Steiner, Mre. Frank N. Spindler, Mr. and Mrs. Plank, C.llbe.rt W. i<"'auat, M111. John l\t. Leary. Miss Carolyn Rolfson, Mias Marie Swallow, Miss Susan Colman, Mrs. Ellia~rn-P11rf­ner and Mias Bertha Clennon.

Notice I All orgnolzntlons planning pic­

nics or other activities this spring aro neked to 1chedu1e them l.n the calendqr which l8 in Mrs. PUUner'a omce. rn thlt •·ay conflicts ·w111 be avoided.

Page 2: 11iePOINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point

May 8, 1952

Con·sequenc ~ ............................... _..._] 1Ross, Krueger to Head F rom a ll lnd lca.tlona both st dents and fnc ere aLCSC seem to be 7 5 2 , 5 3 p • · s ff

Jn· a state or summer apathy. E\'eryone seems se renely atlsfled with con- ..._.._..._......_..._.._..._......_..._.._..._......_,. I - 01nter_' ta dltlons as thO)' are and bas no apparen t interest In Improvement& where Somewhere twU:t t he rheostat a nd Improvements are certainly needed. BIii Cable , the ligh ts went out dur- Next year-'s Pointer editor and

The April 27 Issue or lh.e Pointer contained nn editoria l presenting Ing the slh•er ottering at the pro- business ma.nager ha ,·e been a n­. the cue agnlnst compulsory ~aM attendance. a topic which s~ou ld be I ductlon ot "The Tempes t" last Thurs- nounced by Miss Qertba Glennon and ot considerable Interest to a ll. The last sentence of thnt a rtlcl_e ran as day' night. Who knows how much Robert s. Lewis, advisers for the t'bl tbws : was missing from the offering plates imper. D,n-e Ross Is the new ed itor

to write a nd bis main ambition Is to be n wr iter . In college he Is majoring In English and n~luorl ng lo history nnd geograpll )' in the Letters nnd Science di vis ion. , •

''The Poin ter will be g lad to hear from both raculty and s tu dent bod)' when the ligh ts went on again, After -and Roland " Roll ie" Krueger ts t he on this conlrovei-slal topic, t he pr.oblem o f col.lege class attendance." all. it was almost all college s~ udents new business ma nager. They will

oa,•o la ughingly says thnt his ehld nmblUon regarding the Pointer nt::xt year i!J fo ru n n ru11 page of 11ictures. Since tha t t ime. two . full weeks, not a sing le wri tten comment has and It wns tho end of t tie mon th! ta ke over the Jobs no w held by F'rank

reached our, otflce ~ lther de fending the sys tem or 01i11oslng It. Word bas It that In t he firs t scene of De Gui re and J erry J elinek. edi tor We have heard numerous ve rba l comments. nil. of which were 011 posed the storm at sea when the entire cast nnd bus iness manager, respecti vely.

·lo compu lso ry class a ttendance, . but a ll were wary of writi ng ttn)'thlng was howling behind the cur tains. Ross. who will be n Junior nex t and signi ng names. . "We sin k, " and ''Dy my tro th . we are )'ear , Is from Plo,·er nnd has worked

Slnce ull of the rema rks op11osed Lhe present .system nud slnco no dying," t he stnge crew wns a lso on 0 11 t he Pointer s ta ff fo r t wo yea rs as one has voiced any sup11ort , we propose t hnt n sys tem or volun tary class stage add h;g to the genernl conru- re i,orter a nd couwositlou eclJtor. He attendance be Instituted hero at CSC next fnl l. · ' slon by shou ti ng. " Vlvn Za pnta!" Is ,·lce,-preslde nt of Cp'lnma De ltn a nd

ll.olnnd Krueger. the n~w business manager from Mosinee. was olrcula. lion mntu~sor ot tho P ointer ror n yea r. He wi ll be n senior In the f...e t. ters ond Science divis ion nex t year, mnJor;,lng In history.


Student Union Opens The long-awaited s tudent union finally OJ>e ns F'rlday nigh t of th is

week. Here l.s something that Central Stn ters dreamed of tor . many yenrs past . Jt doesn ' t have a ll of the desired fncllitles. but a t leas t It Is a star t - a foundation upon which to build In the future.

We are hap py to see that the union ls go ing to be a lmos t exclusive ly n s tudent ven ture. Facu lty or a d nlin is lrative cont rol o f a t h ing ot th li, type should not be necessary. ·

We or t he s tudent body lia,·e here a n excellent o p1>o rtu nlty to demon­s trat e our willi ngness to assume respons ibility, nn opportu n ity which Is denied us by many a dults. We say that It peo1,1e our age are unable to assume respons lblltly, then n gra ve mis take Is being mnde In sending us o,•er to the Training tachoo l and expecting us to tea ch the chUdre n there .

With coopera tion from e veryone the sludent unio n can deve lop Into something of which all will be jus tifia bly proud. ·

Congratulations! . The Pointer o ffers Its s incere congratulations to the e leven seniors

honored today by being named to the Deans· Honor Lis t. They can well feel proud of themselves, for this a ward s lg nUles a high degree ot achieve­ment academica lly as well as tu the field of extra-curricula r activities. It Is the s ign of a well-rounded college education.

Tom Lund sauntered into the wait­Ing room or s tation WSPT , his back ma king a 45 0 angle with the tloor , h it us for a cigarette, and we were off!

Tom Is n Senior {which means to him t hat be hllll three years to go ) ln the secondary d ivision. He is an English major, with minors In French and his tory. Fi e was born In Eau Cla ire during the Coolidge era a nd g ives the following brief sketch of bis family.

'" My father Is a 11,•ing sa int named Otto - spelled backwards it's Otto. s ld~ways It's Toot , which ls what we always call him. My mother Is a lovely French-Canad ian of 83, bu t doesn ' t look a day o,·e r 80. I ha ,•e t wo s iste rs and t wo brothe rs - I live wi th one of my bro thers, and the other. who Is most ,•oc lferous. we ca ll the Big \Vi nd. "

Tom may ll \'e with Clifford Lund. but he ta kes mos t or h is meals at Carneys. The da ughter of sa id esta b­lishment ls one J oan Cer ney, secre­ta ry In the reco rd office here a t Cen­tra l Sta le. They became engagj!d las t winter.

" We' ll be marr ied next Augtlst 7. if e,·eryth lng goes well ." Tom says.

Defore he to CSC. Tom spent th ree years In the US air force, as a gu.nner a nd radio operator. He re·

FACES == I the ballot, I ' ll ,·ote for bl l11 - even If bis name Is Sam and he failed In t he haberdashery business."

Tom means no s lu r on Eleanor , however : In fact , he likes her si nce she got her new teeth. Other random though ts on poli tics Include a des ire to see J oe McCa r; thy the COP candi­date so " he can finish the tunnel from Rome to Washing ton"!" Tom Is a lso quite concerned because Ha rold ' I'm fer It!' Stasse n Is cha lleng Ta ft 's rnvorlle son fo rces In Ohio.

Tom Is naturall y a great reader . He Is ,also fond or golf and bis an­nouncing Jo b at WSPT. He pa rticu ­larly app rec iates the latte r after wo rking as a bar-keep fo r several months. Tom clai ms tha t the la tter Is the mos t misera ble 'profess ion ' In the world .

No great movie love r . ou r hero, ne,•er theless. has certa in s trong opln· ions a bout the cinema.

" My favorite fema le mo,•le star Is Bi lly de Wolte,'' he says. " I al so like Ethel Unrry more , because she sounds so much like Lionel. She hns the fin­est batr ytone In Hollywood !"

Afte r g rad ua tion. he expects to teach , and supplement h is wage­earn ing to lh' lng-standards by rad io work nod bartondlng. Some day he would like to crash Jou rnalism. It was suggested that he had b is foot In the door throug h b ts' feuture work on the Pointer. At that ho beitan to laugh ,·lolenlly and was una ble to answer any more questions.

J<nutzen to Represent SC a t North Central

Institutional Studies

• • • • sings baritone in the Men's Glee club. Th


at 's not Bill Stern, bu t -Tom n oss ls n fin e exnm Jlle or n fir m

Kr ueger Is a me m bor of Chi Delta Rho frntern lty. of tho Men·s Clce clu b nnd of Al ph1L Cnnuna. honor.irv soclu l science organization. In 1119 spa re time, he plays on lhe scrub softba ll team, "Ohr Alled lch:· of his frate rni ty.

Lund you· re hearing e\'ery morning be liever in the 11hllosOphy of doing from six to eigh t on WSPT. This a good Job In n few organizations morning's script lucl ucted n g lowfng rnther tha n doing a pdor or mediocre ad from a Brida l Shop a nd a snles one In many organ izations. He likes talk from Chlcngo as t he perfect honeymoon city . . . yes, Indies nnd gen tlemen, the Chicago zoo has the wor ld's most per fec t gorlll n In cap­ti vity! All this mus t be done whil e one hand winds the t a pe recorder and the other rl u,.gs in Lo Roy Behling ou t at the a irport with the lates t In rela­ti ve humidity.

Music lovers had an unusual treat las.t...Sunday when TV took a 4S- min­u te tour th rough the newly reno,•ated White House. HST h imse lf did th e patter (he's an a uthor ity on White House history) and explained where Pres iden t Adams' wife hung the was h In l 79 8. He e,·en sat down and play­ed ti little snatch of Mozarl's "Ninth Sona ta" (sans Lauren Bacall ) . When asked about t he controvers ial portico which be had built on the south end , Truman replied that he li ked to watch the baseball games on the El­li pse with his · field glasses. ' "One day I got so Interes ted that l wont over to the field to watch . All I did wv.s break up the game when I wa1k­ed In," be said ruefu lly.' The above quote Is from the front page of the Suna ay New York Times, a remark we doub t ever got said " ruefull y.' '

J oke of the Week - The following dialogue came about between Jus tice Pl ne and the Preside nt-defending Attorney Baldr idge last week as they argued the decision ln t he steel s t r ike. ,

P ine - Is It your concept t hat t he Constitution limits Cong ress and the Jud.lctary bu t not the Executive?

Bald . - That's the way we read the Constit u ti on.

Pine - Do you mean tha t If t he P reslde'll t empowered Mr. Sawyer to take you Into cus tody and execute you. you 'd ha ve no powe r to enjoin h im ? ..

Bald . - I'll hue to think that· one ove r.

Th is announcement was rece ived recentl y" from Bob a nd J a net R ttl e­mnn or Milwaukee. Arrived - an­other Riflema n ; name of mode l, Sco tt Warre n Riflema n; delh·ery da te , April 19 , 1952; We ight, 7 lbs. one ounce; ca liber - the best ; fin a l Inspec tion , Dr. J ac k KUeger ; manu­fact urers, Bob a nd J a net Rltl ema n. Bob Is now se rvin g h is internesh lp at Marquette Unh·ers lty. H is wife le the fo rmer J a net Benn , a Ste,•ens Pointe r . Both attended CSC.

l>w:uulng pollcy, DcTe Ro.a. left. and RoWe Krueqer, newlr appointed Pointer , beach, are abown aa ther got t09ather in the Pointer o!Jlce. RoH, the new .clltor. ocr:upr the position now held bf Frank De, while ltrueqar will replace J• Jellnalt aa head of the buslneH etaft.

Pierson Chosen Head of State College Faculties

Centra l State college was ho nored recently when Or. Edgar F . P ierson Wtl8 elected pres ident of the Assoc ia­tion of Wisconsin State College Fac­ulties at the biennial meeting of that group in Madison on April 25.

Other newly-elected officers a re Glen Cundy, P lattevllle. vlc4!-pres i­dent, and Miss Ve ra _,toss, Rh•er Fa lls, sec reta ry and t reasurer.

Among Dr. Pierson 's duties wlll be a ttenda nce a t all mee tings of the s tate college board of regen ts a t Madison a nd the a ppointing of, n cons titutiona l re vi sion commi ttee. The assoc iation Is composed of the nine s t ate college faculties.

Nelson Hall Holds Annual Spring . Mother And Daughter Banquet

Nelson Hall Is bustling wl activi ty as the gi r ls ge t read)' t the annual Mother-Daughter banq u on Saturday, May 10. Th is din ner g iven by the dorm ltes each yenr provide a good o pportu n ity for t girls to meet the mothers of th rrle nds.

Bar bara Wels brot a nd Coll Schroeder have arra nged the en tt t a lnment . J oyce Mo ll . pres ident Ne lson Ha ll , wlll be the master ceremonies, nnd Mrs. Ma rgaret Ang dorm d irec tor, and i\trs. E lhabe Pf lft ner , dean of wo men, w ill spea lle ta Fonta ine will read a poem a Mary Ann Smith wlll s ing. Mrs. ~o

Pointer-Iris Banquet ~:~.:;:-1:t~;.~ ~~,~::~g~·~'~.~·~:~« To Be Held a t Antlers ter. Beverly, will o_penl<_f.!lL.!

T he Pointer · and Iris s ta tes wil l daughte rs. J oy Lane will g h•e a rea conclude the year 's acth•ltles on Wed- Ing a nd the p rogra m will close wl

nesdqy even ing, May 2 L, with n Joint ~osr~:~!. byN!n! ~!o ~00~ : :te~t~; ~ar

~: rn~~! te:~n\h:.i1i°~~e~~n~t : s~;,ns tf! r F'e; ~~n!:!h~llttees for the dinner a F ollowing the din ne r awards will a lready ha rd a t work . · Ethel Fa

Acco rding to a ll re por ts, the Y- be presented to s taff mem bers of Is chair man of the lnvlta l lons co GOP con,·entlon a t Rac ine ltl8t week- both the news paper a nd tho )'ea r- mlltee. and the othe r members a end was a huge success . F rank Reda, book. Phyll is Haze lwood, Oona On.h a CSC'er , was elected 10th Dis trict Shirley Sonnenberg Is cha irman of J eannette Craig and Eunice Dau chal rinan by the conve ntio n. On the the decora tions comm ittee, whil e The docoratlon8 committee lnclud social s ide, a ·csc hote l room w4s F ra nk DeGulre Is plann ing the pro- J oan 1< .. ebrenbncb, chairman, Hel e ngaged where the 21 Young Re pub- gram. J ones, Cla lre Mue ller , Cleo Gllbe

~= l~~ Jr:.~ o h:: ev;~:e:; :.d ~ ~:s~l=I~: Bes ides the fac ulty ad visors, Miss ~~~ ;!~:~c°wi~:11;~~::~'a ~~:!:n g; and Dick Kussman acted as hos ts. Bertha · Glennon, Robert S. Lewis , Mary McCau ley, the regular ,Unit

• Dr. Ha ro ld M. Tolo and Burdette W. room chairmen. Suzanne Pa)' Wa tch Ita ly fo r the results of an Eagon, the re will be no spec ia l Delores McLeee a nd Mnrguer

Nor mnn E. Kn utzen was selected b>· the fac ulty to re present CSC at the Ins titutional Stud ies mee ti ng of N'orth Central co lleges this sp mm9r. The Instit utiona l stu dies a re held dur­ing Au.gust In the Continuation Cen­ter at the Universi ty ot Mi nnesota In

unholy alliance. Ra lm onda Cia no. gues ts. ( F'lna nces won't per mit - Smtth will decora te the bu ffet a1 g randdaughter of .Mussollni, has Just a las!) mir ror. married Sando Guinta, blood ·de- wtt"i=====::--:c--:;:,;;;:--;;~~=::-----....:._- ~ ... , ~6ers that when he was supposed Minneapolis. - -

to be hand ling a g un, be was ban· The representnU,•es are divided in­dllng a rosary. He served In the to majo r inte rest groups to study North and Sou th Pacific - an area three areas of educa tion , humanities. about which he says there Is not one science and soc ia l studies. They d is­r edeemable featu re. cuss ,·arlous phases of Improvement

Since bis army days, Tom has shied of instruction In general education awa y from organl%ntlons. Thereforer and professional courses. Each repre­be doesn' t belong to· any so rorities sen tatlve Is supposed to be nn act.Ive or fraternities. Howe,·OT, be Is a member of two seminar conimlttees. member of Sigma Tau Delta (one of Today and F riday, Or. H. A. Ren­the non-dues paying breed ) and the Inger, bead ot t he Department of Young Republicans club, a Tafter . E nglish an d Humanities, Iowa State But being a broad-minded man, be Teachers college, Cedar Falls, Iowa, has this to say about the nex:t elec- Is makldg his o fficial vis it to Cen· tlon: tral State as a coordinator of these

" It there la a male Roosevelt on studies In this school.

scendant o f Napoleon. VOi. TH.E POINTER No.

English s tudents In J arrow, Eng­la nd, were a bit surpr laed to read a t the top of a n examination paper : " Ma r ks wJII be deducted for errors In _gra.mmer, soeOldg and punctua­tion.''

For those who like to do a llttle research , we th.Ink Keats, (author of "Ode on a Grecian Urn") would turn over ln bis g rave It he saw page 47 ot Life magazine for May 5, 1952.

See you a t the Union - tomorrow !


" "' b, a,

Page 3: 11iePOINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point

;2 May 8, 1952 THE POINTE.JI. I

to ., rr ad

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a et-

Ila , .. "' his ub or

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Central State's Cindermen Invade ,~

~~~~~~~. ! r~,n~~c?.~C~h: ?.u~. ~ir~L~t~ Cook, I Side Line·s_ ~ Bob Koll"s Titans will play )lost to Don Dineen and F rancis Kren tz In ~ tbe Pointers on the clnderJ?IIth. The the hurdles , J ack Brandt, Olher An- Another season has s lipped by on meet wUl begin at 2 o'clock and draws. " Tex" Polzin, Don Herrmann, the spor ts calendar at CSC. Intra­Coach Rober ts will ta ke 21 me n , ap- Ron Wlslinsky, a nd Dick Beeker I~ mural \'Olteyba ll ended play with last prox imately the sa me squ nd used for the flekl even ts; Phil Ru cinski . Bart week's matches. " Pipe's P anthers ," t he La wre nce meet. MaeNnma ra , Don Olsen , Les Carl- ca ptained by Ray Mundt nnd popu-

Alumni Are Invited to Commencement Exercises

Letters are being sent out to the faculty, the class of ' 52 and other alumni, giving them the commence­ment program ror the college nud 3.Sking them to make rese rvations tor the Alumni buffet supper on Thurs­day, June 5, at 6 o'clock at Hotel Whiting. ere over 1,000 let­t ers to be sen t.,. out and so someone's name could bo omitted from the list . If any a lum does not get nn in­vita tion a nd wb uld like to come to the suppet , arrangements should ' bo mads, throu gh Burton R. Pierce, principal or the ca rnpu'a Junior High school. who ls alumni secretary .

Wesley to Present Film On "Christian .Living"

Tho \Vesley organU:atlon will pre­sent an tnter~denomlnatlonal (llm oil "Christian· Living' ' to the students a nd faculty Friday, 1\lay 16. at 10 o'clock in tho college auditorium. A ll addition to the mnln tum will be " A\•e l'tlarla, " n two minute fl!ru fea­turing Deanna Durbin. The pas t two weeks, Coach Roberts son, Roy Hackbart, J ohn Sandberg la ted with nu merous other small

feels, should hM'e g i\'en bis men their and Ed J acobsen lu the d is tance g ian ts . t ook the tourna ment with a needed pre paration time. Warm compe tition . record or 10 wins o. nd no d"ereats .

Several Teachers t~. Take Summer Leave

wea ther has hel ped condition the Tied for secoud place were the squ~d so they sh ould reach their peak CS( Net Squad looks " Ghosts" a.n d the " J ays," each sport-either this afternoon or Saturday Ing an 8-2 record . when the Pointers and Whitewater For Win Over Titans are tigaln enterta ined by Oshkosh .

The Tltuns should fie ld a team o well-balanced regulars led by Stan Smit h , hurdle ace: .. Zlggie" Zarnot, HO · whi z; and Jim Dees and Jim Kohn In the JunU)lng e \'ents. Some of the Quaker nota bles a re Wesley Herbst lu the we ights, Dick Noonan In the dashes and broad Jump, ::rnd ·· Red" Entress In the shot put and discus .

Coach Roberts will enter Rhode ~lnrquard, " Nubbs:• Miller and Mark

CSC Golfers Take on Osh~h .Squad Today

Central State's llnksters are .. at Oshkosh today for a dual meet with Lhe Titans. Sutcering from the loss of several lettermen, the Oshkosh s quad wlll still have Dick Spaulding, Junior two year letterman. In addl­tlon to Kleveno , Drea_ger, Stebln and Neuman.

Saturday will agai n find the golf squad travel.Ing to Oshkosh, this Ume tor a triangular with Whitewater and Oshkosh.

Probably competing for CSC in the matches wUl be "Coach" Frank De Guire, Bob Ullsperger, Ra nsom Rhode, Bob Flint, and Dave Martell.

The Pointers fared quite badly against Lawrence college a t Apple­ton on Saturday, Aprl.l 26 , wllb only De Guire and Rhode winning polnta.

Medalist for the afternoon was the Vlke's number one man, Con Def­ferdlng, with a 7). -

The results: Ullsgerger (P) H-40-80 (0);

Detrerdlng ( L ) 38-35-73 (3). Fllnt (P) 46-47-93 (0); Brown (L) 39-39-78 (3). De Guire (P) 40-39-79. (21,!.); Dearborn (L) 40-42-82 ( % ) . Rhode (P) 38-43- 81 (1 % ) : Klvell (L) 39-42-8 1 (1 Y., ). Martell (P) 46-45-91 (0) ; Knudson (L) 39-40-79 (3 ). Lund (P) 45-44-89 (0); Purves (L) 42-41-83 (3).

"Little Olympics" Is WRA Play Day Theme

Central State wUI be host on Sat­urday, May 17, lo girls from 'more th"nn 15 Central Wisconsin high schools, when lbe ,vomen's Recrea­tion association holds ils annual Play Day. The event bas been plan­ned around the theme, "Lillie Olym; pies." .

The day 's activities wlll commence a t nine o'clock In the morning with regis t ration. The re mainde r or the wllt be devoted to basket­ball , volleyball , pong, softball and the relay. ·

At noon a luncheon will !>e served o those attending at the gi.rls' dorm­tory. The afternoon program ha.a not een definite ly planned, but will robably Include folk dancing a nd a otree hour for the advisers.

Following the conclus ion of tho CU\'itlea a · trophy wlll be presented o the team wlnRing the greates t umber of points.

Schools that have already Indicated at they will participate are New ndon , Stevens Point, Bonduel,

lalnfleld , Pula.akl, Wiscons in Rap_. s , Portage, Eaat High school Green ay, Wittenberg, Nekoosa , Amherst, eyauwega and Iola. R08e Chrlatotferaen, WRA preal­nt, ls chairman and Miss J esslemae yae r ts the organization ad·v1ser.

~Gotto Know rJ/dner,(j Niiii 63 E hhFSMII

~ffi.N'S WEAR

Buiiding Material Feeds, Seeds, Coal & Coke

REITENSTEIN CO . one 57 217 Clark St.

PrOs peels for the t ennis team pos t· log its firs t wi n in two tries a rc look­Ing u"p, as CSC's net squ a d meets a n lne x1>e rlenced Oshkosh team this afte rnoon on the Titan's cou r ts . OSC wJII be a ble to s t art onl y two return­Ing le tte rmen , the remainder of the t earu to be composed or green cand i-dates. ·

F or the Pointers it wlll be Dave Case. Kell y Douglas . Dick Tose r , Parr E,•es . and Bob Johnson. plus one other player to replace Wa!t Snmel­s tadt, who Injured his knee In practice.

In the. dual match pla yed against Lawrence at Appleton Saturday. April 26 , the Pointers were deteated 7-0 . Poin( failed to win a set. Dave Case came closes t t o winning his set from Tippett of Lawrence, but afler a tough baltle rlnally conceded 6-3 , 8-6 . Bob J ohnson was bested by Grosse to lhe tune or 6-0 , 6-1, while Ke1ly Douglas was losing to Myers 6-0 , 6-2. Dick Toser lost to Lemac:k 6-2 : 6-2, and - Parr Eves failed to score a point as he went down 6-0 , 6-0.

In the double e \'en the Johnson­Case combination made the better showing, though beaten by Grosse and Gast 6-4, 6-2. Dick Toser and Kelly Douglas bad a tougher time or il. howenr and conceded by the score of 6-0, 6-0 . ·

Track Squad Takes Six Firsts, But Bows To Powerful Lawrence

Co8Ch John E . Roberts' clndermen took six first t,laces as they bowed to Lawrence at Appleton on Aprtl ·.26. The score was 83-U and depth was definitely the deciding factor .

Rhody Marquard was the high point man for the Pointer tracksters, picking up 11 points on two firsts and a third. Hls times of 10.2 in the 100 yard dash and 24 .6 In the 220 were enough_ to car ry him to bis two victor ies . He placed thi rd In the broad Jump~

The other firs ts were Ed Jacobson In the mile with a time of 4..36.7. "Tex" Polzin threw the Jd\'e lln 160 ' 2· • tor a rlrst In that e ,•ent a.nd picked up a second and third In the pole vault and high Jump, respectively. J ack Brandt entered a throw of 40 ' 9" In the shot put and got the tlrs t place nod and also placed third In the Ja\'e lln . . The Pointers swe pt all three places In the Javelin ns Don Herrman took second place. Dill Cook showed that he can be counted on for h (s shnre or po ints as he placed first In ihe hig h hurdles and second In the lows. Lawrence swe pt the halt mile and l ook the relay.

Othe r point makers were Mark Schom mer . two thirds In the 440...An4 the discus; Frank Kentz , one third In the low hurdles; Don Dineen, one th ird In the high hurdles ; Nubb'"s Mlile r, one third in the 100 yd. dash and Roy Hackbart, one t hird in the 2 mile. The re lay tenm was com­posed or Schom mer. Miller, Brandt and Marquard. ·

STOP .. . this Is an Impor­tant moment in your busi­

ness day.

LOOK .. . at your printing · needs, then see us.


Hight. on tho heels of ,•olle ):bnll 's 1mssinJ,:, lntrnmurul softball mnde It.~ debut. Ten teams , ent'h with nn un­dcte nnlncd number of men nnd cuch with mt odd nume, entered the com­pe llllon . Tho teinn nrunes aro some­thing, to behold . T hO)' r1mgo f rom Bob Uostud's "Boners" und Dick

Senior Girls to Be Honored by WSGA At Annual Banquet .

WIU.'s s Wonders" to "Ohr At.- All the senior girls al CSC will be led lhc" ,\•h lch Is (Oh l Delta Rho lu honored at the annual WSGA dinner tho po1mlnr bnckwurd St)•lc. A ro und to be h eld at the Presbyterian ch urch robin i,ln~lo cllntlnutlon tournament at 6 o'clock , on Monday, May 19 . h ns bccn 1>lnnned, with the ehumplon• Shirley Sonnenbe rg will net as sh.Ip gumo scheduled for J\ln)• 27. Pre- toast mistress ror the eve nt , Kny tou.rnnmc.nt dopo bus the sm n.rt mon• Leahy , president of the \VSGA, will cy on tho "lloncrs.'' Bob's present a welcome on behalf or the ol1tflt went uU the way to tho fJnuls board, N"ancy Pautz w ill gl\'e o. t oast In Inst ycur's encounter beforo bow· to the seniors and Carole Gilbertson Ing out to tho Phi Slgs. The place wlll respond tor the seniors. Helen

Tbe ronowlng faculty members will be on leave during the 195 2 Summer session, according to an announce­ment today by Pres ident William C. Hausen : Miss Monica Bainler, Mlaa Edun Carlsten, Miss Susan Colman. Arol C. Epple, Miss Gertie Hunson. J osc1>h Mott, Ha lo R. Quandt, Mra.. Mary Sa mte r, Fred J . Schmeeckle. Herbert R. Steiner, Miss Emily Wil­son, Miss May Roach and Ray E.. Specht.

Miss Cecill a Winkler and Irvlng Mozuch are not employod for the summer session.

Ins tructors who are employed on a year ' round basis have a " summer otf'' e\•ery third ~u mmer.

11nd show nionoy seems to rest with Isberner wlll gh•e a reading a nd Bar- -------------. tho Chi Delt co ntingent and tho barn Nelson will lead the community "Ghosts" respectively. singing, with Benita Held accorh-

• • • panylng on the planO. Illness co·s t the Purple and Gold The committee chairmen are as

tblnclads some needed point& in the follows: Genera l Chai rman, Mary Lawrence track meet last week. Pflftner ; decorations, Mary Louise -"Easy Ed" J acobsen picked up a . Bloczynski; a nd Invitations, Marjorie gree n' stomach after his mtle victory Benson and Verna Schaefer. and was fo?'ced to withdraw rrom Special guests wtll · be Mtse Susan his other specialty, the two mile run. Colman, Miss May Roach , Miss Bessie Jus t speculating, but as " J ake" has May Allen , Miss Helen Meston, and never been beaten as a Pointer, Mn. Raymond E. Spacht. Mrs. Eliza­chances it wou ld have been an- beth Prttrner and Miss Miriam 'Moser other first place ror Coach Roberts' are advisers for the Women's Seit crew. The best we could do, bow- Government association . I ever , was Roy Hackbart's third.

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Page 4: 11iePOINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point

.. THE POINTll ·

Moth~r's Day· Observance ~eg_an· Young_,\uthor, Science Students of Training

As Philadelphia Memorial Service School Gain Honors Tbe song "Home Sweet Home'' was

first given to the " world on May 8, 1907, in Pbtladelpbla by Miss Anna Jarvis ,yben she was asked by the Superintendent or the Sunday school, in which her deceased mother bad long been an active, member. to ar­range a memorial service tor her.

With thJ,s service cBme a realiza­tion or the grOwlng lack or a lender ,consideration for mothers among worldly-minded , busy children: the thoughtless neglect or home Lies and reSp'Olf!lb1TlUes; the lack or respect or ch ildren to their parents; and the need or a reni lnder or the, unselfish mother, whethe r living or dead. -

This memorial se rvice. btmorlng mothers, soon became an annuai one In Philadelphia. but It did not 00-come a national event until May, 1914.

On May 9, 1914 , President Wood­row Wilson Issued a proclamation declaring that the second Sunday In May should be observed tis Mo.ther's Day and all government ortlclals were asked to display the American tlag on all government buildings. The people were requested likewise to dlspl.-y the ting In tbeJr homes tLS a public expression of their love and reverence for the mothers of their country.

Recogdition of this daY wa·s ei:­

tended rapidly not only in the United States but In England, Sweden, Den­mai1<,, India, Chinn, and Mexico, (where the celebrntlon lasted two days) . On 'May 13 , 194 5. tnterna­tlonal Mother's day was celebrated and leaflets telling of ways of obsen•­lng the event were printed in 10 dif­ferent languages.

With the Internationalizing or this day came various customs and sym­bols. No mother's day would be complete without carnations, which are the emblem of mother love be­cause of their sweetness, purity nod endurance. The custom of wearing carnations was modltled to distin ­guish between those mothers dend or a ll\•e. White flowers are worn b.:,· the motherless. and red by those whose mothers are still living .

In Senttle. the crrt l to observe the day Is directed to tbe men parlicular­Jy. Each man is requested to write a letter to his mother, 1f he is apart fro m, her. to tell her, In person, how

Home Ee Dept. to Present Style Show

"Madame Pointlerre·s Dress Shop" Is the theme of this year's home eco· nomlcs style show to be presented o n Tuesday, May 13 , at S p.m. in the collego auditorium.

Students from about 75 public high schools tn the surrounding nrea ha.\'e been Invited to attend this event. The style show Is open to the public nod men are encourag~d to attend.

After the show, a coffee hour will be held In the home economics par­lors . where a handiwork diSplay will be shown. Articles made by the g irls, sucfi as knitted and crocheted work, tatting, embroidery and band WO\'en work , \\·Ill be featured.

Dona Dahm Is general chai rman t or the affai r . The other committee chairmen are as follows: Planning, Dona Dahm; invitations, Maril yn Schilling and Delores Newha ll ; pub­licity, Rosemary Polzin; decorations. Kathleen Cono\·er ; programs, Kath­ryn Allen and Knthryn Stankevlch; script, Verna Schaefer; and clean-up, Winifred Pierre. Vivian Schultz Is chairman for the coffee hour: •

Miss Bessie May Allen, chai rman of the home economics department, and Miss Helen l\teston and Miss Emily Wilson. Instructors, a re in general ·charge of the affair. The appa.rel to be shown in the style show was made by the ho me economics girls who are. In sewing classes taugh t by Miss Wilson.



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much he loves . her. tf she Is dead, In the Ap ril issue of Badger Hts­be wears a carnation as a token o! tory, n. monthly publication of the remembrance of her. At a special State Historical Socletf, there ap­servlce-, itbe women bold ttciwers a lof t peared an article, " Let 's Visit Stevens while the minister reads the blessing Point," wrliten by Carol Kelley, 1326 and then at the clostJ of the ser vice Elms avenue, who is an eighth grade the flowers are gathered and placed student a t the Training school. The on the graves of deceased mdtbers. article traces the growth of the city

Longfellow pays tribute to moth- f rom the days ot 1839, when Geo·rge ers in this wo,y - . Stevens used the Wisconsin River

"Even He that died for us upon Point as a landing place for his goods. the Cl'OSS, in that Ia'8t hour of unutter- Along with the article are a picture able agony of ~ath, was n e author and n picture of Cen• His f!lOtlier, aa if to teach us that this tro.1 State college, the latter IJelleved holy love should be ollr last wordly to have been taken to 1901. thought." In thinking of Mother'a Day one cannot help recalllnli the wo rds of the Immortal Lincoln, " All that 1 am or hope to be I owe to my b.ngel mother."

A Well-Aded Drama, · "The Tempest," Given By College Players

PIBying to large audiences both nights, the College Theatre and Al­pha Psi Omega, dramatic fraternity, presen ted the Shakespearian drama, "The Tempest," In the college audi­torium on Wednesday and Thursday, Apr II 3 O and .]\lay 1.

The cast · of characters Included Robert Gilbert, Paul Nagy, Willis Zick, Bertram Davies, Clayton Wright, John Mille r , Wayne E111s. David Silverman, Kenneth Nyberg, Wilbur Way, John Popeck, Doro­thlanne Rebella, Anita· Domack, Rhea Jed, Joan Fehrenbach. Judy Clayton, Penelope Bullock. Delores McLees, Ellen E ide, Gladys Lehmann, Yolanda Newby, Nadine Bahr and Janet Bergelln.

The department staff consisted of Leland l\I. Burroughs, director , Miss Pnullne Isaacson and Robert s. Lew­is, technical a dvisers, and Miss Jes­s lemae Keyser , dance director.

The student production staff In­cluded Gretchen Holstein~ Edward McCandless . Frank Reda. Charles Robinson. Amy Kampenga. Patricia Malick . Maryjo Reznlchek. Mary Lund. Patricia Skowronski, Joanne Butts. ,v1111am Cable, Donald Blnles, Royce Wnde. Ethel Farris . Mary Bio. czynski, Henry Dresclll~r . Sarah Con nor, Jacquelynn Piehl, J oan Buhr­do r t , Jeannette Cra ig, Jeanette Suehrlng, Winnifred Pierre, Mary Brl ttnacher. Virginia Brlcco, Phyllis Jarn ick and Eleanor Curtis. Mood music was furnished by Frank \Ves-ley. ·

The audience of the first night consisted primarily of high-school students from near-by towns nnd on the second night. of adults and col­lege s tudents. The second night, ~Ir. Burroughs was presenied a gift by the cast. In appreciation !or his work as director. A free-wlll otte ring was taken during intermissions.

The fine acting, lighting, music, se tting .. and costumes combined to make the production a great success.


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Two members of the College Junior High school received "A" ratings at the fifth annua l statewide . meeting of the Wisconsin Junior Academy of Science held at Wisconsin State Col­lege~, MIiwaukee, on Saturday, May 3. At this meeting studen ts reported on their ' projects carried on during the year. The two students were Margaret Epple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Aro! Epple, Park Ridge. and Palmer Taylor, son of Mr. nod Mrs. Palmer · Taylor, 126 South Reserve stree t. ?tlarga.ret's projects was en­titled "Adventures with Antibiotics" and Palmer's project, "A Garden of l\1lnerals." Both s tudents are mem­bers of the Junior InvestlgntOrs, a chapter of the Wisconsin Junior Academy of Science. Other y.udents of the Junior High school attending the meeting were Gary Doudna, Linda Summers and Loren Woerpel. They are members of tb43 Science club. Student t~nchers attending the meeting were Frank Hortman, Wil­liam Cilble, a nd Emil Rlchetto. The student teachers are sponsors of the Science club. The group was accom· panted by Mr. and Mrs. Epple and daughter, Barbara, and l\fr. and Mrs.

::;:;:r ~i :;.1:r;~ie~~;· ci~:~ce Is the

On Friday, May 23, the eighth grade s tudents of the College Junior High school wtll take their annual e:xcurslon. This year the group Is go ing to Green Bay, then up the Bay Road to the penl.nsula. ac ross to Al­goma down th~ lake shore, .and the n back home. Exnct plans for stops and routes are being made by Wilson Scribner, David Schull, a nd Palmer Taylor. The stu dents choose the place they want to go and then make their own plans. The college fur­nishes lhe bus and the students pay for their own meals. Accornpnnylng the g roup will be Princlpai°Burton R. Pierce, Mrs. Edith Cutnaw ·and possibly one or more practice­ei:s.

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