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QNEG.AD PHOTO EesM Students Join • ' • c .'; . J. . . . :' . . . Jn ~60s. style .. _____ . ·ec-walkout · · -Page:5 v - ...... , Vol. 68, No. 6 Bakersfield College April 4. 1997 . \ · . . ·• f\11.~ek's rf!~ilf-tation ···ma.y. a'fff!Glfllfl~ f~i~irjg . By Emlly)leei: . ri t~t o(his\~rriov;I ~- by_:· . . .. ,.: : . . . In Mcek'((esig'n:tiion l.cii~r she dents andfacult{ . . Edito"r-ln 'chief . :- · ·::: .. , the Kern ComrriunitfCollege Pis: . -._''Th. ·,s· ·see· · ·s·_•t·o·· ·_b· ·e· •th·. ·e·· '.e. ·as:o·n" . s1aie.:!.")ased ~n wli::iiI percei~e-to ."I certainly think .it ,iefleclS ''Time-will tell"· whether BC trict BoanfofTrustees. . .. be·an unethical decision by the trust; . neg3tivcly on the district,'.' she · ·.President.Dre Rick Wright will .. :"This.seems to be the season that . "that pe.ople have to foUow their ~s ofthe Kern CommuniijColle£e _sa,d ... , think¢all·y the com: . return as a. faculty. member to . people haxe fo follO\v their: con· . · · · · · · · , District.regarding Dr. RicharlWright . munity does_n't understand it/' . ·. Bakersfield C_ollegei. --~ ·_ ... _. . scienc~s.''. said Wright. "I did ii and · COnSCienceS. , . did it and SO did and after much soul searchin·g I can-· Meck maintains that herded- . ") have•a legal right to retreat so did. Kay... . K ,, no longer be a represent~tive of the sion lo r~ignhas no bearing on . . to the faculty," he said. ;,f may do . . The _successful fund raising. di."·. ay .. ·. · district to the community." . the ·college or the foundation .. · . ·. that and I may not. Time is going rector, who h'as• beeri with. BC for . . . -Dr .. Rick Wright . Meek. who worked closely with .. · "'Thi~ is a per:s_onal decision,".· . to have to telL Who knows? I four years. submitted°leuer of ··· · . · Wrighi to raise a S 1.6 ~illi9n capit:il shesaid.'_'ln rio way do I want it to -. mightbe aiou'nd as president next ·;.esign:ition·on March 25 .. · - •. · · · · . • BC president campaign for.:th~. new-Grace, Yan_._ reflect on the college.".~-- . · year." · · . . . "I think my ··conc~rii is that the . . Dyke Bird library. said she does not . She said that if the trustees· ·wright made his ·comments fo~ndation isoneofourbiggesilinki· · · Wright said that the board's rec ingmo~ mqneyfo~building p~ojects . agr~ with. ttie decision to ;·ere to reverse theirdecision thai · Tuesday.followingtheanriounce- to the com.munity;" said Wright. cent actions as wc11 as Meek's and scholarships. . : . . · _Wright. . . . she would · .. ,ake into consider- :_· ment thai Kay Meek, executive "When you lose one of those major ab sense will have an effect for ··a "When you· change the players it .. "He was a ~cry integral pariof the ation" returning to BC; director of the .Bakersfield Col· 1 inks it has its toll. Kay is very we11· couple of years" and will gi..-e people takes awhile to ~vercome that," he success ·or that," she said. "Besides-· . Meck workerl as senior vice . lege Foundation, rcsig~ed in pro· respected and very well-known." "pause of thought" before ~ontribut- said: that •• he had the _supp<:>rt of the _stu-- Stt.MEEK I Page 2 · ' ' · . .. :{/ \_.·:· .. L}t\~ .. ,, ·. ! ".·.·t_. :/,.'!;:.~ . ·[: ,_, •. ,_ c .. -- . ,,r.,,\, . l . i . > .. l ., ·'''. 1 ........ , . :,,{". i .:j',. < :-o., -;'.' ~- .. . . . '-:! ~...._·· 1,· ;1·7 C:. S,. ·,·. · ·, r '---,:~·--~-:h..·-~,:-~t1:J~'-l· · .. 1 :·:·.·l \ ,•• l-. ,·'f ,p·\;'. ;,i{;,:'. .. : ·:."'; --- ::"!.~: ! n:,..:~ ... :t,~~t~ , , '\.J ' . t' f 1··;.,>:; ;\ . •.::-~ ' . ·:·:_ '. .. JJ~t\~~:<:~~:~ ·~:.:':·.~~ . ; " . . , . ., . ~- r J: ... i- . . -;, \ . . .. · _ ···1~ 1 ,-.· -~,.~--·..:1..'\~T,. ·-~~,,1.~ .... . · ... · ~- _;.·y+':\t-il:,'.t;·J:~ -~t .. ·,;{:,~·:: . (> . . _ ... ,. . . . ..· .. · .. . . ... . . .·· .. . . . ... . . ·~- .. _. JBobby.Tomayo1The Rip . . ... Picketers gatt:ier,outside .of a recentJr.u.Me~~r:n.~eting to show their disapproval. : . · _ , · - · .• fa9Ul!y,;bf~fijl~· ·• :.·.l~wA~t;t};~m:itr~~!~rai~~·:\~t~?f.~,~~Yn:~6t~I=::r ... . You rig for=drop · ,ttia, :,~u,ngts_~e,mai~ :~au_~e.o(the·:·j~t>/)~!11~~ "'.<~.sup~_,o :: . ·_·· - . · drop in_rnorate· ,·· · , ;:.: · ,. . , have.freedorn of speech, nght? - . . By Merl Lopez•__ ._·· , ., ··. "I do~'t_hav\10 describe.-whaL _Ac\iially)(it:came down.,~·: Spor1s 'Edi!O(::':.:.:e,.; . :_:~{:::..~~ ~any~y~-~i~if!i~~OU!5i_q;i:iii1"::iv_hether'yoii·;ariied 10 be identi-,:: ·. · The forced JCITI0\131 of BC Presi- . fed;Pretty obviousl)':the chanc.eUor. ·fied ornot,-peciple 'woii1<fWiik''"':' -··~- . ., · dent Di. Ri~k \yright h~_h11it coi- ,' i~tencls to. i~ti'i~idate everybody. by : you're. choosing -~ides: I d6n't : . 1ege ·rnorarc.:accoriung .•o: ati<?~t. a., - srn:iwing-Jiem ~hat if you don·, agree· ·think· it's a. 1narier _or c~sin& do~en ra:culty ~cf staff members.·:. with hini, he will.have you fired, Not. sides:We'reallsupposedtotobc ·: · .... Thosi{iritemev,:ed feli .iha.t · dis: · i good way to ryiise morale for a!ly· • ·working 1ogethcr. ri~tfighting.'.\ . · · trict Chancellor Dr;·Jim Yol!ng was ·,hing.'\ . - · . -,. > . .• < : - ,: . :Those interviewed said lhai •· the inain .. reason for: the dccl[ne of _·. ;·,The· Wright-Young dis put~-: has .·theprobieins.between Wright and . ·. ·lllora)e on !hi canipil:S, 1\.11 those in·. ·s1ructich~rd_wi1han who w_ork on :You:ng'itan~i~.uirl~rl)fy~ . . - terview~ requested an,my_n:iity; · .. - the carripus~Therca.rc ihosc who dis< ·agq. Ji°surfaced -~~~~ly_ after "Morale has~~t.bee_n that high ir:i . agree aloud with the"decision made_ Wrighl_was t(!lf10 stop teaching the_lasu.;;..o years but m~sl ofth~t ~?:S. - by the Boari:fofTnistees. whil~ oth~·:. psy~!lology Clil5!;. >·: ~- . .·. · ... . .- .. : ~-- ·- ,-.~,·~----•',.-...-. ~~-- __ ·- _ . . .• ~en ~a~se of JiiJ! Yo(!ng;'~ said _erskeeplhe_ir_opinio~(tothcmselves'. -.~ey sa'id.iiiat hif rote·~- a: . • . . ·. • . • . . . •. .·. ,'"" -:.. ,:_- ,~- -c:.,: - ·- " · ~xey ~II/The Rip . oiiefacillty member: .... :-· .. · .. ·.. . for·fear_ that S~~ing out will ~ost 7·, teacher ·as wcll:as· ~ident of .. J1lha~ ~h~~ate ralhes tn support of shared gqvemance at the March 19 walkout. .. -_.'H:/ try/rig '10 get tlie rac~lty_to ~·them thcirj_oi>: _: _· :_,. _._- .-~- --~ · · - · · < . ~"~'?RALEi _Page 2 ·. A.$SC.targ~tS\f\JilSpn/,BariS·in trusteer0ccifl campaign · <eyoa~;;y Dieter<.·' · .. :a~i~~ct\n~mberRci~:~~eBans./·.· : . : . C.' . . . . ... _ . ~. _ _ . thcy)esire~t6_ rccaJJt'saJ~ H~gh Mon~o~ilthatthc"AS~C .... :- · :, Rip staff .writer~,::.;~:~.,.- ..... ,:, , --:~_tWi.~~-~~1)'_· ~or~ at ?~~·~Because itconce rris the students directly we . · ·.· ·. Denton, chief deputy registar~f vot-: tiaspromrsed to help finance this : ;: ., _.. ·:-Bak~li~~~~/~~~ei!/!·.~-~~;~~t!t;:k% 0 r.etF1=. ·. Je~ei. t~at· 7 nt 7 funds'hEiip '' ~. ~!~tJt:f: 1 J~l;~i~----~~~:;~-:~·u:-~·:··· pctitiondrivetorocal_lth(ce.BQard incluges Dr. W~lson,_Ms: Cauani_. : Support the movement." . .. .. . . . . . . . with LIS..: a~d-then when that's done dents directly we feel that it is cif ·! rnem~rsfor/ailing . ;mdMs. B~ns.''. . . .. ·. . . .. . . --'Tony Monarco . -~y m~t pu_bUs~ a copy?'. n~ . n~ .thats~i funds help . their JObs; ~9rdtng lo ASBC . : Accord mg to Monarco, the other , · ··Ase·c · .. .·. . -· ·. id · t. : I.Jee of tntellUOn ma newspaper." · SU~ the movemeoL" . . Vice Prcsi~ent }'ony Monaico: ' '. two t_ruscees \\'.ho they would like .lo . . . VI~ P.r~ . en . According 10 a booklet put out bY: . - AC4:0rding to Oeritori; when The three rn~mbers who will se:e: recalled can't be petitioned by . . . . .. . . thcdefk'~·office. the cost or puning .. the noti~ of inteotion has been be targeted in the pcti_tioM. ai:ethe_ . the ASBC ~use they are rcpre- - B. Cornell and James A. Smith. that must be followed. _ · .iherioticcin thenewspapedspa.idby . liled ~ith the county clerk's of- . prcsidentoftheboard. Dr'. Dennis. · sentativesofoudyingdisuJcts. These R_cmoving a uus~ is hard to do, : · . '11lc first step is they must file a .. the p.lity. in this. case the ASBC:- fice. the tnis~ will have seven -----. ·-· . r WHs9n,c!erk$ylviaH:Ca}~_n]:_~-~ are_f>?.~mc:~bei:s~~-~ : how~~er.and tbc_re~e:c~n sl~- ~- -~~'.of)ntention o~. the ~n · mcmbcri · .. _See RECALL/Page:1 -··· ,.----·.--- - .-..------·~.-- . ..-~,,----·------ --·----~-- .,.,·--·-·-·.--- ....... _ .. __ - .. -.· · -e~ - -- .. _ d: ·_. ·t ·1· · · · • - b ·· ··· · · Ride_s, ·musical-entertainment .. - ·. - ;- ::~-j;~-M~dO,p_: ~q . $ ops C lnlC J~~tiow!!:. :·pJ~rln~QJQ[F_q(l~e~tC?![iiy~I:" _ '.'. . Rip staff writer· - . . "My first reaction was to . _drove Jn~ ~fro~t ~f By- Cyndf TldwtU .. . tior.aJ boothsaboutBCwillbefeatutcd. Sofu. -~· , .:,:..... -~. ·:·.~ - '~-;~-- . Sonny Bagnas !cnew something was · · • · _ the building~ lit his Rip.staff writer;·... · _appro:i:imatdyipcroouofcheevent'soriguw . up when hcnotiud a man 10 a crash Stay ~hmd the vehJCle.. track. on fire in an at- · Tickets for Bakcnfield College's Family budget has been spent, wd Andrus. _ helmet getting out of a pickup truck in - I watched him.light the . tc:71pt to blow up the ·. _Funf:est WJil be sold startiog Tuesday. in the . The larier costs such as staging (~ the cl froirucn·t_o.fthc Family Planning Associates rags a_ nd I pul_le._d out O_ f_ chruc. BC Ticket Office. - ... t. tents and have not Howard was ar- Purchuing a S1 book of ticuts in ad· vu<- : . Bagna.i said he did not kMW until . the parking _lc>t., .rai.gne.dinU.S.Distric1 vancc.a.s to a S9 book on the day of Though the main attraction is the carn.ivat· . much that the 11\lCk was filled~ lh ·. . ~riny Bag n as Court OQ one count of the carnival, DO( only sa vcs money to pa.uons. rides., Dr'. Lou F armws.. dun of smdcnts hopes . more. 1!1•n ·~ pounds or e1plos_1ve · . · . BC a·tudent · atttmpted arsoo, ac- but a Iarxu percentage goes towud CO- carnival patrons also ~II learn about BC as agents including propane and gasoline. cording to Asst. U.S. cuniculu actnities. : well. He w1t1ts people to drop by and sec the K(Ofding to law enforcwlent officers: . Attorney Karen The umivaJ, which will include amuse- . "'nice little geuwiy: tha.t will be . '11 wun't until (two nights later) postattbeHStrect women'sheallhclini-c K.a.lmanir. He wa.s scheduled ioappearin · · mcnt rides and entertainment. is being held Toleep the enterb.irunent ongoing, a DJ whcnl f01.1ndout aboutthega.s.~hes.aid. that performs abonion.s whell the man c:ourion Thursday for pre-uial motioo.s. Apcil 18-20 to raise fuDds for eo<urticuw has been added to the eiiterUiamcnt co puy iA ·.'1 just seriously w there and thought. pollcduparound2.:IS a.m.onMuc:h tJ. Kalmanir wd a fcdenl grand jury is activities Rich as focen..ucs. music. theater, b«wtc.n perf~ by BC thc&t«and mir 1bey don't pay me enoo gh.' " The mm Bagn.u sponcl authorities btu considering indicting Howard on the at~ The _Rip Mid athk&s.. . !ic departmellts, uid Fannihu. ! ·. B~gnn. a 23-year-old Bakersfield idcntifieda.sPetuAndrcwHoward.44. _tempt.cdarsollcbarge. · · AccordingtoBartAndtus.,diicc1orofstu- The carniviJ will begin f~y. April I& ·. College student and a security guard for an unemployed gndwieofthc BC nan- . According 1o Kalmanir, if an indict- dent affairs. thcocly setbicthasbeen. thalan from~ to 11 p.m. and cocitinuc Wltil Saturday R. Sunley Security. was working his irigprognmin 1989. Aulhoriticsbelieve · St-: ABORTION /Pale 2 open house could not be offered this year, from nooa to It will be bcJd Sanday, bccawe of lick of time. However. illforina· April 20. from IIO JO a.m. t.o 3 p.m.

11.~ek's .· ···ma.y. a'fff!Glfllfl~...1997/04/04  · Sonny Bagnas !cnew something was · • · • · _ the building~ lit his Rip.staff writer;·... · _appro:i:imatdyipcroouofcheevent'soriguw

Feb 04, 2021



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  • QNEG.AD E· PHOTO EesM Students Join • ' • c • .'; • . J. . . . : ' . . .

    Jn ~60s. style .. _____ . ·ec-walkout ·

    · -Page:5

    v - ...... ,

    Vol. 68, No. 6 Bakersfield College April 4. 1997 . \ · .

    . ·• f\11.~ek's .· rf!~ilf-tation ···ma.y. a'fff!Glfllfl~ f~i~irjg . By Emlly)leei: . ri t~t o(his\~rriov;I ~- ~rb~i~~~t by_:· . . .. ,.: : . . . In Mcek'((esig'n:tiion l.cii~r she dents andfacult{ . .

    Edito"r-ln 'chief . :- · ·::: .. , the Kern ComrriunitfCollege Pis: . -._''Th. ·,s· ·see· m· · ·s·_•t·o·· ·_b· ·e· •th·. ·e·· s· '.e. ·as:o·n" . s1aie.:!.")ased ~n wli::iiI percei~e-to ."I certainly think .it ,iefleclS ''Time-will tell"· whether BC trict BoanfofTrustees. . .. be·an unethical decision by the trust; . neg3tivcly on the district,'.' she ·

    ·.President.Dre Rick Wright will .. :"This.seems to be the season that . "that pe.ople have to foUow their ~s ofthe Kern CommuniijColle£e _sa,d ... , think¢all·y the com: . return as a. faculty. member to . people haxe fo follO\v their: con· . · · · · · · · , District.regarding Dr. RicharlWright . munity does_n't understand it/' .

    ·. Bakersfield C_ollegei. --~ ·_ ... _. . scienc~s.''. said Wright. "I did ii and .· · COnSCienceS. , . did it and SO did and after much soul searchin·g I can-· ~ Meck maintains that herded-. ") have•a legal right to retreat so did. Kay... . K ,, no longer be a represent~tive of the sion lo r~ignhas no bearing on .

    . to the faculty," he said. ;,f may do . . The _successful fund raising. di."·. ay .. ·. · district to the community." _· . the ·college or the foundation .. · . ·. that and I may not. Time is going rector, who h'as• beeri with. BC for . . . -Dr .. Rick Wright . Meek. who worked closely with .. · "'Thi~ is a per:s_onal decision,".· . to have to telL Who knows? I four years. submitted°leuer of ··· · . · Wrighi to raise a S 1.6 ~illi9n capit:il shesaid.'_'ln rio way do I want it to

    -. mightbe aiou'nd as president next ·;.esign:ition·on March 25 .. · - •. · · · · . • BC president campaign for.:th~. new-Grace, Yan_._ reflect on the college.".~-- . · year." · · . . . "I think my ··conc~rii is that the . . Dyke Bird library. said she does not . She said that if the trustees·

    ·wright made his ·comments fo~ndation isoneofourbiggesilinki· · · Wright said that the board's rec ingmo~ mqneyfo~building p~ojects . agr~ with. ttie decision to ;·ere to reverse theirdecision thai · Tuesday.followingtheanriounce- to the com.munity;" said Wright. cent actions as wc11 as Meek's and scholarships. . : . . · _Wright. . . . she would · .. ,ake into consider-

    :_· ment thai Kay Meek, executive "When you lose one of those major ab sense will have an effect for ··a "When you· change the players it .. "He was a ~cry integral pariof the ation" returning to BC; director of the .Bakersfield Col· 1 inks it has its toll. Kay is very we11· couple of years" and will gi..-e people takes awhile to ~vercome that," he success ·or that," she said. "Besides-· . Meck workerl as senior vice

    . lege Foundation, rcsig~ed in pro· respected and very well-known." "pause of thought" before ~ontribut- said: that •• he had the _supprt of the _stu-- Stt.MEEK I Page 2 ·

    ' ' · .

    . . :{/ \_.·:· .. L}t\~

    .. ,, ·. ! I· ".·.·t_. :/,.'!;:.~ . ·[: ,_, •. ,_ c .. -- . ,,r.,,\,

    . l . i . > .. l ., ·'''. 1 ........ , . :,,{". i .:j',. < :-o., -;'.' ~- ..

    . . . '-:! ~...._·· 1,· ;1·7 C:. S,. ·,·. · ·, r '---,:~·--~-:h..·-~,:-~t1:J~'-l· · .. 1:·:·.·l \ , •• l-. ,·'f ,p·\;'. ;,i{;,:'. .. : ·:."'; --- ::"!.~: ~~;~- ! n:,..:~ ... :t,~~t~ , , '\.J ' . t' ~ f 1··;.,>:; ;\ . •.::-~ •

    ' . .· ·:·:_ '. ~:~~~ .. ~~-~ ~ JJ~t\~~:

    . . _ ... ,. . . . ..· .. · .. . . ... . . .·· .. . . . ... . . ·~- .. _ . JBobby.Tomayo1The Rip . . ... Picketers gatt:ier,outside .of a recentJr.u.Me~~r:n.~eting to show their disapproval. : . · _ , · - ·

    .• ~~-~ fa9Ul!y,;bf~fijl~· ·• :.·.l~wA~t;t};~m:itr~~!~rai~~·:\~t~?f.~,~~Yn:~6t~I=::r ... . You rig for=drop · ,ttia, :,~u,ngts_~e,mai~ :~au_~e.o(the·:·j~t>/)~!11~~ "'.

  • ~~:.·;

    ...... i,; .. .,..,,..:___._._. . ·,

    ' •

    P_ag--=...,-e_2----':--~------'~-'---------'--' -'-:. ~'-'--~------'-;__;_;_· ~1)1&!!!!!' 'IUIUOAI>E- RIP., ' .. April 4,"1997 . • I . ·--.···· :- ·- ~-. ~-... -· . :·-·-'.·'-· N~s·-·.···: ·-·~-

    : . . . ; ; .. ~ . . . . . . . . . . _·. ·, . . M

    ' ' .. ' , ; . . . . '.. .· . . .- ·. ' . .' ' •,• ................................ ' ................................ . . · ... '=~-~: §t?ff continues to rally be.hind Wright -. · : Contlnutcffrom Page 1 . : . . . . . . . . . . :

    . prcs,idcnt ofco~rate relati~ns_ for • California Republic Ban~ before· · ''This WaS cl perSOhal,deCiSiQO. . : co~t1ftfe11ian ;ikeiy re-enier the ·• In no way do I want it to reflect ··: private enterprise a'nd get involved . , on th. a.· co. 1. lege.;." . . .· . : in coinin~nii{work/' she said. - . : •

    · .. · Ai!hoiighMeckislheonlyBC. . . I ' . . .. · ..... Ji;av:Meek.: . employee to resignCovu Wright's .B .. C·F.ou·· n·."da._tlo· ·n· ·.dlre''-ct·o· r·. •. . removal,''se,eral fac.uliy members • and stu'denis havilikewisc protested .· ,, • :: theboaid'sdeci~io;.inreccntw~ks. . . : . " . . ·: ~ . . . - . . .·. .• . :

    . Th_e. Assi>cJa:ted :Stu1.ents of· .. OU5; \Vrigh1. sayi~g 'ih;t _ it was_ a.· . :,v1i;onJ1a0~ng; ti d~~·.t ~ave.~ prob- :

    • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • •· • • • • • • •

    Bakersfield.CoUcge organized a stu·, .' pc~onn~I niauer. He_d~ni~ all al_le: lem ~ilh pcopl~ \Vritirig letters. anci ·: denLwaJkout ~arch I~: Betwe~n . ga:·~n5_that ·~~ ~ec,s,on had anr • calling>!l(e~t ( go_fod1c chii.nceUor. ' : 500 a_nd _ 1,000 students gathered_ m lhmg 10 dow11hth~ .. BC Aca.dem,c It's easier send It all to the ,; the Fr~ .S~~ Arca ~t BC dunng · Senate's" recent. vote M no. co:nfi-.. chancellor;He tells us wlio ihey arc : :

    .... •he protesu_,mt ; •.. . : . . denc~forfhaJ\ceno~ pr.Jjm, 'iti~g. and tf:re,[1'cy'te ~min!) from." ' .. ·: ,,c ___ _ . : . Sev_er~li st.~dcnts earned pock~\ .. _':I. ~ave ~ever rn _my pe~onal • : : ~ S.rilitb).-as iritemipted bi/laughs · •

    • • •


    ·• ·:. t•g_n~-iaymg,;_ Share~ Governance; ·~k~o::vle~~e he.u:d Dr.·\oung say ~at •· and-~asti_c:ca.11.s ·of ''.oh, please" ,,.: SJJ[y, 'i'.o.ung, :.School ls _For .Stu· ·, th,s dec151on had anything todo w,th . from the· audience ,: . :, '· . · .. · ; •

    d~n~/' ·~·· ~ell as. · a}uge b~nner }our\01.cof ri_?confid_crice,''. tic ~aid: . _ Georgerir:lrer;_ecco;.;;x;tei_stud~- : reading" _Fore :0~~8-::,,· . . J.t ha > }and_s_aid/'Thccliancelloristhepro!>, •. • . as wen as ,several.

  • -•....

    Actor 'sh·ines' .in 1-lelf gott · f i lr,1

    . - - .. , ~ . . --. . ..- --- - . .. By Ian Nemeschy_

    Rip staff writer/. . .. . . . Movm ·REvmw: Love; cre:11iviiY, madness and the ·......c....;...;·_· '.;..._..c....;..;..·...;._ ___ _..;....;._;...c.:

    dang'eis of devj:)tin!lan'cntire' lifc '10 , ; . . . .· ·' .. ; one thi~g are u~on~enlionai topics ·. g~.ihefirsthalfoftlie'.movi6dcies

    -for .modern· movies .. They are dealt •.. · not contain the e~crgy of tile second · . with Cxp,irtly; though; in the new .. half: Tiiisis largely because 'NC only .movie "Shine:'' directed by Austra~ . see David play the pia_noas ii boy

    . • : ·. • • • I l ' , ~ ..

    .. Aprll 4; 1997

    · I liari Rotieit Hicks .. - .... -" ..... c , . . onc_e,' '.' .... , .. _. . ._ . . •·/ . _ . · .... · l .· ·. David He_lfgotL ihe' Austr~ljan ; :· Helfgou:s .b~eryre .in London . ---~ •. cl:issical'pianist/is'pontayed in t.hls c. !"3S fiJmed mthat_cuy a~d.lh,e shots,·, -·{ uue _story :is liVinga fran'menled life . of Trafalgar S . plays Parkes with _P?'s)cin, ":cen'.. ,--;. . music· .:.·ntil the··, tncuy and. rnte~-

    t .· ·, ~usf \'_~entually ftie std ·.·de~rs\,,ith .·• sity. . • - : • · (;, .. breaks him so thaL,;. ·.· ,. ..._fY. ·. ' ;; •• ,·~-- .·• . . ... _Parkes_1s_;1 lpt -~ • hcidoci·rit>t play thEfCor,;equer,ce~iOf: · likeDa~id'sfather • _ . . . . ,· • .. _ ,. _ r ·., .... the}ia_no.f~r two p~r,e_nts pushir9 tlieir ;~:~:shi~e~~~: .. -_· A special ··· · decadesofh1shfe .. h'ld , .. t · h· .. d . · . , .. -[;- · • Hei~b-_rought.back C I ren 00 ar ... _. ·he~°':~not~_~l'.ze. .._ ,_. '·n' , .· ··-·, .,- _. ·,: · , lO tile piano'as,a " . . . · .'. he l_5 p~sh,ng hi_m .. ne ormance .. !

    ;..._.'._:_: -- - ~-d·d·1------::-~-----·· -toofar-Th1sbecomesapparen1when-- -r'! ------·-------- --- --m1 e-ag= man uy canng strang· ·. . · ... . . . . . . .·.. . · . , - . · · -ers' who eventuaily become his . Hel_fgoit plays Rachrii~nof'.s "Piano' Melanie. Robinson and Nathan Ben; above, friends. • . . > . .· . . . _concerto N(): 3".in a conceri, ; . ·ac:t'cjut a·scene from ~Reasons lo be . . . Hcifg\in; played ~~rnarkably by _-•collapses, the victim of a compl~t~ .. · C::heertui: as interpreter Milion Johnso·n ·

    Atistraliansiageac1orGe-0fftey Rush;:• .br~a.kd_

  • TH-E-J __ .. ---- .- .. : __ _ ij ..

    'Abbotts' · love . story:draws. audience in·


    -· RENEG.ADE ·. OPJNtoN · · ·· Clontng-lssue · -· · pits science ...

    ·-_J· j ·.r ..

    :I .. , ;l.

    '! ;! .


    _____ ... . ,



    P ·u---·s·-•. . ... •. ' . ··-· .. · agatn-st~ethles· 'a···.::··_.·_, ·N·.-·:.- --.. -.· .. ·.·. . ·_ -· :ADE-: EWSLINE -·

    . Debate teijnf~l~ce~:fi;sf 'Jazi"a]a ¢arte' se_tfor BC·. ' ; Th~ B~ki;;field Coll~ge t.b~1~,~~ ~iplrired_tlic . , Balccrsficlcl Coliege'Jazz Ensc'mble wili present· .· . first place sY(eepsiakes award in 1he. limi1ed entry . "Jaua la Carte" Friday; April I fin ihe BC cafe1cria. .

    division of 1he·recen1 CaliforiiiaCominuriily College The doors opcila1.7 p.m. for an evening of jazz aitd Ft{ced r?~-. rubb_er,~~ind h_is head_ to wome~·s h_ealth. cJinic :1ha1 'P.~1orms : -btflciing as'p .. OSSible.tO ·~ro1ecth1slleadfro~«.h:e.~111pa,ctof crashmg_: abortions, accord1ng· 10 an affidavit filed · 1.. . ..... · : . . . , : :-: · . into the.front_ o_f_the dime .. , •: ·. . . • • •, wilh theu:s; Dfstncl Court.': :_-/).C : > Cause the most damage_ •.' Howard tlien ciimbed

    Power pl;,yer. .. -

    ·_a21601:iclk'L. i:iohwNard:sc:las~ k;~t ait:s \Vas·. _:i);gkaliofncoritairierswilhdgash;olin;:lpllfiaced . A Of~~i~ls ;ro; ira:o~~e::a;ti~!. \, .. _•.•.·_:~ ·_ .. :. . . . . .. OC . CSS _ 1.-10 . .,,_erS IC .• : .. : . "slac S O newspapers an I ree. U ·. I.Ve' · SSOCJa CS _re, Use . . . . . .·. . . . . • ,.. · •

    . .. . : .·ca·m·_·. p· ·u·_. ·8-_ ·. _O· .ffl •. C·_·e·r·: ·p· _·u· t·s·· ... · .c,: ea· · 1. ·· . k ·d · · . · .·. the.a(fidavi1,around 2:15 . gallon propane tanks ,·ror more punch in .· auemp1ed bombing_:_·_. · _.: · ·· .• .. . · _ . , ·, · . . . . .. t .. :. ':•, . .--:.:: _. , · oa,,en, · mpuspo 1cetOO a escrip- fl~.~.-.:.:·.•:.:.·:, .' ._ . :.: . ." _,'_ ... ·: . · · · · · · d "d h' · k ·· · · • · · · · · · k ... · Kar· Kai · · · US • .. ·... ' ... ;.:,. · · ... ,.;. ..,,,. '' . · r· -th· · .. . · th · · . · · . _ . .. . a_.m: M_ ar_ chi 7_ , Howar__ ... rove . 1s pie. up_·· _· 1h_ e e_·~. pl9si911..:._Tll .-.·. ·"' . An offiter was about 10 tea\,e the · · · ' · · " · · ., . Fastrip Slore on Mt. Vernon Av~nue . Campus police report food was ·while n,ovin'g ca'rt. .. ·• ' '• . . . . . . . . :.::.'.::="'"'"'mM o~~u.n,1y_ _that _e ar reconsi e~_t e acce_P'.··.·. en~y .• vm . a(_ >·N the . pn .··. we're at tha(point yet,O, < :>::. demic Sen.afe's).farch 6 vote of no. have beeri _written by Young.'':_ .-. · ·

    . a fireexlinguisher from his patrOI car • " ... . . ,. ·- - - - . -- . .

  • ; ~-- . , .

    /., ..




    ··p-. {.·' ,_·,1,· ···N·· ·,_,,._ /.1·········0·· ... ·-_··;,_N·. ·. · .. --~-. · .--~··. _· :_. .~-:- ->.·\_.· .-·_. '

    . . . .; . . .· . ' . . . ... ~ . . . . . . . . - .

    . ,

    .-·· . -· __ .... _____ :... __ ···" ·--... Aprll .11, 1997

    . --- ~ . ..: .. - . -- . -- --- ..

    fl·igllt-tt3~l.ifer$.'.S~.·~·'"'·'~ •••practice/~ym patlly By Nlctiq'ie Pe~ . . . ii~i,.;~ babies.- M~esilot ~f sense, , ,~s;;;.e p~Jif;rsiThai ,;o~ld ;~·;k: . . . . . . .


    Rip Sta.ff w~ter., . . . .. ·. huh?Ycah, Jet'sgooulwidpopa'cap; ,Wheiicvirpeoplededdeto gath~rin " .· · ABakersfieldmandccides°i~blow into.·somc?doctor bc2ause .he's ·> a iaceful demonstration cvciyo'nei . upa iocai ab6rti,o~clinic/He fills his . kiliing babies. OK, sure'thing: '. ·. •. : v.:oiild be wearing their .. l'm'a right" . car.wilhboit[esofexj,ios\ve gas and : I( pcople'fcc) the nee(! lO proiesl . lO·l.ifer'' name iag. Those who fall drives.into !he building: . < \ .. · and exj,r~~s th'eir constiiutioriai into ihe."rna~bc'' category'w]n h'ave .

    . Some mcntalpatieni opcris fire :dghts, chen so be ii. When senseless a distinguishable mark such a.s'theT· . Oil doctors. )caving 'chcir pJai:e .. of '. violence: iakes confrol ~(human : am a poieniially. insane: right:IO'

    cmpfoyn:ient, which happens 10 _be ••.. emotion, then WC havea problem. . lifer" l8l00 on their chests: Trendy .• an: abortion. cHnic.:, He kilts· and .·:' lri ihe fighho cur.b violence "arid functionaL < . ·, ' wounds· many; including himself._ · agai~st a.dvocates and clinics that . Of co~rse, these suggestions are

    . •. ·A'~oinan exploring he.r options. practice abortion many things could· complete . .;onscnsi:. Why?,Because -:~1 · •·• < eXits.a clinic-8nd_c0njes~(ace. to. race~~~~- ~Ol"te>-~~ . ..:~.-:-.,_c-:"":: i-~--~~ ... -~:..:.:.·-·-·:: -there. ·i_s_ no~ way~ to :Stop ~viOlellcC·:_

    .·.·with : a. picket . lirie. direcily •.. · : There could be .i nali?.nal-ban on -'· against abortion, '. ..•. · . . . .. ,: ,· .. coriilemning_hfrfrcedom to choose;. abortion. Thal would make people · People afe '$0 into their own '

    . Even '.'Jane R~,''. the-~0,inan wlio haj,py. Jusi'bari it. Thai way wome~ • beliefs th~t they don't take th{tiine · .. ,fo_ught the S~prcrrie.Cou.rt f~r the· wiH go to back alleys and undergo tothinJ.i LcC:sreview. Doyouihi~k

    . legalization of aborticiii has changed fatal procedures to, get rid of an. that a womahwould actually wanll .... : unwanted child instead of going to a take the life of her 'ewn child? Do . ... These _aren' i !'# ~uriences. . re'a1 medical,esta~lishment: .. · .·. . . you know how hard it is for a wonian Thi~stuff~appc~severyday.Siiiiply . Tighier security. could be. to de~ide io terminate tier 'own put; ~J)lC Jove io hale abor'tjon,.; . c employcd.Uthesoci.illy unaccepted prcgna~cy? .· •. I beHe¥e that if people choose to can· purchase weapons from Wa.1- ... Tile: next· time people start . opposcabortionthenlikeeverytning . Marl, .why can'(those good for con1ing' down on women f~r

    · else they should bcablctovoicethcir. nothing ·rent-a-cops? I mean, how . practicingtheir right lo choose Chey' · . opinions .. Voicing ari'oj,inion and . hard could it be to walk ru9und ·a· should stop and think about_h9w .

    . . .· blowing up a c'linic; hOIVCVcr, ~e clini'c while carrying a large weapon these women feel. H takes a strong. ->~-etwo'·different lhings.'-,There-is :"and ogling >:Oung girls who happen· woman to go through with' a.- .c....

    · ~ 'something· known. as peaceful to walk. by at the same time?. traumatic decision. ·Instead. of· protest. The irony of aboniori,is · ·How· abo·u·t · a · na1ion·a1 attacking women and dfnics; try a people· often kill people _for killing identification for all potentially . little syrnpa.thy. ·




    ---- ·- -- -----.-···----------~-----·--- .. - ·---- -. 'GAriE- FEEDBACK E . . ... ·· .. · ·· •. Emily Reed




    ·~- -~" --- _-. ·------.

    Suzy Kish Sellon I The Rip Urena BC Student

    . -

    Merl · · -. Editor in_~hief EliN Palos Sports ~or · . · · · Copy E; . structio'n. .' · . . Far inore than just the shier size ·, ogy professor al the r>elano Center'.. ·' .. ''Peopie\~ho hav~ ~orkcd aiid: · . of the picture, they allow you io is coordinating the 1nj,; He said he,• learned all thei~ Jivesdon'c'nim'off . ,· in'oly fecifor ih'c characters you . has ~ri involved in the fotemii'. . . .

    . 'theirbra,nceHf~henUi~fl~~v{the~ ·-aresuppoied:t .. ·: .. •. . < The '.Abboii girls} Alice, ·. f i\blx>tt gif people. . "Tne)' of Russia" will in-· -diffe~nt fuimeachother;butthey •. who never wants to be anything more .... 'f!le people are rea): Th_e stones sh_oulder~you foe I cornfonable > ·. You're part of .the awesomeness:, · . voive discuss.ions·o.f se_riiors in R~s- ·. 'both. share a:corincction to the : th;,_;, himielf and wiil not change for ar~ our own. !he pain is Ji~e the .. le;miQg on, crying 0.n and elbow- · Also; seeing the Poi.and goirig to< sia. "Fun Reading on 1-ging and the · girls ofthe_Abbou fainiiy: . anyone.· .. -· · : · .. · ·. pain we have .fell, pr the parn we. mg aH_at. the same, ume. · ·· .. · ' · midnight Mass is gieai.". : · ' .. ,.' {· ..•

    --·---,. -Aging Experience"will examirietllP -·ob-:ious-'class-issues- hinder.--He 'relates co the youngest Ab bolt __ hope_. "'.e neve~_do_fe~I. , . , -~~ This-1_s. SQl)le_tli!n~ ,tb~1j@JIJ

    . ''been i:1id 10 ihe 'negative as~ts of f~~~:z;;;;;;;..;;;.;;;;..;;;;;;;;;~77~7?.~~;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;i;;~ti''I'" ____ ':'" __ ...... ___ _. ... ~--... -----~~--.;,.----------, . aging instead ofexarrun1ng J)?Sitive_ tZ · ··.· · •

    ~~tss~f;\hlt:~hfars:·especially ~"'~~ FAY'8 _fJNIFO RMS-. ihose'w.hoha~fiiaveled, havemany ~(~ .. ~ UNIFORMS, SHOES & ,AVeU ll~ · ·.. on oniforms OPEN-:-Mon.-F!i. JO iun-:6 p.m.&.t. 10 !UIL-5 p.rri. .

    (loca.tcd in ihe Mcrvyn's Plaza)·

    .. asto _athletic events.,_. ... • . , .. · ..• •. ~ . • Tl,e program began last fall and · ..----,.-,----.;.,-"----,--------......,;..:....._..:._ ....... ....;, most of the members were retired

    • si"aff -'-··.:">,.:-

  • , . . ·

    . :.:....-: ,_ .....:__. ~-

    . _.,_

    . - . -·,•·. -·- ... ·--...:.. -.............. . . ~' ..... '•" ..... ,,~-.·v-~ .. J-,k -·•"":" • .,..,..,.~.....,......,. ........... _

    . ~ •· _, ... . ' - . . .· ... - ·- . --._- .... ------~ . ...-...-.--...-..--~.-- .... _· .. ··-·_,_ .. - : . ~-. 'April 11, 1997. . ,

    '. • L '

    . ~ . f : . . ,,.· ..

    .· Take Advantage of \'ollr';l>tiority as.·aGurrently.Enrolled,~$tu,de.nt: ... . - - . . . - . . . . . . . ._ . . . . .·. . . . - ---- ·-·

    Register by Telephone 631-2591 ·.:: .· .. ·~::.:·.·>··, ·. "::··.· .... J:·r--i:-:-. .". _,: ·.·."'.'.:·. ··.· .. · . . : · .. --·:· ···:· ·. . .

    . , .. _ .· .· Priority telep~one registration begins_Aprff 16 ~ PIE3ase complete worksheet be!ow ~afore caning · _ . ·.

    ·. All ~ontinui~g students enrolling for ~liirurie~/fail classes MUST be cleared by the counseling office,J~EFqRE registering. • .. · See your c~unselor/advismdi, ;";~-.-~ ~ /~-- ,-~~--~·:·. . _ ·--·: meter relay _in 10.6 seconds and _' of days;: . · .. · . . .. . - hoping 10 gel everyone bacJc': · . • Bdwman thre~thejave.lin at 17}· : _The team also has alack_of play, .. · Coveyshldthai as lotig. as'thc. . . :

    • s'_ _.- · .. · .• . . . . . m chic 10 injuries. RollinsISQU.t with lf

  • ,:_;


    : I.

    - Pages-.· . .. - - - . ,~ _._. - .

    · 'G __ ,,:-._.. _-.- -_ ;N··-c.·--.· .. _." ··--·.:,-.- _: ·. -.. -·-:_, :ADE\ - EWSLINE' E11J~fribik-~ffijt~jazi; coffee · P~ndergrass. . _ .. . . · _ · . .· TheBakcrsfieldCollegeJauEnseriiblewillprescnt .· ' The event will recognize corporate 'supporters,

    - ;,Jazz a la Car1e·•·ioiiig-h{iti ihe BC cafeieria. Tlic .· communitysupporiand'educationalacheivemem. A doorsopc11at7p~ndoraiic\'Cningofjaizandcolfee:' number of schola{Ships 'will be presented to BC . The erisemtile welcomes musical guests Eddie ' stude~ls.: . . ' : . ' . .

    Muiloz.arid:;;Bnghtire"_as ieti asihcCalifomia'St.ite : .· For ticket infonnatirin, call 395-4570. -. Unive~iiy; Bakersfield Jaz[Choir: . ' ' . Ad'riiission is• $2 at the door. Coff~ and other refrcshnients can be purcha_,;cd du~hg'fhe show. Cail

    . 395-454.6 for more infoi:mation. . .

    Libra~-design wins- awar.d The Grace· Vari Dyke Bird Library was recently

    named a f!eautiful Bakersfield Award \'{inner for its . ' . · _. · - . -· .. , - . - . -. architectural design:· . , , .

    . SPCA s~~k~ boo~s for. s_aJe. ,: •.. The !ibrarywas desig~ed by Bakersfield archite~t _. -·The Bakersfield-SPCA still needs books for, its . .' Chris Addington.-...__,--------·----. ___ , .·,. .....

    upcomingsale,Ap.ri.119-May ll~EastHillsMallin . · . (:_~,.'-: ·::"-'~;: . : .

    ·a store near' Gcittschalk's. - ·. . New- cJi.ib)i,v)~es students'. : The SPCA·: ifasking the -public to donate used -

    books for iheSale, which may be tirClught to the Ptt The BC PsychologyClubwanis10 invite students . ' .. ' . ·. ... . . . ·. . . ' . . tojoin:/nieP.sychologyClubineetsities~o_ndand .

    Adoption Center, 3000. Gibson St., 9_ a.m. to 5 p,in., - · · · · · r· ··· · · .. th M- · · h ld · M.oriday. through Saturday. Air donations are iax · founh Fridays O .e:very mon :._ -eetmgs are e at

    - -· · · 2 p.m. !n Language Ans 2Q4. ·, . deductible. . · Many aclivities are offered to members, Those

    . For mar~ infonnation'aboill _donating books or. volunteering for the SPCA°Bciok'Sale, call ) 23.8353. - who c~n 't_makc meetings should check the psy~hol-

    -. . . . . . • . . . .. . ' ' . . ogy bulletin board for the agenda· and events .. ' . '' : · .. For morc'infomiatiori·, contact Sally Hill, A,lexa '. Maiti,nez or Laur~ at 245:56i3,' . - - . -'.AwJrctdim1~r sef tor April 26

    · ni~scMirtini.uthi:rKingJr.c~~icrwiiii,resent , • • . ·,., - · .. : , - . • · , , its 13th Annual '.'Excellence Through Education" Coaht1on ttol~s meeting

    .-. , - -

    '• . . .

    P--u·· s-· : ... .· : : i ~-·;.·. _-.. ~ ~ : ~-- . ~ - ,.. .• • ~">-.· ·• ~· { -• .'· • : . ">.:·. . ·. .· . . ~ ·... . . . .

    ---~,~~ \\OW WOVL!) ~Oii L\~ TO JO\tJ OUR ~l1l\.e

    ·. UFO SVlt•OE CVL T?

    .. '

    ··. ,. Aprlt11; 1997 . OPINION :REN-EGADE-. PHoro __ ~ Scenes-oft~e-, • 'I- • ·.,

    -BCFunfest carnival


    Vol. 68, No. 8 Bakersfield College April 25. 1997

    Trust~s ~~af:firm Wright's removal By Emily Reed . , just n~vcr want il to liappen to 1wodo~n ;,..eary people assembl~; . th'~ m .· ·. b la.: b > ed . . Wrighi thanked the faculty, s;~. .• · . .. . .: · . i . Edilor in Chief. . us." . : > · • , . . . saying; 'This decision is now final l_,JtliTn1;~li/ wh~~: ~i~:··:._.; ~ de.nts·and_ c_omm_unit{for their_ sup-_ - ::::i~n.1 :~;~yn ::d1:::_:~~~fy· .· . BakersfielciCollegePreside


    nlDr, , He. m~de h_is comments. at' I : and_ wili n_ot _be changed.",· . . sham. a·n· d I do'n···t see h'ow' thos'e 'our•· R W

    . . . '. - . ' . . . ' . . - . - ,, port and said, ''Tl?ey .will help me. mcmber_s stood t>cfore'ihe board ick .. right'made his way around a . a.n\. today following eight hours . -The decision was similar io the people. can live wiih themselves," make whatever transition I need to." · to make a final plea on Wright"s

    · r_oomfulJoftear)"eyodfacultymem- ofclosed:se,ssio.n deliberation by' March 11 vote when Trustees Dr, said an emotional Kaie Pluta BC According to Wright's attorney. behalf. - · · · · · bers, giving hugs and words of en~ - th_e · K_ ern C_ ommunity_'Co_llege :_Dennis Witso_n, Rose'Marie Bans, . -.Acadc. m,·c s· en•te presr'dent, a'fter- .. ·, -· . ·. . ·. . . . • - William J. S_mith ofFresno, there are Vice president of Dewar's and,•

    . couragement. - · · · - . Distnct Board,o~Truste~: The Sy_lviaCauani,EdwardComell.and y,,ard."lflllosepeoplehadany;ense several options which Wright can former ASBC president Paul . -Despite the .disappointment dis-· boardreturne~ Wt~ adectsron 10 •. James Smith approved of removing of honor they \"OU Id not have done pursue at this,time, . Pavletich was app. lauded by _the played by teachers, hereniainedposi- rea_fft_um_. Wright _s rem_ C>val as Wright_ '_as pres,iden_ t,. with Harvey .. "· . · - "We could initia\c litigation,,.said I 30people gathered at the earlier ·_ -tivns he addressed the crowd. - " .. ·pres,denl ofBC' - .. 0 :. ·.- . -- HlillaridJohn Rodgers\'cjtirigagruiist" :· Pluta said that district Chancellor ' s'milll:;'Thai is a'veiy good option." .. npen session _;,hen he.said_:..Can_' -· - ''This h·appensi'he said. "We al- Board President Dr: 'Dennis his firing. ·Dr.Jim Young "will retire under a The decision ropped a long .and we all be wrong and just a few or ways tell our kids life's not fair! we Wilson read the decision to the Tru_ stees voted ex.·actly the same · darkcloud"be, causeofth.,sdcc',s'ron. · I · D · h emouona evcnrng_. unng t eopen you be righr? I ,don't 1hink so.".

    Wright reflects

    - --·- '"S'Cholarship·awards dinner'-April :26 at-Seven Oaks --The-East'Ba_kersfi_eld-Comn1unity°CoaHtion-- --L_ ,L..;> __ ........ ~ -~~~=~~~ .... ~-.;.,.,.;---~ ..... ..--....;..-L.;U L.'-..ll ..... .;.;;..;..,6M::...~ Country Club. : . . · .. · - . : . (EBCC)\wHrhold ils quarterly_lOWI) mee'ting 1)0. _

    ... po recent .. e'tf!rits, famnv,~ futuret~ c '~~ B~ E~li~ Fie~d . . . '·:·i'i:~0i:iti~~ai. ;~~;~,r~o~o~bt about

    Social hour will begin at5:30p.m. and dinner will April 17 ai 6 p,m . .it the Boys and Girls Club, 801. ·-be served at 6 p.rii. . . . ·. ., - . _· . . ... · Nifes St: The meeting is held to share information

    . The celeoration or Africa~'.American m'usic, cul- about the coalition's activitiesarid seebnput from ·- tureand history willfocus oi't ih~ ?segrIMCJ Ar.c.eru . : ·

    CcI1 t"'4] ! l-*»-W>-90•)1

    • • • • • • • • • • • • · i•l,1, I• j l""lh,1: .ul

    . .. , • l . ' .i

    • • • • • • • • • • • •

    • • • • • • • • • • • • •

    • • D,eck..,ith SwdentAff.tirs in Campus Centu 4 for LOST and F-OUND items.

    !'1 , .

    l:IC forensi.CS t~am w~nsfirst · in national championship By Nichole Peny s.aidr=n membctKelly Miller. ·we _ majority of sdloolsdon'1 ,et a lot of Bovcro-Tabor Awanl. also broughl oome a gold award f~ DyCI' said of his partner, ·Anna's Oplnioo E

  • rs~\~~·_·:.·. __ : ~ .. _, ~ . _,


    .,• · ·Page2 _ -_ ... ,.,.-... ·- - ·-. .. . ... - -- . AprU 25, 1997: -.THE Jwi'Eg RIP ·- . - . . . -- ... ·N·:-_ .. ·.

    -.- _EWS ~: -: .. """.""----:-------:---:--------:---:-----:----:--'--------:---:---,.----:~_;...-------'------'--...... --..,...----,--....---,.,:-. -:-.,:C. '-, •. :--.~=--'"'··'"°-~-""-· -:-. _-::":-'.'"-:-:'.:'."'."'."=:-::-.::-::. ___ -· - - -·· - . ,,:

    Wf:l1'3HT:Pre~iderit .~ays-he-willibe.'dK' .• __ · __ -.-c~iilinued rtoin Page 1 -· -. :> \ . . _ .... 0 _ • , _ _ - _mcni s~ r~. The ~iaie-or:1tie-r,m in1ircs1ed.Wright in techn~I- "Wh.oever Sits here is_. -·. aitfacililycoin~ftcstheiradi, og~;H~~~d/earl/o}go'tv~lj;ii- .goihg to n,aki > . - ~;;~~~~!1!:e~t:::~: _--vol~edinilisc_iissi~ns~boufthekinds mistakes;' They've - ing to BC. . _-_ -_ . --· -of t~hn,~logy ~at :was;~ing devel- . indulged my'bad - . . __ -. "Whenl came tf BC; 1he. oped dunng th~ sp~e pn>~m, that ·d· , .. c ·- _.· _: · - ' . • one thjng" that I ,1hough['. w~ _would help_ us eventually t_n ~du~a- ec_1s1ons and helped lackingwasafirst-> ::, · : , tioniliatthelibraryhasl>n?ughl ·. rjous''. k_id. 'iYcalt;~:,,,:asn'lreally a !'I -.vent to the barik,and I was ._ to·Bc;..yng~t findi ii even ·: tioubl_cmakcr, just curious:"~ . •· ·_ going to close out myacco"unt: I had -- -· harder to_ underst.and 1he rea- . ."

    - He's rciairi~ much 6fhiscurious iike thiee btii:ts° in theic so ltook ii · -· sons for the irus1~s;d~ision ·· nature an.d's1i1:1 enjoys ·~orkirig 'with· ciui:weu;thc°hidyconvi~wi me ~~1 :· --,o· fire him:·':.-'-..,.:;:;:~- :.: . .:..

    his _ha~ds ii_,~~)ng th)~gs. • . · , to closethe =:ouniand when Connie : _-_ "( Yias ~is~jlJlOint~ thatl _ ' "h's~ nice ch.u\gefrom lhis," he -got_hcrfirstpaychcdrnurtotal assets - didn'I have ·anydja)ciguc wilh --

    . said,leanitig'b;ickin.hisofficcchair, wereonediine. -.. -. . - ·_· • - ._lhe bonbu I Artlsta: 8')'Sll Bell. David Cruz, Suzy Kish S6Bon

    Robtn John,on Rodney Thornburg BusineSS Manager Pl'lOIO Lab T echnlciai1

    . ,-

    - Has the controve_rsy about Dr. Wright hurt BC morale_? . - . . . - . .

    Zef Barron, Computer science: "Yes, he contributed a lot to the Implementation of the Hbrary and compuler commons. which has been an asset." : -

    Vlron Payne, Econom-lea/Computec Sci"': . enc.: , believe it haS hurt lhe morale ol the facultf more th:3n the students.•

    . I

    Nicole Conreu, Huralng: •tt seems 10 be affecting lhose wno showed concern by showing up to the meetings and participat·

    _ ing in the walkout."

    Mld\NI James - Be(anget, ACCOU'lting:

    -Yes, t>ecause he's been here so long. He's fike one otus.•

    Jason ADgood.. Undecided: "Yes, because they are trying to change the past instead of the future."


    . .

  • '--.----. -·----·- _,, __


    ..,,.~---.. . ·:· 1,_/,

    • Doug_Schulz I The Rip

    Amanda Whaley receives a face painting.·

    .... -. ·_-_


    . ,

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    Chect with Student In C.mpus Center 4 tor .

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    -- - ... bait z;tc:2. _ ___ ,_,_,m.·---·-·-.................... , ,wp ..... --~-----·---~:.1111;1*..JQ;lrul:~--~cr~~---tO'VJ&ft\.W er!:. C;f""l1!lf a=- t fD* IC"a:I...,.,. ..,p..ea ~-,:,,,-.-. .... \.lfN' n\.:l.,.S

  • ~ : . '

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    Stu~~~t·-~@~_rk·a~ displ~Y:_. / Chicarto gra~uatiorf~et ; . · .. Bak'e~fi.e!d __ C~l_leg{fill prcse_rit i_ts annual e~~ibit ·. -_'.:_B*.ersfiel~Soll~ge)997g~_u_ates and liansfer . of student anwor~ through May 14 mlhe Wyhe and -. students ·are. invited Jo the Chicano/Latino Com· -

    -. MayLouiseJcin~:~.1~fqaite.'ry_. ,: .. '_ _ :, _, : •. m~ncfmenton_M~f2t(C:: :_,.C:,,: ···_:' · __ -_: . J'he exhibit wiH indude ~orks ;in a. variety of. - .Deadline to''tiim in aj:ipli~atioiis [\t,,ednesdaY: .··!Jc_'~ ~y B_akcrsficld CoHege art siuderits. '- _. Anyoneiritemted in paitie:ipating should contact during the l99~9Tschool year: Included.will be oil _ · the Chicano Culturai Center at '3954532 or drop by.

    . andwatercolo! paintings,s~etc_hes; sculpture; photo- 10:pick up ·an application.:'. _ - · ·-.i . . . graphs, ceramics and glass: - - - _-_ . - . . - .·_ . ; '. ; . -·. Gallery hoifrs for the show aie; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m .. -.. Edi_ t_o_r'p: 'o_' s ___ ._iH'_on_-.. :.:_op'·e_-.n_--_._._-_: __ :_ . · __ :_._.:

    Monday through Friday and 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tues- - , · day through Thursday. Admission is ir~: · • . : c ~tu~en~ t~ier~stcd in app!ylng (or th~ posit.ion ~f-· · .

    . _ · .. The gallery'is localed in the Gl'ace Van Dyke .Bird -Edl~Or_ 1n Ch1e_fof The Renegade R,p. should subrmt ·: Libiacy _ori thC°Bt :camp~s, ' -_ . . -. ·. < ·. - _- . . a _leU~r.~_rcintcresl and a ~aycl;. - . - . · "--:--· -:··;-- · ·:-:-,·~--~:-~. -~ ·-,--.-· ··.- ···- ~ • -,~-~. - - : · .·.-···Applicants must be enrolled t!l a neyVspaper pro-,·

    L~ade·r~hip awards g' iven:.. .- du_ction cl_ass'and ha~e P!.CVi~us ~i!' expe~enc~ .•. '-._ . - _ _ ,, _ -- . , _· ... · _ _ . ..- . , . _ , Contact KathyFreeman,Rrpadv1ser, fordeta.1ls,at

    . · -· Two $3()()1eadership ._iwardsare gi_ven annually at. -· 3954344. An ·applicarils should be submitted lo the .

    . _ the Horior B~l)C~_ tifo~_e freshman stud_ent and one · . Rip office by3 p.m. May L : . . - · - · sophom~re student attaining the higties~ siandards of . . .. . - . _. . - '

    · leadership.' citi#nship; ser'lice and overall accom~. -. BC_ --__ P. r __ e_ ·_s. e.-)_1 i_s_ -._ tl_ ist __ or_ -.i.c_- p. la_ y-·_ . plishments while ·a student attending Bakersfield • College., >t:: : - _ ; __ , .. · .. ,._, . .-. · . - 1Jic Bake~field College ind~~ Theater-'wiil

    - ·: _.The lY.'o.awards.ire lhe/jracc van-:Dyke-Bkd:- preseilttheplay'Thel.ioninthe},\'inter"May 1,2 -Leadership Awiifd.(or·freshman students _and _the . anl fand ·May 8, 9 and fo a·t s··p.Jn.-:' . -Alumn_i Associa.tion Honor'_Trophy for returning .. - Adrnissitin is $6 for adults;~S3 for' stud~ntsand ·sophomore 'students/._\.:_; .. - .- . . - . seniors. - . - ..

    · . - To qu~ify, siuderits must have a ·minimum 2.3 _ > . _ . ' . . . . _ - . - •- . : cumulativeGPAfotonesemesterfortheGraceVan_ Spring plant sale plann~d ..

    • ~·Dyke Bird Leadership Award.~----:-_ ----~~~-~-A spring plani sale will be .held Wednesday; May- ..:. . ' : . Students must have the same minimum cuinula· . -ifiom 9 a.m; io on the Campu~ Center lawn. .-

    tiveGPA for three semesters for the Alumni Associa0 _ - - :nie saie Viii! feature hanging moss-baskets, color . . ti~ri Honor Trop_hy ... - - - - ·- - - - ' bowls, :.vrcaths,, flower i,o;,kmarks· and .

    -- - Applications may be picked up by interested SIU· herbs. - . -._. de~ts in : the Student AffaJ.i-s)?ffice- -an~ must be . For more lnformation, call Jeanna Foy; at 395.· .·

    n;tuined by Ma)'.L ·. < 4446 ... · · . -- - ·

    -~.--.-:" u· :---···s· --~ ~: __ ..."' .,. . ~ ·~~ . . . . ' - ' ~ ~- . . . . . ;•_ '• I ~. .._ - - .

    :-. l, ~ ~

    i : . i i 1 . . ~

    ~--------~~ ~ ......... --.._;_ ..... __ j,....J '-'-____ __. ... _...~,

    ···.·.·~· ...

    ,-~- _· . ,· - ~ ' . . ·:._, .·

    ., . :_-.: ~~~ -· ..

    Stud~nfstartS: f6od _.- .·· -tnc Rip staiecf thjt·3040--studerits. .· Th~:iJ{~foa~n~·the~ -~~~: ~; ~·~- 4" _ _,.,__,,...,...,..---,·· '-~i_g~tJ~5?~f_¢J_E:fia -. . wer~ ~~-~E~!t~~ft;~!~'.::·2 ... : .~.·. :. ~~~t~!~1'.C:Jitti.~d:~- -.· .

    .... ·.·:·> _.·•· ,

    . _: AB~~rsrieidQlli~gestudeniwm •.. • sc: sflfg_ei,~s·~~pbrts-·:. ~eair~.l?Si,,.,:/. -. > . ei-ftio~semploy~reW~iocam:: :· .. 1hci~~-s_h1deri1 n~gg~dow_n_a · -

    }\ccordfog to iampus_.poJicc; a - · pus police a:man_breaking into a. : Staff lllember and aske4_him to·foJ. -call was placed t.elli,ng securiryaoo.ut - : truckmi·April 14: > . ·., ~ '\ ' - low the alleged sus~r: , > , .·- · __ ·

    . . a food fig hi in !}le ~afeteria.A male: ·stoppeJasubject walkjrigsouthbound , ._ Two ~~cstudcnls were\~aHcing :: . - ortedto to_the

    .·· RAMAD.A>INN ' .. · · ·: · .. · ....... ·.BA~R~F~I,D··· .• · GRADUATIONllATE . . ·.·.-·

    . . . . .. . . . . . -

    .:.- Do.y_ofrhave_afr __ . imporfaheevent .. -_· coining.up(Then _ ~·call I;h~ Rip'anfflet

    ' 9. ~Plea·se Mt!~. Seles; no gru·riung during ~e ce~emo~y~" : . .- -8.:••erooke has· m9re hair In her eyebrows then Andre has

    -- c· - - ;·or{hls whole head:"·· . {:;· ·: - - - . - - -_ . -- - - . · 7. :uso~ebody ~II ~8 ~~s. John McEnroe juit punched : .--:-·_.: · ~ FORFAMILYandFRIEivDs

    0 •

    ·us publidZeiffor-. · · : :yoi.L tail fvleri: -

    : Renee:lppez·at ·~--·395"4324. :, . -:·.~:..,,-

    .. . .

    . ,_ . -

    .. out an u'sher." .: .- -~ -'--_ ' · · ;-.· · . _ -- · :2.}'Hov,,aweet-hls beat'man ls-Martina Navratilova ... : -

    1."Jl.l~~-do lt..",-:..:1,_.: .. ;>.;'.C:.·-•:.-~·.;.:~:., -·-. -:::~--/

    .. -R~nted with penn!aalon.trom ~ Lato stiow". ~ -David L.et1ennan . : _ . ' - . . . ~ Lose up to 30. pou_nds

    . -. 3Q ~iay programs' _ .. •· · ·Start at $30

    :~MA)iY'. KAY. . - · I teach skin am, . -

    -Allee Peck · . 831~7. ,·:


    - -.- ~ ~- ....... _SpccializinginGroups&.Students •----. . . - - ~ .

    _ _ .. : __ :_~44SO_Califoritia Av~_Ste..F~ BCRN &LYN : · 322-1587

    - · students get a . (Located in the Mervyn's Plaza) ···. -20% d1srount _ ·

    on uni (onm - OPEN-Moo.-Fri. IO am-6 pm.&t. 10 am.-5 p.JJL

    .·, Do you have arf : imppfrant_·event.,-:·comingup? fiieri·_: :.- · tall -J'he Rip and let us p·ublidze it for

    · - yoti. Call Meri · __ · Renee Lopez at

    _ ~395-4324.

    . _- $55-ti:bCoc~. ~-. ·.:. . (Rec~lve $5_bac_k ln~'Sutur BucicJ;, per room per nigh·, - • ·

    - to be used in restau~ani or {ounge) - - . . CALL:·327~0681 ·_

    - - ' . .

    . -, Have an· · . opinf()n'? Write

    fiP mall@gc>

    _ . Attenticjr,-' . ;· HiQhSCHOOf- ...

    -·students::~-.·· woulc:t y9u _ like ~tQ f!arn- as . you learn this summer?·: . -Then apply_t~day-fo(a·-----.: . speciar BC· sum.mer class ·: th~t te~ches·_:you about

    - ________ ., ___ --- ---~---- - . . -~~--. .L· .communications. careers! __

    'b, .... ~ ,,. .. .,..._

    lleRlb - !Jg 01 (&tn v,ru, Jlul-12.~J .:t::t: ·,·,, . 4800U1ng -2111 Coiurnbut . ~. "'1ll 7901 Whffo LUM!· ' f()()() Ru! Rd.

    _· High school s~udents can learn riews· reporting, com:puter and photo _. _ ski~ during·a.~·tlµ-~weekBakers~eld College s~e.r·class;.

    . Jwie 9~27:: ~ total of$59Qin scholarships'will be awarde.d to the -_ most promisini students; . . .

    - - . . . .

    · Co-sponsored by The Bakersfield_ Californian and The Dow Jones Newspaper Fund, the workshop's goal is·to encourage high school juniors andseniors from all ethnic backgrounds to pursue newspaper careers. The outstanding workshop student is eligible for a $1,000 national scholarship! ·

    This is the only college class in Bakersfield that is offered at no cost to students. D;eadline for appHcations is May 16. _

    To receive an application, call 395-4344 todayl