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11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda

Jun 02, 2018



Nomaan Merchant
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  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    PROPOSAL 1TITLE:Facilitator Name:

    Reviewer 1:Acomplishing Lived EthicsProject Objectives:

    Target Segment Needs:

    Target Segment :Is Target SegmentMarginalized?

    Student Skills:Goals:Feedback on how thisproject fulfils objectives oflived ethics

    Areas of improvement /ideas pertaining to project

    Logistical / Implementation

    Faith Connection:

    Liability Concerns to beAware of Safety:

    Affiliation with a politicalview or idealogy:

    Financial / MonetaryExchange:Jamati Sanctity:

  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    Institutional Partnershipsthat can be Leveraged

    PROPOSAL 2TITLE:Facilitator Name:

    Reviewer 1:Acomplishing Lived EthicsProject Objectives:

    Target Segment Needs:

    Target Segment :Is Target SegmentMarginalized?

    Student Skills:Goals:Feedback on how thisproject fulfils objectives oflived ethics

    Areas of improvement /ideas pertaining to project

    Logistical / Implementation

    Faith Connection:

    Liability Concerns to beAware of Safety:

    Affiliation with a politicalview or idealogy:

  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    Financial / MonetaryExchange:Jamati Sanctity:

    Institutional Partnershipsthat can be Leveraged

    PROPOSAL 3TITLE:Facilitator Name:

    Reviewer 1:Acomplishing Lived EthicsProject Objectives:

    Target Segment Needs:

    Target Segment :Is Target SegmentMarginalized?

    Student Skills:Goals:Feedback on how thisproject fulfils objectives oflived ethics

    Areas of improvement /ideas pertaining to project

    Logistical / Implementation

    Faith Connection:

  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    Liability Concerns to beAware of Safety:

    Affiliation with a politicalview or idealogy:

    Financial / MonetaryExchange:Jamati Sanctity:

    Institutional Partnershipsthat can be Leveraged

  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


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  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


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  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    PROPOSAL 1TITLE:Facilitator Name:

    Reviewer 1:Acomplishing Lived Ethics ProjectObjectives:Target Segment Needs:

    Target Segment :Is Target SegmentMarginalized?

    Student Skills:Goals:Feedback on how this projectfulfils objectives of lived ethics

    Areas of improvement / ideaspertaining to project

    Logistical / Implementation

    Faith Connection:

    Liability Concerns to be Aware of

    Safety: Affiliation with a political view oridealogy:Financial / Monetary Exchange:

    Jamati Sanctity:

    Institutional Partnerships thatcan be Leveraged


  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    TITLE:Facilitator Name:

    Reviewer 1:Accomplishing Lived EthicsProject Objectives:Target Segment Needs:

    Target Segment :Is Target SegmentMarginalized?

    Student Skills:Goals:Feedback on how this projectfulfils objectives of lived ethics

    Areas of improvement / ideaspertaining to project

    Logistical / Implementation

    Faith Connection:

    Liability Concerns to be Aware of

    Safety: Affiliation with a political view oridealogy:Financial / Monetary Exchange:

    Jamati Sanctity:

    Institutional Partnerships thatcan be Leveraged

  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    PROPOSAL 3TITLE:Facilitator Name:

    Reviewer 1:Acomplishing Lived Ethics ProjectObjectives:Target Segment Needs:

    Target Segment :Is Target SegmentMarginalized?

    Student Skills:Goals:Feedback on how this projectfulfils objectives of lived ethics

    Areas of improvement / ideaspertaining to project

    Logistical / Implementation

    Faith Connection:

    Liability Concerns to be Aware of

    Safety: Affiliation with a political view oridealogy:Financial / Monetary Exchange:

    Jamati Sanctity:

    Institutional Partnerships thatcan be Leveraged

  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    Syrian art project

    Nomaan Merchant

    Youth are getting a glimpse of Syrian struggle through art.

    Are students marginalized?

    Creativity, organization

    How does this project encompass lived ethics? Need clarity

    Please provide specific steps as to how project will be implemented? Why did you chooseSyria

    Will you be able to obtain the supplies?

    Great connections

    Accidents with art suppliesWhy Syria

    Cost of art supplies

    Aga Khan Trust for Culture

  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    Syrian Skype project

    Nomaan Merchant

    Plight of the Syrian jamat and how we should be grateful for our lives here

    Jamat is made aware of the plight of the Syrian Jamat.

    Is the US jamat marginalized?

    Technological, organizational, and communication skills

    Empathy and understanding of the plight of the Syrian jamat by US jamati members

    Who would be your target audience? Which jamatkhane. Why Syria ? Have you taken intopolitical and legal implications of skyping. Would it be safe for a Syrian jamati member to skypewith us.

    How would you be able to skype with such a large jamat in US? Do you think content maybetoo graphic for the US Jamat

    Please provide.

    Safety of the Syrian jamatPolitical unsafe country. Legal implications of skyping

    AKSWB, Legal Board

  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    Basketball Tournament

    Nomaan Merchant

    How does a Basketball Tournament accomplish Lived Ethics?

    Is there a need for a basketball tournament

    Are the youth marginalized

    Sports, Organization

    Per ITREB rules we cannot raise fund or have any monetary gains.

    Is the tournament for all jamats. Costly to hire sports venues. Time consuming organizing theteams

    Please provide

    Waivers of liability for the game

    We cannot have a fund raise/donations


  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


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  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    PROPOSAL 1TITLE:Facilitator Name:

    Reviewer 1:Acomplishing Lived Ethics ProjectObjectives:Target Segment Needs:

    Target Segment :Is Target Segment Marginalized?

    Student Skills:Goals:Feedback on how this project fulfilsobjectives of lived ethics

    Areas of improvement / ideas pertainingto project

    Logistical / Implementation

    Faith Connection:

    Liability Concerns to be Aware of

    Safety: Affiliation with a political view oridealogy:Financial / Monetary Exchange:Jamati Sanctity:

    Institutional Partnerships that can beLeveraged

    PROPOSAL 2TITLE:Facilitator Name:

  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    Reviewer 1:Acomplishing Lived Ethics ProjectObjectives:Target Segment Needs:

    Target Segment :Is Target Segment Marginalized?

    Student Skills:Goals:Feedback on how this project fulfilsobjectives of lived ethics

    Areas of improvement / ideas pertainingto project

    Logistical / Implementation

    Faith Connection:

    Liability Concerns to be Aware of

    Safety: Affiliation with a political view oridealogy:Financial / Monetary Exchange:Jamati Sanctity:

    Institutional Partnerships that can beLeveraged

    PROPOSAL 3TITLE:Facilitator Name:

    Reviewer 1:Acomplishing Lived Ethics ProjectObjectives:

  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


    Target Segment Needs:

    Target Segment :Is Target Segment Marginalized?

    Student Skills:Goals:Feedback on how this project fulfilsobjectives of lived ethics

    Areas of improvement / ideas pertainingto project

    Logistical / Implementation

    Faith Connection:

    Liability Concerns to be Aware of

    Safety: Affiliation with a political view oridealogy:Financial / Monetary Exchange:Jamati Sanctity:

    Institutional Partnerships that can beLeveraged

  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda


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  • 8/10/2019 11a_proposal Review Feedback Form Zaheeda
