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110:615 algebraic topology I, Fall 2016 Topology is the newest branch of mathematics. It originated around the turn of the twentieth century in response to Cantor, though its roots go back to Euler; it stands between algebra and analysis, and has had profound effects on both. Since the 1950s topology has been at the cutting edge of mathematical re- search: its techniques have revolutionized algebraic geometry, number the- ory, physics (eg of condensed matter, not to mention string theory), as well as important parts (elliptic PDEs) of analysis. Since about 2000 it has been a significant source of ideas for the analysis of large structured data sets, and lately (via HoTT = higher order type theory) it has led to a rethinking of the foundations of logic and the philosophy of mathematics. Topologists classify space for a living: for example, the three-dimensional space of politicians, as a subset of the five-dimensional manifold of real hu- man beings. Knots and braids provide another class of interesting spaces, as does our eleven-dimensional (or so they would have us believe) own phys- ical Universe. Phylogenetic trees in evolutionary theory are another class of examples just beginning to be studied. 615 is an introduction to algebraic topology as a way of thinking: not only in terms of its techniques, but as an opportunity to introduce a rich supply of concrete, and perhaps surprising, examples. Draft schedule for 110.615 classical algebraic topology It is a truth universally acknowledged, that there is no really satisfactory introductory algebraic topology textbook. This course attempts to verify this by providing a new example, cherrypicked from the best parts of several quite good standard choices. A draft schedule follows. The course starts with a review of background material from geometry, which will be used as test examples throughout the course. The semester ends with the Poincar´ e duality theorem for mani- folds; it is intended to lead into a second course centered around the model categorical approach to homotopy theory and homological algebra. Please contact me hjack@math.jhu.edui if you are interested, or have any questions. A rough draft for the course lectures is attached. 1

110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,

Jul 13, 2020



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Page 1: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,

110:615 algebraic topology I, Fall 2016

Topology is the newest branch of mathematics. It originated around the turnof the twentieth century in response to Cantor, though its roots go back toEuler; it stands between algebra and analysis, and has had profound effectson both.

Since the 1950s topology has been at the cutting edge of mathematical re-search: its techniques have revolutionized algebraic geometry, number the-ory, physics (eg of condensed matter, not to mention string theory), as wellas important parts (elliptic PDEs) of analysis. Since about 2000 it has beena significant source of ideas for the analysis of large structured data sets,and lately (via HoTT = higher order type theory) it has led to a rethinkingof the foundations of logic and the philosophy of mathematics.

Topologists classify space for a living: for example, the three-dimensionalspace of politicians, as a subset of the five-dimensional manifold of real hu-man beings. Knots and braids provide another class of interesting spaces,as does our eleven-dimensional (or so they would have us believe) own phys-ical Universe. Phylogenetic trees in evolutionary theory are another class ofexamples just beginning to be studied.

615 is an introduction to algebraic topology as a way of thinking: not onlyin terms of its techniques, but as an opportunity to introduce a rich supplyof concrete, and perhaps surprising, examples.

Draft schedule for 110.615 classical algebraic topology

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that there is no really satisfactoryintroductory algebraic topology textbook. This course attempts to verifythis by providing a new example, cherrypicked from the best parts of severalquite good standard choices.

A draft schedule follows. The course starts with a review of backgroundmaterial from geometry, which will be used as test examples throughoutthe course. The semester ends with the Poincare duality theorem for mani-folds; it is intended to lead into a second course centered around the modelcategorical approach to homotopy theory and homological algebra.

Please contact me 〈[email protected]〉 if you are interested, or have anyquestions. A rough draft for the course lectures is attached.


Page 2: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,

Part ∅ Introductory material

— Week I (5 September)

Sets, spaces, and categories

1.1 sets, functions, and compositions, p 11.2 abelian groups, p 31.3 topological spaces and maps, p 41.4 categories and functors. p 71.5 a little more algebra (for §8), p 12

Part I Background from geometry

2.1 tangent spaces, p 162.2 the implicit function theorem. p 17

— Week II (12 September)

2.3 manifolds, p 182.4 submanifolds and transversality, p 202.5 examples, p 22

— Week III: (19 September)

2.6 group actions and quotients, p 242.7 projective spaces, p 272.8 associated bundles and differential forms, p 30

— Week IV: (26 September)

Part II The Euler characteristic and its categorification

Singular homology

3.1 Euler measure, p 343.2 Noether’s categorification of χ, p 393.3 The basic axioms; examples (eg the Lefschetz fixed-point formula), p 42

— Week V: (3 October)

3.4 paths and homotopies, p 463.5 pairs of spaces; basepoints; the smash product and loopspaces, p 503.6 the axioms, more formally; reduced homology and suspension, p 533.7 relative homology and excision, p 56


Page 3: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,

— Week VI: (10 October)

3.8 examples: invariance of dimension, degree of a map, the orientationsheaf, the class of a submanifold, attaching a cell, p 59

Part III Complexes and chains

4.1 (abstract) simplicial complexes, eg Rips complexes, partition posets;simplicial chains, p 684.2 geometric realization, p 724.3 barycentric subdivision, p 74

— Week VII: (17 October)

4.4 products, p 764.5 simplicial sets; the classifying space of a category, BG and homotopyquotients, p 77

Basic homological algebra and verification of the axioms

5.1 chain complexes, chain homomorphisms, and chain homotopies, p 81

— Week VIII: (24 October)

5.2 singular homology; the homotopy axiom, p 885.3 locality of the singular complex, p 905.4 the snake lemma and the boundary homomorphism, p 96: Movietime!

https : // = etbcKWEKnvg

— Week IX (31 October)

Part IV Back to geometry!

The stable homotopy category of finite cell complexes

6.1 cell complexes; the homotopy type of a cell complex, cellular chains, p986.2 uniqueness of homology. Statement (not proof!) of theorems of White-head and Kan, p 1026.3 sketch of the stable homotopy category, versus the homotopy categoryof chain complexes. Naive definition of naive spectra; statement (not proof)of Brown’s representability theorem, p 105


Page 4: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,

— Week X (7 November)


7.1 Definition, axioms for the algebra and module structures; the Alexander-Whitney map, p 1127.2 examples, p 1177.2 cap products; the Eilenberg-Zilber map; the Kunneth theorem foreshad-owed, p 120

— Week XI (14 November)

Poincare duality

8.1 introduction, p 1298.1 The orientation class, p 1258.2 proof of the theorem, p 128

— Week XII (28 November)

8.4 applications: Intersection theory and Lefschetz’ theorem. The Pontryagin-Thom collapse map, the Thom isomorphism theorem; bivariant functors, p131

— Week XIII (5 December): Margin for error!

[Appendices: (to appear?)

On π1: van Kampen, Hurewicz; Reidemeister moves and braid groups;Wirtinger’s presentation of π1(S3 − k); skein relations and the Alexanderpolynomial; covering spaces, eg of surfaces and configuration spaces; twistedcoefficients; Chern classes, eg of line bundles; elliptic curves and

1→ Z→ Br3 → Sl2(Z)→ 1 .

deRham cohomology: Poincare’s lemma; the Hodge operator and duality;Maxwell’s equations]


R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014)

M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967)

J Rotman, An introduction to algebraic topology (1988)

A Hatcher, Algebraic topology (2002)


Page 5: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,


Page 6: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 7: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 8: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 9: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 10: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 11: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 12: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 13: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 14: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 15: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 16: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 17: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 18: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 19: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 20: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 21: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 22: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 23: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 24: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 25: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 26: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 27: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 28: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 29: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 30: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 31: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 32: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 33: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 34: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 35: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 36: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 37: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 38: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 39: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 40: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 41: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 42: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 43: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 44: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 45: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 46: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 47: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 48: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 49: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 50: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 51: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 52: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 53: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 54: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 55: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 56: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 57: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 58: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 59: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 60: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 61: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 62: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 63: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 64: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 65: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 66: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 67: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 68: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 69: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 70: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 71: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 72: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 73: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 74: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 75: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 76: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 77: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 78: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 79: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 80: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 81: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 82: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 83: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 84: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 85: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 86: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 87: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 88: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 89: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 90: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 91: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 92: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 93: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 94: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 95: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 96: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 97: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 98: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 99: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 100: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 101: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 102: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 103: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 104: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 105: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 106: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 107: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 108: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 109: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 110: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 111: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 112: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 113: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 114: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 115: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 116: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 117: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 118: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 119: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 120: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 121: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 122: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 123: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 124: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 125: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 126: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 127: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 128: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 129: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 130: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 131: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 132: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 133: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 134: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 135: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 136: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 137: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 138: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 139: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,
Page 140: 110:615 algebraic topology I - Mathematicsjack/615f16/oldsyllabus.pdf · R Ghrist, Elementary applied topology (2014) M Greenberg, Lectures on algebraic topology (1967) J Rotman,