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T (07) 3394 9999 Absentee Line (07) 3394 9964 E [email protected] W PO Box 1726 Coorparoo DC Qld 4151 Volume 28 - 11 September, 2012 Dear Parents and Students As we welcome the gentle warmth and colour of Spring we seek to be a community of growth, love and warmth in all we do. May we embrace the abundant opportuniƟes we have to be people of generosity and grace, oering care and compassion to those in need. SPRING LUNCHEON My congratulaƟons and thanks to MarƟne WhiƩon, President of the Past Pupils, Emma Beach and to the Past Pupils ExecuƟve CommiƩee for their hard work in making this year’s Spring Luncheon such a delighƞul and enjoyable occasion. Veronica Abraham (College Captain 1998) and previous winner of My Kitchen Rules gave a capƟvaƟng and inspiring address that was well received. As always, this event was full of fun, chaƩer, laughter and love. If you missed this year’s Spring Luncheon, please make a note to book early next year. The event is open not only to Past Pupils but also to Staand Parents, (past and present) and any cheerful friends of Loreto. IBVM VISIT Ioer my thanks to Sr Margaret Mary Flynn IBVM, Province Leader for Loreto Australia and South East Asia, and Dr Leoni Degenhardt, member of the NaƟonal Loreto EducaƟon Council and former principal of Loreto Normanhurst, and Mr Noel CurƟn, Loreto Australia’s Business Manager, for making the Ɵme to visit Loreto Coorparoo to discuss and consider our master plan and the prioriƟes that we have for developments needed to accommodate Year 7’s in 2015. Members of Loreto’s School Council and Finance CommiƩees (Mr Sean Reidy, Mr GeoMcMahon, Mrs Diane Bukowski and Mr Morgan Lane) were present as well. I thank them too for giving their Ɵme so generously to this important strategic planning meeƟng. JusƟce Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity JusƟce Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity The Kiss of Spring Who but You O God can rescue the earth from the grip of winter? You take the bare elds, bleak and desolate and dress them in green, Splashing us with colours, reminding us that Life comes through You. All about me buds are bursƟng, I am dwarfed by Your great universe when spring arrives. Tammy Felton

11 September 2012

Mar 09, 2016



Loreto College Newsletter 11 September 2012
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: 11 September 2012


T (07) 3394 9999 Absentee Line (07) 3394 9964

E [email protected] W

PO Box 1726 Coorparoo DC Qld 4151

Volume 28 - 11 September, 2012

Dear Parents and Students 

As we welcome the gentle warmth and colour of Spring we seek to be a community of growth, love and warmth in all we do.   May we  embrace  the  abundant  opportuni es we  have  to  be  people  of  generosity  and  grace,  offering  care  and compassion to those in need. 















My  congratula ons  and  thanks  to Mar ne Whi on,  President  of  the  Past  Pupils,  Emma  Beach  and  to  the  Past  Pupils Execu ve Commi ee for their hard work  in making this year’s Spring Luncheon such a deligh ul and enjoyable occasion.  Veronica Abraham (College Captain 1998) and previous winner of My Kitchen Rules gave a cap va ng and inspiring address that was well received.   As always, this event was full of fun, cha er,  laughter and  love.    If you missed this year’s Spring Luncheon, please make a note  to book early next year.   The event  is open not only  to Past Pupils but also  to Staff and Parents, (past and present) and any cheerful friends of Loreto. 


I offer my thanks to Sr Margaret Mary Flynn IBVM, Province Leader for Loreto Australia and South East Asia, and Dr Leoni Degenhardt, member of the Na onal Loreto Educa on Council and former principal of Loreto Normanhurst, and Mr Noel Cur n,  Loreto Australia’s Business Manager,  for making  the  me  to  visit  Loreto Coorparoo  to discuss and  consider our master plan and  the priori es  that we have  for developments needed  to accommodate Year 7’s  in 2015.   Members of Loreto’s School Council and Finance Commi ees (Mr Sean Reidy, Mr Geoff McMahon, Mrs Diane Bukowski and Mr Morgan Lane) were  present  as well.    I  thank  them  too  for  giving  their  me  so  generously  to  this  important  strategic  planning mee ng. 

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

The Kiss of Spring 

Who but You O God can rescue the earth 

from the grip of winter? 

You take the bare fields, bleak and desolate 

and dress them in green, 

Splashing us with colours, 

reminding us that Life comes 

through You. 

All about me buds are burs ng, 

I am dwarfed by Your great universe 

when spring arrives.                        Tammy Felton 

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Page 2 Volume 28 - 11 September, 2012

We thank the Loreto Educa on Council and Province Finance Commi ee for their support, encouragement and due diligence in considera on of our vision for Loreto’s future. 


The priori es considered essen al for the arrival of the extra 140 students and 12 staff in 2015 are to provide: 

addi onal general learning areas (classrooms); 

extended facili es for Home Economics and Drama; 

improved tuckshop facili es; 

improved traffic management; 


Highly desirable priori es also include the provision of 

improved student recep on areas; and 

improved public recep on areas. 


The schema c design for these areas is currently underway.  Later this month the College will lodge with Queensland Catholic Educa on Commission an applica on for funding assistance.   


These  projects  will  necessarily  require  addi onal  funding  with  loans  being  required  also.    The  nature  of  our governance structure is such that ul mately, the Loreto Sisters official approval is required for significant projects such as this to proceed.  This level of scru ny is desirable and reassuring, as it ensures that all significant financial decisions such as  this are well  tested,  carefully  considered and  supported, by all  levels of governance, as being appropriate before “sign‐off”. 



Prayers and  sympathies are offered  to Frau Peita Ward and her  family on  the  recent passing of her beloved sister‐in‐law Anne‐Marie Ward.  May Anne‐Marie rest eternally in God’s loving peace.  Amen. 


To Grace Talbot (Year 10) and her family on the recent passing of Grace’s Grandmother.  May she rest in eternal peace.  Amen. 


                                                                                Yours sincerely 



               Cheryl Hamilton            Principal 


Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

Page 3: 11 September 2012

Volume 28 - 11 September, 2012


XäxÇàá VtÄxÇwtÜ Wednesday 12 September

Round 2-BSGSA Basketball & Touch

Friday 14 September

Year 11 - 12 Exams

Monday 17 September

Year 8 - 12 Exams

Tuesday 18 September

School Council Meeting 5.45pm

Year 8 - 12 Exams

Wednesday 19 September

Year 11 - 12 Exams

Round 3 - BSGSA Basketball and Touch

Thursday 20 September

Year 11 - 12 Exams

Friday 21 September

Year 11 - 12 Exams


Monday 1 October

Queen’s Birthday Holiday

Monday 8 October


Staff and Students Return

Monday 9 October

Year 12 Athletics/Touch/Basketball Photos, Daughters of Past Pupils Photos

Music Extension Recital

Wednesday 10 October

Year 10 Camp (10 - 12 October)

Year 11 Leadership (10 - 12 October)

Year 12 Home Economics Excursion

Year 8GR History Excursion : 9.30am - 12 noon, Year 8WH History Excursion : 11.30am - 3.00pm

Round 4 - BSGSA Basketball and Touch

Thursday 11 October

Year 10 Camp (10 - 12 October)

Year 11 Leadership (10 - 12 October)

Year 8 GO History Excursion : 9.30am - 12 noon, Year 8 BL History Excursion : 11.30am - 3.00pm

Reminder - Revised Term Dates for 2013

Term 1  30 Jan – 27 March (previously 28 March) 

Term 2  15 April – 21 June   

Term 3  16 July – 20 September 

Term 4  8 October – 29 November               

Please Note:    Term 1 will now end on 27 March not 28 March.  Term 4 will commence  on 8  October.  The govern‐ment has now confirmed that Queen’s Birthday will be  observed on  Monday 7 October. 

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

Volume 28 - 11 September, 2012 Page 3

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Page 4 Volume 28 - 11 September, 2012

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

VtÜxxÜ axãá QIBT Did you know that at QIBT...

You can complete a Diploma in 8 months Upon successful completion of the Diploma, you will be guaranteed entry into the 2nd year of the relevant Griffith University programme

You get to study on a Griffith University campus

You have access to all Griffith University facilities, including 24/7 computer labs, sport and recreational facilities, library and accommodation

FEE-HELP is available Areas of study include....

Biomedical Science

Business / Commerce / International Business

Communications / Media / Journalism, Design


Event / Hotel / Sport Management

Exercise Science / Health Science / Nursing

Information Technology

Mathematics Bridging Options. For further information, visit or ring Emily on 3735 7988.

Gap Medics

The annual Gap Medics Australian High School Student Special starts on 6 January 2013, with a chance for Year 11 and Year 12 students to gain hospital work experience on a fully supported placement in Tanzania. Placement starts on 6 January and students can choose to spend anything from 2 weeks or longer on placement. This program is ideal prepara-tion for medical school. Spaces are limited. Visit for more information.

QTAC Preferences

Reminder to all Year 12 students that they need to start sorting out their preferences (for applying to QTAC by September 29). Remember the general preferencing plan:

Career appointments can be made via the booking sheet on the Career Room door with Ms Rynne.

Thinking Griffith? Think Griffith Guaranteed Admission Scheme This scheme grants appropriately qualified students, based on Year 11 and Semester 1 Year 12 results, guaranteed admission into Griffith University programs. Admission into eligible programs also requires that applicants are current OP eligible students who have besides the early admission criteria, achieved at least SAs in other subjects and meet the program prerequisites. For more information on what Griffith courses are available through this early admission scheme, see Ms Rynne. Chris Rynne - Business and Careers Coordinator

`âá|v axãá  AUDITION FORMS for 2013

Audition forms for 2013 Music Ensembles are now available from Ensemble Conductors or from the Music Staffroom. Auditions for all ensembles will be held on Sunday 4th November between 9 am and 1 pm. Please return these forms by Wednesday 17 October. String players should be aware that their auditions will take place at a separate time yet to be




Ideal courses These are the courses you would really like to study even though your chances of gaining entry may not be assured.



Realistic courses

These courses are less competitive. Realistically, they should provide another way to the career you want or to a second choice career. They can be used to upgrade to your ‘ideal’ course.



‘Foot-In-The-Door courses

These courses are the ones you are prepared to do if you miss out on all the others. They should be courses that in the past have been quite easy to get into. They can help you upgrade.

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

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Volume 28 - 11 September, 2012 Page 5

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

PRIVATE MUSIC TUITION FORMS for 2013 Forms are now available from the Music Staffroom or Private Music Tutors for any student wishing to continue or begin learning a musical instrument. These are to be returned by 17 October. Early returns are much appreciated!

LORETO END OF YEAR CONCERT – FRIDAY NOV 2 at 6pm will feature Junior Choir, Concert Band 1, Concert Band 2, Guitar Ensemble 1, Guitar Ensemble 2, Clarinet Ensemble, Chorale, String Ensemble, Flute Ensemble 1, Flute Ensemble 2, Brass Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble 1 and Percussion Ensemble 2.

MUSIC SUPPORT GROUP MEETING The Music Support Group will meet this Wednesday evening in room 605 at 7.30 pm. New members are always welcome to this group.


Rehearsal times for Music Ensembles have been adjusted to minimise disruption during the exam period. Please read the timetable attached to the newsletter carefully, to see if your rehearsal is running as normal or is cancelled.


Students wishing to apply for a Music Scholarship in 2013 are advised that forms are available from the Music Staffroom. Music Scholarships cover the cost of (or part thereof) private instrumental lessons. Lessons are currently charged at $32.50 per half hour lesson. Criteria for the Music Scholarships are as follows:

Currently having private music lessons at Loreto College 

Demonstrated regular attendance at lessons and application to practice 

Proven commitment to and involvement in extra-curricular musical activities within the College 

Family financial circumstances.


All Loreto Ensembles will perform in one of the 3 concerts to be held in Term 4. Please note which groups are performing at each of the concerts. Any student experiencing clashes with another event should contact Mrs Nielson as soon as possible.

LIVE AND WIRED - OCTOBER 21 at 2pm on DESHON OVAL, will feature Jazz Ensemble, Sorelle and Exit Stage Left. Groups from Villanova and San Sisto will also perform at this Concert.

CELTIC STORM – OCTOBER 25 - 26 at 7-10 pm in the HANRAHAN THEATRE, VILLANOVA COLLEGE will feature the combined Villanova and Loreto College Symphony Orchestras and Senior Choirs, the Villanova Junior School Choir, Highland Dancers, with special guest stars, Craig Atkinson and others, including the award-winning Irish band, The Barleyshakes. A letter will be sent home to parents this week outlining the commitments for participating in this event. Anna Nielson - Music Department

exvçvÄ|Çz Tà _ÉÜxàÉ Congratulations to the Environment Council who have successfully introduced a Recycling Programme at Loreto Coorparoo. The girls have worked hard, negotiating with Loreto Facilities staff, Brisbane City Council & JJ Richards. All staff and students now have the opportunity to dispose of recyclable materials in the same way they would at home. The bright red bins will be placed around the school so everyone has the opportunity to use them. Everyone is encouraged to ‘think before you bin’ and recycle when you can!

It can be tricky to know which kind of plastic can be recycled. An easy was to remember is the ‘Scrunch Test’: if you can easily scrunch it in your hand, don’t recycle it! Environmental Council


All paper & cardboard  Food Stiff plastic containers inc. juice, milk & water

bottles, take-away containers Bubble wrap 

Al-foil/aluminium/tin cans  Chip packets Juice boxes  Cling wrap/plastic bags 

Glass jars & bottles  Styrofoam/polystyrene 

Plastic cutlery  Drinking glasses 

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Page 6 Volume 28 - 11 September, 2012

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

fÑÉÜàá WxÑtÜàÅxÇà axãá BSGSA Sport

Basketball Round 2 This Week’s Draw:  

Open A vs St John Fisher at Boondall Entertainment Centre (bus) Open B vs San Sisto at Loreto (MWC) Intermediate A vs All Hallows at Loreto (outside court) Intermediate B vs Our Lady’s College, Annerley (bus) Junior A vs Our Lady’s College, Yeronga SHS (bus) Junior B vs St Rita’s College, Clayfield (bus) Please note that there is a match in the last week of Term 3 (Wednesday 19 September). Girls are not expected to train when they have an exam on that day. Therefore training for the remainder of the term is as follows: Junior A and Junior B - Will not train on Monday 17 September Intermediate A - Will not train on Tuesday 18 September Intermediate B - Will train on Friday 21 September Open A - Will not train on Monday 17 September Open B - Will not train on Friday 14 or Friday 21 September Nyree Wood - Basketball Coordinator

Round 1 Reports Open A had a BYE Open B defeated Mt Alvernia 32 to 16 . This was a strong game for the start of the season. Lauren Stacey had an excellent match scoring many strong baskets and rebounding with aggression. She was given good support from her team mates and Loreto should look to build upon this performance in the next weeks. Well done! Intermediate A were defeated by Lourdes Hill 36 to 26. This was a tough match up and Loreto played with great enthusiasm and intensity. Jemima Moore scored many excellent baskets but luck wasn’t on Loreto’s side, with several shots just missing. Defence was the strength of the team and Loreto can certainly aim for victory in the next matches. Intermediate B had a BYE Junior A were defeated by All Hallows 44 to 32. Jessica Galpin had an outstanding game in her first match for Loreto, scoring 23 points. Victoria Flores-Rodriguez displayed great enthusiasm and motivated Loreto to keep trying hard throughout the match. Adrianna Urbina had some great rebounds while Laura Schenk was strong in defence. A great performance all round against very strong opponents. Well done! A pleas-ing start for your first match. Junior B defeated All Hallows 20 to 16. For both teams this was the first match of basketball for many girls. Loreto became the more aggressive and determined team after the first quarter and looked certain to secure a victory. Caitlin Mandrusiak, Sophie Freedman and Ryleigh Bennett had strong offensive games, while Alyse Harris and Amy Gayton lead the way in defence. A great first up win!

Touch Football

This Week’s Draw:



LOR (2) VS OLC ( 1 ) Field 2


LOR VS LHC (3 ) Field at Hawthorne Park


LOR VS LHC (3 Field at Hawthorne Park

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Volume 28 - 11 September, 2012 Page 7

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 


LOR (1) vs LOR ( 3) Field 9

LOR (2 ) vs OLC Field 8 NB: All games played on fields at Hawthorne Park, Hawthorne Road, Hawthorne. Please enter by Park Street to ground.

Round 1 Reports

OPEN LOR (1) vs LOR (2) Won 8 – 4

A fantastic game with the B team leading 4-2 at halftime. Credit must be given to their great attack. The A team passed the ball more astutely in the second half to score 6 unanswered touchdowns. An outstanding Round 1 game from both teams !

INTERMEDIATE A LOR vs LHC (1) Lost 2 – 4 A great game by the Loreto team as two touchdowns were disallowed. Rucking improved throughout the game. Defence from Wingers was great. A fantastic length of the field intercept by Shannon O’Connor and an all-round outstanding game from Anastasia.

INTERMEDIATE B LOR vs San Sisto Won 10 – 2 The team started the season with a solid victory. With more training, they will continue to improve and increase their performance quality.

JUNIOR LOR(1) vs LOR (2) Won 12 – 1 Loreto 1 started the season with a magnificent win. Charlotte Grigson was dominant in attack crossing for 3 touchdowns. Well done!

Loreto 2 started the season with great enthusiasm and encouraged each other to perform. With more training, the skills learnt in training will be transferred to the game. The only touchdown was well scored by Isabelle Taylor.

LOR(3) v SAN SISTO Lost 3 – 6 Several players had minimal experience in competition, so the team performance was admirable given these circumstances. Outstanding play from Daniella Pham and Isabella Willmett. Therese Begley - Touch Football Coordinator

ctáà câÑ|ÄáË TááÉv|tà|ÉÇ axãá The Past Pupils' Association held their annual Spring Luncheon last Sunday at the Sky Room at South Bank. It was a very successful day enjoyed by 160 women, including past pupils, current mothers, staff, and other friends of Loreto. The weather was beautiful as everyone mingled in their colourful spring outfits, and the room was filled with plenty of laughter. The highlight of the day was the speech given by our guest speaker, Veronica Abraham, school captain, 1998, and winner of My Kitchen Rules in 2010. Veronica spoke very generously about following her dream, and having the courage to take a "leap of faith" even when the future was very unsure. She was truly inspirational. All funds raised will assist the school and Mary Ward International Australia. A list of raffle prize winners, as well as the names of our generous sponsors, will be in next week's newsletter. Thanks to all who supported us. Martine Whitton - LPPA President

lxtÜ DE `Éà{xÜ Wtâz{àxÜ UÜxt~ytáà Tickets are now available for the Breakfast to be held on Sunday, 14th October at The Marquee, Victoria Park Golf Club from 9am. Please use the following link :

Please organise tables of 10 for the morning (5 mothers with 5 daughters), or let us know if we can place you on a table. The RSVP date is Friday, 21st September and the dress code for the occasion is smart elegant. See attached flyer for details or contact Megan Pettiford at [email protected] We look forward to seeing you there. Annie Diamond - Year 12 Coordinator

lxtÜ DC fâu}xvà fxÄxvà|ÉÇ                                                                                                                                                          

There has been a delay in the scheduled release of Subject Selection forms. The Subject Lines form will be issued before this Wednesday 12th September and these forms will be due back by 8.30am next Tuesday 18th September. Michelle Davidson - Year 10 Coordinator

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Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 


UâÄÄxà|Ç TÇÇÉâÇvxÅxÇàBaÉà|vxá Loreto College is participating in this years’ Youth Decide: The Energy Election

Coordinated by the Environment Council, with help from the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, students will be given the

chance to vote on important issues relating to government decisions on renewable energy targets. Each morning in the

daily notices, a web address will be given out for students to navigate to and vote. Voting is very easy and only takes a

minute or so: The link changes daily, so make sure you have the right one before voting.

For more information visit: or contact your friendly Environment Council representatives.

Ignite Conference 2012: “Awaken”

27-30 September 2012 @ Mueller Performing Arts Centre, Rothwell (Redcliffe, Brisbane). Australia’s largest Catholic

conference for young people featuring Live Music – Dynamic Speakers – Diverse Workshops – Over 700 participants from

across Australia. Brochures and group booking information available from (your contact / school office / back of

church / etc), or contact Emmanuel Community on 07 3217 5199 or email [email protected]. Full

information and registration online at

Fashion Design Classes

‘Weave and Wonder’ are running fashion design classes for 13 - 17 years at Riverbend Teahouse, Oxford Street during the

September school holidays from Monday 24 - Wednesday 26 September at 2.00 - 3.30pm. The cost is $75 for three

workshops. Register your interest at: Contact Melissa Guyatt on: 0407 778 907

email: [email protected]

        Tuckshop Vounteers Monday 17 September- Friday 21 September

Monday 17 September: Kerrie Bull, Louise Roberts, Gigi Sagner Tuesday 18 September: Maureen Roe, Janelle Pearce, Frances Steiner, Anna Stafford, Monique Cleed Wednesday 19 September: Jan Quinn, Jill O’Mara, Maria Pavouris Thursday 20 September: Brenda Scott, Julie Garrett, Angela Papanotoniou Friday 21 September: Jayne Smith, Jenifer Hunter, Linda Schmidt

Special of the Day $3.50

Monday 17 September: Chicken Subs Tuesday 18 September: Ham, cheese & pineapple pizza Wednesday 19 September: Meditteranean Lamb wraps Thursday 20 September: Lasagne Friday 21 September: Chicken Fried Rice

Library Roster Volunteers Monday 17 September- Friday 21 September

Monday 17 September: Bronwyn O’Shea, Lisa Roberts, Kerri Fletcher, Tina Palazzotto Tuesday 18 September: Nuch Waddell, Maria Balzano, Ally Loborec, Melissa Lorimer Wednesday 19 September: Janelle O’Brien, Cathy Croker, Trish Juillerat, Hein Hoang Thursday 20 September: Cristina Palacios, Julie Bland, Michael Claridge Friday 21 September: Caroline Young, Judy Daw, Aurea Taylor, Heather O’Brien  

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Volume 28 - 11 September, 2012 Page 9

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 




Week 9

10 – 14 September

Week 10

17 – 21 SeptemberClarinet Ensemble Normal Rehearsal CANCELLED - EXAMS

Percussion Ens 1 Normal Rehearsal CANCELLED - EXAMS

Combined Orchestra Normal Rehearsal CANCELLED - EXAMS

Flute Ensemble 1 Normal Rehearsal CANCELLED - EXAMS

Exit Stage Left Normal Rehearsal CANCELLED - EXAMS

Sorelle Normal Rehearsal CANCELLED - EXAMS

Senior Choir Normal Rehearsal CANCELLED - EXAMS

Jazz Ensemble Normal Rehearsal CANCELLED - EXAMS

String Ensemble Normal Rehearsal Normal Rehearsal

(11/12s excused) Flute Ensemble 2 Normal Rehearsal

Normal Rehearsal

(11/12s excused) Guitar Ensemble 1 Normal Rehearsal CANCELLED - EXAMS

Junior Choir Normal Rehearsal Normal Rehearsal

Concert Band 1 CANCELLED - EXAMS Normal Rehearsal

Percussion Ens 2 Normal Rehearsal Normal Rehearsal

Guitar Ensemble 2 Normal Rehearsal

(11/12s excused)

Normal Rehearsal

Chorale CANCELLED - EXAMS Normal Rehearsal

Brass Ensemble Normal Rehearsal Normal Rehearsal

String Quartet Normal Rehearsal

(11/12s excused)

Normal Rehearsal

Concert Band 2 Normal Rehearsal Normal Rehearsal

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Page 10 Volume 28 - 11 September, 2012

Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Loreto Annual Spring Lunch

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Volume 28 - 11 September, 2012 Page 11

Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Page 12: 11 September 2012

Please note the new blazer will be phased in over a five (5) year period such that by 2017 all students will be required 

to have the blazer. 

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Page 14: 11 September 2012

Loreto College wishes to invite you to the

Year 12

Mother-Daughter Breakfast

Sunday 14 October at 9am

The Marquee

Victoria Park Function Venue

Herston Road, Herston

$44 per person

Enquiries to Megan Pettiford

0416 057 483

RSVP Friday 21 September

Loreto College wishes to invite you to the

Year 12

Mother-Daughter Breakfast

Sunday 14 October at 9am

The Marquee

Victoria Park Function Venue

Herston Road, Herston

$44 per person

Enquiries to Megan Pettiford

0416 057 483

RSVP Friday 21 September