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100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

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Page 1: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many
Page 2: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many


1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013

- Sir, may I know, how many copies of your

books have been published?

- Are the three versions (three languages) of

them available in the bookstores?


Our two books were printed 5,000 copies and

more than 3,000 of them distributed to

Theological Schools, Seminaries, pastors,

and church congregations. At present we

have gathered data of churches in West Java

and are busy distributing the books to

them. We also hope to get data about other

churches in Indonesia. The English and

Chinese versions are only in the form of E-

book. They are advertised in the United

States, Europe, and other countries on


2. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013

Sir, is it allowed to listen to Christian hymns

and songs while reading the Bible?

Page 3: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many


As I know there is no prohibition to listen

to Christian hymns and songs while reading

the Bible, as long as this does not

distract our concentration. Most important

is to pray first to God that the Holy

Spirit will give us understanding.

3. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013

- Sir, do you know that in North Korea 80

Christians were executed just because they read

the Bible and watched forbidden movies?



- Is this incident a fulfillment of Bible


- Could this case be what is meant by the Bible

as the Great Tribulation?

- What is your opinion about this?


From the informations I got, similar cases

very often occurred in many countries or

other regions in the world. Therefore, we

have to be grateful and make good use of

Page 4: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

the conditions which are still very

conducive in our country today: to read, to

study, to understand, to ponder on, and to

apply as much as possible the Word of God

while we are yet given the opportunity.

This should be our attitude at present,

because to our interpretation there will be

time when we will experience the same

situation as theirs. The Great Tribulation

would last only 10 days in Jerusalem.

Mt 24:21 “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not

since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall

be. 22 And except those days should be shortened, there should

no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be


Rev 2:10 “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer:

behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may

be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful

unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.”

What we will experience is tribulation.

4. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013

Sir, you said, "There are other things/data

more convincing to us that we are at the

termination (completion) of the end times,

Page 5: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

namely by the discovery of a figure fits the

characteristics of Antichrist and also some

program of another religion with an almost

similar or identic time frame in accordance

with our predictions about the domination of

that religion in the last days." Is that

religion one of those already exist?


Yes, that religion already exists.

5. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013

- Sir, you said, "The issue of the end times

should be conveyed rightly, because we would be

held accountable for it before God."

- Are you very sure that your interpretation is

the utmost one among other interpretations, the

most appropriate to God‟s purpose?

- If I believe and act according to what you

wrote, Sir, would the possibility of my

salvation be greater?

ANSWER NOVEMBER 19, 2013 Of course we are convinced of what we

wrote. That‟s why we published it and we do

Page 6: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

not seek any credit from the books. We do

not get any royalties and the books are

distributed for free. I am a businessman

and I do not gain profit from writing

spiritual books. My two co-writers even

risk their good reputations and their

future by writing the books. However we

know some churches and pastors are cynical

even ridicule writers whose predictions do

not come true. Nevertheless what we wrote

are data and interpretations/commentaries,

so it is not in our capability to ensure

them. Let us study and observe them


6. ANI NOVEMBER 24, 2013

Sir, please watch this video.

People in the United States have already

received RFID CHIP and there are also scanning

machines like ATM for it.

What is your comment on this?

ANSWER NOVEMBER 26, 2013 To my opinion, the machines are used to

provide informations about ObamaCare,

Page 7: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

equipped with several features for health,

such as a sphygmomanometer (blood pressure

gauge) and some others. In the future the

machine might be supplied with more

features. Based on HR 3200, the implanting

of RFID Chip should be done at the latest

on March 23, 2013. Yet I have not been

informed about any Americans who have the

implanted RFID Chip connected with



Shalom Pak Yunus, I am blessed by your two

books about the end times. Recently I have read

and heard a sermon about the end times by

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti from Australia. This

is just an information, Sir. You might want to

visit the website at

to add to your references.

Thank you, Sir, GOD BLESS YOU


Thank you for the information. We continue

to enhance our knowledge about the end

times by studying books and sermons, and

Page 8: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

especially exploring the Bible since there

are many things we do not understand yet.

Please support us with your prayers that

our Lord would grant us and His ministers

more understanding.

8. RUDI DECEMBER 30, 2013

”And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in

the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to

cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it

desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be

poured upon the desolate.”(Da 9:27).

My question is, will the beginning of the „one

week‟ period start from the Israeli covenant

which is to be valid soon in the coming year of



Da 9:27 is believed to be the verse about

the beginning of the end times, starting

from the 85th anniversary of Pope

Benedictus XVI last April 16, 2012. (“Signs

in the Sky”, Chapter IV-C). If Israel

reconciles with Palestine, then this would

give access for rebuilding the Temple of

God in Jerusalem, which we interpret as the

Page 9: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

fulfillment of the second seal about the

red horse that is also predicted to be the

beginning of the Great Tribulation. (“Is It

True That the Chip”, Chapter VII-B).

9. AGUS JANUARY 29, 2014

Shalom Sir, according to Jongko Joyoboyo there

would be 7 leaders in Indonesia, and Susilo

Bambang Yudhoyono was the 6th. So the 7th

should be the last. Do you think that the 8th

would be the Antichrist? And if this is true,

then after another 5 years (the end of the

reign of the 7th leader)the Antichrist will

appear. Thank you in advance.


Sorry, I have to admit that I do not study

about Joyoboyo‟s predictions. To our

interpretation, the Antichrist already

exists at this time and will stop the daily

sacrifices by August 29, 2015 (“Signs in

the Sky”, Chapter IV-D). Therefore, before

the appointed date the Temple of God in

Jerusalem should be completed.


Page 10: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

Pak Yunus, I've read your E-Book and with great

anthusiasm follow through the articles you

released about all these issues. I see, read,

and hear that the Lord Jesus is indeed to come

soon. Recently, I have got an information that

the Israeli-Palestian covenant (of peace) is

being imposed forcibly upon both countries

within April 2014 as time limit. Would the

first lunar eclipse in the year 2014 become the

sign of when the Israeli-Palestinian

RECONCILIATION is to occur? And I also heard

that one of the many points in the DRAFT of

their peace agreement was that JERUSALEM would

be considered as an international city since

both countries claimed to own the city, and

thus America interceded with the suggestion to

make this city an international city. So this

means that there would be the possibility to

build the third TEMPLE of GOD in Jerusalem

without knocking down the two mosques, "Dome of

the Rock" and “Al-Aqsa”, since from the

internet I also got informed that the site of

the Temple is actually right in the middle

between the two mosques. Thereby the verses of

God‟s Word which say that the outer court of

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the Temple has been given to the gentiles

(other nations) would be fulfilled. Hallelujah,

He is coming soon. O children of the LORD

arise, your redemption is drawing near. AMEN.


Yes, I also heard that the time limit

concerning the proposition of the Israeli-

Palestinian Covenant of Peace, was April

2014. When this happens, most likely this

Temple of God to be built in Jerusalem

would become one of the most prominent

signs of the end times. Therefore, let us

strive to be better prepared, increase our

knowledge of the Word of God by studying

the Bible more diligently and frequently as

possible. Also pray continually for God‟s

grace and guidance in our lives and let us

share all this with our fellow believers.

Here below is an astounding statement of

Pope Franciscus: I Believe in God, but not

the God of the Catholics - –



Page 12: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

11.JEFF FEBRUARY 22, 2014

I want to ask about chip666.

About determining the barcode/barcoding used

as the basis to convince people that 666 is a

chip, how would you explain Revelation 13:8,

which reads, "… for it is the number of a



"For it is the number of a man," means that the

number is not of God or determined by God

(cf. 2 Pe 3:8), nor is it an imaginary

number, but a number of/determined by a man

or understood/used by human beings although

not too common. Therefore the verse begins

with "Here is wisdom", because it needs some

explanation/rationale to understand. But

verse 17 explains, "And that no man MIGHT buy or

sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the

number of his name." Since the chip is

programmed with a system that uses 666 as

the code, and this chip will become the ID

card of man, then without Chip666 we will

not be able to buy nor sell. It is not

impossible that in the future the chip used

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in ObamaCare program would be called

ObamaChip, for example, because of its

linkage with the ObamaCare program.

12.NIA FEBRUARY 27, 2014

- Sir, you said, you are going to release a

book about the end times volume 3, yet a year

has passed now and still no news about it. I

really long to know about this book of yours,

volume 3.

- Please Sir, would you share any updated

informations about recent events regarding the

fulfillment and the end times in line with the


- Sir, the first blood moon is imminent, in

April this year. Are there things we need to be

aware of prior to this big event?

- What preparation have you already made

awaiting this big event?

- Sir, if the blood moon is to occur soon, why

does it seem like nothing is going to happen,

or there are no signs about any fulfillment of

the Bible ? I see that the sun still rises in

the east, sets in the west. I see that the sky

is still blue, and the moon is still white, the

stars are still bright (so it really seems

Page 14: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

impossible, doesn‟t it? ...) What does the

Bible mean that the conditions of the earth can

change drastically?

- I think I am not sure that the Temple of God

will be built in the near future, and it does

not make sense to build the Temple within 57

days, does it?

Now the Agreement of Peace is still tough and

bias as it is ...

- Sir, do you believe that the prophecy of

Rabbi Kaduri is true?

- Is the earthquake that occurred in Israel

during Ariel Sharon‟s funeral a sign from God?

- Sir, please share with me the important

informations you know about the end times, that

do not yet exist in your book.

Thank you.

ANSWER MARCH 1, 2014 Our third book is about the Antichrist. We

have evidences about the figure. But since

he is also a leader from another religion,

it is difficult for us to write down about

him which most likely will offend the

other religion. So the subject is usually

delivered in seminars to limited circles.

Page 15: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

The blood moon in April would only be one

of the signs. (Please read again our book,

“Signs in the Sky”.) Could the end of times

happen at this very moment when all seems

well and so normal? Yes, the Bible says so,

in 1 Th 5:3, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then

sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman

with child; and they shall not escape.” Therefore, let

us watch and be sober. The Temple of God

would possibly be built after the Israeli-

Palestinian Covenant of Peace targeted by

President Obama to be realized in April

this year.

13.NIA FEBRUARY 27, 2014

- Sir, why does the beginning of the

tribulation based on the date of the completion

of the Temple‟s construction?

- Does the fulfillment of the Lord's second

coming also very closely linked with the date

of the completion of the Temple‟s construction?

- As a matter of fact, in the manifestation of

the end times, which is the more dominant sign

used as a mark for its timeline: the date of

the completion of the Temple‟s construction or

Page 16: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

the date of the Tetrad Full blood moons that

are to occur in September 2015?

- Why should the Antichrist reign over the


- When the Antichrist rules, then what would be

the function of the president, prime minister,

leaders of each country?

- Wouldn‟t there be any country that can escape

the dominance of the Antichrist?

- Why would there be no country that opposes

the rule of Antichrist?

- Has the Antichrist already begun to manifest


- Sir, have you watched this movie, “Sun of

God”? What is your response to the film?


To our interpretation, the Tribulation

would begin at the moment the Temple of God

is built in Jerusalem, as was depicted in

the second seal, because "power was given to him

that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they

should kill one another," (Rev 6:4) (Book about

Chip666, Chapter VII-B). The building of

the Temple of God in Jerusalem would be a

Page 17: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

sign of the end times described in the

Bible as in Rev 11:1, "Rise, and ..." Also Mt

24:15, and Da 9:27 explain that the

Antichrist would "stand in the holy place", in the

Temple of God. (“Signs in The Sky”, Chapter

IV C-D). Until now we have not found any

signs of the last days related to the DATE

when the construction of the Temple of God

would be started or completed.

Antichrist would take the role of a very

influential religious leader. No country

would be spared from his power, because all

the big countries would have a huge debt to

the Fed (Chip666, Chapter IV-B) and Ten

Kingdoms would rule together with

Antichrist as the ruler of the world, Rev

17:12 "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings,

which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as

kings one hour with the beast." Until now the

Antichrist has not yet appeared, whose head

seems to have had a fatal wound by the

sword but was healed (Rev 13:3,14). I have

not yet seen the movie “Sun of God”.

14.NIA FEBRUARY 27, 2014

Page 18: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

- Sir, I want to ask you, what is manna?

- Does manna still exist today?

- Is it still possible for us to taste manna?

- Does manna still come down from the sky, even



Manna is the food given by God to the

Israelites for 40 years during their

wandering in the wilderness. Because manna

came down together with the dew (Nu 11:9),

some called manna as corn or grain from

heaven (Ps 78:24) or bread from heaven (Jn

6:31). The Israelites did not get manna

anymore as they ate the produce of the land

God had promised them (Jos 5:10-12) and

thereafter the Bible never recorded anymore

manna that came down from the sky.

Therefore we do not know what manna looks

like, moreover how it tastes.

15.FREDDY MARCH 3, 2014

Sir, this is a slightly diverted issue, do

you mind? I have often been given visions of

number 43, anytime and anywhere. That number

would appear as if intentionally revealed to

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me, for example as I was walking I would

suddenly turn my eyes to a house which number

is exactly 43. Or on any other occasions when

there would be any connection with this very

number I strangely seemed to sense it. Could

you perhaps give me some enlightenment about

this matter, Pak Yunus? Thx

ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

I have not got any special understanding of

that number 43.. And yet, when you yourself

are convinced that it was a sign from God,

then pray more intensely and seriously

about this matter, ask God to give you the

right understanding.

16.GANDUNK MARCH 5, 2014

How many Gospels are there, and what is the

original language? Those are all my questions

for the time being. Thank you.

ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

The Bible consists of The Old Testament and

The New Testament. The original language in

The Old Testament is Hebrew, and in The New

Testament is Greek.

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17.JOHN MARCH 11, 2014

Sir, I have read your two books... I am looking

forward to the third one... You and your team

need not be afraid if indeed this book has to

reveal that the false prophet is apparently the

Pope... Many Christians already knew about

this, because Revelation 17 clearly depicts

this... the Catholics also should realize that

they must turn back to Jesus and should not be

centered on Vatican... The truth should not be

hidden but be proclaimed upon the housetops for

everyone to know and to understand... (Mt

10:27)... Thanks... GBU

ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

The third book is about the individual of

Antichrist who actually is assumed as the

messiah expected by other religions. The

draft of that book has been shown to our

colleague, who is a pastor and also a

lecturer of Islamology. After studying and

discussing it with his moslem friends, he

proposed us not to publish it.

18.LISA MARCH 19, 2014

Page 21: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

Shalom, I want to ask about chip666, because in

my opinion, the requirements to assume the chip

as a sign of the Antichrist is not clear.

First, it does not represent the existence of

antichrists and the false prophets who perform

miracles and send down fire from the sky or

make an image of the Antichrist to be

worshipped. So, to my opinion, it is logically

reversed, since the Antichrist and the false

prophets should come first, then thereafter,

the sign is made. And besides, if RFID would

only be a replacement of ID card, today many

Indonesian people do not have any ID card. They

just live on, even have a place to stay, and if

they use RFID, it would only be a progress of

the sophisticated technology, not entailed with

a threat to deny Jesus nor to become followers

of the Antichrist.

ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

Revelation 13 explains that mass

installation or implanting of the mark 666

as a sign would be done after the

appearance of Antichrist, the false

prophets and false miracles they would do.

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Whenever the chip becomes our ID, we will

not be able to own a house legally if we

deny the implanting of the chip, for then

we will become individuals with no ID. And

we also will not be able to buy nor to sell

as we do not meet the requirements to get

access to banks and licencings. Denying the

Lord Jesus can happen when one is forced to

embrace a certain religion or when one‟s

wealth or life is endangered.

19.YANTI MARCH 21, 2014

- Seeing the possibility of the reappearance of

a "cold war" between Russia and USA/Western

Europe, can there be any connection with the

speed of peace in the Middle East?

- How would be the scenario? Would Russia and

maybe China play a role there as a block to

impose pressure on Israel (because we know that

Russia never showed as a friend of Israel)?

Thank you

ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

Until now I have not found the role of

China and Russia at the end times. Stalled

Israeli-Palestinian Agreement of Peace is

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being propelled by the United States and

Pope Franciscus to proceed.

20.YANTI MARCH 21, 2014

- Please allow me to continue. Here below I

quote an article from Why, AMERICA





- TEMPO.CO, WASHINGTON: US President Barack

Obama announced the imposing of sanctions

against 20 top Russian officials and

businessmen in connection with the referendum

in Crimea, the former special autonomous region

of Ukraine. In addition, America also reduces

its trade with Russia in the field of energy,

mining, defense, and engineering.

"We imposed sanctions against more than one

senior official in the Russian government. In

addition, today we impose sanctions against a

number of names who have substantial resources

and are influential, who provide material

support to Russian leadership, also against a

bank that supports these people," said Obama,

Thursday, March 20, 2014

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ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

There are other things more astounding

carried out by the Obama administration,

namely the validating of NDAA (HR 1540) on

Dec 31st, 2012 which endowed US government

the authority to arrest and detain any

person presumed to harm the American

country without being brought to trial

first. Besides that, the appointment of

John Brennan, believed to be a Moslem, as

Director of CIA is a policy never occurred

before in America populated by the majority

who professed to be Christians. John

Brennan took vow on March 8, 2013 putting

his hand on The Constitution, not on the

Bible as is customary.

21.LIS MARCH 31, 2014

Shalom, we want to ask about the chip. To me it

is not in line with Revelation 13, where the

figure of Antichrist and the false prophets

should appear first, and thereafter they would

implant the sign. And as to what you stated,

the e-ID card is similar to the chip using the

Page 25: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

mark of Antichrist. So it is still wrong to

keep the objects, isn‟t it? It would be like

seeing the shaman, whereas the e-ID would be

like a talisman, and the chips like the

implanted magical charm, because both come from

the evil…

ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

Right, if we study Rev 13, the Antichrist

and the false prophets should appear first,

then with their tricks the false prophets

would make the people receive the mark 666.

Hence it is forbidden to receive the mark

666 implanted in the right hand or on the

forehead, but not keeping or storing the


22.FAISAL APRIL 7, 2014

I am a little confused about the Trinity, God

the Father, God the Son and God the Holy

Spirit. So then, who is God there?

ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

Basically, a human being also constitutes

of 3 embodiments/ personifications/ parts:

1. Body: which we can see, hold.

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2. Life: which distinguishes a living human

being from a dead one.

3. Soul: a mad man is a person whose soul

is sick, that is why he or she is treated

in the Mental Hospital (Psychiatric

Hospital). So a human being consists of

body, life and soul. Because the human soul

is the spiritual, it is often said that man

is composed of body, life and spirit, but

these three are one.

23.YHY APRIL 8, 2014

Is it true that the first blood moon in the

year 2014 would occur on Easter? Yet the

prediction was that the blood moon would happen

on April 15th, while Easter would be on April

18, right?

ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

The first blood moon in the year 2014 and

2015 would occur on the day the Jews

celebrate Easter, according to the Jewish

calendar (14th day of Nissan). Lev 23:5 "In

the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD'S


Page 27: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

24.MALVIN APRIL 14, 2014

I want to ask... is it true that Jesus is the

Son of God?

ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

Jesus was the incarnation of God into a

man. He was referred to as "Son of God" to

distinguish Him from God. By calling Him

"Son", as in Mt 3:17 "and lo a voice from heaven,

saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased",

indicates that it was a designated title of

the Messiah promised by God, recorded in Mk

14:61 “But he held his peace, and answered nothing. Again

the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the

Christ, the Son of the Blessed?" This concept and

context of "Son" in connection with the

Messiah were clearly understood by the

people of Israel.

Calling Jesus as "Son" or Anak (Indonesian)

does not mean that "God begat," just like a

key is called anak kunci(Indonesian), or a

stair called anak tangga (Indonesian) does

not mean that the key or the stair “beget”

sons (anak).

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25.ANI APRIL 16, 2014

- Sir, the first blood moon has already

happened, why haven‟t we seen any signs of the

end times yet?

- Even no signs that the Temple of God is being

rebuilt. Can you explain it, please?

- I am afraid that what you wrote in the book

will not happen... When I read your book it

seemed very convincing that something will

happen when the blood moon occurs... And yet


- I do not see any signs that the tribulation

will happen ???

Buying much food is still easy?

Life seems to run smooth and safe....

There are no signs of the necessity to evacuate

far, not as what you suggested (Papua)....

- What if what you wrote in your book do not

happen or they are all missinterpretations,

especially regarding Jesus‟ coming for the

second time... of which you are so very sure...


- Are you going to revise your book, Sir?

- Are there any new facts that you can share

about the end times?

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ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

About the phenomena of the 4 blood moons

all occurred on the festivals of the

Israelites in the year 2014-2015, we

interpreted that in 2014 "The Building of

the Temple" would be realized, because in 3

previous cases of such 4 blood moons there

were always events related to the end times

at the beginning of the year (which could

happen at the end of the year concerned).

Until now we are still very confident of

our interpretations. Hopefully the time

line of the end times we soon will publish

can convince us more about it.

Mt 24:44 “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour

as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”

26.AZIEL APRIL 17, 2014

Sir, may I ask whether the 4th and 5th book

have not been published yet?

ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

The draft about the "Antichrist" was ready,

but we do not proceed, because the material

may offend some other religions. So it is

Page 30: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

only conveyed in the form of limited

sermons/seminars. Similarly, the next book

related to "Heresies" is presented only to

God‟s servants or ministers in the form of


27.ANI MAY 11, 2014

- Sir, why are you no more active answering

questions in this forum?

- Sir, what are the recent updated informations

about the end times? Would you post more of

them, Sir, please?

ANSWER MAY 29, 2014

Sorry, I have been rather busy lately. We

have received new data about the end times

and are collacting them in chronological

(time line) sequence. We pray that God

would grant us wisdom and ability to

complete it soon.

28.ANI JUNE 17, 2014

- Sir... Is the timeline of the end times ready


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- I want to know, where are we at present

according to the Book of Revelation, what

chapter and what verse?

Thank you…

ANSWER JUNE 23, 2014

“The Signs in the Sky”, our book in which

the events of the end times are listed in

chronological order is finished and about

to be uploaded today. It is interesting

that the sequence of those events are in

accordance with what the Lord Jesus told in

Mark 13. Please read again this book,

“Signs in the Sky”, the part where "THE

LATEST DATA" is written on the cover,

particularly Chapter IV.

29.ANI JUNE 20, 2014

- Sir, you believe what Rabbi Yitzak

Kaduri said?

- Would Antichrist appear soon nowadays?

Thank you...

ANSWER JUNE 23, 2014

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri said among others that

today the Messiah is already present in

Page 32: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

Israel and will expose himself after the

death of the former prime minister, Ariel

Sharon (who died on January 2, 2014). If we

study 1 Th 4: 16-17, the verses explain

that the Lord Jesus will descend from

Heaven and appear in the air. Then God's

children will be caught up to meet the Lord

in the air.. So it is clear that the Lord


the Rapture of the believers. Therefore if

someone claims to be the Messiah at this

time or later, they must be false messiahs,

Mt 24:5 “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am

Christ; and shall deceive many.”


Sir, I want to ask whether you agree with

Amillennialism or Premillennialism, and please

explain which is the right one with a brief

description. Thank you, Sir.

ANSWER JUNE 23, 2014

If we study the Bible verses quoted in the

book “Signs in the Sky”, for example, it

will be very clear that every verse is

perfectly correct: the words, terms,

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numbers, punctuations, and so on. This

assures us that our Bible is the Word of

God, for no human being can make such

accurate writings particularly when we

consider that these books were written by

different people of different eras.

Therefore, we have to be convinced that

whatever is written in the Bible is

"yea/sure and amen", something that must be

true and sure to happen. If Rev 20: 1-6

record that after the Rapture there will be

the kingdom where Christ will reign for a

thousand years, then surely so it will be.

Do not read too many theories, instead read

the Bible, because only the Bible is true

and right. Do not forget to read this book,

"The Signs in The Sky” with “THE LATEST

DATA" and our new uploaded ARTICLES..


Shalom, Sir, I dreamed like this several times:

1. I was shown a magnificent house and a voice

said, “My son,this will later be your home.”

2. Once I dreamed as if I was between the

heavens and the earth. Then out of the blue a

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voice said, “My son, I will come soon 13....” I

did not know the meaning of that number 13.

3. I dreamed 3x in one night: 1. Fire, falling

from the sky, 2. Flood and hail 3. The


4. I dreamed of people clad in white clothes,

wore a crown of flowers (wreath)on their heads,

with white and golden blond hair, and they

smiled at me.

Through those four dreams, I want to ask

whether God was reminding me personally to

witness to others that His coming is imminent?

What is your opinion, Sir? Thank you.

ANSWER JUNE 30, 2014

I am sorry I can not answer your question,

Sir. I can only share my experiences. I got

4 dreams. Two of them were connected with

myself and the other 2 with a person whence

I got the dreams successively when I was

asleep before I pray at midnight, and when

I was asleep afterwards. Up till now I just

pray more while waiting. From those 4

dreams one has come true last year. I just

keep waiting since I do not know exactly

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what God‟s plans are (Isa 55: 8-9) and I

believe that God's plans never fail (Job

42: 2). Other than that I've never had

aspirations nor even dreamed of writing a

book about the end times, and granted the

privilege to work together with the two

honorble persons.

Since God has given me the opportunity to

study and explore about the end times at

the termination of the year 2006, I

considered myself in a position more as a

"servant", awaiting orders from the

"Master". I seek to get closer to the Lord

by praying more fervently, reading and

practicing God‟s Word more diligently, in

order to get to know the Father and His

laws better, and can establish a more

intense communication with the Father.

32.DINDA JULY 4, 2014

- Pa Yunus,... May I know your dreams, Sir,


I earnestly long for the Lord Jesus to come

very soon to this earth.

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- Frankly to say... Living on day after day in

this world seems more heavier burdened, more


I really long to live in the atmosphere of

heavenly peace, and joy....

I think I am very exhausted with this life.

Every day I have to struggle with the problems

of life... Day after day I am troubled with the

difficulties of this world.

I think I am fed up being tied by the shackles

of this world....

This world seems to be full of wicked and cruel


I really long for the Lord Jesus to come... I

really do want to meet the Lord Jesus...

You are very blessed to be granted the

dreams... I think I also want to see Jesus.

ANSWER JULY 18, 2014

I got 4 dreams, one was connected with a

mother I knew in Papua, while helping her

to become a queen (this has already

happened) and another one to help in

building up (I do not know what to build

up). The other 2 dreams were connected with

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myself, the first was that a great pastor

would come to my house to see me, while the

second was probably connected with the way

I am going to die. We all want to meet the

Lord Jesus, therefore prepare ourselves as

best as possible.

33.LAZARUS JULY 18, 2014

- Pak Yunus, I want to ask why you are so sure

to have to run away from the chip. Is not it

written in the Bible: "Then shall two be in the field; the

one shall be taken, and the other left. There shall be two men in one

bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left." In this

case, according to you, whereto are they taken?

- In my opinion, the construction of the Temple

of God in Jerusalem will not happen before the

battle of Gog and Magog, where the nations who

are the attackers will be destroyed by the Lord

Jesus and the world will acknowledge His

greatness so that the rebuilding of the Temple

of God will be permitted.

ANSWER JULY 18, 2014

Regarding the ones who would be taken or

left behind, are found in Mt 24:37-44 and

Page 38: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

Lk 17:20-37, where the issue is connected

with the flood in Noah's days and the

destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Thereby

it is clear that the word "taken" here

means to be saved, namely to be brought

into the ark or to be brought out of Sodom

and Gomorrah. Likewise, when the Lord Jesus

comes, which would be when the Rapture of

the believers or elected happens, then some

would be caught up, namely the Christians

who truly believe and are obedient, but

some would be left behind, namely the


The construction of the Temple of God in

Jerusalem is described among others in Mt

24:15 "… see the abomination of desolation stand in the holy

place", which means that the Temple of God

would be built and the time would be in the

midst of the week (seven years period) (Da

9:27), not after the thousand years of

Jesus‟ reign on earth, when the war of Gog

and Magog would occur. For details, please

read “Signs in the Sky”, “THE LATEST DATA”,

particularly Chapter IV.

34. JOFES AUGUST 2, 2014

Page 39: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

666 is Vicarius Filii Dei or the title for the

Roman Catholic Pope. At the end of this age,

Pope Franciscus will urge the American Congress

to legislate new laws for Sundays which are to

be forced first in the United States, then in

the whole world. What is your opinion?


We are still convinced that Pope Franciscus

is not the Antichrist. When we compare

Christianity with the other religion that

believe in God, we found facts that the

characteristics and acts of Antichrist are

similar to the messiah‟s awaited by that

other religion. If it is true that

Antichrist is also the prominent figure or

the messiah of that religion, then

Antichrist will change the time and laws

(Da 7:25) to determine a day of worship in

accordance with that religion and to follow

its laws.


Is the ISIS Movement and Neo-Khawarij a

beginning of a new situation in the Middle East

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that trigger the appearance of Antichrist?

Thank you.


It is mentioned in „Hadis‟ that Syria will

become the center of Islamic countries at

the end times. And at the ordination of

Imam Mahdi, a troop of Syrian soldiers will

be killed as they attempt to capture Imam



There are about 20 similarities between

Antichrist and the messiah awaited by the other

religion. (Sorry, we cannot unfold your entire



We believe the Antichrist and that messiah

is the same person, especially after we

studied the twenty similarities and also

the physical characteristics owned by that

figure called messiah.


Page 41: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

What is the role of Indonesia at the end times?

Please explain... Jbu


Up to now, we have not yet found the role

of Indonesia at the end times.


- Pak Yunus, I want to ask about the four

summer festivals, especially the Feast of

Hanukkah. This I quote from a book:

The Feast of Hanukkah is usually commemorated

in December. The Gospel of John records that

the Lord Jesus had also attended this festival

which was in winter (John 10:22).

My question is whether the Feast of Hanukkah

also belongs to the summer feastivals, while it

is usually held in winter. Please explain it.

- I am a pastor and I received your books of

interpretations concerning the end times, and I

have taught them to my congregation even

multiplied them for my conggregation and

colleagues. Up to now, we are still studying

and discussing them in our cell groups. Thank

you for the two books. JLU.

Page 42: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many


The determination of Israelite festivals is

based on the rainy and dry seasons, not on

winter and summer. The Feast of Tabernacles

is celebrated in the month of Tishri (7th

month) as the feast of gathering the

harvest, usually in summer. The Feast of

Hanukkah is celebrated two months

thereafter in the month of Kislev (9th

month), the beginning of autumn. We support

God‟s ministers who feel responsible and

burdened to preach about the end times.

Whenever you need the books or materials

for presentation (in the form of power

point), please give us your address and

personal identification (ID).


- P.Yunus, the Rapture in book 2 would begin on

September 28, 2015 when the blood moon occurs

and the event would start first with those who

are risen from the dead, and then us who are

still alive until December 12, 2015 would be

caught up.

My question is, would they who are risen from

the dead and us who are still alive be taken up

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to meet the Lord Jesus instantly in the clouds,

or still in the process of isolation (flight)

in the desert as in Rev 12:6&14?

- Should we wait till the end of the second 3,5

yrs period in the wilderness, then after the

battle of Armageddon would meet the Lord?

- Thank you, Pak Yunus, indeed I still need

more books to be distributed to my pastor-

friends and also materials for their power

point presentations. I've shared some of book 1

& 2 I printed myself to my congregation and

friends. But still many ask for them and I plan

to prepare about 30 copies of each book. I

would be very grateful if you could share the

books and also the power point presentations.


According to our interpretation the seven

years of the end times is divided into the

first 3,5 years period of persecutions that

ends with the Rapture of the believers, and

the second 3,5 years period of the vial/cup

of God's wrath when God's children are no

more on earth, only poured upon those who

receive the mark 666. Rev.12:6 and 14, do

Page 44: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

not refer to our isolation to the desert

(Please read the Book of Revelation with a

new order, at the back of the book about

Chip666). Books and presentation materials

as well as the draft of book-3 will be sent

to you soon.


Do we need to worry about facing the end times?


No need to worry because worry would not

help anything, Mat 6:27 “Which of you by taking

thought can add one cubit unto his stature?”

The most important is: Make sure that we

are God's children (Please read

"Characteristics of the Children of God”).

As God's children, we will be guarded and

taken care of by the Lord, Mk 13:11 “But when

they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought

beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but

whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it

is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.” (Please read

"God‟s Promise to Provide"). Perhaps we

will also be tested, Da 12:10 “Many shall be

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purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do

wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise

shall understand.” Rev 13:10 “He that leadeth into

captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword

must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith

of the saints.” Therefore, let us altogether

prepare ourselves, study much the Word of

God so as not to be easily misled, Mat

24:24 “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets,

and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it

were possible, they shall deceive the very elect”, and pray

much for God's mercy. (Please read "The

Five Foolish Virgins”)


Shalom P.Yunus & team, I thank you so much for

your books I received on September 29, 2014.

Sir, I and my family have made up our minds to

commit fully to strive (exert every effort)

with God's help to proclaim this subject, so

that more children of God would be aware and

motivated to prepare themselves better facing

the last days at the end of times.

I pray that God would continue to give wisdom,

revelation and anointing to you and your team

to be able to convey this news to everyone. JBU

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Praise the Lord, Amen. THERE ARE MORE VERY



Sir, can you help me interpreting Luke 17:20-21

“The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall

they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is

within you.”?

Thank you in advance. May the Lord Jesus bless



The above verses refer to the end times,

significantly when we read the next verses

(vv 22-37). This passage is part of the

Lord Jesus‟ explanation about the end times

in Lk 21:5-38. "The Kingdom of God cometh not with

observation" (Lk 17:20), meaning that the state

of the world in the last days are as usual,

all human activities are running normally

(vv 26-29).

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Many people want to see the Lord Jesus

appear on earth (v 22), but up to the time

of the Rapture, the Lord Jesus would not

come down to the earth for we are to be

caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in

the air (1 Th 4:17). Therefore, if in these

days or later anyone claims to be the

messiah, then he is certainly a false

messiah (Mt 24:24). “…for, behold, the kingdom of God

is within you” (Lk 17:21), meaning that the

characteristic of the children of God‟s

kingdom is not determined by whether we

have seen the Lord Jesus or not (compare

with Judas Iscariot), or whether we have

been to a certain place, or see, or touch

something. But it is determined by how we

apply or carry out the Word of God in our

lives so as to be evident in our daily

lives. (Please read "Worship the Father in

Spirit and Truth")


Today is October 8, 2014. The phenomenon of the

moon turns red as blood is seen according to

the prophecies in the Bible. Hallelujah, come

quickly Lord Jesus.

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Amen, let us altogether prepare for His

second coming. Do not forget to read "God's

Perfect Signs in the Sky" in


Sir, can I get the materials of Book 3 and also

for the presentation (power point) sent to me?

Shall I confirm you via email or by any other

procedure? I indeed am young and not a Servant

of God, but I have a deep longing to know the

materials of Book 3. Jesus Bless.


So sorry we can not deliver the materials

of Book 3, because the content could offend

some certain religion and individual. So it

is quite sensitive. Please understand the



Pak Yunus, please let me know your response to

the blog below:

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There it is explained that a Planet 7X rotates

in its orbit toward the Earth, and will pass

close to the Earth in the year 2016. The writer

is a child of God who stated that Planet 7X

will cause a big damage to the Earth; which

would be a fulfillment of the Book of

Revelation particularly about the Sixth Seal,

the Seventh Seal, and the FIRST Trumpet. Would

you please explain. Gbu


Sorry, I can not give any comment on that

article, because I study much about the end

times only until the Rapture (Sixth Seal).

I recommend you to read the results of Mr.

Paul Grevas‟ research in an article under


which we will immediately upload.

46.FERDY OCTOBER 24, 2014

Thank you, Pak Yunus, because of you my insight

is broadened. I want to ask whether the

Antichrist is a leader of Rome? For it is

written in the Bible that Antichrist comes from

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among us but not really belongs to us. Please

give me your opinion,Sir.


Antichrist is not a leader of Rome. There

is a fairly detailed explanation about the

prominent figures at the end times in the

book "Is the Chip Truly the Fulfillment of

666?" Please read it again.

47.FERDY OCTOBER 27, 2014

- Sir, you once quoted,”For what is your life? It is even a

vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. 15

For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or

that.” (James 4:14b-15).

I want to ask whether our lives from birth to

death has been determined by God (as to what we

would be/become)?

- And everything we do, is it God's will?


In my opinion: Each person was given the

freedom to live their lives. However there

are certain individuals whom God has chosen

from within the mother‟s womb for a

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particular role/position as in Judges

13:7,“But he said unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceive, and

bear a son; and now drink no wine nor strong drink, neither eat

any unclean thing: for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from

the womb to the day of his death.”

Such appointment is only for a certain

role/position, but has nothing to do with

salvation! Salvation is God offer to all

mankind, and we must receive it in faith

and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,

Ro 10:9 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord

Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him

from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”

48.HERI 1977 OCTOBER 31, 2014

Thus it means that either 2015 or 2016 would be

the year when the Lord Jesus comes, would it

not, Sir? Yet according to the Bible the Lord

will come like a thief, whereas the time and

the year are still a mystery, right?


The time of the Lord Jesus‟ second coming

which is still sealed would indeed be

opened in the last days, Da 12:9 “And he said,

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Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till

the time of the end.” And to God‟s children the

time would be acknowledged, 1 Th 5:4 “But ye,

brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you

as a thief. 5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of

the day: we are not of the night nor of darkness.” For more

details, please read again "Signs in the

Sky of the Coming of the Lord Jesus" and

"God‟s Perfect Signs in the Sky".

49.DEDY NOVEMBER 8, 2014

I would like to know, which comes first,

between the application of the chip 666 and the

time of the Rapture of God‟s children, and

where in the Bible can we find the explanation

or comparison.


The distribution of Chips666 would take

place before the Rapture of God‟s children,

since the sign 666 is revealed when the

first seal is opened or the white horse

appears(Rev 6:1-2 + Rev 13:1-18), while the

Rapture is revealed when the sixth seal is

opened (Rev 7:13-17). Nevertheless the sign

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666 applied throughout the world would not

be done at the beginning of the appearance

of Antichrist, but after the severe

persecutions against Israel in Jerusalem

(Rev 13:14-18). For more details, please

read again the book about Chip666 and

“Signs in the Sky”. Do not forget to read

the recent article "God‟s Perfect Signs in

the Sky".

50.RAMA NOVEMBER 13, 2014

May I know when the two 2 witnesses of God will

appear? (Rev 11:3-13)


God's two witnesses will be seen 1,260 days

long, starting from the end of the first

3,5 years period until the end of the

second 3,5 years period from the 7 years of

the end times. For more details, please

read again the book "Is the Chip Truly the

Fulfillment of 666", Chapter VIII.

51.FERDY NOVEMBER 18, 2014

“And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven

mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” (Rev 17:9).

Page 54: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

Sir, who is meant by the woman mentioned in

this verse?


Some commentators believe that the seven

mountains are related to Rome and the woman

there refers to the Roman church leader and

other heretical teachings.


52.ANI NOVEMBER 21, 2014

- What will happen when the 4th bloodmoon


- Will the Rapture take place after the 4th



Our interpretation is that when the 4th

bloodmoon would occur coincidentally with

the Feast of Tabernacles in the year 2015,

Jesus would appear in the clouds of heaven

("The Signs in the Sky", Chapter IV-F) and

those who died in Christ would rise first,

then we who are still alive would be caught

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up to meet the Lord in the air. I do not

yet understand definitely whether the

Rapture would be a gradual event or is to

happen all at once, but it is expected to

end at the Feast of Hanukkah ("The Signs in

the Sky", Chapter IV-E).

53.ANI NOVEMBER 21, 2014

- Why does life nowadays seem more and more

difficult, Sir?

- Is it already so predestinated, that this

life on earth will increasingly become more


- Some say that in the past gold was very easy

to find, as easy as finding rocks today. Is it

true, Sir?


At the end of times life on earth will

become more difficult because mankind

increases in their wickedness and

selfishness. Mt 24:12 “And because iniquity shall

abound, the love of many shall wax cold”. However, the

difficulties today are nothing compared to

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the difficulties during the persecutions in

latter days.

54.ANI NOVEMBER 21, 2014

- Sir, is ebola one fulfillment of the end


- If I am not mistaken, the US government is

discussing a special law to coerce their people

to use Bio Chip with ebola vaccine... Is that


- Has the Antichrist already appeared?

- Is it possible that the Temple of God would

be built in the near future?

- What should we do if the Temple has been


- Do you have the latest data concerning the

end times?


– At the end times there would indeed be an

outbreak of plagues or diseases (Rev 6:8,

Rev 18:8), but I do not know for sure

whether this includes ebola.

– I have not yet gotten any data regarding

the law you mentioned.

Page 57: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

– Until now the Antichrist has not yet appeared. – It is most likely the Temple of God would

soon be built and it would not take much

time to build it. For comparison, please

read this news:




When the Temple of God is about to be

built, we assume there will be a commotion

among the followers of different religions,

“Rev 6:4 And there went out another horse that was red; and

power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the

earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given

unto him a great sword.”

– The latest data we got are included in

the article "God‟s Perfect Signs in the


The understanding of the state of the end

times dawned on us from this verse, 1 Th 5:3

“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden

destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with

child; and they shall not escape.” Meaning :

Page 58: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

1.The period of persecutions at the end

times would occur suddenly and not too long

as "travail upon a woman with child".

2.The persecutions at the end times would

be very severe and painful as “labor pains on a

pregnant woman” (NIV), at giving birth.

3.When the baby is born, then the

opportunity for people to repent or receive

the Lord Jesus would be gone “destruction cometh

upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall

not escape.”

It is interesting if we see in the “Perfect

Signs in the Sky” that the time span from

the 4th eclipse (Sept 28th, 2015) to the

midpoint (Jan 5, 2015) is 266 days, equal

to the time a woman normally conceives,

which last 266 days as well. Does this mean

that when the Lord Jesus appears in the

clouds of heaven during the Feast of

Tabernacles in the year 2015, the very day

would be the deadline or time limit of the

age of grace?

55.NAME* DECEMBER 10, 2014

Page 59: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

I want to ask, is Antichrist just one

individual/person and not multipersonal? And

since the "woman" in the Book of Revelation is

the leader of the Roman church, so what is the

role of this woman in the last days?


The Antichrist is an individual/person who

is also one of the 10 kings to be the ruler

of the world, but briefly, at the end

times, Rev 17:12 “And the ten horns which thou sawest

are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but

receive power as kings one hour with the beast.” According

to the prophecy of St.Malachy, the 112th

Pope would be the last Pope (Please read

the book about Chip666, Chapter IV-D).

56.ANI DECEMBER 11, 2014

- Is it now the time to prepare a refuge to

escape from Antichrist? For example, by

building a house; planting rice; farming, deep

in the forest or on an unspoiled/untouched

island, so that when the time comes, we can

escape to that place which is settled in a

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condition fit for habitation and supplied with


- Have you already done so in Papua, Sir?

- Is it possible that Antichrist would extend

his power and authority to our country?

- Can Rfid chip be applied in our country?

- Will the current world economic system soon

collapse, if the new world order takes root and


- US Vice President Joe Biden is eager for NWO

to be applied soon, why?

- Will NWO actually be authoritative?


– I have ever thought to prepare such a

refuge, but I got the answer: 1 Co 3:20

“The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.”

Why vain or futile? Because we do not know

the future. But I believe in God‟s

provision, therefore I just wait for the

Lord's plan.

– Antichrist would become the ruler of the

world (Rev.13: 7). That is why the chip

would be applied all over the world.

– All countries around the world will have

great difficulties when the interest rates

Page 61: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

are highly raised in the United States,

because all the US dollars are to flow back

to the United States. So there will be

shortage of US dollars all over the world,

since the debt of the countries in the

world are mostly in US dollars.

– All American leaders are generally

connected with the Fed, so they are very

anxious to become the ruler of the world as

soon as possible.

57.ANI DECEMBER 11, 2014

- What is your opinion, Sir, will the Rapture

happen after the 4th blood moon?

- This means that there is but little time left

for us on this earth, isn‟t it?

- What should we do in such a short time?

- Do we still have to think about our current

business and occupation, or just wait?

- Is the prediction that the present Pope is

the last Pope trustworthy, and can this be

approved as a standard?

- Why do you believe the present Pope is to be

the last Pope? Will this last Pope support


Page 62: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

- Sir, is the following statement true? Please

explain it. "Satan (The Devil) is bound in a

special prison, Tartaro, Prison in the

Euphrates river, abyss, and he/they will be

released during the reign of Antichrist for 3,5


- What if the Euphrates river is dried up, does

this mean that the Devil prisoned in the

Euphrates river can get out?


– The main thing we have to do is to

prepare, to study the Word of God as best

as we can, and pray continually. I began to

lessen my business activities since the

year 2009, when the biochip was discovered.

– It is according to St Malachy‟s prophecy.

– I do not find those words in the Bible.

Let's just read and believe only what is

written in the Bible. Do not be influenced

by the writings of anyone which are not

based on the Bible.

58.NAME* DECEMBER 15, 2014

Sir, in the book you wrote, the prophecy in

Revelation mentions four elements: the dragon =

Page 63: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

the devil, 10 horns = 10 kingdoms, a beast =

antichrist, two horns = false prophet(s).

While the prophecy of Daniel tells about the

same appointed/designated beast. My question

is, whether the prophecy of Daniel about that

beast also points to Antichrist. When we study

further, Daniel's prophecy about this beast

points to the leader of Rome. So, is it not a

bit different from your explanation, Sir, based

on the prophecy in the book of Revelation that

says that the two-horned beast are the false


Would you please give me some explanation, Sir.


The 4 elements at the end times in the book

about Chip666 are taken from Rev 13,

whereas in the book of Daniel, the term

"beasts" describes different objects. It

could mean real beasts/animals (Da 4:32),

or kings (Da 7:17). Antichrist is described

as a "horn" (Da 7:8), a prince/king (Da



Page 64: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ, that in the

end the secret is revealed fully to His

children. The signs become clearer both in the

sky and also on earth. Recently we even have

seen and heard much that senior servants of God

are converging in their conclusion about the

feasts of the Jews, while almost all eyes are

turned to the State of Israel, because it is

here where all began and will come to an end.

There are many prophecies pertaining to this

nation loved by God, yet many do not care about

these all. I personally believe strongly that

God will still complete everything already set

in His calendar, in connection with the day of

the feasts designited specifically by Him.

Incredibly these all are revealed but in recent

years. So let us prepare ourselves, cleanse our

hearts, keep watch of our holiness, always pray

and listen to His guidance by daily reading of

God‟s Word. Let us get our lives straightened

before Him, since time is short, only a few

months left, then the Lord will surely come.


Page 65: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

It is true, the signs of His coming is ever

clearer lately. Therefore, let us convey this

truth to the other brothers and sisters.

60.ANI DECEMBER 17, 2014

- I am really waiting for the coming of the

Lord Jesus... If it is true that His coming is

imminent, then that is really good news for me.

The joy would be immeasurable... at the moment

when people can come face to face with the long

expected Lord Jesus and see Him... .

- Every day I anticipate when the Lord Jesus

will come...

Life on earth today is really very

uncomfortable... lots of injustice occur

everywhere, life seems more difficult from day

to day and very distressing... .

- I so long to be quickly released from the

shackles of life and from the difficulties of

this mortal world.

I'm really looking forward to the coming of our

Lord Jesus... I do hope the Lord Jesus will

come soon...


Let us prepare ourselves well:

Page 66: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

Lk 21:34 "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your

hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and

cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the

face of the whole earth. 36 Watch ye therefore, and pray

always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these

things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of


Da 11:32 “And such as do wickedly against the covenant

shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their

God shall be strong, and do exploits.”

61.ANI DECEMBER 26, 2014

- Are these days the last days before the


- Would the Rapture occur at the end of the

year 2015?

- Are we by this time in the period of the



Today we are at the limit of time before

the Rapture and if our interpretation is

correct, then the Rapture would occur at

the end of the year 2015. Currently, we

Page 67: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

have not yet entered the period of

Tribulation. We presume the period of

Tribulation would begin when the Temple of

God is built (second seal) and the

Antichrist would appear prior to that

period (first seal) with his head marked by

having a "wound by a sword".

62.ANI JANUARY 5, 2015

It is truly very exciting, the long-awaited

moment since ages past, will be fulfilled at

the end of the year 2015. A long time of

anticipation that will soon produce sweet

fruit, won‟t it, Sir...

Pak Yunus, does this mean that Christians will

not experience the first 3.5-year period of


- Thus it means that Christians will be caught

up (the Rapture) before the Tribulation (pre)?

- At present the situation seems to become more

and more difficult, the cost of living ever

higher. Are these also some signs of the reign

of Antichrist, Sir? (Hardships abound in Life)


Page 68: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

The 7 years of the end times consists of 2

X 3,5 years periods. In the first 3,5 years

period all of God's children will undergo

the Tribulation which will be ended with

the Rapture, then followed by the second

3,5 years period of the vials of God‟s

wrath (book about Chip666, Chapter VI). The

duration of the Tribulation will be shorter

than 3,5 years, but the persecutions at the

end times will be very severe such as "travail

of a woman with child" or the "labor pain of a pregnant

woman" (1 Th 5:3, NIV). What happens today

is certainly related to the reign of

Antichrist and the New World Order even

though the current difficulties are trivial

compared with the persecutions in times to


63.ANI JANUARY 5, 2015

- Sir, why can there be plane crash tragedies?

Surely each passenger in the aircraft prayed

for a smooth and safe flight during the trip,

didn‟t they?

- Is the way of human life, either the length

of age or the way one would die, predestined by


Page 69: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

- Are business, occupation, wealth that we have

also determined by God?

- For each human life, is there already

prepared a 100% scenario of his story created

by God, and he/she would just live through

it?... Or does God give us the freedom to live

our lives, and we may do anything we want

to?... Or, how is it, Sir?


There are many opinions on this subject.

But in my PERSONAL opinion: God gives

instructions and restrictions on how man

should live in this world, yet God gives

man the freedom to obey/ to decide for

himself (cf. Ge 2:16-17, Ge 3:6-7). Only to

some certain ones chosen by God for some

particular TASKS, God bestows supplementary

gifts/special talents (cf. Judges 13:5, Jer

1:5), but these special talents have no

connection at all with the assurance that

they would be saved (cf. Samson, Saul)

since they still have the freedom to live

their own lives. Death is one of the

instructions from God, that every man can

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die any moment; therefore we must use every

moment of our lives wisely. We do not know

the future, but if our lives please God, He

will guide each step we take, Ps 37:23 “The

steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD.”

64.SANTI JANUARY 7, 2015

- Good evening, Sir. The Word of God says that

mankind are created in pairs, but why were

there some who grew old even died as a bachelor

or single, in other words: not married? Is not

this contrary to the Word of God, Sir?

- Now then, if we want to appeal to God for a

mate (spouse), is it wrong to ask for an ideal

one, such as we would like to get? And how

would we know that he or she is the true one

the Lord has prepared for us? Thank you.


Not all men are required to marry, 1 Cor

7:1 “Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It

is good for a man not to touch a woman,

2. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own

wife, and let every woman have her own husband.”

We may ask God for a mate we would like to

have, but it is better if this desire

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corresponds the criteria specified for this

special person from the Lord, one of which

is the same faith, 2 Cor 6:14 ”Be ye not unequally

yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath

righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath

light with darkness?

We will know that he/she is a God-sent

mate, if he/she is of the same faith with

us, we get him/her without tricks/tactics,

can get along smoothly and most important

is that God gives signs/revelations about

this matter. Therefore draw nearer to God

so that we can understand His plan.

65.HERMAN JANUARY 28, 2015

I have acquaintances in Bandung who told me

that there is a tremendous gifted prophet

there... he is an ordinary person who worships

regularly in one of the churches in Bdg....

According to him this year 2015 Asian economy

would collapse.. he also prophesied that the e-

ID card of the second period would fail,

because the ones applied should be those of


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We should not readily believe in any

prophecy or people who consider themselves

as prophets. Let us put them to the test

whether the prophecy is in line with the

Word of God. 1 John4:1“Beloved, believe not every

spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many

false prophets are gone out into the world.”

66.ERWAN JANUARY 30, 2015

Sir, since the third book is not published, may

I ask you whether the Antichrist to come would

appear from the Arabs? Is he a king?


From what we have studied: Antichrist would

come from among the leaders figures in the

United States with the characteristics that

he had been seriously injured by the sword,

but would remain alive.

Rev 13:3 “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to

death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world

wondered after the beast. Rev 13:14b saying to them that dwell

on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which

had the wound by a sword, and did live.”

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67.JOHN FEBRUARY 3, 2015

Pak Yunus .. you seem to follow the prophecy of

Kevin Mirasi.

ANSWER FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Our writings are not based on some

prophecies or dreams, because we have never

had any dream about the end times. I myself

have got only 4 dreams, 2 about a mother in

Papua and the other two about myself

personally. Our writings are entirely based

on our interpretations of the Bible verses.

Mr. Kevin Mirasi in his writings told that

he was given the understanding about the

chip as the fulfillment of the mark 666

only recently, in the year 2012. I myself

have studied this issue and realized that

the chip was the fulfillment of the mark

666 by the end of the year 2006, and since

then began to discuss and brought forward

the matter to God‟s ministers. And in the

year 2009 I was convinced that the

"biochip" was the chip.

68.ETY FEBRUARY 6, 2015

Page 74: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

- Please explain what I read from the latest

edition of the book about "The Signs in the

Sky": How could it be said that April 16, 2012

was the date of the beginning of the end times?

- Pope Benedictus XVI formally resigned on

February 28, 2013 and left the Vatican on March

1, 2013.


The beginning of the end times was assumed

to be linked with the 85th anniversary of

Pope Benedict XVI, on April 16, 2012 on

which day most likely Antichrist would

contact him to congratulate him while

reaffirming the agreement (confirming the

covenant) that the Pope would resign.

Please read again the book “Signs in the

Sky‟, page 42-44.

69.ETY FEBRUARY 6, 2015

- Please give me the Bible verses which explain

that the anniversary of Pope Benedictus XVI on

April 16, 2012 was to be the mark of the

beginning of the end times.

Page 75: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

- The explanation based on the Bible verses

would certainly strengthen what is written in

this book. But if those are only the author‟s

interpretations, then they would be misleading.

Would you please give an explanation?

- In Daniel 9:27 “And he shall confirm the covenane wih

many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the

sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of the

abominations he shall make it desolate ....”

While in Da 12:11 “And from the time that the daily sacrifice

shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up,

there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.”

This means that after 3,5 years of the new

covenant there would be sacrifices and burnt

offerings again. Then thereafter we should

count till 1290 days.

Am I mistaken?

- Can you explain what is written in the book

"Signs in the Sky" on this matter?


- Da 9:27 is considered a verse about the

end times (end of days) because of these

terms, "one week" and "midst of the week".

While the SIGN of the beginning of the end

Page 76: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

times is that "He (Prince/Antichrist) shall

confirm the covenant with many... " (KJV),

which will become a heavy burden to people.

So the sign is not the anniversary of Pope

Benedictus nor anyone else.

Whereas 1,260 days before Sept 28, 2015

which will be on April 16, 2012, exactly

the date of the 85th anniversary of Pope

Benedictus XVI, is a "coincidence" that

allows the Antichrist to confirm/reaffirm

Pope Benedictus to step down. To analyze

whether our interpretations are right or

wrong, we can see the link between these

dates and the fulfillment of the

Israelite‟s festivals, among which are the

Feast of Hanukkah, period of Teshuva, the

opening of other seals, the signs in the

sky, and other Bible verses.

None of us or anyone else would be able to

mix and match the dates/month for the

solar/lunar eclipse to happen (data from

NASA), date of the Israelite‟s festivals

(Hebrew Calendar) and the Bible verses, so

that all can be appropriately brought to

consummation with no difference of even a

single day. Moreover, as a whole we only

Page 77: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

used the LAI Bible and the King James

Version, and did not refer to too many

other versions of the Bible to seek to

match, for example.

- Da 9:27, 11:31, 12:11 explain, among

others: the Temple of God would exist again

or be rebuilt, the daily sacrifice would be

conducted again but then be abolished,

afterwards the image of Antichrist would be

erected in the Temple of God and the

cessation of the daily sacrifice would last

1,290 days, starting from the midst of the

7 years until the consummation of the end

times. Please read again the book "Signs in

the Sky", page 56-64.

70.ANI FEBRUARY 6, 2015

Pak Yunus, how can you be so sure that the

Rapture will occur at the end of the year 2015?


We are confident, because we know it from

the 7 Israelite festivals: 3 have been

fulfilled during the first coming of the

Lord Jesus on earth, and the other 4

Page 78: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

festivals, the Feast of Trumpets, Day of

Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles and Feast

of Hanukkah are presumed to be fulfilled

this year on exactly the appropriate dates

and with the same meaning as well. We

believe this to be no coincidence, because

all is beyond our capability to mix and

match. Then Mr.Paul Grevas‟ research about

"The Perfect Signs of God in the Sky"

asserted our assurrance that something

extraordinary will occur this year 2015. It

seems very unwise and careless if to such

perfect symmetrical signs in the sky from

God, which are so unusual and wonderful, we

will not pay attention. Additionally at

this time we have gained the verse

regarding when the Temple of God would be

built, the verse regarding the appearance

of Imam Mahdi and the number of Christians

who would fall away, but we are still

studying and discussing them.

71.ETY FEBRUARY 7, 2015

Rev 6:12 “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and,

lo,there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as

sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.”

Page 79: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

According to the book "Signs in the Sky", a

total solar eclipse will occur on March 20,

2015, while on April 4, 2015 the blood moon.

So it seems that the two events are to happen

sequently, first the solar eclipse then

followed by the blood moon.

My questions are:

A devastating earthquake is recorded in Rev

6:12 before writing about the solar eclipse and

the blood moon. Does it mean that a devastating

earthquake will occur before March 20, 2015?


The opening of the sixth seal is one of the

topics we are studying strenuously at

present, especially when we came across

this verse: Ex 40:2 “On the first day of the first month

shalt thou set up the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation.”

Here the verse is "probably" related to the

beginning of the establishment of the

Temple of God in Jerusalem, or the opening

of the second seal. In the year 2015, the

first day of the first month or the first

day of the month Nissan on the Jewish

calendar would be on March 20, 2015.

Page 80: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

Indeed, the opening of the sixth seal

should occur sequentially, but it could

happen at adjacent times (such as the birth

pains 1 Th 5:3). The phenomenon of the sun

became black as sackcloth of hair and the

moon became red as blood in the opening of

the sixth seal could be a sign that a

devastated earthquake would happen prior to

those events, or to lay more emphasis on

the bloodmoon.

Because there are two bloodmoons, it is

necessary to clarify that the bloodmoon

here means the bloodmoon which was preceded

by a total solar eclipse or the bloodmoon

on April 4, 2015.

For the time being that is the news I can

share. Please support us in prayer that God

would bestow us wisdom and understanding

and His mercy, so that we all can

understand His plan better.

72.ETY FEBRUARY 7, 2015

Daniel 12:11 "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be

taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there

shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days."

Page 81: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

In the book the date recorded is August 29,


Daniel 12:12 "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the

thousand three hundred and five and thirty days."

In the book about “The Signs in the Sky”, the

date recorded is December 12, 2015.

Why is Daniel 12:12 counted from the beginning

of the “week” and Daniel 12:11 from the end of

the "week"?


Da 12:11: The daily sacrifice would be

taken away or abolished in the "midst of

the week" (midst of the 7 years) for 1,290

days till the termination of the end times.

So if we want to settle the beginning of

the abolishment of the daily sacrifice we

have to refer back 1,290 days from the end

of the 7 years of the end times.

Da 12:12: Since the 7 years of the end

times consists of the first 3,5 years

period, then the Rapture, and thereafter

the second 3,5 years period during which

the vials of God‟s wrath would be poured

out, thus the 1,335 days (related to the

Page 82: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

Rapture) should be counted from the

beginning of the end times till the midst

of it (before the period the vials of God‟s

wrath were poured out). Please read again

the book about Chip666, Chapter VI.

73.ETY FEBRUARY 8, 2015

- Ex 40:2 "On the first day of the first month shalt thou set up the

tabernacle of the tent of the congregation." This verse is

"probably" related to the beginning of the

construction of the Temple of God in Jerusalem,

or the opening of the second seal.

Does this mean that you, Pak Yunus, assume no

seal has been opened yet?

- If seals 1 to 4 have not occurred yet, then

from today February 8 up to March 20, 2015 the

events would have to occur sequentially within

but one month?


We presumed Ex 40:2 is "probably" related

to the construction of the Temple of God,

because the 3 festivals of the Jews, namely

the Passover, the Firstfruits and the Day

of Pentecost were fulfilled in connection

with the first coming of the Lord Jesus to

Page 83: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

earth. The other 4 festivals would be

fulfilled in connection with His second

coming. Thus possibly the Tabernacle which

is part of the Thorah would be fulfilled

also at this time. But we say "probably"

because until now we have not found any

other supporting Bible verses. We would be

very glad whenever a brother/sister can

provide us with any supporting data/verses.

We have written a commentary on the seals

in the book “Is It True that the Chip Is

the Fulfillment of 666”, Chapter VII.

Referring to 1 Th 5:3 “For when they shall say, Peace

and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as

travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape”,

this verse might mean: the situation prior

to the period of persecutions would be

"peace and safety", "then sudden destruction cometh upon

them", "as travail upon a woman with child", and "the

time will not be too long (sudden)".

74.ANI FEBRUARY 9, 2015

- Sir, does the Bible also record the number of

Christians who would fall away and the date of

the appearance of Imam Mahdi?

Page 84: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

- Is the number of Christians who would go to

heaven or people who would go to heaven also

recorded in the Bible?

- If it is so, then the names of those who

would go to heaven are already written in

heaven even before they were born?


Yes, we have found out that 75% of all the

Christians would fall away, but we are

still studying it.

We believe that the appearance of Imam

Mahdi is linked with the fourth seal.

We have not found yet any verse referring

to the total number of people who would go

to heaven, but the number of non-Jews who

would go to heaven is fixed, Ro 11:23 “For I

would not, bretheren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery,

lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in

part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the gentiles be

come in.” They who would go to heaven were secured

only by the total number, not by their

personal names. And there were not many, Mt

7:13 “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and

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broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be

which go in thereat.

14.Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which

leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

Therefore, we must prepare ourselves

seriously and get ready.

75.ANI FEBRUARY 9, 2015

- Sir, since we know that the Rapture of the

believers by the Lord will occur soon in the

year 2015, should we today as human beings no

longer be concerned of earthly matters (as to

work, to do business, to expanse our business,

to make investments)?

- Should we better read the Bible more and pray


- Truly, Sir, suppose one has enough savings to

meet the needs of his family for at least 3,5

years (1/2 of the seven years period of the end

times), to your opinion, do we still have to

work hard or just stop working and get closer

to God instead (since to work with all effort

would at the end be still in vain)?

- What would be the right insight as this end

of times is drawing closer?

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To prepare oneself should be done by every

child of God at all times, because we can

be called home by God at any time. But if

we believe that the end of times is so very

close, we should prepare ourselves more

seriously. Paul in 1 Ti 6:6-12 said that

the main purpose of man living in the world

is not to seek after wealth and riches, (8)

"And having food and raiment let us be therewith content," but

after salvation or eternal life," (12) Fight the

good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life."

76.ANI FEBRUARY 9, 2015

- Sir, what is meant by the Tribulation, is it

when people are already forced to apply RFID


- Will RFID chips possibly be imposed on

Indonesia too?

- Sir, since to go by train in Jakarta the

passengers are forced to wear an electronic

bracelet, not using paper tickets anymore, has

this subtly led to the imposition of applying

RFID Chip?

Page 87: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

ANSWER FEBRUARY 10, 2015 The Tribulation is a period of

persecutions, as in Mat 24:9 ”Then shall

they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye

shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake”, and

assumed to begin when the Temple of God in

Jerusalem is being reconstructed Rev 6:4

“And there went out another horse that was red: and power was

given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and

that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him

a great sword.”

Mt 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom

against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences,

and earthquakes, in divers places.”

RFID Chip666 would be installed overall by

the end of the first 3,5 years period. The

RFID chips like electronic bracelets etc.

are not RFID Chip666, for they are not

implanted in the hands or in the foreheads.

77.ANI FEBRUARY 9, 2015

- Sir, does it mean that the sixth seal is

being fulfilled?

- Sir, so the seventh seal means the Rapture,

doesn‟t it?

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- If the sixth seal is being fulfilled, so the

seventh seal would soon be fulfilled, wouldn‟t

it? And that means our Rapture will not be too

long anymore to happen, Sir.


All the seals would be opened in sequence. The

first seal is about the appearance of

Antichrist and has not occurred yet. The

second seal is about the reconstruction of the

Temple of God that will cause dissension

between God‟s people and others. The third seal

is about the very high price of food, the

fourth seal is about the appearance of a

prominent figure of another religion. The

Rapture will occur in the sixth seal. The

seventh seal is about the 7 trumpets or the 7

vials of God‟s wrath.

78.ANI FEBRUARY 9, 2015

- Sir, when believers are already taken away in

the Rapture, does it mean that the fate of

those who remain in the world would be like in

the movie "Left Behind"?

Page 89: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

- Sir, will the leaders (presidents, prime

ministers, kings) of the countries become a

tool for Antichrist or against Antichrist?

- Is the leader of the New World Order the


- Sir, would you discuss also about the New

World Order, please?


After the children of God are taken away in

the Rapture, then those who are left behind

will experience the period concerning the

vials of God‟s wrath until the consummation

of the end times.

All human beings on earth who are not

children of God, both leaders and their

people, would be controlled by the

Antichrist or support him Rev 13:7 “…and

power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and


Yes, the leader of NWO is Antichrist Rev

17:17 ”For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and

to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words

of God shall be fulfilled.”

Page 90: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

We assume that the NWO leaders are

owners/authorities of the Fed that would

become the last rulers of the world for

just a short time, Rev 17:12 ”And the ten horns

which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no

kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the


79.ANI FEBRUARY 9, 2015

- Sir, does the Bible also discuss about Isis?

- Is there any new update informations

regarding the end times?


I have not yet found any verses related to


Latest Data: Construction of a replica of

the Temple of God in Jerusalem, a place to

educate the Levite Priests.

3rd Temple Replicate Under Construction To

Teach Levite Priests In Israel.

80.YOHAN FEBRUARY 12, 2015

Page 91: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

- Pak Yunus, does the False Prophet come from

the Vatican?

- Is Antichrist from America or from some

region in the Middle East?


One member of the Federal Reserve/

Illuminati would be presumed as the

Antichrist who would later become one of

the leaders of another religion. Discussion

on the false prophet is found in the book

“Is the Chip Truly the Fulfillment of 666?”

Chapter IV-D.

81.ETY FEBRUARY 17, 2015

I have heared pastors, among others

Rev.Niko of GBI,

Rev.Pariadji of Tiberias

Rev.A.H Mandey of GPDI




Each person is given his/her own personal

gift, Ro 12:6 “Having then gifts differing according to

Page 92: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy

according to the proportion of faith.”

At the end times there would be people

given the gift to lead the children of God,

Dan 12:3 “And they that be wise shall shine as the

brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to

righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even

to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge

shall be increased.”


- Pak Yunus, we have passed March 20, 2015 and

the third reconstruction of the Temple of God

is not seen yet. What is your opinion?

- If according to your interpretation the

Antichrist would reveal himself in August this

year, then it means that the Holy Temple should

be set up before August. If this does not

happen, Sir, then all the interpretations about

the time line referring to the Rapture this

year would miss definitely, Sir.


Yes, you are correct, Sir, if there is no

construction of the Temple of God in

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Jerusalem until this August, the time line

we presumed would likely be wrong.

83.ALPHON ZOMARCH 21, 2015

Yesterday, March 20, the eclipse occurred.

According to you, what great events have

happened on the very date that cooperate with

your presumptions? I have read and opened many

websites trying to figure out what happened

yesterday, but I did not find a proper one. Can

you give me some hints, please? Thank you. The

Lord Jesus bless you.


Until now we are still studying this and

have not yet found a big sign related to

the end times.


Pak Yunus, I read the article at this link

below about the meaning behind March 20, 2015

(01 Nisan 5775), which might be verifiable. May

I ask for your comment after reading it, Sir,

since it concerns the plan of the Lord's


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The article is very interesting,

particularly the explanation in . is a website existing

since the year 2008 which to me is very

qualified, and is regarded as managed by a

group of people, because the website is

able to provide data of the lunar/solar

eclipses in a span of 7,000 years, and give

scientific explanation on methods used to

detect the hour, day, month and year out of

their computations. In addition, they also

include Bible verses to support their

calculations. This website explains the

outline of the "7,000 years (140 Jubilees)

of God's plan" in conformity with six days

Page 95: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

of creation and one day of Sabbath, 2 Pe 3:8

“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is

with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one


After the earth completing 120

jubilees/6000 year, it will enter a span of

20 Jubilees/1000 years in the Kingdom of

Peace, whereas the end of the 120 jubilees

would be at the Feast of Trumpets on

September 15, 2015. In our book we wrote

that the beginning of the Feast of Trumpets

would be on September 13, 2015. Because the

feast will be celebrated for 2 days,

starting in the evening of September 13th

and will finish in the evening of September

15, which EXACTLY FITS the computation of

the TorahCalendar.

Then it mentioned that the time for the

marriage supper of the Lamb has come (Rev

19:6-10) while those who were ready would

be invited. This is also consistent with

our interpretation that after the Feast of

Trumpets, we would enter the Feast of

Tabernacles. During this time the dead in

Christ would rise up, and then we who are

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still alive would be caught up to meet the

Lord in the air.

According to the computations of the

TorahCalendar, the first day of the seventh

century of the creation of the earth (01-

01-6001) would be on March 20, 2015

afternoon. It is amazing that 266 days

after March 20, 2015 would be December 12,

2015, exactly at the Feast of Hanukkah of

the seventh candle which we interpreted as

the Rapture or the last day of the Rapture.

We know that a baby is kept in the womb for

266 days. Does verse 1 Th 5:3 “For when they shall

say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon

them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not

escape” point to it?

85.ANTO APRIL 1, 2015

I have some questions:

1. Is the hypothesis about the Pope as the

False Prophet not too premature? Are there any

additional data?

2. If Antichrist comes from the 10 wealthy

families in the world, who would they be to put

on the list?

Page 97: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

3. The hypothesis that America is the only

country which legalizes inter-marriage seemes

incorrect, since many countries and nations

nowadays permit inter-marriage even marriage

between homosexuals?

4. Is there any role of Indonesia in the global

map of the end times?

That‟s all, thank you.

Greetings, Anto


1. Until this moment that is what we know and assume. But to assure it we need to

examine another distinction in Rev 13:11 ”…

and he spake as a dragon.”

2. We assume that they are of the

Illuminati group, among whom also the

owner of the Federal Reserve such as the

Rothschild fam., Schroder fam., Morgan

fam., Lehman fam., Loeb fam., and others.

3. The characteristics of the last World

Ruler is in Da 2:43 “And whereas thou sawest iron

mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed

of men…” So this means an intermarriage or

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mixed marriage between iron/ Romans/

Europeans with soil/ Africans.

4. We have not yet found the role of

Indonesia at the end times.


The LORD gives a "sample" of some natural

phenomena at the opening of the sixth seal:

Rev 6:12 “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and,

lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as

sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.”



Data of the lunar eclipse at that time:


Could it be that the opening of the Sixth

Seal would take place when the bloodmoon

would be seen on Sept 28, 2015?

86.INKAM MAY 1, 2015

I believe it will take only a short time to

build the Temple of God. China‟s record of

building 57 floors is within 19 days only.

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Currently the economic condition has worsened

again. I am blessed with this article and have

read it since 2013, and I am willing to always

try to pursue holiness. Even in the old days

there were commentaries and prophecies which

also seemed 'phenomenal'. Would you please

update the informations concerning the

developments in Israel/Jerusalem?

ANSWER MAY 2, 2015

I also believe that it will take only a

short time to build the Temple of God in

Jerusalem due to the modern technology and

equipments, also most of the building

materials such as big rocks for the

foundation are ready-made. Please support

us with your prayers that our last book

"The Great Tribulation and the Seven Seals"

will soon be out of discussion and ready,

since it explains among other things that

at the end times only 25% Christians would

be saved while 75% of them would fall away.

87.ETY May 13, 2015

Matthew 24:27 “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and

shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man

Page 100: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

be” confirms that the second coming of the Lord

Jesus would be unexpected and instantaneous


Matthew 24:36 “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no,not

the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”

In your book it is determined that on December

12, 2015 the Rapture would occur. How can it be

so determined?

Since the verse above confirms that no one

knows for sure (the fixed date).

ANSWER May, 2015

Mt 24:27 is part of Mt 24:23-28, the

passage wherein the Lord Jesus explained

that at the end times many false messias

would appear ON EARTH, for until the

Rapture the Lord Jesus HAS NOT come down

yet on earth! At the Rapture, we will meet

the Lord in the air 1 Th 4:17 “Then we which are

alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the

clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with

the Lord.” Verse 27 explains how the the Lord

Jesus would come/appear in the clouds,

which would be as the lightning that

shineth, and this is also what the Lord

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Jesus reminded us in Lk 21:28 “And when these

things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your

heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”

Verse 28 describes that the coming of the

Lord Jesus in the clouds would be

apparent,”For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the

eagles be gathered together.” And this is confirmed

by other verses too, Mt 24:30 “And then shall

appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all

the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man

coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”

We indeed do not know exactly when we would

come face to face with the Lord: today,

tomorrow, some time in the future, or on

the day of the Rapture.

88.ETY May 13, 2015

Da 12:4 “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the

book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and

knowledge shall be increased.”

It should be understood that the phrase


that all would be clearly exposed, because if

all is fully exposed the words would certainly

be changed into "ALL WILL BE CLEARLY EXPOSED".

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ANSWER May, 2015

I started to study about the end times by

the end of the year 2006. Since then I have

spared ample time to study it. And yet

there are still many things I do not

understand. For example, about the 7

churches in Revelation 1-3. You may notice

that most of our writings are adopted from

articles and results of researches done by

other writers, so basically we are just a

kind of "typists".

89.ETY May 13, 2015

- The opening of the first seal. Revelation

6:1-2 “And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I

heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the hour beasts saying,

Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat

on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went

forth conquering, and to conquer.”



- The end times has started from the opening of

the first seal, showing THE WHITE HORSE. Thus

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since the Lord Jesus was crucified, is risen,

and ascended into heaven.

That was the great victory of the Rider.

The white horse could not be the Antichrist

since Antichrist was ultimately defeated

(whereas in the Book of Revelation the white

horse should be the victor).

ANSWER May, 2015

Then I saw "the Lamb" opened one of the

seals (the first one)... The Lamb was the

Lord Jesus. So, the white horse here was

certainly not the Lord Jesus, for how could

Jesus open the seal and then He Himself

appeared? And if it is true that the Lord

Jesus appeared at the opening of first

seal, then who would open the other

following seals?

90.ETY May 13, 2015







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ANSWER May, 2015

To live a holy life is surely very

important, yet the Word of God tells us

that we have to gain knowledge too so as

not to be easily misled 2 Pe 1:5 “And beside this,

giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue

knowledge.” The book of Daniel explains that

the believers who will stand firm in their

faith, and not easily persuaded by the

deceptions of Satan, even dare to act to

defend their faith bearing all the

consequences are those who "know their God"

Da 11:32 “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall

he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God

shall be strong, and do exploits.”

91.VALEN JUNE 5, 2015

Shalom P.Yunus, I want to ask you whether at

the Rapture the trumpets would also be blown or

not? Because it is written that the day of the

Lord will come as a thief in the night!

We all believe that the sixth trumpet has been

blown/sounded several months ago and there

remains only one trumpet, the seventh. But in

the Book of Revelation, the seventh trumpet was

to be sounded on the day of judgment when Jesus

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would eventually come down to the earth.

(Please correct me if I am wrong).

ANSWER JUNE 11, 2015

The trumpet would be blown in Heaven, so we

do not know whether the sound could be

heard on earth or not.

Rev 8:2 “And I saw the seven angels which stood before God;

and to them were given seven trumpets.”

I suppose the strange sounds often heard

nowadays is not the designated trumpet-

sound but is part of the Blue Beam Project.

The Rapture should occur in the sixth seal.

The trumpet blown in the seventh seal would

have to do with the seven vials of God‟s

wrath. There is no explanation whether at

that time the Lord Jesus would come down on

earth. The Lord Jesus Christ would come

down to reign on earth during the period of

the 1000 years of peace (Rev 20:4-6).

92.YOHAN JUNE 5, 2015

Shalom P.Yunus

When the construction of the Holy Temple in

Jerusalem is completed later, what would

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happened? Would the Rapture directly take

place, or would there be other proceedings?

ANSWER JUNE 15, 2015

When the construction of the Holy Temple in

Jerusalem takes place, there would be a

conflict among religious communities that

causes chaos around the world and the

persecution against God's people begins

that causes 75% of Christians fall away and

become apostates. The Rapture would follow

just some time later. Please read this book

we recently uploaded, "The Great

Tribulation And the Seven Seals".

93.MARCHEL JUNE 5, 2015

Shalom P.Yunus, I want to ask whether this year

2015 the Church of God has entered the category

of Pre-Tribulation or Mid-Tribulation?

ANSWER JUNE 15, 2015

At present we are in the first 3,5 years

period of the 7 years at the end of times,

but have not yet entered the Great

Tribulation. Based on our interpretation,

we would enter a period of persecutions

very soon.

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- Sir, what are the new updates of recent


- What does it mean that in some parts of the

globe people heard sounds like a blown trumpet?

- There are many predictions about a mega

asteroid that will hit the earth in September

2015. Is there any correlation with your

interpretations, Pak Yunus?

ANSWER JUNE 15, 2015

We assumed that at the Feast of

Tabernacles, on September 28, 2015 the Lord

Jesus would descend from heaven and appear

in the clouds, then the Rapture of those

who died in the Lord would take place. If

it is true that the asteroid would fall or

hit the earth on September 24, 2015, just a

few days before the Feast of Tabernacles,

it could be the fulfillment of these

verses, Rev 6:12 “And I beheld when he had opened the

sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun

became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as


Page 108: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree

casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled

together; and every mountain and island were moved out of

their places.”

Those are verses describing the events to

occur before the Rapture, and the Lord

Jesus also depicted them in Mt 24:29

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be

darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars

shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be


30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:

and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall

see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power

and great glory.

31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet,

and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds,

from one end of heaven to the other.”

95.BAMS JUNE 22, 2015

- Shalom Pa Yunus ...

In today there is news about an

unusual event in Maluku.

Is this one of the signs of the end times?

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- AMBON, - Residents of the island

of Ai, in the Banda Isles, Central Maluku

Regency, were stirred tremendously by the

phenomenon of the changed ocean water in their

region, on Sunday (06/21/2015). They were

shaken and became panic because the sea water

in the area suddenly turned blood red.

This condition makes the people, who are

generally fishermen, reluctant to go to sea as

usual. They claimed they chose not to go

fishing because they feared something unusual

would happen.

One of the local community leaders, Ahmad Ali,

by transmission from Ambon, told

that the change of the sea water from blue to

bloodred has caused the island's coastal

residents great worry recently. They worry

because it was for the first time they

witnessed such an incident.

"Almost all the people on this island were

stirred and panic when they saw the sea water

changed like blood," said Ahmad.

The phenomenon raised speculations among the

inhabitants of that small island in the Banda

Isles. They assumed the sudden change of sea

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water that became like blood was a sign of

something unusual is about to happen.

"This must be a sign that something exceptional

is going to happen, but we do not know yet what

it is. Hopefully it is not a sign of some

danger," said Alwi, one of the residents there.

This change of the sea water that became like

blood spontaneously caused the coastal

residents of the island who are generally

fishermen to choose to do activities at home

rather than go fishing.

"No one dares to go to sea. We too fear to go

to the sea because the sea water looks like

blood," he said.

Not only among the residents of the island of

Ai, this phenomenon of the sea water turned

bloodred also caused commotion of its own in

social media, such as in Facebook. One user of

Facebook account named Salman even speculated

that the change was a forewarn to those

island's residents to be more guarded/cautious.

"The sea water turned like blood. This is a

sign that the people should be more cautious in

this fasting month, "said Salman.


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ANSWER JUNE 22, 2015

It seems that the Lord has given many

examples of events/things that would happen

at the end times. The case of sea water turns

red blood like this has happened in several

places, yet experts still can not explain the

cause. Could this be an example of water

turned into blood such as in Rev 8:8 “And the

second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning

with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became

blood.”, Rev 11:6 “These have power to shut heaven, that it rain

not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to

turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often

as they will.”?

Previously there was also news about the

phenomenon of solar darkness in New England:


96.LUSIANA JUNE 23, 2015

In the book of Revelation there were seven

seals, sequentially opened from one to six.

Page 112: 100 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - End Times QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. ANI NOVEMBER 19, 2013 - Sir, may I know, how many

Before the seventh seal was opened, there was a

proclamation about 144 thousand descendants of

Israel saved from the tribulation and countless

people that would be saved.

Afterwards, the seventh seal was opened and

then the trumpets were blown one by one.

So I think the opening of the first seal has

nothing to do with the situation after the

trumpet was sounded.

How can you make a conclusion that the first

seal is related to the situation after the

trumpet was sounded, as to me it is clear after

the seventh seal is opened.

ANSWER JUNE 23, 2015

True, in the Book of Revelation the

trumpets were blown after the seventh seal

was opened regarding the vials of God's

wrath. I have not found any verse that

mentions about a trumpet sound until the

opening of the fifth seal. But there was a

trumpet sound in the sixth seal because the

Rapture occurred after the sixth seal was

opened, whereas prior to the Rapture the

Lord Jesus would come down from heaven and

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be seen in the clouds, preceded by the

trumpet sound, 1 Th 4:16 “For the Lord himself shall

descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the

archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ

shall rise first; Mt 24:31 “And he shall send his angels with a

great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his

elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”

97.LUSIANA JUNE 23, 2015

- Is the holy place and the most holy place of

the Holy Temple at the Dome of the Rock in

construction already made?

- Why can it be appointed there at that site,

which verse in the Bible assures this?


To what I know, until now the Temple of God

in Jerusalem is not yet built. Experts

believe that the location should be at the

site of the Dome of the Rock

usalem . If this is true, then the Temple

of God can not be built as a whole or

completely, since on the site of the

Temple‟s outer court now stands the Dome of

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the Rock. Thus most likely only the holy

place and the most holy place can be built,

which would be in accordance with Rev 11:2

“But the court which is without the temple leave out, and

measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city

shall they tread under foot forty and two months.”

98.LUSIANA JUNE 23, 2015

- It is not yet clear to me when the first seal

to the seventh seal should be effective. Could

you please explain about the estimated time?

- While many verses in the Bible explain that

the end times had been processing since the

days the Lord Jesus was to be crucified until

now, and even today is the END of THE END TIMES


explain this, please?


The period regarding the crucifixion of the

Lord Jesus usually was termed "the

last/latter days" and not the end (of)

times. The last/latter days is the PERIOD

OF GRACE that God has bestowed upon human

beings to be able to obtain salvation

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through faith in Jesus Christ, Heb 1:2

″Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he

hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the

worlds.” For more details, please study the


on "The 7000 Year Plan of Elohim". While

the end (of) times, could mean the Judgment

Day, Jn 12:48 ″He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my

words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken,

the same shall judge him in the last day.” or the 7 years

period of the end (of) times, Mt 13:49 ″So

shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth,

and sever the wicked from among the just.”. At present

we assume to have entered the first 3,5

years period of the end times.

99.BAMS JUNE 24, 2015 Shalom Pa Yunus ...

In Matthew 16:18 is written, “And I say also unto thee,

That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and

the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

According to you, what/who is the rock in


Thank you.

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ANSWER JUNE 26, 2015

The above verse is part of the passage of

Mt 16:13-20 about Jesus‟ question to His

disciples concerning "Who He is", which was

answered by Peter that "He is the Messiah".

So it is clear the rock in question is "a

recognition that Jesus is the Messiah" as

is also described by the Apostle Paul in 1

Co 10: 4, "And they all drank the same spiritual drink, for

they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that

Rock was the Christ (Messiah) ."

So Jesus explained in Mt 16:18 above that

"The Lord Jesus would build His church upon the belief that He

is the Christ/Messiah”. Giving Simon son of Jonah

the name Peter, meaning "the rock", was

just as a warning, like giving names to the

sons of Hosea (Hosea 1). It was not to make

Peter as the true rock, for it would be

impossible that the church of God should be

based on a human being, whoever he is,

moreover based on a man who had ever denied

Jesus 3 times and was once hypocritical.

100.BAMS JUNE 24, 2015

Shalom Pa Yunus...

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Rev 6:1-8 foretold about the horses and

horsemen of the end times.

A white horse, a red horse, a black horse, and

a pale horse.

One of the events that shakes the world is the

appearance of ISIS.

- When we observe closely, the symbol of the

group has the same color as one of the horses

in the Book of Revelation.

Could ISIS be the group referred to in


- Is there any linkage between this group and

the end of times?

Thank you, GBU

ANSWER JUNE 26, 2015

The black horse is not related to ISIS,

because the main characteristic when the

black horse appears is the high price of

staple foods, “A measure of wheat for a penny,and three

measures of barley for a penny.”

Since that verse does not explain about any

certain area, it can be interpreted that

the high price of staple foods will be

experienced throughout the whole world.

Moreover, because each seal/horse will

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appear in sequence, so before the black

horse the white horse must appear first

referring to Antichrist and the red horse

referring to the construction of the Temple

of God in Jerusalem.

Regarding the end of the Islamic era, ISIS

would have relationship with the appearance

of Imam Mahdi who is presumed to be linked

with the pale horse.