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10 Things ASP

Apr 14, 2018



Phuong Le
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  • 7/27/2019 10 Things ASP


    10 Things ASP.NET Developers Should Know About

    Web.config Inheritance and Overrides

    TheASP.NET configuration systemis build around the idea of inheritance:

    Each Web.config file applies configuration settings to the directory that it is in and to all of

    the child directories below it. Settings in child directories can optionally override or modifysettings that are specified in parent directories. Configuration settings in a Web.config file can

    optionally be applied to individual files or subdirectories by specifying a path in alocationelement.

    The root of the ASP.NET configuration hierarchy is the

    systemroot\Microsoft.NET\Framework\versionNumber\CONFIG\Web.config file, which includes settings

    that apply to all ASP.NET applications that run a specific version of the .NET Framework. Because each

    ASP.NET application inherits default configuration settings from the root Web.config file, you need to

    create Web.config files only for settings that override the default settings.

    For a lot of sites, you don't really need to know about that - you can get by with one Web.config file

    for the site. But, knowing how the inheritance works - and how to control it - can really help out.

    I've noticed that a lot of the questions I answer questions on forums, StackOverflow, and internal e-

    mail lists can be solved by better understanding how ASP.NET configuration inheritance and overrideswork. And so, a bunch of tips about how ASP.NET configuration inheritance and overrides work! I'll

    start with some basics, but there are some towards the end I'll bet most ASP.NET developers don't


    Tip 1: Using Web.config files in site subfolders

    And ASP.NET website's Web.config is part of an inheritance chain. Your website's subfolders can have

    Web.config - an example is the Web.config file in an ASP.NET MVC application's View folder which

    does things like preventing directly viewing the View templates:
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    This allows for setting general settings at the site level and overriding them when necessary. Any

    settings in the base Web.config that aren't overridden in the subfolder stay in effect, so the "child"

    Web.config can be pretty small. You can continue to nest them, so sub-sub-subfolders can get their

    own Web.config if needed. Some of the most common uses of subfolders are to restrict permission

    (e.g. requiring authentication or restricting access to resources), but you can also use them to dothings like include default namespaces in Views, toggle handlers, etc.

    Tip 2: Understand how your site Web.config inherits its


    But there's an inheritance chain above the site, too. Here's a simplified version from the MSDN docs:


    levelFile name File description

    Server Machine.config

    The Machine.config file contains the ASP.NET schema for all

    of the Web applications on the server. This file is at the topof the configuration merge hierarchy.

    IIS ApplicationHost.config

    ApplicationHost.config is the root file of the IIS 7.0

    configuration system. It includes definitions of all sites,

    applications, virtual directories, and application pools, as well

    as global defaults for the Web server settings. It is in the

    following location:
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    Root Web Web.config

    The Web.config file for the server is stored in the same

    directory as the Machine.config file and contains default

    values for most of the system.web configuration sections. At

    run time, this file is merged second from the top in the

    configuration hierarchy.

    Web site Web.config

    The Web.config file for a specific Web site contains settings

    that apply to the Web site and inherit downward through all

    of the ASP.NET applications and subdirectories of the site.


    application root



    The Web.config file for a specific ASP.NET application is

    located in the root directory of the application and contains

    settings that apply to the Web application and inherit

    downward through all of the subdirectories in its branch.





    The Web.config file for an application subdirectory contains

    settings that apply to this subdirectory and inherit downward

    through all of the subdirectories in its branch.

    So your website's configuration's actually inherited a bunch of settings that were set at the server

    level. That's nice for a few reasons:

    1. It allows the ASP.NET / IIS teams to migrate settings that aren't commonly modified from the

    project template Web.config files to server defaults, keeping your Web.config files smaller and

    more readable. For example,ASP.NET 4 migrated a bunch of handler registrations to

    Machine.config, so the Empty ASP.NET Application Web.config is slimmed down to

    about 8 lines.

    2. You can override things at the server level as needed, and they'll take effect for allapplications. For example, you can seton production servers

    to disable trace output and debug capabilities.

    3. You can find a lot of useful information in the Machine.config default settings since

    they're stored in plain text. For example, the ASP.NET Membership Provider has some defaults

    set for password requirements and the membership database, and you can look them up by

    looking in the appropriate .NET framework version's Machine.config. For a default installation

    of ASP.NET 4, that's found in

    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config with a quick

    search for .

    Tip 3: Understand how your Web.config inherits IIS

    configuration settingsThis overlaps a bit of Tip 2, but it bears repeating. Long-time ASP.NET developers (myself included)

    are prone to thinking of ASP.NET and IIS configuration separately, but that all changed with IIS 7.

    This is all pretty old news, as IIS 7 has been out for a while, but it hasn't been completely absorbed by

    ASP.NET developers.

    CarlosAg summed this up well in a post from 2006(!) which explainedThe New Configuration

    System in IIS 7. I'm not going to rehash his post here - go read it. Some important takeaways are
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    that both the ApplicationHost.config and Machine.config feed into the configuration settings in your

    site's Web.config, as shown in Carlos' diagram:

    In addition to the understanding how things work part of it, this is also good to know because - based

    on the info in Tip 2 - you can see what the base settings are, and how you can override them in your

    application's Web.config. This is why you can do pretty advanced things like configure rules on for

    theURL Rewrite Module in your application's web.config.

    Of course, server administrators don't necessarily want to allow any application on the server to

    modify settings via Web.config, so there are configurable policies in the ApplicationHost.config which

    state whether individual applications can override settings. There's also anAdministration.config

    filewhich controls things like Module registration.

    There's one kind of new update to this list - using aspnet.config for Application Pool

    tuning. It's found in the same directory as Machine.config, and it's been around since .NET 2.0.

    However, as of ASP.NET 4 it's been expanded to handle things like concurrency and threading, as

    explained in Scott Forsyth's post,Setting an aspnet.config File per Application Pool. While not

    something most ASP.NET developers will need to use, it's good to know that you can control things

    like maxConcurrentRequestsPerCPU, maxConcurrentThreadsPerCPU and requestQueueLimit at the

    application pool level.

    Tip 4: Location, locationWhile it's nice to be able to override settings in a subfolder using nested Web.config files, that can

    become hard to manage. In a large application, it can be difficult to manage settings because you

    can't see the effective permissions in one place. Another option is to use the elementto

    target settings to a specific location. For example, I previously showed how to use this toallow large

    file uploads to a specific directory in an ASP.NET applicationusing the location element:









    Tip 5: Clearing parent settings when adding to a


    Sometimes you want to remove all inherited settings and start fresh. A common place you'll see this is

    in handler, module, connection string and provider registration - places where configuration is used to
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    populate a collection.Scott Guthrie blogged about an example in which just adding a new

    Membership Provider causes problems, because you end up with two providers - the default, and

    the one you just added. It's important to clear the collection before adding your new provider

    using the element, like this:
















    As Scott explains, failure to the collection first results in both providers attempting to handle

    membership, which probably isn't what you intended.

    Tip 6: Locking settings with with allowOverride and


    You may need to prevent sub-applications from overriding or extending settings. You can do that with

    the allowOverride attribute, which does exactly what the name suggests - the same way a sealed class

    prevents changes via a derived class. TheMSDN documentationsummarizes this well:

    You can lock configuration settings in ASP.NET configuration files (Web.config files) by adding anallowOverride attribute to a location element and setting the allowOverride attribute to false. Then

    within the location element, you can define the configuration section that you want to lock. ASP.NET

    will throw an exception if another configuration file attempts to override any configuration section that

    is defined within this locked location element.

    Using a location element with an allowOverride=false attribute locks the entire configuration section.

    You can also lock individual configuration elements and attributes using lockItem, lockElements,

    lockAttributes, lockAllAttributesExcept, and lockAllElementsExcept.

    That last part there - using attributes on sections - works because those lock attributes are among

    thegeneral attributes inherited by section elements.

    Tip 7: Disinheriting your child applications with


    If you've got settings that should only apply to the parent application and shouldn't be inherited, you

    can use the inheritInChildApplications attribute on any section or location element. That makes

    the settings at the current level, but inheriting applications and subfolders don't have to bother with

    clearing and rebuilding configuration just to remove those settings.

    This came up in a recent question on StackOverflow: Unloading parts of a web.config file from a

    child application
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    Dave Mroz


    Unloading parts of a web.config file from a child application6 Votes

    We have a large content management system configured as the main site in IIS. We also have a handful

    of independent applications that are configured as applications under IIS 7.5. The issue that were

    running into is that the child applications are inheriting the web.config file from the parent application even

    though they are completely independent applications and share next to no configuration settings. Ideally,

    wed like to stop the child applications from inheriting the web.config file at all. Is that possible?

    If not, wed like to tell the child applications not to inherit parts of the master web.config file. Weve tried

    editing the child web.config files and adding directives to the configuration file, but that doesnt seem to be


    I understand that we can modify the parent web.config file to add in directives to effectively restrict the

    inheritance; howeverwere hesitant to do this because were not sure how that will impact the CMS. The

    web.config file in question is also about 1000 lines long and were not sure how many changed wed need

    to make. We can, of course, move forward with this solution and test thoroughly, but Id rather find one

    that doesnt require modifying the parent application.

    Weve also tried updating the child web.config files to manually remove certain elements of the parent

    web.config and weve had mixed results. We can unload HTTP handlers and things like that, but we cant

    seem to unload any of the references to the App_Code folder.

    In short, is it possible to have a child application NOT inherit any part of the web.config file? If not, is it

    possible to overwrite or otherwise force the child to ignore settings in the parent web.config file?






    Jon Galloway


    Answer 18 Votes

    In addition to using or overwriting the settings in the child web.config, you can use theinheritInChildApplications setting in conjunction with in the parent web.config.

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    You can wrap the location around the entire or just around specific sections.

    Some links for more info:

    inheritInChildApplications on MSDN(read the community content at the bottom for more)

    StackOverflow:Avoid web.config inheritance in child web application using

    inheritInChildApplications Blog post:Stopping web.config inheritance

    + More Answers

    Since Web.config is so heavily built on the concept of inheritance, it's not surprising that turning it off

    for a section can have some side effects. The aptly self-named "Run Things Proper Harry," a.k.a.

    rtpHarry, has written up two good posts covering usage and important things to be aware of.

    SOLVED: Breaking parent web.config dependencies in sub applications

    SOLVED: IIS7, validateIntegratedModeConfiguration and inheritInChildApplicationsclash

    Tip 8: Use configSource to separate configuration into

    separate files

    While I've been discussing modification of Web.config settngs through inheritance, it only makes sense

    to mentions some useful ways to handle overriding Web.config settings.

    Any Web.config section can be moved to a separate file by setting theconfigSource

    attributeto a file reference. I've mostly used this for handling connection strings, since it allows

    you a lot more flexibility over versioning and and deployment. Instead of having different Web.config

    files for each environment ("Oops! Just deployed the staging Web.config to production!!!"). It looks

    like this:





    Then your connectionStrings.config file only needs to change between environments, and can contain

    specific settings. It holds the contents of the element you're referring to, so it looks like this:






    Another way I've seen this done is to have differently named connection strings config files for each

    environment (e.g. dev.config, staging.config, production.config). That allows you to check them all in

    to source control and not worry about getting files with the same name but different contents mixed

    up, but the tradeoff is that your Web.config in each environment needs to be updated to point to the

    right config source.

    So, this is a handy trick, but isn't quite perfect. A better option is to use Web.config File

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    Tip 9: Use Web.config Transforms to handle

    environmental differences

    I don't hear as much about Web.config Transforms as I'd expect. Maybe they just work and everyone

    just quietly uses them and doesn't talk about it. But from the questions I see coming up over and over

    again, I'm not sure that's the case.

    I love Web.config Transforms. At my first ASP.NET MVP summit, I was part of a feedback group

    discussing frustrations with deploying ASP.NET applications. Two themes that came up over and over

    were difficulties with packaging and managing configuration. That team later produced Web

    Deployment Packages (a nice format that packages files and settings for a site in a way that can be

    inspected and modified during installation) and Web.config Transforms.

    All the new ASP.NET projects have Web.config transforms already set up - if you expand the

    Web.config node, you'll see that it's configured to create different settings for Debug and Release


    It's really easy to use - your main Web.config has the base settings for your site, and

    whenever you build, the transforms for the appropriate build configuration (e.g. Debug or

    Release) are automatically applied. If you had a Test database that you wanted to use by default,

    but wanted your Release builds to run against the Production database, you could set it up so that

    your base Web.config connection string points to the Test Database connection string, like this:






    Then your Web.Release.config overwrites that to point at the Production database, like this:


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    The syntax is pretty straightforward, but you don't need to worry about that because the comments in

    the Web.Release.config file already show how to do that.

    To be clear: unlike the other examples, this is something that happens at build time, not


    I recently ran into an issue where I wanted to deploy something to AppHarbor and wanted to switch

    between a local SQL Compact database and the hosted database server, and Web.config Transforms

    worked just great there.

    There's a lot more to talk about with Web.config Transforms that's beyond the scope here, such as:

    You can create as many build configurations as you want, with different transforms foreach configuration. This makes it simple to switch between different settings in your

    development environment - say, switching between several development databases or other

    application settings.

    You can use the configuration transformation system with any XML file using

    theSlowCheetah Visual Studio extension. Scott Hanselman's written a post with more

    information on that here:SlowCheetah - Web.config Transformation Syntax now

    generalized for any XML configuration file

    Sayed (the Microsoft developer who's worked on both Web.config Transforms and theSlowCheetah extension) has also built aPackage Once Publish AnywhereNuGet package

    which allows you to defer running the transforms until later, using a PowerShell

    command. That means you can build one Web Deployment Package with all the transforms

    included, and run them when you're going to deploy to a specific environment.

    There's some good information on MSDN about Web.config Transforms:

    Web.config File Transformationsection in the Web Application Project DeploymentOverview

    Web.config Transformation Syntax for Web Application Project Deployment

    Scott Hanselman:Web Deployment Made Awesome: If You're Using XCopy, You'reDoing It Wrong

    Tip 10: Managing Application Restarts on Configuration


    There are a lot of moving parts in figuring out the configuration for a website, as illustrated above. For

    that reason, ASP.NET computes the effective settings for the site and caches them. It only recomputes

    them (and restarts the application) when a file in the sites configuration hierarchy is modified. You can

    control that on a section by section level using therestartOnExternalChanges property.

    One place where configuration changes don't automatically get recomputed is for external config files

    set using configSource (as shown in Tip 8). You can control that bysetting

    restartOExternalChanges="true" for that section. There's anexample on MSDNthat shows this

    in more detail by creating an external configuration file which is loaded via the configuration API (not
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    referenced via configSource), then toggling the restartOnExternalChanges property and showing the

    differences in operation.


    The ASP.NET Configuration system does quite a bit - I didn't even mention big topics like using the

    API for reading and writing values to both local and external config files or creating custom

    configuration sections. This post focuses on one aspect: getting things done by understanding and

    leveraging inheritance and overrides. Hopefully this gives you both some new tools for effectively

    handling configuration and some background that helps in troubleshooting when configuration is

    working as you'd like.

    Are there any essential tips that I missed?

    ASP.NET - Configuration


    The behavior of an ASP.Net application is affected by different settings in the configuration files:



    The machine.config file contains default and the machine-specific value for all supported settings. Themachine settings are controlled by the system administrator and applications are generally not given accessto this file.

    An application however, can override the default values by creating web.config files in its roots folder. Theweb.config file is a subset of the machine.config file.

    If the application contains child directories, it can define a web.config file for each folder. Scope of eachconfiguration file is determined in a hierarchical top-down manner.

    Any web.config file can locally extend, restrict or override any settings defined on the upper level.

    Visual Studio generates a default web.config file for each project. An application can run without aweb.config file, however, you cannot debug an application without a web.config file.

    The following figure shows the Solution Explorer for the sample example used in the web services tutorial:
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    In this application there are two web.config files for two projects i.e., the web service and the web sitecalling the web service.

    The web.config file has the configuration element as the root node. Information inside this element is

    grouped into two main areas: the configuration section-handler declaration area, and the configuration

    section settings area.

    The following code snippet shows the basic syntax of a configuration file:

    The Configuration Section Handler declarations:

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    The configuration section handlers are contained within the tags. Each configurationhandler specifies name of a configuration section, contained within the file, which provides someconfiguration data. It has the following basic syntax:

    It has the following elements:

    Clear - it removes all references to inherited sections and section groups.

    Remove - it removes a reference to an inherited section and section group.

    Section - it defines an association between a configuration section handler and a configurationelement.

    Section group - it defines an association between a configuration section handler and aconfiguration section.

    The Application Settings:

    The application settings allow storing application-wide name-value pairs for read-only access. For example,you can define a custom application setting as:

    For example, you can store the name of a book and its ISBN number:

    The Connection Strings:

    The connection strings shows which database connection strings are available to the website. For example:

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    connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\ \databinding\App_Data\books.mdb"

    providerName="System.Data.OleDb" />

    The System.Web Element:

    The system.web element specifies the root element for the ASP.NET configuration section and containsconfiguration elements that configure ASP.NET Web applications and control how the applications behave.

    It holds most of the configuration elements needed to be adjusted in common applications. The basic syntaxfor the element:

    The following table provides brief description of some of common sub elements of thesystem.web element:


    This is required to identify users who are not authenticated when authorization is required.

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    It configures the authentication support. Basic syntax:



    It configures the authorization support.Basic syntax:


    Configures the cache settings.Basic syntax:



    Defines custom error messages. Basic syntax:


    Defines configuration settings used for deployment. Basic syntax:


    Defines configuration settings for hosting environment.Basic syntax:

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    Configures the identity of the application. Basic syntax:


    Configures keys to use for encryption and decryption of Forms authentication cookie data.

    It also allows configuring a validation key that performs message authentication checks on view-state dataand Forms authentication tickets. Basic syntax:


    This configures parameters of managing and authenticating user accounts.Basic syntax:



    Provides page-specific configurations. Basic syntax:

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    Configures user profile parameters. Basic syntax:



    Configures settings for user roles. Basic syntax:

    enabled="true|false"maxCachedResults="maximum number of role names cached"...


    Configures the security policy. Basic syntax:


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    Defines the mappings for hiding the actual URL and providing a more user friendly URL. Basic syntax:


    It provides the name of shared location for client scipts. Basic syntax:


    This configures the web services.