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10 THE TIMES RECORD, TROY, N. Y., MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 28, 1969 —Dtr»tzi«n Photo MRS. WILLIAM E. BARILE Watervliet Church Scene Of Barile-Postoian Rites Miss Margaret A. Postoian, daughter of Mrs. Stacia Postoian, Latham, and Philip Postoian, Watervliet, and William E. Barile, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reppi, Salem, N.H., were married Saturday afternoon in St. Pat-1 rick's Church, Watervliet. Rev. car . ried cas des of P mk and / William V. Hayden performed the ceremony. Mr. Postoian escorted his yellow carnations. Guests were entertained at Rafael's Restaurant. The bride graduated from daughter. Miss Joyce Savage I Watervliet High School and is .... , „ . employed in the personnel de- uas maid of honor and Miss *J^ ^ ^ N J^ Y o r k T e t o . Diane Knapp, Mrs. Linda Choin- pnon€ Co>t Albany. Her hus- ard, Mrs. Anne Russom and ] band graduated from Cardinal Miss Roberta King were brides- i McCloskey High School, Al- man was Robert Seating guests E. bany, and is employed by Lek- tro-Klena Carpet Co., Albany. Mrs. Barile wore a yellow were! crepe d re ss w » tn l ace coat t0 James Kulzer, Philip Postoian J travel to Virginia Beach, Va. John McDermott and Richard I The couple willmake their home at 17 Archibald St., Wa- maids. Best Barile. Gibson. A satin gown with long sleeves, empire waist, A line skirt and scoop neckline was the choice of the bride. It was re- embroidered with Alencon lace and embellished with pearls. The detachable train was chap- el length. With it she wore a matching headpiece which held a veil of English illusion and carried a cascade of white roses. The niaid of honor and brides- maids wore gowns of aqua and tervliet. DEVANE'S... Mrs. Frear Wed To Former Troy Clergyman Rev. Frederick W. Vogell, D.D., former pastor of the Fifth Avenue-State Street Methodist Church and later executive sec- retary of the Troy Area Council of Churches, and Mrs. Gertrude Frear of Troy were married Thursday in Rutland, Vt The ceremony was performed in the presence of the families | streamers of white roses and by Rev. Dale D. Russell in the ivy Murl«l Hayner Photo MRS. MATTIA ANATRIELLO Nuptial Vows Exchanged Sunday By Miss Canavan, Mgttia Anatriello Miss Mary Lou Canavan, 19 Gilbert St., Mechanicville, be- came the bride of Mattia Anatriello, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mattia Anatriello, 99 Round Lake Ave., Mechanic ville, at a Nuptial Mass in St. Paul the Apostle Church, Mechanicville, Sunday. The bride is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Canavan. Rev. Ernest J. Autch, O.S.A., read the Mass. Martin J. Canavan, brother of the bride, escorted her to the altar. Mrs. Marion Sarle was mat- ron of honor and the Misses Sharon Tafulto, Barbara Pose- lovich, Wendy Bowser, Lucille Anatriello and Margaret Cana- van were bridesmaids. The bridegroom was attend- ed by Frederick Kaempffe, best man, and Andrew Palmiere, John Poselovich, Michael Fiac- co, Mark Anatriello and Ken- neth Zappone, ushers. The former Miss Canavan wore a gown of ivory silk or- ganza with high neckline, em- pire waist and Watteau train. The bodice and short sleeves of reembroidered Belgian lace were adorned with oat pearls and clusters of pea pearls. The A line skirt also was adorned with appliques of lace and pearls. A matching pillbox head- piece held her tiered veil of English silk illusion. She car- ried' an orchid on a missal with —V*r» Photo MRS. HARRY X. ERMIDES Albany Couple Exchange Vows Sunday At St. Sophia Church -Andrlck Phot* MRS. JAMES. EDWARD BILLERT Billert-Jandrow Nuptials Held Saturday In Hoosick Falls Church The wedding of Miss Diane Rantzaklis, daughter of Mrs. Miss Linda May Jandrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Angelo Rantzaklis, 27 Morris St., Albany, to Harry J. Ermides, J. Jandrow, Berlin, N.Y., and James Edward Billert, son of son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ermides. 662 Myrtle Ave., Albany, Mrs. Anna Billert, 106 Pleasant St., Bennington, Vt„ and tho took place Sunday at St. Sophia late William Billert, were mar Church, Albany. Rev. Alexander NOW AT 1 BROADWAY On Monument Square United Methodist Church of Rut- land. A dinner given by the bride's daughters followed at the Hotel Bardwell in Rutland. The couple left on a wedding trip to Florida. Upon their re- turn they will reside in Wilmore, Ky., where Mr. Vogell is min- ister of visitation at the United Methodist Church. Mr. Vogell served many pas- torates in the Troy Methodist Conference before his retire- ment in 1964. He also served as an Army chaplain in World War II. For The Finett FUR STORAGE Refrigeroted On-Premiiei Vault CALL 272-5220 Ladiet' and Men'i Cloth Coats Stored Prompt Pick-Up Service Repairing, Restyling Smartly and Economically FASHION FURS 78 FOURTH STREET CWU Delegates Attend Assembly Mrs. Arthur A. Burr, presi- dent, and Mrs. James F. Bow- man, recording secretary of Church Women United in Troy Area, attended the 33rd annual assembly of Church Women United in New York State last week in Manhasset. They were accompanied by Mrs. Nelson Schmay, a member of CWU, who attended as the delegate of the Northeastern Division of Church Women of the Christian Church (Disciples) of which she is president. The assembly convened in the Congregational Church of Man- hasset with 214 delegates in at- tendance. The theme of the three-day assembly was "Ecu- menical Development in the Field of Communication and De- velopment." The keynote ad- dress, "Who Will Answer" was given by Mrs. James H. Dolbey, CWU national president. The attendants wore gowns of ivory Jakarta trimmed with lace in pastel colors. Baskets of daisies matching the color of the lace trim were carried. Daisies were also scattered in their hair. Mario's Theater Restaurant was the scene of the reception. A graduate of Mechanicville High School and the State Uni- versity at Albany, Mrs. Ana- triello is teaching at Hoosic Valley Central School. Her hus- band is an alumnus of Mechan- icville High School and New York City School of Mechanical Dentistry. He is an employe of the Empire Dental Laboratory in Schenectady. To travel to Bermuda, the bride wore a powder blue en- semble with matching accessor- ies and an orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Anatriello will live at 19 Gilbert St., Mechanic- ville. —Vera Photo BRIDE-TO-BE — Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Millington of 1007 9th Ave. have an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, Jane Ann, to Edward John Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ken- nedy of Center Brunswick. Miss Millington is a gradu- ate of Lansingburgh High School and is employed in the medical records department of Leonard Hospital. Mr. Ken- nedy is a graduate of Troy High School. He^jreceived a B.S. in textile engineering from Lowell Technological In- stitute, Lowell, Mass., and is employed as a project engi- neer by the Mohawk Brush Co. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Collett # To Wed In May Mr. and Mrs. William F. Col- lett, 5 Middleburg St., announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Catherine, to Spec. 4 Bur- ton C. Van Buren III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton C. Van Buren Jr., Averill Park. Miss Collett is a graduate of Troy High School and is em- ployed by J. L. Thompson, wholesale druggist. Mr. Van Buren, a graduate of Columbia High School, is stationed at F t Dix, N.J. He is a veteran of Viet- nam. The wedding will take place the last week in May. Top Officers Reelected At Garden Club Mrs. Carl G. Grimm was re- elected president of the Van Rensselaer Garden Club at the annual meeting Thursday at the Troy Country Club. Mrs. Walter S. Witman was reelected vice president. Others elected were Mrs. Robert G. Betts, recording secretary; Mrs. Thomas W. Rourke, treasurer, and Mrs. John M. Francis, cor- responding secretary The meeting was prec a buffet luncheon for whi Edward M. Hutton made the arrangements. Mrs. William M, Connors and Mrs. Stephen V Lewis were in charge of decora tions. —Van Arnam Photo ENGAGED i*> Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Bulson, Hoo- sick Road, RD 1, Troy, of the engagement of their daugh- ter, Lesley May, to William T. Waters, son of Mr. and Mrs. James V. Waters of Cropseyville. Miss Bulson is a graduate of Tamarac High School and is employed by the Hooper Advertising Serv- ice in Albany. Mr.' Waters also graduated from Tamarac High School and is employed by Cooley Motors Inc., De- freestville. The couple will be married Sept. 20. Record Pattern ceded by licjprs. SELLING OUT HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Books -- Bags - Buttons Knitting Needles Ribbons - Monograms Crochet Hooks 1 / 2 PRICE YOUR DISCOUNTED TO 70% THE IDLE HOUR YARN SHOP 601 2nd Ave. at 116th St., North Trey Open 1 F.M. to 8:30 F.M. Melon Balls Serve frozen melon balls In a festive party punch along with the usual fruit slices. Kathleen Webb Engaged To Wed The engagement of Miss Kath- leen Ann Webb to Anthony Lewis Petralis has been announced by the prospective bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Webb of Ticonderoga, formerly of Schuylerville. Mr. Petralis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Petralis of Schuylerville. Miss Webb is a senior at Ti- conderoga High School. Mr. Petralis is a graduate of Schuy lerville High School and is study-. ing X-ray technology at North «•» wear jt . in the afternoon! Country Community College, Ju f. 4 two main pattern parts - Saranac Lake. polish it off with bright binding. An Aug. 16 wedding is planned. Hurry, send! Printed Pattern 9326: New Half Sizes 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%. Size 14% (bast 37) takes 2% yds. 45 in. Sixty Leondis and Rev. Basil Sadaka performed the ceremony. George W. Rantzaklis escorted his sister. Mrs. Dora Mokhiber, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. The Misses Carol Sokaris, Mary Ermides,. sister of the bride- groom, Helen Sokaris and Helen Paticopoulos were bridesmaids and Miss Lia Koutaskis was jun- ior bridesmaid. Maria Mokhiber was flower girl. Best man was James Stolis. Ushers were Savas J. Ermides and Gus J. Ermides, brothers of the bridegroom. Frank Rantzak- lis, brother of the bride, Peter Thomas and Dean Ermides, nephew of the bridegroom. Peter Ermides was ring bearer and George Mokhiber held the crowns. An A-line gown of silk with lace and sequin appliques was the choice of the bride. With it she wore a cathedral length Wat- teau train and carried a cascade of white roses, and stephanotis centered with a white orchid. The bridal attendants wore yellow gowns and carried bask- ets of white daisies, yellow pom- pons, yellow roses, and babies' breath. A reception at Sleasman's Restaurant followed the cere- mony. Mrs. Ermides is a graduate of Albany High School and is em- ployed as a secretary at the Na- tional Commercial Bank and Trust Co., Riverside Office. Her husband graduated from the same high school and attended Siena College. He is an employe of Jabar Distributing Co. After a wedding trip to Free- port in the Bahamas, the couple will make their home in Albany. Homemakers Plan Events The Hilltop Homemakers held a business meeting recently at the Third Presbyterian Church with Mrs. Reginald Reichert presiding. Workshop projects were dis- played and lessons were sched- uled. On Wednesday, Mrs. James Deneaker will teach "Clorox Bottle Bag" at the home of Mrs. John Barnes, Highland Avenue. On May 7, a class on jewelry will be taught by Mrs. Joseph Simmons at the church hall. Mrs. George Mahdesian will teach "Purse from Lunch Pail" May 14 at the home of Mrs. Frank Heenan, Woodbridge. On May 21 a banquet will be held at the Trade Winds. Those at- tending should meet at the church at 6:30 p.m The chapter's Achievement night will be held at the church hail May 28. ried Saturday in the Immaculatef arried » «fg < f*L WhU * roses and babies' breath. Conception Church, Hoosick Falls. Very Rev. Donald J. Am- mering, O.S.A., officiated. Mr. Jandrow escorted his daughter. Mrs. John Billert was matron of honor, and Miss Kelly Hub- han was flower girl. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Michael Burke, Mrs. Robert Nixon and Miss Linda Pennock. John Billert served as best man. James Maloney was ring bearer and Michael Burke, Jay Iskowitz and Hyland Main ushered. The bride wore a cage gown of silk organza that was trim- med with venise lace daisies around the neckline, bodice and two 'front panels. The skirt ter- minated in a train. Her veil was caught to a venise lace and organza petal headpiece. She The matron of honor and flower girl wore nile green gowns with matching petal headpieces and carried baskets of daisies and green carnations with green streamers. The bridesmaids wore maize gowns and yellow carnations with yel- and carried baskets of daisies low streamers. Guests were entertained at the Taconic Park Restaurant in Williamstown, Mass. The former Miss Jandrow graduated from St. Mary's Academy, Hoosick Falls, and St. Joseph College, Old Ben- nington, Vt. She is employed by General Electric Co., Pittsfield% Mass. Her husband graduated from Bennington High School, Bennington, and is employed by H. T. Cushman Mfg. Co., North Bennington. Following a wedding trip through the southern states, tho couple will reside in Berlin. HUME'S-* \ DRISS and UNIFORM SHOP 24 4th ST. — AS 4-4831 9326 SIZES 10&.22& ONE HOUR MARVEL Sew it in one hour one morn- NO APPOINTMENT NICSSSAR1 SALE SNAP CURL* PERMANENT Complete with Hoircut, Shampoo end Stt. —Bolster Photo TO BE WED — Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Rajeski, 9 Donnelly Ave., Mechanicville, have an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, Joan Ann Ra- jeski, to Daniel Egan Serrell, 2008 Fairview Ave., Schenec- tady, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Serrell. A July 26 wedding is planned. Miss Ra- jeski, a graduate of Mechanic- ville High School, is employed by the State Department of Labor, office of Manpower De- velopment. Her finance grad- uated from Mont Pleasant High School and received his B.S.C.E. from Union College. He attended RPI Graduate School and is employed by the State Department of Trans- portation, Bureau of Soil Me- chanics. Plans Meeting Frank Bauman will discuss "Preserving Your Garden on Film" at the May 6 meeting of the Greenbush Garden Club at the Junior High School, Gilligan Road, East Greenbush. Hostesses for the 8 p.m. meet- ing will be Mrs. Charles Turner and Mrs. Paul Benko. TROY'S LARGEST UNIFORM SHOP five cents In coins for each pat- tern—add 15 cents for each pat- tern for first-class mailing and special handling. Send to Mar- ian Martin, The Times Record Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Print name, address with sip, size and style number. Spring-Summer Pattern Cata- log. Free pattern coupon. 50c. Instant sewing book sew today, wear tomorrow. $1. New instant fashion book an- swers all what-to-wear problems. Double wardrobe! Accessory, "Your Unitorm Headquarters" COMPLETE SELECTION Uniforms In All Newest Style* Sizes 3-15, 4-20 121/1-28V*, 46-52 Flinty of New Jr. Petites' Styles fc**»**^***'- rn* 1 » 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 $15 ZOTOS —so PERMANENT, Haircut, / Shampoo & Stt IXPIRT HAIR COLORING, 41 RETOUCH. SHAMPOO, SET < IN MINUTES BY MACHINE. SPEC 1AM MON., TUES., WED. ONLY WITH THIS AD FREE HAIRCUT O 50 WITH SHAMPOO end SET Z MItftaM Trott Chart* HOLLYWOOD 1EAUTY SALONS 131 Sernaen St.. Cohoet SI MSH Optn Evening* Mon. thru Frl. **tgtit«r«d Troot Merit 71 Convraea St., J7J »4H TfSf put yourself in our hands for the fabulous New Look! •til t Sot. 'til 6 p.m. 1 $15.00 ZOTOS American Girl Cold Wove $10.00 Pram ttyla cut to comb-out! / I Hair Styling Salon 1811 Fifth Avo. IR 1-7970 Cholesterol Cold Wave with SO 30 hoircut... BOUGHT OUT EXQUISITE FORM PLAYTEX, MAIDENFORM BRAS ALL 1 /* price SARONG GIRDLES Vi price Alfred's •S CONGRESS ST., TROY OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL f IN I *• Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

10 THE TIMES RECORD, TROY, N. Y., MONDAY EVENING, APRIL … 18/Troy NY Times Record/Troy... · 2012. 11. 14. · A satin gown with long sleeves, empire

Sep 30, 2020



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Page 1: 10 THE TIMES RECORD, TROY, N. Y., MONDAY EVENING, APRIL … 18/Troy NY Times Record/Troy... · 2012. 11. 14. · A satin gown with long sleeves, empire


—Dtr»tzi«n Photo MRS. WILLIAM E. BARILE

Watervliet Church Scene Of Barile-Postoian Rites

Miss Margaret A. Postoian, daughter of Mrs. Stacia Postoian, Latham, and Philip Postoian, Watervliet, and William E. Barile, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reppi, Salem, N.H., were married Saturday afternoon in St. Pat-1 rick's Church, Watervliet. Rev. c a r . r i e d c a s ™ d e s of P m k a n d


William V. Hayden performed the ceremony.

Mr. Postoian escorted his

yellow carnations. Guests were entertained at

Rafael's Restaurant. The bride graduated from

daughter. Miss Joyce Savage I Watervliet High School and is . . . . , „ . employed in the personnel de-

uas maid of honor and Miss *J^ ^ ^ N J ^ Y o r k T e t o . Diane Knapp, Mrs. Linda Choin- p n o n € Co>t Albany. Her hus-ard, Mrs. Anne Russom and ] band graduated from Cardinal Miss Roberta King were brides- i McCloskey High School, Al-

man was Robert Seating guests


bany, and is employed by Lek-tro-Klena Carpet Co., Albany.

Mrs. Barile wore a yellow were! c r e p e dress w» t n l a c e c o a t t 0

James Kulzer, Philip Postoian J travel to Virginia Beach, Va. John McDermott and Richard I The couple wi l lmake their

home at 17 Archibald St., Wa-

maids. Best


Gibson. A satin gown with long

sleeves, empire waist, A line skirt and scoop neckline was the choice of the bride. It was re-embroidered with Alencon lace and embellished with pearls. The detachable train was chap­el length. With it she wore a matching headpiece which held a veil of English illusion and carried a cascade of white roses.

The niaid of honor and brides­maids wore gowns of aqua and



Mrs. Frear Wed To Former Troy Clergyman Rev. Frederick W. Vogell,

D.D., former pastor of the Fifth Avenue-State Street Methodist Church and later executive sec­retary of the Troy Area Council of Churches, and Mrs. Gertrude Frear of Troy were married Thursday in Rutland, Vt

The ceremony was performed in the presence of the families | streamers of white roses and by Rev. Dale D. Russell in the ivy

Murl«l Hayner Photo


Nuptial Vows Exchanged Sunday By Miss Canavan, Mgttia Anatriello

Miss Mary Lou Canavan, 19 Gilbert St., Mechanicville, be­came the bride of Mattia Anatriello, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mattia Anatriello, 99 Round Lake Ave., Mechanic ville, at a Nuptial Mass in St. Paul the Apostle Church, Mechanicville, Sunday. The bride is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Canavan. Rev. Ernest J. Autch, O.S.A., read the Mass.

Martin J. Canavan, brother of the bride, escorted her to the altar.

Mrs. Marion Sarle was mat­ron of honor and the Misses Sharon Tafulto, Barbara Pose-lovich, Wendy Bowser, Lucille Anatriello and Margaret Cana­van were bridesmaids.

The bridegroom was attend­ed by Frederick Kaempffe, best man, and Andrew Palmiere, John Poselovich, Michael Fiac-co, Mark Anatriello and Ken­neth Zappone, ushers.

The former Miss Canavan wore a gown of ivory silk or­ganza with high neckline, em­pire waist and Watteau train. The bodice and short sleeves of reembroidered Belgian lace were adorned with oat pearls and clusters of pea pearls. The A line skirt also was adorned with appliques of lace and pearls. A matching pillbox head­piece held her tiered veil of English silk illusion. She car­ried' an orchid on a missal with

—V*r» Photo


Albany Couple Exchange Vows Sunday At St. Sophia Church

-Andrlck Phot*


Billert-Jandrow Nuptials Held Saturday In Hoosick Falls Church

The wedding of Miss Diane Rantzaklis, daughter of Mrs. Miss Linda May Jandrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Angelo Rantzaklis, 27 Morris St., Albany, to Harry J. Ermides, J. Jandrow, Berlin, N.Y., and James Edward Billert, son of son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ermides. 662 Myrtle Ave., Albany, Mrs. Anna Billert, 106 Pleasant St., Bennington, Vt„ and tho

took place Sunday at St. Sophia late William Billert, were mar Church, Albany. Rev. Alexander


On Monument Square

United Methodist Church of Rut­land.

A dinner given by the bride's daughters followed at the Hotel Bardwell in Rutland.

The couple left on a wedding trip to Florida. Upon their re­turn they will reside in Wilmore, Ky., where Mr. Vogell is min­ister of visitation at the United Methodist Church.

Mr. Vogell served many pas­torates in the Troy Methodist Conference before his retire­ment in 1964. He also served as an Army chaplain in World War II.

For The


FUR STORAGE Refrigeroted On-Premiiei Vault

CALL 272-5220

Ladiet' and Men'i

Cloth Coats Stored Prompt Pick-Up Service

Repair ing, Restyling

Smartly and Economically


CWU Delegates Attend Assembly

Mrs. Arthur A. Burr, presi­dent, and Mrs. James F. Bow­man, recording secretary of Church Women United in Troy Area, attended the 33rd annual assembly of Church Women United in New York State last week in Manhasset. They were accompanied by Mrs. Nelson Schmay, a member of CWU, who attended as the delegate of the Northeastern Division of Church Women of the Christian Church (Disciples) of which she is president.

The assembly convened in the Congregational Church of Man­hasset with 214 delegates in at­tendance. The theme of the three-day assembly was "Ecu­menical Development in the Field of Communication and De­velopment." The keynote ad­dress, "Who Will Answer" was given by Mrs. James H. Dolbey, CWU national president.

The attendants wore gowns of ivory Jakarta trimmed with lace in pastel colors. Baskets of daisies matching the color of the lace trim were carried. Daisies were also scattered in their hair.

Mario's Theater Restaurant was the scene of the reception.

A graduate of Mechanicville High School and the State Uni­versity at Albany, Mrs. Ana­triello is teaching at Hoosic Valley Central School. Her hus­band is an alumnus of Mechan­icville High School and New York City School of Mechanical Dentistry. He is an employe of the Empire Dental Laboratory in Schenectady.

To travel to Bermuda, the bride wore a powder blue en­semble with matching accessor­ies and an orchid corsage.

Mr. and Mrs. Anatriello will live at 19 Gilbert St., Mechanic­ville.

—Vera Photo

BRIDE-TO-BE — Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Millington of 1007 9th Ave. have an­nounced the engagement of their daughter, Jane Ann, to Edward John Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ken­nedy of Center Brunswick. Miss Millington is a gradu­ate of Lansingburgh High School and is employed in the medical records department of Leonard Hospital. Mr. Ken­nedy is a graduate of Troy High School. He^jreceived a B.S. in textile engineering from Lowell Technological In­stitute, Lowell, Mass., and is employed as a project engi­neer by the Mohawk Brush Co. No date has been set for the wedding.

Miss Collett #

To Wed In May Mr. and Mrs. William F. Col-

lett, 5 Middleburg St., announce the engagement of their daugh­ter, Catherine, to Spec. 4 Bur­ton C. Van Buren III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton C. Van Buren Jr., Averill Park.

Miss Collett is a graduate of Troy High School and is em­ployed by J. L. Thompson, wholesale druggist. Mr. Van Buren, a graduate of Columbia High School, is stationed at F t Dix, N.J. He is a veteran of Viet­nam.

The wedding will take place the last week in May.

Top Officers Reelected At Garden Club Mrs. Carl G. Grimm was re­

elected president of the Van Rensselaer Garden Club at the annual meeting Thursday at the Troy Country Club.

Mrs. Walter S. Witman was reelected vice president. Others elected were Mrs. Robert G. Betts, recording secretary; Mrs. Thomas W. Rourke, treasurer, and Mrs. John M. Francis, cor­responding secretary

The meeting was prec a buffet luncheon for whi Edward M. Hutton made the arrangements. Mrs. William M, Connors and Mrs. Stephen V Lewis were in charge of decora tions.

—Van Arnam Photo

ENGAGED i*> Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Bulson, Hoo­sick Road, RD 1, Troy, of the engagement of their daugh­ter, Lesley May, to William T. Waters, son of Mr. and Mrs. James V. Waters of Cropseyville. Miss Bulson is a graduate of Tamarac High School and is employed by the Hooper Advertising Serv­ice in Albany. Mr.' Waters also graduated from Tamarac High School and is employed by Cooley Motors Inc., De-freestville. The couple will be married Sept. 20.

Record Pattern

ceded by l icjprs.


Books -- Bags - Buttons Knitting Needles

Ribbons - Monograms Crochet Hooks



601 2nd Ave. at 116th St., North Trey Open 1 F.M. to 8:30 F.M.

Melon Balls Serve frozen melon balls In a

festive party punch along with the usual fruit slices.

Kathleen Webb Engaged To Wed The engagement of Miss Kath­

leen Ann Webb to Anthony Lewis Petralis has been announced by the prospective bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Webb of Ticonderoga, formerly of Schuylerville. Mr. Petralis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Petralis of Schuylerville.

Miss Webb is a senior at Ti­conderoga High School. Mr. Petralis is a graduate of Schuy lerville High School and is study-. ing X-ray technology at North «•» w e a r j t. i n t h e afternoon! Country Community College, Juf.4 two main pattern parts -Saranac Lake. polish it off with bright binding.

An Aug. 16 wedding is planned. Hurry, send! Printed Pattern 9326: New

Half Sizes 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%. Size 14% (bast 37) takes 2% yds. 45 in. Sixty

Leondis and Rev. Basil Sadaka performed the c e r e m o n y . George W. Rantzaklis escorted his sister.

Mrs. Dora Mokhiber, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. The Misses Carol Sokaris, Mary Ermides,. sister of the bride­groom, Helen Sokaris and Helen Paticopoulos were bridesmaids and Miss Lia Koutaskis was jun­ior bridesmaid. Maria Mokhiber was flower girl.

Best man was James Stolis. Ushers were Savas J. Ermides and Gus J. Ermides, brothers of the bridegroom. Frank Rantzak­lis, brother of the bride, Peter Thomas and Dean Ermides, nephew of the bridegroom. Peter Ermides was ring bearer and George Mokhiber held the crowns.

An A-line gown of silk with lace and sequin appliques was the choice of the bride. With it she wore a cathedral length Wat­teau train and carried a cascade of white roses, and stephanotis centered with a white orchid.

The bridal attendants wore yellow gowns and carried bask­ets of white daisies, yellow pom­pons, yellow roses, and babies' breath.

A reception at Sleasman's Restaurant followed the cere­mony.

Mrs. Ermides is a graduate of Albany High School and is em­ployed as a secretary at the Na­tional Commercial Bank and Trust Co., Riverside Office. Her husband graduated from the same high school and attended Siena College. He is an employe of Jabar Distributing Co.

After a wedding trip to Free-port in the Bahamas, the couple will make their home in Albany.

Homemakers Plan Events

The Hilltop Homemakers held a business meeting recently at the Third Presbyterian Church with Mrs. Reginald Reichert presiding.

Workshop projects were dis­played and lessons were sched­uled. On Wednesday, M r s . James Deneaker will t e a c h "Clorox Bottle Bag" at the home of Mrs. John Barnes, Highland Avenue.

On May 7, a class on jewelry will be taught by Mrs. Joseph Simmons at the church hall. Mrs. George Mahdesian will teach "Purse from Lunch Pail" May 14 at the home of Mrs. Frank Heenan, Woodbridge. On May 21 a banquet will be held at the Trade Winds. Those at­tending should meet at the church at 6:30 p.m

The chapter's Achievement night will be held at the church hail May 28.

ried Saturday in the Immaculatef a r r i e d » « f g < f * L W h U* roses and babies' breath. Conception Church, Hoosick

Falls. Very Rev. Donald J. Am-mering, O.S.A., officiated. Mr. Jandrow escorted his daughter.

Mrs. John Billert was matron of honor, and Miss Kelly Hub-han was flower girl. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Michael Burke, Mrs. Robert Nixon and Miss Linda Pennock.

John Billert served as best man. James Maloney was ring bearer and Michael Burke, Jay Iskowitz and Hyland Main ushered.

The bride wore a cage gown of silk organza that was trim­med with venise lace daisies around the neckline, bodice and two 'front panels. The skirt ter­minated in a train. Her veil was caught to a venise lace and organza petal headpiece. She

The matron of honor and flower girl wore nile green gowns with matching petal headpieces and carried baskets of daisies and green carnations with green streamers. The bridesmaids wore maize gowns and yellow carnations with yel-and carried baskets of daisies low streamers.

Guests were entertained at the Taconic Park Restaurant in Williamstown, Mass.

The former Miss Jandrow graduated from St. Mary's Academy, Hoosick Falls, and St. Joseph College, Old Ben­nington, Vt. She is employed by General Electric Co., Pittsfield% Mass. Her husband graduated from Bennington High School, Bennington, and is employed by H. T. Cushman Mfg. Co., North Bennington.

Following a wedding trip through the southern states, tho couple will reside in Berlin.


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—Bolster Photo TO BE WED — Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Rajeski, 9 Donnelly Ave., Mechanicville, have an­nounced the engagement of their daughter, Joan Ann Ra­jeski, to Daniel Egan Serrell, 2008 Fairview Ave., Schenec­tady, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Serrell. A July 26 wedding is planned. Miss Ra­jeski, a graduate of Mechanic­ville High School, is employed by the State Department of Labor, office of Manpower De­velopment. Her finance grad­uated from Mont Pleasant High School and received his B.S.C.E. from Union College. He attended RPI Graduate School and is employed by the State Department of Trans­portation, Bureau of Soil Me­chanics.

Plans Meeting Frank Bauman will discuss

"Preserving Your Garden on Film" at the May 6 meeting of the Greenbush Garden Club at the Junior High School, Gilligan Road, East Greenbush.

Hostesses for the 8 p.m. meet­ing will be Mrs. Charles Turner and Mrs. Paul Benko.


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