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10 Survival Phrases Survival Answers 1/6 With Mr Angry Potato Head and Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face

10 Survival Phrases Survival Answers 1/6 With Mr Angry Potato Head and Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face.

Apr 06, 2015



Bernd Andrle
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  • Folie 1
  • Folie 2
  • 10 Survival Phrases Survival Answers 1/6 With Mr Angry Potato Head and Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face
  • Folie 3
  • Hello I am the angry potato- head. I have already taught you ten survival phrases. Here are some answers.
  • Folie 4
  • Hello. I am the mildly angry carrot-face. I am going to teach you answers to the survival phrases.
  • Folie 5
  • What time does the plane leave? Wann geht das Flugzeug?
  • Folie 6
  • Das Flugzeug hebt in fnf Minuten ab. The plane takes off in five minutes.
  • Folie 7
  • What time does the plane leave? Wann geht das Flugzeug?
  • Folie 8
  • Im sorry but the gate closed five minutes ago. Es tut mir leid aber der Flugsteig ist seit fnf Minuten geschlossen.
  • Folie 9
  • Wann fhrt der Zug ab? What time does the train leave?
  • Folie 10
  • Der Zug fhrt in vier Minuten ab. The train will leave in four minutes.
  • Folie 11
  • Wann fhrt der Zug ab? What time does the train leave?
  • Folie 12
  • Sie sind auf dem falschen Bahnsteig. You are on the wrong platform.
  • Folie 13
  • Wann fhrt der Bus ab? What time does the bus leave?
  • Folie 14
  • Ich wei nicht. Sie sollten auf den Fahrplan schauen. I dont know, you should check the timetable.
  • Folie 15
  • Wann fhrt der Bus ab? What time does the bus leave?
  • Folie 16
  • Ich glaube er fhrt hier in zehn Minuten ab. I think it departs from here in ten minutes.
  • Folie 17