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10. Our Barren Moon Lunar plains & craters Manned lunar exploration The lunar interior The Moon’s geologic history The formation of the Moon

10. Our Barren Moon Lunar plains & craters Manned lunar exploration The lunar interior The Moon’s geologic history The formation of the Moon.

Dec 30, 2015



Scot Fletcher
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Page 1: 10. Our Barren Moon Lunar plains & craters Manned lunar exploration The lunar interior The Moon’s geologic history The formation of the Moon.

10. Our Barren Moon• Lunar plains & craters

• Manned lunar exploration

• The lunar interior

• The Moon’s geologic history

• The formation of the Moon

Page 2: 10. Our Barren Moon Lunar plains & craters Manned lunar exploration The lunar interior The Moon’s geologic history The formation of the Moon.

Moon Data (Table 10-1)

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Moon Data: Numbers• Diameter: 3, 0.27 . Earth

• Mass: 7.4 . 1022 kg 0.012 . Earth

• Density: 3.3 . water 0.61 . Earth

• Orbit: 3.8 . 105 km 0.0026 . Earth

• Day: 27.32 days 27.32 . Earth

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Moon Data: Special Features – 1• The Moon is the Earth’s only natural satellite

• The Moon is 1 of 7 large Solar System satellites

• The Moon has essentially no atmosphere

• The Moon’s near side has 2 different surfaces– The lunar highlands are very heavily cratered

– The lunar lowlands have 14 maria (i.e., “seas”)

• The Moon’s “far side” has only 1 mare

Page 5: 10. Our Barren Moon Lunar plains & craters Manned lunar exploration The lunar interior The Moon’s geologic history The formation of the Moon.

Moon Data: Special Features – 2• The Moon’s interior has a very small iron core

• The Moon’s differential gravity causes tides– Gravity differences on opposite sides of the Earth

• The Moon is intimately involved with eclipses– Solar eclipses: the Moon is in the middle

– Lunar eclipses: the Earth is in the middle

Page 6: 10. Our Barren Moon Lunar plains & craters Manned lunar exploration The lunar interior The Moon’s geologic history The formation of the Moon.

The Moon As Seen From Earth• Synchronous axial rotation

– 1-to-1 spin-orbit coupling• 1 spin on its axis for every 1 orbit around its parent object

– The Moon points only one “face” toward Earth• The Moon seems to wobble left & right

– Caused by changing orbital speed along an elliptical orbit

• The Moon seems to nod up & down– Caused by the 5.15° tilt of the Moon’s rotational axis

• Surface visibility– Bright & dark areas

• Cratered bright lunar highlands• Smooth dark lunar maria

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Three Basic Lunar Feature Types

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Details of a Lunar Crater (Far Side)

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Details of a Lunar Sea (Mare Imbrium)

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The Moon’s Two Hemispheres• The “near” side

– Very diverse• Lunar maria14 “seas”

• Lunar terrae (highlands)

“lands”– Extensively cratered

• The “far” side– Very homogeneous

• Lunar maria1 “sea”

• Lunar terrae (highlands)

“lands”– Extensively cratered

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Mare Orientale• Most prominent feature on the Moon’s far side

– Is not a mare in the traditional sense• It is not flooded with dark basalt lava

– Lunar “far side” crust was too thick to be penetrated

• It is a multi-ringed basin

– Is a mare in one sense• It is a very large impact basin

• Probable cause– Impact by a large asteroid or comet

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Mare Orientale: Low Res. Image

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Mare Orientale: High Res. Image

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Contrasting Lunar Hemispheres

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The Rate of Lunar Crater Formation

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Old Unmanned Lunar Missions• Impacters

– Ranger program

3 of 9 spacecraft• Precursors to unmanned lunar landings• Transmitted TV pictures until impact

• Orbiters– Lunar Orbiter program

5 of 5 spacecraft• Precursors to manned lunar landings• Returned 1950 images covering 99.5% of lunar surface

– Clementine mission• Mapped lunar surface in UV, visible & IR wavelengths

– Lunar Prospector mission• Evidence of up to 6 billion tons of lunar ice

• Landers– Surveyor program

5 of 7 spacecraft• Soft-landed at various locations on the lunar surface

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Crater Alphonsus: Up Close & Afar

From Ranger 9 From Earth

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Manned Lunar Exploration• Orbiters

– Earth orbit– Lunar transfer orbit– Lunar orbit

• Landers– Apollo 11 Mare Tranquilitatis– Apollo 12– Apollo 13 Barely averted disaster– Apollo 14– Apollo 15– Apollo 16– Apollo 17

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Eugene Cernan (Apollo 17)

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The Lunar Surface• Many craters visible from Earth telescopes

– ~30,000 craters > 1.0 km in diameter• ~ 85% of the lunar near side is covered with craters• ~ 98% of the lunar far side is covered with craters

– Millions of craters actually exist on the lunar surface• Craters are typically circular

– Angle of impact has very little significance– Central peaks are common in large

craters– Upthrown crater rims are common on large

craters• Maria are larger than craters

– Tension fissures & pressure ridges are common– Rest ~2.0 to 3.0 km below the average lunar surface

• Comparable to Earth’s ocean crust– Flood basalts similar to Columbia River basalt flows

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Moon Rocks• Lunar rock formation

– All lunar rocks result from heating & cooling• Heat is derived from impact processes

– Strong evidence of chemical differentiation• Lunar rock types

– Igneous rocksCooled from magma

• Basalt Rich in iron & magnesium Maria       

• Anorthosite Rich in quartz & feldsparHighlands

– Impact brecciaCemented by magma

• Only appreciable lunar mechanical weathering process

• Lunar regolith “Blanket of stone”– Fragments of existing lunar rock ~2 to 20 m thick– Fragments of incoming meteorites

Page 22: 10. Our Barren Moon Lunar plains & craters Manned lunar exploration The lunar interior The Moon’s geologic history The formation of the Moon.

Moon Rock Ages• Basic physical processes

– Radiometric age dating• Radioactive starting isotope

Parent isotope• Stable ending isotope

Daughter isotope• Measure the decay rate of the parent isotope• Measure the parent to daughter isotope ratio

• Basic results– Mare basalts

• ~3.1 to 3.8 billion years old– Highland anorthosites

• ~4.0 to 4.3 billion years old– Period of intense bombardment

• ~3.8 to 4.6 billion years ago

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Typical Lunar Rocks

Vesicular mare basalt Highland anorthositeImpact breccia

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Clementine Maps the Lunar Surface

Page 25: 10. Our Barren Moon Lunar plains & craters Manned lunar exploration The lunar interior The Moon’s geologic history The formation of the Moon.

The Lunar Interior• Chemical differentiation did occur

– Low density materials floated to the lunar surface

– High density materials sank to the lunar center

• The Moon does have a tiny iron-rich core– The Moon’s core is ~ 3% of the lunar mass

– The Earth’s core is ~33% of the Earth’s mass

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The Moon’s Internal Structure

Page 27: 10. Our Barren Moon Lunar plains & craters Manned lunar exploration The lunar interior The Moon’s geologic history The formation of the Moon.

Lunar Magnetism• The past

– Ancient igneous rocks retain a weak magnetic field• Implies a partially molten core when surface solidified

• The present– No appreciable magnetic field

• Implies an almost completely solidified core– Moonquakes

• Only ~ 3,000 per year– Earth has ~ 1.5 million earthquakes per year

• Magnitude from ~ 0.5 to 1.5– Far weaker than on Earth

• Originate ~ 600 to 800 km beneath the surface– Far deeper than on Earth

• Triggered by tides produced by Earth’s differential gravity– Vary by a factor of 2 due to the highly elliptical lunar orbit

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Earth–Moon Dynamics• Some evidence

– Reflectors put on lunar surface by Apollo astronauts– Extremely precise distance measurements

• Moon is moving away from Earth ~3.8 cm . yr–1

• Basic physical processes– Differential lunar gravity raises ocean tides– Earth’s axial rotation drags tidal bulge ahead ~10°

• This is caused by friction along ocean bottoms• This in turn causes two things

– Earth’s tidal bulge pulls the Moon into a higher orbit– Earth’s tidal friction slows Earth’s rotation ~0.000 02 sec . yr–1

• Some implications– The month will become progressively longer– The dream of really long days will at last be realized – One face of Earth will always face the Moon

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Tidal Effects on the Earth & Moon

Page 30: 10. Our Barren Moon Lunar plains & craters Manned lunar exploration The lunar interior The Moon’s geologic history The formation of the Moon.

The Formation of Earth’s Moon• Fission hypothesis Doubtful

– Earth’s axial rotation was extremely fast• Capture hypothesis Doubtful

– Earth’s gravity captured a planetesimal• Co-creation hypothesis Doubtful

– Particles in Earth orbit accreted into the Moon• Collisional ejection hypothesis Probable

– Earth was obliquely impacted by a planetesimal• Only 1.23% of the combined masses became the Moon• Absence of lunar volatiles supports this hypothesis

– Intense heating was an inevitable part of the impact • Low average lunar density supports this hypothesis

– Very little of Earth’s iron core was ejected

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Hypothesis: Moon Impact Formation

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Timeline: Moon Formation by Impact

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• Moon data– ~27 % Earth’s diameter– ~0.23% Earth’s mass– ~60 % Earth’s density

• The Moon as seen from Earth– Radically different near & far sides

• Synchronous rotation (1-to-1 S.O.C.)– Cratered highlands & craterless maria

• Lunar exploration– Unmanned

• Impacters, orbiters & landers– Manned

• Orbiters & landers

• The lunar surface– Crater & maria visibility– Lunar rocks

• Basalt & anorthosite• Impact breccia

• The lunar interior– Chemical differentiation

• Asymmetrical lunar crust• Mantle-dominated• Minimal iron core

• Lunar magnetism– Weak ancient magnetic field– No appreciable present mag. Field

• Earth-long-term Moon tidal dynamics– Lengthening days & months– Increasing Earth–Moon distance

• Formation of Earth’s Moon– Fission

hypothesis– Capture

hypothesis– Co-creation

hypothesis– Collisional ejection


Important Concepts