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10 Multitasking

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  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 1


  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 2


    Introduction to Multitasking

    Pre-emption and Scheduling

    Kernel structure


    WASM directives

    The Handler

    The Dispatcher

    Setup Code

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 3

    Introduction to Multitasking

    Most operating systems allow more than oneprogram to be running at a time.

    This is achieved by sharing the CPUs timebetween the tasks that are ready to beprocessed.

    The CPU executes each task for a shortwhile.

    In a working system this all happens so

    quickly that it appears that tasks are runningconcurrently.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 4

    Multitasking Diagram

    Task 3

    Task 2

    Task 1


    The CPU executes Task 1 for a whileThen Task 2Then Task 3

    Then Task 1Then Task 2And so on

    CPU time is shared between the three tasks.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 5

    Multitasking Kernel

    We call the piece of code that facilitatesmultitasking a Multitasking Kernel.

    This code is right at the heart of a multitaskingoperating system.

    A multitasking kernel allows each task to bewritten as if it has its own CPU to run on.

    The multitasking kernel allocates the CPU to

    different tasks in turn.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 6

    How do we share the CPU?

    Two main approaches: Cooperative Multitasking

    Tasks voluntarily release the CPU after doing someprocessing.

    Maybe when they are waiting for I/O.

    Maybe when they terminate.

    But with this approach tasks can hog the CPU. Preemptive Multitasking

    Tasks are given a limit on how long they can use the CPU forat a time.

    All tasks will get a go on the CPU.

    We will only consider Preemptive Multitasking

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 7

    Preemptive Multitasking

    The length of time a task is given is called itsTimeslice.

    We can give higher priority tasks longertimeslices.

    If a task terminates, or requires a resourcethen the kernel may end its timeslice early.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 8


    The multitasking kernel must decide which taskwill use the CPU next?

    This process is called Scheduling. A simple scheduling scheme would be to simply

    go through each task in turn.

    More complex scheduling schemes might takeinto account things like The assigned priority of the task

    The likely time until the task will complete

    The nature of the task (e.g. interactive, background)

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 9

    Saving/Restoring Context

    When a task is taken off the CPU we must makesure we can resume execution at a later time.

    Our multitasking should not interfere with this program inany way.

    This involves saving information including.. The General Purpose Register contents.

    The address of the instruction we were up to. This procedure is known as Saving Context.

    It generally involves saving these values to memory.

    Before this task can be resumed we must restorethe context.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 10

    Multitasking Kernel Parts

    Setup code.

    Setup exceptions, as well as the tasks.

    Handler. Determine the cause of the exception.

    If the timeslice is over then go to the Dispatcher.

    Dispatcher. Save the context of the current task.

    Determine which task should run next. (Scheduling)

    Load the new tasks context and resume executing it.


    These are the user tasks.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 11

    Multitasking Kernel Parts

    Our multitasking kernel system will consist offour main parts

    Setup code.




  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 12

    Kernel structuremain:

    # Setup tasks.

    # Setup interrupts.

    # Go to the first task.


    # Check which exception occurred.# If it is the timer interrupt then we

    # jump to handle_interrupt.

    # Otherwise we jump to the system.

    # exception handler.


    # Acknowledge the interrupt.

    # Subtract 1 from the timeslice counter

    # If timeslice counter is zero then goto dispatcher

    # Otherwise we return from exception.


    # Save context for current task

    # Select the next task to run

    # Set the timeslice counter to an appropriate value

    # Load context for next task

    # Continue with next task

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 13

    Kernel structure (cont)


    # Code for task1


    # Code for task2


    # Code for task3

    Space for task context saving allocated here

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 14

    Kernel Structure Summary

    A Multitasking kernel consists of

    Setup code

    Runs once at the start.


    Runs on every exception.

    Dispatcher Called by handler on completion of timeslice.

    Tasks Run when loaded by the dispatcher.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 15





    Processor status

    Program counter Control registers


    Stack pointer

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 16

    Task stacks

    If we wish to have our tasks using stacks, then we must setupa separate stack for each task.

    If we do not have separate stacks, then tasks might interferewith each other.

    To setup a stack we must

    Allocate some memory (probably using a .space directive)

    Set the stack pointer for the task to the address of the end of thatmemory.

    How much memory should we allocate?

    The amount has implications for the number of nested subroutine

    calls we can make. Just make sure there is enough.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 17

    .equ directives

    Allow us to define constants

    Much like #define in C.

    If we want to change the value then we only have tochange it in one place.


    .equ left_ssd_addr, 0x73002

    sw $4, left_ssd_addr($0)

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 18

    .text, .data, and .bss

    These allow us to separate the bits of ourprogram into segments

    text segment Instructions

    data segment Data with a specified initial value

    bss segment Uninitialised data

    Any .word directives in the bss segment cannot have avalue specified.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 19


    Allows us to allocate a certain amount of space inmemory for a data structure.

    This saves us having to use .word repeatedly. Because no initial values are specified this can only

    be used inside the bss segment.

    e.g. reserve 18 words of space


    .space 18

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 20

    Task stacks example

    # Stack for task 1

    .space 100


    # Stack for task 2

    .space 100


    # Stack for task 3

    .space 100


    For example, allocating three stacks of size 100 words:

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 21

    The Handler

    Interrupt Handler

    Use timer to generate regular (fast) interrupts

    Timer is unavailable to tasks

    Need to check interrupt is from timer

    Every time_slice interrupts invoke dispatcher

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 22

    Handler Code


    # Get the exception status register

    movsg $13, $estat

    # Check for any other exceptions than# the one we want (IRQ2)

    andi $13, $13, 0xffb0

    # If no other exceptions have occurred then

    # we branch to our handler.

    beqz $13, handle_interrupt

    # Otherwise we must jump to the old# exception handler.

    lw $13, old_vector($0)

    jr $13

    handle_interrupt:# Handle our timer interrupt

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 23

    Register $13

    In our handler we are going to need one generalpurpose register very early on.

    We need to get the $estat register so we can checkthe cause of the exception.

    But we want to maintain the contents of theregisters so we dont affect our tasks.

    The WRAMP processor provides for this byautomatically saving $13 on exception.

    $13 is copied to the special register known as$ers (Exception Register Save).

    When an rfe instruction is executed then $ersis copied back to $13.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 24

    What does this mean for us?

    For the programs we have been writing so far, we haventbeen worrying about whether registers are saved or not noproblem.

    For our multitasking kernel, we must be careful when savingand restoring context.

    Since $13 is already saved we can freely use it for the

    handler and dispatcher, but we must save the value in $ersas part of the task context.

    When we restore context, we must restore the appropriate$13 value from the saved context into $ers, so it will be

    restored correctly when we return from exception.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 25

    In terms of our code

    The code in our handle_interrupt routine canonly safely use $13.

    Remember we need to decrement the timeslicecounter, and maybe jump to the dispatcher.

    Our dispatcher can use $13 as a base

    address for the memory to save task context.

    Other registers can be used once their value

    has been saved.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 26

    The Dispatcher

    Roles of the Dispatcher

    Save the context of the current task.

    Determine which task should run next.

    Load the next tasks context.

    Continue executing with this next task.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 27

    Saving Context

    When we take a task off the CPU we need toremember where we were up to.

    This involves saving some things to memory: All the general purpose registers (including $sp,

    and $ra)

    The exception address register ($ear) The CPU control register ($cctrl)

    The space in memory that we save these to

    is known as a Process Control Block (PCB). Each task must have its own PCB.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 28

    Saving Context (cont)

    We must be very careful in our dispatcher tomake sure that we dont lose the contents of

    any registers before we save them. Also when we are loading context, we must

    ensure that we dont change the contents of

    any registers after we have restored them.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 29

    Process Control Block

















    .space 17

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 30

    Managing Tasks

    The Dispatcher must know which task it iscurrently working on.

    It must also be able to figure out which one towork on next.

    It must be able to find the PCBs for eachtask so it can save and restore context.

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 31

    PCB version 2

















    .equ pcb_link, 0

    .equ pcb_reg1, 1

    .equ pcb_reg2, 2

    .equ pcb_reg3, 3

    .equ pcb_ra, 15

    .equ pcb_ear, 16

    .equ pcb_cctrl, 17



    .space 18


    .space 18task3_pcb:

    .space 18

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 32

    PCB linked list

















































    Task 1 PCB Task 3 PCBTask 2 PCB

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 33

    Setting up the tasks

    Before we can get our system going we needto setup some fields in each of our PCBs.

    The link field Must be set to point to the next PCB in the list.

    The stack pointer field

    Must be set to the bottom of the stack for that task

    The $ear field

    Must be set to the starting address of the task code

    The $cctrl field See the next slide

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 34

    Setting up the $cctrl field

    We want to unmask the timer interrupt (IRQ2).

    We want to disable interrupts globally for now.

    We want interrupts to become enabled when weexecute an rfe.

    We want to ensure that we stay in kernel mode.

    31 KU




    Undefined (set to zero) 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 0 1$cctrl



  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 35

    PCB setup code

    # Unmask IRQ2,KU=1,OKU=1,IE=0,OIE=1

    addi $5, $0, 0x4d

    movgs $cctrl, $5

    # Setup the pcb for task 1

    la $1, task1_pcb

    # Setup the link field

    la $2, task2_pcb

    sw $2, pcb_link($1)

    # Setup the stack pointer

    la $2, task1_stack

    sw $2, pcb_sp($1)

    # Setup the $ear field

    la $2, task1_codesw $2, pcb_ear($1)

    # Setup the $cctrl field

    sw $5, pcb_cctrl($1)

    We do thisfor each task

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 36

    Current task pointer

    We need to maintain a pointer to the PCB of thecurrent task.

    This will be initialised to the address of the PCB fortask 1.

    When we switch task in the dispatcher this pointerwill be changed to the link field in the current PCB.

    # Setup the first task

    la $1, task1_pcb

    sw $1, current_task($0)




  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 37

    Dispatcher saving context


    # Get the base address of the current PCB

    lw $13, current_task($0)

    # Save the registers

    sw $1, pcb_reg1($13)

    sw $2, pcb_reg2($13)

    # $1 is saved now so we can use it

    # Get the old value of $13

    movsg $1, $ers

    # and save it to the pcbsw $1, pcb_reg13($13)

    # Save $ear

    movsg $1, $ear

    sw $1, pcb_ear($13)

    # Save $cctrlmovsg $1, $cctrl

    sw $1, pcb_cctrl($13)

  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 38

    Dispatcher switching task

    # Get the contents of the link field of the current PCB

    lw $13, pcb_link($13)

    # Set that as our new task

    sw $13, current_task($0)




















  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 39

    Dispatcher restoring context

    # Get the PCB value for $13 back into $ers

    lw $1, pcb_reg13($13)

    movgs $ers, $1

    # Restore $ear

    lw $1, pcb_ear($13)

    movgs $ear, $1

    # Restore $cctrl

    lw $1, pcb_cctrl($13)

    movgs $cctrl, $1

    # Restore the other registers

    lw $1, pcb_reg1($13)

    lw $2, pcb_reg2($13)

    # Return to the new task


  • 8/10/2019 10 Multitasking


    COMP200 40


    The Handler and Dispatcher work together toprovide task switching

    They must be carefully coded to save andrestore tasks exactly

    The setup code provides PCBs for theDispatcher to use.

    The Task Queue is formed using links in the

    PCBs. Try it yourself in the exercise