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A PAPER OF QUALIFY THE WASHINGTON HERALD LARGEST MORNING D CIRCULATION S WASHINGTON C TUESDAY FEBXTTAfcY 25 1908 TWELVE PAGES V TWO CENTS 1- I r J NO 506 D 3 GOMPERS ANSWERS COURTS DECISION Makes Startling Defense of the Cause of Xabor ADDRESS Organizations or Unions Must Not Be Outlawed Civil IVnr Aiizinllcd Decision of Sn prcmcConrt and Freed the Slaves nt Cot of Ilnnclrciln of ThonmuidH of I iveK Declares A F of I Lender In Commenting on Ilnl ins Relative to Boycotts The recent decision of tlio Supreme Court in the Danbury hatters in vblch Jt was held that the boycott es tabUshed by the Hatters Union and the Axnorfeafi Federation of Labor was in violation of the Sherman ntltrust law is the subject of a significant editorial by Samuel Gompers president of the federa- tion in the current issue oj organ Tho article is headed Labor organiza tions must net bo outlawed and in a foot note ho says It should he borne in wind that there is no Jaw not eve a court decision com- pelling union men or their friends of la- bor to buy a Bucks stove or range No Not eien buy a Loewe bat This is followed by a personal address- to organized labor and friends stating that In view of the courts decision which must be obeyed regardless of whether or not It is Just and of the fact that it the organization and tho individuate composing it liable to monetary damages and imprisonment Mr says ho feels obliged to discontinue the publication of the fed- erations We dont patronize list A SivecnliJK Decision In the course of tote editorial Mr GoMpers that no moro swooping t farreaching and important decision had ever been Issued by the Supreme Court The Drod Scott decision he con- tinues did not approach this in scope and importance for It only decreed that- a runaway slave could be pursued if ho made his capo Into a free State and his return compelled by all the pow- ers of the government to Ids in a slave State Any person Vho asitj in Iho be prosecuted before the courts for a criminal offense That c Vision tho fuw negro stave who could make good their escape from a slaveholding State The cirtl war annulled the decision of the Supreme Court and freed the slaves It cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of brave men on both sides and emnacinated from chattel 400WQO of slaves No man now points to that famous DredScott Supreme Court decision- It then goes on to say that a study of the decision rovonls some strange pecu- liarltiee among them the fact that the complaint of the Loewe Company Is set forth in full while the response of the union to scarcely referred to that the complaint was full of the most glaring inaccuracies and misstatements that none of the precedents quoted by the paralleled the case Quoting from the opinion of the reference to the fact that seventy out of eightytwo hat manu- facturers had accepted the terms of the union and that when tho Loewe Com- pany declined to unionize its factory the boyoott bad been ordered Mr Gompors- eays The Amazing View Tho court takes the amazing view that even the most successful effort of the hatters union to obtain and maintain Industrial peaco with employers is proof of unlawful is conspiracy and under the Sherman antitrust law unlawful and punishable by being mulcted In damages and by and im- prisonment As a matter of fact neither the hatter nor any other trade over at- tempted to coorco all manufacturers against their will to mako agreements with the union Common senso teaches that a voluntary agreement between an employer and a union must be a peaceful one All union agreements with employ- ers are voluntary and mutual No union could if it tried force an employer to enter into an agreement with it No union attempts such unbuslnesslike The most any union has done is to decline to buy tho products of a firm which declined to employ union men and grant the prevailing rate of wages hours of labor and conditions of employment Supposing they wero exorcising their con etltutional right of free speech union men have asked their frierids and fellow unionists buy such goods The court is In error says Mr Gompers in denying its charge that the American Federation of Labor had declared a boycott against the Loewe Company It had never indorsed or de- clared a boycott against the company In fact no request for such action In any manner or form had ever been made to the federation nr Its officers directly or indirectly by the hatters or any one else That company had never been published- in tho Wo dont patronize list of the Court itself realized the evil consequences Wo feel it our duty In tho Interest of truth and accuracy he continued to call public attention to the error of the court in charging the American Federa- tion of Labor with being a party to the action against tho Loewe Company We can hardly believe that tho Supreme Court itself realized the evil consequences which may follow thIs decision under Its construction of the Sherman antitrust law a construction never intended by Congress It may be like the falling pcb mlcs which dislodges the avalanche gringlng ruin and destruction upon all in Its path Should this be the result it wilt Continued on Page 2 Column S Flowers for All Occasions Blacklstone Hth and H sts nw Everybody Conic Io Lumber Frank Libbey Co 6th N Y ave nw AN EDITORIAL It to nude Gonu ors I own r o or e or r Inv Ivod proudly Court conductthat fine tac- tics Ufo case I says p chip a Mwho tx bu1 ti 1 p Y t not w t S y d ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > NEW TUBE OPENING TODAY Jersey to Be Connected by JRallivlth Sew York City Now York Fob M With ceremonies in which the mayors of three cities the gov ernors of twoi States and the President of the United will participate the Morton street tubes of the McAdoo tun nel system whleh connect New York and Now Jersey by a land route will be opened formally tomorrow The first regular train will be run through at 330 oclock in the afternoon In it will be the governors of the States of New York and New Jersey the mayors of Hoboken Jersey City and either Mayor McCIollan of New York or his representative committees from the boards of aldermen of the three Clues and rues prominent in various walks of lire These will bo present to celebrate the first victory of its kind over the Hudson that has been seined since the mats in whose honor the river was nomad sailed up it In the Half Moon The current which will carry the train under the river will not be on until Presi- dent Roosevelt In Washington presses a button which will give the signal that the road is officially opened- It was hoped that the President would be able to be present and open the road in person PLAN TO HONOR C 8 NOYES Board of Trade Takes Measures to Express Respect Committee Appointed to Escort Re- mnliiM Into IVnxhlnKrton and to Draft Memorial Resolutions- At a speck meeting of Ute board of directors of the Washington Board of Trade yesterday committees woro ap- pointed and steps taken to pay respect to the memory of Crosby S Noy s upon the arrival of Ms remains in this city and at the funeral ceremonies President Rudolph In calling tho moot- ing to order stated that he had called the directors together to take such action as might suggest itself upon the death of Mr Noyes formerly a member of the board of directors and identified with the Board of Trade from its foundation By motion a committee of five members was authorized to draft a suitable me mortal upon the services of Mr Noycs to tho Board of Trade and the commun- ity and report at a future meeting of tho directors A special committee of five was also authorized to meet the funeral car at Baltimore or Point of Rooks according to the route over which it should come to Washington By motion it was determined that the officers of the Board of Trado and the directors should attend the funeral of Mr Noyes In a body I WILD STORM ON GUT St canters Qverdu anti Ihn T filvei stay lie Lout Mexico City Feb 2 Another terrific gale has been sweeping the lower part of the Gulf of Mexico during the last three days doing much damage to ship ping A number of steomersaro overdue at Vera Cruz and It Is feared that there has been loss of life among the crews of fishing crafts IRDCE WITNESS ON TRIAL Confesses to Compiling Alleged Diary of Nobleman Tells of Mcctlns Men Who Planned with Her to Get London Fob 24 Mary Robinson who is before the BOv Street Police Court on a charge of perjury committed as a wlt ness in the Druce case recently heard by judge Plowden has confessed that she concocted the famous diary a copy of which was offered in evidence on that oc casion She said she copied It into an old diary and that she was promosed 520000 or JSCOO by a man who called himself Druce Tho prosecution road portions of the prisoners confession which had taken several days to write portions which re flected gravely upon third parties having been omitted The confession related how George Hollaraby Druces solicitor KImbor went to the United States seek ing Robert C Caldwell whom the pris oner first met accompanied by his law yer Allen during the proceedings In the Marylebone Police Court when Herbert Druce was being heard on a charge of perjury It was the latter who Introduced Mrs Robinson to Caldwell saying This is the New Zealand lady who wrote the wonderful diary which has caused such a sensation and has raised So much money Caldwell replied Bet your life Ill have Herbert Druce Jailed Mrs Robinson described Align as a charming talker He said Do you know Scotland Yard She replied No but my poor old father did Allen said My idea Is that they catch worms He praised the New York police Further on In the confession describ- ing the attempts of lawyers Coburn and Kimber G H Bruce and others to get possession of the diary Mrs Robinson said that Allen visited her and said he was a detective She replied I thought you were a solicitor He said So I am In America He added that he would Ilka to have the diary as if he had it he could make with it from the American newspapers When Kimber went to se her she had been arrested for perjury she was In Holloway Jail on February 5 she said she was going to plead guilty and show them all up He said You must not do that If you do they will send you to prison for seven years She then said she would tell the police At this point the case was adjourned Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Oncirny Colonist Fares Jo325 Washington to Pacific Coast Low Tickets on sale February 29 to April 29 Secure details agents Look Iituwber Prices Mack Frank Libbey Co Cth N Y ave nw I I Etn tee can t money rates to other Western dail Out Lower States 1 a many 11 end ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HE LOVES ME HE LOVES ME NOT I CALL BACK CURRENCY Secretary Cortelyou Asks 25 Per Cent of Deposits WILL AFFECT LARGE BANKS Treasury Department Take Ilopcfal of KJnnucIal Situation Con ilitionx in Striking Contrast with Those Prevailing n Year AKO Country In Healthy Condition The financial stringency wnlch because state Jast December has subsidgl to a point where the SKrary of tho Treas- ury Justified in recalling approxi- mately 33500ft000 from depositary institu- tions into which large sums were paid near tho closo of last year to tide over the panic Secretary Cortelyou is of the opinion that a partial withdrawal of the loaned funds from the hanks into the Treasury can now bo made without harm to the financial interests of the country With this end in view he issued the fol lowing call yesterday Tbe Scenery of Ute Tram auwBces aM upon DiUooal banks for appcwieatetr S per cert ef the public funds now held in imetire depositaries fearing en deposit suck fmdft in tb mm of JKOOOO or morn and 25 per cent of tho labile fadd new held bf attire dposiiUrie Where the deposit is 100000 of funds or in excess thereof awl where each withdrawal cam bo made Tritfeoot 5co- Tcnienco to the TYeasary Department In the tius action of public business Payments under call win be mads AS fellows Ten per cent of the amount called en or March 9 and the rcmainte 1C per ctrl on or be- fore March 23 The Secretary stated that advises from all portions of the country aro to tie ef- fect that this proportion of the govern mont funds now on deposit with these national banks can bo withdrawn without detriment to financial conditions In section Fifteen Per Cent of Whole At the close of business yesterday the amount of deposits of government mon eys in the depositary banks was approxi- mately 240000000 The withdrawals called for therefore constitute about 16 per- cent of the whole The Secretarys action was not prompt ed by any special need of money by government although the working cash balance in the Treasury is only about 24000000 The withdrawals mean that in tho opinion of the Treasury Department- the volume of money In the chief finan cial centers is now enough to Jus- tify a moderate contraction While bankers brokers and business- men generally are much at variance as to tho causes of the financial stringency of last year and no two of them meeting together to discuss the will ever agree it is a fact that con ditions affecting the use of currency at the present time show a striking contrast with those which prevailed a year ago Then business speculation and enterprise was at flood tide Greater demands upon capital were being made than ever before In the history of the world Expansion of trade industry building and enlargement- of facilities were hi the financial air The attire energies of this country and the world were abnormally vitalized and con- fidence in the prosperity of the country and the world amounted almost to mad ness 3Ioney Panic Culls Unit Then the grip of the money panic was laid upon the shoulder of progress lightly- at first as if in friendly warning and then with the voice of authority and command and a summary halt was call- ed upon speculation and trading upon the future with nothing to Now the panic has passed Inflated securities have been wrung dry sanity has taken the place of the moneymad insanity of twelve months ago There is now n positive disinclination to embark- in new enterprise unless the cash is in hand and the way clear for fair profit Speculation is tireless Talk of expand- ing credit is replaced with reserved ex- pression of getting along for another year with existing facilities nnd men In Another Reduction Get Oar Price List Frank LIbbey Co Cth NT est mr wools each an while probably sub- ject f View a this tit I rye pay ors 0 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ business are working ahead carefully and conservatively along sate Unas It has been found tlttro r not only abundance of money for aR needed out- lay but that the tendency IB for each to accumulate in the mono centers In word finances of the country are back again on a Sato basis In the past year business in many lines has unquestionably suffers This is seen especially la decreased output sad falling oft In volume of commodities shipped by the grot transntrtatkm com- panies Retrenchment ef hoRlttrftli kind has been sAd the return to a less rapid ia ifct business world has worked a Pod af Jjjftd- shlpv Country in Henltliy Conidtion But apparently the country Is in flnaneal condition today thou It was a year ago complaints accusations of this and that coterie of financier and pessimistic forecasts of Snoaclal Journals to the contrary aothwftiwtandtag lit is probable that tbe withdrawal of the deposited funds from the national bonks wilt be accomplished without un- easiness or dlfiiottlty and with the open- ing season of pivui Um and trade Ute country ought surely sad quickly to from all the bad effects of the yank The coming political campaign may be a more or less disturbing feeler in the situation but signs are not kicking that with a good year ahead for agricultural and industrial enterprises the great forces of countrys production may move forward to activities and results that will surprise politicians and finan- ciers alike In other words it wocld not be strange- if it was discovered months ponce that the effect Of the political campaign had been already discounted MAY INDORSE ROOSEVELT Democrats in Indiana Favor Prais- ing the President incHtion Cxpcctcil to Come Up When the Stntc Convention Indianapolis Feb 24 Suggestions that have come from the rural districts that the coming Democratic State convention Indorse President Roosevelt In so far as his acts have been in harmony with the demands of recent Democratic platforms era being considered seriously toy Demo- cratic managers and it is believed there will bo strong favor back of the Idea when the convention meets It is put forth by the advocates such a policy that Bryan has unre- servedly indorsed some of the utterances and acts of the President and that there is no question but many Democratic speakers in the coming campaign will praise Jlr Roosevelt for the stops he taken to bring about controT of cor porations and relieve the people of burdens with which Democratic platforms have declared have long been oppressed Some of the leaders however express- a that the Chicago convention In- case of a deadlock and protracted ballot ing might go wild over the President and despite his refusal to be a candidate nominate him and adjourn thus forcing him to be a candidate They say that In such a contingency tho Democratic party would be In the attitude of Indors- ing the Republican candidate In its plat- form und a campaign against him would be hopeless Senator Bryan in Hospital James Bryant United States Senator from Jacksonville Fla Is a patient in the Providence Hospital with typhoid fever He was admitted tc the hospital at 9 oclock last night and at midnight his fever was 103 His pulse and respiration re almost normal To Derive a Sloatly Income From your funds start an ac- count with banking of Union Trust Co 15th II sts Interest on all subject to check Govt supervision the Dee ry w the I Jleets o liPs S ac- counts that t a lied bet- ter re- cover fear William ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FALLS TO HIS DEATH Boy Captain of Snowball Army Loses His Balance TAKES PART IN BOYS BATTLE Jniuc Droosrnn Twelve jYcar Old SncccxNfnllv Captnin Defenders- of Fort Horn Rcpnlae Attacker Follows to Search for More En emiefl and Topple Over High Rock New York 31 The rock over baoging the sWewalfc at 13d street at the northern edge of Moralngslds Park which played a part hi the battle of Harlem Heights and which is known as Fort Horn was the scene of a mighty battle and real tragedy this afternoon A score of boys were divided into two armies one of which manned the old shanty at the top of the rock which they call a WookhoMe and the attacked the position Snow balls were the weapons The leader of the deluders was James Dreogan twelve years old of MS iagsida avenue Droogan directed a win- ning fight and the enemy was repulsed Flushed with victory he looked down from his position at top of the blockhouse searching for other possible enemies He lost his balance and feU to the sidewalk breaking his neck PRIEST SLAYERS STORY Xot Coached to Mnrder Catholic Churchman Colorado Springs Feb 24 AHo Giuseppe alias Giuseppe Aliot alias Angelo Gabriele the slayer of Father Leo at Denver yesterday his lifes history In jail here today He was born in Avola Sicily in 15S of Catholic parents and brought up in that church Easter Sunday in 11S9S he stood on a corner of a in his native town and tho Easter processional He followed to the church and there heard a sermon which ao says destroyed his faith in Catholocism He rehearsed again the manner In which he killed Father Leo and said It is not true that I belong to any society or order which has for an ob- ject tho killing of priests I did this thing of my own will and because I thought It woul l ease my mind XENIA TO BE FOR FORAGE Ohio XcjjfroeK Finn Instruction of Two Delegates lento Ohio Feb 24 Tomor w if in dications tonight are verified the Sixth district Republican Congressional cpnven tlon will indorse Senator Joseph B for President and will instruct the two national delegates to vote for him in tho Chicago convention Tonight on the eve of the convention Xenia Is literally with litho- graphs of Senator Foraker while not a likeness of either President Roosevelt or Secretary Taft is to be seen Xenia Is the home of Wilberforce Uni- versity the largest seat of learning for youths In America and the of this race together with the rank and file of colored citizens are tonight jollifying over the manifest sentiment for Foraker School to Give Concert The McKInley Manual Training School Orchestra under the direction of George V Sunderland will a concert Fri- day evening in the Business High School Yocar selections will be included Mem- bers of the orchestra arc Messrs Lans burg Lepper Webster Edwards Mur Stein Hough McCarthy King Whitbeck Zebley Ezdorf Felter Cheney and Chatfield to be augmented by Messrs Zieman Celfo Darby and Jacoby- A la Carte Luck Serves Dally At ckstelas from 12 to 2 12 N Y f I Fell o Gin eppe told plastered lead- ers give ave ale sire Hatched F- aker t lored pity rn 9t or ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + THINKS CELLA MURDERED Xevr York Official Declares Italian Not n Suicide New York Feb 24Asalstmnt District Attorney T H Ward spent Siva hours to over the books of the firm of Bros wholesale grocers wine Importers in whose store at 528 and IN West Broadway Gerolamo Cella the older of the partners was found dying early Sunday morning with a fractured akirtl lend his stomach filled with concentrated sulphuric acid After be had thoroughly qtmtfenet1 Dominico Celia the younger of the part ncrs concerning the details of th putt norship Mr Ward announced that he was positive that Gerouuno Cetta k2 bee murdered The assistant dtstrlc attorney also al- lowed himself to express the very strong intimation that his examination had led to the discovery of very strong Motive for the murder of the rich merchant The official from the dstrlet attorneys otilce found his views strengthened rather than weakened by the discovery of am additional letter similar to that found m the overcoat pocket of the dead man oh Sunday morning hinting at suicide and begging his wife and relatives to ample provision for the Just drrwkm of his estate among his two daughters and stepson Cesare BianchI Dominico Cella and Cesare Bianchl ap- peared before Coroner Harburger for pre- liminary examination today and upon the advice of counsel refused to answer questions Dominico Cell who had Hen arrested first as a material witness ami held as a suspicious person was allowed to go on 1009 bull on each charge Mr Word hinted tonight that be might make an additional charge of a serious nature against the latter IEITE HAN SNATCHES PURSE Mss May Rollins Robbed as She Is Passing an Alley Jloanted Policeman Pursues Thief bnt Falls to Make a Capture Description A white o about twentyflve yeas old snatahed tine purse of Mary 316 I street northwest in Massachusetts avenue between Fouth and Flftk streets at S oclock last evening and escaped after and exciting chase A mounted patrolman of the Sixth pre- cinct pursued the thief through an running between Fourth sad Fifth streets but failed to catch him Miss ROMias was on her way from her place of employment As she passed rat alley on tile side or Massachusetts avenue a white fan via out snatched her purse and ran back veto the alley An unidentified boy riding on a notified a mounted policeman olio chase Miss Rollins had in ptwsa a 1 bin and 99 teats tedMiase 1 Miss Rollin told the police her assail- ant was about nineteen years old smooth faced dark hair cue wore a light felt hat She said he weighed about lit pounds sad was about feet i lacks taU Government May Have to Pay Damage Suits Dill Workers ht to Collect liy Law Intro dnced In House If a Ml introduced by Bennet el New York Income a law employes of the varlets government de- partments tho navy yard the Govern- ment Printing Once the Bureau of En- graving and Printing c silt be en- abled in case of permanent disability through injury acquired while at to collect damages from the government By the terms of the proposed law in case any empiore of the departments is so injured physically while perforating his duties under the government that he ia compelled to quit work or if he is placed under quarantine he shall be al- lowed pay at the regular rate for a period of six months If his injuries keep hiss confined for a period greater than six months he snail then have the right to enter suit la the Court of Claims for too recovery of a sum not to exceed SIMM tor Ute disabil- ity or if he is able to return to work time after the payments have stop- ped at the end of the six months period he shall have the tight to sue for hfe wages at the regular rate for the time comprised between the end of the six months and the day when Ms health is regained- In case any employe desires to liter suit either for damages or for as above specified three surgeons one from the army one from the navy and tile third from the Marine Hospital Service shall prove the validity of the disability VETERINARIANS HEAR WILEY Chief Chemist Praises Progress In Elevating Avocation With more than a hundred students alumni and members of its faculty gather d about the banquet tables the United States College of Veterinary Surgeons gave its fourteenth anniversary dinner at Rauschers last evening Dr Harvey D Wiley of th Bureau of Chemistry congratulated the students and alumni on the growth and success of the college He had observed with satisfaction that the graduates of the col- lege were mpre successful in praetico than those of any other similar insti- tution G A Metcalf of the graduating chtss acted as toastmaster Speeches were made by Hulbert Young Y L D George A Prevost L L B treasurer of the college C Barnwelt Robinson T P Kennelly and J N Hornbaker XCTT hospital io Open The new 500000 Freedmen Hospital wH be opened today Patients wilt be moved to the institution this morning By many this now hospital is consider- ed the most modern and best equipped south of New York City It is constructed of brick and cement and fireproof throughout Accommodations b made for 200 patients Another Drop in Prices of Lumber Frank Co ih N Y ave nw Cello d a later R- ot y bid EMPLOYES MAY SOE UNGLE SAM rive work Is IS Link Gives ill south ga her giving DiAaliIed iris RepreEa rta some wages P Lib S e tnlpAi Yde vex rot n ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + SEES BULL FIGHT Two Matadors Disabled at f ete for Pardo A GALA DAY JOB TARS- I ilien of the Louisiana Win Fine Trophy in Boat Race Prize Presented by President of Peru Jn Silver Globe on Which I Engraved Route of Battle ShIps Speed Contcati One Features ct Day at Callaoillllnois Jacklex Cap- ture Championship for the Fleet j Feb Si ToflaV w President Pardos btrtMay A gate butt fight was Reid to honor of this peat aud visit of the American fleet spectators I attended Of Chit 6M0 were JMitars and others from the beet to of whom a beaD fight was a novelty When President Paulo slid Rear Admiral I Thomas appeared in till seats of honor they were ejttfcustestteaJty cheered by the spectators From the Peruvian point of view the eocrMa was very sueceoafui The first j bull which entered the tits was a fighter TIle combat was not as ono aMo t as these flfcgts frettMfttiy are and the bull caught tossed I Urn a couelderoMc dtetaaee and disabled front further Sgntbig for tits present TMs feat WWi greeted by the natives wteh three of Bravo tore white the faces or of the Americans who oould not express themselves in Spanish showed that they were waetfns no sym- pathy on the matador Fifth Bull n iFshter The fight progressed Is the usual man- ner after Tfefe until the fifth lied was let into the ring This animal wet looking for 4skt sad it ws rot long before tool of the second matador Bo for anything COUM be done to save the man file bull ran one of his horns into his threat antf fufifetod injuries which are likely to prove fataL This caused much excitement among the spectators but there was sot the slightest disorder Many Watch Boat Rnce TIle regatta in the bar Less yesterday tuteraoon WItS witnessed by an enormous crowd and tree affair TOSS wry success- ful front a sporting peat of view In addition to the boated cfew from the va- rious war stops some of the TMve boat ctubs boJ CMtnfJe tSMSKtee TIM victors w r tile crew from the 3Una aad thor were jubilant over 1 sir success as were also the officers XT i of that battle snip IciMre was great rivalry for the trophy President Pardo It was large silver globe upon it the rout tottowed by the Sleet from Hampton Roads It will always be retained ship a rateable souvenir of the voyage Members Get Ornament President Pardo also gave ornaments to the individual members of the crew which were also highly appreciated In preseotteg these trophies President of which be warmly congratulated th oarsmen upon their skill The coxswain of the crow In receiving silver glob the hands of the President after his speech replied that the trophy was one which excited trove pride than any ever before won by the crew of an American war ship President PaNe was surprised by the coxswain in expressing the American ap predation oC the handsome prise There was another boat race this morn- ing for the championship of the fleet W tweed crews tram fibs Illinois lid Minne- sota The souse covered three miles and k was hot going from start to finish The Enr stew woo by live lengths Illinois CrdTV Wins The greatest partisanship was excited by the and nearly every man on both ships bet on his favorite Fourteen thousand dollars was wagered on the result f Henry HeuteroahL marine artist who is accompanying the fleet and whose criticisms of the alleged defects in th United States satyr have cussed such widespread comment wilt make no reply the fleet He says however that he will reply speciflcsliy to alt of them immedi- ately upon his arrival home AUTO ON A SLED NOW Xcvr York to Part Racer Inca Hard Time In Indians Chicago Feb 24 As the automo- biles iu the New race near this city interest in the contest in creases Little progress was jnade through the snow drifts of northern Indiana by the different ears today and there is small hopes that the ma- chines wilt reach Chicago hereto to- morrow night or Wednesday morning The American ear is stalled eight miles cast of Chesterton Indiana tonight and the Italia sad French cars making a desperate struggle to reach Prairte Montague Roberts and C A Coey Montague Roberts and C A Coey with the Thomas cir Have resorted to a snow soil ia order to Set their machines through the snow WAITED AT THE HOTEL JJrIdetol Fall Appear for Mr- Hlffpfinx Charles Harry Higgins of this city was a prospective bridegroom Saturday but today he is a rejected suitor On Saturday Hlgsins went to Cumber- land Md and secured a license to marry Mrs State May Ridsercay who lives at the Oiymphi Hotel When the time came for the wedding Mrs lUdgeway refused to appear although Hlggins bad obtained a minister and Hen a carriage standing in Jl front of the hotel Sweet Violet 2TC Bunch Kramer the Florist 916 F st Get Our XVeoJtly Price of Lumber Frank Libbey Co 6th N Y ave nw BIG FLEETS CREW o Lima the and Sro rise duet matador on Ids herds II e- rR T t tine victors width WU presented aboard- as Pardo a short speech In the cpu the ezcelimce or fib by nee to his n1tIes so leis as he lis a of a Roll 1 to LIt 110 b number Aka t gent br a hating eagraved made from language ttthd the as crow tie Host York Paris are b ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ °


Jun 09, 2020



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I r


NO 506 D




Makes Startling Defense of

the Cause of Xabor


Organizations or Unions MustNot Be Outlawed

Civil IVnr Aiizinllcd Decision of SnprcmcConrt and Freed the Slavesnt Cot of Ilnnclrciln of ThonmuidHof I iveK Declares A F of ILender In Commenting on Ilnlins Relative to Boycotts

The recent decision of tlio SupremeCourt in the Danbury hatters invblch Jt was held that the boycott estabUshed by the Hatters Union and theAxnorfeafi Federation of Labor was inviolation of the Sherman ntltrust lawis the subject of a significant editorial bySamuel Gompers president of the federa-

tion in the current issue oj organTho article is headed Labor organizations must net bo outlawed and in afoot note ho says

It should he borne in wind that thereis no Jaw not eve a court decision com-

pelling union men or their friends of la-

bor to buy a Bucks stove or range NoNot eien buy a Loewe bat

This is followed by a personal address-to organized labor and friends statingthat In view of the courts decisionwhich must be obeyed regardless ofwhether or not It is Just and of thefact that it the organization andtho individuate composing it liable tomonetary damages and imprisonmentMr says ho feels obliged todiscontinue the publication of the fed-

erations We dont patronize listA SivecnliJK Decision

In the course of tote editorial MrGoMpers that no moro swooping

t farreaching and important decision hadever been Issued by the Supreme Court

The Drod Scott decision he con-

tinues did not approach this in scopeand importance for It only decreed that-a runaway slave could be pursued ifho made his capo Into a free Stateand his return compelled by all the pow-ers of the government to Ids ina slave State

Any person Vho asitj in Iho

be prosecuted before the courts for acriminal offense That c Visiontho fuw negro stave who could makegood their escape from a slaveholdingState The cirtl war annulled the decisionof the Supreme Court and freed theslaves It cost the lives of hundreds ofthousands of brave men on both sidesand emnacinated from chattel400WQO of slaves No man nowpoints to that famous DredScott SupremeCourt decision-

It then goes on to say that a study ofthe decision rovonls some strange pecu-liarltiee among them the fact that thecomplaint of the Loewe Company Is setforth in full while the response of theunion to scarcely referred to that thecomplaint was full of the most glaringinaccuracies and misstatements thatnone of the precedents quoted by the

paralleled the case Quoting fromthe opinion of the reference to the factthat seventy out of eightytwo hat manu-facturers had accepted the terms of theunion and that when tho Loewe Com-pany declined to unionize its factory theboyoott bad been ordered Mr Gompors-eays

The Amazing ViewTho court takes the amazing view that

even the most successful effort of thehatters union to obtain and maintainIndustrial peaco with employers is proofof unlawful is conspiracy

and under the Sherman antitrust lawunlawful and punishable by beingmulcted In damages and by and im-prisonment As a matter of fact neitherthe hatter nor any other trade over at-tempted to coorco all manufacturersagainst their will to mako agreementswith the union Common senso teachesthat a voluntary agreement between anemployer and a union must be a peacefulone All union agreements with employ-ers are voluntary and mutual No unioncould if it tried force an employer toenter into an agreement with it Nounion attempts such unbuslnesslike

The most any union has done is todecline to buy tho products of a firmwhich declined to employ union men andgrant the prevailing rate of wages hoursof labor and conditions of employmentSupposing they wero exorcising their conetltutional right of free speech unionmen have asked their frierids and fellowunionists buy such goods

The court is In error says MrGompers in denying its charge thatthe American Federation of Labor haddeclared a boycott against the LoeweCompany It had never indorsed or de-clared a boycott against the companyIn fact no request for such action In anymanner or form had ever been made tothe federation nr Its officers directly orindirectly by the hatters or any one elseThat company had never been published-in tho Wo dont patronize list of theCourt itself realized the evil consequences

Wo feel it our duty In tho Interest oftruth and accuracy he continued tocall public attention to the error of thecourt in charging the American Federa-tion of Labor with being a party to theaction against tho Loewe Company Wecan hardly believe that tho SupremeCourt itself realized the evil consequenceswhich may follow thIs decision under Itsconstruction of the Sherman antitrustlaw a construction never intended byCongress It may be like the falling pcbmlcs which dislodges the avalanchegringlng ruin and destruction upon all inIts path Should this be the result it wilt

Continued on Page 2 Column S

Flowers for All OccasionsBlacklstone Hth and H sts nw

Everybody Conic Io LumberFrank Libbey Co 6th N Y ave nw





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Jersey to Be Connected by JRallivlthSew York City

Now York Fob M With ceremonies inwhich the mayors of three cities the governors of twoi States and the Presidentof the United will participate theMorton street tubes of the McAdoo tunnel system whleh connect New York andNow Jersey by a land route will beopened formally tomorrow

The first regular train will be runthrough at 330 oclock in the afternoonIn it will be the governors of the Statesof New York and New Jersey the mayorsof Hoboken Jersey City and eitherMayor McCIollan of New York or hisrepresentative committees from theboards of aldermen of the three Cluesand rues prominent in various walks oflire

These will bo present to celebrate thefirst victory of its kind over the Hudsonthat has been seined since the mats inwhose honor the river was nomad sailedup it In the Half Moon

The current which will carry the trainunder the river will not be on until Presi-dent Roosevelt In Washington presses abutton which will give the signal that theroad is officially opened-

It was hoped that the President wouldbe able to be present and open the roadin person


Board of Trade Takes Measures toExpress Respect

Committee Appointed to Escort Re-

mnliiM Into IVnxhlnKrton and toDraft Memorial Resolutions-

At a speck meeting of Ute board ofdirectors of the Washington Board ofTrade yesterday committees woro ap-pointed and steps taken to pay respectto the memory of Crosby S Noy s uponthe arrival of Ms remains in this city andat the funeral ceremonies

President Rudolph In calling tho moot-ing to order stated that he had calledthe directors together to take such actionas might suggest itself upon the deathof Mr Noyes formerly a member ofthe board of directors and identified withthe Board of Trade from its foundation

By motion a committee of five memberswas authorized to draft a suitable memortal upon the services of Mr Noycsto tho Board of Trade and the commun-ity and report at a future meeting oftho directors

A special committee of five was alsoauthorized to meet the funeral car atBaltimore or Point of Rooks accordingto the route over which it should cometo Washington

By motion it was determined that theofficers of the Board of Trado and thedirectors should attend the funeral ofMr Noyes In a body I

WILD STORM ON GUTSt canters Qverdu anti Ihn T filvei

stay lie LoutMexico City Feb 2 Another terrific

gale has been sweeping the lower partof the Gulf of Mexico during the lastthree days doing much damage to shipping A number of steomersaro overdueat Vera Cruz and It Is feared that therehas been loss of life among the crewsof fishing crafts


Confesses to Compiling AllegedDiary of Nobleman

Tells of Mcctlns Men Who Plannedwith Her to Get

London Fob 24 Mary Robinson whois before the BOv Street Police Court ona charge of perjury committed as a wltness in the Druce case recently heard byjudge Plowden has confessed that sheconcocted the famous diary a copy ofwhich was offered in evidence on that occasion

She said she copied It into an old diaryand that she was promosed 520000 orJSCOO by a man who called himselfDruce

Tho prosecution road portions of theprisoners confession which had takenseveral days to write portions which reflected gravely upon third parties havingbeen omitted The confession relatedhow George Hollaraby Druces solicitorKImbor went to the United States seeking Robert C Caldwell whom the prisoner first met accompanied by his lawyer Allen during the proceedings In theMarylebone Police Court when HerbertDruce was being heard on a charge ofperjury

It was the latter who Introduced MrsRobinson to Caldwell saying This isthe New Zealand lady who wrote thewonderful diary which has caused sucha sensation and has raised So muchmoney

Caldwell replied Bet your life Ill haveHerbert Druce Jailed

Mrs Robinson described Align as acharming talker He said Do you knowScotland Yard

She replied No but my poor oldfather did

Allen said My idea Is that theycatch worms He praised the New Yorkpolice

Further on In the confession describ-ing the attempts of lawyers Coburn andKimber G H Bruce and others to getpossession of the diary Mrs Robinsonsaid that Allen visited her and said hewas a detective She replied I thoughtyou were a solicitor He said So Iam In America He added that hewould Ilka to have the diary as ifhe had it he could make with itfrom the American newspapers

When Kimber went to s e hershe had been arrested for perjuryshe was In Holloway Jail on February5 she said she was going to plead guiltyand show them all up He said Youmust not do that If you do they willsend you to prison for seven yearsShe then said she would tell the police

At this point the case was adjourned

Baltimore and Ohio RailroadOncirny Colonist Fares

Jo325 Washington to Pacific Coast Low

Tickets on sale February 29 to April29 Secure details agents

Look Iituwber Prices MackFrank Libbey Co Cth N Y ave nw



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rates to other Westerndail

Out Lower
























Secretary Cortelyou Asks 25

Per Cent of Deposits


Treasury Department Take Ilopcfalof KJnnucIal Situation Con

ilitionx in Striking Contrast withThose Prevailing n Year AKOCountry In Healthy Condition

The financial stringency wnlch becausestate Jast December has subsidgl to apoint where the SKrary of tho Treas-ury Justified in recalling approxi-mately 33500ft000 from depositary institu-tions into which large sums were paidnear tho closo of last year to tide overthe panic Secretary Cortelyou is of theopinion that a partial withdrawal of theloaned funds from the hanks into theTreasury can now bo made without harmto the financial interests of the countryWith this end in view he issued the following call yesterday

Tbe Scenery of Ute Tram auwBces aMupon DiUooal banks for appcwieatetr S per certef the public funds now held in imetire depositariesfearing en deposit suck fmdft in tb mm of JKOOOO

or morn and 25 per cent of tho labile fadd newheld bf attire dposiiUrie Where the deposit is

100000 of funds or in excess thereof awlwhere each withdrawal cam bo made Tritfeoot 5co-Tcnienco to the TYeasary Department In the tiusaction of public business

Payments under call win be mads AS fellowsTen per cent of the amount called en orMarch 9 and the rcmainte 1C per ctrl on or be-fore March 23

The Secretary stated that advises fromall portions of the country aro to tie ef-fect that this proportion of the governmont funds now on deposit with thesenational banks can bo withdrawn withoutdetriment to financial conditions Insection

Fifteen Per Cent of WholeAt the close of business yesterday the

amount of deposits of government moneys in the depositary banks was approxi-mately 240000000 The withdrawals calledfor therefore constitute about 16 per-cent of the whole

The Secretarys action was not prompted by any special need of money bygovernment although the working cashbalance in the Treasury is only about24000000 The withdrawals mean that intho opinion of the Treasury Department-the volume of money In the chief financial centers is now enough to Jus-tify a moderate contraction

While bankers brokers and business-men generally are much at variance as totho causes of the financial stringency oflast year and no two ofthem meeting together to discuss the

will ever agree it is a fact that conditions affecting the use of currency atthe present time show a striking contrastwith those which prevailed a year agoThen business speculation and enterprisewas at flood tide Greater demands uponcapital were being made than ever beforeIn the history of the world Expansion oftrade industry building and enlargement-of facilities were hi the financial air Theattire energies of this country and theworld were abnormally vitalized and con-fidence in the prosperity of the countryand the world amounted almost to madness

3Ioney Panic Culls UnitThen the grip of the money panic was

laid upon the shoulder of progress lightly-at first as if in friendly warning andthen with the voice of authority andcommand and a summary halt was call-ed upon speculation and trading upon thefuture with nothing to

Now the panic has passed Inflatedsecurities have been wrung dry sanityhas taken the place of the moneymadinsanity of twelve months ago There isnow n positive disinclination to embark-in new enterprise unless the cash is inhand and the way clear for fair profitSpeculation is tireless Talk of expand-ing credit is replaced with reserved ex-pression of getting along for anotheryear with existing facilities nnd men In

Another Reduction Get Oar Price ListFrank LIbbey Co Cth N T est mr




while probablysub-







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business are working ahead carefullyand conservatively along sate Unas

It has been found tlttro r not onlyabundance of money for aR needed out-lay but that the tendency IB for eachto accumulate in the mono centers

In word finances of the countryare back again on a Sato basis

In the past year business in many lineshas unquestionably suffers This isseen especially la decreased output sadfalling oft In volume of commoditiesshipped by the grot transntrtatkm com-panies Retrenchment ef hoRlttrftlikind has been sAd the returnto a less rapid ia ifct businessworld has worked a Pod af Jjjftd-shlpv

Country in Henltliy ConidtionBut apparently the country Is in

flnaneal condition today thou It wasa year ago complaints accusations ofthis and that coterie of financier andpessimistic forecasts of Snoaclal Journalsto the contrary aothwftiwtandtag

lit is probable that tbe withdrawal ofthe deposited funds from the nationalbonks wilt be accomplished without un-

easiness or dlfiiottlty and with the open-ing season of pivui Um and trade Utecountry ought surely sad quickly to

from all the bad effects of theyank

The coming political campaign may bea more or less disturbing feeler in thesituation but signs are not kicking thatwith a good year ahead for agriculturaland industrial enterprises the greatforces of countrys production maymove forward to activities and resultsthat will surprise politicians and finan-ciers alike

In other words it wocld not be strange-if it was discovered months ponce thatthe effect Of the political campaign hadbeen already discounted


Democrats in Indiana Favor Prais-

ing the President

incHtion Cxpcctcil to Come Up Whenthe Stntc Convention

Indianapolis Feb 24 Suggestions thathave come from the rural districts thatthe coming Democratic State conventionIndorse President Roosevelt In so far ashis acts have been in harmony with thedemands of recent Democratic platformsera being considered seriously toy Demo-

cratic managers and it is believed therewill bo strong favor back of the Ideawhen the convention meets

It is put forth by the advocatessuch a policy that Bryan has unre-

servedly indorsed some of the utterancesand acts of the President and that thereis no question but many Democraticspeakers in the coming campaign willpraise Jlr Roosevelt for the stops he

taken to bring about controT of corporations and relieve the people ofburdens with which Democratic platformshave declared have long been oppressed

Some of the leaders however express-a that the Chicago convention In-

case of a deadlock and protracted balloting might go wild over the Presidentand despite his refusal to be a candidatenominate him and adjourn thus forcinghim to be a candidate They say thatIn such a contingency tho Democraticparty would be In the attitude of Indors-ing the Republican candidate In its plat-form und a campaign against him wouldbe hopeless

Senator Bryan in HospitalJames Bryant United States

Senator from Jacksonville Fla Is apatient in the Providence Hospitalwith typhoid fever He was admittedtc the hospital at 9 oclock last nightand at midnight his fever was 103His pulse and respiration re almostnormal

To Derive a Sloatly IncomeFrom your funds start an ac-count with banking of Union TrustCo 15th II sts Interest on all

subject to check Govt supervision


Dee ry







S ac-counts
























Boy Captain of SnowballArmy Loses His Balance


Jniuc Droosrnn Twelve jYcar OldSncccxNfnllv Captnin Defenders-of Fort Horn Rcpnlae AttackerFollows to Search for More Enemiefl and Topple Over High Rock

New York 31 The rock overbaoging the sWewalfc at 13d street atthe northern edge of Moralngslds Parkwhich played a part hi the battle ofHarlem Heights and which is known asFort Horn was the scene of a mightybattle and real tragedy this afternoon

A score of boys were divided into twoarmies one of which manned the oldshanty at the top of the rock whichthey call a WookhoMe and theattacked the position Snow balls werethe weapons

The leader of the deluders was JamesDreogan twelve years old of MSiagsida avenue Droogan directed a win-ning fight and the enemy was repulsed

Flushed with victory he looked downfrom his position at top of the blockhousesearching for other possible enemies Helost his balance and feU to the sidewalkbreaking his neck


Xot Coached to MnrderCatholic Churchman

Colorado Springs Feb 24 AHoGiuseppe alias Giuseppe Aliot aliasAngelo Gabriele the slayer of FatherLeo at Denver yesterday hislifes history In jail here today

He was born in Avola Sicily in15S of Catholic parents and broughtup in that church Easter Sunday in11S9S he stood on a corner of ain his native town and thoEaster processional He followed tothe church and there heard a sermonwhich ao says destroyed his faith inCatholocism He rehearsed againthe manner In which he killed FatherLeo and said

It is not true that I belong to anysociety or order which has for an ob-ject tho killing of priests I did thisthing of my own will and because Ithought It woul l ease my mind

XENIA TO BE FOR FORAGEOhio XcjjfroeK Finn Instruction of

Two Delegateslento Ohio Feb 24 Tomor w if in

dications tonight are verified the Sixthdistrict Republican Congressional cpnventlon will indorse Senator Joseph B

for President and will instruct thetwo national delegates to vote for him intho Chicago convention

Tonight on the eve of the conventionXenia Is literally with litho-graphs of Senator Foraker while not alikeness of either President Roosevelt orSecretary Taft is to be seen

Xenia Is the home of Wilberforce Uni-versity the largest seat of learning for

youths In America and theof this race together with the rank

and file of colored citizens are tonightjollifying over the manifest sentiment forForaker

School to Give ConcertThe McKInley Manual Training School

Orchestra under the direction of GeorgeV Sunderland will a concert Fri-

day evening in the Business High SchoolYocar selections will be included Mem-bers of the orchestra arc Messrs Lansburg Lepper Webster Edwards Mur

Stein Hough McCarthy KingWhitbeck Zebley Ezdorf Felter Cheneyand Chatfield to be augmented byMessrs Zieman Celfo Darby and Jacoby-

A la Carte Luck Serves DallyAt ckstelas from 12 to 2 12 N Y





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Xevr York Official Declares ItalianNot n Suicide

New York Feb 24Asalstmnt DistrictAttorney T H Ward spent Siva hours to

over the books of the firm ofBros wholesale grocers wine

Importers in whose store at 528 and INWest Broadway Gerolamo Cella the olderof the partners was found dying earlySunday morning with a fractured akirtllend his stomach filled with concentratedsulphuric acid

After be had thoroughly qtmtfenet1Dominico Celia the younger of the partncrs concerning the details of th puttnorship Mr Ward announced that he waspositive that Gerouuno Cetta k2 beemurdered

The assistant dtstrlc attorney also al-

lowed himself to express the very strongintimation that his examination had ledto the discovery of very strong Motivefor the murder of the rich merchant

The official from the dstrlet attorneysotilce found his views strengthened ratherthan weakened by the discovery of amadditional letter similar to that found mthe overcoat pocket of the dead man ohSunday morning hinting at suicide andbegging his wife and relatives toample provision for the Just drrwkm ofhis estate among his two daughters andstepson Cesare BianchI

Dominico Cella and Cesare Bianchl ap-peared before Coroner Harburger for pre-liminary examination today and uponthe advice of counsel refused to answerquestions Dominico Cell who had Henarrested first as a material witness ami

held as a suspicious person wasallowed to go on 1009 bull on each chargeMr Word hinted tonight that be mightmake an additional charge of a seriousnature against the latter


Mss May Rollins Robbed as She IsPassing an Alley

Jloanted Policeman Pursues Thiefbnt Falls to Make a Capture


A white o about twentyflve yeasold snatahed tine purse of Mary

316 I street northwest in Massachusettsavenue between Fouth and Flftk streetsat S oclock last evening and escapedafter and exciting chase

A mounted patrolman of the Sixth pre-

cinct pursued the thief through anrunning between Fourth sad Fifth streetsbut failed to catch him

Miss ROMias was on her way from herplace of employment As she passed ratalley on tile side or Massachusettsavenue a white fan via out snatchedher purse and ran back veto the alley

An unidentified boy riding on anotified a mounted policeman oliochase Miss Rollins had in ptwsa a

1 bin and 99 teats tedMiase 1Miss Rollin told the police her assail-

ant was about nineteen years old smoothfaced dark hair cue wore a light felthat She said he weighed about litpounds sad was about feet i lackstaU

Government May Have to PayDamage Suits

Dill Workers htto Collect liy Law Intro

dnced In House

If a Ml introduced byBennet el New York Income a lawemployes of the varlets government de-

partments tho navy yard the Govern-ment Printing Once the Bureau of En-graving and Printing c silt be en-

abled in case of permanent disabilitythrough injury acquired while atto collect damages from the government

By the terms of the proposed law incase any empiore of the departments isso injured physically while perforatinghis duties under the government that heia compelled to quit work or if he isplaced under quarantine he shall be al-

lowed pay at the regular rate for aperiod of six months

If his injuries keep hiss confined for aperiod greater than six months he snailthen have the right to enter suit la theCourt of Claims for too recovery of asum not to exceed SIMM tor Ute disabil-ity or if he is able to return to work

time after the payments have stop-ped at the end of the six months periodhe shall have the tight to sue for hfewages at the regular rate for the timecomprised between the end of the sixmonths and the day when Ms health isregained-

In case any employe desires to litersuit either for damages or for asabove specified three surgeons one fromthe army one from the navy and tilethird from the Marine Hospital Serviceshall prove the validity of the disability


Chief Chemist Praises Progress InElevating Avocation

With more than a hundred studentsalumni and members of its faculty gatherd about the banquet tables the United

States College of Veterinary Surgeonsgave its fourteenth anniversary dinner atRauschers last evening

Dr Harvey D Wiley of th Bureauof Chemistry congratulated the studentsand alumni on the growth and successof the college He had observed withsatisfaction that the graduates of the col-

lege were mpre successful in praeticothan those of any other similar insti-tution

G A Metcalf of the graduating chtssacted as toastmaster Speeches weremade by Hulbert Young Y L DGeorge A Prevost L L B treasurer ofthe college C Barnwelt Robinson T PKennelly and J N Hornbaker

XCTT hospital io OpenThe new 500000 Freedmen Hospital wH

be opened today Patients wilt bemoved to the institution this morningBy many this now hospital is consider-ed the most modern and best equippedsouth of New York City It is constructedof brick and cement and fireproofthroughout Accommodations bmade for 200 patients

Another Drop in Prices of LumberFrank Co ih N Y ave nw

Cello d

















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Two Matadors Disabled atfete for Pardo


ilien of the Louisiana Win FineTrophy in Boat Race

Prize Presented by President ofPeru Jn Silver Globe on Which IEngraved Route of Battle ShIpsSpeed Contcati One Features ctDay at Callaoillllnois Jacklex Cap-ture Championship for the Fleet

j Feb Si ToflaV w PresidentPardos btrtMay A gate butt fight wasReid to honor of this peat aud visitof the American fleet spectators

I attended Of Chit 6M0 wereJMitars and others from the beet to

of whom a beaD fight was a noveltyWhen President Paulo slid Rear Admiral

I Thomas appeared in till seats of honorthey were ejttfcustestteaJty cheered bythe spectators

From the Peruvian point of view theeocrMa was very sueceoafui The first

j bull which entered the tits was a fighterTIle combat was not as ono aMo t as theseflfcgts frettMfttiy are and the bull caught

tossedI Urn a couelderoMc dtetaaee and disabled

front further Sgntbig for tits presentTMs feat WWi greeted by the natives

wteh three of Bravo tore white thefaces or of the Americans whooould not express themselves in Spanishshowed that they were waetfns no sym-pathy on the matador

Fifth Bull n iFshterThe fight progressed Is the usual man-

ner after Tfefe until the fifth lied was letinto the ring This animal wet lookingfor 4skt sad it ws rot long before

tool of the second matador Bo foranything COUM be done to save the manfile bull ran one of his horns into histhreat antf fufifetod injuries which arelikely to prove fataL This caused muchexcitement among the spectators butthere was sot the slightest disorder

Many Watch Boat RnceTIle regatta in the bar Less yesterday

tuteraoon WItS witnessed by an enormouscrowd and tree affair TOSS wry success-ful front a sporting peat of view Inaddition to the boated cfew from the va-rious war stops some of the TMve boatctubs boJ CMtnfJe tSMSKtee

TIM victors w r tile crew from the3Una aad thor were jubilant over


sir success as were also the officersXT i of that battle snip

IciMre was great rivalry for the trophy

President Pardo It was large silverglobe upon it the routtottowed by the Sleet from HamptonRoads It will always be retainedship a rateable souvenir of the voyage

Members Get OrnamentPresident Pardo also gave ornaments to

the individual members of the crewwhich were also highly appreciated

In preseotteg these trophies President

of which be warmly congratulated thoarsmen upon their skill The coxswainof the crow In receiving silver glob

the hands of the President after hisspeech replied that the trophy was onewhich excited trove pride than any everbefore won by the crew of an Americanwar ship

President PaNe was surprised by the

coxswain in expressing the American appredation oC the handsome prise

There was another boat race this morn-ing for the championship of the fleet Wtweed crews tram fibs Illinois lid Minne-sota The souse covered three miles andk was hot going from start to finishThe Enr stew woo by live lengths

Illinois CrdTV WinsThe greatest partisanship was excited

by the and nearly every man onboth ships bet on his favoriteFourteen thousand dollars was wageredon the result fHenry HeuteroahL marine artistwho is accompanying the fleet and whosecriticisms of the alleged defects in thUnited States satyr have cussed suchwidespread comment wilt make no reply

the fleet He says however that he willreply speciflcsliy to alt of them immedi-ately upon his arrival home


Xcvr York to Part Racer IncaHard Time In Indians

Chicago Feb 24 As the automo-biles iu the New race nearthis city interest in the contest increases Little progress was jnadethrough the snow drifts of northernIndiana by the different ears todayand there is small hopes that the ma-chines wilt reach Chicago hereto to-

morrow night or Wednesday morningThe American ear is stalled eight milescast of Chesterton Indiana tonightand the Italia sad French carsmaking a desperate struggle to reach

PrairteMontague Roberts and C A CoeyMontague Roberts and C A Coey

with the Thomas cir Have resorted toa snow soil ia order to Set theirmachines through the snow


JJrIdetol Fall Appear for Mr-Hlffpfinx

Charles Harry Higgins of this city wasa prospective bridegroom Saturday buttoday he is a rejected suitor

On Saturday Hlgsins went to Cumber-land Md and secured a license to marryMrs State May Ridsercay who lives atthe Oiymphi Hotel When the time camefor the wedding Mrs lUdgeway refusedto appear although Hlggins bad obtaineda minister and Hen a carriage standing in Jlfront of the hotel

Sweet Violet 2TC BunchKramer the Florist 916 F st

Get Our XVeoJtly Price of LumberFrank Libbey Co 6th N Y ave nw




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