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8/14/2019 1 Vocab Test 1/7  Fully Revised and Expanded The Most Effective Vocabulary Builder inthe English Language Word Powe Made Easy Norman Lewis The simple, step-by-step method that will increase your knowledge and mastery of the English Language. The Complete Handbook for Building a Superior Vocabulary • Speak and write with confidence. • Read more effectively and efficiently. • Learn quickly. • Develop social contacts. • increase your earning power.

1 Vocab Test

Jun 04, 2018



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 Fully Revised and Expanded

The Most Effective Vocabulary

Builder in the English LanguageWord PoweMade Easy

Norman LewisThe simple, step-by-step method

that will increase your knowledge andmastery of the English Language.

The Complete Handbook forBuilding a Superior Vocabulary

• Speak and write with confidence.

• Read more effectively and efficiently.• Learn quickly.• Develop social contacts.• increase your earning power.

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TEST YOUR VOCABULARY RANGEEach of these phrases contains one italicizedword. Check the closest definition of eachsuch word. To keep your score valid, refrain,as far as possible, from wild guessing.

1. disheveled appearance: a) untidy, b) fierce, c) foolish, d)pecurar, e) unhappy

2. a baffling problem: a) difficult, b) simple, c) puzzling, d)

long, e) new3. lenient parent: a) tall, b) not strict, c) wise, d) foolish,

 e) severe

4. repulsive personality: a) disgusting, b) attractive, c) normal,

 d) confused, e) conceited5. audacious attempt: a) useless, b) bold, c)foolish, d) crazy,

 e) necessary6. parry a blow: a) ward off, b) fear, c) expect, d) invite,

 e) ignore

7. prevalent disease: a) dangerous, b) catching, c) childhood, d) fatal, e) widespread

8. ominous report: a) loud, b) threatening, c) untrue, d)serious, e) unpleasant9. an incredible story: a) true, b) interesting, c) well-known,

 d) unbelievable, e) unknown

10. an ophthalmologist: a) eye doctor, b) skin doctor, c) footdoctor, d) heart doctor, e) cancer specialist

11. will supersede the old law: a) enforce, b) specify penaltiesfor, c) take the place of, d) repeal, e) continue

12. an anonymous donor: a) generous, b) stingy, c) well-known, d) one whose name is not known, e) reluctant

performed an autopsy: a) examination of living tissue, b)examination of a corpse to determine the cause of death, c)

process in the manufacture of optical lenses, d) operationto cure an organic disease, e) series of questions to determinethe causes of delinquent behavior

14. an indefatigable worker: a) well-paid, b) tired, c) skillful, d) tireless, e) pleasant

15. a confirmed atheist: a) bachelor, b) disbeliever in God, c)

believer in religion, d) believer in science, e) priest

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Books by Norman Lewis

30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary written with Wilfred Funk)

Word Power Made Easy

Published by POCKET BOOKS

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Norman LewisWord PowerMade Easy

The Complete Handbook forBuilding Superior Vocabulary

Expanded and Completely Revised Edition


New York London Toronto Sydney

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The sale of this book without its cover is unauthorized. If you purchasedthis book without a cover, you should be aware that it was reported tothe publisher as unsold and destroyed. Neither the author nor the

publisher has received payment for the sale of this stripped book .

For information regarding special discounts for bulk purchases,please contact Simon & Schuster Special Sales at1-800-456-6798 or [email protected]

The extract from Be a Perfect Speller in 30 Minutes, by Norman Lewis, is

copyright, 1946, by Esquire, Inc. Reprinted from February 1946 Coronet.The extract from How to Spell a Word, by Norman Lewis, is copyright, 1948,by Esquire, Inc. Reprinted from January 1949 Coronet.

The extract from Mind Over Grammar, by Norman Lewis, is copyright, 1947,by Fawcett Publications, Inc.

The extract from Can You Catch a Misspelled Word, by Norman Lewis, iscopyright, 1948, by Fawcett Publications, Inc.

The extract from Watch That Word, by Norman Lewis, is copyright, 1948, byFawcett Publications, Inc.



















1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

Copyright 1949, 0 1978 by Norman Lewis

All rights reserved, including the right to reproducethis book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

For information address Doubleday and Company, Inc.,245 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017

ISBN -13: 978-0-671-74190-7

ISBN - I 0: 0- 671- 74190- X

First Pocket Books printing (revised edition) August 1979

50 49 48

POCKET and colophon are registered trademarks ofSimon & Schuster, Inc.

Printed in the U.S.A.

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My family and friends, who accepted, without apparent resent-ment and with barely audible complaint, my complete self-isola-

tion during the many months in which I totally and shamefully

neglected them while working on the revision of this book.

Especially: Mary; Margie Baldinger and the kids; Debbie andAllen Hubbert; Milton Lewis; Karen and Bob Kopfstein; Leonard

Vogel, one of America s great painters, and Shirley; gourmetcooks David and Janice Potts; Seymour and Nan Frog; Ruth and

Leo; Dave and Jan Hopkins; Carol and Marvin Colter; Bob Fin-

nerty, my chess opponent, who says that winning is all that

counts; Doris Garcia; Eleanor and Robert Poitou; Mary El andDick Gayman—Walter Garcia, Len Grandy, Don Jenkins; Sally Landsburg;

Ted and Margaret Snyder; Jean Bryan; Rhoda and Ralph Duene-

wald; George and Phyllis Juric; Bob and Monica Myers, Tony

and Kathy Garcia, Jean Kachaturian; Margie Lopez and Jo Wat-son—

Myrtle and Ace, Donny and Estelle, Helen and Ben, Judy andBob, Doris and Muriel, Danny and Mary; in memoriam, Max andFrances—

Larry Scher, Chuck Nichamin, Sue Sullivan, Rosemary andDebbie Greenman, Alice Hessing, Dave and Lynn Bisset, DannyHernandez, John Arcadi and Peggy Arcadi, Norm Ashley, Aaron

Breitbart—Lorin and Gloria Warner, Marty and Ros Chodos, Mahlon andGwen Woirhaye, Leon and Kay East, Marijane and Paul Paulsen,Helen and Russ Hurford, Elior and Sally Kinarthy_

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Carolyn Russell Rod Sciborski Vera Laushkin John Hahn

Liz Johnson Leonora Davila Jim Hawley Jerry Lenington JayLoughran Susan Obler Marilyn Houseman Rita Scott ChrisHamilton Joan Nay Mary Lewis Virginia Sandoval HazelHaas—

The staff and all my students at Rio Hondo College—

My editor at Doubleday Jean Anne Vincent who so patiently

and cheerfully goaded prodded pushed wheedled and cajoledme into finishing on time.

Also: I wish to thank Karen Kopfstein and Peggy Chulack fortheir promptness and care in typing the manuscript.

Whittier California

January 1978