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1 Moving Class A book for _______ Photo of child
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Page 1: 1 Moving Class A book for _______ Photo of child.


Moving Class

A book for _______

Photo of child

Page 2: 1 Moving Class A book for _______ Photo of child.

My name is _______ and I go to ________Infant School.

I am in Year 1 and Mrs. ______ is usually my Teacher. Mrs. ______ is usually my helper.

When I come back to school after the summer holidays I will be in Year 2. This means that I will need to be in a different classroom and have a different Teacher and helper.

This is ok! 2

Page 3: 1 Moving Class A book for _______ Photo of child.

On the 2nd July Louise came to see me and she brought her camera.

We walked around the school finding places that I will be using in Year 2.

I took lots of photos so that Louise could make them into this book for me.

Louise thinks that I am a very good photographer!


Photo of Louise and student

Page 4: 1 Moving Class A book for _______ Photo of child.

This is the door to my new classroom. It is called ‘Eagles’.

Miss Smith and Miss Jones will usually be my Teachers when I am in Year 2.

Mrs. ______ will usually be my helper.


Page 5: 1 Moving Class A book for _______ Photo of child.

Sometimes Mrs. Dodds will be in Eagles helping to teach all the children.

In Eagles, there will be some Year One children and some Year Two children. This is ok!

Mrs. Dodds



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This is inside my new classroom. It might look quite different when I am in Year 2 because Miss. Smith might move lots of the furniture around to make it better for the children.

This is a good thing to do because at the moment there aren’t enough tables in it for the children to use! Sink area

There are very big windows!

The interactive whiteboard


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I will need to put my lunchbox on the trolley just outside my new classroom.

There will be a peg here too for my coat and PE bag. It will have my name next to it so that I know which one to use.

My book bag will go in the tray with my name on it in my classroom.


Page 8: 1 Moving Class A book for _______ Photo of child.

These are the boys toilets that I will usually use in Year 2.

These toilets have urinals in them for boys to wee into. If boys need a pooh they use the toilet.

I can choose to use the urinals or the toilet.

This is a very grown up thing to do!

Stand up and wee into here.


Page 9: 1 Moving Class A book for _______ Photo of child.

This is the corridor that leads to my new classroom.

Along this corridor is where I will change my reading book, just like I do in Year 1.


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This is the hall. I will still come here to eat my lunch. I will still come here to assembly sometimes and I will sometimes come here to do PE.

This is the library where I might come and change my book. Sometimes I might come here to do work in small groups with an adult. 10

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This is the door I will use to go out to the playground at playtime and lunchtime.

The Year 2 children are allowed to be COPPS at playtime. This means that the Teacher chooses a few children at a time to be playground helpers for a week. It might not be my turn right away. This is ok. I can say to myself “ It’s ok, Miss Smith will tell me when it’s my turn to be a COPP”. 11

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I will still go out to the playground just like I do in Year 1 at lunchtime and playtime but I will need to line up in a different place when it’s time to come in.

Mrs. ________ is standing on the spot where Eagles class need to line up!


Adult showing where to line up in


Page 13: 1 Moving Class A book for _______ Photo of child.

This is my workstation in Swift Class.

When I am in Eagles class I will still have a workstation although it might look a little bit different. This is ok because I can still use it in the same way!


Page 14: 1 Moving Class A book for _______ Photo of child.

Miss Smith will put my beanbag , timer and special things box somewhere near my new classroom so that I can still use it if I need to.

I will try to remember to give an adult my beanbag card if I need to use it.

I need to go to

my beanbag



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My Mum and Dad think that I am going to really like it in my new class!

Mrs. ______ and Louise think that I am going to be really great in Eagles Class!


Photo of smiley child!