Top Banner
. .. / VOLUME XXVI HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, S EPTEMBER · 26, 1 886. . . NUMBER 30 A dvertisements. Advertisements. /. Advertiseme nts. Ite'ms. THE ORRA.T RAOERS. ST. JO HN' S PHCENIX Marb le & Freestone. Works. Fire Assurance Company. Corea ca010 iui.Oierahl e paio. Hollo- waf • Cora Cun remo'- Lbe ttotlbl e. - Tho deopttt l"lloJ iuga knowo we r e matlo in tbo "hrrc th o liuc re:Jch ed tlowo 4 fac hoon 'fhua it 1eema t hAt cbe beig bll oC nnd t ho dept b of ocoao oonaat>uad very o euly. A Now York Writer ,.-aphiCiilly rl.. aeribu the Yatchtamen &nd manahip. Wt!re Rbreaat. Thoo t ho bepo to forge ahud. 1 110 c re w on b<\:>rd tho Pu· rita• wat.ched t be Uritltber •lip b7 with aolt ioua facu. Fi•e miO\Itea' later Lbo Gn.uta h.d ioqr-d t he diatanoe between beraolf Rod tile to tbree cablee le aat ha.. Sbe lay well our to tho wlpil and cut the .. ur rapldlJ aocl paoetql.,.. ) Wilhin a mlouto c:roulng__ tho apinnaltera wero aet and bo---u;-- at11t tod for tl\11 r un of twonty mil• eut. l' hc ro IT;\a 3 \find blowing ten wilu ao h our, ·• l•eu t he .,..;ela p-t lbf' '1 1•o PtJTi tllll cloeed woth the afc..t r e.' iliog fony-ll•e Ou tl•o toutb JUi le tho 1<\ok t he apiunalter from tbo alArb().ud aide And u t to porL l 1te rrittJJI·, 1pionaker on tho pori. aiJe. At 111114 poin t th.u T '.m ta>t wu club top1111il, mAin· &.lol, spionlllter a nd t he Gtn ota tho lllono CIIIIV:\5 winol. T ho ahoft or the epion11kor on lb o r. tnutn bolp'd her IYOndorfully,l\ntf afterfi oitbinstll! mnea aho American rcpre- :She p&160d hAr oo tho 14th milo. SmTrr, PnorRIETOR. LOllllAlUl oaoss liJNDO.N. -Two rac«e or aro dJing oot-the Laplandrra, wbo n omkt 80,000, antl tbo Maoria of redllCetl from_ 100.000 to lrinco I he daya of <.:opt. Cook, and likely to be exticoL by t bo 7e ar 2,000. -1' r llllllia haa tannt iooerl tho plan for tbo 1hip ,.triefrtc-IK P1;Slpoted to cot froul on tho Jt.,ltoe, to a point of tho low" r neftr (.;uxhavt•n in t ho ffinnno T he eoti ro or tb o worlt iu t )hcu•l nt of which l'rnuin ll tJulllc ru ly to C< lo tributo 60.000,000 ' l1•c !Jill fur t"il '"'l:O•tr Uction or tbi3 C3D11 will bo iliUIDiited tO t be DonJcarnth nCter ''1\crtiou. The Nw York 1i111t# fo deeeribiog Ute nee, •ye tho In aartioJ roado a tJ.d mot'o eroaing tho loolf and aigually failed 1.0 auaWn tho reputalioo of t he for Am&rt aeamlln· aMp. Puttiog nbont iu t ho way t ho did, al.opped tbo WA7 of t bo cotter and Cllllled het 1.0 bo haodieap1.ed. After cho t ho bOt:ltll wero wntched wi tb Lbo kee nelt in- U!rclt., wbcn il. soon U L-eAmo a pparent thaL thn botwceu t ho two l:o:tl4 wu widening. A S deairee to tb•ok wbo hne ruored blm lo tho pttn with tlu:it o rdera, a ud would ioumal4 d t ho time that be bM feeililiee for perform· ou,: work ID bia Uno wiLb unequalled de· a;J:otch and neatoeas, and kl prloea that cao· uot bo cooupetod with. 'fh o.o requiring Mantel Piece-, Konumenta, Tom be, Hoadai.ODu, Ourbe, Beanha &nd OoplDJP, "ill do well to CZLit on bioo. 'I'ht!y can ob- uin :utiAtie. t horough IWd chaate work man• ahip, :I t vricea lo•er tl lltn t bo II'Wtat elM- where. Church Work-Yout.e 1 Altar., 1'ableta1 &c.-a ap4'Ci & lit J. 1l1o b:.vinjp lmnat fo,.yJeara rxpcrlence in l.hla oolooy is th erefore In a 1 outltlOU to \\' orltmklt• 11h1p beat calculated to cudu rc tbc ae nrill cl of ou r cliruMe. ' 27G Gower Street, St.. Johu's April IS. NOU.THERN .A.ssura,nce C 'm :pa,ny - fOR- F I R.E db LIFE rillE ... .. ........ ... 1:403,(00 1. 1 rt·. .tu . ... .......... ... Uli,l ov 1.' n: tu.s r .. ........... ............ u u, 001. lll•: . \11 l.O loll JI•:-: - 1 :'. L.or gate tret l A u.t:uuu.:-:-3 K'"l{ Str, ·H . PropPrt.- in H.•l•'ll o{ t iU. rt:!I:S - 1' rm• of A pf•iiC"tion t .. , t' "'' ,.,., , Lot•• Kl' 0 1 u·r , ,. ,,, uu.llou CJlll \.;u ... . l ,. _ . ,.,!!u·· · vt .\ . o. n.n · w.u -:n. SL. J ulw'•, Al(e '" f or N llcl. G.ENERAL I.'IH.E AND LIFE. E'T .\ l3LI ' li ED A D. 1 8 3 i 11 1-: .\0 OFFI CE: l J3 Lo:too Y, EC Capital: £1,000,000 B tg ln suraneea oa almoat all ltindt of pro perly in at loweet '- puwible J. AUGWrn ;s C LIFT, SOt.ICtTOtt, Sr. J n uH'S Agt•.' for NnrfouoJ/tllfd E. B. THOMPSON, S•b·Agu.tfor llarbor Grut Ang. 11. REDUCTLON l REDUCTlON l -o-- For One Month .. On l yJ TUE ltENlHNE SINGER SE WING MAcHINES Lo' kman H&lld X&chi.Delt .Biclrf•nl Jtw!W•c XuJtl ... .Burek& Olothea WrU!pn KuhinJ' Xachlnetl Oeotezuual Pl&IUDJ' Xaeh!n" Ueat Ma.chine Oil. and Aeta.cb - llleol.lforall $EWING all r educed 1.0 bot•_,111 for ou only. 711/Jiagp- c,_,.,. ,. )(. F. SMYTH, AoEJrT, Water !:IL ) C..loiiDI , MA.ORlNF.S RE'PAIRI!:D PIRE & LrR Ass'\U'&UCe Oomp'ny Olf L6Nl>ON. ES'lABLlSB.ED 1821. 8 aucatan OAPJY.u.. ........ Q,OOO,tGO. 11 ToTAL l•'far&D J'UJU)I or .. 'f'4UI or ... ..... .......... t,760,qoo " AJniii'AL(•co•• Or1r.UDIOF laO,qo<) " IN 1782. TBOSTEE8 .t DIREOTORI!. Joeeph Wm. Bue odaJe, Briato w Bo-rill. t:.Q. 'fbe Hoa. Jamee 81og. .lob o CloU.Oo , Eaq. Octa• lo1 & t:oope, EeQ., M. P. U'eorte A rtbar Faller, 'k.q. Cbarlee &. Uood hart., Eaq. )l R,bode Uawll lae, r..q. Sir Joba f.obbock, B&n., M.P., F. R.S. l'hocnu Lucaa, r..q. CbkriH Eaq. ' l'be lloo. J:;dw1D IJ. l>orlmao. nudle7 Robon Smith, bq Wm. Jamee Tbompaoo, r..q. RON. DIBEOTOR: Jo>rtM J. Bt.OOIIrtEJ.D, Eaq. \VILLIAII C. J oU. t · FRANCIS II . MACDOMALD,) &crctariu. The eofl$l'llmea te of Lbie Office are aDtl.'ed by ll OQ!Mrolll and wtallby l'ro· prietarJ io addluoo lo lara• Capo tal ; and Lbo promptllode aod l iberal· ity with which cl•iauo hne a lwaJt boeo md .. ant woll· knowo aod acltaowltdaed. Tbe importaaco of tho t.raou.ctiolll of Lbe PH<.ENIX FIRE OFFICE mAJ bo from L he fa"' tbal ita eal.lbliabmeot-now o•er ONE UOllt>un Yr.AU·- tbo paJmeolll In l&tiafeetioo of C laim• for Louoa hue oxcooded FOUKTU!f LI.IO!f3 STERI.UIO. I n&orancn a,qAi utt Loaa by Firo 111\d l.igh toiii!C aro elfeelf'd bJ tho Company upon e•ery dcecriptloo of l'roperly, ou tbo m011t fuorablo tenna. J An 17 W. & G St.Jon!l's. Agc"'U j 11r Nuc/vtAftlllaN 'l'b1a powder oe•er TlriH. A or ma"el polity, 1trenjll.b and wholeaomc ne1111. More eoooomieal than th o ordinary ltlnda. and caanot be aold io c ompetluon with tb e multitude of lo• abor t weight. a lnm or phoapbato pow<! era. Sold f'n ly iff ca.u UOTAL HAI: IKO P OWDEI\ Co., J()(j Wall-Itt., N.Y. Jau S ly Harbor Grace Stove Depot -AND- Olua, Tin & Bard ware Eat.abliahment. (To tic tan Mt url . J 11 ln . 1/ unn 1' Co'1. UtDCOII tile pl ttNUa.) C.L. KENNEDY thank ful for put !.Yore rec:cive tl f rom the poople of th ia t own · a,.d outvo rt.a, QUE EN wish es to info nu hia many hinndR and patrons th at bo llaa u o w i.n at ode u large variety oC S St crli•g. QU EEN lN SlJ RA:l\ OE B 'ulLT lNG LIVBRPOOL , - AND- '- QUKP:N GO G LtA CEC HUROU tsTRKKT, LONDON. TW ENTY -F IRST AlOWAL fho Rer)()rta anJ A coou nt..l l or t.b., year 1 R78, Jl resente d to thl' S hsreho1dcrs tt Annuil on 'l\tesday,27th May, 187!), at whi.:lo DernarJ llntl , i'Aq., presiJed. eho-.1, in tbe Di•iderod ant! Uonoa at the r&te w.tothor of per cont . wu d eel11red, £14..,035 beiog Clir: rioJ lor ward . FIRE DRANCH, That th e Premiums for 1878, alt.or Jeducting Re· inau ranoca, amounted to &!56,214, beiog an iocreue oi £1i,391 ov11" t.he Premium In oome of 1 877; anJ the Lo.ea to £2bl,66l, being 1>5.16 per oeot. on tho ol Year. IN THE UFE DEPARTMENT. That Nu• Poli.ciel bad booo iuued for £222,4:85 ; and t.loat the Life Fonda uy the additioot mado t.o it .. tho fC:Iult nt the year'• operat.iona now reproaent.a 67.9 per oent. of the entire net Premium, receiYod on every policy in force. l'be aurpha balance in the Fire Ae-- wu ahown t.o be ..£107.:599, out ot which £20,000 .... •prrorrir .t.ed to \ eoount, railing Lbat A ccount t.o ..£UO,OOO and mattins -with tho Jie. )rood t.nd Balaooe carried forward ..£2, .000 F UNDS Capital Paid Dp ... ......... ... .£180,050 Ueaeral R.eue Fuod ... . .. •.. 170,009 l" ire .1! lltld for Premloma 140,006 BalaDce earned fo rward .. . ... ... H,OSil ufe AceamulaLioD Food ... . .... 300,816 AuotaU.J M'oDd,,. ,_ ... 11,6:16 TOVES or all dtscripliooa ... ith all t uo COO KIW G b' ANCY FRA.. N'KJ.lN lit\ LL ' RIIJ S HIP'S, togetller wit-h F1TTlNGS of all ait.ea. A l110, a 6110 auorlmont of lbo' neweat s ty lea of Gothic GRATES £Dritiah nod Ame rican.) IN TRE SHOP ia • largo stock or tho fo llowing ·article& and o there too numorooa t.o apeoily ,..... Pai ota ol all colora, Spirita of TarpenLioe .Mis ed l'aiota in 1, 2 and S lb tio1 Uuaee-:1 Oil-boiled and raw, W hite Lead Ziol Wbit.e, Pucty, W bltlog, Ochre, Glue <.:op al and Forniture Varuiab, Atucilag o Ke roaeoc Oil, Window Ul...-11 eira Harne-. Foruitoro and DrMI Poli1h Druuewlct Bl eck, <.:h110'1 Liquid Glue G1ycerioe .Letthcc Droaiog. . ,• , HARDWARE oC every d eecripti oo. Onl SoMers, Enamelled and Tiooed Doilerw Eogliab & Amer ican Him .od Mor&o Loch Window Sub Balaueea Brut Polo Ends, l:lracllet:a aod Rioga Areetiean AXHI\.Qd Hatebeta Rat.cbete AmericaJI CuL Nalll'an<l Finlttol ng N11i ll. Chlmoiea and IJuroe re Jhll aad Diolnf Room Clwtdelie,._i aod I lfibta, Sao 'J'ablt tMta Drltaaaia .Setal Ta and Coft'ee "Pet. SiiHI'·pla Md ',(able, o-rt and TeMpOODI Silnr-plated 'table ao4 Veaaert Forb DM,428 CUTLERY of all· Xlnds. Deo.'2T. lllHON DONO\!AN, Geoert.l AaeuL for Nftd 4 . T. J>JL Y15HAf,£. Jjarbcw Graoe, &. 0'8RE&l:l.lN Ia Co., 8C. rlene. horr-haad le Table and Deueri horr-t.adle Picll:l• FoctL TOOLS OP. ALL DESCRIPTIONS GROCERlF.S.-Colfee, SoafL Matcht1 ole, etc. To all ol•lalala ialpecdoo Ia in-riled. u1e &L the Jow .. t poeal blo J'ricte 0. L. 'KENNEDl Nn.8 M.D. C.M., ., -fhe /Jolplwre Egyplirn of Cairo hf\.1 agttio been aoppru.ed. Thia ti me FrRoce ), reapooaibla for th iopprnaiod of cho paper, which•on offooeo !J y publith- •ng ar ticle• whlcll wcre deemed iojarious to Fread• ioteretL&. -We predict thal io tbrco yel\rw at tbe lonl{faL th ere will not be 1\ retail liquor ahop lo tho Stlto of Ueflrftln. lo It• than a geoora!ion tho people will loolr back ioto tbe pAit and talk about b11r -ro oma, and tbe children will ult, What is a bnroom ?' -T occoa (Ga.) -Tho reAding of ::lir Motu Moote6or e'a will at t"o probate, foliJ cloeed rec e ntiJ , abowa namct rro111 Earl Sbaft.ebary to a oowherd t.mong thu l Tbt!lo ooon- bor 200 ao d reoein tDlDI nryiog from . UOO tho ot.mca, in IDU\Y are u:preiaiooa df lender frieodahip. 1'be pe..Ooalty reachee 81,· 600,000, •od tbo aucee.ioo doty 8100,000. -Genuaoy il fitting oot f onr e11peditloae for AretJo and receotly 110ut a noce t.o t. bo Urltiab Ad mlrlllty, u lt log fo r auy at!•ico onoa the aabject wblcb it wu williDJt to giYo. The Adml raltJ follr io a candid aod generooa api rit and tbia commuoi eatioa baa ben recei ved aotl acknowl edged b7 Germany wilb the grent· utcourtUJ. -KCIO OF Til t: CABOLIK£ P uiiC' II oootri butea tbie .. bout Uia- marclt and tho Caroli oe lalaud11. 11. ia bud- cd lliawuck 'a a au i• intended to be •nog to tho IUD I.' of . • "!bo Ki og of tile c,nnlbal h landa :·- Ob! rm leadl njtall EaNpe . llvol,r d \ ncb, Nnw lila »-s tud nd ...,,. it i.o t r••- , And nn• II lol:lpaln, butl'ln llrttlu ft•hi- A llg !or tw lr onger- t booy I.'TUA•ltlu- 1 ) leld, tl ocuo, vncu•! 0' It>! fum l l'o>lhlc.l hnuwy' o all a blj( h um- At 8pala I f,.l twllldle my end tbu01b, l 'illl Canolhl,lllalaada.' -A Nr:w <.:nlln .-Oo l be evooing of Sl at Aujr., W. R Ur ool<a. of l'hclp!', Y., Jiaco•rred a 101pec ted comt l. \Vhi ch, 1.0· oijlht, .... f olly verified bJ P rof. Lu,. S• ift, .- rector or tbo Wamu obecrvai.Ory in t l>ie c itJ ; position right ucen1i on lS boura and <I I ' nuoutra; decliuft tioo oonh, d tgrcl'e -10 minoLea. J t hl\l no tait oor nocleua and ia pretty Iaine. lt i• aou tu-eulerly, ao<l c:>D euily bo teen tbrou11h a foo r-oncb tel t iiCOJI'l. lt ia in tho couate llat ioo of t ho ·• b unl onJ: 1 bia ditc:o• erJ, if aole<lated, out it lea Urooke to the \VANi er pr i-ro or S:lOU, maltin.Jll ho third woo bJ llr. iu tbe put three yel\..._ --- I -Mra. Sarah 'fruby it au wido,. of Martiu'a Vall ey, Pa. Until f' r ld11y, 1\ng. Hth, aho WN aupported comrorta!Jly by htr three 110n1, J obn, Jaaoo, and nJ:lld rupeeti•eiJ :1{, :\5, aod sa Tb eae I ODS -rioleot deatba twehc b onn of u ch other . J obo worked on l.h e Eatt Bra ncb while ro onlog 1.0 t orn a ewicc:b oo Fritlay lul fe ll Into • c"tt le l(uard aod broke hia neck. Juon worlr<'d in tho alate quarrie1, oa &turd:>J morni ng f ell 1oto oue oC tbe quarry pitAanti "'" druwn. ed. W Jmlln, who wu n miller. •u• C ounrl .!.!J,..a,gntln bin by t h11 man \Yho to g1io blru t ho 111\d or hia b rolh011' delllba. Tho thrcu mtn wer, baobolora, aool A1ra Tru by i8 lO vr11atrn:. ed by her l ou t ht lt llcr lifo is dupa!retl ot · lfr. P ercy .wooa, th aoulptor , has, U poe;ld 1.0 priYnto • iow nt Lonclon lhe l:lraol dlltmoriltl on whioh he b3a lonq be on and to 'l'lhicll J)ooni nion l'nr · llameol. lu t eeuioa ml\dO 11 grauc. Tb u 6gore of u.e noted J Ddhlo cbiof i1 cijlht alx iochea luglo. tll e ia ropreapnted in the act of apeakiog Clod the poao iJ llaid to IJe et once tmpreativo .UHI On two lldee of \he podutal )re l ndiaJl AtOIIP' ropl'ftlnati•e of - h of tritiH in Lha 8111 Natiou Ooe b.v.rellef repre•ote addreafog hie ebiare ; another a wv dance of bra\'et.. Tbo judg· moo• of crAice Ia Lba& ill lhe lllttnOrial Braotford •Ill ban A i&Ufllr IDJI ... D . I.O or tbe bra'" Jadi&G fi'DIA whom Lllo towo deriue Ita II&IU . ', HCTROliRT.- A little mnre t wo wpt h i,o' f oar year old ft)'IWaD. A.oocnzchev. 'Rallde;.. ud Sorrery- tile lat.al7 b7 )(r . 01to Jtroc-r. &o 10 La., J &of p.m., 7 to' pa. hter or llr. Solomon Plo 'nl, t loo Stl\to llrH U.rber , 911 te'eo With i1iplt\hem in th elbroat. It made iapld and In thirty al x laoora lo•llde4 &h a w- i\lcJ.pltle. It P'f from bad tq woree, anti oo t ho morn- loa of &belblrd day a tiam nporw aod Lbe e ai pl .),ree ot of tlie meane tD oomba' t.l ie dlariee, the ehUd wu, autrocatlnc l'ltpldiJ . Tho brtat.h!DJ ••• hiJblj llbored' aod p.lnfol , u.. ,oleo aone aod lbe !lnae of t&o *lcin l!lae .. A Qf d tcid· ed nodortallli( . the ' operalioa of traobeotomy, il ncnlor It aule.' In thla 011& and at tba' Bu& !>? . Jola1er, with the of t.· MorriauJ' , uDder· took, 1'- for the ailatb the cl!Ud wu llb- 'olatelJ eertafa wi"'l a fa• laoare. Dor- i&J Ule Oi*ltlo_?t for lOme ti me 1ab· ltelllt8&1J 1 W ltep\ OJI by an.llocal meaDL B•& art.d•lly, bM&tblq n1 reaamed, ..,d the olllld raiUed earpNioct,. the olllld loa 1teaa ._her for onr a fortelaf\l. On llle & •t lr lll •1 tiM tqM ... wlthare- fNim Ute "¥fipe, ll fa• dey• mora l be tl•• orliM clon4. llle braathed lllhlraJIJ, IU'd D , OW i& ein... p1_,.., uct. bal for ••• ,.u.... , .... to be u NoY,16.1a ..u .. a"'· Th o aupc:riority ol':\lotbor GrRveo' Wonn Extormiuntor id ti hown by ita sooJ efTccu ou t he chilu rcu . Th o. ten3city "ith \th lch pooplo 1\hido by t:teor 0.1rly fnltlo in ,\ yer'e &rMpArill3 can only b•l cxp!.,irot•t l by tho f:. ·t tbM it Ia cbe beat blootl medocme uacd. and is not nppro;,cl"•' l in by nay ocw for public fnur. of malllrillappcar in ""1 fo rtn, lftko Ayc ra 1\t once, to vcut tl•e dut'elopmeot of t ho d iaeue a d continue until henlth il! reatored na · 8oroly will 1m by the usu of tbL' ' ro- medy. A ew-e !1 "fjlrroul.ed in OYCrJ io· / BronohJtia.- U nleaa Mreal.ed, ..-ill tcr- mioato Ul coo1umpt io11. An almost never fnilinl( c nro for thia compla10t 1a fouod in Allen'. L u ul( wbk h can bo had of ao1 1J rog l>iat, pr1co ono · dolliU' pa r bottlo. Mr. R. A. llarriton , Che mist and Dru g iet., Duouillo, Oot ., w rltca : I can with confidtnco r ecomm•n •l :-i ortbrop & Lman·e Ye!lollulo Ditco••ory 1\od Dyepept io (.;uro for ll yaptplll\ nncl l oopnro l!lond, on chc face. Diliouanca uod <.:ottipat ion-,nch c:uee bnioa como uudor WJ pt'TSOnal obte "at ioo. The akipper aoon 11\W tl!l\t t ho /'ouilon WM getting the botter of boat aud renl ir .cd 1 b11t he coull i mako c utter do better tho r11co wM l ot t co biou. ll o decided on a bold and to Araoric...n yach I erne n a uo Yel uperimcot. At 1 fiB he wont about oo tbo port uc\: . It WM c he fi rat tit no t hat the Genuta h"d been aeeo 1.0 go a bout when under C ull wa J, a oJ tbo wect was liko ao eleccric ahoclt to t be fri ende of t he tloop. She weoL abont with Mtoolabiog e11lerity. The rno .. ement of tho cutter wa4, io feet, Jilte the aplooinfl of a Wp. T bo tho UoJUta'1 eumple, went about at 1.68:40, rony MO· ooda lo.ter. Sbe d id o ot come half as QL! iek In IIIII VI :v1 t bo c:ulter, and whoo Lbo lii'lkr Al motl. immediately went abool 1\ at 1..5!!:20 very like paued over t llo frie oda or lbo eloop. boro to tbo mark boat at the point tho Gtnuta oootinoo:\ u nti: hal! milo abc :\d . T wo before tho outer mark 1 tho Purita,n'• wu aona down A od oet'er aJtl'lo in Lbe rac e wu h boistod. F rom tho oigh tnoth mile to tho al.ako t he GtNtl fn CA'rned club top- a:>il, apionAkor, jib and l orcea1t, !Lild tho PuriJ1111 from poin t b&d no uila alofl.. Tho ltAto wu rea ched h1 the Gmuta lit 1 u;, so, aod b1 Lbo PlrritaR u T ho cutte r -med to bo 110 mocb qo icker in ltAJll th an l'l c aloop, thnt few t'eotored to do11bt. If tbay k ept up tho jocltcJing. c otter woold come 0111. abelfod. But t be altipper or lhe l'aJ il all wu diAml\yed. At :1.00:10, euctiJ 60 aecooda aCtor tbe Gtrtuta weat about, be likowiao put ubon t agnin. Tbero wae 1\ general impre•ion at first t hat t!Jo Gcm1ta bad gaiood by tbeao bu& when t ho boat got io potition for judgiug, it was eeon t hat in- llead of gain lUI( the cutte r hltd loll. T he; were both on tho 11.1\rbosrd teek llj., now, eut, Au:l t he Eugli1hm:\u fi11dinQ MoKI:Y IN YouR l' rr every ho the lc1eer bJ hia jocltoyim;. """ ll.'lilor, lombt-rman, mochMic: thl\t tbo l:aokee would oo: breAk t.a.clta Md fnroner would keep oo hanJ. :\li oard'a tborebJ git'e hi m 1 cbaot'l! to bunt for luck, l,lniment to cu re a c: h ta &nd po.in11, held oo his WftJ, 6l lod a frab p opo, s od Minard'• ll o ncJ ' li:Jiam tn curo <:ousrha, dr opped Atca d1l y behind. cold A, .-.: c .. tu1t! Mi ntlrd'A Fnmily l'11l1 to Aft e r t bie tbo y :achtl bel •! 00 tbo 1 t.nrbouu r tl(n l11 to thuir liver and bowols. th"Y woalol lAck for more tb 11 u au hnur, tho Pllritn 11 quic klJ get rid or all oiae uu ll!ld woold going ateadilyi.O windwatd,beaido. oulCoot· 1 07 SG. t be Gtnuta bAring gained o tor L,..o minot6' in three mil u. The Guwl4 rounded &b o etake 1terl&d for bome oo the al.arlloud IACit wil.b a gnat deal of lifo nod speed. 'lbo P•-itaH wu rather bee•1 at tho al alt.-. Al ter abo •t•rc.ed fur b'lme oa t ho awbo ard tae k. l "b o ahoclll on boUl 1,11ChU MU!Od, IU&kintr a peel lg\t. l'bo Puritan 1.0 abalto .ben t lf o•C nf her leth11rltJ 1\ll.<>r sqnari na a waJ for tho 11oJ act u11ll y lulled Ulo Eoe- h•hm:.o. An bou1'e Limo and abo bad uo; only aloted Lbo Je:>d of two roinn· t«, bal. was half a milo to the wlodward also. Tbo wind fi'Oflb tned ahor t bo mark buoy w11.1 turutrl and blew milell !Ill !J ou r, wbilo tbe aea ' waa beate n Into a froo'J· blowicaa gnat g ooneitbor )'llcbt ah ort ned aail. lJoLb labored ha rd. bu t tho Puritan r .>do tl10 eca tho bolt. 'l 'bc yacbta had thrir rail ll odar .... ter much of t bo time, and lbe l Oll waa breaking onr tho t f ,_ .to at---. Tha welltber work In tho p ie wu admi rabl e. ::ibo hcadtd well In fnr Long lllaotl ahoro. Tho U"tttlta did not .II\ II 10 Car to wi n<l wnrd by t hrOC·t}Oo.rtora of a mile. Sho cnono :t. 1 10n\ ao< IJiood for home on t he aur · board 1.1\ck. h ••adin;: direct ly for t be Scot- bnrl liJlht.lhip, four•c eo milea away. \Vht n tbll came about oo tho a t:uboard' tt\ck abo was " milo 1.0 t he •oo dward of the C1t•u•ta, !Jut tbo anu er wu on tho tnclt hy h11lf 3 onile. 'l'btt win I now abiftod to nor th n orl weat, •• tho mea bte;tme a to ch" ::icotl11od win lwftrd. 'fb e pin which l b& l 'ttrit11 1 b,d mndo bocaroo l oal to her, for th CtlltJtil, by reuon oftbo ahi\Lgo cf win' c.m lrl t he T h!ls by cha nce tho ClCJtUifl wu once mor& put ahe' d or 1ho Puritnn, aod t ho of cbo roN bccllmo mnt.Wr of c\o•bt. The wiud C Ot llinnctl to ulo w twJnty mile11 an ho>u r, IIOo ll\ de• poM\te to t ho Hoial. bo,:l\n. t ho could of tbo C: t lltlta ehe haol to aail ten mll 111. Th o yachu were 1\lm'>lt bow and bow for " mlle, l\n :i not oo til t ho wu with- in t .. o milee of t bo Scott .. ud li¥h tlblp dicl she t lll\ko off t ho deaperate hold wbieh bor ri•"l bad taken on her. For Lboh•t two m il e. tbe alruJl1llO wu ooe ot tho floe. & ever wito-.1. 1bc GtaPi# mado H• e at lf'mplll to get the weat her gft UI:fl of tho Ptlritan, bul fa iled each c. for t ho wbil4 aloop hAnsomoly out.poiute<i her. After entorirut upou tho lut milo t ho l' urita•• opone d oa e liko l\ borao 11nol ,:: inlns r"lli <IIJ crouot! tloo llnlah line 111 -1 0(1. 15, beating t he t:nsr· li•h 2 m., !) 'tc .• nt\ ual t ime. and. de - tho thirlttdn lt)C)()orla . lima At lo w· 11neo for t he aaceeuf ull y defcml.:•l t ho .\notricow cop 1\od won tbu n t c rie• of thrl'a raeta bJ I m., liS aec .. ft llll ll.'lvod the t rophy o r tho wor ld en Amtri . l'ho competlnj: euels fln11hed tho in" flfteen·onlle bri'I.'Ul. 1'bo to· 1.1\l diUance wu nbo nt flft7 milo&. bo ruooe1 in tbeir po.:tota. ing th o cot ter alig btiJ. Tho OCOJn W1UI ( free I rom ew"ell, yeL tho Gt11utn picc:bed a If 11ny !If cbo rt!:>tl.:ra..o tlois 1•aper d o aot tr ood deal, pre1 en t ing a eoo craal tb tho ko ow of Li uirnml we J'l•ritan, doscribcd u for tho most pari u t hem to flot! o n\ 11bout i t.. \\'ri to to Or. 1 tea -t 1 u a abip. J ol.ns!lll &: Co, of Uoac.on :II .us. h il moat u.arvullon6 reon.:dy in tllo world, At th · eo o' .. ock the wioJ tbifloJ to tho ---- aooth, 11n<i S 07 l he Gtllut« put abo ot.. O) l(lt'plio low 1 n:r ite, rest- Tbo akipper hnd no intenti? n of lC"o!IIC$8, &Otlr IWml\cb, pain in letting tbo liWIIJ from tho bo wulH ,.Aria hle Bppctito, _ho , inat11ntl .Y nlao. 11oc rl\iaiu:: fouJ. 0 11 p rruio u nt pit or llomnch. I ur1to11 eupe n o r ul11 ng sod Olt - h•"' I<! V \l r eool l:trH: uur ru ua.u' r .. ·g atio ·t I culltnt aro /' ;lls gi,· u i•umeJiMo Nlief 1\Ud will ulli· more tbao . eoer wan ofu c, 1\n ;t o oMcly t lJe ":ll no longer n '}De&to oo whet her tho 1 , ., ,. ---- tn•• wout.l beat tho c;,"nto. bn t bow onuc!t MA noc. Ore .. f'eb. 16, 11!80 aho wo uld bor. Thu.o tbe llonAC£ ET .II Ot:n writ es :- l'orn ll l pru .. td JUtODllbmeol. th •ton so hgbt !' fti n .K 1 ll.,r 1\1 " fl\ru ily C'llre nil bcon a wouJ. ovc_r ·"" occ:>o awell, ac kon ... in coo"""' nac in ony ho mobold for n long to be ptcuhuly fn orablo to tho cu tter, t he of and 1 •· ould " HlO"f' ahoolol bl\rO be&ten her eo b;,dly. At lwtt 1 •r 0 11 0• ft no,• erfnils o ne . 1 Cl\llot t bu 4.• :1 tho GtntMil a on . tho atnr· • Ohl Jtelinblt!.' board t ftclt t he follow•os JI Ut fo rty. Or. W . Ar mJt rOnl(, Toron to, writes: I b nf' bMo Northro1> & LJman'a Emol· eion of Cod Li,·er UU a ad of l .inus Aud SodA for CbMoic !Jr ooch it i• w: t h tho heAt nau lu. 1 believe It is beat in c be mnrkct. teate•l tl <' uiiTt'rrrft kul d! , I nnhttilll tins:ly !fi •o It t hll wlol'n for '"" con•nm•, oi vc or for Thr oat an;l Lu n;: 1 11Td: too n-L It m:oy bo onlJ tti!linr: eol•l, hut it nn<l it "ill h. •t rn it• in yonr lun::8, nud yrm will 1011n t•o cntrled to an uroume . ly In thil! co untry wo bavo 1utldcn cha' IX;u mOAt espeot to bnve 11od cot.i;. Wo tnuool Moid t hem. but we can n curo IJ_r """'I Uicltl e'11 Anli · C:oo- Svr•1p, tho oocJ ocinu has never k11o"n to !Ail in cu root: .:ouch •, cold•, broucltili 1 and all • aficctiunl! of t ho throat, luoga nnJ chuc. I · ---- Tbt mau who haod1no t tho or or aufterlojr, wbicb nhr Aya precede• ulaladlee, ollPn bcoomct, tlorougb bia io · dolrnCC! Lbe • icum of incu,.blo diataae. l..uaitudt, \\' earint•, Sadnua, Achiog of Ule Li111ba i ndicata otfYOu.a th e lore ro oner of n•any org11oic a od (one ti,onal diaeuea. '.fbe ea rly emrt o,men t of ll,rpopboaphlte• wll efieotuall1 wArd off aucb cnal adiOf!. Cured ot Dri.nJtlng. • A young frlead or mine wu en rod or an ln110tiable ct.iraL for liquor whi.:h bad 10 prottra(ld bim thAt be WILl noable to do any botiDOI!, JJo wu entirelJ cored by t bo oae of HoJ> Ditten. H aiiAyrd t bu bnmtng thi m ; t.oolt Away the appeti te for l iqnor, made t loe ateady, and he baa r cml'laed a aober 11nd ateat.IJ man f or more t han two yean. And bM no to return t..l hie eupa ; lknow of a no mht>r of otbera t hat. hAft been curod of bJ it..·- Fronl lndt nt R. n. OtDcial lll. - TIMU. '• PilU - Eofeehled E%illenoe.- 'fble medicine ea.braoee ner1 r e- qalred Ia a dOflltatlo re<uedy ; It overtnrua cho fou ndati oua of di&eiM laid by defeolin food and impnre air. lo ob- at rucllooe or OOO!f"Stlooe cf th e lonsrt, ho«r•la. or ay otber orpn,, t.heae l'lllure Cll1)t!Cially .. t and rwloeotlyaoeettt· fill. Th.y lboald bo kept ia roadl- lu e •err u &be7 are a mtdloloe -ltbnnt for YOIIDI JMI'IODI &1ld lbcao ol fHble oonetltatloM. 'j lley ot•or eaau palo, or Irritate the moet •blitl" oenea, or moa' teodtt bo ... a. Uollowa.J'• P ille &I'D the heel Inlow• pari8ef11 of t lae blood, aDd Lbe bHt promotefl of abeorptlon and aocmloa. and . !'DIDO .. all polto•ooe 11n.t no:UoAa par• ucle1 from boti eolldt ud lluida. 4 Ovc aeconda Inter. At 4.M tho l' uritan Willi full a milo dtlld to wi nd ward of tbo G'tunta, Md e\'en \hi) al.aoccbett fri endof tho l"tter wero f orced to bolio•o that ahe wu a b&dlr· be aten boat. \\' ba& mado tbo cu tte r men eapeciallJ despondent wu t hat t bo l'uri tan'• gain ..-u oot a ccidental or ioter mitte ot, e:\rood nod cootin a ou11. It wa .. not to be abo h:uleteadily oa ti>.,ilc• l tho 1-:u.:liob . ftnd «M fnrth or 1\0d fu rt her nwn1 from her oo e\'ury 11\ck. Tho Zo.Ulku Put. flnttho friend1 of tho aloop, fc ct ly 11\tiafi ell of bor eupN ionty to t he cn tt c r. we re nol. eotirely hnppy. Frnon t he • or1 doubu we re by JMny whether t he n ee could bu fi uiabod wit hon tho prtiiCribed time or aeven bou '11, a nd, when t he wiod biled to Jllllher ttrength :\5 the afternoon wore on, tbi• •lonbt bec: uuo more jle nersf and r;rlld ually auum•d tho force of conviution. That thoto on bro. rd tho Puritarr were :»noo..: tho 1.0 r nter- 1 1\ io thi• tlouht ia io<l lc: ucd br lhe exprcuil·o ,::01turo of Mr . For bu, wluch hM •lrt 11dy been of, Anti that iL wu ehMcd by tho people on t ho oxcuralon •ttamer4 wu pr oved by t hei r ropestedly cooolol( al ong aide of tbo jodg.., bol\l to eoquiro or tbo cowmilteo if t bo rsco could bo tloilbed Znlflhr, or Zul6p9. it 011 Ulo ba•tc io Ume. of tbo Htri ltod and cia. to the ri•er. From Saraltht aouchward on the lef& or Alter tbe lo ad gone about on t he •oettrn ballk. Ia P• rslao territ or y. a dia - port uclt At 6 11 and horeL"\mplo lwl been bnce of A bou t 70 mll11. thtl$ Rn•l. follo wed 12 later b1 tho id 1 h b f K tho wind aud•le nlJ hauled fro•o aoath·eaat • w er 0 up 10 er " "' """'" ho...-n, a t•roYinoe uvected to be a!laorbod, or ac bJIOoth to aoutb aoot'.b·eiUit, And b1'2'tll 1.0 leAU. ut lllud , when Lbe a t.IYAUC\1 on dio out.. 'fhe cap1.aln1 of tbo u couioo India talcee place. '!'be [•aaa of Zolll- 11.01\mora wero qulolt to a otioe l ho lull and hr it a narrow •IoRi o, whlcfl at tho promp t to deeid.t thaL the re wo uld bo no oort boro ea<t dlndee loi.O two roada, 00 ., ra.ce, ro, ooe alter anothe r, tboy at.oamed lomlnr 10 the Garmeb 1'- 00 Ute " t away from tho atakeboat. aod headed for and tbe one on Lbe ricbt towar •l th e Hook. 8y alx o'clock t he K Ill d h 1-L hi b n .. rt had nniabtd behi nd t he a nd oogroe an t e N IL .... ch ••u been talked of Ia relatJoo to tho fron- the th e j adjZN' bo<\111, 1\o<t 000 or t ie t<, 1'he fOIU1 ou L at tbo eonth two ltet.m 7aebu ••mt lotf' alone 00 tbo a nd ,e ry litcle a bo•• Lbe lf "l of Reri ' Hutl, nnd tllo jlrollod, lllthnn!Cfl witb eorea At 6.4l the Cltntlta wonl about, 1\nd wM ole ntiooa upon Itt, Ia aocpewhl't lent. at followed bytbc l' writnH , t.h o li\Uif Abflut ttn or twrlvo miiN to tho eooth Are btln tt Lbco n earlJ l. wo on ilea d e."\d tO wind t ho ChJtll11 r Uowll, fo11r pe11h ; ••rd AL 6. 29 t ho l'uritiJII""' 101nt Lb• a re the banka of' the Ueri knol, wht•o IQiiM from Lhe al.akebo11t, tbe Gt.uta at Lht' Stoi ranae oomt1 do'"' from leu\ two mil" farth er to leeward . Ae t he elao elde, a nd arni\Dlf tbeo Ia tbe 'l' en,11ri lioslt ol ooe•en h oura expired It 8 311\ WAI Da ri.& Of .,f Ule river, && whloh et•rly lmpotJible l or tht ,..ehu to 11111 tl•c road• oo eldee lea" the 1t.ream. onr l!J cnllu in II\ li(: lll a wi od. 11nd Uoe On tht eut of die Ch•h11r Oowll tho elc•A· rti C:I wu a-rdio;lJ ol by &be t1oa1 are M t eo hltrll, and &Itt uanal .,.,. Comreittet. raae eon1h to tho Nlalllteai anll tha You, Sept. 1 G- Tha &tart of the ,_, j)l•ln lf&di"- to lleru il ffiV!IIerl. Nhl wu made amid uf frocn Zalllltar &be breocb or " '' P llfO- tuat and The Geltfllta c"ll!l'ttl Jl!l lnlalao range lO the · aonlh-uw. t he Tine abeed or bllr rlnl, bu& tl oe J>qfln• It OUKb& to bo remrmbtrtd Ulal Uoejlrooll(l qulokiJ rtOa••nd tbo a . roand and a& l.lO 1 bot ween P.l Kh.U"m and tho lll)lllh •• ·-Gable lfoccba llhtll•l. ' J1ou - Willi l'Jn.:D or lbe Zulllll:v r- OGDI&IDI wltllln OOYttM with while capo ead tho blue ek1 Ita tp!lca lbe ft>OI& lll'pMtaa\ lltrt.tfllc l ._.,.. U4l waa piiiHI with 1111 ee of peal cion bolwtea 1'anhltt a...t II era\ 'l'lol1 ..... Tloo }IChta COJitelttd t ftf'J Will txpi&Jo the dftil'lt of lhe fta•lu1 ,_ ol U.. eo11rte. Ac 11.16 t lle )'IICIIIa orlu poeHIIioa.-l..o.J.J. 'DtrJ'lf Ntti..

•1 - Memorial University of · aho ~IC"" o~erhAulinq ~b4t American rcpre ... work ID bia Uno wiLb

Feb 25, 2018



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Advertisements. Advertisements. /. Advertisements. I te'ms. THE ORRA.T RAOERS.

ST. JOHN'S PHCENIX Marble & Freestone.Works. Fire Assurance Company.

Corea ca010 iui.Oierahl e paio. Hollo­waf • Cora Cun remo'- Lbe ttotlbl e.

- Tho deopttt ~~en l"lloJiuga knowo were matlo in tbo J'Ae~lic, "hrrc tho liuc re:Jched tlowo 4 67.~ fac hoon 'fhua it 1eema t hAt cbe ~eateat beigbll oC monut~~ina nnd t ho Jlr-.IM~ deptb of ocoao oonaat>uad very oeuly.

A Now York Writer ,.-aphiCiilly rl.. aeribu the Yatchtamen &nd their~. manahip.

Wt!re Rbreaat. Thoo t ho Gt~.ta bepo to forge ahud. 1110 crew on b<\:>rd tho Pu· rita• wat.ched t be Uritltber •lip b7 with aoltioua facu. Fi•e miO\Itea' later Lbo Gn.uta h.d ioqr-d t he diatanoe between beraolf Rod tile P~trilnM to tbree cablee leaatha.. Sbe lay well our to tho wlpil and cut the .. ur rapldlJ aocl paoetql.,..) Wilhin a mlouto c:roulng__ t~.ttm; tho apinnaltera wero aet and bo---u;--yac~~,a at11t tod for tl\11 run of twonty mil• eut. l'hcro IT;\a 3 aouth·~Mt \find blowing ten wilu ao hour, ·• l•eu t he .,..;ela p-t lbf' Sf;otl~Ad li)lht~~ho r•· '11•o PtJTitllll cloeed woth t he tJe~•utu afc..t r e.'iliog fony-ll•e mlonlot~. Ou tl•o toutb JUi le tho Gt~tlta 1<\ok t he apiunalter from tbo alArb().ud aide And u t to porL l 1te P·rrittJJI·, 1pionaker remalne~ on tho pori. aiJe. At 111114 poin t th.u T'.mta>t wu oury\n,~: club top1111il, mAin· &.lol, fore~~;ull\o ll spionlllter and the Gtnota lm~l tho lllono CIIIIV:\5 clr~~wio::: winol. T ho ahoft or the epion11kor on lbo r.tnutn bolp'd her IYOndorfully,l\ntf afterfioitbinstll! mnea aho ~IC"" o~erhAulinq ~b4t American rcpre­~ol4ti~O. :She p&160d hAr oo tho 14th milo.

ALr:XA~oEu SmTrr, PnorRIETOR. LOllllAlUl 87u2T";'"o&.Am~G oaoss liJNDO.N.

-Two rac«e or me~t aro dJing oot-the Laplandrra, wbo n omkt 80,000, antl tbo Maoria of ~ew Z~IJ.JJ, redllCetl from_ 100.000 to ~.000 lrinco I he daya of <.:opt. Cook, and likely to be exticoL by t bo 7ear 2,000.

-1'r llllllia haa tanntiooerl tho plan for tbo pro~ted 1hip n~wl. ,.triefrtc-IK P1;Slpoted to cot froul r~ubee\: . on tho Jt.,ltoe, to a point of tho low"r ~:lbo neftr (.;uxhavt•n in t ho ffinnno OC~IIIl. T he eotiro CO~L or tbo worlt iu t)hcu•l nt 15~,011(1,0110 mnrk~. of which l'rnuin lltJulllc ru ly to C<lotributo 60.000,000 Ol~rka. ' l1•c !Jill fur t"il'"'l:On· •trUction or tbi3 C3D11 will bo iliUIDiited tO tbe DonJcarnth nCter ' '1\crtiou.

The Nw Y ork 1i111t# fo deeeribiog Ute nee, •ye ~' tho ~ In aartioJ roado a tJ.d mot'o w~o eroaing tho loolf and aigually failed 1.0 auaWn tho reputalioo of t he En~:lisb yacht~~rneo for Am&rt aeamlln· aMp. Puttiog nbont iu t ho way t ho d id, al.opped tbo WA7 of tbo cotter and Cllllled het 1.0 bo haodieap1.ed. After cho ~11\rt, tho bOt:ltll wero wntched witb Lbo keenelt in­U!rclt., wbcn il. soon UL-eAmo apparent t haL thn ch~t:laeo botwceu tho two l:o:tl4 wu widening.

A S deairee to tb•ok ~hoat wbo hne • • ruored blm lo tho pttn with

tlu:it o rdera, aud would ioumal4 d t ho ~mo time that be bM feeililiee for perform· ou,: work ID bia Uno wiLb unequalled de· a;J:otch and neatoeas, and kl prloea that cao· uot bo cooupetod with. 'fho.o requiring Mantel Piece-, Konumenta, Tom be,

Hoadai.ODu, Ourbe, Beanha &nd OoplDJP,

"ill do well to CZLit on bioo. 'I'ht!y can ob­uin :utiAtie. t horough IWd chaate workman• ahip, :It vricea lo•e r tllltn t bo II'Wtat elM­where. Church Work-Yout.e1 Altar., 1'ableta1

&c.-a ap4'Ci&litJ . 1l1o ·u~riher b:.vinjplmnat fo,.yJeara

rxpcrlence in l.hla oolooy is therefore In a

1outltlOU to vro~iJo ~laterlai Rnd \\' orltmklt• 11h1p beat calculated to cudurc tbc aenrillcl of our cliruMe. '

27G Gower Street, St.. Johu's April IS.


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PropPrt.- in H.•l•'ll o{ Pr~-

t iU.

P u'-''''1:~" rt:!I:S - 1' •rm• of A pf•iiC"tion t .. , t' "'' ,.,.,, Lot•• ln~'" "ncl', ~oul Kl' 0 1u·r , ,.,,, uu.llou CJlll \.;u obt.:&i th.~\1 .... l ,._. ,.,!!u·· · vt

.\ . o. n.n ·w.u-:n. SL. J ulw'•, Al(e'" for N llcl.


E'T.\ l3LI 'liED A D. 1 8 3 i 11 1-:.\0 OFFICE:

l J3 C.\:-fXv~:il'RIU~ r. Lo:too Y, EC

Capital: £1,000,000 Btg lnsuraneea etrec~d oa almoat all ltindt

of properly in .Ne•Cot~&ldiJJ>d at loweet '- puwible rate~.

J . AUGWrn ;s C LIFT, SOt.ICtTOtt, Sr . J nuH'S

Agt•.' for NnrfouoJ/tllfd E. B. THOMPSON,

S•b·Agu.tfor llarbor Grut Ang. 11.


For One Month ..


SINGER S EWING MAcHINES Lo' kman H&lld X&chi.Delt

.Biclrf•nl Jtw!W•c XuJtl ... .Burek& Olothea WrU!pn Ao~ KuhinJ' Xachlnetl

Oeotezuual Pl&IUDJ' Xaeh!n" Ueat Ma.chine Oil. :'Y~Iea and Aeta.cb­llleol.lforall $EWING MACHIN~. all reduced 1.0 bot•_,111 pri~. for ou mo~~lh only. •

711/Jiagp- Jltal(,.g c,_,.,.,. )(. F. SMYTH, AoEJrT,

• 17~ Water !:IL ) C..loiiDI, SE\Vl~8 MA.ORlNF.S RE'PAIRI!:D


Ass'\U'&UCe Oomp'ny Olf L6Nl>ON.

ES'lABLlSB.ED 1821.

8aucatan OAPJY.u.. ........ Q,OOO,tGO. 11 ToTAL l•'far&D J'UJU)I or ..

'f'4UI or .................. t,760,qoo " AJniii'AL(•co•• Or1r.UDIOF laO,qo<) "


Joeeph Wm. BueodaJe, ~· Briatow Bo-rill. t:.Q. 'fbe Hoa. Jamee 81og. .lobo C loU.Oo, Eaq. Octa• lo1 & t:oope, EeQ., M.P. U'eorte A rtbar Faller, 'k.q. Cbarlee &. Uoodhart., Eaq. )l R,bode U awlllae, r..q. Sir Joba f.obbock, B&n., M.P., F .R.S. Cbarle~~ l'hocnu Lucaa, r..q. CbkriH M~a1, Eaq. ' l'be lloo. J:;dw1D IJ. l>orlmao. nudle7 Robon Smith, bq Wm. Jamee Tbompaoo, r..q.



The eofl$l'llmea te of Lbie Office are ~roar· aDtl.'ed by ll OQ!Mrolll and wtallby l'ro· prietarJ io addluoo lo • lara• in•e~~ted Capo tal ; and Lbo promptllode aod liberal· ity with which cl•iauo hne alwaJt boeo md .. ant woll· knowo aod acltaowltdaed.

Tbe importaaco of tho t.raou.ctiolll of Lbe

PH<.ENIX FIRE OFFICE mAJ bo e~ti111ated from Lhe fa"' tbal ai~~ee ita eal.lbliabmeot-now o•er ONE UOllt>un Yr.AU·- t bo paJmeolll In l&tiafeetioo of Claim• for Louoa hue oxcooded FOUKTU!f ~·l LI.IO!f3 STERI.UIO.

I n&orancn a,qAiutt Loaa by Firo 111\d l.ightoiii!C aro elfeelf'd bJ tho Company upon e•ery dcecriptloo of l'roperly, ou tbo m011t fuorablo tenna.

J An 17

W. & G RE~DJI!I.{), St.Jon!l's.

Agc"'U j 11r Nuc/vtAftlllaN

'l'b1a powder oe•er TlriH. A or ma"el polity, 1trenjll.b and wholeaomc ne1111. More eoooomieal than tho ordinary ltlnda. and caanot be aold io competluon with tbe multitude of lo• te~~l, abort weight. a lnm or phoapbato pow<! era. Sold f'nly iff ca.u UOTAL HAI:IKO P OWDEI\ C o., J()(j Wall-Itt., N.Y. JauS ly

Harbor Grace Stove Depot -AND-

Olua, Tin & Bard ware Eat.abliahment.

(To tic tan t~f Mturl. J 11ln .1/unn 1' Co'1. • UtDCOIItile pl ttNUa.)

C. L . KENNEDY thankful for put !.Yore rec:civetl from the poople of thia town ·a,.d outvort.a,

QUE EN wishes to infonu hia many hinndR and patrons tha t bo llaa uo w i.n at ode u large variety oC

W~a,nce C~mpany S CArtTAL~O Stcrli• g.


- AND- '-



T W ENTY-FIRST AlOWAL fho R er)()rta anJ A coount..l lor t.b.,

year 1 R78, Jlresented to thl' S hsreho1dcrs •tt Annuil ~l e11ti ng, on 'l\tesday,27th May, 187!), at whi.:lo DernarJ llntl, i''Aq., presiJed. eho-.1, in tbe Di•iderod ant! Uonoa at the r&te w.tothor of l~ per cont. wu d eel11red, £14..,035 beiog Clir: rioJ lor ward .

FIRE DRANCH, That the Premiums for 1878, alt.or

Jeducting Re·inauranoca, amounted to &!56,214, beiog an iocreue oi £1i,391

ov11" t.he Premium Inoome of 1877; anJ the Lo.ea to £2bl,66l, being 1>5.16 per oeot. on tho Proo~l.ama ol Year.

• IN THE UFE DEPARTMENT. That Nu• Poli.ciel bad booo iuued

for £222,4:85 ; and t.loat the Life Fonda uy the additioot mado t.o it .. tho fC:Iult nt the year'• operat.iona now reproaent.a 67.9 per oent. of the entire net Premium, receiYod on every policy in force.

l'be aurpha balance in the Fire Ae-­ooon~ wu ahown t.o be ..£107.:599, out ot which £ 20,000 .... •prrorrir.t.ed to Sa~ \ eoount, railing Lbat Account t.o ..£UO,OOO and mattins -with tho Jie. ~e"e )rood t.nd Balaooe carried forward ..£2, .000 •

F UNDS Capital Paid Dp ... ......... ... .£180,050 Ueaeral R.eue Fuod ... . .. •.. 170,009 l"ire .1! lltld for ooe&n~ed Premloma 140,006 BalaDce earned forward ... ... ... H,OSil ufe AceamulaLioD Food ... ..... 300,816 AuotaU.J M'oDd,,. ,_ ... 11,6:16

TOVES or all dtscripliooa ... ith all tuo }llte~t illlprO~I'IIll.'l ·l.S-CO!llltt' ising


FRA..N'KJ.l N lit\ LL

' RIIJ S HIP'S, togetller wit-h OR~Sand F1TTlNGS of all ait.ea.

A l110, a 6110 auorlmont of lbo' neweat s ty lea of

Gothic GRATES £Dritiah nod American.)

IN TRE SHOP ia • largo stock or tho fo llowing ·article& and othere too numorooa t.o apeoily,..... Paiota ol all colora, Spirita of TarpenLioe .Mised l'aiota in 1, 2 and S lb tio1 Uuaee-:1 Oil-boiled and raw, W hite Lead Ziol Wbit.e, Pucty, W bltlog, Ochre, Glue <.:opal and Forniture Varuiab, Atucilago Keroaeoc Oil, Window Ul...-11 eira Harne-. Foruitoro and DrMI P oli1h Druuewlct Bleck, <.:h110'1 Liquid Glue G1ycerioe .Letthcc Droaiog. . ,• ,

HARDWARE oC every deecriptioo.

Onl SoMers, Enamelled and Tiooed Doilerw Eogliab & American Him .od Mor&o Loch Window Fun~ltore. Sub Balaueea Brut Polo Ends, l:lracllet:a aod Rioga Areetiean AXHI\.Qd Hatebeta Eo~rllab Rat.cbete AmericaJI CuL Nalll'an<l Finlttolng N11i ll. 01-•ar-~Aalp Chlmoiea and IJuroere Jhll aad Diolnf Room Lamp~ Clwtdelie,._i aod I lfibta, Sao 'J'ablt Lamp~. Toile~ tMta Drltaaaia .Setal Ta and Coft'ee "Pet. SiiHI'·plaMd ',(able, o-rt and TeMpOODI Silnr-plated 'table ao4 Veaaert Forb

DM,428 CUTLERY of all·Xlnds.


lllHON DONO\!AN, Geoert.l AaeuL for Nftd

1 8UI·AOl~ · 4 . T. J>JL Y15HAf,£.

Jjarbcw Graoe, &. 0'8RE&l:l.lN Ia Co.,

8C. rlene.

horr-haadle Table and Deueri ~Ina horr-t.adle Picll:l• FoctL TOOLS OP. ALL DESCRIPTIONS GROCERlF.S.-Colfee, SoafL Matcht1

ole, etc. To all ol•lalala ialpecdoo Ia in-riled.

,..F~ u1e &L the Jow .. t poealblo J'ricte 0. L. 'KENNEDl


'D.M~JOHNSON. M.D. C.M., .,

-fhe /Jolplwre Egyplirn of Cairo hf\.1 agttio been aoppru.ed. Thia ti me FrRoce ), reapooaibla for th i opprnaiod of cho paper, which•on offooeo !Jy publith­•ng article• whlcll wcre deemed iojarious to Fread• ioteretL&.

-We predict thal io tbrco yel\rw at tbe lonl{faL there will not be 1\ &in~rlo retail liquor ahop lo tho Stlto of Ueflrftln. lo It• than a geoora!ion tho people will loolr back ioto tbe pAit and talk about b11r -rooma, and tbe children will ult, • What is a bnr· room ?'-Toccoa (Ga.) Nt~A. • •

• -Tho reAding of ::lir Motu Moote6ore'a will at t"o probate, foliJ cloeed recentiJ, abowa namct rro111 Earl Sbaft.ebary to a oowherd t.mong thu Tbt!lo ooon­bor 200 aod reoein tDlDI nryiog from .UOO to~. Acco1npanyio~r tho ot.mca, in IDU\Y ioe~oeea, are u:preiaiooa df lender fr ieodahip. 1'be pe..Ooalty reachee 81,· 600,000, •od tbo aucee.ioo doty 8100,000.

-Genuaoy il fitting oot fonr e11peditloae fo r AretJo UJ~loratloaa and receotly 110ut a noce t.o Urltiab Admlrlllty, u ltlog fo r auy at!•ico onoa the aabject wblcb it wu williDJt to giYo. The AdmlraltJ repli~ follr io a candid aod generooa apirit and tbia commuoieatioa baa ben received aotl acknowledged b7 Germany wilb the grent· utcourtUJ.

-KCIO OF Til t: CABOLIK£ I~U.ND!I.­PuiiC'II oootributea tbie YO~ae .. bout Uia­marclt a nd tho Carolioe lalaud11. 11. ia bud­cd • lliawuck'a So>o~:,' aau i• intended to be •nog to t ho IUD I.' of . • "!bo Kiog of tile c,nnlbal h landa :·-

• Ob! rm leadlnjtall EaNpe . llvol,r d \ ncb, Nnw lila »-s tud • nd ...,,. i t i.o t r••- , And nn• II lol:lpaln, butl'ln llrttlu ft•hi-A llg !or tw lr onger- tbooy I.'TUA•ltlu-1 ) leld,

tlocuo, vncu•! 0' It>! fum l l'o>lhlc.l hnuwy'o all a blj( hum-

At 8pala I f,.l twllldle my O•~ter end tbu01b, l 'illl KI~J of ~~ Canolhl,lllalaada.'

-A Nr:w <.:nlln.-Oo lbe evooing of S lat Aujr., W. R Urool<a. of l'hclp!', ~. Y., Jiaco•rred a 101pec ted comt l. \Vhich, 1.0· oijlht, .... folly verified bJ P rof. Lu,. S• ift, .-rector or tbo Wam u obecrvai.Ory in tl>ie c itJ ; position r ight ucen1ion lS boura and <I I ' nuoutra; decliuft tioo oonh, ~6 dtgrcl'e -10 minoLea. J t hl\l no tait oor nocleua and ia pretty Iaine. lt i• •no•in~r aoutu-eulerly, ao<l c:>D euily bo teen tbrou11h a foor-oncb telt iiCOJI'l. lt ia in tho couatellatioo of t ho ·• bunlonJ: do~·· 1 bia d itc:o• erJ, if aole<lated, out it lea ~lr. Urooke to the \VANie r pri-ro o r S:lOU, maltin.Jllho third woo bJ llr. llroo~ i u tbe put three yel\..._

--- I -Mra. Sarah 'fruby it au n~ecl wido,. of

Martiu'a Valley, Pa. Until f'rld11y, 1\ng. Hth, aho WN aupported comrorta!Jly by htr three 110n1, J obn, Jaaoo, and Wym~n. nJ:lld rupeeti•eiJ :1{, :\5, aod sa Tbeae I ODS me~ -rioleot deatba wi~bio twehc bonn of u c h other. J obo worked on l.he Eatt Bra ncb R•ilro~~d,Aod while roonlog 1.0 t orn a ewicc:b oo Fritlay ai~tb~ lul fell Into • c"tt le l(uard aod broke hia neck. Juon worlr<'d in tho alate quarrie1, ·~d oa &turd:>J morning fell 1oto oue oC tbe quarry pitA anti "'" druwn. ed. W Jmlln, who wu n miller. •u• Counrl tulfoea~d .!.!J,..a,gntln bin by t h11 man \Yho ~amo to g1io blru tho 111\d iutelli~;enco or hia brolh011' delllba. Tho th rcu mtn wer,• baobolora, aool A1ra Truby i8 lO vr11atrn:. ed by her lou t htlt llcr lifo is dupa!retl ot

·lfr. P ercy .wooa, th aoulptor, has, tu~t U poe;ld 1.0 priYnto • iow nt Lonclon lhe l:lraol dlltmor iltl on whioh he b3a lonq be on eo~flOd and to 'l'lhicll tlu~ J)ooninion l'nr· llameol. lut eeuioa ml\dO 11 grauc. Tbu 6gore of u.e noted J Ddhlo cbiof i1 cijlht fee~ alx iochea luglo. tll e ia ropreapnted in the act of apeakiog Clod the poao iJ llaid to IJe et once tmpreativo .UHI nntu~l On two lldee of \he podutal )re l ndiaJl AtOIIP' ropl'ftlnati•e of - h of ~e tritiH in Lha 8111 Natiou ooofeden~ey. Ooe b.v.rellef repre•ote Bran~ addreafog hie ebiare ; another a wv dance of bra\'et.. Tbo judg· moo• of crAice Ia Lba& ill lhe lllttnOrial Braotford •Ill ban A i&Ufllr IDJI ... D.I.O or tbe bra'" Jadi&G fi'DIA whom Lllo towo deriue Ita II&IU.

', -C~ITlCAL HCTROliRT.-A little mnre ~n two wpth i,o' foar year old

ft)'IWaD. ~ • A.oocnzchev.

'Rallde;.. ud Sorrery- tile bo~ lat.al7 ~ b7 )(r. 01to Jtroc-r. Uo~ &o 10 La., J &of p.m., 7 to' pa.

hter or llr. Solomon Plo'nl, tloo Stl\to llrH U.rber, 911 te'eo With i1iplt\hem in thelbroat. It made iapld progre~a, and In thirty alx laoora lo•llde4 &ha w-i\lcJ.pltle. It P'f from bad tq woree, anti oo t ho morn­loa of &belblrd day ootwhhlt~~bdlnf a tiam aa~ 'orpe•~o'l nporw aod Lbe eaipl.),reeot of tlie ~' meane tD oomba' t.lie dlariee, the ehUd wu, autrocatlnc l'ltpldiJ. Tho brtat.h!DJ ••• hiJblj llbored' aod p.lnfol, u.. ,oleo aone aod lbe !lnae of t&o *lcin l!lae . . A eoa~lt.t\fou Qf ph~ciana dtcid· ed ,~taf!!t\ nodortallli(. the 'operalioa of traobeotomy, ilncnlor It aule.' In thla 011& and at tba' Ia~. Bu& !>?. Jola1er, with the ••Ia~ of t.· MorriauJ', uDder· took, 1'- for the ailatb the cl!Ud wu llb­'olatelJ eertafa wi"'l a fa• laoare. D or ­i&J Ule Oi*ltlo_?t ~d for lOme time 1ab· ltelllt8&1J1 reepl~ W to~ ltep\ OJI by an.llocal meaDL B•& art.d•lly, ~tarat bM&tblq n1 reaamed, ..,d the olllld raiUed earpNioct,. ~IIMIIl fort~edlph· tlteria.,..eoalln~~ the olllld k~p~ loa 1teaa ._her for onr a fortelaf\l. On llle &•tlrlll •1 tiM tqM ... wlthare- fNim Ute "¥fipe, wi~la ll fa• dey• mora lbe tl•• orliM clon4. llle ell~~ braathed lllhlraJIJ, IU'd D,OW i& ~ ein... p1_,.., uct. bal for ••• ,.u...., .... to be u


..u .. a"'·

Tho aupc:riority o l':\ lo tbor GrRveo' Wonn Extormiunto r id tihown by ita sooJ efTccu ou t he chilurcu.

Tho. ten3city "ith \th lch pooplo 1\hido by t:teor 0.1rly fnltlo in ,\ yer'e &rMpArill3 can only b•l cxp!.,irot•t l by tho f:. ·t t bM it Ia cbe beat blootl medocme ~ YI'r uacd. and is no t nppro;,cl"•'l in cx~cll<Jnco by nay ocw for public fnur .

'~rtom• of malllrillappcar in ""1 fortn, lftko Aycra 1\~ 110 <.:u~o 1\t once, to

~• vcut tl•e d ut'e lopmeot of tho d iaeue

a d continue until henl th il! reatored na · 8oroly will 1m by t he usu of tbL' ' ro­medy. A ew-e !1 "fjlrroul.ed in OYCrJ io· •~nee: /

BronohJtia.- U nleaa Mreal.ed, ..-ill tcr­mioato Ul coo1umptio11. An almost never fnilinl( cnro fo r t hia compla10t 1a fouod in Allen'. Luul( &la~tm, wbk h can bo had of ao1 1J rog l>iat, pr1co ono · dolliU' par bottlo.

Mr. R. A. llarriton, Chemist and Drug· g iet., Duouillo, Oot., w rltca : • I can with confidtnco recomm•n•l :-iortbrop & Ly· man·e Ye!lollulo D itco ••ory 1\od Dyepept io (.;uro fo r llyaptplll\ nncl l oopnro l!lond, l'i111pl~ on chc face. Diliouancauod <.:oo· ttipat ion-,nch c:uee bnioa como u udor WJ pt'TSOnal obte"atioo.

The Cet~tna·, akipper aoon 11\W tl!l\t t ho /'ouilon WM getting t he botter of hi~ boat aud 1b11t unlet~ he coulli mako c h~ cutter do better tho r11co wM lott co biou. llo decided on a bold and to A raoric...n yach Ierne n a uoYel uperimcot . At 1 fiB he wont about oo tbo port uc\:. It WM che fi rat tit no that the Genuta h"d been aeeo 1.0 go about when under Cull waJ, aoJ tbo wect was liko ao eleccric ahoclt to tbe friende of t he tloop. She weoL abont with Mtoolabiog e11lerity. The rno .. ement of tho cutter wa4, io feet, Jilte the aplooinfl of a Wp. T bo l'11rita~ followin~r tho UoJUta'1 eumple, went about at 1.68:40, rony MO· ooda lo.ter. Sbe d id oot come half as QL!iek In IIIII VI :v1 t bo c:ulter, and whoo Lbo lii'lkr Almotl. immediately went abool 1\ at 1..5!!:20 eometbin~t very like diaUl~7 paued over t llo frieoda or lbo eloop.

~ r~m boro to tbo mark boat a t the turuin~t point tho Gtnuta oootinoo:\ unti: hal! milo abc:\d . T wo mil~ before reAcbin~r tho outer mark 1t ho Purita,n'• to~il wu aona down Aod o et'er aJtl'lo in Lbe race wu h boistod. F rom tho oigh tnoth mile to tho tnroin~t al.ako t he GtNtlfn CA'rned club top­a:>il, apionAkor, aoalt~~ail, jib and l orcea1t, !Lild tho PuriJ1111 from point b&d no uila alofl.. Tho ltAto wu reached h1 the Gmuta lit 1 u;, so, aod b1 Lbo PlrritaR u

T ho cutter -med to bo 110 mocb qoicker in ltAJll than l'lc aloop, thnt few t'eotored to do11bt. If tbay kept up tho jocltcJing. ~ho cotter woold come 0111. abelfod. But tbe altipper or lhe l'aJ ilall wu no~ diAml\yed. At :1.00:10, euctiJ 60 aecooda aCtor tbe Gtrtuta weat about, be likowiao put ubont agnin. Tbero wae 1\ general impre•ion a t first that t!Jo Gcm1ta bad gaiood by t beao m-n< bu& when t ho jud~:es· boat got io potition for judgiug, it was eeon t hat in­llead of gain lUI( the cutter hltd loll. T he; were both on tho 11.1\rbosrd teek llj., now, he~diog eut, Au:l t he Eugli1hm:\u fi11dinQ

MoKI:Y IN YouR l ' rr every Lb~t ho ·~ the lc1eer bJ hia jocltoyim;. """ ll.'lilor, lombt-rman, lisberm~o. mochMic: thl\t tbo l:aokee would oo: breAk t.a.clta ~utl Md fnroner would keep oo hanJ. :\lioard'a tborebJ git'e him 1 cbaot'l! to bunt for luck, l,lniment to cure th~ir ac:h ta &nd po.in11, held oo his WftJ, 6llod a frab popo, s od Minard'• lloncJ ' li:Jiam tn curo <:ousrha, d ropped Atcad1ly behind. cold A, .-.:c .. tu1t! Mintlrd'A Fnmily l'11l1 to Afte r tbie tbo y:achtl bel•! 00 t bo 1t.nrbouu rtl(nl11to thuir live r and bowols. th"Y woalol lAck for more tb11u au hnur, tho Pllritn11 quicklJ get rid or all o iaeuu ll!ld i~ woold going ateadilyi.O windwatd,beaido. oulCoot·

1 07 SG. t be Gtnuta bAring gained otor L,..o minot6' in three milu. The Guwl4 rounded &bo etake bandiiOCDely~t~d 1terl&d for bome oo the al.arlloud IACit wil.b a gnat deal of lifo nod speed. 'lbo P•-itaH wu rather bee•1 at tho alalt.-. Alter roundin~r i~ abo •t•rc.ed fur b'lme oa t ho awboard taek. l "bo ahoclll wcr~ flaU~•od on boUl 1,11ChU CIO~O MU!Od, IU&kintr a peel lg\t. l'bo Puritan ecc~ncrl 1.0 abalto .ben t lf o•C nf her leth11rltJ 1\ll.<>r sqnarina awaJ for tho r~Lnrn , 11oJ actu11lly lulled af~r Ulo E oe­h•hm:.o. A n bou1'e Limo and abo bad uo; only aloted Lbo o~ntll4·, Je:>d of two roinn· t«, bal. was half a milo to t he wlodward also. Tbo wind fi'Oflbt ned ahor tbo mark buoy w11.1 turutrl and blew t~Yooty milell !Ill !Jour, wbilo tbe aea ' waa beaten Into a froo'J· Althou~th blowicaa gnat goo• nei tbor )'llcbt ahort• ned aail. lJoLb labored hard. but tho Puritan r.>do tl10 eca tho bolt. 'l'bc yacbta had thrir rail llodar .... ter much of tbo time, and lbe l Oll waa breaking onr tho t iuou~ f,_ ~ .to at---. Tha P.rik~M'• welltber work In tho p ie wu admirable. ::ibo hcadtd well In fnr ~he Long lllaotl ahoro. Tho U"tttlta did not .II\ II 10 Car to win<lwnrd by t hrOC·t}Oo.rtora of a mile. Sho cnono :t.110n\ ao<IJiood for home on the aur· board 1.1\ck. h ••adin;: directly for t be Scot­bnrl liJlht.lhip, four•ceo milea away. \Vhtn tbll l't~rila'' came about oo tho at:uboard' tt\ck abo was " milo 1.0 t he •oodward of the C1t•u•ta, !Jut tbo anu er wu lea~n~ on tho tnclt hy n~nrly h11lf 3 onile. 'l'btt win I now abiftod to north norlh·weat, •• th~t tho mea bte;tme a r~aeb to ch" ::icot l11od H~:'lohlp win lwftrd. 'fbe pin which l b& l 'ttrit11 1 b,d mndo bocaroo loal to her, for th CtlltJtil, by reuon oftbo ahi\Lgo cf win'' · c.m lrl w~Mbcr t he lictht~~hip withl'll~ 1.1\c~ . T h!ls by chance tho ClCJtUifl wu once mor& put ah e' d or 1ho Puritnn, aod tho re~ult of cbo roN bccllmo mnt.Wr of gn~n c\o••bt. The wiud COtllinnctl to ulow twJnty mile11 an ho>ur, IIOoll\ de•poM\te ll~ht to t ho Hoial. bo,:l\n. O~fora t ho P~tritan could ~:otl\btllm of tbo C:t lltlta ehe haol to aail t en mll 111. Tho yachu were 1\lm'>lt bow and bow for " mlle, l\n:i not oo til tho l~itan wu with­in t .. o milee of tbo Scott .. ud li¥htlblp d icl she t lll\ko off tho deaperate hold wbieh bor ~nglisb ri•"l bad taken on her. For Lboh•t two m ile. tbe alruJl1llO wu ooe ot tho floe.& ever wito-.1. 1bc GtaPi# mado H• e at lf'mplll to get the weather gftUI:fl of tho Ptlritan, bul failed each tin~ c. fo r t ho wbil4 aloop hAnd· somoly out.poiute<i her. After entorirut upou tho lut milo tho l'urita•• oponed oae liko l\ r~~co borao 11nol ,:: inlns r"lli<IIJ crouot! tloo llnlah line 111 -1 0(1. 15, beating the t:nsr· li•h cntt~r 2 m., !) 'tc .• nt\ual time. and. de­dn~tlur; tho thirlttdn lt)C)()orla . lima At lo w· 11neo for t he Uut~tn. aaceeufully defcml.:•l tho .\notricow cop 1\od won tbu ~eond <~' n t crie• of thrl'a raeta bJ I m., liS aec .. ft llll ll.'lvod t he l"~ht trophy o r tho world en Amtri . l'ho competlnj: • euels fln11hed tho r~ce in" flfteen·on lle bri'I.'Ul. 1'bo to· 1.1\l diUance wu nbont flft7 milo&.

bo ruooe1 in tbeir po.:tota. ing tho cot ter aligbtiJ. Tho OCOJn W1UI

( free I rom ew"ell, yeL tho Gt11utn picc:bed a If 11ny !If cbo rt!:>tl.:ra..o tlois 1•aper do aot trood deal, pre1enting a eoocraal tb t ho

ko ow of J•JJ1110••·~ A11~t Liuirnml we ur~:e J'l•ritan, doscribcd u for tho most pari u t hem to flot! on\ 11bout i t.. \\'rito to Or. 1tea-t1 u a abip. J ol.ns!lll &: Co, of Uoac.on :II .us. h il tb~ moat u.arvullon6 reon.:dy in t llo world, At th·eo o' .. ock the wioJ tbifloJ to tho

---- aooth, 11n<i ~<t S 07 l he Gtllut« put aboot.. O) l(lt'plio 11ympton.~. low 1 n:rite, rest - Tbo J>~trilan'• akipper hnd no intenti?n of

lC"o!IIC$8, cun (u~ion , &Otlr IWml\cb, pain in let ting tbo l.!:n~:lieb m!Lil £0~ liWIIJ from l~illl, tho bowulH oick...f.lea1il\cl1~, ,.Ariahle Bppc tito, f~r _ho , inat11ntl.Y w~o.t aoou~. nlao. 11oc rl\iaiu:: fouJ. 0 11prruiou nt pit o r llomnch. I ur1to11 • eupen or ul11ng IJUIIl~tlCJ sod Olt­

h•"' I<!V\lr eool l:trH:uur ruua.u' r .. ·gatio·t I culltnt m:ln3~:ement aro d"-''ro~t.I IUI ho~o /';lls gi,·u i•umeJiMo Nlief 1\Ud will ulli· l><!couoin~; more tbao .eoer wanofu c, 1\n; t ~L ooMcly co~ro tlJe di~e:ue. ":ll no longer n '}De& tooo whether tho 1 ,.,,.

---- tn•• wout.l bea t tho c;,"nto. bnt bow onuc!t M Anoc. Ore .. f'eb. 16, 11!80 aho would be~t bor. Thu.o •Yn~lli n:;. tbe

llonAC£ ET.IIOt:n writes :- l'orn UI\'Vi~· "'~ ll l pru .. •td JUtODllbmeol. th •ton so hgbt !'ftin .K1ll.,r 1\1 " fl\ru ily C'llre nil l~u bcon a wouJ. ovc_r ·"" occ:>o awell, ackon ... terl~ed in coo"""' nac in ony homobold for n long to be ptcuhuly fnorablo to tho cutter, the t~rnl of y~ara. and 1 •·ould oc ~e r tl ~iloru " HlO"f' ahoolol bl\rO be&ten her eo b;,dly. At lwtt1•r 0 11 0• f t no,•erfnils one. 1 Cl\llot tbu 4 . • :1 tho GtntMil ~en~ a bon~ on. tho atnr· • Ohl Jtelinblt!.' board tftclt the Pl~rttan follow•os JIUt forty.

Or. W . ArmJt rOnl(, Toronto, writes: • I bnf' bMo ualu~ Northro1> & LJman'a Emol· eion of Cod Li,·er UU aad llJpopbOllphit~l of l .inus Aud SodA for CbMoic !Jroochiti• w:th tho heAt naulu. 1 believe It is tb~ beat ~:onnl!i'ln in cbe mnrkct. linin~: teate•l tl <' uiiTt'rrrft kuld! , I nnhttillltins:ly !fi •o It t hll prcfcrr·~~~ wlol'n pr~scribinl! for '"" con•nm•,oivc pnti~u.,, or for T hroat an;l Lun;: 111Td: toon-L

It m:oy bo onlJ ~ tti!l inr: eol•l, hut nel(lec~ it nn<l it "ill h.•trn it• fan~-:~ in yonr lun::8, nud yrm will 1011n t•o cntrled to an uroume . ly ~"~· In thil! country wo bavo 1utldcn cha'IX;u ~nd mOAtespeot to bnve cou~:he 11od cot.i;. Wo tnuool Moid them. but we can ~ect n curo IJ_r """'I Uicltle'11 Anli·C:oo­oumptin~ Svr•1p, tho oocJ ocinu th ~t has never ~en k11o"n to !Ail in cu root: .:ouch• , cold•, broucltili 1 and all• aficctiunl! of tho throat, luoga nnJ chuc. I · ----

Tbt mau who haod1not tho ~rnrning or or aufterlojr, wbicb nhrAya precede• ulaladlee, ollPn bcoomct, t lorougb bia io · do lrnCC! Lbe • icum of incu,.blo diataae. l..uait udt, \\'earint•, Sadnua, Achiog of Ule Li111ba indicata otfYOu.a di.aarran~ment, the lorerooner of n•any org11oic aod (one ti,onal diaeuea. '.fbe ear ly emrto,ment of ~'ellowa' ll,rpopboaphlte• wll efieotuall1 wArd off aucb cnaladiOf!.

Cured ot Dri.nJtlng. • A young frlead or mine wu en rod o r an

ln110tiable ct.iraL for liquor whi.:h bad 10 prottra(ld bim thAt be WILl noable to do any botiDOI!, JJo wu entirelJ cored by tbo oae of HoJ> Ditten. H aiiAyrd tbu bnmtng thim ; t.oolt Away the appetite fo r liqnor, made t loe nor~ea ateady, and he baa rcml'laed a aober 11nd ateat.IJ man for more than two yean. And bM no dt~ire to re turn t..l hie eupa ; lknow of a nomht>r of otbera t hat. hAft been c urod of drin~lna bJ it..·­Fronl • lndtnt R. n. OtDcial <.:blt."~Co, lll. - TIMU.

n~ '• PilU - Eofeehled E%illenoe.­'fble medicine ea.braoee ner1 atlrlbo~e re­qalred Ia a ~nenl•od dOflltatlo re<uedy ; It overtnrua cho foundatioua of di&eiM laid by defeolin food and impnre air. l o ob­atrucllooe or OOO!f"Stlooe cf the li~er, lonsrt, ho«r•la. o r ay otber orpn,, t.heae l'lllure Cll1)t!Cially .. me.blt and rwloeotlyaoeettt· fill. Th.y lboald bo kept ia roadl- lu e•err fa~~~lly, u &be7 are a mtdloloe -ltbnnt a~aDI& for YOIIDI JMI'IODI &1ld lbcao ol fHble oonetltatloM. ' j lley ot•or eaau palo, or Irritate the moet •blitl" oenea, or moa' teodtt bo ... a. Uollowa.J'• P ille &I'D the heel Inlow• pari8ef11 of tlae blood, aDd Lbe bHt promotefl of abeorptlon and aocmloa. and .!'DIDO .. all polto•ooe 11n.t no:UoAa par• ucle1 from boti eolldt ud lluida.


Ovc aeconda Inter.

At 4.M tho l'uritan Willi full a milo dtlld to windward of tbo G'tunta, Md e\'en \hi) al.aoccbett friend• of t ho l"tter wero forced to bolio•o that ahe wu a b&dlr·beaten boat. \\'ba& mado tbo cutter men fe~l eapeciallJ despondent wu that t bo l'uritan'• gain ..-u oot accidental o r iotermitteot, bu~ e:\rood nod cootinaou11. It wa .. not to be cain~~ald ch~t abo h:uleteadily oati>.,ilc•l tho 1-:u.:liob . on~n. ftnd «M drnwin~t fnrthor 1\0d fu rther nwn1 from her oo e \'ury 11\ck.

Tho Zo.Ulku Put.

flnttho friend1 of tho aloop, t hon~IJ jl~r· fcct ly 11\tiafiell of bor eupN ionty to t he cntt cr. were nol. eotirely hnppy. Frnon t he • or1 ~tan doubu were e~>tort\oocd by JMny whether the n ee could bu fi uiabod withon tho prtiiCribed t ime or aeven bou'11, and, when the wiod biled to Jllllher ttrength :\5

the afternoon wore on , t bi• •lonbt bec:uuo more jlenersf and r;rlldually auum•d tho force of conviution. That thoto on bro. rd tho Puritarr were :»noo..: tho lir~ t 1.0 r nter-11\io thi• tlouht ia io<llc:ucd br lhe exprcuil·o ,::01turo of Mr. F orbu, wluch hM •lrt11dy been lpi~kon of, Anti that iL wu ehMcd by tho people on t ho oxcuralon •ttamer4 wu proved by their ropestedly cooolol( along aide of tbo jodg.., bol\l to eoquiro or tbo cowmilteo if tbo rsco could bo tl oilbed Znlflhr, or Zul6p9. it 011 Ulo riqb~ ba•tc io Ume. of tbo Htri ltod and cia. to the ri•er.

From Saraltht aouchward on the lef& or Alter tbe Clt~uta load gone about on the •oettrn ballk. Ia P • rslao territory. a dia-

port uclt At 6 11 and horeL"\mplo lwl been bnce of About 70 mll11. thtl$ lti•i~ Rn•l. followed 12 IIOCO~da late r b1 tho l'~~ritn11, id 1 h b f K tho wind aud•lenlJ hauled fro•o aoath·eaat • w er 0 up 10 er ""' """'" ho...-n,

a t•roYinoe uvected to be a!laorbod, or ac bJIOoth to aoutb aoot'.b·eiUit, And b1'2'tll 1.0 leAU. utlllud, when Lbe at.IYAUC\1 on Hen~c dio out.. 'fhe cap1.aln1 of tbo u couioo at~d India talcee place. '!'be [•aaa of Zolll -11.01\mora wero qulolt to a otioe l ho lull and hr it a lcn~r, narrow •IoRio, whlcfl at tho prompt to deeid.t thaL the re would bo no oortboro ea<t dlndee loi.O two roada, 00., ra.ce, ro, ooe alter another, t boy at.oamed lomlnr 10 the Garmeb 1'- 00 Ute " t away from tho atakeboat. aod headed for and tbe one on Lbe ricbt trend~ towar•l the Hook. 8y alx o'clock the impo~iog K Ill d h 1-L hi b n .. rt had nniabtd behind the hnri&;~n , a nd oogroe an t e N IL .... • ch ••u

been r~~oob talked of Ia relatJoo to tho fron ­the r11~ra, the j adjZN' bo<\111, 1\o<t 000 o r t iet<, 1'he fOIU1 ~met ouL at tbo eonth two ltet.m 7aebu ••mt lotf' alone 00 tbo and , ery litcle abo•• Lbe lf "l of Reri ' o~an. Hutl, nnd tllo jlrollod, lllthnn!Cfl witb eorea

At 6.4l the Cltntlta wonl about, 1\nd wM olentiooa upon Itt, Ia aocpewhl't lent. a t on~ followed bytbc l'writnH, t.h o li\Uif Abflut ttn or twrlvo miiN to tho eooth Are btln tt Lbco nearlJ l.wo on ilea de."\d tO wind t ho ChJtll11r Uowll, fo11r pron~lnn~ pe11h ; ••rd AL 6.29 t ho l'uritiJII""' 101nt lh~ Lb• are the banka of 'the Ueri knol, wht•o IQiiM from Lhe al.akebo11t, tbe Gt.uta at Lht' Stoi ranae oomt1 do'"' from t•eo~. leu\ two mil" farther to leeward. Ae the elao elde, and arni\Dlf tbeo Ia tbe 'l'en,11ri lioslt ol ooe•en houra expired It 8 311\ WAI Dari.& Of a:or~to .,f Ule river, && whloh P's~* et•rly lmpotJible l or tht ,..ehu to 11111 tl•c road• oo ~!nth eldee lea" the 1t.ream. onr l!J cnllu in II\ li(:lll a wiod. 11nd Uoe On tht eut of die Ch•h11r Oowll tho elc•A· rtiC:I wu a-rdio;lJ decl~red ol by &be t1oa1 are M t eo hltrll, and &Itt uanal .,.,. Comreittet. raae eon1h to tho Nlalllteai t~..., anll tha ~'" You, Sept. 1G-Tha &tart of the ,_, j)l•ln lf&di"- to lleru il ffiV!IIerl.

Nhl r~~ee wu made amid ~'' *ltlatlln~ uf frocn Zalllltar &be breocb or " '' PllfO­tuat and lte!~mere. The Geltfllta c"ll!l'ttl Jl!llnlalao range tre!lf1~ lO the ·aonlh-uw. the Tine abeed or bllr rlnl, bu& tloe J>qfln• It OUKb& to bo remrmbtrtd Ulal Uoejlrooll(l qulokiJ rtOa••nd tbo a. roand and a& l.lO 1 bot ween P.l I· Kh.U"m and tho lll)lllh tn~ •• ·-Gable lfoccba llhtll•l. 'J1ou - Willi l'Jn.:D or lbe Zulllll:v r- OGDI&IDI wltllln OOYttM with while capo ead tho blue ek1 Ita tp!lca lbe ft>OI& lll'pMtaa\ lltrt.tfllc l ._.,.. U4l waa piiiHI with 1111 ee of peal cion bolwtea 1'anhltt a...t II era\ 'l'lol1 ..... ~ Tloo }IChta COJitelttd t ftf'J fa~ Will txpi&Jo the dftil'lt of lhe fta•lu1 ,_ ol U.. eo11rte. Ac 11.16 tlle )'IICIIIa orlu poeHIIioa.-l..o.J.J. 'DtrJ'lf Ntti..

Page 2: •1 - Memorial University of · aho ~IC"" o~erhAulinq ~b4t American rcpre ... work ID bia Uno wiLb



( :

T~w Totelftlll'• OpiAloa ot ~ a-u.. Local and other Items. ••UD 'lO '1'111 PKOPL&-

tt~e ~tanbarh , -AMfi.-


:"s~IUIA~. Sal"l'Uo"' u. 1~. • Fa••M LABIIADOIL-A t G o'rJoolc ou yeiii.Ord"T woming tb" S. S. J'lo'Ht' ar­u.-od here troUI T1h C.•ve, lotioaing Mwa f• om Cavo Cb .. riDI U!J to th 20th i"'t' Tloo "'porLI I rom the co:11t aro ' r ry diMp.,Otutmg. Littlo or no ti&h 01 L.,rnng.t had been e~~nghL 11nce last ro JIOrt. .b\ah ahivplng O}'Or&tiona were ro· ~.ttl'dt'f'l hJ th,. ve ry U.d llnu boi~teroua 11tate of tho • · ather. Only eight 6ah­

·"'Ct!Mll• had AAtlod. Herrma 11l11pmenta, ho,vovor. were . f'rOgl'1!1111Dj;, IOU Ml'tnLI

ac: .. of hiago.,.mmeat. c:lalcaa tha\ darina tbe laat fuf featl u,_IJ 100 mil .. of nil· ... ., ban boil' al a Yll1 IGodorat. coet. A tll&j(nltlc:en• drJ dook baa beeD coaat.roctld. aud tllu lljlbtbouee lfltenl ett· t.11ded from 16 lil(hthou- aud fOM·•larma io ~87:S to St iu 1886. 'ftlt(lrlphio COlD• m~tuic.~Uou hill aleo l:ltlen j,:rtaLIT extr.ndod, tb• poalll eyetem eolarged, public: 1n,titu­tiooe mahttalDed lo ncellaat ooodttloo, loeal iodua&ri'e. foeU~red, t~ntt fteh~ry r;~YI•ed, ro11d1 aud education IILDplf pro­vided f aud all t!lla without auy iucreaeo or tau ion. '11•e mauifuto pololl to fur· thtr ioupro\'6W~nll which tho Uoveroruent coDtewpllte, aud uh for a renewal of tbe pubho oooOdeoce •' tho co•ololf elecllona. oo tl,c ~:round tbat tbo policy of pro~treu wbicb t hey bue puraued, aod will . purano, 11 calcula ted to 1ocuru tllo beet lDterc:A~Ia of the coaotry. aud ·' to malta N e• foundland that wbicb bcr ruourcca quahty be r to be - happy home fo r lluo preaent genttlltiou aod 11 n cb iub•nlluco for poatentJ .u

.a,.rJ llw:tt let tAut rrtWr forget. Nawfond· land, Lhoee wllo knuw II« beat, eolllld•oll7 ••ore 011. bu a """ mineral area, loaido of BonaYlata aod Gre.D &,., , .. to be o~o­ed up, aod •• can't do to wllhooc the rail· ••T· Wcc:o~t't liM 61fo1 alo~~t-aod this I wanl our laborlllcr olu- &o alwaya bear well lo mind. We •1111 proaote mla1 ... agriculture, home lodaatriea. &~:1-r per· lab ea a people. Sir WIIUaa wlaita••J'e poliay Ia to uphold the paopla of New­founrllaDil-and i~ It for tDdeaYoriDir &o do thll that be hat oalled down upoo blmaelf 1bo dltpleuure of tbe Now Patty or He· form Mercbaota.

aud loferf- with the JOO'l work uow. \Vt n111e111ber 7011 wall tiaca 1W, eod ... JID Dot fcwae,. tlitt olleck we pore TOll Lila' fe&r. R&d 1•• .-& l8C.a polfff Lheo, bl•acl &be bi& o( rali••J wet\ weald we bau .... alooe. Aod lao• w04Lid we be t.o·day' Oomlog &o roa _, • • 0 ... IID,.r Ia our moatla, Prt.71Da' 1-.t fer God'a ~e &o lin u ' acnp ol b.-d fM the oblldieu Jllo, we daD•& lAir"' 11ll &tit. Aod aa wo &nta&M yoa lo t~~• fall J)f l!J82, _, will •• treat JOD Ia tbe fall ot 1881)..... ~

'fbal, and more Uke It, it what oar labor· laa poor•· •ill t.ll tho -rcb.ante aod aaeoll o tbo Rofon.oed l'any who ate oow oat csovat~lna the ooantr:t.

Bot.. Nr. Editor, I llod -lba& I ban tree· pueed more lat¥ely on rour apeoe Lh&ll I bad ioteuded, 10 J ahall ban Lo lean till nut week IOIIlll Dlbu Nmaru I Iran to make Lo tbo people on the Re.form l'arty'a ruao1feato. lleauwhile belino mo to bo, yours tralr,

u- of the prirue leader~ of th11~ pertr and &hoae of Lbe\r acenl.e? He tak .. , a moro than malicloot 9l1111ure It crhlcidr•lt the a.ctlooa of tYerJ Oonrno.ont official, (no wba' ll#ll'l\lllt), abould be dare neu to opeD hla moqtb, aod gin tii!J,..ioo to tilt allabtM' approach to uoe of Lba.o •• In· d~dtat opiaioDa" to which be allo•• - ~I• to bo oar.iUed. l, Mr. Editor, h••• MOO and do It now &bat there are ma01 Gennuoeol ollloiala who are 10 cloteiT wa.n.cL a& u- like Lila p..-~ &hat tbef oot oolJ fear &o upre- an "lade· peodeat opioloe," but ab'ould they enD tarrylo tho aoelety of Lhoao who chooeo to talk oo auch eabjocll, Lhey become at ocroe maru for tho arrow or eovy to bo aimed at.

--~ ~ Orua.- :Ltoli-• • Ucal' Oommi\te& . ',, W1oo now blo .. hal, &Ad now biQ•• oold, 8brlob t.clt oM tt.r, the out •"" bold, A.a allpper) M I be lf•trpenL Old P •

Tba Ttl~ We eubjoin, Cur the boneli~ or the

reading publ\c, a row of the late otter­auoea of tho 1'e!tJgTam about aomo of the JMD who..,.I}OW conatitute tho Reform Pariy; lat.e loader Mr. J. B. Winter and eevoi"Al of tho membero of tho Oraoge Political Committee como in lor a fulloshare or hill cAoicue abuae. How any of U1010 men can baYo the leut regacd for or connection wit.b tho wan or tho paper that ia now •no.~king­lr aUoealpting to pote u their champ on ia more than wo or aoy ooo elao can un· ~e~tand. In their innermc.e~ 10ula tbe1 m&Ut IJttt.erlr dtepiso him, and only re­gret tbu they are rorced to m&ko UIO of lum and bill organ. Bu~ lcL ua tee wJat.

-Three of &be Caodldetat for8L Jobtt'• Ea.&--5ir A. Sbu and w..,._ Keat aed O'llata-buo IIIUtd tbelr addreea to tbe ElectorL It it a oartloUy.wordod dooumeat.

-A IM.lU. DWELLiliO-ROUU wu totally 'd .. troytd by ftro on the Sotttb Side of thla 1ow11 on laa~ SaturdaJ afteroooo. 'l'bo bo1ldiDI waa owned b7 William Georee. The lire wea caaaod by defectl•e funnelting. •

-A n& R&Qu tllf .lliiD Orne~ •ere celeb,..tod at \be Oathedr1l monolng · for Uae repoee of tbe 10111 of J obo Rinea, a well·koowo ud reepecloed planter of Gooeoberry ialand, Donariata Bay. 'fbe Re.,.. W itham Veitcb P.P., waa Celebrant, and the lten. R. M. Walker and F. D. McCarthy, Doaoou and Sub-Ducon re­a~ti.,ely. Hla Lordabip tho Btebop pre­llded aod gan Lhe laaL Abaolutloo.-( om. crafi.d had nile-1 fo r marlr.! t.

Tho Hon. John Rorke adnun11t.ora n IICilt.hing Rebuke to tho th ·

ful Editor.

\Vednes.l•y'a Televra•n contninc.J luo {ollowmg ituw tn itM c<hwru.! column~.-

•· We !t arn from c .. rboneAr thl\\ the lion ,John Horlce hu • W111ely rl•tenmncd nnt to oppoao the fiOIIUiar w111 nt tho nppro:.clun11 l.'lcClion t hNO. 'l'b, COrtiW'f}ll~ncc II thllt, Ill all probn.brhty, there w1h be uo c:ootcat t o tbat dlltrict.' Wa aleo uoder1taod that Mr. Jtobert S. Maoo hu beeo compelled to adopt a limil&r oourae ia Harbor Grace,"

If tho auhjoinod letter in reply rrom tho Honon&bl" Mr • .Hc.r)co doet not ad· wiDllter a -th1ng rehuko to tbo Tele­gram'• untruthful od1tor, then we don't know wha\ a ~e~Hhiug rebuke is. It. ought. in all conJCieooo to m11lt:A tho Td«pam m•n hang h" head io ehamo for tho next LweJ,•e montha to come.

1\lr. Rorke 11ttil1, u lut bn.s lloon fo r yean~, "et.nonob of Str \Vtl ­lu•m Whit..w,.y ..nrl bill party-h11 11 not ur thO " We& thor cock IIJ!t'Cillll-"

Tho " bove ~tatemenL in re(ercnco to r.. S, 1\lunn, z,q , 111 M equally untrue "" t.J~e fintL·nalllod. lll r. Munn is all'o a 11n11n o£ firm texture, 11nd 11 n ot ro~•l:. " compelled" by o..-dltf'r o f tho 1'e/e gram or anybody ut.o to alter Itt:! poh. t1cal ooo victlona. · We oan aMnro our rnonds that both

these gomlooo8ll may be n>hud ou m their anptoort of 1he vartY thoy now arl. hero to.

Carbowor, &pt. 25, 1885. MT lnAII MIL Eo tTOR.-A oopy of tbe

!:it.. Jobo'• Tclrgram of WedliKday bu JO&t bten put 10t0 my haod1, in wb10h I ob· eene in b11 ed1torial colomn,-·• fbat we •• learo from Carboucar that l bo llooorablo ·• J oba Horlto ~ .. w-ly deten:oioO<l oot " to oppo." lbo popol11r • •II at tbe ap-

v " proaclnnl( election t horo 'fbo cooae · •• qacnco 11 tbat in all probab1hty there " will bo DO OODlell lu Lbat O~alrict."

May I rcqueaL, Mr t:duor, tbat to your i f to· morrow, you will I(I..O the aboH! pnlt1on t anlflrapb " dlltmct dcn1al o f Ill truth? I aftlrm that ne1ther 10 pnvatc uor In pa bho oon.-eru loave I eYer ntl.<)red a word a.a to my " uppotunjt the popnlou wtll At tho ap· pr<)IU'hlnl! cl~croon " You alre&dy ltoow wy t tell~ .o f:.v"r of :Sit \\'i lham Wlltteway

Yount trnly. JOH:\ HORI\E

Tm: " T~:tv.oJUx's" Optstox or Ma. W t:!<" ia the 1'elf9rom't ovin· ion o f lllr. \\' In ono~bor column will uo found his opimon or tho other .n1e1nbora of tho R cfllrm Pdr ty, fornung porccl o f "hal is ~~~~'<I t bo " Omng,o Pohtical Comnnttcu.'' Whnt m t ho n:tme o r I)OQim On IICII&O cl\n tho R'lforru P tlrty thin!. o f their sr lr arpointcd ehnm· pion 1 Do ~hey no t tiro or his a bomin· llLiy mconsu.wnt 110hcy und comluct 1 Wo wioh thom much JOY o£ lbetr" Or­gao."

ET1dcntly, oar Gnod 8:1nlt corrc1pood· ent (~aya tho Tc[,grom) ta not aware or the fact tba~ tbo ooolitteot and boooafllble membert of tho Ileform Party rcpud~ato Mr. Wiater aod troaL Lho perlld10DI mao blmaelf wub all tho contempt he menta. H wo are oo~tly ioforwod, Ml'. Wmtor h"' loog ago been e!Yeo to uodor1~nd that bo muat t.ako a aubord1oato pOIItiOD, or lea•e tho P"fLY altogether. Tbe good people o f llnnd Bank w11l oblone lrom this thu Nemeai• i1 already on hia ahmy t rack Aa • o remarked to him 1oooo t1mc a,KO. when ho waa yet an ardent aupporter of S1t Whito ... ay'a ioquit1oua pohay · "To

"'Cod belonjloth 1ho puoitbmcnL of tra~tora!;t' Tho quotatoon 11 frocn tho Koran; but ot 11 equally npphOilblo to Turk aud (;bnadall.

TilE Rt r.s., •sas or T t Lt:ORAPIIIC Coli· llUNICATIOll Wltb Lhu 0nla1d0 world Will bo tDJDyed by tho pcoplo or Groenapottd aod Twllhoeato 10 Lbo COUtle or a few dayl, aa 10 a 1hor~ umo olHcca ••II bo opened at botb places. 'fhlla tho ~tood work •peed• aloog Sir W 111i1m W b•t.e•ay aod bll party are eohtled to lho follell ro~d of tbo people , aod our Northoro fneoda 10 a 1bort time w•ll huo IUl opportunity of ebow1og tbelt ooo6doaoo 10 the moo wbo have ilveo them tbo biCliiiDga not only of extloded tclei!Tllpbic commooto:.tioo, bu~ aa well tboec io&cparable from tho IDtro· d nohoo of otbor poblio worlta. 'fhett vote. at tho poll• io fnor o r S1r Wtlltam Wb1toway aod bia party w11l bo the1t pledge that " tbo pohcy of progreu, or of eollsbtoood 110d progrea1ve roeuurea,- baa mot w1th lbelt wanoelt approval

POLITICS Ill n uRri': -A Grand Uaolt cor. r113ponduot of tb~ Tcl' grCIItl wriiU to that j01HO:>I u follo•s -h look& ftt pruenL &3 1f tbe cand1d111e1 on tho eido or tho Gov. c r n aro to be Mr ~;dwnrrl ~:vao1 of Grand I ~ td ~~ r Payne, of Dunn H 10, tho nornm~t~ o Heform Party ••II roqutre to buckle on 1 e ~mour and ~teL to work hero ••thout any ~lay Tl1e connect•on of the Hcfonne ra •tth ~tr \\ IDLe r hM eheoalod t belr ~>eat fne n<l,1 In tb oa p>rt of the dutr1ot. Tho llaao llnd d •

New lll\rbor, form..,ly one of tbe Gov· hnn 'lrablo cou..o adopted by blm 11 con· ero111ant a ~Lrou11to .. IJ • on 1 tlullf !Say, h:u , ·l~mued by all P"'tl~a who l:\ke a ny m to:rcat J .ad..J co ut•to<~rl t bc Hefon11 l'~rt' a on pubho msuera , and u the leadera of et.auoud bureno thl6 11me A ~umi:lr tho l<efor,. Party bave taken hun to the1r aeolullent J>rnaola a t 1 tiDilY II arbor, Call\· boaom :ln•l tbe1r Ot l:"'' tho IVatc~man ull· h na ant!, 10 fo.ct, enry otber 1wport.~ot tloraCII all hUI E:CU, they muat !:lu pre1oMcd -.,u lcwcotlu tlw Uay.- Tclrgram to alloulder tbo oppro!Jnum IlL JlfOi<:Dl

:ltll\cbed to b1s nmmo Tu&ar: 11 no Lruth, lllso, m t ho nbove


F nou tho &ul•Jotoed 1, t Lor 1L w11l be Rl'en tll"t onnny or o11r IH•bnulo rmc•n en tl' rt.aon the ll!tDIC Of\11110 11 ntoou~ tho St. Jolon'~ " R1 furmc111" a.~ oo t l11•1r fnontl~ "ho remKIII ''l homo ThrtL tloo Concop liOn U~ty hKloc rnwu Oil lbe CO&~t r CI!UIIL t loc ll.k I o r tho ttlrll\~1'8 Lc tu;; "'l~loou L fo rst CO'IAUltlng t he m II 1\ lllltt tc:r o f no 11uqutse 'l'he r:u tiEI!J l<tte ly ~~~~aged Ill llf<ok 111(1: ~lgJIIIlUI'OI to ll 1'0'

•1nunt1on for tho ll uruor Omcc mornbem ous ht to havo kno wn tblll, They kno" tt now.

[':uuurt 1/r.r/x>r, iAhrador, l .*J>t. 10, l&!b. ~

Mr. Editor, 1 bare jaat had a atance at the IValelmaA of tbe 12tb iaat.. 1t con· La1111 tbo manlfeato at Lbe Reform Party, •hoae organ the WatcAnoan la. I alw&.JI I bought that Mr. Wiot.r •u tbe lea4er of that party, ea be Ia 1uch " grea\ 1aw:rer ; but 1 ftod be ill not.. Mr. W1aler,


11od tbaa reJt&ID tho good opioioo you bue lately acn6ccd It 11 for your own iotlr· eat to do ao. The peo.,le •ill U1Ank you fo r it. Tbe people w1ll r01pec~ you for It Your country w1ll bo tbo bettor for lt.. 'l'bo labonn11 ol&Slel Will bc1 largo ga111ora by 1L T ho youtba of t bo r iatng r:rencratloo w11l bo Advl\utaged by 11. And tilDe ••II p ro ,•o co you Aud to tho10 lbo w11dom of lt.. \'erb Atop., ~lr. Wlutor.

Mr. t::dotor, 1 mua~ boooatl1 coofeu th11t I clo not agrto wtth tho man1f4tto or tf\o ltcform Party-1~ came• lnltnaotity deeply :oopreu~d oo every hnc of It h It wrhteo to throw dust 10 tho eye• of tbo l?coplo, wbo I truft will uot be dece1Ye<l byll. A• one of tbemaolna, I wiab to aak them io all candor-Are you, my fello•·oouoLrymeu, prepared to eotrutt your dtltioiM to tho banda o f tbo youn11 New Party Mercbaoll? If yoo do 10, depend upoo It, Lhey wllleoon pat a atop to all Lhe meua'" of prog~u wbi~h buo lateiJ beeo iatroduc.d b7 t;' r Wtlliam Wb1t.eway, witb, aaloo can tea: tofy, iood re.ltJits 10 10U U your f&DII• Ilea

And, then, if that abould be acc:ocnpli•b • cd. wbat ••II a taro you foil io tbo faoo? Wbat but

1\'AST OF LUOII, and, wilh that, etarraUon, gnm aod atatk ? D on't, [pray you, loao 11ebt of tbat for ooe momeot. You remember lho opentllg worda of tbo 6uo old aoog,

" Tlwrc'• a ""'9 a...t a tigll oj tllo v...,.,, Bard ,..,,,/uird hmu ._., a!J<W' "" _,..-

Yc1, but UDlea you are careful, Lbey w1ll como !At ua, by all mean•, my ooaotly­moo, beware lou we lean to oar ob1lJren a tocnble heritage of poYeriJ aod waot. Solo depeodeoc:e on tbe uocerllln -maltea hard tunu-u you all kttow to roar ootL Bat tbe I"Ulway, duolopmeot o the couotry, agriculture, mlninr, local manu. faotori41, all mean

LABOD FOR mr; rllell'Ltt:, aod they bolp to read off hard 1•111(~ Re· member,1t11 the pohoy aodaunofSir Wi11iaro Wb1te way to do all tb11, or ll1lp towarda It ~nd M u dot~~g it f vr you.

lt11 All very 6oe to talk o l fiah, llernog, &c., bat., !\rat., cou1ider tbo tto rmy eoa, Lho bad wtodr, tbo uocertalu weather, th• Cit• po•ure of tbo fieberrueo to oold and pour. ty, oodmg oft.eolimo• iu oolde, alckneu, rbCUIDilliO'I, death ; &Dd, 100011d, OOnllder tbe efll n."oro or tbo cred•t ayatow both to mao t.od o.erobaut. aod bow bard It ia t;, keep tho l!&unt wolf of poverty from your doore.. 'fben, a~:aio, our trade aud aboro fi1berr 10 tho auwmer wontb1,

WIIAT lS lT? A compl\rah ve t n8o Hero from ,Jooe to t'Oforober tb~re 11 no bn11nett dolog All t b11 won't do S1r W1lha1n Wb1teway'a policy •s, aa 1 &\ld, to elevate tbe people ond Mllb labor f or tlt<m P lene tell aa or

0 thouunds upon tho da or dollant r•• e people ror Rll!lwa abo r aad com· peuaati~ i. llu that of oo beo1lh to tb~ people and the•r f illel? 'l'hou~aoda of poor men a ro to· ' "fled ea witnenea to abow tb:!.L S1r W1lham hitoway doth


By the Side ot the Stomp lA Trinity Bay

~~~ TWO :am~ 0~ P.&SII.&.GB."

Bound to Soppo:t 81r William'• Polley and to Stand ~Y tho Old Bopre·


1/torl'l Ddighl, &pt. 16, 1886.

Uun Mu. EQtTOR,-lu your laauo o( tbe 291h ult. I observed

:m ort1clo roapeotiog " a brace~ ,•f b1td11 ol pa.uago • which ,., abor~ time &go ,..·ere ecen Ill the Viciulty f)( 1\lew 0arbor. l'nor tO tblt, wo wero ao~oecloo• of tbe .ulat· on11e of auoh a noble p11r, and wo ban no doubt that LbeJ will not M long in Ollcit· in(C the "'t.oalion of 10mo keen aporLIIJIIIn 'a (IUD

Tho 1portinr aM~Oo promi- ID be a eood ooe. Auother bnoe, w1tb pluma~re equally u beautiful, lately bonred awbllo oyer Lb• httle Yilf.aao of Heart'• Deli(lbt., aod, hu1ag taken a good ~lew ol ~~~ ~Lua· l1oo, de..:eoded •itb gnceful and hllje•t•c moL10n tc tbo dwellia( of one~ l'ulho~r· llbtb· Waya, wboeo boepitalitT. induced tbe no!)lo palr to remain awhtle with bim Soarinlf theaoe, tbo1 bq,erod onr tho ht tlo Ylll.,O of Sboal Harbor, whete they warbled forth, . in aoooDll aweet aud cleat, tbo Winllnta &oog, ll)iK,ed with atralo1 of fal10 and dltoordanL •ft,tem.,ota.

A ktea old aportaawl, wbo It tecUll bad been huatlo(l otber game ciur[og the aame day wu no' altogetbor uoprep.arod for any kiod of birda Ia faot that migbL oome W'tth· io abot, and, with ooo glance at tbe peculiar pair, bo eoon •w that the ordt· qvy fUD•Ioad W&l DOt the ODI to briDjt' do• o thla alrange braoe ; therefore. cbar~· log bll guo whb a fall load of :>it Wtlllam 1 policy, and llk1og deliberall a1ro be aont thoeo pOor uufortuoato warblen •llb their feathent ooaalderably nlflled, ftylnar !well: apio to Mr. Pulhog.UoLb· \Vaya.

Ia It poeable, Mr. Editor, Lbat we, the lnbabltaDII ofTnait{lJ .. , aboold be baunt· ed bJ tbo Y'llill u each political pt.rtioa wbea we know more &boat political alfaira than tboy &heDIIOIVM do?

At for Sir W V. Wbueway'e poh11y, we arc to duty bouod to •apvort.that, knowmr u we d.> tbal It wu the abohabtur or the old atAle or alf&ira ia tho Ia laod &e well aa tho uplifdofl of oar peo· ple'a DliOcU to hil(hcr IDOtlfe&, to~•hcr With Lbo llltrOdUOUOu Of JooaJ IDdU&ttiOil, wb1ob bu brOUJiloL ua a better conrlhlo11 o f thiura than we formerly bad 'fbis every truthful man wtll ackDowledl!'

We Lbororore forewana our follow·oouo· trymoo to bott'aro of ooanterfwll U tbe approaobiug C:tllll, and oollot the GoYoro · m~ot fall toto tho banda of a party wbo would roforcn It hlce It wu about ton or fiftooa :JI!Ifl ail). wbao I ad ~an mi'Al bad 111 eourae amoug our hardy flaberweo Tba eapab•I11Jea of tbia Ueform Party are inferior to Lhoeo of S1r W. V. Wh1teway add b11 p.rty 1 aod oar TnuiLy Bay IJC'Oplc ltoow aud oooaeqoeoLJy are doterm1ued to ataod bJ Lbelt old fe!JrcleDtALIYea-S~r Wilham, Mr. Bood, and Mr. Uoyd We are not tired of Lhom yet, are llo11od to return tbem agato Wo do a 't waot tho R6(orm Party. 'lbey can do nothing fO( us. 'J.oer will do ua hlrm, and not ~tood'. They will kill out tho llailwt~y, aod nery other progrt~Rn work. 'l'hey bad better ally wbere they are. They bad lteop lbe1t ageoll" at bomo, and not aeud tbom bora. Do thoy wan a to inault ua ? It look• preoioua like 1t.' Our cry will be -VOl'E FOit PROGRESS! VOTEPOR OUit OLD MEMUEil$, M tSSRS WH11'E­WA'i, lJOND, lND llOYD I

LA& ua turn to the otber a~do or the pic· tore : 'fbe Keform Party Lbeir aieota are 110• ua1ng eYery meana, eoren tbote of COCII'Cioa, to oarry the eod tb.ey ban in Ylew, oris., tho overthrow or t.'te preent Go•oroment.

Are u,.,.. meaaurea fair, are they ntzbt, or arc Lbey jUII.iftable? I lone tho Elect· 0r1 of Newfoundland to judge. Aod ere doing eo, I wtll aak IMm oue or t•o aimplo qaeatiooa : . Are ,ou •ho rel(iater your Yo tea or arc

about to do eo, aru yon awaro of Lbe cn11a to which your country ia hMlen· log ? Are you a•arc tbllL by voc•og for tba 10 called "Heform l'11rty.~ you are placing lo \be baoda uf t ho repm1cntall~ea of tbat part,, a power wluob tboy w1ll not M alow to tuo.- power dtnnllvo from your yo le ft alono,-a power wbtch. if vetted iu thelf baud•, will in yean to como returu aa & cutla upou you. throo~;h your ~·It· ity ? :-Jowfoundla11~ hu alrugglo.l lhroa~rh many yentl of old.umo oppreuoo'l Uo you wi1h llj{&IU to rMOrt to tbo upeneuco of by·gono yean? Why ltl'O Dot tbe ~:real mercantile ho~ Gl Wate rman & (;o , Jobn Mono & Co, J . & W. Stewart, :\ew I'Wl & Co.. DcGrO\IIIby, HoDoof & Co. \\'alter Grieve & Uo., and others 1 tlllf'h l meation-•by llro not all theao .. atrODqlJ. 10 fnor of Heform aa are Me11ra. Uala~ , irine, Goodridge and otllofl of hko cahbro?

Refernng •r•o to tl1o W atclmnn of tbo llbore d&k, flod a commun~cauon ad· dreseed b a c~n taio correapondeoL who ylell ,.. •• u algoa b1mself •• IJor­eu" Ooe w~rd to " Uorelll" 'l!ro 1 cloeo,

'{ or ft1o11da would thaok yo u nther to ba left ud()oae t~OlO L~loga you OUiht to hue dooe thAn t.c. ban dono thoae tb101:1 yoo ouat.ot' no' to hn)"' t.!ooo. 'fake ad nee, friend Oorou. Tile po.'itu:al &rena ht no' your forto, . CooOoe :J•'Iutlelf to more becoau .. e •ulojec\1.


ho 111ya:­( From tk St J~'• E'rw!J 'Tclt9J'a1L) YutcrMJ, Mr. Vfotore~P'fe-a a"delfro

to vw' tho Mouoer Oo~ulry 1 and ron.aln there 1111 "tho cloutk\IOIIad by.~ I 'liiJa:­prd tb11 M tllo boa' dec11iqn ho could ~1bly como to under exi.tllog circum· ll:tocoe, and woull\ adYiao hlrn to tho V1ctona Uall Po\hleal oCo•nmittoe atoniC .,lib him Newfoonill~nd ,<llln ycry well alford to •lo Without tbet4l !Jtll lkmcn, and. JUoli(IO!; front Lbe I071C of t hll /'oJll. .UaJl Ga:dtt, ll Will no t be •. hllicult f"r IOUlo: or tbem, •tleut, to fluol couc;cu~al D..OJ•IOJWCDt to London

'foucb111g the IO·<:alll'd " Reform Party" " good d e.Ai mAy bo Nld ; buc., for obfiOU~ r~uona, wo aro not d11p01ed lo "exhautt tho aubject' at tho pret<~nL wrttlog. , Bo t, lllea l that h\Yo tho lHill.,rtuae to be auociAtcd wiLb uoprinclplod, characterleat mea hka Mr Winte r au\! h~t followers, and, u a nlllot111 coaroquooce, their et!orta for ~eood are onurely neutnli%­e<l, tf not rcodcrdd altnjt11tber abortive.

Let theoo •g~orc Lhe COWAKDLY ANIJ PEilFIUIOU:i J . S. WINTER, aa well u 'filE MALIC iOUS l'IPPY CLIQ.UE - lot them do tlo1a without aof unne~ry dolly, ana thor (we refer to the Now l'arty) will not only rece1Y1 Lbo powerfttl I UpporL or tho E~nit~g Tt~gram but they w1ll al19 •~cure the' •Jwpathy 1111d hearty oo·operabon of "l!ood aud truo rneo" all onr tbo country-no matter to •h11~ clua they belong or bow ther aro 10 the babiL of aayiag their prayera (\.

Ev1dently thu day ia ge~y wban an amb•tloua, Ylodiotlfo aud elllab chqua ol would·bc ltglll&cora coo d mctL to ~lr

" Wo will pro~~ tho Oovouuzrent." Leooard Mnlibee'a omoe,'or anywhere cleo, for that maltlr, and 11/.CCUI/ttU!J iucuball a

The Em!Ma.noeof the Reform Party ro- conap1ncy to ~I&U the rdoa of Gonrnmeut


OOlYO a Poor :Becepuon. and control tho pubhc funtlt o f t ho Com· moowoahh. No, no gen1lu.oeo of the I O·

A• tho time nr.ldlyapproa~bea wheo U, o

1 called " Hefor111 PArt.)'," "it cao't be done,

friend. aod tbe oea of tho lioyaromeot ot •oVJ/' 'I he bltt t r cxper•eo~o of llyc.:ooe Progre .. mutt m~et at the polt., con11dar· rt~ Yl hea hid ooo ~;00<1 ruult. at auy rllto­ably more 1ntore.l 1u pnht1oal matters 111 i\ h,\.1 tauglot ,,. tbv advl!llobohty of 1\CC<!Pt · be10g esbibtted. lbe IO·e&lled Jteform ID(s oi! oateotahOul pretcnhona to ptttr1otum PariJ (aave Lhe mart I) bno at llllt 1ent woth ·• a few 11nin&, ol w (eg•vin'l " Let forth tbeor .Mao1fello, wh1ch by a h ooral lbc po op to thtn, Ac' Wl~'t'ly111 LIJe 1el~c11ou u1a of iDCODIIalenc•ea aud jttld~d prom lAta o f thatr r.-pruealltne• 1n ~o<uoober ncH. 11 mado to oocup1 a Jtroat doal of epacc let \IJ1m o ·~card all factiolls d unoa)lOJtUcB, which could hue beoo better apphed to "''d mao II, •• a d1wpo~111on to plnco the bon •omelbiD!( ruoro lut.crcllllog aod 1natructtve men lu o!lio. •. ngarJica.t o{ nctar•an pnrty !'half ~ccl .. raiiODJ of policy anu of prino•· aod all otbor, 1"f''Y con •def!\110111 Lee pln1 ia not what niue·lelltlll of tho people them do l hll, .mf we Ytl ll turo to u y, t hey auucip,.t.l, and aa limo a.haoeu there 11 will ell'oct a pohllo,ltcfor.u•~auoo U.aL w•l! auro to be a !(teat falhng ocr from t he utoot.!b and per~\c~Yoa \ "ll.ofo~e11 numberl rejlorte<l 1n dotf~rent locshlles lUI theon1eiTe1

" TUR POO& )UN'S Q.UE COMSIDKJL" !'ray, wbero would bt all the tammer Ja. bor lfltbout the RAilway ? Aa you, lllr E.d•tor, remart.ed a abort tlmo a~to, 'fEN TIIOUS.\::-'U IIOL,LAR.s (910,000) were ul\ld 111 J uly alona for labor to tbe me n oo the llno And ho w much before and bow ro uc'b a once ? W ea tba~ nothlol( ? And 1<11 me how man1 huoo.lreda of tbouaaoda ol •lollAI"' were formerly •peal for pauper· 11m? By wbat callliO? lll\d fltb~ne1, and notbmg ol•o No.,. 'a tbo d-y a nd now '1 t bc boor. then. to alter tbe auto of the colony. Souce tt bas bee a choaou (bywbom I 11\.)' not) to mm our pro1pec11 for ae&ll by ~leamero, •e w1ll choo10 to aopporL the prol(reu no l'reouer, Str W11llam Wbit.o· way, who gtvc:a our men

Tbankiog ,au k1udly for epace In your valaablo pepor, I romaln, fOUfl,


be ~ttl: admm:ra of 1be ~"'d l'llrty 'fhe ro 1t 'I be " mlln lfteto t •f .Mcsar& ,J&mr& S. oot &tiDIIIe proj!reuoYo meiUiure prom11od \\'cotor, Jamea :Oio l nty.~. M. l'. Kmghtaud bT tbe10 mett thal hu not alrea•ly hl\d tbc l>nnald ;\lon•on-~lr };'op, ~,. oa we 11 not "P.P•OYal and attention of tho GoHrnment. attaohed ttJ tL111 prrclou~ " couoeot.-was (he re !. uotbiog promtaed by tb~w that 1111ued l"toly 1 hu IDP.U•'e.•to CArtles on ••It uoL be wellcmd better.cartd for '" Scr tbo faco of 1t the 1udox to i" • ,no n worth· W. V \\' botcway'1 1!'1lhng baod1 Ou tbc l~uneu: wo all nola co tho o~QI,"' ,•ltbo lour coul,.ry, bow ~y 1t 11 to read bet weco lltltt:.SI'O~SlUL~ PAR 1'1 V.S o.o,,DUoo.ed tbo~ huea of tloe !Wform l'uty Mao1fe•t.,, abo~e •• ltt.nlp,n l 11rrol!auoy ' ' I• u • ., mit­that progrCliiiVO 11\eaaou•• reqnmnl( AL hral oomer fo r tbe coDduc t of t hlllo 1adt lh~aala any11opel a1 w•ll be qucoehed wtthout the IJoly t llmlt ol ll! 11erc we h~Yo t bt> 1 ~·· thghkll coo11dentton No m:luofacLnnog tldiOUI Mr. Jamea Spellrrllau W10ter, b1 f .

c:on:pany aced apply to t ho lt.,form l'ar~y Jamea Mcintyre, of DO t~Uportalioo beta or for any drawb:lek on duuc:a, ao n .> now Lhe ro: Mr. ~1 T. Kni11ht, a0 a wbiuoo1, aol1 factonea would bo hltely to venture opera· •hlllltlatlcd offiea -•oeker, aod Mr. Uoo11ld tiona UDd~r tba Bolo rm l'arty If by auy :\lorliOII, the pardcnlt or Lbc perftdiolll Mr. cbanco they •e~ returned to pOwer. (It \\'1ote r all }Hcaumin~t to. 11111lllaly dlclllo 11 ardootly to be hoped they oo•er will ) u lo bow ' Ill!: Pt::UPLt:: 1bould YoLo at Tbe1r way of worlctog ••II be 10 d~rrat op· 1~ •PfJtOAOhl og acuoraJ oiDOliou ! Wall po11Uou to the progreu lfe meuurea we may we uk , •' Wloltbcr aro we dnft •og ?'' IJuo of lat.o yur1 ~eo accu.!llumed to 1\nd equally Importan t 1a It cbat we,111 f3hh· 1 h11t 011r people will e var dreMl of ful "watchmen upou tbu "'"II~ of lbo Com · Riving tho Ciovoromcnt to theae meu of lito moo weAlth," 1bould couunne 10 warn Reform Party, Ia DJoru than I eao br l•evo O<ftngemen aocl Prot11tanll aenorc\11) Our llebermeo bno had a t.aat.o of tb~ Good aea~ou tbll dauJtllr of gmoR 11oy hoed 1 bing• r eaultiue f,pm tbD Introduction o r wbatuer to t he olauna ~~~~~ pro leoti ott• of fllilwaya and otheiworka of progT"e~&. and tho aloretDentioned P¥h~•· No rtalfp in· tbey aro DOt IUCb fools U to hunger after telhgont, reapoct11blo o r COllli:aten~,rublio the busltl ,bich the Heform Po.rty did tboy mao Ia lilt elf to eodor~e tbtl ••I • "nd ge~ to power would bo aare to g~n Lhom er ratic ecritimeota of Mr J S. Winter a.od

LABOR, LABOR, U.BOII! O a r peoplo are u\dog wboro J. S. \\'1a h11. foor.roclci.J~~SJMtocmtos. , Wbllt w .. want

-TnE Los. OF A CRAFT II r eported by tbe Tw•lhoga to Sun, Lbe ecbr. Gun, Jobo Vcy, muter, buing been •recited 11t Red l'olnL, l...&b t11d ur, on lbO lal of l:iepttmbor. 1'h11 n •el waa bound bome at the t ime, aod' •ben in tJ10 Yiaiotty Of ltcd l'oiot, I t beioe • cry fougy, aho ran o n a reef of rook , &uU bce~~rno A tulll •neck. Sbe W on board 400 qtl• of fi&h , all o f which u loet. "1 ho crow who bel on~ to andom 'l null)' ~y. \Y.Dnt Soutb by .ut f luN:r.

-I 0 CT. COl'C~ Rr -A pulJhc conecr~ w11l taku placo m S t I'Mr~c.-: 1 URII 011 :\loodl\y CYCOIII!I OCXI., COIDin\!llC\06 nl ~ o'clock. T ho wdl-ltnowo llluilhol t .. lcnt poseeeud by the t eYenl lachet and goalie· men uk•og P3re 1n t he cntert~m:n•l!.~ ,. 11

aufficiont l!ll~tllntce tMt th~ -rn:::..n11 W'ill be oi a b111h order, and well wurth the )l6ti'On· &I!O of Our towu•reople. II .,.,II IJo oh · ltrved, by Nfor•uco to tho poll.<)tl, that rur rnd c!Ja~r• ( nu onbcroo) bne be~o p~o • tided , 10 ord<>r tbae fauaihC!', or p3r11c• or lneudA, may bo 1\blo to •~c·lru lbtlt R~t.s r~uy limo pnor to thu loour of me11tlng by • PI'IYlDio! Lo either Mr. F11ber, Mr. Wbolao, or Mr. IJealtt~.-< um,


on Lba Labrador, one of the III<Meal Ia tl•at Of the lOIII of tbreo fishrrmeD belODjtlng to lal11nd (;ova '!he.., a ufort!.lllate men fonneJ a port•on or tho crow of ~lr Geo C rane of Courage I u~ach. ll\te of hl:\ncl CoYe~ flthing 10 'fi~lde llarbor On the Srd Septemb<:r , thuy left t bcor hMbOr lnr H"" Ito ~y co geL a 1upl'l7 ol woo. I. ~ •• t turo1u1; up Lba nexl dny -. expected aeo>rc h wu made all nronnd for them for t .. o daya, bot without 1ucceM. l'•ece• or a bont, t..liOYed.~ lla t:.Otirl, nre Mill rn h~tt• been p1ckud up J here 11 no do n lo t 111 tbll fDIDds Of thO!'C but COUiplltt'Ot 10 J•ldl;<l but tha~ the uus-1u,: uteu woll Nturu uo moro to the~r fiWliiJ a uu fr,uod&

-TilE F t tiiS<l AT Ttl£ 1\0!!Tli\IAI::>­~fr rhomf"OII, lilt' .,diiOr of t'•~ .~ .... Otl•l of tho r~l're>CUlltiiVC8 Of 'f'wolltlii!AIO f.· ~-~o. hilt l~ttel .l ho.•n on 11 threc·•L'Ckt' \,tit to h1• COntl otUCUl~ 00 lhfl (;ape ~~~or~ 1111d other part.! ol tbnt U111r1ct.. lie. e\y& th11t ho w:u gf, ,l to J111d lhnt, IIOiwl\h­aundmt: t he ouoltcoono nn I ai.uoJ~ron• re­portl that bad been arc:11lnte<l. bolh ll£~•n•t ::.1r \\ ollnun W luto .. lly nod tho otbcr '"o ·~preaenlativc• u.o cvnhdcnco or thelt I Uf>pl)rtcrs In the m bM ll<ll lh,•rehy b e,•n ulf.,c:ed. "Our l'r.>lc<~l ,\nt proucorl( a ha• u not boen couec~lrd 111 tho fW!t , AnJ ch" veoplu th~maehe. lcrtnW In WhOI!l tl" ) C\11 co••fi.lenC"c lo r tbu fu ture wuch bolter thAn ttJoav •vhu aru cud '""vourtnt: co m;l te3.l ILcou Ly tucl• U<~ trutt.fnl 1\!JC~tlull~ ' ,

-Fnrtll Cn •~"~~ L - 0 11r e•te~moJ \\'~~f . er n Shoro cortt l pnnoluu t wnlcll n• uu•lt r Jntc Of 20tb IIIII, lh>t lloo' fj.l,cr~ 1\IO•o.: l hU

ooML is ve ry poor fber~ l~>• nf l111c bet II uo fitlb 1\1 a ll tnl on; l>11 l on l'><tlurd~y L'Ut a few b~ll ba•l fMcu one-ball lo 0110 qu10llll. 'I he effect of tbe b.•J Or bet! ,. bcUig felL by IO!De. AL Codroy notblll~ bu been rlo~~e e•th,•r •

Mr. TwiiiiD!=, C F-, l.u IUTY~yed 11n•l lOCAted t ho r011l fro w Cha11ud to Ca;-" UaJ, eo It 18 hoped tb.~t n '!Jtt ye" r\· h , 01 ••II b• coulm~nce;1 t hereupon

_'Do c 11111Dl: no• tllombor for tlto !l.-. Lckt amvefl on Frw:\f l~nt. by tho S "· c;11ri.·U!. and bl'l& bc>tn bu.rily O:l!.C"l:cJ cv,r­llDDe .lA cauvnuing this 1uott the tr<·atorn port•oo o ( t ho cluotnet 1u Lho 1otcrest.a of tbto ~form l'llrty.

- Mr. 0. 1'. lletll\n, n yonns: tric!WI rCJ!t· dontnt <:luo.:oov l1&!1 kuull~ furnltltcd thn rudcra of tb•• t-rA \111 \ ftl• '"tb " fe•~ \'ON • r oo the "Cboletll •" ,;ooaon,'' wh1ch oo tells ua wc&rd nt hhorty tv p•tblu:t 1f we "Mru i tor th•m worthy a p'Mo 10 onr <."'llr,..hl·' w,•, k. It" \\'o accorJ111~lt M•rltj 110 rhrcn W•> ' hall bo ~:lad t o bc.v SG.\In fro u \ l r 0 I' lte1111o, ,\I A

slaLelJielll-lt I~ aM ra16C n~ lh011e lhul bavo pr~JCL-.Je.llt. ~c .... n arbor ••• u rl)o w a ua , tUI tL hotll alwaya U.-ell , a firm 11t1ppurte r o f t ho (!re!lellt <:"'<'rnrocllt Tha l)(o()l'le o r Llmt &nd a!ll<Hnmg loc.;h­tieo. kuow r111ht well who thu rn cn•ls nro th~ Lttvl't s.:•ven and no at111 S"' '";: tl•~m emploJ m~ut on 11111Jhc "' 01 ke , IUld not u1<.r<: tlu111 ten men c;~n \x.> found "' 1'(,..., llo..r'.lor who ...,,11 tiupport tLc J:t..form P•rty. Thl\~ ~he H.:formcrs h&'fO lOme rnenJa At Tnnlt). C~ttalina, nod other pla001 lA qnito t ru!', u tt WIUI

a1ao tnu! th11~ ~ht't ~e"' P arty m 18 2 lu.d a (ow frit•nds in theto locahtles But we • 'll!Crt. tlftcr rtceh•ing rP!u,hl o tn formation froiD Vttnnua pllt LII or Tnmly Bay, t.bat m11u1 or th010 pe~ODI who aup.,ort4Mi Lhe New Party in 1882 do 110t nnw aup.,on. t.he "Rerormera'' ; and we (eel aaured that. Sir William Wbi~ w•y and h11 v-n.y ... meeoure a greater Tictnry next n1outh than t.bey did at. lbe elediuna nr tbat year. The Tfkqrttm JUIUI n:minda one of a 11maU boy m a lonely1ll..oe of a dark ntgb;, "bollerio~t" to kllelJ bia ooo~ge uv ; and · we would h.:~ng to bill remembranoe tho homely ad11p, " uover oount your chickana be­fu•e cbey are bat.ehed" ; lo• we fet-1 oor­ Ut11.l in the pruont oue ID.ln.Y or lull e~- •Ill .,Idled.

MR. EotTOr..- Allow mo 1paoo in your nloable JlAper tor tb080 few remark&.

tn looking over tbe 9rAlfOAftD of Aogoll 8th I will forcibly attack witb aome orery able remarh from a party aignlng hlmHif " Loyalty." Ho•eYer, u I a en eo far from tbe atorn• of politioe Dow ntglna, 1 am not io a poa!Uon to write much or lmporUnoo althoue)l I coold not pa• onr hi• nmarkll withoal at leut e iYiog lbam my hearty lp· proral I fa ll1 appraot&ra 10me parll or hie letter, polnllog u lbeJ do to tho tiaher· mon : and ea 1 repi'Oecnt • part of tbe flah. in!( intere1t here at Labrador, 1 feel fnlly juall6ed in r ef&rrlog to "Loralt1'•" letter 10 warm terma of approval.

Tbe •nooey •• •pent among lho people and by the people, IUld for tba people.

Thea, aplu, :re Iallod C'oYO ptopl" BryaoL'a Coore people, Biabol''• Cove peo· pie, Spaniarda BaT people, Tiltoa peop1a, Lbe Railway to St. JohD't wUI alwaya el•o you

Determined to suet te the Old Xembon t er ia. 0008 be expect to be leader or tbe II A G0\'1-:tt~~tBST ()~·Ttl E! I'IWPLE New l'art7? Uadoubtedly b11 awbiltoo AND FOR II~: PEOPL t::, aod to pro· teoda •bat. way, bat we or &he out ?DrU are cure tlli.l • o oat hrnore all peauforo04

The Ptoplo 11

Ba'f'e full J'alth lA Them." •otelli~ttnt eooogb to d1.,ioo thu, eY,JI jl demaii"SUel, ··~wor thetr uc~ be oraogo,

... Jt. f'OWJ'l' Ia ...,n..• dcSjJ'r; .:... .. -(: ,..t m. : ... ,.,_ ~•9'<> lr01n Sp •tn1 l•or o.t.o .. n w '""' to "- t..•a.; 11! comins;)-Old l'r'o«rl>

",.,. W. tl Tbomp.on, one of Sir Wbi~e•aJ'• aomlneea for the rliatrtcL or Harbor l;rACo I• no• here ftlr tho ptJI"ppM ot .. oou•ulllnf(" tht! pany leadont (pre ran· tnry w \Lo ~nul~ ·• our Lhere:"'-1t/e·

fl"l"· Tttu ia anoLb...-· o( th11 Tdtlgra11u'l uo-

trntlt(ol IILIII,.Attlni.L A• our re.rlent lu.ew, M1'. Tborul*Jll baa luu.l <ifloaairm t •l lf'tOYtl tloll COUIIU'J (or a fd'll"weeltlll. Bel'ore be lelt town he autloori&Od ua t.o aa..s.. l'"t,hc:l! 1-ft•t ic.portant buain- hacl •uea.-.-IJ M)Dinod hillatll'od•nce ror " ebott ti•ua .. Wet rMiuenoe o(J.ia IOU~ J)r, Tb01111'1100, at llatLIIW&, He It~ bowe ver, to be " :elt in good llwe to join ur. rri~ula In tho app"'OIoh· iua ~~~UP veil'" Mr. T. i• • •~rona aup .

1-,.l• o1 ~;. W. V. Wbit.ewaJ. Tbe'rtl ;,. ,... tmt,lt 'fbat.e•er l9 '"' re~ao ini "....n.-•r G(lie&laled ru k)wu•,.tha• bli 11 .. poe ... 1 tn ,rcle. .. t.o jt'ofd wkln11 .,,f a\d• tu • tJM aa•IJ'1'Ii~'i"l 'el~o, Alt. •f!JJt.lljl-AI ~1M-~ !Ad~' I I

Qon• A oc..,unlh ,_.. bctm l•t.eli paa.l \ltu l'l.,. .. ,.,.,t:l,r W. Y, \1 buew•y1 TllcJ /~ J,ottJ.,. ,V",_ of Lbe 29•11' •IL• "'"• uu ~ Ill....,. l'ula"-1 ILuaaa.w. ll .. dr .. ~,..,., ' lien,UI

a-lt~l ult.llec.Avay &ha• ~­~ ula 1•n1 Jr..-t t.a• eeetYed -- ltuo•• .,.. L•.W.:; .u,.r., lire& ., • .a..t--.: .

....... l'telllkr ., x •• , ..... lud, Ia hi I ........ &a...~·

'11tcu ~forrucn, aa they torm lhon\· eelvu, appear to be makiug a j!re&i f11111 ainoe tho lh herme n luft homo ; bat when •o wtro bome they were Yory modeat in tl~tlt political opinion& W to will let tbem know wbeo we return that the1 are not 110fn~t to gull Ul 1.lllti4!UOO With t~lr band of lawye ra. W e ara determined to h:ne ou r owo moo, aod WI)' will lluu a oe rt.atOIJ

' io it. With tbeee few remulr•, llr Editor, 1

tAter leue Lo clute, looplna beforo tho lui of Ue tober [ will bo io tbrbor Greoe.

Yo11r1 tmly, A 0Adoa Guoc FuunJux.

·~, .. ,....., .... n._,_. .... ,,.., ......... ML P'.DITO&,-

h it aald tW 11"1' .SO.'*" .......... INtlntra. ,{ - laiiCl •OIIbta aboat tire llall••1· I - lle4 d011bM allee& &be •fttJ ol 8ir Wllllua \YIIhtwaJ I ~. Udl lhe lap~~~ uf tl•• bat baaW.t4 theta 111. lJJ tl1• IAUodiiOtlon of ble ralhr&,J, 1 oblae •oMr, &o .. tllr WUJiam baa pfila I, bot1 IIIOMJ1 &Gd

o\lf oun.rr ron 'fOOR PRODUCI-

and yon It now tba&, doe 'L you. t lt'a uttar noolcoto, tboo, to uy tlle Railway (aa the lleformera are •y•olf) ••11 bun tbe oeoplo. For tbt nlid 111fety of the country for 'I" to oome, tho "lad om a11d work of our old aDd e11peneoced l'remler Sir Wlllllllll Ia rlgbt : and if we ftgh' that, liard tuw• ... u co~. and that ot •o dllto•t daJ S1r Wll· liam Whlteway aeN CIMad, tbo !Worm l'atty olltr•.

Tben, llilln, tha nooerlaloty of m•rltela, the ell'occ o f epidemic •ioltoeaa a.ftliotlne our intlroa~•onal frleoda oorer whote eor­rowa we ~nouro, tbe low pMco of tleh, tbe eooaequool ~mall remaoonUoo to Lh~ ahut· men, tho ee"ML'a nnoertainty or bia ftltH, ard maoy other gran mattent-bow peril· oeot lhOT are to oor future I

And tbe Reform Party. wb" do tbe.r

r.roml•• to oar people? J odafnR by Lhelr at~ly pobliahod tDanlftato, uotAiJtg, lilo'aUJ

lttltAi~rt bot /TaJt ILUA.IfT CIT Or lnH.'ICOifi.IIT.

•tr couotrymeo, be on 7011r pard aaeia1L tbeec mea. ~Ye all tbelr atatameoll wltl• l'l'lat •odora. Jf roo llateo ID tllelr ghb prornlaea and pror-iooe of •ba• thef l11teud 10 do tor you and yoar famillee, yoa wlllllfl to regret It, and thu before nry loor. AU tboy want Ia to wreet Llae t111er of tbe Gonrecen~ 1blp from the budl of our old pro,reM!we, waalber·bee&ft 00111· ~~~&~~der, lilr WUII&aa Wbito-.I• Md If tll17 do l~ac, sood•bf &o JCMI. Y'oor rall•aJ and '"'I"J other pro.., _ ... wOI bo a&oJlped ill a ••rJ aliort d~M-'' a&opped tbon" (like ~dfatlaw'a elodt} "nt"r to r,.pln. • Fer I•' -.tell •JO!I Jlala, tllelr IIIIUllfMto .,._._ bJ dteJ101 thai lit (Sir Wlllu) bat .. -......t.• pollor of p,....... or of •l~t.ned&Qd proiJflllih ...... ..... •~loll bali batan*INd bJ 1M .... .,... Will r• Milan &Ira& t Will ro• "'., 10 ... ......,._,. Old 7 .. ._. • rallwa7laltor, nilwa1 _,, ucl aw..d for oar~· •• &N1.- na'" ec1 1a' n. ,._it (aod 7" -" ... , •• -•• woa'l belleYa J0U If JOG do), tile ltet It, I$ .. &lat eMfl7 of Sir Wllllam \VIdt.a­waf &be' Clllftlatl tHnflwiJ, &Dell' It piDIJ Oil Wid, ted W dolt'• ... , JUG &o OCHDe lD ..

tilt Rafon:o ParlJ wore lllcce•ful, bo g reen or nMJtral. would., not be lbeir cboeeu teadar , IL i• 'lbe fa.c~ Ia, thq ,\Vmte~iLes aod their owen -'orml~ that Lbere 11 DOL any ona "polipy" ate alrOAdy IDo much ooudemoed

~ CotaliM, &pt. 23, 1~ de6oitely doc1dod oo, ao tba~ a row 10 tho nvryutll<re to 'ren-.:~r a rofdtadoil of -their

Thla anriont adai". h ,.,. It ,....,.., 11, • l!ar , \V\oaiioW' Jn tlpl t.rl(;ht A o l• l••lon h u I D..-cb otalk• ... u ta, an I sologa•· nn•\"ln~; r.,..r Tbelr ~tlotocoo prooo~ A• "'•vhyiac; alAi.d ,

(TO T8Jt &On"OR or Till IT.t.NDARO.] tnd would ruolt. The country will, bo" !allu CM"'OI .aud alaudtroualoa•nn&tiOOI at 0 5 . ., Aronnd, ~.,. .. 1~""1 ... •f""' tbe P• ll" Ull 11.- nor, be aned from tbi• scandal, Lhe pOO· all De<lOIAry Lbiouell tbe medium of• the Of ohl ·~~ 1trnf . an•l '""" lb• Eutoon f•ao, The principal pan of tbe Lahrt.dor Beet plo do DOl forget that in Sir w. v. Wt Itt· preaa. Our Ollt port<l &n.twbtiO un tmtilu by a·ku ... mfloo•rt.lo u g.•

it ~In with ns. Tb• reaalt of tbolr lei· wt.y and bLI placky lollowtog they buo credulon1 u loll' Whtterll wl11g of lol .. 10· '~''" .wo Cbrlatln abrlu"" ol 100 loll'u ::I potu. 100 • lt.bont baa not been ao generally IOO· booMt llateamea of 'reat ellecotlye ability. called ••ltefo'nll Pany" would.ttrJ ~ ~Ito• 4..:.1. • l. ::J.u.~ ... 1 , _.,

-fa! aa waa uLioipued. aa· maoy either It 11 eurreotlyreporto<lbere that Cbar1ea them appeal'-frO ]lardlr 49 t~oocp9t 'a~ N .. tora nd Art eotwlo...t l&i lllnod .. 11 delayed too loa4 on the Fr.oob Shore, aad Bcnrriq, Eaq., wtll reque•~ tb6 aalfragn credolp~· ,Jler all. aa IOJalto• \homael•u Ia """"'' lhrlt! Tbo14r.o~••• unlr hiiOd io lbe Stnill Otilfbborbood, or elae m1 ... d oltbe YOtent of thia Jlay

1 fol;tbe iDtereat of to be crammed witli aucb OOI .... OYy oolltioal Tbolroiltbt"!d•\IIOa'H aad lh Itt~ ol pall

.b "u.ea& o-L"" -'ll ,-Jft th 'l 'b Ref p •- d L I 1W 'rile beo,ulOo. ,!IU_k.r, : ' A .~-• • dlhroM,<.N.IIpeo<l' I •• ...a .. e,.~r DOr • e Lho orm arty. ~a cor pon eot uu pabu um aa tho Mtd perpdioua Mr l11c.r • "~

email catch and low prioo apealt bul poorlr already Informed 1001 ~e etDIM&riea. of tbe ta DOf rooflna boauo cd qartJt 1;0 "atulr • • • fora protperoaa wlotar -D. Reform Pan, ·~o reuntJy peld oa a .. ~.~ down lheir"fbtO'al¥." ·,Pnlio!M of po\hloal -The mutwarwa fdoDda •hom Adroiral

Polhlcal mauera are oo• falr1Jianoehtlld, tlul oot •110011114 ia braaki~Ja tho fealty of punt1 ud Yell&~Cb'mm( fu Lbe ~dllllelatra· GraD& mall a in thla IUld ot.ber pla~a d uriu11 &Od ban beoo- the all-abeorb(o.r &opioa mlllfiD th1a &,;. to st.r w. v. Wblteway. tioo' or ot\r !)llbl\o afrai!S ooul' with Yf!'I'Y the..abor\ !ilit l'hicb be paid LO the eol OD"' ot conera&ioo ; t.od the o~aioa• ell:piM· Tl)e rich& II bo81,c1 to triampb. 6tilf it ~r. gno. 'frb tD llieh a eooree ,.. tbat t o 1 ~ia tlmo lu£ year w11l read with pl!!lll'lll1t lld, aa well oo lobe relu& ... proapeeu and be bona all true p&trioll to be -.t.cbfolleet w\ic6 •e t&for, adil 1 it fl u~leM to MY tho' •nlljotoed Olltract from 11 late Eogllah utenll of the -tM&auta u oa tbemel of tbe UCCIIJ'• tactioa lead .¥Ua,J the ua~ry. how cdlj>Cbly ' tOJ:IIrd~• we .-,0uld be~ paper. :Jp~ will •bare wttb buu the aatill· m11uh broader atipillcaooe, are o{lmltitDII We...will proteet &110' ()byihuau&· ,.~:Qrd th4t COmmonweahb-llow aadly wantlnt: 1 faotiOD wbi ~the weU·earnod d tJttoc:uou aa ama.aiog "' theJ: are nrftd. Do a btl- iD the bud 11 worth two tn the bnab." patrlul\am and n ery other cbaractenatic m~t•«ord:fi m cbt w!U M ooe of the keeoeal Keeplq tbla ola IIW Ia mind, . we abt.ll" jtOod ~~~"'IP>:-•pro WO lO offer eYeD ;~~·A~mi;;l Hoary D nDOAD c ... nt, c.n. k~o lM tDAD77eha; but 1111 opieloa i.a "bold fu& &o &bat> wlllollll 80¢." , •l.tbe eneolifl)lem til tor our 11tence" ro ltu been a'ppdioted Admlml·•uPilrlnteodcll~ ll(at tllc oomplet. tria mph of "'' Uofltll· ~oat. &rilly, 1 the •u bold tlad ' meo" \tiLb wbom Mr. WID· o J)oloofrt Doo'lt111rtl, In tbe pi aiM' of Rfar tneo' pariJ wJU bo lf1Gtaall7 aec:lll'OCL R, B. ter Ia ,aow ' fo ~o\luaroo. llut we aball mnt olio ~na .. ford W•I..Oo, wbo d ltd For, bow ooald h be otharwr.e t Oar Boonllta, Sept.. 18. prOfO ID tlle•ooli~~try ,, .. , we are ,.0 1 want. ldmfwlla iudlle'\ly •"'t• D[ie,too recootly. people of the Noribtna ootpona. like )"Oelra loa In tiJII 'ret~L, nor unmiodlal of what Admiral Oraot hu bail a'lnoat' d1•hn -or the IODLialnl. ·are &oo lat.ll~a, ud Lbe IICbomet.:. uil ploltont are alming at, gniehed .~r. Re ,oo.~red the nny tn baYe bealdee a.o mach reprcliM their owo [fOR Tsl ..uoa oua STAl(l)UD.] either. t l at tbo dl~ •ie of \welu yOAra. Ho bel& ID&erteta, co take AIIJ oo,or11 do rial' Lhe lU ~~I ~Sp_II-U~~t''-Uct ber, oomlDf aleetioq other thaD \be ooe that "Tlw\ VDlacky ThineeL" A. ua,bM;llerchaoL. Warkwof\h,•n . .,. · liif"WW'' .~"bf ~ Mt;~Jt~ •n will retoru to power Lht - oompoelog I ~~~ ~'-! ~ v{ h9ttlti ol tbe llcUf:PHI~qM jn l[H-M R o wM · &be ~' GouromeDt.-tbe !DOD "lfbO Tba wora-a .. oat •lth o~n ,,.., Dr. Tbl)tDM' '£01\ot}(o" 'btt: . all rt Ia pro- pre•eol !a \ho 'tli~tlt'iloal)oa~ IlL Lhe 11om-ban uaopnttd tile Jl"'Oo.!n pol fer- '> Aoc1loollJullor toW.. lrt'P \ , oonooed b~ rn1ili0• 0111 qf tbe betL medi- bardn:F,Dt pf S#Jatlbrr; receiYIDQ tbt Raltio tht m• •~o Iran aiftt oa Ule BallnJ, Each ODtlae areate ltf~~~a'piiM claN t.hv~~,.!~ t"itr aNd;' il l..,.j 1(\oae medal fodl·,l..Wtt.!t. Ht wia protooted the D,.,Dook.aacl oUi'er 1-t ladoet~!!'d FM •• ~the ·~ty Tblneao, I ,wp!}J¥~,10 ~or-·~~~~ rol5 .. lutr pelo, \lire to llantall&llt -ie- Oetober, 18M, ud W&l manufec&en~a, all of yblall art ~w ~- ~'ala o.ld ODill_btN. 'duolllowh~ ~ ~ ·•~, ~I' l'~lllf !'" ,......., Wi&i' " P•l~'.' .Nanl 'Briit.d• ,. India lu iDa tboaaadl of onr ladatrlolla p1011le the So thiau lie W"!Jf~ ,_ r · ·,, ocllflll!~i: , .,1 ~· ~· ' '" - . ,...., 1111 ,_., .. , ooDdo~ be-emplor-t!t&ltt7 ba" beao ao Jooa look· He abould•"IOrJIJ4 na.mbor &o~ad ' lloth(Qta~· W6rot ·~OIIIbr Ia· lac tiou.clill • .dMpe.tcb.., 111 waa ~n 1111 for. YM,t oar people here are deter· la aDiaety •alllbtr tllitWa. p!~ol to tate, aare1 •ncf e!ectaal •

1 ill' •olally meotloatd ID d..,.tcb11 for gat.

milled &o ltlck •1 old .-.pfMiatatl•• Toa -10,0b.,and the b.'l!&b 5I •~lie<!, deiU'oJID& 1'onDL ' 1 a 1 •I laotry aplnat the rebela oo i9tb April -Lh• Hoo. 8lr W. V. W&n..a,, eod 'Pro<lf mat ·~•'1 &.y be*" , ~ · 1

, .' t • '- ' .' 1 ·1~ &bill btlor jlle eltJbtb e Qtlott with Lh; Me•ra. Robart Boad &Del Jatep~a JSo7d. AI YOt.rl doD' wllb ~r 1Dioc1e JlGrboD"• 1 ~. to-'ad;P!!I ~d 'g~IDtr &boa~ yoar Brtpte. l:le ,.ae!Yed tbo Indian medal 'l'berbb• fall faUlt Ia ....,, , 'fo lb•~ ~ l'\Ii'lHo. - - ~'t wll,a a ta ~' 110hl~ bl UOil..Wa,:. .ad for the bravery be dupl11yed ,. pro~

Oo *'!~\:r lila W--.a. of tilt Too t111111J'W~ '-o _, weo ~rut Care1ttUIJillloYe tbeia ? ' ,., eottcJ to "'• rpok 9f commaodor on tbo Utla (Jilt. I u artWe hMed" Ho~ ~a& •a441t ...-brflllaot thaco -- ,r UUI Jue, 1• A ~~aluar wae give11 tile t.,ril 8enltt Jl ~1M!" Ja Ill Of •"J;W .._r-tlr.,.'a ~U to piG /.life lfmbtll,' a• writet; W• tia ,..,. la~r. and be wu erM\ed a opeal01.,........... aH lallowfDI .. ..._ 7.....-•al-*Jtbii'CAI-.~ rl h. .. i ~t~t.c 'fJlt t ~ot· Ni.urop A eo.~aoftbe &tb on th.t !19th Ma1. • 00011"': • .. Jeniy . lila, • ....., M be a • ~~- R. u. ~" V • ..;.,aact O,.,Cp- 1876, JJ• ... ~lute<1 A~D.O. to tho Go..,..... o ... Of 110\ ._ • rfalat Jar ..,.: ' ' ).. 1 t.iil 0\&~1 1' a' if) ""'~it..,... 8IIWOD. 1:11a>• ~ f\li Juua~y. 1878. io the to laol4 lecl~ldeal.aloM." I W Dttlf tWi t.t.a• w'lcl D,....a for ,rt :fiiDdart: 81ft. llo -p~ tho

n. udal• 10 a. ...... eclltoriel,• To a• TOn MUD C1Ab. - ·..Mllll&rd'a oombt~ of *"' IDd tri..t .._, ....a~te; of lla11lioal A-.or oa tbt 2:1\IJ ud I ~Maid llu 10 Ilk ... .._of lila' r..o1 Pilla. Wllea "'' llodr feela ..... , bt:tl'of eo'•"''· eetil lto..-.t.b11 oele~ttd • .-:asnr;~ab• Merchant l:UIIp-paper, *II ..._,._ ol oat ...._.. pnro· lad a&...w 1114 t.M aled wMh 8lagiabl7 D~ptte Cut.' For all lmpoiidea of pu.;:Aet. 18rl. T\a f!'Dk. of ~Jral lai&Yt, laow H .. noo..U. &laa ciOolrlut til- PDW wtll woadarfali7 -It& to a ,.. abe Blood. Sick Headache, UYir Cotn· .J'" -f•rnd ao biro oo &ba l\ltli Jellaary, nlela lilt,...... • tile ...,_..,of lobe OOftrJ of pbplc:al baOJUCJ ucl meatal lflalnta.. OoaUnotu, a&o., ·" ill tht *' '1881. Admiral Grant. I• epo\.eo Lol;hlf' of Btlona PanJ'e prlaoipl ... wt\b 1M 1"10· • yip, r iMdlcloe koowa. for billlldaWalatraun abUIU...

Page 3: •1 - Memorial University of · aho ~IC"" o~erhAulinq ~b4t American rcpre ... work ID bia Uno wiLb

That amt.lgamaUon with lho Romao O•th­olie~ ia tho1polic1 of t ho ltefc.rm .Party 11.­comre more ovidont oacb day. aud Cfe n 11rawa abow how the wind blowt. " Ao !::lector,'' writio~t to tho Telegram, 111\)'1 : ­"So the !Wform l'arty ebould h. a 0<\mpact body, powerful enough to mote oat juelic.e and fair play to all, without amalgamatioa, f urtltcr LlaA J Gir rrp~11tation rl0111Jnd4." J bat'a it exactly. Fair reprueutatioo, in the opiuion of tho Jleform P11rty, will de­mana awalgametion with the ltomen Cat.ho­liCI, and aathe I 'Otter will go iu aaolid body, 011-'IIOt at all. ~bo Reform Party will &DJal­pruate with l bo whole of thc111.

"An !::lector," who o•idD.Dtly thin'u bien· aelf very cute, aab ue why tho Reform Party did not u oite with the Romao Catho­Ue~ lut wit>ter i' they a ro planoing to do 110 after tbo electioo.. Ab, my dear alr, that'• euy to uplaio. They uot do 110 before tho ~tleeuon, for lbey , feared tho pc!('plt', but after trial before lbc bar of publio opioioo ia o•er for aoot1er tour yeant, t hey will laugh at cbo proteat.l ot th9'C! wh, e leoud them. Aa eurely aa tbu the I UD abioce. tho Uoform Party will "\ual­fl&m:\IC with t.ho Roman OachollCI afte r tho el.:c:tion, and the man wil.> daM not beline it ID"It bo csce•i•oly boooel, o:a:eeaairely atupid. o r o ~:coaaively iotcrctted in n ot ba­lic•io~: it.


W icked for Clergymen. Ro,., --, WMbioglou, IJ. <.: .. writes :

I bell no ~t to bo all wroo~t a ad even wtci.ed for clergymen or other public ru•n to oo led loto ~ving t.oatimopllla to quack tlo~llora fpr vtlo atulfa c:allcd mcdicioe4, but •ben a toally n•eritoriooac~r1klc nW!o of valoAb:e rometltca ltnowo to all, that al! phyfticil\tla uao aud trust in daily, we t)lould fruoly oorn~~>ond it. I thcrcfvro cbcorfully 11nrl heartily coo:uoend llop Hitte rs for tbo {:ood tho? hi\VO done me aDd IllY frionda firruly bcbe'''~ they hue no equsl for f:'l<n~ly uso. I will not be wiLhou~'-.t\"uc Yor.l: &prur lV<ekJy.


. ST1\.ND~J\..RD.

New Advertisements.

Christmas .. Tree. A CIIn)Snt.\S1fREF. in 11id of the

... ~ funds for tbo erection• of & Suu<lay School for St.. l'11ul'a Church, will bo bold in or 1100nl Dcco.nbor n"xt.

Con\ribution11 in monoy ,or ~tld4 11ro e111neatly •olicik'd, 1111d m•J'•bO fo~wanl~d to tho Heotory, Uarbor G race. ·

opt.26{i 1.•


Courier Brtildina, D ucktoorU. St. ST. JOTTl'o."S. . --·-

:ntnt-.inoe, l>.no41cllfl '\t.wllpal\bft, 11£ualc, &c., bound l!trou~; attt· cheAp ·

Prayer Booke,llibloe, AI bam., Scllool Booka, &c , n'· bouod IUid cpade ne'tf.

Jowol Oaaoa, Lady'• Compnniona. Writ.irtg D oake. &c., relined nod co\·;:rbd.

Ohnrta lined, Blank-Boolta IU3do tn

- --o- --E!STABLl~l;fED IS~.

€a'pitaf ·(paid in) •. • r' $350,000. ------ - -

lk!,tJ)n O ffico--4:1 llommcrcilll Sh·cct, (01:1 Stllnd.) Xl'w ' York Offic.1-l i 2 F ul tlln •trcut. NcLtinl! F1to:.Ory-Doston, :\!&liS. Twin•' Fnctory - C' .. ntou, Mlllll!.

: Oilling Fuclo•y-;-Et•sL llntldam, Ct.

Cotton . TWINES - FOR -

Ft · ~

Cotton is u on· ,nnivcrs.tlly i h UllO in A~lE~lC.\N w AT em; wilh Amcric;m tisbc tmc u. C• Ol(>llr•·d with H otnp, Cotton c:<•tcbcg more li .. ll, ill much li~:l•ter, und moro o~si ly lt11ndlud, is equ'\lly <h~t~lhl~>, tltld co:<t.s no uton:.

l t i'l our <ICI.Crtll iiUition to UIC.~l tho W Ot.l. Of l lJU f ,<hcrUlUI\ uf l \10 l tilund in OVOrx jJO:ISiblc WI\)'. ' \'(I WOro DOI'Or bolte r ab(O lO d01!V.

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' . / ... F ishcrmt''n will lind our goods with lho Rome ::\Iorobant. Ur.JQrs ~fdly und p :-omtttly filled.

0 ':!;::.: , 11 .... 1 , t ~ , __ ,_...., IVERS W. _1\.DA~S, Prcsidtmt. I EDWARD L. GRUEBY, TreclS. ""' L" v.ora mAOOUn g:~n ..... '""'· "" · .

aut:"~h:J·!:~c!':o';;to .worlt lllld price&. I J OJTN ~-. F ,\lRBANKS, 0\'Qr 30 y cnl"'l hcud or :MI1Dufacturiug D epartment Sl!lJw J . S. Sli.EPARD, O\'CI' 30 ycnn ~anu!aoturcr of T wioeo.

Ease ana Comfor.t.'

:\ow Uont tho lunu cveniGfltl llf<) on ''"- l ~ will 1>11 well co _prv•·id,• you r.elf w:th tq;ood l'.Ut df . t ' • " - . .. • ~. l ~ • : \. ..

SPECTACLES & EYR·GLASstS wh~h Y iiJ no~ ti.ttt yoq_r '+:7es, t qw<1nr rninote l llc emvloymeot. Tbou~:~otls hll''" lli ,-d .r:n, ,n, a O•l ca11 te,tifr·tn the bcnollcial r<! ulu by uMog ool! i~oie mall~ \lr

F. :r...a.z.anus, '"lwny wholQ •t~<,)' l!ae Win t-> rnnko I> Spcq~k to pln;.tdy tho d..!ccL that t\.'lt\ll'J) ll.\S ~IIW•). • •

:l'hfw GJ~<iQJ. enn oal\•, fld Olll'llnl'd of . \\'. II. TIIOlli'~O~

,l(,di.-c!Z Jla7:, TI..irbvr;Gro.4t , ~~. t. Aug.U.I'>l~


~li.GHTNESS' ISrPROFlT.· . -·----·· COD---SEINES.

--. Tl\11 t111r.IUrtifued ht~•e -preparotl a li.:b~

NETTIN~, o • mrlo f!Q"W{!th for heavy s~nico for Cod &ir.u ..,J.Iu UJ.a of whi.;l, , lboy belio•e. will iocl'tftlo tbu e.~t~h l\od dir::inish the OOitl. TAcA~xricmt Fw-tucn 114rt dtmetulrftltti tllef~ tilt ii:JIU &i•tt gkldltllt "'"'r Jtmfo. alod JIDOU AU1lllllf IJrUigtA.

GIA.:curu Xrt 'rwtn & CQ., lloato n.

A BAZA;'\R '"'!II IIo bold (Q.V.) in H11renecd . l'orl · de­GI'uo. In No~cmber oexG, for ~palrlol( tho <.:burch daot.a:rad.,by t bu gti !Lin J~to .. lallt. • Donaltona of 'TifOo~i or articlu for anlo

wltl' be Lbaotfoll}•~cctl•ud by tbe ·under· oarued: • 1

•Mra. .IGCOb Bartlett, ~111 111. Jolin P ren . h, · " Tuac ltieliardt ' :• 'r. Butla~t,

" n. No•tll, ' .J "-lW. Ricltuch, · " Abr. JJattco1 'I ~ .. 'Perry, " J. Staron•, • •· 8. Stc~o111 .

b .-1 .M'- A. fJ:•J:l'"'•''£1'1 7''rfcuul"(r . ""l'tl() • •

.~ew Herring ~et W'E OFPEJl ' T-HE , 111'1

STOW:TWIN:E, a"lle.w twlne•of lllllplo etue,Rtb, to a~d t l1o hf,ld4at 11nlco, Wid f~;~e. .

,, GLO\IC&Sll/.ll NIT & 1~1\'Ufl 01). •• " Botton.


J nn. 1.

'For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera In­fantum, as well o.s nll Summer Complaints of. u similar nnturc, tho P Al~-KILLE1t nets with 'IJ)()Tif]erfid rapidity, nou never fuiL<i, when taken nt t he commencement of nn nttack, nnd often cures af­ter every other l'(:mcdy has failed.


I lu;•·•• user! tho Pnin·Killoa· in D yspOJlllin aucccsl.fully nnd fl l•o in CIISCS, of Cmud 1.1n 'l,ultJ r:t. ' V ith tho lnLtur I Wll:l ntt.:.c'kt:d \'iol,:nlly, aod niter wl:iug ono or lii'O dosoa found RltnOiiL imca n t relief, auJ bnvo ei.nco '"fCO!Utncndetl the P.<i11- Killor to triond.i uod n cighl:ors for tllo Cholera. In every case it Ius proved a SnCCC611.



(Ertrw:tfnr.n' E.Cifll,.•r[fh r:a:<ttt. N o !!Gao, of FrulDy, . l~:;mt :!ci, 1~.)

NOflGE OF J~ l-:1'mAL.-~otico la 1 ltor.,by ';i\'oo, clint ou t!lu I::xpiry of the (.~,otnct of <.: •pnr tncry, llu.:b lu:uott rotirul frnrn tbo Fmu ul 1\U'lllEHFUl!l{ II!Hl l'll El:~ . l n~; ra.u citreut, Gl"'!;o,., a.. on ~lilt, lay. l~~.

W11:16o'"· ..:.Q.~tu•~ 2.~. 1~ :). mJTHEHrt'tm nnos. A~DW. U. lW rUErtFURD, IIUGU H.>-1-t!SI~T I',

. JOtiX HOTHEitFURI>. J011t: .l'u (.;Jli:VIlfJCI>, Jl'itnCI<. .roas s. H1110, II •I"''"·

In r.-f~rcnce to t he nbo1c, I porpo· e oooduetio~ Hlll<ioN& at ·I ~<>trOn'\l Uank llu,ldi~tg. Quc~;n SmH.It, uodor tbo dtl'ig· natiou vf lli,;Gtl U.\ [~~ 1-:T' l & <.:a. , !.in­ca .\lttrch:\Dta nod )lt\uurnr.tur~rn. Tlto e::· JlHiou~~ ;:~iu~l rluriug :!7 yc:Lra' l 'nrtncr­lbip io "'Y ol•l Fir•o wtll l,o ur•·r.ted to tho uow U tsiue>L Orclr n1 intrusted como wlll h.wo my pcr1o'n l cam 11nd 1\ltfntiou.

llUGll OAI: :'\E l"f. S12.4i

a<hernment Notice.

PATP.lCK KEJ.LY, }{cofrow, Ont.

F'ISH ERIES 10.000 lb. h.nnd-lllld

PAT"ENT ~N TRAP TWDll!:. 20, 00 lb. lmnd-laltl


'11·ce~ Gootlo 11rc 'tDndo exprculy to ~Land thnr hatd aervico rocl.:y bottom& lrupcae.

Wo sballgiru cnrdul attont ioo to t ho h­l"nd, 11ud lend wem only aueh N'eta a'nd S~iuut e.a aro or alll\lislactor,rqoaUty, man­ufacturt>d lty hiiJldl of long uperience. J'bo morchaut:s will tupply umplea ur onr wnrt'

GLOUCESTE!t NET & TWI~ i;; Co. lloaton.

Septl 2..&i

Post Office Notice. HA.RBOR Glt.A.CE. T ilL ~1.\I I.S .-ill !HI cloaelll\l this Office

uutil t he Slat of Uccemb{,r, viot. : For !;t. J uhn'"· Briga1, Jl:ly Hob.:rl~.

II tbor f,l11lu , Holyrood aotl Sva niard's Colcninl Strrtlrm;'- Off<.:t. ) 13ay-'\•ery d"y at l l.fll a.m.

St. J!14R'•, ;\t~rfo•~t.Calf-1, for CuLooeM- e>CrJ' AFTER~OUX :at Ju.ll< 22nd, l~ 13 o'clock.

E:\DF.RS will be recei ved nt tbitl For llc3rt'a Conteot , Soulh Shore Trio. r . Office nnlil MOll on w EOi:'if.SDA y ity lilly ann :-Jnrtb Shore Concrptloo Ul\y­tb.l :lOth day of St::?Tr;M.J:H·;R out, for ! ·~·u~U.\ YS and TIIUllSDA \'S II' :t ~ m.

SUITABLE STEAMERS I For lel:tnd <.:ovo · 1111<! 13i3bop's Co\'e l (Conc:l\!ptloo Uar), Now llnrbor, J)ildo,

· I ' · th U · t1 Ki I G•oon'• llnrbor, Norm~n'a <.:ovo an-t <.:oi-· PIJIOit bttwtt.-11 • . ort 10 0 n!Le • ng-l lior'• J»y.Co•o (TrinityB.\y)-MOXU.\ YS dom 11od 11 Port rn Norlb Amenca,. North I &od TllURSUA l'S a t 11.60 a .ol. of Capo Ueury. c.o call a~. St. J ohn '• Ne~- For tho Weatward r:ia St. J ohna ~r foundl,:oud, f• toishUy, Wltb .~nd for Matii,,Oo l&tAI Slcllmer-t 11.:.0 a.m. on t bo and [ aaaonstrt;- to make ~wonty rouoll ·~ard May, 6 th "nd • !!Oib J uno, 4th tri~ per pm-betwhn,Apnl and tbe eud aod • ulth July l •t. • 16th and '>'•th of J anuary ~n. eACh, J ear. l'bo ~nlco to I Augntt, 0 l l!tb .~d 2lith Oeptemllcr, • ioth 1 b~to io April, 1881}, and to cootioao for and !Htb O ctobor.•7tb aud 2 1u Noi'OUlltcr, Jo'iv~ Yen~e. . 1 • 1• 6th and l !Jib Dcoembor.

1 ~o. and Fretgb ~ r..atc.s, lind Ac- ( "Oo t ltoao d11te1 tho alo.\mer will go to comrnodatioD for t'aucn~crt to be ~ubjeet Donne a.1 .1 • to.c,ho 11ppronl o~ tb11 Go• ornmoot.. ' For tho ~orlbward eta St. J ohn'• ~r

. J ondcruo epectfy the l"'lte for e11ob ro:t!'d I Co:llt.ll S taaroer-t 11.:1q a.m. uu tb t~r. Eaat nod W et!., at wbicb tho ~ernee 2.~1h Ms ' 8th and 2!?.1d .lu~;e Ot', wall bo performrd, d ·"' h '

1' 1 3rd 17 b d i ' ~ AL1'~' 1L~ArJYFl TE~l)lo'RS an '"' 1 Jay, . • t 110 h~Augo&t .. ' -~ • 1-lrh aod 28th .Septembor, , l :}t """ l!Gttl

\~ 111 a lao t>o rec;oJ•ed for _tr.o abo\'O Ser- October !lt h and 23rd Notcmbor 7th anJ "'~• 141s•thpr. w1lb a Setvtce l>o!tween SL t"! et l>~cm~r ' Jobn'e,N.ll'.l. and:ltali{nx=~rf<>~mod by - For Unlk-d. Stilt"'• flumlnlon of Can-~ .aahable tltea~cr, 6tta cooteali whb acls, ~nd \\'cat lnlllca-~ l l.M a m. ocl •co~, to run fortot~thlly H n .tho u!iddle the 2nd. l Oeb arlJ SOib .I uno, Hth or .l&all~"1 &Jtd !Jiidlll41.0f Aprll,tq each y~ar &l)d ~8th J,,,,, 11th ault 26t~ ~~·J'lltiDil ~"~ reudeftl to lpectfy AUI,III"- 8'h ~.nd 2l!od &('Lon t>er 6tb ~!• .pu e.acb ui'p, c.o ~ocJ from ; '?' • aDd 20th Outobtr; :trd u•l 11th N~vout>

l'lto C..onrn~~n~ ••it rectlvo 'lollden fo , ber, h,, 16th 11bd ~th ~omtk<r, a'd llltb t~o la\ter Se~ leo kpara~l~. · Jllnuary, t8SG. 1 I fa~thu. parlloqllrt tnado IIDO'I'n on o~ For Eoro~at 11.60 o'clock 1\.rf P.hcahoa ~~~ Uili 01liee. , op t ho ! Gth Ma • !llh and Urd J r! OJ cJ;;.P; ~:·... Jane, 7tb aod !!let ~OIJ, 4&h • nd 1 th

unq ~ · rq a.,. Augn•t. ht.. 16th ,nd :?!lth t;epcembcr , -h:rOTXOEJ 18th aod :Nth Otlober. l t'th 1111d :HJh

r ' n1:""'!' _ • toiovemlwlr, 8th, 11od .hod December, a d 'T' 1U V£ (,tiEtiS b.1 tbo Fitllway w~en 6th and l !ltb J aoaarr. 1886. e\oppiu~ ll J'iddletoll, at.. tile' N11w ,..,. Money orc)ora i .. ntd C'fPrJIIAJ ftoa:

ll"rbor U011d, lllBJ be •IICOmmodated 'Wlch 9 n,m. tQ 4 p . ru. .. l Jl¥4~' aed L9dclaa•; 111~ with borae aod l'on o!Bce tiarbor Once, Me1 -.!. '3.~ c..rtf..- ; bafr~ tllt:en eare of a od dtllv• ...._

1 k - - :m

tt,.d ~rtliu~ to onlera. ~ a n P"Orm.8 , 'l'h"' o*ribu .tetra A bouM of eeneral Ql nll kinf!S for sa}e at, thO Ot)i~( otctqlntueut lor ' 1':\"tlhu. h. Ao:t. 8, . 1-·. PJDVLE, t 1. P,;tpcr


.~ JOB :"'' au or

~~ DOIIa.-tb- &.W .__ Jl' ,,, ,...,,, .... {"WWt p. ~~~~. 4 ... I!'UII.


fl ~ '"''""'*~~~~-~ l!'or eo ... u~oo, or eo.u-1 110'

....,odJ' lo eo tJI'eedn u ATIIII'e 'l'u.LII. T1IO)' t- rqlllu ciAUJ' &diDo, u4 ...,

·~ th ~ Ut a IIM'I1117 -..tU~ou. Sot lDdlauUou, or n,.pep•Ja. A\'&&'a

Pu.LS .,.. ID u ll&alt'l., a%101 a I'IIJ'O I:IU'O. ,

D~un>, LMa of AppeUto, 'Foal · Stomach, na.Q~eaq, D~ n~ ~he, :No.r"~ l(a.uka, ..,.all~loncl lUI~ cAred by A n ra'l ~ i.t.a. '. •

lJl lJ'.-er C~unplalot, Oilloo•Dit~,

111>4 J aoudle>e, A.nw'l l'JUA oboultS be ' cifliD lo doMe latp e10011Cb Ul UW. \M

Unr u4 bowelt, a...S «mo,.. -"~ AI a ~1111 m.dlc1De lA IW Spr{q. th­Piu.a a:o ooequ llllfl.

l "Oor•u., c:.>UK<l by a morbid ~tloo of tho bowe~. azo upolled by thno Pu .....

ErupUoa o, Bkb> D t.......,o, aod Pll.,.. tbo ;otGit ot Ladli;•tloA or CoJlollpal.lou, ..-. cured by the UM of A vaa·a I' lL..., ,i'o r Col•l•, we A\' ltR'I P 11.1.11 10 o tho porct, r ciUOYO loll&=ry tOCrDt:oa .. IJIJ alL>y t bu lner.

}'or DlanhGoa an" Drnntr,.,., c.>~ by ocd.U:> col<l.l, lc41pa1Jblo !0<1<1, • "'·• .a. \'U'I l'U.tA aro tho U QO «modJ.

R b<ilumallow, Ooat, NoaroJcta, ao4 &IALiao,ort~u ,., I rom tllieatl•• .JcRI~;o­ZMDI, O< "'lob, aod <! on remotr1n1 t ho c:oo.tO by lbo OM of A ~-ca·a I'IUA.

Tuworo, Dropey, K ldu"7 Complalnto, N><l o tber dt.:orMro ca\lled by dcblllt7 or obo~-u.:'.Jon, aro curo.J by .\ n:n'l l'tl.t.L

6DI>I're .. ton. aod Palutul IUcn•u-u .. Uou. b~<e a o.'l!o a!>d. ready ~m«<J' to

AYE R'S PI.LLS. }~ dlro<tlon~, In n...-io1u w;ua.,., a.o­

oo:DJWSY c:oc_b pr.tb;~.

• J'1l&r.&.aro aT

Dr.I. O.Ayor&Co.,Loweli,Mats; Sold by all Df111;111U,

'l'lJ<.'S. !II' MUHDO &. Co .• \\'bolc~:tlo Agent, St. J ohn'a.

500,000 White Sewing Machines


Tho ro~chnnieal couatrnction of tho \\' lllTE ~mborli~• moro iwprovetnerHI! t hM !lny otu~r llt3kc. a ral from tbc timu or Ita iutrodnctiou tb~ro hu I; ceo oo check t{l ita p rO(;TC3S.

1\EW Ull'RO \' E:\1 t::-NTS. X I::W A'i'TACUllE~l'S

!'O l 'l: I..\U EVERYWII EH

~~ . '\ . .. \1


T il E St:C E' Of' T ilE AG!::. --- · ~· \ It partr"'~ 1h11 follo" ii'!Y :ul~:~utr-:

o•·cr ~u oth~r tic" in:; ~bobinN-'¥:io~ 1111-jt.,hble in all iu p:~rct no!l h;wiog ev.·ry part fitt ed with t mJlOred at~cl buahing, 10 t1tllt nil lo!l rnollon, inciilent to looJ,!, and contiouud w~•r, cl.~o b11~t.akon up ':~gain b}' t bc •itnple turn of A tcrcw. ~ •

~lUI l.ho boat ShutUo, bu~ A u to· mn\.ic Bobbid' WindOT, bolt F'eod Do­vice , Simple1t in Throilding, l'aten t Fly Wh.ool Clutch, Dolt Sb.l1\i.og D ovico, beet Se~ot AttaclnnoniA, ot.c.y etA,, " ;:

'I'h11 latHt ltnpro•·omeots are t ill! !'i"~•w Stitch" r«!~tllltor and 'l'il>r:airr .uaed, fo} lln~idin~t Call ""tl OlU\IDine.

C. I U110l\".-&tra~ af c:¥ap U.itflli(,p oj IM" U/tl St!Jll lJ!/,i•c" 14id to ~ fPtJ•lita­tion oft~ " / nrJorOOtd II' .lilt."

Hand :\laclttuu, Wrin~;ort, W Mhios: ~bc:binu. Pleatcrt, Oil , l'eedles. Shutt\( .. t: lc., ltcpL couttaotly oo Laud. Uep4lnog Attended to.

J. D. FULLERTON, .\ gent fur th<l \\'hite ·c .. in~ ~11cbi nc Co.

ror :'\ uwroulldlftnd. Dock worth Sc, cor. Hcclt'a Cuvo, St.John'• ·

Juoe t3

FANCY GOODS Just noJeivl'd lit

l he Fancy and Toy Bazaar l;it>t<>rin Strut,

W iro Flower Il4.aketa, Flo,..•or P ot Expnndol'll-.-all colort

R oso Sh.ield1, · " Gordon" Sto.r Shield

Gold and S ilken Sh.avings,

and a IMGO ILI!Orlmt~t of ~ •

-FANCY ARTICLES.-~r .. 1:;o

TR..A:.IN" -ro-·


Page 4: •1 - Memorial University of · aho ~IC"" o~erhAulinq ~b4t American rcpre ... work ID bia Uno wiLb

• 14isccllany. __.........._ ... , __ ~.. . ,. t

Dr. Bolao:a to U. BWa4.

11•e foll~lrin~: d ... u;4on lu\3 bet'n ' ez. rr•·, writ~n hy llr Oliver W'lltHI~Il Jlu1Qll8 foil' a good-eiw.,J YOIOine of eelte-­liona from bioa poetical wotkll, which ie 1'001\ &sa. ~ ien.d bTlllt HollO& u~oriAI r~r Ute P«li ... lu.tlilnte anti ~-A· cllu•h• Sdaool ror tlte UHaol In B.>IIOU. Many or lho poencal pear'•. in«'lntlod ia it laan Wen nl.lcled bf t\a aatbor ll<.woelf ; n..~ lriendll, da!t;ll11g It> Moo lnot~r edlpH ThAI ••II• lla• nnnnflay-1"" •ll .. ao In!-""' I~ A .... IDf!hl tlu .. rlt1~1.,., ........ fto><l w......_ ou.._ - -t.Hog, •nMI-, t...lplou, ~ .. -

1'hle wr ... llo. t\1 ,._ hn .. tlo..., 1 •.:f• r ynu 1'o "'"""' llko fj"let•'• cbol""" otlhe oro duo1 ,.,.. ~- •olal ItA )IIOWIIIj: t.Ja oro OU,._ b1toll t .... ~ "'•11111•• aw...-.melllhlt no ..... I No,., tho., I ....... I brin~r >"'": •• Uuolr.lolrtb L;(•'t~lowMblne ....--! Jhe (ltal<1ful;.orlh;

•If oay .. ~ lo'7boo ... Jroo~1eot ..,llloldld 11Hd1, .And llo~e •noill...., v.oa IIJ!hl on •uqw-'tl .thuoo•« 111e( rrowoho, r..mtmbcor .Uti l:'nn1 ea .... nl ~ auJ ool oJ bum•o .wilt.; w,. ICOI • J•n-hol( J>Oie wbon m""l vo try. , .,..,, olrltu 11!01 o~~,.,.,t vo k~~<~• nut how or •hr. Our otatc!ly ""orae \Yilh too u1nrlug arl O h otoenthuvw ond !alt. to ,..,.cb tho hotrl, Wtollo th .. rode rh•m• one lluouan tlorob ouoloort 'l'urb• JCtkl 10 111J1 .. OUJd IOito ... mirth 10 lc:.l'll.

Klndeet o! .... ttl,.. r• "'"'* Onrre r ood, l-'rUU> Noturo'l!l......,u luorn tbo IJO"o'a Cfood ; ·rhe qno- nl{. tulip flAunt• In robooJ of ftt.m~. Tbe war• '• e -.Jllug - rcu a tlntft" J' rlahn, Y eL n>oy 1 bo lowll,.t t,..ft•tt t lvot uolut.l A oJe;•~ ·!)to,l' t,r, {l\>lll b ... t\111 .. OWD ~W.IIcc bolo!.

7t Mo.y bo Your Turn Nox~.

oaaiol M•urice. iolnrupting her thou,~:hta. ·What -became or you when you fled from homo? ·W ho received you? Woro 7011 1l10DO ·~I

Elsiuc Ahuliolcrcd.



, A wiod, rrHb aDd lOft. WU• plaJI"« aiDOnf IH ~ boache. aacl lo the pial• below , hide ol ,ellow .aiq 1lowH Ia •e d7ii1C lip&. . 'l" n1 a dbpaw a~~~olilf tltree lecll•

.. to wbiola bad &be _, ~a&if•l wd. Oae IIi bJ a .U.. and dapptlcllter balld toto dae water aad held h ap ; aootloer plolttcl etrawberrfee !~,nUl u..·'eada or her IUI'IftB were plot; t.Ucl aooh ~·red yiolftl aatll ti•r lau .. WeN f~··' Ao old. Md8td ,..,.. ' JIAI'!nl. 111 Mhd,

lu 111ob aa "buci•l bool' M•riee mad• w. -r-'oo, u ~ .. to &be lilw•lac ..,. or 11ft wllo eolnl7lo•ecl w.. ·

• Elaloe,' he falwNCI-• 5ieieti, fOil eao­ao& eq eo& ..WII .,.U., I , laa RN 10• laan uo au.piolou of wlla& lam &~~eu• ~ _,_ &o .fOil t' h

• No; "' .q ~ telle ... alia& il taD bt oo&blq "" 011~ 1'

•Ia h ool 1IDWOrtb7to d-'n f. • C,"lrcaiiM&aaotl' alttr ""' &ba&; llaorioo.

NotlYM olaaop the • ..,n~a ol oar aotlooe eo pull}. Ho• oari 700 rear to tell - aoy­tbloa t Sboold I ahrlak rtom coolldiA& aught &o JOIIr

•! bopt oot I' he aaawered. • llipMl.,. .\biG: ebe eol.rtlled ; • thia

tlleoce ,.U. .111.1, llaorioo.' .•!o oue IIIOJliiD& 701 eball , lroow all,

dear ort. 1 batt prepaced f.OIIW aomt­tblnll uoezpec&td ?-for a eGrpriM ?'

• Yre, y .. , Maofice r I \V 0 JlaJO both Of Ql l1ad lo tpe&Jc O(

Drooldleld lo tbiJ l11ter•l•w. My ex-

flaoau.oo io•olnt IDOibGr DltDUoD of bicu. n b~e wild e.,om- to eeouN you ror

(1\ltered)-' it will not bo a loog eepara- bll oyo be beoame eelOeb, drirlo~o to

ti~n\·v' hn' ble .. ~l word• !' bo marmurcd, d.tepaic. ~}noe Ulat hour ht bu me a · • -· more thougbtfgl mao, Md lua t~r to

fold1ng her in hi1 IU'UII. . hno bl.e OJrD wer, for be 1uhred, J OII • I 1110 conlidcnt bccnuae I lm•o ground• ~oot &bUlk bow lllllcb in ID.Wla 70u, £!.

for ~cnrity.' 8bc uid, " momoot later, aioa.'

~ ''" ~llef••mt a !Iff&, rol'' 'l iuo '"''" .&.1~-da~,deoied ber: bur uodltr '!boa& Dear, 11Dwaibed Ia tlae etTtaw,· aalalatd with fnai'- llllldomed wltb ' ftowert, P" btra llwe &ilL, ud eetlall.d 'the poor wo-111&11. Alld tbaa lbt aaltecllbe•o •~~a& wu tbt dllpute, end tiler told btr, aDd lllted up. beFore ber \belr beautirol

' lwlde. • Bealllilul, iudt!ed,' eald cbe •he abe I&W them. Dol wben they rwked ller wblob •u &lae m<MK beautlflll, 1he Mid- · • h ia uol tllo band &bat ia wubed a leao iu the broclc, It Ia oot the hand lba.t ie' tipped w.ida r•d, h ia aol the baod tliat \a gar­laulk4 »'ith ~~~ f!o)ll'era, bu&. tlte baud tba& gi.ree .til th,a ~ i.a the IPO.t IM:auti· (Ill.' At alto aid ltleae •.orcla .bet wrio­klet fted,ber wu tbrll•a &J""t',aott abo atood lAlore them an an~t•l rro.w, with outhoritt lo dtoide tho iiiMUO.D .iu dlapott. Aod !bat dftc.i.IA baa~ Lite IM& ol a ll l.ifJle.-Mrrrg EnglaNd.

' :rake Oare o! YoW'8ol! ,

Jutf%rn nnt tNJ ha,.blr, f'L, m1 friC11cl! ltf l \im ) tlur (f!l lttW-nl(ln.

lhtt <lo••• th• ~dl of cb>rltr

' 1 dtel\\1 to think of th010 days, \hODI!h t~cy b:wo leu mo to you.' ~ho an1wcred. • Ob. llt .. urlco, you wiH uover guess wh:lt placo of eoncealUJent I aou~:bt. l riMed D!Ot {:O to London. u I fe lt auro my fhthcr ~oald tel~l(rnph Biter me. BmJ tlont l &hol}hl ho storfrcl on ltuiu~t t he railwny c.'lrrin~:c. ~Or di { dnrtl tO ltCk tbCIIJl r (ro>OI All )' Of tr•c pcoplo lirin11 In tho a.tjdininl( \'illagcf, :II' I kne,. tb•~ the ucwa o r n·.y tlu;ht wonlol trnnl there inuuctfi:ucly. ~od thnt I ahonld hnr o but one short hour-on ly ott~ hnnr. :\lnurice- iu which tu lc:l\'8 homo bt,loind me. F'or lluv l cxcusool myaelf from join · int: the lou~:e cliuncr·psrty Lha~ 1:\'cniu,: •. n L tn)' f:1thcr'e, Otl tho t·len of fnti:;ruc, I.'I)'IDJ: t lo:1L I woulol Jli t in t he IC mien to !:N the .Ur, nu.t telling my lll)itl to come to drC>!

rai&~nK he r head from hi• shoulder. ' I , Wbr apeak of him 00.,, Maarlo4 ?' feel, I b ow, llu•~ I could no t lowe rou~o t n· uked .,;taine. oocfllltdly thioltiug lloot tlr~ly if yon could bo ;:uilty of"" unworJby Moulrico'a Intimate relatiDoe whJalbo family 3 ctlou. Only lin action re3119 uuwerthy of lhe 01" 0 to •bon. ahe ., .. fOfmeriJ bo· couhl ~puato ua ; aud of lb~( you could trolhed had pllt hilll ill pul,leMion ot 10a1o uo l be ~:nilly.' &llcret concerning Lord Urooltlleld hilllltlr, . • WIN)tll\'C l done to m11lcc you f~l tbia wblch be bart tn declara.

' ~;.cncronll'truRt iu me, F.laiue ?' , B1!cald0,' contln'ucd Maurica, 1 bJI Ill eo · ~l t~urie!', llRvu I dono Anything tlu\t yon mucb mixed up ,it.h wbot 1 loare to aey.

ahoulol trnll me. Hut olu you trull UIC, Uo J OU okoow •bithar IJo ,..,11~. Ji;llli111.

U yoo do not talco care or yooraeiC, no ooo olee cau take C!\re or JOU A nt.! rem em· bar onu tbiJJg, nobodJ eao eulf11r ro~ you, aeho for s ou, bo alclt: fo r you, or dt...!or J OD. f\'nd f\!membar at..o, lb.U oo pw~u will evur 1bauk you fo r killing J OUtaelf. You 1112y • o rk, atr tt:rtelo, worry anu toil till you work !Oursell dowo to lho gn• o for olbers, ~nd they will call )'Oil & fool for doilli 10. T ake caru or JOU ... elf ; watch r our lifo, yoar llDolth, your work, aud your bii.!UII.

A b.,ut hlno If ynu ~ton. lifo t\IK"G wat mHMI • n bnn••t m-ao,

llr~•ret 41<'ra rrlol • oxoJ-u ~ toi• 111....J M l frnm JbO UMfOW WO)' ;

h "'"J' bo Tullll t~ru nu •.

r olnth·j: ft J"'n l h• ~I'J' I loi;;htrA)' A oo;fl'orlo~t ..,ul dntb llo:

Go ""'"' " Ioiii wuund~ au<l fJUool'lo b I• tblrot ~or /'"•• lolrn IJir bf.

Gnot w ll 1101 bmnl: tlo" awlft oxeuoo, 1 'hc tbouE:hllda prcLr~l,

A fl"') L' lftS tl1.: du.n t ltm.oy ba Yolt:n I urn uoxL

Yo • b...,r , ""a doy, • oin~tlo won! A gai liJit " perM)n'a untd ;

Oh. h.,.r It""' lrnm th"" to Joor, To lonhrr hurt bl~ lalllo.

II you*ro &htt V&:f, J OU clahD to bo, Jkmt tuber. tbcH1, thtt tf-xt

To •r-k no o•ll. true ur !a lao I \ II may_ be ru~:u ruro """ '

Tho world lt b ut a·rvwftb we owu, A nd mony need mol"ll light :

Y ,., wiLb I roe lor• lor t lllllO)' wQ, Relptm the .. ,.;., ol il~tL

Llrt up ll<o •lnlul • nd tho wook1 Tbo aoulo by"""" p<l rplnl, Well •oowlulf tbol 1<> drluk tbe trail

h rzay!Jo OPil turu DOXL

Orf\wing old I The puloe'o ....,...<111 K.,.,pa Itt ov•n lonor atlll :

Er• and lund nor I•P ap r l•llor, And tbo bnjn obllyt lho will ;

Oolyloylhe JObit<>ulug IIOUM, And tho d .. p,tolng wr1nklea 1014,

Y0111h bu pMMd owa7 like ••por; Priwv Ia guu•, ood I grow old.

Lo11,!>11'r l•a•bra ot rroy preoeDCO, Oar JODntc •ol""" • hl•f>9r lower,

II I clu~ Jll tjnllof by II, tb• • tro.m nl Hie r a na elowt"r,

Tbno Y~ tho rulrlh nl child ron. 1')/oqlfb I p • a !ol

WI>&& lu~c I to olo wlolo cit ''" 'fijllp J.o lplllaJ -! £TOW oi<L

Nol II) olr ead t.jlo llOOQ!y riyer T4at I 4•rank frc>IU ao nl yore :

All fliT /lnal o! loJ• oud fr l4ullolllp Oothor oo 11>. fu~r o.boro.

Wero It nol tbo boet 10 Jo•in t11M! I 1.,.,1 t.lo• b lood ruu "'Jd ;

J>r~ I bpor It uiJ 100 han.Ll7, -: 814'1d btocll lrom u•- t ou aro oloJ !''

COERCED - on,-

mo puoctnnlly 1\l none o'c!ock.' . . · • ,\ nJ in ll•mt hoar.' '""' Mnan ce, \nth

deep interu t1

' d ill yon escnpo ?' . • Yea ; in tlonL hpur. It \1':11 fnghtfnl.

( hAd hidden 1\ amnii b"!r· contl\i uing n few ~d1inge, under eomu baJ(J~I' in. our (lrouuol•. and thc ro I ahrou,lt d myedf 111 a e iMk, ~ud I,)Ut On D Witluw'e heRtl ·dre, ll. Jo1 ten lnlU •

qles I rc;1chtd tbu ~ 14Lloa. and tllo trlliu ae t me down ncar thu \' illfti:C r.l ::inlby jn111 about tbo tim~ whcu my ctftid wo-.ld bu eomillf( to tlrue me. ll .-u evening, nir;ht .,..(UI ciCNiing 1\rouod t;~O, bnl thu IUDIO uf bnill11 tt.I'Oidetl t ho urended marril\l,;ll ne rved mo to bear ftll lhi n~l. NothiniC wu so dreadful· lo me u that from which I OeJ. Ma~o~rico, do you know tho country nbout

;or homo 9 II no ~·ou p•cr becu j.Ler.u 1' . • ~cveral cimea,' uid he.

Sbo Celt bia baad tigh ten on hers, aa if with inteoao emoliou.

• ·n,e.o you kP.O't' ~elt;ray Toyera?' ·Yea, well.' • It wu there th:~t 1 pa•cd two oi;hte,

e~loue, uod,cr the open sky.' • Ob, 1111 Iota-roy owo dear lo•.o I' ' I wu uot Afraid tba ti ... t night-not

much, Maurice; but on tho next. whcu I waa ailliog io tbo old diuiug -ball, 1 waa wakened, put micJnighl. from sleep by voicu. A lot then J bll.d poly tho cjurltneec for my protect.or. For lhMO men whom I hel\rd ,.er.o witlniJ!bt robbe11. Tlllly bad broken into Lord Drooklluld'l pi~ the oigbl bosforo, nnol bftd &tolcn 101110 ti1lo ~L vbiab ~bry had oomo tbcr.c to atcreto, nou an rda mean t to lldyer~ louud, uod ao ol.!.alu ar(j.'

·You ioako ,no my Elaiue !' Mid ~L\uric . In truth, bo Reemed atrangel7 lll-'~od 11.1. t e.. rccibl or ~bit p•ot dan~ter • •

•There is oo need to fear now,' sho' id, with a emile. • lo tbo morning I fouu tlou papen1 bidden uoder aorno alonea by tho ruined chapel ; 1\nd tben, Maurice, I walk ­~d away from t bo Gray Towcra quito e&rly in tbo morn~pg. 11od wcuL on root to Fleetc, whcro I too)o: 1ho trnin to Loudon. 1 hAd aomo nioooy with me-tweotr-O,.o pouudo

to -aod I d rove to a quiet ho tel, wl!,ere I en· Conq • gaged a room for n eouplo of da1•· Th~n 1

wrot.o to my laiO betrothud, te lltog him how { bad bcCOIJIO possessed of tho papers bo· lool)iD~t to him, and eb4111inu biUl with a mllaaago to my ~pother. Ub, Alllurico, if ~ coolol bare tidil!&' p ( her l'

--o---(.:j.JAPTE!t JX.

( L~OI•/ ouccd.)

SJ!o .,_. eq~lcd. Vet, ljlldet th11 COO' tjllpt tb" •~ccecdtll bar di!DP Lroublo, lay II ~~~ c.f det:p rejlret. alao. !:!he wu no~ loi• ISm lu•o; aootb~r would 11110 filled bi• ltre bad oot !bat olllar abamcfully decoiyed blln. And &bia jofuted a drop of r~al bit­lertl- iot.o ~laioe'a fe licity.

• llo• aball [ t!.aok yon, my owo El· aiqo, lor fOifr great'ao.d ~tooeroua all'cccioo? Y oa ,,.. willing, then, to Jolo yoar lot to thai or tbe poor courier ?'

' 1\' illing ?' abo anewered. • h that :1

word to oae rbere ILo lreaeuro of tp4tWII love. ia CODCOOlCd '/'

• You o•erwhelm mo yith yoor ~:ood­nea I' .he ~ald. t1uderly. • Oh, l1ow oft• n hue I told myactr tl1at tloia day coulol llJ!Yer como for me I And now I at.,ul bore, and bold your bt~nd iu ooiuc, and ltpow t.loat wo are affianced !'

• ~be ie woll. Sho bopea for 7our re· t uro, lliiU \hat aupporll her . Your tliglo l from hom• ..... fO wueh talked of in tho neighbourhood, and of courae io I..Ady Sorly 'e faonjly, that I co~ld not bu~ boaro1aoy thin~a coocernius it,' an• Nored he, io a buaky Yoico.

• Oh Mnurico, you apc11lc confidently ; but I buo Md doubt.a abou t my deftr tnotber; Uu lAdy :)erly C\'er mentioned it to you ?'

• Coatiuu5lly, u wu antutlll. lint abc woold no' bo like ly to moot ion b.,r to you '

• No. I w•a a atnanger. Sho "ould not aupposc ths~ I hftd auy iuter~at io •ucb n oMttcr, wbilo you havo hocn ye:or by ye~r oo truated by all tho f11mity. Aod you aro oure tbat my mother is well ?'

• YC'. I do know 10 much for a cortnin· ty, llo a~ eu t, cleMoh Elaine. You aha! I IOC\n eec her. to judge for yonr11elf.'

• II ow will bo th3t po!lliblc ?' cried aha. ' J \VII! onannsu it. 'l'rnll tO cnc beiO\'Cd.

Ooly tell mo tho r~at or your atory.

ll t.'Vurthrloll.~ • alter Pll became a wauderllr ror your --h ? • Fnlly, ' ho anawcrccl, with deep ftOlin~r. Do JJU ltouw wlat rt he ia at tbia IJI.OlljQu~ 7' • Wdl tell me this tlrc,.d lul arcret ! ' aho Sbo aigbod, aod a puNIIJC 01pre:a.iou of

conlloucol, lh•lotly. 'A nd , )\lAurice,'- reg retful ·pitJ came iuto her eouuteQAI\Qa. (<'h:~ns:lu~ heo C3releP-O, h• r•py tono to one , In IOmo far·otr laud, 1 fear!' ehe re· uf ~nxicty)-' te ll me al•o n lilllu ~>bout btr plie4 ; , buLl L..are ia YIUO lri..J to di.tcovur ,.r.0 dcc~i,·ed you . W:13 abc-bclluti· wllcre.' rut ?' • 1 C'\0 tell JOU wberol liD iJ I' c rie·l

' Adorllbly 10 !' ~lnurice, bia ,oico br11akiDIC aod falterins;. ~ho shmuk hack n little, diMlnyed tbat . F.leino, 11. 1.1 bcr.e buido you .oowl 1 am

bu 8t i! l thongbL o/tbis forgotten love. Urooltlleld !' 1 \\'aa tho li~y fixcJ fo r )i<Jilr o::IOrriRg~ ?' Apu ~~~ foil OU hie kn .. l ~J. IJAir, • fl Willi. All W:\8 Rrrt\ll!.: t d . All 8C<UI · (OO~lli,UOEI> Ill OUll NUT ]

r •l ; btolutely euru when tho l.low fell. Elaine, I cnn ne,·er tdl yo11 wh~t I ""(. fcrcd in thoso llrtt< tl't~menUI of desolation !'

Sbc ahr:wk" httle furthe r from him. M

&b e Mkcd. • llt~d abo poaitiou ?-" for . tnnu ? l'crbnps ah,e wu IOUlu lady witt. ll-hom your daily dntiea tbrew you i11to contact '( For you b:~vo trnclled much, M; uricc, aod lived mucll with cultured peo­ple. I sao.'

• Yon 1\tO ri~:bt In 1bio~in~: lbll.l. I ,camo in contact witlo her In tho course o r a17 O\'cry·dRy doings. Y ca, a!lu waa a lt~dy well-born, but po.1t rich; 1111d abe ,c:ouaeot,.!J to marry m:, ~ud J placud all IllY hopes on ber.'

' Dcac~ibo bcr :1 liulo, pi~. Maurico.' eaiu Eltiuo, e.-.dly.

• How can I deeeribo tbat wbicb 1M iaue­acrib.enble ?' replied he. • IS" r l!c;uty took " lhoouod div:nu c:hatcll, (rtfh ,:oacee, •• each day rolled on. Can aw:b iut.&R~;iblo tiling:~ ba painted in •orda ?'

flo epoko •itb a fervot~r ,..bich alike painj)tl aod lllloniabed ber. ·

• Where is abo oow, Maurica ? h ahe ali1o ? IJo 70u o~er aee her 1'

• 1 do fCO ber-110opotiloee of lllto.l • h abo b•ppy ?' • I hope 10. l ainccrely bop.o 10 l' • Is sbe. lheo. tuarrio-1 ?' • !So; abo ieyl!t uooparriccJ.' • Oh, Maurice l h<U eh.o forgotten Y"" ?' • You uao the word • for~,:oueo.' Eleioo,

but you miall\h. Sbo did not lore roo~, tbou~:h eho cooacntcd to bo my •if e.'

·And you toeou ebo bu loaroed to lo•o you aioce ?' .

• Hen cn ~; rant it!' ho cj~culated. o re11arded bim witll aad utooiah­

ment. • Yon o!Ter-me-.~lf lore, Maoriee. aod

you can a.-.y l lo .. tl (;!a~ ba possibl., t hat ..JYU d,eairo a mean teUil!;e·?'

• r\o. no I' ho cricd. in a choked flrico. • .Juat lii),W,' cootinuod .,;Iaine, 'you uid

that you boped abo mi11ht be happy. Jlow can you, then, wiab tblll abo altoulu love yon!'

Athwart hia dark face flew a eriml(lD tidu ; and bo beld t bo bCUlda of bia batrotb· td ·.,.iuhtly.

' lt doca scorn lib " contradiction, deu­eat; but you w11l not alwaya tblok ao.'

Thou. u i! bo 11rugglod fo r calmer epeech. • Lot fl'IO make m7 coofetlllioo to you Let mo ~I you lbat which 1 bno kept eecrc t--o( wbicb I even Uj)w tremble to apeak.'

• One moment, Maorico,' abe. f•l~red, her voico breaking with coming tears. • For)!ivu roo fo r ukin~ you one moro quution eouceroing tb11 lady you once loY· cd! Whot 'I'IM her name ?'

' II or name. ruy El1ioo ! Thd I 'Wtll t~ll you prl'$catly, after I b~yo ~ado fJlY confeaaioo.'

• Hut. \thy not now?' ' llcct.uau, ,.heu ono haa 10 fllueb a~

atnko, when ooo reela eo much, amall thiop uccomc fo ronitlablo,' be aoaworetl.

st. .. ci~;hed .

Sl!:IJIO~I9NS J'Q~ ·. L4J)~S. -o--.-

S•ettll,.eu •ud 111bmtl8ioc •ro tbe moat poweriot weapooa of womoa.

llowenr lon~t , womao'a letter mat be. abo alwa71 putt bet but thou.:btat tho cod.

[ am ofte11 eorryfor paopl..o wbo Jpee balf \heir I'J)IIible good th., wo>rld b1 baing UJorp alin lo deftd &b.NJ 10 poliiJ\'t ~Tite.-(/forgt 1$/iiJ/,

. A woman oo~th& iii oxbibit great lj:lod.atr u to ber luminJC. anll to eoueul ic care, full7, abo'v• all froto otlu~t •oooen, when ahu knowa IODiet)liujl of tbey arc ij~uor· aRL-JJI/-. 1/4 1'~11¥· --' tolerablr atronw dj,ct)Ctioo ol green tea ia au t~celloNt .,...u lor black lace. Uruab 1bo du» lrQIIl the lUll with a 10ft bruah 11nd epc.oge It oaraf11ll1 •ilh t~JI tea. ~pread it ouL JCOoily aud kQu iJ wllh a bot irpJJ bJ4 wnu lbo '•R ,l.oJIIJ,

• ' T --

'f'bo up ahaped like • !lof'lll&lldY 6111Jr· !LID 'e bon11tl de MOll ja & oonlty boTO O( tloe hour. & 4111 IJ;jo 11ew Jlrirn~eucs gow111, moul4-.d IJao:tlr to U1p ~~~urto by vertical loi<U or t11eka, and 'f'iLl•out tTion· miD It of a or lOft ~0 alteDU4Ui Jltelr peeuli• arity. That 10metbho1t 'fill ooope or tbe. dreuea i• prob.,ble. but ro, 41• PIIIICjl t~e' aro oaly eceentricititl.

Dtouao waiatt. lfltb their bllQIId 'lmpe aod raocy trlmminge, bue ~n 1be n1eaua o ( aiCaio briogio11 into fub ion large em· broidered coll11re. 'Ibiae are executed io Veoellao ambroldery, aod baYing lhe aamo charm u real po1ot, tjley ooly require a pMilY abape lo be oot ooly an e iub..tlitb· ft!C nt to a mo1niua dreae, but are al10 auit· abt. for enoioa •ear. 1

Everyooe will make hia owo obec"aUooa oo me• u be ' llo\Ja they act towar'da billl• aotr. We are ooL all thAt •e oogbt to be. AI eaeb ooe lifee, loa learoa what ie • aut­log in others. We eee their litll~oeu ... aod lbelr defectt baYe a larger place io the oompoalt.ina or tbblr oatare &baa lbe more glanog ft.alte U.t are ob•io11.1 to all tbe world.

M1n7 of tbe aatumo wrape are of bro­caded 4tamloo, made our a louud&Uoo of ailk and edaed witb a ailk rucbiog, ... bicb may be h11d j~t'\bo new ar.Ho. wood, and twioo abade~. 'fbi'l preuy rlacbe 1.1 eotirely compoeed of fra7ed aoda of aillt: braid o r about balf-an-iocb In width eewo on to the liniDI' haole, 11nd wbllo bciog a doreble lrlmmiog. It I• really ury e.lfect.iye.

''l' bau alo•lt lovo IJ1y oei~:hbor a.t thy· acll,' aud if 70u do oot lo•c y .. urlt!lf. bo\0' are )'Ou to lure yoo~r neh:b!Mir ? • \"" ato not yor.r owu, f" 1 .. ..: bou~tht with a price.' Your bndiea ara to ba preaeut.!d to Uod 1\S a li'iug Mcntic.o. Oo•J wuuld aot Gnccpl tho .l}P'~blind , th11 m1ioocd, at tho hanctt of hie peopto ; will IJu ~ecepl your boi as a li•iog Mcrillae, if, t6rougb your ow fault. your life ia iujttrtd Auu your p eical coctRiM ara im('lireol ? 'Take IJeed r..o. IA!J~<I/.' ie a diYioo command : let (.;hrillialll lcaro to qbc(T it.-CbrUiio• &fc· guard.


. ... . . ' · .: . - · -~~-


PILLS. ·~c~~!_~ · Best Purgative Medicine eve CoDitlp&Uon, IDd~. J!,&Dd

aiiiJilloua l>loonl<on. ~ sr- ..,.rr-taen. .1.111'1171 nUablo. •

THOS. M'MUitDO & Co . • Wboloealo Al!ente, SL Jobo'a • Hut. M:autic~.' ahe a.\id. softly, " Ite r n

pa"rooe. • 1 want lo tell you n littlo u.uro ~ ne1er made Lord Hoo. kOe:d l>clievo that J lu~t!U bitn. I have uo t tbat wrong IC' chn rjlo UIJio!lf with . llo aald th~t lo•o would couoe, ADd all bp JIJiked or we w~ to f,l,s hia w1fe.' ' r

• llopr fello• I' anawored l\Jaarloe. • tJp horriool ou the wer!Jiog-day, •nd I

f.h.t!relore cooelu.ud !bat bo wu lu tear:ao .,.i~h ouy father to a04!rct m11 to m11rry him ; an.4 I "''!" ~iUI 10 oo acooaot or bit wul1111r·a illoaa. tba~ I hlld qo j;h~nco of!ll 1117 prrcooceivod opiuioq. If I caoa­ed hi"' JIAII!, •• 1 fear oow that I did- if I judged bho h•ttlly. I am truly ao~;lor IIi. or couoa,, Ito •ill luaru f.O ( ~:er. p:~e. J'eople no~Pf lor¥•f whon J el lore· i• l>ner r,o1urued. >ou'l you llllult ao, lburleu 1' , •

• from tho borol I run.lo 11 abort cxcnr­eion iulo tllo conutry, cu purpoau to post my lett~r, and lhl\t it mi,llt he ~upposed that 1 was atill nqt too far fr'ltll bbtlle. ThaL 131110 c,·ening I ODj!at:etl 11 lodgins. nod ooxt dny left tbe ho t, l. And no ... J eeL abool llndiug e•nploymor.t in good eot­oeat, 11nd juH when hoi'Cl ltaell aeem~ gooe, 1 ,.a, cogRifOI1 to make op flower& at a faaltiouablo 1uillioer'a, who liked wy lip·· purnnec, aud a.'id it would ~II II'Oil for her ho111o. I •All tp ~'I'O her all my limo lor aix mqotbe, auol to r pccoro no paymc nL in mouey. l>o 7011 koo'"' that it ,.. .. t hero tbll~ J.ady Serly ~ • Aod J!IJilUCc$ fPC 7 Ou that amall clo.npp hung my fucuro life ­UIJ future life •nd 1117 preeeaL bappioca 11

1, • ¥d r;ioJ l')lo e}lhoe<J ~olemal!.

• Let mo ~~ay wh:~l you \iii II bo troubled at, but wloicb 1 cannot belp Ayin(j. ~IMHico ; for it \Voul.l be fris:btfnl if JOU married me. 1\ntl tliac.,Yorotl. too late, tbat you luvo•i her beet! Ml\urico. 18 tb11t0 llt•Y love for her atilt in your heart, 11 tho d~epeat fooling you poaa~:ea ? II ao, it would bo leae pain to 01 both to p11rL now and for ewer '

' )jut lba\ ·woold In II mo I' ho e rled1 par: eionat.ely.

' Then you will qot loll.: bael.: regret, rally ?'

'Nnor.'if r win you I'

Great dltcreUoa •ill t.e aooded br &bo .,~,.rors of bori&o.olal atripe8. 'fbey are beeomla''"' '''7 1&11 eud aleoder 6gurc'e, but wbeo adoptecLbr ladlaa or medl11ro or ot low atelure lhay are apL to lflYe lbo ap­~tanco of a buret, ao effect which cao ootr llp- reiJiodied 'by lbe draperltl or tho too to faltloiJ orer and ot.llter&UJllr the llace in part1, 10 that they are aeon in their roll exteut, rruua tho •ala~ w tbe ode•·

To reoonte black a&Lio, ,apoolf' I& oo the rl~:ht aide with •jllrllf gr • Ill• dilated with a Httlll, aucl of ooorae atroklo~ It lbe •AT or tbt oap aod oo~ acroee ll ; tflen iron it wl•ilo tllll damp oa &be wroo~ tldt11teep­iolf tOme IJI~•lill oo both elde~ of iL An· otbor plao Ia tom~ .. ,ll ~aether • oa. each of aoh eoap aod laoce7, th. •hlte of an •Ill( •elllleateo, aod a wioegt .. or aio. Wiua Uti• ml11.&or• *"' the article wj&b • rather ,ti4-bLoeiJ UaoroAghl7 ; w1t1o It loob qaiw coo, noae I' Ia oold -"r 1 do oo&, wriog it, bu~ j11t& pr.a oat u. 111a,ta or tilt. wel wiLb 7oor pao, P4 lh•• baoa ihp todralo. 1'ah care oot &o I•' I& dry, bu' irop'i~ a, h,tforp wbil' ~aU~ ~p.

• l do not think that ho cocld ner forget J011 f .U.Wjlrctd l.Jaurice, in A fOiC9~ &!JIO • LIUO

• 0~, don't ..,, eo, Maurice Wh7 abool4 YIIIJ fAT lilt 7 lt ia l&d to feel that o,.. !. ~·e .. u~~eur 1110tber• lutloa ool•ap­pint~~a'

• ' [ wonld not matte 700 anhappy. dear­"' I a., I joadp tb'-!Ar.t Urocklleld by ... ,....,. Ktoo wl"'f lb .. I could Ueter ror­•• t ytt". f tfo oct~ .;.lr!k floe will do ao. •

•·MIIUinC!41.' "'•• Mid, • roa did forget­U..$ ?'

• I ehall HYer fo'll"• !I'* f be rer-t.efl. f8tY,.."Y· •1'o d~ ~~. l IliUM clJ&up tlll (l _,......banK!'

•n..11 01111• opr I• !If the tlriD oon•iction tlla& ebe •aa aJI h' Ill to hha tiOY, loo•enr. ,.. •bolp lop luul lvYII.i rorwerlr bad ooc:. -~ ltl, htoWL

• A~ ca..a alto.ld be .-alo,' •b~~" tolol .....,. • I- an~t~lp 111 aalting lor I!IOfll. J flallllll& IIHP loa•• Lhe joy of bo•hllf •,..U hi. only I •e. J,e1 tnll b. aMakfaJ I« u... crq. dtr ., wll~~ I. ell ., .... ...,, Wid,~ &llooJIII . ... 11 ~ ...,.., ••k4 -·~~ ... ........ ; ~·~~at aay 01 ..,__porrc • 411u.twt.IA b'•= ........... loci. t I ., ,...,._ eo ~~qr, ••·• r

E laine drew l\o inteDIII' relief, thro,.ing off io thal moment a ll lfngerln~: doubts 11 to his beat alfeatlon beln~ reall7 her own aL laet. :::ibo bad hilt aatoraoce. aud to doub~ now would bl) treuon to him. ~ to hor 08me eereoltr. a ebilrl-liko peace aod a~olldoneo. aud co her b~art deep joy. She amiled wltb Loetra.blo happlne11. •· .' J caD" hear G"JIAU.f uow1 Maurice,' ebe

1Aifie WIJ deeply ajlitated. · You l't'joloe, my darling. ~uae you

hare lho hhrtrett a4oretlon of aa oolt.aowo n•An I' arjtd ~e. ·'roo ,.,foted a pmod e~pblp, 41!11 llleu a poor cou.rier with roar lore.' •

' Will yo11 .,lina w hiD!. •il-U!Jer may bellde ~-•1}1 rop pardon tbu wbljlh ~oo fll•Y bi111J1e In hiaa ?-will 7110 upare ltiaa, before be opuretee~ ell to YOIJ. tb'* ~~ •b•ll IJI•kll Jllll ljtnr rqpr '''- ll'Oflt .... r

'J prOIJii1f!1 toi•JPDir: .... .,..,~, .-r~ ~t bi.., with entire trnlt.

• J.l' r.ou led rroaa BrooUeld-yoa J•~ h na hatllblt For a 1• \bin&; for, ¥lllp•. I lta,........yf4 m r • ·o~tvtd r ., . .n.a. .art~aa back. Do• btr lo11 ·,... pNPf ..,.. ~&Ilia.

• 1 cau fofllft, iad (OfDI, foo,' ala, ~4· 114, r taeloa bu huclllo lll .. • f"'4 cUd ~~~ 1fllln Brooklleld r .

' did no• 111 W.,' ,.,, IPIII1fl~rec}, fondly.

'IU.N ... a.._. 111 ... Wweu thew. '.flt• •lrrou-ooi-.H lk7 had lakeo a dHp­' ' Llat, ud IIUI••• oloadle .. leeltecl Jbe d~rhr ~JJIJ of flail ,.,pc!IIIJ beaYI~

Soaao oae 16olt,4 oyel' ~ -..... of 100 WOtlliD to leem l'hillb ... ,.. tit• fatc~ri&a. thrO.IDI Olll (..., aa.., &ffd beplq tlj• ~caret vi 04IM •bert ~".- f•ron4 JR ~· .,t,o ... , pr 4•• ._.. ctr ... pwVd. ~ I~ oft whb ~~~~~~' ia ,..,., tloeel7 Pftlh ttl br. Apoa I'- El~ '- r•lnt wh~ 11, 'lfd ra''-~fcto~ •Ida' l .. ......... &lid llaN ... R .. lr at~* ciOatift l'p • ordel' ooaiee diM eboioe or -.Het .. , II, EID-8. Llli1118, Clare7. J ... '1. LoU. e, Allot II, Car.Uae 6, Eml~arrla\ aad Floreaoe 6. 8o •pt .,. loj ao Ia draY"' fila& lila qotw 11111 1 .. ptopor·

~-'tid ~11 ·~ ~ Q' "'"' a ... er, • welf._ '" ~""" _....;..._,;;,. __ _ MaA~~ . '

M"' &~a¥ou aic1 do; · fOI' I p, oi .... Oidl

n-~=-.::~..lh ............ . -T. ~ lf«l'W'f·





E1~1lJjijlJSr.OB: I t r 1 •

S'EJNall t:B':EI s; E; .. ' I ,. I ' ll .j

qn •ppllp'l-~pn ·~ in the Outports._ . . Thistsa .W~cUa.!oppo~ty to those who

• r

want to buy -and ~nnot g~t to St. Johp.'s to

select. .· ..

· Furniture & Moulding Co., G 1L & d. E. A.RCRIBALD, Managers,

Show RootnS, Duckworth St.; Fnctory, Forest Rond, St. J ohn's.

Thompson's Modical HaW Now in Stock all the leading Patent Medicines. Dr. Wilson'• H orLioe Uit~A-r11 Bcnlock DI>Otl Biltor11 J uhnson'e Anodyne Linirucn~ 1\ r l•l•k • '11 Cod J .ivc t··Oil nncl M Alt T~tmar fndlcn (ro1· costi•·cnes>o) K"-'~'IIIX! of S pruce, Allo·n's L u ll); 1J .. I~n 11 1 Eno'e Mwict&lod Snjtnr (fo r 'Vorme) Ju,l~on'8 O c!d Pooint, Jndoon':~ lJuiJ J uk Onnrd's H ttir Dyr, 'l'ricophorous sf,.., itl ttu',. c,.,.,.lry l'owtle,.,. Toabcrry T ooth Puwder, C'itrntc uf Muc;ebiol, Cup •uu•: rA'zcr•h.,6 ~~no's F1·uit Snit P-:p1H·rnoi11t l.o•zt•u;:rJO. Uou~;ct· l ul~n.r;cs l'llurmy's Fluid lllagneeifl ::i'""'Y uo .. l ~luo11:'" F uut! \Vyutlo'll llcef Jron flllll Wino Sclu' l'l,'" p.,.l""t!ol C'vcooo nut Northrop&Lyruan' Di.covcry Cul t . Y•lllt J o·lly, .:\ r,. ,c'>l F.,0 41

J.J do Quinine ' Viuo C .. loncol Pine"l'l'le, l.imc J nict· K ellos:g'• A11thmll Remedy OKnncol Oy,.ten,, c .. nncJ l:'c.oclocs

J o. Co1t.1rrb S nna Wc>odill'll Hotldng PuwJer Punnru~' Pnrgativb Pil i11 Yurk11hirc Rcl i~olt Dttffy'o~ F.lixir, H op Bitters \Vorcc.~ tN shiru Snu<'o Or. W ulke r 1 Vinll~flr Bitte rs IJ, ictl !Sn vury, Do·ie<l Sa t::e U ollowlly's <.:om Cure nril ... t Minl, Ori~d 'fhyo;IO Putnaua'• C.:orn Extractor V iu' ;:"r in Butllea Uutta P ercluL looth Stopph1g Pid•~t.u'" C1yij~l Koatinl(• loaect Powtll!r C.:u lli:o un•l i\1 ilk Poutu Outt.A Puroha ' l'iaauo, c)iteJ l:iillc Co.~eoo1 ou10l Milk tlo Nortluop k l,yruao'll Emn1~ion Ro th ,k Cull. Hut l'uHto Ayer'e t!:trcat'"rill", Pntner'11 Emulsion Jl~~rrup11 LnHJn G luzc, S J1irit F'lnd:w

du C.:borry PuowrAI Jnf:tn&.. IJ ,.j,. Jlrnshu, Clulloell l:lrn~ltr3 Pieroo'tt. Uohlon Me.licul Disco,.e1y N .. il n tul Tuotb do. ShHinf( tlo.

tlo P nr!t'ltivc P tsllot ll n .. ir r:ru~hc~, Cu~m~tit1 u c du N..-1 luieotore Dretslll!; Co rnt•11, F. 'f Corui.Jn

W~ttort•roofNu111ir~ Apron11 Wux Tapers, Souellinc; Dotllcll do SJI<1111(11 B•lB Rimu1ull'~ L ime Juico .k Gl rcerine

F ellow•' Oowpound Syrup rio. T oilet Vuwgar • l'lltriah'a do do Aolahi'Jlch l'lulo PowoiC'r Steedman's T eeU•Iog Powr.l11t11 Uoncc ntnotcol L1P, Sc-entf'cl Soap11 Etuhher 'l'nhin~ for Pt"er.l n111 Mixed P uints- ir, llh T in• Ayc r'l H~tir ViS(lr, 811y Hnm, Sif'oiD~ , Dalh T'ip" Allnn'll ll11i r !Uatorer,C hilol 'tl Tnlll l'8 Ht d ""'' Y Olllow Oclort', D " '"" ' ,.nr nioh A.clult.11' Tru-. 'Mi001r.:•a Liniouont llo·~tt lo:uglish Cotml y,., .. ;.,I,-1 C:~ol T in:t Caivt~r~'a C•rl,nllo So.p, Pul!er'a .&crtl• l::i,~tlinwood ' tnin, Wnl:t n t 8111i n, Wrigllt'a Uo!eruwntod Wino ~ M .. boc;uny do. Uuk do.

Always on h'nnd n lnrgc Stock of Toilet Requisites, Perfumes, Dyes, Cigars a.n!i


9"l'crsonal attention givlm to Prescriptions and nccur· ntcly prepared with pure drugs.



,. .

HOtLe>WAY' S ·

E en ·-~ E :::s <1)

.J:: 0:

en s... <1) - - ·---

Pills & Ointment · 8 -o-

Purit.y o! Blood enontial tD Boaltb 8U'OD~, and Long ~ •

r----------------, ~,T H E p I L L s.. I

ALSO C,ulti:!:S

Soatien. Nourt1lgia, Hel\dache , :r:arncl.c. T oolheebo. Cramp,, Bruiau, ~praiios, Oongba, Cold•. Quinacy, E ryaipcl111, t:olio Croup or Rattlea,Hoaraeneaa, Burns. llrou chitis, Nnmbneas ol tho Limb., r~m ,1·ius: Ilandrnff'Rod r rodocing the t.:rOwth oC thu IJair, 1\n~ aa 1 Uair J>rcaaiug Is uucqualleu

$500.00 Reward

aurpass all other 1tledlcinoa for Purity ing Llto Hlood ; they aro uai1aLlo for all ae a domestic 11nd houaeho!J remcd1 for a ll <t.iJaordera of thu STOlltACH, LLVF.R, KIDNRYS An<' BOWELS. In Cong-oa~inn anrl Obel.ruotioua o l evcfJ kind thty qolokly romove Lhe ceuee, and . oll'ered lor" bettor artiJlt, or the Proprie · in ootULipetion and ttieordered condition. tcvw of-an7 remedj abowlng 1uoro Tuttmo· of tho Bowele they act aa a clc'inaiog \ ul11li or ~rennine ourea or tbo 1\bo,·o di.acues

1 rieot ' lo the 1ftne lt DJ!lh of time. 'l'her~ is ao· peF Debili&.ated COiliLitutiona and all I bing li\., ,i t when taken internally ror

or • Crarupe, Co'io. Croup. Colda. Coughs, F ama1o thoee P11l1 are •11•0 ' f'learlsy. Hoarscn~N aud Sore fhroal . Jt eur11UIO.l-Lhoy oorre.:talllrregttlantleto ill perfectly haNnlt-11. anrl c.u bo gh'en ac­antl Wei.kneeaee from .,hatenr Ot.UIIt- cordial! to d irectioua without any iujury

THE.~5 1-NH.JI F"NT: --- - -- -- - - --


Mlnard'e Linimenl ie for ulo b7 all Dmpi•tland Dealen. Price 26 Mota.

atanda aarinlled for ~he ~i~y h d• pla711 iA relieYiog, beating, 'hor 11..:' ~ 1. fi ~ oqhly oarlug the mo.• in,.~~ra&o &"" ~-,e ~ar-,or t!JSrau ~ttmbnrb kad Uloon, ~&nd in~ ol BAD LEOS, -Ull _

BAD BREABTR, OLD WOUNDS, CONCEPTJON Bill' .tDYER'lJSER. Oou., Bbea..U.m, and all Sktn cl~ , euee. i' ..-.. .. a oh•rm. JS printi!d ""d pobliahed nery SAn:a-llaJutC.Ctured only •• Proee.or BoLt.o- ».&Y momin~ by J : F lluNN at tbu '' wA'I"I B.&ablitb~~M~q&, I,Scudard~' Olllee, Watt.- Sll'\!et, reAr or ·

IJSS, OXJ!ORD STREET, LONDON, M-. Q.lotla'e lbop, Uarbor G raco ~d aold 1.~ b. lid., 211. 9cf.J 4v. '6., 1 h., .Nt~wfoaa~lao~ ~Sf., aod SS.. eac:b Box and Pot, •nd \n TEilks-Twea&J eblllloa• per aonu-~y-Oaoada •' 56 0011ta, 00 oen .. , an.) 81.1lQ able halr-)'Mfly. oen&a, and U..IU'I'" alxa ro proportion. nua ~·rIa ani illaed &o 1117 nbaoriber

a::roAftiOir -r la&n ao A.-a\ ID • ror a •- t.ar111 u. .. ~~z aaooU.e. .a. Vlllleei--.DonreJ87111d'ol.- 'Dua roa A.ll'fUTUUIO.:.Fira~IDMrtJon.­.al4t.llen. ~-1114---wloa• ror &bNtiiMa Cbre9i.r ll])e) h ., ror ook 1o oa \Ql'oU ud-... nii'J ..Sdldooal Gae Sd. For taeb coa-U tile..._. Ia aaot 1181,, llaoa&IC!D oa .. &lalrd oftle lint oltarge. ' 1 ';:-T!4f ~· ll.ld )f~ cr•dftrtilllll"ta reeefftd at tbe omec ef

' !..1-.. = ell •- nu.;.ft uad -'- &bit paper witlaoa' wriUea l~truot.foM -"" ~ aa 'f- t .._, llaliUae \Ita aam'ber o( ioeertiona. (Auc-u Willa · 'I t iooa, Salet aad Notlcea whlllb deternioo

I 8.,_, TBOIL\8 lfO~LOWA Y • thtiDMlna ucep .. d) 'Will be repeated , 613, O:dord S..... LoadoD, } · uolil Ol'dtred lo ,.riij111 to be with

l)eo.l8, l880 ' • t"'dnwQ.