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\ ( ·,I '\ \ i \ I .. ( \ CAl WASH- ...... 5th Satuod.r\ 10-4 p.JIL . $2M STAR fARM ........... au. ....... -- , ............... . ' .... .._ .. .... .... --.-c:wa ... - - \ ' - - m._-du:-al o&D('PS. A.uum1ng that the- eny :Mm :10 :lOftin&'"' would tpqu1rt'd for any ,u.ortf'd u.w but .ttu- d.os <>r :nc lu*d not on ty tMy •ould bor- eompat1bl• •1th ot.her l)ut bfoeaaw t.Jw.y would 11•ld mcol!l' to U'l part l'utun- 'oPf'r•t:n• eost• Tlw staff •!':&lyz.rd 1at•nor Cl[tl'rtQI' Sl)!Kit lbofose "'row ttw- ava.ilal»ilitY . tfttoo •1th a at'f'&. '1(1'\JrturtJ that Ml&ht Dr to aceomlllodat• Uw w•- f'rai uaH '.net •n•f"C1 ("'ft5UIIlpti.on &lid oUwr op.rrat.nk rOAt ron."ld rorat.ons. 'nw .rtvd)' lwilt wrn tlw • 1 to draw up and•nwnt plans to &('(IUI'f"P thP - . I Coocr\ot•olat><"" to· Paul Daaiel ... ._., '""' of )l(r Jln. Al- ol Ridcfl '.RD.d. wbo waa to the Last at "'" ot NonJit tD [lfi:atuo!' Cool-- ol W:r. 1 , lfn. J- of B<alooaod Vii· '-P- ,llololl .. was ooled!'d by bor K.boot. Rl*aina H.P to a 1100 award annu- ally by ttMo Pnnc:-1' l11f•1::1i· <a! Soci<ty to "" •nwr p)anftU'Ig a ca.t'ftr ··l Jet.M '¥111 Ktldy Urslftl Uus fall at WhHhnc CoJ e. Kanne Pfc )(ark T. . son ol 1 :Jbn A. and Ollve F. e of Laurel H1ll Road bas be-ef.\ pro- awt.O to hl:i ranlr: ... hzle .!Prvlna Wlt.b. thf" Ut Tn.t-llrd, Ve- Bauahon on Oltl.n.awa Robm H Hapman ol bf>lt. former adm.lnl:ltrator · at G!-of"C" Gforwral H01pit&l and lCedlc&.: Crntl!'r. was May t by thi!' Y:¥"1a.nd HOS"pa\al A..Poct&tton ror !\a_. tht'H' of i/#f'V1CIP u chaJrman ol thr At- he1llth cart> oommlttl!"f'. Hagamdn headed i!t pane-l of hoapJtaJ trustlf"'PS and who hf"lped thf' !&MOCJ&t1on Sf't pubbt> pobcy on mattf'n f"'!'laif'd to' hralth co.t rP"J.aliburwmt"nt Concratulattan.s to Gfefllbrflt"s Mary Bd.buM JunK)r Hi&h stu-- cknts wbo madl!' tiM- bonor roll Junoo 3. 1982 Dial C. su-ro hu beeD ap- polDted t.o IIM'IIIbenhip oa. Mental He&lth A-.,. eo.m;ttee. c ..... Juclith Kornett 1s one of t:Jii· 100 winnen ot the nat.aonaJ Pnat and nhtbilion. PRJN'I'S Ul!IA: 1- -- by PraU: GrapbiCII Ceater (Ul n:· tHLSIOD ol. Pratt In.dtute ln. New York Oly' aad t1w l:x:xoB O,r- , .... _ ... to all ot Uw Uni- ,trd StalH aDd lneJwtecl all print media ucept Kore than. 2010 prtata were ..._.tu-d for the coepetltioa. State sPnator Edward Colll'OJ and Delle-pte' F. Dn'lin., who !'f'J)fftiPI'It M UKl tbw GrHnMR 1n Maryluld Gen- ua! .tUtembt)' are 2 ol eicht st&J:t> wbo will DJsti.npished Berrier Award. from t•eo Karyland llunidpal IIILI"K" at tt9 in Oce- an City on Junl- :JU-22. The a- -w&r<b a"'. to ouut.aadlnc ejforU on Mball ol lfaryl&M"a aunidpahtift. Bingo 7:30 p.lll. nery Thun!day •• _st.J. .. 135 Cre.weol Jroad du nna: t:1w' tJurd quartf'r E1thth gn.ckrs:«r Barnes. Da- "'d Barnn.. Palla H.lrsdunann, K1rsten l..owTey, &-ott Luddy Bri- an llonplb and Manon Soutbl!'r- \ land. D&mt"l Katbftn Mo.Pn. C.rh- Jo-s Cou.san. Jrnrufrr t.Jdbert and Z!rkttL 1------------' IN FOR· Many people have noticed ' · PEPcO and Rocking- bam Co!llllruction Company ere """'lrlDg in Greenbelt WHAT PEPCO ·l;lOES PEPCO and been working in Greenbelt on two sepafule proje<:IB i 'l'he fils! P'?ject which beqan oome time ago in.olvea u eiactrical acvu:e because ol the new Greenbelt • · ob GreeDhell Road.· A -=ond project invo!Tea and upgradmq ..-.nee 10 GHI "':!!7..-. the rehab progrom. GHI' s baa1 con...aioa project when. tj>e. work lirsl began. BOWPEPCOW PEPCO bas aubcontracted work '-. Rockingham COD- olructloD ccmpcmy. 01 the projecla. 'bas no controlmw lhe subaallca work and Copilal IGHii)C'-. aubccl>- lractcoi the GHIDC's iDajQo" i.aYOlvemeal lia 10 eodabliah the ochedule. \M>Iify and .,..,..k out problema. : -:'i 1\ - PBoBtDe ' • \ A .... prob*u =-d by have beeD re- \ po(led. ...,_ have clamacJed . appUaDce- Ouc:.\ .,. - macbiDe. Ia · cawl.d by PEPCO. tiMIIIt.a wbo · IAICh a pro!> !em ·,...... JWPGII il cliNctly 10 tba Claims Deparl- menl CaD ihe PEPCO Claima P8rwm. V jacbcm. at 4938 Edglwood Reed Colllilll hrll. Md. 20740 Open tO- 7 Mon. - Fn. 10- \ . GBI HELP bep GHI inbmecl wileD po ,jo<ne wi:tb PEPCO 110 the -.If can proftde boMp. The .5eafl AlddiKI'• Ollic:e can balp _-, !be JIIObliom. ...- In a dalm « llllloGke a call cljD ,_. bebalf. We are alwaya ID...-.1 ill lbat 11111\.-a.a ar. -...d II*Jy. rc .,' ,- '---' 6rttnbdt llltws ltiJitw AN -INDEPENDENT NEWSf'APER Volume 45, Number P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Thursday, June 10, 1982 le••lllllpt Slash Forces Severe CltMcks ,. , · r by Barban IAowski center ($131,1'01». A. More than 500 fewer teachen and aides; no new books; pro . to riqulre athletes to reduced elimination or severe cutbacks in pay portation caRs wu school music, TAG and summer school programs are . altho\Ch unlike f!eld trtps some of the clnf'nges which will resull f cti tak by th whlett. the rom a on en e whole claM these only apply tO a Georges _County Board ot EduGttion in an attempt to fit limited their program mto a budget more thm $30 million less than anli<ipated for 1982-83 and $2M. Jess llan the present operating Castaldi Hopes to ·capture Council ·Seat for Greenbelt Greenbelt, which views itself as having been OJt out of the county's political power structure by last county coun- cil red1strictmg, i.; carefully laying plans to eh.allenge its low status. In the person of' its popular mayor Ric:hVd Castaldi, Greenbelt wlll battle.. Bowie for ownership of their shared county counc1l seat In a related eJrort. the Green- beh Democratic Club La. spear- beadin& an a.ll out voter rectatra- tion anti voter education drive this summer. Castaldi, a 8-year veteran ot the Greenbelt Cny Council with 20 yean of experience in zonina: throu&h his Park and Commiulon job, il con.1tdered to ·be this COIIlmunftJ"I candidate for the District 4 eoun- ty council seat. Diatrict 4 includes Greenbelt, Bowie and Upper llarlboro and comprises a popu- lation just over 77,1100 which ls 85'Y.- wh1te. It:> unusual sb&pe is the mirror 1mage of the original M:ass.achuat>tts grrrymander. Three Bowie candidate&. Klloo1 board membe·r AI Golato, pre81b:t county council lllftllber RoJ Dab- ney an:d pul ma)'01' of Bowie Bill are a.t..n Y7inc for the seat. eut.ldl told the N.,;,. - thlo that bo _.. to ....... his . torBI&I anuOUilCelllmt at a tund raiar m. earJy July. He bu been fO"f'lllinc a caatp&ip eoe- m.ittee and ll now preparin& l:lio- grapbic&l and lSilUft material for distribution when be beCiJu cam- paigning. Cutaldi's coacems oft.- ter ·on crime prevention., the county's budge-tary ptoblems and zoning and deveJopmeat. budget. C\J.Ur; became ne<"ess&J'7 wben the County Counci:l p&S8ed its s.'i2.f.t » budget June 1 and allo- cated $306.3 ]( tor educ&tlon. )( more thlln had been proposed by couiatY eze.cutlVe Lawrence-. ·Hogan but much leas :han the S331.4 M' th&t the board had projected it would need for tht> coming 3Cb001 year. Stb vadt readin&' books. These bocks are par. of a series that have been purchased one ,crade &t a time and have to be completed. No additional equip- ment will be added $\313,000} and Tuiti9n baa airead7 been estab- lished · to make both school and scboo( self_ !: ''TfUM Plus four Amendment leted Head Start will go .. · Although council members re- "retted havtng to underfJlAd edu- ' .ltton. they felt It neceUU"Y to . pohae and flre personneL Restricted b,- voter initiated re- :raints on r&l.8:ing property : u <Tax Initiative- by council wu nattle to raise money zteces- uy to fully fu'nd the schoob and ,.; .her county procrazna. . The ·Board ot went tto emeraency seaion Tvescla;J ;.nd Wrdnnday, J'unl!' 1, 2., tn try l parr down what they No.heved :-.:ready to be a '"bare bonee .. · ud;cet.. The Dnly WQ' to 1tt tlie :-og-ram into the money allotted. · !2iey wu to eJimlnale 'me, cut down othen, do with· 'Jt some- While tMy &&0-- ·.tuation mi&"ht in 1183 :us surfaced_ .... ,.._eva. Fewer teachers in the schOols \.'1ll mean larger claJJS about more students per class. makin& .1uout 32 &Jtocetber. (This chan&e ,;. til save $UD( in elementary _' hools and- S3K in secondary · , The elementary ICbool .:".strumental music procnun has en ehm.mated ($M8.1)(10-). Ath- .. programs have been i:r:€ \$400.000) and the Talented :l:-td Gifted PJ'OCI'&Dl <TAG) re- '-:1cf'd. Elementary Schools will no more than half tilDe li- t :anans <elimi.aat.di" M llbrart- o. :s to save $LOll). Tbe elemen· ry S('hooJ vocal music and phy- "·;::al education classes will alter- ;:ate two 1n one week and three :he other. \Nineteen music and 18 phys1cal education teachers- will . .Fulltime , :.::-mentary school re&dina- teach_. , :3 will be cut by 31 teachers- \... A moratorium has on days pe< week ($390,· Would Ease Budget _IEiii-••••r.r ther-e will be a lQlf cut in mate- rials ($800.000). Transportation costs will be by Virginia BeaDc¥-P . pared'•Dy increa.sini' by one-half , Far-reaching effects of the 1978 amendment to the Field trip subsidies will be re- duced and pupils wLil have to pay for &II fteld- trips. includin& trips charter -- TRIM -- which froze the amount o1 money that See Bl.'DGEI', P. 5, eol. 1 could be from property taxes at that levrl, $144 & - . . .L ORGANIZATION. L Call to 2. Roll Call AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1982 8 P.M. 3.. MedJtation PJedce of to the Flac 4.. llblutes of Cou.nen Meetings 5. Add.ttloal to Agenda by Councilmen and Manager n. COKKUNICATIONS 6. Petitions d 1. Admini.!ltra ·ve Reports 8. Committ ports m 9.0:0 Resolution o Amend the Unifol'1ft!., Compensation Plan for a.ll Classififii City Employees - Se<-ond Reading 10. A to Repeal Resolution Number 48:2 and to Estab- lish New Sef"fiCe Charges for Garbage and Trash Collections in tbe City of Greenbelt. Maryland. Etrective July 1, 1982 - Second Reading 11. Zoning Map Amendment Application A-9427. Lake North <Advisory Planning Board Report 1:2631 .-- . IV. NEW BUSINII:SS \.J 12. An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 11. Title "Motor Vehicles and Traftlc," of the Greenbeit O.ty Code,_ by Repeahng and Reenacting with Subsection (a) of Sect1on 11-18, Title "Citation ol Violators of Parking Regutations", to Pro- vide for Separate Fine of $25.00 for Violatiou ol Ha.l)di- capped Parking Reculations Instead of a Fine of $10.00 Applicable to Violations of All Other Parking Recui,.tions Enume-rated in the Above Referenced Chapter 11 13.. Amend Cha.pter.8, "Finance and Taxation" of the Greenbelt City Code, by Repealing and Reenacting Certain Sections of Article UI. Title "Purchasing ... to Provide for an Increase in the Cost of Supplies, CoatractuaJ Services &Ad Sales of Penonal Propt>rty from $2.50:0 to $5,000 Witliout Observing Advertising and Biddml' Procedures I>eecribed Therein, and Further Providing for tJle R:emova1 of tht> Dollar Limit for from Other Governmental Agen- cies When PriceS for Such PuTchases Have Obtained Througb(Qompelllin Biddtng - First R,ading milhon, are being felt deeply this month as <111lzens face cuts m the budget for pubhc school.:;. Anticipating such an eventuahty. a group,of concerned c1tizens has for several months been circubtmg a petJtion to amend the 1978 charter change by raising by each year the amount of money that can be collected. Those the TRill the county wtth new construction. Plus 4 petitiOn. as it is called. Furthermore. the taxes coilected note that the original me-asure · from tlw> new construction do not, conta.tns no provuuon for meet- undPr the . terms ! oC TRill. in- in& the costs tn police creasr the total taX -rhe and ft:re protection that accrue to county must strt"tcb its se-rvica Gladys Spellman Parkway The Gladys Noon Spellman Parkway BiU I H.R. 4348) clrared the House ol ft.€-presentatives by , a unanimous voi<:"' vote on Tues- day, iune 8. Tbe bdl names the National P.ark -'*rvice's. Balti- fnore-Washington Parkway for the popular 4-term congresswom- an from Fifth District <Northern Prince Georges Coun- ty). Spellman. who was instrumen- tat in obtaining funding for re- paving the Parkway in 1916, rode each day from hn home in Lau- rel to her office on the Hill, using what had· come to be known hu- morously among hn family and friends as .. Gladys' Parkway." Spellman's sister, Doroth7 Noon Lupo. had before the Greenbelt City Council last De- cember to urge the city's support '"'lor the name change "We were never able to ride wtth Gladys," l:.upo told the cou.,cil. "and not have her extol its elegant beauty, magnificent treE's. 1ts graceful curVies, and on and on." The coun- cil. agreed to support the name change. Hoti!M! Action Several of the House spoke orr behalf of the btll: Stcny Hoyer, elected to fl!l the vacancy lett when Spellm.a:1 was 3trtcken by heart arrest pr;or to the to accommodate thiS Mw coa- the petitioners claim. ..usan& exilting resources. 'l'be question is--How fat can theM Sf'rvices stretch before they becin to break down?"' Besides the impact on the school.!' budget, a.s noted in an- Qther artJcle in this issue, 'I"RRll has forced reductions in tire tection. according to the Profes- SlOnal and Firefi&bters Assn .. that 10'".;. of fire calls go unan- swered or are answe-red by un- dE>rmanned equipment - as com- pared w1th 21"'.- in 1978.. Fire- de- partment response time has also increased. The Fraternal Order of Polite cla1ms s1milar deterioratiQil in service. Somt- pohce beats eo vir- tually uncovered for- a week at a t1 me, they claim, and ofli«rs must shut of! their car rngines for extended pE>r10ds or ti"11e to .save gasoline, instead of patrol- ling neighborhoods. Tht- petttioners also claim th&t county officials have developed' a •·can't do" attitude toward many county programs and that pro- grams and si:-rvices are bejng cut without regard to the1r worth. At the same time county ollici&h: not w!llmg to seek s:vely for alternative sources of purch&....o:e- of textboolu f$900,- COH and library books <$800,000) T:111! onlY textboolu which can be 1r<:hased ilre the consumabk! b.: oks for first grade-books in ·. hich bec1nncrs write and so can· net be used qain-a.nd and H. Site Plan - Greenbe-lt Hilton Hotel (AdvOOry Plannmg Board Report) 15. Acceptance of Streets Greenbriar. ·Sectwns 2, 4, and .. 1 The P:u.c; Four Committe-e's pe- tition \11-·ould place an amendment t0 TRIM on thf' !'lovember b&llot. The amendment would 1mp-rovt> TRIM by adding the property" tax collected from new construction to the TRIM limit, thus providing new revenue. It would also give the County Council the 'flexibility to increase the TRill limit by no more than rour percent per year. if needed. Sum!J14tr Sounds ottlte l.alre Parle SUilday, .June 11. 7 p.m. ..,.. -Lake Park BaDd StaDel G I Phase 31 Permits 160. 174, and 175 -- Hanover Parkway and .M8.nd&n Road ' IS. Green Ridce Hou5-t' Budget EY 1982.'83 17. Greenbeh METRO Stati-on .:.... Reservation of Land 50.Tf61 Sprin&hill Lake . 1L Appointment of Aud1tor for FY 1981/82 11. Liq1:10r I.Jcense Transfer -- Green"W&y LLqilors 20. Plannin&" Amstanc@ to :Mumdpalities 21. Keetinp V. llll8CELLANEOUS l!fO'l'E: THIS lS A PRI!:LIKlNARY AGENDA - SUB.1ECT TO CHAMGJ: . M1tchell ID., and John Seiberilng (L. Ohio> who is Chairman of the subcomm;ttee that dealt w1th the bill - Pubfic Lands and Nil tiona: Parks., Hoyer iLsked for a unanimous vote and received .: 'fhe bill now coes to thE' Senate · where Sarbanes and Mathias wiU be its m.anacers. Hoyer's be- lieves the Senate may aCt fairly quie.kb' u there b&..s been n.o op- position to the bill. lllembers of the County Coun- cil. at their June 1 meetinc weary with tryin& to manqe within the tight con.straints of the amendment. urced peal of ;he JaeUUre . \ / 1. I _f .,

1-- file·,I '\ \ ~ i \ I .. ( \ CAl WASH-..... 5th • Satuod.r\ 10-4 p.JIL $2M STAR fARM ..... au. --~-.... ..... --, ..... ~ . ... ' .... .... -

May 19, 2019



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Page 1: 1-- file·,I '\ \ ~ i \ I .. ( \ CAl WASH-..... 5th • Satuod.r\ 10-4 p.JIL $2M STAR fARM ..... au. --~-.... ..... --, ..... ~ . ... ' .... .... -




'\ \


i \ I

.. ( \

CAl WASH-...... 5th • Satuod.r\

10-4 p.JIL

-~~ . $2M


........... au. --~-.... ....... --~ , ............... .

' .... .._ .. .... .... --.-c:wa ... - -

\ '

- -


m._-du:-al o&D('PS. A.uum1ng that the­eny OP"'rat~ :Mm :10 :lOftin&'"' would ~ tpqu1rt'd for any ,u.ortf'd u.w but ~ artLSt~' .ttu­d.os <>r llto.-dl.:~ olft~. ~ ,..~ :nc lu*d not on ty ~aUH' tMy •ould bor- eompat1bl• •1th ot.her u..~w l)ut bfoeaaw t.Jw.y would 11•ld mcol!l' to olt'~t U'l part l'utun-

'oPf'r•t:n• eost• Tlw P~nlnl' ~~m•nt staff

•!':&lyz.rd ~tw w~l!r&a.I~OI'I-cr 1at•nor A.n~ Cl[tl'rtQI' Sl)!Kit ~ lbofose "'row pi.J~").M>S ttw- ava.ilal»ilitY

. ·'~"\park,n• ~C'P tfttoo enn~on.&IH~P o~\ u..~ •1th a ~idl!'ntl&l at'f'&.

'1(1'\JrturtJ e~ that Ml&ht Dr ~ to aceomlllodat• Uw w•­f'rai uaH '.net •n•f"C1 ("'ft5UIIlpti.on &lid oUwr op.rrat.nk rOAt ron."ld rorat.ons. 'nw .rtvd)' lwilt wrn tlw

~·,:, • 1 proot~ to draw up and•nwnt plans to &('(IUI'f"P thP

=~ ~~~~~~~~l~ s;:~ -

. I

Coocr\ot•olat><"" to· Paul Daaiel ... ._., '""' of )l(r ~ Jln. Al­

ol Ridcfl '.RD.d. wbo waa to the ~Aioan's Last at

"'" u~-,.. ot NonJit euo~~aa. ~n.s tD [lfi:atuo!' Cool--

~Y. ~r ol W:r. 1, ~ lfn. J-~ of B<alooaod Vii· '-P- ,llololl .. was ooled!'d by bor K.boot. Rl*aina H.P ~ool. to f'ft'ft~ a 1100 award gt~ annu­ally by ttMo Pnnc:-1' Geo~ l11f•1::1i·

<a! Soci<ty to "" ou~d>Jig •nwr p)anftU'Ig a ca.t'ftr ··l ~~~~-Jet.M '¥111 Ktldy Urslftl Uus fall at WhHhnc CoJ e.

Kanne Pfc )(ark T. . son ol 1 :Jbn A. and Ollve F. e of Laurel H1ll Road bas be-ef.\ pro­awt.O to hl:i pr~nt ranlr: ... hzle .!Prvlna Wlt.b. thf" Ut Tn.t-llrd, Ve­h~ele Bauahon on Oltl.n.awa

Robm H Hapman ol G~n­bf>lt. former adm.lnl:ltrator · at Prtnc~ G!-of"C" Gforwral H01pit&l and lCedlc&.: Crntl!'r. was bono~ May t by thi!' Y:¥"1a.nd HOS"pa\al A..Poct&tton ror !\a_. tht'H' J~Sf"5 of i/#f'V1CIP u chaJrman ol thr At-

• ~tataon.·~ he1llth cart> dnan~ oommlttl!"f'. Hagamdn headed i!t pane-l of hoapJtaJ n~utlvt!''\ trustlf"'PS and ~rU who hf"lped thf' !&MOCJ&t1on Sf't pubbt> pobcy on mattf'n f"'!'laif'd to' hralth co.t rP"J.aliburwmt"nt

Concratulattan.s to Gfefllbrflt"s Mary Bd.buM JunK)r Hi&h stu-­cknts wbo madl!' tiM- bonor roll

Junoo 3. 1982

Dial C. su-ro hu beeD ap­polDted t.o IIM'IIIbenhip oa. Pria~ ~...- ~· Mental He&lth A-.,. eo.m;ttee.

c ..... ~~etter Juclith Kornett 1s one of t:Jii· 100 winnen ot the nat.aonaJ ~ Pnat and nhtbilion.

PRJN'I'S Ul!IA: 1--­by PraU: GrapbiCII Ceater (Ul n:· tHLSIOD ol. Pratt In.dtute ln. New York Oly' aad t1w l:x:xoB O,r­-· ,...._ ... ~n to all !ftidn~.ta ot Uw Uni­,trd StalH aDd lneJwtecl all print media ucept ~Y- Kore than. 2010 prtata were ..._.tu-d for the coepetltioa.

State sPnator Edward Colll'OJ and Delle-pte' ~ra.rd F. Dn'lin., who !'f'J)fftiPI'It Dtstri~t M UKl tbw GrHnMR 1n th~ Maryluld Gen­ua! .tUtembt)' are 2 ol eicht st&J:t> !~slaton wbo will ~ive DJsti.npished Berrier Award. from t•eo Karyland llunidpal IIILI"K" at tt9 COA~ntioo in Oce­an City on Junl- :JU-22. The a­-w&r<b a"'. p~nteod to ~1St" ouut.aadlnc ejforU on Mball ol lfaryl&M"a aunidpahtift.

Bingo 7:30 p.lll.

nery Thun!day

•• _st.J. • .-.~ .. 135 Cre.weol Jroad

du nna: t:1w' tJurd quartf'r E1thth gn.ckrs:«r Barnes. Da­"'d Barnn.. Palla H.lrsdunann, K1rsten l..owTey, &-ott Luddy Bri­an llonplb and Manon Soutbl!'r- \ land. ~vrnth ~" D&mt"l Kn~r Katbftn Mo.Pn. C.rh­~·rin. ~nnL Jo-s Cou.san. Jrnrufrr t.Jdbert and ~bel Z!rkttL 1------------'



Many people have noticed ' · PEPcO and Rocking-bam Co!llllruction Company ere """'lrlDg in Greenbelt


PEPCO and ~am ~~ been working in Greenbelt on two sepafule proje<:IB i 'l'he fils! P'?ject which beqan oome time ago in.olvea u eiactrical acvu:e because ol the new Greenbelt • · ob GreeDhell Road.· A -=ond project invo!Tea ~e!ec:tric ~ and upgradmq ..-.nee 10 GHI "':!!7..-. the rehab progrom.

~r:~~~gi~. ~= GHI' s baa1 con...aioa project when. tj>e. work lirsl began.


PEPCO bas aubcontracted work '-. Rockingham COD-

olructloD ccmpcmy. 01 the projecla. 'bas no controlmw lhe subaallca work and Copilal IGHii)C'-. aubccl>-lractcoi a>ar~ the ~related GHIDC's iDajQo" i.aYOlvemeal lia 10 eodabliah the ochedule. \M>Iify ~ and .,..,..k out problema. : -:'i 1\ -

PBoBtDe ' •

\~· \ A .... prob*u =-d by ~~-' have beeD re-


po(led. ...,_ ~ have clamacJed . appUaDce-Ouc:.\ .,. - ~ macbiDe. ~ Ia

· cawl.d by PEPCO. tiMIIIt.a wbo · IAICh a pro!> !em ·,...... JWPGII il cliNctly 10 tba Claims Deparl-menl CaD ihe PEPCO Claima P8rwm. V jacbcm. at

4938 Edglwood Reed Colllilll hrll. Md. 20740 ~~LMW\

Open tO- 7 Mon. - Fn. ~ 10-

\ 872-2~ . GBI HELP

P~ bep GHI inbmecl wileD po ,jo<ne ~ wi:tb PEPCO 110 the -.If can proftde ~ boMp. The .5eafl AlddiKI'• Ollic:e can balp _-, !be JIIObliom. ...­In ~ a dalm « llllloGke a ~ call cljD ,_. bebalf. We are alwaya ID...-.1 ill lbat 11111\.-a.a ar. -...d II*Jy. rc .,'

,- '---'



Volume 45, Number P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Thursday, June 10, 1982

le••lllllpt Slash Forces Severe CltMcks ,. , · r by Barban IAowski t~·aclenee center ($131,1'01». A.

More than 500 fewer teachen and aides; no new books; pro . to riqulre athletes to reduced sc~ool..maintenance; elimination or severe cutbacks in pay portation caRs wu ~ot school ath.letif!S~ music, TAG and summer school programs are . altho\Ch unlike f!eld trtps some of the clnf'nges which will resull f cti tak by th whlett. ~onally ~eflt the

rom a on en e whole claM these only apply tO a P~ce Georges _County Board ot EduGttion in an attempt to fit limited n~ber. their program mto a budget more thm $30 million less than anli<ipated for 1982-83 and $2M. Jess llan the present operating

Castaldi Hopes to ·capture Council ·Seat for Greenbelt

Greenbelt, which views itself as having been OJt out of the county's political power structure by last fan·~ county coun­cil red1strictmg, i.; carefully laying plans to eh.allenge its low status. In the person of' its popular mayor Ric:hVd Castaldi, Greenbelt wlll battle.. Bowie for ownership of their shared county counc1l seat

In a related eJrort. the Green­beh Democratic Club La. spear­beadin& an a.ll out voter rectatra­tion anti voter education drive this summer.

Castaldi, a 8-year veteran ot the Greenbelt Cny Council with 20 yean of experience in zonina: throu&h his Park and Commiulon job, il con.1tdered to

·be this COIIlmunftJ"I ~ candidate for the District 4 eoun­ty council seat. Diatrict 4 includes Greenbelt, Bowie and Upper llarlboro and comprises a popu­lation just over 77,1100 which ls 85'Y.- wh1te. It:> unusual sb&pe is the mirror 1mage of the original M:ass.achuat>tts grrrymander.

Three Bowie candidate&. Klloo1 board membe·r AI Golato, pre81b:t county council lllftllber RoJ Dab­ney an:d pul ma)'01' of Bowie Bill are a.t..n Y7inc for the seat.

eut.ldl told the N.,;,. -thlo -· that bo _.. to ....... his . torBI&I anuOUilCelllmt at a tund raiar m. earJy July. He bu been fO"f'lllinc a caatp&ip eoe­m.ittee and ll now preparin& l:lio­grapbic&l and lSilUft material for distribution when be beCiJu cam­paigning. Cutaldi's coacems oft.­ter ·on crime prevention., the county's budge-tary ptoblems and zoning and deveJopmeat.

budget. C\J.Ur; became ne<"ess&J'7 wben

the County Counci:l p&S8ed its s.'i2.f.t » budget June 1 and allo­cated $306.3 ]( tor educ&tlon. Th~ ~::a.s ~.4 )( more thlln had been proposed by couiatY eze.cutlVe Lawrence-. ·Hogan but much leas :han the S331.4 M' th&t the board had projected it would need for tht> coming 3Cb001 year.

Stb vadt readin&' books. These lat~er bocks are par. of a series that have been purchased one ,crade &t a time and have to be completed. No additional equip­ment will be added $\313,000} and

Tuiti9n baa airead7 been estab­lished · to make both ~er school and scboo( self_

;:;o~.~:-:'h:;~n.::: !: ''TfUM Plus four Amendment leted ~~l.OliL Head Start will go .. ·

Although council members re­"retted havtng to underfJlAd edu­' .ltton. they felt It neceUU"Y to . 1c~e pohae and flre personneL Restricted b,- voter initiated re­:raints on r&l.8:ing th~ property

: u <Tax R~torm Initiative- by ~~arylande-rs-TRIJil. council wu

nattle to raise th~ money zteces-uy to fully fu'nd the schoob and

,.; .her county procrazna. . The ·Board ot ~uc&tioa went tto emeraency seaion Tvescla;J

;.nd Wrdnnday, J'unl!' 1, 2., tn try l parr down what they No.heved

:-.:ready to be a '"bare bonee .. · ud;cet.. The Dnly WQ' to 1tt tlie

:-og-ram into the money allotted. · !2iey • ~ wu to eJimlnale

'me, cut down othen, do with· 'Jt some- th~. While tMy &&0--

~:: ao=~i.!! .::~~n:~ ·.tuation mi&"ht bec~e in 1183 :us ~ surfaced_ ....,.._eva.

Fewer teachers in the schOols \.'1ll mean larger claJJS about ~ more students per class. makin& .1uout 32 &Jtocetber. (This chan&e ,;. til save $UD( in elementary _' hools and- S3K in secondary · ~~hoots.) , The elementary ICbool .:".strumental music procnun has

en ehm.mated ($M8.1)(10-). Ath­.. ~ic programs have been redu~ i:r:€ \$400.000) and the Talented :l:-td Gifted PJ'OCI'&Dl <TAG) re­'- :1cf'd. Elementary Schools will no more than half tilDe li­t :anans <elimi.aat.di" M llbrart-o. :s to save $LOll). Tbe elemen·

ry S('hooJ vocal music and phy­"·;::al education classes will alter­;:ate two 1n one week and three :he other. \Nineteen music and 18 phys1cal education teachers- will :~~ dr0ppe-~000l . .Fulltime , :.::-mentary school re&dina- teach_. , :3 will be cut by 31 teachers-:~. ~S5.50.000) \...

A moratorium has bee~ut on

~Y'f-'0 • days pe< week ($390,· Would Ease Budget _IEiii-••••r.r ther-e will be a lQlf cut in mate­rials ($800.000).

Transportation costs will be ~ by Virginia BeaDc¥-P . pared'•Dy increa.sini' by one-half , Far-reaching effects of the 1978 amendment to the

Field trip subsidies will be re­duced and pupils wLil have to pay for &II fteld- trips. includin& trips

~~~:entJ:tow:-~ki:le:i:~':"~:m::~ charter -- TRIM -- which froze the amount o1 money that See Bl.'DGEI', P. 5, eol. 1 could be ra~.sed from property taxes at that year'~ levrl, $144

& -. .

.L ORGANIZATION. L Call to Ord~r 2. Roll Call


MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1982 8 P.M.

3.. MedJtation PJedce of AD~ia.ace to the Flac

4.. llblutes of Cou.nen Meetings 5. Add.ttloal to Agenda by Councilmen and Manager

n. COKKUNICATIONS 6. Petitions d ~ut>st.s 1. Admini.!ltra ·ve Reports 8. Committ ports

m 9.0:0 Resolution o Amend the Unifol'1ft!., Compensation Plan

for a.ll Classififii City Employees - Se<-ond Reading

10. A ~tion to Repeal Resolution Number 48:2 and to Estab­lish New Sef"fiCe Charges for Garbage and Trash Collections in tbe City of Greenbelt. Maryland. Etrective July 1, 1982

- Second Reading 11. Zoning Map Amendment Application A-9427. Spring~i~l Lake

North <Advisory Planning Board Report 1:2631 .-- . IV. NEW BUSINII:SS \.J

12. An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 11. Title "Motor Vehicles and Traftlc," of the Greenbeit O.ty Code,_ by Repeahng and Reenacting with ~endmenu Subsection (a) of Sect1on 11-18, Title "Citation ol Violators of Parking Regutations", to Pro­vide for • Separate Fine of $25.00 for Violatiou ol Ha.l)di­capped Parking Reculations Instead of a Fine of $10.00 Applicable to Violations of All Other Parking Recui,.tions Enume-rated in the Above Referenced Chapter 11

13.. ·~~=~~o Amend Cha.pter.8, "Finance and Taxation" of the Greenbelt City Code, by Repealing and Reenacting Certain Sections of Article UI. Title "Purchasing ... to Provide for an Increase in the Cost of Supplies, CoatractuaJ Services &Ad Sales of Penonal Propt>rty from $2.50:0 to $5,000 Witliout Observing Advertising and Biddml' Procedures I>eecribed Therein, and Further Providing for tJle R:emova1 of tht> Dollar Limit for Purchase~ from Other Governmental Agen­cies When PriceS for Such PuTchases Have ~n Obtained Througb(Qompelllin Biddtng Procedti~S - First R,ading

milhon, are being felt deeply this month as <111lzens face cuts m the budget for pubhc school.:;. Anticipating such an eventuahty. a group,of concerned c1tizens has for several months been circubtmg a petJtion to amend the 1978 charter change by raising by 4~ each year the amount of money that can be collected.

Those the TRill the county wtth new construction. Plus 4 petitiOn. as it is called. Furthermore. the taxes coilected

note that the original me-asure · from tlw> new construction do not, conta.tns no provuuon for meet- undPr the . terms ! oC TRill. in-in& the costs tn police creasr the total taX -rhe and ft:re protection that accrue to county must strt"tcb its se-rvica

Gladys Spellman Parkway The Gladys Noon Spellman

Parkway BiU I H.R. 4348) clrared • the House ol ft.€-presentatives by

, a unanimous voi<:"' vote on Tues­day, iune 8. Tbe bdl names the National P.ark -'*rvice's. Balti­fnore-Washington Parkway for the popular 4-term congresswom­an from Maryland'<~ Fifth District <Northern Prince Georges Coun­ty).

Spellman. who was instrumen­tat in obtaining funding for re­paving the Parkway in 1916, rode each day from hn home in Lau­rel to her office on the Hill, using what had· come to be known hu­morously among hn family and friends as .. Gladys' Parkway." Spellman's sister, Doroth7 Noon Lupo. had appe-ar~d before the Greenbelt City Council last De­cember to urge the city's support

'"'lor the name change "We were never able to ride wtth Gladys," l:.upo told the cou.,cil. "and not have her extol its elegant beauty, It~ magnificent treE's. 1ts graceful curVies, and on and on." The coun­cil. agreed to support the name change.

Hoti!M! Action Several member~ of the House

spoke orr behalf of the btll: Stcny Hoyer, elected to fl!l the vacancy lett when Spellm.a:1 was 3trtcken by heart arrest ju:-~ pr;or to the

to accommodate thiS Mw coa­~truction," the petitioners claim. ..usan& exilting resources. 'l'be question is--How fat can theM Sf'rvices stretch before they becin to break down?"'

Besides the impact on the school.!' budget, a.s noted in an­Qther artJcle in this issue, 'I"RRll has forced reductions in tire p~ tection. according to the Profes­SlOnal and Firefi&bters Assn .. ~uch that 10'".;. of fire calls go unan­swered or are answe-red by un­dE>rmanned equipment - as com­pared w1th 21"'.- in 1978.. Fire- de­partment response time has also increased.

The Fraternal Order of Polite cla1ms s1milar deterioratiQil in service. Somt- pohce beats eo vir­tually uncovered for- a week at a t1 me, they claim, and ofli«rs must shut of! their car rngines for extended pE>r10ds or ti"11e to .save gasoline, instead of patrol­ling neighborhoods.

Tht- petttioners also claim th&t county officials have developed' a •·can't do" attitude toward many county programs and that pro­grams and si:-rvices are bejng cut without regard to the1r worth. At the same time county ollici&h: s~m not w!llmg to seek ~es­s:vely for alternative sources of r~:~venue.

~he purch&....o:e- of textboolu f$900,­COH and library books <$800,000) T:111! onlY textboolu which can be r· 1r<:hased ilre the consumabk! b.: oks for first grade-books in ·. hich bec1nncrs write and so can· net be used qain-a.nd ~th and

H. Site Plan - Greenbe-lt Hilton Hotel (AdvOOry Plannmg Board Report)

15. Acceptance of Streets Greenbriar. ·Sectwns 2, 4, and ~ .. 1 '·~~k~17~~~ ~:!so: !:~~~~&'Pa:!~

The P:u.c; Four Committe-e's pe­tition \11-·ould place an amendment t0 TRIM on thf' !'lovember b&llot. The amendment would 1mp-rovt> TRIM by adding the property" tax collected from new construction to the TRIM limit, thus providing new revenue. It would also give the County Council the 'flexibility to increase the TRill limit by no more than rour percent per year. if needed. Sum!J14tr Sounds

ottlte l.alre Parle

SUilday, .June 11. 7 p.m. ..,.. -Lake Park BaDd StaDel


I Phase 31 Permits 160. 174, and 175 -- Hanover Parkway and .M8.nd&n Road '

IS. Green Ridce Hou5-t' Budget EY 1982.'83 17. Greenbeh METRO Stati-on .:.... Reservation of Land

50.Tf61 .A.c~f!S, Sprin&hill Lake . 1L Appointment of Aud1tor for FY 1981/82 11. Liq1:10r I.Jcense Transfer -- Green"W&y LLqilors 20. Plannin&" Amstanc@ to :Mumdpalities 21. Keetinp



M1tchell ID., Ba.:~mtoreJ; and John Seiberilng (L. Ohio> who is Chairman of the subcomm;ttee that dealt w1th the bill - Pubfic Lands and Nil tiona: Parks.,

Hoyer iLsked for a unanimous vote and received .:

'fhe bill now coes to thE' Senate · where Sarbanes and Mathias wiU be its m.anacers. Hoyer's be­lieves the Senate may aCt fairly quie.kb' u there b&..s been n.o op­position to the bill.

lllembers of the County Coun­cil. at their June 1 meetinc • weary with tryin& to manqe within the tight con.straints of the ~IK amendment. u~ urced ~ peal of ;he JaeUUre .

\ / 1.


_f .,

Page 2: 1-- file·,I '\ \ ~ i \ I .. ( \ CAl WASH-..... 5th • Satuod.r\ 10-4 p.JIL $2M STAR fARM ..... au. --~-.... ..... --, ..... ~ . ... ' .... .... -


I •


\ \



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:::::.,.~~-~ =:--~....,~~---=: =~.:~~ .. ~T~._Sc':%'. rr::.::.!. ~ ~~ Ito~· .................. ~,...,_. - -----= .... ........,, ~ ---- c,..of ~~~ ........ Je64 ........ &...-~ ....... ~ 41.......W• ............ r. ........ •)• .... ~J ......... ......... _, ................. ~~ ........... .__ -·-,._,_, ,..,_ ~ '*- ,.,___ w ~ s.c ~- -.,.,.... '!·- lt•O'Q•". ---=-.:.u=.,~_:..:-;. = !Xlll~,.::!.n ~=-~:Sio=: =~: ? •• T~ or ..,..._... 10 ... ..S.!Or>., oMce ,.;. .,.. ~~ of ·~ p.,_.., ..,~).. n.;~-~......,..,._.IOIIII'of:lotOiay~ -.a•~ ~ ,. .- ..... -"c ... _.. ca-~ .0. .,.. ac:c-.g...:J .,.... I ;11111 Oft T.--., !liNd­........... Volwne 45. N'f"~r 30

lleh f.nJHeltls · ~r A~tmties

'nlen wiD be a YU'1ety of nLUt­ act:JVI.ties for · C"ltolidfffl &Ad adiiJls at Heb' CroM Cbunc-b (- Gl-ftnbrit Jt,c.,;ll bfoe1nnln&

. Sunda7. Juae :10. ~ SUndaJ ~eonuac Jun~ • ~r 5. I p.m._ to 8 p . .lll tbeft Wlll I» COIMIIUD:ty cele­llll'adooa UK'tudine • food ol t.M ~ .l!'dueatlOIIal worlubopa for adulta &nd acUwo K&IDH for­dna.

VaeatiOil Bib&e- School •often e.- Bible -.._ ~ ~- outdoor Kt!YltiH &nd ~ for cbikiMn +-12 ~day3

1Jua. a- Jtlly I. t ~- to lllO

~!:rk ;! -;:r ~~P ,;n~.: :ldaion..s. Pft-t~n camp. July !'\. Ill alld ~n Caap. Auaust &--11 K~ tnfd.nn.at1011 LS ava.JlabW on aU t:ltHor actJYlliH at tbe rbur.:h -, at tlw Grt"e'nbf'lt bbra­ry duriftc: tbfo I!BOntll of Junr .................. y-NantFPI­

dter, ~aWit; . ~ .,..__UKJlW Sl:onr ...... .tudnltl;

._.., .,...._ 'by Nina Lilja. Gnelltw-lt: aad ~ ......._ El& Rob.

W.O. Grftllllolt.

Launl High a-nion 'nile Cau~l SPn10r Hi&'h Sebool t'- of ltn Wlll bokJ lU ft'"' y.!'al'

l'f!QIUon on ~urday Jww 211.. froa 1·45 p.a..' until t ·3D &.81 at rr.-tatr~7!'d just 2 •iiN IKlfth ot ~urPI Gn Routt" I

Tkkrts •ust W pul't."haM-d ,n llldwan« C'taali .,. .. b.." ..,... en­~ to wad c=brcll: or 1110nry onk-r b7' Juae- 12 to LRS tm ctu. Re1anioft. 11210 LPidoP! Coun: Louftl. )fd-r,.- t.rliwr 1-nl~t1on pl.aM' qa.l 'TN-tOIO l)r .,.._34.10.

Thursday. June 10, 1982

Gray Pudlen Orplize

Ia GreaWt T-*y ~ Pe-naon.s .n~o>ri!'Stt'd .n ~'1.::r:

1!'11' a Cray P-..nttw-n CT )up .~

Pr.nce- ~!"IE"ot County .... ::l Mt"o"l

T-.1.nday J~M" U, ':' l~i ?-m ;n t.lw- G~nbfo.~ Lt•ra.t")' Cnntl!'ro>R•'" Room. Inn:1~ ftuk1n. Conv .. r.ur rJ :hf' Gray ?antMn vt llvn~­

&r'Dif'1'"J" Coun:y .-111 an.swt-r q·...:c>"S !.•)IU about th"' n• .. and d1!K' Social SKurn:r ~,. Gray ~ttwn f )<Ald.,..j ~Y

l>t'lQl ... Kuhn. an> a coal:~1vn 0t .Y·J\.ln&: auddlt!o-~ and >ld wbo t'ljfht tho~~!' IDJ~~C'H al ....-ts.m. In

wa~ '" :) r-._• . .:Jm and ~x-ag .. l.'Jm .:h""'rlm.r..a~,...;; Pf'r'JOM tw<-au.-w- of t"ht'C"In oklc:~·al .. f" 1n -:.~~u~ :""P:.a~~~) . .,_ .. and :n KM.';al &rld l"("o)r':t)m .. · rt

.i>t.tutton" Gray ~th,.n adYo­::att' funda.a:aoPD:~. ~-x-:3.; ·h.Ani"E" ·l't•t w-ould e-l:m.n.a:.. ~nJu.-<::c··

d:.scrHII&tlon. L.,d >ppr .. ~~'''\'1 ;n ~l'k> p-r~nt .oct ... ·'! n .. ·p .·~•!·· a h~m_&nf'" 'IO('If't)' 4~J ho>.I(~"P'fl OJ>·

pnrtvn1tws for ;>o"·~"'" :,j ~-'u !h,.tr fuU poten~ .t.. r~rdl~ Df ~ Ttus ~r :;, .. S:l.:.onA-1 Gray P-a.nthrr pnont :""" ""' •ork ,,., h·'lus1nc. SoeiaJ .S,...·u~·:y budrt .:"Ut.!l snd worll: .-m., .• )Y!fto>!'l~ :Jn­


AYaJlablf' at ,·.~· 11.: :h.,. Gn-t>n bt-lt mH>hn• •:! :.- :11 ... .,,.w !::look ot ttM- lfrtropo; :.t.n Ar"t"a c,.,. Pa.nttwn. ··[.)roH Y ~ur Dn ... ·tor Ta..kt? 111.-d:can A..P••:"\mt?n: a D:l"f"(' :o)ry l)r ~tor" a.. ,·.-p•:n& )(fit,. can A.ti1p11M"n~ .n Pt n.· .. ~ )r· ~s &ad ltlon!&nm•'t""Y C'"oun::t?i DC' ~ sortJ•t··rr. \".rg·ma F·)~ add1:10ft.. Jd(or?na! t'f"' C..-!Pp~Or!.;>

E.~ttw>r ~~~~-:"4-4.[$) .lr !"'aney ! Knol: .

Sacred Muuc ot Mowatt

:~;: ~~~~\~J ~-~;,.~!! "~r ;n!:J •lUIC at Mo.'·:~ )(t't~Pna..: t'nit­.-d )1.-thud~t l\-luJ'"\·~ p .. rf·.>rm:nc •·;ll k tM colnb.~.,.d ,·hotrs 3l Kowan ll~thod:.!l:. ..nd St John's Ep1s.cop&l C'bur<:"~i. John lil&n­cu.K) Uld l..oulM' Cra1c w::l dlr?1:1: :h ... dk>lr Hoa,. BPhr.-n.s, Da.n1rl 8.-n)&aln.. and Donna Hantlllan w:l! pn:w1dt! accvmpan.mrn!

THAMCS T• ... a..-:

ThanJa J"'U.. A. Hrrlma &lid ttw Cultura.i Arts Crn:rr tor a l:w-auti­M ,,._pboluc II!'WtftlftC' T1w pro­era- &ad • nft"Utl~ WUII' OUt­

Sta.DdiJl&.. 'l"'w opvortwut7 to Mar a ....,.,... .syapbon.y 1n our OWd

~a.tQanl"" aad lO .IH cLoe. to t!M

peorf.,...-n. at • ~- pm. 'II ~ .... ,.,. lookiq fonrucl to tlsf' -....m prrf~ IMSt fall~


On J.m~ :1 a.t1d Sa!urd!l;y a: ! 15 bud R.¢.m~

p!&J' :~~ ~stb.:. .:::u.s.ct.l ;E o1 Scot: J?p:.n u . .j othf'r Ql_ of t~ ... a.r~y 1900'~ ~= :~~ (} nbc!-:: Cu!tural A~.i Ce~!n The- tlt.»-e· bud Ra.r:.mE- E~~""mb.r" ... ~ :hi' aut!'lt>r.!:c rty!t> -:.1 11. ~rna::: ~:o~ .Jrch.-:~~=-- ')t !91)(~, ar.d br~rt:&t .:3 aud.~:lC"t' ,.-.. .:h :<:*-~.lpp~ng' S(ot: J.Jp,::"l tav0!'::.-~ 'Li "Th'1" ~n~r­:aln...r.. ""1'M R~bud JiCal'('h ·• and ~,. Sut'tftowe-r S!ow ~a& .. ~ .. Dand w~ fi:-'1~ fo~ \'::.

Gr"'n!),..l! tr. 19'76 u.-d 1: .... ut~­m~nt.J n..~~ tr-Jm ~ : ~ ;;:toeco.C. n,. :E-nn R"'w-bud·· :r. :he ~::!r re--(l"f"!l !"") !!:l.t- ca!f.' :n s.t t.o ... j whr:- .. o!'ar 1y ~ tnt- p!c .... :s D"!i': a: !ht> ::..;!'!'! Jt ~h .. :~n~u;y

~ .. ·~n m:J-31-::a.!B .:ur"l'i"~:·y ~:"­

(>tm .n :hr _.njf'mb: .. T~m PJ<\ :h,. lead,.r L""td f,...•..:!:.d:P!" ;.Ely'\

?1&.'"10 • ~r~y J3.c·>b,. t! .:,. ; · .. ·olo ).M" Stw:.:k. r:~a:-!n,.~. B:'·..:·<> ,...~,.av.,.~ !:-:..m~~ Ja.·k G ;:-:" v .. ")l.n a.~j tr'Jmbo~ S.~h R··~~- ·d: Jr·.;m~ .L'"'Id. ['J..-)r. [).·~cu• : :nd.

On .sa.·a:-da.y J .;~,. a !I" ~ :"

:; m :h-" Ln<)fli..i l~O .. :? '":\(..:.>.iBn· ·,...r;. w . ;>o>r-t"~nn A Rr~:t..s3-a:':'""

:w:..._~~~~~"'"!ir... •~:h j:~rr~ m L:: .:~'ur".y .::>JI5:•..o.m,...,. :Jt :h .. R .. ~::~."­"a.n..·.- p..-!"":.>d a: ~ht> Grt""o:-n':k·~:

~..·u:~ .J!'1t! A~ C'en:e-r T-.., • con.:-E-r: :i a twn;o.f!: !0r

::,... q:-....... nbot-t: c-...::~..;~!1.: A~s. C"t?:"!.

:o>r a.nd \\o·ol! Tral' :M.os>llan-• .. tt?!" mu.ilC:&r.-"'

f )o_.n.:!.-..:! .r. Jun.,. lr."9 by j:r .. C": 1r K-·~··r K:""Pb :; 'K'.~h ,HICE-M ~~~er

.. ~!!"~ n ,->~,,·a: and rPn&.!.S.&.'h'"' rr. M ,. ~·..J:!Pd :1 'l chambf'r chor~:-1

1'1."" ··'1..""mb:""" bo>~"a.tnt- !Lr. -:r.~!an~

Baptist Church Bible School

Gr ... ·nbPlt 8a;Jt1...<~~ ~ .:-d'l w~ll

~<t.v .. Va.::a~.on B•t>.•' S..·!"l-.o: J·_HH'

Zl 2:5 ~ 4.'i a.m. :.• 11 :"100"'! da.l:y g.,~.., ....... ,d J:t\-. 1! k.r1.:1"'~i!:'H~o>n

q•• :!'lr'lug!"'l gr!ld"' 6 !l.rl:" .~..-::ffi

:'> po~t.r~~._·:pate- T'-'> ~h:Jrrh bu'W'S

w·l! ptdc •...:p boy<; a.r:d g;r!:o. 1n :lw­c·oatm-!nrty who r...-...d :rs.:apor~a­

~- •n (~Jp:.·~ ..,r :n .. bu ... ~·hft!u:t­

,.,...,. !lvlLll&blo> :n :h.~ ~h 1!'-:-h o!'!icP

T'w- ~!"f'n~~ S l(h~ Pt--~a.m

w.!J b.> c•n Thunday .. J·...:nP a: (' p m Gr-nbE-~ Ba.,:.~: Church 1<11 'hl<·a~Pd a.~ cr .. ~<'t'n: !1.:'\:! Grl"t'n· l'u:J R.~ F)r mc•rf> mfonna:ion C"&l! t74-t!l! bo-·:" .. .,.., ll Y\ and !.! JO wH"kday mc.r'"'!.~l"~·

rHAHICS. T•llw-t:-.r·

I w•Juld !:Ill" :0 ~ha.~k 3...!: :h.f" ~mbiP"r;. Dt •-;HI !!"l.a: v~~f'd .!l "lur o:oopol"ratlw l!'io:'<:tlon. Y.)ur over

.,..h,.JmJ na SUPP"f"~ And VOtt' :Jf Mf>r,.·.- ·'"' v"PrJ m • .a·h .iil.ppr,.,·:ar,.d. 1 w:ll work l't&rd :v Jt"f"V'P you :u a ~pol'l~lb~ board m~mbrr To the nrw board a.'1d .iii.:Jd1: coi'­tff. I wwld :1k1P to rxt.,.nd my c-on .r.•:u.latlQrU. I am :r"lok nr tvfv.-ard :o work~lJI wHh ea.:p.->t you :n :M tws~ .ntl!'"rf'St o( a:;•nl#mbf'n


THANICS Tem.r....:

r w;.sh to than.k tb.ow wbo ~-d hr Ill# to .,.... aa&~n 011 !M Audit ComaJttM. and I truM ttuU ... thr1r conftdrn« ~ not mLSJ)l&cf'd

ltath#rln• Jer.en,.

to Bernard .p .. :.r::t'"y. ·.vbo 1W'd bLS Jla,sten [>Pgr .. ,... :.'1. Com1¥Jter Sc1ence trom

Co:um~.a Un~~· ty S~ York a.-~--:ud 1-ii t.he' ol Walter and L.e-1.'1. . .; Pt>nney. orth"A·ay Road. -trtd i'-A-~ worked nee Se-ptember. 13:9 o~.: IBlCs W t50n Rese-arch Ct>~:e-:- -~ Yorll::to . Hel8"ht.s, New

Y•:-k G~~o~ Sucher, a. krrmt-r GrffD­

o.--.: ~ .. ~ ·knt. Wu ~~ently e-lt>ct!!'d a .:hc•' to tbe Stu~ot Bar .'-.i­~·Y:~~~ ..... ol ~rge-t>lwn CnJve-r­~::) " Law Center .here be :3

nf"l·A· il .i:-dent Sucht"r' campa:gn­...1 o~ "" p~tform .sharply a!:acll­

...,g • ~,. Reacan budg~ cuts !or .-.j·..; ~ 'l:: ')t:

:\h:ic t_'rabt~ 2-D ~ortha-ay, w~-" 3.·A·~rded & baccalau~a.,. de­g~, ... ~·lrr. !aud~. 1n mus~!" tdui"&­:. 'r. !"~~m Cornell Co::el"'t". 1owL w d~!'" ... Xark.. '


a.tdmore ...._ at Pcnliller Jill.

11£;-llo ~ J(· a. m Holy Eu.:-h.arut

:o JC. a..m. Ho!)· E:.1c!'u1.ri3t F:~~: a.nd !b..rd S.J.!lda.ys

:n ~ ~m. Xorn:!log Praye-r s .... ...,~.j and four:h SJJndays :·• 30 El.rD. S\..:-:day &h.)Oi

R~v Jobll G. Bals.. Rector ..,.._., COME JOIN US!!!

)lo...ah )l..morial

l"n..l....-cl ,. ... tbodm

Vacation Church School

..JllDf' !1-t:l. '::,.._.:. p.m.. ·:'ali 3-4-~-7820 f•.>r :,n:.Jrmdt!Vn

Last week's ad for CHRtS &: .l.L'IDSA y·s CLOSET con­ta..:.:led an tncorrect opening time. Tbe Sew. Kevifow, which &eeepta tull r-e:spon.!liobihty tor tbe error, apolotrtzes both to

~~m~~~~d! their bnt to make up tor our mt!: by ope-nmg at 6. 30 a.m

!Instead of I a...m., and to thetr cu3lomers..


All eh11dren ace-d 2--12 are ~n- · vtted to Vacation Bible Schooil

at: ..,.,.. r..byVriaa a...,h

June 23--July 2 - 9 30-12 00 R.egutmtton S2 ·ch:ld. $.5 fami:y


Mowatt Memorial l"-·--a... .. llidp .... 476-MII

Church School - 9:30--10 30 am.

aces. NUnery to AdU.:t.

llornm.c Wonhip 11:00 A.K.

Re-v. I..ta C Keperli.D.C". Putor Ut-1924

I G""'nbelt eommwu~ \ r P.O. 8os 24.5 ...__

Greenbelt. 'Md. JD'!'TO ,T..__,~u


"AND OUR WELCOME MAT IS ALWAYS OUT. You a:-e 1nvtted to wonhl.p with WI

GREENBELT BAPTIST cmJRcH 'T~ er-e.,, • G...,.,.\U Rds.

B1bJe S:udy tor an qes (Sun.) ") t\ta &JilL

Wor:sh.p ~rvic-r W:idwftk PnyeT Serv\ce (Wed.J

,t·~~,e~ cnf~~~~~<• H•~;":ce' .J~a ,. ~~"-·.~o .. ·n~r ~~),,e. P.~"t.l.-1-- •·· :nt-.r. .. )l-~

"' 11 a .. m. • Sun<la,)t )(orn";:.c W~r-.i.h.p a.nd Ch~r~. h .5ch~\

:\ .... :-::.!:'!"1. .. d.:'),::dea' :->t \.

• 28 H<Lhide ' \

R.-'.~ .. ;~~~f\=\~Y:'~y ~:,'~-~~~~-:·.


c GHI NOTES Thursday, June 10, 1982

Police Blotter T'be 1082-83 CHI Boo(.., of Di­re-cton wlll con.vene on June 10 at 8 p.m. in t~ GHI Board Room. Ot!tcen tor the cOIIlina year will 'be eJected.

llleetin&S nest week bePn with tbe p~onversiOil meetinc on June H. from 5 to 1":30 p.m.. Other m.e-etinp includt- tbe Comm.tttee on Coaam.ittl!fl on · June H, the Ad Hoc Historic: ~on Committee- on June- 15 and the Committee on June- lT .. All IDft'tinp becln at 8 p.m. in the !loud Room.

CHI !loud .,._ben Donald Volk, Wayne Wllllama and Mark Dombrowski. . General llanaaer Tim ¥ttH and Comptroller- Don McGinn attended the Eastern Co­operative HoUJtlq Orcanbation

(ECHO) annual conference on June U. The ECHo conference was held. at Ch&ruers ~rrace

;!:~~=iatlon .. t__ "Caniecie.

llana.aement ~mlnda members who are cons1dennl" ln.tallinc air eondilionen rn thetr new windows that they auJst contact tbe Stafr Architect's Oftlce <47t­O'DO) for approval &nd inJ;tnlc-tiOJUI. .

Rehab work ill: rontlnu ina. PresenUy. root and msula:.ion work i1 beina done on test units. Afte.r GkiDC accepts the test unit work. a schedule will be pub­lished Members are encouraced. to call the rehab botline <-t7._ &IU) for informat1on and ~~ebed­u1et.

("ompilod ..,. -vio .,... .... Det. Sit. Ernest W. Brumley,

who has been invf'"Stig&ling a case ot reported rap~~!'. has determined that the report was not true. The report was .made by a l~year--old gtrl who said that she wu r-aped on the way home from the Belt­way Plaza in a wooded area near the- Green be it Junior Hi&"h School on Kay 1 T)le girl has been charged with making a talse re-­port.

An alert resident of Greenbriar.

::l-r:h:.ed !ei:~us:ic1~~=r e:;

com':mendation from Greenbelt Police Chief William T. Lane. The report resulted in the arrest of the car's operator and his being cha~ with theft from num{or.

..... , IBWIIiLL'S Home Decorat1ng Center DISCOUNTS EVERYDAY ON


· Wattcoverings & Window Treatments '"The Most Complete Home Decorating Store,

Just Minutes from Greenbelt" CUSTOII WAU.COVEIIUNGS

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mae yo.j~ ~1•M!o eo..rtch Boy Paints

• A<_,ong Floon ·-• Cunpm PictuN

Shop At Home Service Available 937·3733 Ontl Call Does II All ,.._,

we-~ ... ·~ .,...""'~'

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13011937 37)3

~ome Jecor~t1ng Center

GREJ':'>BEL T :O."EWS RE\"!Ev.

ous cars. The night l:k-tore the resident obs.ervt-C: and reported the !W.piCIOUS activity ht> had at­tended ·a Ne-iKhborbood ~ur.e

Watch program conducted by Pte. Marr D. S.ppinaton

Oftlcer Ttmothy Hahn rece1ved

a commendatton from Cbief Lan~ for h1a attrmp!. to san the life of a joger who bad suft"e~ a beart attack. Ot!lce-r Habn perforMe-d card10- pulmonary resuscitation until tbe arrival ot ftdcue Squad personnel.





Tht> ..;:rr.; :e mten•st rJte 1s establ~hed by tht• Treao:;ury

Btll Auctl"n edch Monday

·The r.t~e at th(' 11me- yuu purchase a. Cer\tfkatP remains

m effect dc;:-:ng the entire 91 day ter,m:~.

GFCU pays •.t; ·more than any bank does

,_Tor fmther mform<~tion. call your GREENBELT FED­

ERAL CREDiT e:---ao:o-; and obtam our current rate.

Greenbelt Federal Credit . Union

474-5900 112 CENTERWAY


The Utopia Theater Needs ·vou The-g,rrent recession has aHected all of us, including the Greenbelt Cultural Arts Center and

the Utopia Theater. We need your support to keep our doors open, so thqt we can continue to bring you fine cultural events like the Baltimore Symphony and our recent original famf!y, mu­sical- "Avrey's Magic." Ticket revenue alone cannot pay our expenses; we must have private donations to meet our costs and remain open. ·

Please become a member of the Greenbelt f:ultural Arts Center today. Help us keep your cultural:'arts ce~ter bringing you fine cultural and civic events. We need the UtbP,ia Theater in the Grei"'nbelt Center for the vitality of our community.

Help Greenbelt,and yourself. Send in our coupon and become a member df t~e Greenbelt Cultural Arts Center today.

Yes, I'd like to join The Greenbelt Cultural Arts Center. Please enter my membership as checked below: ~

Su.5taming $50.00

c::: Patron 'ssQO.OO :=· New .. ...... C Renewal [j Regular $10.00 J C Contribution $25.00 C :::::: J)anor $100.00 c._· Benefactor $200.00 ~ ~

0 I'd li.k~ to contnbute, but I don't wish to become a member. Enclosed is $ ..

0 I'd like to pelp by joining ~ committee:

0 Procramming . . 0 Publicity 0 House (wrl>es, CQIICU.rioru, tic:Uts) ,. , 0 Short Range Fund Raising (fund drive, bake saler, etc.)

Name ....................... .

Address ···•·············


Phone .................................................................................................................................

0 Membership . ~ Clerical Help C Technical (pro;ectiont.St.t, hghttng, sound, Te'J)airs, &etl:) CJ Long Ran'ge Fund Raising (grants, business, etc.)

Please send this to:

Greenbelt Cultural Arts Center, Inc.

P.O. Box 293

,Greenbelt, Md. 20770 \

Please inake checks payable to Greenbelt Cultural Arts Cenle<

\ . }

Page 3: 1-- file·,I '\ \ ~ i \ I .. ( \ CAl WASH-..... 5th • Satuod.r\ 10-4 p.JIL $2M STAR fARM ..... au. --~-.... ..... --, ..... ~ . ... ' .... .... -

-.....WAIIDT -------.......... _ -J

La V<:-he ~ w1U hoW a ~~lal mnt.r•& about :oddlt>r-!1 on Tu...tay June 1~ a: 10 ILJII_ at lt

· E R.da~ RD&.J. Kot!y-n or 500n-tG-bt--m.otht>n of tbt> \)ld.r JWU.n­•:'1&"' an ~l)f'C)a.lly mVlti!'d. For more utrormauoq. pbon• 34S­,.-,.,

ttw> aon1nc com.a:utt..,.._-for ~:cam­p;.,. a .u.Dcomauttrt> on !lit> North End whool Anyont> 1nt~f!'d in serv,nc on tiw- JOll.q COIDJilittH ~ho"lu!d ''>nta.o:t Sch.INIIJI'Pt"


IDdmduals inter-.d in ..w,q aa r...a..w pholoqra­piMr Ia< !be lour clay - abauld MD<! the ~ a ,_, ezamJII- .,. ...-It I;JDd l»d propoeal includiDq - cuns P'foltu nu. .,_ ........J ·boocb. will" be -mlable lor bcmd-cmft CCI' - Qirw.. ~ aalta people will~ . "" ........... app'l;cat;c.. cmd MD<! alidea .,. their ha!;o< diwaok. A.,.-.- will be j1lrieci ~___) IICA1lUIIE: AUGUST I. 1112 ~TIOII: GVf111!1T LAlOR DAY ra1lVAL WilL 1101: #I. GPfEW'LT. iiD il77ll

G ~ D.cma }emMa 34$8232.

Saturctay, Jtne 18. to 4 p m. marks the ftrst ket ut the Greenbfolt , CPnter supported by the C'ounc1l and sponsored by the tura.l Arts Ce-nter. Wh1le tht event w:ll be a fund-raiser for ~he Aru Center. tbe pnm.a.ry objec~

t:vP w:ll bP to bnng residents and n .. m- rt>sidents •nto the histon.: ~lloppmg cen1er and boos: :ht> t" :on;Jmic VltalJty of the shopp:r.g .. e-nter Such markets are ex­:rt-me!y ;>opular and the Arts CPn t<>r hopt's to ~fit from it by prC'· m•) e-vt-nts! n.tnn1ng !lt tht> . .\:-:, Ct>nter ~o~o·h:!e1 prn\'lding patr,·,r . .; w1th tht' a.ddinona1 anra.:~:or". nf !:,oe pE'r!onnances.

I: :~ !!"\tended that tht' maril.· · ".!1 b.- a riu.xture of both yar .!­salP and art~ and crafts LC··m<

Thf'"re vn!! be- no fovd sa!t's o·_:•­;;:df' of !r.:'<>hly bakf"<i good:; F.· ... -by ~ (")0~ ~paces w:ll ~ rPnc.•d ~-'~

a fi"t'. To re:ierve a space or ~"

b.;~~ out .,..1th the runn1ng of :r.-' rr:arke~ contact ·A:-u~ or A!'.:!-:~":" y P·-.ano 3.~ -17t- 7841

Clm·c·i.' duwns Ka.r~ and ~l~~:. K~c>:; w;!~ bf' an a.ddf'd attr~v· ,,~ If :tr1''''!'•~ ,.!,w J;J; ~n!li'r.Pst.~d :n ;-t •. !•rm~r.g vn a y,)lunt•'f·r Pa-~ -r-:ea.~.-> con~3.C~ Konrad at 34S. 9;jl)~ !!"'. :h.· f'Vf'l'H of ra1n. the m:~.rk· · w'!' b~' h,·ld 1rt !hf' t':op·a Th<>a~·':

:,_--.da) ~ ~oc1r!)' It dot>~n"t o.._, .r bv !!.-'.f'l! It hd..i to tw cu.tiv:'I.C•'<~ t~· :!1., ._..._, wh<) h"'f' :ht>rP. That , v.:hy \\'Ot:>d.Land Hilts must bt> ,.,_,r. :.r.ued ·•



"2 "' ::::~s~ (lfr ...


~ .... ,;.


&llffS 6111

"" ·~· ..


OLYIIPIA -, -:;;_ .:a"s .,

~3::: ...

.... ,.,$4.29 :co $4.99


'lC" • .. : • ·er



ac· , 75 L-!er


SOlElY Alii Colombard Blanc

-...rnage1973- fSOmt


IIGfSOII 60UEM Al.f 12 JI N R s :a-;.,. War!T'


• j.l. lAilT 101111011

•OC' 1 75 L \e•



86' 175 Lite·


fW AIMAIIIO ChabliS Burgul"'dy \/1n,cr........ , ' .. ter ~EOUT . $4.69

\ ',

ThursdaY. JUDe 10, UU

c swmrsa DB.EGATION G,....belt -.._IDe. (GHD lo

prou<l o6 lu J<PUtatlOil -other cooperatt... For ID&Il7 years. m.emben o6 co-:op. from around the WO<Id haft Ylolted am. GHr• IIA!babllll&tioo Pro-

~ :m= a~ d:=-!: case on .June 3 •beD a Swediah deleptiOD Yl.olted G"""bolt ope­ctflcaJly to learn about GHI'a Re­habiUt&tion Procr-.

Appl"Oldmately & -., people from the Special Committee ot the Counsel oa Buildinc Restoration in ~en. the National Couumer Coop;rative Bank and the eooP­erattve HOlUin:a Federation spent the afternoon e1t GHI. The

'delel(ation included pn.e Norwe-

tan o1Bdala ff'OIIl the- Swediah 1n;stry of Housiq, the Swedish atwnal Tenants Aaaociation and

t~ L"nivenlty of Stockholm. Al­m06t 15 percent qf. all housing m Sweden b e~ttve hous~.

Gt.-ne..-al lLa.nAca-1! Tim !Litter be-gan the occasion !;rith introduc­tiOn-S. Next GHI's historical :~llde show pve the visitors back­around in!Drmalion. Afterwards, -GHI Pre~ndent Jim Smith spoke abuut developments leadtn& to the Rehab Program. Then the slide how on heat and bot water con­·erstOn wu shown. Visitors _were lso given a comprehensive pAcket

tnt ormation; Rehab Bulletins. HI :Sevrsletters. the Annual Re­r-t and GHI Brochure. Ustn& sever-al veh.lcles. the crouP

to~red Greenbelt. The progres­s\~ of rebab work was illustrated by' v1nY1 Sldtng work a.s the- visi­tot1 saw first "sebra-.:tripe .. hO-.e9, then a f~e bui~ coMpletely stripped of shine~ and tlnally newly aided .buildinp. On the tour rehab work _;___ new roOts, windowa, insulation, crawl space worit, etc. - was pointed out. The group stopped at I court Ridge intendlq to view the new "'·mdows from the outside. One

VISITORS OF GH1 GHI member. Richard. Beft8011, kind.l)' cdfeftd a -'l)ur-ol-tbe-fao. ment tour of bh bnek hOme. A scheduled: tour ~·aa also made ol Std Architect St&n Serwn'a block home.

Tbe I(I'OUP rehlrned to the of­tlcea for cofttt~; and cake and a que.tioa. and '.aQ.swer RU:iOIL The visitor's q,ueatioru rdlectecl con­cern about .st.& pa,y, demo­graphica, rehab tlnancinc and tts effect on monthly cbar&ea- They were impressed with the number or members who expressed the mtention to remam in GHI for their entire live. m a survey tak­en ~ral yearS ago One que•· t10n Was. "How.. were members persuaded to take this bi&, step (reUb>?.. "''I"he bLggest job was

. persuasion." explBlned Audit Com­mittee member Ka~he-rine Keene. "W~ can't forget that we have membe-n on low income," she added. Smith noted that !o re­flect member wl.shes, the pro­gram w.a.s adjusted ahd·~ took advantage of

the opportunity to learn about Swedish cooperat1ves. "'How do you hand!~ resa:es m Sweden~ .. SE'rsen wondered. In many cases. the local commun:ty will guaran· tee part of the loan. Units are soid for whatever the market will bring which is naturally depend­ent upon the unit"s condition. No actual inspectlOn is made. Resi­dent.. are only responsible t.or what doesn't atreet a neighbor.

As tbe sess10n ended, visitors expresSed the~r thanks for a "very mteresting· day."' "W~'Ire very impressed with tb~ hospitality." said Lennard llyhfback, Head ot the International Department m the Kinistry of Housing and Physical Planning. He added, ''I think you can be very proud of what you have h1!'re:·

The a,t~tiqn's tour will continlU' Jit1i brief visits to

St. Louis, Chicaco. Phll&delphia


Bobby•s Old ~- Susie"s Last Yean Dress, and even Baby Jimmy•s Diaper Set


"Chris & Undsay's" CLOSET is now accepting all childrens clothing 111d


* REWARD * can be claimed at

chris & lindsay's I

'CLOSET' ·105 Can1Brwrf. G.-.nbelt: Md.



. 50% Consignment and on s.tun~rt. ,._ 12th only. a me ._.ion_

for _., _.rt o...-J with c:hilchns cfathong


ReaD!r Treats for lils Fanaers' Market o,e. What bappena to a ehild'a read- The Farmer.' Karket . on Cal-

ina:_·~ d\U'l.lla tb~ aummer! 'rl v.rt Road. Collep .Park, hu JD&Lntain th~ akilla and pro- opened for' the aeoaaon. Held at vtde unlimited adventure for a f the KN(H2C swimmin& pooL the six-tc>twelve-year~~ be. or abe ' m&rki!t will be open Saturday can enroU in lh:e ~ce Georca mornings from 7:30 a.m. to noon,

Sartaa- Reception June 27 at P.G.C.C.

Citiaftal for Sarban~ 1ril1 afw a reception In honor ol Senator Paul Sarbanes, wbo is runnlq tor re-election to the Uni~ States Senate. The date ts Sun-c!a7. June rT from 5 to I p.m. The place Ls the Larco Student Union Cen­tll!r of Prine• ~ Commu· nity Colle8e. Contact Kicki Wei­dt~~tfeld. 36$---2321 for illforaatlon. and tieket.a.

~~tyau=~~~:~~ June through Septembft.

The theme this ,.e&r Ja '·SUP- For more information. contact ER SHARKS Children can H. Philip Killer, 10200 Piscataway join and get their teeth into Rd_, Cli-nton, MD. 20735. Phone: books." Registration beCiAS Man- 29'7 -5845. day, Jun• 14., and runs throuch ' Au~t 13 Call MS--5800 tor tnfo.

and :Sew York. Bef"Ore coming to GHl. the gTOUp attended a tes­sion on management of urban re­habilitation at the National Con­sumer Coopera.tive Bank In Wuh­mgton, D.C.


ur Lnaunult..:t '--IIIJJ.

Don .w: .Taulelle, CLU 8951 r;.dtoonatnn Road a.-- Md. ...,.,.

474-5007 Like a 1ood Deipbor, State Fann is there.

State P'ana lnauranee Co'L Home Of!lcH: Blooartnaton. ID.

~OPIA THEATRE In tloe Greenbelt Cenfftl


<Friday & Saturday, June 11 & 12 8:15P.M.

"ROSEBUD RAGTIME" · The high stepping lively music of Scott Joplin & raglitbe

_of the early 1900's. $3.50 Adults. $2.00 children, students seruors

Saturday, June 19 8:15 P.M. Musik:anten presentS

"A RENAISSANCE MUSIKF,ESTE" in full courtly Renai.tlsance costume. Benefit .for WoU Trap. $7.00 Adults; $4.00 students. children and seniors

June ·19 FLEA MARKO DAY . Golden opportunity to sell· old clothes. housewares. toys. furnishings, books. etc. Table rentals $5.00 per day

r for rentals call 474-7841



·-- 474-6878


REGISTRATION: Accepted i,n penon at the Youth Center Bu.sin""" ~ce- Mo~du;;; friday. 9 am-4.30 pm beginning friday. June 11th. Thursday.]~~ 5~c£~:: by last d to register. All classes will begin the week of June • mail ':!just !ill out the application below and- mail >mth. your check for the. lull ~~ made able to the CITY Of GREENBELT. to the Department of Recreation. cent R.:J. Greenbelt, Maryland 20770. Claases will be conducted as scheduled unless otherwise notified. . . ts liv CLASS' FEES: An additional 25 c; per class will be_ charged_ to a~ regatran . -ing outside the City of Greenbelt limil$. _ A 10·; _discount willai;' t!vC:,~ :~~ :ilizens, so years and over. Clcmses reqwr mg additional maten

an asterisk("), C (5 · bill J.a1t Recrea· LOCATION CODE: BITC (Braden Field Tennis Courts}; SHLR pnng e lion Center); YC (Youth Center). · · . REfUNDS; The Recreatiou Department reserves the right to _cancel cl<D18M due to lll­

sufficient registrants ·or caU:aes beyond its control . Refunds will be made if cl~ 0: cancelled by the Department. Other refunds will be made according to pro~ in City of Greenbelt Resolution No. 65, which requires that refund requests be ma

writing immediately for valid reasons. AGE GROl:P FEE AcriVITIES LOCATION DAY TDIE


yrs. 161, claPH BALL.E'T - PRE-SCHOOL YC Tu to-n am H A: over 115/& classes GOLF SHLRC Th 6-7 pm. $1218 cLasst>s JAZZERCISE - Becins 8/24 YC Th 10--11 am 16 &: over $20.0G-

PO'l'TERYIPRACTICE'TIME yC_ Until August 20th 16 't~l~er Sl0/1 classes SLIMN4STICS YC Tu 7:30--8:30 pm 18 &: over $10/8 claun

BF'TC Th 7-8 pm 15 & over Sl5/5 cluRs TE.vmS - Intermediate BFTC :u

6~~ ~~ . ; 15 &: over U5/5 classes =~iate- Bf"TC w 6-8 p 15 ~ over $15/5 cl&sseS

BFTC Th 6-8 pm 15 & over $15/5 c~ Beginner · • M ndav

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Contact the Greenbelt Recreation Department. on ay

thru friday 9 am to 5 pm. 474-6878 R · Ce te JACK! ·SORENSEN'S AEROBIC DANCING - At the Springhill Lalte ecrea11o7~00 AM­Oftered are.l2 ·on~hour clasaes. twice a week on Tuesdays/Tb~ayM atd...:-/Uied:

-00 PM and 7-15 PM beginning June 29th thru September 16th- . : on ~r- ~ :~ays at S:JO PM. June 28th ·thru September 15th . For registrallOn infonnation.

77!1-4250. ..... --------------------


Address AcrrviTY:

( ) Ballet - Pre.SCbool ( ) Golf'

Phone: H. B ..

DAY triKE ( ) Slimnastics:

( } Tennis Amount Enclosed $ --· ~--···-· ····-·--

Make c~~k ~:~e to CITY OF GREENBELT, mail with Relistration FonD to Dep&rt:1Dent of

Recreation, 25 Cre.scent Road,, Greenbelt. Jt1U71and 20110.

Page 4: 1-- file·,I '\ \ ~ i \ I .. ( \ CAl WASH-..... 5th • Satuod.r\ 10-4 p.JIL $2M STAR fARM ..... au. --~-.... ..... --, ..... ~ . ... ' .... .... -


... '169

-Alii I -v ....... .. -.. If ...... -.:$1 ..

: SJ1S

: ss­:'2" ......... ,.. _,1 .. --·--... s---...., .... ,) -'1"




---~---...... -..... , ..

,......., .......... --...-••••• IIOAS1' __ .:~1"

...._._....,_ ."r ----.... MilliS

______ _,

_,. __ _ ..... a.aoN

ue .QUAil lAS

\_ •• ~ .... CllfTI. CUT •••


~ .. L- o.. n .... c ... ~··" (,..". 1 ·

-------YUL .....

4r-.. '278

Sz-11!1_.. "::'ar - 96' a.... .... :: -.. ,.. .. --sr er-a.... :: = -.,.,. .......... -:: - -.: SJ" a-z WilD

Th'f'*'Y· June 10, Ul82

CLASSIFIED: OOJIP'ORT HOKE DIIPROVE­:K:I:Nr and Iuulation. - Rertova.­tioM, idditlona. po!nU.... Qualit7 -..oo~~,,m.. estimates. KHIL # 1&­•n. .........

KO'Mi!CRIJ:XPilRIEN(ll: BA­BYsrrrJCR Ia G.....,bolt """ld like to 'b&bpit 2~~J'SI'-old:t or older. Reliable, 10\liq eare liven. References. Call L1sa. Sf6.-1'211.

XOVING SALE - Table 6 3 chain,

$2.00 -- lor tell •ordl. 10c NOh ad<litiollal WO<d. No cllup tot" Uatiae iteala u..t are found. Submit ad with p&JIDellt to the sewa a..1ew otllce betweeD a aDd 10 p.m. of the Tueoclq pneeciiDa publication. 01' to the·~-. ..... drop Dal: iD tbe Greenbelt Coop &'roce'Tf store before T p.m. Tus-­da7. or aail to P.O. Boa 81. Greenbelt, )(aryiaDd .201'2Q.

BOXED: U..TS/coNmn inch. JOni­mua 1~ l:Dches ($5-G).

SURlPLUS n:EPS 185. OARS $81, 1'R{)aiB $100. Similar barpins anllable. Call for )'OUr directory on bow to purcb.ue. ~ Ext. 81211. c..u R.luncl&ble.

' bOokcuet. etc. Reuooable. 474--8248.

PIANO TUNING AND REPAlR­Ezpert and Reliable Piano &em« to G......,belt. BeDjomtn Berkol­aky. •n..-... J:LLERS TrPJ:WRl'l'ER JU:­p .uR - Electric, Stanclanl and port.oble. Call 474---

PIANO L.ESSONS: Pe&l>od7 Con­Mrt'&tOI'J' Graduate. Becinnera -.&dT&Deed.. IU-T'OM

CALDWEIL"S APPLLUiCi SERVICE - all t ·-...IlCea repaired.

Call alter 5 -CNIVERSAL CARJiET CLEDI­rNG - QualltJ' work at reasonable rates, .team cleaned. 476-8015. ·rne E.t.imatea.

Lingerie Fashion Show




Earn Gowns at Halt Price

Call .nor &: .. P.M. .,.__

PAINTING-Interior 6- Exterior. Drywall .1: Plaster repair. All work cuaranteed. ae.t prices in town. Local ref. Grad::(• Pain~. Ph.



3 bedroom ramble~", 1 ~ baths. ftniahed tt.lement.. ~e corner lot. PouibiP owner ft.n&neinl' with c!Ostnr.

CALL 34.5--75'11

FOR SALE - '81 Cbevette, " spCl., hatch- back. 2 T P. stereo, AC. de­luxe int./ext .. L. T. rustproof. H.D. batt .. Hal. H.L rally wheels, WW, sound pl. mats. Spt. minon, 12.'7CO mi. $-&8MJ. Don. H 210-QU2, W 3A-2001.

FQR SALE 197'0 D-18 martin acoustk ruitar $:1150.00. H 270-01112. w ~-C9U'OOL IW RID~E~w~an=tea~t"'o Baltimore, Kon-Fri. Leave G~n-­belt about 7 a.m., leave Ba)timore around 6 p.m. Bill1e 474-2178. FOR SALE=-·18-Peuc:eot 501 DTe= sel. autoMatic, sunroof, AK/F'K Radio, air eond1 honed. N7 -5078. FOR SALE - 19'1'!5 Ford Pinto Runabout, f-speed. weU-maintaln­ed, new battery. W /W radials. ~-

-...._. +U-1078. Call any Ume. Greenbe.k. lid

FOR SALE: China cabinet. cood condition. $60.00; child's dre.saer, $3.00: black stor~ cabinets, $10.00; four cha.i". cold uphol­stered. S8 00 ~h.- Call .n"-1152. FOR SALE: Chevy Impala..-.'Tf. &ood condition $1800 -4:74-1152



Com-puter lliiii t10ppy DLSJU, 5% inch with hub ri..Dp: Elepbant at = tor 10 or Verb&tim Data Life, Double Deuity. 10 in plutlc bos: 'at $2'7..50 -Ml.aiZ.


UPHOLSTEIY ~ 262-4135 ~ pickup aDd delivery

Free e.timates l...arge ·fabric eelect.10n

KENT'S CARPET CARE - Low prices on shampoo. steam. and dual prooesa. Call lor free esti­mate-. .-7'-3521.

YARD CLEAN-·..,UP""rM""o"'W!N""""'G=.­Leat and stump removal, fertilis­inl", trimminc, Jol6...$dll.

LAWN MOWERS REPAmED­Expert,. fut.. reuonable •nice. 474--128L

SPECIAL $5.00 alf on aU

TV&s ..... Repair won: Wilh ltlis Ad

CAU <M1·9116

C ,!pplianee Sen:iee S.U0: DAY SJCRVICE ...

•Wuben •Retriceraton

•DJ7eft •:Freaen ~•Ru&M •DWnruben

-.,.a. "' s-J<or ou­.__. ALL WORK GUARANTEED

Full tune teller needed for'Green­bert-4oca.tion ot a Savm,S and Loan. Teller or cash handling ex­perience required. Call Kiss Frank a.t t48-82QO. E.O.E. ilOVINC lltUST SElL - Hohday Health Spa. Lifetime Mf'mbership, area rug, UO, ftling cabinet, $80. 864--&H3 Day, 322-'TT15 Eves. FOR sALE - GECa.sement air conditionf"r, 1.000 BTU. $75.00. 474--2835

Edgewood TVA Audio

Dependable Guaranteed Serrice


We ._p- ATAAI -Lieeued. Bonded


=--.:.'t==.~.· ~~:S.l~ ·-- ·­·-- ·­JIJDC- #1-

Coll - fw y_r ,,.. Estimate 262-1021 or 441-3519

FOR SALE: 1WO BtKES0 tO: s~ l'irb racen. EJU&beth. m-07!10 clays. · RADi!X'i'OIIS: SALVAGE C(jp-: PER. gt'C, L.arce supply. avail­able immediately. Call J. Whalen. 474-tOll, 10 a.m. to 12 noon., )(on. Frid&y,

BABiSii lEA WANTED 3 days a week for two small children Call Z62..UK ~BAcK"'!"'H"•'"'II"'li<i"'be<=wee=:;;n St. Huah's and the lake every Sat­u ~Y bet wee'\. 10 a.rp.. and 8 p.m. sell I' hve t&rd shell and soft sh crabs. Come down &nd say hello.


PalatlaJ Carpentry ~....._ n-. Tllo AdclitiOM

. Tub Kits Poreha Fl.oon Air Cond. Sleeves

Deda J"enca

Paul Reme"ick 441-8699 KHIC NO. l28d

READING AND KATH LES­SONS taU&ht by collece student

, using P.G. County's SLRD tech­niques. Three yn. experierice. ~.00/hr. Gas extra. Call 34:5-2718.

LA WNWORK - Kowtnc. weedinc. chpplnl' etc. by responsible collece student. Call 346-2'718.

FOR SALE - Full mattress and box sprin&. $§.00. Bookcue, ~ x •.. $20.00. omee desk $10.00. Ci nderblock/wood shelves, $10.00. :U5-M52. evenincs.

ATTENTION NEEDLE atAF"I' LO"'.[gtS! Tum your hobby int-o caSh. E&rn 110-$20/bour· demon­ your neecUecraft skills. Will train. Call Karyann. fT~2tiS.

BUSINESS OPP<JR"nJNlTY -Earn money at home thro~ tel­ephone soUcitation-. 34~.


Custom Built

Pr.Uure Treated

SUN DECKS Home ··Tant

.... ~·­Bob Willhide 345-8368 conform• to GHI .apee11lca:.:ons


Personnel Specialists with onr 90 years total statr experience in the mechanics of Federal Personnel Kanacement.

- SF -ln Preparation e irJitial opm ratinp e merit promotion va.c:ancie.s

e upward mobility e supplemental forms e cover letters

• Grievances

- Appeals

- RIF - Resumes For information c&ll: S4.5-032-f

Putens Associates, Inc.


Bill Boyd of GfeeDbelt won the f0....4.t year old ace crouP. one mile race Jut Jf"&r at the Meet of llile-5 at Geotl'e .lluon University's track 1n Fairfax, Vtr&in.l& in the time of 4 :58...2.' The Jleet." of Miles 1.s a series of one mlle ·races (22 in alD held by ses. &nd ace &rOUP from 1 to 10 years. If soaeone over 70 or under 7 to run he will get the ch.a.ace. The 12th annual Meet of llilea wilt be held Sunday. June 13. A race walk will also be conducted. Someone will be th.E're before ·the racew&lk to show how to racewalk. The adult events start at 11 ..a.m. and the 1 year olds a.t noon. Sil'll up at the r~ or call Larry Noel at 414_-9382


Bathroom Reinocleled?



Speciah.ztng in Ceramic Tile

Have a. highly profitable and beau­tiful Jean Shop of your own. Fea­turing the latest in Jeans, ~aims, Sportswf"ar and Western Wear. $12,900 includes besinning inven­tory. fixtures ~d training. You may have your- ,store' open in &s

little as 15 days. Call any time for Mr. Hartlf"y t-8()0....521-&143. FOR SALE - )(etal radiator. cov­en: S3-7. excf"llent condition. Call for dimenstons. ~175. ilO"tm'GsALE:GOOd-f\i"iiTtUre.

· larce oak desk. bed frames, Sloane sola.. chairs. turntable cabinet w;matchtnl' bookshelf. upricht freezer, Lawnboy Mower, etc. 937-0D78.



Wuher Air Conditioner

n..,. .. Relricerator D~

All Makos & Models

1~ OFT

For all Greenbelt Resid~ltt.s

IZ4 Plaioau Place .ut...JlSl

Pate 7

TAN> &AUt: s.t. 11-t, 1-D West• .•0-7· Lata ol llarpiU ·• URGE fi1tb IWE - SiLO illi Sun. 1/J.S fi:OID 10 La to " p.m. Item. for eftf7011e. lllik Ridp Ri. COURT YARD SiLEO H.,....,_ wares, tooll, lnfaatJtodd.lers clothes. toys. equipment. R&lned out twice. We're cleaPerate. 14 Laurel Hill Belin.l 10 LJD.. Sat­urday. YARD SXLII: S&tura&i. June 12. t:30-12ol0. ChanCiDC table. hieh ch&lr, baby clothes to sise 4, bed­frame, bolst.eors, Arescreen. suA­case, child's bike, riclin:l' toJ"3, bi­cycle child carriel seat. ladies clotbes, evenin&" cowns. etc. TALL COKE. 131;-ood.

MULTI-FAMIL~ARD SALE 1 Ct. Research, . June 12. to-3. Antique fum. &: load& of Creal: buys~!~ Rain date June 13.

YARD SALE: S&t. June 12. tA 4- Empire Place'w"o<>4U. Some interior hardware, clothes. tors . YARD SALE - Sat. June 12 . .C P.idae. t-U:30. yARD SALE Sat. . .-2 RU!ie. I a.m. Kany items. Rain date Sun­day. MULTIFAKILY YARD SALE­Ridce · .1! Southwa.y, Sat., I a.m. Furnitut;,e. women's clothln&'. 12-14., misc. Multi-family YARD SALE-Sat .. June 12. 10-3. 1936 Lak:eerPst Dr Baby clothes, housewares, bumz,M pool table. coffee table, mbc. fur­niturP. FOR SAlE: Ketal lr:itehen table and four chairs. $30. 345-TON. RIDE-NEEDED taUS.-Capitol; to arrive by 9 Lm. and leave at 5 p.m. Will sharto expenses. 4-11-104111 YMm~EA~~ AlL MUST GO! Sat.. June 12 9 a.m. Sellman eft&te. 31'04: Sell-man Road BeltsYille 131 !50'78.

CONSIGN-IT 7207 Baltimore Ave.

College ~arlo:

<across from ~ Johnson

Accept a.nd SeU ~;y"Coods Clothing, Furs. Je-welry, Ac-

ceSSOrif"S &nd VintagE> Ooth-



UCL'<SED • BONDED • ll'iSVBIID ' _ ...... F>oe~ AD w- Gomna,...

Plants &: Shrubs 1


Tree Serriee

Porehu Lawa Care

Sundeeb SERVICES Roto · Tillin& PoiaU... )(.H.I.C. #tll41 Concrete Storm Doors

Bob Wilhide· 345-8368 Storap Sheds

Window. Fenciq

Ceramic Tile NO mB TOO SKAlL Gutten



Kretschmer Moving Co. "Greenbelt's Mover"


·-"-'.- He.

Page 5: 1-- file·,I '\ \ ~ i \ I .. ( \ CAl WASH-..... 5th • Satuod.r\ 10-4 p.JIL $2M STAR fARM ..... au. --~-.... ..... --, ..... ~ . ... ' .... .... -

) /


.._. Golden AIJe Oub ; __ &..._

OUie ll.eaila*r: )llea)aers ot the QcWkn Ace Oub w-.o --paid--~tho ead. ot Decelllbrr W'lll be a.ut.o­~ dropped r~ member­alaip rolls. :nus ~ in ace~ will> tho BYlaws ol the Club.

CllaltCe m tbe tilDe tor tlw ft8'• ........ --kl:Y-­wtll ~ up for a ftnal W"'l.e ~ !M Jmle ~ ...-t1Da. ~ mJt

...... !

lx ...... Stucleat$ Need Hostfami~

'1't.e ~nean Fie.ld !erY\ce (.."lab. o6 De&aol' ~11 H)Ch 1S

looll:illll for faailles blternud In ....... r.U~ studelrU ~~ ll'ridoiJ', ~uly t tbl'ouP _,. .J~ l2. ActJYitles an plaD.ned aAd m u. put t:h!'w ~" ·"Bus Stos-"' U'ft ahra7s ~n a fun and ft~ a:perWDCe. For mfor­

-- eall Manlyn ........ af­~15 p..a or 17'1-Ziii'J.

Bey SeNt r...., To lleW Car W asia

A c:ar .....m .nU be Mld at St. Huch'a parili.J1C' )o( on Saturday Jww 12. from I a.m. un:il 3 p m.. Tlw 4!81' wash l.S spon301'ed by Bo:J Scout Troop 1748 and ~he- mon•y ~ wtll be used to bfone-ftt tM S\l~B~Be'r C&IDPI.!lC PI'OC'f&.m for vebic:ln w1U vary dt>prndin&: upon ..-.. In caw ol ra.~n. tlw- car ..a.b 1rill be beJd on Sunday Jun,.. 13. Ire. 2 to 5 p.m.


MDTINGS ' U•til ,._ aDd Dot Wale~

CODWISIOD W eo.plrted, ~ 17 pn-c:oilftrsJOG -.eet.ln.p wiD a.e Mid oft liloada7S fro. $-C. 3D

p.a. ia tho GHI- -'I'M ~ ol t.hne ~lin,p ill to prow:Se lllfo...woa about ~ ud bot water Coa.,.rsiOft. CJU sta8' w1U be prr:wDt tc ...wer q1IMiljofts aDd tnfona,a..

tiaaall.e«awWIIea..a)abkfnr ~PJoe..-cc.sftnioniii!Mt

iap will - held 01111 tbe foJ.

-~' RllO:M .nno: b -· ---·-_..__..,.. __ _ -------- .. -..... ~ .eetinp tril:

1M .act once a ~ on ttw --- ....... -n..e. •Hli.JIICa wUl ~ a .._. ,.... PllfQQ. Ia hly tbe ~inc ~a ~ tar tM loDowiq daJ':

.reLY M

JJ ••••n baY~ apeciJk is­._. LheJ' would Ww ~ 01' 8:ad thlf' -~ illconft'ft Ioiii. thry ..., eoatact tho ..._r ~ Ollo~or. ·ne..u lAowta. /~} .,._ can M ~ for otJwr -.etiq's Of'

----- J -----____ , ·----­- ...._ .& ... II -------__ ...._ .. ....,... ___ ..._. ... .......

Recreation RevieW __ .. ._.._ The- XARTl...AJIIDA.lJl wt.ll

perlora .. tl>e o-ebott ~ J'arll "" Sw>daJ. ....... u. .. 1 ;ua Bnna a cb.Ur ar ~ a.Dd m.JOJ' Tlw f'Dtenaaa-eat _. tree-. -c-o---FoUow:na :.s a .n.ctuSe ol hours for -.oth the '!'oath Center ODd ~riiiPill I...a lloc­~UOII Ce-nt•r

llloDday :llru 'l'hand:a7 12 DOOD

t~ 10 p.a. • F'r1d&y 12 llQOD to 11 p..a.

.~ .9aturdQ • La to u p..a. SuD4a)' 1 p.a. 10 18 .,_.._

_.._. __ _ 'nw lluru~1pal !tlriaamc Poo.l

• DOW oppa _..... ~ a W'N'Ir. for reereauocal r~ 1 p.a toIlS~...._~ oftpr COIUI:idPraWI> •-.tap O'ftT

d&Jly - AJ>Obcat'-< arp &Y1Ula.b)e at tM Pool. lteeft'­atJon Ce-nte-n aad 11\UI.idpal

Bingo 7:30p.m.

rHr) Thunoday

•• sa. u..p~.__ 135 t:r..,..rnl Road

Thunday, June 10. 1982

. Buddu'l&:. A Wldr T&rieQ' ol Jlp.t­

Cta.! ~u&tlc procram.s and tw1.111

~ opportwut1~ are abo &V& to the- wbole family c-..,_ -r-

1'1M'n- are !ltlll o~n1np in all .teS!IIJOD.!l of C&JD.p P:ne TrH. 'I'en­nl3. Archery. Cral'ts and Gymll.Ut:cs are JWt a fe-w of tM !~ and U.1fl prOCT&aLS p!alr n-H'd for t.lw campoeors.. ~buns and appbcauon,s.-.. an &Y&.Il&b~ a: tM Youth· Busm~ Oftke Ca.a 47+-8'!8!i 1 a.m to 5 p.m.... tor &dd.it1onaJ deta.ll.s. __ .._ ..,._

TbP G~nbe-lt R.ft"n!ttion n.­partllle'nt b.u _.~w cti..scount udr:ets avallabk> tor Klnp Do­IDII(llOn. He-nbl!-y Park and the Great Adn-ntUft Sa!a.n 1n N("W Jlf'rwy t.Ms. ·aft actual

-- W'I!:.DOIXG8 -


- POinTOL.KlS -



~ Cultural Am c- Flea SATUIIDAY, JUNE 19, 10 AM. 4 PM

... ._...........a. Aaa ... -~1 .,.... .. ....,._,..1 S..nd torm to Antllony Pu&n<> 120 G~n.b1U. GrM'nbt-lt. Md. lO'i':'O

~.-. Pbone-


It .... SPt t.'p. bcUl at 9 am.

b event ot raln, lDL.~I!'t W1U ~ Mld in t:topl& Th~r

will appear in',.,._ Gf

Beltway Plaza Mall Saturday, June 12

Gf 2 and 4 p.m. ......, .......

tu:ketJ. the-re ia no need to stand Ill lme at the pte. Offe~ a .av­inp ol !e'W'nl dollan. t..tte. pay­one--prlct> tidle-t!l allow wt1lm1ted U.5e' or &ll rides &!KI attracuons at eat" h p&l'k flu~ the 1M2 Ae>a­son Thl.3 s}JitciaJ dacount pro­cram 13 sporu10red ror the bt-neftt ol tht> K.a.J')'larad R.eereation and P'ark.3 A.580CI&tlon (JIRPA) to con:mut> 1U dl'orts 1n tmproVlflC conservation.

IUY'~ SEAfOOD HAitD & 50Ft caA8S Klcll _.,. - x- ,._

Spodtll - c-a (804) 462-7016

CAR. WASH sponsored by

Boy Scout Troop 1746

St. Hugh's Lot

Saturday, June 12t+t tam-3p.m

Ra1h date - June 13th :::!-5 pml





and up




I t'r 1v:d~ kl.-homt> !'lt>rvi4=e ID thi.! nf"iehborhood ~ days each W'ef'k

a..~ >a.•-:: ~ ~e eventng"S !Uld weekPnds. rm bonded. llC>ensed and tv;: n.: .. d for ~er 20 ~an. You can count on rqy esnmates and

promp~ !~r ~rt•ce I &tw"ay-3 cal! bfofore v-iMting. ~~:arry mono than 5 ::m.-s noM.aJ JnVI!'n~ory of parts, and can (almost) always

repa.r your Color 1TV IN YOlJR HOWE. ON ONE TRIP. I reprur

B:<Lo.:k .t: White se~ m FI"s and VC~l"s &lao.

'llloouoD ~r .-'..: - An .._ .... lt. \




hua6y 8~UDJn5UI 'fl8UJW8W ·~·N SCIDN :ONYHJlSNl.lffiOJ. Tiv ONY

. H.l1'a'3H 3.ll1


'S~jDUD ~-~:;:~~~au liD~ ·no.( JOj wDI&a.ld a ¥~~, sn •81

"'f'I-M ..IROA. ~

A.f'SC» eq PIRO~ I»UD..IftSU!

..tepun- ~SDM G'.S! I»UG.IftSU!•..18A0

·speeu JDnp!A

•!PU! JnoA. U!DJdXe puo A.pnp OJ 8W!J

BliOJ JOU saop JUe6D JnoA. esnDl8g

~ 6rttnbdt


Volume 45. Xumber 31 P.O. Box 68. Greenbelt." Maryland 207i0 Thursday. June 17. 1982

Greenbelt Is Center of Billion Dollar Co":Jmercial Development, Investment Area

by EJaine Skolnik The City of Greenbelt is tlt

the hub of what has bet>n coin­ed the SBtlhon Dollar Ctrcle ( $BC). An 1magmary geo­graphic area where nearly a btlhon dollars worth of con­struction is eJther currently tn place, planned or underway, the SBC 1.5 tre~ a.s a top pri- · onty economic_.) <\rea by the county It i.s' ·three m&les in diametPr and centered where the Baltimore - Wa.::;hmgton Parkway. Capital Beltway, Greenbelt Road anJ Keml­worth · Avenue all come to­gether.

According to executnre director tor S'BC' actn;itJ.-es and informa­tion. John M. Gornall of Gorna.ll Communication.!. ""The SBS is one ot the hottf'st l"t"8l pstate mvest­ment and dewlopment tt'"rntor1es on the East eoa.t. Blue- chip shoppinl" centers. cmploynwnt centers, otllce buildin& complt'"XE':I, professional centen, hotel instal· lat10ns. retBJ.I facilities and bous-­inc and condominiums are boom· in• in the BUlioa DoUa.r Circle."

Gomall notes that thf> $BC in· clucks Greenbeh showcase pro­jects like the Williamsbura-·styled Gl't"E"nway Shopping Center, devel­o~ by Western Development; the Capital Olllce Park. by Springhill Lake Aaociates; the Prudential Insurance ~piU'Iy"s G<llden Tri· angie otftee complex; the Capitol Cadi.llac: automobile dealership on

thf' Trianglt'" and C-<..\aklf'V & \Villi­am.'! Trade C.•ntf'r Park.

The conttnUJng :nterest by ma· jor d~velopE>rs and investor group,; in coa .. truct!ng h1gh quality office and 1r-dustnal parks m the coun­ty attn.ctE'd hlgh-tt•L"hnology, com· putt>r ..-oftwart\ telf'eom.munic-a· t:oru and otht>r .!tOphisttcatt"d ftrm.s MaJOr attrac-tions to in­•·eostors hav-e mdude-d available iand at a reasonable cost along the Cap-.taJ &lt.,..'l\y lease ratf"S that arr very L"ompetltiVe within nei~~thboriag suburbs, and county a.o;sistance m the form ot industri­al revent.e bond.<: and loans through tlr Maryland Industrial Fmanc!ng l.uthor1ty.

[}PsJ)' .,..flat is dE-Scribe-d as a "softnt>ss" il. the otllce buildtng market, officials in the- county•s DenoArtment ,.f Profil"l"&lD Planninli!" anri Econ-omi( Dt>vlopmPnt are op­timistk that the devrlopm .. nt boom. can bP sustained Evi­dt>ncP of matkP.t support _thp~· ·""RV. can bf> round in O('"(""Up&nc:•' "tPl'l "'whkh have not only bet'"n .....,Rintained 1 in 19811 but have

• 1mproved over ~1980l'"' It ~ bf>pn prf"dtcted that

Green)M'l~oul;d bP ~CI"rte the u-cond l~~tr~ ea\_pJ~ment ~"'nter In the ~tate!. To &:<fnlore h,lw this may c0me &boot. the Sr\\11 ~· is nreM"ntiOR a aeries of articles on -.ffi(_'e t=~nd othf>r commerdal de­vf>lonm£>nt in the cttv The ftnt article. on the Capital Offit-e Pa.r)l. R..,fle"rf'd in the- Ma..- 6 issur. The accompa.nyin~ arttcle takes a toolc at the- Mary..,_d Trade Cen· t-er Park.

Parisltione.-. Bid farewell To Monsignor O'Donnell

~ar) land Trsdf! C.f"Dtel' Park Thf' talk-st. commerctal buildinC

tn Prine£> George-s O>unty - the lS.:>tory Maryland Trade Center • OAOl - will bE" joined by two office tow('rs. a banq-uet racility and a hot-el. Dubbed .the Maryland Trade Cof'nter far~ the SM !(!I­lion complex ~ be located ~ hmd the Gr..enway Shopping Cen· tPr at the interchange ot thf> Ba.J­t·m,,re-\\"a.•dtmgton Parkway and thf' Beltway

C'oakley and Williams. In-c. • C· W 1 dPvelopers of the Mary­' and Trade Center building :!1, w:u al:.o build the planned office •crwf'ri an.-J hot-el. Martins, In<". is bu.,·mgl 8 5 acres or" the ·41-acre

, ~ITC frk to construct the ban· (!llPt cthty. The entire tract offic-ial v be-came part ot Greenbelt ()fl April Z9 amicable 1nnl'"~&t;on nf'gottation.s Wbveen ·~" dtyelope-rs and the city coun· 111 I -;;- •

'\Ve are plugging thf> MTC pa.rk &.."' a lull Sf2"1:V'ce park. You won't nave !P leave' it to g~t to a. hotel <<>Om~o a shoppln& eentf'r or to rt"'!'tau nts . . .,'' said Brian C..,ak markPttng ~p~

The existing buildiltg is 100~ lf'a.sed. The OAO corporation oc­runies fi\"e floors; Lockheed e:n- · gJ.~rering and Management twr­vice Co. 2 1 floors· an-i IntEoma· ~wnal Business Machines and Yorktowne Busineo"111 Institute, one floor each. Storer Communica­tions is on the first ftoor and C-W

Sor DEVELOPMENT, p. I, eel. 1


by Linda JUDie "Saturday, June 11. from 10 a.m. An estimated 250 people from St. Hugh•s parish turned out to • p.m. marks the first ftea mar­

Sunday night, June 13. to say goodbye to Msgr. William O'Oon- ket in the Greenbe-lt Shoppinl" nell. The gathering was somewhat reminiscent of the one that Center. supported by the D1y wa.; held m February to honor him on his birthday and present Council and sponsored by the Cul­

hlm Wlth a new car. While the tone of the btrthday party was · tura.l Arts Center. While the one of celebration, the tone of the farewell gathering could be event will be- a fund-raiser for the

descnbed as ··bittersweet." With very little notice, the parish ~:_s .:1~n:rto t:;n:r:~Zn~b~d had been informed that Msgr. O'Donnell, who had been pastor non-residents into the historic of St. Hugh's for the past nine years, was bemg trai\Sferred to shopping center and boost the' Our Lady of Lourdes Church m Bethesda. - economic vitality ol the shoppin.c

roy. Falbe7' DaVId Conway ot· St.

Ignatius Parish in OXon Hill will be comina to St. Hugh's on July 1 to take over as pastor. Father Kuista, St. Hqh's Assistant Pas­tor, has known·· Father Conway ror lli yean. He _t;ifscribes Father Conway u very .,&storal and ded­icated. with a ~at interest in symphony and operL

center. Such markets are ex­tremely popular and the Arts Cen­ter hopes to bt-neftt f:rom it by p~ mating events running at tbe Arts C-enter while providln&' patrons with the additional attraction of live performances .

It 1.:1 intended that the- market w1!l be a mixture of both yard­~ale and arts and crafts itf>ms. There will be no food sa.le.s out­;udf' of frt>shly baked goods, Five by 8 foot spaces will be rente-d for ;t ff'e. To reservf' a space, or to h<':p out ~Aith the running or the market. contact Ann or Anthony P ~ano at 4':'4-7141.


b,. Elai.e Sbhlik

For over a decade Greenbelt ~ity Councils have opposed htgh-denslty apartment and commercial development in and around Greenbelt because adequate public facllities were lack­ing. The .;tate-Lmposed sewer moratorium of the early seven­ties, for example. recognized the unmistakable inadequacy of -one public fac1hty necessary to support development. After the moratorium was hfted. the problem of an inadequate road sys­tPm stlll remained.

Past a.nd prf>3f'nt city councils,

ad ... iaOry . boards and citizen

groups have cOnsidered crucial to

orderly dpvelopment the improve·

ment ot the Kenilwortb-Greenbeh Rd. interchange. In their View thiS e.nd other road improve!IM"nts

weN" \"ital: they needed to be

in plact. Lhese ofticiala thought, berore :ri.-olficant addk.ion&l de­velopment QC"CUrred in the reg·ton.

Thl" $12.3 milliOft Kenilwort:h· Greenbeh: Rd. recmutruction pi"''-­Je"Ci programmed tot ~nstruction an ftki 1985 is expected to :re­heve !WVerv conaestion and to provide acct>SS to the future Greent-elt Metro station. HoV~rever, in light of recent severe finan­cial prubl-ern.s coonected with buildlna a.nd maintainmc h.igh­ways. there Ls no auunutce that this commitment ror fundinc will 1M- su~ned.

But because the project t• "ccm­mi:tted" H.e .. procrammed for con­struction at a. spe-cific tim~). KN­CPPC st.atf &re required to con. stder the Kenil\\·orth-Greenbelt Rd. intPneetion u a1N$dy im­proved whoPn they examine pro­posed new devdopments at the preliminary plan of suWiviaion st.aae. Consequently their recom· meondations and ceJcultrUons con­cerniDI" the "\I"'iume of tratfte thM the tnterserlion can ba..a.dle are balled not on its Pxi!ltin« config­uration ~ut on anticipated future chan...-.

, A second upe.:"t of MNCPPC procedures: abo aft'~ts tbelr pro­jections. Ill assessinl" the JI'(JWn­Ual illll.,.et of nE"W ckovelopme-nt propouJs on !uture tra15c pat­temJq and flow·. st.atr plannen generally anah'""lr .!Jl'n&...tely each individual project. Other propos­ed project. In the area 'are- not also added 110 g~ve a comple-te pic· tu:re. ~ "''hb- J'f"&r however, funds haw bern bud10:rted ror a surveo,­ot an .xistiJla' and proposed de-

~~~~n=~ ~ ;~~c~~t

COUNr'l COMMITTff When a pla inaupral event

was scheduled tor the CapltaJ Center in 1180. the Wasbin~ Press poked fun at boldine the presti.JPoua procram in Prince Geo~s County. Outrqed. county oiBc.ials and others pro-

~~~:·rs ~~nl~t,;in::~a:: ther in &D infonna.l committee to enhance thf' cOunty's im.qe nationwide ll.m:t to market de­velopm.erit wothin the $Billion Dollar Circle.

Th &TOUP provides inform•· tion and iDMrts special IUpple­ments in tb~ Washin&"tan Busl· ness Review and other pubUca­tions in an effort to attract business a.nd real estate firms. manu!acturir g plants and oth­er industrie!; ~o relocate- with­in the tBC..

Included ir. the- SBC are rep-

Ont> aucll developmftlt • the projeCted ll&ryl.aDd ,Trade Cetlter park. on land !IIOU'th and eut of the Greenway Shoppine Cent« .. The Greenbelt City Council did not Joolc favorably OD thill de­VE"Iopment until the promise wu made to extend Ha.Dovu Pwk· way. east of t~ Grrenway Sbop­piftl" CPnter. to connect with Good Luck Rd.

Akhoul'b Lhe YNCPPC staff did not require the I!!"XItt'Nion u a condit10n for ~tine approa.l for the preHminary plan for I1Jb.. division. nor even co~r Jt u a great boon to MTC park at peak-T"liSh hour - ""lt doem't co anywhel"'!.'' the-y S8.J' ~ the county @"St&bHshed a niM17 tax inct"t>ment fl.nancing 1TfF) district. the Grrenbellt A~a Development Dis­tnct. to make- ~ible t:h~P road improvemenf..'!l. TIFwiiJ flnance- tbe HanDVi!'r extension and other pub­lic improveDtents. inc!udinc the wideninat of Greerrbek Rd. &Dd modiftcation of the trafftc ai&'­ at Hanover Parkway Borlds sold under this program will br retired rrom increued tax ~n­Uetl grner-ated by commercial deV­elopment within the TIF diarict.

Accordinl" to Bri&D Ooallle-y, vicepresident of Coakley lr WillilliiU, deveJopen ol MTC. •If the road _ ..... th­it won't be- a ..-I l»~ to--.. But we support the citY'• .,.t­Han."' BPn Dye#, en.ciDren for e-w. i.s JDO'ring ahead on a pre-­liminary study ot the e-xtenaion and othe-r- road ~mpi"'ftmen.~

eo.nsltruetio"n ol the omoe towe-r in the MTC parlc. u tnll1 • a tutuft' botl!'l. ~ conditioned on· irnprovemenu to Greftlbe)t Rd. and the modi.fketioa of tnftk si,cnala at H&naver Parlrw&Y-

Swim far Charity y 13, the qreenbelt Ku·

Pool will bold a Swila-A· poDOOI'ed by the PriJ><e

Georps County Chapter of the Am.er1can Red Crou.. Spoa8or sheets are avalla!)ko at tbe Green­belt pool. People can compete for prias while--. belpiq the Red Crou pa,- for man,- educatioa&l and social servi.ees. FOI" 1110re de­tails call tbe GrftnbeJt Jlunk:ipeJ. Pool or c..U [)a.yp "Barrillpor at ~Ext. 55.

Koney rai.sed by this nent ...W be used to supwrt the ID&Il7 eer· vices provided by the Red.~ disaster relief efforts. with comm.unic:atioDS for in the armed fo~ aad th o_...,..ukacl>ool~ leadership ~erenes, and ~· munity projec:~

WHAT GOES ON Sea.. J""" ze. 1 p.a. U'S. A11117

Field Band -· VOLlJNTEIIR8 Lake Park

llost ot th~ present at the pa.rty lined up and wai.ted pa­tiently to say a personal goodbye to Mscr. O'Donnell. who stood ror IK'Vt""ra.l hou:rs &Tfftinc everyone. Pa.rishtoner Dee Downs said . .. From the variety of people here. you can .we liOnsi.por's appeal­to younc and ~.. Jlscr. O'Don­nell see.m.ed to have a special re-­lationship with r~ery pe-rson pres­ent. "nae eomments on his lH.ving ~ from "He's 50 good with the children ... rrom mother ot two, Pat Wilaon, to '""He·s such a coed He kept u.s out of trouble" from Paul Rail oo the Fi.DjUice Committee to '"He's been an intecral part of the coaa.aun-. it)'. 1 hope the new pastor fol­lowtl in his t~ ... fram Grftn­bolt . ._ Richard Caatakli w ·-se·s a beautiful person,'" from .wDior citi:Rn llary Con:ro,-, m.oth­er ol. tbe late BeD.. Dlward T. Con-

Over the party was raised a banner with a ·quotation from the Scriptures, ''You have touched each one o! us by your presence and your pra~r." We will remem­ber you."' Konsilllor O'Donnell s:ummed up his nine years in GJ'Hnbelt with the statement "'lt was terri.fte!n JLongtime Greenbelt resident Irene Heruel perhaps sUDUDed up the reelinp ol. those preeeDt "b7 ~ "'He ean leave Grftft~lt. but Greenbelt won't leave hfal.'" Nor torpt hbiL

c~m:cal clowns Karl and Nancy resentatives Jt Capital Office

K·to"l will be an added attraction. ;:;~ ~a~;.";r ;;t:. g;::: ~ .1-.e zt. t:»-U ~"

Summer daily cb.ildren"• ,.-. istration 1.t aeaion. TOIIIIL Center Tf anyone f>lse is interested in per· way Shopping Center. west-

~7;:~n!on:a ~o:'r!:~7~t;:~ cllNter Tov.-ers and Wood-In the event of rain. the market ~ ~:-;tlal develop-

will be held in the Utopia Tbe&ter . .:..._ __ --<.--------'

- ~- K, ...... Special GHI board meet1J1a. GHI board room, - PL
