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CHINGA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH FORM ONE APRIL HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2019 NAME: …………………………………………………………ADM NO. ………..… CLASS ……… A: READING (20mks) Chief Ullin’s daughter Heavy dark clouds were gathering in the late afternoon sky. There was stillness in the air, a stillness that threatened a storm. The boatman who rowed people across the lake was making fast his boat when a young man and woman approached him in a great hurry. They were desperate to cross the lake, they said, and urged him to take them. He shook his head and pointed to the sky. He told them that a storm was soon coming and they should wait until it blew over. It would be dangerous to take his small rowing boat out on to the lake. All the time he was talking, the young couple were nervously looking behind them. Simon, the young man, pleaded with the boatman to take them and offered him a purse of silver coins. He told the boatman that he and Elizabeth, the young woman, were in love and were determined to marry. Her father was Chief Ullin and he wanted to marry Elizabeth off to a neighbouring chief, a man she did not love. The boatman knew of Chief Ullin’s fiery temper and how he would kill the young man if he caught him. He could also see how very much in love the young couple were.
44 1 APRIL HOLIDAY ASSIGME…  · Web viewEventually, one that was nicknamed “Ronaldo” came. From its speakers, music blared

May 02, 2019



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NAME: …………………………………………………………ADM NO. ………..… CLASS ………

A: READING (20mks)

Chief Ullin’s daughter

Heavy dark clouds were gathering in the late afternoon sky. There was stillness in the air, a

stillness that threatened a storm.

The boatman who rowed people across the lake was making fast his boat when a

young man and woman approached him in a great hurry. They were desperate to cross the

lake, they said, and urged him to take them. He shook his head and pointed to the sky. He

told them that a storm was soon coming and they should wait until it blew over. It would be

dangerous to take his small rowing boat out on to the lake.

All the time he was talking, the young couple were nervously looking behind them.

Simon, the young man, pleaded with the boatman to take them and offered him a purse of

silver coins. He told the boatman that he and Elizabeth, the young woman, were in love and

were determined to marry. Her father was Chief Ullin and he wanted to marry Elizabeth off

to a neighbouring chief, a man she did not love.

The boatman knew of Chief Ullin’s fiery temper and how he would kill the young

man if he caught him. He could also see how very much in love the young couple were.

Just then the boatman’s son, Eric, came. He was strapping young man who helped his

father. He was told the story of the young couple and sympathized with their plight.

The boatman was touched by her appeal and told his son that he had decided to row

the couple across-not for money, but because he admired their courage and love. Eric looked

anxiously at his father. A storm was certainly coming, he warned. It would be far too risky.

However, his father was already herding his passengers into his boat. When they

were both seated, he untied the rope and made to get in himself. Suddenly, Eric pulled his

father away and leapt into the boat, took up the oars and began to row away.

Towards the lake a group of armed men came. It was the chief with his warriors. He

was angry, but when he saw his daughter out on the lake being tossed by angry waves he was

terribly afraid. He bellowed that he forgave them and that they should return.

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It was in vain. As he shouted the waves capsized the little craft and its three young

occupants were drowned as the old people watched.

(From The Skills of English, Oxford University Press)

QUESTIONS1. What was the boatman doing when the young couple went to him?




2. Why did the boatman initially refuse to take the young man and woman across the lake? (2mks)




3. Why was the young couple in a hurry to cross the lake? (2mks)




4. Explain why the boatman decided to row the couple across the lake in spite of the bad weather. (2mks)




5. Provide a possible reason why Eric decided to row the young couple across the lake instead of his father.





6. Why did Chief Ullin pursue the young couple? (2mks)

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7. Never, she protested, would she marry a man she did not love. (Write the words that were actually spoken by Elizabeth)





8. Name the people who came to the lakeside after the boatman in the order in which they arrived. (2mks)




9. Give evidence from the passage to support the proverb, ‘Love is blind’. (2mks)




10. Explain the meanings of the following phrase and words as used in the passage. (4mks)

A strapping young man –

Bellowed –

Turbulent -

Capsized –



(i) Identify the silent letters


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Writhe -

Honour -

Knew -

Environment -

Coup -

(ii) Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate words in brackets.


(i) The …………………………. of the ambulance blared in the …………………. night.

(silent, siren).

(ii) Hyena should …………………… to Hare and …………………. some tricks. (run, learn)

(iii) My grandmother narrated a ………………………. about the Hare’s ……………..(tale,


(iv) ………………………….. goat and ………………… cows are his. (these, this)

(v) Since I ……………………… very far, I have to ……………………… now. (leave, live).

(C) GRAMMAR(i) Rewrite the following sentences by adding the where necessary.


1. I plan to go for a holiday in ……………………… Bahamas.

2. Kantai had lunch at ………………………………. Norfolk Hotel.

3. These days, many tourists are flocking to …………………… Kenya.

4. Maweu got a scholarship to study in ………………… South Africa.

5. I read a strange story in ……………………. Daily Nation.

6. Ouma now lives in …………………………. Netherlands.

7. ……………………… Kamaus have bought a new car.

8. Ali learnt swimming in ………………….. Indian Ocean.

9. …………………….. United Nations is a global organization.

10. We are travelling to ……………………… Mombasa tomorrow morning.

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(ii) Use a, an or the to fill in the blanks in the following sentences.


1. I went to …………………… shop behind ……………… hospital and bought …………


2. I need to buy ………………. umbrella before the rainy season.

3. You don’t know ………………. trouble I have got myself into.

4. The student considered it ………………. honour to receive …………….. award.

5. He talked to me for ………………… hour before he took …………….. nap.

6. She is ………………………. useful person most of …………………….. time.

7. ………………………. heir is a person with ……………. right to inherit property.

8. ……………………… long rains begin in ………………. middle of October.

9. ………………….. breakdown in communication may cause misunderstandings.

10. Chikoza saw …………………….. man who owns …………….. house we are living in.

(iii) Fill in the blank using the plural forms of the words in brackets.


1. Many African ……………….. depend on agriculture. (country)

2. My neighbor keeps a flock of …………….. in his compound. (goose)

3. The city ……………………. Are quite busy during the day. (street)

4. He bought ……………… at the market. (axe)

5. The …………………… that caught fire were almost destroyed. (house)

6. There were many …………….. in the granary. (mouse)

7. All his …………………… died during the dry season. (sheep)

8. We were asked to bring two …………… each. (knife)

9. How many ………………… have you visited so far? (country)

10. We share all our …………………… in school equally. (duty)

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(iv) Correct the misspelt words.


Disapear -

Surprise -

Repeatition -

Grammer -

Defination -

Priviledge -

Adress -

Proffessor -

Occasion -

Dining hall -



(i) Give the four forms of oral literature.







(ii) List four types of oral narratives.







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(iii) Give two types of audiences.





Bukeli’s Ordeal

“Bukeli, what are you still doing in the house? Don’t you want to go back to school toda?”

Bukeli’s mother had asked. Bukeli had replied that he was finishing up parking and would be

out within no time. That was several hours ago. The truth of the matter was that he did not

want to be among the first to arrive back in school in case this earned him the nickname

‘bookworm’. He therefore delayed his departure as much as possible.

This was the first time he would be taking himself since joining Form One two terms

previously. His parents had accompanied him on the opening days of the first and the second

terms but they now believed that he was of age and responsible enough even to carry his

school fees.

By the time he got to the road, it was already past 4 p.m. Unfortunately, passenger

vehicles were scarce at this time of the day. After waiting for thirty minutes, Bukeli became

desperate. He decided to get into any vehicle.

Eventually, one that was nicknamed “Ronaldo” came. From its speakers, music

blared so loudly that not even the strongest of eardrums could survive that vibrating din of

noise. Worse still, it was already overloaded but as was the case with many passenger

vehicles then, there was room for yet one more passenger. So, in got a reluctant Bukeli and

the long journey back to school began.

Inside the vehicle, the passengers were crammed together like potatoes in a sack. As

a result, Bukeli became stiff with numbness. The offensive music made his ears begin

smarting and his heart throbbing. As if in protest, his head started aching severely. A

cocktail of bad smells emanating from the sweat and tobacco-ridden breath of some

passengers made things unbearable. This was the most uncomfortable and therefore

seemingly the longest journey that he had ever taken.

When the nightmare of the journey came to an end, Bukeli could hardly alight due to

the numbness. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he discovered that his metal box, which had

been wedged among the passengers, was now mangled on all sides. Apparently, it had been

stepped and sat on.

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Do misfortunes come singly? May be not for Bukeli, for the worst was still to come.

He dipped his hand into his pocket to remove the bus fare. What! In and out one pocket after

another his had darted. Surely, this was a bad dream out of which he would awake to find

his money intact. The reality, however, was that he had been pick-pocketed. Before leaving

home, he had put his money into several pockets and inside his socks in the belief that it was

safer that way. Now all that remained was the little that was stashed inside the socks. In a

daze, he used it to pay the fare to a now impatient conductor.

In great distress, he trudged to school dragging one foot after the other, his shapeless

box atop his aching head. He tearfully explained everything to the Principal who listened

sympathetically and then gave Bukeli a gentle scolding, “In the first place, you were

supposed to have arrived here before five o’clock. Concerning your school fees, you should

have brought a bank draft instead of cash. Don’t you know the school rules, my boy?”

“Yeees, nooo. Not all of them, Madam,” said Bukeli fearfully and hesitantly.

“From today, learn them by heart. Let me now call your father about this matter,”

the Principal said as she reached for the telephone.

“What has he said?” Bukeli asked even before the receiver was put down.

“Well, he feels you should take some responsibility for your actions. The money he intended

for your Christmas present will now be used to pay your school fees.”

After this, the Principal drove Bukeli to the police station to record a statement. At first,

Bukeli was totally scared since this was his first encounter with police officers. However, the

officer on duty reassured him thus making him relax. “Son, all this probably happened

because you boarded an overloaded an noisy vehicle. From now on, avoid travelling in such

vehicles since not only do they break traffic regulations but also endangers’ lives and

property,” the police officer kindly but firmly informed Bukeli.

QUESTIONS1. Why didn’t Bukeli want to go back to school early?





2. Why was Bukeli taking himself to school for the first time?


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3. How do we know that Bukeli was desperate?(1mk)




4. What were the effects of overloading and very loud music on Bukeli?(2mks)





5. Explain why Bukeli put his money into several pockets and inside his socks. (1mk)




6. Which two traffic regulations did the passenger vehicle break?





7. What lessons do you learn from Bukeli’s experience?





8. Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. (6mks)

(i) blared

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(ii) crammed




(iii) mangled




(iv) darted




(v) daze




(vi) trudged




9. Name some of the school rules the Principal could have been referring to in her address to







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………………………(1)………performance in exams often causes rifts …………………

(2).. teachers and parents. Education …………………………(3)… so highly regarded that

parents to the great lengths to ensure that ………………(4)… children get it. Some sell

……………………(5)…. Valuable possessions like shambas, cattle and even houses to pay

school fees. They hope their children will …………………(6).. and be academically secure.

In order to foster good …………………(7).. among parents, teachers and the school

administration. Most institutions organize PTA meetings. Some even set aside visiting days

when parents are ………………………(8)…. To meet teachers individually to discuss their .

………………(9)... Progress and possible ways of solving problems may exist some students

believe ………………(10)… the wealth of their parents, thus they do not need to work hard.


(a) Change the following sentences into simple past tense.


(i) Ronaldo plays football.



(ii) These hens lay eggs once every day



(iii) The police arrest those who rob banks



(iv) We all wash our uniforms clean



(v) Motorists rely heavily on driving mirrors.



(b) Put capital letters, commas, question marks, exclamation marks, full stops and inverted commas

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where necessary in the following sentences. (5mks)

(i) Nyongesa in which province is Lake Turkana



(ii) don’t you know the answers the teacher asked



(iii) I asked her if she had been to Lagos Nigeria



(iv) After the nasty experience he learnt a lesson



(v) How distressed bukeli was

(c ) Fill in the blank spaces in each of the following sentences with a suitable adjectives


1. Mrs Kimani is a ………………………………………. Teacher.

2. My mother brought me a …………………. Blouse.

3. The policeman came to the show riding a …………………….. house.

4. Our headteacher drives a ……………………….. car.

5. The …………………………….. manager addressed the striking workers.

(d) Fill in each gap in the following sentences with the correct form of the word provided in brackets. (20mks)1. HIV/AIDs has caused the deterioration of Kiende’s ……………………(healthy).

2. His ………………………. has endeared him many people. (kind)

3. Jilo’s ……………………………. made him come first in the race. (determine)

4. Mumbi’s …………………………… did not make her arrogant. (beautiful)

5. Njeri was in a state of ……………………, she could not remove her son from the deep

pic. (help).


(a) For each of the following words, give another work that is pronounced the same.


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1. Heir

2. Quay

3. Sew

4. You

5. Break

(b) Underline and state the initial vowel and constant sound.


University -

Hour -

Table -

Ewe -

Psychology -



1. State five functions of narratives.


2. Give the process of a riddle telling session. (5mks)


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1. Andika aina zote za maneno ya Kiswahili na utolee mifano mitano.2. Andika aina zote za ngeli za Kiswahili na kwa kila aina utoe mifano mitano mitano.3. Fafanua miundo ya ngeli.


4. Eleza maana ya:Sauti MiziziSilabi ShinaKiimbo SentensiViambishi Mofimu


1. State and explain the difference forms of government.2. Distinguish between absolute Monarchy and Constitutional Monarchy.3. Identify five limitations of oral traditions anthropology and linguistics as sources of

information on history and government.4. Highlight four ways used by archaeologists to locate historical sites.5. List the evidence used by archeologists to reconstruct the activities of the past.6. State four merits of written records as a source of historical information.7. Explain the three main theories that explain the origin of human beings.8. Give five reasons why Africa is considered the cradle of mankind.9. Identify six prominent historical sites in Kenya.10. Name the stages through which human evolved and describe the physical features at

each stage.11. Explain six challenges faced by early humans in hunting and gathering activities.12. Outline five reasons why Africa is considered the cradle of mankind.13. State two disadvantage of using caves as shelters during the Stone Age period.14. State three characteristics of microlithic tools used during the late Stone Age.15. Identify two prehistoric sites where the remains of Kenyapithecus were discovered.16. Define the term stone age.17. Describe the way of life of the early man during the middle stone age.18. State three methods used by the early man to obtain food during the new Stone Age.19. Identify five ways in which early man used stone tools.20. Give six ways in which the invention of fire transformed the way of life of the early


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21. Name one method of irrigation used in the development of early agriculture in Egypt.22. State and explain two theories that explain how agriculture developed.23. Outline five reasons why early people domesticated crops and animals during the

Neolithic period.24. Discuss the impact of early agriculture in Mesopotamia.25. Give five reasons for the success of early agriculture in Egypt. 26. Name the early form of writing that was discovered in Mesopotamia as a result of

development of early agriculture.27. Name five crops grown in Mesopotamia.28. State two results of the invention of the wheel in Mesopotamia.



NAME………………………………………………..CLASS………..ADM NO………..

1.Explain what thermodynamics as a branch of physics entails. (1mk)


2. Define the following terms and give their SI units

a) Length (2mks)


b) Area (2mks)


c) Mass (2mks)


d) Volume (2mks) ……………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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e) Density (2mks)


f) Time. (2mks)


3. A pebble of mass 50g is placed in a measuring cylinder containing some water.The reading of the water level increased from 75cm3 to 95cm3. Calculate the density of the pebble in SI units. (4mks)


4. Given the radius of a cylindrical tank to be 4.0m and height 2.5m and π = 3.142, calculate its volume of the liquid that completely fills the tank assuming the measurements are internal. (3mks)


5. Convert the following as indicated (6mks)

i. 5tonnes into kg………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….…………………………………………………

ii. 1.31cm3 into m3

iii0.043gcm-3 into kgm-3


6. a) Define force and state its S.I unit. (2mks)

……………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. b) State any three effects of a force. (3mks)


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……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7.a) Name three types of forces. (3mks)…………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… b).Water wets a clean glass slide but mercury does not. Explain (2mks)…………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8. The water level in a burette is 30.6cm³. 50 drops of water each of volume 0.2cm³are added to the water in the burette. What is the final reading of the burette? (3mks)……………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………….………………………………………………………………

9. A wheel makes 1000 revolutions in 2minutes. Calculate the time it takes to make 1 revolution in SI units. (3mks)


10. In an experiment to estimate the height of a school flag post the following reading were obtained: Height of rod = 100cm

Length of the shadow of rod= 80cm

Length of the shadow of flag post = 400cm.

Use the information to determine the height of the flag post (4mks).


11.200 cm3 of fresh water of density 1000kg/m3 is mixed with 200cm3 of sea water of density 1025 kg/m3, Calculate the density of the mixture. (4mks)


12. State five branches of physics. (5mks

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13. Explain how physics is related to each of the following subjects (6mks)a) Historyb) Games and sportsc) Biology

14. State five careers you can pursue related to physics (5mks15. State five laboratory safety rules (5mks16. List the seven basic physical quantities and their SI units(7mk)

Basic physical quantity SI units

17. Convert the following units of length to those indicated in bracketsa) 0.001 km (m) (2mks)b) 300m (mm) (2mks

18. Define area and state its SI unit (2mks)19. Convert the following units of area to those indicated in brackets

a) 0.1cm² (m²) (2mks)b) 20m² (mm²) (2mks

20. Define volume and state its SI units (2mk

11. State two methods of determining volume of irregular solids (2mks)

12. Define time (1mk)

14. Define force and state its SI units (2mk)

15. List five effects of force (5mk)

16 State nine types of forces (9mk)

17 .State five differences between mass and weight (5mk)

18. List two factors that affect surface tension. (2mk)



The call of Moses

1. What is the call in the Christian context?2. What does the name Moses mean?3. Name the sister of Moses.

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4. Describe the call of Moses.5. Why was Moses reluctant to accept God’s call?6. What did Moses learn about God from his call?7. How did the early life of Moses prepare him for leadership?8. What task was Moses given by God?9. Why did the Israelites leave Egypt?

The ten plagues10. What is plague?11. List the ten plagues that God inflicted on the Egyptians in the order they occurred.12. What was the significance of the plagues to both the Jews and the Egyptians?13. What is the relevance of the ten plagues to Christians today?14. Describe what happened on the first Passover. Why was the name ‘Passover’

appropriate?15. What was the importance of the Jewish Passover feast?16. Write down four instructions that the Israelites were given by God concerning the

Passover.17. Why were the Israelites instructed to eat unleavened bread?18. The Passover meal in today’s Christians churches is called the

…………………………………19. List down the preparations that Moses asked the Israelites to make in readiness for the

Exodus.20. What does the term ‘Exodus’ mean?21. State two symbols of God’s presence in the wilderness during the Exodus.22. Write down five lessons that Christians learn from the Israelites’ crossing of the Red

Sea.23. State two places in which the Israelites experienced lack of water.24. Describe the lack of and provision of water in the wilderness.25. Describe the provision of manna and quails during the Exodus.26. What does the provision of manna and quails teach Christians?27. What did the Israelites learn about God during the Exodus?28. List down six problems faced by the Israelites during the Exodus?29. Who were Amelekites?30. How did God solve the Israelites’ problem of the Amelikites?31. As a student, what lesson do you learn from this story?32. List down five problems that Moses faced as a leader during the Exodus.33. List down the leadership qualities that Christians can emulate from Moses. 34. How did God care for the Israelites during the Exodus?35. Give five roles played by Moses during the Exodus.

36. Read and summarize on the following;

1. The making of the Sinai Covenant.2. The worship of God by the Israelites in the wilderness.


AGRICULTURE FORM ONENAME:………………………………………….…………………… ADM NO. …………. CLASS ……..

Page 20: 1 APRIL HOLIDAY ASSIGME…  · Web viewEventually, one that was nicknamed “Ronaldo” came. From its speakers, music blared

1. Give the main branches of agriculture. (5mks)

2. Agriculture can be viewed as an art; State four reasons to support the view that agriculture is an art.

(4mks)3. State six reasons that make agriculture important to Kenya’s economy.


4. (a) Name four biotic factors that influence farming.


(b) Name the human related factors that influence farming.


5. (a) List the different types of soil structure.


(b) State the constituents of soil.


(c ) Name the factors that influence soil depth.


Chinga Boys High SchoolForm 1 Biology April Holiday Assignment 2019

1. Write three major differences between plants and animals.

2. List the use of the energy obtained from the process of respiration.

3. State the characteristics similar in plants and animals.

4. Motor vehicles move, use energy and produce carbon dioxide and water. Similar characteristics occur in living organisms yet motor vehicles are not classified asliving. List other characteristics of living things that do NOT occur in motor vehicles.

1. a) What is meant by the term binomial nomenclature? (1mk)

b) Give two reasons why classification is important (4mks)

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2. Explain the following terms; (3mks)

a) Classification b) Taxonomy

c) outline the guidelines of Binomial nomenclature

3. Identify the various cell organelles and give their functions.

4. Ascaris lumbricoides is an example of an endoparasite. The name Ascaris refer to ?

5. Blackjack (Bidens pilosa) belongs to the family Compositae. What does pilosa stand for? (1mk)

6. Define the term species. (1mk)

7. Distinguish between Taxonomy and taxon. (1mk)

1. Which organelle would be abundant in?

Skeletal muscle cell __________________

Palisade cell __________________

2. State the functions of the following organelles.

Lysosomes __________________

Golgi apparatus __________________

ribosomes cell _______________

3. Name the organelles that perform each of the following functions in a cell.

Protein synthesis __________________

Transport cell secretions __________________

5. Draw and label cell structures of plant and animal as seen under light microscope

6. (a) Draw the structure of Mitochondrion

b) State the function of cristae in mitochondria (1mk)

a) What is the formula for calculating linear magnification of a specimen when using a hand lens? (1mk)

b) Give a reason why staining is necessary when preparing specimens for observation under the microscope.

9. Name two structures found in plant cell but are absent in animals cell.

10. Write the role of the following parts of a microscope

i) Nerve cell ii) Palisade cell iii) Root hair cell iv) Red blood cell

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11. The diameter field of view of a light microscopic is 3.5mm. Plant cells lying of

the diameter are 10. Determine the size of one cell microns (1mm = 1000µm)

12. Define the following

i) Tissue ii) Organ iii) Organ system

13. Explain any five branches of Biology

14. Give reasons why you study Biology

15. Name the five Kingdoms used in classification of living organisms. For each give an example of organism that belongs there.



1.Briefly explain the characteristics of the 2nd and 5th computer generations.

2.State four factors used to classify computers

3.Give two reasons why smaller computers like Laptops tend to be more expensive than Desktop computers

4.Differentiate between a microcomputer and a personal computer

5.Explain four reasons which make microcomputers suitable for personal computing work

6.Identify and explain five areas where computers are used to process data

7.Identify three advantages of using computers in banking

8.List down three safety precautions one should observe when entering a computer laboratory

9.Describe the ideal environment for a computer to work properly

10.Identify three facilities that will ensure proper ventilation in a room

11.State one reason why a computer needs to be connected to a stable power supply

12.List down four functions of the uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS

13.Mention two things that are likely to cause strain- in the computer room

14.State two methods of minimizing dust in a computer laboratory

15.Explain three ways that computer technology could make office more efficient

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16.Give two main functions of a computer input device

17.Give 4 examples of a: (3 marks)

(i). Device that reads data (scanning device).

(ii). Keying device.

(iii)Voice input device.

(iv). Printing device

18.State two advantages of using a mouse instead of a keyboard. (2 marks)



1. Define the following terms.(a) Statistics

(b) Statistical data

2. Explain two types of statistical data.

3. Give the characteristics of statistical data.

4. Explain two main sources of statistical data and in each give examples.

5. State the uses/importance of statistics.

6. List seven methods of collecting data.

7. List eight methods of recording data.

8.(a) Define the following ways of analysis

Arithmetic mean Median Mode Percentage Range

(b) Explain how each of the above five ways of data analysis are worked out.

9.(a) Explain two methods of sampling.

(b) Differentiate two types of questionnaires.

11.(a) What is content analysis.

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(b) Explain advantages and disadvantages of content analysis.






1. The diagram below represents a paper chromatogram of pure w, X, and Y. A mixture K

contains W and Y only. Indicate on the diagram the chromatogram of K. (1mk)

2. Study the information below and answer the question that follows. A mixture contains the

solids; Alum camphor and sugar. The solubility of different liquids is shown in the table below.

solid Liquid

Water Ethanol Ether

Alum Soluble Insoluble Insoluble

Camphor Insoluble Soluble Very soluble

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Sugar Soluble Soluble Insoluble

Explain how you would obtain a sample of solid sugar from the mixture.

3. The table below gives some properties of gas D and E. (2mks)

Gas Density Effect on H2SO4 Effect on NaOH.

D Lighter than air React to form salt Dissolve without reacting

E Heavier than air Not affected Not affected

a) Describe how you would obtain a sample of gas E from the mixture of gas D and E

b) Suggest a possible identity of gas D. Give reasons for your answer. (2mks)

4. Explain how you would separate a mixture of Nitrogen and Oxygen gases given that their

boiling points are – 1960C and -1830C respectively. (2mks)

5. In an experiment to separate a mixture of organic liquid “m” (B.P. 560C) and liquid “n” (B.P.

1180C) a student set up the apparatus shown below.

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a) Identify two mistakes in the set up. (2mks)

b) What method would the student use to test the purity of the distillates?


6. Some sodium Chloride was found to be contaminated with Copper (II) Oxide. Describe how

a sample of sodium chloride can be separated from the mixture. (3mks)

7. The set up below represents apparatus that may be used to separate a mixture of two

miscible liquids “C” and “D” whose boiling points are 800C respectively.

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a) Name B.

b) What is the purpose of the thermometer? (1mk)

c) Which liquid is collected in the test tube? (1mk)

8. The diagram below shows a Bunsen burner when in use.

a) Name the region labelled C and D. (2mks)

9. Samples of urine from three participants F, G and H at an international sports meeting were

spotted onto a chromatography paper alongside two from illegal drugs A1 and A2. A

chromatogram was run using methanol. The figure below shows the chromatogram.

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a) Identify the athelete who had used an illegal drug. (1mk)

b) Which drug is more soluble in methanol? (1mk)

10. The graph below is a cooling curve of a substance from gaseous state to solid state.

Give the name of the:

a) Process taking place between t0 and t1; (1mk)

b) Energy change that occurs between t3 and t4 (1mk)

11. a) What method can be used to separate a mixture of ethanol and propanol?


b) i) Explain how a solid mixture of sulphure and sodium chloride can

be separated into solid sulphur and solid sodium chloride. (4mks)

ii) How can one determine that solid sulphure is pure? (2mks)

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c) The table below gives the solubilities of potassium bromide and potassium bromide and potassium sulphate at 00C and 400C.

Substances Solubilities in g/100g of water

Potassium bromide 00 400

55 75

Potassium sulphate 10 12

When aqueous mixture containing 60g of potassium bromide and 7g of potassium sulphate in 100g of water at 800C, some crystals were formed.

i) Identity the crystals. (1mk)

ii) Determine the mass of crystals formed. (1mk)

iii) Name the method used to obtain the crystals. (1mk)

iv) Suggest one industrial application of the method named in (c) (iii) above. (1mk)

12. Describe the process by which Nitrogen is obtained from air on a large scale. (4mks)

13. Name the methods by which the following substances could be separated.

a) Kerosene from crude oil (1mk)

b) Coloured extract from grass dissolved in ethanol. (1mk)

c) Aluminium chloride from sodium chloride. (1mk)

d) Iron fillings from sulphur powder. (1mk)

14. A laboratory technician accidentally mixed liquids suspected to be benzene (B.P. 78 0C). He has a problem of separating the mixture and seeks your help. Describe to him. (4mks)

a) The method he should use

b) The apparatus he should use

c) The precautions he should take when carrying out the separation.

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15. Explain how naphthalene could be separated from a mixture of naphthalene and common salt. (2mks)



1. Round off the following numbers to the nearest number indicated in the bracket. (a) 473,678 (100)


(b) Thirty eight million, seven hundred and thirty nine, six hundred and nineteen (10,000) (2mks)

2. (a) Arrange the following integers in ascending order (2mks)9, -9, 0, 6, 5, -3, 1, 8, -10

(b) Evaluate 24÷3+4×5−8÷4×10+1(2mks)

3. What must be subtracted from the product of (3mks)

5 12 and

3 13 to get 18


4. Evaluate

0 .234+0 .042.5×6 .4

5. Given that a=2, b=-5, c=4 and d=-3, find the value of



6. A man bought 10 mangoes at sh.9 each. He ate four and sold the rest at an overall profit of Ksh.6. Calculate the selling price per mango.


7. A pavement 540cm long and 140cm wide is to be paved with square tiles. (i) Find the area of the largest tile that can be used without any cutting.


(ii) Find how many such tiles that will cover the pavement. (2mks)

8. Work out

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of ( 23+1

2 )×25

of (1 45−1 2

3 )(3mks)

9. Write the following numbers in standard form. (a) 1596.9


(b) 0.0195 (1mk)

10. In a market 4 oranges cost Sh. 20 while 6 mangoes cost Sh. 30. A lady bought 10 oranges and 15 mangoes and later sold all of them at a total of Sh. 150. Calculate; (a) The total buying price of 1 orange and 1 mango.


(b) The profit the lady made in Ksh. (2mks)

11. Evaluate (3mks)

1 15−1 1





of 2

12. What is the value of (3mks)

3 ( 42+22 )−5×6÷23×5

13. The L.C.M of two numbers is 288 while their GCD is 48. Given that one of the numbers is 144, find the other number.


14. A rectangular plot of land measuring 240m by 140m is to be subdivided into square plot of the largest size possible. Calculate the area of each plot.


15. Give that (2x+y) : (3x+4y) = 2:5, find x:y. (3mks)

16. A farmer planted two fifths of his farm with beans and one third with cabbages. A quarter of the remainder, which was left for farm structures. The rest went to pasture. Calculate

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(a) The total farm acreage. (2mks)

(b) The area under crops. (3mks)

17. Expression 1.5 as a simplified fraction. (2mks)

18. Evaluate

(a) -7-(-8) (1mk)

(b) Given that p=4, q=1 and r=-2


2 pqr2+pqr−pr4 qr−2 pr 3−2 pqr


19. The sum of four consecutive integers is -22.

Find the integers. (2mks)


1. Define the term business studies.(2 mks)

2. Outline four reasons why business studies is important in a society. (4 mks)

3. Identify three types of business activities within your school environment. (2 mks)

4. Highlight five reasons why an individual would want to venture into business. (5 mks)

5. Outline three main categories into which business activities can be classified. (3 mks)

6. Differentiate between internal environment and external environment on a business. (2 mks)

7. State five effects of internal environment on a business. (5 mks)

8. Outline five external environments that may affect the activities of a business. (5 mks)

9. State four reasons why it is important for a business to maintain a healthy business environment. (4 mks)

10. State the meaning of human wants. (4 mks)

11. Outline five characteristics of human wants. (5 mks)

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12. Classify the following into either primary, or secondary wants: food, education, personal car, jewellery, clothes, medical care. (3 mks)

13. State two differences between a good and a service. (3 mks)

14. Give four characteristics that are unique to a service. ( 4 mks)

15. Group the following goods into economic, free and a consumer goods: water, furniture, a pen, toilet paper, air, machinery. (3 mks)

16. State the relationship between scarcity and choice. (2 mks)

17. Highlight four characteristics of goods. (4 mks)

18. Outline four classifications of economic resources. (4 mks)

19. Briefly state two characteristics of land as an economic resource. (2 mks)

20. State the meaning of production as used in business. (2 mks)

21. Outline four types of utility. (4 mks)

22. Highlight four differences between direct and indirect production. (4 mks)

23. Outline three levels of production. (3 mks)

24. List at least two occupations in each of the levels of production. (3 mks)

25. Highlight the rewards of each of the following factors of production. (6 mks)

(a) Land

(b) Capital

(c ) Labour

(d) Entrepreneurship


OPENER TERM 2 EXAMS 2019 TIMETABLEDAY FORM 8.30-10.30 AM 11.00-1.00PM 2.00-4.00PM NIGHT



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