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09 ILiA Lesson08

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 09 ILiA Lesson08


    Lesson8: Imperative. Infinitive. and NumeralsPart :All the stemsand conjugations ave mperatives,whose unction s largelyanalogouso the mperative'sunction n our anguage,thats, commands.The formsof the imperatives sually are basedon the 2nd-personorms of theimperfectverb.Essentially,hey are shortened ersionsof these orms; he sually runcated.Thus, rom the G-2fs mperfect orm'i'lFlFwe get he G-f.s. mperative'.:{t! . The aw prefrxhasbeeneliminated nd heftnal nun hasalsobeeneliminated.Furthermore, ecausehe stressalls on thesecond yllable, he original lulvowel hasbeenpreserved.

    m.s .f.s.


    D-stem- j t ' i J

    -J t ' t J

    rrF!- - t ' -I t J t ' t JT ' -

    H-stem(Haphel)nd Aphel)lrifi_] / :Fifts- - i - - , r r J r 1 1J l ' l J r l i J l ' l J S t" : - " : -llFt:i_] / llt-tft!- - r i - - r - - i -t l - t ' t J t l l , t - r ' t l Nt ' : - T ' :

    H-stem A-stem- -= - - , l? ' l i? - l raI t J l t J t r . / | l J l t J t \r T ; - T t : -

    - r i -m.p. ' l - l . . rJ_ 1 ' _ r r i rI . D . r l J l t Jr t . . :


    Notice hat he fi.S.,m.p.,and .p. mperativesn theD- andFVA-stemsreidenticalo the espectiveerfectormsof theD- andH/A-sterns.Part2.All the stems ndconjugationslsohave nfinitiveswhich unctionn a mannersimilar o Englishnfinitives.Their ormsareslightlydifferent.n the G-stem,he nfinitiveshavea memprefix,while n theotherstemsheydo not.

    D-stemI l - j i ' i Jt l -

    Notice,now, hat he G-stems the onlystem hathasamemprefixon heinfinitive.Contrasthis o thewayparticiples re ormed n eachof these tems,where heD- andFVA-stemsre heoneshatcarryamemprefix.Thus, f a verbalform hasa memprefix t is eithera G-stemnfinitiveor aD-, IVA-stemparticiple.

    Introductory Lessons n Arqmqic by Eric D. Reymond 63

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    Usedwith masc. ouns Usedwith fem.nounsI 'Tt_] il-ln2 J'-lF / csh. lFlaJ - n h -| l | | . / t ' l n)n4 nJJi:N tJf -iN5 -lt i>rnI mJt-J l I ninnL/ l ) t I6 I [ ' t vJt ' - t l t - t l tI rlLr Of i illJ- r r - r r i rr- rr i

    - t8 - 'r 't l ' \El| | , J l -J t I - r h hI l / l - J l I" f ;9 - l c r l i -t | JUJ | ' I t t t t ! F)JUJt ' l10

    q -t i t.r ttI I lvit /T : -

    -rilt rr

    Part3:NumbersCardinal umbers-10

    Onecuriosity hatAramaic hares ith otherSemiticanguagess that henumbers3-10 hataremasculinen.fornrmodify eminine ouns ndnumbershatarefeminine n.form,modifymasculine ouns.Thus,o expressseven ings"onewouldwrite: '!?F illftD or llliD j':?F (thenumeralancome ither eforeor after henoun t modifies).But, o expressseven ueens" newouldwrite:]?)n JJltlJ r IJIU'i?)8. Althoughhecardinal umbersre ikeadjectives,nthat heymodifynouns,heydo notoccur n theemphatic/determinedtate ndonlyrarelyappearn theconstruct tate efore he noun.The"teens"do not occur n BiblicalAramaic, utwe mayconjecturehe ollowingforms,ogether ith hemultiples f ten,whichhave nlya singleorm orbothmasculinend eminine ouns.CardinalNumbersl-70 Usedwith masc.nouns Used with fem. nouns1l - i t t t a - -twv i l |- i - - f f t l l Fr -FtI I t Y J l l t | i l l" : Tl2 - t f t t l t r - tnIYJ ) / D I13 - r i l r r r - - h -tui)J t [ | ,/t ' l- i : - - r i r r r - h -t t t u J ) / t t . / t ' l20 i | ! - f n t t| . t Y123(literally,20 nd3) - h n r r r - r i l r r t| | ./ \ r' r I tuJ)J30 r r - h nI | | , / l ' l40 ' l ' l l l lt50 '? llllt Ft60 t t F r i t tI l : lv

    Introductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond 61

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    64 JJf l$'l t r F i r iI l ' l \ 4 J70 r r i t t t i t tI 1+uJ80 t r r / \ n| / r J ) |90 'r r t t i t iF f| ) / vJ i ' l100 nNn200 'l'nNn (Thiss a dualorm.)277o00 and70and7) ' i t iND300 n$bn)n1000 1?r\To expresswhatcorrespondso English"first", "second", third", "fourth", "fifth",etc.,oneusesordinalnumbers.n Aramaic hese ave he "gentilicending" -ayl,except he word for "second".Like for the cardinalnumbers,hereare differentformsfor masculineand eminine nouns.Usually heseappearafter he nountheymodifir, ike ordinary adjectives.Also like adjectives,he ordinalnumbersappearin an absolute ndemphatic/determinedtate. urthermore,ike otheradjectives,thesecan be usedaloneasnounsand can appearn plural forms, o mean the firstones", the secondones",etc.(Dueto the ack of evidence,many of these ormsareeducated uesses.)

    Notice hat ike gentilicnouns,herearecases here heoriginal odhof the ormhasbeen eplacedy 'aleph.Exercise a.Write n Aramaiche ollowingphrases.Rememberhat he shorterormof of thenumbers -10modifiesmasculine ouns,he onger orm modifies emininenouns).onebooktwo letters rom two kingsthree ecordsrom ourscribes

    OrdinalNumbers -5Usedwith masc.nouns Usedwith em.nounsI2aJ 'n')F / N'n')FlorN'ri ')Fl45

    Introductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond 65

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    fiveyearsn six countriesi.e., ands)seven alacesor eightkingdomsthese ineslavesor tencitieselevenmen romtwelvenationsthirteen ousesthe irst sonthe irst kingdomthesecond itythe hird manthefourthanimalExerciseb.Readhe ollowingaugmentedersion f Daniel7.1-7. The ext s augmentednseveral ays. t includesn parenthesesords hatarenot n theoriginalbiblicalmanuscripts,utwhichhelpmake ensef theAramaic. ome onfusing ordshavebeeneliminated, hichare ndicated ith ellipses. urthermore,raphicinconsistenciesn therepresentationrecorrected.) onsultheglossary t theendof the essonsor wordsyoudo notknow.There ouwill findverbs istedundertheG-3rns erfectormandadjectivesistedn the n.s. bs. tate.

    2., lNnr')-np .'lTn!n''];'T'TTnlbNt)*t::t |'T:IJ: ' : I ; ' - _ : . . T - T : . ' . t . ' Tr t t - srr . \ rrrrrD NrnU rn: l-) JJi- lN l- lp1\ J _ r r \ r J _ , / l t , r , 1 , I _ : i _

    3.Nl-jnNJ 'iq NF:lnp)ql?rt-t l'n rrt-'tr!'!4;-T?lql-'-Ti'lJ] ill-lts:NflFfP;-T'EJllf'-JF-'--Tll l n'l;] ;''lT[|.i ':T7.;J. lD:N -t:l nn.-;-t r, 'j-.u=, , ,,,4t4,,:1,\,Jlf?ll-)p1s{-rq-'in !'irll

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    case y the ime heBookof Danielwaswriffen.Only certain ouns ada dualform,mostlybodyparts.In the hird ineof verse5, theplural ormof theactiveparticiple'lF$ is hereused n an mpersonal ay,and ranslateds f it wereapassiveerb: It was old .. ." This s arelatively ommoneature f BiblicalAramaicsyntax.Whenyoufinda m.p.participle r a 3mpperfect r imperfect erbwith noclearsubject,henyoucutn ssume n mpersonalubject, nd ranslateheverbasapassiven English.Often, n these ases, hatevers thegrammaticalbjectof theverb n BiblicalAramaicwill becomehesubjectn your ranslation.In the ifth lineof verse ,theword or "horns,"i'.ili?, is n thedual.Verbs:nl: : H-stemto stirup"(H-part.,.s., [' ln )?P1 : G-stem:to be shattered",-stemto crush" H-part.Pfi]n)i]]iT : "to be" ("I was" n.'.!.iJ)i''li[i : "to see"

    Notehowaparticiples used ogether ith aperfectorrnof the 11i1EtlP G-stemto arise",H-stem to setup,""to install",Hp-stemto be setup"(tr'PiJ)Particles:| - "to",butalsoownershop,belongingo"

    Introductory Lessonsn Arqmaic by Eric D. Reymond 68