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06 - Reservoir Flow

Apr 14, 2018



Adriana Rezende
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  • 7/27/2019 06 - Reservoir Flow



    Probability, Distributions and Correlation

    Estimating Under Uncertainty

    Tight Clastics / Carbonate Assessment

    Shale Assessment

    Reservoir Flow

    Valuation Techniques

    Risk, Uncertainty & Economic Analysis

    for Resource Assessment and Production

    Forecasting in Shale and Tight Reservoirs

    Darcys Law: Flow Through Porous Media

    = flow rate

    = permeability






    = viscosity

    = cross sectional area

    = pressure gradient

    Reservoir Flow Process in Tight Sands

    Rose & Associates, LLP 1 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

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    Uncertainty in Recoverable Gas Calculations

    Tight Gas Recoverable Gas Volumes =

    Area * Avg Net Pay * Avg. Porosity * (Sg) * 1/Bg * RE

    What determines production rates?

    How do we determine net pay cut-offs?

    How do we determine Average Porosity?

    Volumetric Considerations:

    How is the Average h Determined?

    Very difficult to assess individual zone volumes,

    so alternative approaches have evolved

    BCF per section

    Analogs of EUR per well

    Darcy flow:

    Low k

    Lots of h

    Cumella (2005)

    Piceance Basin

    Pinedale Arch

    Rose & Associates, LLP 2 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

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    Pinedale Arch

    Volumetric Considerations:How is the Average h Determined?

    Porosity Example

    Twenty wells have multiple estimates of

    carbonate porosity based on log analyses

    Wells Samples Average

    1 12.2% 45.4% 25.8% 42.7% 27.0% 42.6% 32.5% 39.6% 41.8% 34.4%

    2 19.8% 44.5% 39.8% 9.5% 29.0% 6.5% 24.0% 37.3% 49.7% 28.9%

    3 34.1% 39.4% 40.7% 9.8% 13.9% 10.1% 23.2% 44.3% 15.1% 25.6%

    4 15.5% 19.4% 48.1% 16.5% 23.5% 44.1% 31.7% 43.3% 13.1% 28.4%

    5 31.5% 28.0% 26.7% 14.2% 22.2% 37.3% 49.6% 38.0% 7.9% 28.4%

    6 39.7% 21.6% 5.0% 10.6% 34.3% 23.7% 31.9% 39.4% 4.5% 23.4%

    7 47.3% 18.3% 13.9% 23.4% 30.4% 20.7% 44.3% 44.8% 18.9% 29.1%

    8 5.0% 12.9% 41.8% 23.0% 36.3% 11.4% 13.4% 44.3% 16.5% 22.7%

    9 48.4% 39.5% 23.3% 19.9% 44.8% 47.9% 25.8% 46.7% 15.0% 34.6%

    10 37.3% 44.8% 43.9% 44.8% 32.0% 18.4% 14.9% 33.0% 16.2% 31.7%

    11 8.2% 32.3% 6.2% 41.8% 35.2% 42.6% 12.8% 8.4% 25.1% 23.6%

    12 36.7% 7.6% 21.6% 40.9% 33.6% 22.8% 48.2% 34.6% 16.9% 29.2%

    13 45.6% 9.3% 27.5% 15.6% 23.5% 29.3% 17.5% 34.1% 45.7% 27.6%

    14 28.1% 5.5% 16.5% 19.3% 47.9% 43.0% 44.3% 47.4% 13.9% 29.5%

    15 5.7% 6.4% 5.1% 37.3% 8.3% 41.7% 46.0% 45.9% 5.3% 22.4%

    16 34.4% 48.7% 44.8% 29.2% 21.2% 23.0% 42.7% 16.6% 19.1% 31.1%

    17 43.9% 3.7% 11.6% 38.0% 31.7% 28.5% 14.0% 49.2% 21.6% 26.9%18 36.0% 10.4% 32.6% 44.2% 21.5% 38.7% 18.8% 26.0% 22.5% 27.9%

    19 29.9% 42.5% 45.2% 29.9% 46.3% 37.5% 20.2% 47.3% 46.2% 38.3%

    20 34.4% 5.7% 4.5% 28.5% 38.8% 10.3% 20.2% 49.8% 32.3% 25.0%


    Samples range from about 5% to 48%

    Wells averages range from

    about 23% to about 38%

    Field average estimate

    Rose & Associates, LLP 3 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

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    P99 P01P98 P02

    P95 P05

    P90 P10

    P10 P20

    P70 P30

    P60 P40

    P50 P50P40 P60

    P30 P70

    P20 P80

    P10 P90

    P05 P95

    P02 P98

    P01 P99

    1% 10% 100%Porosity

    Porosity and Average Poros ity

    Distributions of Porosity Samples and

    Average Porosity





    This is the

    distribution that

    you want to use

    Porosity, Saturation, FVF

    Distributions for these parameters

    should be for the average value over

    the field

    Average parameters tend to have a

    smaller uncertainty than the

    distributions of samples

    Rose & Associates, LLP 4 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

  • 7/27/2019 06 - Reservoir Flow


    Jonah Field

    At w hat K do we no

    longer get

    contribution to


    Does proximity to

    better rock affect

    the cut-off?

    Jonah Field

    Porosity, %

    Distribution of routine

    core porosity values for

    Lance Fm


    Distribution of avg

    porosity by well, Lance


    Rose & Associates, LLP 5 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

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    What is the Impact of Reducing Permeability?


    P i

    P wf


    Rw Re

    Log of Distance (feet) From the Wellbore


    Drainage Radii After 25 Years in nD Rock

    P i

    P wf


    Rw Re

    1 10 1000.10.01

    Log of Distance (feet) From the Wellbore

    Rose & Associates, LLP 6 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

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    Time to Stabilization Linear Flow







    0 160 320 480 640

    Tight Gas - 0.1 md

    Shale Gas - 0.0005 mdUltratight Gas - 0.01 md

    Area, acres


    Recognize The Impact of Permeability

    10 YearsNo Boundary




    Rose & Associates, LLP 7 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

  • 7/27/2019 06 - Reservoir Flow



    the impact of fracs

    Recognize The Impact of Permeability

    Volumetric Calculations For Shale GasAs with tight sands and coal, the RF in Shale Gas is sensitive to the drilling program



    Impact of Inter-well interference.

    How can this be mitigated?

    Rose & Associates, LLP 8 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

  • 7/27/2019 06 - Reservoir Flow


    What is the Optimal Spacing?

    It is a function of your firms discount rate and futureprice expectations. At a 10% discount rate 85% ofthe value is realized in the first 10 years.

    There is always incremental recovery which has trueeconomic value when our R/P ratios exceed 15

    SPE 160002 modeled Tight Oil and Tight Gas playsto provide directional guidance

    Reservoir Flow Process in Shales



    Rose & Associates, LLP 9 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

  • 7/27/2019 06 - Reservoir Flow


    In Conventional tight gas sands we expect discrete transverse

    planar bi-wing fractures e.g. the Montney.

    In tight mudstone/shale with perms less than ~ 0.03 millidarcy,

    complex fractures may be initiated by brittle fracturing or

    reactivation of healed natural fractures.

    Fracture gradients in excess of 1 have resulted in horizontal

    pancake fracture.

    Typically the drainage area is greater than the stimulated area.

    This is dependent on the matrix permeability.

    In Shale, the drainage area is dependent on the StimulatedRock Volume (SRV).

    Multi-stage, high rate, high volume fracture stimulations are

    used to develop the largest possible fracture network.

    Fracturing in Tight Sands vs Shale

    Brinell Hardness Number

    AfterSPE148781B.W.McDanielandMullenetal(2010)Generalized Brinell Hardness Comparison o f Unconventional Resource Plays in the USA

    Rose & Associates, LLP 10 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

  • 7/27/2019 06 - Reservoir Flow


    SPE137413 S.Khalidandothers

    Brittleness is a property of the rock that refers to post failure behaviour.

    A rock is brittle if it cannot support load after failure It is ductile if it can. Ductile materials exhibit significant plastic

    deformation before fracturing.

    Youngs Modulus and Poissons ratio describe a rock elasticity or

    plasticity, which is different from brittleness and ductility.

    Elasticity describes the build-up of strain during hydraulic fracturing,

    but is not an indicator of failure after fracturing, which is what

    brittleness denotes.

    A rock is elastic if it returns its initial state after a load/unload cycle and

    plasticity means that it does not.

    Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio do not necessarily predict

    brittleness or ductility as these moduli deal with the material before


    Which Factors Impact the Brittleness of Shale

    SPE137413 S.Khalidandothers

    Which Factors Impact the Brittleness of Shale

    Gas shales are anisotropic. When measured vertically relative to

    horizontally a difference exceeding 200% has been observed.

    Shattering of the rock occurs when the rock cannot dissipate the

    impact energy fast enough in any way other than to create surface

    area by distributing the energy to multiple fractures.

    In the absence of pre-existing texture, the hydraulic fractures are

    planar, as is the case in the Canadian Montney reservoir.

    The existence of a pre-existing natural fracture network (healed or

    not) is why the Barnett and Horn River shale exhibits a complex

    fracture network.

    Brittleness aids in facilitating the development of a desired texture,

    due to tectonic deformation or other strains but it does not play a role

    in facilitating fracture complexity.

    Rose & Associates, LLP 11 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

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    TerryEngelder DepartmentofGeosciencesPennStateUniversity

    The Role of The Organic Layers in Shale

    These hydrophobic, high gas content pores have relatively highpermeability and can be the hidden pathways for flow of the

    desorbed gas volumes when they become or are connected to

    natural or induced fractures. Reservoir issues around organics:

    The geometry/size of the layers

    The stacking pattern & distribution

    Most importantly, their connectivity


    Rose & Associates, LLP 12 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

  • 7/27/2019 06 - Reservoir Flow


    Volume Impact @ 5% TOC by weight %:

    Given: Total porosity of Shale 6%Assumed: Fracture porosity of < 0.5%

    Given: Weight percent of Organic matter (OM) 5%

    The grain density of OM is half that of the rock minerals,

    therefore the volume % of the TOC is 2 times the weight %.

    The Volume % of the OM is therefore ~ 10%

    * Porosity increases due to organic Carbon decomposition

    The Role of The Organic Layers in Shale


    Volume Impact @ 5% TOC by weight %:Given: Total porosity of Shale 6%

    Assumed: Fracture porosity of < 0.5%

    Given: Weight percent of Organics 5%

    The Volume % of the OM is ~ 10%

    Assumed: ~ 50% of the OM are now pores, such that the volume

    impacted by the 10% Volume of OM is 20% of the Rock volume

    Average porosity of OM in Shale is ~ 20%

    The contribution to total porosity:

    OM - 10% Volume * 20% average porosity = 2%Inorganics 3.5%

    Fractures 0.5%

    OM porosity is 4+ times greater than the fracture porosity.

    The Role of The Organic Layers in Shale


    Rose & Associates, LLP 13 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

  • 7/27/2019 06 - Reservoir Flow


    The organic matter is hydrocarbon

    wet. The hydrocarbons are imbeddedas porous films which act as selective

    nano level membranes which allow

    the passage of oil and gas but block

    the passage of water.

    Pores in the Organics range from

    5 to 800 nm (Reed et al, 2008). The CH4 molecule diameter is

    about 0.4 nm and an Oil molecules diameter varies from ~0.5

    nm to 3 nm

    Porosity of Organic matter can be 2 to 5 times higher than the

    total porosity of the Shale. Organics can absorb, store and

    transfer CH4 molecules and can represent ~20 to 40% of the

    free gas.

    The Role of The Organic Layers in Shale


    Intra-Organic Porosity Found to date in all successful gas shale

    Very low Sw (hydrophobic)

    Contains both free and adsorbed gas

    Inter Crystalline Between clay particles or detrital crystals

    Higher Sw (Hydrophilic)

    Carbonate dissolution

    Carboxylic acid associated with kerogen maturation important in high carbonate rich rocks.


    Factors Impacting Shale Gas Production

    Pore Types

    Rose & Associates, LLP 14 Ch 6 - Reservoir FlowAAPG Cartagena 2D course, Sept. 2013

  • 7/27/2019 06 - Reservoir Flow


    Flow Regimes Within Shale


    Internal Linear Transient

    After wellbore storage and fracture transient effects,

    characterized by infinite acting linear flow into the

    induced and natural fractures. Within the SRV.

    Internal Depletion

    Characterized by quasi-Boundary Dominated Flow (BDF) from

    the Stimulated Rock Volume (SRV) into the natural or

    induced fracture network.

    External Linear Transient

    Characterized by transient linear flow into the peripheral fracture

    faces of the SRV.

    Drainage Volume Depletion

    Characterized by the quasi steady state flow from the drainage

    volume once a well has been affected by drainage boundaries. Desorption of the Organics Pressure dependent

    Characterized by the Langmuir isotherm and interconnectivity of

    the OM.




    (1:1 Slope Fracture interference/Depletion)

    (1:2 Slope Linear flow/High fracture


    (1:4 Slope Lowfracture conductivity)





    Flow Regimes Within Shale