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06 More Php More SQL

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/2/2019 06 More Php More SQL



    More PHP

    More SQL

    More PHP

    More PHP Syntax of more advanced features

    Mainly classes and objects Leaving concept of class primarily to CSCI124 (and proper use of class

    deferred to CSCI204), won't be defining and using classes much inCSCI110

    But you do need to know PHP syntax so you can use itsclasses later when you go on to more advanced exercises

    Use with "cookies" Cookies are your mechanism for tracking visitors to your web


    $_SESSION Maintaining a stateful service

    More SQL

    Simply additional examples using tablesand queries that are a little moresophisticated than the babynames table


    No "More SQL" section

    Just examples worked into the illustrations ofPHP coding.

    Wikipedia summary of PHP class

    evolution : 1 "Basic object-oriented programming functionality was

    added in PHP 3 and improved in PHP 4. Object handlingwas completely rewritten for PHP 5, expanding thefeature set and enhancing performance.

    PHP 5 introduced private and protected membervariables and methods, along with abstract classes andfinal classes as well as abstract methods and finalmethods.It also introduced a standard way of declaringconstructors and destructors, similar to that of otherobject-oriented languages such as C++, and a standardexception handling model."

    i.e. PHP class definitions now are more similar to those of Java and C++ (I'd say more Java like as member functions aredefined in the class declaration while in C++ member functions are more commonly just declared and defined separately.Terms like "final" and "abstract" are also more in Java's style)

    Wikipedia summary of PHP class

    evolution : 2 "Object handling was completely rewritten for PHP 5, expanding the

    feature set and enhancing performance.In previous versions of PHP, objects were handled like value types.The drawback of this method was that the whole object was copiedwhen a variable was assigned or passed as a parameter to amethod.In the new approach, objects are referenced by handle, and not byvalue."

    That change helps. The cloning of objects on assignment made for someodd behaviours when doing things like iterating through a collection of objects!

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    Wikipedia summary of PHP classevolution : 1

    "PHP 5 added interfaces and allowed formultiple interfaces to be implemented.There are special interfaces that allow objects tointeract with the runtime system.

    Objects implementing ArrayAccess can be used witharray syntax and objects implementing Iterator orIteratorAggregate can be used with the foreach

    language construct.

    Again more Java-like than C++ style with regard to interfaces andimplementation of multiple interfaces


    Protected access, destructors, inheritance,final methods, abstract classes, abstractmethods, final classes, multipleinheritance, interfaces, value types,handles

    Yes, well let us leave most of that.

    You can read about such things onceyou've passed CSCI204

    PHP classes

    PHP's classes are generally similar to theclasses that you learn about in CSCI124 Not like the weird "prototype" based class system of Javascript!

    For Java (in some ways, PHP classes are more Java-like than C++-like) take.

    As always, the way you think about a class



    Class and object

    Class A compile time construct Defines what an "instance" (object created for this

    class) has as data membersand provides the definition of the member functions


    Object Created at run-time

    Created on heap using "new" operator

    Many different objects typically created from eachclass

    Each owns their own data Each behaves in the same manner

    Class Point Owns

    X and Y coordinates

    A "colour"

    A "name"

    Does Pretty prints itself

    "Moves" given delta-X, delta-Y will update its own coordinates

    Returns polar values via member functions Radius and Theta

    Performs vector addition given another Point will construct anew point whose coordinates are determined by vector addition

    And has "accessor" and "mutator" functions for the individualdata members

    The project Put the class in a separate PHP file

    Import that file into program with a "require statement"

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    The class The class

    Data members It's PHP so they don't have types.

    But they do have access specifications

    Make them private

    The class - constructor



    Initialize new instance of class when it is created inthe hea

    Don't want the data members filled with random bits leftthere by the last program that ran.

    PHP used to follow C++ style and have aconstructor named after the class

    Now has to have a function named__construct() (that's two underscores)



    We are initializing the "x" member of the object for which theconstructor function is running;that object is identified by the handle (pointer) $this

    The class: accessor and mutator Data members are private

    Can only be read by program if define an "accessor" function

    Can only be changed by program if define a "mutator" function

    The class: "business methods" Methods that do the real work for which

    this class was invented!

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    Pretty print



    Using these operations : 1 Using these operations: 2

    Change point3, well it is also point 2 so point2 got changed.$point2 and $point3 are what Java calls "Object Reference Variables" pointers to objects. The assignment $point3 = $point2 simply madetwo pointers point to the samePoint object. C++ would differ here.

    Using these operations: 3 Class hierarchy The syntax is defined. Would you want to do it?

    Role of class hierarchy is for defining related classeswith complex behaviours

    Some behaviours can be defined in the "base class"; others" "are su cen y eren a eac separa e su -cass mus

    define its own variant.

    Appropriate applications Frameworks (Graphical like Java's awt and swing graphics,

    Web-server like Java's servlet engine and servlets, Businesslike Java's "Enterprise Java"), Simulations, some Gameapplications

    PHP frameworks like Drupal and advanced applications like MediaWikimake extensive use of classes.

    But not really that likely to be needed in routinePHP scripts

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    Class hierarchy

    You can see a (very unconvincing)demonstration at

    They have

    class Spinach extends Vegetable

    Quite just what you need in the typical PHPapplication

    PHP syntax for class hierarchies is similar to Java rather than C++

    ttp://au2.p /en/c asso .examp es.p p



    Introduced by Netscape when they converted the webfrom a "vanity press" to an effective medium forcommerce.

    They provide one way (the most convenient way) of"labelling" a client so that a server can recognizesubse uent re uests as ori inatin from the same source.

    Why might you want to "label" a client? To achieve "stateful" processing

    This is the most important use, but you would probably not use cookies directly you would work instead with PHP's "sessions" (which generally use cookieson your behalf)

    Personalization: To welcome back a returning visitor (labelled with a 'last visited time')

    and provide "news of events since your last visit" To provide a basis for advertising Etc

    See Amazon for a good example! "Recommendations for you"

    A cookie A cookie consists of

    A name

    Data (up to 4k bytes of text)

    An expiry date

    File path to application that sent it Could have a company ( with "sales" and "advertising"

    divisions both of which have web sites differentiated by path names( and andwhich both had applications that want to set cookies;

    "path" would keep the cookies apart so those from "advertising" wouldbe distinguished from those from "sales" even if they used the samecookie name

    Browser stores cookies A particular server (domain) is "allowed" to

    set up to 20 cookies on a client.

    Browser on client stores these' '

    Other browsers may store them as simple files

    Firefox used to store them all in one big text file (~2006) but morerecent versions use a "sqlite" database.

    There are some rules of good cookie conduct 4k size limit, 20 cookies site limit,expiry date not more than one year ahead, etc. But nothing enforces the rules.

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    Cookie exchange

    Cookies are sent back and forth in HTTPheaders

    Server sends a "Set-Cookie:" header

    Browser stores the cookie

    Browser returns the cookie (in a Cookie: header) withall subsequent requests to the same URL/pathcombination

    Example cookie in HTTP headeras shown in wikipedia;

    Looking at your cookies

    Cookies from PHP

    One problem:

    Cookies are sent in the header

    If your PHP script needs to set a cookie then thismust be done before any HTML/plain-text output issen .

    Cookie setting code must be at very start of script.

    Fails html sent before header

    Fails blank line set before header!


    Part of the PHP standard library

    setcookie Arguments

    Name arbitrary, any name you want

    Value a string

    You can send a "negative time" this allows the server todelete a cookie that it sent earlier

    setcookie Optional parameters

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    Cookies from Javascript

    Your Javascript can manipulate yourcookies

    Example later PHP & MySQL

    News viewer example


    Data table of "news" Date posted T it le URL of article

    Cookie Name='LastVisit' a ue= mes amp

    News Reader Application If no cookie, just print G'day If find cookie from previous visit, show list of all news articles posted

    more recently And, of course, (re)-set the LastVisit cookie with current time

    News Poster Application No prett ies!

    I was too lazy to do much by way of CSS styling for this example

    BrowserServer runningnews script

    Table indatabase withnews records

    SQL query retrieves anynews records more recent thandate stamp

    Visitor view

    Local file storagefor cookies

    Date-stamp (last visit) cookie

    transferred back and forth,updated by server script

    BrowserServer running"add news"script

    Table indatabase withnews records

    SQL insert additional recordOwner view

    Get:show add news form

    Postinsert record

    Develop applications in smallincremental ste s!

  • 8/2/2019 06 More Php More SQL




    PHP script to manipulate a time-stampcookie ("LastVisit")

    Get value from $_COOKIE[ ] (could be unset)


    If there was a value for "LastTime", welcomeback a returning visitor

    Else welcome a new visitor

    The code : 1

    1. $visitor =


    2. $now = time();

    3. $oneweek = 60*60*24*7;

    4. $expires = $now + $oneweek;

    5. setcookie("LastVisit",

    1. Index into $_COOKIE looking forour LastVisit cookie

    2. Get current time as a Unix-styletimestamp

    3. Seconds in one week!

    4. Set ex i r data as 1 week fromnow, exp res ;now.

    5. Set the cookie

    1. Name

    2. Value (timestamp to string)

    3. Expiry t ime.

    The code : 2


    isset function bit like testing visitor != NULL in C++ If there wasn't a cookie named LastVisit, $visitor wouldn't

    have been set

    And there would be an entry in your Apache log file warningfrom PHP script

    $datelastvisit = date('d-M-y',$visitor);

    date function takes a format string and a timestamp


    Go to site "Refresh"

    Develop applications in smallincremental ste s!

  • 8/2/2019 06 More Php More SQL




    Data table in MySQL Posting date

    Title 256 characters

    Table definition

    Develop applications in smallincremental ste s!

    Step 3: Fill the table News poster

    Might as well handle this through a web form

    Nominal posting date

    Title of posting

    URL with details


    Import jQuery library (for the calendar)

    =" " =" / "$(

    function() {$("#datepicker").datepicker({ minDate: new Date(2010,0,1),

    maxDate: new Date(2011,11,31)}



    Initialization code get jQuery to insert the HTML etcfor a popup calendar associated with the "datepicker"element in the form

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    Form Just some text fields and the input text linked to the jQuery calendar code

    Nominal posting date



    New posting code

    Check the data! Just get into the habit of checking everything

    that comes in from the web

    Here some of the data in ut the title will beincluded in a page sent to subsequent visitors

    So if a "title" should happen to include Javascript, thatJavascript will be run

    A hostile posting could contain malicious Javascript("cross-site posting attack")

    Become paranoid

    Paranoia is a useful trait for a webprogrammer

    The bastards areout to get you!

    Checking data

    Your form only allows selection from predefinedoptions lists couldn't possibly go wrong But the hacker just read the source of your form and

    created a hand-crafted input that didn't have valuestaken from your published selection.

    our orm s on y use y peop e on-s e, eywouldn't attack their own site Well some might But any way, how sure are you that the form cannot

    be accessed off siteand if URL of processing program is known it couldget data posted data from off-site even if the formwasn't accessible

    Checking the data Title and URL

    Text Length checks not too short or too long

    Characters alphanumerics, white space, some punctuation

    but if you see things like < or single quote then beware

    URL does it look like http://something(:maybe a port #)/path


    Properly formatted date value

    Represents a valid date

    Checking strings for characters and

    formats Example code will again use "regular expressions" (the

    code is much shorter that way)


    Examples! You don't have to invent your own regexes!

    Numerous people have needed to check whether the data givento a script looks like a valid URL so there are regex patternspublished for such common tasks

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    Script step 1

    Generate error page if data not accepted

    Some minimal acknowledgement ofsuccessful posting

    Test the data checking code

    Script Step 2

    Add validated data to database

    Data checking

    function checkurl() {$url = $_POST["url"];

    // Must have some input!if(empty($url)) return false;

    // Too short, too long - no goodif((strlen($url)256)) return false;

    // Does it look like a URL should// The horrendous regex was found on the internet// (there are slightly simpler variants that are almost as good)

    $urlpat ='!^((http(s)?)://)?(\.?([a-z0-9-]+))+\.[a-z]{2,6}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(/[a-zA-Z0-9.,;\?|\'+&%\$#=~_-]+)*$!i';return preg_match($urlpat,$url) ;


    The regex says something like look for the string http://, or https://, (that string ishowever optional), then look for a domain name (alphanumeric substrings, separatedby ".", ending with a domain of 2 to 6 characters), then an optional port number (1 to 5decimal digits), then

    preg_match is PHP's regular-expressionmatching function

    Data checking

    function checktitle() {

    $title = $_POST["title"];

    // Require some text

    if(empty($title)) return false;

    $titlelen = strlen($title);


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    Develop and test incrementally

    Build the application with just datachecking and a success/fail responsepage

    is doing its stuff.

    Only then add the database component

    Database part

    Connect to database SQL Insert statement

    You can assemble a SQL query but appendingstrings that include your data

    Try to avoid this it's the programming construct mostfavoured by hackers

    Whenever possible (which is >90% of time) useprepared statements

    Run insert

    Remember to close database connection

    Connecting to database

    function connectToDatabase() {

    global $mysqli;

    $mysqli = newmysqli('localhost','nabg','NOTMYPASSWORD','nabg');

    // Check for connection errors

    if(mysqli_connect_errno()) {

    $problem = mysqli connect error();_ _




    } Argument to mysqli constructor are

    Host for database User name Password Schema

    Alternative connection style

    Often see example code in a different stylewhere connection request provides host, user-name, and password only

    Then a separate step is used to select databaseschema required:

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    Advantage of prepared statementand bind-param

    If you use user-input and bind-param then thevalues from your user's input are never seen bythe SQL parser.

    You can build the string by concatenation and then run it using a

    $qstr = "insert into NewsTable values ('".

    $title . "', '" . $url . "', '" . $mydate . ")" (note the single quote that are needed around strings in a SQL statement)

    But then you are going to meet a hacker who chose a title with formlikex', 'y', '02-02-2000'); drop NewsTable; '

    Your SQL parser will parse that and incorporate code to delete yourtable

    Insert rowfunction


    Response Now go and view the data using theMySQL query browser just to checkthat the row really has been inserted!

    Develop applications in smallincremental ste s!

    Viewnews Pick up cookie with last visit time (if such a

    cookie exists)

    If no cookie, set last visit time as sometime long ago

    Set last visit time to current time.

    Convert last visit time to date.

    Connect to database

    Run a query of form select all rows whose dates> last visit date.

    Print results.

    But first build some "scaffolding" Have one small problem

    Would be able to run the search once from web page,but then cookie is set and there won't be any newerarticles to read for subsequent searches!

    First test probably won't work properly (there's bound'

    error in the generated response text)

    Need some convenient system for adjusting thelast visit date How about a really small web app that simply adjusts

    the cookie to match a date you provide.


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    Get used to it you always have tocreate "scaffolding"

    In introductory CS subjects (114, 124, 203, 204)you simply write a program that matches(maybe) the requirements set in the assignment

    In real life, you write a program that matches therequirements but you also have to implement "scaffolding" Extra little programs that

    Populate data bases Generate test sequences

    (Tend to be one of reasons that most software is late estimates of the size of a project too rarely allow for theextras like "scaffolding")


    HTML page Javascript

    Is there are "LastVisit" cookie?

    If yes, then make the page contain a form with a jQuerycalendar field;

    "Scaffolding code"

    the form submits data to the setvisitdate.php script

    If no, then make the page say there is no need to do anything.

    PHP script

    Replace value of cookie with one corresponding todate entered in form

    Acknowledge request.


    As it uses jQuery (just for the calendar widget),the page has the usual host of include files stylesheets, jQuery core, jQuery user interfaceextensions.

    "Scaffolding code"

    Then a very simple page with an identified (initially no content)

    Then a Javascript fragment that will be executedas page is loaded

    Script sets content of either to contain form ormessage that there is no cookie to overwrite

    document.cookie it's a string withall the cookies set by your site; if yourJavascript needs to check for aspecific named cookie then you will haveto parse the string;here simply need to check for existenceor non-existence of a cookie

    "Scaffolding code"


    "Scaffolding code"

    PHP Checkdate function

    Validates input does it look like a date string Converts it into a Unix time stamp (which is what we

    are using as value for the LastVisit cookie) Timestamp is date supplement by time of day set that to 0th

    "Scaffolding code"

    "Main" Invoke checkdate

    If invalid input report error

    Use generated timestamp value as value for cookiethat gets reset

    Report success

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    Back to ViewnewsCouple of global variables declared.

    Functions to connect to database and run search(and report results)

    Basic updating (or initial setting) of LastVisitcookie.

    Prepare a date string argument for searchagainst table

    Other HTML output to end generated page


    Code setting up and performingsearch

    HTML table from data inrows retrieved from database

    The search

    Create a SQL select statement as a prepared statement

    Bind value for date, Only retrieving posting more recent than this date

    Run queryg o a mysq ate;

    global $mysqli;

    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare(

    "select title,url,posted from NewsTable whereposted>=?");

    $stmt->bind_param('s', $mysqldate);


    Getting the results

    Illustrating a different approach from that inearlier example (babynames example) whereretrieved rows and then selected data from eachrow.

    Here using "statement fetch" and "bind resultparameter"

    It is just a different approach to looking at the

    results and extracting column values. Both are OK to use. This version probably results in shorter code in

    most cases.

    "Bind result"$stmt->execute();


    $counter =0;

    while($stmt->fetch()) {


    Bind_result identifies PHP variables thatwill be set to retrieved column valueswhenever "fetch()" method of statementobject is executed

    Generating the HTML table

    Each row of table has Item number (actually a item link to the URL

    from data table)

    Date posted (in a human readable format)

    Tit le

    HTML rows are generated as each matching record isretrieved

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    while($stmt->fetch()) {$counter++;if($counter==1) {


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    Picture Gallery

    Persistent data in MySQL Picys table

    Identifier (surrogate key, auto-increment integer)

    Title - varchar(128)

    " " ommen ex

    Picture "mediumblob"

    PicyTags table Tag varchar(16)

    Identifier integer, really a foreign key referencing the"identifier" field in the Picys table (but since MySQL doesn'tenforce foreign key constraints, it's simply declared as integer)

    Defining the MySQL tables

    Names and passwords

    There is a third table


    Encrypted password


    Picture Gallery

    Scripts1. " Index.php"

    Really just a HTML page with links: V iew t it les Search by tag Add picture (only for gallery owner)

    2. ViewTit les.php Retrieve and list titles of all pictures the listing includes links that

    allow picture to be viewed

    3. DisplayPicture.php

    Called with picture identifier argument, generates page withHTML and content text title, comment and an link foractual picture

    4. ImageFromMySQL.php Generates a Content-type: image/jpg file with image data from

    "Blob" in database, i.e. an actual picture

    Picture Gallery Scripts

    5. SearchByTag.php User enters a tag, script returns list of picture titles that

    again act as links to actual picture display

    . . Gets and checks user name and password, required before

    can use AddPicture script.

    7. AddPicture.php Upload a picture along with title, comment, and some tags.

    Support program CreateUser.php

    Creates row in passwords table User name

    Encrypted password

    It's possible that will need similar username/passwordarrangements for "administrator"/"owner" role in otherexample applications.Hence use of a data table.

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    View titles

    View chosenpicture

    Optionally tagthe picture witha new tag.





    Scotland 7

    Venice 13

    Scotland 30

    Username Encrypted




    nabg 1af2 picy

    Ident Title Comment Image

    5 London Eye Aerial 1423

    7 Storm One of 5327a2e113 Masked Carnival 7452feb

    30 Edinburgh Castle 4325ebc

    Application flow - visitor

    Index.php [Get]

    - Displays form

    - Links to

    - View titles

    - Search tags


    - Get

    - Runs code tolist titles (as links)


    - Get

    - Displays form

    - Post

    - Runs code tolist titles (as links)


    - Get

    - Returns pagewith data



    - Returns image


    - Post

    - Adds tag

    Application flow - Owner

    Index.php [Get]

    - Displays form

    - Links to

    - Add picture


    - Get

    - Displays form

    - Post

    - Checks login


    - Get

    - Displays form

    - Post

    - Adds picture

    Application flow



    - Get

    - Dis la s form

    - Post

    - Adds user (owner)

  • 8/2/2019 06 More Php More SQL



    Development : 1 First

    Define those tables

    It isn't going to be easy to populate them with test datausing the MySQL tool Image data must get loaded

    In the password table want an encrypted password

    So Create program to populate username/password table

    Create "login" program

    Create "add picture" program usable by 'logged in' user

    Checking a password get password from user, encrypt, compare with storedencrypted version.Why store encrypted versions?Because hackers have sometimes contrived to steal password files or dump contents of password tables.If the passwords are encrypted, hacker must use brute force password-guessing programs to try tofind "weak passwords".

    First script

    CreateUser "Get"

    Form where user enters a name, a password, and a programidentifier


    Some basic data checking

    Create row in PwdTable


    Application scripts

    Many of the scripts in this little web application follow the same style Get

    Display a form

    Post Handle data entered in the form

    Much of the database access code is the same "cut& aste" between the scr i ts

    Where possible "prepared statement" style used for databasequeries (Didn't work well with operations on images there older style mysqli-

    >query(sqlstring) used, with the sqlstring built by concatenating textfragments)

    Data checking Again using simple regex texts


    Check "REQUEST_METHOD"environment variable in $_SERVER.

    Call appropriate function.


    Standard form, action='$phpself' postback to same script.Don't show input to "shoulder surfers"

    Handle create : 1; data checking

    Pick up posted data

    Note referenceto global variable

    If any required data were missing,bounce user back to the login form.

    Check that inputs are alphanumericand of approved length.

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    Handle create : 2; do the work!

    Connect to database; use a prepared statement to enter data (reducing riskof 'SQL injection attack'); execute statement; check for errors.

    Encrypting the password?Various choices; here use PHP's md5() function. It creates a string of32 hexadecimal characters as a "hash" of supplied password. There isno practical way of reversing the hash and getting back the passwordfrom the 32 digit string. Hashed password string is what gets stored.

    Handle create : 2b; databaseconnections

    More or less the same code in several ofthese scripts so here it is as a function

    Handle create : 2c; reporting badinput

    More or less the same code in several ofthese scripts so here it is as a function

    Handle create: 3: report

    Database insert failed?Just report the error.

    Database insert success?Acknowledge action.

    Remember to tidy up, closingconnections etc.

    Handle create Now we have some users registered as

    able to add pictures.

    Controls on CreateUser Realistically, would need some controls on use

    of "create user" script!

    Otherwise any hacker could simply create a useraccount and start uploading pictures!


    E.g. don't have user name and password defined incode of connectToDatabase;ask for them to be supplied in the create user form.

    Possibly use https as well

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    Login and $_SESSION

    In this example will let PHP handle cookies forus. Login mechanism

    User invokes login script and gets form Data submitted are checked Encrypt (md5) password supplied Check PwdTable does this combination of (user-

    name, encrypted password, and "Picys" as tablename) exist

    If not bounce back to login If yes, start "session"

    Store user name in session


    Login script

    Standard!Check whether it is "Get" of "Post"

    if get, show form.If post, process data.

    Same "badinput()", and"connectToDatabase()" functions.

    Similar global variable for databasehandle.

    Display login form

    Standard!Form element posting back to

    $phpself (i.e. this script).

    Some layout provided for formfields(maybe and but more often ).

    Two input fields and a submit button.

    Handle_login function

    Check the data

    Handle_login function Prepare and run the query

    There should be exactly one row with the same combination ofuser-name, encrypted password, and application name.

    $mysqli->prepare("select count(*) from PwdTable whereusername=? and cpasswrd=? and mytablename='Picys'");

    Handle_login function Response If valid, reponse page is simply a form

    letting user view pictures, search, add,

    But if data were invalid, report failure.

    Oh, and remember to tidy up by closing the $mysqli connection!

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    MySQLI functions being used

    MySQLi prepare






    session_start() and $_SESSION

    session_start() PHP will create a unique session identifier and place this in a

    cookie on client

    PHP also creates a $_SESSION hash array that it will maintainin another hash array inside PHP engine itself;the session identifier laced in cookie is ke used to retrieve oursession data.

    On all subsequent calls, PHP will find our session data inits hash array.

    Here only making limited use of session data Login places username in session

    AddPicture script checks for a username record if not found itbounces user back to this login script.

    session_start() sets a cookie in header; so must run before any html output!


    Checks that user is "logged in".

    Get Form

    Enc-type multi-part form data; this is a file upload

    Action post back to same script.

    Input fields for title, comment, the file, and a comma-separated setof "tags"


    Validate No nasty embedded scripts in title or comment please; no other

    troublesome characters.

    Insert data via a mysqli->query() operation

    Report success (or failure)

    AddPicture - mainlineGlobal database handle, reportfunction for bad input, and functionto connect to database are sameas in earlier scripts

    Using session so again session_start();check that there is a record showing user

    logged in else divert to login page.Simply send a Location header browserwill handle the diversion.

    Then the usual if "GET" show form,if "POST" process data.

    A simple form for file upload

    with additional textarea and textinput fields.

    Enctype for multipart/form-data;Hidden field specifying 1Mbyte

    maximum upload;

    Textareas for title and comment.

    - only want jpeg files.

    Text input for comma separated listof keywords.

    Submit button.

    Function add_picture : 1 First steps

    Did file upload work?

    Do we have a title and comment?

    If errors during file upload,report problem and exit.

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    Function add_picture : 2a

    Next Check title and comment for hacker attacks

    Function add_picture : 2b

    Next Read all bytes in the upload file and prepare for insertion intoMySQL

    File I/O

    PHP's file I/O is closely related to the FILE* stdiolibrary of C You will meet this in CSCI212 (and maybe in CSCI204)

    fopen opens file, returns "filehandle"

    fread read specified number of bytes

    Function add_picture : 3

    Database stuff


    Create a "SQL query" actually an insert

    Execute the query i.e. insert the picture.

    Note the null it's MySQL thatassigns the identifier using anauto-increment integer field.

    Doing it with mysqli Its a bit fussier.

    Insert data with a null for the binary data.

    Then use the send_long_data() function to sendthe binar data in a second ste

    If the image is large, then you may need a loop thatsends successive chunks of bytes


    Function add_picture : 4 Errors on insert?

    Send an error response page.


    Get index number of picture

    Send an acknowledgement

    Insert any "tags" into the tags table

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    Error report or success acknowledgement

    Reporting the number of the newrecord.

    What identifier was assigned?

    Using an auto-increment integer for the key soit's the database that determines key value.

    What was the key assigned?Finding that is hopelessly database dependent!


    With MySQL you can immediately run a query of theform$mysqli->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");

    and get the value from the result of this query.

    AddPicture finally, those tags AddPicture finally, those tags

    "explode()" breaks string at delimetercharacters (here ",") creating array ofstrings

    " , ,storm", becomes a string array "Scotland",

    "mountains", "storm" Isn't it nice that you don't have to worry about allocating space likethose poor sods coding C++

    Check that the tags don't contain anything nasty.

    Web application so far Now have ability for "owner" to

    add pictures to the database (along with title andcomment data)

    add initial tags to the tag table

    Next application

    View all titles Simply generate a HTML table with all titles for all entries in

    the data table

    Also links to another script (not yet written) that will display aselected picture and all its other data.

    It really is just a HTML page with a little bitof embedded code.

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    Connect to database Run select id & title from Picys no

    "where" clause, we want them all.

    Process 'result set'

    Write each retrieved row as a row of a HTMLtable

    Note how a link to display program, with aquery string argument, is being used

    DisplayPicture &ImageFromMySQL

    DisplayPicture script Get request, query string will have identifier of picture that is to be

    displayed You can see why a simple integer surrogate key is kind of useful


    Connect to database Retrieve title and comment for picture

    Compose HTML response page with title and comment

    Need an link will have to reference a script that returnsjust the jpg image data

    Oh, and add in existing tags and a form that allows new tags.

    ImageFromMySQL Return image data

    This is pretty standardized, so deal with it first


    Set the content type toappropriate image type.

    Pick up identifier argument.

    Connect to database,run simple query to get

    image bytes of chosen image.

    Return those bytes


    HTML with a little bit of embedded PHP

    3 parts

    Picture display Code to pick up identifier argument, connect to database,

    and retrieve title and comment

    HTML markup for display area with title, link to image,comment

    Tag display Retrieve all existing tags, and list them

    Form Form for adding a tag

    We have finished with first query (the one thatgot title and comment), so close that and start

    a new request to get tags.

    List all existing tags

    Final part of page generated Form for adding a tag, to be handled byan AddTag.php script.

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    Web application so far

    Owner can add pictures along with title,comment, and initial tags

    Anyone can view titles

    What's left? Search for pictures with particular tags

    The code to add more tags entered in thepicture display page

    Search by tag

    Get request Display form allowing user to enter a tag

    Post request Handled naively!

    Needs to merge data from PicyTags table and Picystable

    Done by running multiple SQL requests

    Learn how to do it properly in CSCI235!

    What it does Gets data from PicyTags table, builds up array containing

    identifiers of all pictures that have specified tag

    Loops through this array, fetching data from Picys table togenerate response data as HTML table

    Search by tag

    Standard!If "Get" then display form.If "Post" then process data.

    Search First stage

    Pick up user's chosen tag

    Connect to database

    Get identifier from PicyTags where tag equalsuser's choice

    The data are assembled into an array

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    Search by tag

    If didn't get any matches generate asimple report page

    Search by tag

    If get some matches Will output a page similar to that from ViewTitles

    Start by outputting page header

    Prepare another SQL request this one gets title andcomment given picture identifier

    Loop through collection of picture ids that wereretrieved for tag,

    Run query to get data

    Output row of HTML table

    Tidy up, close connection etc.

    Page header, and new statement.

    Fetching rows from PicysCreating rows in HTML table

    Tidying up etc

    Oh yes, remember to close database connections

    Web application so far Owner can add pictures along with title,

    comment, and initial tags

    Anyone can view titles

    Anyone can view selected picture

    Search for pictures with particular tags What's left?

    The code to add more tags entered in the picturedisplay page

    Left as an exercise for the reader!

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    Bigger than CSCI114Bigger than CSCI124

    OK, a slightly larger application But code complexity less than most of the

    C++ exercises

    n s a more ncremen a approac

    Build and test each part

    Move from simple to advanced.

    It's also a bit more interestingand impressive than the typicalC++ exercise.

    Session state

    Some of this mentioned before re-iterating as get into realistic

    session state examples.

    Original HTTP (

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    HTTP Authentication : 2

    Browser sends user entered data from itsauthentication dialog to server User-names and passwords are held on server

    Location is specified by a configuration file, it can bedifferent for each controlled realm (subdirectory)

    Name, encrypted password combinations are held either in atext file or a simple database

    Server checks user inputs against its records forthat "realm" If no match, repeats authentication challenge and

    browser redisplays the dialog If match, server returns the page from the controlled

    realm that was originally requested.

    HTTP authentication : 3

    Browser records the triple: Data supplied in dialog User name Password

    "Realm" the URL path for the directory containing

    authentication challenge.

    Browser sends the name, password combinationin authentication HTTP headers in allsubsequent requests for other files from thesame "realm" Server checks every subsequent request, re-

    examining the name/password combination

    HTTP authentication : 4

    Illusion of stateful service

    "Logged in" state.

    pp ca on scr p s can re r eve e og nidentifier from the $_SERVER[ ]

    environment data.

    State via HTTP authentication

    Since application can get "user name", thiscan act as an identifier key for state datastored in a database or in server memory.

    HTTP authentication : 5 Useful in some limited contexts


    Student access to files for a subject at university User-names and passwords allocated when student

    enrols,i.e. before access is needed.

    Not really a practical solution for majorityof stateful services

    Not very secure either.

    So how to maintain state Hidden fields in forms?

    Problem of state maintenance in an essentiallystateless environment is much older than the web

    Similar problems occurred with the mainframe basedtransaction processing systems like CICS

    CICS script displays a form on a special terminal Data entered CICS script (in COBOL) processes data End of transaction next request is completely independent

    But suppose the application required more than one form? CICS style solution

    Script that checks data from first form, hides the checked data ina subsequent form that gets displayed.

    Script that checks data from 2nd form receives all the data rechecks earlier data and processes new data.

    It's like Berners-Lee's"fetch one file" model

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    Hidden fields

    Services based on HTTP and HTML quicklyadopted the same model

    Script that processes first form ("Tell me what showyou want to see and day") hides these data in secondform page ("The following seats are available, pick what youwant") that is then displayed to user

    Data from second form submitted to aprocessing script that then has all the input data.

    Hidden fields

    Mechanism works Problems State data (information entered in forms) being

    transferred back and forth between client browser andserver

    Data transfer may get "eavesdropped" (on network, incached files etc)

    Data entered in form-1 and hidden in form-2 may bedeliberately altered

    Scheme only works if model is fill form-1, now fillform-2, now fill form-3

    Too restrictive, most web applications have more diversenavigation rules

    Cookies for state

    Netscape cookies Added as a header field in HTTP protocol


    Could be used to transfer state data back andforth between client and server

    Data entered in form-1 would be held as value of a

    cookie, cookie returned with form-2 etc It's the same as hidden fields, but eliminates

    restrictions on navigation; you aren't constrained towork form-1, form-2,

    But still disadvantage data can be seen/altered.

    Cookie as data

    Illustrated with LastVisit time-stamp cookiein the "news" application

    Cookies as key Better use is cookie is simply an identifier

    key Identifier placed by first server script, returns

    to all subsequent scripts

    State data held on server side Cookie value acts as key

    Data held in memory (in something like a hashmap), cookie value is key into hash map

    Data held in database table, cookie value isprimary key for record

    "Login state" with cookies Illustrated in "Picture Gallery" application

    the AddPicture component

    Use your own login form (rather than the browserdialo associated with HTTP authentication

    Receive and check name and password

    If combination ok, place session cookie onbrowser value is just an id,

    Only "logged in" status being maintained

    Check for cookie in later scripts

    Code didn't explicitly handle the cookie done indirectly via calls to session_start() etc

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    Multiple cookies

    Most often have multiple cookies Long-term cookie for recognition of returning

    customer and personalization data

    session closed)

    Just a key

    Current session data held on server side

    Typical session cookie usage

    Session identifier Key for hashmap in memory, or identifies file,

    or acts as key for tables in database Java servlet engines session hashmap is in


    PHP works with files (hidden from applicationprogrammer)

    Store anything you want in the private hashmap (as set of key/value pairs username/Smith,address/4-10 Cliff Rd,)or as column values in database tables

    In memory, files, or in database

    Whichever way there are problems. Database

    Heavy load place on your database Though you can always use different database engines

    1. One for read only information (updated from primarydatabase by a non-web application)

    2. One for these temporary session tables3. One for your real data

    Need to clear out rows for completed and abandoned

    session Completed ("proceed to checkout, place order, confirm")

    temporary session data transferred to more permanent ordertable, session data deleted

    Abandoned untouched for 30 minutes, "trigger" action indatabase engine deletes row

    In memory, files, or in database

    Whichever way there are problems. Files

    Need to automatically delete discarded files Where are the fi les?

    If local to server machine have same problem as with in memory

    In memory, files, or in database Whichever way there are problems.

    Memory In some ways easier, just use your session hash map of

    name value pairs that is stored in the PHP engine's hashma user-id =>session record

    Completed delete your session data

    Abandoned handled by PHP engine, configurationparameter will give life time limit for session data thathaven't been used recently

    The problem Server farms!

    Server farmsServer pc? Well, more likely 100s of them!

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    100s (sometimes 1000s) of PCs

    Client requests distributed across large numberof PCs that share an internet address

    Client Client Client Client Client Client Client



    Server PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PCServer PC

    browser browser browser browser browser browser browser


    Session data in memory

    If session data are to be stored in memory, then it isessential that subsequent requests get switched to thesame computer.

    Normally handled largely by hardware Schemes like distributing requests to server machines on basis

    o c ent s a ress hopefully this doesn't change during a session

    Not something you need to be concerned about yet(though you do need to be aware of the issue) For advanced systems administrators and network managers

    Paranoid web surfers

    Another problem

    People who disable cookies!

    gn can percen age o we users setheir browsers to refuse cookies

    They don't want their web visits to be tracked.

    They also disable all stateful services.

    No cookie? No session id!

    How can we get browser to return asession identifier if cookies are disabled?

    Put the identifier into the URLs of all linksback to our site.

    "URL rewriting"

    Session id in URL :1 So this user refuses cookies

    Instead of sending a cookie (oursessionid=3af1672049) alongwith a page with entries like:

    View contents of shopping cart

    Send a page with entries like:


    contents of shopping cart

    Session id is typically a 32 character hex-string.

    Session id in URL :2 Web server engine (Apache, IIS, etc) can

    be configured to watch for those sessionkeys in incoming URLs

    ,can be found

    Key is made available to script via$_SERVER[ ] environment variables.

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    Session id in URL :3

    Only problem is the need to "rewrite" the URLsof all links in dynamically generated pages

    Chosen session key must be embedded into URL atappropriate point

    PHP engine can partially automate this.

    We will ignore the issue for rest of CSCI110

    Assume that there are no paranoid users of CSCI110web sites and so cookies will always work.

    PHP & MySQLExam le 3

    The ubiquitous shopping cart

    Apologies to all those who publish their copyrighted photos at, butwe've decided to sell copies of your photos to our clients.

    Just an extension to the PictureGallery example

    Extra scripts

    BuyPhoto Linked from page produce by DisplayPicture script

    Gets additional data photo-size and style ('canvas', 'gloss',' '

    Adds data to "shopping cart" maintained in $_SESSION

    ViewCart Displays contents of customers shopping cart


    Not actually implemented! Just referenced in links in some of thepages now displayed.

    Extra links in the page f rom DisplayPhoto.php

    Viewing the cart

    $_SESSION and session_start Scripts using the shopping cart are




    These scripts all start with session_start() First time this is invoked:

    a magic session identifier is created

    The identifier is set as a cookie labelling the client

    An entry in the PHP engine's hash-map of session data is created,session identifier acts as key

    When cookie is encountered in header of a subsequent request: PHP engine finds the appropriate session data in its hash map and

    makes these data available to script in $_SESSION[ ]

    Last used time of data is updated

    BuyPhoto Get

    Called via link in page generated by DisplayPicture.php

    Query string argument with identifier of photo

    Displays a simple form Labels --- "purchasing copy of (title) "

    e ec or s ze

    Select for style (canvas, gloss, matt print)

    Post Limited data checking

    Adds a record to the 'shopping cart' data kept in $_SESSION

    Displays a simple acknowledgement page with links to ViewCart,Checkout, ViewTitles, SearchByTag etc

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    Get Invoked via links in pages generated by

    DisplayPicture and BuyPhoto

    Retrieves 'shopping cart' data from$_SESSION

    If no such data? Returns a page saying that cart is empty

    If data found Displays a simple HTML table with entries for each

    item in shopping cart

    Shopping cart data

    Item count number of photos to be purchased Saved in $_SESSION$_SESSION['items'] = value-of-item-count

    Items Identifier Tit le Size Style ? How?

    Use a PHP key=>value array$purchase = array ("ident" => $ident,"title" => $title,"size" => $picsize, "style" => $style );

    Create an identifier for it - $itemid = "Item" . $itemcount; Store in $_SESSION$_SESSION[$itemid] = $purchase;


    session_start() changes HTTP headerso must be invoked before any output.

    Some old favourite functions like "badinput()",and a few new functions.

    The usual if "Get" then display form,if "Post" handle data from form.

    BuyPhoto session setup


    $itemcount = $_SESSION['items'];

    if(!isset($itemcount)) {

    $_SESSION['items'] = $itemcount;


    If this is first use of session data, there will

    be nothing in the $_SESSION hash map. Create some data just the itemcount for


    BuyPhoto data base Database?

    Script connects to database every time

    Really only needed in "GET" requests wheredatabase is accessed to retrieve title for photo withspec e en er (even this could have been avoided, couldhave had DisplayPicture pass the title as a second argument)

    GET - 1Check inputs! Expecting anidentifier number.

    Pick up title from database

    This time I remembered to urlencode the title I'mplacing it (in a hidden field) in the form that I generate;values for such pre-set fields should be urlencoded toavoid any problems with odd characters.

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    GET - 2

    Generate the HTML form page - it posts data back to thisscrp ;- it has a form+ id and title of picture are

    included in hidden fields+ Style three choice select+ Size four choice select

    Handling the purchase request

    Check inputs Create the record of purchase item

    Add item to $_SESSION

    Generate response page


    Checking inputs "white list" checking

    Check input values against the known permittedvalues

    Updating $_SESSION$purchase = array (

    "ident" => $ident,

    "title" => $title,

    "size" => $picsize,

    "style" => $style



    $itemid = "Item" . $itemcount;

    $_SESSION[$itemid] = $purchase;

    $_SESSION['items'] = $itemcount;

    ViewCart : 1Pick up the shopping cart data

    Oooh it's empty. Someone musthave done 'View Cart' before pickingany photos for purchase.

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    ViewCart : 2

    Generate page with HTML table listingcontents of cart

    Getting the data from the cart


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    ItemClass.php ShoppingCart.php

    Programming with class


    Picking up the ShoppingCart object from$_SESSION

    Using the ShoppingCartobject and a new ItemClass


    Programming with class


    What about "checkout"?

    The Checkout.php script Someone has hired you to create a real

    PHP based site to sell stuff on theInternet?



    Now you are asking how the site shouldhandle the business of getting money

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    As of mid-2010, your best choice would be to setup a business account with PayPal

    PayPal will handle the payments for you (for asmall commission of course)

    PayPal site has a section on how you link yoursite into their payments system

    2011 same recommendations.

    PayPal's web page lets you choosefeatures that are to go into your page;

    it then generates the HTML that youwill require.

    Generated code for your page

    " " " " " "= = _ =