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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1945 05T TORRANCE HERALD, Torrsnoe, CsllfornU FBI ~ COLD PREPARATIONS Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops ;; Use Only As Directed YANK TO BE DISCONTINUED YANK, the U. S. Army's week ly combat magazine edited b; and for enlisted men, .will dis continue publication with the Is sue of Dee. 28, the War Depart mcnt has announced. Finest Professional Service Lowest Possible Price NEXT TO LIFE ITSELF-- YOUR GREATEST TREASURE Correct vision is a lifetime investment that will pay 'generous annual dividends in greater efficiency greater earning power greater capacity to enjoy all of the good things of life. When you experience the blessed comfort and ease of seeing clearly, ao curately ... withcflt squinting or straining ... you'll be glad you took our advice to ... if HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED PHONE REDONDO 6045 Formerly M. L Kemp Dr. G. E. Cosgrove OPTOMETRIST 135 S. Pacific Redondo Beach Finest Professional Service At Lowest Possible Prices Presbyterian Youth Parley Is Scheduled Local Presbyterian youth arc expected to be among those par- icipating in the three day a NOTICE: Copy for Church Notices cannot be accepted after 10 a. m. Tuesday. SAINT ANDREW'f CHURCH— DR. JOSEPH M. EWING ual convention of Westminste Fellowship, which gets unde 'ay in Pasadena, Friday even ig, Oct. 26. The convention 'hich will be held in Pasaden Jresbyterian church, conclude ct. 28. Young people between th ges of 12 and 24 throughou outhern California will join i he conclave.^which leaders stat ill be the largest ever to be onducted by the denomlnatioi n this area. Keynote speaker will be Dr oseph M. Ewing, pastor of th irst Presbyterian church, Santa arbara. Other oulslaiidin icakcrs will include Dr! Jess aird, president, San Francisco heological Seminary, and aul C. Johnston, pastor, Im lanuel Presbyterian church, Los ngeles. SUPREME Compounded MOTOR OIL 100% Pure Paraffin Base C Per 'Gallon In 2 to 5-gallon lots Per Single GALLON........ Your Own Contain* Ftdval fax Extra 63 Better Lubrication tor Old or New Card * Cleaner Rings Cleaner Valves Cleaner Ring Slots Cleaner Pistons More Power More Gas Mileage Longer Motor Life Cleaner Cylinder Easier Starting Walls No Corrosion Cleaner Bearings Less Knocking Cooler Running Fewer Repairs Change Today to SUPREME Compounded? We'll Install It! Now that experienced mechanics are available, we are again able lo offer expert installation of accessories pur- chased at our stores. Have youpacces- sories installed when you buy them our low, flat rates save you money. Many ArlltUt, Such as 17>os and Batteries/ Installed Free "kill AND SHINE- . .. 6:00 la <:II A. M. Monday tkry IMIKdey "A*TNU« CAETH—NIWS" . . . 8:00 lo 1:15 P. M. Monitor thrg liUlt THI FROLICS" . . . / 12:45 lo 1:00 f. M. ( Mendgy lluu l,Ua, "JOHNNY NI8LITT— It- Hi Use Finfe Greases for Long Car Life 1 . "SUPREME" CREASES Hermetically Sealed in Cans ' 'Supreme*' Graphite Cup Groats. 1*17* (4-17VJ)............... ...Ib. "Supreme' 1 HI-Prei«ur« Cup Ormu•. uaia («-i7o») ........ .*. "Supremo" Universal Joint Greaie. Lewo (4-1733) .........ib. "Supreme"1 Graphite Water n/| Pump Great*. lews (4.1740).. .». «j(JC 25c 30c 30c \r 1323 Surtori Torrance V itant EplKcupat, Engracla, I lie Rov. I'nul Moore wiiccl. Phone 560. Sun. servlcos, 9:30 u.i dopt. through senior high.' II a.n morning service and sermon. 6: p.m., Young Churchmen's Leagu 1st ami 3rd Sundays. 8 a.m., Bo 2nd Sun. Other sen Holy Communion. Holy days oj unced. Organizations 2n< , 7:30 p.m., Vestry; 2nd am Wed., 8 p.m., St. Cecllia'l Guild; 2nd and 4th Thurs., 1:31 n., Woman's Auxiliary; Lasl urs., s p.m., Altar Guild; 2nc L, 7:30-ii.m., Oardena Episcopal lid. St. Andrew's Church spun- s Boy Scout Troop No. 211 Cub Pack No. 841, Girl Seoul ^roops No. 416 and No. 74. KEYSTONE ASSEMBLY 0 F iOD Rev. Charlotte Shook, 436 W. 220th St., Torranoe. Sunday 9:45 a.m. Services 11 u.r p.m. Christ Ambossadoi ervlce Sunday, 7 p.m. Wednesday and Friday at 8 p.m., praj onday through Friday, pi co from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. All e Invited. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. 3. E. Orr, 21S4 245th St., Lomlta. Phone 1172-W. school, 9:46 a.m. Service, 11 "Working Units In the King- Enterprise." Worship Crusade ce. 7:30 p.m., "For Christ anc the Church." Al Kurlie, past slat< ident, California Christian En- ^or Union, speaking. Chrlstlar Endeavor, 6:30 p.m. Prc-prayci 6:16 p.m. 1'rayer meeting Wed., 7:30 p.m. Choir, adult Tl d youth Thurs.. 7:30 p.m. Cei la C. E. Division sins, Hi orne Community church, Fri. 7:30 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH —C Miles Northrup, pastor; Carson and Martlna sts. Tel. 148. Sunday I, 9:30 a. m., ciassi OKI'S. Service. 10:50 a.m. "Love for Christ, the Greatest Moti Sorvici ry tor 7:30 p.i all chll- ng People, 6:30 ips for alt RgeH lycr and Britton That Can Be Se, us choir. You training grot Wed., 7:30 p.m. pr "oss Bible Class. CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY Engracla and Manui ., Rev Fr. Patrick J. McGuIn neas, pastor, Tel. 832. Masses Sun days: 6. &30 and 11 a.m. Masse Holy «ay«. « and 8 a.m. Week da 9B*. &. a.m; ^Noveua services t red Heart' WeS.,-'Tl3« B-m. votions to Sacred Heart, First Frl, m. Classes for converts, Mon, ing, 7 to 9 p.m.; Wed. even after services. Confessions Sat i to 6 p.m., 7:10 to > p.m. eves of Holy days and First Frl days, same time. Catechism os: Wed. at S p.m.; Sat. a-m. Altar boy meetings, Wed. at 4:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal, Mon. at 7:JO p.m. Altar Society meet- ngs, last Wed. of n FOURSQUARE CHURCH—Rev. id Mrs. Arthur Pedersen, pastors, 207 El Prodo. phone 1153. Sun. chuol, 9:15 u.m. Service, 11 0,111. Tlic True Vim-." Service. 7:30 p.m. Come and See." Special mimic. :30 p.m. Youtll Service. Wed., :30, Preai'hing and prayer. l«*ri., :30, Evangelistic Service Kpecial Neighbors and Friends WE HAVE been serving this community for many years. Many of you we (now well personally. Our neighbors are our friends, and- we try to aid them in every way possible in their times of trouble. Our serv- ices are rendered from the heart. Our modern Mortuary and equipment are only in- cidental to the personal service which has been an outstanding feature of this establishment over the years. Myers FUNERAL DIRECTORS Since 1922 CRAVENS & ENGRACIA Phone Torrance 19$ CENTRAL EVANGELICAL COM- nnirt 0:30 a.m. Service, 11 n.m. "God Needs Us Every Ono!" This church cooperating with more than 100 churches of the I«os Angeles area In the Worship imil Attendance Crusade. Service. 7:30 p.m. "The foci Mm if the. Holy Spirit. Evangelical vshlp on w«tl. the ch Well. M Paul Martin Conducting Youth Revival Rev. Paul Martin, youth di- rector for Southern California Nazarene churches, Is conduct- Prayer Fello tnlng at 7:00; at 8:05 on 1Ke, Dlr, CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIS OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Bli op, Raymond A. Larson, Amc can Legion hall, 166th and N mandle, Qardena. Sun., 10 a.m Sunday school, Relief Society i rlesthood. Sun., 6:80 p.m., Saci icnt meeting. Wed., 7:30 p. mutual. Sat, 10:30 a.m.. primary FIRST FUNDAMENTAL BAP TI8T CHURCH—Walter H. Wag r, pastor. Park and Newton Walteria. Sun. School, 9:46 Ice, 11:00 a.m. E ng service, 7:20 p.m. Young Peo pie's Meeting, Thurs. 7:80 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN EV. S. Martin Eidsath, pasto Gardena blvd. at Manhattan p Gardena. Phone ME 4-1064. Sui day school, 9:46 a.m. Service, : ,.m. "Religion Begins At Horm 'oung People, 6:30 p.m. Westmll ter Fellowship. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Paul 1 'erry, pastor, 1741 Border av lunday school, 9:80 a.m. Ser ces, 10:46 a.m. and 7:30 p.i roung people, 6:16 p.m. Wed., 7: i.m. Friday, Bible study, Tralnli lasses, 7:30 p.m. Prayer servl each day except Sat. at 1:16 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Torran ten's Bible Class bldg. 1319 Cra ns. Evangelist R.' C. Cannon mil Bter. Sun school, 9:45 am For t jres. Service. 10:45 a.m. "Hojuicli rogother." Service, 7:30 p.m. "Tl Vuy Tliat is Right and Can N le Wrong." Young People. 6: r.m. "Training for Service." Tuc :30 p.m. Prayer and Bible stut studying the doctrine of God. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH- 414 Engracla ave. Ronald Mei nutr, pastor. Sun. school, 9:30 a.r Hlllman R. L«c, supt. Inteinatlom herpe. "With Christ We' Bul new. 1' 10:40 a.m. ScrmoA by tl -.iniste.r "Tfce -Contribution of th Ptotrcli to iv'.W^».'WwW«- 1: n:.: peneV 'dlscuBSIon by liiy and women on the general tl: ev. Ben Lingenfelter, chulrm FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH— cacia and Sonoma avea. Phi 1. fcrank D. Mechllng, pasto Sunday school, 9:80 0:46 a.m. "The Pric ty." Tin at the lu of Mrs. I la Ma Tues., Oc NAZARENE CHURCH W. 'enner, pastor, 1601 W. Carson i 'I, 9:45 Kc Paul Martin 7:30 111 In peak' pie, 6:30 p.m. Herviccs e iBht this week. These services pnnsored by the Young Peopl Hill. A great Youth Hall ifM on Sat. night. He.) er the dates ot this youth n ig, Oct. 16, 17, 18, 19 and 2011 Hosing Sun. evening with a greu letting. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIS' CIENTI8T— 213 218th St. an :es at 11. Sunday school, 9:31 a.n Vednesday evening meeting. 8 I , Reading room at 1760 Manuc e., 11 o.m. to 4 p.m. each wee "Doctrine of Atonement" will be the subject of toe Sunday Lei Sermon In all branches of Mother Church, The First Church if Christ, Scientist, In Boston. Thi Golden Text Is from Mark: "Thi Son of man came not to be mint* ered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. The Acts it is related that the day after Peter and Jol leuled the lame man at the gate of he temple, the rulers and s< set Peter In their midst and asked By what power, or by what name lave ye done this? Then I'otei lll«4 with the Holy Ohost, >al nto them, ... If we this day be xagilned of the good deed done to tie Impotent man, by what mean Is made whole; Be It knowi unto you all, . . . that by ths iirno of Jesus Christ of Nazareth horn ye crucified, whom Goi ulsed from the dead, even by bin oth this mau stand hers befoi m whols." Mary Baker Eddy wrltos In "Scl co and Health with. Key to th* criptures:" "Jesus established hli :h and maintained bis mlssioi n a spiritual foundation of Christ- eallng. He taught his followei lat bis religion bad a divine I'ri Iple, which would cast out erri nd heal both the sick and the si nlug. He claimed no Intelligence, ctloo, nor life separate from Clod.' Now Available at BEACON DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS ^^Bffifc THE REXALL STORE %>j^^ 1519 Cabrlllo Torrance Agents for Greyhound & Totrance Bys Lines MB. AND MBS. PAUL MABTIN Ing a series of youth revival meetings during this week at the local Nazarene church. The high-point of this series will be a great youth rally on Satur- day night, Oct. 20. An invitation is extended to all Christian young people of the city to at- tend these meetings. You will enjoy the ministry ot Rev. and Mrs. Martin, because they are outstanding Youth workers. These services will begin each evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Rev. and Mrs. Paul Martin METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Clyde E. Ruckman, pastor. El Pra- do at Monuel ave. Bun. school, 9:45 a-m. I. W. Goss. Supt. Services 11 o-m. anil V:30 p.m. Young People. 7:30 nm. In the church parlor lor woi-shlp and study. MEN'S BIBLE CLASS Me 7:80 Thursday evening In hall opposite public librar its at Htrmosa Beach, Se: To; Icemen's stationery? Call --'444; or 4*4;; ' EXPERT Auto Repair SERVICE! WHEEL BALANCING 0 WHEEL ALIGNMENT - ^ WHEEL AND FRAME STRAIGHTENING Virgel's Wheel Alignment Service 1530 CRAVENS PHONE TORRANCE 1021 BRAKE SERVICE Frank W. Daniels Licensed Real Estate Broker Announces the Opening of Temporary Offices 1512 Acacia Ave. Telephone178.-W___L Listings Wanted .. FOR ALL 1VPES OF REAL ESTATE "IF IT'S GOOD. DANIELS SELLS IT." Along the Union Pacltio Strategic Middle Route, uniting the Eait with the Pacific Coast, stretches a vast network of telephone and telegraph wires. Over these wires go orders controlling movement of all trains. To insure efficient and safe operation, extreme car* must be taken in transmit- ting. For example, the Union Pacific "book of rule*" gives the following instructions tor the Uanamlttal of train orders by tele- phone ... "time will be spelled and then pronounced, thus: t-w-o t-e-n 2:10 pm." Union Pacific's efficient operation has been developed throughout seventy-six years of service to the nation in peace and in war. A tremendour, amount of "know how" has been accumulated during those many years. In the postwar era when travel conditions have returned to normal, you can continue to depend on Union Pacific for dependable transportation... for the utmost in rail travel comfort and enjoyment. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD UNION PACIFIC TICKET OFFICE. SAN PEDBO IDS South Pacific Av«.. Telephone: 5225 SHOES FOR WOMEN SHOES FOR MEN SHOES FOR CHILDREN

05T FBI ~ COLD PREPARATIONS EXPERT CENTRAL …...05T FBI TORRANCE HERALD, Torrsnoe, CsllfornU ~ COLD PREPARATIONS Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops ;; Use Only As Directed YANK TO

Feb 20, 2021



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  • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1945

    05TTORRANCE HERALD, Torrsnoe, CsllfornU


    Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops ;; Use Only As Directed

    YANK TO BE DISCONTINUEDYANK, the U. S. Army's week

    ly combat magazine edited b; and for enlisted men, .will dis continue publication with the Is sue of Dee. 28, the War Depart mcnt has announced.

    Finest Professional Service Lowest Possible Price


    Correct vision is a lifetime investment that will pay

    'generous annual dividends in greater efficiency greater earning power greater capacity to enjoy all of the good things of life. When you experience the blessed comfort and ease of seeing clearly, ao curately ... withcflt squinting or straining ... you'll be glad you took our advice to ... if


    Formerly M. L Kemp

    Dr. G. E. CosgroveOPTOMETRIST

    135 S. Pacific Redondo Beach

    Finest Professional Service At Lowest Possible Prices

    Presbyterian Youth Parley Is Scheduled

    Local Presbyterian youth arc expected to be among those par- icipating in the three day a

    NOTICE: Copy for Church Notices cannot be accepted after10 a. m. Tuesday.



    ual convention of Westminste Fellowship, which gets unde

    'ay in Pasadena, Friday even ig, Oct. 26. The convention 'hich will be held in Pasaden

    Jresbyterian church, conclude ct. 28.Young people between th

    ges of 12 and 24 throughou outhern California will join i he conclave.^which leaders statill be the largest ever to be

    onducted by the denomlnatioi n this area.

    Keynote speaker will be Dr oseph M. Ewing, pastor of th irst Presbyterian church, Santa arbara. Other oulslaiidin icakcrs will include Dr! Jess aird, president, San Francisco heological Seminary, and aul C. Johnston, pastor, Im lanuel Presbyterian church, Los ngeles.

    SUPREME Compounded

    MOTOR OIL100% Pure Paraffin Base

    CPer 'Gallon In 2 to 5-gallon lots

    Per Single GALLON........Your Own Contain* Ftdval fax Extra 63

    Better Lubrication tor Old or New Card* Cleaner Rings• Cleaner Valves

    Cleaner Ring Slots Cleaner Pistons

    • More Power• More Gas

    Mileage• Longer Motor

    Life• Cleaner Cylinder • Easier Starting

    Walls • • No Corrosion• Cleaner Bearings • Less Knocking• Cooler Running • Fewer Repairs

    Change Today to SUPREME Compounded?

    We'll Install It!Now that experienced mechanics are available, we are again able lo offer expert installation of accessories pur- chased at our stores. Have youpacces- sories installed when you buy them our low, flat rates save you money.

    Many ArlltUt, Such as 17>os and Batteries/ Installed Free

    "kill AND SHINE- . ..6:00 la p.m. eves of Holy days and First Frl days, same time. Catechism

    os: Wed. at S p.m.; Sat. a-m. Altar boy meetings, Wed.

    at 4:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal, Mon. at 7:JO p.m. Altar Society meet- ngs, last Wed. of n

    FOURSQUARE CHURCH— Mrs. Arthur Pedersen, pastors,

    207 El Prodo. phone 1153. Sun. chuol, 9:15 u.m. Service, 11 0,111. Tlic True Vim-." Service. 7:30 p.m. Come and See." Special mimic. :30 p.m. Youtll Service. Wed., :30, Preai'hing and prayer. l«*ri., :30, Evangelistic Service Kpecial


    Friends WE HAVE been serving this community for many years. Many of you we (now well personally. Our neighbors are our friends, and- we try to aid them in every way possible in their times of trouble. Our serv- ices are rendered from the heart. Our modern Mortuary and equipment are only in- cidental to the personal service which has been an outstanding feature of this establishment over the years.


    Since 1922


    Phone Torrance 19$


    nnirt0:30 a.m. Service, 11 n.m. "God Needs Us Every Ono!" This church l» cooperating with more than 100 churches of the I«os Angeles area In the Worship imil Attendance Crusade. Service. 7:30 p.m. "The

    foci Mm

    if the. Holy Spirit. Evangelical

    vshlp on w«tl. the ch

    Well. M

    Paul Martin Conducting Youth Revival

    Rev. Paul Martin, youth di- rector for Southern California Nazarene churches, Is conduct-

    Prayer Fello tnlng at 7:00;

    at 8:05 on1Ke, Dlr,

    CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIS OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Bli op, Raymond A. Larson, Amc can Legion hall, 166th and N mandle, Qardena. Sun., 10 a.m Sunday school, Relief Society i rlesthood. Sun., 6:80 p.m., Saci icnt meeting. Wed., 7:30 p.

    mutual. Sat, 10:30 a.m.. primary


    r, pastor. Park and Newton Walteria. Sun. School, 9:46

    Ice, 11:00 a.m. E ng service, 7:20 p.m. Young Peo pie's Meeting, Thurs. 7:80 p.m.

    FIRST PRESBYTERIANEV. S. Martin Eidsath, pasto

    Gardena blvd. at Manhattan p Gardena. Phone ME 4-1064. Sui day school, 9:46 a.m. Service, : ,.m. "Religion Begins At Horm 'oung People, 6:30 p.m. Westmll ter Fellowship.

    ASSEMBLY OF GOD Paul 1 'erry, pastor, 1741 Border av lunday school, 9:80 a.m. Ser ces, 10:46 a.m. and 7:30 p.i roung people, 6:16 p.m. Wed., 7: i.m. Friday, Bible study, Tralnli lasses, 7:30 p.m. Prayer servl

    each day except Sat. at 1:16 p.m.

    CHURCH OF CHRIST Torran ten's Bible Class bldg. 1319 Cra ns. Evangelist R.' C. Cannon mil Bter. Sun school, 9:45 am For t jres. Service. 10:45 a.m. "Hojuicli rogother." Service, 7:30 p.m. "Tl Vuy Tliat is Right and Can N le Wrong." Young People. 6: r.m. "Training for Service." Tuc :30 p.m. Prayer and Bible stut

    studying the doctrine of God.

    FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH- 414 Engracla ave. Ronald Mei nutr, pastor. Sun. school, 9:30 a.r

    Hlllman R. L«c, supt. Inteinatlom

    herpe. "With Christ We' Bul new. 1 ' 10:40 a.m. ScrmoA by tl

    -.iniste.r "Tfce -Contribution of th Ptotrcli to iv'.W^».'WwW«- 1•:•n:.: peneV 'dlscuBSIon by liiy

    and women on the general tl:ev. Ben Lingenfelter, chulrm

    FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH—cacia and Sonoma avea. Phi 1. fcrank D. Mechllng, pasto

    Sunday school, 9:800:46 a.m. "The Pricty." Tin

    at the lu of Mrs. I la MaTues., Oc

    NAZARENE CHURCH — W.'enner, pastor, 1601 W. Carson i

    'I, 9:45Kc Paul Martin


    111 In

    peak'pie, 6:30 p.m. Herviccs e

    iBht this week. These services pnnsored by the Young Peopl

    Hill. A great Youth Hall ifM on Sat. night. He.)

    er the dates ot this youth n ig, Oct. 16, 17, 18, 19 and 2011 Hosing Sun. evening with a greu letting.

    FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIS' CIENTI8T— 213 218th St. an

    :es at 11. Sunday school, 9:31 a.nVednesday evening meeting. 8 I

    , Reading room at 1760 Manuce., 11 o.m. to 4 p.m. each wee

    "Doctrine of Atonement" will be the subject of toe Sunday Lei Sermon In all branches of Mother Church, The First Church if Christ, Scientist, In Boston. Thi

    Golden Text Is from Mark: "Thi Son of man came not to be mint* ered unto, but to minister, and to

    give his life a ransom for many. The Acts it is related that the day after Peter and Jol

    leuled the lame man at the gate of he temple, the rulers and s< set Peter In their midst and asked By what power, or by what name lave ye done this? Then I'otei lll«4 with the Holy Ohost, >al nto them, ... If we this day be xagilned of the good deed done to tie Impotent man, by what mean

    Is made whole; Be It knowi unto you all, . . . that by ths

    iirno of Jesus Christ of Nazareth horn ye crucified, whom Goi

    ulsed from the dead, even by bin oth this mau stand hers befoi m whols."Mary Baker Eddy wrltos In "Scl

    co and Health with. Key to th* criptures:" "Jesus established hli

    :h and maintained bis mlssioi n a spiritual foundation of Christ- eallng. He taught his followei lat bis religion bad a divine I'ri Iple, which would cast out erri nd heal both the sick and the si

    nlug. He claimed no Intelligence, ctloo, nor life separate from Clod.'

    Now Available at BEACON DRUG CO.



    1519 Cabrlllo TorranceAgents for Greyhound & Totrance Bys Lines


    Ing a series of youth revival meetings during this week at the local Nazarene church. The high-point of this series will be a great youth rally on Satur- day night, Oct. 20. An invitation is extended to all Christian young people of the city to at- tend these meetings. You will enjoy the ministry ot Rev. and Mrs. Martin, because they are outstanding Youth workers. These services will begin each evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Rev. and Mrs. Paul Martin

    METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Clyde E. Ruckman, pastor. El Pra- do at Monuel ave. Bun. school, 9:45 a-m. I. W. Goss. Supt. Services 11 o-m. anil V:30 p.m. Young People. 7:30 nm. In the church parlor lor woi-shlp and study.

    MEN'S BIBLE CLASS Me 7:80 Thursday evening In hall opposite public librar

    its at

    Htrmosa Beach,

    Se: To;

    Icemen's stationery? Call--'444; or 4*4;; '

    EXPERTAuto Repair




    Virgel's Wheel Alignment Service1530 CRAVENS PHONE TORRANCE 1021


    Frank W. DanielsLicensed

    Real Estate Broker

    Announces the Openingof

    Temporary Offices 1512 Acacia Ave.


    Listings Wanted.. FOR ALL 1VPES OF REAL ESTATE


    Along the Union Pacltio Strategic Middle Route, uniting the Eait with the Pacific Coast, stretches a vast network of telephone and telegraph wires. Over these wires go orders controlling movement of all trains.

    To insure efficient and safe operation, extreme car* must be taken in transmit- ting. For example, the Union Pacific "book of rule*" gives the following instructions tor the Uanamlttal of train orders by tele- phone ... "time will be spelled and then pronounced, thus: t-w-o t-e-n 2:10 pm."

    Union Pacific's efficient operation has been developed throughout seventy-six years of service to the nation in peace and in war. A tremendour, amount of "know how" has been accumulated during those many years.

    In the postwar era when travel conditions have returned to normal, you can continue to depend on Union Pacific for dependable transportation... for the utmost in rail travel comfort and enjoyment.


    UNION PACIFIC TICKET OFFICE. SAN PEDBO IDS South Pacific Av«.. Telephone: 5225