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.. , Vol ... / SEVEIIstlTES ......... OHIO, INDIAII" AND I" - ... : I.' ___ Dr. WnI._-" .. ft DIll II . S ': .. 1'U ..... ,0. .., ... -- -- _ICo&IJ TO JUtPa&. w-. - - .... " ..... ad all SENT UlTEIN DIVII. of 8ibIe at V..-r eou.,., it..., .. . ' Hol1aDll daJistI GIll' ....... - ...... ,- 'Itt ' fa I = til P ..... c. ... t. to' lfeW at Hutlltp, Ne" sire, 1Ia, - dellftnd r.u !. t ,.. tl . -- .-: of eM U.., .. , . , 8eabaary. TIle ." .. 41 .... ...u ........ ,Un h .... n a real eoatejrt . that toot ,lblp." H, polDted ODt how ODr put attaded tAltl10DP ,., few tit .... ; It F... .'hl... ..., " !art Fricl'ay Canlerl4!.l pollq of !POlatlon h,d prepared .• ......... .... tlIIN. ' t -n:. .... of .. . fit I" 'ta ..... .: GJlllOIIIDm for IMentate orNorteu lte&lJtI .. re ......... ,' •• ., . ... t. "M, Ji 'en k 1 ... ... I., I ........ . h ....... ....... hi L::o.I __ l-..A...... - -. - I &7 onora. u .. elllP8O._larp and . 1n. .n p. "Oun II the tuk," he de- ... --" - .... -- .. JIIuI .. with }I III" _ .. ISS'll " tenMed audience out, and 10 dared, "In the Yal\lDard of lIroenu :!u 'I' ...... WIlt 'of till 1'1.- II .... .., WUl -.Ill We ..... ; . plJ'IlIIoloaX eonditioDi ';ere liP for to lead on to a lanln, plaeo." B;. poet !f ....... ., .... . '. "h a 0' s. !: the line dillplay of eloquence wblch theme wu well and fn\!i- tiOD. )fr. Bill f&l'ried out hfa .... 1tJarJ· WW 1M ..... to . .t k d .... m, •• wJIl . . bly 1_.1.... _ iIIeie h_ .. DODdltioM? Aa rID.*h.-l SI ... till ..., followeeL And when the COIl_ wu "The Anll ... r .... IduA!," one o! rne von m;' -;.. w_ -.. with a 1p17',1 "lilt to ... III 'I I e! I 7l oftr and the dacllion 'lfU hein, wlDJrlq oratlous, rfyen by Gerald L b«a Dr IBll lectliJrea till l1li1_. ad ., .... ., of 'I'tII -.. 1IIiaIl_ IUIw .. .... awallied/ 1t WIt a tell,lt and undeelded Ilelone, of CoUe", New penoaal ,..: or .,..." c:,'" !lOt of oar y-. ..... Ia till II drift .... till ...... ..... audielliCe that Wondered'Wilo dI. win- COIliCOrd Ohio, wU. the nm iii ord.r but ratIaer a Uti. Iitaa- ..... u., oupt .. be b .... orlliall ........ ' .... nen would he, for, II I aald, it w .. a Ilelone II a pI_q speaker boll, and told III what partIeaJar .. ,. mauUoll that • JU1lRIar 1f8IIII JI'OIId .... JM.JuUc . .... f I" reu conteet In which no epeaker dl.. WIth a calmly lore"'. 01 pra- our 0hristiaJl ftlisrioll wou1dllelp . be debitaIJ let a»ut u 8CllOOL , ... .... hUet ...... played any decided aaperiority. No tory,that took well with tile audience. ify the bemuddl .... of WOK ..... . to lDa .to be a IlOl& _Oft ..... H= .. all lonipobera cIaII- order 01 wu annollJlCed In In w addrelt he::1Wlowed the..eonr.e vanous eollJltriea. -. tIIII ._ul But dill __ .. _ 8Olft . the judgea' decillion, .. thla mUlt not of throug;!! . BoDle and Ger- In sPeaJdq of the aouI -of 'l'IIenf0re, I, Albert E. SIetper, Clew- ... lit - 1ft_ - p!IIbIem. W. 1DIIIt · ... 1111 ' be diy.u)ged until after the 11nal con- many, Ihowln, how in the former he said that Ita bvdeaa wu their'" !If tha St:ate of ·ichI ..... do Uaa more .... " ,r.t IIIUI of adDlt bne!" ..... will teat at Hutinp, on the the eommon ideal w .. and in peror,Worahip. It II DOt filr to WI IIIJ' PI'OdamatIGR ad ..a.. ... ud -- to oar. JaDd wi&Ia 1IINIp ideu 8th d.y of May of thlt year, but the I.tter a .elllab domlnatlon of civilization to COIJIII&rt It with &W tile week April 11, 1dIIn ..ncs.t. ud PlV'4m W. __ 'I' .... three or.tiona rankine bl,helt 'fI'ere: other peopIee--loree. What w.i 01 Japan. To be 1IlN, J ..... hu RI .. SCHOOL WDJt; &lid I Ill'- .... em ph chi, , JdeaIa IIDII _I .,. till ''TIM' Criaia," delivered 'by Don B. Ame,rica" Ide.1? ''!ore.,'' - he em- 18Uwa1l, telephoaa alii{ oUier thIait NqIIMt the prua, the all fftW,!';, Joi.' . I --. vtr1 homee W ... teacA UIe __ - M.cN ... 01 Knox College, Gal_org, phamed, "can never be &WIled to whleh are marb or c:lvIJiatI_ hut tJGaI ad -- IOCIal ad ..... UNat ch I of our Iatpep, CIa&' JaiRNr. oar Illinoil; "The American Ideal," riven rerulate a elvlliutlon whilae ideal ia these are all rltti from the fuI t.JJtd ... "'.tlou, to rfye thoqht. "'OCJrerJ alit ..... DIICIl .u. .... ' by Gerald K. lMelone, of Hlllkinrum brotherhood." Ameriu!. Ideal ia In America w'lO forward only II t!I,e .... eollllci«atioll to '. IDR III a are -leheel ad 0Jd GiolJ ia a- College, New Coneord, Oblo; aOG love, and the c:ryatallizatlon of that ilIteitigence of the m .... pubelfor- :-.. Yolk cetbednl .... IPIJ» . uaW to .... ·1!lmM are- "The . Patm to Peace," preaentad by ide.t ia found in the perI01Iality ot ward. If in Japan the EmpeiOr would the ul = portion of tba& week .hice, ad wWa ... , "" !lid ud " ....... ', Ji ... bJ Norman Littell, of W &bub College, Cbriat. America mult loaa her life lift up hit handa ad withhold ' hIa or - of thie ad oUJer ......... autr war· TIle edit- 1l1l&I1 .. IIIIaIl we be OM Crawfordnille IudiaM We regret in lemce for humlnity,=thi. done, gifts of our clvlliatlon, tbeIl Japaa GI pIIObIema. iIaaIe are """=1sd: tIIIIr hd .. ..-. ... ........ ,M. that Bope tei for lUchi. eternal- glory lhall lie here. would very lOOn eo bad: to Ita natural I::' -:-. = at the CapJtol blwccbt to. tdeI;' the , MCr are Jiow"., JD ..,... WI ic AI_ ran, but we !rnow thtt It WII not be- "'the Path to Peace," anothe!' win· status. le20. E. Hareh, Iawl , Bat ... of A_dea' Ih." we 1111 callie our orator, Mr. Barry J. Bager, nlq oration, WII d.Hvered next by The problem of Chbaa If ita bIck of -, ....... 1_llI'NItUeiOUftlPOnibiator dIa "II inAdequate but ibec:au.e the win. Norman of WaIlaab ColJe;re, unity. Although Umited by - bowad- GcmulOr. Howenr, Wa Qidt illIdl-AM- tf ."he '1 m ' BJ io _I ne1'1l were better. Crawfordsville, Indiana, What chief- Ill,)" under on. aIty, )'ali Ice .... II - ... ...-mt to ,. ..... , .. _ The eontest "ent off without a Iy characterized )fr. Littell _ hia China 18 ID ltaell a group of Maar ia till Jut ..,. we _ IIIM.-+·ad .' .. II a __ hitl:h, Alter an Invocation by Rev. eue on.the plattorm,'--he epoke free·' separated by customs, evMmDlI at cUaIoraI*JlI1Id dl" "'- the Iporuce ... Ddil. Henry BOIq)erI of Weltern Tbeolort. Iy, convel'Ntionally, and=9e1I, elt!\" relIriOD. There is foot - move- ... !pet the .... rt W. well _ the immipat. 1 aeIf ,.." bl Seminary, .nd • few words of erly. Be delighted in contraats. His =u: GAY. it All- d IfId .. .... ,.. Rtated a. .... . wekome by Pre.dent . E. D. DilDoent meeuge, in brief, jj th1It the "path to . " ...... .- _ON oar _UN wiiIIIsa CIIIl'..-' WlIG ....... oar of Hore, the -chairman, Mr. Winlleld peaee" lie. not in a lormal treaty to learn to and write " World War. N..a.1If.,.., ad towtrd 1Iba' W •• ", ..... Burggraaff, annOUDCed tht first ou. whiCh by aome of ita injuatieel mna This thiDa Should auld acquaint,r...,., be for- of ..... ...... , JIoa&1d CIIIl' .,"W ., ..... W. · ation; "The Criais," by Don B. Me inevitably .cOntinue the antagoniallll to work ba pt, ud!lnw IJroqlat to mbId'" taU: Our .. called .... Me tsl,," ...... " Neal, and tire 'contest 'WII begun. of people 10 common In hlRory, but z::a . Of the Ji,ota Witb ft auwar "Nol" So PO w ko " tbat . lxa' " ad "batk'"t W. Mr. Me Neal, repretenting Illino is in a new prognm of in oar that h 0 1 'th Bill":: Wetll"ay, JIareb 24, aeh Del- vaba t. ItIr up ... Idm till .... 1 in the eonteat, ipoite forcibly .nCl economie indn&trialism. Induatrlu- thro4I, e the ..::a.s ad eeeh Sorealte retneed =- . ... tI a. .. -aIkI tolIu. with eoovietion in an lIdmirnb!e pl't. , _ hal meant nett the tiled by grUt 101 lag Ia to the "dear deaa da,. beyilM'bsq .it D Ji OI*IIJ .. o"L TlIaa ' "nlatIon ',f the caee in lavor of s common punuita of lem.:e but the oWrepublf re c a -.ew wbeii aM laDjhed iDd ediil th·1I .... ". .... WMIr.-...; TIii 11 Le.gue of "Seraps o){ pa· pul'1lltlt 01 wealth; it hu not brot seddJ facts of the entire aarie8 o"er l;:'ui.. Alcott'. "IJttle PruaIaa propp. "s, wllilt till jp IftiIad. TjIeJ lIaft boJM it wi&Il . per have failed" he atated emphat!. but hal betrayed the 1W0rid to 01 lectures were given' the dlaeoor8e ian eolla a( a Pated_ JI$OI ebrvc. 11m .ba tIiIir heutt bu caliy, and "l OW we mult . turn to .ome. war. "It i. for DI, the youtb of on "The Burden of I:ia". At thIa TIle reeeptioll room at IIlowIy tich':ba, tbelr deatlt-like Idw'sd a lIN " J.&nd Iitd .... thing elae if ' we would preaervt America," he concluded, "to point polDt Dr. Bni pve a wonder1lll stace at the WJ'ODr ana, - 1IpIID UIe n_al &w" d thIe diIcrIna- BolJhevlam, he te. rmeCl men to the lacredneu of Hving. This tlaa on the cute system of the Indiu qu a eolonJil . Hall, ""' _ to AIId fftIl dttr _ c. al".t id I!Dd I " sf lAo. . "an international siclmeee that needl .is the path to lpelCe." people. Their religion of eteruI re- llpted eudI .. the world ctdict, thIe IJIIrit .. au- Wen we Mall awcIia ·to ... JD. an lntemational iph)'8ieian ;" and Clifford E. Smith of Kentucky inearnatioQ baa cast over ' them an an enol'lllODI JpiJmIng wheel. The AmarIcaIllam lUl remrrt Oar ftI!d oppNEiIa tIIM tilt iInnIi- thia llh}'8'ician h! r6eommended the tIpOke lilt .. His or· ' c1oud of gloom and hope- ':'riaed DOt .. the '*a bad Dopad that ."Ioa LeaK'lle of Nations, whien, tl!OUr!1 atlon, Shatung' waa a severe Indict- leas The Cllrse of the soeIetyi _-'I NIl md to till ..u to anna, Bat Go witA me to tile .... aI .. , t f J . ....... were nw ..... y AIIleved at the u- ....... Ir U v ...... not an abeolute solution, will tend to men 0 apane.e .unpe. l'1u1llJl. Be RYBtem was that it took awav from . hl_h _ .... ...... __ AJMrica IIIId a .... , ....... f Nol -- ... ... A_ ud dall ... eotdi- h . . # room w .............. em .'J'" aIIorded ' .t- __ redQ(:e .the nn:mber of future wan. termed t e Shantung Prov.ialon In mall the hope of being any better R.tber abe follild bold = .. __ nclr_" .He eIompared the present "criaia" In Treaty a ".b1adanlllby Ja- nobler than he was. Fatalilmbaall The eurtain to be it m.,.,...,ad defl ....... at .. "'MIped!flU'" Le.gue ratification with that of our pan .of the Allies." Be exonerated its Inherent dallUling power weighs pulled .:' Iarp clUe. -pubUe bavt PI 4=11Jr ... ada- own Colllitltution in the early days Pre"dent Willon from blame for the heavily as th. burden of Ind1a. old_faahlOned a th elYen by lIIOIa. of au.. oppeatulW" 'l'IIq life _ . 01 our Many _condemnec, queRlonable ,proviaion, by deel'ring On .the last evening- of hie stay ba at the Our IIac .. JntoIeraIIIe IOCial c-flffcc: De, that at the time but now we conlider fhat he 1W88 forced into It. a?nlnlon Bolland, ' Dr. BllI epolte on the ml8- every detaIL Beth' rru dowD; our were _W; the Jwup) elIIJdra ., for It one of the landmaru 'In lMtory. into the Treaty ily the "thre.tened siolUll'Y of today, givin, what to 111m ' Ud the ':here .;::. new &nIIJ .. jeered at. ww . do nat IIIed tMR ." "GMemment mullt keep In ltep' with withdrawal of J &pan Irom tile Con· seemed ihe lIeeeBsary qliUltiea of miDcI 'aIippera were WUined the old- the T "La die fcIOIt p br dar ima'P at· wt1t progrelll," he conclUded, o"the So· ference," Mr. Smith, who wu han· 8IIdsoul. Healsodwelton'tbeetenaal furniture, ud the Iarp war," aaId M; tbIIr mn Jrth- tn. tIiie clety of Nations is neee!lury.'· dieapped by hoaraenell .... , perhapl, rewards wblch earne to aDJ JIWl who lamp. AIId Jut but DOneaa earn1np from war IJIIIItb.... of Ip 0 s .. DUIa,., .... Mr. Hager, re!J)reeenting M.ichlgr.n, too declamatory and over<ondemna- serves in a spirit of So Beth ud Ainy jut aithey , Aa Idle phatmIll .. do DDt ......... 111II1e. and Hope, follow"d, and gave hi' tory to gain the contldeJU!e-.of his au· lind ,lOving aalf·sacrifice. .... were ba grad&olChooI'dQa. Americaniam? All empt) IooIt for judi • t, bat Nho)cl' .. ' lIplendld appeal fl?t dieJU!e. He was .110 handleapiped by nothing emotional or repulsive ba IWI The audience were UWe cirla .pia, The am dorte of oar ,.. ""111 ,._ bat .... "One Nation, One One IT ,!, position on the 'PfOgI'IIIJI, awe by of the needa of the IIIOd- all eyea and ea1'1l and Iaqhter and to orpnlae an ill .,." 'l1III'" to • m • FJac," with bis charm the time he 'POke the audience '!fll e:m mlal!Onary .. It waa all clear facta, tean ' (though there are lOme wIIo 0'1 ..... campslp were ol*llr laG we ....... and fotee. the dlsastroDI hot as attentive II in the forepart 01 gIven With an mtenae. desire to Up eonf ... it). ' Eva the ectoIII lilted. VIolacl aDd rtl""" 'DIq .., to .. __ ad ...... effect. of out lack of na. ;onal IInlly the evening, men and women to lom the ranb of theruelns were wb. Jo uc. IIallid by 101M .. ju.. 1ift eNe .. ..., ilia .. , pt.- }n the late war, he urgJd 8 thor(lllgh The oratioDi over, judrea' de· thoae who light on the thiJa red baWe riflced her baaatitnl IoeU and ap- .. Pi.' 1'1, AiMrica'. J1IIIl'1WpatIle 'PIRLCI 'DIe7 bavt _ t s of· OUl" lmmigralltl. ciaion was awaited'with intel'ftt. The of Cllrlltianity'. '¥flU'fara" with her- "erollllftr IlorJ" ba tbe.-r. Thu .' 1Iar bOlluC'1risl 'I,"" an n n. 'Uda, he said, was to be 1I«0mpllshcd decmon-rendered by P.rof. T. C. We are eUremely porry that w.e as mutilated IIIOIt "'oeJrincly. C I'" wu betraJid by'" .. 'I .... __ not 'b, educ:a.tlon' alone, ilut IIlto by a Trul!blood, of U. 01 H.; ' Prot. J. 1.. II studeat body DOt able to .meet and trapciy ca.a d .. bad behle. ted. Thill cU4 ... nal .... til I n 1 alIange ot..attitude of till American Lardner, of .' Nortaeltem U.; Prof. Dr. and Iln, BilL We shall dare to one ba tho qt.,.( uk ..... W deod ..... repaJ liar tnIt; ' ••• ' (at ........ .,.., Wwud the foreigner. I1IItead 01 de· R. WeillllUln, of Welten Reaarvej hope that rometllile he will pay III a Faeulty Itdiee) M · n." B46 I of .. WR t I ,0'1;' III and reviling the newcomor Prof. B. B. Goqh of De P_; anQ vllit To thole 01 DI who we1'1l for- tbat there,.. •• A" .bit ....... the _ " tid ...... .,. pul J bim to a full W. , W. Warner, .MLchlpn State Sll· _I ... WJ'CIIIf tIIt,..;na. .PSnt cia'. Ia '* ... ,. ... . ... \ ' ... <e,atnell of our nation. perintendent of 8chooJa..-.cave \be ..... an .,nrNloa W!IIQlIII """' .. au Tba dOtbll __ III tile ... 1 "., all We 'PIca r'1' I outar f.,Uowed-- oratlona, "'DIe CrIaiI," "TJIe AmerI- crptaIu. Iato - "... JJe'ltedict, 01 Beloit Col· eu tchUu" .. "'l'l .. ,jr.llIl... ,. .. JIIsIIII"t .... 'IPbh (E eptiUed, "AD the ry." llr. co ............ 'PP'iled for ' 4118 noll upon th.. tnllIoI" ' 1 0,. of oar AII.rIca!1 eitlaenry.. 'U .. III 0 C..,aI .... Will .... , I •• doeational ... ... ... 1M ea. -:..u .... ..... &1I1e .. hlob detennlnes ttie M .... ty w ... that puia 1m . .... ... . .. _i!!d . ..lIft: lhlte mid," h. deelMd. Be than rIad to .... lIMa btl .. " tbaa lbo , l oWed tlie u,rmbIr lltultlol! In DDr '1'IIt Bopt Cells.. aM s I,.. ... holQ al ..... lIt: Intftt, ,. qarta, . ... . ... ... , , , Ameriea" ebQdml 11 .... D..- fItftItIIN rh adI.ool; ud tilt npI4 lam_ -&lit _ PI .......... , an th .. n __ e1I4 qna11tf of CAlI' taN, AlIt 1Iotaa 'WIll a . ..... , . lCbillr RaIl II "",Dm.,·ftIa COD- .n ........ " .... ,. •• . ion mut tie remedl". .. ! IOUreei froIa " .... .. a1ll1 :t aid In oar .4aaatlO ... . ,.,14.- tile 8cbto\ tilt OkuM. .. tIM 11& .... - l en , .... '=:::J;jll l era." in Ita with l \$1 - -
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Page 1: 04-14-1920



Vol ...

/ SEVEIIstlTES .........

OHIO, INDIAII" AND I" - ... : I.' ___ Dr. WnI._-" .. ft DIll II . S ': .. 1'U ..... ,0. • .., ... • -- -- _ICo&IJ TO JUtPa&. w-. - - .... " ..... ad all

SENT UlTEIN DIVII. of 8ibIe at V..-r eou.,., ~ it..., .. JUeld.1~=::~~~= . ' Hol1aDll daJistI GIll' ....... -~. ......,- 'Itt ' fa I = til P ..... c. ... t. to' • lfeW at Hutlltp, Ne" sire, 1Ia, • - dellftnd r.u !. t ,.. tl .-- .-: of eM U.., ..

, . , 8eabaary. TIle ." .. 41 .... ...u ........ ,Un h .... n ~II a real eoatejrt . that toot ,lblp." H, polDted ODt how ODr put attaded tAltl10DP ,., few tit .... ; It F... .'hl... ..., "

~ !art Fricl'ay ~.nlqln Canlerl4!.l pollq of !POlatlon h,d prepared .• ......... .... tlIIN. ' t -;S~~D -n:. .... of .. . fit I" 'ta ..... .: GJlllOIIIDm for IMentate orNorteu fortbe.prfl.nhndfDtlll'\!~od~l.ad_ lte&lJtI .. re ......... ,' •• .,.... t. "M, Ji 'en k • 1 ... • ... I., I ........ ~ . • h ....... ....... hi L::o.I __ l-..A...... - -. - I &7 onora. u .. elllP8O._larp and .1n. .n p. "Oun II the tuk," he de- ... --" - .... -- .. JIIuI .. with }I III" _ .. ISS'll "

tenMed audience ~ed out, and 10 dared, "In the Yal\lDard of lIroenu :!u ,..~:-=~« ~I 'I' ...... WIlt 'of till 1'1.- II.... .., WUl -.Ill We ..... ; . plJ'IlIIoloaX eonditioDi ';ere liP for to lead on to a lanln, plaeo." B;. poet !f ~ II~ :=~ ....... ., .... . '. "h a 0' s. !: • the line dillplay of eloquence wblch theme wu well denl"p~. and fn\!i- tiOD. )fr. Bill f&l'ried out hfa .... 1tJarJ· WW 1M ..... to . .t k d .... m, •• wJIl

. . bly JtUent~~ . 1_.1 .... _ iIIeie h_ .. _~ DODdltioM? Aa rID.*h.-l SI ... till ..., ~ followeeL And when the COIl_ wu "The Anll ... r .... IduA!," one o! rne von m;' ~ -;.. w_ -.. with a 1p17',1 "lilt to ... III 'I I e! I 7l oftr and the dacllion 'lfU hein, wlDJrlq oratlous, rfyen by Gerald L b«a Dr IBlllectliJrea till l1li1_. ad ., .... ., of 'I'tII -.. 1IIiaIl_ IUIw .. .... awallied/ 1t WIt a tell,lt and undeelded Ilelone, of !Il~ CoUe", New penoaal ,..: or ~ .,..." c:,'" !lOt of oar y-. ..... Ia till II drift .... till ...... ..... audielliCe that Wondered'Wilo dI. win- COIliCOrd Ohio, wU.the nm iii ord.r but ratIaer a Uti. Iitaa- ..... u., oupt .. be b.... orlliall ........ ' .... nen would he, for, II I aald, it w .. a ~. Ilelone II a pI_q speaker boll, and told III what partIeaJar .. ,. mauUoll that • JU1lRIar 1f8IIII JI'OIId .... JM.JuUc ..... f I" reu conteet In which no epeaker dl.. WIth a calmly lore"'. ItJl~ 01 pra- our 0hristiaJl ftlisrioll wou1dllelp . be debitaIJ let a»ut u 8CllOOL , ... ....hUet ...... played any decided aaperiority. No tory,that took well with tile audience. ify the a~=m. bemuddl .... of WOK ..... . to lDa .to be a IlOl& _Oft ..... H= .. all lonipobera cIaII-order 01 ~ent wu annollJlCed In In w addrelt he::1Wlowed the..eonr.e vanous eollJltriea. -. tIIII ._ul But dill __ .. _ 8Olft . the judgea' decillion, .. thla mUlt not of ~iltory throug;!! .BoDle and Ger- In sPeaJdq of the aouI -of I.~ 'l'IIenf0re, I, Albert E. SIetper, Clew- ... lit - 1ft_ - p!IIbIem. W. 1DIIIt ·... 1111 'be diy.u)ged until after the 11nal con- many, Ihowln, how in the former he said that Ita bvdeaa wu their'" !If tha St:ate of ·ichI ..... do Uaa more ...." ,r.t IIIUI of adDlt bne!" ..... will teat at Hutinp, N~, on the the eommon ideal w .. and in peror ,Worahip. It II DOt filr to WI IIIJ' PI'OdamatIGR ad ~ ..a.. ... ud -- to oar. JaDd wi&Ia 1IINIp ideu 8th d.y of May of thlt year, but the th~ I.tter a .elllab domlnatlon of civilization to COIJIII&rt It with &W tile week ~ April 11, 1dIIn ..ncs.t. ud PlV'4m W. __ 'I' .... three or.tiona rankine bl,helt 'fI'ere: other peopIee--loree. What w.i 01 Japan. To be 1IlN, J ..... hu RI .. SCHOOL WDJt; &lid I Ill'- .... em ph chi, , JdeaIa IIDII _I • .,. till ''TIM' Criaia," delivered 'by Don B. Ame,rica" Ide.1? ''!ore.,'' - he em- 18Uwa1l, telephoaa alii{ oUier thIait NqIIMt the prua, the all fftW,!';, Joi.' . I --. vtr1 homee W ... teacA UIe __ -M.cN ... 01 Knox College, Gal_org, phamed, "can never be &WIled to whleh are marb or c:lvIJiatI_ hut tJGaI ad -- IOCIal ad ..... UNat ch I of u.;~.... our Iatpep, CIa&' JaiRNr. oar Illinoil; "The American Ideal," riven rerulate a elvlliutlon whilae ideal ia these are all rltti from the ~I'. fuI t.JJtd ... "'.tlou, to rfye thoqht. ~ "'OCJrerJ ~ alit • ..... ~ot DIICIl .u. .... ' by Gerald K. lMelone, of Hlllkinrum brotherhood." Ameriu!. Ideal ia In America w'lO forward only II t!I,e .... ~ eollllci«atioll to '. ~oI. IDR III a are -leheel ad 0Jd GiolJ ia a-College, New Coneord, Oblo; aOG love, and the c:ryatallizatlon of that ilIteitigence of the m .... pubelfor- :-.. ftIIIIIJ'~&aaelten, Yolk cetbednl .... IPIJ». uaW to .... ·1!lmM are-"The . Patm to Peace," preaentad by ide.t ia found in the perI01Iality ot ward. If in Japan the EmpeiOr would ~ theul= portion of tba& week .hice, ad wWa ... , "" !lid ud " ....... ', Ji ... bJ Norman Littell, of W &bub College, Cbriat. America mult loaa her life lift up hit handa ad withhold ' hIa or - of thie ad oUJer ......... autr war· TIle edit- 1l1l&I1 .. IIIIaIl we be OM Crawfordnille IudiaM We regret in lemce for humlnity,=thi. done, gifts of our clvlliatlon, tbeIl Japaa GI pIIObIema. iIaaIe are """=1sd: tIIIIr hd .. ..-. ... ........ ,M. that Bope fall~d tei pl~e for lUchi. eternal- glory lhall lie here. would very lOOn eo bad: to Ita natural I::' -:-. = at the CapJtol blwccbt to . tdeI;' the , MCr are Jiow"., JD ..,... WI ic AI_ ran, but we !rnow thtt It WII not be- "'the Path to Peace," anothe!' win· status. le20. ~ E. S~ Hareh, Iawl , Bat ~ ... ~ of A_dea' Ih." we ~ 1111 callie our orator, Mr. Barry J . Bager, nlq oration, WII d.Hvered next by The problem of Chbaa If ita bIck of -, ....... ~ 1_llI'NItUeiOUftlPOnibiator dIa "II inAdequate but ibec:au.e the win. Norman ~ittelJ , of WaIlaab ColJe;re, unity. Although Umited by - bowad- GcmulOr. Howenr, Wa Qidt illIdl-AM- tf ."he '1m ' BJ io _I ne1'1l were better. Crawfordsville, Indiana, What chief- Ill,)" ~ .pl~ under on. aIty, )'ali Ice .... II - ... • ...-mt to ,. ~ ....., .. _

The eontest "ent off without a Iy characterized )fr. Littell _ hia China 18 ID ltaell a group of Maar ~ ia till Jut ..,. we _ IIIM.-+·ad .' .. II a __ hitl:h, Alter an Invocation by Rev. eue on.the plattorm,'--he epoke free·' separated by customs, ~ evMmDlI at cUaIoraI*JlI1Id dl" "'- the Iporuce ... Ddil. Henry BOIq)erI of Weltern Tbeolort. Iy, convel'Ntionally, and=9e1I, elt!\" relIriOD. There is o~ foot - • move- ... !pet the .... rt W. well _ the immipat. 1 aeIf ,.." bl Seminary, .nd • few words of erly. Be delighted in contraats. His :h~~ =u: ~n=- GAY. 1l~_W'-" it All- ~~+m d IfId ~~ .. .... ,.. Rtated a. .... . wekome by Pre.dent .E. D. DilDoent meeuge, in brief, jj th1It the "path to . " ...... .- _ON oar ~ _UN wiiIIIsa CIIIl'..-' WlIG ....... oar of Hore, the -chairman, Mr. Winlleld peaee" lie. not in a lormal treaty C~_ to learn to ~ and write " World War. N..a.1If.,.., ad towtrd 1Iba' W •• ", ..... Burggraaff, annOUDCed tht first ou. whiCh by aome of ita injuatieel mna ~etr own~. This thiDa Should auld acquaint,r...,., be for- of ..... ......, JIoa&1d CIIIl' .,"W • .,..... W. · ation; "The Criais," by Don B. Me inevitably .cOntinue the antagoniallll 18 ,~ to work ~on~ ba pt, ud!lnw IJroqlat to mbId'" taU: Our ~ti!JMI ~ .. called .... Me tsl,," ...... " Neal, and tire 'contest 'WII begun. of people 10 common In hlRory, but z::a ~ . In:~ Of the Ji,ota Witb ~Yo1ee ft auwar "Nol" So PO w ko " tbat . lxa' ~ " ad "batk'"t W.

Mr. Me Neal, repretenting Illinois in a new prognm of in oar that h 01 ~ 'th • Bill":: Wetll"ay, JIareb 24, aeh Del- vaba t. ItIr up • ... Idm • till .... 1 in the eonteat, ipoite forcibly .nCl economie indn&trialism. Induatrlu- thro4I, ethe OOtra~~; w~ ..::a.s ad eeeh Sorealte retneed =- ~ ~ ~. 'I . ~ ... tI a. .. -aIkI tolIu. with eoovietion in an lIdmirnb!e pl't. in~e , _ hal meant nett the tiled by grUt 101 lag Ia to the "dear deaa da,. beyilM'bsq ~.t.Iie .it D ~ Ji OI*IIJ .. o"L TlIaa' :~t!-1 "nlatIon ',f the caee in lavor of s common punuita of lem.:e but the ~ oWrepublf re c a -.ew wbeii aM laDjhed iDd ediil th·1I .... ". .... tIIr~ WMIr.-...; TIii 11 Le.gue of Uati~n8. "Seraps o){ pa· pul'1lltlt 01 wealth; it hu not brot ~ seddJ facts of the entire aarie8 o"er l;:'ui.. ~ay Alcott'. "IJttle PruaIaa propp. "s, wllilt till jp IftiIad. TjIeJ lIaft boJM it wi&Il •

. per have failed" he atated emphat!. pe~e but hal betrayed the 1W0rid to 01 lectures were given' the dlaeoor8e W~. ian eolla a( a Pated_ JI$OI ebrvc. 11m .ba tIiIir heutt bu caliy, and "lOW we mult .turn to .ome. war. "It i. for DI, the youtb of on "The Burden of I:ia". At thIa TIle reeeptioll room at V~rbeee, IIlowIy tich':ba, tbelr deatlt-like Idw'sd a lIN " J.&nd Iitd .... thing elae if ' we would preaervt America," he concluded, "to point polDt Dr. Bni pve a wonder1lll ~ erad~ stace at the WJ'ODr ana, - 1IpIID UIe n_al &w" d thIe diIcrIna-'Worl""pe~e. BolJhevlam, he te.rmeCl men to the lacredneu of Hving. This tlaa on the cute system of the Indiu qu ~ a eolonJil . Hall, ""'_ to AIId fftIl dttr _ c. al".t id I!Dd ~ I " sf lAo. . "an international siclmeee that needl .is the path to lpelCe." people. Their religion of eteruI re- • ol~ ~ llpted eudI .. the world ctdict, thIe IJIIrit .. au- Wen we Mall awcIia·to ... JD. an lntemational iph)'8ieian ;" and a~ Clifford E. Smith of Kentucky inearnatioQ baa cast over ' them an an enol'lllODI JpiJmIng wheel. The AmarIcaIllam lUl remrrt Oar ftI!d oppNEiIa tIIM tilt iInnIi-thia llh}'8'ician h! r6eommended the St~te, ~xin~0n.- tIpOke lilt . . His or· imp~ble 'c1oud of gloom and hope- ':'riaed DOt ~ .. the '*a bad Dopad that ."Ioa ~, . LeaK'lle of Nations, whien, tl!OUr!1 atlon, Shatung' waa a severe Indict- leas desftBI~ The Cllrse of the soeIetyi _-'I ~,thonP NIl md to till ..u to anna, Bat Go witA me to tile .... aI ..

, t f J . ....... were nw ..... y AIIleved at the u- ....... Ir U v...... • not an abeolute solution, will tend to men 0 apane.e .unpe.l'1u1llJl. Be RYBtem was that it took awav from . hl_h _.... ...... __ AJMrica IIIId a...., ....... f Nol -- ... ~ ... A_ ud dall ... eotdi-

h . . # room w .............. em .'J'" aIIorded ' .t- __ redQ(:e .the nn:mber of future wan. termed t e Shantung Prov.ialon In mall the hope of being any better R.tber abe follild bold = ~ .. __ nclr_" ~ .He eIompared the present "criaia" In ~he P~ace Treaty a ".b1adanlllby Ja- nobler than he was. Fatalilmbaall The eurtain to be it m.,.,...,ad defl....... at ~toall'r .. "'MIped!flU'" ~ Le.gue ratification with that of our pan .of the Allies." Be exonerated its Inherent dallUling power weighs pulled .:' :~ ~ Iarp clUe. -pubUe ~ bavt PI 4=11Jr ... ada-own Colllitltution in the early days Pre"dent Willon from blame for the heavily as th. burden of Ind1a. old_faahlOned

a th elYen by lIIOIa. of au.. oppeatulW" 'l'IIq life _

.01 our R~IIc:: Many _condemnec, queRlonable ,proviaion, by deel'ring On .the last evening- of hie stay ba at the ~p= Our IIac .. JntoIeraIIIe IOCial c-flffcc: De, that at the time but now we conlider fhat he 1W88 forced into It. a?nlnlon Bolland, ' Dr. BllI epolte on the ml8- every detaIL Beth' rru dowD; our ~ were _W; the Jwup) elIIJdra ., for It one of the landmaru 'In lMtory. into the Treaty ily the "thre.tened siolUll'Y of today, givin, what to 111m ' Ud the 1I~8 ':here .;::. new &nIIJ .. jeered at. ww . do nat IIIed tMR ." "GMemment mullt keep In ltep' with withdrawal of J &pan Irom tile Con· seemed ihe lIeeeBsary qliUltiea of miDcI 'aIippera were WUined the old- the T "La die fcIOIt p br dar ima'P at· wt1t progrelll," he conclUded, o"the So· ference," Mr. Smith, who wu han· 8IIdsoul. Healsodwelton'tbeetenaal furniture, ud the Iarp war," aaId M; t.JJtdblllil1~" tbIIr mn Jrth- tn. tIiie clety of Nations is neee!lury.'· dieapped by hoaraenell .... , perhapl, rewards wblch earne to aDJ JIWl who lamp. AIId Jut but DOneaa earn1np from war IJIIIItb.... of Ip 0 s .. DUIa,.,....

Mr. Hager, re!J)reeenting M.ichlgr.n, too declamatory and over<ondemna- serves in a spirit of self-a~ So Beth ud Ainy jut aithey , Aa Idle phatmIll .. do DDt ......... 111II1e. and Hope, follow"d, and gave hi' tory to gain the contldeJU!e-.of his au· lind ,lOving aalf·sacrifice. Th~ .... were ba o~ grad&olChooI'dQa. Americaniam? All empt) IooIt for judi • t, bat Nho)cl' ..

' lIplendld appeal fl?t Am~ricaniz8tion, dieJU!e. He was .110 handleapiped by nothing emotional or repulsive ba IWI The audience were UWe cirla .pia, The am dorte of oar ,.. ""111 ,. _ bat .... "One Nation, One r..!I";l1a~a, One IT,!, position on the 'PfOgI'IIIJI, awe by preeenta~n of the needa of the IIIOd- all eyea and ea1'1l and Iaqhter and to orpnlae fo~ an ill • .,." 'l1III'" to • m • FJac," with bis chara~ren&tb charm the time he 'POke the audience '!fll e:m mlal!Onary .. It waa all clear facta, tean ' (though there are lOme wIIo 0'1..... campslp were ol*llr laG we ....... ~ and fotee. ~howing the dlsastroDI hot as attentive II in the forepart 01 gIven With an mtenae. desire to Up eonf ... it). ' Eva the ectoIII lilted. VIolacl aDd rtl""" 'DIq .., to .. __ ad ...... effect. of out lack of na. ;onal IInlly the evening, men and women to lom the ranb of theruelns were aII~ wb. Jo uc. IIallid by 101M .. ju..1ifteNe .. ..., ilia .. , pt.-} n the late war, he urgJd 8 thor(lllgh The oratioDi over, ~. judrea' de· thoae who light on the thiJa red baWe riflced her baaatitnl IoeU and ap- .. Pi.' 1'1, AiMrica'. J1IIIl'1WpatIle 'PIRLCI 'DIe7 bavt _ t s Ame'tleani'K~lon of· OUl" lmmigralltl. ciaion was awaited 'with intel'ftt. The of Cllrlltianity'. '¥flU'fara" with her- "erollllftr IlorJ" ba tbe.-r. Thu . ' 1Iar bOlluC'1risl • 'I,"" an n n. 'Uda, he said, was to be 1I«0mpllshcd decmon-rendered by P.rof. T. C. We are eUremely porry that w.e as mutilated IIIOIt "'oeJrincly. C I'" wu ~ betraJid by'" .. ~'. 'I • .... __ not 'b, educ:a.tlon' alone, ilut IIlto by a Trul!blood, of U. 01 H.;' Prot. J. 1.. II studeat body ~ere DOt able to .meet and trapciy ca.a d .. ~, bad behle. ted. Thill cU4 ... • nal .... til I n 1 alIange ot..attitude of till American Lardner, of .'Nortaeltem U.; Prof. Dr. and Iln, BilL We shall dare to one ba tho qt.,.( uk ..... W deod ..... repaJ liar tnIt; ' ••• ' (at ........ .,.., Wwud the foreigner. I1IItead 01 de· R. WeillllUln, of Welten Reaarvej hope that rometllile he will pay III a Faeulty Itdiee) M ·n." B46 I of .. WR t I ,0'1;' • III \III"~ and reviling the newcomor Prof. B. B. Goqh of De P_; anQ vllit To thole 01 DI who we1'1l for- tbat there,.. •• A" .bit ....... the _ " tid ...... .,. pul J

bim to a full W. , W. Warner, .MLchlpn State Sll· ~ _I ~to ~_.~ ... ~ ~ WJ'CIIIf ~ tIIt,..;na. .PSnt cia'. Ia '* ... ,. ....... \ ' ... <e,atnell of our nation. perintendent of 8chooJa..-.cave \be ..... • an .,nrNloa W!IIQlIII """' .. au Tba dOtbll __ III tile ... 1 "., all We • 'PIca r'1' I

outar f.,Uowed-- oratlona, "'DIe CrIaiI," "TJIe AmerI- crptaIu. Iato - ~~OD "... ~ JJe'ltedict, 01 Beloit Col· eu tchUu" .. "'l'l .. ,jr.llIl ... ,. .. JIIsIIII"t ....

'IPbh (E eptiUed, "AD the ~. ~~~~~C~1t ry." llr. co ............ ~~..,;<11III! 'PP'iled for ' 4118 tf1orou~ noll upon th.. tnllIoI" ' 10,. of oar AII.rIca!1 eitlaenry.. 'U .. III 0 C..,aI .... ~ Will .... , I •• doeational ... ~ ofr~ ~~ ~ ... ratto~, ~~ ... 1M eo~ ea. -:..u.... • ~ ..... &1I1e .. hlob detennlnes ttie M .... ty w ... that puia 1m I_-~........ . .... ~ .... ~ .. _i!!d. ..lIft: lhlte mid," h. deelMd. Be than rIad to .... lIMa btl .. " tbaa lbo, ~"!" loWed tlie u,rmbIr lltultlol! In DDr '1'IIt Bopt Cells.. aM s I,.. ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!~~!I!~.!!I~ ;!~!!!! holQ al ..... lIt: Intftt, ,. qarta, . .... ... • ... , , ~=i'i~=~ ~ , Ameriea" ebQdml 11.... D..- fItftItIIN • rh adI.ool; ud tilt npI4 lam_ -&lit _ PI.........., an th .. n __ e1I4 qna11tf of CAlI' taN, AlIt • 1Iotaa 'WIll a . ....., .

lCbillr RaIl II "",Dm.,·ftIa COD- .n ........ " .... ,. •• . ion mut tie remedl". ~.,.. .. ! IOUreei froIa ".... .. a1ll1 ~­:t aid In oar .4aaatlO .... ,.,14.­tile 8cbto\ tilt OkuM. .. tIM 11& .... -

len ,.... '=:::J;jl l lera." ~ in Ita with l \$1 -


Page 2: 04-14-1920

....... Ia ....... die,. "th. JOllIe

;=~i::I~=" · ,p ... ,. dtIINd at· g'l ...... tIIae .... lilt • brirIr. . be ill, ...,.... ..,.. out. Be

,,1I .. ter AI.- JIeor. aDd Dr. 1VarDlhiaJa were both that u It at, ow: .-' .... tile ,.. witb a. at Qhapel .J'rida __ , rtmIIDI .&bat ~. ~ ".. coup\eIE-

. ............. ' mQIJUq. oua \I, itt .~ce ... i. PUt ot ..... & - ,to th.waIIIiJIt of ou pr8II- The frlrmatlv

rar:;:::.a _ 1IIIPId. d.-, a ~ aad.llDCe waa.. ~ • • of the queaUoa, ~

•1i!I!l!=':=::~:~;:;====t. J';r ,.. ....,t Nt to peat ttwm. The Ibd .. .!" 10M :~~ :!~~ ==:::~ 1001_. I&. ADJ WIrIiEI ,.hlll tile, .niered, u ftttinr token to .. ttle labo di ". lhCIII. ' of n •• at. r .-tea,"" up-or"~ __ .,,__ -- B_ , w h . by Mean. Va Nid-. .., , __ _&_ ... , .. 0 J1, WarD.llltl. led thl Wierda ad Bloebr' aad th -f~

: ta!' ~:.~ t w4tl~le~pl~' u':kt ~hl~m:; to II11II :: ~~ ehapel eu:,_ f hHe

TeIId the IP' ably defeDded' hy H~ 'l1l ' .tIl. ~l ~ , ,,0 t e ten l..,.n, Dalenberg ad IlehU1lJ'llWl& The !! un .doJIe it w W4tb we brok: Jv- .... OJIPOI

th ... ~ti~i~ wQodh_, ODI ... ~mect to giYl thenb to debate Itself wu well 'tOnteatedtht

edlWl' ~d hIa aldtI, la recol,llitloD - w,.... • or .heillf cltrn .. " hvo in .... - k ' . theIr .. rvicH lII ' the belt 'triaheI aad School; w~ ~ to meet as TlIe Dr oppol g ..... ma eeping lIeck and rratitude 'of 'aU (OYela of our' If not stl!9llPr n 'I ·WarD.hull ad~.ne4 ' IU, neck, ~,houl - :rtte1'tlUlt of the 1Uter. ' . week. Kalamazoo WIll uclI • ~ • ~., " ~If }1Cl\1t'I. ~I~ al Judge, deefllon was by no meaaa a ~, heNwlth, the new c:ontet deeplte her m of .her experiene ... poII",I •• eett~ matter

tm It was ' l!lDouneed

make their deti'ut, ' tiIdq 'up 'Now II out for a 8M tol4 of the healing Klenee .. I from the platfonn that the ,dlrmative IIIiAJl '~U8IWI .tlUa by aDY: poasib. meaIIB ahe ca .ret Il'ft' road Ibrenel" fo't C!triltlanlty. ~ad eamed a two to olle dedaloll. . To '~ ~iIteD( :Alma will IJ 110 easy .. an "lent plonter of the work of ~ judges awarded third place to ill 6Qecl ' by 'm Th. We II the best we have to th Kuter not"llnly in tne Van Nederynell', second to Mllte doa' Dbt Uve to I~; It or &owIII but IIkew.iae in the smaller Sehuurmall8 aDd llrat to faD, at 'the pleasure of the student.. ther side. Our teams ~ She enricJ(ed her dileUlIlOII Bloeker. This eompletes the quota of The ADdIor tabs thIa opp6rbm1ty to ,they know the prop- WIth HYlraJ \UuJtratiOlll dra"", from eeven men. two teams of tbree each 1O\JcIt k wre geleraJ ~ filter- uent speakei'll; CJIInI obnrvatlon Ind eJaperienee. and one alternate, for the intereol. at ___ Ii rei.dinese to 'reDder the as. ad ,.-.pared The IndlaM are I timid people I dl.. lqiate debates which Ire to be ataged ~ that -will lMrasbd. ougbly for ~e testa. They tl'lllltful Bee all'd there are th'e dUll· Friday, April 16. Messrs. Engelsman,

GIlIitd.][. ChestertDII said, wlth' lesa the whole ,of 0 apport, a word of culti" of bWlcting uP the faith reo Bloom aad Cooper will travel to ]{a. ot tfIIIletIoOIDes 'tluin 'truth, d good luck to the qulsit to lRICeeaaful ChrWtiao eer. College to match theiflViji agaiIISt HTIIere 11 _ :Ulini aeedful-every. *ho are m KIII,eno, aDd viee. Not JIlerely. that, ba., that land our most dangerous riv~1 iI\ debl\te

• ~ • 11 IOlld aadi8IIC at tha ~_te here. Is eurvd with a caste l,.tem and anct oratqry. • Tile lilt is vllllty.of ,vlllities." the least loyal Ropeite can eIowly. Inlidio~y we lleard h~ thlt Messrs. BurggI'l\8jf, Visscher and

R.ICate.t til. att\wde of the .td. being lInctermlned !by the humble Sc.hUIII'lll8l!S will 'meet Alma here, She Thq bd it, d!eir problem iu the mase of the milllonerlet, how~. has ~eve~1 old men spealrine tbla of "ewqtbing'! to smgle out the aDr tile men. end WJlIMII mqat reel • year. Let s go, Rop~. prime ~ GoverDOr Slee r's proc:lamatioll tljat an are born with thl lime r, ~~, ~~~

n is well aad truly lllid, that Se~1 Wee~. .- timely meuure to One pr,uint coDlideratlon ia th~ Y. ilL C. A. preHllt baa alWJU tile pre IIIIll11nee. qUloken pubbe nc~J1l. ·An euthus!· part of Medicine In ~e r m f ' , So, too, the preaeDt need. To utlc obaervatl _ of this period ane\. Christian aoclal re:form jI;n ~t We were very lIIuch pleaseQ to S88

that 11_, to aerve it, ahaU be the il& RU~H 'filiI biing !learer solution apprecialie tlte facta· b t f e c't~ many fellows out at the tlrst Y. M. amlMtion,ot the Aachor. ADd the spirit of the pr . school problema Inkling 'W' rcreel.,.d ''If: rOlll & m~e~g after v~tion. The former et old Qqpe~~ be the aul4e. ~e day. In 'ving publlcity to this eondit\OD.I are ~bbl:U:t PleSI?ent ~de a ,fe,,!, remarks ex· ~ ~te, -uaelable ~ty ~uc~e~t, . TI,te ~R0l! believes It inetitutloll8 mUit r &1C~ ~ PI'eSSlDg the Ipp~tion £o.r the Joyal ita @P~I0!!8 ~!!Ih t\\'o ,mediums IS ' freeenting 'Ituation. vital not Without that, lit II ~ to support \he cabmet and members of -the *e of, the.colli!Je. aDct the merely ~ tire fa er and mother of the chriltianit lUI. \ltII! e~ Y. M. C. A. had given him in mak· oi ~e s~ent. 'to' ,no!P'isl! tha~ child, but to every clear thinking ~ th y i..t h WarllAl¥tta left with ing the pass year a successfU\ one. SPirit and iu tam to b; inaplred l,Iy American. ~ , mJer.': ' e t ought, that MediclIl H~ asked the new. cabinet membel'll is ~ ¥ty' ~(r i?,ge. of a ~opeite. oUr elementary and ' SecOndlry tiani:

n 'Wprj is ~ _~e of Chr.ia. to llrise and then asked the new presi·

To ~ye ~t ~t ~o~e o~ ~ the . and our colleges and universi. Chrl y. IIOW, even .. ,.t waa With dent, Mr. Veldman, to come forward, ~ of ~e ea¢.-,that is its consUlll' ties, In the last wlysis, are one. An- at. ~t WII • bel1ltiful thoug~t, who then took c~ge of the meeting. mation. Every :§.opeite meeta two this more general call to b¥~ ., told, II /Ih, ciOled- WIth The new president gave a very iu· chal.I~~&:-to 'striVe for a t;eal thought, the retiring editor hu the lneldellt .of this \It,l, CllUtyr ,if) spi~ing ~Ik. Re spoke about the very tlJDOC!lCY, a hlgti aistarhoOd champiolied our institution. His wllo ,..,~ hervlf ao gladly and 80 fittmg time for the new mell to take IJro~~, undemm 'bY' the plea for relief of Iter ftDancial bravely, lD apite of her tender yeal'S. oftlee~.1J.I,onef(!lt more ltke work·

LET OUr tedas ~ " the belt . We do'nGt·dllllto· ....

you 8Omt~ ~beap. ~ut you Ret .quality evny time. Try our Fountain servICe and eonvince younelf of our claims. ' ~


------- ' r-·:··· .. -g;;~~ .. ·s~~;-· .. ··~~~: I .. "." .. " I BEFORE BUYING YOUR SPRING -SUfi'. BE SURE I TO CAU ON

I ' Vaade;llade & "sser : : ! ~

59 EAST 8TH S1';' ,

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Keep up with the time with a I WATCH

from our large assor~ment. . , G~o. H~ H~izenga &. CO.

18 West 8th Street

................................... M ................. _· - - ' _ .. - .... . . ....... . , .

........................... . i THE CENTRAiSiiiiEiiiR'sip':'1 I . It J. JOftlER,r. Prop. ' . ' '1 • 230 River: Ave. . : ......................................................................••••••• 1

• cu~ts of 'cbarity ad love', and ' ,other ~ ___ iB .w,!! fresh iu obi' Tr:uIy thiy are a people worth work- for the Master in this spriug and

we~~ out tha\ ~lrit iu his own career. nunds. Now, on this special oceasion, In, for. '. . . &e&8C!n • .. But ~-w1,'tla of f8l:~ Vihirls on. not the 4dmilli8tnatlon e«ect a B~t the one !act which clune moat h., "We must strive, go on, ,

Tlferil 18 o,!e c,reeii:t'iieatli no ",'ollcf- observadee.~ __ natureT penlltently was that simple state· grow. Set your staadard higher. We ~t's mit 'Our governor baa done the state a mint, the iJl8rleet tribute to i. ruust ~e progress iudividually and

. Wban YOU' Gat

·Van T~Jlgereil'8 Evuythil'l, I~be Albletio ,

Apples' fo~ret · to grow on Ipple service. For. if -the .teacher or pro- .~ant of Ra, aShe went in to ae an I18soclatlon." . treeil. " . . fessor is ever t. eollle jnto ,his own it eholera hOllsel": He struck the keynote for the new

~itl1 sanity, faith and will take all th iut,.erest ad co-ope~- ear. in "Service." He also spOke of ~tever.n~ W8 sbaU mak~ the which can be recr;ulted, t.q jar t~ Y v the lDlporta!1

ee of personal work and

.1Iat 'we Will. .... [Iubllc from its iJldifeJ:ellQ!. . W. C. A. the lack of It. o • •

. . Keeler .. Lun"h RoODl

, The Right Place To Eat ,

TilE CoiliNG' eF SPRING An lnter»reta&1I of LIfe. . The new Y. W. C. A. year beran ,, ' , ', , \1!1th , I partieularly m.piutlollal

In 'hIa inaqUral .addrea in ' the Y. TC! the write, after several years meeting. After the meeting wu '!'p-

)(. C. A. meeting of lut 1I'eek Preri. ap.P!iClltWn the elaaaics, a study ened with. long. Dea Oeeewlirde, the. • .tent'':eldman ~n.\ted how of biol~p. rev ~ ::.1 ... -It Is. In n6W president, .nd leade.r tor the April 6-Address of pJ.sident H. It 1I'U t~ just at the 'openlne 01 the Dllcroscopi tjon of the alternoon reid the Hope glrl~ cre~d, Veldman. . ' SprIhg,-'tIben ' aU 'life teemed nn various forms 0 plAat aDd'anl_IUfe a ft!r

1eeci brold in itt e~thies lind tpril 13-0al\ to Consecration. W.

... ~ IIId -every-artery .eemed we s¥ bdore ' :e)o,, ' a revelation II:"" ~ In IR .. "itltiGns, while the V an Razel. , lriCwttlaifieeh energy, a '_ cabinet of God in many olbla a£tributM. The ~ll"~ ~,!"Pct In

t t11ent prlyer. A April 20-Dealiug with Doubt. D.

~d1d.aaume Its *'" It 'il a splen. c:omRlexity of, iiipmrm reveala to tre! .... ~raY~l o\l"ed ~-1lray- Vln Putten. ... &Oucl& .. nd applies equally well the student the iImiPoteace ad omni. ere lIlIed with tarntltnea, with April 27-The Cbritt~ Needa .. t.IIi new Akchoi Steff wliieh begilll science of the rUtor. M tfiese or. till\nkfulne.; with high ruolve. Americans, Prqf. Hinkamp. ~~k ~'; but it Itriket me fUlICtioli and come ' into play, D .. •• talk, "A Goodly Goal." ~aa -.Y·4-The Qreat Cqliimalldmenti. ~ .. re II nOt the eompleteet POlli- contacts are folmed ad the student a brief lumm.ry of the lima of the C. Walvoord. ble'tinnony of IRJlicatioll in the' ftc. is again broug~t back to I realiutioa !. W. C. A. IlllCe it WII ftrllllt lila 11 R . ..... '8pdnt ' .. 10 .. onderfully 'and of actual Ufe '&1 It' Ia.. M ¥lanta and ued. .She abowed thlt thoee y - ope 1I. a. Dnye. hum'uly.«tttactive in that it calla 111 functi~1O fGDetl_ the hu. 'were atm the aame today. For th.t May 16-Faeta on Life Wol\. Dr.

baclt 'to our natural 1lll1ve.,r-buoyant man ~al. ¥!e do DDt live to our. ",oodIy ~" we, tM memben of Dimllellt. , fear~ etirllfree be~ , alone aDd we CUDOt act u the llote Y. W., were atriving lind May 26-Geneva-Let·. Go. ~ Mike

life ill .~ 1Jacauae it Ii life, bat. we are the only ~tures iu would continue to Ib'Ivt with Ifearor Sehuurmanl. • 'llinc!,. woDa6,fal"lJfe. I Wheu thlt The , ~Qa. wIah .. , and .. a1 and enthuaialm during the CO!ll' JUlie .1~hrist-the Author and eall II' on .~ ~ it iIt riOt 10 in'lieh ... de. of o.the ' .. .". J,nextrlcablf in· ~ y~. "The new cabinet," &be F'iuisher of.. out Faith. G. Laue . • lre~ p1~ IDto all arllftcilel, wcirll. terwoven Wlth ~ iff_ our,o:wn life. uid, iIlay nOit do Iny better, mlY June 8-The Work Tbat Lies Before adl" chilbIitioD~mad. Iifl, 'however keeps ~ w,? our mInda. not do-.... ell, .. our former faJth· Us. ' Senior-, meeting. P. PrlnI, 'J. eonnlrlent It may be, .... to' Winder I might pre. to .. lit III i'd. luI cabinet medllre; but we will at Meenga, G. Muys"-

out intO tH. wooCle or alou,l the lake- . capacity a)' IIbtcIeIIt I* .... d le.,t, do our ve" beet to Itrlve fo~ 1li1W, 'iIr ~ to aolDe favorite ramlaJa. . to the JIG coOep COQIIIe lilt .!:$aIl!I!I,nt 'If !lie fOal lit helo f

f,lnt-~t'iwhere oue can dftnk In the ia complete at laut a rear at u." ' deHeloua IJICt&r that- ia .J.pri1ll'1 OWII\ ~ . ' _ _ to the Itudr of bi· "The Wa, of Poe'" 111111 by Etta and e:a

li ~Ift WHIr' f~ life', like, olof)' III some or .t. DaLm ... dAted to tlta benttful rn.-

~ellllualberea I!y the uDllaturai elvD. It was . tortuDe of the .... ne. o~ the twlllaht gat)eJtng: bati.OD which • &'!.1I'ranuan. -' to coune of stud, fa the .tar cIrl not la the htbl& of attelDd,1

that 'c1e¥tful trrlJlili D_tt" ft""llp"'tat,N to' . l'fOf...ono .... ::1-- l~ .. Jato ebft .... uimta 'ibat eome dten: IOJ oar CJ.CMI au ... tile, birId IIId'oth"'~ call .pottle i that "",.t 0' ..,.. . ,..,.-atfe .1.JlC~ fit '.r -&lid prepond"'"I:;::::~==~:.::::1 .... _ ... U. III ' I":'~==:F' _ of eire_you laiow what '1 _1 .. -at p m .. n,,-tbh, ' 1£ it-. .tci.,. ~. par It. SplrK vf 1tpiiq. ' •.

yet, bI..,tt Of aU itldiltraeti~~I::~:~;~:: 1IIo1lilllrV. I ~ot but _ • arb' -~ in ft!iPoBdinr to ~'-"" ............ -;. It .. J ,;LN. _retII!'J' ~&6.jw. ..., .... r= ....... ·t~·; '

Y •• M. C. A. Topics ,

..... ................ wu •••••••••• · •••••••••• ••••••••••• .. •••••• ............ .


i"ennis ·~00ds . ARE HER! "

........................... , ............... --___ ... -_111 ~ .. '., .. ~'~II~e~'~ .. ' .. e .. e.e~1 ...... ~~~~ ........


• •

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