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03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders

Feb 19, 2018



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  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1stsemester, AY 2011-2012

    3 Hematopoiesis


    Defined as cellular formation, proliferation,

    differentiation and maturation of blood cells

    Hematopoietic system (tissues/organs involved in the

    proliferation, maturation and the destruction of

    blood cells)


    Lymph nodes


    Bone marrow


    Reticuloendothelial system

    Stages of Hematopoiesis

    1. Mesoblastic

    Usually begins as early as the 19thday of gestation

    (blood island of the yolk sac of the human embryo)

    Blood island remain active for 8-12 weeks

    Most hematopoietic activity is confined to


    Earliest cells is megaloblastic cells

    Hgb production is limited to embryonic varieties

    called Portland Gower-1 and Gower-2

    2. Hepatic

    The yolk sac discontinues functioning by 3rd

    month of

    life where the fetal liver become active

    Both erythrocytes and granulocytes are beingproduced

    End of 4th

    month: the primitive cells are disappearing

    with an increased production of erythroblasts,

    granulocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes, and


    Hemoglobin production consist of hemoglobin F,A

    and A2

    Also active in hematopoiesis are the spleen, thymus

    and lymph nodes

    3. Myeloid


    and 6th

    month of gestation

    The bone marrow becomes the primary site of


    At birth the bone marrow is the primary source of

    blood production

    Bone Marrow

    Myeloid to Erythroid ratio

    Numeric expression comparing the relative number of

    granulocyte precursors which includes the neutrophil

    eosinophil and basophil with the relative number of

    erythroid precursors in the bone marrow

    The ratio is obtained by

    Count a minimal number of 200 cells

    at 100 X magnification

    N.V. (M:E ratio)

    2:1 4:1


    Infection = 6:1

    Leukemia = 25:1

    Bone Marrow cellularity

    Percentage of marrow space occupied by

    hematopoietic cells compared with fat


    Normocellular marrow

    Mature Adult:10% to 50% fat +

    40% to 60% hematopoiesis + z

    A child under elements under 2

    years of age:

    100% red marrow

  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1st

    semester, AY 2011-2012

  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1stsemester, AY 2011-2012

    Pronormoblast Earliest recognizable and largest cells of the erythrocytic series

    Medium-sized cell resembling myeloblast

    Nuclear chromatin is coarser than myeloblast and has strand like

    arrangement as cell ages

    Presence of nucleoli

    Presence of thin rim of deep blue homogenous cytoplasm Proerythroblast

    Delicate and finely granular

    Early (Basophilic)


    Nucleoli disappearance

    Chromatin has a definite coarse network or strand-like pattern

    Basophilic erythroblast

    Coarse and granular




    Reduction in the size of nucleus and cytoplasm

    Chromatin has become much coarser, forming dark chunks

    In the cytoplasm , the first traces of hemoglobin appear next to the

    nucleusPolychromatic erythroblast

    Condensed, loose, coarse, and

    wheel-spoke like

    Late (Acidophilic or



    Last nucleated stage

    Progression of hemoglobin formation/hemoglobin production is

    almost complete

    Disappearance of basophilic pattern

    Cytoplasm usually has dull copper appearance

    Shrinkage of nucleus to a dense blackish brown mass of chromatin

    materials (pyknotic degeneration) to finally break up, lost from the

    cell by extrusion

    Orthochromatic erythroblast

    Condensed; the chromatin

    network is hardly visible

    Reticulocytes Slightly larger than mature RBC with residual amount of RNA

    Loss of nuclei, leaving their cytoplasmic RNA contents

    Appear as a blue network inside the RBC (reticulo-)

    Continues to mature or be seen for one or two more days in

    peripheral blood

    Matured Erythrocytes


    Life span 120 days


    No nucleus or organelles


    A. Membrane

    B. Internal stroma

    C. Cell content (90% Hgb)


    Flexible and deformable

    (characteristics which allows red cells to pass through

    micro circulation)

    Normal erythrocyte

    Changes in the process of RBC maturation

    1. Progressive diminution in cell size

    2. Ripening of the cytoplasm

    3. Ripening of the nucleus

    For normal erythrocyte production,

    the following are required:

    1. Protein as a source of amino acids

    2. Iron

    3. Vitamin B 12

    4. Folic Acid

    5. Vitamin B 6

    6. Traces of metals ( cobalt, nickel)

    Maturation sequence of cells of the erythroid series

    (The sequence is basically the same in other series of blood cells.)

    The size of a cell decreases as it matures. The cytoplasm stains deep blue in immature cells because of the vigorous protein

    synthesis and abundance of ribosomes. It turns reddish due to protein (hemoglobin) production and less blue due to the decrease

    in ribosome amount. The size of the nucleus decreases more significantly than the cell. The nuclear chromatin structure is delicate

    in immature cells but becomes coarser as the cells mature. Immature cells have nucleoli which disappear as the cells mature.

  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1stsemester, AY 2011-2012

    Classification of Leukocytes

    Granulocytic Leukocytes Agranulocytic Leukocytes

    Neutrophils Lymphocytes

    Eosinophils Monocytes


    Differentiation (Granulocytic Series)

    Based on: Granules (cytoplasm)

    Granules Color Color

    Neutrophilic Small, irregular fine Pinkish

    Eosinophilic Coarse Reddish or red orange

    Basophilic Coarse Blue to black

    Morphological Characteristics

    Myelocytic Series:

    Myeloblasts Large nucleus

    Very uniform appearing light staining chromatin

    Presence of one or two nuclei

    Cytoplasm contain few azurophilic granules

    Promyelocytes Similar to blast cells but have variable number of

    cytoplasmic granules

    Myelocytes Nuclear chromatin is condensed

    No nucleolus

    Nucleus is round or oval with slight flattening alongone side

    Cytoplasm is mildly basophilic and is granular

    Metamyelocytes (Juveniles) Nucleus begins to indent

    Bands (Stabs) Nucleus becomes more and more indented

    (indentation more than its diameter)

    Chromatin becomes more and more condensed

    Cytoplasm becomes progressively less basophilic


    (Segmented Neutrophils or

    Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils)

    Nucleus has segmented into 2 or more lobes, each

    lobe is connected by thread-like filament to the

    next lobe

    Chromatin is dense and clumped

    Cytoplasm is slightly eosinophilic in color

  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1stsemester, AY 2011-2012

    Monocytic Series (MonoblastPromonocyteMonocyte)

    Monocytes Often confused with metamyelocytes or bands

    Larger than juveniles or bands

    Nuclear chromatin is less dense

    Nucleus has several pseudopods

    Cytoplasm light blue or light gray, irregular in shape,no granule

    Lymphocytic Series(LymphoblastProlymphocyteLymphocyte)

    Lymphocytes Mononuclear cells without specific cytoplasmic


    Nucleus sharply defined, generally round,

    sometimes indented on one side

    Chromatin dense and darkly staining

    Cytoplasm pale blue with Wrights stain, except with

    clear perinuclear zone

    Eosinophils Nucleus usually bilobed, rarely with more than 3


    Chromatin stain less deeply than neutrophil

    Cytoplasm - colorless but contains large round to

    oval acidophilic granules, appear bright red with


    Basophils Nucleus less segmented than neutrophil, usually

    indented or partially lobulated

    Cytoplasmic granules larger with strong affinity to

    basic stains, with mauve color using Wrights stain

    Normal Cellular Constituents of Adult Blood

  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1stsemester, AY 2011-2012

    5 Erythrocytic Disorders

    Erythrocytic Disorders

    I. Alteration in numbers

    1. in the numbers of red cells polycythemia vera


    in the number of red cells anemia

    II. Abnormality in RBC Morphology

    1. Size

    2. Shape

    3. Hemoglobin content and concentration

    4. Inclusions

    5. Immaturity

    Can be determined by doing CBC count


    Reduction in the concentration of Hgb or Hct level in

    the peripheral blood below the normal (lower limit of

    95% of reference interval for individual age, sex and

    geographical location [altitude])


    1. Impaired red cell production

    2. Blood loss

    3. Accelerated red cell destruction (hemolysis) in

    excess of the ability of bone marrow to replace

    these losses


    I. CBC

    - Expected Results

    - Hemoglobin- - Hematocrit -

    - RBCCount-

    II. Blood Indices

    - MCV - or or normal

    - MCH -

    - MCHC -

    I. Peripheral Smear

    - Size: anisocytosis (small/large RBC)

    - Shape: poikilocytosis

    - Hgbcontent: central pallor

    Anemia Panel1. CBC with indices

    2. Reticulocyte count

    3. Osmotic fragility test

    4. Sucrose hemolysis test

    5. Hams test

    6. Iron

    7. Total iron binding capacity

    8. Ferritin

    9. B12

    10. Folate

    11. Electrophoresis

    Anemia classification based on:

    Blood indices:

    1. MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume)

    2. MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin)

    3. MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin


    Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)

    Is the average volume of individual RBC

    Allows classification of cells into normocytic,

    macrocytic and microcytic

    MCV = __ HCT x_10__

    RBCs (x 1012


    NV = 87 5 cu microns (fl)

    (82 92 fL)

    Normocytic between 82-92 fL

    Peripheral smear:

    Microcytic less than 82 fL

    1. Iron deficiency anemia

    2. Secondary anemia

    Macrocytic more than 92 fL

    1. Vitamin B 12 deficiency

    2. Folic acid deficiency

    Macrocytes, anisocytosis and poikilosis

    Macrocytes (megalocytes) are oval. Since a hypersegmented

    neutrophil is also present, as shown by the arrow, the diagnosis

    is almost certainly megaloblastic anemia.


    Term refers to pathologic variation in cell size


    A few polychromatic erythrocytes are also observed. In the

    presence of hemolysis, such an appearance suggests

    hereditary (congenital) non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia.

    Red cell enzyme deficiencies, such as pyruvate kinase

    deficiency, or unstable hemoglobin disease should be


  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1stsemester, AY 2011-2012

    Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)

    Is the amount of Hgb by weight in an average RBC

    Allows classification of cells into normochromic,

    hypochromic and hyperchromic

    In newborn and macrocytic anemia

    - MCH is high

    In deficiency anemia,- MCH is low

    MCH = __Hgb gm% x 10__

    RBCs (x 1012


    NV = 27-31 ug (pg)

    Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)

    Is the concentration of hemoglobin in an average RBC

    If below normal, hypochromic

    Higher than normal concentration are not possible as

    normal RBC contains the maximum amount of Hgb Normochromic, within normal MCHC

    MCHC = __Hgb gm % x 100__


    NV = 33-38%

    Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) and

    Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)




    27 31 pg

    33 38%




    < 27 pg

    < 33%




    > 31 pg

    > 38%

    Conditions associated with changes in Hgb content

    Hypochromasia Decrease in Hgb concentration thus giving a

    central pallor to the red cells

    Central pallor exceed of diameter of red


    Seen in:

    a) Iron deficiency anemia

    b) Thalassemia

    Hypochromic microcytic red cells

    (leptocytes or planocytes)

    The bright central area is larger, while the cell is

    slightly smaller than normal. Anisocytosis is more

    conspicuous. Suspect iron deficiency anemia first.

    Anisochromasia Describes the morphology of red cells which

    stain unequally with only a proportion of the

    cells appearing hypochromic

    Seen in:

    a) After transfusion in iron

    deficiency anemia

    Hyperchromasia Unusual deep staining of the RBC

    No central pallor

    Is not related to oversaturation of the Hgb in

    the cell ( as indicated by the upper limit of

    the MCHC

    o Important aspect: assess the mean

    cell thickness

    e.g., spherocyte

    Polychromasia RBC takes a slightly basophilic hue having

    blue-gray coloration Presence of RNA which means RBCs

    delivered prematurely to circulation

    Seen in:

    a) Increased erythropoietic activity

    b) Hemorrhage

    c) Hemolysis

  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1stsemester, AY 2011-2012


    - variation in shape of the erythrocytes

    - increased poikilocytosis is indicative of abnormal erythropoiesis due to:

    o Bone marrow deficit (Vitamin B deficiency)

    o Abnormal erythrocyte destruction

    Marked microcytosis and poikilocytosis

    with macrocytes and microcytes

    Conditions associated with changes in erythrocyte shape

    Spherocytes Cells lose the biconcave disc shape and assume a spheroidal


    Defect in shape:

    - Lowest surface area to volume ratio

    - Loss of membrane function due to defect to Na pump

    leading to retention of Nathus increasing the

    osmolarity and attracting more water into the cells

    Morphological appearance:

    - Smaller in diameter that normal red blood cells with

    concentrated hemoglobin content

    - Appear smaller and very dense called hyperchromic


    Seen in:

    a) Hereditary spherocytosis

    b) Immune-induced hemolysis

    c) Post-transfusion


    (Crenated RBC)

    Morphological appearance

    - Have regular, smooth tipped projections all around the

    periphery of the cells


    - Depletion of ATP

    - Exposure to hypertonic solution

    - Artifact in air drying

    Seen in:

    - Very anemic patients

    - Uremia

    - Cirrhosis

    - Hepatitis

    - Chronic renal failure

    Acanthocytes Morphological appearance:

    - Spheroid with 3-12 irregular spike spicules



    Abnormally crenated erythrocytes caused bya. Increased ratio of cholesterol to lecithin

    Seen in:

    - Congenital or acquired abetalipoproteinemia

    - Hemolytic anemia

    - End stage liver disease

    - Pyruvate kinase deficiency

    Schistocytes Morphological appearance:

    - red cell fragments


    - Trapping of the RBC between violently opposed

    mechanical surfaces caused by

    a. fibrin


    altered blood vessel wallsc. prosthetic heart-valves

    Seen in:

    - Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

    - Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)

    - Burns

    - Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia

  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1stsemester, AY 2011-2012

    Ovalocytes Morphological appearance:

    - Egglike or oval shaped cell; wider than eliptocytes

    - mature red cells that assume an oval shape


    - Hgb has bipolar arrangement

    - Reduction in membrane cholesterol

    Seen in:

    - Megaloblastic bone marrow

    - Myelodysplasia

    - Sickle cell anemia

    Target cells Morphological appearance:

    - Abnormally thin cell resembling a target

    Seen in:

    - Thalassemia major

    - Obstructive jaundice

    - Hb SC disease

    - Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency

    Stomatocytes Morphological appearance:

    - Erythrocytes with a central stoma or mouth which

    appear as an unstained central biconcave area


    - Occurs as artifact of slow drying

    - Known to have increased permeability to sodium

    Seen in:


    Hereditary stomatocytosis- Acute alcoholism

    - Liver disease

    Sickle cells


    Morphological appearance:

    - Crescent shape cell that lacks zone of central pallor


    - Polymerization of deoxygenated hemoglobin

    Seen in:

    - Sickle cell anemia

    - Sickle cell disease

    - Sickle thalassemia


    Morphological appearance:- Teardrop or pearshape with single elongated point or tail


    - Squeezing and fragmentation of cells during spleeninc


    Seen in:

    - Myeloid metaplasia

    - Thalassemia

    - Megaloblastic anemia

    - Hypersplenism

    Elliptocytes Morphological appearance:

    - rod or cigar shape



    Polarization of hemoglobin

    Seen in:

    - Thalassemia

    - Iron deficiency anemia

    - Hereditary elliptocytism

  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1stsemester, AY 2011-2012

    Erythrocyte Inclusions



    Morphological appearance:

    - Fine or coarse gray-black granules in the red cells


    - Fine granules represent polychromasia(reticulocytes)

    - Coarse granules


    Represents impaired erythropoiesis Seen in:

    - Lead poisoning

    - Thalassemia

    - Heavy metals

    - Increased reticulocytosis



    Morphological appearance:

    - Coarse round densely stained 1-2 um granules

    eccentrically located on the periphery of membrane


    - Remnants of nuclear chromatin within the red cell

    containing DNA

    Seen in:

    - Megaloblastic anemia

    - Severe hemolytic process

    - Thalassemia

    - Accelerated erythropoisis

    Cabot rings Morphological appearance:

    - Red violet structures appearing as rings, incomplete rings

    or figure of eight


    - Remnants of microtubueles of mitotic spindle

    Seen in:

    - Severe anemia

    Siderocytes Morphological appearance


    Non-nucleated red cells containing bright blue non-hemoglobin iron granules


    - Excessive iron overloading in mitochondria of


    - Due to defective heme synthesis

    Seen in:

    - Hemolytic anemia and after splenectomy


    Young red cells that have matured enough to have

    lost their nuclei leaving their cytoplasmic RNA

    content, which are detected by supravital stain (Newmethylene blue)

    Anucleated cell containing small amount of

    basophilic reticulum(RNA)

    Is an index of bone activity or effective erythropoisis


    - Increased:

    Increased erythropoiesis as in blood loss

    - Decreased:

    Aplasia of bone marrow

    Reticulocyte in % = No. of reticulocytes counted x 100__

    1,000 RBC

    NV = 0.5 1.5% (5-15 x 10-3


    In Romanowski-stained smears, reticulocytes can be difficult to

    identify. They are polychromatic, staining slightly bluish. On

    supravital staining with New methylene blue, they can be

    identified as containing dark blue granular or retiform

    substances (the substantia reticulofilamentosa; RNA-possessingprotein-producing ribosomes degenerated during the stain, as

    shown by this smear. They are juvenile erythrocytes that have

    been produced in the bone marrow about two days before and

    have just entered into the peripheral blood. In normal blood, 1-

    2% of erythrocytes are reticulocytes. This smear from a patient

    with hemolytic anemia contains an increased number of

    reticulocytes. Reticulocytes become mature erythrocytes after

    one day in the peripheral blood.

  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1stsemester, AY 2011-2012

    Osmotic Fragility Test

    Reagent: 0.5% NaCl (hypotonic solution)


    Cells are suspended in a series of tubes containing hypotonic

    NaCl varying from 0.9% to 0.0%, incubated at roomtemperature for 30 mins and centrifuged. The % of hemolysis

    in the supernatant solution is observed and measured for each

    NaCl concentration


    Cells that are more spherical, with a decreased

    surface/volume ratio, have a limited capacity to expand in

    hypotonic solution and lyzed at higher concentration than

    normal cells and are said to have increased O.F. It is increased

    in hemolytic spherocytosis.

    Sucrose Hemolysis Test


    Used to diagnose PNH, hypoplastic and megaloblastic anemia


    Isotonic sucrose solution provides a medium of low ionic

    strength which promotes binding of complement to red cells.

    In PNH, a portion of red cells is abnormally sensitive to

    complement-mediated lysis


    Patients washed RBC are mixed with sucrose, incubate for 30mins, centrifuged and observed for hemolysis. Make also a

    control using NSS with patients blood the control tube

    should be negative

    Hams Test (Acidified Serum Test)


    For definitive diagnosis of paroxysmal nocturnal

    hemoglobinuria (PNH)


    In acidified serum, complement is activated by alternatepathway, binds to RBC and lyses the PNH cells which are

    unusually susceptible to complement.


    The washed RBC are mixed with ABO compatible normal

    serum (fresh) and acidified, after an hour incubation at 37C,

    the PNH cells are lysed



    It is essential to living organisms for cellular oxidationmechanism and transport of oxygen to tissues

    Methods of Determining Values

    Based on the principle that when pH is decreased in serum,

    iron is released from transferrin, Fe3to Fe2and complexes

    Diurnal variation demonstrates normal values in the

    morning, decreasing in the afternoon

    Patient preparation: morning specimen (red top)

    NV = 0.5-17 ug/dl


    Decreased iron values are observed in menstrual cycle,

    pregnancy, inflammation, MI, malignancy, and iron deficiency


    Increased iron values are seen in hepatitis, oral contraceptive

    usage and increased ingestion

    Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)

    Transferrin is usually measured indirectly by the amount of

    iron that it can bind , this is the TIBC

    % saturation of TIBC is the ratio of serum iron to TIBC

    Cobalamine (Vit B12)

    Vitamin B 12 is the only vitamin exclusively

    synthesized by microorganisms

    Stored in the liver, released by digestion of proteins

    by animal origin and is then bound by gastric

    intrinsic factor

    Absorbed cobalamine is delivered to the liver,hemopoietic cells and other dividing cells

    NV = 200-900 ng/L (pg/ml)

    Cobalamine deficiency due to:

    1. Inadequate intake (vegetable)

    2. Defective production of intrinsic factor


    3. Pernicious anemia ( failure of gastric mucosa to

    secrete intrinsic factor)

    4. Defective absorption (tapeworm infestation)

    Deficiency results in megaloblastic anemia

    Diagnostic Procedures

    Serum cobalamine assay

    Therapeutic trial

    Urinary methyl maloric assay

    Deoxyuridine suppression test

    Laboratory Findings (cobalamine deficiency):

    1. Macrocytosis

    2. Presence of hyperlobulated neutrophils (5-6 lobes in

    more than 5% neutrophils)

    3. High MCV


    Reticulocyte and NRBC elevated5. Vitamin B 12 decreased

    In pernicious anemia, there is decreased cobalamine

    intrinsic factor and megaloblastic anemia


    Absorbed iron becomes attached to plasma protein.

    Excess iron combines with the protein apoferritin to

    form ferritin, these are stored form of iron in the

    liver, bone marrow and spleen

    If the amount of apoferritin is insufficient to bind the

    remaining iron, it is deposited in the tissues as iron

    oxide granules called hemosiderin

    Seen in:

    BTR iron overload (excess blood transfussion or

    overloading) used as in thalassemia.

    Check diagnosis by requesting ferritin

    NV = 12-300 ug/L (adult)

    1-142 ug/L (infant)

  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1stsemester, AY 2011-2012

    Folic Acid (Pteroyl Monoglutamic Acid)

    Sources: food like eggs, milk, leafy vegetables,

    yeast, liver, fruits,

    Formation: intestine absorbed in the jejunum

    plasma cells tissue for utilization

    NV = 5-21 ng/ml

    Laboratory Findings:

    Cobalamine deficiency are also seen in folate

    deficiency except in leukopenia and


    Seen also in pernicious anemia

    Folic Acid Deficiency Due to:

    1. Inadequate intake of folic acid

    2. Increased demands as in pregnancy, infancy,

    infection or hemolytic anemia, liver disease

    associated with alcoholism


    Defective absorption as in malabsorption syndrome

    To diagnose deficiency thru laboratory methods needed are:

    1. Serum folic acid

    2. Serum folate

    3. Red cell folate

    Evaluation of Hemolytic Anemia

    Hematology Testing

    CBC: check for spherocytes, sickle cells, target cells,

    evidence of infection or leukemias, malarial

    parasites Reticulocyte count: increased production of RBCs

    Urine Testing



    Urine hemosiderin

    Special Testing

    Plasma hemoglobin

    Bilirubin fractionation (direct, indirect)

    Direct antiglobulin test (DAT)

    If hereditary or congenital anemia is suspected

    Osmotic fragility

    Autohemolysis test


    Glutathione stability

    Hemoglobin electrophoresis and hemoglobin F

    Heinz body stain

    Suggested testing if autoimmune process is suspected:

    Direct and indirect coombs test using polyvalent IgG

    and C sera

    Cold agglutinins and hemolysis Antibody elutions from patients cells

    Donath-Landsteiner test for paroxysmal cold


    Hams test, sucrose hemolysis test for PNH

    Serum protein electrophoresis and

    immunoelectrophoresis or immunofixation

    Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) or venereal disease

    research laboratory (VDRL) test to rule out syphilis



    The Paragon Hemoglobin Electrophoresis kit is

    intended for electrophoretic separation of human

    hemoglobins to screen for clinically important Hgb


    Alkaline hemoglobin electrophoresis on agarose gelis used as a screening procedure for Hgb A, F, S and


    The principle of electrophoresis is based upon the

    fact that hemoglobins, when placed in an electrical

    field will migrate toward one of the electrode poles.

    There is an electrophoretic separation of

    hemoglobins in alkaline buffered agarose gel. After

    electrophoresis, the hemoglobins in the gel are

    immobilized in a fixative solution and the gel is dried

    to a film. The Hgb pattern is visualized by staining

    the film with a protein specific stain. This pattern

    may be visually interpreted or quantitated bydensitometry.

    Hematology Reference Values

    Test Adult





    (1-3 days)



    White Blood Cell

    (WBC) (x103/ul)

    3.9 -


    3.5 - 11 19 - 22 10.6 -


    Red Blood Cell

    (RBC) (x106/ul)

    4.4 -


    3.8 - 5.2 4.7 - 6.1 3.5 -


    Hemoglobin (Hb)(g/dL)

    13.3 -17.7

    11.7 -15.7

    16.5 - 21.5 9.6 -15.6

    Hematocrit (Hct)


    40 -


    35 - 47 48 - 68 34 -


    Mean Cell

    Volume (MCV)


    80 -


    80 - 100 95 - 125 76 -


    Mean Cell


    (MCH) (pg)

    27 -


    27 - 34 30 - 42 23 -


    Mean Cell



    (MCHC) (g/dL)

    31 -


    31 - 36 30 - 42 23-31

    Red Cell


    Width (RDW) (%)

    11.5 -


    11.5 -


    11.5 - 14.5 11.5 -


    Platelet (x103/ul) 150 -


    150 -


    150 - 400 150 -


    Mean Platelet

    Volume (MPV)


    7.4 -


    7.4 -


    7.4 - 10.4 7.4 -


    Band (%) 0 - 5 0 - 5 4 - 14 0 - 5

    Neutrophil (%) 54 -


    55 - 62 37 - 67 30 -


    Lymphocyte (%) 20 -


    20 - 40 18 - 38 29 -


    Monocyte (%) 4 - 10 4 - 10 1 - 2 2 - 11

    Eosinophil (%) 1 - 3 1 - 3 1- 4 1 - 4

    Basophil (%) 0 - 1 0 - 1 0 - 1 0 - 1

  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1st

    semester, AY 2011-2012

    Quick Reference to Erythrocyte Disorders

    AnemiaDecreased RBCDecreased HgbDecreased HCT


    Decreased MCVDecreased MCHC

    Serum iron


    BM stores

    Low ID

    High CD


    Hgb electrophoresis

    Thalassemia minorAFNA2


    Thassemia major


  • 7/23/2019 03 - Hematopoiesis, - Erythrocytic Disorders


    [email protected] || 1stsemester, AY 2011-2012