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p. ur ' $ \m\ m The Anchor ii ^ Volume XXXV M. 0. L. CONTEST FRIDAY MARCH 2 HILLSDALE COLEGE TO EN- TERTAIN ENTERTAINMENT AND AFTER- NOON TEA PLANNED FOR ALL WHO ATTEND Hope's Representatives in the Race for First Places Another day or two and Hope's orators will be on the march to Hills- dale to compete in the M. 0. L. Con- test. Our representatives are full of pep and they are going with a deter- mination to win. "Nothing short of the highest honors for our Alma Mater" is their motto. Let us too, accept this motto and back our ora- tors with that spirit which is typical of Hope. With an oration of undoubted pow- er and specific directness, Nelle Kole will represent Hope in the M. 0. L. Contest next Friday afternoon. Coach- ed consistently by Dr. Nykerk, ac- companied by her friends, supported by the student body, we believe she will represent us in the Spirt of Hope, that she will be a credit to her coach and her school, and a compliment to her opponents. Dr. Nykerk has said of her, "There is every reason to believe that Miss Kole will be one of the strongest candidates for first honors Hope Col- lege ever had. We may well be proud of what she has done and of what she will do. Her delivery and address have improved greatly since last year. Her stage presence is re- markable and she has done thorough and excellent work. Most important of all, whatever she may say, she says from the depths of her convic- tion." Nelle, you know, comes from Fre- mont. In 'her Freshman year at high school she placed a second, in her Sophomore year, she placed a first in declamation, and in her Junior year she placed first in oratory. The same has happened during her col- lege course. She placed second as a Freshman, first as a Sophomore, and now, in her Junior year, the first place in the state contest is due. History will again repeat itself, as someone has facetiously remarked. "If work makes for success. Si will win," Nelle said of her colleague. That is Hie spirit in which both our orators are entering the contest this year. They leave Thursday to fight a battle royal. We place our stand- ard, once again, in our orators' hands, believing that the Orange and Blue will wave the more proudly in the contest because of the noble standard bearers. J "Secret Service" a Great Success. The booming of cannon, the clear bugle call, the measured tramp of the boys in gray, all carried us back to the days of '65. For three successive nights Hope's dramatic talent managed to create a most ef- fective amosphere for one of tho best plays yet presented on the Carnegie platform. We were trans- ported to gay old Virginia, not so gay now with the war-clouds above it, and lived thru tense moments while we say unraveled the age-old story of the strain and pathos that come when love and honor clash. "Secret Service" is a strong play in itself, and the large caste inter- preted it in a most acceptable fashion. There is action and com- pelling interest from the moment that the curtain rises. The Varney family in old Richmond is in the very midst of the tragedy of war. Young Varney begs to join his comrades on the firing-line, whilo charming Edith is showing a well warranted interest in the fortunes of a certain Captain Thorne. Just before the last farewells, the Con- federate Secret Service agent, Ben- ton Arrelsford throws the househoU into confusion by charging young Thorne with being a Northern spy. There are gripping moments and masterly acting thruout. Young Varney kisses his Mother farewell and proudly answers the call to arms. In the struggle sc^n* Thome's brother, escaped from Lib- hy prison, wounds Himself rather (Oontinued on Page 2) HOPE COLLEGE, Holland, Michigan, Feb. 28, 1923 Number 18 HOPE TO MEET MICH. CITY "Y" Two Fast and Interesting Home Games in Store for Hopeites This Week ANCHOR STAFF NOMINATIONS On Friday night March 2, the Hope team will meet the strong Michigan City Y. M. C. A. team, who defeated them earlier in the season by a 34 to 28 score. This team, playing some of the best teams in the west, has won 15 out of 19 games played this season. The game Friday night is sure to be one of the hardest fought battles on the college court this year. NOTICE, The Hope—Grand Rapids "Y" game which was to take place to- night, has been called off, due to a misunderstanding of the two man- agers regarding the date. No game tonight. mA r" k NELLIE KOLE. Mr. Simon Heemstra of Monroe, South Dakota, will represent Hope in the men's contest. "Si" has always been keenly interested in oratory and debating. While still a Sophomore in Monroe High School "Si" competed successfully in three oratorical con- tests. He took second place in the state contest and was offered a schol- arship at Yankton College. He knew, however, that his ambitions for ora- tory would never be satisfied if he went to Yankton. Hope's enviable record in Oratory and Debating at- tracted him. Mr. Heemstra spent the last two years of his secondary train- ing at the Academy at Orange City, Iowa. Here, too, he won distinctions in forensic. In-his Junior year he was a member of the Academy de- bating team. During the same year he captured first place in the declam- atory contest. In his Senior year he walked away with (first honors in oratory. At Hope again "Si" start- ed out with the ambition to become a members of the college debating team and the greater ambition of be- coming college orator. In his Fresh- man year he took third place iiL the Raven Contest. • As a Sophomore he won in that contest and became col- lege orator for this year. He also succeeded in winning a place on the College Debating Tam and helped to uphold Hope's honors against Alma last Friday night, when Hope's team downed Alma by a 2 to 1 count. Mr. Heemstra is characterized, as one rf those men who, with an ideal before them, never grow weary until 'he ideal has been attained. Such is his spirit for the coming contest. Dr. Mykeik is much enthused over the sue ess of "Si's" training. Are we as enthusiastic as our representatives and their coach? Let's show our pep and make Glory Day a reality! "We can win if we will"—Coue The Michigan City aggregation has in Tom Estes a forward who stars despite the fact that he is a cripple. This game will probably be the last home game of the season. Every- body out with the old Hope pep. Tom Estes, tho a cripple having one leg badly shortened, is a star forward of the Michigan City_Y. M. C. A., who play here Friday night. Be- sides being a great basketball player he is city champion tennis player, a wonderful swimmer, an excellent base-ball player and has cleared the bar for 5ft. 3% inches in the high jump. o Y. W. C. A. —o—*• Wednesday afternoon the girls again met in the reception room of the dormitory to spend an hour with each other. And a pleasant and inspirational hour it is indeed! Mar- garet Trompen and Cornelia Osse- waarde led on the subject "The Mount of Vision". They showed us the difference in the lives of those men and women who have a vision and those who have not. All through the ages, those men who have ibecome great, have had some vision before them. If we wish to attain to any degree of greatness; if we wish to make our lives count for something, we, too, must have a vision, a vision of Christ, who died on the cross for us. Let us begin now and have that vision of Christ before us always, so that we may give it to others, that they, too, may enjoy - a greater happiness and k greater joy in life. Once more the time has come when all College organizations are busily planning the best way in which to hand the reins of govern- ment over to a new administration. Election time is a very important period, indeed ( f if you realize what it means. The success of "The Anchor" and the policy of the paper for the ensuing year depends upon the members of the Staff which you will # put into office. Society pride and prejudice cannot be taken into account. Put into of- fice the person who is most capable, not the one who is the most popular. The 'list of nominees will be posted on the bulletin boards for two weeks, and will also be pub- lished in "The Anchor". That will give the student body a good op-* portunity to look over the can- didates and to decide whom they want to represent them next year. "The Anchor" goes all over the World, as the mailing list will show. Therefore we .must have our best talent and the true Hope Spirit represented in it. Think carefully and choose wisely. Ancbor Staff Nominations. Editor-in-Chief. Jack Prins . John De Maagd Leonard De Moor Associate Editors (elect 2) Winifred Zwemer Mabel Van Dyke Oliver Veneklaasen John Dethmers Campus News Jean Kuyper Nella Den Herder Exchange Jeanette Top Mary Siegers Alumni News Marie Kruyf Isla Pruim Jokes Josh Hoogenboom "Peeps" Whelan Business Manager Simon Heemstra Jack Vermeulen Circulation Manager . Jack Peelen Harold Wierks Athletics Marinus iloffs Gerrit Wesselink Prep Editor Adrian Ter Lauwe John Kuypers Jeanette Smith HOPE DEBATERS CLASH WITH ALMA Hope Wins Second Place In Western Triangular Debating Circle by Defeating Alma By a Two To One Decision Much Spirit Shown In Argument and Rebuttal Tharks to the Dramat'c Club, the Supplement is coming. Are you go- ing to help pay for it by buying a copy? ANCHOR BULLETIN BOARD Feb. 28—Wednesday. 7:00-8:00—Oratorio Practise. March 1—Thursday. 5:00-6:00—Y. W. Meeting led by Winifred Zwemer. Orchestra goes to Grand Haven. March 2—Friday. 4:45-6:00—Orchestra Practise. 5:00-6:00—Student Volunteer Meet- ing. 5:00-6:00-y-Home Volunteer Meet- ' ing. State Oratorical Contest at Hills- dale. Basketball—Hope vs. Michigan City "Y" here. March 3—Saturday. 10:00-10:30—Chorus Practise. March 5—Monday. 5:00-6:00—Y. M. & Y. W. Cabinet Meetings. March 6—Tuesday. "i ' 4:00-5:00—Chorus Practise. Lecture Course Number—"Friendly Enemies" by a New York Comp- any. March 7—Wednesday, "Cappy Ricks"—New York Com- pany. Friday evening, Feb. 23, one of Hope's debating teams, composed of Simon Heemstra, Jerry De Vries and Harvey De Weerd upholding the affirmative side of the question, "Resolved that the United States, should immediately enter the League of Nations" met and outpointed the strong team of the negative from Alma, represented by Ronald Hnrris, Stuart Pratt and Russell Wilson. Hope expected strong opposition and was not disappointed as the two to one decision shows. Alma's men came over with the sting of last year's defeat still rankling in their memories. They had planned to win —but in vain. Alma had three men who under- stood the question and who earnest- ly endeavored to convince the audience and judges that their argu- ments were sound and true. They were very pleasing in both manner and appearance. Our men acquitted themselves well in both constructive argument and rebuttal. Heemstra, in opening the debate, outlined the question in a concise and forceful manner. His points of contention were well taken. De Vries, as second speaker in the affirmative and as last speaker in the rebuttal, carred the part of the debate successfully. De Weerd was before us, not only to convince but also to please. He upset his opponents and caused the audience to have attentive ears, by his harm- less sarcasm and ready wit. His arguments were strong and clear cut. The judges of the„ debate were Mr. (Hawley of Zeeland, Mr. Ponity of Allegan, and Mr. Weis of Kala- mazoo. Prof. Egbert Winter, head of the department of Education, acted as chairman of the evening. Our men are much encouraged and now feel that the weeks of hard work they have put in have not been spent uselessly. . The attendance was good but it should have been better. Let's not forget our ^debaters and orators. Give them the support they deserve. Hope has always held high its ban- ner of literary prowers, shall we let it be lowered?—By no means! SIMON HEEMSTRA
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: 02-28-1923


u r ' $

\m\ m The Anchor i i ^ Volume XXXV





Hope's Representatives in the Race for First Places

Another day or two and Hope's orators will be on the march to Hills-dale to compete in the M. 0 . L. Con-test. Our representatives are full of pep and they are going with a deter-

• mination to win. "Nothing short of the highest honors for our Alma Mater" is their motto. Let us too, accept this motto and back our ora-tors with that spirit which is typical of Hope.

With an oration of undoubted pow-er and specific directness, Nelle Kole will represent Hope in the M. 0 . L. Contest next Friday afternoon. Coach-ed consistently by Dr. Nykerk, ac-companied by her friends, supported by the student body, we believe she will represent us in the Spirt of Hope, that she will be a credit to her coach and her school, and a compliment to her opponents.

Dr. Nykerk has said of her, "There is every reason to believe that Miss Kole will be one of the strongest candidates for first honors Hope Col-lege ever had. We may well be proud of what she has done and of what she will do. Her delivery and address have improved greatly since last year. Her stage presence is re-markable and she has done thorough and excellent work. Most important of all, whatever she may say, she says from the depths of her convic-tion."

Nelle, you know, comes from Fre-mont. In 'her Freshman year a t high school she placed a second, in her Sophomore year, she placed a first in declamation, and in her Junior year she placed first in oratory. The same has happened during her col-lege course. She placed second as a Freshman, first as a Sophomore, and now, in her Junior year, the first place in the state contest is due. History will again repeat itself, as someone has facetiously remarked.

"If work makes for success. Si will win," Nelle said of her colleague. That is Hie spirit in which both our orators are entering the contest this year. They leave Thursday to fight a battle royal. We place our stand-ard, once again, in our orators' hands, believing that the Orange and Blue will wave the more proudly in the contest because of the noble standard bearers.


"Secret Service" a Great Success.

The booming of cannon, the clear bugle call, the measured tramp of the boys in gray, all carried us back to the days of '65. For three successive nights Hope's dramatic talent managed to create a most ef-fective amosphere for one of tho best plays yet presented on the Carnegie platform. We were trans-ported to gay old Virginia, not so gay now with the war-clouds above it, and lived thru tense moments while we say unraveled the age-old story of the strain and pathos that come when love and honor clash.

"Secret Service" is a strong play in itself, and the large caste inter-preted it in a most acceptable fashion. There is action and com-pelling interest from the moment that the curtain rises. The Varney family in old Richmond is in the very midst of the tragedy of war. Young Varney begs to join his comrades on the firing-line, whilo charming Edith is showing a well warranted interest in the fortunes of a certain Captain Thorne. Jus t before the last farewells, the Con-federate Secret Service agent, Ben-ton Arrelsford throws the househoU into confusion by charging young Thorne with being a Northern spy. There are gripping moments and masterly acting thruout. Young Varney kisses his Mother farewell and proudly answers the call to arms. In the struggle sc^n* Thome's brother, escaped from Lib-hy prison, wounds Himself rather

(Oontinued on Page 2)

HOPE COLLEGE, Holland, Michigan, Feb . 28, 1923 N u m b e r 18


Two Fas t and Interesting Home Games in Store for Hopeites

This Week


On Friday night March 2, the Hope team will meet the strong Michigan City Y. M. C. A. team, who defeated them earlier in the season by a 34 to 28 score. This team, playing some of the best teams in the west, has won 15 out of 19 games played this season. The game Friday night is sure to be one of the hardest fought battles on the college court this year.


The Hope—Grand Rapids "Y" game which was to take place to-night, has been called off, due to a misunderstanding of the two man-agers regarding the date. No game tonight.

mA r " k


Mr. Simon Heemstra of Monroe, South Dakota, will represent Hope in the men's contest. "Si" has always been keenly interested in oratory and debating. While still a Sophomore in Monroe High School "Si" competed successfully in three oratorical con-tests. He took second place in the state contest and was offered a schol-arship at Yankton College. He knew, however, that his ambitions for ora-tory would never be satisfied if he went to Yankton. Hope's enviable record in Oratory and Debating at-tracted him. Mr. Heemstra spent the last two years of his secondary train-ing at the Academy at Orange City, Iowa. Here, too, he won distinctions in forensic. In-his Junior year he was a member of the Academy de-bating team. During the same year he captured first place in the declam-atory contest. In his Senior year he walked away with (first honors in oratory. At Hope again "Si" start-ed out with the ambition to become a members of the college debating team and the greater ambition of be-coming college orator. In his Fresh-man year he took third place iiL the Raven Contest. • As a Sophomore he won in that contest and became col-lege orator for this year. He also succeeded in winning a place on the College Debating Tam and helped to uphold Hope's honors against Alma last Friday night, when Hope's team downed Alma by a 2 to 1 count.

Mr. Heemstra is characterized, as one rf those men who, with an ideal before them, never grow weary until 'he ideal has been attained. Such is his spirit for the coming contest. Dr. Mykeik is much enthused over the sue ess of "Si's" training. Are we as enthusiastic as our representatives and their coach? Let's show our pep and make Glory Day a reality! "We can win if we will"—Coue

The Michigan City aggregation has in Tom Estes a forward who stars despite the fact that he is a cripple.

This game will probably be the last home game of the season. Every-body out with the old Hope pep.

Tom Estes, tho a cripple having one leg badly shortened, is a s tar forward of the Michigan City_Y. M. C. A., who play here Friday night. Be-sides being a great basketball player he is city champion tennis player, a wonderful swimmer, an excellent base-ball player and has cleared the bar for 5ft . 3% inches in the high jump.

o Y. W. C. A.

—o—*• Wednesday afternoon the girls

again met in the reception room of the dormitory to spend an hour with each other. And a pleasant and inspirational hour it is indeed! Mar-garet Trompen and Cornelia Osse-waarde led on the subject "The Mount of Vision". They showed us the difference in the lives of those men and women who have a vision and those who have not. All through the ages, those men who have ibecome great, have had some vision before them. If we wish to attain to any degree of greatness; if we wish to make our lives count for something, we, too, must have a vision, a vision of Christ, who died on the cross for us. Let us begin now and have that vision of Christ before us always, so that we may give it to others, that they, too, may enjoy - a greater happiness and k greater joy in life.

Once more the time has come when all College organizations are busily planning the best way in which to hand the reins of govern-ment over to a new administration. Election time is a very important period, indeed(f if you realize what it means. The success of "The Anchor" and the policy of the paper for the ensuing year depends upon the members of the Staff which you will # put into office. Society pride and prejudice cannot be taken into account. Put into of-fice the person who is most capable, not the one who is the most popular.

The 'list of nominees will be posted on the bulletin boards for two weeks, and will also be pub-lished in "The Anchor". That will give the student body a good op-* portunity to look over the can-didates and to decide whom they want to represent them next year. "The Anchor" goes all over the World, as the mailing list will show. Therefore we .must have our best talent and the true Hope Spirit represented in it. Think carefully and choose wisely.

Ancbor Staff Nominations. Editor-in-Chief.

Jack Prins . John De Maagd Leonard De Moor

Associate Editors (elect 2) Winifred Zwemer Mabel Van Dyke Oliver Veneklaasen John Dethmers

Campus News Jean Kuyper Nella Den Herder

Exchange Jeanette Top Mary Siegers

Alumni News Marie Kruyf Isla Pruim

Jokes Josh Hoogenboom "Peeps" Whelan

Business Manager Simon Heemstra Jack Vermeulen

Circulation Manager . Jack Peelen Harold Wierks

Athletics Marinus iloffs Gerrit Wesselink

Prep Editor Adrian Ter Lauwe John Kuypers Jeanette Smith


Hope Wins Second Place In Western Triangular Debating Circle by

Defeating Alma By a Two To One Decision

Much Spirit Shown In Argument and Rebuttal

Tharks to the Dramat'c Club, the Supplement is coming. Are you go-ing to help pay fo r it by buying a copy?


Feb. 28—Wednesday. 7:00-8:00—Oratorio Practise.

March 1—Thursday. 5:00-6:00—Y. W. Meeting led by

Winifred Zwemer. Orchestra goes to Grand Haven.

March 2—Friday. 4:45-6:00—Orchestra Practise. 5:00-6:00—Student Volunteer Meet-

ing. 5:00-6:00-y-Home Volunteer Meet-' ing.

State Oratorical Contest a t Hills-dale.

Basketball—Hope vs. Michigan City "Y" here.

March 3—Saturday. 10:00-10:30—Chorus Practise.

March 5—Monday. 5:00-6:00—Y. M. & Y. W. Cabinet


March 6—Tuesday. "i ' 4:00-5:00—Chorus Practise. Lecture Course Number—"Friendly

Enemies" by a New York Comp-any.

March 7—Wednesday, "Cappy Ricks"—New York Com-


Friday evening, Feb. 23, one of Hope's debating teams, composed of Simon Heemstra, Jer ry De Vries and Harvey De Weerd upholding the affirmative side of the question, "Resolved that the United States, should immediately enter the League of Nations" met and outpointed the strong team of the negative from Alma, represented by Ronald Hnrris, Stuart Pra t t and Russell Wilson.

Hope expected strong opposition and was not disappointed as the two to one decision shows. Alma's men came over with the sting of last year's defeat still rankling in their memories. They had planned to win —but in vain.

Alma had three men who under-stood the question and who earnest-ly endeavored to convince the audience and judges that their argu-ments were sound and true. They were very pleasing in both manner and appearance.

Our men acquitted themselves well in both constructive argument and rebuttal. Heemstra, in opening the debate, outlined the question in a concise and forceful manner. His points of contention were well

taken. De Vries, as second speaker in the affirmative and as last speaker in the rebuttal, carred the part of the debate successfully. De Weerd was before us, not only to convince but also to please. He upset his opponents and caused the audience to have attentive ears, by his harm-less sarcasm and ready wit. His arguments were strong and clear cut.

The judges of the„ debate were Mr. (Hawley of Zeeland, Mr. Ponity of Allegan, and Mr. Weis of Kala-mazoo. •

Prof. Egbert Winter, head of the department of Education, acted as chairman of the evening.

Our men are much encouraged and now feel that the weeks of hard work they have put in have not been spent uselessly.

. The attendance was good but it should have been better. Let's not forget our ^debaters and orators. Give them the support they deserve. Hope has always held high its ban-ner of literary prowers, shall we let it be lowered?—By no means!


Page 2: 02-28-1923

P a g e F o u r - i n j c i i i n u j u v * .

®l|f Anrljnr P i b l i i h i d ev«ry W e d n e i d a j dur ing th« Ool-

lege year by i t uden t a of Hope Oollefe.


more comfortable. played the tune so badly, i t was not Some people dread an ent ry into the

0 ^ m e " 2 e r " T e whole world be- distinguishable f rom "America." or Campus News and others f e a r the en-n ^ to the man who THINKS. it was played so well there was a circling: of the Campus Noose For

• ^ W b . '22. r ising vote of thanks, or Holland has the benefit and joy of the la t te r we

M. 0 . L. a g rea t need fo r

Fr iday of this week will see our Memory Contest.

representat ives in the Oratorical ) 0 .

Dm W. De Or»ft Editor-in OiiUf c o n t e s t , Nell Kole and Simon Heem- Prexy s pre-chapei . , Joan vander 8p.k As.ociat. Editor e t h e r w i t h D r , N y k e r k a n d , conducive to a good re l ig ious a tmo- g i r l s will back up t h e radio movemen t

Harold Damrtra A«»ocUt« Editor ; ^ r e a t n u m t , e r 0f loyal sphere as yelling class yells " " f k

the Musical would say tha t the three date en-gagement system is a thing of the past . The men have decided to broad-

talks a re as cast their bids. Needless to say, the

The Students Barber CASPER BELT

Below Hotel Holland

— - ~ 1 " we hope, a grea t number oi loyai w l t h a 1 1 t h e i r m l g h t -B U t h P # n ' g r 0 m 7 ^ * r supporters in Hillsdale. Our ora tor . Pearl Paalman Campus News ^ ^ w j n "The worst of it is, says

Kole Exchange ^ ^ t h e m t h e Nykerk, t h a t it is T h r e e o'clock in room" was the motto of the dormi-

Swantina De Young Ainmni , * nnrt T h e o r a t o r s to- the Morning" all over the country tory last week. Besides week-end Van Lente Athletics oes t oi suppo .

Dr. "The biggest room is the guest

H r e % . V W e e ^ . ; : : : ; ; : : ; : V . A t U j X ge the r 1 w i t h ' D r N y k e r k T a v e 8 been all the t ime." We quite agree w t h guests were those who came to see verv hard a t work fo r a long time in him tha t it is unfor tunate t h a t the "Secret Service." We were even

Saxophone resembles an instrument honored by the mothers and fa the r s used in the smoking of tobacco. of two of our s ta rs , ' "Midge" De

BUSINESS DEPARTMENT . , , Jerry De Vries Business Managei preparat ion fo r the oncoming con William Zoerner Circulation Manager

Terms $1.60 per year in adTance Single Copies FWe Cents

Accepted for Mailing a t Special R a t e of postage provided for in Section 1108, Act of October. 1917. a ' l thor i ied October 18. 1918.


test . They have shown the dentry t ha t they are doing best . Do we appreciate their work?

Now the challenge comes to tho

—o— - Young and Jane t Bouma. We are told by a wai ter a t Voor- —o—

hees Dormitory tha t the girls who With two ' big basketball games,

stud e n t r y " "How are we going to complain the most are, in every society meetings, the Orchestra Con-sunnort our o ra to r s?" Thursday case, those who come f r o m the least cer t in Grand Haven, and the Orator-niieht a mass meeting will be held part icular of homes. When asked if ical Contest a t Hillsdale,—and classes, to create enthusiasm fo r the contest there were any complaints he said, Hopeites are having a s trenuous

week. And then some people say, "Do all your outside reading and re-search work while in college when you have so much leisure t ime."

Holland City State Bank


Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $85,000.00

A o/Interest paid on Time T / O Deposits Con,pS^*inilu.llr



We college students are successful in nothing quite as much as in th is : We do not THINK. And why should

to show the orators t ha t we are behind them. Here is your chance to help Hope win the M. O L. honors again. Be out to the mass meeting. Help inspire confidence

into our representatives. Do your

part .


"of course not."

At present the Dormitory is divided between the "coffees" and the "cocoas". But now tha t Mrs.

Diirfee has laid down a "catagorical y / e a r e j u s t about "s tumped" to imperative" there is liable to be a know what we are going to do with shif t ing of position.

Dr. Dimnent favors the formation of a Batchelor's Society upon the

—o— We heard tha t there was an extra

"act" in "Secret Service" on the las t night.

One Freshman was told tha t he

.aVV x* You and I are units of the social c u g

we? Our text-toooks have all of fabric t ha t constitutes the world. the fac t s stated in understandable What you and I accept as a basis English. Our professors give us determines the value of the entire the interpretation of the facts,—and equation. You and I belong to Hope what more is there to do? College and we have a share in de-

Well, fo r the unthinking person termining i t s position in the world.

there is nothing else to do but to re- Do we fu l ly comprehend our re- w a 7 ^ edu7 a t i o"M

peat these things over and over sponsibihty or do we l e t George i f h e ^ n o t t a k e o u t a ^ N o w

very much like a parrot . There is bear the grea ter share of the bur- a s w e o b s e r v e > h e i g c o n . a lways the possibility tha t a t some den? Do we loyally support the m- ^ ^ ^ ^ h e

t ime or another we may cackle for th terests of the college. Often . the r ight word. One day not so long hear, "Oh, I don't care about t t a * ^ ago a parrot cried 'Fi re ' when there oratorical contest. I haven' t any-really was fire.. But tha t was not thing to do with i t anyway." You his faul t . aren ' t the president of the nation

The man who is successful in busi- nor are you one of his cabinet mem-nrss is the man who THINKS. H3 bers, but does that prevent you f rom


the s tumps now appearing in the sunken gardens. Do you suppose it is a conspiracy on the pa r t of the Juniors to obtain picnic tables fo r the Junior-Senior Banquet? No ma t t e r what the object is, we hate to see the old pines fall . To see the sun r is ing each morning behind a grove of pines is enough inspiration fo r any hard day a t school.

Amy Ruth Zwemer entertained the A. D. D.'s with a tea a t her home last Friday afternoon.





S. Sprietsma & Son, HOLLAND, MICH.



is the place to go if you want service. Three experi-

enced barbers .

Y. M. C. A.

Dr. Clarence Holleman, 1914, lo-cated at Leng-na, one of our inland

The weekly meeting of the Y. M. stat ions in China, contracted a case of

thinks differently than other folks, being interetsed in the welfare of J . A was he'd Tuesday evening un- blood-poisoning which necessitated a

H" thinks originally about a scheme your count ry? Others say, "No, I'm ^ I r ^ d L i f ? - i . _ f of advertising, or a new at tachment not much interested in debating, but 0T1 the topic „ to a washing machine. The busi- I guess I'll a t t f t id . I feel as tho' o r

m J h e , L l fJ

e that Counts^

1903, our medical missionary in Amoy. We are glad to learn tha t the

noss world recognizes his THINK- it's" my duty." One is reminded of l e a d e r s tar ted by likening latest reports indicate sa t is factory re-

ING,—not the man himself—and mourners who are hired to weep at t e a -aroun man 0 e r coyery. pays him well fo r it. He becomes a funeral . Their inclination would erence 0 a circ e w ic o u c 0 successful,—and rich. To b e c o m e l e a d t h e m e l s e w h e r e but duty looms a t all points, and added A r a n - Letters f rom India contain the dis-

rich you must ei ther be a thinker or above like an ominous cloud. a r o u n d l l f® ! s a l l f e t h a t Ruches a l appointing news tha t on the advice a crook. Most of us don't think Upon wha t does our at t i tude tow- things and is not centered in sell. o f t h e M i 8 g i o n physician, the Arcot enough even to be crooks. ard our Alma Mater depend? Hon- A n all-around life on our campus M i s s i o n i n I n ( i ia recommends the im-

The educational world recognizes or—you resent the word because it ™ u s t ** e v i d e n t i n f o u r t h i n f s a n d mediate re turn of Rev. and Mrs. J . the man who THINKS. He must be has been over-emphasized but. a f t e / , t h e s e f o u r ' i n f a c t ' c o ™ r q u i t e ^ l l G. Gebhard on account of the ill more than a mere human repeater, all. honor is synonyomous with sue- e v e r y p ase 0 1 e. ey are e heal th of the la t ter . Rev. John Geb-He must think something tha t other cess, ability, and accomplishment. Physical, the mental, the moral , hard, Jr. , is a member of the class of

folks have not thought about. He Then your honor compels you to be a n ^ s p m t u a . must . reach new conclusions, and a Hopeite—loyal and t rue. Theory ' There i s a da ger o v e r e m ' —0— better ones. Not tha t he must —of course, i t 's theory, but can't it pbasizing any one of these f o u ^ Rev. J . P. Muyskens, 1918, under ignore the pas t with its grea t be developed into pract ise? You T h e P^ys^a l must not e e c e appointment to the Arcot Mission,

t reasury of thoughts, but must b? may sing, "Orange and Blue" until s i n c e w e #

nee(1 * 5 . ^ , 0 ( 1 6 8 0 and a t present taking a post-gradu-able to invest this t reasury of age- your voice grows fa int with the ef- ^ a c e e v e i v issue 0 1 e, u we mus a ^ e c o u r g e i n ^he Divinity School of old thoughts in the dividend-produc- fo r t but does tha t make the colors a t ^he same time eep up our 0 er g j j n h u r g h University, expects to

MODEL LAUNDRY 97-99 E. 8th St. Gilt. Phone 1442

Our Motto

Qoiiity and Prompt Service

Dr.FrancesM.Howell 34:36 W. Eighth St.

H O L L A N D , - M I C H .

O F F I C E H O U R S ;

11:00 A. M. to 12:00 (Noon) 2:00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to 8:00 P. M.


ing gray m a t t e r of his own head, any ibrighter—not unless you, put duties. The mental is largely de- complete his course in March. He 'Use your head—not the text-book' your hear t into the song. c J d e d ^ what we rea a y any- ^ M r g Muyskens will then proceed ought to be the motto of all What is your definition of honor? t } l i n ^ ^ e a s i l y a t t rac ts our at ten- ^ ^ o n c ^ educators. You've got to THINK Webster says honor is a high moral t l o n - Therefore we .must endeavor yourself if you plan to make others sense. The height inevitably de- to fill the mind only with those Rev. and Mrs. G. Van Peursem of

THINK. pends upon your standard of moral- i n ^ s a a r e ' . ^ i e a r f Maskat , Arabia, are spending the The whole world belongs to the ity. Take an inventory of yourself £ J e a r n e n a ^ 0 8 S 1 , 1 1 ie'? . 0 r e f C winter in Fribourg, Switzerland,

man who THINKS. Frank Crane _ a fa i r , just , and unprejudiced in- o f U 8 and one of these is in using ^ ^ p e u r g e m h a g r e l a -

says this: The world belongs to tho ventory. Does your* idea of honor our mental powers in passing a R e v G e r r i t V a n p e u r g e m jg a

white souls , clean minds, s trong permit you to skip chapel when k i n d l y word to some one who nee s ^ graduate of 1907. bodies and steel wills of the soldiers there is a joint service and the roll a w o r d encouraigeinent.

Milestone Portraits

Eleanor F. Jones, Phone 2550


The moral -must also be thought of in

of Jesus Christ. ' But you can't is not t aken? Does your honor per- - T l l e F i r s t Reformed Church of

hope to be all of this unless you are m i t you t i pledge one hundred J h a t l t K l v ^ ' l s a Individual Englewood, Chicago, a t a congrega-willing to THINK. Clean minds, hours of outside reading mat te r ^ r e s p o n s i l b i l i t y tional meeting held February 12th. strong bodies and steel wills come when, as a mat te r of fact , you have only to men and women who not spent more than twenty hours THINK. a t the work? Freshmen, does your

THINK WHAT? honor permit you to sign up fo r an Well,—think through the undeni- hour's hiking for Physical Education

fo r his own moral life. Last, but d f ! c i d e d b y a unanimous vote to adopt not least, comes the spiritual a s . t h e i r . " o w n missionary" Mr. Cor-phase which aids in the making of melius Wierenga, 1917, a member of the all-around man. Although the the church. Mr. Wierenga is a mem-


Dry Goods, Coats .Sui ts an 1 Millinery


able fac t of th* power of " j e s u s ^ d ' r t e n "sp^end" that 'ho"ur loitering i s most important it. too, ^ ^ ^ Christ to seek and to save the lost, downtown? Or doesn't your idea of m u s t b« over-emphasized a t the ex- ern Theological S e m . n a ^ and expects

1 j o ir. pense of the other three. We must to go to India in the fal l of the year.

live in constant communion with —o— God. but must not a t the same time Carl Shroeder and A. Westmaas , forget some daily task. We must both of 1920, have received tentative, cultivate within ourselves a yearn- appointments to Japan . Mr. Schroed-hrg f o r God and in t ha t way we are er and Mr. Westmaas will be gradu-

The whole world belongs to the sol- honor cover so much ground? Is diers of Jesus Christ. But you it perhaps, lost in the deep black can' t be one of His soldiers u n ^ sea of carelessness? Then decide on you are willing to THINK. That ' s why most of us are still such con-founded rookies in His army. WE DON'T THINK.

THINK or be DAiMNED. That 's unbendingly orthodox. I ts orthodox in business, in politics, in education, and above all, in religion. Perhaps tha t is why some of us are always

a new definition and remind your-self tha t *

"My strength is as the s trength of ten

Because my 'heart is pure." o

U / i Vander Ploegs Hair tuts Barber Shop

Cor. College Ave. and 8th St.

Sterilized tools. Strictly Sanitary.

developing a "Life tha t Counts." o


a ted f rom the Western Theological Seminary in June and then plan to take a year of post-graduate work.

- O U R POOLOSOPHEB." „ A h > 1 „ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

It is jus t one of four things: Ped his wrist .

damning- everything and everybody, either we must learn tha t "Red, We ra ther feel tha t we are already White and Blue" has been pro-damned, and we dread to be lone- claimed a National Anthem, which Fome. If we would dare to think,— when played in public should be think squarely, think honestly, think honored by rising f rom our seats a s nnrely, think thinkingly, and think was the case a t "Secret Service" (Excerpt f rom Harvey's weekly ed-Christ-fully,—perhaps we would be Tuesday night , or the orchestra tucat ional paragraphs) .

The sad news has come to us of the death of Helen Bell's fa ther , Mr. J a -

"Lives of great men all remind us cob H. Bell, of Grand Haven, on We can make our lives sublime Thursday, February 22. The s tudent And, departing, leave behind us, body expresses its deepest sympathy Ha's and ahas, ahas and ha-has- to Helen as one of their fellow-stu-

ad infinitum." dents and teacher. • t % f

—O Go to Hillsdale with the Orators!


22 West 8th Street, Above Woolworth's 5 and 10 Cent Store

Office Hours— 9 to 11 A. M 2 to 6 P. M.

Sat. 7 to 9 P. M

DR. A. LEENHOUTS Citz. Phone 1208

Page 3: 02-28-1923

P a g e T h r e e f . (Continued from Page 1)

than incriminate his brother . The scene a t the te legraph office is a t ime of tense action. The clever Thorne wins out with his message, only to be baffled by his honor as shown him by the woman he loves. AJ^ain, under sentence to be shot, he asser ts his manhood and re fuses to be saved by any dishonorable means.

The heavy action is lightened by the clever act ing of the capt ivat ing Caroline, and by the amusing old negio mammy.

The leading characters deserve special > commendation fo r the man-ner in which they played their par ts . Teunis Baker no longer is an amateur bu t ha s proved himself once more a capable leading man. Helen Moser gave us an especially fine interpretat ion of the southern girl of beauty and of devotion to the causes she held dear. The s t ra in and anxiety of the southern gentle-

produce a really s t rong play. Credi t is also due the good work

of Mrs. Wolfe who came f rom Grand Rapids to direct the play. The college orchestra helped pro-duce the proper atmosphere with their southern melodies. Undoubted-ly the Music Department will be substantially benefitted by the pre-sentation of "Secret Service."

Thanks to the Dramatic Club, the Supplement is coming. Are you go-ing to help pay fo r it by buying a


-o-Go to Hillsdale with the Orators!

The Holland Dry Cleaners Goods called for and delivered

Phone 1528 H. MEENGS, Prop.

woman was t ru thfu l ly depicted by S. S. DELPHI . J ane t Bouma. Harvey De Weerd "^6 ^ " portrayed the despicable Arrelsford ' in a convincing manner. To Midge Oyez! Oyez! The good ship De Young and Raymond Zwemer we Delphi of the Grea t Anchored Fleet owed several most delightful scenes, set sail on Sa tu rday n^ght, Febru-The acting of the large support ing a ry the seventeenth, f r o m port Voor-caste was uniformly good and helped hees. Due to cloudless skies, well-

charted seas, and facil i tated cross-continent tours, the par ty travelled well. The trip was personally con-ducted, and the plentitude of life-savers dispatched all fears . ' No other short cruise ever offered so much in variety, interest, and in-cluded features.

The minute the gang-plank was raised, we steamed fo r th f rom the harbor, pledging allegiance, what-ever came, to our flag and our coun-t ry . Soon we heard the sirens of

Hawaii f rom a distance, and it

was only the singing of our own crew in "Wake, Miss Lindy", t ha t saved us f rom delay there to steer a course due west to India, where votaries worshipped and priests chanted their way to a bet ter land. Then on to Spain, the land of the serenade we went, then back to Pal-estine where a t a well .in the burn-ing sands Rebecca drew water , and date palms lent he r shade; then to China, where Suki Tong made tea while incense burned and gongs re-sounded. Then oh! f o r a hand to carve Grecian fr iezes, we thot. Oh fo r a Highland laddie to roam with, and the good old Highland Fling.

Cleopatra, f rom her Egypt ian throne sent her minions of sugar-coated niggers to keep us company. The Nethei lands where the wind-mills went round and round and round, where tulips were blooming in gardens for two, sent us pepper-mints. r Then the paddles of our ship splashed and splurged again and the Venetian Love Song drew us to the land where Jul ie t let fall a rose fo r her Romeo. Then "Home again! Home again! Home again", we cried and the beams of the torch of the Statue of Liberty shone over the waves and beckoned us back to the U. S. A.

American products, served in an American way. looked tempting to the world-worn travellers. We ling-ered to exchange reminiscences and to discuss impressions. We were glad the ship was safely anchored in home waters . We were pleased with our new acquaintances, and we expressed our desire of continuing those acquaintances on the other side of the g a n g plank, outside of the S. S. Delphi perhaps, but cer-tainly in the grea te r interest of the Great Anchored Fleet.

R U B B E R S Mens - - . $1.23 Womens - - - 89c

Keep your feet dry and comfortable at these prices. This is our entire stock of First Quality Rubbers,

P. S. Boter & Co. SHOE STORE 14 WEST OTH ST.



Duke'ii Cafe "Holland's Foremost Eating Place 99

PETER H. DE VRIES, '22 Prop. Phone 2379

"Best Paid Hard Work in the World

IS the way a JOHN HANCOCK salesman described his work. He is a college graduate and in five years has put himself at the very top of his business. % .

He never yet has called upon a prospect without a previous appointment. The best life insurance salesmen today work on that plan, making it a bust' ness of dignity, such as any worthy and ambitious college graduate can find satisfying to his mental needs, and highly remunerative as well.

The man above quoted is the John Hancocks youngest general agent. This shows what college

Graduates of the right type can do in this business, ow they can build up earning power and at the

same time provide for an accumulated competence for the years to come.

Graduation is a vital period in your life and you are liable to hold to the business you start in. It would be well before making a definite decision to inquire into life insurance as a career. Address, "Agency Department."


Largest Fiduciary Institution in New England




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Perfect Fitting Glasses Call on


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Come in and see our new line of Spring Hats for young fellows.

Vanderlinde & Visser


• : : : •

FRIGE TALKS, But it takes Quality to keep up

the Gonversation. You'll surely find it in the Sundaes, Sandwiches,

Ice Cream and Malted Milks at the

Petite Lunch Shoppe

The Best Shoe Repairing is Done the....

SERVICE SHOE SHOP Locatrd in the P S. Boter & Co Shoe Store A

14 West 8th St.

Instant Service-—All work guaranteed.

Tuesday afternoon a meeting of the Sophomore class was held. The appointment of the associate editors of the Milestone staff was ratified by the class a f t e r a short discussion.

1924 Milestone Staff . Editor- in-Chief—Frank Huff. Business Manager—Ray Kuiper Associate Editors—Priscilla Collins

—William Hilmert Literary Editor—"Grace Gardei Photographs—Natal ie . Reed Ar t—Janet Albers Snaps—Martha Gabbard Subscription Manager—Abraham

Dulmes Athletics—Fred Jonltman Joke Editor—Clarence Lubbers

The Strand Theatre!




What do you know about the next Literary Supplement?

Students n



: Chas. Samson, M.D. | Citz. Phone 1795



Office Hours; -9 .30 to 12 A. M. •" 1.3o to 5 P M.

Sat . Evenings 7.30 to 9.

Office 11 E. Sth.St. Ho land Mich

Get Your Ea t s for Society affairs


Molenaar&DeGoede 14 Kast 8th St.

attend the

For Snappy stories—read the Sup-plement.

Nass Meeting | j t 4



•tstssstsssssssstsssssssssssstssstssssf ' :

''Day by Day in every Way, our Pictures are getting Better and Better."

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28 -Charles [Buck] Jones in, "The Fast Mail**. The wonder melodrama of love and thrills.

THURSDAY A N D FRIDAY, MARCH l - Z That famous old stage play: "Ten Nights in a Bar Room." The greatest heart interest drama the world has ever known. If you would see on the screen the humane interest story that has touched the hearts of millions in all parts of the world for sixty years and is as fresh today as the day it was written; don t miss this great production. Special Comedy, "All Balled Up.**

SATURDAY, MARCH 3.—Wm. Duncan in, "The Silent Vow." A story of the Canadian Northwest where red blooded men fight for right and honor, where brave women face great dan-gers to help the men they love. Rollin Comedy, "Washed Ashore." Mutt and Jeff in, "Falls Ahead." Fox News.

MONDAY A N D TUESDAY, MARCH 5—6. Wm. Fox pre-sents. "The Town that Forgot God./ Now playing at Powers Theatre, Grand Rapids, at advanced prices. Thrills—the kind that make you grip the edge of your s ea t -Human Interest—fascinating, compelling and powerful in its real-life simplicity—Heart Throbs—tense, vibrating, pulsating with emotion—Sensations—startling dramatic scenes that will grip your interest—spectacle—a terrific storm and flood that sweeps a whole town away before your eyes—of such material is made the great American family play, "The Town That For-got God." No advance in price.

WED. © THUR., MARCH 7—8. House Peters in, "The Man from Lost River." Another triumph for House Peters: A stirring story of the great North Woods Country.

COMING NEXT WEEK: Tom Mix in, "Just Tony" Very soon Harold Lloyd in, fDr. Jack."

; :


Page 4: 02-28-1923

— —

P a g e F o u r THE AttCfidft


It Pays to Visit


REMOVAL SALE and buy your Spring and Summer needs.

For instance:

35c Soft Collars • 25c. Summer Underwear - 7 9 c t o J 1 . 1 7

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and everything sold at greatly n d u c c d priccs.

Saturday last Day of Sale



Suction Sole Shoe $ 2.85 Padded B. B. Pants 0.75 Jim Shirts - . - 0.50 Ice Skates

Van Tongeren's FOR


For Your Complexion Sake - U s e -

« • . •

Ayers Luxuria and Ayeriitocrat Creams. We sell the entire line.

MODEL DRUG STORE v Cor. River and 8th St.

"It Pays to trade at the Model."


or anything in the Sporting Goods line. Guaranteed Goods at



A Block from High Rent A Block from High Prices

Creamer's Sample Store 70 East 8th St. Holland

- T H Y -

Kccfcr's Ifcs (n uinii t 29 W Eighth Street




Herber t Mentink stepped out with

Helen, Then, to the Colonial did they go,

To my surprise he was home at 'leven, And muttered, "no show, no show".

"The queens come easy if you've

got the jack."

Adam's Reconstruction. Prof. Wick.:—(in history class)

"Wha t was there to be done a f t e r the

civil w a r ? " No response. Prof .Wick:—"What sort of a world

would you make. Miss A d a m s ? " Miss Adams:—"I 'd make Hopkins


Stud, (before chapel) :—"I wish to

have an excuse." Dr. Nykerk:—"See me a f t e r th^

first period." Stud, ( a f t e r first period:—"I would

like to have my excuse now." Dr. Nykerk:—"Don' t you know

tha t you must get your excuses be-

fore chapel?"

Prof. Welmers (in Greek class) :— "Mr. Korver, what were the seven

sac raments?" Mr. Korver:—"Holy" matrimony is

the only one I can think of."

Bill Van 't Hof always reminds us of the Bill we haven't paid yet.

m H A V E Your Picture for the Milestone

taken NOW at the

The Lacey Studio 19 E. 8th S t Holland, Mich.

For your meals and lunches while in Holland stop at the


32 W.8th . st Citizens Phone 1041 Holland, Micb

You can Taste the Difference wh^n you Buy Thorpes Chocolates. 80c to 1.50 Pound. Nuff Sed.

Lindeborg's Students Drug Store 54 East 8 th -Sir.

Laughlin's Restaurant 72 East Eighth St .

A Real Good Place to Eat Citizens Phone 1984

Hoflfs (personally):—"I love the good, the true, the beautiful , the in-

nocent." Alice B.:—"This is r a ther sudden,

but I think f a the r will consent."

For Snappy stories—read the Sup-plement.

Mrs. Timmer:—"How do you like my marble c a k e ? "

Al:—"I never saw a bet ter imita-

tion of marble."

Arctic Ice Cream ALL YEAR AROUND

Best Ice Cream Parlor in the City Also Confectionery and Frui ts .

A. PATSY FABIANO 26 West Eiehth Street


Chief:—"Whatcha gonna do to-

n i t e ? " Harold Lubbers:—"Nothing. What

you gonna d o ? " Chief:—"Nothing." Harold:—"Who else will p l ay?"

Yum, Yum, Come to the Dorm! Ham and eggs fo r breakfas t !

Ham on Sunday, Eggs on Monday.

Nine things fo r supper! (hash) .

We'll close with the famil iar ballad, "I ' l l Put Away My Tweezers Till My

Eyebrows Meet Again."

! • • • • • • • • «


» \

"Say it with Shady Lawn Flowers"

SHADY LAWN FLORISTS, 275-281 E . 16 th St . John 6. Van der Ploeg. Mgr.


Herb:—"Why didn't you take a girl to the game, Fr iday night Ben?"

Ben:—Oh—nobody asked me to go."

Dutch: "Hey don't shoot, the gun isn't loaded."

Sheik: "Can' t help it, the bird won't wait."

One of them city fellows tried to sell me the Woolworth Building.

"What did you s a y ? " " I sez 'all r ight , ' young fellow,

wrap it up." . - —Judge.

Fine Pianos and Players Victrolas and Records

— a t the


Mulder:—"Do you ever change yo r r environment J a k e ?

Joldersma:—"Sure I do. Every Saturday night ."

Bad company! Bridget:—Where do you hear such language? I forbid you to use."

Young Pa t : "Well, Kipling uses i t ." Bridget: " I don't care if he does.

Don't play with him any more. Kiwonis Kronicle.

GEO. H. HUIZINGA & GO. Jewelers and Optometrist


Muskegon Holland Ionia

Support the Orators


Wilde: The Importance of Bain;; Earnest .

(A Play) Atherton: The Conqueror.

(A Novel) Drummond: The Greatest Thing

in the World. (Essay) .

Wha t do you know about the next Literary Supplement?

j Is Your Printing Satisfactory? ; Those who use the quality of Printing we p r o ' : duce have a comfortable f e d i r g of fatisfartion

They know that food taste has been confined with careful workmanship. Why not Itt us ' u p -ply your Printing needs.

Steketee-Van Huis Printing Honse - COMPLETE SERVICE H o l l . n d , M k h . 180 River Ave.




• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •t§#§t«##eeMteeietf