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01. Farmakoterapi

Jul 16, 2015



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Farmakoterapi IntroductionDidik Setiawan


Deskripsi Perkuliahan (2sks)

Kontrak Perkuliahan

TugasUTS 40% UAS 40%Tugas 20%Dikerjakan pada folio Mencari arti bergaris, terminologi ditulis medis yang tangan, muncul dikumpulkan selama pada perkuliahan pertemuan berikutnya Di artikan dalam bahasa indonesia dan inggris

Requirements CompetenceFarmakologi Patofisiologi Farmakokinetik & Farmakodinamik

PharmacotherapyAnatomi Fisiologi Manusia Toksikologi

Review Sistem Organ




Pharmaco therapy

Cardiovascular Systems


What Disease which is affect the Cardiac systems


What Disease which is affect the vascular systems

Cardiovascular System Animation

Respiration Systems

What Disease which is affect the respiration systems

Respiration Systems

Cardiovascular and Respiration interaction



Oxygen Exchange

Digestive Systems

Digestive SystemsWhat Disease which is affect the Digestive systems

Digestive Systems Animation

Urinary Systems

Urinary Tract


Kidney Anatomy

Urinary Systems Animation

TaskBuat daftar nama bagian dari organ

Jelaskan fungsi dari masingmasing bagian dari organ tersebut

Collected for the next meeting

Example Cardiovascular SystemsAnatomy Right Atrium (atrium kanan) Right ventrikel Physiology Menerima darah dari sirkulasi sistemik (vena cava)Memompa darah menuju sirkulasi pulmoner melalui arteri pulmoner

sistem kardiovaskuler,hipertensi Gagal jantung

jantung iskhemik



Sistem pernafasanasma penyakit paru obstruksi kronis

Sistem Pencernaanulkus peptikus GERD viral hepatitis

Sistem urinariagagal ginjal akut gagal ginjal kronis glomerulonefritis

Objective of This LectureDescribe the epidemiology, etiology, patogenesis, diagnosis, and clinical manifestation List pharmacotherapeutic treatment option which available to each patient Select an apropriate pharmacotherapeutic treatment regimen for patient

Suggest diet and exercise strategies Suggest apropriate monitoring parameters for a patient who gets medication

Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG)a document with the aim of guiding decisions and criteria regarding diagnosis, management, and treatment in specific areas of healthcare Other organization

Algorithm Therapy Prosedur untuk memecahkan masalah Metode langkah-langkah penyelesaian masalah farmakoterapi Lebih berupa panduan daripada aturan

Algorithm Example

Algorithm for the treatment of acute (above) PSVT and chronic prevention of recurrences (below).

Any QuestionDiscussion