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Digital Taiwan – Culture & Nature Project Director: Dr. Kwang-Tsao Shao ( 邵邵邵邵 邵邵 ) Project Co-Director: Dr. Cheng-Yun Liu ( 邵邵邵邵邵 邵) Project assistants: Kun-Chi Lai ( 邵邵邵 ) Lee-Sea Chen ( 邵邵西 ) Jun-He Gao ( 邵邵邵 ) Chih-Jen Ko ( 邵邵邵 ) Elie Chen (邵 邵邵 )
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Digital Taiwan – Culture & Nature

Project Director:Dr. Kwang-Tsao Shao (邵廣昭研究員 )

Project Co-Director:Dr. Cheng-Yun Liu (劉錚雲研究員 )

Project assistants:Kun-Chi Lai (賴昆祺 )Lee-Sea Chen (陳麗西 )Jun-He Gao (高君和 )Chih-Jen Ko (柯智仁 )Elie Chen (陳岳智 )

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Phase I: National Digital Archives Program(NDAP)

From 2002 to 2006, representative material of Taiwan’s assets were digitized and over three million pieces were accumulated.

An national effort on archiving the diversity of Taiwan that includes cultural heritage and natural resources.

Participating organizations include Academia Sinica, National Palace Museum, National Taiwan University, National Museum of Natural Science, National Museum of History, Taiwan Historica, National Archives Administration, etc.

Contents can be accessed through one window - Union Catalog.

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Phase II: Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program(TELDAP)

NDAP and e_Learning program were integrated in 2008. Division VIII (International Collaboration and Promotion) was established to promote internationalization and enhance global awareness of TELDAP, and establish an cooperation network.

English portal “Digital Taiwan – Culture & Nature” was created To complement existing Chinese portal To integrate non-TELDAP digitalization results to broaden contents To conduct cross-discipline cooperation and explore Taiwan history To share Taiwan’s digitization achievements with global community

and contribute to international digitization effort

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Advantages of Digital Taiwan – Culture & Nature(1) Culture

Sinology Electronic resources for Chinese language and literature Metal and Stone Rubbings Ancient books Rare book collections Documents

Key assets of art, history, literature, philosophy, etc. are translated year by year from Chinese into English. Search function is provided by the portal for easy access to the contents.

On Chin Paper / Mi Fu (National Palace Museum)

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Advantages of Digital Taiwan – Culture & Nature(2) Biodiversity

• Land Area of the Earth : 150,142,300 km2

• Area of Taiwan : 35,800 km2

• Area of Taiwan/World : 0.02%• Fishes : 2,900/26,000 = 10%• Birds : 456/9,040 = 4.65%• Mammals : 71/4,000 = 1.78%• Reptiles : 97/6,300 = 1.54%• Amphibians : 34/4.84 = 0.84%• Insects : 20,000/751,000 = 2.6%• Plants : 4,000/200,000 = 2% of global plant


Tropic of Cancer

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Union Catalog, created by NDAP, uses Dublin Core metadata which is not suitable for biological collections.

Translation pace is slow since digitized material are highly professional and expert assistances are needed.

IPR problemHow to raise public interest

Produce interesting presentation platform (multimedia, 3D)

Encourage and attract public interactionLong-term and sustainable management

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Our Solutions (1)

Establish collection levelWebsite navigation menu:

Exhibition ( 展覽 ) Facets of Taiwan ( 珍藏特展 ) A Slice of Wonder ( 精品賞析 ) Educational Resources Photo Gallery Multimedia

Increase collaborative organizations TELDAP institutions Non-TELDAP institutions such as Government Information Office,

Tourism Bureau, and National Museum of Taiwan Literature.

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Our Solutions (2)

Serve the needs of biodiversity community and integrate Taiwan’s vast amount of species occurrence data (estimated to be more than one million records).

Most biological information are in the forms of numbers and tables, without the translation problem.

There are successful international examples to follow: GBIF (TAPIR and Darwin Core) EOL (LifeDesk) Catalogue of Life Barcode of Life

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Integrate domestic biodiversity databases and link to global databases

GBIF(Global Biodiversity Information Facility))

Species 2000 (COL), EOL, BOL, TOL, ITIS, BIOS,BioNET-International,etc.

Species 2000 AO, ASEANET,PACINET, PBIF, etc.

Global species databasese.g. FishBase, AntBase,

AlgaeBase, etc.

TELDAP / TaiBIF(national node of GBIF)

Global Regional (Asia, Asia Oceania or Pacific)


TaiBNET (species checklist & experts namelist)

TELDAP (specimen database)

Local organisms database (e.g. Fish Database of Taiwan)


Institutions, NGOs, heritages, projects and publications, etc.

TBRD (distribution database)




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Our Solutions (3)

Serve the needs of international cultural community. Together with Sub-Project 1’s multilingual project, which concentrates on translating the Union Catalog material, to present to the world an easy and accessible choice to Taiwan’s numerous archives.

Page 13: 01 20100111 En 快速瀏覽本站最新消息、計畫簡介、展示櫥窗,與個人化設定Selections of news, showcases, introductions to TELDAP programs, and visitor customization

精品賞析與珍藏特展“A Slice of Wonder” and “Facets of Taiwan” sections

宣傳影片Promotion video

精品賞析隨選Randomly chosen item from “A Slice of Wonder”

合作單位網址連結Links to collaborative institutions

以主題、機構、時間軸、字母排序方式查詢數典計畫網址與資料庫內容TELDAP-database search by subject, institution, time period or title

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Collection Level Description (1)

Collection Level Description: Based on:

Simple Collection Description of eLib Collection Description Working Group

Collection Description Schema of Research Support Libraries Programme (RSLP)

Dublin Core Collection Description of Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)

Named the “TELDAP Collection Description Element Set”

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Collection Level Description (2)

TELDAP Collection Description Element Set: 20 fields: Title, Subject, Description, Owner, Publisher,

Date (Digital and Physical), Language, Coverage (Temporal and Spatial), Sub-Collection, Super-Collection, Associated Collection, Type, Identifier, Access Times, Location, Admin, Rights, Access Policy, Notes, and Sponsor

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Collection level DescriptionThe Tan-Hsin Archives




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Collection Level Description

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Facets of Taiwan (1) Example 1: Streets of Old

An oxcart is used to transport wood, photographed in 1955. It used to be a main transportation in Taiwan before the railroads were developed.

Photo by: GIO Photographer (1955-00-00)

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Facets of Taiwan Example 2: Taiwan’s Offshore Islands

Jishan Islet's basalt landscape in Penghu

Photo by: Shang Lei Jen

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Facets of Taiwan (3)

The Beauty of TAIWAN (Views from FORMOSAT-2)

The Story of the National Flag of the Republic of China

Endemic Plants in Taiwan


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A Slice of Wonder (1)

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A Slice of Wonder (2)

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Expand Scope of Cooperation with Non-TELDAP Programs

Government Information Office

Tourism Bureau

National Museum of Taiwan Literature

Joomla Chinese Community

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Produce Special Features (1)

3D multimedia special featureUtilize 3D animation technique to highlight stories behind

each digitized itemsProvide audio-teaching modelUse Adobe Papervision 3D

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Produce Special Features (2)

達悟族人拼板舟( The Tatala Boat ) 皇帶魚( The Earthquake Fish )

鍬形蟲( The Shovel Bug )人面陶罐( The Earthenware )

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Biodiversity Integration Platform

Main source of data: TELDAPNon-TELDAP sources: Bioresource Collection and

Research Center, Council of Agriculture’s Vegetation Mapping, Endemic Species Research Institute’s Wild Animal Database and Wild Plant Database, etc.

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Information Architecture

Endemic Species Research Institute

Food Industry Research and Development


Academic Sinica

National Taiwan University

National Museum of Natural Science



Darwin core 1.4

Darwin core 1.4 (Chinese field)

+Custom field

Data in


Data in Chinese

Collaboration Institutions


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Four search options to access data:

By scientific name: basic and advanced

By classification: taxonomic navigation

By institution or data provider

By location (Google Maps)

Search Function

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Data from various herbariums and museums

Specimen locations in Google Maps; default area is40 x 40 km

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1. Page no. 2. No. of records shown 3. Total no. of records 4. Sort order 5. Expand/collapse table 6. Field width adjustment 7. Search

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10 x 10 km

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Specimen Data Display

1. Taxonomy 2. Collection data 3. Image 4. Geographical data

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Example 1: Searching by Scientific Name (basic)Synonym

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Example 2: Browsing by Classification

Taxonomic navigation (same as TaiBNET)

Entries in white:Aggregated specimen or observation data

Entries in gray:No data available

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Example 3: Searching for Specimen (Animals and Plants) Data in the National Museum of Natural Science

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Example 4: Overlaying Google Map and Historical Map

Specimen data (1911-05-20)

Googlemaps are modernmaps

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Example 4 (cont’d): Overlaying Google Map and Historical Map

Specimen data (1911-08-25)

Early Taiwan map (1898~1904)

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Data provider Dataset Items

TELDAP Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute - TAIF 43,162

Herbarium of National Taiwan University - TAI 83,228 National Museum of Natural Science - NMNS 16,243 Herbarium, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica - HAST


Endemic Species Research Institute (plants) - TESRI 24,440 Fish Database of Taiwan (fish data from 9 institutions) 44,683 Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Insect Museum 29,184 Others (in progress) >70,000

TaiBIF 1979 - 2003 vegetation survey data 78,620 Bird observational data 58,024 National Museum of Natural Science (specimens; in progress) 500,000 Endemic Species Research Institute (wild animals; in progress) 200,000 COA (ecological observation data; in progress) 800,000 Taiwan vegetation mapping (in progress) 170,000

Bioresource Collection and Research Center

4 datasets 4,079

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Occurrence data - KML 39GBIF’s global distribution of Begonia

Taiwan’s data can be accessed through global databases (1)

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Taiwan’s data can be accessed through global databases such as OBIS (2)

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Belgium’s national biodiversity portal

Taiwan’s data can be accessed through global databases (3)

GIS map from Canada’s national biodiversity portal

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Digitization of Taiwan Museum CollectionsDeposited in Foreign Countries 數位典藏與學習之領域知識 .pdf

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Partners List

地區 機構名稱UK •Natural History Museum

•愛丁堡植物標本館Hungary 國立自然史博物館 (HNHM)

Austria 自然史博物館( NMW )

Japan 神奈川縣立生命之星─地球博物館 Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History

USA American Museum of Natural HistoryBernice P. Bishop MuseumCalifornia Academy of SciencesSmithsonian Institution - Division of Fishes

Denmark Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen

Sweden Swedish Museum of Natural History

地區 機構名稱Chain • 福建省檔案館 Fujian Provincial

Archives• 廈門市檔案館 Xiamen Archives• 遼寧省檔案館 Liaoning Archives• 大連市檔案館 Dalian Archives

USA 美國空軍歷史部 Maxwell Air Force Base

korea 國史編纂委員會National Institute of Korean History韓國國立中央圖書館 The National Library of Korea

Japan •宮內廳書陵部Imperial Household Agency/Archive Division• 東京都公文書館Tokyo Metropolitan Archives•愛知大學豐橋圖書館、東亞同文書院紀念中心Library of Toyohashi Campus and Tao Dobunshoin University Memorial Center, Aichi University

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Future Development

Continue to enrich contents Improve translation process Increase collaboration institutions

Encourage public participation (Web 2.0 applications)Explore co-creation possibility

Boost international exposureApply and promote contents

3D, Second Life

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