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4 . i U X — 8 Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland, Michigan Jan. 16. 1947 WANTED: STUDENT DECORATORS B. Timmer Places Second In State Extempore Meet FriJay afterno m, M'ss Itet'y an J Tlr. Ilobo.t Vander Laan rep csen'. J Hop? C^lle'je at the l!xe.ip>r? .Spoakin^ Con'.es. at Jvrla uizoo. H;tty T in- nie.-, sp ak n; on "TIu Churca an 1 Juven le Del luiuency," placed sec- ond in the finals and Robert Van- dor L?an, rp^akinj; on "United Stales and Kussian conflict over the control of Atomic Mnergy," placed sixth in the finals. First place of the women'.; d'vi- sion was won by Miss Patricia Kean of Albion. She and Hetty Timmer are both from Muskegon He ghts an J both pirticipated in forensics together in high school. This is the first time they have been rivals in a contest. Miss Kean will receive a gold medal and Miss Timmer a silver medal. Third place winners receive bronze medals. First place in the men's division went to Howard Clark of Michigan State College speaking on "Russia, United States and the United Na- tions." Second place was won by Grant Wessel of Alma. Wayne University placed third in both con- tests. There were two preliminaries in each contest before the finals. Five colleges participated in each of these from which two were elimi- nated from each group. Six speak- ers participated in the finals. One hour prior to speaking, drawings were made for their spe- cific topics. The preliminaries were held in the afternoon and the finals in the evening. Participating in the contest sponsored by the M.I.S.L., the Michigan Intercollegiate Speech League, were Hope, Hillsdale, Al- ma, Albion, Michigan State, Cen- tral Michigan, Kalamazoo, Western Michigan, Wayne, and Michigan State Normal. The next event of the M.I.S.L. will be February 15, when there will be the annual de- bate tournanent to be held at F.ast Lansing. After results were announced the Hope. representatives went to the WKZO broadcasting station, and listened to the re-broadcast of the Hope-Kazoo game. Seven of Hope's Faculty Attend Ann Arbor Meet Mori? t'irn 1 .0 persons r^pre- sentin j all but on,' oi the colleges )f the statj and a number of edu- cators attended the sixt'i annual State Conference on H gher Educa- tion, held in Ann Arbor, l)e:e. iber 1 , .)4(). R e p r e s e n t i n g Hope "olhge v.e.e Dr. Charhs Wimmer, Dr. CI re;i o DeCraaf, Dr. Walter Van Saun. ''-f. Harold Haver- kamp. Dr. John Hollenback, Prof. Kdward P/and and Prof. (larrett Vanderborgh. The conference was sponsored by the Michigan College Association, the Advisory Commit- tee on Teacher Fducation and Cer- tification, and the Department of Public Instruction. Sectional meetings were held Thursday, Pcvember 2(), to discuss the following top es: The Respon- sibility of Society Education for Post j'High School Education, The Character of General Education Beyond High School, The Respon- sibility of the County and the Col- lege for Post High School Guidance and Recruitment. Preparation and Professional Development of Teachers. Thursday evening, a panel discussion was held and "A Cooperative Study of the Needs of Michigan Education Heyond the Secondary School Level" presented. Friday, December 27, a panel dis- cussion of the results of the sec- tional meetings was held in the morning. In the afternoon speeches were given by the presidents of the University of Michigan and Michi- gan State College. English Majors Discuss Life, Works of E. O'Neill The life and works of Eugene O'Neill were the topic for consid- eration of the English Majors Mon- day night, January 13. The plays, "Anna Christie" and "The Hairy Ape," were reviewed by Alida Kloosterman and Ann Fikse. A biography of the author's life was given by Laura Johnson. The mem- bers of the club have been reading various plays of O'Neill and criti- cisms of his works were offered by those Attending the meeting. Ann Fikse, in charge of this meeting, led the group in an informal discus- sion. Next month's meeting will be in charge of Betty Timmer, when Robert Sherwood and his works will be under discussion. Former Hope Man Attends Institute of Foreign Trade Cecil C. Bacheller, who was en- rolled at Hope from 1939 until 1941, is enrolled in the newly-estab- lished American Institute for For- eign Trade. This is located at Thunderbird Field, Phoenix, Ari- zona. There are 275 men and a dozen women enrolled in the course. They represent 45 stales and 98 percent of them are veterans. The Insti- tute started October 1. It trains men and women to live, work, and do business in foreign countries. The course of study at present is concentrated on the Latin Amer- ican nations. However, the Insti- tute plans to expand into other great global areas of U.S. foreign trade eventually. The present course includes a study of com- merce, culture, customs, and lan- guages of the Latin American nations. In addition to classroom study, students are also instructed in the dances, sports, and other phases of the lines of the people in whose countries they plan to launch their careers in foreign trade. They also Serve, Who only Stand and Wait 7 ' Before, \ After? McClure To Speak At Joint Y Meeting Rev. W. Donald McClure, a pio- neer missionary of the United Pres- byterian church to the South Su- danese in Africa, will speak at a joint meeting of the YM and YW on January 28. Home on furlough, Mr. McClure will bring a message on the Anvaks, among whom he lives, and will tell of his life and work as a missionary between the Nile, Ethiopia, and the Equator. Having graduated from West- minster College in 1928, Rev. Mc- Clure volunteered as teacher in a mission school for boys in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Here he found himself unexpectedly in charge of an agricultural school, a large dairy herd, and an irriga- tion project. Before returning home there was a big game hunt along the upper reaches of the Nile. Here he met the primitive Nilotic Tribes, and his future was determined. Return- ing home, he matriculated in Pitts- burgh Xenla Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, and upon ordination to the ministry in 1934, he sailed with his wife to the upper reaches of the Nile. During his first fur- lough in 1939, he took graduate work in Cornell University in lan- guages and anthropology. Mr. McClure has been described as red, rash, and religious. His career in Africa has been full of excitement and high adventure. Hopei+es to Attend Percy Jones Party Percy Jones Hospital Center in Battle Creek has asked the Red Cross to sponsor another ward party as a result of the successful party held on November 1(5, 194(1. Thus, Ottawa County Red Cross officials have arranged for hospital party hostesses to go to Percy Jones on January 18, 1947. Miss Beth Marcus, executive sec- retary of Ottawa County chapter, invites all girls interested in at- tending to contact the local Red Cross office. She emphasizes the fact *hat girls who serve as party- hostesses are doing a real service to wounded veterans who seldom have outside visitors. Red Cross workers in Battle Creek also report the acute need for ward parties and hospital social events. The group will meet at the Red Cross office and leave at 2:30 p. m. by bus. This will enable them to arrive in Battle Creek by 5 o'clock and have a lunch before going to the hospital. Party hostesses will be on duty in wards between (> and 8 o'clock under the supervision of Red Cross workers. The group will return to Holland at 11 o'clock. Van Raalte Hall Basement To House Student Lounge Dr. Irwin Lubbers, president of the college, announced at a luncheon of students and faculty held racantly, that he was wholeheartedly in favor of a plan to convert the basement of Van RaaKe Hall into a student lounge. His opinion came after a rounJ table discussion on the subject, during which time it was brought out that the present lounge in the basement is inadequate. Dr. Lubbers stated that he under- I.R. Club Schedules stood the need for an adequate k i • • qp • . j r,)0 '" for recreation on the campus. Meeting I Onight: and after considering various plans "The PurpDsea of the United Na-1 ,)Ut the entire P ro ject t ons are: | hands of the student body. 1. To maintain international, At tho Same time ha appointed Lou peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention an( j 1 (,Iuni fnr exchan K e ()f "deas. In this Bixby chairman of the "plans" committer and the Anchor as me- removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situation which might lead to a breach of the peace; 2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures '.o strengthen universal peace; 3. To achieve international co- deration in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian charac- ter, and in promoting and encour- aging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all way the entire project will be student managed, and their desires will be carefully carried out at col- lege expanse. It was also pointed out at the luncheon that because of the con- dition of the basement it would be more practical to redecorate fol- lowing rustic designs, rather than attempting to modernize the entire floor. The Anchor feels the idea is unique in the fact that the college is willing to cater to the wishes of the students to such an extent, and is hopeful that full cooperation will be extended to the chairman and administration. The Anchor expects to be flooded with ideas, which may be submitted in the form of a plan or letter. They should be left in the Anchor box located in the office, or given to any member of the staff. This is a student project. It is for the benefit of students. The president and administration is without distinction as to race, sex,I cater ' n ^ to the desires of the . . . . . ctllHonto I.'..11 i • . . M. Korteling, V. Dykstra Win Oratorical Contests In the annual Adelaide and Raven Oratorical contests, held just prior to the holidays, top honors went to Marian Korteling, a senior from Buff town, Indiana, and Vergil Dykstra, a sophomore from Orange City, Iowa. In the Adelaide Contest for wo- men, which was held on the after- noon of December 18 in Van Raalte Hall, Miss Korteling won first place with her oration, entitled, "Wanted — A Revitalized Church." As win- ner of the contest, she will receive a prize of $25 and the right to represent Hope College in the State Contest. Honorable mention was awarded to the second-place winner, Lor- raine Van Farowe, who spoke on "Fingerprints of Democracy." Other contestants were: Hazel Van- der Woude, speaking on "The Hope of the World," and Leona Dpor- enbos, "This is our Hour." Presiding at the contest was Betty Timmer, a member of Pi Kappa Delta, The judges were: Prof, Edward Brand and Miss Emma Reeverts of the English De- partment, and Prof. Garrett Vander Borgh of the Education Depart- ment. In the Raven Contest for men, held on December 18 in the Chapel, Mr. Dykstra was a w a r d e d first place in his oration, "Guilt or Glory." He will receive a prize of $30, and the right to represent Hope at the State Contest. Second prize of $20 was aw arded to Robert Schuller, whose topic was, "The More WE Get Together." Others taking part in the contest were: Warren Hietbrink, "Not Taps But Reveille'V Leroy Koranda, "Peace Proposals"; Walter Studdi- ford, "Rock of Ages"; Charles Pre- vite, "The Crisis and the Moral Order"; Donald EVers, "The Hope of the World"; Robert Paul, "We Owe Our Youth the Right to Vote"; Glenn Van Haitsema, "If We Want War"; Harold Schaible, "Medico." Miss Luella Pyle, Vice-President of Pi Kappa Delta, presided at this contest. Serving as judges were; Dr. Walter Van Saun, Rev. Eugene Osterhaven, Dr. Lester Kuyper, Dr. John Hollenbach, and Prof. Edward Avison. Miss Korteling and Mr. Dykstra wi^l represent tHope at the State Oratorical Contest of the Michigan Intercollegiate Speech League at Western Michigan College, Kala- mazoo, on March 7. ; o Student Wives* Group Hope's newly-organized student wives' group will meet in the base- ment lounge of Van Raalte Hall on January 2l8t at 8:15 p. m. This fall be a social meeting. All wives are invited to attend. language, or religion; and 4. To be a center for harmoniz- ing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends." With such purposes in mind the representatives of the United Na- tions assembled in San Francisco and established an International Organization to be known as the United Nations. Later our repre- sentatives in Congress, with the approval of the people of the Unit- ed States, decided to cast our lot with this Organization. To create a greater awareness of U.N. activi- ties and to further general knowl- edge about the organization to which our nation is committed, the International Relations Club will :enter their meeting this evening, January 1(1, at 7:15 p. m. in the Chapel basement around the theme of the "United Nations." Included in the program will be film strips concerning the varied phases of the Organization's work; Don Vandenberg will discuss the functions of the General Assembly, and Bob Danhof will present a paper concerning the activities of the Security Council. All students may attend. students. Full cooperation in this matter is expected, for everyone will benefit. Language Group Hears Travelogue A travelogue through the prov- inces of France was the main fea- ture of the program at the meet- ing of the Modem Language Club, Monday night, January 13. The traditions, life, and customs of Brittany, Normandy, Alsace-Lor- raine, and the island of Corsica, were discussed by Eunice Hymen, Shirley Willbrandt, and Lois Van Wyk. A game of "What's My Name?" using various French, German, and Spanish celebrities to guess was played. Prizes were given for the best guesser, followed by a pause for refreshments. The meeting end- ed with the singing of the various club songs. The various clubs alternate in taking charge of the monthly meet- ings, and this month's gathering was under the leadership of the French Club. The meeting was called to order by President Phyllis Voss and the program was planned by the vice-president, Doris Opie. Hope College Adds 3 To Faculty Roster This coming semester Hope will add three new names to its list of faculty members. Mr. Raymond Smith, a law-school graduate, will teach a course in business law. At the present time he is municipal judge of Holland. A graduate of Hope with the class of '4(>, Miss Francis Koeman will take over her duties as an in- structor in the biology department, teaching physiology and hygiene. Miss Koeman is now studying at the University of Minnesota. Miss Jennie Spoelstra, a gradu- ate of Hope and registered nurse, will have charge of the clinic next semester and will assist Dr. Leen- houts. Miss Spoelstra, who is now- studying at the University of Kan- sas, will do some teaching in the biology department. She will take aver a course in Public School Health, as well as laboratory work n zoology. The clinic has grown beyond expectations, and Miss Spoelstra will take over some of the detail work. W.A.L. Plans February Party March Carnival Elaine Meuusen, president of the Women's Activities League, re- cently announced that the all girls party held in the gym every year will be combined with the town girls overnight party and will be held during the latter part of February. Each dorm will have a party to entertain its visiting town girls that night. In charge of this W.AL. party are Lou Yonkman, Laura Johnson, Midge Stephens and Vada Mae Efird. The next W.A.L. event will be the penny carnival to be held in March, the proceeds of which will go to the World Student Service Fund. Marg Lucking and Betty Van Buren are co-chairmen.
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4 .


U X — 8 Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland, Michigan Jan. 16. 1947


In State Extempore Meet Fr iJay af terno m, M'ss Itet 'y an J Tlr. Ilobo.t Vander Laan rep csen'. J Hop? C^lle'je at the l ! x e . i p > r ? .Spoakin^ Con'.es. at Jvrla uizoo. H;tty T in-nie.-, sp ak n ; on "TIu Churca an 1 Juven le Del luiuency," placed sec-ond in the finals and Robert Van-dor L?an, rp^akinj; on "United Stales and Kussian conflict over the control of Atomic Mnergy," placed sixth in the finals.

First place of the women'.; d'vi-sion was won by Miss Patricia Kean of Albion. She and Hetty Timmer are both from Muskegon He gh ts an J both pir t icipated in forensics together in high school. This is the first time they have been rivals in a contest. Miss Kean will receive a gold medal and Miss Timmer a silver medal. Third place winners receive bronze medals.

Firs t place in the men's division went to Howard Clark of Michigan State College speaking on "Russia, United States and the United Na-tions." Second place was won by Grant Wessel of Alma. Wayne University placed third in both con-tests.

There were two preliminaries in each contest before the finals. Five colleges participated in each of these from which two were elimi-nated from each group. Six speak-ers participated in the finals.

One hour prior to speaking, drawings were made for their spe-cific topics. The preliminaries were held in the afternoon and the finals in the evening.

Part icipating in the contest sponsored by the M.I.S.L., the Michigan Intercollegiate Speech League, were Hope, Hillsdale, Al-ma, Albion, Michigan State, Cen-tral Michigan, Kalamazoo, Western Michigan, W a y n e , and Michigan State Normal. The next event of the M.I.S.L. will be February 15, when there will be the annual de-bate t ou rnanen t to be held at F.ast Lansing.

A f t e r results were announced the Hope. representatives went to the WKZO broadcasting station, and listened to the re-broadcast of the Hope-Kazoo game.

Seven of Hope's

Faculty Attend

Ann Arbor Meet Mori? t ' i rn 1 .0 persons r^pre-

sentin j all but on,' oi the colleges )f the s t a t j and a number of edu-

cators attended the sixt'i annual Sta te Conference on H gher Educa-tion, held in Ann Arbor, l)e:e. iber

1,.)4(). R e p r e s e n t i n g Hope "olhge v.e.e Dr. C h a r h s Wimmer, Dr. CI re;i o DeCraaf, Dr. Walter Van Saun. ' ' - f . Harold Haver-kamp. Dr. John Hollenback, Prof. Kdward P/and and Prof. ( larret t Vanderborgh. The conference was sponsored by the Michigan College Association, the Advisory Commit-tee on Teacher Fducation and Cer-tification, and the Department of Public Instruction.

Sectional m e e t i n g s were held Thursday, Pcvember 2(), to discuss the following top es: The Respon-sibility of Society Education for Post j'High School Education, The Character of General Education Beyond High School, The Respon-sibility of the County and the Col-lege for Post High School Guidance and Recruitment. Preparation and P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t of Teachers. T h u r s d a y evening, a panel discussion was held and "A Cooperative Study of the Needs of Michigan Education H e y o n d the Secondary School Level" presented.

Friday, December 27, a panel dis-cussion of the results of the sec-tional meetings was held in the morning. In the afternoon speeches were given by the presidents of the University of Michigan and Michi-gan Sta te College.

English Majors Discuss Life, Works of E. O'Neill

The life and works of Eugene O'Neill were the topic for consid-eration of the English Majors Mon-day night, January 13. The plays, "Anna Christie" and "The Hairy Ape," were reviewed by Alida Kloosterman and Ann Fikse. A biography of the author 's life was given by Laura Johnson. The mem-bers of the club have been reading various plays of O'Neill and criti-cisms of his works were offered by those Attending the meeting. Ann Fikse, in charge of this meeting, led the group in an informal discus-sion. Next month's meeting will be in charge of Betty Timmer, when Robert Sherwood and his works will be under discussion.

Former Hope Man

Attends Institute

of Foreign Trade Cecil C. Bacheller, who was en-

rolled at Hope from 1939 until 1941, is enrolled in the newly-estab-lished American Institute for For-eign Trade. This is located at Thunderbird Field, Phoenix, Ari-zona.

There are 275 men and a dozen women enrolled in the course. They represent 45 stales and 98 percent of them are veterans. The Insti-tute started October 1. It t ra ins men and women to live, work, and do business in foreign countries.

The course of study at present is concentrated on the Latin Amer-ican nations. However, the Insti-tute plans to expand into other great global areas of U.S. foreign trade e v e n t u a l l y . The present course includes a study of com-merce, culture, customs, and lan-guages of the L a t i n A m e r i c a n nations. In addition to classroom study, students are also instructed in the dances, sports, and other phases of the lines of the people in whose countries they plan to launch their careers in foreign trade.

They also Serve, Who only Stand and Wait7'

Before, \ — After?

McClure To Speak

At Joint Y Meeting Rev. W. Donald McClure, a pio-

neer missionary of the United Pres-

byterian church to the South Su-

danese in Africa, will speak at a

joint meeting of the YM and YW

on January 28. Home on furlough,

Mr. McClure will bring a message

on the Anvaks, among whom he

lives, and will tell of his life and

work as a missionary between the

Nile, Ethiopia, and the Equator.

Having graduated from West-

minster College in 1928, Rev. Mc-Clure volunteered as teacher in a mission school for boys in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Here he found himself unexpectedly in charge of an agricultural school, a large dairy herd, and an irriga-tion project.

Before returning home there was a big game hunt along the upper reaches of the Nile. Here he met the primitive Nilotic Tribes, and his fu tu re was determined. Return-ing home, he matriculated in Pitts-burgh Xenla Theological Seminary in Pi t tsburgh, and upon ordination to the ministry in 1934, he sailed with his wife to the upper reaches of the Nile. During his first fur -lough in 1939, he took graduate work in Cornell University in lan-guages and anthropology.

Mr. McClure has been described as red, rash, and religious. His career in Africa has been full of excitement and high adventure.

Hopei+es to

A t tend Percy

Jones Party Percy Jones Hospital Center in

Battle Creek has asked the Red

Cross to sponsor another ward

par ty as a result of the successful

party held on November 1(5, 194(1.

Thus, Ottawa County Red Cross

officials have arranged for hospital

party hostesses to go to Percy

Jones on January 18, 1947.

Miss Beth Marcus, executive sec-

retary of Ottawa County chapter,

invites all girls interested in at-

tending to contact the local Red

Cross office. She emphasizes the

fact *hat girls who serve as party-

hostesses are doing a real service

to wounded veterans who seldom

have outside visitors. Red Cross

workers in Battle Creek also report

the acute need for ward parties

and hospital social events.

The group will meet at the Red

Cross office and leave at 2:30 p. m.

by bus. This will enable them to

arrive in Battle Creek by 5 o'clock

and have a lunch before going to

the hospital. Party hostesses will

be on duty in wards between (> and

8 o'clock under the supervision of

Red Cross workers. The group will

return to Holland at 11 o'clock.

Van Raalte Hall Basement To House Student Lounge

Dr. Irwin Lubbers, president of the college, announced at a luncheon of students and faculty held racantly, that he was wholeheartedly in favor of a plan to convert the basement of Van RaaKe Hall into a student lounge. His opinion came after a rounJ table discussion on the subject, during which time it was brought out that the present lounge in the basement is inadequate.

Dr. Lubbers s tated that he under-

I.R. Club Schedules stood the need for an adequate

k i • • qp • • . j r , ) 0 ' " for recreation on the campus.

M e e t i n g I O n i g h t : and a f t e r considering various plans

"The PurpDsea of the United Na-1 , ) U t t h e e n t i r e P r o j ec t t ons are: | hands of the student body.

1. To maintain international , A t t h o S a m e t i m e h a a p p o i n t e d Lou

peace and security, and to that

end: to take effective collective

measures for the prevention a n ( j 1 ( , I u n i f n r e x c h a n K e ( ) f "deas. In this

Bixby chairman of the "plans"

committer and the Anchor as me-

removal of threats to the peace,

and for the suppression of acts of

aggression or other breaches of

the peace, and to bring about by

peaceful means, and in conformity

with the principles of justice and

international law, adjus tment or

settlement of international disputes

or situation which might lead to a

breach of the peace;

2. To develop friendly relations

among nations based on respect for

the principle of equal r ights and

self-determination of peoples, and

to take other appropriate measures

'.o s trengthen universal peace;

3. To achieve international co-

dera t ion in solving international

problems of an economic, social,

cultural, or humanitarian charac-

ter, and in promoting and encour-

aging respect for human r ights and

for fundamental freedoms for all

way the entire project will be

student managed, and their desires

will be carefully carried out at col-

lege expanse.

It was also pointed out at the

luncheon that because of the con-

dition of the basement it would be

more practical to redecorate fol-

lowing rustic designs, ra ther than a t tempt ing to modernize the entire floor. The Anchor feels the idea is unique in the fact that the college is willing to cater to the wishes of the students to such an extent, and is hopeful that full cooperation will be extended to the chairman and administration.

The Anchor expects to be flooded with ideas, which may be submitted in the form of a plan or letter. They should be left in the Anchor box located in the office, or given to any member of the staff.

This is a s tudent project. It is for the benefit of students. The president and a d m i n i s t r a t i o n is

without distinction as to race, sex,I c a t e r ' n ^ t o t h e d e s i r e s of the . . . . . ctllHonto I.'..11 i • . .

M. Korteling, V. Dykstra Win Oratorical Contests

In the a n n u a l A d e l a i d e and

Raven Oratorical contests, held just

prior to the holidays, top honors

went to Marian Korteling, a senior

from Buff town, Indiana, and Vergil

Dykstra, a sophomore from Orange

City, Iowa.

In the Adelaide Contest for wo-

men, which was held on the a f te r -

noon of December 18 in Van Raalte

Hall, Miss Korteling won first place

with her oration, entitled, "Wanted

— A Revitalized Church." As win-

ner of the contest, she will receive a prize of $25 and the r ight to represent Hope College in the State Contest.

Honorable mention was awarded to the second-place winner, Lor-raine Van Farowe, who spoke on " F i n g e r p r i n t s of D e m o c r a c y . " Other contestants were: Hazel Van-der Woude, speaking on "The Hope of the World," and Leona Dpor-enbos, "This is our Hour."

Presiding at the contest was Betty Timmer, a member of Pi Kappa Delta, The judges were: Prof, E d w a r d B r a n d and Miss Emma Reeverts of the English De-par tment , and Prof. Garre t t Vander Borgh of the Education Depart-ment.

In the Raven Contest for men, held on December 18 in the Chapel, Mr. Dykstra was a w a r d e d first place in his oration, "Guilt or Glory." He will receive a prize of

$30, and the right to represent

Hope at the State Contest.

Second prize of $20 was aw arded

to Robert Schuller, whose topic

was, "The More WE Get Together."

Others taking part in the contest

were: Warren Hietbrink, "Not Taps

But Reveille 'V L e r o y K o r a n d a ,

"Peace Proposals"; Walter Studdi-

ford, "Rock of Ages"; Charles Pre-

vite, "The Crisis and the Moral

Order"; Donald EVers, "The Hope of the World"; Robert Paul, "We Owe Our Youth the Right to Vote"; Glenn Van Haitsema, "If We Want War" ; Harold Schaible, "Medico."

Miss Luella Pyle, Vice-President of Pi Kappa Delta, presided at this contest. Serving as judges were; Dr. Walter Van Saun, Rev. Eugene Osterhaven, Dr. Lester Kuyper, Dr. John Hollenbach, and Prof. Edward Avison.

Miss Korteling and Mr. Dykstra wi^l represent tHope at the State Oratorical Contest of the Michigan Intercollegiate Speech League at Western Michigan College, Kala-mazoo, on March 7.

; o

Student Wives* Group Hope's newly-organized student

wives' group will meet in the base-ment lounge of Van Raalte Hall on January 2l8t at 8:15 p. m. This fall be a social meeting. All wives are invited to attend.

language, or religion; and

4. To be a center for harmoniz-ing the actions of nations in the at tainment of these common ends."

With such purposes in mind the representatives of the United Na-tions assembled in San Francisco and established an International Organization to be known as the United Nations. Later our repre-sentatives in Congress, with the approval of the people of the Unit-ed States, decided to cast our lot with this Organization. To create a greater awareness of U.N. activi-ties and to fur ther general knowl-edge about the organization to which our nation is committed, the International Relations Club will :enter their meeting this evening, January 1(1, at 7:15 p. m. in the Chapel basement around the theme of the "United Nations."

Included in the program will be film strips concerning the varied phases of the Organization's work; Don Vandenberg will discuss the functions of the General Assembly, and Bob Danhof will present a paper concerning the activities of the Security Council. All s tudents may attend.

students. Full cooperation in this mat ter is expected, for everyone will benefit.

Language Group Hears Travelogue

A travelogue through the prov-inces of France was the main fea-ture of the program at the meet-ing of the Modem Language Club, Monday night, January 13. T h e traditions, life, and customs of Brit tany, Normandy, Alsace-Lor-raine, and the island of Corsica, were discussed by Eunice Hymen, Shirley Willbrandt, and Lois Van Wyk.

A game of "What ' s My N a m e ? " using various French, German, and Spanish celebrities to guess was played. Prizes were given for the best guesser, followed by a pause for refreshments . The meeting end-ed with the singing of the various club songs.

The various clubs alternate in taking charge of the monthly meet-ings, and this month's gathering was under the leadership of the French Club. The meeting was called to order by President Phyllis Voss and the program was planned by the vice-president, Doris Opie.

Hope College Adds 3

To Faculty Roster This coming semester Hope will

add three new names to its list of faculty members. Mr. Raymond Smith, a law-school graduate, will teach a course in business law. At the present time he is municipal judge of Holland.

A graduate of Hope with the class of '4(>, Miss Francis Koeman will take over her duties as an in-structor in the biology department, teaching physiology and hygiene. Miss Koeman is now studying at the University of Minnesota.

Miss Jennie Spoelstra, a gradu-ate of Hope and registered nurse, will have charge of the clinic next semester and will assist Dr. Leen-houts. Miss Spoelstra, who is now-studying at the University of Kan-sas, will do some teaching in the biology department . She will take aver a course in Public School Health, as well as laboratory work n zoology. The clinic has grown

beyond expectations, and Miss Spoelstra will take over some of the detail work.

W.A.L. Plans February Party March Carnival

Elaine Meuusen, president of the W o m e n ' s A c t i v i t i e s League, re-cently announced tha t the all girls par ty held in the gym every year will be combined with the town girls overnight par ty and will be held during the l a t t e r p a r t of February.

Each dorm will have a party to entertain its visit ing town girls that night. In charge of this W.AL. par ty are Lou Yonkman, Laura Johnson, Midge Stephens and Vada Mae Efird.

The next W.A.L. event will be the penny carnival to be held in March, the proceeds of which will go to the World Student Service Fund. Marg Lucking and Betty Van Buren are co-chairmen.

Page 2: 01-16-1947


Page Two

Hope College Anchor Member -

Rssociated Cbleftale Press

Hope College Anchor

STAFF VIVIAN DYKEMA Ed tor-in-Chief Renze L. Hoeksema Howard Koop Associate Lois Van Wyk Editors Louise Ter Beek Business Manager Joseph Palmer, J r Asst. Business Manager

STAFF Harr ie t Hains News Editor Barbara Bilkert Fea ture Editor Glenna Gore Society Editor Mary Young Circulation Manager Dorothy Davis, Shirley Willbrandt J Jane t P fe i f fe r (Typisti Dale Ackridge Ar t Editor

Lou Bixby Joanne Decker Rachel Dykstra Virginia Hemmes Carolyn Ingham Alida Kloosterman Laurence Masse Elaine Meeusen Ernest Meeusen


Jean Meulendyke Lois Meulendyke Peggy Prins Ruth Quant Mollie Reimers Eleanor Rubingh Ruth Ruys Geraldine Sheerans Jean Sibley

Jean Thompson Gertrude Vredeveld Dick Vriesman Arlene Wieten Robert Wildman Vernon Sennet Owen Koeppe Max Frego Vergil Dykstra

Walter Boerma Dick Brown Marie Butt lar


Marian Hanna Roger Kempers Carolyn Ingham Lyn Lundberg Jan Joldersma Don Vanden Berg

Robert Wildman


Ruth Bartholomew Donna Slugter Bonita Zandbergen Marcia De Young Evelyn Van Dam

Published every two weeks dur ing the school year by the students of Hope College.

Entered as second class mat ter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at special ra te of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918.


E d i t o r i a l s

Improvement From The Ground Up Much has been said about the need for student participa-

tion and cooperation. Once again we broach the subject. We uige all students to express their views on how they would remodel and redecorate the basement of Van Raalte. Every-one is aware of the need for adequate lounge facilities, but plans for meeting this need are necessary first. Don't feel as if your suggestion has no merit, for it may be just the idea to complete another suggestion. Although you may think that your plan is too far-fetched or would involve too much expense, don t hesitate to turn it in. The administration is giving us a lot of leeway in planning this student project for the benefit of students. It is now up to us to cooperate. All suggestions turned in should be signed. So everybody get busy, and let's back this whole-heartedly with some good suggestions, rather than griping about existing conditions.


Beste Jan

Well, Eas t is Eas t and West is

West, and whoever thought that

twains would all s top in Holland?

But here we are again to bring you

the very latest in t r i te talk and

timid twosomes following a some-

what prolonged absence — due to

circumstances beyond our control.


The sparkle in the eyes of Bar-

bara Bilkert, Holly Holleman, June

Meeusen, Edith Young and Norma

Kellogg may be a reflection f rom

that third finger le f t hand, f o r

these fa i r femmes can be added to

the list of " they ' re engaged, they're

lovely, they're taken!"

From a very "on the in" and con-fidential f reshman source, I have some information on the frolics of said group, Joan Ten Hove and Danny Paul, Marian Palen and Harold Schiable, Connie Hartman and Gerry Formsma and Dotty Milne and Roy Waltachenbach a re proof that tha t class moves in a quiet but " m y s t e r i o u s w a y , its wonders to per form." And — raise the flag, my friends, Mr. Bob Reach has now settled his most fickle but fond affections on one freshman,

Evelyn Miller.

Isn' t it a relief to be back to a nice little town a f t e r those buzzing big cities where some of us had the misfortune to spend a few of our fifteen days.

1. To Baxter John Elhart, Zee-

land, Michigan: With an eye to the

fu tu re remember this, Dorothy Dix

provides a very substantial living

by giving tha t same kind of advice

which you so graciously give gra tus

to any or all. Capitalize on your talents!

2. To Phyllis Voss: As an aid to a failing memory, some individuals write themselves short notes and place them at convenient locations around room.

3. To J u d y M i l l e r and Mar ie Buttler: The flood season doesn't usually appear until the spring. Are you t ry ing to get ahead of Mother N a t u r e ? You might ask the advice of Bob Wildman and Charles Newton for a similar situation ap-peared in their humble abode at Zwemer Hall.

To all new practice teachers, whose problems I understand and appreciate:

May your next semester be filled with many happy experiences at your various schools.

And now dear r e a d e r s , with exams only a few days away, may I wish you all the best of luck and s tuf f .

G. G. o-

Did you all have a nice vacation ?

Silly question now that I think

about it. J u s t being polite! Vries-

man had a wonderful time. He went

s tark-raving mad, worked all day,

went out all night, and just about made it back to school before he collapsed. Boy's Glee Club'couldn't wait to get s tar ted practicing. They were all br ight and eager Monday morning, the little beavers!!

Have you heard the chimes at 5 P. M. ? They play so long—seems

Y A W L Af te r some three years ' close

association with the Yankee ele-

ment in America, I feel tha t some

definition, some explanation be

made to thenT^as to the meaning

of the word yawl. At first, I was

highly amused by the jokes and

sarcasm extended to me by these

well-meaning people concerning the

word, which is, as everyone knows,

merely a shortened and much more

pleasant version of two words, you

and all. However, these jokes be-

came extremely "cliche" and very

dull, to be sure. I have listened to

a certain well-known radio per-

They're Watching You! This past week Hope's student body had as its guests three

important personages from India. From time to time, we have been hosts to visitors from various parts of the globe, and as a student body we should be appreciative of this oppor-tunity of promoting better understanding.

During this past war, foreign peoples received many none-too-complimentary impressions of American youth through the conduct of some of our soldiers. This, of course, worked both ways. Therefore, we are grateful for this opportunity to eradicate many of these erroneous ideas. Many of our notions of the people of India have been molded pretty much by pictures of scantily clad mystics like Ghandi. However, a few minutes spent in conversation with men such as Mr! Jared Savarirayan with his quick wit and intelligent compre-hension of student life and its problems, convince one of the kinship of his interests and ideals to ours.

We read much these days of the value of a system of ex-change students with various foreign countries. It would be difficult to appraise the historic effect of such pilgrimages, but leaders are confident that the exchange of Chinese and American students was instrumental in a large measure for the establishment of the famed Chinese-American friendship. Since the war has made study on many foreign campuses impossible, America has become the intellectual Mecca of the world. At the present time, we are the only nation with fa-cilities adequate for this tidal wave of students. How impor-tant it is at this time, when the issue is so clearly cooperation or destruction, that we give these students the best training possible, that we make friends with them, and invite them into our homes and churches. National leaders hail this in-tellectual migration to our shores as a step in the direction of world peace in promoting mutual understanding. Let's see that it's used for that purpose.

Today the eyes of America are on India, and in turn, In-dia's eyes are on America for aid in the building of her future. The natural outcome of delegations such as the recent one from India, is the placement of many foreign students in our colleges and universities. These youth come to our country seeking knowledge and direction. They have much to offer us. What are we prepared to give them?

L. V. W.,

To Bob Lamon I direct this ques-tion: How many of your fifteen days were spent in Chicago's Dear-bom Station.

Midge and Johnny, now Mister and Missus, came back to Holland to find their home sweet home a colorful display of confett i and rice. Kilroy had struck again! You may quote me on this.

It has been the custom in the

past to include certain thoughts for the week in the column so in order not to disappoint anyone, I shall include a few of those casual com-ments.

Letter To The Editor Dear Editor,

In the past few issues of the Anchor, the pros and cons of danc-ing have been aired.

It seems peculiar to me that those who so highly favor it, say that there isn't anything else to do around here. "What would we do if we can't dance?" is there re-peated question. It 's ra ther s t range that those who don't dance, don't complain of lack of r e c r e a t i o n . What do they do in their spare t ime? Or don't they have a n y ? Is it just those who dance find t ime for recreation ? I think not. I am of the opinion that those who don't dance find other means of pleasure in the f ree evenings alloted to a busy student. If they find other ways of spending a few free hours, it seems to me those who dance

as if Kilroy's up there, too. Anyway j " " " " ^ 0 f t h e e ! t P r e S 8 i o n

wo'ro o-io^ I*. I fo r many years until I will not

even listen to his program. He is

repulsive to my sense of loyalties.

Indesd, his almost Northern mer-

cenary instincts in capitalizing on

this very nice word have so of-fended me that a t t imes I have found myself dr l :berately ref ra in-ing from using tlie word in the camp of the enemy for f ea r of be-ing termed a "professional South-erner ."

Yawl ig an informal, easy way of inquiring of a number of people what their actions will be, whether or not they will be a t home for a bit of conversation, or any related purpose. I t is a charmingly casual way of inquiring of the health of a whole family or even a football team.

If I were to meet someone and ask him, "How are yawl?" he would natural ly reply as to the s ta tus of the health of his wife, sweetheart , or otherwise, and his progeny, if any. He might even nform me of the case of distemper

his hound dog had last week. What a much easier way to s ta r t a con-versation than speaking of the weather. What a much more cor-dial way to greet one's fr iends.

If I wanted to know whether a group of people were accompany-ing me on a tr ip to a res taurant , dove shoot, or funeral , I would merely inquire, "Yawl coming?" This yawl refers to a group, I as-sure you, and not to any individual.

his common misconception of the Yanks is entirely incorrect. Yawl always re fe rs to a group, and not to an individual. If only an indi-vidual is present, his family, social set or organization is implied. I hope yawl don't take this the wrong way.

we're glad they ' re fixed. I t 's one of the nicest things about this campus.

Choir got off in a blaze of glory and groanings for 1947. Firs t th ing the opening sentence and Amen become different; also the two d rectors. Now we have "Rodger dodger" R e i t b e r g a n d " H a r k Hark! The La rk" Vriesman, to lead the morning anthem. Rog is the essence of n e r v e - l e s s - n e s s , but Vriesman's teeth chat ter the beat

Now that Probst 's recital is fin ished, Mrs. Snow can stop eat ing nerve pills, and enjoy the rest ol' the semester. So can the res t ol us.

In the next issue of the. Anchor I would like to write my farewel article. This will be most g ra t i fy -ing, I'm sure, especially to the Boys Glee Club, and the Prof, May your New Year be br ighter — your voices — lighter, boys. Until .next time —

"Probs t "

should have very little difficulty doing likewise.

The rule of the college says there will be no dancing sponsored by the school. When each of us made ap-plication here, we knew, or should have known that . As long as we are students at Hope College, we should expect to abide by the rules. We don't break any of the laws of the land, and not expect to reap our just punishment. In the same light, then, should we expect to break the rule of the school and plan to get by with it ? Evidently, the founders of the school had a purpose in mak-ing this rule. Let us abide by their decision.

A Sophomore

Education for International Good Will A few short months ago the idea of another war would

lave been repudiated with the decisive resolution that we shall see to it that there will be no next war. There is, how-ever, a fatal line of progress of evil things. First they are abhorred, next they are tolerated, then they are embraced, t is not too soon to take preventive measures. The American

public, the American Press, yes, the faculty of Hope College, and the students of Hope College appear to have already picked our next victim. One hears it all about — yes, in class, in the halls and in our club meetings. One local paper has already by some means of unique expansion made a cruiser out of a small navy boat in the Darien incident. No, I am not "Red," in fact, I am not even "Pink." I believe, only, that the place of Russia demands special consideration and more pa-tience than many people are inclined to give. Let us not rush ahead blindly into the pitfall of war; but rather let us work and educate for peace.

"Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed," and from various angles, both practical and idealistic. Much of the prejudice existing in men's minds against "foreigners," and the misunderstandings and false judgments of other races and countries are due to wrong attitudes created during the educational period. Some of these impressions are some-times overcome as wider knowledge brings deeper under-standing, but in many cases education does not go far enough to rectify the errors. To this must be added the very serious consideration that education may be misdirected and used deliberately to foster isolationism and animosity. For these reasons alone it is very important that teachers should be alive to the possibilities of their work — to the vision of their opportunity not only to prepare their pupils to become suc-cessful individuals, but effective citizens of international soci-ety. Education, if it is to effectively lead the rising generation towards international understanding, must be built upon the BROAD FIRM FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH IN HUMAN BROTHERHOOD.

Did you say, Professor, that it didn't matter if you took a crack at Russia every chance you got? Student, did you say it didn't matter whether you criticized Russia at every opportunity that came along, and if the opportunity didn't arise that you made one? Do you both label every man

wish a progressive idea a 4<Red," or perhaps a "Pink?" The "Little leaven which leavenet^h the whole lump" is a parable of considerable significance in contemplating such criticism, don't you agree? ) r . h .

Telephonic Courtesy Have you called Voorhees Hall

lately ? Try dialing 9100. You get the busy signal— Well t ry dialing 9142— What ' s t h a t ? — do you get the busy signal for that number too? Be pat ient and t ry it again in a few minutes—you know how the average femme likes to gab when you get her into a conversa-tion.

What 's this, you say that you dialed the same two numbers and got the same results aga in? What a sad s ta te of affairs that is, and you really wanted to take tha t gal out this evening. Now don't get exasperated fellow, another few minutes wait will give you time to solve another one of those wrong problems tha t Prof. Kleis usually gets.

Now don't tell me you couldn't make with the "yak yak" a t h i n t ime? What ' s the mat ter with those gals over at Voorhees ? They know their way around socially and wouldn't break one of the fundamental rules of telephone etiquette of holding the phone. You just work out another one of those problems and call back again.

What ' s t h i s ? ? ? You really look like you a r e ready to t e a r the room apar t . Now I wouldn't say tha t about all the girls in Voor-hees. Sure you'll find one in every gang.

Why don't you forget the deal and really be a bright light in Mr. Kleis' class in the morning. Any-way you can buy yourself a new tie with the money you saved by not going out.

Now we are going to ask. What is the matter with the girls at Voorhees Hall, that they allow any girl or girls to hold the phone all evening. With just two phones ir that establishment of verbal whirl-winds. a person calling in from the outside gets more than frustrated on receiving the busy signal every-time they phone. So they want the housemother to sit by the phonr all evening so that no one will overuse i t? That wouldn't be quite fair to her.

Something has got to be done

about t ha t phone si tuation, be-cause it 's terrible. Why not ostri-cize any girl tha t holds the phones over her five minute allowance. When you stop to think how many fellows can ' t get through to the phone to ask for dates it runs pre t ty high. (That ' s an incentive right there) . If a fellow's t ry ing to dial " L " nothing is more defeat-ing than a continuous buzz in the lef t ear lobe. The wires are twisted somehow and I think the gals at Voorhees have to s t ra ighten them out among themselves.

Here a r e a few handy rules on the proper use of a telephone :-

(1) Do not call up people more frequent ly or keep them a t the phone longer than is necessary. You may have nothing to do, but the person at the o ther end may be extremely busy, yet too court-eous to say so.

(2) Guessing games were fun in grade school but the old "Guess who this i s ? " line is definitely out-moded as well as being rude.

(3) Ask distinctly f o r the per-son with whom you wish to speak. None of t he "Who is t h i s ? "

(4) If you are called, it saves time when you answer the tele-phone to say at once, " th is is John Van Somebody," without say in r "Hello".

(6) The straightforward girl of^ this atomic age has been known to ask for dates and with all the oarties coming up there will be more of that. Girls d o n t coo and goo and talk honey, coated and silly to the men at the other end of the line. The phone can take it but he c a n t Just ask him if he would care to go to such and such an activity and an acceptance will follow closer on the heels of poise than on a myriad of giggles.

(6) D o n t shout out the phone to get a point across. It only makes t more difficult for the recipient

to hear and also gives the rest of the girls in the dorm a flrst-hear-ing insight Into your affairs.

(7) Gals: let your motto be: v Less Gab; more Guys.


Page 3: 01-16-1947

Hope College Anchor

H a p ? S m b u s e m h o t a

A Trip Around The World By Robert Birce

Ear ly one May morning, we lef t San Francisco in a converted

Dutch luxury liner. Our dest inat ion was, of course, unknown. Two

weeks later , a f t e r an uneventful t r ip in which schools of sharks , whales,

porpoises, and flying fish, crossing the Equa to r , and gain ing a day

crossing the Internat ional Date Line were the only exci t ing things to

happen, we arr ived a t Wellington, New Zealand. A f t e r a day or two

layover, we moved on to Fremant le , Aus t ra l ia . One day was all t h a t

we s tayed there , and then we were on our way aga in . News began

to circulate around the ship that some of the t roops were going to

Afr ica and some to I ran . The boat pulled into Columbo, Ceylon, and

jus t before debarkat ion, we learned tha t we were the lucky ones to be

sent to I ran . Very few of us had heard about the place, so we were

r a the r eage r to see it, and yet r a the r hes i tant because we didn' t know |

quite what to expect.

A f t e r a week's s tay in Columbo, we s ta r ted up the-coast of India

fo r our last stop, but we had to put in a t Bombay for food and water .

This was to be our last stop, fo r within the next two weeks we s ta r ted

up the Sha t t l A r a b river, which empt ies into the Pers ian Gulf. As soon

as we entered the mouth of the river, we could feel the oppressive heat,

and it was then only about 9:00 in the morning. The f a r t he r up the

r iver we went , the hot ter it became. The wind when it blew was like the

blast f rom an open furnace . F i n a l l y . a t about 2:00 in the a f te rnoon,

we tied up at the dock at Khor ramshahr . Since nobody worked in the

heat of the a f t e rnoon , we had to wait until dusk before we disembarked.

We were then herded into t rucks and driven to .» large a rea coverec

with, ten ts , which were to be our homes for \sv ks to come. The entire

t r ip had taken us a little over seven weeks to comple.e .

W-e were given a week in which to acclimatize ourselves, and then

we were put to work. Our job was to assemble t rucks fo r the Russians

under the lend lease p rogram. Short ly before we arr ived there, the

Army had taken over a Oeneral Motors truck assembly plant, and we

were to share the work with another outfi t . The production of the

plant at tha t t ime was only 000 t rucks a inout.i, bui uvo years later,

the production had increased to over 0,000 t rucks per month.

Dur ing the summer months , we worked only in the mornings and

a t night , because the ext reme t empe ra tu r e s of 140" and 150 dur ing

the mid a f t e rnoons , would make the tools too hot to handle except

with gloves. A person could never be seen to pe i sp . re except about the

face and hands, for the perspirat ion would evapora te almost immedi-

ately f rom his sh i r t leaving a white mark . At night it would cool to

about 100°, but even at tha t , it was r a the r hard to ge l to sleep.

About two hundred miles f rom K h o r r a m s h a h r is a town called

Dizful, the city of the blind, in which most of the people live under-

ground because of the heat . It is conceded to be the hottest place in

the world. Between this town and K h o r r a m s h a h r there was nothing

but desert , and the wind blowing over -the hot sand didn't cool off very

much. The wind picked up a lot of tha t sand and deposited it in every-

thing. F o r seven months of the year, there wouldn't be a cloud in the

sky. Then fo r one month before and a f t e r the th ree -month long rainy-

season, t he re would be fair ly decent weather . Because of the bad liv-

ing, conditions, we were given rest t r ips to Teheran and to Tel Aviv, of

which we all took advantage .

Two years f rom the day we left San Francisco, we left Khorram-

shahr . We went f rom Khor ramshahr to Suez by boat, f rom Suez to

Cairo by t ruck convoy, f rom Cairo to P o r t Said by t ra in , and then on

a boat again . We spent a lmost two weeks in Cairo and during that

t ime saw quite a bit of the city and also the Py ramids and Sphinx.

From Port Said we traveled to Naples where we picked up more per-

sonnel to be re turned to the S ta tes , and f rom Naples to New York.

This t ime the t r ip took us only six weeks. F rom New York we were

given our fu r loughs , and the outfit was. to reassemble in Cal i fornia . On

the way back to our Cal ifornia s ta t ion, the t ra in had to pass th rough

San Francisco, and in so doing, we completed our t r ip around the world.

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Page; Three

Air Force Association Authorizes Formation

O f Campus Squadrons

The Air Force Association, an organizat ion fo r Army Air Force ve te rans and present members of the A. A. F. has begun to author-ize t h e - format ion of char te r campus squadrons in colleges th roughout the country. Headed by Lt. General J i m m y H. Doolittle, there are many uni ts already in action on many campuses such as Nor thwes te rn Univers i ty , the Uni-versi ty of Chicago and Columbia Universi ty.

The chief aim of the Air Force Association is " to preserve and fos ter the spiri t of fellowship among former , present and fu tu re members of the United Sta tes A r m y Air Force. There is also the desire " to help develop fr iendly relat ions among nat ions based on respect for the principle of equal r ights to all people."

Membership in the Association is op3n to all men and women who served in any branch of the Army Air Forces. Additional informa-:ion may be obtained by writ ing to the Air Force Association, 1603 K Stree t , N. W., Washington, D. C.

Science Library A d d s

N igh t Hour Schedule The Science Library located on

second floor in the Science Huild-

ing has a definite schedule of hours.

It will be open f rom 2:00 until 5:00

P.M. on Tuesday and Thursday af t -

ernoon, and f rom 7:00 until 9:;{( P.M. on Monday and Wednesday ivenings. Hooks per ta in ing to chemistry and biology and physics and science periodicals may bo Irawn f rom the reading room dur-

ing these hours.

Federation Group

Maps Program At a conference of all World

Government Groups held in Chicago

in the p a s t m o n t h the groups agreed to unite and work toge ther to achicve federal world govern-ment . A p la t form to th is end was d rawn up by the group.

The p la t form s t a t e s t ha t a world government , federal and democratic in fo rm, with laws applicable to individuals is needed. This govern-

ment would have jurisdict ion over world affa i rs , but na t ions would re ta in j u r i s d i c t i o n over national affairs . The government would have popularly elected legislative, judi-cial and executive bodies. All na-tions w o u l d be i n v i t e d to par-t icipate.

T h e g r o u p believes that this could be achieved by t r an s fo rming

the UN f rom a league to a federal world government and by calling a world constitutional convention to d r a f t a consti tution to be submitted to the governments of the world for ra t i f ica t ion.

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US Educational Crisis

With almost 1,400,000 veterans a t tending colleges and universit ies this year , the American educational system is "in the g r a v e s t crisis in its h is tory ," according to an article in the Sa tu rday Evening Tost.

Speaking off the record and re-gre t fu l ly , a number of educators predict such a t igh ten ing of the => tuat ion that many American girls presently of college age will never be allowed to mat r icu la te , " the ar t i d e continues.

Another wri ter — William Mac-Kaye — in his art icle, "Cris is at the Colleges," wri tes tha t "main-s t a t e inst i tut ions a re r e fus ing ad-mission to ou t -of - s ta te women, and it seems inevitable tha t these schools will clamp down f u r t h e r . "

Colleges do not have the facili-ties, housing, ins t ruc tors or even classrooms to handle this huge number. The housing shor t age af -

^ fects mostly the women s tudents

( because it has been " t r a d i t i o n " to have "supervised" housing for

! girls, while men can live any place ! where "walls keep out the weather . "

— ( A C P )

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The Philathea Trio These Young Ladies sang for

us over a year ago. They're Tops!

Paul Wolterink Clarinetist with the Grand Rapids Symphony Orchestra

Floyd and Paul Junior Songsters

THE SNACK SHACK Is gaining in Popularity with those in College who know where to go for those EVENING SNACKS.

Opposite Train Station on 8th Street


S N Y D E R ' S S M A R T S H O E S The Home of Peters Shoes


12 West 8th Street

Page 4: 01-16-1947

Page Four Hope College Anchor a

HOPE TAKES OVER Ml A A LEAD Hope Defeats Kazoo 55-46

In See Saw Battle, Jan. 10 Hope had to do it the ha rd way

last F r iday night . A f t e r t ra i l ing

Kalamazoo f o r over half the game,

she came back very s t rongly to

gain a 55-46 decision. Kalamazoo

represented by f a r the biggest

block in Hope 's pa th back to the

MIAA championship. Kazoo had

downed Adrian, Hillsdale, and Al-

ma before fac ing Hope.

De Vet te got Hope off on the

r ight foot with two quick buckets.

Kazoo came r ight back and made

it 5-4. The teams then t raded bas-

kets up to 10-9 in Hope's favor .

The Dutch kept the lead unti l Ka-

zoo took over 16-14. They held on

to a 4 or 6-point lead fo r the re-

mainder of the half which ended


Hope Reorganizes

Club For Varsity The Vars i ty Club was recent ly

reorganized with Coach Al Vander

Bush ac t ing as sponsor. The club

is open to all men who have won

ei ther a m a j o r or a minor l e t t e r

here a t Hope College.

The principles of the club a r e

as fol lows: 1. To promote a th le t ics

for all s tuden t s with the s t ress on

good spor tsmanship . 2. To help

keep Hope 's campus beaut i fu l . 3.

To t ry and influence other a th le tes

to come here to school.

A commit tee has been named to

act as the governing board f o r the

club. The following men will act

on tha t board: Roy Davis, Bill

Draper, and Clarence Hopkins.

The following men a re in cha rge of commit tees : Don Ladewig, t a g s ; Jack Yoemans, par t ies ; Don Mul-der, basketba l l ; Ray Heemst ra , c igare t te cans ; Don Schreimer , s igns; Bud Koranda, publicity.

The play dur ing the first half

was very even as the score indi-

cates. Hope was a little f a s t e r , but

the Hornets held the edge under

the boards. Kalamazoo w a s very successfully working the ball in close to Hope's basket and tak ing many shor t shots.

The second half s t a r t ed with Kazoo h i t t ing several very long shots. A f t e r five minutes had past they had built up a 38-31 lead. From tha t point on Hope com-pletely dominated the game. Kala-mazoo got nothing but a f ew long shots as Hope's defense t ightened and bottled up the center . Hope had possession of the ball almost all the time, thanks to her control of the backboards. With e ight min-utes lef t to play Hope took the lead 42-41, accompanied by a t re-mendous roar f rom the Holland crowd. Dur ing the remainder of the g a m e Hope raced on to a 55-46 victory while the Kalamazoo coach and p layers argued with the offi-cials.

Russ De Vette played a fine all around g a m e and walked off with the scoring honors with 23 points. Herk Buter ' s play under the offen-sive board dur ing the second half was very good. Don Scholten also ra tes mention for his defensive board work. Don Mulder, a lways cool under pressure, set up many Hope scores while pu t t i ng in 10 points himself .

The scoring was very evenly di-vided among Kalamazoo players. Thomson was probably the i r grea t -est th rea t with his pivot shots. Emrick and Stanski , Kalamazoo 's f r e shmen guards , were good on long shots. Hinkley, who is usu-ally a high scorer, was completely checked. App played a fine game at fo rward . Phone 2821

NEW A R R I V A L S Hope College Pennants


Complete Line of School Supplies

Cash for Used Text Books 8 8 8 8 S S 8 S 8 8 8 S S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 &




T H E L O U I S E S H O P Fashiom lor Juniors

14 East Eighth Street


Hope (55)

FG F T T P De Vette, f 9 5 23 Van Dis, f 1 0 2 Buter, Harv , f 2 0 4

Dalman, f 0 1 1 Buter, Herk, c 2 4 8 Hendrickson, c 1 1 3 Mulder, g 5 0 10 Scholten, g 0 2 2 Ploegsma, g 1 0 2

Totals 21 13 55

Kalamazoo (46)

FG F T T P App, f 4 2 10 Hinga, f 0 1 1 Thomson, c 4 5 13 Marlet t i , c 4 0 8 Stanski , g 4 0 8 Emrick, g 2 2 6

Tota ls 18 10 46

Free th rows : Hope—13 out of 23; Kalamazoo—10 out of 20.



Alma to Meet Dutchmen In Conference Play

Hope t ravels to Alma Sa tu rday

night to play her fou r th conference

game. Hope will go into the g a m e

heavily favored, but Alma is a

team tha t has possibilities. Under

Coach Steve Sebo, they s ta r t ed

thei r league p lay with an easy

51-39 victory over Hillsdale. In their next game Alma led Albion until the closing minutes but lost 58-52. Alma even gave Kalamazoo trouble in the ea r ly s tages of her third game. Kazoo, however, won quite easily.

H a r t t has been Alma ' s high scor-or most of the t ime this year . He s playing his th i rd year at center .

Greenhoe, a high-scoring fo rward , .s playing his first year with Alma.

For Your Sewing Needs

SINGER SEWING CENTER Hemstitching Button Holes Dress AccessDries

51 West 8th St. Phone 66007

B 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ®

Borr's Bootery

M U S I C for





Radio Service Zenith Radios

79 W. 14th St. Phone 4515 S S 8 8 8 8 8 S S 8 8 8 8 8 8 g 8 3 8 8 g 8 8 8

He played with Wes te rn Michigan before the war. Budge, the o ther forward, scored 22 points aga ins t Percy Jones . Walker is p laying his second season a t g u a r d , while Tem-ple will probably s t a r t as the other guard. Max Tullis, who played before the war, is back and may see action a s a g u a r d .

Hope has held a definite edge over Alma dur ing the pas t ten years . She has won 14 while losing 6. Alma, however, has taken 5 of the last 8 contests , including 4 s t r a igh t f r o m '40 to '42. Las t year Alma beat Hope in thei r first meet-ing 73-60. Hope more than turned the tables la ter in t h e season with a 77-53 win.

S t a r t i n g l ineup:

Hope Pes . Alma

De Vet te F Greenhoe Van Dis F Budge Buter, Herk C H a r t t Scholten G Temple Mulder G Walker

Coach Vanderbush Issues Track Call

Mr. Al Vanderbush, upon his re-turn th i s week f r o m a New York conference of football coaches, is-sued a call fo r all men interested n par t i c ipa t ing in an indoor meet

in March to mee t wi th him. This meet ing will be held on Monday, J a n u a r y 20, 1947, in Van Raal te Hall, room 301.

This meet is a r egu la r MIAA event and will be governed by the conference rules and regulat ions . Among the events to be run will be the 2 mile, 1 mile, qua r t e r and half mile, and one h u r d l e . The shor te r races will include the 60-yard dash and a spr in t .

For the field events competit ion will include pole vaults , high jump, broad j u m p and shot pu t . The only o ther even t will be a four -man re-lay. All Hope men who wish to represen t the Blue and Orange should be sure to a t tend this im-por tan t meeting.

G r a n d Rapids J . C .

G a m e Dec. 16

Hope (53)

PRINS SERVICE 160 E. 8th Street

Phone 4342







Ready to serve Hope College Students

5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 g



FG FT T P De Vet te , f 5 0 10 Van Dis, f 2 5 9 Buter, Herk, c 4 5 13 Hendrickson, c 2 0 4 Mulder, g 6 2 14 Ploegsma, g 1 1 3

Tota l s 20 13 53


Basketball Begins As the i n t e r - f r a t e rn i t y league got

under way this week and a f t e r tlie last whist le had blown to end th i s

week's addi t ion of basketball , t h e icores r e a d : F r a t e r (B) , 31, Knicks, (B) , 25; Independents (B) , 31, Ar --adian (B) , 29; Cosmos (B) , 31, Emmies (B) , 11.

In the " A " league t h e scores were a l i t t le closer and all g a m e s *vere more o r less dubious a s to ;he outcome up to t h e last minutes . F ra t e r s ( A ) bea t Emmies ( A ) to

nake itself victor in both leagues. Arcadian also lost both of i t s

j a m e s by losing to t h e Independ-jn t (A) t eam making i t a win f o r ;he Independents in both leagues.

The Cosmos, the only f r a t e r n i t y or ' roup t h a t won in the "B" league ind lost in the " A " league, were opped by the Knickerbockers.

To i l lus t ra te wha t is mean t by -•loser games in the " A " league two )f these games were decided in the as t minutes by the smal les t m a r -

/ in possible. Independents won by

.he score of 19 to 18, while the Knicks were the victors by a score of 26 to 25. The score of the o the r efame in th i s league was F r a t e r n a l 31, Emersonian 23.

De Fouw's Electric Shop

r ^ o P U G S T O R e * 5 4 E . E I G H T H S T . - l b l W . l l ^ S T

Your Date will enjoy a snack At the new

Mary Jane Before the game.

« 3 3 s s s @ s e e s s s s s s s s 3 s @ 8 s @ s 8 s s s s @ s s e s s s s s e s s e @ s 9 s s i

HOPE COLLEGE JEWELRY Braccleti - Tie Clapc - Keys Necklacei - Year Pint - Brooches

POST'S Jewelry & Gift Shop

Telephone 4506 10 W. 8th St.

These cool nights won't bother you if you

know you can have your midnight

snack in your own room.

For Food Just Right Visit

DOWNTOWN IGA Conviently located on 8th Street

f ps i G a m e Dec. 19

Hope (69)


De Vette , f 8 0 16 / a n Dis, f i i 3

-iuverink, f 2 0 4 J a l m a n , f 2 1 5 r lerk Buter , c 3 3 9

. lendrickson, c 3 3 9 Mulder, g 6 3 15 scholten, g 2 0 4 Harv Buter , g 2 0 4

Tota ls 29 11 69

Michigan Normal (33)

FG F T TiMi Michel, f 2 0 4f.. Heinenger, f 1 0 2

Sherman, f 2 0 4 Geddes, f 3 0 6 Messnger , c 1 1 3

Sweet, g 1 1 3 Reynolds, g 1 0 2

Power, g 0 1 1 ^ave , g 1 0 2 Guenther , g 1 0 2 Ebersole, g 1 2 4

T o t a I s 14 5 33

C I * I F r e e t h r o w s : H o p e — U out of Say It With Flowerf 20; Yp8i-5 out of n.



Photo-finishing, Framing and Oifu

10 E. 8th St., Holland, Mich.

Grand Rapids (39)

FG F T T P Olsen, f 2 1 5

Horn, f 5 1 11 Martin, f 0 1 1

Montgomery, f 4 3 11 Haan, c 3 0 6 Raymond, g 1 0 2 Burgering, g 0 1 1 Lee, g 1 0 2

Tota l s 16 7 39 i

Free throws: Hope—13 out of

23; J . C.—7 out of 12.


U N E M A ' S

s 230 River Avenue



For your Parties and all Social


Choice Corsages Rases

Gardenias Orchids

"Mums" Assorted Bouquets

EBELINK'S Flower Shop

Phone 9496 Opp. Post Office ^@SSSSS&S8SSSSSlS8S8S@lSi

Dutch Mill Restaurant

Completely Air Conditioned


FOODS Served with real

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Enjoy our Excellent Meals . Daily and Sundays

Paul A. Van Raalte owner

Telephone 2687 , 5 W. 8th St^ Holland


Headquarters for . . ,







Carl's Tailor Shop Custom Made Su i fT^



to Towr Clock Bdg.

Beii Van Unte "Vm . Ail Kindt of

INSURANCf—v 177 College Avenue


Page 5: 01-16-1947


Hope College Anchor

f > »

fr I .

Albion Cagers Bow

To Hope Quintet Hope bounced back f rom i ts West-

ern defea t with an easy 49-36 win

over Albion. This was Hope's see-

on J confere ice win in as many

t rys . The team was not playing

its finest brand of ball, but t ight

defensive work kept the Britons

well under control. Albion was a

co-champion with Hope in the

MIAA last year. She gave Hope

one of her two conference beat ings.

The scoring was very slow in

the opening minutes. Albion took

a one-point lead. Hope soon

passed her and was never again

headed. A f t e r 13 minutes of play

the score was only 11-7. Hope was

ge t t i ng good fas t breaks but couldn't

seem to hit her shots. The f an -

shaped backboards in the Albion gym may have been part of the trouble. However, by half t ime Hope had built up a fair ly sa fe advan tage as she led 25-13.

The second half scoring was much closer, but the Britons never gave the Dutch much to worry-about . Hope always held at least

a ten-point advantage. Both teams subs t i tu ted freely toward the end of the game. All of Hope's play-ers saw action.

Don Mulder was the s ta r of the evening as he continued to sharpen his shoot ing eye. He hit long shots f o r 18 points and was his usual self handling the ball. Russ De Vet te , a l i t t le of! his usual fo rm, scored 9 points while Herk Buter pulled in with 8.

Isaac, Albion's one-time All-MIAA guard , led his team with 10 points. Moon, thei r big center , managed to get 8 though he was completely checked in the first half .

Hope (49)


De Vette, f. :{ 9 Van Dis, f 0 6 Buter , Herk, c. :< 2 8 Hendrickson, c . 2 0 4 Mulder, g 9 0 18 Scholten, g i 0 2 Ploegsma, g i 0 i

Totals 22 5 49

Albion (36)

Edwards, f. 1 1 3 Hornbrook, f 1 2 4 Baughey, f o 0 4 Dies, f. 1 II 2 Linton, f 0 1 1 Moon, c •> 8 Jacobs , c. 0 I 1 Isaac, g. ft 0 10 Canna, g. I 1 3

Tota ls 14 8 36

Free throws: Hope—5 out of 11; Albion—8 out of 17.

M I A A Standings In MIAA basketball g a m e s

played over t h e Chr is tmas holidays, Hope College maintained i ts top spot in the league, despite i ts loss to Western Michigan College. Hope has a season record of seven wins and a single loss agains t Kalama-zoo College's th ree wins and five losses. These figures include both i n f e r e n c e and non-conference play.

Albion was the most active over the vacat ion. However, most of their opponents were non-confer-ence. The Britons defeated Hills-dale, 53-43, f o r their second MIAA win and then dropped a 49-36 en-counter with Hope. On a two-game trip into Ohio Albion defea ted Kent Sta te , 54-48 but lost to Akron by a 73-51 score.

Kalamazoo College continued to rate in the top spot by thumping Alma 60-51 and also tak ing Hills-dale into camp, 56-40. However, '.he Hornets now hold second place a f te r losing to Hope, 55-46. The Kazooks also took on Creighton of Nebraska but came out on the short end of a 64-42 score.

Lawrence Tech, the top t eam of the s t a t e with an undefeated sea-.on so f a r , took hapless Adrian foi iwo games in a row, 53-47 and 60-36, fo r the only oilier games played that concern MIAA teams.

The s t an J..i ,.•> ui the MIAA, in-cluding i.n games played up to J anua ry eleven except the Albion-Adrian game, are as follows:

Page Five

w Hope 3 Kalamazoo 3 Albion "J Alma 1 Adrian ()

Hillsdale ...0

Home Opp.

Score Score 172 125 223 147 154 66


169 144 157 129 160

Note : A c o n e .-.ion of a s ta te-ment in the last issue of the AN-

CHOR. It \ . a s incorrectly s ta ted that Hillsdale deteated Alma, 39-31. The corroct-on is t ha t Alma defeated H i l l s v L l e , 51-39.


with Quick Service


at Popular Prices

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Just Around the corner at

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O p e n 7 : 0 0 A.M. to 7 : 0 0 P . M .

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I t ' s Sa tu rday morning and only an hour before deadline, but I

put off wr i t ing the column purposely. The whole problem revolves

around the sea t ing or ticket a r r a n g e m e n t , which we predicted would

be a headache. I'm sure no one envies Prof . Klies in his position

between the devil and the deep blue sea. I'm sure he will admit the

Western se tup smirked sl ightly of something which isn' t good. And

I 'm sure the problem could be worked out, still, more sat isfactor i ly .

No mat t e r what anyone says or thinks, the Armory is jus t so big and

will hold but 1100 people, no more. There are more s tudents than t ha t ,

plus the facul ty and reserved section, which takes no mathemat ics to

deduct t ha t all cannot get in. So why not face it. Why make more

enemies every game with the continuous moving around and out of

people, a certain class of people, namely the s tudents . I say let only

50f/r of the s tudents go to each game and keep the o thers out; at least

tha t per cent will have a seat . Or, make s tudents sign a roster before

each game, or get a ticket punched, and only those would be admit ted.

Be hard-boiled B E F O R E a game, not a f t e r the spec ta to r is already-

inside. I t ' s hard for anyone to stand while there a re vacant seats being

reserved f o r a certain class of people who could pay an exhorbi tant

price, and feel f ree U) arr ive at any t ime dur ing the game, yes, even

dur ing the half, and still get a seat , at the expense of the lower class,

namely the student , whose money is apparen t ly of a worthless na ture .

And I am sure tha t the ANCHOR, not being worthy of a seat at the

desk, will find it impossible to give any th ing but box scores on f u t u r e

games !

Hope cer tainly played a marvelous ball game aga ins t Kalamazoo.

Only one slur, bad spor tsmanship, not necessarily by the teams, but by

the crowds. I am sure the Hornet following will be much more cultured

and refined.

When this ANCHOR is published Hope will have played Western

fo r the second time, and will probably have dropped the i r second contest

of the year to a ball club that is really hot. Tomorrow the Dutch t ravel

to Alma, where they will no doubt clean up a Scot tr ibe. Next Thurs-

day Albion arr ives to receive their second defea t at the hands of the

Dutchmen, and on Sa turday Hope plays a re turn match with Michigan

Normal , which should be a t ight but victorious contest .

The Dutchmen will have comparat ively smooth sai l ing until they

travel to the Celery City to play a re tu rn game with Kazoo on the 14th

of Februa ry . What a ball game tha t will be!

Coach Vanderbush has issued the first thin-clad call, which hap-

pens to be a good sign that spr ing is jus t around the comer , a long

corner. When 1 take the tennis racquet out of moth balls I'll know tha t

Gov. Sigler has decreed the opening of another season. I only hope the

good governor doesn't get wind of the Armory mess, fo r he'll send

one of his invest igat ing commit tees over post haste and probably un-

cover all kinds of g r a f t . Which is only my way of s ay ing let 's laugh

at the whole thing, it is a f t e r all only a basketball game . Prof. Klies

told me at the half that the only person at the game who wasn't mad

at him was Kilroy's sister, Kiljoy!

Young of Hillsdale was named the most valuable player in the

MIAA. He deserved it, as the football players will tell you. Michigan

has but one undefeated team, Lawrence Tech. The Universi ty of Michi-

gan basketball team will end up high in the Big Nine Basketball

s tandings . Hope s tudents should take more interest in horsebackriding;

it 's one of the best spor ts I know of.

It is rumored that the citizens of Holland are " t a l k i n g " about the

need for a field house. They have been doing this fo r ten years. I am

very happy, fo r now my children will be able to play any sport the i r

hear t desires in a fine, well equipped building, in 1965!



Broncos Are Fatal To Winning Streak

Broncos Are Fatal To Winning Streak

Hope had jus t a li t t le more than she could handle J a n u a r y 2 as she lost a ha rd- fought 76-60 decision to Western Michigan. No m a t t e r how much pressure Hope turned on. Western could a lways come up with a little more. This game ended Hope's winning s t reak a t 14 games and ran the Broncos' to 8 where it ended a f ew days la ter .

Hope's team, pe rhaps o v e r l y keyed fo r the game, s ta r ted r a the r poorly and gave Western a 7-1

lead. Although Hope never led, she matched Western point for point for the remainder of the half. A f t e r ten minutes the score read 17-16. Western then pulled ahead 30-23. Hope came r igh t back and played her finest ball jus t before the half . With one minute to go the score was 38-36. Western met the threa t and dumped in two quick buckets which lef t the score 42-36 at the lalf.

The second half found Western slowly but surely building up a g rea te r lead. Hope was ge t t ing very few short shots and wasn ' t clicking on her long ones. Hope's defense was lagging slightly as Western developed many two and even three-on-one fas t breaks. With ten minutes to go the score had w.dened to 58-46. A f t e r this Hope never drew closer than 11 points as the game ran out to its inevitable end.

The Broncos, who went into the game ranked as the t en th best team in the country, were paced by thei r Ail-American Harold Gensichen. He gave everyone a lesson in long

j shots a s he scored 20 points. Don | Boven and Mel VanDis gave West-j e m more height under the boards than Hope could handle. They also scored 17 and 14 points respective-ly. VanDis put on a show for the f a n s by shoving a f ew shots through the hoop before the game.

De Vette, Van Dis, and Mulder led Hope's a t tack . They all played good games and scored 46 of 60 points. Herk Buter s t a r t ed well at center, but his play was limited by too many fouls. Chuck Ploegs-ma, subs t i tu te guard , worked well under the defensive board. Hope played well individually and as a team but as Coach Hinga said con-cerning Western , "They play the same s tyle game we do only a lot more of it ."

Western Michigan (76)

FG FT T P Lang, f 1 •> 4 Fitch, f. 3 9 8 Van Dis, f II 14 McAlvrid, f 1 II 2 Boven, c. 5 7 17 Smith, c. 1 II 2 Gensichen. g 2 20 Fi tzgera ld , g 2 0 4 Groggel, g 2 0 4 Postema, g. 0 1 1

14 76

Hope (60)

FG FT T P De Vette, f. 10 1 21 Van Dis, f. 4 •> 10 Buter, Harv, f 1 n •>

Buter, Herk, c •> 1 5 Hendrickson, c. 1 7 Mulder, g 6 3 15 Scholten, g II 0 0

Tota ls 26 8 60


Warm Friend Flower Shop Member F. T. I). A.

Washington Square Phone 7634


IDEAL Dry Cleaners

Four Short Blocks North of Campus

Corner College Avenue and 6th Street

Free Delivery Service Phone 2 4 6 5

The Tailor 19 Vi Wcit 8th Street



Coca«CoUi BnffUng Company ol Grand Rapid*

Hope College Stationery Two Styles designed by

Eaton Paper Company O N

Eaton^ Highland Vellum 24 SHEETS 24 ENVELOPES

75c Come In and See It Today

FRIS BOOK STORE 30 W«st Eighth Street

Page 6: 01-16-1947


Page Six

Plunge Rifht Through That Line / /

"REMODELING" is the word buzzing around the campus this week. For those who didn't get T H E WORD, it; has to do with Van Raal te basement. Changes a re go-ing to .be. made to enlarge the Kletz. and men's lounge into one huge Igunge or whatever else may be sugg^sUs^L ; ldeas for th is pro-cedure prompted the ipainpus ques-tion for this ANCHOR issue.

ERNIE POST and MARY EL-L E N BROWER; We'd like to see one large room with booths and a soda bar (like Wade's Drug Store) at one side — plenty of lounge chairs on the other side. The color scheme should be done in soothing shades, with sof t lighting and dark comers . Or on one end have indi-rect lighting and on the other end, no lighting.

MARGE LUCKING: I would like to see the Kletz enlarged, but a separate room f rom the lounge; however, a door would lead into the lounge. The two rooms would be carried out in the same rustic theme with knotty pine walls and maple furni ture . Flashy striped drapes and seat covers would blend with the dominant color of red as portrayed by the red leather seat covers in the Kletz.

BOB NYBOER: The Kletz and lounge should be one room with the soda bar where the store room is now. Plenty of easy lounge chairs should adorn the room, and tables and chairs near the bar. Baby blue walls with a dark blue ceiling would be the background f o r the dominant blue color. I'd like

to have an ar t is t paint on th( walls.

SIBLEY, SIBLEY, and BRUN STETTER: We'd like one huge lounge with the Kletz a t the same end, only enlarged. Also, booths if possible. The room should be mod-e m , complete with ping-pong tables and a juke box. The wainscoting would be of knotty pine, while en-larged campus photos of sports, etc., would adorn the upper half of the walls. P.S. Van Ry would agree. Natch!

So here a re a few ideas to s ta r t you all thinking. I t 's going to be YOUR lounge, and YOUR interest in it is appreciated.

Ginny Hemmes.

For The ComingYearj ®®®®®®888@8888888®8888S88S8S88888888888888g8888?

K N O L L ' S G I F T S H O P

Large Assortment of Valentine Cards

F O R R E C R E A T I O N . .

The Clock ticks on — Time cannot] stay.

Another year has passed away. So ends the scroll now fully writ. No power on Ear th can alter it. But Lo — another scroll is here And open to the coming year, What shall we find there, when at


Tha t too is folded in the Past . I cannot tell — I dare not guess. But I can wish tha t happiness Will there be found — That heaven


Will make the record rich in love. That joy and gladness may increase. That in your heart be perfect peace. And that those paths as yet untrod. Be f r a g r a n t with the flowers of God.

Meet Hope Students at



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K-rvT-^ Y O U m a V L j V e a n r 0 r ^ o f l h e • h i r U , n , h U b u n d l e fin«»hed at 13c each . " • Y c , • w e d o C l c i a l n g , safe a n d absolu te ly odorless .



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^ o r o r i t f p B V * SOROSIS

Sorosites gathered for thei r an-lual winter election t e i Friday, lanuary 10 a t 4:00 o'clock in the Sigma Sigma room. The theme >f the tea was DANCING . DIA-MONDS, honoring the recent en-jagements of Bobbe Bilkert to Don Mulder, and Holly Holleman to Frederick March; also the pin-ning of Bob Van Zanten to Bette Van Dyke.

The p r o g r a m s w i t h diamond rings glistening on the covers made in excellent portrayal of the theme, lolly Holleman read the scr iptures and J e a n - S n o w s a n g f o r the honored guests , " B e c a u s e " and 'Through the Years." Kay Mc-Queen informed us of the history s u p e r s t i t i o n s and kinds of d;a-nonds. The meeting was then ad-ioumed to the tea.

At the election, Ex-prexy Bogarl handed over t he gavel to the new president, Ginny Bilkert. Bobbe Bilkert was elected Vice-president, and Ann Vander J a g t unanimously took over the job of secretary.


Delphians hopped onto individual tobaggans and went out on a win-ter sports spree in last Fr iday night 's meeting. Af te r devotions led by Phyllis Mulder, Amy Koning gave with some info on skat ing and skiing. Amy told about the practice of these sports in several countries and about a number of organiza-tions in these fields. Elaine Meeu-sen and L u e l l a P y l e murdered several radio commercials and mag-azine advertisements in a humor paper which proved a glorified account of the w o n d e r s of the Slicker Skater Reducing Course. B 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 S 8 @


24 E. 8th St., Holland, Mich.

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Penguins and snowmen reposing in the sof t glow of the Northern lights greeted the guests of Emer-wnian, on the night of J anua ry 11, t» the banquet hall of the "Emer-sonian Igloo" located in the hear t of ihe Northern Winter Wonderland.

Following the North Pole guide ind nar ra to r , Ade Bos, those pres-snt were taken on a n */Arctic Trav-jlogue," f ea tu r ing Craig, Van Zan-;en in a pantomine of difficulties in search of his missing subsistence : " :heck. F i r s t aiihong the notable en-counters was the touching scene of Oraig f o n d l y g a z i n g a t . Lena, , placidly milking a goat while f rom . . jver the Italian hills rang the deep /oice of Bill Vander Yacht, singing,

• 'Lena f rom Pales t r ina ."

Moving along the path towards .he North Pole, the country changes o war torn Germany and the scene

becomes a German DP camp. Here t is tha t Craig, with grea t remorse, views and listens to the interview-ing of German DP's who a r e rela-tives of Hope professors. Relieved •vhen this scene fades away, ofl#-hero moves on

Iron Curtain of R u s s ! i ; ! f t i t f ^ e r f V 4 i ' 1

this fabulous barr ier prove^'rio hin-'r,?!<

derance and the night lile^of ^ grad next occupied Craig 's ' t i i t e . ' I t was hear tha t he heard Maestro Herb Ritsema's symphonic rendi-tion of "Mozart Matriculates."

The end of the trail neared as the marvels of the Northern Win-te r Wonderland came into view. Our hero collapsed on the frozen floor of the Nor th when he learned tha t his check had been returned to the sender. As the scene faded into history, the sof t s t ra ins of "Win-ter Wonderland," sung by the Em-ersonian Octet, floated out over the snow covered plain to bring to an ironic close our Arctic adventure.


The Arcadians held their regu-lar meeting a f t e r the basketball tourney, J anua ry 9. In the business meeting, more plans were laid for the coming par ty .

Alex Ebneth presented the hu-morous paper with quite a bit of audience participation. The serious paper was given by Dennis Shoe-maker. I t was an excellent descrip-tion of the historical background and significance of the American one cent piece.

Bill Geiger played his original music f o r the new Arcadian song. His is the first entry in the compe-tition fo r words and music for the new song. I t was announced that a prize of five dollars will be given to the wri ter of the best words and also to the composer of the best music .





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