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00148-Why Has the French Socialist Party Shunned the Rhetoric of the Third Way

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  • 8/14/2019 00148-Why Has the French Socialist Party Shunned the Rhetoric of the Third Way


    Why Has the French Socialist PartyShunned the Rhetoric of the Third Way?

    An Explanatory Model Extended to

    Britain, Germany, and Italy

    David Leifert

    The Lauder Institute, University of Pennsylvania


    Presented to the Faculties of the University of Pennsylvania in Partial

    Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts

    April 2006

    Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Julia Lynch

    Reginald Jones Thesis Prize Nominee

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    Table of Contents

    1. European Social Democracy and the French Exception: Introductory Analysis 4

    1.1. The Evolution of European Social Democracy 4

    1.2. The French Exception 5

    1.3. Introduction of the Empirical Question: Why the French Exception? 6

    2. The Third Way Analysis of a Political Phenomenon 8

    2.1. Reactions to the Emergence of the Third Way 8

    2.2. Description of the Third Way The Schrder/Blair Manifesto 9

    2.3. Critics of the Third Way and Alternative Interpretations 11

    3. Explanatory Model for Socialist Party Adoption of the Third Way 14

    3.1. Explanatory 5-Factor Model 14

    3.2. Categorization of Policy Factors 16

    3.3. Categorization of Political Factors 20

    4. Application to the French Case A Missed Opportunity for Change 24

    4.1. Assessment of the French Goodness of Fit 25

    4.2. Assessment of the French Mediating Factors 29

    5. Application to the British Case: Blairs New Labour 33

    5.1. Assessment of the British Goodness of Fit 34

    5.2. Assessment of the British Mediating Factors 38

    6. Application to the German Case Schrders Neue Mitte 41

    6.1. Assessment of the German Goodness of Fit 41

    6.2. Assessment of the German Mediating Factors 44

    7. Application to the Italian Case DAlemas Progressive Initiatives 47

    7.1. Assessment of the Italian Goodness of Fit 47

    7.2. Assessment of the Italian Mediating Factors 51

    8. Conclusion 54


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    1. European Social Democracy and the French Exception: Introductory Analysis1.1. The Evolution of European Social Democracy

    The political landscape of Western Europe following the end of the Second World War

    was characterized by a generalized rise to power of Social Democratic parties and the

    emergence of extensive welfare states. By the early 1960s, social democracy had

    established itself as the major political force in most West European countries. The social

    democratic experiment lasted for two decades, before the political situation was

    transformed by the advent of market liberalization and a return of neo-liberalism in the

    1980s (Zijderveld 1999, page 3). The drastic changes in the political and economic

    landscape driven by conservative doctrines such as Thatcherism and Reaganomics

    (Sproule 2005) dealt a major blow to socialists. Whether motivated by electoral

    desperation, an authentic shift in government ideology, or both, many social democratic

    parties began to reposition themselves towards the political center in the last two decades

    of the 20th Century, and endorse a modernized and progressive social democracy

    (Teixeira 2000). This phenomenon, dubbed the Third Way movement, was strongly

    championed by the social democratic parties of Great Britain and the United States,

    namely the New Labour party and the New Democrats. The Third Way was

    epitomized during the historic forum entitled "The Third Way: Progressive Governance

    for the 21st Century," hosted at the White House in April 1999. The leadership of the

    global Third Way movement present at the meeting included United States President Bill

    Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Netherlands Prime Minister Wim Kok,

    German Chancellor Gerhard Schrder, and Italian Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema

    (From 1999).

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    1.2. The French Exception

    Among the four G-7 European countries, the only nation missing was France. Indeed, of

    all the socialist and social democratic parties in Western Europe, the Parti Socialiste

    Franais appears to be the most strongly committed to a traditional statist policy (Merkel

    2001, page 68). The antagonism of the Parti Socialiste Franais (PSF) is fittingly

    exemplified by a press account of the social democratic summit hosted by Gerhard

    Schrder in June 2000 organized to symbolize the advance of the Third Way. The press

    account stated that the gathering was stamped with the handwriting, so to speak, of

    French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, rather than that of Tony Blair. The state was to be

    accorded a greater role in relation to the economy (Schwartz 2000).

    After five years of cohabitation between conservative President Jacques Chirac and

    socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, the 2002 presidential election, which was

    expected to be dominated by these two national leaders, bitterly surprised the Prime

    Minister and the PSF. The left vote was split among various faction candidates and the

    PSF failed to advance to the final round of the elections, placing third behind an ever

    stronger extreme-right Front National. The defeat was largely attributed to three

    phenomena: record-breaking voter abstention, a fragmented presidential vote due to both

    an overstretched coalition of the left and the unusual sequence of elections, and the actual

    success of satellite parties from both the left and the right of the political spectrum.

    Although a better result emanated from the legislatives, the struggling PSF was once

    more confronted with a dilemma worthy of French existentialism: either adopt the legacy

    of Mitterrand that the party is won from the left (Bell 2003, page 47) and reinforce

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    socialist and statist ideologies, or follow the path paved by sister parties that embraced

    the centrist approach to government of the Third Way.

    A similar dilemma was faced by large socialist parties of Europe as they struggled with

    the choice between left-wing ideology and the principles of the Third Way. Three

    successful breaks with the old left following long and powerful conservative

    governments occurred in Great Britain, Germany, and Italy. While former German

    Chancellor Gerhard Schrder defeated 14-year incumbent conservative Helmut Kohl,

    Tony Blair succeeded 18-year conservative incumbents Margaret Thatcher and John

    Major, and Romano Prodi of the Democratic Party of the Left (PDS) inherited an Italian

    political landscape characterized by over 40 years of Christian Democratic government.

    At the upcoming 2007 presidential elections, conservative Jacques Chirac will have

    accumulated 12 years of power and, given two consecutive defeats of a weak coalition of

    the left, it is arguable that the time may have come for the PSF to follow the footsteps of

    its sister parties in the three nations mentioned above. Although this paper will focus on

    the 2002 elections, its findings are applicable to the elections of 2007 and beyond.

    1.3. Introduction of the Empirical Question: Why the French Exception?

    This paper analyzes the reasons why the PSF has not embraced the rhetoric of the Third

    Way as of the 2002 presidential elections despite a major political crisis in 1993, and the

    factors that would eventually bring it to do so. The term Third Way has been used to

    identify a variety of center-left parties, sometimes even including the PSF as one distant

    variant that will be further explored in a later section. To avoid fallacious argumentation,

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    this paper bases its analysis on the Third Way manifesto co-authored by Britains Tony

    Blair and Germanys Gerhard Schrder, which is referred to in the following pages as the

    Schrder/Blair manifesto. An analysis of Third Way politics is presented and an

    explanatory model is proposed to evaluate the susceptibility of the PSF to a shift in

    political direction and adoption of the Third Way rhetoric.

    The methodology focuses on a 5-factor model, which is applied to the case of France and

    extended to the cases of Britain, Germany, and Italy to gauge its robustness. The periods

    chosen for the comparison show the paths taken by the socialist parties of these three

    countries immediately preceding general elections that followed significant political

    events, as was the case for the PSF in 2002. The 5-factor model argues that a political

    crisis of the incumbent right-wing party or of the socialist party of opposition is required

    to set in motion the adoption of the Third Way by the socialist party. Once a crisis takes

    place, the model proposes an explanation of the degree of adoption of Third Way

    rhetoric. It does so by assessing the nature and performance of three policy factors

    comprising the building blocks of the Third Way the welfare system, the government

    machinery, and the economic system as well as two important political factors

    represented by party system type and the potential of party leaders to become successful

    champions for change. The composition of each of these factors, and their combined

    make-up, will prove to bear great influence on the political choice of socialist parties.

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    2. The Third Way Analysis of a Political Phenomenon2.1. Reactions to the Emergence of the Third Way

    The Third Way is a term that is filled with meanings and at the same time charged with

    having none in the context being analyzed. Among the meanings associated with the

    Third Way are the description of a Cold War-era alternative to siding with either the

    United States or the Soviet Union and of an alternative to capitalism and socialism in the

    form of fascism (Giddens 2000, page 1). The Third Way of relevance to this paper,

    however, is the term resurrected by Tony Blair and also referred to as the Radical

    Center, which embodies an economic and political ideal positioned between democratic

    socialism and laissez-faire capitalism. The Third Way phenomenon has drawn criticism

    from politicians on both the left and the right. Oskar Lafontaine, former German finance

    minister under Gerhard Schrder, openly condemned the Chancellors manifesto written

    in partnership with Tony Blair by declaring that the Third Way is the wrong way Der

    dritte Weg ist ein Holzweg (Lafontaine 1999). Lafontaine presented his resignation in

    1999 due to irreconcilable differences with the Chancellors political stance. The

    magazineDer Spiegel characterized his resignation as another victory of capitalism over

    the planned economy, and lobbyists and business associations celebrated his departure

    (Hogrefe 1999). Criticism also abounded from right-wing public figures, which portray

    the Third Way as either a mishmash of already familiar ideas and policies, or as lacking

    any distinguishable content at all (Giddens 2000, page 7).

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    2.2. Description of the Third Way The Schrder/Blair Manifesto

    What are the characteristics of the Third Way, and how do they differ from the traditional

    socio-economic rhetoric of the traditional left? According to the joint manifesto written

    by Gerhard Schrder and Tony Blair in 1999, the Third Way proposes a clear break with

    the old left and goes as far as abandoning the dogmas of left and right (Blair and

    Schrder 1999). Before describing the progressive policies of the Third Way, the

    manifesto identifies the main policy areas explicitly rejected by the new movement. The

    main policies rebuffed by the Third Way are based on the premise that the government is

    all-knowledgeable and should be all-powerful in ensuring the well-being of its flock, the

    people. The main policies developed by the traditional left to support this ideology are

    the imposition of social equality, incentives for large government spending,

    comprehensive administrative and economic intervention, and the undisputable

    prevalence of individuals rights over responsibilities. These are identified as policies the

    Third Way wishes to disassociate itself from.

    The alternative policies proposed by the Schrder/Blair manifesto are based on a

    government that is granted the responsibility to not row, but steer (Blair and Schroeder

    1999) the economy, with power decentralized towards the local level and freedom of

    activity for individual business and enterprise. In addition to decentralization and limited

    central economic planning, a modern and efficient public sector is paramount to

    restraining overbearing bureaucracies that suffer from internal politicization and

    overprotective labor laws. The focus is no longer on the size of government expenditure

    but rather on the effectiveness of its initiatives. The proposed platform further decreases

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    the role of government by significantly overhauling the welfare state. Instead of a blindly

    egalitarian policy, the state is to promote investment in human capital and reward effort

    as a means to address poverty and unemployment. Although a social floor should be

    provided to all, it should not act as a replacement for productive employment, but rather

    as support for reinsertion into the workforce. Education and training become central to

    the effort of providing equality of opportunity, and a sense of responsibility and

    community spirit is expected from the population. Mutual obligation is encouraged at the

    levels of the family, the neighborhood, and the society. The Schrder/Blair manifesto

    proposes the championing of a go-ahead mentality, whereby solidarity replaces a

    portion of state provisioning and firms negotiate with workers and unions with the benefit

    of the whole in mind.

    Additional areas addressed by the manifesto, which are related to the main points

    described above, are an elaboration of labor market policy with greater flexibility,

    promotion of environmental responsibility, the introduction of supply-side economics as

    a complement to demand-side economics in order to succeed in the face of globalization,

    and a stance on the role of the European Union in national government. The manifesto

    states that the Union itself, however, is not to develop into a homogeneous super state but

    rather into a facilitator of socio-economic development. It is also noteworthy that the

    underlying aspects of the "social market" promoted by the Third Way can also be found

    in article I-3 of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. It states that the Union

    shall work forsustainable developmentbased on balanced economic growth and price

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    stability, a highly competitive social market economy, aiming at full employment and

    social progress.

    2.3. Critics of the Third Way and Alternative Interpretations

    The Third Way platform described above comprises a general set of political concepts

    that has been embraced by different socialist parties to varying degrees. In order to better

    understand the concept of the Third Way and design a robust explanatory model for its

    adoption, it is imperative to consider the analytical literature that sheds a critical light on

    this topic. Much of this literature focuses on the ambiguity of Third Way proposals and

    inherent conflicts of interest between policy characteristics.

    The critics argue that although a broad framework can be presented, there are

    differences of opinion concerning the interpretation of the core values associated with

    Third Way thinking and how the state should seek to advance them (White 1998).

    Stuart White identifies two main lines of division amongst subscribers to the Third Way

    framework. One line of division is between leftists and centrists over the

    commitment to real opportunity, where discrepancy of interpretation exists on the

    meaning of commitment and real opportunity. Centrists interpret this concept in

    meritocratic terms, while leftists interpret it in a more egalitarian light. This discrepancy

    impacts the role and methodology of income redistribution. The second line of division

    is between liberals and communitarians over the commitment to civic

    responsibility. Liberals limit the power of the state to impose legal welfarism, while

    communitarians welcome state-led definition and enforcement of good behavior. The

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    result of these lines of division is the identification of four types of Third Way

    government: leftist liberal, leftist communitarian, centrist liberal and centrist

    communitarian. White concludes that such ambiguity can play to the advantage of party

    candidates as they reach out to different constituencies (White 1998).

    Wolfgang Merkel characterizes the Third Way in a similar manner to Stuart White.

    Different types of Third Way governments are also identified, although not along the

    same lines of division as presented above. Merkel identifies four types of Third Way

    government based on existing European parties (Merkel 2001). The first type is the

    market-oriented way of the British New Labour party. It has ample room for

    maneuvering given the weakness of interest groups, the absence of coalition constraints,

    and the inheritance of a strong-fisted and hierarchical administrative culture established

    by outgoing conservatives. The British New Labor party is considered to have the most

    radical implementation of Third Way policies. The second type is the market- and

    consensus-oriented way of the Dutch polder model, whereby the Partij van der Arbeid

    comes closest to the results obtained by New Labour. It does so, however, through

    negotiations with political parties and social partners instead of the majoritarian strategic

    implementation of New Labour. The third type is the reformed welfare state way of

    Sweden, where social democrats have encouraged an open market economy and the use

    of supply-side economics. The country has also experienced cut backs on income

    redistribution efforts while maintaining the highest level of labor market policy

    expenditure of all OECD countries, reaching 2.1% of GDP in 1997 (OECD Database).

    Despite a decrease in the reach of its universalistic welfare state, it is still the most

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    comprehensive in the Western world. The fourth type is the statist way of the French

    PSF, which promotes the state much more than its sister parties dofor

    macroeconomic, industry, employment, and social policy (Merkel 2001). Additional

    analysis of the PSF platform is provided in a later section.

    Unlike Merkel, this paper does not consider the PSF to be a type of Third Way party due

    to the partys outright rejection of the concept. As recently as 2005, Lionel Jospin

    declared that social-liberalism is unconceivable since socialism is not a liberalism, not

    even a social one (Reuters 2005). The explanatory model of socialist party adoption of

    the Third Way that follows takes the Schrder/Blair manifesto as its benchmark and

    develops a methodology to explain why a socialist party adopts or rejects it. The results

    will not yield a binary prediction since the determinant factors of each country will differ,

    but will rather provide an assessment of the suitability of each party for the adoption of

    the Third Way rhetoric.

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    3. Explanatory Model for Socialist Party Adoption of the Third Way3.1. Explanatory 5-Factor Model

    Although the Third Way is not the only alternative to an old left rhetoric, it has

    certainly taken central stage as the consensus alternative due to its adoption, to a greater

    or lesser degree, in various European countries. The explanatory model presented in this

    section is tailored specifically to the Third Way but could be calibrated to reflect different

    policy factors pertinent to other political rhetoric. The model stipulates that a trigger in

    the form of a political crisis from the perspective of the incumbent conservative party, the

    socialist party, or both, must exist in order to provoke a shift in political rhetoric. The

    trigger itself, however, is not sufficient, as the actual shift will depend on the nature and

    success of existing policy and political factors of the model. Accordingly, the model is

    based on a 5-factor model that combines three major policy factors proposed by the Third

    Way ideology with two decisive political factors. The characteristics of each factor will

    impact the direction and strength of the political process set in motion by the triggering

    crisis and will significantly influence the success or failure of the process. The three

    policy factors that characterize the Third Way ideology as presented in the previous

    section are the nature of the welfare state, the degree of state-led economic planning, and

    the balance of administrative power between the state and civic society. The two

    political factors are party system type and the strength of socialist leadership within the

    party and/or the political coalition landscape of the left.

    The 5-factor explanatory model draws on the mechanics of the Three-Step approach to

    Europeanization proposed by Cowles and Caporoso (Cowles and Caporoso 2001). In

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    their approach to analyzing Europeanization, the authors predict the degree of

    Europeanization of member countries domestic structures based on two criteria:

    Goodness of Fit between existing structures and those proposed by the European Union

    and Mediating Factors in the form of facilitating institutions and empowerment of

    relevant actors. The Three-Step Model to Europeanization is presented below for

    illustrative purposes:

    Figure 1: A Three-Step Approach to Europeanization and Structural Change

    The 5-factor model proposed herein is constructed based on a similar framework.

    Domestic Structural Change is replaced by the adoption of the Third Way rhetoric,

    Goodness of Fit is evaluated based on the national characteristics of the three main

    policy factors of the Third Way, and Mediating Factors are composed of the political

    factors of the model. The resulting model is illustrated by the picture below.

    Figure 2: A Three-Step Approach to the Adoption of the Third Way



    Goodness of Fit

    with domestic

    structures =





    Actors Practices





    - Incumbent Party


    - Socialist Party


    Goodness of Fit

    1) Welfare State

    2) Centralization

    3) Economic


    Mediating Factors

    1) Party System


    2) Leadership


    Rhetorical Shift

    1) Full

    2) Partial

    Triggers Political Factors OutcomePolicy Factors

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    The approach above is iterative. As a party adopts a more centrist platform on the broad

    policy areas representing Goodness of Fit with the Third Way, the three preceding

    processes may be affected by a dampening or reinforcement of the trigger crisis. This, in

    turn, may strengthen or weaken Goodness of Fit and possibly change Mediating

    Factors as shifts along the left/center spectrum will translate into greater or lower

    perceived leadership strength, fragmentation, or both. Every major political decision will

    therefore affect this iterative model and push a political platform towards the center or

    away from it to different degrees. This push will depend on the Third Ways impact on

    characteristics of Goodness of Fit and Mediating Factors. The stronger the mix of 5-

    factors, the more likely a party is to adopt the rhetoric of the Third Way. A strong policy

    factor occurs either if a factor is successful and consistent with the Third Way, or if it is

    unsuccessful and inconsistent with it. As the application of the model will show,

    different countries have experienced different degrees of adoption. The application to the

    case of the PSF, which rejects the rhetoric of the Third Way, is complemented by the

    application of the model to the socialist parties of three major European countries

    immediately preceding pivotal elections of national or regional scope. Parallels are

    drawn between the countries, and the results are used to evaluate the model. Before

    application of the model, further clarification is provided on the categorization of policy

    and political factors.

    3.2. Categorization of Policy Factors

    The model is comprised of three policy factors, namely the welfare state, the economic

    system, and the government machinery. The welfare state refers to the nature of the

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    social policy regime prevalent in a given country. The models categorization of the

    welfare state is based on Esping-Andersens differentiation between three types of social

    policy regime. The liberal welfare state is similar to Titmuss residualist regime

    (Zidjerveld 1999, page 12) and relies on needs-tested assistance, modest universal

    transfers, and modest social insurance (Esping-Andersen 1993, page 26). The

    conservative welfare state is shaped by a strong corporatist and statist legacywhere

    social rights [are] attached to class and statusin a non-universalistic exclusionary way,

    [and where] interference only occurs when the family is not capable of serving the needs

    of its members (Zijderveld 1999, page 102). Finally, the social democratic welfare

    state is closest to Titmuss institutionalist regime (page 12) and promotes an equality of

    the highest standards, not an equality of minimal needs, [where] all strata are

    incorporated under one universal social insurance system, yet benefits are graduated

    according to accustomed earnings (Esping-Andersen 1993, page 26). The social policy

    regime of real opportunity proposed by the Third Way differs from the three types of

    welfare state identified by Esping-Andersen. According to the Schrder/Blair manifesto,

    the Third Way proposes a regime of equal opportunity that is comprehensive but places

    responsibility on recipients to make the most out of the assistance that is largely based on

    training and insertion. It is less comprehensive than the social democratic regime, more

    extensive than the liberal regime, and less exclusionist than the conservative regime,

    hence respectively addressing the problems of excessive taxation, insufficient assistance,

    and exclusion. The model does not argue that one type of system is more adaptable to the

    Third Way than another: equally strong opposition to change could be expected from

    taxpayers in a liberal regime, recipients in a social democratic regime, and the beneficiary

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    strata in a conservative regime. Instead, the model argues that the less successfully

    established a regime type is, the more susceptible the socialist party will be to the

    adoption of the Third Way.

    The second policy factor is the degree of state-led economic planning within the realm of

    capitalist societies. The 5-factor model categorizes state-led economic policy based on

    the classification of economic planning into three types: liberalism, statism, and

    corporatism (Katzenstein 1985, page 20). Liberalism relies on macroeconomic policies

    and international market competition molded by free enterprise and private ownership. It

    further stipulates infrequent state intervention through targeted protectionist measures.

    Statism, on the other hand, relies on the ability of the state to plan the course of its

    economy. Although statist economies are not isolated, the nature of international

    competition is dictated by the state through targeted industrial protectionism, significant

    domestic intervention in the form of shielded internal competition or collusion, or

    outright ownership of the means of production. While liberal and statist economic

    systems are options for those large industrial states whose power is sufficient to [control

    parts of] the international environment [or of] their own societies (Katzenstein 1985,

    page 23), smaller open economies cannot afford such systems. Economic corporatism

    addresses this issue by providing a system where nations accept the changes imposed by

    international markets but apply a variety of economic and social policies that prevent the

    costs of change from resulting in political eruptions (Katzenstein, 1985, 24). Different

    types of corporatism depend on internal negotiations in devising reactionary policies and

    can be categorized across two axes: market-driven versus statist-driven policy drivers and

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    democratic versus non-democratic decision-making. The Third Way stipulates that the

    state should steer, but not row, an economy where the essential function of markets

    must be complemented and improved by political action, not [replaced or] hampered by

    [government] (Blaire and Schrder 1999). The model argues that the closer an

    economic system is to a successful liberal or liberally bent corporatist system, the more

    susceptible the socialist party will be to the adoption of the Third Way.

    The third policy factor is the extent to which a strong civil society provides a balancing

    weight against state preponderance. According to Alexis de Tocqueville, spheres of

    organized power outside the state are essential not only to liberty but also to prosperity

    (Levy 1999, page 9). The 5-factor model bases its categorization of state preponderance

    on the classification proposed by Jonah Levy, who differentiates between dirigisme,

    associational liberalism, and neo-liberalism (Levy 1999, page 58). The dirigiste state

    centralizes decision-making for social, economic, and administrative policies at both the

    national and regional levels. This type of state engenders a strong center-periphery

    cleavage and significantly weakens the civil society. Neo-liberalism promotes a

    minimalist state and blames flabby institutions such as bloated welfare states,

    overzealous regulators, almighty trade unions, and clubby financial establishments

    (Levy 1999, page 59) for obstructing the proper functioning of the economy.

    Associational liberalism is a compromise between the preponderant dirigiste state and the

    minimalist neo-liberal state. This alternative form of government follows the

    Tocquevillean political philosophy and encourages intermediary institutions to perform

    coordinating functions and provide public goods that are essential to economic

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    dynamism (Levy 1999, page 59). In practice, this translates into a delegation of

    decision-making and execution to trade unions, employer associations, financial

    institutions, and local government authorities. The Third Way promotes both

    decentralization and streamlining of government functions. The model argues that the

    closer an economic system is to successful associational liberalism, and to a lesser degree

    neo-liberalism, the more susceptible the socialist party will be to the adoption of the

    Third Way.

    The three policy factors described above social, economic, and administrative provide

    a simplified but sweeping basis for assessing the overall Goodness of Fit of a country

    to the proposed policies of the Third Way. The relevance of each policy should not be

    assessed on a stand-alone basis, but rather based on the impact it has on other policies as

    well as on the political factors described in the following section.

    3.3. Categorization of Political Factors

    The model is comprised of two political factors: party system type and leadership of the

    socialist party. The model bases its categorization of party systems on the typology

    developed by Giovanni Sartori, in which he differentiates between seven classes of party

    system. Sartoris typology identifies differences in fragmentation based on the number of

    parties, their relative strength, and the ideological nature of party dispersion (Mair 1999,

    page 327). Sartori identifies three major types of party systems that are further split into

    more granular variants. The single party system is split into the one-party system

    (monopoly), the hegemonic party system (satellite parties permitted), and the

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    predominant-party system (continued absolute electoral majority). The two-party system

    is one of exclusionist competition between two parties and is not split further. Finally,

    the multiparty system is split into moderate pluralism (low fragmentation or high non-

    ideological segmentation), polarized pluralism (high ideological fragmentation), and

    atomization (atomized pre-consolidation stage). The 5-factor model simplifies this

    typology by recombining the single party system variants and excluding the atomized

    party system, since they are of limited relevance to the Western world. Because the

    Third Way disassociates itself from the dogmas of left and right (Blair and Schrder

    1999), the model argues that the less polarized a dual or multiparty system is along the

    socio-economic axis, the more susceptible the socialist party will be to the adoption of

    the Third Way. In addition, a two-party system would pose less coalition constraints to

    the adoption of the Third Way than a pluralist party system would.

    The political economy of a nation can be defined by the party system type and the policy

    factors previously described. When the political economy is favorable to the adoption of

    the Third Way, it still needs to be complemented by strong party leadership and coalition

    control for actual rhetoric change to occur. The study of political leadership includes, at

    the one extreme, great man theoriesfocused upon the role of the individual, and, at

    the other, theories emphasizing the structural, institutionalized aspect of leadership [that]

    minimize the role played by both individuals and the office or positions they hold

    (Gaffney 1996, page 11). While the first set of theories focuses on the impact of political

    leadership upon the political environment, the second set focuses on the reverse

    relationship. When a coalition exists, assessment of leadership strength should measure

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    not only control over the party, but also the degree of consent from, and submission of,

    other parties. The 5-factor model takes this concept into account and categorizes political

    leadership along two axes: (1) strong party leadership versus weak party leadership and

    (2) coalition consent versus coalition dissent. The model argues that the stronger the

    party leadership of Third Way advocates and the higher the level of coalition consent,

    then the more susceptible the socialist party will be to the adoption of the Third Way. In

    addition, leadership and control should be assessed in both absolute and relative terms,

    since a clash between very strong leaders of opposite ideology or a moderately strong

    leader facing weak opposition would not be expected to be as successful as strong

    leadership and coalition control in the face of weak opposition.

    The 5-factor model presents a framework for assessment of the susceptibility of socialist

    parties to adopt the Third Way ideology in the context of a political crisis given the

    existing set of policy and political factors. An additional characteristic of the nations

    under study that is implicit in the 5-factors but deserves explicit mention is the degree of

    success of each policy and a general desire for change. The evolution and success of

    each policy is just as important as the existing policy type. In practice, the model argues

    that the less successful a policy that discourages the Third Way, and alternatively the

    more successful a policy that endorses the adoption of the Third Way, the brighter the

    prospects for adoption. We begin the application of the 5-factor model with the French

    case to answer the original empirical question proposed at the outset of this document:

    Why has the French Socialist Party shunned the rhetoric of the Third Way? We provide

    an analysis of the French situation preceding the 2002 elections, which followed a 5-year

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    cohabitation between Jospins left coalition (gauche plurielle) with the conservative right

    of incumbent president Jacques Chirac. The explanatory powers of the 5-factor model

    are then validated with an application to the cases of the German SPD under Gerhard

    Schrder and the British New Labour under Tony Blair shortly before their joint

    authoring of the Schrder/Blair manifesto of 1999, as well as to the emergence of the

    Third Way rhetoric in Italy after forty years of conservatism.

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    4. Application to the French Case A Missed Opportunity for ChangeThe elections of 2002 marked a low point in French democracy, with voter abstention of

    30% and a second-round run-off between parties of the right that did not reflect the

    original preference of the French electorate, as evidenced by the contrast between the

    smashing second-round victory of Jacques Chirac with 82% of the vote and his relatively

    weak accumulation of barely 19% of the vote in the first round (Sofres 2002). The

    disconnection with voter preference is further illustrated by the fact that almost 45% of

    the votes in the first round went to the dispersed presidential candidates of the left,

    including the greens. During his time as government leader, Lionel Jospin used his

    authority to bring the left back to power, but not to revise the partys doctrine or to

    modernize its appeal on a centrist or realist line (Bell 2003, page 2). We use the 5-

    factor model to assess the Goodness of Fit and Mediating Factors in France

    preceding the 2002 elections. The trigger that set in motion the process that could have

    led the PSF to adopt a partial or full version of the Third Way was the near obliteration of

    the party in the 1993 elections, in which the PSF amassed only 11% of the vote and won

    53 of 577 National Assembly seats. The immediate response of the PSF was to name

    Michel Rocard, a moderate socialist with centrist views, as leader of the party. The

    policy and political factors that molded the trajectory of the PSF following the 1993

    trigger are analyzed in the following sections.

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    4.1. Assessment of the French Goodness of Fit

    The welfare system in France, as in the majority of continental Europe, was

    predominantly conservative. The result of the conservative welfare state had been the

    significant exclusion of certain strata of society, particularly the younger working

    population and the long-term unemployed. From 1991 to 2002, the unemployment level

    of the active population aged between 15 and 24 had hovered around 20%, with a peak of

    25% in 1994, the year following the 1993 political trigger. The youth unemployment

    level contrasted with a level of 10% for the active population aged between 25 and 50

    (LABORSTA database). In response to this appalling situation, the French government

    initiated a transformation of its welfare system from an exclusionist corporatist system to

    a system of social insertion. In 1998, ten years after the introduction of theRevenu

    Minimum dInsertion (RMI) (minimal insertion income), the government launched a new

    law dubbed LOLE (Loi dorientation sur la lutte contre les exclusions), consisting of an

    ambitious set of policies aimed at combating exclusion (Gilbert and Parent 2004, page

    94). Although the system of insertion is a step closer to the Third Way social system of

    equal opportunity, it does not reach the level of real opportunity stipulated by the Third

    Way. While real opportunity is tied to the custom of deservingness of dependent citizens,

    insertion is tied to the custom of solidarity towards the excluded (Gilbert and Parent

    2004, page 94). The state of social welfare in France in the years preceding the 2002

    elections distinguished itself from the OECD averages with a paradoxical contrast

    whereby it provided more generous social benefits through higher out-of-work benefits

    (68% versus 40% net replacement rates), higher social spending (29% of GDP versus

    21%), and low relative poverty (7% versus 10% below poverty threshold), but suffered

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    from lower social success as measured by a high unemployment rate (10% versus 7%),

    lower subjective well-being (65% versus 70% life satisfaction), and higher social

    isolation (8.1% versus 6.7% feel isolated) (OECD database). In sum, the welfare system

    in France during the decade from the 1993 crisis to the 2002 election experienced a very

    slight move towards the policies of the Third Way, but fell short of the success of the

    average OECD countries. It can therefore be characterized as a positive factor for the

    adoption of the Third Way, since it is an unsuccessful, non-Third Way policy.

    The second and third policy factors, economic and administrative policy, further

    characterize the French Goodness of Fit. Statism has long been a defining

    characteristic of France and is reflected in both the role of state-planning in the economy

    and a domination of the state over civil society. French statism, already well-established

    during the Third Republic, was further reinforced after the liberation from Nazi Germany

    by a leadership that extended state control over key sectors of the economy and

    established several institutions designed to reinforce the economic will and capacities of

    the state (Hall 1986, page 139). Since that time, the government has had to yield to

    increased pressures from different interest groups and ease the traditional stance that the

    state should remain independent from the pressure of social groups in order to guard the

    social interest (Hall 1986, page 176).

    In regards to state-led planning of the economy, the average level of economic and

    administrative regulation in France was above the average of OECD countries,

    particularly in comparison to large advanced economies. According to the OECD

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    working paper Product Market Regulations in OECD Countries: 1998-2003, and

    excluding the newly accepted or aspiring members of the EU for a remaining total of 25

    countries, the French government exerted high regulation and control in both inward- and

    outward-oriented policies (Nicoletti et al. 2005). Inward-oriented policies are assessed

    based on the level of state control (e.g. scope and size of the public enterprise sector,

    control of business enterprises, price controls, and command & control regulation) and

    barriers to entrepreneurship (e.g., regulatory and administrative opacity, burdens on

    startups, and barriers to competition). France had the fifth-highest level of state control

    with particularly high ratings in public ownership regulation and barriers to

    entrepreneurship. Outward-oriented policies were assessed based on barriers to trade and

    investment (explicit and regulatory), and France ranked relatively badly, with the seventh

    highest rating in 1998. As the numbers show, France still exerted strong state-led

    economic planning relative to other OECD countries and was classified by the working

    paper as a relatively restrictive country, even though the general level of state control

    and regulation had decreased in all countries with that classification (Nicoletti et al. 2005,

    page 19).

    In addition to strong state-led economic planning, French statism also permeated the

    administrative sphere. Despite an attempt to decentralize in the early 1980s promoted by

    the newly elected socialist administration under Francois Mitterrand and epitomized by

    the Deffere Decentralization Laws, the central government still played a large role in the

    administration of France. The goals of decentralization were noteconomicbut

    administrative and financial in character (Meny 1985, page 188). The objective of the

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    socialist decentralization effort was to change France from a system of local

    administration to one of local government, where local decision-making, as opposed to

    simple execution of central directives, would provide the necessary autonomy for

    responsiveness to local needs (Baguenard 2002, page 121). The difficulties encountered

    were manifold, and the decentralization effort resulted in a civil society without social

    capital (Levy 1999, page 166). The socialist laws emancipated regions by introducing

    democratic regional elections and provincial authorities. These authorities were

    bestowed with new responsibilities paired with allocation of resources, while general

    local autonomy was increased by the lifting of numerous restrictions on local action. The

    economic achievements of decentralization were less impressive, however, particularly as

    excessive decentralization resulted in a plethora of small localities that were unable to

    function independently and therefore did not gain de facto autonomy from the central

    government. By 2000, the number of communes in France had grown to 36, 779,

    compared to 16,068 in Germany, translating into 1,500 inhabitants per commune versus

    5,000, respectively (Baguenard 2002, page 81). In his statist two-step model, Levy

    attributes the failure of France to effectively move away from its dirigiste model to a low

    degree of societal coordination. As a result, the state was compelled to intervene to

    alleviate social dislocation, notably in the labor markets, and to rescue failed attempts at

    economic progress (Levy 1999, page 284). The prevalence of the central state is further

    illustrated by the high level of central versus periphery public sector employment. In

    1997, the central state accounted for 52% of total public sector employment, which in

    turn accounted for 22% of total employment (LABORSTA database).

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    The policy factors described above portray France as a nation trying to move away from

    a heavily conservative welfare state, a system of state-led economic planning, and a

    centralized dirigiste government. While the direction of policy change has clearly been

    away from the heavy hand of the state, France is still significantly more rigid than other

    OECD countries. Because of the positive direction of change and pressures from

    globalization and sister socialist parties in Europe and abroad, strongly positive political

    factors should lead the PSF to fully or partially adopt the Third Way. The following

    section analyzes the Mediating Factors, namely, party system type and leadership

    strength that would lead the Third Way to win over, or lose, the PSF.

    4.2. Assessment of the French Mediating Factors

    The party system type of France has had a long history of polarized pluralism since the

    end of the Second World War that is still in existence today. After the liberation, the

    political landscape of France was characterized by a clear left-right cleavage fragmented

    at first but increasingly consolidated on each side of the political spectrum. The

    rationalization of the French party system resulted from increased incentives for coalition

    politics as a result of the enhanced prestige of the presidency established by de Gaulle in

    the 1960s, the bipolarizing pressures of the direct presidential election after 1962, and the

    strengthening of the executive government mandated by the constitution of the Fifth

    Republic (Evans 2003, page 12). Following this reform of the party system, three

    significant developments shaped the political landscape at the turn of the millennium: the

    emergence of a series of minor but relevant parties including the greens and the extreme-

    right Front National, the change in strategic dynamics within party factions and within

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    coalition members (exemplified by the decline of the communist PCF and the emergence

    of the PSF as the main party of the left), and patterns of growing electoral instability in

    the form of electoral volatility resulting in six consecutive changes of government since

    1978 and disaffection towards traditional politics as demonstrated in higher abstention

    rates. The fractioning of the electoral vote is clearly illustrated by the fact that while the

    quadrille bipolaire, composed of the PCF and the PS on the left versus the UDF and RPR

    on the right, obtained an evenly divided vote exceeding 90% in 1978, this domination

    floundered in 1997 and 2002 when these parties obtained around 67% (Evans 2003, page

    14). While the 1997 legislatives consecrated the PSF as the governing party, the victory

    was largely due to the lack of coordination in the right. The results of the 2002

    presidential elections supported the hypothesis presented by Grunberg and Schweisguth

    in 1997 that the French political space was no longer simply one-dimensional with Left-

    Right polarization but had developed into a two-dimensional space with three poles: the

    Left, the Right, and the Far Right. In an updated publication, the authors analyzed the

    logic of considering the candidates labeled as extreme left as a fourth pole but hastily

    rejected it due to the relative proximity of their ideals to those of the moderate left

    (Grunberg and Schweisguth 2003, page 342). In whatever way the French electorate was

    partitioned, one thing is clear it was fragmented, polarized, and built on weak


    Based on the potentially positive policy factors but clearly negative party system type

    described above, party control and coalition leadership would be expected to play a

    decisive role in swaying the PSF into, or away from, the camp of the Third Way. In the

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    early 1990s the French left was at a major juncture in its political history. As previously

    stated, the disastrous 1993 elections dealt a crushing blow to the PSF. Evidently,

    although Francois Mitterrand was very successful in promoting himself, he left his party

    in dire straits. In distress, however, lies opportunity for change. The PSF was faced with

    a dilemma: given the low votes for the left across the board, either consolidate its

    leadership on a leftist platform and break with the stigma of a deceivingly centrist

    Mitterrand government, or establish itself as a centrist party and target the moderate left

    and moderate right electorates with the international support of strong Third Way

    proponents including Tony Blair, Gerhard Schrder, and Bill Clinton. The most likely

    contender to PSF leadership for the promotion of the Third Way was Michel Rocard, who

    had been chosen as Prime Minister by Mitterrand in 1988 in a move which intended to

    facilitate the centrist entry into government (Bell 2000, page 179). Rocard, a

    modernizer, became head of the PSF after the 1993 defeat and led the centrist faction

    of the PSF in the clash of ideals against the left-leaning faction led by J.P. Chevnement,

    who eventually left the party in 1994 (Bell 2003, page 55). The Rocardian ideology and

    the departure of Chevnement and his followers pointed to a possible move towards the

    center (Evans 2003, page 174). However, just as Rocard found little support for his pro-

    market speech at the 1977 congress of Nantes, even from his closest followers, his main

    supporters once again decided for internal reasons not to make their voice too forceful

    (Bell 2003, page 54). Unable to sidestep the left-right ideological cleavage, Rocard

    resigned after his Big Bang coalition approach resulted in the worst-ever defeat of the

    socialist party in the 1994 European Parliament election (Stevens 2003, page 207). Lionel

    Jospin took the leadership of the left coalition with a more pro-left platform and, despite

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    losing the 1995 elections, was able to win the legislative elections of 1997. Although

    Jospins government actions followed some Rocardian policies, including privatizations,

    a decreased role for the state, and social insurance reform, his rhetoric was measured to

    avoid alienation of coalition partners (he used, for example, the term private

    participation instead of privatization) (Bell 2003, page 47). In fact, leftist rhetoric was

    followed by leftist action, most notably with the unlikely implementation of the 35-hour

    week, but also the Aubry Law, which aimed to create 700,000 state-sponsored jobs for

    the youth (Sferza 2002).

    The policy factors described above would have allowed the Third Way rhetoric to

    discernibly challenge the status quo. However, economic performance was positive in

    the mid-nineties and the center-right was not likely to be easily won over by a fledgling

    centrist PSF. Furthermore, the political factors were strongly unfavorable to the adoption

    of the Third Way rhetoric, since the leftist faction of the PSF and its leftist coalition

    partners were too strong for Michel Rocard, the lead PSF proponent of the Third Way.

    The 5-factor model is applied below to three other major socialist parties at conjectural

    crossroads, each with its own characteristics and faced with the very different economic,

    social, and political landscapes of Britain, Germany, and Italy. The explanatory power of

    the model will be tested as it fits the actual rhetoric chosen by these parties.

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    5. Application to the British Case: Blairs New LabourWe begin application of the model to socialist parties of other major European countries

    with Britain. The British New Labour Party emerged in 1997 as the benchmark for

    European socialist parties considering embracing the rhetoric of the Third Way. The

    Third Way of the New Labour Party represents today the most radical embodiment of the

    concept. Some even argue that New Labour amounts to consolidation of Thatcherism

    and that Blair is little more than the son of Margaret (Schmidtke 2002). Application

    of the model to the British case investigates the policy and political factors that led the

    New Labour Party to adopt the rhetoric of the Third Way as its unconditional political

    platform for the 1997 general elections. The triggering crisis was a simultaneous political

    crisis of both the incumbent party and the socialist party. After almost two decades of

    Conservative government the Labour Party began to seriously reconsider its most basic

    social and economic electoral platforms in order to avoid continued obliteration from the

    political scene. By the mid-nineties, the conservatives were the ones experiencing a

    political crisis. Internal strife over EU issues and the crash of the pound from the

    European Exchange Rate Mechanism crushed confidence in the Conservatives long

    track of economic successes. In addition, the weaker leadership of John Major, in

    comparison to Thatcher, provided a great opportunity for Labour to ride on the

    ideological and electoral momentum gained in 1992 and win over the middle class.

    In order to take advantage of the situation, the Labour Party had to decide whether or not

    to adopt a new electoral platform. This decision depended on the policy and political

    factors existing in Britain in the mid 1990s. One option was to develop a customized

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    version of the new election platform that democratic leader Bill Clinton proposed as he

    won the presidency of the United States in 1992. Clinton faced a very similar situation to

    that of Tony Blair, including a long-reigning incumbent Republican government and the

    imminent threats of globalization, and adopted a more liberal rhetoric that encouraged

    real opportunity, market liberalization, and a small government the main tenets of the

    Third Way. According to our model, adoption of a similar rhetoric by the Labour Party

    would depend on the policy and political factors in Britain that preceded the 1997

    elections, which are discussed in the sections below.

    5.1. Assessment of the British Goodness of Fit

    In the period leading to the 1997 general election, the British welfare state, unlike that of

    France, was based on a combination of minimum universal rights and means-tested

    distribution of resources. The system was residualist in that it delivered meager

    benefits, on the basis of need, as a last resort for those who are unable to support

    themselves through paid work (Levy 1999). The predecessor of the British welfare state

    is the set of laws called the Poor Laws, which provided assistance to the very poor and

    were amended repeatedly until 1941, when the destructions of war incited a more

    equitable treatment of the people. The 1942 Beveridge Report triggered an attempt to

    shift towards a universal welfare state that gave security from the cradle to the grave

    (Field 1999). Actual implementation of a universal welfare state, however, resulted in

    fixed-level benefits below those recommended by Beveridge, which were insufficient to

    many and led to the introduction of a means-tested system. Although not comprehensive,

    the welfare state did pose a major burden to the government and the economy,

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    representing 23% of GDP in 1979 when Margaret Thatcher came to power (Wilding

    1997). Interestingly, the expected dismantling of the welfare state by a state-minimizing

    liberal government did not occur during the first two terms of the Thatcher

    administration, as the percentage of GDP it represented remained unchanged until 1988.

    Between 1987 and 1990, however, government took a major offensive against the

    bureaucratic structures of welfare provision (Le Grand 1993). Both central and local

    authorities saw significant cut-backs in their social services budget, and the system was

    replaced by a more pluralist system of provision dominated by quasi or internal markets

    [which] radically changed the face of the NHS, Education, Social Care, Local Authority

    Housing and the role of the local authority more generally (Wilding 1997). The

    Conservative government redirected welfare responsibility both by putting great stress on

    the family as the cradle of civic virtue and by privatizing social services operations.

    The British economy, one of the most liberal in the world, highly contrasted with that of

    dirigiste France. Indeed, the New Right ideologuesrejected indicative planning,

    public ownership, incomes policy, exchange controls, and sectoral intervention (Wilks

    1997). Britain, whose economy was significantly liberalized by the Thatcher government

    following the New Right ideology, was characterized in the OECD study on Product

    Market Regulation as a relatively liberal country (Nicoletti et al. 2005, page 19). The

    study ranked Britain as having the lowest level of control in outward-oriented policies

    and levels well below average in regards to control and regulation in inward-oriented

    policies. In the realm of outward-oriented policies, represented by barriers to trade and

    investment, Britain ranked highest in all sub-domains, followed closely by its neighbor,

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    Ireland. Although it did not achieve such absolute ranking in inward-oriented policies, it

    did rank higher than every other European country in both barriers to entrepreneurship,

    where it is only outpaced by Canada, and state control, where it ranks 5th. Although

    Britain experienced a roller-coaster economic performance under the Conservatives, with

    two major recessions in 1983 and 1992 separated by a major boom, as well as a mature

    recovery leading to the 1997 elections (Wilks 1997), the legacy of the Thatcher and

    Major governments was the establishment of a clearly liberal overall economic policy.

    In regards to the government machinery, Britain had adopted an interesting mix of public

    and private provision of public services, where public provision was shared by local and

    central government. Britain had a long tradition of democratic local self-government in

    which there was no regional tier of government imposed between central government and

    local authorities. From 1950 to 1994, the number of local authorities in Britain decreased

    drastically as a result of the Local Government Act of 1992, which replaced the two-tier

    system of local government in certain areas with a single-tier system (OECD, 1997).

    Government in Britain was administered in England through a series of central

    departments and subsidiary organizations and through national departments in the

    remaining countries. Two legislations of the Thatcher government significantly altered

    the make-up of government, with the creation of Executive Agencies in the 1980s that

    acted as policy implementation bodies and the merger of four central departments into

    Government Offices for the Regions (GOs) in 1994, with the purpose of fostering

    efficiency without increasing the power or cost of central government. In addition to

    altering the operations of local government through the encouragement of voluntary

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    tendering and compulsory for some services the Conservative government increased

    the number of special-purpose agencies, the Quangos, which often operated at the local

    level and were not subject to local democratic control. In 1992, Quangos spent about

    46.65 billion of public money (OECD 1997), or 17% of public expenditures (CIA

    World Fact Book 1992), while local government accounted for 25% of the budget

    (OECD 1997). The uniqueness of the British administrative organization, which did not

    incorporate a regional level interfacing the central and local levels, was well-reflected in

    the make-up of public sector employment figures. If regional government is considered

    local rather than central, Britains central government 47% of public sector employment

    was well above the OECD average, and only slightly below Frances 52% mark. This

    paper considers regional governments as central, bringing Britains central government

    employment to much lower levels than that of its counterparts whose regional

    governments represented a significant portion of public sector employment. Despite the

    reliance of social services on private contractors, private sector employment from 1985 to

    1997 was in line with that of other OECD countries at about 80% of total employment.

    The policy factors presented above characterize Britain as a country with a relatively

    unsuccessful liberal welfare state, a successful liberal market economy, and a

    decentralized government where both central and local governments inherited many of

    the powers normally held in other countries by regional governments. Rhetoric adoption

    of the Third Way could therefore be coherently developed to offer an alternative to the

    welfare state and bank on recent mishaps of the British economy.

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    5.2. Assessment of the British Mediating Factors

    The political scene in Britain since the late nineteenth century had been dominated by

    alternating periods of two-party and three-party systems. The Liberal and Conservative

    parties battled virtually unchallenged until the First World War. Following the war, the

    1922 general elections were characterized by the dramatic rise of the Labour party, which

    captured 30% of the vote despite having become politically relevant less than two

    decades earlier. The period from 1922 to 1929 experienced a three-party system, with the

    tightest race taking place in 1923, when the Conservatives won 38% of the vote versus

    30% for the Liberals and 31% for Labour. Between 1931 and 1970 the Liberals never

    amassed more than 11% and played only a limited role in the duel between Labour and

    the Conservatives (Boothroyd). This situation has changed since the 1974 elections,

    when the Liberals won 20% of the votes and essentially allowed the Conservatives to stay

    in power for 18 years, from the 1979 elections to the 1997 elections. Party coalitions,

    although a decisive factor in some election years, played a subdued role in the general

    political history of Britain. The 1918 coalition government served as training ground for

    future election coalitions. The elections of 1931 marked the most significant coalition

    formation in Britains electoral history as Conservatives joined forces with their long-

    time opponents, the Liberals, and other minor parties, to defeat the rising Labour party

    and its coalition with the Independent and Irish Labour parties (which the conservatives

    would have achieved on their own anyway, with 55% of the votes). Between 1935 and

    1966, only the Conservatives continued their coalition with other minor parties that

    aggregated from a high of 5.5% of the vote in 1935 to a low of 0.6% before the coalition

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    was dismantled. In recent electoral history, the Liberals and the Social Democrats joined

    forces in 1983, with 26% of the vote placing them less than 1% behind Labour. The two

    parties ultimately merged for the 1992 elections and became the Liberal Democrats,

    amassing 19% of the vote. Interestingly, following Tony Blair's election as leader of the

    Labour Party in 1994, the Liberal Democrats controversially pursued a policy of

    cooperation with Labour, which eventually failed over proportional representation issues

    and other key Liberal Democrat demands.

    The rhetoric of the Labour Party had already moved towards the center during the 1992

    elections as Kinnock, leading Labour into his second campaign, was by then at the head

    of a disciplined and well marshaled party, with changed policies and little remaining from

    the Foot era (BBC 1992). Following the 1992 elections, Labour underwent several

    changes, with the replacement of Neil Kinnock by John Smith as leader, who was himself

    replaced by shadow home secretary Tony Blair after succumbing to a heart attack. A

    public school, Oxford-educated barrister, Blair was no son of the left or the Labour

    movement, although he was a onetime supporter of the Campaign for Nuclear

    Disarmament (BBC 1997). His tenure as shadow home secretary gave him no direct

    experience of government since he entered Parliament in the Thatcher years, but support

    of his powerful colleague Gordon Brown helped him win the contest for party leadership

    against John Prescott and Margaret Beckett. Blair oversaw dramatic changes that

    epitomized him as a powerful and commanding leader. Under his leadership, the

    modernization of the party stepped into a much higher gear than under Kinnock. Of

    particular relevance were the partys eradication of the commitment to nationalization as

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    set out in Clause IV of the party constitution and the adoption of its new name, New

    Labour, which Blair came to personify during the election campaign. In contrast to

    Conservative opponent John Major, Tony Blair showed true party leadership, as he

    himself stated: I lead my party, he follows his (BBC 1997). Besides strong party

    leadership, the lack of coalition constraints gave Tony Blair great power to adopt the

    rhetoric of the Third Way.

    Given the policy and political factors described above, namely, successful economic and

    administrative policies in line with the Third Way, unsuccessful social policy misaligned

    with the Third Way, a political system characterized by a three-party system free of

    coalition constraints, and a strong leadership committed to the Third Way, the 5-factor

    model would support adoption of the Third Way rhetoric. New Labour did chose indeed

    to base its 1997 election campaign on the rhetoric of the Third Way, pushing its platform

    further to the center than had been proposed in 1992. This strategy, running on the back

    of a mild crisis in the Conservative party with a weak leadership and economic setbacks,

    rewarded New Labour with a landslide victory, stealing 16% of the votes from the

    Conservatives but only 2% from the Liberal Democrats. The latter became a new force to

    be reckoned with, particularly given their center-left rhetoric relatively similar to that of

    the Labour Party and their adopted stance against the war in Iraq.

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    6. Application to the German Case Schrders Neue MitteApplication of the 5-factor model to Germany focuses on the period preceding the 1998

    elections that consecrated SPD Gerhard Schrder as Chancellor of Germany. Schrders

    electoral platform went counter to the traditional socialist platform that heavily promoted

    a strong welfare state and socialist economic policies. This change in rhetoric was

    triggered by a similar phenomenon as that of Britains described above. Just as Tony

    Blair banked on the lethargy created by the long reign of Thatcher and her cronies, so did

    Gerhard Schrder rely on 16 years of right-wing reign under Kohl and a burning desire of

    the German people for something new following the disappointing impact of

    unification on the German economy as a whole. Instead of following the traditional

    socialist platform, Schrder aligned himself with concepts of the British Third Way, but

    at the same time proposing a milder version of it due to Germanys different social,

    economic, and political landscape, as analyzed below.

    6.1. Assessment of the German Goodness of Fit

    The German welfare state, similar to that of France, was based on Bismarckian

    traditions, supported by family values, work position and social entitlements (Zeitlin

    and Tubek 2003, page 107). Germany prided itself on its Wohlfahrtstaatstatusand

    provided a comprehensive set of social benefits in the forms of social security, social

    welfare, and other social programs. Contribution rates to the social security system

    increased from 26.5% of gross wage in 1970 to 42.2% in 1998. In the late 1990s it

    accounted for approximately 22% of GDP, placing it ahead of France (Siebert 2005, page

    128-134). Besides social insurance, social welfare, or Sozialhilfe, represented an

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    increasing portion of government expenditure, as it grew from approximately 15% of

    expenditures in 1970 to over 25% in 1998 (Siebert 2005, page 134). OECD social

    indicators pointed to successful social results across the board in comparison to OEDC

    averages, except for the rate of unemployment (9.3% versus 7%) and the old age strain

    reinforced by low fertility rates. Germany had indeed a large welfare system with high

    net salary replacement rates (67% versus 40%), low income inequality, high social and

    health care spending (33% of GDP versus 26% and 10.9% of GDP versus 8.4%,

    respectively), and healthier levels of subjective well-being and isolation, particularly in

    comparison to France. Finally, youth unemployment hovered around 10% in Germany

    versus 20% in France, reflecting lower exclusionist effects.

    In comparison to France, the German social market economy imposed fewer constraints

    on free enterprise and open markets. The OECD study on Product Market Regulation

    categorized Germany as a middle of the road country (Nicoletti et al. 2005, page 22).

    According to the study, the German government exerted above-average state control and

    regulation in inward-oriented policies but significantly below-average control in outward-

    oriented policies. In regards to inward-oriented policies, Germany had the 10th and 9th

    highest levels of public ownership and involvement in business operations, respectively,

    placing it slightly above the average OECD country in terms of state control. In terms of

    barriers to entry, Germany fared slightly better. Although it had a similar ranking as state

    control for administrative burdens on startups and regulatory and administrative

    opacity, the ranking was much better regarding barriers to competition, where it had

    the 3rd

    lowest level of constraint, bringing the aggregate barriers to entry category

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    closer to, although slightly above, the OECD mean. In regard to outward-oriented

    policies, Germany fared very well. This category is based on the degree of barriers to

    trade and investment, and Germany ranked 20th in 1998.

    The level ofdirigisme in Germany was low in comparison to France, particularly due to

    its federalist form of government. Federalism is rooted in German history, where for

    centuries people lived in a number of independent municipalities. Although unification

    occurred in 1871, the regional states continued to be relatively independent (Siebert 2005,

    page 278). Despite the traumatic transformation of the previously centrally planned

    economy of eastern Germany into a market economy, by 1998 the reunified Germany

    was running an enlarged federal system where administrative and financial responsibility

    was largely bestowed on the states. Besides strong decentralization, Germany relied on a

    system of governance that combined market forces with non-market mechanisms that

    were controlled by different levels of government as well as social groups, including

    trade unions, employers associations, and workers councils (Siebert 2005, page 325).

    Levy characterizes the German model of government as one of high social coordination

    and a tendency for a market economy opposed to statism (Levy 1999, page 285). In

    terms of public sector employment, the central government accounted for only 15% of

    the total public sector in 1997 (less than a third of the French percentage), which in turn

    accounted for 18% of total employment in Germany.

    The main policy factors countering the Third Way were the comprehensive welfare state

    and a relatively constrained internal market. Differentiation from the existing right-wing

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    government could therefore be based on these points, should the socialist party decide to

    adopt the rhetoric of the Third Way.

    6.2. Assessment of the German Mediating Factors

    The recent party system type in Germany can be qualified as a moderate pluralism. After

    the First World War, a democratic republic replaced the monarchy. However, the

    strength and mutual antipathy of the Communist and National Socialist parties, reflecting

    an extremely polarized party system, precluded the formation of strong majority

    governments. The virtual obliteration of both Nazi and Communist ideological parties

    after the Second World War and the collapse of the Soviet Union resulted in a party

    system of moderate pluralism. German politics became dominated by the reformist

    Social Democratic Party (SPD) on the left and the two-party conservative alliance of the

    Christian-Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian ally, the Christian Social Union

    (CSU). The SPD formally abandoned Marxism in 1957, and the CDU-CSU replaced the

    old collaboration parties of the right. Between 1949 and 1998, the SPD held office only

    between 1969 and 1982, while the remaining periods were under CDU-CSU leadership

    (Carr). The 1994 Bundestag election results, immediately preceding the 1998 elections,

    were 41.5% for the CDU-CSU and 36.4% for the SPD, with the remaining votes closely

    split between the minority parties, including the liberal Free Democratic Party (6.9%), the

    environmentalist Green Party (7.3%), and the left-wing Party of Democratic Socialism

    (4.4%). Interestingly, the coalition of the right had obtained 54%, 55%, and 57% in

    1983, 1987, 1990 respectively, but only around 50% in 1994 (CDU/CSU, FDP) as the

    Greens and PDS gathered more power and set the stage for a potential coalition of

    opposition in 1998. This repartition of votes characterized the German party type as a

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    was the main focus of the chancellor. This corroborates the explanatory results of the

    model, which pointed to a rhetoric based on reduction of the welfare state and of

    unemployment through a real opportunity approach to workforce reinsertion. Indeed,

    proposal of both the Hartz 4 program and decreased unemployment through internal labor

    market reform comprised the heart of the new socialist platform. The shift towards the

    center, however, did not occur without opposition. In March of 1999, the head of the

    SPD and finance minister, Oskar Lafontaine, presented his resignation in response to

    divergence with the ideologies of the newly elected Chancellor. In opposition to the

    business wing of the SPD, Lafontaine advocated a program of state measures to counter

    the negative social effects of globalization and an unrestrained market[and] advocated

    increasing incomes in order to increase domestic demand so flying in the face of the

    dominant supply-side orientated policies ( Schwarz 1999). Schrder handled the notable

    Lafontaine with authority and further reinforced his leadership of the party and internal

    support of the policies of the Third Way.

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    7. Application to the Italian Case DAlemas Progressive InitiativesThe last application of the 5-factor model in this paper is to the main Italian socialist

    party of the mid 1990s, the Partito della Sinistra (PDS). The case of Italy provides a

    clearly different economic, social, and political landscape than that of the previously

    analyzed countries, as further described in the following sections. As in France, the

    Communist party, Partito ComunistadItalia (PCI), drew a very large percentage of

    votes during the countrys First Republic, with a peak above 34% in 1976 that gradually

    decreased thereafter (Schmidtke 2002) but never amassed enough votes to come to

    power. The fall of worldwide Communism and the general consent for the EMU

    objective in the early 1990s, however, allowed for the waning of a First Republic that

    condemned the left, and the PCI in particular, to eternal opposition. The trigger for a

    potential adoption of the Third Way by the PDS in 1996 was the build-up of legitimacy

    since spinning off from the PCI in 1991, the dismantling of the Christian Democratic

    Party, and the major blow to the center-right government by the departure of the Northern

    League from the Forza Italia alliance of the North. We now analyze the policy and

    political factors of 1996 Italy in order to predict whether the PDS would have been likely

    to embrace the rhetoric of the Third Way.

    7.1. Assessment of the Italian Goodness of Fit

    The Italian welfare state belongs to the Christian Democratic welfare system, which is

    characterized by the polarization of social benefits where privileged insiders enjoy

    disproportionate protection at the expense of the mass of citizens, who receive little or no

    coverage. The case of Italy, however, represents an extreme version of this system

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    whose problems are aggravated by large state administration and the operation of

    patronage politics (Levy 1999). During the Christian Democratic hegemony throughout

    the First Republic until the 1980s, partisan politics took central stage through corruption,

    inflated benefits, and conscious oversight of tax evasion by the critical political

    constituency. As the supremacy of the Christian Democrats (DC) faded, the government

    in the 1980s was led by a five-party coalition, thepentapartito, whose members instead

    of eradicating corruption and partisan politics became part of it. As a result, by the early

    1990s Italy found itself in dire straits with a budget deficit and public debt reaching 10%

    and 100% of GDP, respectively (Levy 1999), as well as a welfare state increasingly

    polarized. One example reflecting the level of fiscal burden and polarization is that of the

    pension system, which provided a basic pension in manufacturing of 89% of average net

    earnings of current workers, [while] the minimum social pension for those who did not

    accrue was 19% of average earnings, barely one half of the European Union level (Levy

    1999). It was only in 1992, with the advent of application to the EMU, that a mani pulite

    investigation destabilized the parties of thepentapartito, most notably the Christian

    Democrats and the Socialist Party of Italy (PSI), and permitted three governments of

    technicians, led by Amato, Ciampi, and Dini between 1992 and 1996, to redress the

    spiraling budgetary and social crisis. Progress was made in the period leading to the

    1996 elections, and the operations of the technicians was supported by a PDS eager to

    establish its governing credentials (Levy 1999).

    On the economic planning front, Italy placed amongst the most interventionist OECD

    countries. Despite a high savings rate, funds were directed to government debt rather

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    than to commercial banks that could help spur the postwar boom. The equity markets

    were v