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.. 0 ,. Don 1 t Cut . , .. . .. 'THE S0UTHEAS11E · ' ! on-IOLU. oaa.&.N · .. DURANT, ... . Girls' Coge Meet: )lr" ftin Rebln Opens ··· lt .. Joln Twenty-six blgh schools from I ·. • • J · -. atudeUta . made hO 1 In a recog'llitioil auembly at 10 over the diiltrlct r ' Jack .aracse lower, tJlaD. to- be. nam- o'clock yesteraay momlng, the filed entrtf>.s tot- the Jolri'ed thet'acmty ed to the hont.r ro1lll dial'IJig the lell.ders of lltudent activities were basketball · tournamel\t . thiS semester, flnt Hme.ter, R. L. llcPberoD, prMented to tbe student body. Tbe by SoJttbeaatern th1a week-eDd, gene ·• regtatrar, hu aDD01IDCed. council wu ln charge of January 2j, 25 and tour- have ll'lve atudenta bad dralpt A'• program. . .. . nament znarJ;.a tile resumption lpg tJie In at een of work, and Group atnc'ang w.aB led by Bc?b l. is·. d111ectltng were named to premdent'a Pratt, and devoUonat was . given olastic actlvtt!ea., · , · · ·. an!) _teaching honor ron. They ue lila Verla by Car.roll Staton:. Dean A. lll. Tro.., to He · baa Davia, Herbert Korrla JOu Shearer lntrod'!lced President T. the winners in two classes, Claas his du.Uea aJ1 Outda Nell Parrlab, CarroJi I sta- T. Montgomery, Who gave a short A and Claaa B. . . : - -. - .t1 . ;.e · pt!lceJneJU ton, and Mrs. LUCUe talk. \ 1 .L Entries · in Cl:uls. A are making either A'a or numbers r.rere renered Haywood, Rattan, ' Tuahka, Oahu · ' and . comprlalDg the dean's by · Miss B:ugenla Cr&Jg, Miss Beth Cobb. · . honor roll are Ml8l Emma Alvar;. Robnett, and B. J . . Keller. Class B teams enterec(are AI·. m the ·. ez. Miss Mary Allee .A.Udaon, JOu The officer-.J of the council were bany, Ashland, Blue, Caney, taught ;. pand at Paulino Bohanon, WUUam Brad- lntrodnced flnt. are Miss do, Greanviile, Kemp · Junior ford,. .Miss Be.aie Bullard, Kl88 Nell Rntb Crowle-y,.P,resldent; Miss j{eneflc, Klngt;ton, Kiowa, _ ·Lone balld Nell · Ruth Kn. Retha Eugenia Craig, vice president; and Grove, Marietta, Matoy, saw, . aud .Jean Curtla, M1u Jeaane Davey, Miss Sara Sue can, secretary. , Pittsburg ; Plainview, - . .... ' J . 6 Named To · Council oilor Rdtls · .. Student Leaders ShoWn \ I rollment- to the regular c:a- .u .. •uUJJ.Jl by thai , wartime ilaV8 been lllctledule for this demands of c;ch£dnled for be a comse ln gJPOaD4 aviation, which wm ,. · Professor Les)l• A. 1 Ktas Virglnla DeBoard, lira. Mary Miss Crowley then introduced uuca Yuba, and MeadowbrOOk. ,.·. Mr. tlreen - ls' a griLauate Prances ll'lelden, J'leak, the new counct\ members who are ' · - High Wllbnl1'tti•n actlvittea wbiCb Steve Glenn, Kenneth Godfrey, Miss Be'ttye Butta, and D - w ·,. . m"' tbe .Jack Mnl. Iona Dale Godfray, senlon;.lllsa Jean Davey 0 · .. · ·. State The ,studept COUDclll. I Berrlc.'.t, lW8III Lola BDbbe, :Mll8 and Steven Glenn, Ml8s str• T PI . . uation lmarc]l. for a full program of .... Kar7 B'rances lJetty Ann Moran and Jack Good- lYe 0 · easer- ' time at hla recreation holllrll Kemp, Mlss Logan, CUr- man, aophomortill; and Miss Patsy. . eastern. · all-school acttvttt-. I tis Le9 11118 Jallen Cox and GayJen llarneat, freah- (By DONNA.II&J'O) arrived from is already UDderw.l:f Kay, Mrs . Mabel KcDcJuiil, JOu men. Bouaton Deford wu lntro- · · · NashVJlle· ln time to for the talked of gJrl8' cJora. Kary Carolyn Nllll, Larry B. duced as aD-eehool cheer leader, So you think fwome:1 · assume='. Jiis a member of itory, wUJ be located Dqdhl Prater, Harold Jltobnett, lOu and vuiowl ,.tber I club leaders please men, hub I? Well. , , the - EngliSh on Mon- of tlhe bulld1118'. . Pauline Spragglne, Kla Betty Bob were preeentec!.. . wrong - you'd have tO be! After· day _ ; · · . hu nrvlftd taar Stewart, Min !1 Totoro, · cheer leaders cho,en by . quizzing a few of the campus Rom- . , · 8 0 w&r. n.e aecond aemeatar Kabel Brown W lllrL Jane the claMu aN JOu Jurhee Small- . · .. . ,h¥ -' and the ' $ perlod ot nconveniOD. . Davia Wheeler, ll:rs. JDvelyn ey ·and Murray Paul McKinney, eoa on · la mo<!e-, "tva found and 1 1 llartln Wodll. senlon; Mia Jo. Anderaon and would -be a ptysical lm .poalbllltY. !Pa,sae4 '(lnal tot f · UaU Bob Pratt, junlon; Kla Peggy to please 'em all!. However, they liu8 D .. iSegree Vanderbllt 1 ... ..- ; 11:- fa-l.ll ......... Selp:tc and CUrtl8 Maxey, aopJlo:' seemed to agree .on a tew c of · the Nuh- Dell j U'-.Mil wa :IIVIIIIVIII mores, and Ml8a Teu Mel4aln8, inaln topics . , . . .- I be B I ., ·ppa Return . To lfreabman. . . . To' you h.o., 2 . at Van- S . do Cl er garden, or any · reuonably __ aty- profea:»r Ail o forum, bJl Three glrla, .JuUa Dean p PI d prlae. 'You see, the 'the - campus c ilfter ln . the traterni for the pW'JM*e of m. atur y ass Ush hat, we'Ve a_ returned to Pi Kap Delta, natlcmal Jllu Jtlbulle Toucbatone, . rogram ' anne the eds we aaked said llay, cusalng ltr'ie of ceapal- . ad KID ..bil, Biddle, wbo for- . . finitely like them. A put . . Dt¢ng· bd of aervtce, sory fraiDlilg, wu helit .aauq _... .-. t.r WAC -- ..S . )k91tdq. Ill m:- . ..dQw:n. 9n.. Mtlt Q.t &D4 Prof. wutan iutl'uctor m Kondav ftenbag Jr•• ' 11, ,.._ WAVJDS, are ftii'C'4lle4 ..._ South.;. p.nlsed for tbe llelllMter at Novy Woolbright. -.ted · thi · ,aenal _ navlgiitlon .at Navy Pre the c;, tlllllldmfnt...,.._. . ..tern thl8 lleJUeMier The , ftntt meeting sunbonnet type. · · · SchQol at tlhe Unlvendty of tive· bu1JWn 1 111u Tlglrt, Cue7. tonnerly in for ortr"'tutson and enrollment Red, 1 blue, yellow, and Iowa: - and. the. Air stattoiUI I Mrs StaiiiDp, c:Jiat». the WAC, lllel"nd qwr..- tn Leyte. was In the admlDiatration seemed to be the boys favorite at tivermol!e, pallfornla, and · bltroduced lira. N:ew Guinea, and t1111 Pbllipplne auditorium 1ut Saturcsay morning, ors, or as Lowa Corpus _ Texas, following =t who pitt- theaters of -wau·. At1 the time of her January 18. Jones wisely mriest.. "It · all de- his- Florida. es ' y' f mm.. •dla'charge Novemblr 1, p beld The objective of . Saturday pends on the girJ:TCOicer menl!Oii- ·. Prof. his wings as aentled Ndr " ltllm the rank pf .rpant. classea Ia to otter for earn- ed he meant tlle c;otor. erial n&Vtg&Jtir. . thng. · reSume a1 lllla8 nglrt, a fredm•n, 11 Diajor- lng realdence c.redlt to the teachenl As for heels, they too got a tlod · ·-. 1 _ _ · _ !the r:;e U:Utary traiD- lng in buineaa edl.acatiaa. and other cltitlcJul of this dlatrlct. of app.rovaJ frcm almoet everyone. JLUW4 ' DELTA I , P .. Mlaa irouchstone, Broken Bow, All credit e&mec1 In this manner Kenn8dy aaya that althou«h 1 11.4.8; BEGUJ4B G · · · · "'UtuM 01 was a otl the WAVJDS. may be appBtd toward the requ.tro-: heela depend on height, •. !'Pleaae m tlng of Kappa the. ildop- · serving epectaJIMt. In Oommtm- menta for any degree offered at wear nose." the nan · pellaJl :J?elta .' held Monday night, genf'sl b Newcomb Rklr . ications. Sho - ltatloDeCI In unless it· matches your not-too- 'JanUa.ry .;21, the l home of Mr. and tion of . e P Y ts a.piJuit Waahlngt@. D. c.J Kaz71and, and . Cour.aea wbich will be offered gaudy lipstick Nola$ Ki& . .' F w. _Logah at 1118 Weat ':;:d Kewmet• New Y?rk, recelvlqr ber dlllcharge aemeater wiD .be :mducatton (See ONJC, Pap I) ' • ·- · lflm ·- .. - 9 9, 1MG. -.. 'l'ouchatone 803, the of educa- · · · Godfrey., 111 a aenior major'blg In elementary tion, includblg achool law; lklu- . . · · The house thenJ: educatt.m. , . - cation 382, materlala and metb- G/' S 1/ SS,.. E *. ". 1/m · f discussion on e re on Mlu Riddle, Bo1¢blto, M1'Ved od8 of· teae11tng natural science; $ we . · nro ·. n adoption t:- f the pl&IL Various C!OID- a w A vm. She NcetftCI ber dl8- Education m. prlnclplea of C.Ul'l'l- 1, I ' • • - ( questlcns, and . opbdGDII • charge December 7 llel'viDg culUI{l; Health lklucation 102 and 100 new war veterans ler, Oarl Leon Enloe, were from membftll.. ln Id&bo, Callfol'ld-. an4 Wub!Dg- 202; and -i93, a coune in who are contlDuing their Bob., rJn LeVrla, Frt!ddie of the . ton, D. c. Before enteriQir the eer- chlldren's Uterature · and · atory tion under the . GI _BW 1 '. ... L, Webb, Bennett f ........ " KIM RidcJie completed bel' tellilfg. : hav,e enrolled 1n Soutbeaitem W. . Freeny, Johll one, Jack MC?- nessmenr '·· en a...._..., junior year at. maj- Enrollment wt11 continue, and it 'Ia eatuaated f .J-.ssle tlllama, George I in home ecoDOIDla Sbe t. next Saturday, and thereafter, a gain of 150 will to the, Pat,! - Murray, Paul Ka1z- 1 ember of Pl Kappa 8lpaa. elaaea wm meet every Saturday. student body before ·regtatratlop ,ahn. f,ey, J. B. mar-. Camnuttees Namtt. na1 IIOClal a0rortt7, and ear- studeDta eaa earoll for u much Ia ended. · · · · ·•. nest, Murray Pa McKinney, Billy T S d C rric dlnall{ey, an hoDOJ'&I'Y fraternlt7. u five houm of work in th818 The veterans ate ltlltchell, y. 0 tu Y U U . courrn. IClence, arts, .o.n4 . trade -. OIICar om, J. L. nr . M. • K. Fprt ... ' 8JIIIOI'I!M'IiB Mid-Tenn Grads Number Four moet aequen:ly, taking a: Woody, ·B .- J, Ken.!. .. , Lennlal Ram- that steering tor Ulll · '\W'lety of aubjecta that are being . . . - r . offered Ill many flel48. JDight Billy Moore, counti es ih the SoutbeaaterD _.. choten to -'""or fn lnduatrW arta· · . Wlmam _ capeba · Jamu Patter- triet !lave been in tilt ' .._, - - · , - '' -: • , i,mprovement of m.truetiOD . aud s, ch-mliatry: -t, pre-dental; son, Alvm . .- ger, Dwight urrlculum .Four eompleted the pre-law; S, 1, . Orbin . ey, J'loyd Lee. e Tbe epuntlee wbo Jlaw nameil requlremenu at South- . 1, phymcal IIClence, 8, 1i. Jack Davt.on, ·their committees are Atoka CCiiUD' eutem at .a of tile IJm'ollment Ill the band bu . IOClology-economlcs; 2. ¢; S. biB- . Jack WWcoxen, ty, Bryan COIJnty, . Carter .em.ester. Oleta reached twaty, Prot. Jack Green tory; 6, education; 2, Partalne, T. Choc:ta- coimty 11 Loft coantj, aWl Rapp, Eufaula; ... Al- baa announcod, and orpnlation 3, mwde; 1, englneerlngj ,. l, fore&:._ J. • .·Jolin=OweDs, Jamea -.res, CoaJndla. _ Jialco; will get UJlderwa7 .an. try; 1, pot.t-p'aduate couraea: 1,. ' Paddo$, inn, Jack Bond. ;====:;: · Wlla Glblloft. Durant; and Kn. Many of the .tildenUI 1 are re- IOClal 9clence; 2, JDncllah: 2; Arthur , BarkF, Jolm Kabel Browll Will'(\ SUp. tume4 llei'VIce men who !lave ogy; 1, bome-econOinlcsr ' AJlCIIll, l'loyd lllu Rafp wl11 ncelft the de- played with Army _.. Tryouu bualneaa. ThJrty-seven.,&l.'e Wide- CaldWell, . Bugene Jones, Steve pee of B.S. lD llcbao&U.. with & are a1ao being made now for drum clded u to their major flelda. · "' , 9ienn .., : Max WIJU•m., Dcma1d Jnajor In elem•talt7 edacaUc& majorette& ·. Veterans who have enrolled TboRfpson, . Bill JOu Alvarn wm ncetve tbe de- Mi-. Green extenda ' an invitation semuter are otho Curtl8. L. T. ' Delal , · Charles upln, Richard pee of B. · A. 1D ]Qducattou,. maj " to all thoee wno are In Patton, James Ogden, ', Berbe F.r . ed Van _ wing m hl8tory DdDorlng m 1natrumental work to see him. The Morrla, Kenneth <Jodft'ey, Jde . McKe nzi e,. WJmam Stroud, ioclology. regular band claa8 meets at eight Montgomery, cart GriDle,- ArUe RelJ Wllliam Klu Glbeoa. and Kn. Warcl wU1 o'aook, but other arrangement. Kent, Stephen Park, Boyett Iinp- Bradford,. Bllly Jo 1 Gardner, How- 1'8celve B. S. .._ Glb- are being for thole wiable to aon. Tbomaa G. ]l:arneat. Cbarlea ' ard Guyer, James m:t.jored in.,. .... _ and min- attend at tblll time. If instruments Beaaon, Alvin White. · Hugh Bk11; Flofd 1 . . Males, Carl Smith, eNd in apeeCh. -..4 JlrL Ward are not owned by 0.. student., ar- Bill 8eeda. 111ke Hardy, ll'ol'l'Mt Lloyd' ·Ana.aon. Norrla D1uuloll; a ckluble major In home rangementa can be made for them. Upchurch. Houston DefOI'd. B. - Qdr1ln. BUly Terrell, ._mo:m!c:a &114 Playen for four hol'IUI are Bob :Moore, t.ewt. Barker, BD1 H&rrl Lee Long, Raymo-. llc- ----J .... ,W.. Townsend, John Qark, :J. '1'. Dor- ll'eftaJl. part Tolbert •"'!'beN Ill Nfap from eiy, Gerald· Cbatfln, Walter Am- Price, !leal, , 11188 lllmde but a. _. IUiOide 111· Ill c1e11Pte4 lr. 11011- tord. JaCk Jack Ofodman. lllu .toe . Ann RldcDe, DuW tudet ..... ,awlld .beutorapd. Charlie G, W•ver, Jeffei'ICIIII'ul- 'l'l8trt. .

.. 0 ,. • • . .. t 'THE Southeastern/Newspapers/194… · l'ay~ Davia, Herbert Korrla JOu Shearer lntrod'!lced President T. the

Jul 19, 2020



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Page 1: .. 0 ,. • • . .. t 'THE Southeastern/Newspapers/194… · l'ay~ Davia, Herbert Korrla JOu Shearer lntrod'!lced President T. the

.. 0 ,. • •

Don1t Cut .

, .. . ..

'THE S0UTHEAS11E · ' ! on-IOLU. oaa.&.N so11TBBA.s~ · WATII ·ooi.~• ..

DURANT, ... .

Girls' Coge Meet: )lr" ftin Rebln Opens ·Th~nda_r ·· · lt .. Joln ~F

Twenty-six blgh schools from I ·. • • J · -. ~-au atudeUta . made hO 1 In a recog'llitioil auembly at 10 over the southwte~ diiltrlct r - ~fitssor. ' Jack

.aracse lower, tJlaD. ~ to- be. nam- o'clock yesteraay momlng, the filed entrtf>.s tot- the ann~_gtrW Jolri'ed the-· t'acmty ed to the hont.r ro1lll dial'IJig the lell.ders of lltudent activities were basketball · tournamel\t ~ .thiS semester, flnt Hme.ter, R. L. llcPberoD, prMented to tbe student body. Tbe by SoJttbeaatern th1a week-eDd, gene ·• Sla~lM"btefl, regtatrar, hu aDD01IDCed. studen~ council wu ln charge of January 2j, 25 and 28~ ~ tour- Dwlg~g have ·'!'e1tutJ~ed

ll'lve atudenta bad dralpt A'• ~e program. . .. . nament znarJ;.a tile resumption ~ lpg -~ tJie ~_.:it In at I~ een ho~ of work, and Group atnc'ang w.aB led by Bc?b South~erns pre-~ ~~ l. ·~r.;G~n is·.d111ectltng ~ were named to ~e premdent'a Pratt, and devoUonat was . given olastic actlvtt!ea., · , · · ·. an!) _teaching honor ron. They ue lila Verla by Car.roll Staton:. Dean A. lll. Tro.., a~ to ~ p~ted. ~. ~~oot' He· baa l'ay~ Davia, Herbert Korrla JOu Shearer lntrod'!lced President T. the winners in two classes, Claas his du.Uea aJ1 Outda Nell Parrlab, CarroJi I sta- T. Montgomery, Who gave a short A and Claaa B. . ~ . : - -. q~ -.t1. ;.e· pt!lceJneJU ton, and Mrs. LUCUe IW~ talk.\ 1 .L Entries· in Cl:uls. A are ~toka, ~)11M8.hd, .

S~udenta making either A'a or M~ical numbers r.rere renered Haywood, Rattan, 'Tuahka, -~ Oahu · ~la.nd. ' and . comprlalDg the dean's by ·Miss B:ugenla Cr&Jg, Miss Beth Cobb. · . group~ ~Pn:or ~

honor roll are Ml8l Emma Alvar;. Robnett, and B. J . . Keller. Class B teams enterec(are AI·. ~rviee m the ·. ez. Miss Mary Allee .A.Udaon, JOu The officer-.J of the council were bany, Ashland, Blue, Caney, Cad~ taught;.pand at IGJ:l.!l~'n Paulino Bohanon, WUUam Brad- lntrodnced flnt. ~ey are Miss do, ~lbert, Greanviile, Kemp · Junior ~.lie~~ ford,. .Miss Be.aie Bullard, Kl88 Nell Rntb Crowle-y, .P,resldent; Miss j{eneflc, Klngt;ton, Kiowa, _·Lone music--~ balld in.iU~Jtctflr Nell· Ruth ~wley~ Kn. Retha Eugenia Craig, vice president; and Grove, Marietta, Matoy, M~ saw, :'.$,pir~ . aud .Jean Curtla, M1u Jeaane Davey, Miss Sara Sue can, secretary. , Pittsburg; Plainview, s._v~ $~hO?lf·• -. ·~ ....

' J .

6 Named To · Council oilor Rdtls· .· .. Student Leaders

ShoWn\ I


to the regular c:a-.u .. •uUJJ.Jl n·~,poi"M by Soutbeallt~

thai, wartime An1111'tU~A ilaV8 been lllctledule for this

demands of c;ch£dnled for be a comse ln gJPOaD4 aviation, which wm ,. · Professor Les)l• A. • 1

Ktas Virglnla DeBoard, lira. Mary Miss Crowley then introduced uuca Yuba, and MeadowbrOOk. ,.·. Mr. tlreen-ls' a griLauate Prances ll'lelden, ~bert· J'leak, the new counct\ members who are ' · - 'burton~" High Wllbnl1'tti•n actlvittea wbiCb Steve Glenn, Kenneth Godfrey, Miss Be'ttye Butta, and Kenne~ D - w ·,. . Juni6r-~··eouege' m"' tbe ~ .Jack ~ Mnl. Iona Dale Godfray, senlon;.lllsa Jean Davey 0 o~;nen · .. ··. State Colleg~ ~He The ,studept COUDclll. I

Berrlc.'.t, lW8III Lola BDbbe, :Mll8 and Steven Glenn, ~union; Ml8s str• T PI . . ~ uation lmarc]l. for a full program of .... Ko~y James,~ Kar7 B'rances lJetty Ann Moran and Jack Good- lYe 0 · easer- 'time at hla recreation holllrll Kemp, Mlss Doro~ Logan, CUr- man, aophomortill; and Miss Patsy. . .· eastern. · all-school acttvttt-. I tis Le9 Kaxt~y, 11118 ~ Jallen Cox and GayJen llarneat, freah- (By DONNA.II&J'O) '· ~ arrived from is already UDderw.l:f Kay, Mrs. Mabel KcDcJuiil, JOu men. Bouaton Deford wu lntro- · · · NashVJlle· ln time to for the talked of gJrl8' cJora. Kary Carolyn Nllll, Larry B. duced as aD-eehool cheer leader, So you think fwome:1 ~ · ~ assume='.Jiis a member of itory, ~h. wUJ be located Dqdhl Prater, Harold Jltobnett, lOu and vuiowl ,.tber I club leaders please men, hub I? Well. , you'~ ,the -EngliSh on Mon- of tlhe ~ulsic bulld1118'. . • Pauline Spragglne, Kla Betty Bob were preeentec!.. . wrong - you'd have tO be! After· day_; · · . Sbu~ hu nrvlftd taar Stewart, Min !1 Totoro, ~ ~er ·cheer leaders cho,en by. quizzing a few of the campus Rom- . , .Pr~~asaor · aubmi~ :t~ 8 0 w&r. n.e aecond aemeatar Kabel Brown W lllrL Jane the claMu aN JOu Jurhee Small- . · .. . ,h¥ -' dl!l8erta~on and the ' $ perlod ot nconveniOD.

. Davia Wheeler, ll:rs. JDvelyn ey ·and Murray Paul McKinney, eoa on ·la mo<!e-, "tva found that . l~ Yirtuef{Liid ·\7ic~· and 1 1

llartln Wodll. senlon; Mia Jo. Anderaon and would -be a ptysical lm.poalbllltY. !Pa,sae4 -~ '(lnal tot ~· f · UaU Bob Pratt, junlon; Kla Peggy to please 'em all!. However, they liu8 ~ D .. iSegree Vanderbllt

1 ... ..-;

11:- fa-l.ll......... Selp:tc and CUrtl8 Maxey, aopJlo:' seemed to agree .on a tew cof ·the Unlv~y Nuh- ~~ Dell j U'-.Mil wa :IIVIIIIVIII mores, and Ml8a Teu Mel4aln8, inaln topics . , . . .- 1~-~~ I be B I ., ·ppa Return . To r.~.a~l lfreabman. • . . . To' you ~o-wear ~- h.o.,2. d;~~:.tea~i.onlea at Van- ~' ~~

.~URN S . do Cl er garden, or any ·reuonably __ aty- :· ;-Mr:_ Dwtp~ ·~ profea:»r Ail o forum, aponao~ bJl

Three glrla, ~ .JuUa Dean p PI d prlae. 'You see, the majerity~ ~ 'the -campuscilfter ~ ln. the traterni for the pW'JM*e of m. atur y ass Ush ll~e hat, we'Ve a_ big -~ 0~ ~ath. ·~~ea._ ~ returned to Pi Kap Delta, natlcmal f~...-.

Tl~ Jllu Jtlbulle Toucbatone, . rogram ' anne the eds we aaked said ~y ~ 'navy~~ llay, ~· cusalng ltr'ie qu~ation of ceapal- . ad KID J~ ..bil, Biddle, wbo for- . . finitely like them. A ffi!r~ put. . Dt¢ng· ~1. ~e bd of aervtce, sory mill~ fraiDlilg, wu helit .aauq _... .-. t.r WAC--..S .)k91tdq. • Ill have..~ m:- ~umbl . ..dQw:n. 9n.. Mtlt Q.t -~· &D4 Prof. OWl~ wutan iutl'uctor m Kondav ftenbag Jr•• ' 11, ,.._ WAVJDS, are ftii'C'4lle4 ..._ South.;. p.nlsed for tbe ~ llelllMter at Novy Woolbright. -.ted ·thi ·,aenal _navlgiitlon .at Navy Pre the au~tbttum c;, tlllllldmfnt...,.._. . ..tern thl8 lleJUeMier Southeater~L The, ftntt meeting sunbonnet type. · ~ · · ' FUgh~ SchQol at tlhe Unlvendty of tive· bu1JWn 1 •

111u Tlglrt, Cue7. tonnerly in for ortr"'tutson and enrollment Red, 1 blue, yellow, and -~ Iowa: -and. the. :N~ Air stattoiUI I Mrs ··J~- StaiiiDp, c:Jiat». the WAC, lllel"nd qwr..- tn Leyte. was ~d In the admlDiatration seemed to be the boys favorite cot~ at tivermol!e, pallfornla, and · bltroduced lira. N:ew Guinea, and t1111 Pbllipplne auditorium 1ut Saturcsay morning, ors, or as Lowa B~ck ~d·Gene Corpus_ ~. Texas, following =t O.:,!~:mCoeby who pitt­theaters of -wau·. At1the time of her January 18. Jones wisely mriest.. "It · all de- his-~g-lLt!Hollywood. Florida. es ' y' ~ f mm.. •dla'charge Novemblr 1, p beld The objective of . Saturday pends on the girJ:TCOicer menl!Oii- ·. Prof. his wings as aentled ~arm~ Ndr" ltllm the rank p f ~cal .rpant. classea Ia to otter co~ for earn- ed wln~e.aa he meant tlle c;otor. erial n&Vtg&Jtir. ~.Jvl . thng. · reSume a1 lllla8 nglrt, a fredm•n, 11 Diajor- lng realdence c.redlt to the teachenl As for heels, they too got a tlod · · - .

1_ _· _ ~ ~ • !the na~~ .· ~ r:;e U:Utary traiD-

lng in buineaa edl.acatiaa. and other cltitlcJul of this dlatrlct. of app.rovaJ frcm almoet everyone. JLUW4'DELTA I , ~ P .. Mlaa irouchstone, Broken Bow, All credit e&mec1 In this manner Dal~ Kenn8dy aaya that althou«h 111.4.8; BEGUJ4B G · · · ~I · "'UtuM 01

was a ri~eml»er otl the WAVJDS. may be appBtd toward the requ.tro-: heela depend on height, •.!'Pleaae ~ .~eJ· r~gplar m tlng of Kappa ~ere fo~ow::ta ~ the. ildop- · serving ~ epectaJIMt. In Oommtm- menta for any degree offered at wear nose." S~ip the nan ··pellaJl :J?elta.' .~ ·was. held Monday night, genf'sl :~ b Newcomb Rklr . ications. Sho - ltatloDeCI In South~ unless it· matches your not-too- 'JanUa.ry.;21, ~ thelhome of Mr. and tion of . e P Y ts a.piJuit Waahlngt@. D. c.J Kaz71and, and . Cour.aea wbich will be offered gaudy lipstick ~ ,Don Nola$ Ki& . .'F w. _L ogah at 1118 Weat ':;:d ~t!nrn=:C.~ Kewmet• New Y?rk, recelvlqr ber dlllcharge ~ aemeater wiD .be :mducatton (See ONJC, Pap I)' • ·- ·lflm ~t. · - .. - ~ 9

~February 9, 1MG. -.. 'l'ouchatone 803, the ~entala of educa- · · · Godfrey., 111 a aenior major'blg In elementary tion, includblg achool law; lklu- . . · · • The house ~ thenJ: ~ educatt.m. • , . - cation 382, materlala and metb- G/' S 1/ SS,.. E *. ". 1/m· f discussion on e re on

Mlu Riddle, Bo1¢blto, M1'Ved ~ od8 of· teae11tng natural science; $ we ~. , . · nro ·. n adoption t:-f the pl&IL Various C!OID-

a w A vm. She NcetftCI ber dl8- Education m. prlnclplea of C.Ul'l'l- 1, I ' • • • • - • • • ( me~ta. questlcns, and . opbdGDII • charge December 7 ~ llel'viDg culUI{l; Health lklucation 102 and :More~ 100 new war veterans 1·ler, Oarl N_e~b~, Leon Enloe, were from membftll.. ln Id&bo, Callfol'ld-. an4 Wub!Dg- 202; and lDD&'~lBh -i93, a coune in who are contlDuing their ecJUep.~ Bob., Wrlg~t. rJn LeVrla, Frt!ddie of the audien~, wld~ocalmc: . ton, D. c. Before enteriQir the eer- chlldren's Uterature · and ·atory tion under the. GI_BW ~-~~- Baker~ . 1 '. ... L, Webb, Bennett dlscbar~~; ~and f ........ " ~ce, KIM RidcJie completed bel' tellilfg. : hav,e enrolled 1n Soutbeaitem W.. Freeny, Johll one, Jack MC?- nessmenr '·· en a...._..., junior year at. ~ maj- Enrollment wt11 continue ~ugh, and it 'Ia eatuaated ~t f <1~QYi .J-.ssle tlllama, George mem~ ~ I

in home ecoDOIDla Sbe t. next Saturday, and thereafter, a gain of 150 will be~ to the, Atno~d.. Pat,!- Murray, Paul Ka1z- 1 • •

ember of Pl Kappa 8lpaa. elaaea wm meet every Saturday. student body before ·regtatratlop ,ahn. -~ -~ f,ey, J. B. mar-. Camnuttees Namtt. na1 IIOClal a0rortt7, and ear- studeDta eaa earoll for u much Ia ended. · · · · ·•. nest, Murray Pa McKinney, Billy T S d C rric

dlnall{ey, an hoDOJ'&I'Y fraternlt7. u five houm of work in th818 The veterans ate .~na: ltlltchell, ~Y y. 0 tu Y U U . courrn. IClence, arts, .o.n4 . trade ~ -. ~lea1'l,.amb, OIICar om, J. L. nr. M. • K. Fprt ... '8JIIIOI'I!M'IiB

Mid-Tenn Grads Number Four

moet aequen:ly, taking '· a: ~ Woody, ·B.- J , Ken.!. .. , Lennlal Ram- that steering ~ommltWea tor Ulll · '\W'lety of aubjecta that are being . . . - r . offered Ill many flel48. JDight ha~ ~· "J~es Rlde-~ur, Billy Moore, counties ih the SoutbeaaterD _.. choten to -'""or fn lnduatrW arta· · .Wlmam _capeba · Jamu Patter- triet !lave been ~ in tilt

' .._, - - · , - '' -: • , i,mprovement of m.truetiOD . aud s, ch-mliatry: -t, pre-dental; 3~ son, Alvm . .- ·Frt~. ger, Dwight urrlculum ~iram.

.Four ~u eompleted the pre-law; S, pre-m~; 1, ~;- H~ .Orbin . ey, J'loyd Lee. e Tbe epuntlee wbo Jlaw nameil requlremenu for~- at South- . 1, phymcal IIClence, 8, ma~, 1i. _Gera,l~ .~o~JlPt!<! Jack Davt.on, ·their committees are Atoka CCiiUD' eutem at ~ .a of tile ~ IJm'ollment Ill the band bu. IOClology-economlcs; 2. ¢; S. biB- ~es ~~ .Jack WWcoxen, ty, Bryan COIJnty, .Carter ~ .em.ester. TMy~were ~ Oleta reached twaty, Prot. Jack Green tory; 6, education; 2, agrtcul~. r~-'qoodrich',. Le~ Partalne, T. Choc:ta- coimty

11 Loft coantj, aWl

Rapp, Eufaula; ... ~ Al- baa announcod, and orpnlation 3, mwde; 1, englneerlngj,.l, fore&:._ J. ~y • . ·Jolin=OweDs, Jamea ~county -.res, CoaJndla._Jialco; ~VIr- will get UJlderwa7 .an. try; 1, pot.t-p'aduate couraea: 1,. 'Paddo$, J~_, inn, Jack Bond. ;====:;:· ==:;;~~=-Wlla Glblloft. Durant; and Kn. Many of the .tildenUI 1are re- IOClal 9clence; 2, JDncllah: 2; liol~ Arthur, ~erolla, BarkF, Jolm Kabel Browll Will'(\ SUp. tume4 llei'VIce men who !lave ogy; 1, bome-econOinlcsr ~ ' Mcln~e~,.-rldle AJlCIIll, l'loyd

lllu Rafp wl11 ncelft the de- played with Army _.. Tryouu bualneaa. ThJrty-seven.,&l.'e Wide- CaldWell, . Bugene Jones, Steve pee of B.S. lD llcbao&U.. with & are a1ao being made now for drum clded u to their major flelda. ~ · "' , 9ienn.., : Max WIJU•m., Dcma1d Jnajor In elem•talt7 edacaUc& majorette& ·. Veterans who have enrolled ~ TboRfpson, . J&m~ADderaon, Bill

JOu Alvarn wm ncetve tbe de- Mi-. Green extenda 'an invitation semuter are otho Curtl8. L. T.' Delal , · Charles upln, Richard pee of B.· A. 1D ]Qducattou, . maj" to all thoee wno are in~ In Patton, James Ogden, ' ,Berbe PucJtet~ F.r.ed Van B~;ArnoJd _wing m hl8tory ~d DdDorlng m 1natrumental work to see him. The Morrla, Kenneth <Jodft'ey, Jde . McKenzie,. WJmam ~ Stroud, ioclology. regular band claa8 meets at eight Montgomery, cart GriDle,- ArUe RelJ ~em. Ho~ ~. Wllliam

Klu Glbeoa. and Kn. Warcl wU1 o'aook, but other arrangement. Kent, Stephen Park, Boyett Iinp- Bradford,. Bllly Jo 1 Gardner, How-1'8celve B. S. ~ .._ Glb- are being for thole wiable to aon. Tbomaa G. ]l:arneat. Cbarlea 'ard Guyer, James ~rown, ~ m:t.jored in.,. .... _ and min- attend at tblll time. If instruments Beaaon, Alvin White. · Hugh Bk11; Flofd 1 . . Males, Carl Smith, eNd in apeeCh. -..4 JlrL Ward are not owned by 0.. student., ar- Bill 8eeda. 111ke Hardy, ll'ol'l'Mt Lloyd' ·Ana.aon. Norrla D1uuloll; ~mplet.MI a ckluble major In home rangementa can be made for them. Upchurch. Houston DefOI'd. Jam~ B. - Qdr1ln. BUly Terrell, ._mo:m!c:a &114 ~. Playen for four ~ hol'IUI are Bob :Moore, t.ewt. Barker, • BD1 H&rrl Lee Long, Raymo-. llc-

----J ~ ....,W.. Townsend, John Qark, :J. '1'. Dor- ll'eftaJl. part ~ Tolbert •"'!'beN Ill Nfap from confe~- eiy, Gerald· Cbatfln, Walter Am- Price, ~Floyd !leal,, 11188 lllmde

but a. _. IUiOide 111· Wh~ Ill c1e11Pte4 lr. 11011- tord. JaCk ~tt. Jack Ofodman. 'l', lllu .toe. Ann RldcDe, DuW W~. tudet.....,awlld.beutorapd. Charlie G, W•ver, Jeffei'ICIIII'ul- ~ ~ J~~ne,n 'l'l8trt. .

Page 2: .. 0 ,. • • . .. t 'THE Southeastern/Newspapers/194… · l'ay~ Davia, Herbert Korrla JOu Shearer lntrod'!lced President T. the

I r~ker':· spo"ed, · ocker- majorette; ot course, no one

~>pallicl p PP.. "Bll ~." waitjB would have guessed had he 8een fnitltfully for her 1ave da~ her running 'lround the cam~ms' :>round lh ·;;<jnity ef t e Art with a baton,.·,.,or woul~ he????? 1 oom. ·• 'Hckey,'' btn~ ~~ osses- Lewis Barker, one of th~ p' re­t: 1' uf ' \'e'ry ""OOd figure, ha done some ~ood n.vd ling '"jobs' for war wolves, set'mS' to have· Idst 'his

, Mis. Bnk r ' !lrl c.s. It's a. bowl. Is it because he has two dog-·~ li f('\ ol~r brothers watching his con· •

Obs ~r\':t1t ion 11as it that at) C8.l'1\- du~t or is . it :' lerely the depre~~ed }Jus R" 1 · a '{' very muc:~ a\Jare of "'f elinti he get:, when he sums up . ~ r ccl.""lt masculme &414ltions to h1s ~ompetition??? SouUP:-~stern; and YC? tepo ter 1a f~.n.,xl~t::ly :vnitif'g fe~-L T imC' will brew-8!Jiie

· ··perfect two-someel!

Suza. ne Payne, ~~~~ chick, 1a back again vo•nd ~U8. Solt'Y fl'Uows. yo"'ll h1ve ~~k up ber number ill the directorv.

• I ' :i J .qrec's lisp IS enc111i we'll admit, out Whj' does S. or ont. deter her from her llb$ry dutiee the lun~ bourl ~

Mary WhiWeld 'IS'OIIder who the man was Who ~ tilt Women's Gym Thunda.J at 11:00. WhQevcr you wer'· :wily no brifti aome f:ifnds next Thur.Uy .

Larry Prat<:!r and Ja~k Roberts wer ry deeply involved In one of those­hearl talks again tJJ,e other day in the cafeteria. Is there a kindred spirit, to their broken nearts'? .


.Jack Bond and Howard Frazier, two handsome and exciting DU-' rant boys, art> .enrolled at ' sse. (PD. At'V.) '

ATTENTIO~--eds and co-eds. ~t sweet little boy that aome ·

of you .}Vlve believed stllayed1 from Russell High is none other than Pinky Partaine and h'e IS em;olled


Let a vete n draw your plana and make_ , our blueprtpta for F.H.A. rP~Ij<Wal.


HUGH C. HALL . · Room A-lOS

Sou~m State College

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Visit Our Complete

l Shoppe I I .

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120~ N. Srcl

aays Mary. I , . If. math claSses ba4 naore Char•

lea Lambs, the lgtrla would enjoy the mathematiCal plttlldta mor•


fullY,~? 1 8Uent PrayP.r~ Let till m~e en•

rollment exceed the felllll~le num• ber 'by at Ieaat 3. 'l'bla .-om Be~, Virginia, and Maxine of ee Qf o.-:.:r major ofCir-es. (More 01111$ damsel joins you ..._ 1n · thllt aweet thought!!) · I ~

What WERE Betty CJloate and Coy 'Motley W'K!U88ing .. ~ O.P, c. bWJ on tbe plght of the Boule Jl~"trty? .

T h,.ar c's a hepry tbat opposltett' •ttract. If ...,,o, explalb the fblonc1

. couple, Ferti Htmea ad Gene <:mum. - '


Curtis M&Xey bUwcome Into hlB own. Y~. ~ lt., He t. now a' fUll pl PHot MOR.II:. I



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Add "Slick'

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all-girl stone'a Jll8t ' tunity


Page 3: .. 0 ,. • • . .. t 'THE Southeastern/Newspapers/194… · l'ay~ Davia, Herbert Korrla JOu Shearer lntrod'!lced President T. the

"Cotton" Patton \\faD heard say- Alpha Sigrt'lu. Tau, national soc~ ing after his first day back in ial sorority, bas peld formal initia­school, "I lia;ve.n't fllmked a thing tion for Mhs Royce Choate, Cad­yet, in fact, I've already made one do; Mi&IJ M:uy Poynor, Kansas

-..Iy teacher asked me my City, Mo.; ar.d Miss Margie Phil-and I lold her.'' ' lips,.'El Paso, Texas: The initiation

Electric Shoe Sh·o~ =

· -and-· . . ,

Shine Parlor · · 121 N. Tbkd Phone ·42

...... ·

You tall . gir!s ~Jo have been services were conducted by :Miss complaining about tb~ "sliort" me:t Myra Jean Guthrie, sorority pres~ can take a look at Al~..n Freiber- ident, ' at th'l regular meeting, ger and sigh m .ecs~y. He is, as TUesday, December 11. . ._ __ ._ _________ ..

yet, unattD.Chcd.. .

It just isn't possible that Harry Miller has lost his heart to a high school girl. We already have ·one su~h casun!ty, amd two would be too much: ·

The Best in ~uty

Work f I


113 N. 3rd


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Dur~nt Drug Co. l l 9 N. 3nl - Pboae 129

Opportunity <>f thd season.: The temptation to profe~ional "c.rash­ers" on our campus ,o invade the .all-girl slumber part:r not even a stone'3' throw from the college~ JllBt · how hare woulcl the oppor­tunity ~ave to k:~ fellows?

· James Gibb of ED&-mad invent- ._ __ ... _______ l!l!i-11 L.-----------------= ed the game ~ed I table tennis,

:- ....

now known as plug Jt<>Dg·

I . Make It a Point

To Visit

Mfl·. ',Vh·ite's . ,

To Seel

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laymon W. McKinn~J·. Mgr. ,. •• ·11'111*

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.• 1 .. cEci·L·woo'. I i " ·

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Page 4: .. 0 ,. • • . .. t 'THE Southeastern/Newspapers/194… · l'ay~ Davia, Herbert Korrla JOu Shearer lntrod'!lced President T. the

newly oqranlzedi Sav..- frwl•m•n MoUey~ center; wu ldch point -squad and Kurra:y'a ant IUM for tbe Savap~~ wlth .._ht pabata. 1~~ 'lthletica ~ 8Upllldecl In and IIBrry' Klller and! Jlddle lllalal

' Bob Wright, ~ veteran 8DI'Ol1ed followed wlth seven,yomta each. at sse, coachecl tbe treniMil. Coy . . I

\ l ~. squad ot basketbflll players who will take the floor to­

home ~It ~inst East Central .College, Ada. Savages who enrolled at the lleJines:ter hav• joined the squad but are not I pictured. ~k row left to right: Ker­

Blrdsong, Bill S~ds; Bill Miller, Gene Jones, and Bennett ~ey. Leon Dlloe, Gaylen Earnest, Howard Wright, Gilbert Smallwood, ~

: .. _!~:!l_~~=~·..!!:and~~J!a"!~~Mt~ll~e!::,r· _____ .,.-..!..._ _______ ___:. __

Sportin, Around

. .

The game East Central will be played tomorrow night.


Fres~men Edge Murray Cagers

'College Students, -· .. ·



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were give titto dlffe1 tained b~ fac1,llty m game.

At the