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Y01- XXIII.N° C.8U1. NEW-YORK. WEDNESDAY. MAY 6, 18G.J. PRICE THREE CENTS. FROIH HOOKER'S ARaSY.' A Battle Jibing for Three Dtp and Still Continnes. POSITION OF THE ARMY. THE PLAN OF BATTLE.! \U (ommtDfimciit tod Progress. FAD BEHAVM OFM ELEVENTH CORPS. Í/.RIEB BROUGHT OUI OF CONFUSION MENDIP BEHAVIOR OF TKOOrs. >»F,IlOES IN BATTLE. f-jletdid Manoüveriüg of the Army. < iJAaVoic of n>^.i'riO-sT. THE BATIXE STILL UNFINISHED, PEISONERS C»\PTUI.D. T^E SPIRIT OF THE ARMY. GEN. FIIZHUGH LEE A FBISONEE. Finn. On &reeial CorTwroiif)«-. I. CnsKli.UHii.iir \ i Monda? Moralr.g, Ms j t IHfl It Lae been couceded iLat Geo. ll<«vker, at a corps »xinnusader, baa few* superior«. That ran organ- .«.» and discipline an army Las been demonatrated by Li» M e*" IA the Army of tbe For tli« past ¦»..". er» ! days he Las been ou triai a caiujand« Ilu gtn-ral in ibo n ireh and ia battle. On Friday, at 2 o'clock ¡l the afternoon, the arm y ¦»»its drawn cp in battle line, having the Fifth Corps, «X_-manded by Maj.-Ger.. Mead«, on the left, the «S« <ti_d Corj*, cou.winded by M «j.-Gen. Couch, next .o tLs tiffki, t!;e T.velfih Corps, commanded by Maj.-Gen. ¡Si'x-um, ol the right of the Seconc, the ElivemL Ctrji comui.ided by Maj -Gen. Howard, tin the cxtr'-n.e ri|»-!it. und the Third Corps, coin- _iand»>i »J M«.j.(J<n. Kel i», held Iii leaerve. The center a:iJ bead'¡ ian« rs cf the Com mau J i ng General «sere in tbe lar^e uri« a baan kuown as C1 «n.ellors- .»ille, at the junction of Klye Ford Hoad with the Fredericks! 'irg and (JonU nsviile Turnpike, -and ten ..lie« e. I »t in _ the former city. Boee «.fn-r the iii-y had taken this pointion, Geu. bymtr with hit divifc.m. of regulars, ltdvaiieed on th« ban.1'» Ford Road, for the purpose of feeling the t-.i« ey, and also to secure ehe lett 01 ¿I«jokers ura.y. lut «tierny lesis'.ed »tub oom ly, but waa driven b**k about two niile«. Sykes w«ts ordernd lo dscontinue li« advance, »and to gradually allow himself tobe driven btck. Gan. S.ocuui m.ade a like den.onatrution down the l.edtri katar^flaa!k road. Ou but.', the r.->eds the »tvernent was weil exec »ted, and at least pariiully katoai,'«.'. I « objrricio: tiio Cou,iuMindinig (n-neral. It wus first ne^ebi-ry to .«icerta.n whether the enemy kiaü a! aiidá.uevi Lis sin i.l.u'.d on the hig'.ts abóte gTia¿aifc fcllnfg libelad i.v»t, MM eithei be iuiH.i«*>l la c me <.:t, wilh ths exp«-«.¡a!Íou of tiusii Lg»«, »u «.'Vr fone, or the josition nuil beoír- t. . '.<.' o: lag,1 :. by d.rect attack. Gen. Hooker at- iújitrd i:.- ! ii-er, aud low wall he succeeded .«he sexuel will c!.ow. In the erent the euemy can.e pal :< give battie, it was iii-okcr's dei»si.i.»lion lo ri- «vive and resist the atlee«., purely on the principles c1 a defensive battle, until such um« as the con mci of the attacking party would indicate that his force was gtca-ly «-pent, and il.e hope of sue e.s wai fatt «jyiLg out, when he ¦*»«.._d bo.dly march 081 "f bia Biroug position and as.oiiisb, coufouud and conquer U e au.«c.ojs enemy. Wi:b ibis view oi the p:«»n c1 battle the reader will rta*.By co_p«ebaud the toiaiaection of tLe sever»! movements, and will be .»ble to recoucaie the ot... rw.-e iocougruous i-heng«.» BUade in the progress of the bailie. At 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon the enemy Bakde a reicnrioiksaiiCc in fore-, ieehng the ei.tirc i.nt of Hoo'tier'a army, from ceuter to both tight and J»f. extie.t-s. The fighting in frontet G<-n. G<?ar) ».«.H!.on, _nd oppoaiu.- Hooker's bead<jnarie.i, was fir a »bort tim« (luit* energetic. Whet nr, ir.w what ho Lad I»-lu ned by ihe reconnoi.aanee the ». oatt would be iuduced to become the tuaai.'aitt, re- i. . ned to be seem The extra pressure made against lue «.enter of the line developed the fact tlitt the lie be I commander well understood tlie key of the J«-ti«;oi 1 i.e topography of the country and the direction ti ihe mad» untáis it necesrfciy for the occupying .army to he'd and défend certain poin's, the icnal fti :..,i.. 1.1 and «mportani of which was tbe interaec- t.on of the ITnilod Sutes Ford and Sett's Dtm tittd», -erith t; e TAy't Ford road. With thic ¡>oiijt as the «eDter, Scott's Dan. on the extreme left und tie 1.1«. . Ford road held by the right wing, ___| a line c.fl.'u't to f-»ercom«. This doubtless th« enemy «jew and m-.da bia plan of attack aceor<liLjy. Early on .Saturday it wat discovered thut the ettrn/ was moving Lia tr__u, weslwuid ou tho hpottaylvatuia C. II. road. .jen. S.ocum »ino.- Oer.fl u. push Lia line forwtird on the Frederickebuig - a«.» roaU,and Sicale« Uj wove fornr_rd on Slocum» righi and vtxupy ihe tvad ou lbs enemy was ii.' v,ng. tjta.ry Sl.-cum's Corps moved down the plank road until he cama iij-oii the enemy's rifle tuts from vabich his new regimen's were .'«pulsed uud vti.L'irew a abort, di»; »nee in good order and en- gyitged the euemy until Gen. W illiania moved h«a c .».on ou the right and outflanked the jaoainon. J.' -anwaile JJirney and Whipple «.f S ekles'» Corj.» i v-d forward ou Slocum'« right aud siezed the road Ui Si-otuylfania C. li. Gem Wbipple « right Itiiàii s'jmewhat exp«'»ed, Geo. Harlow'» brigade fuL. líoward'a Corpa was pushed forward io pio¬ le, t tis« rigU flank. It was now about ó o'clock in t*.<* afta.-oui., and thus far ali the movement« uu- < »r.rtltam h.»! been suowsfuliy execatod. Huddenly a .¦,*. una and heavy charge waa mad» ou the nthi ilttUlt mud rear ol Jioward's Corps. Jiegi- ».tMa, nrigatiin and divuicu» broke aud fled in tbe r .i terrible) «Mtifusiou. One brigade aloue fought t rattly tiLt.1 to aitempt longer to hold a poii'ioa * "jid have been madness, '.ben it stubbornly with- j *Un*% . V (,» , Í. al'. .»I t. O..i. Lit « .aaa,«.^ U'i>.¿la|-j iog the 27th and 73d Pemitj'.YS.r.ia Volunteers, and the 'Ai,h und l»i:b New-York regime.»»», is d ia the credit of having sar ed from capture tit« tmin and artülety of the corps. Tilt cRUBiialî-'i» attiong tbe nieri were slight. Tliir- teen pieces of artillery were left to the eueruy ; mott of them by rome uiuiccouutable aechlcnt were st, iked. Tb*, retreating train, the withdrawal of the ¡».rtillery, aid the juinbled atid confined mass of 'stragglers and frightened eoliiiery that blocked the I roiO and e.-copied the fields and woods, produced a degree of cntiluri'ii that wu truly alarming. Hook¬ er e line wat broken and deranged; the advanced ' jan» :' n -n of Berry ami Wbipple'» Divisions and liar- 'low's Brigade, made the aituution even more com- pli« «ted. The enemy, Unshed with a Uioet biilliaiit mt »i i», can.«» ni. iiiii«' fur ward toward tbe rear of tbe right and center with Hi and < iteif, thal made tb« air bideoue with ill-omened Bound«. Tbe Com¬ manding (¡merni win, b never, of al) cool men, tbe eo'ileit. li.rry'e Div¡»inn formed aoroas the plank road, midway between Chanrellorsville and Dowd- all's T»\ern; hi» right well in the wood north of tin- ad ai .1 the nr.illery maased on a hill t his left; in tin« puiitiou he received and re; need the at- lack of Stonf.vall Jackson, for heit a..« wbo led tbi» d««i.]*r:iU «-»large. Ibe gtviut, way of the El« ventb Corps made it necessary that a new line be rrned and old pusiious iiti.iid« H...I ni.ii new one» occupied. It wa« ne«'C->- Bury to ii'kiiitain in tact ti.» I.-ft wing and to ix<¦» J il e i line from the auk road to the river at Scott » Dam; it was equally a wees-ay lo teiist ibe seimre by ibe enemy of the United »states Ford road. The assuming of a new po »it ¡on -i i.ied it change of lrnit Lu the face of a bold and daring en< my. The movement wa« nererthe- lair eirt'i.wd iu quick time and without the iQghtasfe et ríue.uti. linne} » aod Whit, « ii's Diviiions wero drawn in andjmiieii t > Berry » line; Sl.-curu moving round W illiMii« » Diviii'in to connect wiib Sickle» on bi« left; Couch's Corps faced ab mt and advanced to the Elt'fe Ford Road; Gen. Meade joi:««-d Couch ,i. t o L.t.M willi bl« left at fe juuetion of tue I"« u «Siait« and Ely'B Ford roa », and his line ex¬ tending down the ruad to the liver; the Corps reformed mid occupied tLe position vacated hy¬ the Fililí. Though the «nemy had turned tie right fLnk, be was nevertheless in tie face, of the new p.»- tit ion. The change of line wa» effected partly dur¬ ing the night and completed at sunrise. In tia Bight the mo m »bone brightly from a clear sky and men in Lau le n'.d see almost as weil as in the day. Three de«per«te atine.i» were mude on Sicklea't line during the night, at.d were rt.-«i«i«d will, a de¬ gree ol cann deieinituatio.i thal added nsw bunora to this veteran corps, i'i.e lecood attack, at mil night, vi an ona of the lier«t»t charges ever made in thi» country, ti croar of artillery exceeded that of Hi», .bailie ot Aotielaii). Sickle« s tr..»op« fought it out doggedly without yielding an inch lo the eneuiv. Atdaylighton Sunday morning, ibu great battle coiu- '.ii.-iic*d on Friday and ooutiiiued inagulatly through Saturday and batiiiruny n ig bl, op. ned in terr.ble earm-stiier» along the left and center. At ibis time «Slocum . I » occupied his origin»! posiiiKb. fechauged only by ibe inflection of Williains's Iiivi- «ion. iliiaiu» it »«i I.a« a wall of fire agaiutl tbe enemy until «vary round of au num.lion bad be«', ex- hausled. and ti.en yielded ouly to ir»-»h truupe that » took in» ptve. »Vinpple * din-ios of new «ro<ip», joining Wil» lian.» ou hi» right, won a repuUU ii thal autitlr» them tu ile luifaai.iun».iip «if velenins. In most ol there rigimc-i.l» au uttusnally large pro|»oriion of oflu .-r» wtie wounded. 'Ihe IM New-Hampelnr« '«ame out with Colonel, Lieut« nant Co oli.-l, and 'Major * nude.I, and with bul our comn lisoued ffii er hi f'.r duty. In t!.e UM Pennsylvania, every horse w M kiiied, and -et nal o Iii« er» were w<mu<ied. I'!.»- Ne«A-Viik fought i.jually well, an.I last ?ev«r«i\. KbbI to th«w, Birney tuught, and further «.ill, wh»>re battle raired holiest, Bfefcafe Berry fell, while uiging bia troop» forwaid in aleady baili». Here, loo, «xcurre J the finluni chaige of Mott'» brigade, a niortal encounter with and a severe re¬ ptile of au advancing foe. Tiiu dead .y heaped o,i the ground, ol>' the progrès»! of tha men, and the «-.»ri.;.t,e wu« temblé, even over lhere} bea| ¦ of d»-ad men. The ei erny was forced back to his r.rle- pits, where he rt.llied and fought with great ob» itiuacy. Waal) wiib many boura of hard fig a- ¡Dg, exhausted with hunger, find willi a mu,un .um exjended, Sick!.as right wilhdiew, and were re¬ lieved fey the thiiJ ditiBion of Couch's corps. French, moved hy the mein ry of hi» late ein.- mander, threw himialf al ibe head of In» cirrjiiiiii.d and in the cut-in) a rifle-; it» with a mu- meniutn that swept away the K.-'.t-l» uko «hal l«e- fore a itorm. Fresh tro pa and rec-iifotceuients were mair-ed agtti'.Bt him, hu'. he i«erei»ied in holding nis adraii'uge. , Iliuiiphieir b ditiiioii va« «em to his relief, 'll.ts is ai.other division of new ti.oi». The men he- haved wilu fea «lining candue»», and returned iruui tbe) held willi exhautisd cutri ige-lxixe». Col. Oiugory, «jlrt Fcmuvlvama Vol»., waa wounded in ! the leg, but remained and raine ctr u iib hi» com- maud. Hancock'« du ni m fought eanally well on the left, wiib au <»i.rimal») toe, amil a »«ond charge I wa» ordered hy Hie commanding tienen«!. From tunriM tnl 11 o'clock, theioarof cannon and the ¡rattle of musketry were almost mceggatii; at timm; the thunder, Haiti, und »moke rose to a acene of Rul'lime gi nil.-..: that for a moment forced the oh- mu-' to forget the awful in the preaeuoe of so much thal was grand. A w'n/./.ing ball, or a »hull I howling ihrongii the air close by his ears, never failed to traiiaforui ihe Mt nation to a question ol personal safety. l»i ing Saturday Oen. Reynold«, with Ibe First Cana, arrived ¡rum Falmouth and look a pout inn on tbe Fly's Furd road. The eulire ellon ol tbe ¡enemy, aller falling to plsoe himself ia tbe rear of the National army, was one lo turn the left flank beyond Cbancellornville. lie tbagfct deejierately, and at lei lihle aainlice, to obtain ihi« aiVfeBtifa 1 Al li o't'hn'k ho bud, he support««!, aecouiplisheu j his ohj. i and tiiuiie a desperate lung«» al what he eate.-ittii a »ure prize. "Presto, change," and' Hooker« an y pneeuted the center of a hold front lo the gnat dimiaiialituie of the euemy. Thi- Third itud Twellih Corp» went rapidly, through the lin.» of the Fifth and S- «ond and a: third line of burtle was formed, with a center of' niaeeed srti ¡cry on the Iiill south of the junction. of the I'liiiiil S ate.« Ford ruad with the Fly's Furd road, the left wing rekiiug on Scou'a Dam, and Ihe right on ti.*- L'i, nhill, *x*M ot Biffa r .ird. Finding that li mik. r bad fought bim out of an in» ' tren«bed «amp and himself into one, tbe enemy re» fu»ed longer to continue the battle at so gTeat dii<iid- j »ei.!., .e. Another den influence) was ibe ¡fOüjUtHUji m U.« »J*S««Uii< vi bedawivk I |QB^ vi j admonhhed the enemy that his ritht flp.nk bad been tapBMn lo this ínterlo^r Tia Frederic kaburg. There was, therefore, no fighting in th« aftetnoon, with the exception of 1. ,w and then a aligh; «it innis. The n in. 1er of killed itnd wounded ia doubtless large, though it will probably fall abort of the c*«u- altiea of Autietara, as the trvojn were ¡ess exposed to murderous ariillery firing. The small aims were man Stilted to the nature of the field, although at times ariillery wa» used wi«h good effect. It is not yet sunrise, und it e guus are already tlmullering on «>ur U-ft. Ii is belie fed the day will prove most disai<lroui to the Confedérate cause, Gver G,0o0 prisoner» have already been brought in. Theto report ii. ». .1... ;. .-n is in commai.d of the I,«'!.. 1 army, he basing relieved Lee on Friday; also, that A. P. Hill », Hived'». Anderson'», Pi« ksn's, Jnckson'a, and other divisions aie engaged. Tbey say reenforrcineuts have bt-eu sent in from the IV- nil «ula and J\orth Carolina. Two lull regiineuts, the 4th Alabama ui.d llith Gtoigia, were capiurcd. Tbe army is in exeellent condition aud in lino spir¬ its, ready and anxious to mai eli out on the ci.ei.-y. j. it raYfit»*. The following is a li«l of «»unities Lu t| -( ol. « ka|.in, th l«n lol,»... Hsj. Illilin., Wim Nea V ik, w. nu«iff!. Col. >.rathe* 110 I'«Biaijlval u » '. , »'.lied. I o', po ttr, i:-.b **t*«w lian ».shir- twvielv ivct'ualed. I. iJt <'¦... \oil-, la".': Ni w ¡I 1.Ssatr», »»»undid. M-J Kr.vsg., Uifi Nee Daiui.ll i.e. neuud.-il CSJH Hsv.g. Uti, NSW-H '..('«'.irr, ttiaM it .j famée, lilliifeaasjtvania»o.a., wuur.dt-d. V.J. Vail ...gil»,», Illili New-York, w. uojeal Lieu». 1 lui., sun, I .IT Is Neva ian», tveundeal in «¡da. I.ieut H. L. > tf-1, lt«th .Va«-York, woui.ile-i. 2»ia> litggiin mutmiti lo ka. r J.m St I- Tspilll id lift., t, rd I tyt tittil ii, 2.1 >'a»s w.,audtd Un. I o.. oggiwel!, I 1 Mtsseaib'iMltt, «Uuoded la in» Mr;. Btti.-u '«. 4"'h I'aunijlvaniB, Ca. I. IJISBBBB, R»>WSIw". ttsf k.i.r.1 Cul. .Mil.s, Si.t New-Y »k. ns««_sl Csj't lia... leu. i'ei u ila: «t», woObdeiL Lient. Cower« io Miishsil le, t»ei.ii.»»d. Li'Bi. fas tina, *M MtauchsseiU w L'eut 1 Mini-« i JJ A as..«'i, wouadfri. » o!. Los». »in lo .-.aetlcut l.lrui. Hi na, i»'. I'-. » '», wounded. Ids » fprtaaer, l.'.ii Ps««. Vasa Lieut, t «1. H «ki r, A A 0 '. leli's r, s »¦ sr '».' I, s«| r>!. .«ar.»! II »» is* ,,.in, wiui .le«i dpi Knlt.r le, b New-'iairt nurtaliv I... I Ita» Ce. , CISM N. 1 Mvereiv, -l.L tilil Sclie'.e; «.a, .».ii i>rii. I bott. nis.lDg. I til. PftoS, 111 li «Ni W Y-.IS. «ai.uLjed .li leg (leu. lleiiv a. »1 Istl »a jj.iled. Del I*.is...-.. lim Nea» Y'oia, Wtauâut «ud a p lioucr. Cul. t> in er- ,.i »a i. Li»«! I1' I ll'I taoiiiC» 1 in 'eg Ltant, i.i. Ls«Is. » muja«! aiH satstssMB l..eui i'ricjr, «Dsa Bier«.'istafl »... n'..-J In irtn. L.»u' -(.li sel i*'» I. New York nsaaS.I lu feol. I a, t Marr««, ItBlbNen-1 is wo..oj.a u. itg LI.O- C«. ¡im, l't',1 New '. Bli ¦ lg J. L..O. Palmes, ItM n.w-Vuii. atigatljr. tul. Sien, «esB, I' Jtti Cepas) Irania, ki.l.d. Levi. I H C ro,t y. t I t.. .-r.v killed. » .,ii 'lurr«> i.'i li .-va letrB, ».lea 1 i. ut l.e.iluo, IHlh .Se« Y. »I wu.iua.d I.-It »» i.'si .«e- »ik w. unirai. < », t (fiat, Itttl -.» » >k. va«, I.daaal I.I»i*. 8 ye. I.'aii Sr» Y ra, w Ll.ui. Quiet, i. .v. .'.ew-Yi.ik woanded. Ltant. n».;»!..i... latta turn ».. t w».iudwj. Lieu'. Hi a..»nu l.'tlh Sr» V.irl SV. ..«teil Li. .1. li. .W I J, !.. I. .re «f ..,» ».Ililli. L.eut i »tilii., nan gam \ mt, .»... «tej The of Nalurvln-» Rsd C'nstdurt mf tbe HI« t nilli ( ort»e Ike Dittangr I'nrt- I. ltr|sT»lr»-d The Halite nf flMW«ln*f- tlur Feien Ot>ll_e«t I* Full Hark »»- neve.ii «.I lb« fighting on Tteuda» I...».«-. Mener nn Ila.I» ««..I. » Viom Out taottol f utatktaamt, Itmvyl itrtii At. at ... » na for a«, -ajatt-|. Mai «. Ite-I { Tb« enemy, uii.Iet* J*ik».a, lite two iiuta) »'id I'ickait, cul tiiied advancing alón/ the Kiederirk» burn* | lank-road all dat Hatordny, c.ioiious'y fe»lmo* mr mm as »hey pasprd. A part of the Twelf'l, Corps, (len. G.ury't* Dil isioii, und liie TLird Corps, (¡eri. S.ielt-»>, lia.» «. « ai iii'.Vani the lil Slid attacked llis.r flu.-'k willi c-'U.i'I'-mliio »ucerss. Th« en«:ny con'intied hisadvunc« tul opjvoeite our extreme ri^h:, l.rl.l by the I'.lev. uth C"r¡«., G.-ti. Il.iwurd. Uj'Oti this ti.<y in.'!'* a »'mtnt attu« k. The Klevetnli broke and ran in treat B0SÍ0BÍM low..rd Chancellor» vil'e, halaWBJ by the ¦ iieiny, whose | m.l was at leDeftli thai ked by a line ut battle formed svrroes the road by Grna. llerrey of the lhir.l, and Willia'n» r( ... 1 ,v«-lfih Corp». 'i't.e ni|,'ht w,".a »pent |»J «li aimits ii. *,'«*mtik,- lais) | "si'i'jn with o. «-.tsional h«-a»y arti lery «nd BMB.try skini,i»hea. At da) ¡i,!.i, muutiay 'u miuii. tlie battle com» men' I i viiçombs'y v*. iib M»iido, Coiteb, and Su kin turi :ut our «-euler, Grri. KeMio'ds with bis Kirtt Corp» bo joined us orri night occupying the tiffti, lind tb.- íitr'itiv»i lilrve-itii the left in stro'i;,' euilL- works, s in "r e by the Twelfth Ctffk, Gen. Î5I0-, cm. At n<" n, aller severe li^iiti.ig, v\e were obliged ¡in fell back Injin (haj.celloisv.tlr, and the t r.iei of bailie was somewlat ebanged, althongb tbe' ditt''rent corps ctiil retiiinni tbeir rela ivu poaitkma. H.irtili.ifs ceas.-d pretty ru'uli with this, and the bal.BOB < f the day waa sp« nt by our iMtfB] ii, stn lifillieiiii'a, thei» c.-rthtvoik», iib some (relly «eveie «rkirjii.liiii*«,'alciii: our outpoets. This morn* ing a hr.ak artillery lire comu.eneea*j nt diiyhreiik, tbe two armies bein« in clo»e «jearf-rs. VN'.- are look in _7 lor the aiiiVrtl of 8'dgwick, of the ¡Six.)/ Corps, «a!. ,«>¦ gu h (mu be ItM«] m cuiip. We b»ve Bal tmed li,(100 pii« »uers, »ome of whom rep«jr'. tiie Ceitlh of Gell. A. 1'. Hill. On lotîtes are heavv. IS. ». ¦¦¦milli Iron» ii.« Left Ming- The Yielnrj- M a/re-derirlaalmrf Ihr K. doubla Taken A «.nllifll I'mlii lit» II« bri« »ki-iirt« the Ifitllle .Mab! «lowe ii Ita Pro OK Ullin .1] 'lu Ililli- ¡.'.nui <'ar .-p. dal ( iiiesU'ailmi. l.err »Vino a i, mt ... ti.« 1'nT. e «. 1 Night, Mat t ItOJ. i |ett«-r of yerierday, giving detail« of 0|ieratn.r.a ol lUie lett wing of the hiitny iii*oii Kre.ler.cksbi.rg, closed early this morning, wbib- th« divisions ol Ilrooks, Newton an » Howe, were cautioiuly ftoliug by skuu.isbers the alreiiajth of Ibe terrible earth-, »sorts held by tbe enemy, pr.or to an attack. Ibis fimtlly commenced au. ut bulf-past ten, when the two luiier divisions, alter suimling like rocks under a («bower of ahtlls, advmiced Tigorously and sever¬ ally cleared th« first line before them, prooe.-din»; on to the second, third and fourth, until the formid¬ able h ig ii Is were earned, which flatbed their four- lui ¦riallerv upon our helpleaa and devotad men last December. Tbe surmise that the enemy bad left but little over 10,000 men here, proved true, and our troops were surprised al the weaknewj of the point» vvhun they mtd cautiously approached. An ciuii.inulion, uiler Hie buiile, of the earth works, eaieeially iboes on the enemy's right, sur- prin 1 t.e Generals by their jrerfection. Oitored ways sir.-tebed from one to another, giving perfect securny to passjije, and no single jiolnt whs neglect¬ ed wliith c .ubi furnish means of defense. The. *' l.igl.l, ' nuderiommaud of Coi., lately ut ihe Ub Maine, which cummenend opentt.ons evening, «tell suBtmnid its tiitllant re* «ilatlon, and rtck«.ns a Urge number in killed and woondtd. It took sevtrul guns, as d'à also the divith ni« of Gen. Howe unJ of Qt-n. N.rWtoii, under whose commaistl it a. ted daring th« gay. though belonging to th« di- j VatVVasVi Ut ieiitsW« sllrilVsl «VMI dV«-«« ».» » «' right «jTiring the morning hy O'hbon's Division of the '.'nd Corpr, which bad been left as a reserve at Fal- I mouth. They stood well undar considerable she!!» I ing, but had no chance for great activity. The ao tion closed soon after noon, and Fredaricksburg seemed ours, with twelve cannon and about a thous- and prisoner», thongh not without a loee of near a thousand in killed and wounded. The mon, begrimed with »weat and dirt, reite«! from their fatigue, and in the a »e of .. couple of I hours roium«Bcad niarcbing to re« i ree ur right, »even mile« off, where Him «or was battling willi ¿Ii- completa »ucees». Soon, nowa« «r, oar kope» were HsBBWftftl Ka|»d. Ii wa» mttm thit the Uehels bad raJiie I, and were a¡pn«.i«. Iii. g toward our extreui left. Urook»» I)ivi»ioti, wbi.'i ltd lau compara tiv-ly inaclive dimug Hie day. w .«ordernd lo attack them, and a »barp actina «xcurr. «Iiieli ronunutd lill .< t'T ii, »I:. Tbe division« o. ii . pauaed upon their march toward Hooker, and .». lered effluent aaatr*nnss Brooks'» Diviaaea, ka" ver hore the brui j uf ».he fiijj.igeriKtit, and '. el really, tb« ngh tb« biiMiny weio di ive» b»«"'«., .' bea*.ly in ki!la¿yn.,uoded, aud priaou«u. ty «-.'ia and darkners close.' th« right, whirl, may be . «newed m the ir.i'ig. I'l.i« hi.file, if lost by li« I.ebel», ill d«. ii.'iib tciwtd «i-c ¡ing their f .nilli»;-.. Stonemau is «a ! to have cut tLeir rai.- toni lommuuiiHtiotis, and tiny wal som be ont of BapfsasSai A u»«ei.»i rut« hi:eui| t ihe«. fur« makin.' li» keep from refnforriug Hooker. To regaii i traderickíLurg they douhtle»» »osrcely hope. They know well that the di»¡er»ion of their army leave» nn IBM road to Kichmond. The strafegic «kill of Hooker ia being tried lo the litrn.t. Our work here is comparatively «imple, and quires only the de» u i ii.'.i.« »! bravery now showitg. The battle must yet latt two day«. Long file« <>f ambulances are ci n ü g in, und will continu« daring the night. We have lost M greatly thi» even ng, perlap«, as during the day. Hat t..Tbe battle opened again morning at dayligtit, and is »till going on upon tbe bills of tbe einmeleft. The cheer» of onr men upon a sne- ceiaiul (barge aro varied by the yells of the Rebel* tijou a similar advautage. (nil in'» Uiv i«i.m of the Second i'orps, which IB» Baraal io ¡« u'b last night, has ant over a brig¬ ade, «xatpmaiided by Col. Hall, one of the little band of Foil 8 miter, who should long ago have been mads » In. I Brita, tit* cruckiiig of aiusltsts comes nearer and n»'ar«'r. AH noi.-<"niIiali«'ii*, eicept the »ar¬ fe-e«.u» and wouinlud, aie ieaviug, and ritle-pit« are «vet. being erected on our eine <>1 the rivar, to pro- U-ci tja« bridge». The» wounded are coming in. Tbe killed rema-u ftnhurird on the üeld. The regiments are al! he'.titig ai.d have not collected return«. 1 I «ira a JVaawaiilaij lui if »ried and wtttwdatV 1. M Nk.\l HOULL» ftan JaCail. ttlStU..i«r, Cu. B. '.Vii N J, fl«»b W.ilBd, ta .a. J »bb l.e-ll-ey. Cr». V Mh Me I»« S««h weaxnd. h J ka'-iaitlc* I.. M.J. Ait -.i «.¦¦ u »1 «I-.«». V\UII«l>. A.!.««,... I c l> 1Mb S 1 , flr.h would, tblgh. Laulili r«r«i.«a,ii, <e I' IHN J. I! -ah wetiud. tai i«g K.noiiii fallir». I.«. «J Utail J fl»iii wound IIB. Uni.-'.-.««. Ii»» Vi Barwaata, Ce, ii ia.. c .loo » 1 « k ti!»» l>-.yl«. I « K 1MB B J., lewer jaar. tua« Waua«j, > «. J. «a ' lace »u i«r»«»i. «... '-h V . hauJ lirvh wouai. I 1«*V«r to J »111 Mr bo», la J. h «tan. Co H. «rib Ka..«., awtl». 1 -«»ii». Merlin. « «a- a. tem I'-t.« bree« «lid Baa«. r. j ->. li».»a. lo. B Hil N Y fr. lu e LUaaVMVV £>.!-». « (MB. «I. lir.-i tb'.gk A«jl C».ai<» VI V ki., i, it» A!« bai a «'«I »c«> ia«', i».. J. B l.t.ulii, i I ¡«üb l'«au.'en uf »b< ulJ-r. I>« ¡. Cmrblfl Ce F. Vth Penn, »reaal. rleah wound. J ( li ..i I.r n I. -ii», .1 iuat.ii «if t.utt..«». I . li U II a H.l J I.»».. W la'J Uti. «111.. «in th <t K ... Ma. ir < h U »I B V, do du. Ur, M.« K «I- < ti. »''I» "r u (»« I. w'J,ui,«r hly. 11,«:»«. M.U..I., C«. f, ii «ia »'eut hia.d. I uri/. 1.».»; lu i.g li, Hal I'euu i. la, leg Sriiii.iC liage. Co. C, II-:-i S. J ii. «rr hr.iu.-ii c.. i i th M j Kulreil l.iaaag, < o. C, IStb N J. 11.a.y .«uui/».t'.«f C* C, ;*3l»» I'eno. Hargl J-«, r. !.. .-c-.i, I o K i.'nt N Î. M flit »'.r g. ('<> V Jad.N Y JeeeubBobb « u F. JaM.N. Y li.ulai Al« la. C-». ft, '"'-ti V»- n li. liad o. »¡..urou.ii Ca. U 13*1 N J. .-i,- lié i lu-i« Ca n ntkB Y. J I.»rilli li I «nu. I v t. »lb i'«i«a Ju..«. \li«it«|. Co. 1». »J N. J kliieL ri ii. i..r,-r ». :r. fa....-. it î'- r«. «M«ht. 11. lu, A IK»! t.ii«b H Lar» (. ill'«. .:).fit. A .-. ..ii ri. A, liaxa aim li Hi aaoaian. it Ym., tugb. jl O ..«I A...Ma»».. Hi.«u. li Uraka. D, is.'N Y. tim. I) «i. Y li .t Y t Ma... h p Y « A fifi Y i ig't, U. Btarltv», K 7 M«aa «Ide I', feraa «I, «».. N Y haoii. J n Y. t MtH., irg. > »lui.I», Hi l'a, leg. k A. 1 .Maa. nil« A I», ali, LU fa Y. 'tia J. Ka». A, T Maaa..foot. Win Liuii ,e-, li I) i. «»'.Neill. « .1 wm. ...lint tlilgb. J fel»B«J. '' «BB I »«.. A .'«i.. I, I. I"».. 1.« . igl. lOLuer. ó. «ri N. V.l.« V. I.e'lrrt« II BJ Pa «ra.. ti gh «i1 h«Dd. fe ftefete. 0. Itt a t . «.». »i, natMBSaS, li. tv M Y .Wu,. K. .1.»lgat, Si. N Y foail. .u u.ler. J«. S «J íi«" I'«., »rio. «, J nmllj, I. HN. Y.iM- i>. A ri Ta. bead. -M- Hun.« Y MX M Y «nu. Jultii ( u».i»«r. C, II l'a, I»,-"» I .¦¦..»«li li. iJ l'a. bip. .i J »nn I»»-«' »V, li Mtlae ,B»fefeJL V>, '¦.I ..» « '. '. a . g»l' A turn J J H'..rn ti Cfl T «Mgh Heurj IVlialeii. C «- Pa. »Ide. J .Muidvrk I ».. N. Y leg. Lia«», li.iu« y.o: ..Y. b«i.d.Jtbi. i-.tirrt t.SJN. Y. .«, I ,'iu t «ai ..I ¦ F. li V*. li«b4 T J U [bart, C, 13 Pa., ab «ha» Knuner, A, HI Pa t.-.-k. dratnea lieu. Illimrua uri li..t7 .N Y .A Iia»uia8. F, C3 N Y belt! Iiaik. , . iilgi't L| I,lo.. Hiakliil It? Pl.t I. !.. F.I? N Y.ani .rui. "»' 'I I.. ,«. « N Y.,l»g ¡J«i. Wo-I, K.'.' B.Y .hkiiil n le h«v, li. n N Y. ar-u I., K m S Y la.ui. W. j La.M, t., d'. Stitt., al- r .1 s-.«ii»j, y, m s y ,.«» .v.,,,,,, tuno... T. K-r.,1 «., HP» ,r«lr |'.V«a.rl II JIP», leg 1 I'llj.A.WI'l. a.«lr. I) H»n rr-. (.ON Y a ii, J. M.wanl. E, Bl l'a., «im. M »j II- U ll«.lv. «9 N Y..H li Steven. K 7 Ma.« .rUit kid tlj*. II I».'«i. f. t M«.a. I-« Bl um. ir.l'.iJ'I.Y.lii " Tuan IT t| ii. C. Biaw, C.ÏJ.N Y bir 'J' If M.rm.r, f. PI Pa. arm K K. Hue-worth, K, Bft Pa .tap» Jubn H Detaja, B3 fa foot nr. ^ 1. Y,*. «, K. «J :J Y, f.f A «l^rir,. li Nip» .¦-, ililli) v I.. Sea«. K., ti l'a ,.»,.J J. «u. «. «TJ N Y.»im L»i.c»-tr- i 8.» J'« »rlit ti M.! »»I K.B I'», liilg» W I. OoornUv J tj N Y. '. M. II Ciiun-h. li, lil tlngh Y., iuum. .»» rel» N K,.l ..ore if. NY irm. II M. WI eler. » Wii.J, M Coi.dly, I. C: N Y leg -ft. »\ H- Usada, K i't., I. J n gg,.... at, 5 Jt j fot. J t Haig,.. A, lil» To iliigb. (»I ti In«,.», fe Wal, .M». J MfCaJlb Ii, Si.N. Y b.ud. Ul- r. Miller, i M'a ...... y. ¡,. » Il «n Y l.»ud il S Ame«. | i Ut», it,,I, J It -«elie ui.rberii. K, ffl H. M, Ii « i.«er K, » Wl» Y »roi «tri«aft M li\"B A 7 Min, lee. C. 1'. June» » BBl Bia 1 All»», A. .«»S ft. Y leg Li ilalhiw.y, S Wi»., thigh N I, l».i i..r. «. 7 Min. Li. M. « «rt. r I Wi.., tialg'i tli.rh I Liwiarc«. 9H P«., eei-k. N «i.lir.p. II, 16 N. Y W. Ely B, ti ti. Y.. «Id». H. Li »e, II. Bi ti Y , long« Lt.H»oi. L»wi» li b'J N Y. »r. J»» Headline, «J 31 N. Y..irria. IV II K...I I», N Y tblgh.( ..rp II. li Budd 1»,7 Ma»», lex. J«» IV.Igl.l. Iti N.Ï. hlV P..t Malone. A 7 Maa. bael Jaa fltn.tli, «. N Y hip. Jaeob ».laber, B,23 I'».. IhlgB. M«r U.H*»rra«n,r,'BB Y lin, Wui llut.lD»on. H.Ï3P«.. hip. M. K How»ll, ti. Mu«. f..«t.i, M M«hrrne«r,«l 23 Pa.foot., ti 9, Kobiu.o«., IHS!' M. Mu i'i,K, 7 M»«».,grola. N- Y »rru. W |[..nj,ri h C. 7 Al»»« rli«»t. Jafea Bart, a. M B hip. W11.. Hummock, fe, 7 Mo. , John li...... .'« H U M Y »ide bark al .1 M. Kr»u.'0|.i.l,. 31 B.Y.funt I», t 1,,'ugiï A,7 M.i» ,l"lhtly " u.lhiih. |h rt.lor Petal ( Mt»r,-JI, Jl N. Y. ill..).. r'<lw«rd, K, 7 M.i. .Ibiili ('.pt. 8:o»n. »IT31 N. Y. l«g. w 8 O «... A, 7 Maia, thigh Win Milla, 111 NY .»h.mldur Joba UM »v. K (ii hand. J ti i ..ter K, 7 .«.»«.. at.,tir J I r,»t, ft, 7 Ma-» hand P. V. i.i'1'..u. «), bl N Y .liait W \|r,l it, ii, bl N. Y thigh. I 1 Hin»,li liUN. Y. l«g T l'enii. 0,0 N. Y f. «it. V\«,|..r, Y.ti N Y Lei I p. llrtirv, K. «t N. Y cheat. ' J ILauaran, li, BiN. Y ,h«al j Yu\,y,D I'<l ft Y Dead I». MiY.i, N. Y , liiigu IVi,,. Jiurt. I), »li .N' Y., Iblgh P. K"»vn, (:,(MiP«. iBIgli .i Mo«»lift, I». 8i N Y hind J««. 1 »altara. A, W , nark «i Hli«rii.»n. Y t.' M Y Biffer i. « a Mut, .1. r. - , M, : M «a ¦." 'I '.a A OB i »Md» | MrMa.-nii, K.7M»». ,hr«a»l. P. P. I,,g1,.,,,, r, 7 Mj. ». Pri'.li.r.! If W N. Y «ru . uaul.iar «» Hurt, K 7 Mm birk PaviJ KallaJiau I), B. Y W. Bridge», P, T Maa.., ttilgb. l'illuly P Kelly, H, 31 N Y .«»r a i»aa.i-. I- r, T li, ».,»-».. « -...t. bli.» Y. 7 Mau hand. Juhi. J..nea, I, S8 S J tù'gh V. tu. Mclltvay, H, 31 N. Y Wa Poley, U, 33 N Y., fuit. I aft Sergt W. li Aie Linier C, 33 . Ur'f ( . Wl.. l.t.r» R. Y. tia. K.,.-h, T. & W,, bund J M lltuinllu», H, 33 N Y, Ai .i Weed, imp« ,.,. lag. Regar, J 1.M«»« «rai. I'lijab Rice ;. N Y ... ÍBbi Uukkm. U. I Mmmmimmf» W. ft» faftBfefefel di ft. X «, «tfe% J Csldavell, E. 41 N. Y.. side. J. Cfflsstaa, B. »B1». Y.,en- Cwe. K. Bavmund, ti, i W11., lia D. Clark. I, » Ví. fereheaá. ibigr 1 »an. Carinia, I, tVL, lise. J..BU -esk, £. Î6 N. J.. «ni. Joba Kelley, I, Ï Vt-. thl|h. Beril E. Calila» K. 7 Ms..leg. 1m«o «urboB, B, N. J«, f. Harton. JL Jti N. J , tBtgb. bavon. , . . . D. H. lys«, K. ¿1 N J., leg. J Caanlag-un, C, »6 N. J., J. H -aaffaid. 77 N. Y., neck. K. B Henel 77 N. Y.. abdm. W_. Coagle. B, 2 Tea, cheek. J. Willi. I. 21 N. J., tblgü. F. A. Bush, i V«.. ii<le. «J. W. Hr.iler. T7 N. Y. K. A. Hall j. * Vt., cheek. K. Ken-Is. C, it N. Y., bestt J. L. Drear; A, M N. J .night E C. Wright. H. Jl N. J-, B. Pilmer. II. J Vi., leg. ¦sin. Ü. fumm, H, 77 N. Y., tltlgb. 1*. Hani, I, J3 M. T.. arm. W. Haulon. O, »1 N. Y., «bigb. l>. Barbs» I. 33 N Y arm. J. Cross. A. 77 N. Y., ..»ck £. E. It ret. I. 33 N. Y-, Henry Jama., A, 77 N. *., thigh, thoelder. Lawn t.'iiJg' i__ A, M N. J.,fi I'tr.'i t.-ii-t. I).7», N ;.,s,rt!y. severelv- W J.M. Peek li, It N.A.aU'-jr. 1». Porufvilo-e, A, M N. J tuO umtUt, I), N. J «liititly. I Vrrt-.v « l".nfl, l>, »A H, J , »lightly. T. lieie, A M N. I , seveielv. J P Y^uag.E, 2C »V.J., slig.t.y. T.Vrooui, AM N. J., sev.'ly. C. W Caiuuriug«, E, N J , I. ........ II A a*'. N J.' Sll'tlV. ....' A. Kuer. A, »0 ti.J , slightly. J Y, ÍÍ N J-, iligutly. «.'.W.Mori,. B,2i N J. .»v'ly J. IJe'i, Y, 2». N J , slightly. J.W Uodd.B M N-J .siislnly, J V N. J. «li'tly. J H Nelaeo.B 2C N J., ii «Jilly. H Ia,K.lis.P, H S. J., i.lgmly. »*.»\.l)ui.ii ¡I.'.., N ;.,ii..l.'iv.J.A.M.«'l ,K **>. N.J ,ii».- ei». I*. K Ba.mi. li vi, N .1..aev'lv J It um.u,i. 2< > J » i.'h'.l/. < ( .. nier, U. ti N J.iiig fly.J Nevfiuai.,(J,26 N.J s'ight.y. K. T. -i.a'i| II ->r> N. J., til. Hem/ .imiil. f. Ubi. f., i.t. Ir... II 21 N J i.t. H. Y. lu.uer, B, J Vt.. ile. J Ui Hs 1 II 28 N J., .li. A. 8. T.acey, B2 Vt Bit. Ot. II Hil.v. H. N !.. sU. L». B. Byrne, K. 3D N. V- sit 0 M SlIlliIWIOI. a«5 a. J. »it C«k» ti.. UoUoD.C'JU N.Y. lila !i.«.. Trowbridge K N. J, II -cVailat.d. K..13N.Y. alt. i.vare. Johu McJuin. K., JJ NY «It. C P Betts, »N.J.. illght C- rp M. *.. W_oa. I 33 N. Jth.. Jo ss, 2t N J illgiit. Y. .light. Ja-.. Kü.keld. I'.. ?t N. Y «it t>. 8. Porter, D. 33 N. Y., lit Yd U li., or, I 33 N. Y ill. N. B Rl.ley, B. Il N. Ï-, lit. II A. Morse, C TJ N Y-, ill. San. AJsu.i, B, »3 N. Y , ill. Jib. Hyie. 1 >3 .**»'. Y, 1.1. Ue1.1v B.s», D. 3.1 N. Y sit. Au.o» Fb. rar. t. 33 *#. y all. 1 sr«, rtbuter, I, 33 N. Y.r «it Baruett Uiae an D, Ï3 is. Y. (¡eo. B'/ot. L, 3.» N. Y-, . Ight. _i>_*-.t. I cru. (rev. T. Levert, C. a3 N. \. n.. Moran C. 33 N. Y. al ght. illgLt. Ha., Uleeender B. 33 N Y, i H K.itcbt H, 7 Me., illght, illght. t. Han.. I, B. 7 M- illght B. P. ilSSaSSSsI E. 33 N. Y., »»te. ti tit, li. 77 N Y., .iga-, night. 1 be. L.cbman C.7 MeillghtCba. K. Morn; U, N. f., J. I». 8cot». I), 77 N. Y., »Iigbt night. Corp. Killis Livtis.B, 33 N.V I..*. Ja. vis Ii. UN Y.,ilgbt illght. » «p» 1 ' ».:».- Ii. Cols, C, 33 Hlbb.rd 8, I. 7 »Me. -bl slight. P. «¦» W Blsltey.U, 33 N. W u.. Hnvler. H. 77 .M. Y., -te- Y.. teve/ely. ' Cb... ««Uria/, O, 33 X. Y-, se- Pu'nam Deantcg I It*. Y., I taeverelv Erikle» li Bin cb U. 77 N.Y.. Cijit. Lu'.her M Wheeler, C. s*»erel'». Ti N. Y **rrt*'j A. C.Hu'.sell. D. 77 N Y .¡igb». W. Tavler. jr V, 77 N. Y.,U. Partéale.«r. A. 2t .N.J. t.verely. «everily. , Ü. I'.»eu; rt. E. 77 N. Y WmU brian.A.JVt.slIshtly. slightly P. Bargen, 1). ? Vi.. isTsräly. Corp. C f. Lovell, O 33 !«.Y T J. Trowbridge, I, M H. J., sbgb'.lv ssverelj J Young B, »Vi s. gU'v- C I». WjudwsiJ, I, » 0 I ."-er.ipioa. A. 2 \ t te- verely. »erely. Corp. A U P.stt, I, » Vt, se- 8. is" w H. Kcler. (', ï Vt, .llgbtlr. t'tt. Prslt Sion», A. 2 Vt., 8 L. I) Goodall, E. * Vt leverelv .»» J. Pstsln 3 D.i. Art , sUgbtiy. T l) lir w11 E. » Vt iever»>y.Lor¡. J. Ka.iDai.a., F, 3 Vt. i Murray, I), » Vi neve.aly. illgblly. «LH. Knight, (, 2 Vi. slight y.C C Msidsr, C. 3 Vt lu.j. W. Hlggiu. K2 it,t.. W., j', | \t, severely. tllgbtly. Corp A Uobdeasugb, A, 2 Vt.WiiiUu« t. Shl;ifsr. A, 2 Vt, .evenly nightly. Cep«. H 'r ». i- » 1... Ji-nei, 37 Mass., iJiibt . Iigbt- '..r I. -a. .. a. -. ,'a »l.ght. Bergt J W. Hilton, (, » Vt, sUstW. < «I. iiami'tua, iW Pa., «< Corp T 9. Alniwo-rth K, 2 Cap». Moser, k1 Pa-, slight. Vi , nt».». Cpt Rooiaion ¦ N.Y.. ..igkt 8ergl -Msior Hebt C resist, 31 Co*. Juba«, 7 Mali., »«vere. N Y , ii ght I.ieat. Russell. 13 N. Y., slight ii..: J ¡A A «ulric 5 Wit «Igt. Hen-lers..«. i Wit. ijjgbt .evere tapt K"Ot, »J N Y., night ? Oil'uey, B, 31 N Y J«w. t«ut le... 39 H. Y., -ight. A. A. Ijvw KB M»., 1. kst.di «,.- Brown, 33 N Y.,i..ght. o.pTbeSwrgt. Mijar of 15 .-t.J. C Mil »» t, 31 B Y illght li eh'-, »bsi Heymcoi. l>, llii.l. Capt. A. 8. T1.7. 1 Vt. slight ra.»»» ' Lliut Clerk». »Vt, alight C K.rirh.f.kl, I 31 N y. '.eg. Cipt. Bi'lou,2 Vi.idgbt 'M l.yoai. K. »I N Y bee*. Cel Mn.wn, 3 N J, «light Lieut. I'!»»! IN Y Bat s»> Jheod K.J. A«tt Adj'.-i»,._ v»rr. to «>*¦ BrooS*. .:.,Bl. M. Power t. Jl N Y c».f. A.ljt Jo*. W11 i, 2.N J .¡jght Mijor VVheele». t »Vi» i.liht H P. Cook, A 'j' .¡»»ere. ta, » iii atxeeg » Wi. alight. Otu. Toii/ert, .'ig,'«t. Bil ï in. I', r.-r Volkmaa. Y 31 N. Y. Cap«. JV..11 ger. NorvalW Maa», A. -9 I*« (api Y .-.,< K.ri.jn 3 Vt »apt Bask. L'siuey McOa» T* Mt Hale I. « Mair«, «tergl W Wu.iet, lal Ps. lap». KuletttfbOarker, 43 B. I. Sa. .el It. ... ÏM P.. ¡. - .t Keon., A. Y. TitijothT Kelly Pa. Pairie* Rmourm ti N Y. Ma,ct Fitiüfl. Cai-t TuriM.ÍWii, l .1 1 owe, fi. Pe Craait. S ruug. 5 Wia. i.t ( .... Hail. tU I*» I amp. S H'i, »'eo. II Mette- I».«ut Mill... I H I«. Cap» "ray Byn.n Turk. J Wl«. A ila«Li. Y, 33 N. Y. Angula 11.lag«, » II... U m Vat, Noitrand t, ai N Y Bidwell Pe-l.ey, J **l Is. N. «.-au Kiyi. ï 13 N. V. Uro K Beuaet, I Wis. Mi. Lie. Car'., F 3 N. Y Elijah «Sli >su.»»ei. I tala n-r ard Smth. », 33 N. Y. Aaiuu Us.«.», j «S .1 Lieut. Iluicaueiy, t, 33 N«»v-At.dr.w llatauw 1 VVu. Ysik W. P. Whit», J Wit W* McP,limey B, 3J N. Y Wiu Cesaelt, », JJ N V. I. cut. 9, I). Hu» er 7 Me. Bn.j. rrtwiit ». 3j .N. t ."«rgt BUS». 7 Me. Geo. II. Ki wen t»' N T. 'Au. M, Li .ghin.. 7 Me. (bs. Austlu, F, Bai N. Y Id tbe lliird Corrvs on the rtgbt «a« Lear of Gen. iierry, kilUtl. fait. Rand 1st Mass., killed; « '.'.pt Store and Col. McLaqgblin, -wounda'd, ihe latter taken iiriioner, Lieut-Col. More and Co!. McAllister, lltli New-Jersey, rotaciug, Adjutant killed of th« 11th New-Jersey. .4 rrlvitl mi Pri»nurr» In .Vn.Iiinglon. We take t . fo'lcwit.g i'.emt from \\ arbiiigt« d papers tmVtu llüÉimí i.Er. a Pltisu>'ER. (;. *. Fit.iiugf'i lie«; has been taken prisoner, and is now in this ..'../. i'nsvutrrrs were a: r.vins; here all day yef.erday. AKKIVAI. OP PRISONER!». I'pwurd of icur:et'it hun.ired praoner« arr»Te«i in the « ily yeaiertiay. A luiy nuniher of oih -is were titaioiig the n.niii'er. A Maher lot, o-msi-tiu«/, of r.»-_! iv 'ifty Kill, li, it.cladiuic twooflicer« of the l'Jth Miss'ssiijt, matt braubt m to Iba l'entrai Giurd- House Ina ottit-er who had tht«_ in chnrge in¬ formed . thal before tie left A> ¡aia ("re. ka íin^utch hivl been r *«-*eiTed there anuouiu-tng that 4,«J*»«* more were on the way to the Creek. [Chronifle, Taeaday. Karly tbi« ni«.ruins.» '-"'.« prisoners, including 41 otticerv, Hiiii'iifr tliein a Lteutei.ani.Coiouel and Major, retatheti lina city from the irout, aud were kv-i.t to the guard-bouse, whence tbey were su hat" ijueii'.lv t ik-ti to the Larra, ks of th« Depot, the Old Capitol and Carroll priions being full. lol. «..illili of »i.«.- leith l_a_-nppl Kegiinent is nuamy. the unailier. Al out nooi. to-tiuy anot'iar bo^it arrived at the wharf wi ti Ä47 of t.'ie priaoner-., who w.-r« m«t at 1 tint wharf by u de'u«LuH-ut of the dfJih iiaisachu- aetts BagiBsaat, und'.d by way of.-ixthand, >. vr'it', streets lo PennBylvania avenue, undtheDCa ¡ io the ...ii ka of the Depot, where they aro to be 'luai .t-r.'d teiiii'"i".irily, Ainfunr thsee are hut three B.I is. Of to Up» preaeut lune there ht»e arrived H4'i. fseveriil thoutau.l more are expected »liortly. 'l'liese prisoners that when toey were captured a buttery of right spWiid places waa Ukeo wiih thetu, and unuiediiWely turned with death-dealinj, foret« u.oii the liel.els. [Star, Monday. tll'R CASlAl.TIKS. l.ieut.-Coi. Chapín, l-fiJi Nsw-ïork, killed. Major li lauris, Kkh IMew-York, woande-i. ('»["'.sin Sheiwood, Company I, rJ6ih New-York, wounded. Lansing. H&h New-York, woundad. [Cbiuaiule. I n.or.c.lul Attetnpt mt tkc Rebela in He « ¦ pin re Frn4erlcb«bnrg-Tlte Kui I roads tut by Gen. *(«ou« niau. The Wash in g'on correajvondent of The Phihideh phm fngtàrtr, writing u.ider date of Monday, gi vea, the following nt wa from th«* battle-iield, loceited at Waehington: lu the attatck tt|-ou the fortification! tit Kredariek«- bnrg our men yoi lu the rear ot tbe celebrated «ton« wuli that so enectaaiiy prote« tod th« ICebel« ia the «i sastrouu attack uuder uurnaid«. On Monday uiorinug the .ebel* mai« a desperate atteoipt io ratriave the poaii.on at Frotjeuck.harg, hut w«T.' again reuailaed. Concermug «he tigtii tuatie by Hooker near Cban- eellorsvllle, aionuw are »o coiitratlutory that we prefer to wnit for more satisiactory details before siiving them publwify. tat tighiiag hat been «lesperats, w,tb beary lowea Ob tiwi*, tend, WlUia WC BiaTI tV mut» ti.« Wa- I ef many biara officers and men, this is tbe priée to be paid for lüceesa. The reports that Oeaerala tttekler, 81oen«» and Coach hare ha«» killed wa not believed to be true. Certainly, 0«n. r-i. klen waa alive U«t evening. lien, lierry, IxstiouU Ai my Corn«, waa killed in the desperate fight near CUuioelluiaTille, wliero hu division waa aallantlr euit-ngsd rstrievioff tba ground teniporanly 1 at by 0<ra. Howard « diviaioa ra Um preceding evening, auder Um aUaek of «a overwhelming fore« of tu« eueniv. His body ar¬ rived hera tHis afternoon. Ila waa »truck by a Mime hall, which pierced tho lona« and probably lue heart. It is remorad that a telef rata from ice Rebel Gan. Lae to the authorities at Ricbmoud baa been inter- cepted, in which he sails for re-enforeeosmta, aast aunouncas his »rntire inability to Bold out two day» longer unless they are sent. GEB. BSOBEMAB AT WORK. Btonenaa s Cavalry appears to be doing effective work in the Kebel rear, and is aaid to have cat the Vu gima Central R«»ad, and also the Fredericksburg und Rich mond Kotil at a point near Milford Station, «outb-weat of ChancellorsviUe, teanng np som« live mile« of tbe track, and .hu» cutting oft' L<m'b communi¬ cation with Richmond. Btoneman is a:»o »aid to bare captured a Confederate aupply tram at thai-point. We have not heard of the tre«tle-work nearer ta t redericlulmrg being destroyed, bat if any i «m«id«r- a' le «tent of rail has (»ecu removed, it will eat of libe couiLuuniciition between Kredericksbunt and iii. almond (ufflciantly long to answer Hooker's pur- po»e, wo take it. A REBEL THAI* DESTROYED. D irins; tbe engagement at ChancellorsviUe on Ätttanluy, »ays a correspondent of The Philadelphia laijwrer, our officers discovered a Rebel trat-r^rta- tion train on a bill some two miles eway, endeavor¬ ing evidently, to reach some p«nnt near Gorden«- ville. Turnbull'» battery wat ordered up to shell iii« Rebels, «ml bo admirably were the guns »V>tted( every »hell »triking in the midst of the enemy, and bo seriously impeding their movements as to Compel itiem to no1 only nive np the attempt of pasting ia thai «iii« o»ion, but to actually «el fire io and thus ds- »troy their .rain sod what i. waa loaded with. Rrparte a ad Baa«n ia WuaBlagtass. U A.uiawi i.v M'iu.'.ay, May 4, WSJ. The city is intensely excitad to-day by tbe reporta j from the Army of the Potomac. Tbe «Tiw« is re¬ garded, thai far, as favorable and encuragieg, but, Lal the same time, tLere is naturally much kolicitutie aa to further and lut ire developments. The arrival of about 1,100 prisoners aince Satur¬ day certainly shows thal oar army baa not be eu idle io making raptures, and it is reported that otb- era will soon arrive. «t gentleman connected with army operations, who ' arrived here early this morning, says there waa «kir- miahing all day on Saturday on tbe left, and «a 8uu- d-iy our batteries croeted over i<> r'rederi<-Itaburg on pontoons at the foot of the Lucy House, or at a point where soi. e of our forcea passed over previous to the former battle. There was aoiae opu.rt.oa from the Rebels, but it was soon ended, an i a few more killed. The movement waa cúmplete, bout a ! o'clock in the morning. The Rebel intrench menu were, not long after this, slieiled from ibe vicinity of Frederirkabnrg and la front. Meanwhile our troops on the left made a flank movement, and, gaining lue enemy a rear, gul- lantly and impetuous'y attacked them, driving tue Rebele frena their paition«, and eausiug them ewift- ly to retreat at least two miles further back. j The result was the capture of eleven 12 pounder», and a large number of killed, wounded and j na¦ li¬ er» fell into our bands. The enemy succeeded m moving off their other guns, wh«c!. had betu kept on wheels. The gentleman from whom the above luforasatioa ia obtained witnessed the fighting from an eminence ii ar Fredericksburg, and, while tbe conteit waa rag¬ ing, rroaaed over, and no1 long thereafter visited the) deserted fortifi--niion«. | The absence of cavalry waa a misfortune. Bud lhere been a force of that arm of the service, the enemy must bave been badly cat up in hi« dight, The enemy were slum in hesta before that stone (wall, wine«, «o well answered the purpose of theil «Jafenae at the former battle of Fro«len» kaburg. | This infortnant »ays that while our troop« were driring the »'tierny ti ring was heard far back in their rear. Our men were io splendid spiiitr, and ail of thee» had the atincct confidence in Hooker. .a»-- A Baa mt Ex-Beaatar Brow« a Prisoner. \\ «-»liMUTuS, Tur.d.j. Bay i, 186) A son of ex-Senator A. O. Brown of M.«eie»ippi, is among the Rebel piisousn. More tban 3,1100 are i. w here. . CAPT. WM. TEMPLE BILLED. We regret to hear that Cast Wm. Temple of this city was killsd in the battle of Ciianccllorviile. on Sniurday. He belonged to the 17ih U. S. Itifantiy, and waa son of me Ute CoL Robert E. Te rp le, f»r merly of the {jute. Ile entered the service in 1M61. and was a yoiùig niau of great I .-©mire. The sari intelligence was at i.aureed te his family this morning. [Albany Jour., 5tb. ABKJEBT OF TBUB HOI. C1. II 'IB.«T I«. ULIit.>DB.Blfl. The Fire Bella at Darían Baag, bhbB aa AiK-upi Blaaa la ß« »cn«- Hine. CI »em batí, lu«» ia-». Ma; 9, 18SJ The Hou. Clement L. Vallandigham wa» arrester, at his residence at Dayton, Ohio, lui*, by. a detachment of «oldiers, who went up from Cincin¬ nati by a special iron hut night. The «oldiera were obliged to batter dowu two oi .lim, door« of his heu»« before Uley cuuli reach hu room and take him. His friends then ruui< the fire bell« and called oui the people, when an attempt was made to rescue bim, but it failed. He waa brought to this city. CiaviBBATi, TaeitUr. May t. ItSJL A diiloyal mob has cul all the telegraph wires lit Dayton and «el The Journal office on fire. It ia feared that the Phitlir-a House will be tired. The telegraph office has beau closed for fear of being gutted by tbe notera. Vu LA.iniiiHAM. . The íiifataooi Vallandigaam mad» a »peech bete laat evening, in which be denounced lien. Burnside's order, aud said that the court-martial» being held at Cincinnati were illegal, and thal he would resist them. Vallandigham waa to apeak at Mouin Vernon, a little towra in the back- woods of Ohio, today, and it is probable be spoke hu aentimenta more freely. Gen. Burnside bad tent up a portion of bia statt' in eitiun*' drees to report inn:, and we ahould not bo at all earpttsed to leam that Velkndigbaiu had got bimaolf into a scrape. ICeluinbu. (U.) DUpatch M CBUasa Tltfetta» The Alabama Agala. By irlegrnh to l.i.t in'. Lxclauf«. Borros. Tuaeaay. M.v I, 19t i Ship Punjaub frcrn Boston is reportad to bare been captnred hy the Alabama and released on bonds. She belongs to the same firm that owued the Mora» ingStar. «a Front Berrauda-Kaenpe. mt m Blaekaaa Baaaer. By the brig Ocean Traveller we hare Bermuda papers to April Ä Tbey eonlaia little newe. The steamers Robert Lee, with ©0 balee of cot¬ ton, beside pitch, turpentine, rosin, ¿te, and Cor- nubi», with 370 bales of ootton, had arrived al St, George's from Wilmington. The former cleared aa the 'J 1th on her return voyage. Airr-ed al BitniltoB, l'.eriuuà» April IO, buk Ills« Barn Cooper. Ne» lula, April 21, Biig Cul. f«Dul.aati, fWakiti' New-Yerk. Cleared. April Ï0. brig Henutt«. Doe, Kew Yent, Ap.K ». ahip Uaiuude, Wkilnia». Hieugtie-,, April S3, «ehaeuar Uouoti. f eaiuian, Ballimore. Arrrat mt *rceaai«ml»ts la «t. La a la. Br. Lona, Tuaaaar. May S, 1*5J Fifteen or twenty of tue most prominent 8<xva .ioniata of this city were arrestad t>>d«y under Qau Cauitfcceutwtie/.

Sep 14, 2018



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A Battle Jibing for Three Dtpand Still Continnes.



\U (ommtDfimciit tod Progress.





f-jletdid Manoüveriüg of the Army.

< iJAaVoic of n>^.i'riO-sT.





Finn. On &reeial CorTwroiif)«-. I.

CnsKli.UHii.iir \ i Monda? Moralr.g, Msj t IHflIt Lae been couceded iLat Geo. ll<«vker, at a corps

»xinnusader, baa few* superior«. That h« ran organ-.«.» and discipline an army Las been demonatrated byLi» M e*" v» IA the Army of tbe For tli«

past ¦»..". er» ! days he Las been ou triai a» a caiujand«

Ilu gtn-ral in ibo n ireh and ia battle.On Friday, at 2 o'clock ¡l the afternoon, the army

¦»»its drawn cp in battle line, having the Fifth Corps,«X_-manded by Maj.-Ger.. Mead«, on the left, the«S« <ti_d Corj*, cou.winded by M «j.-Gen. Couch, next

.o tLs tiffki, t!;e T.velfih Corps, commanded byMaj.-Gen. ¡Si'x-um, ol the right of the Seconc, theElivemL Ctrji comui.ided by Maj -Gen. Howard,tin the cxtr'-n.e ri|»-!it. und the Third Corps, coin-

_iand»>i »J M«.j.(J<n. Kel i», held Iii leaerve. Thecenter a:iJ bead'¡ ian« rs cf the Com mau J i ng General«sere in tbe lar^e uri« a baan kuown as C1 «n.ellors-.»ille, at the junction of Klye Ford Hoad with theFredericks! 'irg and (JonU nsviile Turnpike, -and ten

..lie« e. I »t in _ the former city.Boee «.fn-r the iii-y had taken this pointion, Geu.

bymtr with hit divifc.m. of regulars, ltdvaiieed on

th« ban.1'» Ford Road, for the purpose of feeling thet-.i« ey, and also to secure ehe lett 01 ¿I«jokers ura.y.lut «tierny lesis'.ed »tuboom ly, but waa driven b**kabout two niile«. Sykes w«ts ordernd lo dscontinueli« advance, »and to gradually allow himself tobe

driven btck.Gan. S.ocuui m.ade a like den.onatrution down the

l.edtri katar^flaa!k road. Ou but.', the r.->eds the

»tvernent was weil exec »ted, and at least pariiullykatoai,'«.'. I « objrricio: tiio Cou,iuMindinig (n-neral.It wus first ne^ebi-ry to .«icerta.n whether the enemykiaü a! aiidá.uevi Lis sin i.l.u'.d on the hig'.ts abóte

gTia¿aifc fcllnfg libelad i.v»t, b« MM eithei beiuiH.i«*>l la c me <.:t, wilh ths exp«-«.¡a!Íou oftiusii Lg»«, »u «.'Vr fone, or the josition nuil beoír-

t. . '.<.' o: lag,1 :. by d.rect attack. Gen. Hooker at-

t« iújitrd i:.- ! ii-er, aud low wall he succeeded .«he

sexuel will c!.ow. In the erent the euemy can.e pal:< give battie, it was iii-okcr's dei»si.i.»lion lo ri-

«vive and resist the atlee«., purely on the principlesc1 a defensive battle, until such um« as the con mci

of the attacking party would indicate that his force

was gtca-ly «-pent, and il.e hope of sue e.s wai fatt

«jyiLg out, when he ¦*»«.._d bo.dly march 081 "f biaBiroug position and as.oiiisb, coufouud and conquerU e au.«c.ojs enemy. Wi:b ibis view oi the p:«»nc1 battle the reader will rta*.By co_p«ebaud thetoiaiaection of tLe sever»! movements, and will be

.»ble to recoucaie the ot... rw.-e iocougruous i-heng«.»BUade in the progress of the bailie.At 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon the enemy

Bakde a reicnrioiksaiiCc in fore-, ieehng the ei.tirc

i.nt of Hoo'tier'a army, from ceuter to both tight andJ»f. extie.t-s. The fighting in frontet G<-n. G<?ar) '»

».«.H!.on, _nd oppoaiu.- Hooker's bead<jnarie.i, was

fir a »bort tim« (luit* energetic. Whet nr, ir.w

what ho Lad I»-lu ned by ihe reconnoi.aanee the». oatt would be iuduced to become the tuaai.'aitt, re-

i. . ned to be seem The extra pressure made againstlue «.enter of the line developed the fact tlitt the

lie be I commander well understood tlie key of the

J«-ti«;oi1 i.e topography of the country and the direction

ti ihe mad» untáis it necesrfciy for the to he'd and défend certain poin's, the icnal

fti :..,i.. 1.1 and «mportani of which was tbe interaec-t.on of the ITnilod Sutes Ford and Sett's Dtmtittd», -erith t; e TAy't Ford road. With thic ¡>oiijt as

the «eDter, Scott's Dan. on the extreme left und tie1.1«. . Ford road held by the right wing, ___| a linec.fl.'u't to f-»ercom«. This doubtless th« enemya»«jew and m-.da bia plan of attack aceor<liLjy.

Early on .Saturday it wat discovered thut theettrn/ was moving Lia tr__u, weslwuid ou thohpottaylvatuia C. II. road. .jen. S.ocum »ino.-

Oer.fl u. push Lia line forwtird on the Frederickebuig- a«.» roaU,and Sicale« Uj wove fornr_rd on Slocum»righi and vtxupy ihe tvad ou lbs enemy was

ii.' v,ng. tjta.ry oí Sl.-cum's Corps moved down theplank road until he cama iij-oii the enemy's rifle tuts

from vabich his new regimen's were .'«pulsed uudvti.L'irew a abort, di»; »nee in good order and en-

gyitged the euemy until Gen. W illiania moved h«ac .».on ou the right and outflanked the jaoainon.J.' -anwaile JJirney and Whipple «.f S ekles'» Corj.»i >« v-d forward ou Slocum'« right aud siezed theroad Ui Si-otuylfania C. li. Gem Wbipple « rightItiiàii s'jmewhat exp«'»ed, Geo. Harlow'» brigadefuL. líoward'a Corpa was pushed forward io pio¬le, t tis« rigU flank. It was now about ó o'clock in

t*.<* afta.-oui., and thus far ali the movement« uu-

< »r.rtltam h.»! been suowsfuliy execatod. Huddenlya .¦,*. una and heavy charge waa mad» ou thenthi ilttUlt mud rear ol Jioward's Corps. Jiegi-».tMa, nrigatiin and divuicu» broke aud fled in tber .i terrible) «Mtifusiou. One brigade aloue foughtt rattly tiLt.1 to aitempt longer to hold a poii'ioa* "jid have been madness, '.ben it stubbornly with- j*Un*% . V (,» , Í. al'. .»I t. O..i. Lit « .aaa,«.^ U'i>.¿la|-j

iog the 27th and 73d Pemitj'.YS.r.ia Volunteers, and

the 'Ai,h und l»i:b New-York regime.»»», is d ia the

credit of having sared from capture tit« tmin and

artülety of the corps.Tilt cRUBiialî-'i» attiong tbe nieri were slight. Tliir-

teen pieces of artillery were left to the eueruy ; mott

of them by rome uiuiccouutable aechlcnt were

st, iked. Tb*, retreating train, the withdrawal of the

¡».rtillery, aid the juinbled atid confined mass of

'stragglers and frightened eoliiiery that blocked theI roiO and e.-copied the fields and woods, produced a

degree of cntiluri'ii that wu truly alarming. Hook¬er e line wat broken and deranged; the advanced

' jan» :' n -n of Berry ami Wbipple'» Divisions and liar-'low's Brigade, made the aituution even more com-

pli« «ted. The enemy, Unshed with a Uioet biilliaiitmt »i i», can.«» ni. iiiii«' fur ward toward tbe rear oftbe right and center with y« Hi and < iteif, thal madetb« air bideoue with ill-omened Bound«. Tbe Com¬manding (¡merni win, b never, of al) cool men, tbe

eo'ileit. li.rry'e Div¡»inn formed aoroas the plankroad, midway between Chanrellorsville and Dowd-all's T»\ern; hi» right well in the wood north oftin- ad ai .1 the nr.illery maased on a hill t his

left; in tin« puiitiou he received and re; need the at-

lack of Stonf.vall Jackson, for heit a..« wbo ledtbi» d««i.]*r:iU «-»large.Ibe gtviut, way of the El« ventb Corps made it

necessary that a new line be I« rrned and old pusiiousiiti.iid« H...I ni.ii new one» occupied. It wa« ne«'C->-

Bury to ii'kiiitain in tact ti.» I.-ft wing and to ix<¦» J il e

i line from the j« auk road to the river at Scott »

Dam; it was equally a wees-ay lo teiistibe seimre by ibe enemy of the United»states Ford road. The assuming of a new po»it ¡on r« -i i.ied it change of lrnit Lu the face of a boldand daring en< my. The movement wa« nererthe-lair eirt'i.wd iu quick time and without the iQghtasfeet ríue.uti. linne} » aod Whit, « ii's Diviiions wero

drawn in andjmiieii t > Berry » line; Sl.-curu movinground W illiMii« » Diviii'in to connect wiib Sickle»on bi« left; Couch's Corps faced ab mt and advancedto the Elt'fe Ford Road; Gen. Meade joi:««-d Couch,i. t o L.t.M willi bl« left at fe juuetion of tue

I"« u «Siait« and Ely'B Ford roa », and his line ex¬

tending down the ruad to the liver; the Kleier.thCorps reformed mid occupied tLe position vacated hy¬the Fililí. Though the «nemy had turned tie rightfLnk, be was nevertheless in tie face, of the new p.»-tit ion. The change of line wa» effected partly dur¬

ing the night and completed at sunrise. In tia

Bight the mo m »bone brightly from a clear sky andmen in Lau le n'.d see almost as weil as in the day.Three de«per«te atine.i» were mude on Sicklea't

line during the night, at.d were rt.-«i«i«d will, a de¬

gree ol cann deieinituatio.i thal added nsw bunorato this veteran corps, i'i.e lecood attack, at mil

night, vi an ona of the lier«t»t charges ever made in thi»

country, ti croar of artillery exceeded that of Hi»,

.bailie ot Aotielaii). Sickle« s tr..»op« fought it out

doggedly without yielding an inch lo the eneuiv.

Atdaylighton Sunday morning, ibu great battle coiu-

'.ii.-iic*d on Friday and ooutiiiued inagulatly throughSaturday and batiiiruny n ig bl, op. ned in terr.bleearm-stiier» along the left and center. At ibis time

«Slocum . I » occupied his origin»! posiiiKb.fechauged only by ibe inflection of Williains's Iiivi-«ion. \» iliiaiu» it »«i I.a« a wall of fire agaiutl tbe

enemy until «vary round of au num.lion bad be«', ex-

hausled. and ti.en yielded ouly to ir»-»h truupe that »

took in» ptve.»Vinpple * din-ios of new «ro<ip», joining Wil»

lian.» ou hi» right, won a repuUU ii thal autitlr»

them tu ile luifaai.iun».iip «if velenins. In most ol

there rigimc-i.l» au uttusnally large pro|»oriion of

oflu .-r» wtie wounded. 'Ihe IM New-Hampelnr«'«ame out with Colonel, Lieut« nant Co oli.-l, and

'Major * nude.I, and with bul our comn lisoued

ffii er hi f'.r duty. In t!.e UM Pennsylvania, everyhorse w M kiiied, and -et nal o Iii« er» were w<mu<ied.I'!.»- Ne«A-Viik fought i.jually well, an.I last?ev«r«i\. KbbI to th«w, Birney tuught, and further

«.ill, wh»>re battle raired holiest, Bfefcafe Berry fell,while uiging bia troop» forwaid in aleady baili».Here, loo, «xcurre J the finluni chaige of Mott'»brigade, a niortal encounter with and a severe re¬

ptile of au advancing foe. Tiiu dead .y heaped o,i

the ground, ol>' the progrès»! of tha men, andthe «-.»ri.;.t,e wu« temblé, even over lhere} bea| ¦ ofd»-ad men. The ei erny was forced back to his r.rle-pits, where he rt.llied and fought with great ob»itiuacy. Waal) wiib many boura of hard fig a-

¡Dg, exhausted with hunger, find willi amu,un .um

exjended, Sick!.as right wilhdiew, and were re¬

lieved fey the thiiJ ditiBion of Couch's corps.French, moved hy the mein ry of hi» late ein.-

mander, threw himialf al ibe head of In» cirrjiiiiii.dand in the cut-in) a rifle-; it» with a mu-

meniutn that swept away the K.-'.t-l» uko «hal l«e-

fore a itorm. Fresh tro pa and rec-iifotceuientswere mair-ed agtti'.Bt him, hu'. he i«erei»ied in holdingnis adraii'uge. ,

Iliuiiphieir b ditiiioii va« «em to his relief, 'll.tsis ai.other division of new ti.oi». The men he-

haved wilu fea «lining candue»», and returned iruui

tbe) held willi exhautisd cutri ige-lxixe». Col.Oiugory, «jlrt Fcmuvlvama Vol»., waa wounded in !

the leg, but remained and raine ctr u iib hi» com-

maud.Hancock'« du ni m fought eanally well on the

left, wiib au <»i.rimal») toe, amil a »«ond chargeI wa» ordered hy Hie commanding tienen«!. FromtunriM tnl 11 o'clock, theioarof cannon and the

¡rattle of musketry were almost mceggatii; at timm;the thunder, Haiti, und »moke rose to a acene ofRul'lime gi nil.-..: that for a moment forced the oh-

mu-' to forget the awful in the preaeuoe of so

much thal was grand. A w'n/./.ing ball, or a »hull I

howling ihrongii the air close by his ears, never

failed to traiiaforui ihe Mt nation to a question ol

personal safety.l»i ing Saturday Oen. Reynold«, with Ibe First

Cana, arrived ¡rum Falmouth and look a poutinn

on tbe Fly's Furd road. The eulire ellon ol tbe

¡enemy, aller falling to plsoe himself ia tbe rear of

the National army, was one lo turn the left flank

beyond Cbancellornville. lie tbagfct deejierately,and at lei lihle aainlice, to obtain ihi« aiVfeBtifa 1Al li o't'hn'k ho bud, a« he support««!, aecouiplisheu jhis ohj. i and tiiuiie a desperate lung«» al what he

eate.-ittii a »ure prize. "Presto, change," and'

Hooker« an y pneeuted the center of a hold frontlo the gnat dimiaiialituie of the euemy.Thi- Third itud Twellih Corp» went rapidly,

through the lin.» of the Fifth and S- «ond and a:

third line of burtle was formed, with a center of'

niaeeed srti ¡cry on the Iiill south of the junction.of the I'liiiiil S ate.« Ford ruad with the Fly's Furd

road, the left wing rekiiug on Scou'a Dam, and Ihe

right on ti.*- L'i, nhill, *x*M ot Biffa r .ird.

Finding that li mik. r bad fought bim out of an in» '

tren«bed «amp and himself into one, tbe enemy re»

fu»ed longer to continue the battle at so gTeat dii<iid- j»ei.!., .e. Another den influence) was ibe

¡fOüjUtHUji m U.« »J*S««Uii< vi bedawivk I |QB^ vi j

admonhhed the enemy that his ritht flp.nk bad been

tapBMn lo this ínterlo^r Tia Frederic kaburg.There was, therefore, no fighting in th« aftetnoon,with the exception of 1. ,w and then a aligh;«itinnis.The n in.1er of killed itnd wounded ia doubtless

large, though it will probably fall abort of the c*«u-

altiea of Autietara, as the trvojn were ¡ess exposedto murderous ariillery firing. The small aims were

man Stilted to the nature of the field, although at

times ariillery wa» used wi«h good effect.It is not yet sunrise, und it e guus are already

tlmullering on «>ur U-ft. Ii is belie fed the day willprove most disai<lroui to the Confedérate cause,

Gver G,0o0 prisoner» have already been brought in.Theto report ii. ». .1... ;. .-n is in commai.d of theI,«'!.. 1 army, he basing relieved Lee on Friday;also, that A. P. Hill », Hived'». Anderson'», Pi« ksn's,Jnckson'a, and other divisions aie engaged. Tbeysay reenforrcineuts have bt-eu sent in from the IV-nil «ula and J\orth Carolina. Two lull regiineuts,the 4th Alabama ui.d llith Gtoigia, were capiurcd.Tbe army is in exeellent condition aud in lino spir¬its, ready and anxious to mai eli out on the ci.ei.-y.

j. it raYfit»*.

The following is a li«l of «»unitiesLu t| -( ol. « ka|.in, th l«n lol,»...Hsj. Illilin., Wim Nea V ik, w. nu«iff!.Col. >.rathe* 110 I'«Biaijlval u » '.

, »'.lied.I o', po ttr, i:-.b **t*«w lian ».shir- twvielv ivct'ualed.I. iJt <'¦... \oil-, la".': Ni w ¡I 1.Ssatr», »»»undid.M-J Kr.vsg., Uifi Nee Daiui.ll i.e. neuud.-ilCSJH Hsv.g. Uti, NSW-H '..('«'.irr, ttiaMit .j famée, lilliifeaasjtvania»o.a., wuur.dt-d.V.J. Vail ...gil»,», Illili New-York, w. uojealLieu». 1 lui., sun, I .IT Is Neva ian», tveundeal in «¡da.I.ieut H. L. > tf-1, lt«th .Va«-York, woui.ile-i.2»ia> litggiin mutmiti lo ka. r

J.m St I- Tspilll id lift., t, rdI tyt tittil ii, 2.1 >'a»s w.,audtdUn. I o.. oggiwel!, I 1 Mtsseaib'iMltt, «Uuoded la in»

Mr;. Btti.-u '«. 4"'h I'aunijlvaniB,Ca. I. IJISBBBB, R»>WSIw". ttsf k.i.r.1Cul. .Mil.s, Si.t New-Y »k. ns««_slCsj't lia... leu. i'ei u ila: «t», woObdeiLLient. Cower« io Miishsil le, t»ei.ii.»»d.Li'Bi. fas tina, *M MtauchsseiU wL'eut 1 Mini-« i JJ A as..«'i, wouadfri.» o!. Los». »in lo .-.aetlcutl.lrui. Hi na, i»'. I'-. » '», wounded.Ids » fprtaaer, l.'.ii Ps««. VasaLieut, t «1. H «ki r, A A 0 '. leli's r, s »¦ sr '».'I, s«| r>!. .«ar.»! II »» is* ,,.in, wiui .le«idpi Knlt.r le, b New-'iairt nurtalivI... I Ita» Ce. , CISM N. 1 Mvereiv, -l.Ltilil Sclie'.e; «.a, .».ii t« i>rii. I bott. nis.lDg.I til. PftoS, 111 li «Ni W Y-.IS. «ai.uLjed .li leg(leu. lleiiv a. »1

Istl »a jj.iled.Del I*.is...-.. lim Nea» Y'oia, Wtauâut «ud a p lioucr.Cul. t> in er- ,.i »a i.

Li»«! I1' I ll'I taoiiiC» 1 in 'egLtant, i.i. Ls«Is. » muja«! aiH satstssMBl..eui i'ricjr, «Dsa Bier«.'istafl »... n'..-J In irtn.L.»u' -(.li sel i*'» I. New York nsaaS.I lu feol.I a, t Marr««, ItBlbNen-1 is wo..oj.a u. itgLI.O- C«. ¡im, l't',1 New '. Bli ¦ lg J.L..O. Palmes, ItM n.w-Vuii. atigatljr.tul. Sien, «esB, I' Jtti Cepas) Irania, ki.l.d.Levi. I H C ro,t y. t I t.. .-r.v killed.» .,ii 'lurr«> i.'i li .-va letrB, ».lea1 i. ut l.e.iluo, IHlh .Se« Y. »I wu.iua.dI.-It »» i.'si .«e- '¦ »ik w. unirai.< », t (fiat, Itttl -.» » >k. va«, I.daaalI.I»i*. 8 ye. I.'aii Sr» Y ra, w

Ll.ui. Quiet, i. .v. .'.ew-Yi.ik woanded.Ltant. n».;»!..i... latta turn ».. t w».iudwj.Lieu'. Hi a..»nu l.'tlh Sr» V.irl SV. ..«teilLi. .1. li. .W I J, !.. I. .re «f ..,» ».Ililli.L.eut i »tilii., nan gam \ mt, .»... «tej

The of Nalurvln-» Rsd C'nstdurt mftbe HI« t nilli ( ort»e Ike Dittangr I'nrt-

I. ltr|sT»lr»-d The Halite nf flMW«ln*f-tlur Feien Ot>ll_e«t I* Full Hark »»-

neve.ii «.I lb« fighting on Tteuda»I...».«-. Mener nn Ila.I» ««..I. »

Viom Out taottol f utatktaamt,Itmvyl itrtii At. at ... » na for a«,

-ajatt-|. Mai «. Ite-I {Tb« enemy, uii.Iet* J*ik».a, lite two iiuta) »'id

I'ickait, cul tiiied advancing alón/ the Kiederirk»burn* | lank-road all dat Hatordny, c.ioiious'y fe»lmo*mr mm as »hey pasprd. A part of the Twelf'l,Corps, (len. G.ury't* Dil isioii, und liie TLird Corps,(¡eri. S.ielt-»>, lia.» «. « ai iii'.Vani the lil Slid attackedllis.r flu.-'k willi c-'U.i'I'-mliio »ucerss. Th« en«:nycon'intied hisadvunc« tul opjvoeite our extreme ri^h:,l.rl.l by the I'.lev. uth C"r¡«., G.-ti. Il.iwurd. Uj'Otithis ti.<y in.'!'* a »'mtnt attu« k. The Klevetnlibroke and ran in treat B0SÍ0BÍM low..rd Chancellor»vil'e, halaWBJ by the ¦ iieiny, whose | m.l was at

leDeftli thai ked by a line ut battle formed svrroes theroad by Grna. llerrey of the lhir.l, and Willia'n» r(... 1 ,v«-lfih Corp». 'i't.e ni|,'ht w,".a »pent |»J «li

aimits ii. *,'«*mtik,- lais) | "si'i'jn with o. «-.tsional h«-a»yarti lery «nd BMB.try skini,i»hea.At da) ¡i,!.i, muutiay 'u miuii. tlie battle com»

men' I i viiçombs'y v*. iib M»iido, Coiteb, and Su kinturi :ut our «-euler, Grri. KeMio'ds with bis Kirtt

Corp» v» bo joined us orri night occupying the tiffti,lind tb.- íitr'itiv»i lilrve-itii the left in stro'i;,' euilL-

works, s in "r e by the Twelfth Ctffk, Gen. Î5I0-,cm. At n<" n, aller severe li^iiti.ig, v\e were obliged

¡in fell back Injin (haj.celloisv.tlr, and the t r.iei

of bailie was somewlat ebanged, althongb tbe'ditt''rent corps ctiil retiiinni tbeir rela ivu poaitkma.H.irtili.ifs ceas.-d pretty ru'uli with this, and thebal.BOB < f the day waa sp« nt by our iMtfB] ii,stn lifillieiiii'a, thei» c.-rthtvoik», v» iib some (relly«eveie «rkirjii.liiii*«,'alciii: our outpoets. This morn*

ing a hr.ak artillery lire comu.eneea*j nt diiyhreiik, tbetwo armies bein« in clo»e «jearf-rs. VN'.- are

look in _7 lor the aiiiVrtl of 8'dgwick, of the ¡Six.)/Corps, «a!. ,«>¦ gu h (mu be ItM«] m cuiip. We b»veBal tmed li,(100 pii« »uers, »ome of whom rep«jr'. tiieCeitlh of Gell. A. 1'. Hill. On lotîtes are heavv.

IS. ». ¦¦¦milli

Iron» ii.« Left Ming- The Yielnrj- M

a/re-derirlaalmrf Ihr K. doubla TakenA «.nllifll I'mlii lit» II« bri« »ki-iirt«

the Ifitllle .Mab! «lowe ii Ita Pro OK Ullin .1] 'lu Ililli-¡.'.nui <'ar .-p. dal ( iiiesU'ailmi.

l.err »Vino a i, mt ... ti.« 1'nT. e «. 1Night, Mat t ItOJ. i

M« |ett«-r of yerierday, giving detail« of 0| lUie lett wing of the hiitny iii*oii Kre.ler.cksbi.rg,closed early this morning, wbib- th« divisions ol

Ilrooks, Newton an » Howe, were cautioiuly ftoliugby skuu.isbers the alreiiajth of Ibe terrible earth-,»sorts held by tbe enemy, pr.or to an attack. Ibis

fimtlly commenced au. ut bulf-past ten, when the

two luiier divisions, alter suimling like rocks undera («bower of ahtlls, advmiced Tigorously and sever¬

ally cleared th« first line before them, prooe.-din»;on to the second, third and fourth, until the formid¬able h ig ii Is were earned, which flatbed their four-lui ¦riallerv upon our helpleaa and devotad men

last December. Tbe surmise that the enemy badleft but little over 10,000 men here, proved true, andour troops were surprised al the weaknewj of thepoint» vvhun they mtd cautiously approached.An ciuii.inulion, uiler Hie buiile, of the earth

works, eaieeially iboes on the enemy's right, sur-

prin 1 t.e Generals by their jrerfection. Oitoredways sir.-tebed from one to another, giving perfectsecurny to passjije, and no single jiolnt whs neglect¬ed wliith c .ubi furnish means of defense. The.*' l.igl.l, ' nuderiommaud of Coi.,lately ut ihe Ub Maine, which cummenend evening, «tell suBtmnid its tiitllant re* «ilatlon,and rtck«.ns a Urge number in killed and woondtd.It took sevtrul guns, as d'à also the divith ni« of Gen.

Howe unJ of Qt-n. N.rWtoii, under whose commaistlit a. ted daring th« gay. though belonging to th« di- jVatVVasVi Ut ieiitsW« sllrilVsl «VMI dV«-«« ».» » «'

right «jTiring the morning hy O'hbon's Division of the'.'nd Corpr, which bad been left as a reserve at Fal-

I mouth. They stood well undar considerable she!!»I ing, but had no chance for great activity. The ao

tion closed soon after noon, and Fredaricksburgseemed ours, with twelve cannon and about a thous-and prisoner», thongh not without a loee of near a

thousand in killed and wounded.The mon, begrimed with »weat and dirt, reite«!

from their fatigue, and in the a »e of .. couple ofI hours roium«Bcad niarcbing to re« i f« ree ur right,»even mile« off, where Him«or was battling willi ¿Ii-

completa »ucees». Soon, nowa« «r, oar kope» were

HsBBWftftl Ka|»d. Ii wa» mttm thit the Uehels badraJiie I, and were a¡pn«.i«. Iii. g toward our extreui

left. Urook»» I)ivi»ioti, wbi.'i ltd lau comparativ-ly inaclive dimug Hie day. w .«ordernd lo attackthem, and a »barp actina «xcurr. «Iiieli ronunutdlill .< t'T ii, »I:. Tbe division« o. ii . pauaed upontheir march toward Hooker, and .». lered effluentaaatr*nnss Brooks'» Diviaaea, ka" ver hore thebrui j uf ».he fiijj.igeriKtit, and '. el really, tb« nghtb« biiMiny weio di ive» b»«"'«., .' bea*.ly in

ki!la¿yn.,uoded, aud priaou«u.ty «-.'ia and darkners close.' th« right, whirl, may

be . «newed m the m« ir.i'ig. I'l.i« hi.file, if lost byli« I.ebel», a» ill d«. ii.'iib tciwtd «i-c ¡ing theirf .nilli»;-.. Stonemau is «a ! to have cut tLeir rai.-

toni lommuuiiHtiotis, and tiny wal som be ont of

BapfsasSai A u»«ei.»i rut« hi:eui| t l» ihe«. fur« makin.'li» keep u» from refnforriug Hooker. To regaii

i traderickíLurg they douhtle»» »osrcely hope. Theyknow well that the di»¡er»ion of their army leave»nn IBM road to Kichmond. The strafegic «kill of

Hooker ia being tried lo the litrn.t. Our work here

is comparatively «imple, and r« quires only the de»u i ii.'.i.« »! bravery now showitg. The battle must

yet latt two day«. Long file« <>f ambulances are

ci n ü g in, und will continu« daring the night. We

have lost M greatly thi» even ng, perlap«, as duringthe day.Hat t..Tbe battle opened again morning at

dayligtit, and is »till going on upon tbe bills of tbe

einmeleft. The cheer» of onr men upon a sne-

ceiaiul (barge aro varied by the yells of the Rebel*

tijou a similar advautage.(nil in'» Uiv i«i.m of the Second i'orps, which IB»

Baraal io ¡« u'b last night, has ant over a brig¬ade, «xatpmaiided by Col. Hall, one of the little bandof Foil 8 miter, who should long ago have been mads» In.» I Brita, tit* cruckiiig of aiusltsts comes nearer

and n»'ar«'r. AH noi.-<"niIiali«'ii*, eicept the »ar¬

fe-e«.u» and wouinlud, aie ieaviug, and ritle-pit« are

«vet. being erected on our eine <>1 the rivar, to pro-U-ci tja« bridge». The» wounded are coming in. Tbe

killed rema-u ftnhurird on the üeld. The regimentsare al! he'.titig ai.d have not collected return«. 1

I «ira a JVaawaiilaij lui if »ried and wtttwdatV1. M Nk.\l HOULL»

ftan JaCail. ttlStU..i«r, Cu. B. '.Vii N J, fl«»b W.ilBd,ta .a.

J »bb l.e-ll-ey. Cr». V Mh Me I»« S««h weaxnd.h J ka'-iaitlc* I.. M.J. Ait -.i «.¦¦ u »1 «I-.«».V\UII«l>. A.!.««,... I c l> 1Mb S 1 , flr.h would, tblgh.Laulili r«r«i.«a,ii, <e I' IHN J. I! -ah wetiud. tai i«gK.noiiii fallir». I.«. «J Utail J fl»iii wound IIB.

Uni.-'.-.««. Ii»» Vi Barwaata, Ce, ii ia.. c

.loo » 1 « kti!»» l>-.yl«. I « K 1MB B J., lewer jaar.tua« Waua«j, > «. J. «a "« ' lace »u i«r»«»i.

«... '-h V . hauJ lirvh wouai.I 1«*V«r to J »111 Mr bo», la

J. h «tan. Co H. «rib Ka..«., awtl».1 -«»ii». Merlin. « «a- a. tem I'-t.« bree« «lid Baa«.r. j ->. li».»a. lo. B Hil N Y fr. lu e

LUaaVMVV £>.!-». « (MB. «I. lir.-i tb'.gkA«jl C».ai<» VI V ki., i, it» A!« bai a «'«I »c«>ia«', i».. J. B l.t.ulii, i b» I ¡«üb l'«au.'en uf

»b< ulJ-r.I>« ¡. Cmrblfl Ce F. Vth Penn, »reaal. rleah wound.J ( li ..i I.r n I. -ii», .1 iuat.ii «if t.utt..«».

I . li U II a H.l J I.»».. Wla'J Uti. «111..

«in th <t K ... Ma. ir < h U »I B V, do du.Ur, M.« K «I- < ti. »''I» "r u (»« I. w'J,ui,«r hly.11,«:»«. M.U..I., C«. f, ii «ia »'eut hia.d.I uri/. 1.».»; lu i.g t« li, Hal I'euu i. la, legSriiii.iC liage. Co. C, II-:-i S. Jii. «rr hr.iu.-ii c.. i i th M jKulreil l.iaaag, < o. C, IStb N J.11.a.y .«uui/».t'.«f C* C, ;*3l»» I'eno.Hargl J-«, r. !.. .-c-.i, I o K i.'nt N Î.M flit »'.r g. ('<> V Jad.N YJeeeubBobb « u F. JaM.N. Yli.ulai Al« la. C-». ft, '"'-ti V»- n

li. liad o. »¡..urou.ii Ca. U 13*1 N J..-i,- lié i lu-i« Ca n ntkB Y.J I.»rilli li I «nu. I v t. »lb i'«i«aJu..«. \li«it«|. Co. 1». »J N. J kliieL

ri ii. i..r,-r ». :r. fa....-. it î'- r«. «M«ht.11. lu, A IK»! t.ii«b H Lar» (. ill'«. .:).fit.A .-. ..ii ri. A, liaxa aim li Hi aaoaian. it Ym., tugb.jl O ..«I A...Ma»».. Hi.«u. li Uraka. D, is.'N Y. tim.

I) «i. Y li .t Y t Ma... h p Y « A fifi Y i ig't,U. Btarltv», K 7 M«aa «Ide I', feraa «I, «».. N Y haoii.J n Y. t MtH., irg. > »lui.I», Hi l'a, leg.k A. 1 .Maa. nil« A I», ali, LU fa Y. 'tia

J. Ka». A, T Maaa..foot. Win Liuii ,e-, li I) P»i. «»'.Neill. « .1 wm. ...lint tlilgb.J fel»B«J. '' «BB I »«.. A .'«i.. I, I. I"».. 1.«

. igl. lOLuer. ó. «ri N. V.l.« V. I.e'lrrt« II BJ Pa «ra..ti gh «i1 h«Dd. fe ftefete. 0. Itt a t .

«.». »i, natMBSaS, li. tv M Y .Wu,. K. .1.»lgat, Si. N Y foail..u u.ler.J«. S «J íi«" I'«., »rio.

«, J I» nmllj, I. HN. Y.iM- J» i>. A ri Ta. -M- Hun.« Y MX M Y «nu.

Jultii ( u».i»«r. C, II l'a, I»,-"» I .¦¦..»«li li. iJ l'a. bip..i J »nn I»»-«' »V, li Mtlae ,B»fefeJL V>,

'¦.I ..» « '. '. a . g»l'A turn J J H'..rn ti Cfl T «Mgh

Heurj IVlialeii. C «- Pa. »Ide. J .Muidvrk I ».. N. Y leg.Lia«», li.iu« y.o: ..Y. b«i.d.Jtbi. i-.tirrt t.SJN. Y. .«,I ,'iu t «ai ..I ¦ F. li V*. li«b4 T J U [bart, C, 13 Pa., ab«ha» Knuner, A, HI Pa t.-.-k. dratnealieu. Illimrua uri li..t7 .N Y .A Iia»uia8. F, C3 N Y belt!Iiaik. , .

iilgi'tL| I,lo.. Hiakliil It? Pl.t I. !.. F.I? N Y.ani

.rui."»' 'I I.. ,«. « N Y.,l»g¡J«i. 1» Wo-I, K.'.' B.Y .hkiiil n le h«v, li. n N Y. ar-u

I., K m S Y la.ui. W. j La.M, t., d'. Stitt., al-

r .1 s-.«ii»j, y, m s y ,.«» .v.,,,,,,tuno... T. K-r.,1 «., HP» ,r«lr

|'.V«a.rl II JIP», leg 1 I'llj.A.WI'l. a.«lr.I) H»n rr-. (.ON Y a ii, J. M.wanl. E, Bl l'a., «im.

M »j II- U ll«.lv. «9 N Y..H li Steven. K 7 Ma.« .rUitkidtlj*. I» II I».'«i. f. t M«.a. I-«

Bl um. ir.l'.iJ'I.Y.lii " Tuan IT t| ii. m»C. Biaw, C.ÏJ.N Y bir 'J' If M.rm.r, f. PI Pa. arm

K K. Hue-worth, K, Bft Pa .tap» Jubn H Detaja, B3 fafoot nr. ^

1. Y,*. «, K. «J :J Y, f.f A «l^rir,. li Nip» .¦-,ililli) vI.. Sea«. K., ti l'a ,.»,.J

J. K» «u. «. «TJ N Y.»im L»i.c»-tr- i 8.» J'« »rlitti M.! »»I K.B I'», liilg» W I. OoornUv J tj N Y.

'. M. II Ciiun-h. li, lil tlnghY., iuum. .»» rel» N K,.l ..ore I« if. NY irm.

II M. WI eler. » Wii.J, M Coi.dly, I. C: N Y leg-ft. »\ H- Usada, K HÎ i't., I.

J n gg,.... at, 5 Jt j fot. J t Haig,.. A, lil» To iliigb.(»I ti In«,.», fe Wal, .M». J MfCaJlb Ii, Si.N. Y b.ud.Ul- r. Miller, i M'a ...... y. ¡,. » Il «n Y l.»udil S Ame«. | i Ut», it,,I, J It -«elie ui.rberii. K, ffl H.M, Ii « i.«er K, » Wl» Y »roi

«tri«aft M li\"B A 7 Min, lee.C. 1'. June» I» » BBl Bia 1 All»», A. .«»S ft. Y legLi ilalhiw.y, S Wi»., thigh N I, l».i i..r. «. 7 Min.Li. M. « «rt. r I Wi.., tialg'i tli.rhI Liwiarc«. 9H P«., eei-k. N «i.lir.p. II, 16 N. YW. Ely B, ti ti. Y.. «Id». H. Li »e, II. Bi ti Y , long«Lt.H»oi. L»wi» li b'J N Y. »r. J»» Headline, «J 31 N. Y..irria.IV II K...I I», n» N Y tblgh.( ..rp II. li Budd 1»,7 Ma»», lex.J«» IV.Igl.l. I» Iti N.Ï. hlV P..t Malone. A 7 Maa. baelJaa fltn.tli, I» «. N Y hip. Jaeob ».laber, B,23 I'».. IhlgB.M«r U.H*»rra«n,r,'BB Y lin, Wui llut.lD»on. H.Ï3P«.. hip.M. K How»ll, ti. Mu«. f..«t.i, M M«hrrne«r,«l 23, I» ti 9, Kobiu.o«., IHS!' M. Mu i'i,K, 7 M»«».,grola.

N- Y »rru.W |[..nj,ri h C. 7 Al»»« rli«»t.Jafea Bart, a. M B hip. W11.. Hummock, fe, 7 Mo. ,

John li...... .'« H U M Y »ide bark al .1M. Kr»u.'0|.i.l,. 31 B.Y.funt I», t 1,,'ugiï A,7 M.i» ,l"lhtly

" u.lhiih.|h

Petal ( Mt»r,-JI, Jl N. Y. ill..).. r'<lw«rd, K, 7 M.i. .Ibiili('.pt. 8:o»n. »IT31 N. Y. l«g. w 8 O «... A, 7 Maia, thighWin Milla, 111 NY .»h.mldur Joba UM »v. K (ii P» hand.J ti i ..ter K, 7 .«.»«.. at.,tir J I r,»t, ft, 7 Ma-» handP. V. i.i'1'..u. «), bl N Y .liait W \|r,l it, ii, bl N. Y thigh. I1 Hin»,li liUN. Y. l«g T l'enii. 0,0 N. Y f. «it. V\«,|..r, Y.ti N Y Lei I p. llrtirv, K. «t N. Y cheat. '

J ILauaran, li, BiN. Y ,h«al j Yu\,y,D I'<l ft Y DeadI». MiY.i, N. Y , liiigu IVi,,. Jiurt. I), »li .N' Y., IblghP. K"»vn, (:,(MiP«. iBIgli .i Mo«»lift, I». 8i N Y hindJ««. 1 »altara. A, W P« , nark «i Hli«rii.»n. Y t.' M Y Bifferi. « a Mut, .1. r. - , M, : M «a ¦."

'I '.a A OB i »Md» | MrMa.-nii, K.7M»». ,hr«a»l.P. P. I,,g1,.,,,, r, 7 Mj. ». Pri'.li.r.! If W N. Y «ru

.uaul.iar «» Hurt, K 7 Mm birkPaviJ KallaJiau I), 3« B. Y W. Bridge», P, T Maa.., ttilgb.l'illuly P Kelly, H, 31 N Y .«»r

a i»aa.i-. I- r, T li, u« i» ».,»-»..

« -...t. bli.» Y. 7 Mau hand. Juhi. J..nea, I, S8 S J tù'ghV. tu. Mclltvay, H, 31 N. Y Wa Poley, U, 33 N Y., fuit.

I aft Sergt W. li Aie Linier C, 33. Ur'f ( . Wl.. l.t.r» R. Y.

tia. K.,.-h, T. & W,, bund J M lltuinllu», H, 33 N Y,Ai .i Weed, imp« ,.,. Regar, J 1.M«»« «rai. I'lijab Rice ;. N Y ...

ÍBbi Uukkm. U. I Mmmmimmf» W. ft» faftBfefefel di ft. X «, «tfe%

J Csldavell, E. 41 N. Y.. side. J. Cfflsstaa, B. »B1». Y.,en-Cwe. K. Bavmund, ti, i W11., lia D. Clark. I, » Ví. fereheaá.

ibigr 1 »an. Carinia, I, tVL, lise.J..BU -esk, £. Î6 N. J.. «ni. Joba Kelley, I, Ï Vt-. thl|h.Beril E. Calila» K. 7 Ms..leg. 1m«o «urboB, B, 2« N. J«,f. Harton. JL Jti N. J , tBtgb. bavon.

, . . .

D. H. lys«, K. ¿1 N J., leg. J Caanlag-un, C, »6 N. J.,J. H -aaffaid. 77 N. Y., neck.K. B Henel 77 N. Y.. abdm. W_. Coagle. B, 2 Tea, cheek.J. Willi. I. 21 N. J., tblgü. F. A. Bush, i V«.. ii<le.«J. W. Hr.iler. T7 N. Y. K. A. Hallj. * Vt., cheek.K. Ken-Is. C, it N. Y., bestt J. L. Drear; A, M N. J .nightE C. Wright. H. Jl N. J-, B. Pilmer. II. J Vi., leg.

¦sin.Ü. fumm, H, 77 N. Y., tltlgb.1*. Hani, I, J3 M. T.. arm. W. Haulon. O, »1 N. Y., «bigb.l>. Barbs» I. 33 N Y arm. J. Cross. A. 77 N. Y., ..» £. E. It ret. I. 33 N. Y-, Henry Jama., A, 77 N. *.,thigh, thoelder.

Lawn t.'iiJg' i__ A, M N. J.,fi I'tr.'i t.-ii-t. I).7», N ;.,s,rt!y.severelv- W J.M. Peek li, It N.A.aU'-jr.

1». Porufvilo-e, A, M N. J tuO umtUt, I), .« N. J «liititly.I Vrrt-.v « l".nfl, l>, »A H, J , »lightly.T. lieie, A M N. I , seveielv. J P Y^uag.E, 2C »V.J., slig.t.y.T.Vrooui, AM N. J., sev.'ly. C. W Caiuuriug«, E, 2» N J ,

I. ........ II A a*'. N J.' Sll'tlV. ....'i.tlA. Kuer. A, »0 ti.J , slightly. J Y, ÍÍ N J-, iligutly.«.'.W.Mori,. B,2i N J. .»v'ly J. IJe'i, Y, 2». N J , slightly.J.W Uodd.B M N-J .siislnly, J V N. J. «li'tly.J H Nelaeo.B 2C N J., ii «Jilly. H Ia,K.lis.P, H S. J., i.lgmly.»*.»\.l)ui.ii ¡I.'.., N ;.,ii..l.'iv.J.A.M.«'l ,K **>. N.J ,ii».- ei».I*. K Ba.mi. li vi, N .1..aev'lv J It um.u,i. 2< > J » i.'h'.l/.< ( .. nier, U. ti N J.iiig fly.J Nevfiuai.,(J,26 N.J s'ight.y.K. T. -i.a'i| II ->r> N. J., til. Hem/ .imiil. f. Ubi. f., i.t.Ir... II 21 N J i.t. H. Y. lu.uer, B, J Vt.. ile.J Ui Hs 1 II 28 N J., .li. A. 8. T.acey, B2 Vt Bit.Ot. II Hil.v. H. 2» N !.. sU. L». B. Byrne, K. 3D N. V- sit0 M SlIlliIWIOI. a«5 a. J. »it C«k» ti.. UoUoD.C'JU N.Y. lila

!i.«.. Trowbridge K N. J, II -cVailat.d. K..13N.Y. alt.i.vare. Johu McJuin. K., JJ NY «It.

C P Betts, »N.J.. illght C- rp M. *.. W_oa. I 33 N.Jth.. Jo ss, 2t N J illgiit. Y. .light.Ja-.. Kü.keld. I'.. ?t N. Y «it t>. 8. Porter, D. 33 N. Y., litYd U li., or, I 33 N. Y ill. N. B Rl.ley, B. Il N. Ï-, lit.II A. Morse, C TJ N Y-, ill. San. AJsu.i, B, »3 N. Y , ill.Jib. Hyie. 1 >3 .**»'. Y, 1.1. Ue1.1v B.s», D. 3.1 N. Y sit.Au.o» Fb. rar. t. 33 *#. y all. 1 sr«, rtbuter, I, 33 N. Y.r «itBaruett Uiae an D, Ï3 is. Y. (¡eo. B'/ot. L, 3.» N. Y-, . Ight._i>_*-.t. I cru. (rev. T. Levert, C. a3 N.

\. n.. Moran C. 33 N. Y. al ght.illgLt. Ha., Uleeender B. 33 N Y,

i H K.itcbt H, 7 Me., illght, illght.t. Han.. I, B. 7 M- illght B. P. ilSSaSSSsI E. 33 N. Y.,»»te. ti tit, li. 77 N Y., .iga-, night.1 be. L.cbman C.7 MeillghtCba. K. Morn; U, Tí N. f.,J. I». 8cot». I), 77 N. Y., »Iigbt night.Corp. Killis Livtis.B, 33 N.V I..*. Ja. vis Ii. UN Y.,ilgbtillght. » «p» 1 ' ».:».- Ii. Cols, C, 33

Hlbb.rd 8, I. 7 »Me. -blslight. P. «¦» W Blsltey.U, 33 N.W u.. Hnvler. H. 77 .M. Y., -te- Y.. teve/ely.' Cb... ««Uria/, O, 33 X. Y-, se-Pu'nam Deantcg I 3£ It*. Y.,

I taeverelv Erikle» li Bin cb U. 77 N.Y..Cijit. Lu'.her M Wheeler, C. s*»erel'».Ti N. Y **rrt*'j A. C.Hu'.sell. D. 77 N Y .¡igb».W. Tavler. jr V, 77 N. Y.,U. Partéale.«r. A. 2t .N.J.t.verely. «everily.,

Ü. I'.»eu; rt. E. 77 N. Y WmU brian.A.JVt.slIshtly.slightly P. Bargen, 1). ? Vi.. isTsräly.

Corp. C f. Lovell, O 33 !«.Y T J. Trowbridge, I, M H. J.,sbgb'.lv ssverelj

J Young B, »Vi s. gU'v- C I». WjudwsiJ, I, » I ."-er.ipioa. A. 2 \ t te- verely.

»erely.Corp. A U P.stt, I, » Vt, se-8. is" w H. Kcler. (', ï Vt, t'tt. Prslt Sion», A. 2 Vt.,

8 L. I) Goodall, E. * Vt leverelv.»» J. Pstsln 3 D.i. Art , sUgbtiy.

T l) lir w11 E. » Vt iever»>y.Lor¡. J. Ka.iDai.a., F, 3 Vt.i Murray, I), » Vi neve.aly. illgblly.«LH. Knight, (, 2 Vi. slight y.C C Msidsr, C. 3 Vt W. Hlggiu. K2 it,t.. W., j', | \t,severely. tllgbtly.

Corp A Uobdeasugb, A, 2 Vt.WiiiUu« t. Shl;ifsr. A, 2 Vt,.evenly nightly.

Cep«. H 'r ». i« i- » 1... Ji-nei, 37 Mass., iJiibt. Iigbt- '..r I. -a. .. a. -. ,'a »l.ght.

Bergt J W. Hilton, (, » Vt, sUstW. < «I. iiami'tua, iW Pa.,«<

Corp T 9. Alniwo-rth K, 2 Cap». Moser, k1 Pa-, slight.Vi , nt».». Cpt Rooiaion ¦ N.Y.. ..igkt

8ergl -Msior Hebt C resist, 31 Co*. Juba«, 7 Mali., »«vere.N Y, ii ght I.ieat. Russell. 13 N. Y., slight

ii..: J ¡A A «ulric 5 Wit «Igt. Hen-lers..«. i Wit. ijjgbt.evere tapt K"Ot, »J N Y., night

? Oil'uey, B, 31 N Y J«w. t«ut le... 39 H. Y., -ight.A. A. Ijvw KB M»., 1. kst.di «,.- Brown, 33 N Y.,i..ght.

o.pTbeSwrgt. Mijar of 15 .-t.J.C Mil »» t, 31 B Y illght li eh'-,»bsi Heymcoi. l>, llii.l. Capt. A. 8. T1.7. 1 Vt. slightra.»»»

' Lliut Clerk». »Vt, alightC K.rirh.f.kl, I 31 N y. '.eg. Cipt. Bi'lou,2 Vi.idgbt'M l.yoai. K. »I N Y bee*. Cel Mn.wn, 3 N J, «lightLieut. I'!»»! IN Y Bat s»> Jheod K.J. A«tt Adj'.-i»,._

v»rr. to «>*¦ BrooS*. .:.,Bl.M. Power t. Jl N Y c».f. A.ljt Jo*. W11 i, 2.N J .¡jghtMijor VVheele». t »Vi» i.liht H P. Cook, A 'j' .¡»»ere. ta,» iii atxeeg » Wi. alight. Otu. Toii/ert, .'ig,'«t.

Bil ï in.I', r.-r Volkmaa. Y 31 N. Y. Cap«. JV..11 ger.NorvalW Maa», A. -9 I*« (api Y .-.,<

K.ri.jn 3 Vt »apt Bask.L'siuey McOa» 9» T* Mt Hale I. « Mair«,«tergl W Wu.iet, lal Ps. lap». KuletttfbOarker, 43 B. I.Sa. .el It. ... ÏM P.. ¡. - .t Keon., t» A. Y.TitijothT Kelly 9Ï Pa. Pairie* Rmourm ti N Y.Ma,ct Fitiüfl. Cai-t TuriM.ÍWii,l .1 1 owe, fi. Pe Craait. S ruug. 5 Wia.i.t ( .... Hail. tU I*» I amp. S H'i,»'eo. II Mette- I».«ut Mill... I H I«.Cap» "ray Byn.n Turk. J Wl« A ila«Li. Y, 33 N. Y. Angula 11.lag«, » II...U m Vat, Noitrand t, ai N Y Bidwell Pe-l.ey, J **l Is.N. «.-au Kiyi. ï 13 N. V. Uro K Beuaet, I Wis.Mi. Lie. Car'., F 3 N. Y Elijah «Sli >su.»»ei. I talan-r ard Smth. », 33 N. Y. Aaiuu Us.«.», j «S .1

Lieut. Iluicaueiy, t, 33 N«»v-At.dr.w llatauw 1 VVu.YsikW. P. Whit», J Wit

W* McP,limey B, 3J N. Y Wiu Cesaelt, », JJ N V.I. cut. 9, I). Hu» er 7 Me. Bn.j. rrtwiit ». 3j .N. t."«rgt BUS». 7 Me. Geo. II. Ki wen t»' N T.'Au. M, Li .ghin.. 7 Me. (bs. Austlu, F, Bai N. Y

Id tbe lliird Corrvs on the rtgbt «a« Lear of Gen.iierry, kilUtl. fait. Rand 1st Mass., killed;« '.'.pt Store and Col. McLaqgblin, -wounda'd, ihelatter taken iiriioner, Lieut-Col. More and Co!.McAllister, lltli New-Jersey, rotaciug, Adjutantkilled of th« 11th New-Jersey.

.4 rrlvitl mi Pri»nurr» In .Vn.Iiinglon.We take t . fo'lcwit.g i'.emt from \\ arbiiigt« d

paperstmVtu llüÉimí i.Er. a Pltisu>'ER.

(;. *. Fit.iiugf'i lie«; has been taken prisoner, andis now in this ..'../. i'nsvutrrrs were a: r.vins; hereall day yef.erday.

AKKIVAI. OP PRISONER!».I'pwurd of icur:et'it hun.ired praoner« arr»Te«i in

the « ily yeaiertiay. A luiy nuniher of oih -is were

titaioiig the n.niii'er. A Maher lot, o-msi-tiu«/, ofr.»-_! iv 'ifty Kill, li, it.cladiuic twooflicer« of the l'JthMiss'ssiijt, matt braubt m to Iba l'entrai Giurd-House Ina ottit-er who had tht«_ in chnrge in¬

formed . thal before tie left A> ¡aia ("re. ka íin^utchhivl been r *«-*eiTed there anuouiu-tng that 4,«J*»«* morewere on the way to the Creek. [Chronifle, Taeaday.

Karly tbi« ni«.ruins.» '-"'.« prisoners, including 41

otticerv, Hiiii'iifr tliein a Lteutei.ani.Coiouel andMajor, retatheti lina city from the irout, aud were

kv-i.t to the guard-bouse, whence tbey were su hat"

ijueii'.lv t ik-ti to the Larra, ks of th« Depot, the OldCapitol and Carroll priions being full.

lol. «..illili of »i.«.- leith l_a_-nppl Kegiinent isnuamy. the unailier.Al out nooi. to-tiuy anot'iar bo^it arrived at the

wharf wi ti Ä47 of t.'ie priaoner-., who w.-r« m«t at 1

tint wharf by u de'u«LuH-ut of the dfJih iiaisachu-aetts BagiBsaat, und'.d by way of.-ixthand,>. vr'it', streets lo PennBylvania avenue, undtheDCa ¡io the ...ii ka of the Depot, where they aro to be'luai .t-r.'d teiiii'"i".irily, Ainfunr thsee are hut threeB.I is. Of to Up» preaeut lune there ht»e arrivedH4'i. fseveriil thoutau.l more are expected »liortly.

'l'liese prisoners that when toey were captureda buttery of right spWiid places waa Ukeo wiihthetu, and unuiediiWely turned with death-dealinj,foret« u.oii the liel.els. [Star, Monday.

tll'R CASlAl.TIKS.l.ieut.-Coi. Chapín, l-fiJi Nsw-ïork, killed.Major li lauris, Kkh IMew-York, woande-i.('»["'.sin Sheiwood, Company I, rJ6ih New-York, Lansing. H&h New-York, woundad.


I n.or.c.lul Attetnpt mt tkc Rebela in He« ¦ pin re Frn4erlcb«bnrg-Tlte Kui I roadstut by Gen. *(«ou« niau.

The Wash ing'on correajvondent of The Phihidehphm fngtàrtr, writing u.ider date of Monday, gi vea,the following nt wa from th«* battle-iield, loceited at

Waehington:lu the attatck tt|-ou the fortification! tit Kredariek«-

bnrg our men yoi lu the rear ot tbe celebrated «ton«wuli that so enectaaiiy prote« tod th« ICebel« ia the«i sastrouu attack uuder uurnaid«.On Monday uiorinug the .ebel* mai« a desperate

atteoipt io ratriave the poaii.on at Frotjeuck.harg,hut w«T.' again reuailaed.Concermug «he tigtii tuatie by Hooker near Cban-

eellorsvllle, aionuw are »o coiitratlutory that we

prefer to wnit for more satisiactory details beforesiiving them publwify.

tat tighiiag hat been «lesperats, w,tb beary loweaOb tiwi*, tend, WlUia WC BiaTI tV mut» ti.« Wa- I

ef many biara officers and men, this is tbe priée to

be paid for lüceesa.The reports that Oeaerala tttekler, 81oen«» and

Coach hare ha«» killed wa not believed to be true.Certainly, 0«n. r-i. klen waa alive U«t evening.

lien, lierry, IxstiouU Aimy Corn«, waa killed inthe desperate fight near CUuioelluiaTille, wliero hudivision waa aallantlr euit-ngsd rstrievioff tbaground teniporanly 1 at by 0<ra. Howard « diviaioara Um preceding evening, auder Um aUaek of «a

overwhelming fore« of tu« eueniv. His body ar¬rived hera tHis afternoon. Ila waa »truck by aMime hall, which pierced tho lona« and probablylue heart.

It is remorad that a telefrata from ice Rebel Gan.Lae to the authorities at Ricbmoud baa been inter-cepted, in which he sails for re-enforeeosmta, aastaunouncas his »rntire inability to Bold out two day»longer unless they are sent.

GEB. BSOBEMAB AT WORK.Btonenaa s Cavalry appears to be doing effective

work in the Kebel rear, and is aaid to have cat theVu gima Central R«»ad, and also the Fredericksburgund Richmond Kotil at a point near Milford Station,«outb-weat of ChancellorsviUe, teanng np som« livemile« of tbe track, and .hu» cutting oft' L<m'b communi¬cation with Richmond. Btoneman is a:»o »aid to barecaptured a Confederate aupply tram at thai-point.We have not heard of the tre«tle-work nearer ta

t redericlulmrg being destroyed, bat if any i «m«id«r-a' le «tent of rail has (»ecu removed, it will eat oflibe couiLuuniciition between Kredericksbunt andiii. almond (ufflciantly long to answer Hooker's pur-po»e, wo take it.

A REBEL THAI* DESTROYED.D irins; tbe engagement at ChancellorsviUe on

Ätttanluy, »ays a correspondent of The Philadelphialaijwrer, our officers discovered a Rebel trat-r^rta-tion train on a bill some two miles eway, endeavor¬ing evidently, to reach some p«nnt near Gorden«-ville. Turnbull'» battery wat ordered up to shelliii« Rebels, «ml bo admirably were the guns »V>tted(every »hell »triking in the midst of the enemy, andbo seriously impeding their movements as to Compelitiem to no1 only nive np the attempt of pasting iathai «iii« o»ion, but to actually «el fire io and thus ds-»troy their .rain sod what i. waa loaded with.

Rrparte aad Baa«n ia WuaBlagtass.U A.uiawi i.v M'iu.'.ay, May 4, WSJ.

The city is intensely excitad to-day by tbe reportaj from the Army of the Potomac. Tbe «Tiw« is re¬

garded, thai far, as favorable and encuragieg, but,Lal the same time, tLere is naturally much kolicitutieaa to further and lut ire developments.The arrival of about 1,100 prisoners aince Satur¬

day certainly shows thal oar army baa not beeu

idle io making raptures, and it is reported that otb-era will soon arrive.

«t gentleman connected with army operations, who' arrived here early this morning, says there waa «kir-miahing all day on Saturday on tbe left, and «a 8uu-d-iy our batteries croeted over i<> r'rederi<-Itaburg on

pontoons at the foot of the Lucy House, or at a pointwhere soi. e of our forcea passed over previous to

the former battle. There was aoiae opu.rt.oa fromthe Rebels, but it was soon ended, an i a few more

killed. The movement waa cúmplete, bout a

! o'clock in the morning.The Rebel intrenchmenu were, not long after this,

slieiled from ibe vicinity of Frederirkabnrg and lafront. Meanwhile our troops on the left made a

flank movement, and, gaining lue enemy a rear, gul-lantly and impetuous'y attacked them, driving tue

Rebele frena their paition«, and eausiug them ewift-

ly to retreat at least two miles further back.

j The result was the capture of eleven 12 pounder»,and a large number of killed, wounded and j na¦ li¬

er» fell into our bands. The enemy succeeded mmoving off their other guns, wh«c!. had betu kept on

wheels.The gentleman from whom the above luforasatioa

ia obtained witnessed the fighting from an eminenceii ar Fredericksburg, and, while tbe conteit waa rag¬ing, rroaaed over, and no1 long thereafter visited the)deserted fortifi--niion«.

| The absence of cavalry waa a misfortune. Budlhere been a force of that arm of the service, the

enemy must bave been badly cat up in hi« dight,The enemy were slum in hesta before that stone

(wall, wine«, «o well answered the purpose of theil«Jafenae at the former battle of Fro«len» kaburg.

| This infortnant »ays that while our troop« were

driring the »'tierny ti ring was heard far back in theirrear.Our men were io splendid spiiitr, and ail of thee»

had the atincct confidence in Hooker..a»--

A Baa mt Ex-Beaatar Brow« a Prisoner.\\ «-»liMUTuS, Tur.d.j. Bay i, 186)

A son of ex-Senator A. O. Brown of M.«eie»ippi,is among the Rebel piisousn. More tban 3,1100 are

i. w here. .

CAPT. WM. TEMPLE BILLED.We regret to hear that Cast Wm. Temple of this

city was killsd in the battle of Ciianccllorviile. on

Sniurday. He belonged to the 17ih U. S. Itifantiy,and waa son of me Ute CoL Robert E. Terp le, f»rmerly of the {jute. Ile enteredthe service in 1M61. and was a yoiùig niau of greatI .-©mire. The sari intelligence was at i.aureed tehis family this morning. [Albany Jour., 5tb.


The Fire Bella at Darían Baag, bhbB aa

AiK-upi Blaaa la ß« »cn«- Hine.CI»embatí, lu«» ia-». Ma; 9, 18SJ

The Hou. Clement L. Vallandigham wa» arrester,

at his residence at Dayton, Ohio, lui*, by. a

detachment of «oldiers, who went up from Cincin¬nati by a special iron hut night.The «oldiera were obliged to batter dowu two oi

.lim, door« of his heu»« before Uley cuuli reach huroom and take him.His friends then ruui< the fire bell« and called oui

the people, when an attempt was made to rescue

bim, but it failed.He waa brought to this city.

CiaviBBATi, TaeitUr. May t. ItSJLA diiloyal mob has cul all the telegraph wires lit

Dayton and «el The Journal office on fire. It iafeared that the Phitlir-a House will be tired. Thetelegraph office has beau closed for fear of beinggutted by tbe notera.Vu LA.iniiiHAM. . The íiifataooi Vallandigaam

mad» a »peech bete laat evening, in which bedenounced lien. Burnside's order, aud said that thecourt-martial» being held at Cincinnati were illegal,and thal he would resist them. Vallandigham waato apeak at Mouin Vernon, a little towra in the back-woods of Ohio, today, and it is probable be spokehu aentimenta more freely. Gen. Burnside bad tentup a portion of bia statt' in eitiun*' drees to reportinn:, and we ahould not bo at all earpttsed to leamthat Velkndigbaiu had got bimaolf into a scrape.

ICeluinbu. (U.) DUpatch M CBUasa Tltfetta»

The Alabama Agala.By irlegrnh to l.i.t in'. Lxclauf«.

Borros. Tuaeaay. M.v I, 19t i

Ship Punjaub frcrn Boston is reportad to bare beencaptnred hy the Alabama and released on bonds.She belongs to the same firm that owued the Mora»ingStar.


Front Berrauda-Kaenpe. mt m BlaekaaaBaaaer.

By the brig Ocean Traveller we hare Bermuda

papers to AprilÄ Tbey eonlaia little newe.

The steamers Robert Lee, with ©0 balee of cot¬

ton, beside pitch, turpentine, rosin, ¿te, and Cor-nubi», with 370 bales of ootton, had arrived al St,George's from Wilmington. The former cleared aa

the 'J 1th on her return voyage.Airr-ed al BitniltoB, l'.eriuuà» April IO, buk Ills« Barn

Cooper. Ne» lula, April 21, Biig Cul. f«Dul.aati, fWakiti'New-Yerk.Cleared. April Ï0. brig Henutt«. Doe, Kew Yent, Ap.K

». ahip Uaiuude, Wkilnia». Hieugtie-,, April S3, «ehaeuarUouoti. feaiuian, Ballimore.

Arrrat mt *rceaai«ml»ts la «t. Laa la.Br. Lona, Tuaaaar. May S, 1*5J

Fifteen or twenty of tue most prominent 8<xva.ioniata of this city were arrestad t>>d«y under QauCauitfcceutwtie/.