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॥ वैराय शतकम .. vairAgya shatakam .. September 11, 2017

· PDF file॥ वैराग्य शतकम् ॥ .. vairAgya shatakam .. vairagya.pdf Author, Transliterated by: Sunder hattangadi sunderh at ,

Feb 06, 2018



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॥ वराय शतकम ॥.. vairAgya shatakam ..

September 11, 2017

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.. vairAgya shatakam ..

॥ वराय शतकम ॥

Sanskrit Document Information

Text title : Vairagya Shatakam by bhartRihari

File name : vairagya.itx

Category : shataka, major_works

Location : doc_z_misc_major_works

Transliterated by : Sunder hattangadi sunderh at

Proofread by : Sunder hattangadi, P R Iyer iyerpr49 at

Translated by : Sunder hattangadi sunderh at

Description-comments : vairAgya from Bhartrihari@s three hundred-verse sets

Latest update : January 22, 1999, June 15, 2016

Send corrections to : [email protected]

This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study andresearch. The file is not to be copied or reposted without permission, forpromotion of any website or individuals or for commercial purpose.

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September 11, 2017

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१ ताषणम ।

चडोिसतचचाकिलकाचिखाभारोलीलादधिवलोलकामशलभः ौयोदशाम रन ।अःज दपारमोहितिमराारमाटयनःचतःसिन योिगना िवजयत ानदीपो हरः ॥ १॥

1 Condemnation of DesireTo Him who appears radiant in the shimmering rays, like half-bloomed buds,of the crescent moon which ornaments His head; who sportivelyburned Cupidlike a moth; whose presence augurs supreme well-being; who, likethe sun,inwardly dispels the dense darkness of ignorance engulfing themind; who islike a lamp of knowledge shining in the hearts of yogis; Victoryto Shiva!ता = thirst (of desire)षण = condemnationचड = headउिसत = made an ornamentच = moonचा = beautifulकिलका = partially opened budsचिखा = lambent beamsभारः = shining sunलीला = sportदध = burnt upिवलोल = unsteadyकाम = passionशलभः = a moth

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

ौयोदश = circumstances of prosperityअम = in front ofरन = appearingअःज त = spreading forth in the heartअपार = endlessमोह = ignoranceितिमर = nightाार = heavy mass at the frontउाटयनः = smites awayचतः = heartसिन = in the temple ofयोिगना = of the yogiिवजयत = proves victoriousानदीपः = light of knowledgeहरः = Siva

ा दशमनकग िवषम ा न िकिलम ा जाितकलािभमानमिचत सवा कता िनला ।भ मानिवविज त परगहाशया काकवत त जिस पापकमिपशन नाािप सिस ॥ २॥

Travelling across many difficult and dangerous places brought menowealth; giving up pride of lineage, I have served the rich in vain,without self-respect, in others’ homes; I have craved and eaten likecrows in others’ homes; and still, oh Desire! instigator of wickeddeeds,you prosper and even then remain unsatisfied.

ा = roamedदश = placesअनक = various


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ग = difficultिवषम = obstaclesा = obtainedन = notिकित = even a littleफल = result/wealthा = having given upजाित = birth in a casteकल = lineageअिभमान = prideउिचत = properसवा = serviceकता = having performedिनला = fruitlessभ = fedमान = honorिवविज त = devoid ofपरगहश = in others’ homesआशया = hankering after gainकाकवत = like a crowत = thirsting desireजिस = increasesपापकमिपशन = indicative of evil deedsन अ अिप = not now evenसिस = satisfied

उात िनिधशया ििततल ाता िगरधा तवोिनीण ः सिरता पितन पतयो यन सतोिषताः ।माराधनतरण मनसा नीताः मशान िनशाःाः काणवराटकोऽिप न मया त सकामा भव ॥ ३॥

Digging the earth for wealth, smelting the rocks for prciousmetals,

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

crossing the oceans, laboring to keep in favor of kings, chantingincantations with a totally absorbed mind in cremation sites,–broughtme not even a broken piece of a glimmering shell. Oh Desire!therefore,remain contented.उात = dugिनिध = precious metalsशया = in quest ofििततल = earthाता = smeltedिगरः = stonesधातवः = precious metalsिनीण ः = crossedसिरता = oceansपितः = chiefनपतयः = royalयन = with effortसतोिषताः = favoredम = incantationsआराधन = worshipतरण = utmost effortमनसा = mentallyनीताः = carried outमशान = cramation groundsिनशाः = nightsाः = achievedकाणवराटकः = a broken cowrieअिप = evenन = notमया = by me


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त = desireसकामा = satisfiedभव = be

खलालापाः सोढाः कथमिप तदाराधनपरःिनगाबा हिसतमिप शन मनसा ।कतो िवितहतिधयामिलरिपमाश मोघाश िकमपरमतो नत यिस माम ॥ ४॥

Enduring somehow in servility the talk of the wicked; holdingback tears;smiling with a vacant mind; bowing low to wealthy but stupidpeople; ohinsatiable Desire! What other futile deeds would you have medance in?खल = wickedआलापाः = talkसोढाः = shabbyकथमिप = somehowतत = thatआराधनपरः = servile attendanceिनग = suppressingअबा = tearsहिसत = smilingअिप = evenशन = vacantमनसा = mentallyकतः = madeिव = wealth = inactiveितहत = dulledिधया = intellect

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

अिलः = obeisanceअिप = also = youआश = oh Desire!मोघाश = with hopes thwartedिक = whatअपर = otherअतः = henceनत यिस = danceमा = me

अमीषा ाणाना तिलतिबिसनीपऽपयसाकत िक नाािभिव गिलतिववक विसतम ।यदाानामम ििवणमदिनःसमनसाकत वीतोीडिन जगणकथापातकमिप ॥ ५॥

Our energies, as fickle as the water drops on the lotus leaf, wehave spentwith thoughtless abandon. In front of the rich, with their mindsdulled by thearrogance of wealth, we have sinned by flattering ourselves.अमीषा = ourाणाना = all the vital forcesतिलत = unsteadyिबिसनी = lotusपऽ = leafपयसा = waterकत = doneिक = whatन = notअािभः = by usिवगिलत = depraved


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िववकः = conscienceविसत = performedयत = whichआाना = of the richअम = in the presenceििवणमद = pride of wealthिनःस = stupefiedमनसा = mindsकत = committedवीत = withoutोीडर = shameिनजगण = own virtuesकथा = recitingपातक = sinअिप = even

ा न मया गहोिचतसख न सतोषतःसोढाःसहशीतवाततपनशा न त तपः ।ात िवमहिन श िनयिमताणन शोः पदतम कत यदव मिनिभ फलव िताः ॥ ६॥

Forgiving out of weakness, giving up comforts of the home out oflackof fulfilment, tolerating the unbearable cold, wind, heat, withoutfulfilling austerities, thinking of riches day and night withintenseenergy but not on Shiva’s feet,; thus have we performed the actionsofthe ascetic recluse, but devoid of the benefits.ा = forgivenन = notमया = forgivenessगहोिचतसख = comforts of home-life

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

= renouncedन = notसतोषतः = with contentmentsoDhAःसह = inclementशीत = coldवात = windतपन = heatशा = suffered inclement weatherन = notत = heatedतपः = austeritiesात = meditatingिव = moneyअहिन श = day and nightिनयिमत = controlledाणः = breath and vital forcesन = notशोः = of Shivaपद = feetतम =those very actsकत = doneयदव = which verilyमिनिभः = by reclusive saintsत = those onlyफलः = of good resultsविताः = deprived of

भोगा न भा वयमव भाःतपो न त वयमव ताः ।कालो न यातो वयमव याता-


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ा न जीणा वयमव जीणा ः ॥ ७॥

We have not enjoyed mundane pleasures, but ourselves have beendevoured bydesires. We have not performed austeriries, but got scorchedourselves,nevertheless; time is not gone but we approach the end. Desiresdo notwear out, only we ourselves are struck down by senility.भोगा = worldly pleasuresन = notभा = enjoyedवय एव = we ourselvesभाः = eaten upतपः = austeritiesन = notत = performedवय एव = we ourselvesताः = burntकालः = timeन = notयातः = goneवय एव = we ourselvesयाताः = goneता = desireन = notजीणा = reducedवय = weएव = aloneजीणा ः = aged

वलीिभम खमाबा पिलतनाित िशरः ।

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

गाऽािण िशिथलाय तका तणायत ॥ ८॥

Face covered with wrinkles, the head painted white with gray hair,the limbsfeeble, and yet Desire alone stays youthful.वली = with wrinklesमख = faceआबा = attackedपिलतन = grey hairअित = painted whiteिशरः = headगाऽािण = limbsिशिथलाय = enfeebledतका = desire aloneतणायत = rejuvenating

िनवा भोगा पषबमानोऽिप गिलतःसमानाः या ताः सपिद सदो जीिवतसमाः ।शनय ान घनितिमर च नयन अहो मढः कायदिप मरणापायचिकतः ॥ ९॥

With desires receding, evenmuch respect ofmany dropping away,dearfriends close tomy heart fleeing to heaven, standing up slowly withthe help of a stick, eyesight darkened by cataracts,—even then thebody in its stupidity, wonders at the prospect of death!िनवा = recededभोगा = desire for pleasuresपष = personबमानः = respectअिप = alsoगिलतः = lost


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समानाः = compeersया ताः = gone to heavenसपिद = swiftlyसदः = dear friendsजीिवतसमाः = as much as lifeशनः = slowlyयान = raise oneself slowly with the help of a staffघनितिमर = covered by dense cataractsच = andनयन = eyesअहो = alasमढः = stupidityकायः = the bodyततिप = even thenमरणापायचिकतः = wonders at the thought of death

आशा नाम नदी मनोरथजला तातराकलारागमाहवती िवतक िवहगा धय िमिसनी ।मोहावत सराितगहना ोिचातटीताः पारगता िवशमनसो नि योगीराः ॥ १०॥

Hope, like a river, with fantasies as water, agitated by waves ofdesires;attachments to various objects serving as prey; abounding inthoughts of greed,like birds; destroying the foes of courage; surrounded by eddiesof ignorancedeep and difficult to cross; with precipitous banks of anxiety—such a riverthe perfected yogis of pure minds, cross to enjoy beatitude.आशा = hopeनाम = named

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

नदी = riverमनोरथजला = of the water of desiresता = passionsतर = wavesआकला = ragingरागमाहवती = grasped by attachments to objectsिवतक = scheming thoughts (of greed)िवहगा = birdsधय = courageिम = treeिसनी = destroyerमोहावत = whirlpools of ignoranceसर = impassableअित = greatगहना = deepो = precipitousिचा = anxietyतटी = banksताः = theirपारगताः = cross beyondिवश = purifiedमनसः = mindनि = enjoyयोगीराः = great yogisिवषयपिरागिवडना ।

न ससारो चिरतमनपयािम कशलिवपाकः पयाना जनयित भय म िवमशतः ।महिः पयौघिरपिरगहीता िवषयामहाो जाय सनिमव दात िवषियणाम ॥ ११॥


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I do not see true well-being accruing from actions repeated lifeafter lifein this world. On deep thought, I find it fearsome this collectionof merits.By this great store of merits further enjoyments can be procured.Attachment topleasures only brings more misery.िवषय = sensual objectsपिराग = giving upिवडना = futile effortsन = notससारो = produced through life after lifeचिरत = performedअनपयािम = seeकशल = well-beingिवपाकः = accumulationपयाना = of virtuesजनयित = engendersभय = fearम = in meिवमशतः = on deep thinkingमहिः = by greatपय = meritओघः = streamिचर =constantपिरगिहताः = earnedच = andिवषया = sensual pleasuresमहाः = greatlyजाय = producesसनिमव = misery

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

दात = givingिवषियणा = those attached to pleasures

अवय यातारिरतरमिषािप िवषयािवयोग को भदजित न जनो ययममन ।ोजः ातादतलपिरतापाय मनसःय ा त शमसखमन िवदधित ॥ १२॥

Sensual pleasures will surely leave us sometime, even if they staywith usfor a long time. Then, what difference does it make if the peoplediscard themby their own choice? The mind is sorely afflicted if pleasures leaveusof their own accord. However, if people renounce themvoluntarily, suchself-control gives infinite bliss.अवय = certainlyयातारः = goneिचरतर = long timeउिषािप = even after stayingिवषया = sensual pleasuresिवयोग = departureकः = whatभदः = differenceजित = give upन = notजनः = peopleययममन = that of their own accordोजः = leaveातात = on their ownअतल = incomparable


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पिरतापाय = miseryमनसः = mentalय = by themselvesा = give upत = verily theseशम = self-controlसख = happinessअन = infiniteिवदधित = specially give

ानिववकिनम लिधयः कव हो रयपभोगभािप धनाकातो िनःहाः ।साा परा न सित न च ाौ ढयान वाामाऽपिरमहानिप पर न शा वयम ॥ १३॥

Ah! knowledge of Reality gained by discrimination throughpurified intellectmust be difficult. For it results from the absolute renunciation ofdesireswhich wealth enabled them to enjoy. The same obtained in thepast or present,or to be obtained in the future, we are unable to renounce, thoughthey remainas mere longings.ान = knowledge of supreme realityिववक = discriminationिनम ल = pureिधयः = mindsकव ि = doअहो = ah!र = difficult to achieveयत = which

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

म = discardउपभोगभािप = bringing enjoymentधनािन = wealthएकातः = whollyिनःहाः = those devoid of cravingसाा = not obtainedपरा = in the pastन = notसित = in the presentन = notच = andाौ = obtainedढ = firmयान = convictionवाामाऽ = desiringपिरमहानिप = to obtainपर = lasting = to give upन = notशा = ableवय = we

धाना िगिरकरष वसता ोितः पर ायताआनाौकणािबि शकना िनःशमशया ।अाक त मनोरथोपरिचतासादवापीतट-बीडाकाननकिलकौतकजषामायः पर ीयत ॥ १४॥

Blessed are they who live in mountain-caves,meditating on theSupreme Light,with the birds fearlessly sitting on their laps drinking the tears ofjoy.


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Our life fades away, revelling in fantasies in palaces or on thebanksof refreshing ponds, or in pleasure gardens.धाना = blessedिगिरकरष = in mountain-cavesवसता = livingोितः = lightपर = supremeायता = meditatingआन = joyअौकणान = tear dropsिपबि = drinkशकना = birdsिनःश = without fearअशया = sitting on lapsअाक = ourत = indeedमनोरथ = fantasiesउपरिचत = createdासाद = palacesवापीतट- = on banks of watersबीडा = sportकाननकिलकौतक = pleasure gardensजषा = fastआयः = lifeपर = fastीयत = weakens ..14..

िभाशन तदिप नीरसमकवारशा च भः पिरजनो िनजदहमाऽम ।व िवशीण शतखडमयी च का

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

हा हा तथािप िवषया न पिरजि ॥ १५॥

For eating I have tasteless food once a day, after begging of alms;the earthfor a bed, and my own body as a servant; for dress, a blanket madefromhundreds of rags; and yet alas! sensual desires do not leave me!िभाशन = food by beggingतदिप = that tooनीरस = tastelessएकवार = once a dayशा = bedच = andभः = earthपिरजनः = attendantsव = dressिवशीण = worn outशतखडमयी = torn in hundred piecesच = andका = patched upहा = alasहा = alasतथािप = even thenिवषया = sensual cravingन = notपिरजि = give up

नौ मासमी कनककलशािवपिमतौमख ागार तदिप च शशान तिलतम ।ॐवऽी किरवरिशरिध जघनमिन प किवजनिवशषग कतम ॥ १६॥


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The poets give such metaphors as golden vessels to the breastswhich arebut two lumps of flesh; the mouth, seat of phlegm and mucus, arecompared tothe moon; the loins, outlet for wet urine, are likened to theforehead ofan elephant; thus glorifying the human form that is alwayscontemptible.नौ = breastsमासमी = lumps of fleshकनककलशािवपिमतौ = compared to golden jugsमख = mouth = saliva/phlegmअगार = seatतदिप = yetच = andशशान = to the moonतिलत = compared toॐवन = flowingमऽ = urineि = fouledकिरवर = elephantिशर = headिध = likened toजघन = hip and loinsमिन = ever despicableप = formकिवजन = poetsिवशषः = especiallyग = greatकत = done

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

एको रािगष राजत ियतमादहाध हारी हरोनीरागष जनो िवमललनासो न यारः ।वा ररबाणपगिवषािवमधो जनःशषः कामिवडिता िवषयाो न मो मः ॥ १७॥

Uniquely great is Shiva among the sensuous, for he shares half thebody withHis beloved; among the dispassionate no one excels Him indetachment from women.Rest of the people, stunned in infatuation by Cupid’s irresistiblearrows tippedwith serpent poison, can neither enjoy their desires nor give themup at will.एकः = one, uniqueरािगष = sensualराजत = stands outियतमा = belovedदह = bodyअध हारी = sharingहरः = Sivaनीरागष = among the dispassionateजनः = peopleिवम = freeललना = womanसः = companyन = notयात = from whichपरः = superiorवा रर = irresistible, Cupidबाण = arrow


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पग = snakeिवष = poisonािव = smittenमधः = stupefiedजनः = peopleशषः = restकामिवडितान =infatuated by loveन = notिवषयाो = enjoying desiresन = notमो = give upमः = able

अजानाहा पतत शलभीोदहन स मीनोऽानािडशयतमात िपिशतम ।िवजानोऽत वयिमह िवपालजिटलान न मामः कामानहह गहनो मोहमिहमा ॥ १८॥

Like a moth falling in fire, not knowing its burning power; or likethe fishcaught in ignorance by the baited hook; we, despite knowing thedangers, do notrenounce sensual pleasures. Oh! how profound is the glory ofdelusion!अजानन = not knowingदाहा = burning powerपतत = fallsशलभः = mothतीो = glowingदहन = in fireस = thatमीनः = fish

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अिप = alsoअानाद = due to ignoranceविडश = fish-hookयत = withअात = fish also due to ignorance eats from the hookिपिशत = baitिवजानः = intellectual understandingअिप = evenएत = herewithवयिमह = we hereिवपालजिटलान = complex and dangerousन = notमामः = give upकामानहह = sensualityगहनः = profoundमोहमिहमा = power of delusion

तषा शा िपबित सिलल शीतमधरधात ः शाान कवलयित मासािदकिलतम ।दी कामाौ सढतरमािलित वधतीकार ाधः सखिमित िवपय ित जनः ॥ १९॥

When the mouth is parched with thirst, a person drinks cool andsweet water;when smitten with hunger the person eats rice, flavored with meatet cetera.;when afire with passion, he embraces the wife with great firmness;thus, joyis the remedying of these diseases(thirst,hungr,lust), and yet howmuch distressin these remedies!तषा = thirst


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शत = parchedआ = mouthिपबित = drinksसिलल = waterशीत = coldमधर = refreshingधात ः = hunger-strickenशाान = cooked foodकवलयित = eatsमासािदकिलत = made delicious by adding meat, etc.दी = arousedकामाौ = fiery desireसढतर = very firmlyआिलित = embracesवध = wifeतीकार = opposingाधः = diseasesसखिमित = happinessिवपय ित = upsetजनः = persons

त व म सताः सतामिभमताः साितगाः सदःकाणी दियता वय नविमानमढो जनः ।मा िवमनर िनिवशत ससारकारागहसय णभगर तदिखल धसित ॥ २०॥

Owning towering mansions, with sons honored by the learned andwealthy;with a charitable and youthful wife, the ignorant people regardthisworld as permanent, and enter this prison of repeated cycles ofbirth

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and death. Blessed indeed is one who sees the momentarytransience andrenounces it.

त = tallव म = mansionsसताः = sonsसतामिभमताः = honored by the learnedसाितगाः = immeasurableसदः = wealthकाणी = beneficentदियता = charitableवयः = ageच = andनव = youngइित = thusअान = ignoranceमढः = deludedजनः = personsमा = thinkingिव = worldअनर = permanentिनिवशत = regardससार = world cycles (creation-dissolution)कारागह = prisonसय = having seenणभगर = momentarinessतदिखल = all thatध = blessed indeedसित = renouncesयाादषणम ।


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दीना दीनमखः सदव िशशकराकजीणा राबोशिः िधतिन रिवधरा ा न चिहनी ।यााभभयन गदगलिलीनारको दहीित वददधजठराथ मनी पमान ॥ २१॥

Distressed, misery written on her face, constantly tugged at herworn-outclothes by hungry, crying children—if one were to see such a wife,what wise person, smitten with hunger, with a choked andfaltering voice,

would say Give me, fearing refusal of his entreaty?याा = supplicant attitudeद = povertyषण = condemnationदीना = sufferingदीनमखः = piteous facesसदव = alwaysिशशकः = by childrenआक = pullingजीण = worn outअरा = clothesबोशिः = cryingिधतिन रिवधरा = hungry without foodा = seeingन = notचद = if it beगिहनी = one’s wifeयाा = requestभ = refusalभयन = fear ofगदगलत = choking

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ऽद = falteringिवलीन = jumbledअर = voiceकः = whoदहीित = give me, thusवदत = speaks = one’s ownदध = on fireजठर = of the stomachअथ = for the sake ofमनी = wiseपमान = man

अिभमतमहामानमिभदपटीयसीगतरगणमामाोजतोलचिका ।िवपलिवलसावीिवतानकठािरकाजठरिपठरी रय करोित िवडनम ॥ २२॥

Clever in undoing the knots of self-respect; like the moonlightbrightlyshining on the lotus of virtues; like a hatchet cutting off the lushcreepersof our vaunted modesy— such is the hard mockery of filling thepit ofthe stomachअिभमतमहामानमिभदपटीयसी = fond self-respect,likeknots,being cleverly cutगतरगणमामाोजतोलचिका = greatly valuedvirtues of the lotus in bright moonlightिवपलिवलसावीिवतानकठािरका = great modesty,growingabundantly like creepers, cut by a scytheजठरिपठरी = pit of the stomach


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रय = hard to fillकरोित = doिवडन = undoing

पय माम वन वा महित िसतपटपािल कपािलादाय ायगभ िजततभधमध ोपकठ ।ार ार िवो वरमदरदरीपरणाय धातमानी ाणः सनाथो न पनरनिदन तकष दीनः ॥ २३॥

Wandering in holy places or extensive forests, whose outskirts aregrey withsmoke of fires tended by priests expert in rituals; a begging bowlin handcovered with a white cloth; entering from door to door to appeasethe distressinghunger by filling the stomach and sustaining the energy, ispreferred by aself-respecting person to being a beggar among his compeersevery day.पय = holyमाम = placesवन = forestsवा = orमहित = greatिसत = whiteपटपािल = cloth coveringकपािल = begging bowlिह = indeedआदाय = takingायगभ = experts in ritualsिज = brahmanasततभग = sacrificial fires

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धम = smokeध = greyउपकठ = peripheryार = doorार = doorिवः = enterवर = man of self respectउदरदरी = cavity of the stomachपरणाय = fillingधात ः = craving with hungerमानी = self-respectingाणः = energiesसनाथः = preservedन = notपनरनिदन = day to dayतकष = among one’s peersदीनः = beggar

गातरकणशीकरशीतलािनिवाधरािषतचािशलातलािन ।ानािन िक िहमवतः लय गतािनयावमानपरिपडरता मनाः ॥ २४॥

Will the Himalayan ranges, cooled by the fine spray from thewaves of the Ganges,and with the beautiful rocky plateaus habited by celestialmusicians, dissolveand disappear, prompting people to disgrace themselves bydepending on othersfor their livelihood?गातर = waves of Gangesकण = minute bits


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शीकर = sprayशीतलािन = coolिवाधर = celestial beings expert in the artsअिषत = inhabitedचा = beautifulिशला = rockतलािन = plateausानािन = placesिक = whyिहमवतः = rockyलय = destructionगतािन = goneयत = whichसावमान =humiliatedपरिपडरता = dependent on othersमनाः = human beings

िक काः करः लयमपगता िनझ रा वा िगिरःा वा तः सरसफलभतो विल शाखाः ।वी यखािन सभमपगतौयाणा खलानाःखािवयपवनवशाित तलतािन ॥ २५॥

Have the roots and herbs from the caves gone out of existence, orhavethe streams disappeared from the mountains, or have the treesyieldingsucculent fruits on their branches and barks from their trunks beendestroyed, which would lead these wicked folks, destitute of goodbreeding, to show their faces, with eyebrows dancing like wind-blowncreepers due to arrogance of laboriously earning their meagerlivelihood?

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

िक = is itकाः = roots/herbsकरः = from cavesलयमपगता = disappearedिनझ रा = streamsवा = orिगिरः = from mountainsा = destroyedवा = orतः = from treesसरस = juicyफल = fruitsभतः = bearingविलः = giving barksच = andशाखाः = branchesवी = goneयखािन = whose facesसभ = extremelyअपगत = devoid ofौयाणा = good breedingखलाना = wickedःख = miseryआ = acquired = littleिव = wealthय = arroganceपवन = windवशान = moved vyनित त = dancing = eye-brow


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लतािन = creepers

पयम लफलथा णियन वि काधनाभशा नवपवरकपणि यावो वनम ।िाणामिववकमढ मनसा यऽराणा सदािवािधिवकारिवलिगरा नामािप न ौयत ॥ २६॥

Now, accepting lovingly the sacred roots and fruits for sustenanceand theearth covered with fresh leaves of branches for a bed, let us goforth to theforest, where people whose minds are mean and devoid ofdiscretion, and whoalways talk excruciatingly of the afflictions of wealth, are not evenheard from.पयः = sacredमल = rootsफलः = fruitsतथा = thereforeणियन = enjoyableवि = attitudeक = makeअधना = nowभशा = the earth as a bedनव = newपवः = leavesअकपणः = without griefउि = ariseयावः = goवन = forestिाणा = of the trivialअिववक = unintelligent

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

मढ = stupidमनसा = mindsयऽराणा = where, of the richसदा = alwaysिव = wealthािध = afflictionsिवकार = unfavorable changesिवल = excruciatingिगरा = talkनामािप = even the nameन = notौयत = heard

फल ाल ितवनमखद िितहापयः ान ान िशिशरमधर पयसिरताम ।मशा शा सलिलतलतापवमयीसह साप तदिप धिनना ािर कपणाः ॥ २७॥

With fruits available at will in every forest, and cool, sweet waterfrom holystreams in every place, and a bed made of tender leaves and twigs,still thesemiserable people endure sorrow at the gates of the rich.फल = fruitा = at willल = gotितवन = in every forestअखद = without sorrowिितहा = walk on the earthपयः = waterान = placeान = place


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िशिशरमधर = cool, sweetपयसिरता = holy streamsमशा = soft to touchशा = bedसलिलत = tenderलता = creepersपवमयी = made of twigsसह = sufferसाप = griefतदिप = stillधिनना = of the wealthyािर = at the doorsकपणाः = pitiable

य वत धनपितपरः ाथ नाःखभाजोय चा दधित िवषयापपया बः ।तषामःिरतहिसत वासरािण रयानद िशखिरकहरमावशािनषणः ॥ २८॥

Those who grovel before the rich, and those given to meannesswith their reasonsatisfied with mere sensual pleasures, may I recall their days ofplight withan inner smile, while lying down on a stone-bed in a mountain-cave, during lullsin-between meditation.य = whoवत = behaveधनपितपरः = richाथ ना = supplicationःखभाजः = suffering miseryय = who

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

चा = and meannessदधित = given toिवषय = sensual pleasuresआपपया = contentedबः = mindsतषा = theirअःिरत = inwardly arisingहिसत = smilingवासरािण = daysरय = rememberानद = in intervals of meditationिशखिर = on the mountainकहर = caveमावशा = bed of stoneिनषणः = lying

य सोषिनररमिदतषा न िभा मदोय धनसकलिधयषा न ता हता ।इ क कत कतः स िविधना कीद सदााव समाहममिहमा मन म रोचत ॥ २९॥

The joy of those who are contented remains uninterrupted, whilethose greedy forwealth and with confused reason never have their cravings killed.Therefore, forwhat purpose did the Creator bring into existence the Merumountain of infiniteriches, which serves only to glorify itself? I have no taste for it.य = theyसोष = contentementिनरर = uninterruptedमिदतः = felicitous


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तषा = theirन = notिभा = interruptedमदः = happyय = they = othersधन = wealth = greedसकल = confoundedिधयः = reasonतषा = of thoseन = notता = thirst, cravingहता = killedइ = suchक = whoseकत = doneकतः = finishedस = thatिविधना = by the Creatorकीद = thusसदा = wealthाव = in itselfसमा = endहम = goldमिहमा = gloryमन = not Meru (mountain of gold)म = to meरोचत = like

िभाहारमदमितसख भीितिद सव तो

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

मा य मदािभमानमथन ःखौघिवसनम ।सव ऽाहमयसलभ साधिय पावनशोः सऽमवाय मयिनिध शसि योगीराः ॥ ३०॥

Food obtained by begging alms is not humiliating, gives joy thatisnot dependent on fulfilling others’ needs, and is totally devoid offear. It destroys envy, arrogance, pride, impatience, and the streamofmiseries. It is easily available everywhere, without great effort, andregarded as sacred by holy persons. It is like Shiva’s feeding house,ever accessible and inexhaustible. Thus do the perfectedyogis describe it.िभा = almsआहार = foodअद = not humiliatingअितसख = pleasure, not dependent(earning,social duty,etc)भीितिद = devoid of fearसवतः = totallyमा य = wicked envyमद = arroganceअिभमान = prideमथन = destructionःख = sorrowओघ = flowिवसन = removalसवऽ = everywhereअह = everydayअय = with little effortसलभ = easilyसाधिय = dear to the holy persons


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पावन = purifyingशोः = Siva’sसऽ = feeding houseअवाय =accessibleअयिनिध = inexhaustibleशसि = praiseयोगीराः = perfected yogisभोगाय वण नम ।

भोग रोगभय कल ितभय िव नपालायमान दभय बल िरपभय प जराया भयम ।शा वािदभय गण खलभय काय कताायसव व भयाित भिव नणा वरायमवाभयम ॥ ३१॥

4 Description of the transiency of Enjoyments:There is fear of disease in the enjoyment of sensual pleasures; inlineage, fear of decline; in riches, fear of kings; fear of humiliationin honor; fear of enemies when in power; fear of old age in beauty;inlearning, fear of disputants; in virtue, fear of the wicked; in body,fear of death. All facets of man’s life onearth engender fear; renunciation alone is fearless.भोग = enjoymentsअय = trasitorinessवण न = descriptionभोग = in enjoymentरोग = diseaseभय = fearकल = in lineageितभय = fear of disgraceिव = in wealthनपालाय = fear of more powerful kings

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

मान = in honorदभय = dishonorबल = in strengthिरपभय = fear of enemiesप = in beautyजराया = old ageभय = fearशा = in scriptural knowledgeवािदभय = fear of debatersगण = in virtueखलभय = fear of the wickedकाय = in bodyकतााय = fear of deathसव = allव = existeceभयाित = pervaded by fearभिव = in this worldनणा = of personsवराय = renunciationएव = aloneअभय = fearless

आबा मरणन ज जरसा चाल यौवनसोषो धनिलया शमसख ौढानािवमः ।लोकम िरिभग णा वनभवो ालन पा ज नःअयण िवभतयोऽपहता म न िक कन वा ॥ ३२॥

Birth is attacked by death, and bright youth by old age;contentmentby greed for wealth; peace of mind by seductive women; virtuesby the


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envy of others; forests by beasts of prey; kings by theunscrupulous;and even fame by transitoriness. Is there anything on earth that isnot afflicted by something?आबा = attackedमरणन = by deathज = birthजरसा = by old ageच = andअित = exceedinglyउल = brightयौवन = youthसोषः = joyधनिलया = by greedशमसख = joy of self-controlौढ = cleverअना = womenिवमः = wilesलोकः = people’sमिरिभः = envyगणा = virtuesवनभवः = forestsालन पा = by beasts of preyज नः = by the unscrupulousअयण = by transienceिवभतयः = powersअिप = evenउपहता = destroyedम = afflicted byन = notिक = what

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कन = by whatवा = indeed

आिधािधशतज न िविवधरारोयमतलीय ऽ पति तऽ िववतारा इव ापदः ।जात जातमवयमाश िववश मः करोासात ति तन िनरशन िविधना यििम त सिरम ॥ ३३॥

Hundreds of varieties of illness root out health of people.Adversities find anopen door wherever Laxmi, Goddess of Wealth, is present.Whatever is born,Death is sure to make it powerless and aborb it into itself, againand again.Then what has the Creator made that can be regarded as stable?आिधािधशतः = hundreds of ailmentsजन = of peopleिविवधः = variousआरोय = healthउत = destroyedलीः = where the Goddess of wealthयऽ = whereपति = lurkतऽ = thereिववत = openारा = doorsइव = as ifापदः = perilsजात = bornजात = bornअवय = surelyआश = very soon


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िववश = powerlessमः = deathकरोित = makesआसात = its ownति = then, whatतन = by himिनरशन = absoluteिविधना = by the Creatorयििम त = whatever is createdसिर = stable

भोगातरभतरलाः ाणाः णिसनःोकाव िदनािन यौवनसखित ः ियास िता ।तसारमसारमव िनिखल बा बधा बोधकालोकानमहपशलन मनसा यः समाधीयताम ॥ ३४॥

Sensual pleasures are transient like the breaking of high waves.Life can endin a moment. Youthful cheerfulness in infatuation lasts only a fewdays. Wiseteachers, having realised that the whole revolving wheel of life islackingin true worth, strive to achieve equanimity for the benefit of thepeople.भोगाः = enjoymentsत = highतर = wavesभ = brokenतरलाः = unstableाणाः = lifeण = momentिसनः = destroyed

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ोकाव = few, indeedिदनािन = daysयौवन = youthसखित ः = buoyancy of happinessियास = loved onesिता = staysतत = thatससार = wheel of existenceअसार = that wheel of life, with no substanceएव = verilyिनिखल = allबा = knowingबधा = wise onesबोधका = preachersलोक = humanityअनमह = benefitपशलन = motivated forमनसा = in their mindsयः = effortसमाधीयता = to attain equanimity

भोगा मघिवतानमिवलसौदािमनीचलाआयवा यिवघितापटलीलीनावरम ।लोला यौवनलालसानभतािमाकल ितयोग धय समािधिससलभ बि िवध बधाः ॥ ३५॥

Sensual pleasures are as fickle as the flash of lightning in theclouds. Life can collpse as easily as the drop of water on the edgeof alotus leaf swayed by the wind. Fickle are the longings in youth.Quicklyrealising this, let the wise ones engage their minds in equanimity,


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attained easily by courage.भोगा = enjoymentsमघिवतानम = in a mass of cloudsिवलसत = playसौदािमनी = lightningचला = fleeting quickआयः = lifeवाय = windिवघित = dispersedअ = lotusपटली = leafलीन = attachedअवत = like waterभर = insecureलोला = unsteadyयौवन = youthलालसाः = desiresतन = bodyभता = bearingइित = thusआकल = realisingित = speedilyयोग = in union with the Divineधय = patienceसमािध = equanimityिस = attainedसलभ = easilyबि = mind/intellectिवध = fixबधाः = wise ones

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आयः कोललोल कितपयिदवसाियनी यौवनौीःअथा ः सकका घनसमयतिडिमा भोगपगाः ।कठाषोपगढ तदिप च न िचर यियािभः णीतयासिचा भवत भवभयाोिधपार तरीतम ॥ ३६॥

Life undulates like a wave. Youthful beauty lasts a few days.Riches areas short-lived as thoughts. The successive enjoyments are likeautumnallightning flashes. The beloved’s embrace round the neck lasts onlya moment. Lovingly tie your mind to Brahman to overcome thefear ofcrossing the ocean of cycles of births and deaths.आयः = lifeकोल = big waveलोल = changingकितपय = a fewिदवस = daysाियनी = lastsयौवन = youthौीः = beautyअथा ः = wealthसकका = transient as thoughtघनसमय = autumnalतिडत = lightningिवमा = occasional flashesभोगपगाः = whole series of enjoymentsकठाष = aroun the neckउपगढ = embraceतदिप = yetच = and


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न = notिचर = longयत = whichियािभः = by the loved onesणीत = givenbrahmaNi in Brahmanआस = engrossedिचा = mindभवत = yourभव = existenceभय = fearअोिध = oceanपार = beyondतरीत = to cross over

कणामम िनयिमततनिभः ीयत गभ वास काािवषःखितकरिवषमो यौवन चोपभोगः ।वामाीणामवािवहिसतवसितवभावोऽसाधःससार र मना वदत यिद सख मि िकिचत ॥ ३७॥

Life in the womb involves lying in discomfort amidst uncleansurroundings,with the limbs confined. Enjoyments in youth are vitiated byintensesorrow when separated from the beloved. Even old age incurscontempt andderision of women. Oh, men! say, is there even a trace ofhappiness insuch a life?कण = with difficultyअम = impure matterम = amidst

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िनयिमततनिभः = with the body crampedीयत = residesगभ वास = in the wombकाा = wifeिवष = separationःख = sorrowितकर = misfortuneिवषमः = difficultयौवन = in youthच = andउपभोगः = enjoymentवामाीणा = of womenअवा = contemptिवहिसतवसितः = laughingव = oldभावः = emotionअिप = evenअसाधः = undesirableससार = in the wheel of lifeर = oh!मना = menवदत = sayयिद = whenसख = happiness = a littleअिप = evenअि = existsिकिचत = small

ायीव ितित जरा पिरतज यिरोगा शऽव इव हरि दहम ।


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आयः पिरॐवित िभघटािदवाोलोकथािहतमाचरतीित िचऽम ॥ ३८॥

Like a tigress, fearsome is old age. Illnesses attack the body likeenemies. Life flows like water from a leaky vessel. Yet, is it nota wonder that man engages in actions not conducive to well-being?ायीव = like a tigressितित = standsजरा = old ageपिरतज यि = frightensरोगाः = diseasesच = andशऽव = enemiesइव = likeहरि = attackदह = bodyआयः = lifeपिरॐवित = flowsिभ = brokenघटात = potइव = as ifअः = waterलोकः = peopleतथािप = even thenअिहत = wickedआचरतीित = performिचऽ = wonderful

भोगा भरवयो बिवधारव चाय भवःतह कत पिरमत र लोकाः कत चितः ।आशापाशशतोपशाििवशद चतः समाधीयताकामोिवशाधामिन यिद ौयमचः ॥ ३९॥

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Varied and transient pleasures make up this life. Then why do youwander here exerting yourself incessantly? The bonds of hopearisingfrom desires, with their hundreds of strings, to be appeased toattainequanimity of mind, only faith in the word of the Supreme Abodeandmental concentration on it can achieve it.भोगा = enjoymentsभर = transientवयः = natureबिवधाः = variousतः = by themएव = onlyचाय = and thisभवः = worldतत = thatक = of whichइह = hereकत = doपिरमत = wanderर = oh!लोकाः = peopleकत = doneचितः = exertingआशा = desireपाश = nooseशत = hundredउपशाि = peaceिवशद = disturbing


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चतः = mindसमाधीयता = for equanimitykAma + desireउिवशात = arising fromधामिन = in its Supreme Foundationयिद = ifौय = faithअद = ourवचः = word

ािदमणाणकणाऽ ितो मतयादािरसा भवि िवभवालोराादयः ।भोगः कोऽिप स एक एव परमो िनोिदतो जतभो साधो णभगर तिदतर भोग रित मा कथाः ॥ ४०॥

Where Brahma, Indra, and other hosts of gods appear as worth aslittleas blades of grass; where taste is lost for the greatest possessions,like the sovereignty over the three worlds; such is the uniqueenjoymentof Brahman, eternal, supreme, and immutable. Oh Pure One!indulge notin any pleasure that lasts no more than amoment.ा = Brhamaइ = Indraआिद = and otherमणा = hosts of godsतणकणान = like blades of grassयऽ = whereितः = standमत = consider

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यत = whichादाद = tastingिवरसा = tatstelessभवि = becomeिवभवाः = sovereigntyऽलो = three worldsरा = rulershipआदयः = and other wealthभोगः = enjoymentsकोऽिप = who evenस = heएक = oneएव = onlyपरमः = supremeिनोिदतः = immutableजत = increasesभो = oh!साधः = saintणभगर = transitoryतिदतर = that otherभोग = enjoymentरित = pleasuresमा = do notकथाः = engrossकालमिहमानवण नम ।

सा रा नगरी महा नपितः सामचब च तत पा त च सा िवदधपिरषािबाननाः ।उः स च राजपऽिनवह बिनाः कथाःसव य वशादगाितपथ कालाय त नमः ॥ ४१॥

Description of the Glory Of Time:


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Salutations to Time! Under your sway all these passed away toformmere memories: that enchanting city, that great king surroundedby hisvassals and clever advisers by his side, beauties with moon-likefaces,headstrong princes, and flattering court-musicians!काल = timeमिहमा = gloryअनवण न = descriptionसा = thatरा = enchantingनगरी = cityमहा = that greatनपितः = kingसामचब = surrounded byच = andतत = thatपा = sideत = hisच = andसा = thatिवदध = craftyपिरषाः = counsellorsच = moonिब = diskआननाः = facesउः = waywardस = heच = andराजपऽिनवह = wayward princes

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बिनाः = courtiersकथाः = songsसव = allय = whoseवशात = influencedअगात = wentित = memoryपथ = wayकालाय = Father Timeत = to himनमः = salutations

यऽानकः िचदिप गह तऽ ितथकोयऽाकदन बहवऽ नकोऽिप चा ।इ नयौ रजिनिदवसौ लोलयािववाौकालः को भवनफलक बीडित ािणशारः ॥ ४२॥

Where in some home there were many occupants, now there isonly one; where therewas one or successively many, none is left in the end. Thus doesTime expertlyplay the game on the checker-board of this world, with creaturesas the piecesto be moved, and throwing the dice of days and nights.यऽ =whereअनकः = manyिचदिप = in someगह = homeतऽ = thereितित = standsअथ = nowएकः = one


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यऽ = whereअिप = evenएकः = oneतदन = afterwardबहवः = manyतऽ = thereन = notएकः = oneअिप = evenच = andअ = in the endइ = thusनयौ = these twoरजिनिदवसौ = night and dayलोलयन = throwsािववाौ = the two diceकालः = timeकः = clever, dextrousभवनफलक = checkerboard of lifeबीडित = playsािणशारः = with creatures

आिद गतागतरहरहः सीयत जीिवतापारब काय भारगिभः कालोऽिप न ायत ।ा जजरािवपिमरण ऽास नोतपीा मोहमय मादमिदरामभत जगत ॥ ४३॥

With the sun rising and setting daily, life ebbs away, and Timepassesunknowingly under the heavy burden of various activities.Watching birth,ageing, suffering, and death, no distress is felt, for the world has

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become insane by drinking the intoxicating wine of infatuation.आिद = of the sunगतागतः = going and comingअहरहः = day after dayसीयत = shortensजीिवत = lifeापारः = affairsबकाय = many dutiesभार = burdenगिभः = heavyकालोऽिप = even timeन = notायत = not feltा = seeingज = birthजरा = old ageिवपि = calamityमरण = deathऽासः = fearच = andनोत = not produceपीा = drinkingमोहमय = producing delusionमाद = stupefyingमिदरा = wineउ = madभत = becomeजगत = world

रािऽः सव पनः स एव िदवसो मा मधा जवोधाविमनथव िनभतारतियाः ।


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ापारः पनभत िवषयिरिवधनामनाससारण कदिथ ता वयमहो मोहा लामह ॥ ४४॥

Watching the night following the day, creatures still vainly persistin runningbusily with various actions motivated by desires. Such repetitiousactions,alas!born of desires bring us no shame, keeping us deluded in therevolving cylces ofbirths and deaths.रािऽः = nightसव = that evenपनः = againस = thatएव = evenिदवसः = dayमा = seeingमधा = vainlyजवः = creaturesधावि = runउिमनः = persistentlyतथव = similarlyिनभत = set in motionार = results of past deedsतियाः = various activitiesापारः = by actionsपनभत = repeatedlyिवषयः = by desiresइिवधन = thusअमना = by usससारण = by the revolving wheel of life

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

कदिथ ता = by what reasonवयमहः = we alasमोहा = not deludedलामह = ashamed

न ात पदमीर िविधवसारिवियग ारकवाटपाटनपटध मऽिप नोपािज तः ।नारी पीनपयोधरोयगल ऽिप नािलितमातः कवलमव यौवनवनद कठारा वयम ॥ ४५॥

To break away from the bondage of this world, we have notmeditated onthe Lord’s feet; nor have we performed rituals to acquire meritsenoughto open heaven’s gates. Nor, even in our dreams, have weembraced awoman with full-grown breasts. We have, by being born, onlyserved thepurpose like an axe to to cut the bloom of ourmother’s youth.न = notात = meditated onपदमीर = the Lord’s feetिविधवत = in prescribed formससार = wheel of lifeिविय = for destroying the (bondage) of the worldग = heavenार = doorकवाटपाटनपटः = ?? knocksधमः = meritअिप = evenनोपािज तः = not accumulated


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नारी = womanपीन = roundedपयोधरः = breastsयगल = pairउ = thighऽिप = even in dreamनािलित = embracedमातः = motherकवल = essentiallyएव = onlyयौवन = youthवन = gardenद = destroyingकठारा = hatchetवय = we

नाा ितवािदवदमनी िवा िवनीतोिचताखामः किरकपीठदलनना क न नीत यशः ।कााकोमलपवाधररसः पीतो न चोदयताय गतमव िनलमहो शालय दीपवत ॥ ४६॥

Not having studied and acquired adequate knowledge to defeatscholarlydebaters; not having gained heaven-high fame , like wielding theswordstrongly enough to knock down an elelphant’s head; nor kissed atmoonrisethe tender lips of a woman! Alas! all youth has slipped byfruitlessly,like a lamp in a deserted house.नाा = not studiedितवािद = debaters

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वदमनी = conquering groupsिवा = knowledgeिवनीतोिचता = properly acquiredखामः = by the sword-pointsकिर = elephantकपीठ = templesदलनः = smashingनाक = heavenन = notनीत = takenयशः = successकाा = womanकोमल = tenderपव = branchअधररसः = ??पीतः = yellowन = notचोदय = at moon-riseताय = youthगत = goneएव = indeedिनलमहो = fruitless, alasशालय = deserted homeदीपवत = like a lamp

िवा नािधगता कलरिहता िव च नोपािज तशौषािप समािहतन मनसा िपऽोन सािदता ।आलोलायतलोचनाः ियतमाः ऽिप नािलिताःकालोऽय परिपडलोपतया काकिरव य त ॥ ४७॥

Faultless knowledge has not been gained, nor riches acquired; nor


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served the parents devotedly; nor, even in dreams, embraced thebelovedwith her dancing eyes; whole life has been spent, like greedycrows,in subordination to others.िवा = knowledgeनािधगता = not masteredकलरिहता = faultlessिव = wealthच = andनोपािज त = not earnedशौषािप = even serviceसमािहतन = with due concernमनसा = mentallyिपऽोन = not to parentsसािदता = renderedआलोलायतलोचनाः = dancing eyesियतमाः = belovedऽिप = in dream evenनािलिताः = not embracedकालोऽय = this timeपरिपडलोपतया = greed for others’ foodकाकिरव = like crowsय त = motivates

वय यो जातािरपिरिचता एव ख तसम यः सवाः ितिवषयता तऽिप गिमताः ।इदानीमत ः ितिदवसमासपतनागताावा िसकितलनदीतीरतिभः ॥ ४८॥

Those who begot us have passed on into eternity. Those withwhom we grew up

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have also become parts of memory only. Now with every passingday our conditionis akin to the trees on the sandy banks of a river.वय = weयः = from whomजाताः = bornिचरपिरिचता = known to Eternity(dead)एव = thusख = indeedत = theyसम = togetherयः = with whomसवाः = brought upितिवषयता = subjects of memoryतऽिप = they alsoगिमताः = have becomeइदानीमत = now theseः = haveितिदवस = everydayआसपतना = coming near the endगताः = becomingत = similarअवा = conditionिसकितल = sandyनदी = riverतीर = banksतिभः = trees

आयव ष शत नणा पिरिमत राऽौ तदध गतता पर चाध मपर बालवयोः ।शष ािधिवयोगःखसिहत सवािदिभनयत


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जीव वािरतरचलतर सौ कतः ािणनाम ॥ ४९॥

Men’s life-span is limited to a hundred years. Half of it is spent inthe darkness of nights. Of the remaining half, half is spent inchildhoodand old age; and the rest illnesses, bereavements, and vexatiousserviceof others. Where is the happiness for creatures whose life is asfickleas the ripples of water?आयः = lifeवष = yearsशत = 100नणा = humansपिरिमत = limitedराऽौ = nightsतदध = halfगत = spentत = of thatअ = halfपर = otherच = andअध = halfअपर = againबाल = childhoodवयोः = in old ageशष = remainderािध = illnessिवयोग = separationःख = sorrowसिहत = along with

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

सवािदिभः = serving othersनीयत = takesजीव = in lifeवािर = waterतर = ripplesचलतर = fluctuating rapidlyसौ = happinessकतः = whereािणना = of creatures

ण बालो भा णमिप यवा कामरिसकःण िवहनः णमिप च सण िवभवः ।जराजीणरन ट इव वलीमिडततनःनरः ससारा िवशित यमधानीयविनकाम ॥ ५०॥

For a moment like a child, for another moment a lascivious youth;onemoment a pauper, another a wealthy person; at the end of life, thebodyworn out by age and covered with wrinkles, man enters the abodeof Deathlike an actor exiting the stage.ण = momentबालः = childभा = becomingणमिप = again for a momentयवा = youthकामरिसकः = lustfulण = momentिवहनः = devoid of richesणमिप = momentarily againच = and


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सण िवभवः = full of wealthजरा = old ageजीणः = worn outअः = bodyनट = actorइव = as ifवली = wrinkleमिडत = coveredतनः = bodyनरः = humanससारा = at the end of lifeिवशित = entersयमधानी = death’s abodeयविनका = ??यितनपितसवादवण नम = ??

राजा वयमपािसतगािभमानोताःात िवभवय शािस कवयो िद ति नः ।इ मानधनाितरमभयोरावयोररयास पराखोऽिस वयमकातो िनःहाः ॥ ५१॥

6 Description of a dialogue between an ascetic and a king:You are a king; we also, through service to our Teacher, have beenuplifted in wisdom. You are famous by your wealth; our successesare broadcast in all directions by the learned. Thus, there is a greatdifference between us regarding honor and wealth. If you areindifferenttowards us, we also are perfectly dispassionate towards you.यित = asceticनपित = kingसवाद = dialogueवण न = description

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

= youराजा = kingवय = weअिप = alsoउपािसत = servingग = teacherा = wisdomअिभमान = prideउताः = elevatedात = famous, youिवभवय शािस = by wealth and successकवयः = the learnedिद = in all directionsति = spreadनः = ourइ = thusमान = honorधन = richesअितर = greatउभयोः = twoअिप = evenआवयोः = of usअर = differenceयिद = ifअास = to usपराखः = disregardअिस = youवय = weअिप = alsoएकातः = perfectlyिनःहाः = indifferent


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अथा नामीिशष वयमिप च िगरामीमह यावदथशर वािददप पशमनिवधावय पाटव नः ।सव ा धनाा मितमलहतय मामिप ौोतकामामाा न त चिय मम िनतरामव राजनाा ॥ ५२॥

You are the master of wealth; we are also masters of words. Youarebrave; we are ever skilful in subduing the pride of debaters. Therichserve you; we are served by those who would study scriptures topurifythe mind. If you show no regard for me, I have none for you either.अथा नामीिशष = lordship over wealth = youवयमिप = we alsoच = andिगरामीमह = lords of speechयावदथ = in all sensesशर = hero, you areवािद = debatersदप = prideपशमनिवधौ = subduingअय = unfailingपाटव = skillनः = ourसव = serveा = youधनाा = wealthyमित = mindमल = impurities

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

हतय = to destroyमामिप = me tooौोतकामा = desirous of learningmayi in meअिप = alsoआा = regardन = notत = to youचत = if it beिय = in youमम = myिनतरा = absolutelyएव = quiteराजन = o kingननाा = no regard

वयिमह पिरता वल कलःसम इव पिरतोषो िनिव शषो िवशषः ।स त भवत दिरिो य ता िवशालामनिस च पिरत कोऽथ वाो दिरिः ॥ ५३॥

We are content to wear tree-barks for clothes, and you with richdresses;but the contentment is alike, and the difference is not significant.Hewhose desires are numerous is indded poor. If contentment is inthe mind,then who is rich or poor?वय = weइह = hereपिरता = satisfiedवलः = tree-bark as clothes


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= youकलः = rich dressesसम = similarइव = as ifपिरतोषः = satisfactionिनिव शषः = no differenceिवशषः = differenceस = heत = indeedभवत = isदिरिः = poorता = desireिवशाला = greatमनिस = in mindच = andपिरत = contentedकोऽथ वाः = who rich, whoदिरिः = poor

फलमलमशनाय ा पानाय तोयिितरिप शयनाथ वासस वल च ।नवधनमधपानासवियाणाअिवनयमनम नोह ज नानाम ॥ ५४॥

Enough for us are fruits for food, tasty water to drink, the earthfor abed, and tree-barks for dress. I have no taste for the immodestyof thewicked, deluded by drinking the wine of wealth.फलमलमशनाय = fruits to eatा = tastefulपानाय = to drink

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

तोय = waterिितरिप = also earthशयनाथ = to sleep onवासस = to dressवल = tree-barksच = andनव = newधन = richesमधपान =drinking intoxicant wineा =deludedसवियाणा = all sensesअिवनय = disrespectअनम = to approveन = notउह = enthusedज नाना = of the wicked

अशीमिह वय िभामाशावासो वसीमिह ।शयीमिह महीप कवमिह िकमीरः ॥ ५५॥

We shall eat from the begging of alms; we shall wear the sky forclothing;lie down on the earth for a bed; why bother with the rich?अशीमिह = let us eatवय = weिभा = almsआशावासः = the sky for clothingवसीमिह = let us dressशयीमिह = let us sleepमहीप = on the earthकवमिह = shall we have to doिक = what


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ईरः = with the rich

न नटा न िवटा न गायकान च सतरवादचवः ।नपमीितमऽ क वयनभारानिमता न योिषतः ॥ ५६॥

We are not actors, nor jesters, nor singers, nor experts in debatingin court,nor courtesans, to wish to meet the king.न = notनटा = actorsन = notिवटा = jestersन = notगायका = singersन = notच = andसतरवादचवः = experts in disputationsनप = kingईित = seeingअऽ = hereक = whoवय = weनभारानिमता = seductive mistressesन = notयोिषतः = desiring

िवपलदयरीशरतगिनत परािवधतमपरद चािव िज तण यथा ।इह िह भवना धीरातद श भत कितपयपरा प सा क एष मदरः ॥ ५७॥

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

In days of yore, these kingdoms were created by kings withgenerous hearts,ruled by others, and conquered or squandered like straw by stillothers. Someheroes even now enjoy everything in the universe. Why then thisinordinate prideof ruling over a few towns?िवपल = greatदयः = heartedईशः =by the kingsएतत = thisजगत = worldजिनत = madeपरा = in ancient timesिवधत = ruledअपरः = by othersद = given awayच = andअः = by othersिविज = conqueredतण = like grassयथा = just asइह = hereिह = indeedभवनािन = worldsअ = othersधीराः = heroesचतद श = fourteenभत = enjoyकितपय = for what then


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पर = townsा = sovereignty overप सा = menक = whoएष = thisमद = arroganceरः = feverish

अभाया या णमिप न जात नपशतःभवा लाभ क इव बमानः िितभताम ।तदशाश तदवयवलशऽिप पतयोिवषाद कत िवदधित जडाः त मदम ॥ ५८॥

The earth has not been left unenjoyed, even for a moment, byhundreds of rulers.Will its acquisition then bring any honor to any king? The dull-witted, insteadof grieving, are joyous in owning even the most trifling fractionof it.अभाया = not enjoyedया = whoseणमिप = even a momentन = notजात = madeनपशतः = hundreds of kingsभवः = worldता = itsलाभ = gainingक = whoइव = as ifबमानः = high honorिितभता = earth

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

तत = thatअश = of a portionअिप = evenअश = portionतत = thatअवयव = limbलश = partअिप = evenपतयः = fallenिवषाद = in griefकत = in dutyिवदधित = giveजडाः = stupidत = on the contraryमद = joy

मिडो जलरखया वलियतः सवऽय नणःाशीक तमव सगरशत राा गणा भत ।त दद दतोऽथवा िकमपर िा दिरिा भशिधिधाषाधमानकणााि तोऽिप य ॥ ५९॥

The earth is a mere clod rimmed by water. Even the whole of itis but anatom. Hosts of kings enjoy it after fighting for it a hundred times.Withtheir paltry and mean minds they may or do give; for it is notstrangeto them. But despicable are the men who would beg from thempetty riches.मत = clayिपडः = lumpजल = water


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रखया = by a ring ofवलियतः = surrounded byसवः = allअिप = evenअय = thisनन = not evenअणः = an atomाशीक = fractioned it themselvesत = thatएव = tooसगर = battleशत = hundredsराा = of kingsगणा = manyभत = enjoyत = theyदः = may giveददतः = do giveअथवा = orिक = whatअपर = elseिा = cheapदिरिा = poorभश = strangeिधिधान = contemptibleपष = menअधमान = meanधनकणान = paltry coinsवाि = begतः = on themअिप = also

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

य = who

स जातः कोऽासीदनिरपणा मि धवलकपाल योिव िनिहतमलकारिवधय ।निभः ाणऽाणवणमितिभः किदधनानमिः कः प सामयमतलदप रभरः ॥ ६०॥

His birth is worthwhile indeed, whose death provides his whiteskullas an ornament on the head of Shiva, Cupid’s enemy. Menengrossed inprotecting their own lives, flatter others showing immoderatepride,to what purpose?स = heजातः = bornकः = whoअिप = evenआसीत = placedमदनिरपणा = by Shiva(enemy of Madana/Cupid)मि = on the headधवल = whiteकपाल = skullय = whoseउः = highिविनिहत = heldअलकारिवधय = like an ornamentनिभः = by menाण = lifeऽाण = limbवण = preservingमितिभः = by those who think of


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किद = by themअधना = nowadaysनमिः = adoredकः = whoप सा = personअय = thisअतल = incomparableदप = prideर =feverभरः = afflicted withमनःसोधनिनयमनम ।

परषा चतािस ितिदवसमारा बधासाद िक नत िवशिस दय शकिलतम ।स ः यमिदतिचामिणगणोिविवः सकः िकमिभलिषत पित न त ॥ ६१॥

Control of Mind by Wisdom:Winning the favors of others is hard; why then does your heartseek toappease the minds of others? With inward tranquillity andabstainingfrom social intercourse, wise thought will arise in youspontaneously;and should you wish for anything what will you not acquire?मनः = mindसोधन = inculcating wisdomिनयमन = controlपरषा = of othersचतािस = mindsितिदवस = every dayआरा = supplicating

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

बधा = in various waysसाद = graceिक = whyनत = to secureिवशिस = enterदय = heartशकिलत = fraught with painस = contentedः = in your inner selfय = by itselfउिदत =arisingिचामिण = gems of thoughtsगणः = manyिविवः = in solitudeसकः = wishिक = whateverअिभलिषत = wished forपित = nurtureन = notत = they

पिरमिस िक मधा चन िच िवौाताय भवित यथा भवित तथा नाथा ।अतीतमननरिप च भासकयन नतिकतसमागमाननभवािम भोगानहम ॥ ६२॥

Oh Mind! Why do you wander about in vain? Rest somewhere.Whatever happens isbound to happen, of itself, not otherwise. Thus not recalling thepast, norplanning for the future, I experience the joys that come, withoutquestion.


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पिरमिस = wanderिक = whyमधा = mindचन = somewhereिच = mindिवौाता = for restय = yourselfयथा = whateverभवित = happensतथा = that thusनाथा = not otherwiseअतीत = pastमननरिप = mental memories recalledच = andभा = futureसकयन = desiringनतिकत = withou debatingसमागमान = coming on their ownअनभवािम = experienceभोगान = enjoymentsअह = I

एतािरमियाथ गहनादायासकादाौयौयोमाग मशषःखशमनापारद णात ।ाीभावमपिह सज िनजा कोललोला गितमा भयो भज भरा भवरित चतः सीदाधना ॥ ६३॥

Therefore, refrain yourself from the perilous maze of sense-objects. Take to thepath of supreme welfare that can, in a moment, remove allsorrows. Reach the

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

state of your True Self. Abandon the wavelike agitation andchange. Do not clingto the transitory joys of the world, and now seek the tranquillityof the mind.एतात = thereforeिवरम = turn awayइियाथ = sensesगहनात = complexआयासकात = wearisomeआौय = shelterौयोमाग = way of supreme welfareअशष = totalःख = sorrowशमन = reliefापार = affairsद = capable ofणात = in a momentाीभाव = status of own Selfउपिह = reachसज = give upिनजा = your ownकोल = waveलोला = agitatedगित = movementमा = do notभयः = againभज = seekभरा = transitoryभवरित = mundane pleasuresचतः = mindसीदाधना = be calm now


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मोह माज य तामपाज य रित चाध चडामणौचतः ग तरिणीतटभवामासमीक ।को वा वीिचष बदष च तिडखास च ौीष चालामष च पगष च सगष च यः ॥ ६४॥

Clear up all misperception; worship the One in whose crown thegem isthe crescent. Situate yourself on the banks of the celestial river,Ganga. How can you rely on waves or bubbles, flashes of lightning,fickle fortune, flames of fire, serpents, or hosts of friends?मोह = delusionमाज य = cleanseता = themउपाज य = acquireरित = likingचाध = half-moon, crescentचडामणौ = gem on the crown(head)चतः = mindग = heavenतरिणी = riverतट = banksभवा = placesआस = attachmentअीक = acceptकः = whoवा = orवीिचष = wavesबदष = bubblesच = andतिडखास = flashes of lightning

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

च = andौीष = wealthच = andालामष = flames of fireच = andपगष = serpentsच = andसगष = hosts of friendsच = andयः = reliability

चतिय मा रमा सकिदमामाियनीमायाभपालकटीकटीिवहरणापारपयानाम ।काकिकनः िवय भवनारािण वाराणसीःअापिष पािणपाऽपितता िभामपामह ॥ ६५॥

Oh Mind! do not dwell on the thought of the capricious goddessof fortune,whose nature resemble the courtesan at the beck and call as thekingmoves his eyebrows. Clad in rags, and standing at the doors in thestreets of Varanasi, let us beg for alms with our hands as bowls.चतिय = O heart, thinkमा = do notरमा = goddess of fortuneसकद = frailइमा = thisअाियन = wanderingआया = hauntभपाल = kingकटी = eyebrowकटी = wrinkle


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िवहरण = movingापारपिण = business ofआना = street womenकाकिकनः = ragged garmentsिवय = enteringभवन = houseारािण = doorsवाराणसीः = in Varanasiअापिष = in the streetsपािण = handपाऽ = vesselपितता = placedिभा = almsअपामह = expect

अम गीत सरसकवयः पा योदा िणााःपाीलावलयरिणत चामरमािहणीनाम ।यव क भवरसाादन लटनो चतः िवश सहसा िनिव क समाधौ ॥ ६६॥

If there be music playing in front of you, by your side expert poetsfrom the South, and behind you the courtesans waving fans andshakingtheir bracelets with a clinking sound, then indulge unstintingly inthese worldly pleasures. If not, O Mind! enter the realm ofbeatitudedevoid of all thoughts.अम = in frontगीत = songसरस = skilfulकवयः = poetsपा यो ह = by the side

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दािणााः = from the Southपत = laterलीलावलयरिणत = tinkling of moving braceletsचामर = fanमािहणीना = women wavingयिद = ifअ = it beएव = thusक = doभव = mundaneरस = essenceआादन = tastingलट = attachmentनो चत = otherwiseचतः = mindिवश = enterसहसा = absoluteिनिव क = transcending thoughtसमाधौ = meditation

ााः िौयः सकलकामधातः िक पद िशरिस िविषता ततः िक ।सािदताः णियनो िवभवतः िककितानभता तनवतः िकम ॥ ६७॥

What if one acquires wealth that will fulfil all desires? Evenstomping on theenemies’ heads with one’s feet? Or if riches bought friends? Oreven if one’sbody lasts till the end of time?ााः = acquiredिौयः = prosperity


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सकल = allकाम = desireधाः = milkedततः िक = what then = placedपद = footिशरिस = on the headिविषता = of the enemiesततः िक = what thenसािदताः = bringingणियनः = friendsिवभवः = by wealthततः िक = what thenकिताः = last till end of worldतनभता = embodied beingsतनवः = bodiesततः िक = what then

भिभ व मरणजभय िदहो न बष न मथजा िवकाराः ।ससग दोषरिहता िवजना वनाावरायमि िकिमतः परमथ नीयम ॥ ६८॥

If there be devotion in the heart and the fear of death and birth,no tiesto family, nor agitation by passions; when there is the solitude ofuninhabitedforests, and dispassion, what gain can be better than this?भिः = devotionभव = in lifeमरण = deathज = birth

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

भय = fearिद = in the heartहः = attachmentन = notबष = towards kinspeopleन = notमथजा = born of lustिवकाराः = passionsससग = companyदोष = faultरिहता = devoidिवजना = without peopleवनाा = in forestवराय = dispassionअि = isिक = whatइतः = beyond thisपरमथ नीय = of supreme value

तादनमजर परम िवकािसत िचय िकमिभरसिकः ।यानषिण इम भवनािधप-भोगादयः कपणलोकमता भवि ॥ ६९॥

Therefore, meditate on the infinite, ageless, supreme, luminousReality. Why these false thoghts about the unreal? Thesovereignty overthe world, with its accompanying pleasures, will appear as thedesiresof the petty-minded when compared to the pursuit of Reality.ताद = thereforeअन = infinite


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अजर = agelessपरम = supremeिवकािस = effulgentतद = that = Realityिचय = meditateिक = whatएिभः = by theseअसद = unrealिवकः = mental agitationय = whoseअनषिणः = associatingइम = theseभवन = worldअिधप = sovereigntyभोगादयः = such enjoymentsकपणलोकमता = desires of pitiable menभवि = become

पातलमािवशिस यािस नभो िवलिदडल मिस मानस चापलन ।ाािप जात िवमल कथमानीनन सरिस िनव ितमिश यन ॥ ७०॥

With such a fickle mind, you will enter the nether worlds onemoment,fly to the limits of the sky, or wander in all directions. Why, in afloundering manner even, do you not meditate on thatTranscendent Truth,of the nature of perfection of your true Self?पातल = netherworldआिवशिस = enter

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

यािस = goनभः = skiesिवल = crossing beyondिदडल = spheres of all directionsमिस = wanderमानस = mindचापलन = fickleाािप = even mistakenlyजात = becomeिवमल = pureकथ = howआनीन = in the Selfन = not = highest Truthसरिस = remember wellिनव ित = supreme detachmentएिश = reachयन =by whichिनािनविवचारः ।

िक वदः ितिभः पराणपठनः शाम हािवरःग मामकटीिनवासफलदः कम िबयािवभमः ।मक भवःखभाररचनािवसकालानलाानपदवशकलन शषव िणवििभः ॥ ७१॥

8. Discrimination of the Immutable from the Mutable:Of what use is the study of Vedas, scriptures, mythology, theextensivecodes, and the bewildering labyrinth of rituals which promise apassageto heaven, which is but a hamlet of hutments? The only way todestroy


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the burden of life’s sorrows like the apocalyptic fire, is that whichlets you enter the beatitude of self-ralisation. All else is butbarteringfor profit! िन = immutable अिन = mutableव = essenceिवचारः = discriminationिक = how muchवदः = by vedasितिभः = by smritisपराण = puranasपठनः = by studyingशाः = by shastrasमहािवरः = of immenseग = heavenमाम = villageकटी = hutिनवास = resting placeफलदः = resulting fromकमिबयािवभमः = by mazes of ceremonialsमा = freeingएक = oneभव = life cyclesःख = sorrowभार = burdenरचना = conditionिवस = destructionकाल = timeअनल = fireा = one’s own Selfअन = blissपद = place

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

वश = entranceकलन = wayशषः = everything elseविणवििभः = traders’ attitude

यतो मः ौीमािपतित यगाािविलतःसमिा शि चरमकरमाहिनलयाः ।धरा ग धरिणधरपादरिप धताशरीर का वाता किरकलभकणा मचपल ॥ ७२॥

When the majestic Meru moutain collapses in the fire of thecosmicconflagration; when the oceans, in which reside numerous sharksandother aquatic animals, dry up; when the earth, even thoughsupportedby mountains, meets its end; what can you say about this body,which isonly as steady as the ear-tip of a baby elephant!यतः = from whereमः = mount Meruौीमान = of great fameिनपतित = falls downयगा = at the end of a time cycleअि = fireविलतः = surrounded byसमिा = seasशि = dry upचर =repleteमकर = crocodilesमाह = sharksिनलयाः = homes


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धरा = earthगित = goesअ = endधरिण = earthधर = holdingपादः = by the feetअिप = alsoधता = heldशरीर = bodyका = whatवाता = newsकिरकलभ = young elephantकण = earअम = tipचपल = unsteady

गाऽ सकिचत गितिव गिलता ा च दाविल-िन यित वध त बिधरता व च लालायत ।वा नािियत च बावजनो भाया न शौषत हा क पष जीण वयसः पऽोऽिमऽायत ॥ ७३॥

With feeble limbs, unsteady movements, teeth that have fallen off,poor eye-sight, worsening deafness, drooling mouth,; withrelativesdisregarding what you say, the wife offering no help, the sonturninghostile, such, alas! are the miseries of senility. गाऽ = limbsसकिचत = shrivelगितः = walkingिवगिलता = unsteadyा = uselessच = and

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

दाविलः = rows of teethिः = eyesightनयित = lostवध त = increasesबिधरता = deafnessव = mouthच = andलालायत = slobbersवा = speechन = notअिियत = valuedच = andबावजनः = relativesभाया = wifeन = notशौषत = offer serviceहा = alasक = miseryपष = man’sजीण = oldवयसः = in yearsपऽः = sonअिप = alsoअिमऽायत = becomes unfriendly

वण िसत झिटित वी िशरोहाणाान जरा पिरभव तदा पमासम ।आरोिपतािशतक पिर यािचडालकपिमव रतर तयः ॥ ७४॥

When hair grows white on a man’s head, indicating the disconcertof senility,


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young women run away from him, like the outcastes’ wellencircled with bones!वण = colorिसत = whiteझिटित = instantlyवी = seeingिशरोहाणा = on the headान = conditionजरा = old ageपिरभव = caused byतदा = thenपमास = man’sआरोिपत = characterised byअि = bonesशतक = hundredsपिर = abandoningयाि = goचडाल = least respectedकप = wellइव = as ifरतर = far awayतयः = youthful

याविमद शरीरमज यावरा रतोयावियशिरितहता यावयो नायषः ।आौयिस तावदव िवषा काय ः यो महान सदी भवन त कपखनन मः कीशः ॥ ७५॥

As long as this body is healthy and free of infirmity, as long assenility is distant, as long as the faculties have not lost their vigor,as long as life is not enfeebled, till then should the wise ones makegreat efforts to reach the supreme goal of life. For what is the use

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

of digging a well when the house is on fire?यावत = as long as = free from diseaseइद = thisशरीर = bodyअज = decrepitudeयावत = as long asजरा = old ageरतः = far offयावत =as long asच = andइिय = organsशिः = strengthअितहता = unaffectedयावत = so long asयः = decayन = notअयषः = lifeआौयिस = for one’s own supreme welfareतावत = till thenएव = aloneिवषा = wiseकाय ः = deedsयः = effortsमहान = greatसदी = on fireभवन = houseत = indeedकप = wellखनन = diggingमः = setting about


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कीशः = what avails

तपः सः िकमिधिनवसामः सरनदगणोदाराारानत पिरचरामः सिवनयम ।िपबामः शाौघानत िविवधकाामतरसान न िवः िक कम ः कितपयिनमषायिष जन ॥ ७६॥

Shall we live ascetically on the banks of the heavenly river, orservehumbly our virtuous wives? Shall we drink at the streams ofscripturesor the nectarine poetry? With a life-span of a few eye-winks, wedo notknow what action to take!तपः = austeritiesसः = practisingिक = whatअिधिनवसामः = liveसरनद = heavenly riverगणोदारान = virtuousदारानत = wivesपिरचरामः = serveसिवनय = humblyिपबामः = drinkशाौघानत = currents of scriptureिविवध = variedका = poetryअमत = nectarरसान = essenceन = notिवः = knowिक = what

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

कम ः = doकितपय = fewिनमष = twinkling of an eyeअयिष = longevityजन = people

रारााामी तरगचलिचाः िितभजोवय च लाः समहित फल बमनसः ।जरा दह महरित दियत जीिवतिमदसख नायो जगित िवषोऽऽ तपसः ॥ ७७॥

Thease earthly rulers are difficult to please and fickle-minded likethehorse, and we have strong desires, and intent on huge gains.Senilitygnaws away the body and death steals this dear life. Oh Friend!for thewise nothing is as salutary as austerities.रारााः = hard to pleaseच = andअमी = theseतरग = horseचलिचाः = restless mindsिितभजः = rulers og the earthवय = weच = andलाः = ambitiousसमहित = vastफल = gainबमनसः = mind bent onजरा = old ageदह = body


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मः = deathहरित = takes awayदियत = dearजीिवत = lifeइद = thisसख = oh, friendन = notअत = otherलयः = goodजगित = in the worldिवषः = wiseअऽ = exceptतपसः = austerities

मान ाियिन खिडत च वसिन थ यातऽिथ िनीण बजन गत पिरजन न शनयवन ।य कवलमतदव सिधया यकापयः-पतमाविगरीकरतटीक िनवासः िचत ॥ ७८॥

When honor declines, riches squandered away, flatterers depart,thecircle of friends dwindles, attendants leave, and slowly the youthisspent, the wise have only one proper way left to follow—make ahomesomewhere on the side of a valley in the Himalayas, whose rockshavebeen made holy by the water of the Ganges.मान = honorाियिन = fadedखिडत = ruinedच = and

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

वसिन = wealthथ = wastedयात =goneअिथ िन = favorsीण = dwindledबजन = friendsगत = departedपिरजन = dependentsन = destroyedशनः = slowlyयौवन = youthय = properसिधया = wiseयत = whichजका = Ganga river (daughter of Janhu)पयः = waterपतमाव = purigiedिगरी = chief among mountains (Himalaya)कर = valleyतटी = on the sideक = groveिनवासः = shelterिचत = somewhere

रामरीचयणवती रा वनाःलीर साधसमागमावतसख काष राः कथाः ।कोपोपािहत बािबतरल र ियाया मखसव रमिनतामपगत िच न िकिनः ॥ ७९॥

Enchanting are the moonbeams and the verdant outskirts of theforest;delightful is the company of the wise, and the poetry of stories;


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charming is the beloved’s face gleaming in tears of indignation;all isfascinating, except when the mind realises the transience of it all.राः = delightfulच = moonमरीचयः = raysतणवती = grassy plotsरा = delightfulवनाःली = in the forestsर = delightfulसाध = saintसमागमावत = company ofसख = joyकाष = in poetryराः = delightfulकथाः = storiesकोप = angerउपािहत = coveredबा = water (tears)िब = dropsतरल = swimmingर = delightfulियाया = of the belovedमख = faceसव = allर = delightfulअिनता = evanescentउपगत = goneिच = in the mindन = notिकित = nothing

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

पनः = again

र ह तल न िक वसतय ौ न गयािदकिक वा ाणसमासमागमसख नवािधकीतय ।िकत ापतपपवनालोलदीपार-ायाचलमाकल सकल सो वना गताः ॥ ८०॥

Living in a palace is pleasant, is it not? Or listening to music withits accompaniments? or the company of women, as dear as life?But wisepersons have taken to forest life, having realised that these are asfickle as the shadow of a flickering flame on the fluttering wingsofa delirious moth.र = pleasurableहतल = palaceन = notिक = is itवसतय = to liveौ = pleasant to listen toन = notगयािदक = music with accompanimentsिक = is itवा = orाण = lifeसमासमागमसख = joy of woan’s companyन = noएव = in factअिधक = muchीतय = pleasingिकत = butा = hovering


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पत = mothप = wingपवन = windालोल = shakenदीपारत = flame of a lampछाया = shadowचल = unstableआकल = having understoodसकल = allसः = wise onesवना = to the forestगताः = goneिशवाच नम ।

आससारािभवनिमद िचता तात ता-वााक नयनपदव ौोऽमाग गतो वा ।योऽय ध िवषयकिरणीगाढगढािभमान-ीबाःकरणकिरणः सयमानायलीलाम ॥ ८१॥

9 Worship of ShivaMy son! Since creation, in our search in all the three worlds, wehave not seennor heard anything that can act like a trap to control the mind,deeply andinexplicably infatuated with sensuality, like an elephant wildlyexcited by thefemale elephant.िशवाच न = worship of Shivaआससारात = from the very beginning of creationिऽभवन = three worldsइद = thisिचता = searching

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तात = oh dear!ताक = like thatन = notएव =evenअाक = ourनयनपदव = in sightौोऽमाग = in hearingगतः = goneवा = orयः = whoअय = thisध = givesिवषयकिरणी = arousing sensualityगाढगढ = mysterious, and deepअिभमान = prideीब = enragedअःकरणकिरणः = infatuatingसयम = controlआनाय = elephant trapलीला = play

यदत िवहरणमकाप यमशनसहायः सवासः ौतमपशमकोतफलम ।मनो म बिहरिप िचरािप िवमशन न जान कष पिरणितदार तपसः ॥ ८२॥

The vows of roaming freely, eating pure food, associating withholypersons, and cultivating spiritual wisdom, yields only the fruit ofapieceful mind. Even after prolonged contemplation, I fail tounderstand


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that such lofty austerities can control themind and lead it to peace.यत = whichएतत = this = one’s own free willिवहरण = wanderingअकाप य = without meannessअशन = eatingसह = withअयः = holyसवासः = companyौत = vedic wisdomउपशम = cessation of worriesएकोत = sole vowफल = resultमनः = mindम = restrainedबिहः = externalअिप = alsoिचर = long timeअिप = alsoिवमशन = thoughtfullyन = notजान = knowक = whoseएष = thisपिरणितः = cosummationउदार = nobleतपसः = austerities

जीणा एव मनोरथा दय यात च तौवनहाष गणा वफलता याता गणिव ना ।

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िक य सहसापित बलवाालः कताोऽमीहा ात मदनाकाियगल माि नाा गितः ॥ ८३॥

The fantasies of the heart are exhausted,; youth has also left thebody. Alas! Virtues have proven barren for lack of discriminatingadmirers. The mighty, unforgiving, all-consuming Death isgatheringspeed. What is the proper action? Alas! there is no way other thantosurrender oneself at the feet if Shiva.जीणा = worn outएव = verilyमनोरथाः = fantasiesच = andदय = in the heartयात = goneच = andतत = thatयौवन = youthह = alas!अष = in the bodyगणाः = virtuesच = andव = barrenफलता = fruitयाता = goneगणः = those who appreciate virtueिवना = withoutिक = whatय = properसहसा = fast


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अपित = coming nearबलवान = powerfulकालः = timeकताः = deathअमी = relentlessहा = alas!ात = knownमदन = Cupidअक = destroyerअि = footयगल = pairमा = freeingअि = isन = notअा = otherगितः = way .83..

महर वा जगतामधीरजनाद न वा जगदरािन ।न वभदितपिरि मतथािप भिणशखर ॥ ८४॥

Between the great Lord of the universe, Shiva, and the innermostSelf ofthe universe, Vishnu, there is no difference for me. However, mydevotionis to Shiva, holding the crescent moon on His head.महर = Shivaवा = orजगता = of the universeअधीर = Lordजनाद न = Vishnu

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

वा = orजगत = universeअरािन = innermost soulन = notवभद = essential differenceितपिः = admissionअि = isम = myतथािप = stillभिः = devotionतण = crescent moonशखर = on the crown

रारोाधविलततल ािप पिलन सखासीनाः शािनष रजनीष सिरतः ।भवाभोगोिाः िशव िशव िशववचसःकदा याामोऽग तबलबााकलदशाम ॥ ८५॥

Sitting peacefully on the banks of the celestial river, in thebright scattered glow of the moonlight, when silence pervades thenights,distressed by the thoughts of birth and death, when shallwe roarthe names of Shiva, and reach the state of holding back tears ofecstasy?रार = bright diffusedोा = moonlightधविलततल = white glowािप = somewhereपिलन = banksसखासीनाः = seated happilyशािनष = soundless silenceरजनीष = at night


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सिरतः = heavenly riverभवाभोग = miseries of birth and deathउिाः = fearfulिशव िशव िशव = repeatedly calling Shivaइित = thusउ = loudवचसः = voiceकदा = whenयाामः = attainअगत = internalबल = copiousबा = tearsआकल = ecstasyदशा = condition

िवतीण सव तणकणापण दयाःरः ससार िवगणपिरणामा िविधगितम ।वय पयारय पिरणतशरिकरणाःिऽयामा नामो हरचरणिचकशरणाः ॥ ८६॥

Forsaking all, with the heart full of the most tender compassion,recallingthe sorrowful fate, let us spend the nights in holy forests, in theglow ofthe autumnal moonbeams, meditating on Siva’s feet, our soleshelter.िवतीण = giving awayसव = allतण =tenderकणा = compassionपण = filled withदयाः = heart

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

रः = rememberingससार = cycles of creation and dissolutionिवगण = undesirableपिरणामा = effectsिविधगित = destinyवय = weपय = holyअरय = forestपिरणत = fullशरत = autumnalच = moonिकरणाः = rays/beamsिऽयामा = nightsनामः = spendहर = Shivaचरण = feetिचा = meditationएक = onlyशरणाः = refuge

कदा वाराणाममरतिटनीरोधिस वसन वसानः कौपीन िशरिस िनदधानोऽिलपटम ।अय गौरीनाथ िऽपरहरशो िऽनयनसीदित बोशििमषिमव नािम िदवसान ॥ ८७॥

When shall I spend my momentary life on the banks of theheavenlyriver in Varanasi, wearing just a loin-cloth, holding my foldedhandsover my head, and weeping loudly, Oh! Lord of Gauri!Conqueror of the


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demon Tripura! Ever auspicious and having the third eye (of theSupreme

Light)! Have compassion on me! कदा = whenवाराणा = in Varanasiअमरतिटनीरोधिस = on the banks of the celestial riverवसन = stayवसानः = dressकौपीन = loin clothिशरिस = on the headिनदधानः = raisedअिलपट = folded handsअय = oh!गौरीनाथ = Shiva (husband of Gauri)िऽपरहर = slayer of Tripuraशः = giver of supreme goodिऽनयन = with three eyesसीद = have mercyइित = thusबोशन = cryingिनिमष = a momentइव = as ifनािम = spendिदवसान = days

ाा गाः पयोिभः शिचकसमफलरच िया िवभो ाय ान िनव य िितधरकहरमावपय मल ।आारामः फलाशी गवचनरतसादारारःख मो कदाह समकरचरण प िस सवासमम ॥ ८८॥

After bathing in the waters of the Ganga, worshipping you withthe

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

choicest fruits and flowers,with my mind meditating on you,seatedon a bed of stone in a mountain-cave, enjoying the bliss of theSelf,surviving on fruits, joyfully engrossed in the spiritual preceptor’sinstructions, Oh! Cupid’s Enemy! when will you freemewith yourgrace, from the sorrow of having served the rich?ाा = after bathingगाः = by Gangesपयोिभः = watersशिच = pureकसम = flowersफलः = fruitsअचिया = offeringिवभः = o Lord!ा = to youय = concentratingान = mindिनव य =िितधर = mountainकहर = caveमाव = stonyपय मल = by the bedआारामः = blissful in the Selfफलाशी = eating fruitsग = teacherवचन = wordsरतः = devoted toत = yourसादात = graceरार = O Thou Enemy of Cupid!


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ःख = sorrowमो = freedomकदा = whenअह = Iस = withमकर = sharkचरण = feet [ a shark on the feet (sign of uncommonprosperity)]प िस = manसवा = serviceसम = released

एकाकी िनःहः शाः पािणपाऽो िदगरः ।कदा शो भिवािम कमिनम लनमा ॥ ८९॥

When shall I be free from the roots of action, leading a life ofsolitude,dispassion, serenity, with my hands serving as a bowl, and the skyfor clothing?एकाकी = aloneिनःहः = free from desireशाः = peacefulपािण = handपाऽः = vesselिदगरः = nakedशो = O Shiva!भिवािम = will becomeकम = actionिनम लन = root outमः = capable

पािण पाऽयता िनसग शिचना भण सतता

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

यऽ ािप िनषीदता बतण िव मः पयताम ॥अागीऽिप तनोरखडपरमानावबोधशाअा कोऽिप िशवसादसलभः सत योिगनाम ॥ ९०॥

Using the hands as a bowl, contented with the naturally pure foodfromalms, resting in any place, constantly viewing the world to beworth nomore than a blade of grass, experiencing uninterrupted supremejoy evenbefore the body falls, for such aspirants alone the grace of Shivamakesthe path of liberation easy of attainment.पािण = handपाऽयता = used like a vesselिनसग = natureशिचना = pureभण = by begging almsसतता = contentedयऽ = whereािप = anywhereिनषीदता = restingबतण = almost a blade of grassिव = worldमः = constantlyपयता = seeingअाग = giving upअिप = evenतनोः = of the bodyअखड = uninterruptedपरम = supreme


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अन = blissअवबोधशा = knowledgeअा = pathकः = whoअिप = evenिशवसाद = grace of Shivaसलभः = easyसत = attainयोिगना = of yogisअवधतचया ।

कौपीन शतखडजज रतर का पनाशीनि िनरपभमशन िनिा मशान वन ।ातण िनरश िवहरण ा शा सदाय योगमहोवऽिप च यिद ऽलोरान िकम ॥ ९१॥

The Way of Life of a Self-Realised Ascetic: Wearing a loin-clothworn-outand tattered into a hundred rags, with a wrap-around in similarcondition,free from anxiety, eating food from alms begged without anyexpectations,sleeping in a forest or a cremation-ground, roaming freely withouthindrance, ever indrawn and calm, and also established in thegreat joyof Divine union,——-for such a one even sovereignty of the threeworlds is beneath comparison.अवधत = a self-realised ascetic with the highest spiritual freedomचया = the way of lifeकौपीन = loin clothशत = hundredखड = torn

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

जज रतर = much worn outका = ragपनः = againताशी = of the same conditionनि = free from all diturbing thoughtsिनरप = without expectationभ = food got by beggingअशन = eatingिनिा = sleepमशान = in a cremation groundवन = in a forestातण = freelyिनरश = without hindranceिवहरण = wanderingा = one’s mindशा = very peacefulसदा = alwaysय = steadfastnessयोग = yogaमहोव = festive joyअिप = alsoच = andयिद = whenऽलो = three worldsरान = by sovereigntyिक = what

ाड मडलीमाऽ िक लोभाय मनिनः ।शफरीिरतनािः ो न ख जायत ॥ ९२॥

Will the wise ones show greed for this universe, which is but amere mirage?


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Indeed, the ocean is not agitated by the movements of a fish!ाड = universeमडली = reflectionमाऽ = mereिक = whatलोभाय = for greedमनिनः = wiseशफरी = a small fishिरतन = by movementअिः = oceanः = agitatedन = notख = indeedजायत = become

मातलि भज किचदपर मािणी मा भःभोगष हयालवव वश का िनःहाणामिस ।सःतपलाशपऽपिटकापाऽ पिवऽीकत-िभ ाविभरव सित वय वि समीहामह ॥ ९३॥

Oh Mother LakShmi! devote yourself to someone else! Do notlong forme! Those who covet pleasures are under your sway; what are youto uswho are dispassionate? Now, we want to subsist on alms gatheredandpurified in a bowl instantly made from the leaves of Palasa tree.मातः = motherलि = O Laxmi!भज = serveकिचत = someoneअपर = else

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

मत = meकािणी = long forमा = do not = indeedभ = earthlyभोगष = in enjoymentsहयालवः = desiringतव = yourवश = captiveका = whatिनःहाणा = free from desiresअिस = areसः = immediatelyत = put togetherपलाश = palAshaपऽ = leafपिटका = ??पाऽ = vesselपिवऽीकतः = sanctifiedिभाविभः = articles obtained by beggingएव = onlyसित = in the right wayवय = weवि = attitudeसमीहामह = wish

महाशा पी िवपलमपधान भजलतािवतान चाकाश जनमनकलोऽयमिनलः ।शरो दीपो िवरितविनतासमिदतःसखी शाः शत मिनरतनभितनप इव ॥ ९४॥


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With the earth for a bed, the arms for a large pillow, the sky for aroof,the gentle breeze for a fan, the autumnal moon for a lamp,renunciationas conjugal bliss, the sage sleeps in contentment and tranquillity,like a sovereign of immense glory.महा = greatशा = bedपी = earthिवपल = ampleउपधान = pillowभजलता = armsिवतान = canopyच = andअकाश = skyजन = fanअनकलः = pleasantअय = thisअिनलः = breezeशरत = autumnचः = moonदीपः = lightिवरित = abnegationविनता = wifeस = companyउिदतः = elevated (rejoicing)सखी = blissfulशाः = peacefulशत = sleepsमिनः = sageअतन = not small (undiminished)

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

भितः = gloryनप = kingइव = as if

िभाशी जनमसरिहतः ायचः सदाहानादानिवरमाग िनरतः किपी ितः ।राकीण िवशीण जीण वसनः साकासनोिनमा नो िनरहकितः शमसखाभोगकबहः ॥ ९५॥

Living on alms, unattached to the company of people, ever actingwithtotal freedom, devoted to the path of dispassion towards theexchangeof wealth, such a one is a true ascetic. Wearing worn-out ragsthrownin the streets, using a blanket received by chance for a seat, withoutpride or selfishness, the ascetic wishes solely forthe joy of the controlled mind.िभाशी = eating almsजनम = societyसरिहतः = unattachedायचः = free in actions (independent)सदा = alwaysहानादान = give and takeिवर = indifferentमाग = pathिनरतः = pursuingकित = who butतपी = engaged in austeritiesितः = livingरा = in the streetsकीण = thrown away


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िवशीण = shatteredजीण = worn outवसनः = garmentसा = gotten by chanceक = blanketअसनः = seatिनमा नः = without prideिनरहकितः = without egoismशम = self-controlसखाभोग = enjoying the happinessएकब = bound by only oneहः = desiring

चडालः िकमय िजाितरथवा शिोऽथ िक तापसःिक वा तिववकपशलमितयगीरः कोऽिप िकम ।इिवकजमखरराभामाणा जनःन बाः पिथ नव तमनसो याि य योिगनः ॥ ९६॥

Is this person an outcaste? or a twice-born? or a shudra? or anascetic? or else some master yogi with the mind filled withphilosophical

discernment? When people address the ascetic thus, doubtingand debatinggarrulously, the Yogis themselves walk awy, neither angry norpleased.चडालः = outcasteिक = whatअय = thisिजाितः = twice-born (initiated in scriptures)अथवा = orशिः = servant

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

अथ = thusिक = whatतापसः = asceticिक = whatवा = orत = truthिववक = discriminationपशल = expertमितः = mindयोगीरः = supreme yogiकः = whoअिप = alsoिक = whatइित = thusउ = arisingिवक = doubtज = argumentativeमखरः = garrulouslyआभामाणा = accostedजनः = by peopleबाः = angryपिथ = on the wayन = notएव = onlyत = pleasedमनसः = mindयाि = goय = own wayयोिगनः = yogis

िहसाशमयलमशन धाऽा मित


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ालाना पशवणारभजाः लीशाियनः ।ससाराण वलनमिधया विः कता सा नणातामषयता याि सतत सव समाि गणाः ॥ ९७॥

The creator has provided for serpents air as food, got withoutviolenceor effort. Beasts are satisfied with eating sprouting grass andlaying on the ground. Likewise, for people intellectually ableenoughto cross the sea of birth-death cycles, some such means of livinghasbeen created. Those who seek this are able to bring tofinal cessation the play of their natural attributes.िहसाश = without killingअय = without effortल = obtainableअशन = for eatingधाऽा = by the Creatorमत = airकित = providedालाना = viciousपशवः = beastsतण = grassअरभजः = feeding on sproutsताः = contentedलीशाियनः = lying on groundससार = transmigratory lifeअणव = oceanलनम = capable to cross overिधया = intelligenceविः = inclined to

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॥ वराय शतकम ॥

कता = madeसा = thatनणा = of peopleता = to themअषयता = seekingयाि = goसतत = constantlyसव = allसमाि = endingगणाः = qualities (inertia, activity, and understanding)

गातीर िहमिगिरिशलाबपासनानासनिविधना योगिनिा गत ।िक तभा मम सिदवसय ऽ त िनिव शाःकडय जरठहिरणाः ाम मदीय ॥ ९८॥

Seated in the lotus-posture on a stone in the Himalayas on thebanks ofthe Ganga,; attaining yogic sleep by the practice of meditation ontheSupreme Reality; with deer, old with age and free from fear,caressingtheir bodies against mine——- will such fortune come to me?गातीर = on the banks of river Gangesिहमिगिर = Himalayasिशला = stoneब = bound/sittingपासन = lotus posture = transcendent truthान = meditationअसन = practiceिविधना = in the prascribed manner


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योगिनिा = Samadhi (with consciousness of the external world lost)गत = going/fallingिक = whatतः = by themभा = resulting fromमम = myसिदवसः = happy daysयऽ = whereत = theyिनिव शाः = fearlessकडय = rubजरठहिरणाः = old deerा = own bodiesअ = bodyमदीय = my

पािणः पाऽ पिवऽ मणपिरगत भममिवीण वमाशादशकमचपल तममव ।यषा िनःसताीकरण पिरणतासतोिषणधाः सदितकरिनकराः कम िनम लयि ॥ ९९॥

The hands serving as a sacred bowl, subsisting on the never-dwindlingalms obtained while roaming, the vast expanse of the sky servingasa dress, and the earth for a stable, spacious bed—people with suchdispassion are blessed indeed, for they have renounced the povertyofattitude seeking mundane pleasures and thus giving up worldlycontacts,and inwardly contented in heart fulfilled by accepting solitude,

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and thus able to uproot all actions ( the roots of future rebirthsand deaths).पािणः = handपाऽ = vesselपिवऽ = pureमण = wanderingपिरगत = obtainedभ = almsअ = never running shortअ = foodिवीण = ampleव = clothआशा = spaceदशक = ten directionsअचपल = fixedत = bedअ = spaciousउव = wide earthयषा = whoseिनःसत = without associatingअीकरण = absorbपिरणत = maturedा = inwardlyसतोिषणः = blissfulत = theyधाः = blessedस = forsakingद = deprivationितकर = contactिनकराः = best of objectsकम = actions


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िनम लयि = root out

मातमिदिन तात मात सख तजः सबो जलातम िनब एव भवतामः णामािलः ।यवशोपजातसकताररिम ल-ानापासममोहमिहमा लीय परिण ॥ १००॥

Oh Mother Earth! Oh Wind, my Father! Oh Fire, my friend! OhWater,my good relative! Oh Sky, my Brother! With clasped hands thisis myconcluding salutations to you! My association with you allresultedin an accumulation of scintillating merits, culminating inabundance ofpure knowledge, which helped me overcome the marvellous swayof Unreality! May I now unite with the Transcendent Truth!मातः = O Motherमिदिन = Earthतात = O Fatherमात = Windसख = O Friendतजः = Fireसबः = O my good relativeजल = Waterातः = O Brotherोम = Skyिनब = tied toएव = onlyभवता = with you allअः = lastणाम = salutations

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Page 126:   · PDF file॥ वैराग्य शतकम् ॥ .. vairAgya shatakam .. vairagya.pdf Author, Transliterated by: Sunder hattangadi sunderh at ,

॥ वराय शतकम ॥

अिलः = clasped handsयत = with you allसवश = association withउपजात = developedसकत = good deeds, meritsार = wideरत = trembling, resplendentिनम ल = without blemish, pureान = knowledgeअपा = discardसम = allमोह = delusionमिहमा = wondrous powerलीय = mergeपरिण = in the Transcendent Reality

Encoded and Translated by Sunder hattangadi sunderh athotmail.comReroofread by P R Iyer

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on September 11, 2017

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