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1 収録英単語索引 (各単語の後の番号は、連載号数を指します) [A] abaft 21 abbreviate 10 abbreviation 10 abdicable 40 abdicant 40 abdicate 40 abdication 40 abdicative 40 abdicator 40 aberrant 14 aberration 14 abide 16 ability 34 abject 28 abjection 28 abjure 6 ablate 21 ablation 21 ablative 5,21 ablaut 21 able 34 abnegate 22 abridge 10 abscise 21 abscission 21 abscond 17 absent 1 absolute value 26 abstain 30 abstainer 30 abstemious 30 abstemiously 30 abstemiousness 30 abstention 30 abstentious 30 abstinence 30 abstinency 30 abstinent 30 abstinently 30 accede 38 accedence 38 acceder 38 accept 8 acceptance 8 access 38 accessible 38 accessibly 38 accession 38 accessional 38 accessorial 38 accessorily 38 accessorize 38 accessory 38 accident 21 accidental 21 acclivity 7 accusative 5 achieve 13 achievement 13 acquaint 15 acquaintance 15 acronym 10 act 23 action 23 activate 23 active 23 activity 23 actual 23 actualize 23 actuate 23 adamant 26 add 29 addend 29 addendum 29 addict 40 addicted 40 addiction 40 addictive 40 addictiveness 40 addition 29 additional 29 additive 29 address 31 addressable 31 addressee 31 addressor 31 adequate 24 adjacent 28 adjective 28 adjoin 7 adjoining 7 adjure 6 administer 36 administerial 36 administrable 36 administrant 36 administrate 36 administration 36

収録英単語索引 - URYU & ITOGA

Apr 07, 2022



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Page 1: 収録英単語索引 - URYU & ITOGA





abaft 21

abbreviate 10

abbreviation 10

abdicable 40

abdicant 40

abdicate 40

abdication 40

abdicative 40

abdicator 40

aberrant 14

aberration 14

abide 16

ability 34

abject 28

abjection 28

abjure 6

ablate 21

ablation 21

ablative 5,21

ablaut 21

able 34

abnegate 22

abridge 10

abscise 21

abscission 21

abscond 17

absent 1

absolute value 26

abstain 30

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abstemious 30

abstemiously 30

abstemiousness 30

abstention 30

abstentious 30

abstinence 30

abstinency 30

abstinent 30

abstinently 30

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acceder 38

accept 8

acceptance 8

access 38

accessible 38

accessibly 38

accession 38

accessional 38

accessorial 38

accessorily 38

accessorize 38

accessory 38

accident 21

accidental 21

acclivity 7

accusative 5

achieve 13

achievement 13

acquaint 15

acquaintance 15

acronym 10

act 23

action 23

activate 23

active 23

activity 23

actual 23

actualize 23

actuate 23

adamant 26

add 29

addend 29

addendum 29

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addicted 40

addiction 40

addictive 40

addictiveness 40

addition 29

additional 29

additive 29

address 31

addressable 31

addressee 31

addressor 31

adequate 24

adjacent 28

adjective 28

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adjoining 7

adjure 6

administer 36

administerial 36

administrable 36

administrant 36

administrate 36

administration 36

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administrative 36

administratively 36

administrator 36

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admit 25

admix 21

admonish 25

admonition 25

admonitor 25

advent 3

adventure 3

adversary 20

adverse 20

adversity 20

advert 20

advertise 20

advertisement 20

advice 3

advise 3

advocate 4

affair 17

affect 17

affection 17

affiant 16

affidavit 16

affinity 22

afforest 26

afforestation 26

Afghanistan 38

after 21

agency 23

agenda 23

agendum 23

agent 23

aggregate 6

aggregation 6

agile 23

agility 23

agitate 23

agitation 23

agitator 23

agnate 23

agony 23

agree 39

agreeable 39

agreed 39

agreement 39

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alarmedly 39

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alertly 31

alertness 31

aliquot 32

allative 21

allege 23

alliterate 25

alliteration 25

allocate 5

allocation 5

amateur 11

ambassador 23

ambiguous 23

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amelioration 16

ameliorative 16

amiable 11

amicable 11

amity 11

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amnesty 25

amorous 11

amortization 14

amortize 14

amour 11

amphibious 10

anamnesis 25

anarthrous 33

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ancestry 38

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animadvert 20

annihilate 22

anniversary 20

annul 8

annulment 8

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antecessor 38

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anticipation 8

anticipatory 8

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antinomian 17

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antinomy 17

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apparent 18

apparition 18

appear 18

appearance 18

appease 18

appeasement 18

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appetizing 35

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appointment 20

apposite 21

apposition 21

approximation 28

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aristocrat 33

aristocratic 33

aristocratical 33

aristocratically 33

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arithmetical 33

arithmetically 33

arm1 39

arm2 39

armada 39

armament 39

armamentarium 39

armature 39

armed 39

-armed 39

armillary 39

armistice 38,39

armoire 39

armor 39

armored 39

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armory 39

army 39

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arraignment 33

arrest 38

arrestable 38

arrestee 38

arrester 38

arresting 38

arrestingly 38

arrestive 38

arrestment 38

arrestor 38

arrival 38

arrive 38

art 10

artful 33

artfully 33

artfulness 33

arthro- 33

arthropod 33

arthrosis 33

article 10

articular 33

articulate 10

articulation 33

articulator 33

articulatory 33

artifact 33

artifactitious 33

artifice 33

artificer 33

artificial 10

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artisan 33

artist 10

artistic 10

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artless 33

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ascendable 34

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ascendant 34

ascendent 34

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ascension 34

ascensive 34

ascent 34

ascertain 11

ascribe 25

asperity 27

aspirant 27

aspirate 27

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aspiration 27

aspire 27

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assigner 35

assignment 35

assignor 35

assist 1,38

assistance 38

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assister 38

assistive 38

assistor 38

associate 6

association 6

asterisk 27

asteroid 27

astrology 27

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astronomer 27

astronomy 17,27

asymptomatic 35

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attributor 31

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auctioneer 24

audible 19

augend 24,29

augment 24

augmentative 24

augur 24

augury 24

august 24

author 24

authoritative 24

authority 24

authorize 24

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automatic 25

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autonomy 17

auxiliary 24

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availability 26

available 26

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avengeful 40

avenger 40

avenue 3

averse 20

aversion 20

avert 20

avouch 4

avow 4

awkward 21

axiology 23

axiom 23

axiomatic 23


Baluchistan 38

bane 37

be 17

beam 17

bear 21

behave 34

behead 13

behoof 34

behoove 34

bellicose 18

bellicosity 18

belligerence 18

belligerent 18

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benedictive 40

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benefactor 16,17

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benignant 16

benignity 16

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benumb 17

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bide 16

binomial 17,37

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biology 10

biota 10

biotic 10

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bipartite 35

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boon 16

booth 17

both sides 39

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bracket 38

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break 21

brevity 10

brief 10

bring 21

build 17

burden 21


cache 23

cadence 21

cadet 13

cadre 26

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capable 8

capacity 8

cape 13

Cape of Good Hope 13

capital 13

capitalism 13

capitalize 13

capitate 13

capitation 13

capitulate 13

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caprice 13

capricious 13

capsule 8

captain 13

captivate 8

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casualty 21

catch 8

cater-cornered 26

cattle 13

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cede 38

ceder 38

cement 21

centrifugal 12,35

centrifuge 12

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certain 11

certainty 11

certificate 11

certification 11

certify 11

certitude 11

cessation 38

cessative 38

cession 38

cessionary 38

chance 21

change 22

chapter 13

chase 8

check the solution 39

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chieftain 13

chisel 21

chute 21

-cide 21

circumcise 21

circumcision 21

circumference 21

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circumferential 21

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clientele 7

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cohabiter 34

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collation 21

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collocation 5

combine like terms 37

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comestible 19

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commandingly 30

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commend 30

commendable 30

commendably 30

commendation 30

commendatory 30

commender 30

comment 25

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commitment 25

committee 25

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common 14

common divisor 24

common factor 24

common multiple 24

communicate 14

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compare 20

comparison 20

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competitory 35

completion of the

square 40

component 21

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compunction 20

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compunctious 20

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conditioning 40

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configure 19

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congratulator 39

congratulatory 39

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conjecture 28

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conjoint 7

conjugal 7

conjugate 7

conjugation 7

conjunction 7

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conjure 6

connoisseur 15

conscribe 25

conscript 25

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consequential 35

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conservative 7

conservatory 7

conserve 7

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considerably 27

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consideration 27

considering 27

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consignable 35

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consignation 35

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consignor 35

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consistently 38

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constantly 38

constant term 37

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constituent 38

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constituter 38

constitution 38

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constitutive 38

constitutively 38

constitutor 38

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contained 30

container 30

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containerize 30

containment 30

contemporaneous 12

contemporary 12

content¹ 30

content² 30

contentable 30

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contentedly 30

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contentness 30

conterminous 22

continence 30

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continent¹ 30

continent² 30

continental 30

continentality 30

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continently 30

continual 30

continually 30

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continuative 30

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continue 30

continued fraction 21

continuedly 30

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continuity 30

continuous 30

continuously 30

continuousness 30

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contrastively 38

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contributor 31

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controvert 20

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convalescence 26

convalescent 26

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convene 3

convention 3

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converse² 20

conversely 20

conversion 20

convert 20,22

convertible 20

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convince 3

convivial 10

convoke 4

corporal 13

corporality 13

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corporation 13

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corps 13

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corpus 13

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correctively 31

correctly 31

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countervailing 26

course of life 10

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criminologically 33

criminologist 33

criminology 33

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criterion 11

critic 11

critical 11

criticism 11

criticize 11

critique 11

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cruiser 33

cruising 33

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cube 35

cube number 26

cube root 35

cubic equation 39

cum dividend 15

curriculum vitae 10


dado 29

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dainty 40

dairy 19

danger 26

dangerous 26

data 2

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date 2

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disdainfully 40

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disdainfulness 40

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divisively 31

divisor 24,31,32

divorce 20

docent 40

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doctor 40

doctoral 40

doctorally 40

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doctorship 40

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document 40

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documentary 40

documentation 40

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dominion 26

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dominium 26

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duty-free 34


eat 19

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editor 29

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egregious 6

either 32

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eke 24

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elation 21

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equal 24

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equation in one

variable 39

equation of degree n 39

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equivalent expression


equivocal 4,24

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erector 31

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etch 19

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ex aequo et bono 15

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ex ante 15

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ex gratia 15

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existentially 38

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exister 38

existing 38

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ex maleficio 15

ex mero motu 15

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ex parte 15

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experiential 9

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expertize 9

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expiry 27

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exposition 21

ex post 15

ex post facto 15

expound 21

expression 36

ex proprio motu 15

ex proprio vigore 15

ex provisione hominis


expunction 20

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extant 38

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extenuatingly 30

extenuation 30

extenuatory 30

exterior 15

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extol 21

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extrapunitive 33

extreme 15

extremism 15

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extrinsic 35

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extrinsically 35

extro- 15

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ex turpi causa 15


facade 17

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figure 19

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fortune 21

forty 26

forum 26

forum conveniens 26

forum non conveniens


four 26

fourteen 26

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fourth 26

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gallop 17

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gist 28

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gregarious 6

gun 37


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haven 34

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heal 18

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heterodoxly 40

heterodoxy 40

Hindustan 38

hippopotamian 35

hippopotamic 35

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hippopotamus 35

hist- 38

histo- 38

histogram 38

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holy 18

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horizontal 20

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how 32

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incomprehensively 34



incompressibility 34

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irremovable 40

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irreparably 40

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irrepealable 40

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irresponsible 40

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irrevocable 40

irrevocable letter of

credit 4

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jet 28

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join 7

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justify 6


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let 32

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lieutenant 5,30

like(similar)terms 37

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limitable 39

limitableness 39

limitarian 39

limitary 39

limitation 39

limitational 39

limitative 39

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limited 39

limitedly 39

limitedness 39

limiter 39

limiting 39

limitless 39

limitlessly 39

limitlessness 39

limitrophe 39

linear equation 39

linear equation in two

variables 39

lintel 39

linteled 39

literacy 25

literal 25

literary 25

literate 25

literatim 25

literature 25

litigate 23

loan 37

local 5

locality 5

locate 5

location 5

locomotion 5

locomotive 5

locus 5

logarithm 33

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logarithmically 33

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longitude 10

loyal 5

loyalty 5


madam 26

madonna 26

maestro 9

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magnate 9

magnificent 9

magnify 9

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magnum opus 9

maintain 30

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major 9

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mala fide 16

maledict 40

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malevolence 17

malversation 20

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manage 30

manageable 30

manageably 30

managed 30

management 30

manager 30

managerial 30

managing 30

mandamus 30

mandatary 30

mandate 30

mandator 30

mandatorily 30

mandatory 30

maneuver 30

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maneuverer 30

mania 25

maniac 25

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manicurist 30

manifest 30

manifestable 30

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manifestative 30

manifestly 30

manifesto 30

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manipulate 30

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manipulative 30

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manipulativeness 30

manipulator 30

manipulatory 30

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manner 30

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mannerless 30

mannerlessly 30

mannerly 30

mansion 25

mansuetude 30

manual 30

manually 30

manufactory 30

manufacturable 30

manufacture 17,30

manufacturer 30

manufacturing 30

manumission 30

manumit 30

manumitter 30

manure 30

manurer 30

manurial 30

manurially 30

manus 30

manuscript 25,30

manuscriptal 30

Mass 25

master 9

matricide 21

maxim 9

maximum 9

May 9

mayor 9

meddle 21

medley 21

megalith 9

megalithic 9

megalomania 9

megalomaniac 9

megalopolis 9

megalosaur 9

megaphone 9

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memento 25

memorandum 7

mental 13

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mention 25

mentor 25

menu 36

mess 25

message 25

messenger 25

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metastatically 38

metronome 17

microbe 10

mince 36

mincer 36

mincing 36

mincingly 36

mind 25

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minimalist 36

minimalize 36

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minimize 36

minimizer 36

minimum 36

minister 36

ministerial 36

ministerially 36

ministrant 36

ministration 36

ministrative 36

ministry 36

minor 36

minority 36

minuend 30,36

minuet 36

minus 36

minuscular 36

minuscule 36

minute 36

minutely 36

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minutial 36

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miscellaneous 21

mischief 13

miscible 21

misfortune 21

missile 25

mission 25

missionary 25

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mittimus 25

mix 21

mixed number 21

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mnemonic 25

monition 25

monitor 25

monitoring 25

monomial 37

monster 25

monument 25

monumental 25

morph 38

morph- 38

-morph 38

morpheme 38

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morphemically 38

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-morphic 38

morphine 38

morphinic 38

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morphinist 38

morphinize 38

-morphism 38

morpho- 38

morphogenesis 38

morphogenetic 38

morphogenic 38

morphologic 38

morphological 38

morphologically 38

morphologist 38

morphology 38

morphosis 38

-morphosis 38

morphotic 38

-morphous 38

-morphy 38

mortal 14

mortgage 14

mortify 14

mortmain 30

mosaic 25

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multinational 36

multiple 24,36

multiplex 36

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multiplicate 36

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multiplicational 36

multiplication equation


multiplicative 36

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multiplicity 36

multiplier 31

multiply 31,36

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multitudinous 36

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multivalent 36

multivariate 36

multivocal 36

museum 25

music 25

mustang 21

muster 25

mutability 20

mutable 20

mutagen 20

mutant 20

mutate 20

mutation 20

mutatis mutandis 20

mutual 20

mutuality 20


naive 23

nascent 23

natal 23

nation 23

national 23

nationality 23

nationalize 23

native 23

natural 23

naturalize 23

natural number 18

nature 23

naught 22

naughty 22

navigate 23

nay 22

necessarily 38

necessary 38

necessitate 38

necessitation 38

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necessitative 38

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necessity 38

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negative 22

negative number 26

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negligent 22

negotiate 22

negotiation 22

neighbor 17

neither 22,32

nemesis 17

nescience 22

neuter 22,32

neutral 22,32

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neutralize 32

neutrally 32

never 22

n-figure number 19

nice 22

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nihility 22

nil 22

nill 17

nimble 17

nimiety 22

nisi 22

nix 22

no 22

nomad 17

nomadic 17

nominative 5

nomogram 17

nomograph 17

-nomy 17

nondescript 25

none 22

nonpareil 20

nonpartisan 35

nonplus 36


decimal 20

nor 22

nostril 28

not 22

nothing 22

null 8

null and void 8

nullification 8

nullify 8

numb 17

number 17

numerable 17

numeracy 17

numeral 17

numerate 17

numeration 17

numerator 17,22

numeric 17

numerical 17

numerous 17

numismatic 17

numismatics 17


obdurate 32

obdurately 32

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obese 19

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obesogenic 19

object 28

objection 28

objective 28

objurgate 6,23

oblate 21

obliterate 25

obliteration 25

oblong 10

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observatory 7

observe 7

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occasion 21

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occasional 21

occident 21

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occupant 8

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of 21

off 21

offend 37

offender 37

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offer 21

office 17

official 17

omega 9

omicron 9

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omit 25,28

omnibus 20

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onerously 39

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onerous title 39

onus 39

onus of proof 39

onus probandi 39

operation 29

oppose 21

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oppugnant 20

optimal 9

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optimist 9

optimistic 9

optimize 9

optimum 9

ordinal number 18

orthodox 40

orthodoxly 40

orthodoxy 40

oust 38

ouster 38


pace 18

pacific 18

pacification 18

pacify 18

pact 18

pain 33

pained 33

painful 33

painfully 33

painfulness 33

painless 33

painstaking 33

pair 20

Pandora 29

panache 35

par 20

parachute 18

parade 18

paradigm 40

paradigmatic 40

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paradise 19

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paradoxical 40

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parasol 18

parcel 35

parceling 35

pardon 2

pare 18

parent 18

parenthesis 17,38

parenthesize 38

parget 28

pari-mutuel 20

pari passu 20

parity 20

parlay 20

parous 18

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-parous 18

parry 18

parsable 35

parse 35

parser 35

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particle 35

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parturient 18

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partyist 35

partyless 35

patricide 21

pay 18

payment 18

peace 18

peaceful 18

pedagogue 23

peer 20

peerage 20

peerless 20

pejoration 16

pejorative 16

pell-mell 21

pen 35

penal 33

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penally 33

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penanceless 33

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penna 35

pennaceous 35

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penologist 33

penology 33

per capita 13

perceive 8

percentage 34

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perception 8

perdition 29

perdurability 32

perdurable 32

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perdurableness 32

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perfect number 26

perfect square

trinominal 40

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perfidy 16

perform 38

performable 38

performance 38

performative 38

performer 38

performing 38

peril 9

perilous 9

perjure 6

perjury 6

permanence 25

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permission 25

permit 25

permutate 20

permutation 20

permute 20

perpetuable 35

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perpetuance 35

perpetuate 35

perpetuation 35

perpetuator 35

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persecutor 35

persecutory 35

persist 1,38

persistence 38

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pertinent 30

pertinently 30

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pervert 20

pesticide 21

petition 35

petitionable 35

petitionary 35

petitioner 35

petitionist 35

petulance 35

petulancy 35

petulant 35

petulantly 35

philately 21

phyletic 17

phylogeny 17

phylum 17

physics 17

physio- 17

physique 17

-phyte 17

phyto- 17

pin 35

pine 33

pinna 35

pinnacle 35

pinnacled 35

pinnal 35

pinnate 35

pinnated 35

pinnately 35

pinnation 35

pinner 35

pirate 9

place 19

platform 38

platformless 38

pluperfect 36

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plural 36

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pluralistic 36

pluralistically 36

plurality 36

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pluralize 36

plurally 36

plus 36

pluvial 19

pluvious 19

pneumonia 19

pneumonic 19

podagra 23

poignancy 20

poignant 20

point 20

point-device 31

policy 40

polynomial 37

pons 36

pontifex 36

pontiff 36

pontificate 36

pontificial 36

pontine 36

pontoon 36

popular 4

popularity 4

populate 4

population 4

populous 4

porrect 31

portion 35

portionable 35

posit 21

position 21

positive 21

positive number 26

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possibility 34

possible 34

possibly 34

post1 21

post2 38

post-bellum 18

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postlike 38

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postpartum 18

postscript 25

posture 21

potence 34

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potential 34

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potentiate 34

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potentiator 34

potently 34

potentness 34

power 34,35

powered 34

powerful 34

powerfully 34

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powerless 34

preach 40

precedable 38

precede 38

precedence 38

precedent1 38

precedent2 38

precedented 38

precedential 38

precedently 38

preceding 38

precession 38

precipice 13

precipitate 13

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precision 21

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predecessor 38

predeterminate 22

predetermination 22

predetermine 22

predicable 40

predicament 40

predicant 40

predicate 40

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predication 40

predicative 40

predicatively 40

predicator 40

predicatory 40

predict 40

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prediction 40

predictive 40

predictor 40

predominant 26

predominate 26

predomination 26

prefect 17

prefecture 17

prefer 21

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prefiguration 19

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prejudice 40

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preliminary 39

premise 25

premonition 25

preparation 18

preparatory 18

prepare 18

prepay 18

prepayment 18

preposition 21

prepotence 34

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prepotent 34

prescribe 25

prescript 25

prescription 25

present 1

preservation 7

preservative 7

preserve 7

pretermit 25

prevail 26

prevailing 26

prevalence 26

prevalent 26

prevent 3

prima facie 17

prime factor 25

prime number 25

principal 34

privacy 22

private 22

privative 22

privatize 22

privilege 5,22

privity 22

privy 22

problem 37

problematic 37

problematical 37

problematically 37

pro bono 37

pro bono publico 37

procedural 37

procedure 37

proceed 37,38

proceeding 37

proceeds 38

process 37

procession 37

processional 37

processionally 37

processive 37

processor 37

proclaim 37

proclaimer 37

proclamation 37

proclamatory 37

proclivity 7,37

procrastinate 37

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procrastinator 37

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procreant 37

procreate 37

procreation 37

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procumbent 37

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procuration 37

procure 37

procurement 37

procurer 37

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prodigal 23,37

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prodigally 37

prodigious 37

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prodrome 37

produce 37

produceable 37

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producer 37

producible 37

product 31,37

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production 37

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profane 37

profanely 37

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professedly 37

profession 37

professional 37

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professionalize 37

professor 37

professorate 37

professorial 37

professoriate 37

professorship 37

proffer 21,37

profferer 37

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proficient 17,37

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profit 17,37

profitable 17

profiteer 37

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pro forma 37

profound 37

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profuse 37

profusely 37

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profusive 37

profusively 37

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progenitive 37

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progenitorial 37

progeny 37

prognose 37

prognosis 37

prognostic 37

prognostical 37

prognostically 37

prognosticate 37

prognosticative 37

program 37

programmatic 37

programmed 37

programmer 37

programming 37

progress 37

progression 37

progressional 37

progressive 37

progressively 37

prohibit 34,37

prohibiter 34

prohibition 34

prohibitionary 34

prohibitive 34

prohibitively 34

prohibitiveness 34

prohibitor 34

prohibitory 34

project 28,37

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projection 28

projective 37

projectively 37

projectivity 37

projector 37

prolate 21,37

prolately 37

prolateness 37

proletarian 37

proletarianize 37

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proletarianly 37

proletariat 37

proliferate 37

proliferation 37

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proliferous 37

prolific 37

prolifically 37

prolix 37

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prolixly 37

prolocutor 37

prolocutorship 37

prologue 37

prologuize 37

prolong 10,37

prolongable 37

prolongate 37

prolongation 10

prolongment 37

promenade 37

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prominent 37

prominently 37

promiscuity 37

promiscuous 21,37

promiscuously 37

promise 25,37

promisee 37

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promisor 37

promissory 25

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promote 37

promoter 37

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prompt 37

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promulgate 37

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pronominal 37

pronominalize 37

pronominally 37

pronoun 37

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pronounced 37

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pronunciation 37

pronunciational 37

propaganda 37

propagandize 37

propagate 37

propagation 37

propagational 37

propel 37

propellant 37

propellent 37

propeller 37

propense 37

propensely 37

propension 37

propensity 37

proper fraction 21

prophecy 37

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prophet 37

prophetic 37

propitiable 35

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propitiative 35

propitiator 35

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propitiously 35

propitiousness 35

proponent 37

proportion 33,34,35,37

proportional 33

proportionality 35

proportionally 35

proportionate 35

proportionately 37

proposal 21

propose 21,37

proposition 21

propound 37

propulsion 37

pro rata 37

pro-rata 37

prorate 37

proration 37

pro re nata 37

prorogation 37

prorogue 37

prosaic 20

proscribable 37

proscribe 25,37

proscriber 37

proscription 25

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proscriptive 37

prose 20

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prosecute 35,37

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prosecuting 35

prosecution 35

prosecutor 35

prosecutorial 35

prosecutrix 35

prospect 37

prospective 37

prospectively 37

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prospectus 37

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prosperity 27

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prosperously 37

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prostate 37,38

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prostatic 37

prostatitis 37

prostitute 37,38

prostitution 37

prostitutor 37

prostrate 37

prostration 37

prostrative 37

protagonist 23

protasis 29,30

protatic 30

protect 37

protection 37

protective 37

protector 37

protectorate 37

protest 37

Protestant 37

protestation 37

protester 37

protestingly 37

prothesis 37

prothetic 37

prothetically 37

protract 37

protractile 37

protraction 37

protractive 37

protractor 37

protrude 37

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protrusive 37

protrusively 37

protuberance 37

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protuberant 37

protuberantly 37

protuberate 37

proud 28

prove 28

proverb 37

proverbial 37

proverbially 37

provide 3,37

provided 37

providence 3

provident 37

providential 37

providentially 37

providently 37

provider 37

providing 37

provision 37

provisional 37

proviso 3

provisory 37

provocation 37

provocative 4

provocatively 37

provoke 4,37

provoking 37

proxy 37

prudence 37

prudent 3,37

prudential 37

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prudentially 37

prudently 37

prune 28

pterodactyl 35

pterosaur 35

public 4

publicity 4

publish 4

pugilism 20

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pulmonary 19

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punctual 20

punctuality 20

punctuate 20

punctuation 20

puncture 20

pungent 20

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punish 33

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punisher 33

punishment 33

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punitively 33

punitiveness 33

punitory 33

purchasable 37

purchase 37

purchaser 37

purchasing 37

purport 37

purported 37

purportedly 37

purportless 37

purpose 21,37

purposeful 37

purposely 37

purposive 37

purposively 37

pursuable 35

pursuance 35

pursuant 35

pursuantly 35

pursue 35,37

pursuer 35

pursuit 35

purvey 3,37

purveyance 37

purveyor 37

purview 37


qua 32

quadrant 26

quadrate 26

quadratic equation 39

quadratic trinominal 37

quadri- 26

quadrumanal 30

quadrumane 30

quadrumanous 30

quaint 15

qualification 32

qualificatory 32

qualified 32

qualifier 32

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qualifying 32

qualifyingly 32

qualitative 32

qualitatively 32

quality 32

quantifiability 32

quantifiable 32

quantification 32

quantified 32

quantifier 32

quantify 32

quantitative 32

quantitatively 32

quantity 32

quantization 32

quantize 32

quantizing 32

quantum 32

quarantine 26

quart 26

quarter 26

quartic equation 39

quarto 26

quasi 32

quasi- 32

quaternary 26

quibble 32

quibbler 32

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quid pro quo 32

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quip 32

quippish 32

quippishness 32

quipster 32

quorum 32

quotability 32

quotable 32

quotableness 32

quotation 32

quotative 32

quote 32

quoter 32

quoteworthy 32

quotient 32


race 14

rack 31

rail 31

railing 31

railroad 31

railroading 31

railway 31

raise a to the n-th

power 35

rake 31

rank 31

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rankly 31

rankness 31

ratability 33

ratable 33

ratableness 33

ratably 33

rate 33,34

ratification 33

ratificationist 33

ratifier 33

ratify 33

rating 33

ratio 33,34

ratio decidendi 33

ration 33

rational 33

rational number 27

rationale 33

rationalism 33

rationalist 33

rationalistic 33

rationalistical 33

rationalistically 33

rationality 33

rationalization 33

rationalize 33

rationalizer 33

rationally 33

rationalness 33

react 23

reaction 23

read 33

real number 27

realm 31

reason 33

reasonability 33

reasonable 33

reasonableness 33

reasonably 33

reasoned 33

reasonedly 33

reasoner 33

reasoning 33

reasoningly 33

reasonless 33

reasonlessly 33

reasonlessness 33

rebel 18

rebellion 18

rebellious 18

recapitulate 13

recapitulation 13

recede 38

receipt 8

receive 8

reception 8

receptive 8

recess 38

recession 38

recessional 38

recessionary 38

recessive 38

recessively 38

recessiveness 38

recidivism 21

recipe 8

recipient 8

reciprocal 23

recision 21

reck 31

reckless 31

recklessly 31

recklessness 31

reckon 31

reckoner 31

reckoning 31

recline 7

recognition 15

recognizable 15

recognizance 15

recognize 15

recommend 30

recommendable 30

recommendation 30

recommendatory 30

recommender 30

recondite 17

recriminate 33

recrimination 33

recriminative 33

recriminator 33

recriminatory 33

rectangle 31

rectangular 31

rectangularity 31

rectangularly 31

rectifiable 31

rectification 31

rectifier 31

rectify 31

rectilineal 31

rectilinear 31

rectilinearly 31

rectitude 31

recto 31

rectum 31

rectus 31

recuperate 8

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recurring decimal 20

rede 33

reduce (change,

convert) fractions to a

common denominator


reduce a fraction to its

lowest terms 22

reducible 23

reduction of a fraction

to its lowest terms 22

reduction of fractions to

a common denominator


refer 21

reference 21

refine 22

refined 22

refinement 22

refinery 22

reform 38

reformability 38

reformable 38

reformableness 38

reformation 38

reformational 38

reformative 38

reformatively 38

reformativeness 38

reformatory 38

reformingly 38

refract 21

refraction 21

refractory 21

refrain 21

refringent 21

refuge 12

refugee 12

regal 31

regality 31

regally 31

regalness 31

regency 31

regent 31

regental 31

regentship 31

regicidal 31

regicide 31

regime 31

regimen 31

regiment 31

regimental 31

regimentally 31

regimentation 31

region 31

regional 31

regionalism 31

regionalization 31

regionalize 31

regular 8

regularity 8

regulate 8

regulation 8

rehabilitant 34

rehabilitate 34

rehabilitation 34

rehabilitative 34

rehabilitator 34

reign 31

reigning 31

rein 30

reject 28

rejection 28

relate 21

relation 21

relic 37

reliclike 37

relict 37

reliction 37

relinquish 37

relinquisher 37

relinquishment 37

relocate 5

remain 25

remainder 25,30,32

remand 30

remandment 30

reminiscent 25

remit 25

remittance 25

remnant 25

remonstrate 25

remonstration 25

remove brackets 38

renaissance 23

render 2

rendition 29

renegade 22

renege 22

rent 29

repair 18

reparation 18

repay 18

repayment 18

repeat 35

repeatability 35

repeatable 35

repeated 35

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repeatedly 35

repeated roots 40

repeater 35

repeating 35

repeating decimal 20

repent 33

repentance 33

repentant 33

repentantly 33

repenter 33

repentingly 33

repertory 18

repetition 35

repetitious 35

repetitiously 35

repetitiousness 35

repetitive 35

repetitively 35

repetitiveness 35

replacement 36

replace n by (with) a 36

reposit 21

repository 21

republic 4

repugn 20

repugnance 20

repugnant 20

reservation 7

reserve 7

reserved 7

reservoir 7

resign 35

resignation 35

resigned 35

resignedly 35

resignedness 35

resignee 35

resist 1,38

resistance 38

resistant 38

resistantly 38

resistate 38

resister 38

resistible 38

resistibly 38

resistingly 38

resistive 38

resistivity 38

resistless 38

resistor 38

resource 31

resourceful 31

resourceless 31

respiration 27

respirator 27

respiratory 27

respire 27

rest 38

restitute 38

restitution 38

restitutive 38

restitutory 38

restive 38

restively 38

restiveness 38

restorable 38

restorableness 38

restoration 38

restorative 38

restore 38

restorer 38

resurge 31

resurgence 31

resurgent 31

resurrect 31

resurrection 31

resurrectional 31

resurrectionary 31

resurrective 31

resurrector 31

retain 30

retainable 30

retainer 30

retainment 30

retaliate 21

retention 30

retentive 30

retentively 30

retentiveness 30

retentivity 30

retribution 31

retributive 31

retributively 31

retributory 31

retroactive 23

retrocede 38

retrocedence 38

retrocession 38

retrocessionaire 38

retrocessive 38

revel 18

revelry 18

revenge 40

revengeful 40

revenger 40

revenue 3

reverberate 20

reversal 20

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reverse 20

reversion 20

revert 20

review 3

revise 3

revival 10

revive 10

revoke 4

rhyme 33

rhymed 33

rhymeless 33

rhymer 33

rhymester 33

rhyming 33

rich 31

-rich 31

riches 31

richly 31

richness 31

riddle1 33

riddle2 33

riddling 33

right 31

righteous 31

rightful 31

rightfulness 31

rightly 31

right side 39

rite 33

riteless 33

ritelessness 33

ritual 33

ritualism 33

ritualist 33

ritualistic 33

ritualistically 33

ritualization 33

ritualize 33

rival 38

rivalless 38

rivalrous 38

rivalrousness 38

rivalry 38

river 38

rivulet 38

rodeo 28

roll 28

roller 28

root 35

rota 28

rotary 28

rotate 28

rotation 28

rotogravure 28

rotund 28

roulette 28

round bracket 38

round down 28

round off 28

round off to the nearest

tenth 28

round up 28

rowel 28

royal 31

royalism 31

royalist 31

royalty 31

rule 31

ruler 31

ruling 31

run 38

runnel 38


sacrifice 17

sanatorium 13

sane 13

sanitarian 13

sanitary 13

sanitate 13

sanitation 13

sanity 13

satisfaction 17

satisfactory 17

satisfy 17

scale 34

scan 34

scandal 34

scandalization 34

scandalize 34

scandalizer 34

scandalmonger 34

scandalous 34

scandalously 34

scandalousness 34

scandal-ridden 34

scandent 34

scannable 34

scanner 34

scanning 34

scansion 34

scansorial 34

scissors 21

scribble 25

script 25

Scripture 25

scrivener 25

seal 35

sealable 35

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sealed 35

sealer 35

secede 38

seceder 38

secern 11

secession 38

secessional 38

secessionism 38

secessionist 38

second 35

secondarily 35

secondariness 35

secondary 35

seconder 35

secondly 35

secrecy 11

secret 11

secretary 11

secrete 11

sect 35

sectarian 35

sectarianism 35

sectarianize 35

sectarianly 35

sectary 35

secundum 35

secundus 35

segregate 6

segregation 6

separate 18

separation 18

sequacious 35

sequaciously 35

sequaciousness 35

sequacity 35

sequel 35

sequela 35

sequence 35

sequencer 35

sequency 35

sequent 35

sequential 35

sequentiality 35

sequentially 35

sequently 35

sequester 35

sequestered 35

sequestrable 35

sequestrate 35

sequestration 35

sequestrator 35

serf 7

sergeant 7

servant 7

serve 7

service 7

servile 7

servitude 7

sever 18

several 18

share 34

side 39

sidereal 27

sigil 35

sigillary 35

sigillate 35

sigillation 35

sigillistic 35

sign 35

signable 35

signal 35

signaler 35

signalize 35

signally 35

signalman 35

signalment 35

signatory 35

signature 35

signatureless 35

signer 35

signet 35

signifiable 35

significance 35

significancy 35

significant 35

significantly 35

signification 35

significative 35

significatively 35

significativeness 35

signifier 35

signify 35

signless 35

signlike 35

simple interest 34

simultaneous equations


simultaneous equations

in two unknowns 39

single figure 19

slander 34

slanderer 34

slanderingly 34

slanderous 34

slanderously 34

slanderousness 34

sociability 6

sociable 6

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social 6

socialism 6

socialist 6

socialistic 6

sociality 6

socialization 6

socialize 6

societal 6

society 6

sociological 6

sociology 6

solstice 38

solstitial 38

solstitially 38

solution 39

solution by completing

the square 40

solution by factors 40

solution set 39

solve the equation 39

solve the equation for x


source 31

sourceful 31

sourceless 31

souvenir 3

speed 27

spirit 27

spiritual 27

squad 26

square 35

square bracket 38

square number 26

square root 35

squat 23

stability 38

stabilization 38

stabilize 38

stabilizer 38

stable1 38

stable2 38

stage 38

stageability 38

stageable 38

stageableness 38

stageably 38

staged 38

stall 38

stalwart 38

stalwartly 38

stalwartness 38

stance 38

stand 38

standard 38

standardize 38

standing 38

standstill 38

stanza 38

starboard 38

state 38

stated 38

stately 38

statement 38

statesman 38

statesmanship 38

static 38

statical 38

statically 38

statics 38

station 38

stationarily 38

stationariness 38

stationary 38

stationer 38

stationery 38

statistic 38

statistical 38

statistically 38

statistician 38

statistics 38

stative 38

statuary 38

statue 38

statued 38

stature 38

status 38

status quo 38

statutable 38

statutableness 38

statutably 38

statute 38

statutory 38

statutory law 38

stay 38

stayable 38

stayer 38

stead 38

steadfast 38

steadfastly 38

steadfastness 38

steadier 38

steadily 38

steadiness 38

steady 38

steadyingly 38

steer 38

steerable 38

steerage 38

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steerer 38

steering 38

steersman 38

stellar 27

stellate 27

stellular 27

stem 38

stemless 38

stemlike 38

stemmed 38

stemmer 38

stern 38

sternpost 38

stet 38

stool 38

stoollike 38

storable 38

storage 38

store 38

strange 15

stratagem 23

stud 38

subconscious 29

subconsciousness 29

subcontinent 29

subcontinental 29

subcontract 29

subcontractor 29

subdue 29

subdued 29

subjacent 28,29

subject 28,29

subjection 28,29

subjective 28,29

subjectivism 29

subjectivity 29

subjectivization 29

subjectivize 29

subjunction 29

subjunctive 29

sublease 29

sublessee 29

sublessor 29

sublimable 39

sublimableness 39

sublimate 29

sublimation 29

sublimational 39

sublime 29,39

sublimely 39

sublimeness 39

sublimer 39

subliminal 29

sublimination 39

sublimity 29

submarine 29

submariner 29

submerge 29

submerged 29

submergence 29

submergible 29

submerse 29

submission 25,29

submissive 29

submit 25,29

subordinate 29

subordination 29

subordinative 29

subpoena 29,33

subpoenal 33

subrogate 29

subrogation 29

subscribe 25,29

subscriber 29

subscript 25,29

subscription 25,29

subsequence 29

subsequent 29,35

subsequently 29

subserve 7,29

subservience 29

subservient 7,29

subsidiarity 29

subsidiary 29

subsidize 29

subsidy 29

subsist 1,29,38

subsistence 29

subsistent 29

subsistingly 38

substance 29,38

substanceless 38

substandard 38

substantial 29

substantialism 38

substantialist 38

substantiality 38

substantialize 29

substantially 38

substantialness 38

substantiate 29

substantiation 29

substantiative 38

substantiator 38

substantival 38

substantivally 38

substantive 29

substantively 38

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substantiveness 38

substantivize 38

substituent 38

substitutable 29

substitute 29,38

substitute a for n 36

substituter 38

substitutingly 38

substitution 29,36

substitutional 38

substitutionally 38

substitutionary 38

substitutive 29

substitutively 38

substitutivity 38

subterfuge 12,29

subtract 29,30

subtraction 29,30

subtractive 29

subtrahend 30

suburb 29

suburban 29

suburbanite 29

suburbanize 29

subversion 20,29

subversive 29

subvert 20,29

subway 29

succeed 29,38

succeedable 38

succeeding 38

succeedingly 38

success 29

successful 29

successfully 38

succession 29

successional 38

successionally 38

successive 29

successively 38

successless 38

successor 29

succinct 29

succumb 29

sue 35

sueism 35

suer 35

suffer 21,29

sufferable 29

sufferance 21,29

sufferer 29

suffering 29

suffice 17,29

sufficiency 29

sufficient 17,29

suffix 29

suffixal 29

suffixation 29

suffocate 29

suffocation 29

suffocative 29

suffrage 21,29

suffragist 29

suffuse 29

suffusion 29

suffusive 29

suggest 2,29

suggestible 29

suggestion 29

suggestive 29

suicide 21

suit 35

suitability 35

suitable 35

suitableness 35

suitably 35

suite 35

suited 35

suiting 35

suitlike 35

suitor 35

sum 29

summon 25

superficial 17

superjacent 28

superlative 21

supernumerary 17

superscribe 25

superscription 25

superstition 38

superstitious 38

superstitiously 38

superstitiousness 38

supervise 3

supplement 29

supplemental 29

supplementary 29

supplier 29

supply 29

support 29

supportable 29

supporter 29

supporting 29

supportive 29

suppose 21,29

supposed 29

supposedly 29

supposing 29

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supposition 21,29

suppositious 29

supposititious 29

suppositive 29

suppress 29

suppressant 29

suppressible 29

suppression 29

suppressive 29

suppressor 29

surface 17

surge 31

surmise 25

surplus 36

surplusage 36

surrender 2

surreptitious 29

surrogacy 29

surrogate 29

surveillance 29

surveillant 29

survey 3

survival 10

survive 10

susceptibility 29

susceptible 8,29

susceptive 29

suspect 29

suspected 29

suspend 29

suspense 29

suspension 29

suspensive 29

suspensor 29

suspensory 29

suspicion 29

suspicious 29

suspiration 27

suspire 27

sustain 29,30

sustainability 29,30

sustainable 29,30

sustainably 30

sustainment 30

sustenance 29,30

sustentation 30

sustentational 30

sustentative 30

sustention 30

sustentive 30

symbiosis 10

symptom 35

symptomatic 35

symptomatical 35

symptomatize 35

symptomatology 35

symptomize 35

synagogue 23

system 38

systematic 38

systematical 38

systematically 38

systematicness 38

systematics 38

systematism 38

systematist 38

systematization 38

systematize 38

systematology 38

systemic 38

systemically 38

systemicity 38

systemize 38

systemless 38


talent 21

talion 21

tame 26

taxonomy 17

teach 40

teachable 40

teacher 40

teacherly 40

teaching 40

tempest 12

tempestuous 12

temporal 12

temporary 12

temporize 12

tenability 30

tenable 30

tenableness 30

tenably 30

tenacious 30

tenaciously 30

tenaciousness 30

tenacity 30

tenancy 30

tenant 30

tenantable 30

tenantless 30

tenantlike 30

tenantry 30

tender 30

tenderization 30

tenderize 30

tenderizer 30

tenderly 30

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tenderness 30

tendinitis 30

tendinous 30

tendon 30

tendril 30

tendrilly 30

tendrilous 30

tenement 30

tenemental 30

tenementary 30

tenemented 30

tenet 30

tenor 30

tenorless 30

tenuity 30

tenuous 30

tenuously 30

tenuousness 30

tenure 30

tenurial 30

tenurially 30

tergiversate 20

tergiversation 20

term 22,33,37

terminal 22

terminate 22

terminating decimal 20

termination 22

terminology 22

terminus 22

tetra- 26

tetrapod 26

the associative law of

addition 29

the binary system 19

the commutative law of

addition 29

the decimal system 19

the distributive law 31

the first decimal place


the greatest common

factor 24

the highest common

divisor 24

the hundreds place 19

the least common

multiple 24

the lowest common

multiple 24

thematic 17

theme 17

the n-th root of a 35

the ones place 19

the prime factorization


the quadratic formula


the ratio of a to b 33

the remainder theorem


thermoduric 32

thesis 17

the tens place 19

the tenths place 20

the thousand’s place 19

thin 30

thorough 28

three -figure number 19

thrill 28

through 28

timber 26

toe 40

toed 40

toeless 40

toelike 40

token 40

tolerate 21

toll 21

tonal 30

tonality 30

tone 30

toned 30

toneless 30

tonelessly 30

tonelessness 30

tonetic 30

tonetics 30

tradition 29

traditional 29

traitor 29

traitorous 29

traject 28

trajection 28

trajectory 28

trans- 28

transact 23,28

transaction 23,28

transcend 28,34

transcendence 28,34

transcendency 34

transcendent 28,34

transcendental 28,34

transcendentality 34



transcendentalize 34

transcendentally 34

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transcendently 34

transcendentness 34

transcending 34

transcendingly 34

transcribe 25,28

transcript 25,28

transcription 25,28

transduce 28

transducer 28

transductant 28

transduction 28

transfer 21,28

transferee 28

transference 21,28

transferor 28

transfiguration 19,28

transfigure 19,28

transfinite 28

transfix 28

transfixion 28

transform 28,38

transformable 38

transformation 28

transformational 38

transformationist 38

transformative 38

transformer 28

transformism 38

transformist 38

transfuse 28

transfusion 28

transgender 28

transgenic 28

transgress 28

transgression 28

transgressive 28

transgressor 28

transience 28

transient 28

transilient 28

transistor 28

transistorization 28

transistorize 28

transit 28

transition 28

transitional 28

transitive 28

transitory 28

translate 21,28

translation 21,28

translator 28

transliterate 25,28

transliteration 25,28

translocate 28

translocation 28

translucence 28

translucency 28

translucent 28

translunar 28

translunary 28

transmarine 28

transmigrant 28

transmigrate 28

transmigration 28

transmigrator 28

transmissible 28

transmission 25,28

transmissive 28

transmissivity 28

transmit 25,28

transmittal 28

transmittance 28

transmitter 28

transmogrification 28

transmogrify 28

transmutation 20,28

transmutative 28

transmute 20,28

transnational 28

transoceanic 28

transonic 28

transpacific 28

transparence 18,28

transparency 18,28

transparent 18,28

transpiration 27,28

transpirational 27

transpire 27,28

transplant 28

transplantation 28

transponder 28

transpontine 28

transport 28

transportation 28

transporter 28

transposal 28

transpose 21,28

transposition 21,28

transposon 28

transputer 28

transracial 28

transsexual 28

transship 28

transshipment 28

transubstantiate 28

transubstantiation 28

transudation 28

transude 28

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transuranic 28

transvaluation 28

transvalue 28

transversal 20,28

transverse 20,28

transvestism 28

transvestite 28

trapezium 26

trapezoid 26

traversal 20

traverse 20

treason 29

treasonable 29

trench 28

trenchant 28

tributarily 31

tributary 31

tribute 31

trinomial 37

truculence 28

truculent 28

truncate 28

truncation 28

trunk 28

twelfth 37

twelve 37


ubiquitary 32

ubiquitous 32

ubiquitously 32

ubiquitousness 32

ubiquity 32

ubstantiveness 38

umpire 20

un- 22

unabdicated 40

unabdicating 40

unabdicative 40

unaddicted 40

unable 34

unaccessibility 38

unaccessional 38

unadministrable 36

unadministrative 36

unalarmed 39

unalarming 39

unaristcratic 33

unarmored 39

unarrestable 38

unarrestive 38

unascendable 34

unascendant 34

unassignable 35

unavenged 40

unavenging 40

unceased 38

unceasing 38

unceded 38

uncertain 11

uncertainty 11

uncircumstantial 38

unconceded 38

unconceding 38

unconcerned 11

uncondition 40

unconditional 40

unconditioned 40

unconforming 38

uncongratulatory 39

unconsignable 35

unconstantly 38

unconstitutional 38

uncontradicted 40

uncontradictious 40

uncontradictory 40

uncontrastable 38

uncontrastive 38

uncostly 38

uncriminal 33

undaintily 40

undainty 40

undebated 34

undeceased 38

undecorate 40

undecorated 40

undecorative 40

undecorous 40

undedicated 40

undefendable 37

undefendant 37

undefended 37

undefending 37

undefensible 37

undefensive 37

undeformable 38

undelinquent 37

underivable 38

underivative 38

undersigned 35

understand 38

understandability 38

understandable 38

understandableness 38

understandably 38

understanding 38

understandingly 38

understandingness 38

undescendable 34

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undesignative 35

undesigning 35

undestined 38

undestitute 38

undictated 40

undictatorial 40

undignified 40

undiminishable 36

undisciplinable 40

undiscipline 40

undisciplined 40

undisdaining 40

undistant 38

undoctored 40

undoctrinaire 40

undoctrinal 40

undoctrined 40

undocumentary 40

undocumented 40

undogmatic 40

undogmatical 40

undoubtable 35

undoubtful 35

undubious 35

undubitative 35

undue 34

unduly 34

undurable 32

unduteous 34

undutiable 34

undutiful 34

uneclipsed 37

uneclipsing 37

unecliptic 37

unecliptical 37

unecstatic 38

uneliminated 39

unelliptical 37

unendurable 32

unendured 32

unenduring 32

unestablishable 38

unexceedable 38

unexceeded 38

unexcruciating 33

unexecutorial 35

unexistent 38

unexistential 38

unexisting 38

unexonerated 39

unexonerative 39

unfeathered 35

unfence 37

unfenced 37

unfended 37

unfendered 37

unformative 38

unformed 38

unformulated 38

unfortunate 21

unfortunately 21

ungratifying 39

ungratitude 39

ungratuitous 39

uniform 38

uniformalization 38

uniformalize 38

uniformed 38

uniformity 38

uniformization 38

uniformize 38

uniformless 38

uniformly 38

uniformness 38

unindexed 40

unindicated 40

unindicative 40

unindictable 40

unindicted 40

unindignant 40

unindoctrinated 40

unindurate 32

unindurative 32

uninformed 38

uningratiating 39

uninsistent 38

uninstitutional 38

uninterdicted 40

universal 20

universe 20

university 20

unjudged 40

unjudgemental 40

unjudging 40

unjuridical 40

unjust 6

unknown 39

unlimited 39

unmaledictive 40

unmaledictory 40

unmanageable 30

unmannered 30

unmannerly 30

unministerial 36

unministrant 36

unministrative 36

unmultipliable 36

unmultiplicable 36

Page 64: 収録英単語索引 - URYU & ITOGA


unmultiplicative 36

unnecessary 38

unnecessitated 38

unnecessitating 38

unnecessitous 38

unneutral 32

unobsequious 35

unobstinate 38

unoffendable 37

unoffended 37

unoffending 37

unoffensive 37

unonerous 39

unorthodox 40

unorthodoxy 40

unousted 38

unparadoxical 40

unpartaken 35

unpartaking 35

unparticipant 35

unparticipative 35

unparticular 35

unpartitive 35

unpenal 33

unpenalized 33

unperforming 38

unperpetuable 35

unperpetuated 35

unperpetuating 35

unpersecutive 35

unpersisting 38

unpetulant 35

unpluralistic 36

unposted 38

unpreceded 38

unprecedented 38

unprecedentedly 38

unprecedentedness 38

unprecedential 38

unpredicated 40

unpredicative 40

unpredictable 40

unpredictive 40

unprejudiced 40

unprejudicial 40

unprocessed 38

unprocessional 38

unprohibitive 34

unpropitious 35

unpunishable 33

unpunitive 33

unpursuant 35

unqualifying 32

unquantified 32

unquantitative 32

unquibbling 32

unquotable 32

unratable 33

unreason 33

unreasonable 33

unreasoning 33

unreformative 38

unrelinquishable 37

unrelinquished 37

unrelinquishing 37

unrepentant 33

unrepetitious 35

unrepetitive 35

unresigned 35

unresistant 38

unresistive 38

unrestitutive 38

unrestorable 38

unrevenged 40

unrevengeful 40

unritual 33

unrivalable 38

unrivaled 38

unrivaling 38

unrivalrous 38

unseal 35

unsealed 35

unseceded 38

unseceding 38

unsectarian 35

unsectarianize 35

unsequent 35

unsequential 35

unsequestered 35

unsignable 35

unsignificant 35

unstabilized 38

unstabilizing 38

unstable 38

unstabled 38

unstated 38

unstatic 38

unstatical 38

unstationary 38

unstatistic 38

unstatistical 38

unstatutable 38

unstayable 38

unsteadfast 38

unsteady 38

unsteerable 38

unsteered 38

unstemmed 38

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unstorable 38

unsublimed 39

unsubstantial 38

unsubstantiated 38

unsubstitutive 38

unsucceeded 38

unsucceeding 38

unsuccessful 38

unsuccessive 38

unsuitable 35

unsuited 35

unsuiting 35

unsuperstitious 38

unsustainable 30

unsystematic 38

unsystematical 38

unteachable 40

untenable 30

untranscendent 34

untranscendental 34

untransformative 38

unubiquitous 32

ununderstandable 38

ununiformed 38

unvaried 36

unvarying 36

unveridic 40

unveridical 40

unvindicated 40

unwithstanding 38


valediction 26,40

valedictorian 26

valedictory 26

valence 26

valiancy 26

valiant 26

valid 26

validate 26

validity 26

valor 26

valorous 26

valuable 26

valuate 26

valuation 26

value 26,36

vamoose 26

vanquish 3

variability 36

variable 36

variableness 36

variably 36

variance 36

variant 36

variation 36

variational 36

variationally 36

variative 36

variatively 36

varied 36

variedly 36

variedness 36

variegate 36

variegated 36

variegation 36

variegator 36

varier 36

varietal 36

variety 36

variorum 36

various 36

variously 36

variousness 36

vary 36

varying 36

varyingly 36

vedette 29

vegetable 29

vegetal 29

vegetarian 29

vegetate 29

vegetation 29

vegetative 29

vehement 13

velleity 17

velocity 29

vend 29

vendetta 40

vendible 29

vending machine 29

vendor 29

vendue 29

veneer 38

veneerer 38

veneering 38

venture 3

venue 3

verdict 40

verge 20

veridic 40

veridical 40

versatile 20

verse 20

versed 20

versify 20

version 20

versus 20

vertebra 20

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vertex 20

vertical 20

vertigo 20

viability 10

viable 10

vicar 20

vicarious 20

vice 20

vice- 20

vice versa 20

vicious 2

vicissitude 20

victory 3

view 3

vigil 29

vigilance 29

vigilant 29

vigilantism 29

vigilantist 29

vigor 29

vigorous 29

vindicable 40

vindicate 40

vindication 40

vindicative 40

vindicator 40

vindicatory 40

vindictive 40

virtual 2

virtue 2

virtuoso 2

visage 3

visible 3,19

vision 3

visit 3

visual 3

vital 10

vitality 10

vitalization 10

vitalize 10

vitamin 10

vivacious 10

vivacity 10

vivid 10

vivification 10

vivify 10

vivisect 10

vivisection 10

vocabulary 4

vocal 4

vocation 4

vocative 4

vociferate 4,21

voice 25

volant 25

volatile 25

volatility 25

volitant 25

volition 17

volitional 17

volley 25

voluntary 17

volunteer 17

voluptuary 17

voluptuous 17

vortex 20

vouch 4

vowel 4


wade 26

waft 29

wait 29

wake 29

waken 29

wallop 17

wane 24

wassail 18

watch 29

wax 24

weal 17

wealth 17

well 17

what 32

when 32

whence 32

where 32

whether 32

which 32

whither 32

who 32

whole number 18

wholesome 18

whom 32

whose 32

why 32

wicked 29

wield 26

will 17

witch 29

withstand 38

withstander 38

withstandingness 38

worry 20

worth 20

wrangle 20

wrath 20

wreath 20

wrench 20

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wrestle 20

wriggle 20

wring 20

wrinkle 20

wrist 20

write an equation 39

writhe 20

wrong 20

wry 20



yoke 7
