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THE ALDERMEN POINTED OUT STU.KINO T-MT1MONT BT A SERVANT. IDKNT1FYINO THK MKS Wilt) VIMTFP M*I I H'OITLIN'S nm sk tv 1*^4. Anotlier surprise svra!ta*d tho defence in the Moijnado trial yesterday. It wa* nearly as areal tvs that tSSWWt bf the revelations of Fullgraif and Duffy on tho __M Dial. The ovidiiiee of the two as Udermea, while Miana IMM their knoxsli-'hcc of the tran-a* lions, wa* weak from their fonoor pnrtit jpatlon in tho crimlual act* end fruin the jK-rlury of at least one of them. Their te»tlmony M to the meetings at Mcl.iiishlin* house wa* Mimiejy corroborate.! yi .-.torslay by tbat of a servant who lived lu the hMJM next to the oiu- occupied by MrlaOUgailu in tho SUI.mau-»t If"-I. and xs bo Hied Ui seaing mihi- of the Aldermen gt. tn lo aud lenxc Mcltoughlln'l house, lier testimony tva* draimttlc in some of ita features aad .lt sl.*l ne lit'lo evt iteiiutit lu t>ie court-room. The pnit-t*.*liiits*s in tho corly part of the day * e*pt-cb"lly intcrc*f!n_. Ile. order htuyth took promptly nit"! the jurors had been taken from thc A-tor Ileusc, where they ha<l pissed another nicht lu tho ens- tody af Captain Curry and the of|-.*er_. The memlxers of the jury wore al tirst reties* out of the court room and so-ii- of them wi*hetl lo go to their places of business tu the custody of tlie otllcers, but they have now be¬ come reconciled to their positions and 0 BM apparently cotitent. Mct'iiadi) "A-ns clieeiful in the BMT-tag session and chatted _ayly with tr..* ti a inls. The attendant* ut the trial were the usual MM f_ Clerk Txxotuey. of the OMUMfTL wits t! lad wltties* examined on l'rit'.ay evening and was liol iluishttl when cunt adjourned, lie s\ ailed fin'a few ni ii uta** while Charles 1". Alexander, af tho law firm of Alexander A Creen, t.--.titli*l that he prwurcl in tiehalf of Un* __M_t-_. _4_r_aee Coiopuny tim consent of John ll. Lyddy to the 6 -*.-..n tluunia-.- of the suit lu which tue Aldermen xvcre enjoined from neting In the matter of granting tlie frTTTrS-lTT-J frsnchiM'. Mr. Txxoiuey then rataoaad tho aitaeM *ta ul and Ulentitled a number of documents, and poiUons of the printed copy of the I'flSsMsTlngl of the Board of AMM*. mon lu ISM Be waa aol HOM-exaa-Med, K. J. Stapleton, af tho County Clerk's OtTlee, testttled that the Supremo Court Chainhers, aaljourned aa Uie ufftmoon of gag.M 29 to tl a m. on August 3U, tho day when the epochal uicetin? was beld at it a. m. Mr. Nicoll offered to rend the testimony of Mcquade l-e- fori thc r-el atc Kn'.ltoatl Committee, littoral Tl.ev ob¬ jected imil shoxsed MCh _tran| icasoiis that tho llei order said: . I understand that thi* dt-feudnnt was snlip-rnaoi*, that bc tn* cMiniiiie.1 mal Unit he te*;iiied before a rc.iilails apiKiiiiit'.l tomuiiiti-e of tbe Beaa-e of Ibis State; teat la¬ was imt allowed the pus il, li ol counsel In nppenrinx be¬ fore the commit:.-!-, and ihar ii i* now proposed t.» read in esitleme against him Hie testimony so laken. Ms pres- fut opinion i* thal this i- not a proceeding j tutti Hod by t-e -.tmstiiution of tbe State or of Lbs I'ulted m..i<j_, but I Will not rule on the question piisitivel) ima'. _____ M. Hill, u **.O-Tatgraf-Mr, produced nt Mr. Nicoli's request a phot.t'.'iaph xs l.ich 1 e hud taken af No*. Aft-, _M-M_4*M*sV*_et Thirty fourth st. Mcl-oiigblin ivettM Ko. 4*s4. Tbo houses are alike In api>earauce. They are ordinary three -tory aad basement houses, plnced u little back from the Mdossnlk. Mrs. Harriet! Mn.s-ttt, ol" No. AM Wi tat T!,irty founh-st., was next called by .Mr. Nicoll, bhe is elderly aud apjia- renUy not in k.-mI bealih. ishe was one of two women who hiid baal in fha MS_r%-t*-OM several time* in the last few days, and who ha<l been seated on a sola in the corner of the mom where they could see the faOMQ-tbl penaons silling in the court. Hw younger af the tsso women Meei up and bohed about the room for several minutes aa Kinlay. Mr*. Mas*et: tc-t;*li*l in answer to Mr. Nicoli". r_______H_i that shu bad lived for twenty -ears at No. loo" Weet Thirty-fourth .*t. Bm In cd there in _t8*V Altlcnn.ta MclauiiigUliu lived next .lour lo ber iu thu summer of 1-*>L f*_e thought that -U*Long_ lin mosed away lu the a-iMmii of 1884, _*_. t tli.-al the photograph of the besSMI as a fair representation of ttieiii. riit-r.; hal baaa nu substantial change ht Chi bouse*. Mr. Nicholls asked: U Hate >ou a servant iii your employ I A..Yes, slr, Katie Mets, i.'. lint, long has she been Wltb TOal A..Four years last Jul.,. t*.- \\ aa lt a part of her duty to attend to answering the door bell I A..Ye*, sir. KVIDKNCi. THAT CAUSFD A ST1K. Thi* testimony aral introductory to that of the most im¬ portant witness ot the day. Kath" Mel/, the a is ant. She ls a by birth and li..- been in thia eoontr] teen years. She (.leaks Bag-kb well. Mic is of short stature and apparently about thirty > cars of aire. Her eyes ere hirgc uud honest looking. 8he gave her lc-timon) tlearly and was not confused on rross-examimail.iu. Sho ha.* apparently a good ey* for tat-a-t-lui winni she was _skt*l whether a iiollec olbei-r whom a*M had Mia only aam or twice was prcs-'iit .-.ho pointed him out after a stag*. glam*, around Un* court¬ room, tho'iL'h he was seated fifty fe<-t from the part of the room xx here sho had been. Ml. Nicoll asked the "HleS-OM on her din cl examination. Q..How lone have yon been tn the employ of Mrs. Mj-bsi-u | A..*.ioiug on Uve yeal-, SL.Wcif you in ber employ itt Ko, 4*>0 West Tliirty- fourth st. ni i-o*il __-.Yaa.s_r_ O..Do you leinemiipr any Incident in Maj or.lune, \Wwtt aboot MMM linn rim.-ing the dimr-bi-.l and lii'iuir- lng for Mi. Mclaou-liliu's housel A..Yea,air, Q tail us about it. wa* one esi-nin. Wheu 1 xx as in thc* kitchen. Tho bell ram.', and I xsent to tbe _ea_ A man WM then aud lu- n.skc.l tor Slr. Mt laia-loiu. I said, "' N< \t door." tbeto wara three ar four other men at the fnotof the step*. I xi cut nut on the Mini[ito fee whether he xsent tlie n_!it xray, and I saw th.-ui go into Mr. Mcl,iiuj.b in's. il..Wu.* thut Uie only time I A..No, sir. Then- x\ .i> another ring thal Blab-, not very brag after, ami 1 went to thc deM and saxv three or lour men. Ono of them wm close to the do r, mid the others sscre below, 'lhai Baan asketl for MeI.otit.'biin too. and I told him M next door," Olid I saxv these m. n n to McIaO-gbliO'l hoii.-e. t*. -After thal lim Uiil you see any of those gentlemen 1 A..Ye*, sir. t". When I A..Two or three weeks after. fl flea waathal I A..I was iu and out of the house. 1 was at the gate iu the front yard ilr*t aad I saw levert* of the same men, and Hies went into Mel/mghlin's h nc*. <^. .ind yoii see them again I A.Yea, -ir, 1 -aw them about io er 11 o'clock conn out ot tin- bean, t",.Did they ult come out together! A..No, slr, two or three al a time. U..Whi-u was all Ude I A..Thal xs as in May or in Juno, UM. SJ,.. Now, Kalie, stand up and look the court¬ room. Do you see auy of these uieii here! The young woman stood up and In an instant slit pointed tosvard a man ut the left about txventy feet away, saying, "Yes. there's one." "Which one I" ______ Mr. Js'lcaiU. "Thut ouo with a gray mustache," Sadd tht wi meats. Alderman John O'Neill rose at tho request of the Ito conlea' and the witness aald: " Yes, that u one of them." "Now lo ik airain." Mr. Nicoll M._ "This one. Mr. McQuwle, was one," the witness sahl, poiuUng to thc defc udna t, who v. a* acute J just iu front ol ber. the defendant stand up," said thi Kecorder, and tbe witness repealed the ideiititlcatlou. "Look again, Katie," Slr. Nicoll said, and the vonni; woman rose and looked about the court room for a mo me ut. and then poiiit-_l uppuit-iiMy tn the diie. timi of Alderman O'Neil, whoiu t-iie had just lauiuticd. "There ls another," she said. John Higgiiui, a liquor-dealer, who ts friendly to Mc- Quade, mid who sat mit to O'Neil, promptly rose anti thc Wilno**, without li. klug a.ain, uud, "Ihat anothei one." Tin re wa* a smile or MBBBBBBBBMM on tht- lace of Ult defendant'* lawyers, for Ute man she apparently identi¬ fied ha* no it-semblauce to auy of tbe Aldermen. "Are there no other* In the court-room (" Mr. Nicoll asked, ami tbe witness, after a long survey pointed out ez-Aldermuu KullgralT, who wa* MaMdwbMOabl coulil only see him with ibilleulty. A minute later, ss hen Ut. Nicol! showod the witness a copy of TA* Daily Graphic containing pictures of tho Aldermen of lHs4,the woman said something about Clean * picture, as if she had iden titled him in the court room. Mr. Nicoll asked "Was bc one of the iiu-u you jost "Sainted out I" " Yo*," said the witness, .' over there," pointing again in tbe dirtscUou ot ONeiL " Which one do you mean I" asked the prosecutor. Tit* -ouiig woman .aid: "That ouo hack of Mr. CNeiL" It then appe-arod tnat she had intended Ut identify as tbe third -sersoi) Alderman (leary, who sat joni behind O'b'eil, aud uot Johu Hlg_;liie, who nw- xs lieu she purnta,! In thal illili lion. This miulc thc ldelillUiaUon of tho Only Aldermt-U in t .-t nt oomplc tc Mr. Nicoll i..Mauled : te)..How did you cona- to testifj 1 A..0__Mt llohin eon came to see me Int Wo ss ¦-* lu. ago. <_..Did I ul tens ard call on you and show you this pajier containing tbe picture.* I A. Vi**, sir. (j, -And did you point out MOM of the pictures a* those of tbo men whom you had Men '. A.Vis, bii.iise ot them. (J,.Which were those using the names printed below tbe pieturesl A.-They were Cleary, O'Neil, Di-in-isey, > ul in i ail aud Mi telita! c KUI SflABfLN ON CKOa-t-RXAMINATlO.N". Mr. Newcombe conducted a cn.**-examination lasting two hourn, bul be did uot maU-rially a Hi-et the testimouy. She said Uiat she had been t sa lee in the court room, once wlUi Orboer Bobtusou aud once with Mr. Purdy. tjL.Do you retuemiH r tuoug in this room with Mr Purdy and that be oom led oul ucsti-l men lu thc room I A. Ho, slr, that ls not au. She said Uiat she saw the men at Mclaouf-hlln's house tiiroe or four time*, bb* saw "-ollgrafl Uie ttrnt or seasind thus Motsinade, she Uaoua-lil. Tung the bell tho Hi>t time tjv-llow do you know Uiul (hi* wa* In Mav or Juue I A. It wa* tbit*- or four uaonths -flt*.. Mr. McLfoughllu Was very sick In felx-uary. t,. -An . Udng oise I A..Yes, slr, because were so Buuiy lings at tbe door oeli thou. (jr. .tut lt not uiuiniuii for peoplts to ring your front, slater bell aad _*_ for Mr. MeLiougblln I A.There wore a auod ui*-/ at tbe bassomenl door but not many at tbe trout door. Mr. Newcombe |K>lnU*d at the pictures of O'Neil and Cleary in tbe LUus-ruted newspapers and thoo bivi the Ai -Urtuea pns-eut U-ei_*ol\ es at toe bar for oomparl*o_. Tbe piehires xveretskeu from photographs and tue gio! likenesses. The xsitnesia gave another blt of eonrersallon when Shs sahl thai Ku 11 grail left McUsu. hims botiae in ooinpaus xx Ith one lunn. Hie did not locognli.b the conipaiiiou. who Kullgi-rtfl sars was ) Nd. Mr. Nicoll asked tbs witne** * few questions. Him salli that she told Hillier Ro4____o_. xs hen h.- til-t ipokl te ber. that she would rei-iu-lll/c thc man xs ith n boan] ii-'un.-i alf). Bbe saM that In au len or twelve men went toto Mt-laoitghlin's lions'- -4_M Uni-. Mr*. Massett ssh* rivalled and ti-ll'led that JM M-eenl on eacb MsMaMa xx hen Offleei "townson Mr. Nicoll oi \lr I' saw LiS-ie Meta. Btw had heard of the occurrence In Mas- or .lune. 1884. Bbe .aid, -plasm. Of Ml. Ni.on- Ms.I I "1 M-lcd _-s_l* *>p- st.-sirs. *_ wu spread lae patter ont on the tobi lu i it she had seen am-nt i'h.isc men before. Bbe looked at them and pointed oat gve of th. in lmuicdlaiel". Mi Purdy ill,i m r soe tin- *-_rl __o-t__M The pto ecutioii had one or two other x-|tne««'--i who*c tcs;nnoiis, acunling ololeiiel Pf How*, would oceup) ooh n few minite.*, hut the witnesses x.t rc out of tns.ii aad woohl not rciun! until Snuday. With the exception of these « 'tue mern th, me forthe pnsaea'Ution ssa* i !o-,-d. lue l"eoorder said thal he would cnn*ld-r thc*-i'.n ot thal te.stimou. ¦ahaoq.nantljr. and theproiootition tiien reetod, the _t_-*rKKOI liKcr**. Mr. Newcombe at Aa. m. moved tHit th* Distill-t At torney liTMil llllt on wtneh count bSWOOM proceed, aud the BtU one being ohos -n, Mr. Newcombe Meted to -faaab it ______ section 7j ot hm Paaal Code, The motion wa* deuio I. .Mr. .Newcombe theu o'.s-iip.I for tn* <le- feuce. He els,uk. I tnut the ltroulw .y hal been gloat pul.ic beaicui and a*ke 1 il ou t .0 testimony Ol tsxo such " veuoimui rl#e_e',M nutty ead Vallgr-fl tbe Jury weald aaaataa MeQaeda M prison. Mr. New¬ tan wa chili-t.-tcin- tl tbe Lyndy laJaaS-Ma M bl uk. vn- laluous mid vim." Tn* man xs ho toaliium-tnm was" worse than a rnbi-tr, a tumf or a hr.gund." Mr. NcWt** line took up inifts'* enar.-i* fiat he Dn_j gireU hi* test mouy tue .--eiiitle S-Hll-Wal OoMMtlt toe aoconnlig t.< Mr. Nev,reSMUo'l li.-lr .clioiis, all i sahl that until tpi'i'iiarv last a* heal had only to mu I gen aral relations to the Hoard it Altleruiea. Jeal bt-tor* th* lu»'!i soot, BlZtrOU AI .et mell came to .1* o lice an rel.....ed bin. Vs batev.-r waa then sail Wa* S-ltl lu tue presence oi I sxeivn or loni lae! pt t .on*, anti a* they sam it Kl, NewO*.*Oo wrwte dewa each man'.* statement luitlv's waa fae thin ot foerth. Mr. New* oom ar re tl froai I Ilene lint Duly nan lal 1 M bad never r.-icivisl a Uoil.w from tue liloaiiway bullace Cmiipnuy. X-OOrst witness for tho defence was Mr. Newcombe buns*-, ile said: "The suteuieut* by Mr. Dufly that his to-ti- .i.'Uj I.-i'll Lm BOB-M I'om Mitre WM riven at my lu- suuclloa was nus tii.teiy lao I- Md him 1: be nat Xe*** iv ut I ia11v monet tor lu- volo Ile * dil .ositively nu. Ile san! thal MMotif s carno io his (lillee III TL-irl-awt au.1 .aid tue .njuuelioa nad b.tsu Viicattd, and Pt laea Slgue.1 thu call, l'lutl svas all 'h.- eonvt-rs allon I loni With hui OU the su!ii»ct. I never lu* lld ol lim Me i-uugiihii meeliu-s uul 1 aller tue last Ixl-lof dr. Mi (J iade wm heaton, i uover adrlst-d bim .shat lesll-oouy to sire iteftire tue fseuaUs rouniii;.ee." Te Mr. Mcoll the witness *.d 1 tual he had advise- "jutly to ao os-atre tba c-uuuiiiite aadaasWM any nuts Hons ih it might be pat tn him. Julli.i* lleideiiiiin. a lawyer ami » msmtier of U.e .nrluiorcr ililli ana lt* pTOti lei.I in lt*--, tMtil-SU tS-M lu;!, r i.l in tile a WrUtc- -talemrut lo ihe. club lune- lober of Ulai year Dist .is he bad been a to I liy 1 ersoos iibou: bis uetnm tn the Itrnulwav fr.uidn*e ne sa as .ininns wilh.uit blaire in the matter nnd bedre* celsel itolhiii. for Ul* vole;! nad r llseal In* -aa 1 aud saii that as sure as theta WM a God ia Heaven he bal not received a cent, and he hope I nc Blight never M)» li:* family a.aiti if be bad* -Junii Mi'.M liiiui, ot iiorrisanla u lawyer alitl iM-COrer of the Miitioier Cluo, Borrot-orated Mr. Helderiuan. lloiii-ri ll-imlieltl, of lin-same clu't, st d ttiat Pull-TU- Uad e u.e I tut ..I Kt s rise nun if be ind ever ie- reived a eeni tioiii the I.roadway ma 1. inner tesinnouy io thr laaMeflee' was alvt-a, l-l.limy -.. L_i_*aa, u u-porier for The Comtmtrttal ' titer, said that ho bad icany eoeVet-eU-Q* *"iin r uil.ral! iu rcferene tu ms conlc-siu.. i'ui,grail aita ...Ss denied ina: he aa* anti*"*. At ont in particular bi that na ho|.ed ut* f "mils w onI i be itrtckei dead if ne .Var receive! a dollar ll reference Ui tlie frauen IS*, lie aim isl ii.liu.tutti ms _ui,i ou tota* occasions aud Mid once- " I do not see why they make saol a ines nhool ll, a.* uo .M.leiiu.iu has anyluiu. from iho cpy. lue ens .ii nut lose mist lim:, but n a* i e-ivivl BAO,000 a year." Tue teslinii'iiy nf Mi-. Lowan netted* nisfti ni, a* Qeaeral i o*j#*t»-tl to ibeestMiluf m- ipnry Oil the cross-eaanimation, lui; UM esl et-Ce svUich ic.aie i iu oonv-rsaiitina witu i-'uliu'raO xvas uduilttel lt was mote harmful tu IM tlefenoe who hal culled t ,e wittie.** than to the prosecution. cii.ti les Janet", t*ie oi I'u.U'raif* hoadimen. Hld that the ex-Akierman bad always said thai be st;s* lui one*.*. Mr. Ne .seo nbc i Ik.ii read "utile documentary evidence rel itme to the alumnus paid lo the eily ly Hie BrosHll .t. suil.i.r ilatlroail 1'oail ant. Mime other documeutai >' evidence odered by h,m \\a* not admit ted. The jurors w.-rf svnrued hythe Keconlor toles enr-fnl rot to say anything tiimut tho oase, and to rsnqer taal diibcnitbe kept them in ehars** of the othceis .ti Un. .".sim House. I'uey will iio >tliowe<l to t.i«o a walu tad ty in a ndy, aucouipauied by traptniu '."uiry and the court othceis. KEPOR1S AHOUl THE JU KOKS. AN I.NVKSIIUATM.V To BK MADI" UV TIIK GHANH JILT AT MU. MAiniNK'*- -rcur.SlION. __rt*t*-M puliii.-he'l in The Trltgram on Pridajf atti¦rnoon ami yesterday have ext ititi the Indignation Ol District Attorney Martini-and his asshdant*. The HlhllM IIP ll) the etTeet that some of the Juror* in the trial of ex Al dennan Melju-adc btave bean " tlxed." One of tlie nUaga tlnii- is tbat John K,snail lute tao lunch lufluiiicat In the District -Attorney's otliee that ho ba* caused an arruiit-cmeut to be made lietween thc prosit utini; olliecrs and the defence bv which flvo of the linois would fas or tbe defendant ami a dia.i'-ri' be tia<L Other stories of equal probability are contained in tin-i-ann le*. District-Attorney Marline, whose reputa¬ tion i* lur_vly at slake in a Buooesefu] rt suit m lu- prose- euttonof the Al.leriiiuiiie cases, amt Assistant Distriot- Altorue.s Nicoll, who bM spout das* and nitihls ol hard work ni Mepaillll UM esaaa, arc naturally provoked ut any Imputation on their -rood faith. Tbei said yesterday that they felt that tbe pnbllcatloii of taon mattel s svas not only personally injurious, hut was hurt¬ ful io lb..-u!luiiiii*truti»u ot Justice. K. li. Mon ls. thc editor, P. E. U"I!rien, the political rc jKiiter. anti c. k. Oeaterle, the Geaoral flnssltini reporter, or tin* paper, base b,en summoned io appear before the Grand Jury to morrow. Mr Marline said that he baal directed the. liiouiry on the iri-ound "l!lt -M atliuin- istiatioii of law in this coiinliv bad In-eii nt taekedantl ul so Im-chioic. if theie ssas really lins Informa- tina oh;ailiable as to Ute bribery of any juror, it wasri|*ht that th. Iiisliict-Atttiiiicv shoal- base Uiut infoiuia; nm. ih.-design of tho Inquiry wae aol only to ___) out by whom the articles went written, hut from whom tho iu- foiiiiullou was olitaine.l. A communication to the same newspaper, in whlob the eotlMpondont churned thut one of tlie Jurors. Jamb Kosenberg, bad lose business relations st ith John Ki* nun, ssa* shown to Mr. Martino. He said that Mr. Met/, tr, the attomex for Mr. B-OeabMa, called ou him and s;ud that the statements were cutirels untrue. Hie business wit.* inherited fi-om his father and had not neel assi.-icd b} John Keenan. All the reports of Mr. Boaeir berg reesived by tho Distrn t-Attoiney were favorable. The chanu ter of the Jvoriil far as lt ls known to the pt-ubccuting otucere, ls excellent THE JEWISH FAITH DEFENDED. Phii.xdkli*hia, I>ec. ll (Special).. Tbe Rev Morris Jastrow, rahbl of the Rodef tShuloin rsynuis'o_-ue, this niorn- ing answered his *on*s reasons for renouncim* the Jewhrh faith. He spoke in the ("crmi.ii lantruage in a trembling' voice, and as he went on lt Ix-came clear that, Mtheagb he xx as moved by the kindliest feelings, he wa* no apolo¬ gist for hi* son. He said that there was a grossing de¬ mand that the Jews should he consistent. There was a eleni deal of confusion a* to the Individual conviction* of the Jews. He admitted that and referred to tho fact that Borne Jews were orthodox without following out the doe _riaMOt orthodoxy. Joining orthodox and reform eongre- ga____ilat..-"ria___-M-"*, I.a*.ev. Morrl* Jastrow, jr., the tunnel- assistant rabid of the Ilodcf f-haluin Coii-Tega timi, had hi d stress on three point*, and it ssa* nece-*ai i thal a clear idea ou tlio-si- pol-M should Im- obtained. They xseie; r.evclatiou, the binding power of the Bible, the mission ef the Jewish people. BabM Jastrow explained the-e jxiints at u'reat lemrth. Keir.irding tho belief in one (iod, be said it had bea-u coutendisj that it was uot peau- iiai to Uie jews, ibis hu denied. A few people, he thought, adopted tills view, hut lt was the WTO-g0_e,f01 a belief In one (lot! wa* yet the distlnt live mark ot the Jews. If they had no other, it would he eullicicut lodi.* Ung nish them. _ LADY UGLIS CAMPBELL'S TESTIMOSY. HK-T'IRKAT TO C0MS411 SUICIDE.BMTULBB IN HEH niAitiKs. LomiOn. Dec. ll..I*!y tollu I'atnpbell restitued her ttsstt- uiony to nay lu lier -lion fur divorce agsmst lx,rd lolln tamp bell, .-he saul that elie told toni Colin tlial she preferred Us live apart from loni under the same roof to scold scamlsl. .mt de. lurid that I! Un n uni -t hen Mparat-M it nm st bf nj,, n and |.bile. BM would ind ..inuit Loni t'ollu's fsmily to give .ny toi-uu ol the tlial suiU-d them. xs il¬ ia -* vt as n.V'T au used by her husband of ans iiui'rour.t'iy until thc furn dy inert n_ in ls- on i ross exuiuinstiou she sahl the ls_>k writlt-n hy lier wee s (billi's book, il wu niiisiruiril by Kate Urea-nswuy. sm! Latia ednam- of lt had been printed. Willies* 1m-+;_ii winni- tor Tht BStmVmTSM MxtstMW iu Dino, (she wrote tins.- tntnles every vsi.k Wituuss really tn sut that she Would suicide when shu ssid alie would be found dead next morning it itu d ultu evt-rsttempied lo force her tai oeriijiy the same upaitment willi Inns. »he aduilitftit liaving koiic 'imo ».*,. ,s ones while suth rm. greaii pulu sad thal she sa role in Lei niur-r " enloyeil uiv_i-l! I.i;.eiy." bbc uiaile up her household eii'Diiee book mostly on -saturday*. (Al ila* point one of |i!.inllfl'H buuseliold expense li....k-t*_s pi'.'iui i*i. Itkhot.eii th.ii tin cuni * srors tatfdt m. -u immy. Aua;uHt I'i, nut they were on Monday. Augusl 14. WitneiiB said the Duke of Marlborough still vlaited lui Ul lier, Ui-tllier aud brolber. ishe il.-nied the .1..I- melli uiaile by oue of her servant* Uiat Mai informed or Ul* ai'iiv-i of * KUesl while hie.-, aaa In 'lie .Iiawing ro.ii* with (linera! lintier, she weat tn tlie Oooi sud saul tn the " Not at le 'iii" ll was -talia hin.seit wMsss-Cted Dr. Hird to attend witness. The Judge decided Hutt Mr. Mmiiur. ilel.-inl.*nts conn vi, wa* ¦ to see th* ooplr-sol lastly t ulm a iLurlia, ian that kout--ol Ibe setli** tinghi not to oe publisln-'l. Oas ol Uti entt jes read desi tlr>e«t Bointdioily's .-veiling party "a ghastly saar, .iel aiMit.*! euliy pio-ouM-ed-utiUui a>seuan_ parly "dna Hy dull." TEY1S0 TO 1STRODVCE SS OWSHOES Jl ERE. The Oriuui gaea-hM I lub the only organization of its kiud in the neighborhood of New York. Kraslus Wluiau ls lb.- luminary pieaideiil and U. M. Fairchild ia pri-sidmii. Tb* club now ha* its quiiruir* with the C*ii_-ti*n t'lub tn V.eti I ss. nt) ninth st. The nillsnl (Tah waut to mske snowshoe lng a pi'ptilur sport anning New-Yorker*. Therefore ll bas uiiuiig. d * snowshoe cai nl»»l to take pbu-.* hero oil Sande. InTilatlntis liave been sent lo the vu ams (sus.lian cluo. !.. ni on i. uml. *ini il is ifit ii luat OOo snowshocrs lioui Moiili< aland f__"*..4 salli lake pall Ul Un* CSlSbl-l-H Let r una.I,..-, ul M'tiilit.l, ..ic t ten ie.1 lu bringdown 'ibo ineiiilers. On Jaim.ry 6 Uiere will be a reception In-deni way 11*11. 1 Uss usilii'ig ;inm will sing their gleets and there -ill lie .li rin.biliou mi saoMahoi s. lins of th. featuies of tb.- lainital will lie * *uow*lioe parade la I lilli an-. 'I hs lula proposes i..r itself various tramps la tins cami s.- ie' Ins wu. 1,4 Mi. SS Muan will lia wit- Uie r- la. hui.ii lal.uti. anal on siioll.ti tuvsaslon Hu i will explore the iscki-i ns i. k, WU* Of ,\«»-Jersey lil the of ll_ whole thea will lt* the guests el Br. Fain hlld, the prosnieot'. The uullorm of tbat dab is . btu* bordered gray blanket, __itk.rlfockers, a blu* tog*, red -ash and yellow uiuciasiaa. liSP ESSES OP THE POLICE LOARD-. FJ.NSloNS. 8-OHAL-t, PATROL WAGONS. IiIiCI'-SKi.N IN THL IIDAItl) oV K-tiI.-_-.TC ON TUM srn.rF<*T*. The oonslderstlon of tho estluu tua for thi Nl-Ml**" (t iil neill gnve rise to *n Interesting dlseusaioii ye*iertUv beixv-*n th* meml-er* of the Honrtl of Katini.!'* mil Holloa* l*oiun>le*lon*r» Voorhi* sad Me Uv*. The I'iiII*" ('(imiiils»'o).*rs a-ked I u nu tBWtW\ ruilou fur MM wAttr tioiini |i:itrolin»ii for t:-ai ymir, widen would brina the fiirii'tl|> to :t. 17.( iie'ti. This ase wa* sim ken ont of the provisional catlin itt**. lu making the atipropria lion for the reg-ul'ir h-TM fWttStAtuf, the fid wa* na¬ vet..ped tint ewtagM dent..., illiml-ant*. suspensions, rte., tne e ts esrh renr a anas. !->r ibis -urn li fi over from loerasrelat :> la avery mom department ill IllllBfM mt tlio cud nf the ftWt revert to fie city tren*ury. Hut lu HM P " ..e'it, owing tn * law. the MWtSmtWt ure not returno I. tilt ure paid .v.«r mibo instu'tit of taoFstteo feastaa .'und. bTovm Oreel hKjairolbaw nraeaaf analaiM la lao Mh_*** nccuiiit la at year sr ss paul into the pension funds ind mftir (> th it ttM amount tva* BBijOOB, In s,l,,,- tion tb! flin I riOetVad IOS9 'Hm out of the excise faa-* fount for tho li;s|.eciion rif itollera. ami of .er -mus from lin* Mb o' l'i*t and nbS'idoiied ptO-lllly, m*kiug tn aaa*> agata ai sW_-UO_*e, The ntunner nf men ilntwlnsr ¦ag iit11¦:l>-eaeh rearaoaiagM fha -ii oi liitury char.ct'r it Ute law, which tOglUlM Ibo |*Oliea r.iiurd iii retire a patroim in ss ho lina served I went v years on a p^ns on or gg-U0year, provi Ung he re. aasts »tt i.e rettr st, lad -"tra Hmm tba apt-oa te retire bini If he ilo"* not iei|ue*t if. Ifaver fitaee.I omOs*-f-_M_ te Mm lndireet methn'l of 'liking ni"ii-y 'lom tee cny Ina hiv. Thus i*ase:y I ir te ii'ii'.iint io pay ft"' paamoa* in cn* iieit-rtinsnt, -ty takina un tn* eh irttr fnad the etty h.- bee I'.nupi il'* 1 to I'ff-taso taxation to Ulalie lip tue <le- ..ns) -a.irplit* ff u lb* salary . , -n ni ..n Inail rael way, i th! >k all n.nvi *,,.i.i.i ne paid imo theeny treasory, ana t aa v. stover tun- ii ron for paaalono should be |.y rn llosrl, -.i t al tl 1 people eau uiider»t»ud era I i bow their mooey ls bells i| out Alderman '.nancy I think he sn ....-stinti male Ul Maror ¦ good aaa noehalaa mi.nt to be passed. I tulok lt bardi! ri M thal ibis In-died men i_o_ld bs iii .i sd mi tbs pei's;. Polio* f.i.iiiiiissi.iiier Vfoilii* .Wi. will favor the pai*~- aeo nf *aeu a law. I think tbo unexpentad bal es cry department t- ional ne reliinietl lo tb* eity UfOM. m nor ''ti . DM not tb* ObMMImIbbMI send the bill to Albany and help V" passage I Polia** f_--nmls*lou*r Vo ira is.Our Mil as ,llf|.r/e! the Board to r.t re pell -emeu. .ok I til il miali torls-one ye ns ol 1, who ni iv IV* -.-,-, e Imi-.'i: s S'-.i ¦.ii ¦!.. .¦;,*: 'tied. Hut tn-s bill til eh,,| ged ii: A Heans lo lil ike lt Ul itld-tor I. Tat wnr ii iv " sv ,. isng-d to " Bbl! 1." WeOff"0*ei the ch.iii--i*. bul sv meal effect. There was t if ti cm-i ler ilde __eoeaa_M_ as to WbStbM tue BOOl 1 a|-prn|in.i!e lo** thin tho full Baler] tot each uieail'i r of lbs fere** nnd tims aval I hating .aunthcr *tst.lMM) or sii tm Inn tb* pension lum!, t lins coinpellln_ Irt* 1*1 if.iiu lo re ure a *ppriii n.itiuii for ***¦- slooa Mayor ii rae* sud th it if tim Polio* OornmUf* ol,inara w*rs to lulnto tbeonarteeod ma_t__mos tie Hoard it OOUld ciuiipel Hie full nppropriillou Bal it lb -v ro sm'el !.¦ anni nit .oul I be re.luo.t. Polios .loner M '" ve .. J i"-lni * iou it, the amount, ibeaaeatlonwm anallylafMredta lheCar- p,i.-,.linn i'm.i ,-!,,. " --.r-< l'"" urget rsn appropriation for th- -."''I Idi mn '. atrolmoB on tua gr.und tua' lier ssh-- n*e.lad lu the upper part of th* eur, nus l.-_i*- la'are -.-.i .. i...; _ol__iri--ugibeapii«nlniontel BOO, bul tin Hon uiissi.iiier* in a idler promised ui appoint uu lr SOO lui* rear i' "hf. Ho.rd of Kauiaalaa MA aol ,,,.... Me Hill. -OW tue I'". Hoard wants to a;l _*HJ mire men to too fore*. Aliier-saa Mooney WMopposod -,,,11, H CI".I-f ny thi! Hoal'l. il' IhSUglll 'he Heft Board if Esl tu i '¦' ""'' .»¦ alJowadto deal wltb t s muter. I'resldout oleinni wo* cpi<ise,l, and ntl Ul* iiieiuber* Of tue i.o if ste ri. up used to so la'-'!' iUi in-ie...-e. i'll* ii »tlM W .s la.d user. c.,,,,,.,,.r Vnairal* -til tl,.ii i eons der*'.le sum ol mo .es mil boen xitfiidcd In walebie* . the in tin fina! *,,:..," md b*th'tuatat more shoal-be allowed for tba detectives iii Kl s ear. xi in usn Soouey.That win bi »11 over by neil y*ar. Mr Voortli btn't kiowaboot teat; bj tba way lt is % i)ng .'ii l don't i-leixr t.iat sro XV:.I 1 Vu t.u see tho eil 1 of ls. , , Mr. Voorhla tnen "nanea itrou_i appeal for '""""V '" est .ti.i*b ai .'nnl boie* r l»rg* cits in the, e sal.I. nad .on." -nen'cm ll opera mu. ano Kew-York Bbould aol be "niIm behind, lt wm naree i ;, i. e Boara -lm h.i vleit Polios Headquarters01 nay h.-xi it LO a. io- t*» _MpeM Um pr-pose.a Big-al svstein. rouitnlsHliiiinr Vo..r ito.1 eoold now eal! tue sttentlon of i .ti l.t'.ii-I tu Ute law *t_s*-t1 Ly tia- last Lej-lslaturs p.-.'. ..iu.- tor polio* patrol waaooa If* sboald have ai| rl.itioii for the w tgotis and Imr A.der.nun Noonej -Most in int di M the law MtboriM I Ml. Vmil ni* Not lo eteeeil lom in eaoli ftrsO-Mt und not lass t ian rive b| beadqeai '. Al'lermin NiHin-y.What, 150 patrol wagons tn tho eity l ^!r. Voorhi- -the Le-nalatore raid so. Mr. «.rice-rim LeglsbitaM won say.anything about Kow-Yara. Al ler mm Mooney.1 think rho n_emb*rs from t'ns eity .-.line for snob legisla.len took apoi IbevsalvMa seriou* respoosi illltT. It waia st-.ted mat tue oost ot the vinous would be Tl ,710 eaoli, iucludiiig borsoa. Tlie Bt.bjeM wa. laid over. -sv- ATX YoMlf'A TAEBM UT A PRISONER. llenrv 1). li..nett, who liri* hoon ImM lor MOM tfa-M on a cliui .,'!-. ol appniiiriition-; if l'J, HO11, the pi.;.its ot Mr*, i.osali.*|vt*ii!ier, while liding a* her Uga] ndx-iscr, ha-* brOB in tho J.-rter-on Market Prison aud was taken yostcniay to tho EOMI Market Poliea Court for further e\;.m.nation, .lust h-lori* startin_ nt fj o'clock a m., be eomplaiaed ai beteg s_oh, but bbl -i ii. ni. nt wa*not believe-. Ile oontinaeO to grow ivorae on the way md ht tha thaw Eaaei Market ssa* reaebed be wan __iab*e t.> iliad. Dr. Maricwiu, who [iree in tin- hci_-hi"'!h'""i. lound Quretfi body alieiitiv slillt inn1- aad eiiosxin. *i 'ii* ot neille poison¬ ing, violent muni io* wain ailMliialMnl uud the mau wn* te.torotl to coiiseioiiMiit *h. The e-xantinati' n xv.ot postponed nml flarreft wa* Kent n. Belle- ne Hospital \N bile then ba Mated tnut he had tal.on 1 larg! .lose ol n,i_, enough to kill I doit li oicii. winch lie had bongbl al it illtl_-B.'oro weeks ago and kaptew atnoeaboul bin, Heaaid, however, thai ba not intended to oommit si ieide, Inn bad taken the poison bv mis ike. While Garran \s.s- na h;* xs av io -Mei Market l¦.¦ headed thret letters te Ofl-oer Bell ia ba -ottvorad alter bi- death. Om ss uh addressed to tho |itiblic. one to Justiee 1'at- torsaa aad aaa ta Mrs. David Garrett, Ko, Ul Wood- lawa-ave., JeTsej Qty, The ofboer refostsd to delivw the letters or to ai*clo*e tin-re cn tent*. Detective boa*- Boe, ot' Jereey City, has ¦__! Btttdavits thal be mice oiroatod Garrett lador the naaM nt l,-.|i<-r. that h<- ssa. liidicted. tried, convicted of fnr_ery, and MSW- tenodto Mtre etona m the Trenton I'ei.iieiiii.uv, hut was lulaMgnoitlj pai-oaad. lt Garreti is xx .-ll enou-;li the e-UU_una*Ioa Viii he emit um .1 on Tuesday. ?- ILLNESS OF TUE REY. DR. E. B- COE. The Hiv. Dr lal B ard H. toe. pool u of lin: ( ollcgl. tte Heforineil Chilli h at I'ortx-eiglitli-st. nnd Kifth-avc. has lui nt obliged tu ii;- ontiii'ie hil pastoral troffclbr Beveral xsecl,.-on ac. unlit of an attat k of maliirial fever. Ile svas prostrated twa WOekl Iga and had p.ully recovered when a mi omi attack in.iiie it leeeaearytfl ahandoa all work and leave thc cits. Ile is no.s Bach Inproved ind ls mending rapidly. So Berton* n nit hs* teen apprebead ul, but it xviii in several weeks belora he caa n-stune lu- place in hi- pulpit lo day the Rei. Dr. Tbomaa .-'. ll..t- lin;* xxiii pu- I- li iii thc mor mug ami lin- l.-v, Di. John t'. Lunsmg, al night. THE BBOOKLTM TBBMtMVB OB TUB Hui DOE. 11 ls proposed to eitead the '"rook vu t<Tiunu* of the llndam lo Nassau st., nut uo (arther, lae mai jandura and pla.Iorin above,-sands at hus-, la-en ronatriiitod in vluw of snell h ter ninua. Tbe platform isl Na.*sm *t. will lie elrht I.e. ,i!..m, the si .lcu_lk. Ki.iiii tue si lea-is Iii. -hu "d pUn.-.-t trill (mable paa*enir*r* to i ia lb* platform for ont,nm* Irslni iii.- platform still ne Uo reel lona sad thirty feet sid.-. Prom e uh sid* of lt trama last lng alb mai eh. Bsyood Uis ii ..ns ..,1 tin n;vs'te Birt* 11"in lb*i emu! platform « ill exit plat 'er. ii *. nme feel wnle Baal loo teat looa In . .ii lead from them to tits .tret t. Tm laeUaaaai. to bs t.-ii ft '¦! wide an a tittle steeper than the ste-pcsl paru of Uie present proaicuade. ?- PIGEi'N BBOOT1FQ IS SElYJI.nSEY. ___B-t_ti P--t-* Dee. ll t-bo_*-f). Sfearl] 1^)00 spos-tta-i nieii fioin Nesv-Vork, HiiKiklyii, Philadelphia and all pails of .Vets-.Iel sos xvi! lies.ed tin- pigB ll oiat. h this aftci BOOB on the Ki-iiundsot the Mldssay ( lab at Matins in. Tba coii'c-liiiit- sve re I/candor < 'ampliell. ibo ebaMptoi I' shot of Ni and Jobi a'illett, of 1'ort Miiiimouth. It wm fore parse of |-_S0 ¦ ____, t, Jarvis nc'.-il rn* referee and < hail. . _pp | iteaadTbOMM t M-gtoa ii- Jud_c*. Tht: ciiudiiioiis ¦/«__ iirty hinlx each, laaaly lia jinU itaa s-ghlj yardi _oa___ary, aalj mm burrel to be used and the ("lins to be held bclosv thf flhoW until the birds left ihu -tag- Hm iso nea hmad aad liapp, d the hii'i-t lor cell oilier. Winn the niuo h opt nc! thc bi ttl m.' WM ¦'Hs,' to MO In fa mu of Campbell willett billedooly six oul of lu* tit*i tea bird.*, while Campbell killed nine, [n the -ci omi and third tens each man killed Him- bird*. Campbell then killed tea atrai-rbt lind- .md xsiiiett seven, -tua Uieecore thirty-seren io thirty one li CampbelT- favor. Campliell dov n tour "in ol sescn imd* and Willeti knh-d each one Bl !a-I a- lt b'ft the trap. I'auiplNsll klllud lu* furl) ninth lum anti won the match. Tbe birds ts cn- nil s-oed iiiong Overs. ( ampboll pulletl so many f.-atln some of his Idnl* before bej-UtSMd thein in theliap Uiut Uies uml'l baldly Hy- m_ _ FIN DIN 0 TUE HoARD OF a miser. Btw Mi nil'ioa. X- J., Doe. ll..tjcur-fo W. Vinoin, lutis e\ .'licMll of **.iiuer*el on lits, Wini tiled ll few BMBt-M UK". OBS ul wit ss aeiouiit.'da man nf icceiitrit habit*. IT' was itipiaised to hits e left no itt, tu tc, nut n bundle of ¦rn et,h.ii i..* "a- raeoatty found in i pUaof oM i-*__Mb- hi tilca tl. by one of lila rebtllvet* in... hil lo a t -. alt ll. SS Illili les,llteil Ul .*rl-,*X)0 bcllli- dhtOOVolisl U den awaj in iiisik.* uml MB-M iv -? MR. WIMAyS OFFER TO THE MILE El: fi. Mix M. a ri tua, DOO ll--In view of Uie propo-cl BBB- sulldalioii of flour millintj Interests nt Uil* jKilut, n latta* was rerelvci jfst<Tilny hy C. A. Pillsbury frnnt __r__-M I iman, or .New- York, WBSSWBBBU Maten Islftiul, Ililli" uarbtir of New York, ts au _dv_iita»{i><'Ua i*jlnt for the M euiuulatlon, storaate and »hl|nu*-it of Um Ihiur fo the Min iieapoii* in illa. Tlie consolidated Interests were ur*-'-'! hi consider tua- advaiitaico* - hl"h would result fruin their u-ia raiiili-il of terminal char.".-* iu Ul* harbor nf Nt-sa- York aad the ads auU-K* of haring their flour within easy tmtseu of capital lu *-ew-Yor_ Utyi fuitttmt, to tou-ldcr that the and Meal di Met Hues for frelelit from Klaneap-Us nea be BMde Mt re m h HUtea island x. ith t i*e. In itdilitiiui to tbe Baltimore and Ohio oonnecUon from I lii.ii.'.t, BOW assured, lalo fYol-hts from Duluth to HulTal" c'tuid be luouiUit in by shipment xha the Lehigh l.ailniad. which a few miles nf ,011*1 ru.-tion would hriii--1<> Um ..-linn Kill ltrld.o and Staten Island I h.. offer wa* maile "t outml and BOt SS tu ss liter front lu Hm harbor of Nee York, r-lequala tu for nil p n .jiiit.iiii-iitsat a mliii-iiiui of cost sslth a lua-iiiiuni of edt aa-age. .-? - THE BAHBEL ACT H0LLP8BD. \v.\i.Ki.Nf_ on rm: vTATEB a r niagara. I. - l's -.EAT Willi A Psllt Of ZINK SllOX-i."lorri Kit uvi-.ti ny BDDABB. Ht l rafts, Der. 11 [Swtetml).--Alfonso Kin..', tha water waiker, eaeoet de,I indi. MhaUa_oa_-Bg tha t-nrent in the Lfiagaragaffe below tho Fells, bal i ai os. I -et and nearly drowned in the " Imili-r*." King wore a tia; rot ¦ SSAS fish," at he Mll-d thens, an evctn lg ,.t nnd ii tull but. Tho Bab ara of slea, tUrty no he-lons, eighti-stl*M vide nun etea iaehM Ugh, The feet n'ip down ta them thtOOgh bolMM tin" top and in the valet the qoBOt eupports are *. Tn ie!i Hiilitufr.-t-tl aa to ri-ftein'.tle irold lillies. On still Kin. rt.i.vs tl,at he | m walk I lire* mile* an hour. Tho uHeiniit to ero*, tin-_orL'<» was mad" on n wa/er ol' ¦1,500 » s'tle hy Henry Webb, Ino tnt' Mm mw! mander lind T-MM-UM BOW -. li N"xx York p.ililici .n. Io .vin it wa- mci .sins for Kin . lo walk nt lt Bli un* bl Bdred leet on I be bu rface if the stream, wbinb dlstanee he mai'.e tith '-'DH feel rn ire in a ipi ur. r ulan .rune reporter* ia a rowboat i tho water pedestrian to pick him up il r-a-e he rap _-*_L Km.. raadei ai pi igTosiaoroM tbe evanne! and when near the ot ntre. oner, the currents ootne to i thor, hi rot rnlonnedn*- wbleh obnrned op tram below md i'..i-.ieii ti.e gold tish around until bi nra od ¦t. and eip.siicd. Ibo ventmo-nniu maa WM ¦I nioi Bgl li e-t-a'.ed to m l.e tba trip, bul til S prey Of lcm than before nnd he was pulled roto the boat. Despite the failure King persisted ht trr/u-g agata, ont tbe reporters lid natl waateeorpM ut their baadi and lol a -hore. Tin Itali li i<! been made from the Cana the Maid-.d'¦ihe-.,li:.t Landing, for Buperini undent Welch, ot tbe State Beeer-ration, would nol Iel tbe teal l.e ai empted fromthie-adeof theriver. King waa xset it the skin, but game, Hs sud this afternoon that be did not believe it. possible to aeeomplisb the feat, for the veter it roagb and tin erna* ourrenl li .tier* make it tapoO-Joll lor a mau tn maintain his equilibrium BS-iBB CAFTUBEO IN TBE CATBKILL8. KiN'.-ii'S, Deo 11 ISwoekU). -Two Uni larne bim were enptared In tba Catskill ;. nen- Big bullan, on dey, by the brothers John and Patric, Johnson, after a long and toilsome chase of f. n r rlars uni a dospernt. en* ;. Tbe larger bear weiKhcd3i()pounds, t- _IM). DEBTBOna TO si.l.K .. 1.11 Ht: U.Y LIFH." RiK-iiK«n-ti. D.-c 11 'special) has ju-t transpired that Elder, tho owner awl pnbltaher of lAttrarg L\fe,\* en leavorlna to Mil thai pu ta tba propi ¦lan. ot this dty. Bis contract, s*. ir_-expires on January 1. Ha seem* to bs to spend any laoi- moi ry on hiicb-prict-d w a.ih'iu-'h lu- claims bi he makin rl,UOsi a mouth out of a. H.- ilestn b uf it In order to ll Whole timi* to ntin.-vTlpf toli-li" M A I'M.;.!.> a M|_ ( I,l"Vi:i,.\NI'S HAW" IT KM. ti.n, Dec. n l*peeimt). -Hie lent Cleveland's law linn ssill andi. Hon <>n Jun Charles W. Ooudyear retiraa to become Inti iu lumber and coal Kx-Jadge _*rault Bi I Her¬ bert F. Bieseli Join the linn, in xshnli Wilson .-hannon Hi- .ii an.I ntl remain. Thoclwn«ecreated ¦eitne surprise am..ul' lo. ai politli li 11 and la> WOMTBAMBl ."" I> TBLEO APB 0OMPAFT. Mr-'M si "i i-, H. c. 11. ii- itockhoulen of thi Aineti-an Telegraph Company hare elected as directors SV. S. Kitti.-, Q A. Hill.ltiii.s. GtOOl I A. Hia.kelt. II. T. Brown, C M. Loring, of Minneapolis j W. it. Merriam, C BL Bigelow, Maurice ___erbae_, a. ii. Uglier, or st. Haul, nmi I* I). Husker, of Chtoagn Tba -treeton eleetedfor prasldeol C. M. Lorin(ti rico president, W, lt. Merriam;*, and treasurer, W. C. Bu tts; Beneral ma .\. A i little, ll.e annual report show . thal Ute - Iras* ol tbe rompan* are nearly all itrung, bo far m ordered, au_1 Uia! tory MA HIS ii I VT I: LUG ESC li. MINIA.1 s :. I VV VX T.i nxs. Baar-sM. 7.12, Sets. 1:39 nea* 1 Mesa's Bia. 17 111 ill XV-tTl'If. AJt.feely Hootc. 7 N 'lor. |_r t. h i"» 11*11 ost*. i<> M F.M.ttmaily Hook, b SS Hov. Isl'-, ri.AS Uoil Oats, lu.01' OUIOOIA ti S IE. t MERS. T'1-HAT. Ve**,.. IVtjar. Lin*. Fnr Msllsclosn. sauls. Weat, rnlaml. Hod;star. Auttverp. A sui 0 11 in 111 -,iAi, tata 11. Antler. Ohtsgow._ 3 pm mimiio, --p.iiash, Mi' sm noon. ¦VKIiN'.-liAV. DEC. 13. lirecian Monarch. Monarrli, Pondon. 7 n ns Tliinfvsll*. l'liin_v,i;ia. i-iipi-nh.i-'eii . I a i'i Khler, IfO Murd. Itr-nirn via -smith'tun.. *>;."'() a ni b a in ai iain 1. Vb rn Brasd, nr_7.1i ik.ii... __*._, >o st Ito rt, I'sa.lUt. alail. Asp,atv.ill .10 stn noou lSCOMlsa a TEAMER X. Tti-tsAr. Vettei.Prto*. Lin* Canad*.London.N t tn i.r 1.s.lavern, mi!.( uni rd A1 as u.i.I.ixeriMKi!.Union Ki IOl11 .AuiHteiiliiiii.Nelli Amer Ka Kiiiii.u^iie.ll.itie .I-rein ii Iran*. Tri m.._l.Iii ruin.1a .Uuetioe -luNiMi. boo. ll. DeVWBll.Ola-SOW .Atuhitr ItiiK-u.II um )mr_r.,.Hamil Amor. *r___4_-_nhla.l-l U nay ti i-*iiAr. Marj, l k Pt.-st* of Ti'xas.11 rana.Ut rd' a \ erturiHOI.Mun tear0 Hay.N Y and Jam 8H1PPLNG SEWS. POBTOV .Nl'W-yullI".RaTL'KDAV. dkc. ll, 188<J AKKIV ,1 Hteamer HnTixla (Url. liniiahl-m, Olasaew *fOT3.. Moville '.'ti, tt 1Tla mdse am] passengers to llciitie.r-01. Illus. Arrived at the ll.;i'i am. ¦steamer I'.ainlalt rity (P.n. 1 lure. Hritt.,1 ffCk* SO, tTTBBtrs .-¦, with imlso to Arkell .t DoukUiss. Arrived at Uiu liar at u a m. MeamT ThlDgvalla Dud. I.-inti, C.*s])sSehS4r*B Nov i'i. ria Christ.ina .4, ChrlstisnsaaU If4, with md** *n_ l7U|HS*sen- lirr* 1.. Ktinch. BatyeAOa Arrive.'ul the -am. MM.Mr Amain i.nri. Babr. Uamburs Not -4, wiio rnut*ts and 164 -t.era.e paSSSagBri to Phelps il ros & Co. Ams ed at Hi. ltsr st LOB p m. Steamer Kider i.-r. ll. I!" .-t*. Bremsa Dec!* BouthMnp. Um A, v. :th tailse sad pas'eiu'nrs tai Oelrlchs A Co. Hteeater Peaaland(Bela). w_y*r, Antwerp Nov37, nuh mdat and ;...**eii-iii * tu I'eter Wright A Sous. Arrived at tho Har nt A-ah p m. stasasineni \V tones iHr). Hoiilt. Rt Jntin, Nit, 3 days, srlth sptl.UK to SciSInineII Ilros. M. liner tu hilo un. Osrrln, Trinidad Nor "li. DsflsSBMa !>*<¦ 1, ilarhadiM . amt r*t Inn 1.1 .1, M u Inn.pi.-und Isnnliilea 4, A11 Illina sud SI Kilt* 5, w.tli mil sea ,.| pa**.-ii-'els lu A 1. Slut '-1 .. % i-i x ed ai lb* Bar rn il. i.'.a ra, Uti .inn Ki. .-ls;,,i, lli_k'ms. Ni tx-Ollc.Ul* ti day*,srlth tmlfto to-uhr) i' \'..n au kia >!. it'ii.-i- \*. ". Platt, Ch*rle-tuii a ihlys, with iii.I*a sim paiisnaeri to j xv Quintan! .* Ca ¦steamer Kraneonia. ISeunctt, rorllau.t, with mdsn and pa*, .elmer* lo ll..rai.ii Hall. HblB Alice i..!,.; lircni'-u At days, with unlse li.i'l,!")-. V. -tel t., \V:,';eli. To*l S ¦¦ Hark I.i/'.ib II, Ilow-.iril. MBjuaga 84 dar*, with mdsn to Arinild. Hun* it ii, xe,mI tu Vt tum ll lirown A t u. riarfcHanson* (Anati -ur, an, Alexandria M day-, with ran* loordsr: vessnl t<> tiiasl.-r Hark Johannes 11 Uli. Mist r, llamhiirit 5'-' devs, ssith -alt nmi empty hands tu uni. r. v.-»s,.i n, Hi rmann K..ip .t Ca Har* Marie (Uar), liitliriu.- lt.iiii.iii'_r j.i diayts, xrith Uitlise loni iii r. x ess.-l lu ll el lu.inn Koop A) tu, Har. ('linn i<>ur -Hiter., Hamburg (let 1, srith unlse to or. ih-l. \. .asl tai Kum li. K.VS A Co. Hark I*, a, einaki-i (of \ WS) Classou, I'.ordeaut 47 day*, in ballast to iJeammslI uro* Hark Sn-ulM, XXuulsar.l, Bait-SttoMS] dis-*, with sugar to ll ruwhl ll<e- Nun H.,i' Anni la I ii) lor. Proctor, St tot- IS Omft, xrith BagM lo Uartraui itru*. Park ila.Km M lin. Staples, DeBM-__a '-* tlays, ts K W P Am.-i;uli.. su.vsi:r-.vinial seedy Hook, Urtu, wsw, hazy. At CUy l*_xni. Ili-ht, s\S'. Uaty. Airixt'! ri *tertl*y. ship Mtnisif*rof Kartael-T), -telooOs-bs, _tt-a*al r_7 .tay*. witti lrou ami B*ap*j barrels loonier; rt mel to .1 \s Elw-U .t Co, ( li :a ll KO. fSv-sm-r llollau'l Url. Trs.m. faomli-i.F W J llnrst. siiMiner K.ypt dlr .siiiniiei. Km ipool via (Jiietustown- g xv J llnr-i. i Hun*.mi Kier), I.eiUiso-er, stottln, Uuthenhtir-r. Ar. . hunch Bdjreg .. Palari* uer), ftehspa, Haabarg. Pbeipa Bim gOe .¦t W A .MIiolt._i (l)Uhi. Ii a.k..r. Kotierdam "."uncli. h.tite d Ob -U-aaei W. *t-ril!.iliil (!lel.), randie, llllSBTI TttM Wriv'ht S Hom -i- t.i lt.- nayler ,11. li;,, BlMBBl |B*I1| Tllll_.IdjB i-lc-ni' fi'ti Hrityde! (Help), Mrv.r, Ant wern -Kum ti Id. ye A I o. M,.liner aVleilail'r), VaUatt, *f*sl Ierr.me_ii iu,rt* J W Kl well ,t i'.i iswamer Kil.tli tluiMsu (Hr), Thompson, Mi)Ute.o H»». (J Wrs-wls A I'o. . o__. Curtis. Havana -Jim B Vt'anl at Co. SI.miii'-i i u.i_sl. Bolger, Key .Wit mid unix..lum Ai ll Mal- lory A . ti. -I. unet i:i Konte, Hasslliurn. New ti'!.-ans -JnhnT Van Hekl*. Meamer Ness nih ,11,t, Ha!, es, N. fl erinn* I. ll Hleamer Purl "* ks.,n (liri, Hiulily. New Urle»ns-l arter, Hmm Irs .t ( o *.'..' Ki 'Hide, i bariWtrn aaa Jaa-_*m-r_*e. Wm 9 lyiie t HMBfllBI "H..oi.!. it.'. Kelley, Ntwport Nows ami Welt lu.Ul. \'« Hld ll.,1,11., S, .,. Meam.-i I..lin i.ii,*a,a, YomUS, if o-_.-t.)*vn and Aleaudrlav. T W XX ik tmaii M. am, i ll "." Dlmiek, II i,ott, Ho-toli-ll -' UllUOCk. -sii.i.ii e -r lower HUI, fur 1..ti.Inn; '..ivis, Kuypt and Hu- finn. KiierjHHit. lan*, niel,,, u, W A .-cholteii. Hullcil.tiii, aitsseaiKur, Harre; Kdlili I lodden. Umal.a Saral.iS-, Itav- 111.44 I "nial, i isis eal,,., Kl .Muni,' and Nisw.Di leaus. New or. '.»"''. . iniiah, »cm-iule, Cbaria*loni Beuefac- lair. Vt lluiiiiKt.ui. Bblf t oisu., iur Hieiuen. A -usu,..i vit Lens I*_tad-eaa4 -^teauior ll 1* Dimock, liua'.'ii- Hark Kilian M Vixua. -BB. on. lilli tWYBUUMlB OB Bl ii .VU iflt -J. I'lUKitiM i*. ii rn l_----r-_r-0-t Dm ll.Arrivavi, atS-MMN r*c*niiln»v_. (Dr), llenlrrw, sud Thaltta din, iilusipool. (loin Ni.* York. Ml S_**ToWt, Da* ll AtTirsd, iUt*innr h.ti uris Hr). Cook, fruin New-York un her mat io Lireiiiout land prxavootled) Tun", ll tlays. I) litiurs. 'Sn mlnults*. HwASiRk. lao* 10.-ssilou.sttss.iier Brook I rn Cl tr (Hr), Flit, tot .\.» York. H a vhs. Da* ll-"___*-, s-*a_n-rJ_-Cli_-np»fnf)(F.), Ti aub. lor _4*w\_r_. tem . ..<tm*9tt ¥T- rc j- ."ii", ' . -- ^;J3i|pl BB"* . ,*1/as_. * - .-- j ^ ', .' I ti- ,.- nt'gt-. ¦, ¦'"'¦¦' While th^re i3 nscc33nriiy a pe-U.iar sam-jn^*-abo it a!! adv3rti39m3 .ts of Holiday Gaods, yet we can assure all that we aro displaying THE LARGEST STOCK Cf any house or combination of houses in the city. THE EXTENSIVENESS OF OUR ESTABLISHMENT Can be gauged by the fact of cur having nearly 5 ACRES OF SELLING SPACE Employing oyar 2,500 persons, 163 delivery wagons. EVERYTHING FROM A SIMPLE TOY TO A Diflf-OND TOYS. DOLLS. _rv_f_nr _rov_XTT o_> tiik t.atkst mancfact- l ki--. IT 18 IKPOSSIBLB TO THINK Of A. TOT THAT WK BAV1 sl'l.W, UK.NTK A DE- riON 18 i:v. I.. KttSARY. JEWELRY. SCH. IT) 'ii.!.Il KIN GM, IN I".XIV BARD AMI C_-Al BO KAN!) ami K.WfY BTOKB BBTTIKGS, fOB LA- MKS, ol .vii.KM KN. AM) CHILDRKK. .Nickol OtlatelS-Be \A'_t.lio*. rf2 .7; iu oliver. $4 9.; lu gul*, na so tain ">o. 1 .,-. tleiry XV.,flies st **2 0T. [___-*" i...!'i i"..ii'i' casa "fat-baa, __-*-_ n _*-tv_SB_s_ta ind isa aa (iA.VT I."''KS AM) BBONZEfl ANO FIUCllKS, I.AI'K-T DESIGNS CO liam!*'":." BsfBBSS CUx k* .it $7 .'0. *»l0 ami ¦fl!'. OOLD KOUKTKD -HO sha ku MOPBTBPaT-fBB-tT- I.A- ANDI .'AN KS. 501) Al! BBk lin'tn !!tn, fa ri ey colluIoW, silx-er and gold hainllis, Ti l'J. DIAMONDS. (OMri.KTK and --.BOB ITOCK of genuine DIAMO.SDs. Mill SIKH IN I'.I.Vt.s, LACK FINS, EAR DROPS, .sri'US, SCARF PIUS AND COLLAR BLT- TONS, The disptai/ in our .horelry Department is larger than irhnt mn r,e sent in regular Jeir-lry stores, and, while the tfitali'ie* are ns OwoA, the. priers will show a large earing. FINK ASSOBTMBHT OK OTK RA QI___M-__, RICH PANB, JEWEL CAsKs. WOltKltOXEs. COMB AND BBOSB SK TS. AND l'K lt FT.XI KUY HONKS. LeiithiTctte Pt-etaai-s*l ai.ur ms, ¦:;,.. Plash I'hotn.raiili ALBUMS, Me, am! $125. TROUSANDfl Of CHRISTMAS CA K!)S IT** AM. THK -ATK8T NOVELTIES AT ABOUT QUARTER TUEIR VaVLUK. FOR EVERYBODY FlttiM THE --MALLKST PAPER TOY BOOK TO THE Bl -BOARD WORKS, Bl !1I,I 8 AND l'UAYER-BOOKS IN THE FINEST BINDlNt.S. DICKENS IN CO.Ml'LETE SETS, 50 CENTS THE SET. NEW LINE GERMAN BOOKS. CURIOS 15 CniNA. CRYSTAL AND BISQUE WARE. Thi* Department i* lilrrally flied tcith Noreltiet cal¬ culated lo make a rery acceptable Holiday Gift, FURS. NATURAL LYNX, BLACK LYNX AND MARTEN", SILVER RA DO KR. BLUR FOX AND BLACK FOX Ml'HS AND nilAS FINK ALASKA Oil MrFFf*. flo. $12. tl5 unit S"18. HUDSON BAY BKAYER MUFFS, H. $. 60. St. $7, uml $!). N ATI RM. OTTKB MUFFS, $5. $fi and |f_ KATU ha I. Vi B X Ml PIS, iu. $7 ami $'.). CHILDREN'S l'AN( YFL'RSETt", 45c., 05c, 05c, fl SJ to. I .Vi these*. BOTS* SK A I. CA I'S, Mi_, Tl. T2 50 to 14. MKN'S HEAL CAPB.S-, $7 to$l». ltHl Pa I BS MIN'S FINK COLORED BEAVER fil.nVF.s, Buck palms, lined lsmb"s -tool, at Ti 76; w..ill. fj. FURNITURE, AT OTJB IUtANCH STORE, 289 GRAND-ST. SILK PLUSH ROCK Kits. Ji5 ami np. BBWIKO ROCKERS, ll 75 ami up. Stl.Kl'Y Hui.I.OW CHAIRS, tal ami $7. Kl !) ( HAIRS. $1 4. and np. OILT (HAIRS. ENAMELLED CHAIRS, WRITING DKSKS, BOOKCASES, CA 111 NETS, HALL RACKS, (KN. THK I ABLES, STANDING CABINETS, PEDESTALS, ETC. THE ORRATZST of ALL c.iLI.f.'TIONs, FRO"** TDK CHEAPRST TO TUM Ill'ill l'ltl. KU AND FINE fRRKOB DoLL. I" il.IS OF ALL STZEHTHAT SPEAK AND CRY, ANO ALMOST SING AND WALK. HANDKERCHIEF., Ladle*' Rrocailetl .Silk Muffle.*, sa hit* and colors, ll, »1 ".'3. $1 30 to $5. LtAmT cia'.ii ss lute and Brocadod Silk Focket Bal r- -blaS-, MSc.. 45c. 50c, and 7'. _ f Tfbm ifiBB-tliiSit-lrsasas suk Poe. t ______at- .:. t<. I '.., :J7i., SOO, ami Me. eu.ll. ONE-HALF DOZEN IN FANCY BOX I.atliet' Lillet- Hemstitch. 1, -Se. Bia fl M. H 5", to Ti ttl* box. Ladles" Plain Whit.) neranie*", 4*o., Ml, ts***, Ms, and 7')C tllel.OX. L.i.iie*' Linen Plain Wlilt* Heiu»Utc_e.l, trorked initial, $1 3j lo Ti 75 Hie Mox. o. nt* a silk Mu fllera. wLito an.l colors, 7*0., fl, $1 25 to to mitch. Men's silk, l'l*;... Whit*. Hemstitch--, 27 in-lies, 75c; extra heavy, 30 Itu lies, *i .'i0. INITIALED. Cent's plain white, hemmed, worked initials, Ti iu *... - :| th* BM of one-half dozen. Cent's Linen Heai.Utched, worked initials. $3 th* box of one -alf dozen. (leafs Lian n-ndv.'rchie"*, c /.orel border*, beal aaa, snd colored initials. 15c each. (lent* plain white, hemmed, one-half dozen la fancy hni-j, 75c, <J9c, Bs, $1 15, $1 M to .*_ 10. Geofs plain white, hemstitched, half-dozen In taney bolo-, $1 '.'5. $1 75 and $2. 0*Bf. colored border, hemmed, half-dozen In fancy box. ll, $1 '.'.*. $1 50 the box. Full line children'* colored borders and plain whit* Il .tn". kerchiefs from 5c. ta) 12c each. ART DEPARTMENT. THOl'SANDS OF NOVEL ORNAMENTS CAN BB FOL'ND. Fleor and Table E_.cs, Plecques, Bron** snd Plush Francip*. PICTURE MATS, STANDING PflOTOURAPIIB. STEEL ENGRAVINGS, CH ROMOS. A N ll il I ni ll A I'113 AND OIL PAINTINGS. SMOKING TABLE* AND SETS, CARD SMOKING TABLES CO.MHINKD, FANCY LSI receivers. _r__JBK broom, mah h, and comb AND BRUSH HoI.DKRS. WALL POCKETS, WALL CARINETS, BOOK HA' K'S TOWEL ARMS, TOBACCO BOXES. Ac. GTAtt Depattmeni on -*<<r«iid Floor. MEN'S FURNISHING. :ndkhs in fancy glass.covered nd cashmere mufflers, kboi SLIPPERS. M.-n's plush np.-ra Slippers, embroider.***, band ie-,.*. Bis pair. Men's velrot opera Slippers, C9c. to TA. Genuine alligator skin outr., suppers, all colors, hand mad*. »2 25 to SI SO. Imitation Alligator Opera supper*. 05c. to (1 50. TOURIST AN!) INVALID SLIPPERS, ALL COLORS, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. LADIES' CROCUKT AND FELT SLIPPERS. THE EXTENSIVENESS OF OCR ESTABLISHMENT DOES NOT Kr',' TIE PS TO CURTAIL REGULAR STOCKS. AS In BSwmUBmw ARY WITH OTHER IHU'HKS, FULL ASSORTMENTS AND THK SAME CAR*. TO HAVE PRICKS THE LOWEST IS NOW KXERCIHKO AS AT ALL OTHER SEASONS OF THK YEAR. HATS. LADIES' ASTRACnAN AND CLOTH HATS, RI-4.--C AND ALL COLOR8. Chlldren* fully .trlmms- School Hats, fell cloth. 24c. each. Ladle*' hnsiish Felt Hats, choice s-s-xs* and onlors, 4 te, esch. Finest Fr*nch Felt Hst* st fl 14 saeh eUewhsro ll ¦.*_. SUSPENDERS IN FANCY QLA8S COVERED BOX KS, SILK AND CASHMERE MUFFLERS, NECKWEAB GLOY KS, Ac. WHAT RIDLEYS' DO NOT KEEP ls easier to mention than what they do. TO VISIT OUR ESTABLISHMENT For either Holiday or Regular Goods one ventures nothing, as no disappointment will If met with. STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING. , Morning hours are recommended for visiting our establishment, where such ls poM. ble, and thus avoid the crowd in the afternoon. EDWARD RIDLEY & SONS, 809, 311, 311! to 321 GRAND ST. . bb to to n-nnirnr. bb, bi, bb oki, k, t*

Dec 01, 2018



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Page 1: · THEALDERMENPOINTEDOUT STU.KINO T-MT1MONTBTASERVANT. IDKNT1FYINO THK MKS Wilt) VIMTFP M*II H'OITLIN'S nmsk tv 1*^4. Anotlier surprise svra!ta*d tho defence



Anotlier surprise svra!ta*d tho defence in the Moijnadotrial yesterday. It wa* nearly as areal tvs that tSSWWt bfthe revelations of Fullgraif and Duffy on tho __M Dial.

The ovidiiiee of the two as Udermea, while MianaIMMtheir knoxsli-'hcc of the tran-a* lions, wa* weak from their

fonoor pnrtitjpatlon in tho crimlual act* end fruin the

jK-rlury of at least one of them. Their te»tlmonyM to the meetings at Mcl.iiishlin* house wa* Mimiejycorroborate.! yi .-.torslay by tbat of a servant who lived lu

the hMJM next to the oiu- occupied by MrlaOUgailu in tho

SUI.mau-»t If"-I. and xs bo Hied Ui seaing mihi- of the

Aldermen gt. tn lo aud lenxc Mcltoughlln'l house, lier

testimony tva* draimttlc in some of ita features sl.*l ne lit'lo evt iteiiutit lu t>ie court-room.The pnit-t*.*liiits*s in tho corly part of the day *

e*pt-cb"lly intcrc*f!n_. Ile. order htuyth took

promptly nit"! thejurors had been taken from thc A-tor

Ileusc, where they ha<l pissed another nicht lu tho ens-

tody af Captain Curry and the of|-.*er_. The memlxers of

the jury wore al tirst reties* out of the court room and

so-ii- of them wi*hetl lo go to their places of business tu

the custody of tlie otllcers, but they have now be¬

come reconciled to their positions and 0 BM

apparently cotitent. Mct'iiadi) "A-ns clieeifulin the BMT-tag session and chatted _ayly with tr..* ti a inls.

The attendant* ut the trial were the usual MM f_

Clerk Txxotuey. of the OMUMfTL wits t! lad

wltties* examined on l'rit'.ay evening andwas liol iluishttl when cunt adjourned, lie s\ ailed fin'a

few ni ii uta** while Charles 1". Alexander, af tho

law firm of Alexander A Creen, t.--.titli*l that he

prwurcl in tiehalf of Un* __M_t-_. _4_r_aee

Coiopuny tim consent of John ll. Lyddy to the 6 -*.-..n

tluunia-.- of the suit lu which tue Aldermen xvcre enjoinedfrom neting In the matter of granting tlie frTTTrS-lTT-JfrsnchiM'. Mr. Txxoiuey then rataoaad tho aitaeM *ta ul

and Ulentitled a number of documents, and poiUons of

the printed copy of the I'flSsMsTlngl of the Board of AMM*.mon lu ISM Be waa aol HOM-exaa-Med,

K. J. Stapleton, af tho County Clerk'sOtTlee, testttled that the Supremo Court

Chainhers, aaljourned aa Uie ufftmoon of gag.M 29 to tl

a m. on August 3U, tho day when the epochal uicetin? was

beld at it a. m.

Mr. Nicoll offered to rend the testimony of Mcquade l-e-

fori thc r-el atc Kn'.ltoatl Committee, littoral Tl.ev ob¬jected imil shoxsed MCh _tran| icasoiis that tho llei order

said: .

I understand that thi* dt-feudnnt was snlip-rnaoi*, thatbc tn* cMiniiiie.1 mal Unit he te*;iiied before a rc.iilailsapiKiiiiit'.l tomuiiiti-e of tbe Beaa-e of Ibis State; teat la¬was imt allowed the pus il, li ol counsel In nppenrinx be¬fore the commit:.-!-, and ihar ii i* now proposed t.» readin esitleme against him Hie testimony so laken. Ms pres-fut opinion i* thal this i- not a proceeding jtuttiHod by t-e

-.tmstiiution of tbe State or of Lbs I'ulted m..i<j_, but IWill not rule on the question piisitivel) ima'.

_____ M. Hill, u **.O-Tatgraf-Mr, produced nt Mr. Nicoli's

request a phot.t'.'iaph xs l.ich 1 e hud taken af No*. Aft-,_M-M_4*M*sV*_et Thirty fourth st. Mcl-oiigblin ivettMKo. 4*s4. Tbo houses are alike In api>earauce. They are

ordinary three -tory aad basement houses, plnced u littleback from the Mdossnlk.Mrs. Harriet! Mn.s-ttt, ol" No. AM Wi tat T!,irty founh-st.,

was next called by .Mr. Nicoll, bhe is elderly aud apjia-

renUy not in k.-mI bealih. ishe was one of two women

who hiid baal in fha MS_r%-t*-OM several time* in the lastfew days, and who ha<l been seated on a sola in thecorner of the mom where they could see the faOMQ-tblpenaons silling in the court. Hw younger af the tssowomen Meei up and bohed about the room

for several minutes aa Kinlay. Mr*. Mas*et: tc-t;*li*lin answer to Mr. Nicoli". r_______H_i that shu bad lived for

twenty -ears at No. loo" Weet Thirty-fourth .*t. Bm In cd

there in _t8*V Altlcnn.ta MclauiiigUliu lived next .lour lo

ber iu thu summer of 1-*>L f*_e thought that -U*Long_lin mosed away lu the a-iMmii of 1884, _*_. t tli.-althe photograph of the besSMI as a fair representationof ttieiii. riit-r.; hal baaa nu substantial change ht Chibouse*. Mr. Nicholls asked:U Hate >ou a servant iii your employ I A..Yes, slr,

Katie Mets,i.'. lint, long has she been Wltb TOal A..Four years

last Jul.,.t*.- \\ aa lt a part of her duty to attend to answering the

door bell I A..Ye*, sir.


Thi* testimony aral introductory to that of the most im¬portant witness ot the day. Kath" Mel/, the a is ant. Shels a by birth and li..- been in thia eoontr]teen years. She (.leaks Bag-kb well. Mic is of shortstature and apparently about thirty > cars of aire. Her eyesere hirgc uud honest looking. 8he gave her lc-timon)tlearly and was not confused on

rross-examimail.iu. Sho ha.* apparently a good ey* fortat-a-t-lui winni she was _skt*l whether a iiollec olbei-r

whom a*M had Mia only aam or twice was prcs-'iit .-.ho

pointed him out after a stag*. glam*, around Un* court¬

room, tho'iL'h he was seated fifty fe<-t from the part of the

room xx here sho had been. Ml. Nicoll asked the "HleS-OM

on her din cl examination.

Q..How lone have yon been tn the employ of Mrs.Mj-bsi-u | A..*.ioiug on Uve yeal-,SL.Wcif you in ber employ itt Ko, 4*>0 West Tliirty-

fourth st. ni i-o*il __-.Yaa.s_r_O..Do you leinemiipr any Incident in Maj or.lune,

\Wwtt aboot MMM linn rim.-ing the dimr-bi-.l and lii'iuir-lng for Mi. Mclaou-liliu's housel A..Yea,air,Q tail us about it. wa* one esi-nin.

Wheu 1 xx as in thc* kitchen. Tho bell ram.',

and I xsent to tbe _ea_ A man WM thenaud lu- n.skc.l tor Slr. Mt laia-loiu. I said, "' N< \t door."tbeto wara three ar four other men at the fnotof thestep*. I xi cut nut on the Mini[ito fee whether he xsenttlie n_!it xray, and I saw th.-ui go into Mr. Mcl,iiuj.b in'* thut Uie only time I A..No, sir. Then- x\ .i>

another ring thal Blab-, not very brag after, ami 1 went

to thc deM and saxv three or lour men. Ono of them wmclose to the do r, mid the others sscre below, 'lhai Baanasketl for MeI.otit.'biin too. and I told him M next door,"Olid I saxv these m. n n to McIaO-gbliO'l hoii.-e.

t*. -After thal lim Uiil you see any of those gentlemen 1A..Ye*, sir.t". When I A..Two or three weeks after.fl flea waathal I A..I was iu and out of the house.

1 was at the gate iu the front yard ilr*t aad I saw levert*of the same men, and Hies went into Mel/mghlin's h nc*.

<^..ind yoii see them again I A.Yea, -ir, 1 -aw themabout io er 11 o'clock conn out ot tin- bean,t",.Did they ult come out together! A..No, slr, two

or three al a time.U..Whi-u was all Ude I A..Thal xs as in May or in Juno,

UM.SJ,..Now, Kalie, stand up and look the court¬

room. Do you see auy of these uieii here!

The young woman stood up and In an instant slit

pointed tosvard a man ut the left about txventy feet away,

saying, "Yes. there's one." "Which one I" ______ Mr.Js'lcaiU. "Thut ouo with a gray mustache," Sadd tht

wimeats.Alderman John O'Neill rose at tho request of the Ito

conlea' and the witness aald: " Yes, that u one of them.""Now lo ik airain." Mr. Nicoll M._"This one. Mr. McQuwle, was one," the witness sahl,

poiuUng to thc defcudna t, who v. a* acute J just iu front ol the defendant stand up," said thi Kecorder, and

tbe witness repealed the ideiititlcatlou."Look again, Katie," Slr. Nicoll said, and the vonni;

woman rose and looked about the court room for a mo

me ut. and then poiiit-_l uppuit-iiMy tn the diie. timi

of Alderman O'Neil, whoiu t-iie had just lauiuticd."There ls another," she said.John Higgiiui, a liquor-dealer, who ts friendly to Mc-

Quade, mid who sat mit to O'Neil, promptly rose anti thc

Wilno**, without li. klug a.ain, uud, "Ihat anothei

one." Tin re wa* a smile or MBBBBBBBBMM on tht- lace of Ultdefendant'* lawyers, for Ute man she apparently identi¬

fied ha* no it-semblauce to auy of tbe Aldermen."Are there no other* In the court-room (" Mr. Nicoll

asked, ami tbe witness, after a long survey pointedout ez-Aldermuu KullgralT, who wa* MaMdwbMOablcoulil only see him with ibilleulty. A minute later, ss hen

Ut. Nicol! showod the witness a copy of TA* Daily Graphiccontaining pictures of tho Aldermen of lHs4,the woman

said something about Clean * picture, as if she had iden

titled him in the court room. Mr. Nicoll asked"Was bc one of the iiu-u you jost "Sainted out I"" Yo*," said the witness, .' over there," pointing again

in tbe dirtscUou ot ONeiL" Which one do you mean I" asked the prosecutor.Tit* -ouiig woman .aid: "That ouo hack of Mr.

CNeiL"It then appe-arod tnat she had intended Ut identify as

tbe third -sersoi) Alderman (leary, who sat joni behindO'b'eil, aud uot Johu Hlg_;liie, who nw- xs lieu she purnta,!In thal illili lion. This miulc thc ldelillUiaUon of thoOnly Aldermt-U in t .-t nt oomplc tc Mr. Nicoll i..Mauled :

te)..How did you cona- to testifj 1 A..0__Mt llohineon came to see me Int Wo ss ¦-* lu. ago.<_..Did I ul tens ard call on you and show you this

pajier containing tbe picture.* I A. Vi**, sir.(j, -And did you point out MOM of the pictures a* those

of tbo men whom you had Men '. A.Vis, bii.iise otthem.(J,.Which were those using the names printed below

tbe pieturesl A.-They were Cleary, O'Neil, Di-in-isey,> ul in i ail aud Mi telita!c

KUI SflABfLN ON CKOa-t-RXAMINATlO.N".Mr. Newcombe conducted a cn.**-examination lasting

two hourn, bul be did uot maU-rially a Hi-et the testimouy.She said Uiat she had been t sa lee in the court room, once

wlUi Orboer Bobtusou aud once with Mr. Purdy.tjL.Do you retuemiH r tuoug in this room with Mr Purdy

and that be oom led oul ucsti-l men lu thc room I A.Ho, slr, that ls not au.She said Uiat she saw the men at Mclaouf-hlln's house

tiiroe or four time*, bb* saw "-ollgrafl Uie ttrnt or seasindthus Motsinade, she Uaoua-lil. Tung the bell tho Hi>t time

tjv-llow do you know Uiul (hi* wa* In Mav or Juue IA. It wa* tbit*- or four uaonths -flt*.. Mr. McLfoughlluWas very sick In felx-uary.

t,. -An . Udng oise I A..Yes, slr, because were so

Buuiy lings at tbe door oeli thou.(jr. .tut lt not uiuiniuii for peoplts to ring your front,

slater bell aad _*_ for Mr. MeLiougblln I A.There wore a

auod ui*-/ at tbe bassomenl door but not many at tbetrout door.Mr. Newcombe |K>lnU*d at the pictures of O'Neil and

Cleary in tbe LUus-ruted newspapers and thoo bivi the Ai

-Urtuea pns-eut U-ei_*ol\ es at toe bar for oomparl*o_.

Tbe piehires xveretskeu from photographs and tue gio!likenesses.The xsitnesia gave another blt of eonrersallon when Shs

sahl thai Ku 11 grail left McUsu. hims botiae in ooinpausxx Ith one lunn. Hie did not locognli.b the conipaiiiou.who Kullgi-rtfl sars was ) Nd.

Mr. Nicoll asked tbs witne** * few questions. Himsalli that she told Hillier Ro4____o_. xs hen h.-

til-t ipokl te ber. that she would rei-iu-lll/cthc man xs ith n boan] ii-'un.-i alf). Bbe saM that In au lenor twelve men went toto Mt-laoitghlin's lions'- -4_M Uni-.

Mr*. Massett ssh* rivalled and ti-ll'led that JMM-eenl on eacb MsMaMa xx hen Offleei "townsonMr. Nicoll oi \lr I' saw LiS-ie Meta. Btwhad heard of the occurrence In Mas- or .lune. 1884. Bbe.aid, -plasm. Of Ml. Ni.on- Ms.I I "1 M-lcd _-s_l* *>p-st.-sirs. *_ wu spread lae patter ont on the tobilu i it she had seen am-nt i'h.isc men before. Bbe lookedat them and pointed oat gve of th. in lmuicdlaiel". Mi

Purdy ill,i m r soe tin- *-_rl __o-t__MThe pto ecutioii had one or two other x-|tne««'--i who*c

tcs;nnoiis, acunling ololeiiel Pf How*, would oceup)ooh n few minite.*, hut the witnesses x.t rc out of tns.ii

aad woohl not rciun! until Snuday. With the exceptionof these « 'tue mern th, me forthe pnsaea'Ution ssa* i !o-,-d.lue l"eoorder said thal he would cnn*ld-r thc*-i'.not thal te.stimou. ¦ahaoq.nantljr. and theproiootition tiien

reetod,the _t_-*rKKOI liKcr**.

Mr. Newcombe at Aa. m. moved tHit th* Distill-t At

torney liTMil llllt on wtneh count bSWOOM proceed,aud the BtU one being ohos -n, Mr. Newcombe Meted to

-faaab it ______ section 7j ot hm Paaal Code, The motion

wa* deuio I. .Mr. .Newcombe theu o'.s-iip.I for tn* <le-

feuce. He els,uk. I tnut the ltroulw .y hal been

gloat pul.ic beaicui and a*ke 1 il ou t .0 testimony Oltsxo such " veuoimui rl#e_e',M nutty ead Vallgr-fltbe Jury weald aaaataa MeQaedaM prison. Mr. New¬

tanwa chili-t.-tcin- tl tbe Lyndy laJaaS-Ma M bl uk. vn-

laluous mid vim." Tn* man xs ho toaliium-tnmwas" worse than a rnbi-tr, a tumf or a hr.gund." Mr.NcWt** line took up inifts'* enar.-i* fiat he Dn_jgireU hi* test mouy tue .--eiiitle S-Hll-Wal OoMMtlttoe aoconnlig t.< Mr. Nev,reSMUo'l li.-lr .clioiis, all i sahlthat until tpi'i'iiarv last a* heal had only to mu I gen

aral relations to the Hoard it Altleruiea. Jeal bt-tor*th* lu»'!i soot, BlZtrOU AI .et mell came to .1*

o lice an rel.....ed bin. Vs batev.-r waa then sail Wa*S-ltl lu tue presence oi I sxeivn or loni lae! pt t .on*, anti a*

they sam it Kl, NewO*.*Oo wrwte dewa each man'.*statement luitlv's waa fae thin ot foerth. Mr. New*oom ar re tl froai I Ilene lint Duly nan lal 1 M badnever r.-icivisl a Uoil.w from tue liloaiiway bullaceCmiipnuy.X-OOrst witness for tho defence was Mr. Newcombe

buns*-, ile said:"The suteuieut* by Mr. Dufly that his to-ti-

.i.'Uj I.-i'll Lm BOB-M I'om Mitre WM riven at my lu-suuclloa was nus tii.teiy lao I- Md him 1: be nat

Xe*** iv ut I ia11v monet tor lu- volo Ile * dil .ositively nu.

Ile san! thal MMotif s carno io his (lillee III TL-irl-awtau.1 .aid tue .njuuelioa nad b.tsu Viicattd, and Pt laeaSlgue.1 thu call, l'lutl svas all 'h.- eonvt-rs allon I loni

With hui OU the su!ii»ct. I never lu* lld ol lim Me

i-uugiihii meeliu-s uul 1 aller tue last Ixl-lof dr. Mi(J iade wm heaton, i uover adrlst-d bim .shat lesll-oouyto sire iteftire tue fseuaUs rouniii;.ee."Te Mr. Mcoll the witness *.d 1 tual he had advise-

"jutly to ao os-atre tba c-uuuiiiite aadaasWM any nutsHons ih it might be pat tn him.

Julli.i* lleideiiiiin. a lawyer ami » msmtier of U.e

.nrluiorcr ililli ana lt* pTOti lei.I in lt*--, tMtil-SU tS-Mlu;!, r i.l in tile a WrUtc- -talemrut lo ihe. club lune-

lober of Ulai year Dist .is he bad been a to I liy

1 ersoos iibou: bis uetnm tn the Itrnulwav fr.uidn*e ne

sa as .ininns wilh.uit blaire in the matter nnd bedre*celsel itolhiii. for Ul* vole;! nad r llseal In* -aa 1

aud saii that as sure as theta WM a God ia Heaven hebal not received a cent, and he hope I nc Blight never M)»

li:* family a.aiti if be bad*-Junii Mi'.M liiiui, ot iiorrisanla u lawyer alitl iM-COrer

of the Miitioier Cluo, Borrot-orated Mr. Helderiuan.lloiii-ri ll-imlieltl, of lin-same clu't, st d ttiat Pull-TU-Uad e u.e I tut ..I Kt s rise nun if be ind ever ie-

reived a eeni tioiii the I.roadway ma 1. inner tesinnouyio thr laaMeflee' was alvt-a,

l-l.limy -.. L_i_*aa, u u-porier for The Comtmtrttal '

titer, said that ho bad icany eoeVet-eU-Q* *"iin r uil.ral!iu rcferene tu ms conlc-siu.. i'ui,grail aita ...Ss deniedina: he aa* anti*"*. At ont in particular bithat na ho|.ed ut* f "mils won I i be itrtckei dead if ne

.Var receive! a dollar ll reference Ui tlie frauen IS*, lieaim isl ii.liu.tutti ms _ui,i ou tota* occasions aud Midonce- " I do not see why they make saol a ines nhool ll,a.* uo .M.leiiu.iu has anyluiu. from iho cpy. lueens .ii nut lose mist lim:, but n a* i e-ivivl BAO,000 a

year." Tue teslinii'iiy nf Mi-. Lowan netted*nisfti ni, a* Qeaeral i o*j#*t»-tl to ibeestMiluf m-

ipnry Oil the cross-eaanimation, lui; UM esl et-Ce svUichic.aie i iu oonv-rsaiitina witu i-'uliu'raO xvas uduilttel ltwas mote harmful tu IM tlefenoe who hal culled t ,e

wittie.** than to the prosecution.cii.ti les Janet", t*ie oi I'u.U'raif* hoadimen. Hld that

the ex-Akierman bad always said thai be st;s* luione*.*.Mr. Ne .seo nbc i Ik.ii read "utile documentary evidencerel itme to the alumnus paid lo the eily ly Hie BrosHll .t.

suil.i.r ilatlroail 1'oail ant. Mime other documeutai >'evidence odered by h,m \\a* not admit ted.The jurors w.-rf svnrued hythe Keconlor toles enr-fnl

rot to say anything tiimut tho oase, and to rsnqer taaldiibcnitbe kept them in ehars** of the othceis .ti Un..".sim House. I'uey will iio >tliowe<l to t.i«o a walu tad tyin a ndy, aucouipauied by traptniu '."uiry and the courtothceis.


JILT AT MU. MAiniNK'*- -rcur.SlION.__rt*t*-M puliii.-he'l in The Trltgram on Pridajf atti¦rnoon

ami yesterday have ext ititi the Indignation Ol DistrictAttorney Martini-and his asshdant*. The HlhllM IIP ll)the etTeet that some of the Juror* in the trial of ex Aldennan Melju-adc btave bean " tlxed." One of tlie nUagatlnii- is tbat John K,snail lute tao lunch lufluiiicat In the

District -Attorney's otliee that ho ba* caused an

arruiit-cmeut to be made lietween thc

prosit utini; olliecrs and the defence bv which flvo of thelinois would fas or tbe defendant ami a dia.i'-ri' betia<L Other stories of equal probability are contained intin-i-ann le*. District-Attorney Marline, whose reputa¬tion i* lur_vly at slake in a Buooesefu] rt suit m lu- prose-euttonof the Al.leriiiuiiie cases, amt Assistant Distriot-Altorue.s Nicoll, who bM spout das* and nitihls ol hardwork ni Mepaillll UM esaaa, arc naturally provokedut any Imputation on their -rood faith. Tbeisaid yesterday that they felt that tbe pnbllcatloii of taonmattel s svas not only personally injurious, hut was hurt¬ful io lb..-u!luiiiii*truti»u ot Justice.K. li. Mon ls. thc editor, P. E. U"I!rien, the political rc

jKiiter. anti c. k. Oeaterle, the Geaoral flnssltini reporter,or tin* paper, base b,en summoned io appear before theGrand Jury to morrow. Mr Marline said that he baaldirected the. liiouiry on the iri-ound "l!lt -M atliuin-istiatioii of law in this coiinliv bad In-eiint taekedantl ul so Im-chioic. if theie ssas really lins Informa-tina oh;ailiable as to Ute bribery of any juror, it wasri|*htthat th. Iiisliict-Atttiiiicv shoal- base Uiut infoiuia; nm.ih.-design of tho Inquiry wae aol only to ___) out bywhom the articles went written, hut from whom tho iu-foiiiiullou was olitaine.l.A communication to the same newspaper, in whlob

the eotlMpondont churned thut one of tlie Jurors.Jamb Kosenberg, bad lose business relations st ith JohnKi* nun, ssa* shown to Mr. Martino. He said that Mr.Met/, tr, the attomex for Mr. B-OeabMa, called ou himand s;ud that the statements were cutirels untrue. Hiebusiness wit.* inherited fi-om his father and had not neelassi.-icd b} John Keenan. All the reports of Mr. Boaeirberg reesived by tho Distrn t-Attoiney were favorable.The chanu ter of the Jvoriil far as lt ls known to thept-ubccuting otucere, ls excellent

THE JEWISH FAITH DEFENDED.Phii.xdkli*hia, I>ec. ll (Special)..Tbe Rev Morris

Jastrow, rahbl of the Rodef tShuloin rsynuis'o_-ue, this niorn-

ing answered his *on*s reasons for renouncim* the Jewhrhfaith. He spoke in the ("crmi.ii lantruage in a trembling'voice, and as he went on lt Ix-came clear that, Mtheagbhe xx as moved by the kindliest feelings, he wa* no apolo¬gist for hi* son. He said that there was a grossing de¬

mand that the Jews should he consistent. There was a

eleni deal of confusion a* to the Individual conviction* of

the Jews. He admitted that and referred to tho fact thatBorne Jews were orthodox without following out the doe

_riaMOt orthodoxy. Joining orthodox and reform eongre-

ga____ilat..-"ria___-M-"*, I.a*.ev. Morrl* Jastrow, jr.,the tunnel- assistant rabid of the Ilodcf f-haluin Coii-Tegatimi, had hi d stress on three point*, and it ssa* nece-*ai i

thal a clear idea ou tlio-si- pol-M should Im- obtained. Theyxseie; r.evclatiou, the binding power of the Bible, themission ef the Jewish people. BabM Jastrow explainedthe-e jxiints at u'reat lemrth. Keir.irding tho belief in one(iod, be said it had bea-u coutendisj that it was uot peau-iiai to Uie jews, ibis hu denied. A few people, hethought, adopted tills view, hut lt was the WTO-g0_e,f01 a

belief In one (lot! wa* yet the distlnt live mark ot theJews. If they had no other, it would he eullicicut lodi.*Ungnish them.




LomiOn. Dec. ll..I*!y tollu I'atnpbell restitued her ttsstt-uiony to nay lu lier -lion fur divorce agsmst lx,rd lolln tampbell, .-he saul that elie told toni Colin tlial she preferred Us

live apart from loni under the same roof to scold de. lurid that I! Un n uni -t hen Mparat-M it nm st bf nj,, n

and |.bile. BM would ind ..inuit Loni t'ollu's fsmily to give.ny toi-uu ol the tlial suiU-d them. xs il¬

ia -* vt as n.V'T au used by her husband of ans

iiui'rour.t'iy until thc furn dy inert n_ in ls-on i ross exuiuinstiou she sahl the ls_>k writlt-n hy lier wee s

(billi's book, il wu niiisiruiril by Kate Urea-nswuy. sm!

Latia ednam- of lt had been printed. Willies* 1m-+;_ii winni-tor Tht BStmVmTSM MxtstMW iu Dino, (she wrote tins.-tntnles every vsi.k Wituuss really tn sut that sheWould suicide when shu ssid aliewould be found dead next morning it

itu d ultu evt-rsttempied lo force her tai oeriijiy the same

upaitment willi Inns. »he aduilitftit liaving koiic 'imo ».*,. ,s

ones while suth rm. greaii pulu sad thal she sa role in Lei

niur-r " enloyeil uiv_i-l! I.i;.eiy." bbc uiaile up her householdeii'Diiee book mostly on -saturday*. (Al ila*

point one of |i!.inllfl'H buuseliold expenseli....k-t*_s pi'.'iui i*i. Itkhot.eii th.ii tin cuni * srors tatfdtm. -u immy. Aua;uHt I'i, nut they were on Monday.Augusl 14.WitneiiB said the Duke of Marlborough still vlaited

lui Ul lier, Ui-tllier aud brolber. ishe il.-nied the .1..I-

melli uiaile by oue of her servant* Uiat Mai informedor Ul* ai'iiv-i of * KUesl while hie.-, aaa

In 'lie .Iiawing ro.ii* with (linera! lintier, she weat tn tlieOooi sud saul tn the " Not at le 'iii" ll was -taliahin.seit wMsss-Cted Dr. Hird to attend witness.The Judge decided Hutt Mr. Mmiiur. ilel.-inl.*nts conn vi,

wa* ¦ to see th* ooplr-sol lastly t ulm a iLurlia, ian thatkout--ol Ibe setli** tinghi not to oe publisln-'l. Oas ol Utientt jes read desi tlr>e«t Bointdioily's .-veiling party "a ghastlysaar, .iel aiMit.*! euliy pio-ouM-ed-utiUui a>seuan_ parly"dna Hy dull."

TEY1S0 TO 1STRODVCE SSOWSHOES JlERE.The Oriuui gaea-hM I lub '» the only organization of its

kiud in the neighborhood of New York. Kraslus Wluiau ls

lb.- luminary pieaideiil and U. M. Fairchild ia pri-sidmii. Tb*club now ha* its quiiruir* with the C*ii_-ti*n t'lub tn V.etiI ss. nt) ninth st. The nillsnl (Tah waut to mske snowshoelng a pi'ptilur sport anning New-Yorker*. Therefore ll bas

uiiuiig. d * snowshoe cai nl»»l to take pbu-.* hero oil Jsini.uySande. InTilatlntis liave been sent lo the vu ams (sus.liancluo. !.. ni on i. uml. *ini il is ifit ii luat OOo snowshocrslioui Moiili< aland f__"*..4 salli lake pall Ul Un* CSlSbl-l-HLet r una.I,..-, ul M'tiilit.l, ..ic t ten ie.1 lu bringdown 'iboineiiilers. On Jaim.ry 6 Uiere will be a reception In-deniway 11*11. 1 Uss usilii'ig ;inm will sing their gleets and there-ill lie .li rin.biliou mi saoMahoi s. lins of th. featuiesof tb.- lainital will lie * *uow*lioe parade la I lilli an-.

'I hs lula proposes i..r itself various tramps la tinscami s.- ie' Ins wu. 1,4 Mi. SS Muan will lia wit- Uie r- la.hui.ii lal.uti. anal on siioll.ti tuvsaslon Hu i will explore the

iscki-ins i. k,WU* Of ,\«»-Jersey lil the of ll_whole thea will lt* the guests el Br. Fain hlld, the prosnieot'.The uullorm of tbat dab is . btu* bordered gray blanket,__itk.rlfockers, a blu* tog*, red -ash and yellow uiuciasiaa.


IiIiCI'-SKi.N IN THL IIDAItl) oV K-tiI.-_-.TC ON TUMsrn.rF<*T*.

The oonslderstlon of tho estluu tua for thi Nl-Ml**"(t iil neill gnve rise to *n Interesting dlseusaioii ye*iertUvbeixv-*n th* meml-er* of the Honrtl of Katini.!'* milHolloa* l*oiun>le*lon*r» Voorhi* sad Me Uv*. The I'iiII*"('(imiiils»'o).*rs a-ked I u nu tBWtW\ ruilou fur MM wAttrtioiini |i:itrolin»ii for t:-ai ymir, widen would brina the

fiirii'tl|> to :t. 17.( iie'ti. This In.rease wa* sim ken ont

of the provisional catlin itt**. lu making the atiproprialion for the reg-ul'ir h-TM fWttStAtuf, the fid wa* na¬

vet..ped tint ewtagM dent..., illiml-ant*. suspensions,rte., tne e ts esrh renr a anas. !->r ibis -urn li fi over from

loerasrelat :> la avery mom departmentill IllllBfM mt tlio cud nf the ftWt revert to fie citytren*ury. Hut lu HM P " ..e'it, owing tn * law. the MWtSmtWt ure not returno I. tilt ure paid.v.«r mibo instu'tit of taoFstteo feastaa .'und. bTovmOreel hKjairolbaw nraeaaf analaiM la lao Mh_***nccuiiit la at year sr ss paul into the pension funds ind

mftir (> th it ttM amount tva* BBijOOB, In s,l,,,-tion tb! flin I riOetVad IOS9 'Hm out of the excise faa-*fount for tho li;s|.eciion rif itollera. ami of .er -mus

from lin* Mb o' l'i*t and nbS'idoiied ptO-lllly, m*kiug tn

aaa*>agata ai sW_-UO_*e, The ntunner nf men ilntwlnsr¦ag iit11¦:l>-eaeh rearaoaiagM fha

-ii oi liitury char.ct'r it Ute law, which tOglUlM Ibo|*Oliea r.iiurd iii retire a patroim in ss ho lina servedI went v years on a p^ns on or gg-U0year, provi Ung he

re. aasts »tt i.e rettr st, lad -"tra Hmm tba apt-oa te retirebini If he ilo"* not iei|ue*t if.

Ifaver fitaee.I omOs*-f-_M_ te Mm lndireet methn'l of'liking ni"ii-y 'lom tee cny Ina hiv. Thus i*ase:yI ir te ii'ii'.iint io pay ft"' paamoa* in cn* iieit-rtinsnt, -tytakina un tn* eh irttr fnad the etty h.- beeI'.nupi il'* 1 to I'ff-taso taxation to Ulalie lip tue <le-

..ns) -a.irplit* ff u lb* salary ., -n ni ..n Inailrael way, i th! >k all

n.nvi *,,.i.i.i ne paid imo theeny treasory, ana t aav. stover t« tun- iiron for paaalono should be

|.y rn llosrl, -.i t al tl 1 people eau uiider»t»udera I i bow their mooey ls bells i| outAlderman '.nancy I think he sn ....-stinti male Ul

Maror ¦ good aaa noehalaa mi.nt to be passed.I tulok lt bardi! ri M thal ibis In-died men i_o_ld bsiii .i sd mi tbs pei's;.Polio* f.i.iiiiiissi.iiier Vfoilii* .Wi. will favor the pai*~-

aeo nf *aeu a law. I think tbo unexpentad bales cry department t- ional ne reliinietl lo tb* eity UfOM.

m nor ''ti . DM not tb* ObMMImIbbMI send the billto Albany and help V" passage I

Polia** f_--nmls*lou*r Vo ira is.Our Mil as,llf|.r/e! the Board to r.t re pell -emeu.

.ok I til il miali torls-one ye ns ol 1, who ni iv IV*-.-,-, e Imi-.'i: s S'-.i ¦.ii ¦!.. .¦;,*: 'tied. Hut tn-s billtil eh,,| ged ii: A Heans lo lil ike lt Ul itld-tor I. Tatwnr ii iv

" sv ,. .¦ isng-d to " Bbl! 1." WeOff"0*ei the

ch.iii--i*. bul sv meal effect.There was t if ti cm-i ler ilde __eoeaa_M_ as to WbStbM

tue BOOl 1 a|-prn|in.i!e lo** thin tho full Baler] toteach uieail'i r of lbs fere** nnd tims aval I hating .aunthcr*tst.lMM) or sii tm Inn tb* pension lum!, t lins coinpellln_Irt* 1*1 if.iiu lo re ure a *ppriii n.itiuii for ***¦-slooa Mayor iirae* sud th it if tim Polio* OornmUf*ol,inara w*rs to lulnto tbeonarteeod ma_t__mos tieHoard it OOUld ciuiipel Hie full nppropriillou Bal itlb -v ro sm'el !.¦ anni nit .oul I be re.luo.t. Polios

.loner M '" ve .. J i"-lni * iou it, theamount, ibeaaeatlonwm anallylafMredta lheCar-p,i.-,.linn i'm.i

,-!,,. " --.r-< l'"" urget rsn appropriationfor th- -."''I Idi mn '. atrolmoB on tua gr.und tua' lierssh-- n*e.lad lu the upper part of th* eur, nus l.-_i*-la'are -.-.i .. i...; _ol__iri--ugibeapii«nlniontel BOO,bul tin Hon uiissi.iiier* in a idler promised ui appointuu lr SOO lui* rear i' "hf. Ho.rd of Kauiaalaa MA aol,,,.... Me Hill. -OW tue I'". Hoard wants to a;l _*HJmire men to too fore*. Aliier-saa Mooney WMopposod-,,,11, H CI".I-f ny thi! Hoal'l. il' IhSUglll 'he Heft

Board if Esl tu i '¦' ""'' .»¦ alJowadto deal wltb t s

muter. I'resldout oleinni wo* cpi<ise,l, and ntlUl* iiieiuber* Of tue i.o if ste ri. up used to so la'-'!' iUi

in-ie...-e. i'll* ii »tlM W .s la.d user.

c.,,,,,.,,.r Vnairal* -til tl,.ii i eons der*'.le sum olmo .es mil boen xitfiidcd In walebie* . the in tin fina!*,,:..," md b*th'tuatat more shoal-be allowed for tbadetectives iii Kl s ear.

xi in usn Soouey.That win bi »11 over by neil y*ar.Mr Voortli btn't kiowaboot teat; bj tba way lt is

% i)ng .'ii l don't i-leixr t.iat sro XV:.I 1 Vu t.u see tho eil 1 ofls. , ,

Mr. Voorhla tnen "nanea itrou_i appeal for '""""V '"

est .ti.i*b ai .'nnl boie* r l»rg* cits in, e sal.I. nad .on." -nen'cm ll opera mu. ano

Kew-York Bbould aol be "niIm behind, lt wm nareei ;, i. e Boara -lm h.i vleit Polios Headquarters01nay h.-xi it LO a. io- t*» _MpeM Um pr-pose.a Big-alsvstein.

rouitnlsHliiiinr Vo..r ito.1 eoold now eal! tue sttentlonof i .ti l.t'.ii-I tu Ute law *t_s*-t1 Ly tia- last Lej-lslatursp.-.'. ..iu.- tor polio* patrol waaooa If* sboald have| rl.itioii for the w tgotis and ImrA.der.nun Noonej -Most in int di M the law MtboriM IMl. Vmil ni* Not lo eteeeil lom in eaoli ftrsO-Mt und

not lass t ian rive b| beadqeai '.

Al'lermin NiHin-y.What, 150 patrol wagons tn thoeity l

^!r. Voorhi- -the Le-nalatore raid so.Mr. «.rice-rim LeglsbitaM won say.anything about

Kow-Yara.Al ler mm Mooney.1 think rho n_emb*rs from t'ns eity

.-.line for snob legisla.len took apoi IbevsalvMaseriou* respoosi illltT.

It waia st-.ted mat tue oost ot the vinous would Tl ,710 eaoli, iucludiiig borsoa. Tlie Bt.bjeM wa.

laid over.-sv-


llenrv 1). li..nett, who liri* hoon ImM lor MOM tfa-Mona cliui .,'!-. ol appniiiriition-; if l'J, HO11, thepi.;.its

ot Mr*, i.osali.*|vt*ii!ier, while liding a* her Uga]ndx-iscr, ha-* brOB in tho J.-rter-on Market Prison audwas taken yostcniay to tho EOMI Market Poliea Courtfor further e\;.m.nation, .lust h-lori* startin_ nt fjo'clock a m., be eomplaiaed ai beteg s_oh, but bbl-i ii. ni. nt wa*not believe-. Ile oontinaeO to growivorae on the way md ht tha thaw Eaaei Market ssa*

reaebed be wan __iab*e t.> iliad. Dr. Maricwiu, who

[iree in tin- hci_-hi"'!h'""i. lound Quretfi bodyalieiitiv slillt inn1- aad eiiosxin. *i 'ii* ot neille poison¬ing, violent muni io* wain ailMliialMnl uud the mauwn* te.torotl to coiiseioiiMiit *h.

The e-xantinati' n xv.ot postponed nml flarreft wa*

Kent n. Belle- ne Hospital \N bile then ba Mated tnuthe had tal.on 1 larg! .lose ol n,i_, enough tokill I doit li oicii. winch lie had bongbl al it illtl_-B.'oroweeks ago and kaptew atnoeaboul bin, Heaaid,however, thai ba not intended to oommit si ieide,Inn bad taken the poison bv mis ike. While Garran\s.s- na h;* xs av io -Mei Market l¦.¦ headed thretletters te Ofl-oer Bell ia ba -ottvorad alter bi- death.Om ss uh addressed to tho |itiblic. one to Justiee 1'at-torsaa aad aaa ta Mrs. David Garrett, Ko, Ul Wood-lawa-ave., JeTsej Qty, The ofboer refostsd to delivwthe letters or to ai*clo*e tin-re cn tent*. Detective boa*-Boe, ot' Jereey City, has ¦__! Btttdavits thal be mice

oiroatod Garrett lador the naaM nt l,-.|i<-r. that h<-ssa. liidicted. tried, convicted of fnr_ery, and MSW-tenodto Mtre etona m the Trenton I'ei.iieiiii.uv,hut was lulaMgnoitlj pai-oaad. lt Garreti is xx .-llenou-;li the e-UU_una*Ioa Viii he emit um .1 on Tuesday.


ILLNESS OF TUE REY. DR. E. B- COE.The Hiv. Dr lal B ard H. toe. pool u of lin: ( ollcgl. tte

Heforineil Chilli h at I'ortx-eiglitli-st. nnd Kifth-avc. haslui nt obliged tu ii;- ontiii'ie hil pastoral troffclbr Beveralxsecl,.-on ac. unlit of an attat k of maliirial fever. Ile svas

prostrated twa WOekl Iga and had p.ully recovered whena mi omi attack in.iiie it leeeaearytfl ahandoa all workand leave thc cits. Ile is no.s Bach Inproved ind lsmending rapidly. So Berton* n nit hs* teen apprebeadul, but it xviii in several weeks belora he caa n-stune lu-place in hi- pulpit lo day the Rei. Dr. Tbomaa .-'. ll..t-lin;* xxiii pu- I- li iii thc mormug ami lin- l.-v, Di. John t'.

Lunsmg, al night.

THE BBOOKLTM TBBMtMVB OB TUB HuiDOE.11 ls proposed to eitead the '"rook vu t<Tiunu* of the

llndam lo Nassau st., nut uo (arther, lae mai jandura andpla.Iorin above,-sands at hus-, la-en ronatriiitod in vluw ofsnell h ter ninua. Tbe platform isl Na.*sm *t. will lie elrhtI.e. ,i!..m, the si .lcu_lk. Ki.iiii tue si lea-is Iii. -hu "d pUn.-.-ttrill (mable paa*enir*r* to i ia lb* platform for ont,nm*Irslni iii.- platform still ne Uo reel lona sad thirty feetsid.-. Prom e uh sid* of lt trama last lng alb mai eh. BsyoodUis ii ..ns ..,1 tin n;vs'te Birt* 11"in lb*i emu! platform « ill

exit plat 'er. ii *. nme feel wnle Baal loo teat looa In. .ii lead from them to tits .tret t. Tm laeUaaaai. to bs

t.-ii ft '¦! wide an a tittle steeper than the ste-pcsl paru ofUie present proaicuade.


PIGEi'N BBOOT1FQ IS SElYJI.nSEY.___B-t_ti P--t-* Dee. ll t-bo_*-f). Sfearl] 1^)00 spos-tta-i

nieii fioin Nesv-Vork, HiiKiklyii, Philadelphia and all pailsof .Vets-.Iel sos xvi! lies.ed tin- pigB ll oiat. h this aftci BOOBon the Ki-iiundsot the Mldssay ( lab at Matins in.

Tba coii'c-liiiit- sve re I/candor < 'ampliell. ibo ebaMptoiI' shot of Ni and Jobi a'illett, of 1'ortMiiiimouth. Itwm fore parse of |-_S0 ¦ ____, t,

Jarvis nc'.-il rn* referee and < hail. . _pp | iteaadTbOMMt M-gtoa ii- Jud_c*. Tht: ciiudiiioiis ¦/«__ iirty hinlx each,laaaly lia jinU itaa s-ghlj yardi _oa___ary, aalj mmburrel to be used and the ("lins to be held bclosv thf flhoWuntil the birds left ihu -tag- Hm iso nea hmad aadliapp, d the hii'i-t lor cell oilier. Winn the niuo hopt nc! thc bi ttl m.' WM ¦'Hs,' to MO In fa mu of Campbellwillett billedooly six oul of lu* tit*i tea bird.*, whileCampbell killed nine, [n the -ci omi and third tens eachman killed Him- bird*. Campbell then killed tea atrai-rbtlind- .md xsiiiett seven, -tua Uieecore thirty-serenio thirty one li CampbelT- favor. Campliell tiienbniu.htdov n tour "in ol sescn imd* and Willeti knh-d each oneBl !a-I a- lt b'ft the trap. I'auiplNsll klllud lu* furl) ninthlum anti won the match. Tbe birds ts cn- nil s-oed iiiongOvers. ( ampboll pulletl so many f.-atln r« some ofhis Idnl* before bej-UtSMd thein in theliap Uiut Uies uml'lbaldly Hy-


FINDIN 0 TUE HoARD OF a miser.Btw Mi nil'ioa. X- J., Doe. ll..tjcur-fo W. Vinoin, lutis

e\ .'licMll of **.iiuer*el on lits, Wini tiled ll few BMBt-MUK". OBS ul wit ss aeiouiit.'da man nf icceiitrit habit*. IT'was itipiaised to hits e left no itt, tu tc, nut n bundle of¦rn et,h.ii i..* "a- raeoatty found in i pUaof oM i-*__Mb- hitilca tl. by one of lila rebtllvet* in... hil lo a t alt ll. SS Illili les,llteil Ul .*rl-,*X)0 bcllli- dhtOOVolisl Uden awaj in iiisik.* uml MB-M iv


MR. WIMAyS OFFER TO THE MILE El: fi.Mix M. a ri tua, DOO ll--In view of Uie propo-cl BBB-

sulldalioii of flour millintj Interests nt Uil* jKilut, n latta*was rerelvci jfst<Tilny hy C. A. Pillsbury frnnt __r__-MI iman, or .New- York, WBSSWBBBU Maten Islftiul, Ililli"

uarbtir of New York, ts au _dv_iita»{i><'Ua i*jlnt for the Meuiuulatlon, storaate and »hl|nu*-it of Um Ihiur fo the Min

iieapoii* in illa. Tlie consolidated Interests were ur*-'-'! hiconsider tua- advaiitaico* - hl"h would result fruin theiru-ia raiiili-il of terminal char.".-* iu Ul* harbor nf Nt-sa-York aad the ads auU-K* of haring their flour within easytmtseu of capital lu *-ew-Yor_ Utyi fuitttmt, to tou-ldcr

that the and Meal diMet Hues for frelelit fromKlaneap-Us nea be BMde Mt re m h HUtea island x. ith t i*e.

In itdilitiiui to tbe Baltimore and Ohio oonnecUonfrom I lii.ii.'.t, BOW assured, lalo fYol-hts from Duluth toHulTal" c'tuid be luouiUit in by shipment xha the Lehigh

l.ailniad. which a few miles nf ,011*1 ru.-tion wouldhriii--1<> Um ..-linn Kill ltrld.o and Staten Island I h..offer wa* maile "t outml and BOt SS tu ss liter front lu Hmharbor of Nee York, r-lequala tu for nil pn .jiiit.iiii-iitsat a mliii-iiiui of cost sslth a lua-iiiiuni ofedt aa-age. .-? -

THE BAHBEL ACT H0LLP8BD.\v.\i.Ki.Nf_ on rm: vTATEB a r niagara.

I. - l's -.EAT Willi A Psllt Of ZINK SllOX-i."lorri Kit

uvi-.ti ny BDDABB.

Ht l rafts, Der. 11 [Swtetml).--Alfonso Kin..', thawater waiker, eaeoet de,I indi. MhaUa_oa_-Bg that-nrent in the Lfiagaragaffe below tho Fells, bal i ai

os. I -et and nearly drowned in the " Imili-r*." Kingwore a tia; rot ¦ SSAS fish," at he Mll-d thens, an evctn lg

,.t nnd ii tull but. Tho Bab ara of slea, tUrtyno he-lons, eighti-stl*M vide nun etea iaehM Ugh,The feet n'ip down ta them thtOOgh bolMM tin" topand in the valet the qoBOt eupports are *. Tn ie!i

Hiilitufr.-t-tl aa to ri-ftein'.tle irold lillies. On still

Kin. rt.i.vs tl,at he | m walk I lire* mile* an hour. Tho

uHeiniit to ero*, tin-_orL'<» was mad" on n wa/er ol'

¦1,500 » s'tle hy Henry Webb, Ino tnt' Mm mw! manderlind T-MM-UM BOW -. li N"xx York p.ililici .n. Io .vin itwa- mci .sins for Kin . lo walk nt lt Bli un* bl Bdredleet on I be burface if the stream, wbinb dlstanee hemai'.e tith '-'DH feel rn ire in a ipi ur. r ulan

.rune reporter* ia a rowboat i tho water

pedestrian to pick him up il r-a-e he rap _-*_LKm.. raadei ai pi igTosiaoroM tbe evanne! and when

near the ot ntre. oner, the currents ootne to i thor, hirot rnlonnedn*- wbleh obnrned op tram below mdi'..i-.ieii ti.e gold tish around until bi nra od

¦t. and eip.siicd. Ibo ventmo-nniu maa WM¦I nioi Bgl li e-t-a'.ed to m l.e tba trip, bul til S

prey Of lcm thanbefore nnd he was pulled roto the boat. Despite thefailure King persisted ht trr/u-g agata, ont tbereporters lid natl waateeorpM ut their baadi and

lol a -hore.Tin Itali li i<! been made from the Cana

the Maid-.d'¦ihe-.,li:.t Landing, for BuperiniundentWelch, ot tbe State Beeer-ration, would nol Iel tbe teall.e ai empted fromthie-adeof theriver. King waaxset it the skin, but game, Hs sud this afternoonthat be did not believe it. possible to aeeomplisb thefeat, for the veter it roagb and tin erna* ourrenlli .tier* make it tapoO-Joll lor a mau tn maintain his


KiN'.-ii'S, Deo 11 ISwoekU). -Two Uni larne bimwere enptared In tba Catskill ;. nen- Big bullan, on

dey, by the brothers John and Patric, Johnson, after along and toilsome chase of f.n r rlars uni a dospernt. en*

;. Tbe larger bear weiKhcd3i()pounds, t-_IM).

DEBTBOna TO si.l.K .. 1.11 Ht: U.Y LIFH."RiK-iiK«n-ti. D.-c 11 'special) has ju-t transpired

that Elder, thoowner awl pnbltaher of lAttrarg L\fe,\*en leavorlna to Mil thai pu ta tba propi

¦lan. ot this dty. Bis contract, s*.

ir_-expires on January 1. Ha seem* to bsto spend any laoi- moi ry on hiicb-prict-d w

a.ih'iu-'h lu- claims bi he makin rl,UOsi a mouth out ofa. H.- ilestn b uf it In order to

ll Whole timi* to ntin.-vTlpf toli-li"

M A I'M.;.!.> a M|_ ( I,l"Vi:i,.\NI'S HAW" ITKM.ti.n, Dec. n l*peeimt). -Hie lent Cleveland's law

linn ssill andi. Hon <>n JunCharles W. Ooudyear retiraa to become Inti

iu lumber and coal Kx-Jadge _*rault Bi I Her¬bert F. Bieseli Join the linn, in xshnli Wilson .-hannonHi- .ii an.I ntl remain. Thoclwn«ecreated¦eitne surprise am..ul' lo. ai politli li 11 and la>

WOMTBAMBl ."" I> TBLEO APB 0OMPAFT.Mr-'M si "i i-, H. c. 11. ii- itockhoulen of thi

Aineti-an Telegraph Company hare elected as directorsSV. S. Kitti.-, Q A. Hill.ltiii.s. GtOOl I A. Hia.kelt. II. T.Brown, C M. Loring, of Minneapolis j W. it. Merriam, CBL Bigelow, Maurice ___erbae_, a. ii. Uglier, or st. Haul,nmi I* I). Husker, of Chtoagn Tba -treeton eleetedforprasldeol C. M. Lorin(ti ricopresident, W, lt. Merriam;*, and treasurer, W. C. Bu tts; Beneral ma.\. A i little, ll.e annual report show . thal Ute - Iras* ol tberompan* are nearly all itrung, bo far m ordered, au_1 Uia!



MINIA.1 s :. I VV VXT.i nxs.

Baar-sM. 7.12, Sets. 1:39 nea* 1 Mesa's Bia. 17111 ill XV-tTl'If.

AJt.feely Hootc. 7 N 'lor. |_r t. h i"» 11*11ost*. i<> MF.M.ttmaily Hook, b SS Hov. Isl'-, ri.AS Uoil Oats, lu.01'


Ve**,..IVtjar. Lin*. Fnr Msllsclosn. sauls.Weat, rnlaml. Hod;star. Auttverp. A sui 0 11 in

111 -,iAi, tata 11.Antler. Ohtsgow._3 pm

mimiio, --p.iiash, Mi' sm noon.¦VKIiN'.-liAV. DEC. 13.

lirecian Monarch. Monarrli, Pondon.7 n ns

Tliinfvsll*. l'liin_v,i;ia. i-iipi-nh.i-'eii . I a i'i

Khler, IfO Murd. Itr-nirn via -smith'tun.. *>;."'() a ni b a in

ai iain 1. Vb rn Brasd, nr_7.1i ik.ii...__*._,>o st Ito rt, I'sa.lUt. alail. Asp,atv.ill .10 stnnoou

lSCOMlsa a TEAMER X.Tti-tsAr.

Vettei.Prto*. Lin*Canad*.London.Nt tni.r 1.s.lavern, mi!.( uni rdA1as u.i.I.ixeriMKi!.Union

Ki IOl11 .AuiHteiiliiiii.NelliAmerKa Kiiiii.u^iie.ll.itie .I-rein ii Iran*.Trim.._l.Iii ruin.1a .Uuetioe

-luNiMi. boo. ll.DeVWBll.Ola-SOW .Atuhitr

ItiiK-u.IIum)mr_r.,.Hamil Amor.*r___4_-_nhla.l-l U

ti i-*iiAr. Marj, l kPt.-st* of Ti'xas.11 rana.Utrd' a

\ erturiHOI.Mun tear0 Hay.N Y and Jam

8H1PPLNG SEWS.POBTOV .Nl'W-yullI".RaTL'KDAV. dkc. ll, 188<J


Hteamer HnTixla (Url. liniiahl-m, Olasaew *fOT3.. Moville'.'ti, tt 1Tla mdse am] passengers to llciitie.r-01. Illus. Arrived atthe ll.;i'i am.¦steamer I'.ainlalt rity (P.n. 1 lure. Hritt.,1 ffCk* SO, tTTBBtrs

.-¦, with imlso to Arkell .t DoukUiss. Arrived at Uiu liar at u

a m.MeamT ThlDgvalla Dud. I.-inti, C.*s])sSehS4r*B Nov i'i. ria

Christ.ina .4, ChrlstisnsaaU If4, with md** *n_ l7U|HS*sen-lirr* 1.. Ktinch. BatyeAOa Arrive.'ul the -am.MM.Mr Amain i.nri. Babr. Uamburs Not -4, wiio rnut*ts

and 164 -t.era.e paSSSagBri to Phelps il ros & Co. Ams ed atHi. ltsr st LOB p m.Steamer Kider i.-r. ll. I!" .-t*. Bremsa Dec!* BouthMnp.

Um A, v. :th tailse sad pas'eiu'nrs tai Oelrlchs A Co.Hteeater Peaaland(Bela). w_y*r, Antwerp Nov37, nuh

mdat and ;...**eii-iii * tu I'eter Wright A Sous. Arrived at thoHar nt A-ah p m.stasasineni \V tones iHr). Hoiilt. Rt Jntin, Nit, 3 days, srlth

sptl.UK to SciSInineII Ilros.M. liner tu hilo un. Osrrln, Trinidad Nor "li. DsflsSBMa

!>*<¦ 1, ilarhadiM . amt r*t Inn 1.1 .1, M u Inn.pi.-und Isnnliilea 4,A11 Illina sud SI Kilt* 5, w.tli mil sea ,.| pa**.-ii-'els lu A 1. Slut

'-1 .. % i-i x ed ai lb* Bar rn il. i.'.a ra,Uti .inn Ki. .-ls;,,i, lli_k'ms. Ni tx-Ollc.Ul* ti day*,srlth tmlfto

to-uhr) i' \'..n au kia>!. it'ii.-i- \*. ". Platt, Ch*rle-tuii a ihlys, with iii.I*a

sim paiisnaeri to j xv Quintan! .* Ca¦steamer Kraneonia. ISeunctt, rorllau.t, with mdsn and pa*,

.elmer* lo ll..rai.ii Hall.HblB Alice i..!,.; lircni'-u At days, with unlse

li.i'l,!")-. V. -tel t., \V:,';eli. To*l S ¦¦

Hark I.i/'.ib II, Ilow-.iril. MBjuaga 84 dar*, with mdsn toArinild. Hun* it ii, xe,mI tu Vt tum ll lirown A t u.

riarfcHanson* (Anati -ur, an, Alexandria M day-, withran* loordsr: vessnl t<> tiiasl.-rHark Johannes 11 Uli. Mist r, llamhiirit 5'-' devs, ssith -alt

nmi empty hands tu uni. r. v.-»s,.i n, Hi rmann K..ip .t CaHar* Marie (Uar), liitliriu.- lt.iiii.iii'_r j.i diayts, xrith

Uitlise loni iii r. x ess.-l lu ll el lu.inn Koop A) tu,Har. ('linn i<>ur -Hiter., Hamburg (let 1, srith unlse to or.

ih-l. \. .asl tai Kum li. K.VS A Co.Hark I*, a, einaki-i (of \ WS) Classou, I'.ordeaut 47

day*, in ballast to iJeammslI uro*Hark Sn-ulM, XXuulsar.l, Bait-SttoMS] dis-*, with sugar to

ll ruwhl ll<e- NunH.,i' Anni la I ii) lor. Proctor, St tot- IS Omft, xrith BagM

lo Uartraui itru*.Park ila.Km M lin. Staples, DeBM-__a '-* tlays,

ts K W P Am.-i; seedy Hook, Urtu, wsw, hazy. AtCUy l*_xni. Ili-ht, s\S'. Uaty.Airixt'! ri *tertl*y.ship Mtnisif*rof Kartael-T), -telooOs-bs, _tt-a*al r_7 .tay*.

witti lrou ami B*ap*j barrels loonier; rt mel to .1 \s Elw-U.t Co,

( li :a ll KO.

fSv-sm-r llollau'l Url. Trs.m. faomli-i.F W J llnrst.siiMiner K.ypt dlr .siiiniiei. Km ipool via (Jiietustown-

g xv J llnr-i.i Hun*.mi Kier), I.eiUiso-er, stottln, Uuthenhtir-r.

Ar. .hunch Bdjreg.. Palari* uer), ftehspa, Haabarg.Pbeipa Bim gOe.¦t W A .MIiolt._i (l)Uhi. Ii a.k..r. Kotierdam "."uncli.

h.tite d Ob-U-aaei W. *t-ril!.iliil (!lel.), randie, llllSBTI TttM

Wriv'ht S Hom-i- t.i lt.- nayler ,11. li;,, BlMBBl |B*I1| Tllll_.IdjBi-lc-ni' fi'ti Hrityde! (Help), Mrv.r, Ant wern -Kum ti Id.

ye A I o.M,.liner aVleilail'r), VaUatt, *f*sl Ierr.me_ii iu,rt* J W Kl

well ,t i'.iiswamer Kil.tli tluiMsu (Hr), Thompson, Mi)Ute.o H»».

(J Wrs-wls A I'o.. o__. Curtis. Havana -Jim B Vt'anl at Co.

SI.miii'-i i u.i_sl. Bolger, Key .Wit mid unix..lum Ai ll Mal-lory A . ti.

-I. unet i:i Konte, Hasslliurn. New ti'!.-ans -JnhnT VanHekl*.Meamer Ness nih ,11,t, Ha!, es, N. fl erinn* I. ll Purl "* ks.,n (liri, Hiulily. New Urle»ns-l arter,

Hmm Irs .t ( o*.'..' Ki 'Hide, i bariWtrn aaa Jaa-_*m-r_*e.Wm 9 lyiie t

HMBfllBI "H..oi.!. it.'. Kelley, Ntwport Nows ami Weltlu.Ul. \'« Hld ll.,1,11., S, .,.Meam.-i I..lin i.ii,*a,a, YomUS, if o-_.-t.)*vn and Aleaudrlav.

T W XX ik tmaiiM. am, i ll "." Dlmiek, II i,ott, Ho-toli-ll -' UllUOCk.

-sii.i.ii e-r lower HUI, fur 1..ti.Inn; '..ivis, Kuypt and Hu-

finn. KiierjHHit. lan*, niel,,, u, W A .-cholteii. Hullcil.tiii,aitsseaiKur, Harre; Kdlili I lodden. Umal.a Saral.iS-, Itav-

111.44 I "nial, i isis eal,,., Kl .Muni,' and Nisw.Di leaus. New or.'.»"''. . iniiah, »cm-iule, Cbaria*loni Beuefac-lair. Vt lluiiiiKt.ui.Bblf t oisu., iur Hieiuen.A -usu,..i vit Lens I*_tad-eaa4 -^teauior ll 1* Dimock,

liua'.'ii- Hark Kilian M Vixua. -BB. on.

lilli tWYBUUMlB OB Bl ii .VU iflt -J.I'lUKitiM i*. ii rn

l_----r-_r-0-t Dm ll.Arrivavi, atS-MMN r*c*niiln»v_. (Dr),llenlrrw, sud Thaltta din, iilusipool. (loin Ni.* York.Ml S_**ToWt, Da* ll AtTirsd, iUt*innr h.ti uris Hr). Cook,

fruin New-York un her mat io Lireiiiout land prxavootled)Tun", ll tlays. I) litiurs. 'Sn mlnults*.HwASiRk. lao* 10.-ssilou.sttss.iier Brook Irn Cl tr (Hr), Flit,

tot .\.» York.H a vhs. Da* ll-"___*-, s-*a_n-rJ_-Cli_-np»fnf)(F.), Ti aub.

lor _4*w\_r_.

tem . ..<tm*9tt¥T-rc

j- ."ii",'


^;J3i|plBB"* .

,*1/as_. *

- .-- j ^

', .' I ti- ,.-

nt'gt-. ¦,


While th^re i3 nscc33nriiy a pe-U.iar sam-jn^*-abo it a!! adv3rti39m3 .ts of HolidayGaods, yet we can assure all that we aro displaying

THE LARGEST STOCKCf any house or combination of houses in the city.

THE EXTENSIVENESS OF OUR ESTABLISHMENTCan be gauged by the fact ofcur having nearly

5 ACRES OF SELLING SPACEEmploying oyar 2,500 persons, 163 delivery wagons.



_rv_f_nr _rov_XTT o_> tiik t.atkst mancfact-l ki--. IT 18 IKPOSSIBLB TO THINK Of A. TOTTHAT WK BAV1 sl'l.W, UK.NTK A DE-

riON 18 i:v. I.. KttSARY.


MKS, ol .vii.KM KN. AM) CHILDRKK..Nickol OtlatelS-Be \A'_t.lio*. rf2 .7; iu oliver. $4 9.; lu gul*,

nasotain ">o.1 .,-. tleiry XV.,flies st **2 0T.[___-*" i...!'i i"..ii'i' casa "fat-baa, __-*-_ n _*-tv_SB_s_ta

ind isaaa(iA.VT I."''KS AM) BBONZEfl ANO FIUCllKS,

I.AI'K-T DESIGNSCO liam!*'":." BsfBBSS CUx k* .it $7 .'0. *»l0 ami ¦fl!'.


501) Al! BBk lin'tn !!tn, fa ri ey colluIoW, silx-er and goldhainllis, Ti l'J.

DIAMONDS.(OMri.KTK and --.BOB ITOCK of genuine


DROPS, .sri'US, SCARF PIUS AND COLLAR BLT-TONS,The disptai/ in our .horelry Department is larger than

irhnt mn r,e sent in regular Jeir-lry stores, and, whilethe tfitali'ie* are ns OwoA, the. priers will show a largeearing.FINK ASSOBTMBHT OK OTK RA QI___M-__, RICH



LeiithiTctte Pt-etaai-s*l ai.ur ms, ¦:;,..

Plash I'hotn.raiili ALBUMS, Me, am! $125.TROUSANDfl Of CHRISTMAS CA K!)S IT** AM. THK







Thi* Department i* lilrrally flied tcith Noreltiet cal¬culated lo make a rery acceptable Holiday Gift,



Ml'HS AND nilASFINK ALASKA Oil MrFFf*. flo. $12. tl5 unit S"18.HUDSON BAY BKAYER MUFFS, H. $. 60. St. $7,

uml $!).N ATI RM. OTTKB MUFFS, $5. $fi and |f_KATU ha I. Vi B X Ml PIS, iu. $7 ami $'.).CHILDREN'S l'AN( YFL'RSETt", 45c., 05c, 05c, fl SJ

to. I .Vi these*.BOTS* SKA I. CA I'S, Mi_, Tl. T2 50 to 14.MKN'S HEAL CAPB.S-, $7 to$l».ltHl Pa IBS MIN'S FINK COLORED BEAVER

fil.nVF.s, Buck palms, lined lsmb"s -tool, at Ti 76;w..ill. fj.


289 GRAND-ST.SILK PLUSH ROCK Kits. Ji5 ami np.BBWIKO ROCKERS, ll 75 ami up.Stl.Kl'Y Hui.I.OW CHAIRS, tal ami $7.Kl !) ( HAIRS. $1 4. and np.OILT (HAIRS. ENAMELLED CHAIRS, WRITING





HANDKERCHIEF.,Ladle*' Rrocailetl .Silk Muffle.*, sa hit* and colors, ll, »1 ".'3.

$1 30 to $5.LtAmT cia'.ii ss lute and Brocadod Silk Focket Bal '» r-

-blaS-, MSc.. 45c. 50c, and 7'. _

f Tfbm ifiBB-tliiSit-lrsasas suk Poe. t ______at-.:. t<. I '.., :J7i., SOO, ami Me. eu.ll.

ONE-HALF DOZEN IN FANCY BOXI.atliet' Lillet- Hemstitch. 1, -Se. Bia fl M. H 5", to Ti ttl*

box.Ladles" Plain Whit.) neranie*", 4*o., Ml, ts***, Ms, and 7')C

tllel.OX.L.i.iie*' Linen Plain Wlilt* Heiu»Utc_e.l, trorked initial,

$1 3j lo Ti 75 Hie Mox.o. nt* a silk Mu fllera. wLito an.l colors, 7*0., fl,

$1 25 to to mitch.Men's silk, l'l*;... Whit*. Hemstitch--, 27 in-lies,

75c; extra heavy, 30 Itu lies, *i .'i0.

INITIALED.Cent's plain white, hemmed, worked initials, Ti iu *... - :|

th* BM of one-half dozen.Cent's Linen Heai.Utched, worked initials. $3 th* box of

one -alf dozen.(leafs Lian n-ndv.'rchie"*, c /.orel border*, beal aaa, snd

colored initials. 15c each.(lent* plain white, hemmed, one-half dozen la fancy hni-j,

75c, <J9c, Bs, $1 15, $1 M to .*_ 10.Geofs plain white, hemstitched, half-dozen In taney bolo-,

$1 '.'5. $1 75 and $2.0*Bf. colored border, hemmed, half-dozen In fancy box. ll,

$1 '.'.*. $1 50 the box.Full line children'* colored borders and plain whit* Il .tn".

kerchiefs from 5c. ta) 12c each.


FOL'ND.Fleor and Table E_.cs, Plecques, Bron** snd Plush



TOWEL ARMS, TOBACCO BOXES. Ac.GTAtt Depattmeni on -*<<r«iid Floor.

MEN'S FURNISHING.:ndkhs in fancy glass.coverednd cashmere mufflers, kboi

SLIPPERS.M.-n's plush np.-ra Slippers, embroider.***, band ie-,.*. Bis

pair.Men's velrot opera Slippers, C9c. to TA.Genuine alligator skin outr., suppers, all colors, hand mad*.

»2 25 to SI SO.Imitation Alligator Opera supper*. 05c. to (1 50.TOURIST AN!) INVALID SLIPPERS, ALL COLORS,




AND ALL COLOR8.Chlldren* fully.trlmms- School Hats, fell cloth. 24c. each.

Ladle*' hnsiish Felt Hats, choice s-s-xs* and onlors, 4te,esch.Finest Fr*nch Felt Hst* st fl 14 saeh eUewhsro ll ¦.*_.


WHAT RIDLEYS' DO NOT KEEPls easier to mention than what they do.

TO VISIT OUR ESTABLISHMENTFor either Holiday or Regular Goods one ventures nothing, as no disappointment will Ifmet with.


Morning hours are recommended for visiting our establishment, where such ls poM.

ble, and thus avoid the crowd in the afternoon.

EDWARD RIDLEY & SONS,809, 311, 311! to 321 GRAND ST. .

bb to to n-nnirnr. bb, bi, bb oki, k, t*