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THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. fOR G OllEGE Laboratory at College Senate and is Ready for Report of House. nat,. Bill ·o. whil'h proYi<l.P-.. a Latt' gra·n lal1orator.'· to lie lu· 1 at Bo7.t'rnnn in connel'tion with t•Xpl·rimt"nt station :rncl in charge he agronomiflt of that station, hn!I tl the t>PnUtf' :rnd h<-cn favorably re· d from tht> houi:ie committee. ac- SGHDDL OF MUSIC IN UN Pupils in School of Music Held Re· cital ln Assembly Hall Saturday -McNeely in Charge. An exercise of performance in public ·wa!l given by pupils of the music r-;ehool Haturday afternoon in the as- seml>h- hall. Twch·e pupils took pnrt, eaeb showing plenslng skill in the iu.lerprNatiou of his or her selection, and of !i!peeJy progress under the tutelage of Prof. and McXeeiy. The following progrnm was rendered at this recital: ing to a lc"tter rt,•eeivecl by 8chnecker ·- A Twilight Id.d Atkinson thC' e.irly part of this Miss Josie Holderby . Jt now for the bill to Espen, op. Au Revoir thf' hoo ... 1 •• The bill earries an ap Kargnnoff, op. :?J 1 Xo. 6... _Sc berzino rlation of $2:,1100 for the t'quipping Miss Oliv6 Hussetb teh u. lab . atory ancl for the Hein!f. op. 171-. .......... Shepberd 's Drenm iten anct· of it. It drawn up $!i,00o for maiutenanl"e, but this to be cut In half, due to thf' short· of fund!", It pro\·idei. that people e '<t1tP may IHlYf' of grain for milling and baking qual· , and it further thn.t ger- ition and seed tefltH may be made. furtht.'r providt•d that tl b£' s1•nt out from time to time, 1 ng of the work of' the a the administration of it sha11 rest ll 1 the dirt•etor of thC' qtntion, the di- or in charge' of the lnborator'" and l 'Montana RC'ed Growers' If pa!"!<f'tl. rhe bi11, in addition to g of Yalne to the farmer" of will bring a great deal of tical work h1·fore th(' .. tudent" of collegf' nnd will be of great his wny. one of th<' other ldll?-1 of be <'o11ege are a" far nhrng as !'r failure of the llill for con- lation, another l>ill was introdncetl. thflt the Dnrston plan of aging- the be adopted . i plan the tja1e hoard of to employ a chancellor. to de nt Helena, anll hnn:• general su- ·isfon of the !-<<'hool« of the state. further that the h<1ard its and cut out any r!les that may hi." duplications of -,e offered at the other institution". s expected that if thjs plan should - ·y the graclutttes from each c:chool he J!h·en diplomas from the {rni- - of as thE' noified Dol sy!;fem of )Santana would be ed. The bill been referred to mittet" nn<l no report on it has as been heard. he bill for a laboratory has Schytte :Miss Francis Xorton Senncri.nnen uud Elsie Beck Jodlcr Pnrfow .. . ln der !:iehmide Blanche Jlusseth Spindler, op. 116 ........... Convent Bells Miss Frankie Koch Godard, op .. )4.. . ... Second )(azurka Mr. Worth Orvis Bohm ........................ Polacca-Brillinute Miss Mabel Lyon s Sinding, op. 32, 1, )Jarchc Grote:;que Miss Florence Thorpe Schubert --····-···-·····-··· ... '' 'Menuetto , · · from the . Fantaisi(' Grieg, op. 19, No. 3 .. From the Canih-nl Miss Ruth Hnrtman :\faeDowell, op. 10, Xo. 2 .. Prae l udium Chopin, op. 36........ .. ........................... . ---··--·-_] mpromptu in P Sharp 3faj nr Miss Gladys Griffith Chopin, op. 31 ........ Heherzo in l' Rbarp 3tinor ?t.faud Alexander rAMUUS IN ATTENDANCE ON Hill H ead of Department of School A rts in North Dak ota Normal Coll ege Ta kes P a rt in Program. One of the most interesting during the Country Life COll\'ention. which came to an end at the college last week, was :\Iiss Goodrich Deem of Yalley Xorth Dak ota . Misi; Deem gave se,·era l talk'! to the women of the co1lef!e, nnd her remark::. been reported from conunittee. !dings will be gh·en for labora- were highly :ippre«iated. She is one of the widest lwnwn Wlllll- j 1 "• but a fund or $l,OOO will he ap- en in the Xorthwest. having sen·ed on ; priatf'tl for the aud prep- the Uural Sehool commission of .\"orth _,. tion of s<'rum" and for inYestigati<ln 1 the Yaluc of them. the bill Dakota, wher<' her work has nttracte 1 l r:-. Furth er than the committee re- wido attention . She is also one of the most prominent club wom('n of THE WEEKLY EXPONE :-<T FRIDAY, }'EBRl"ARY 9, 1913. ferent Tor tures--Cl asses E a.c h Give •• Stunt.'' Aft er E xami..n a tions F ri day-A L arge N umber I nitia ted. Thi rd Annu al Tournament is Incr easing Da ily. Friday evening tbe <'igbth annual Uoe The tenth annual roundup of the Ele,·en high schools ban• aC'eepted was heltl in the Cuiou C'lub Stags was held Priday night . From the fn,·itation to attend the thircl nn- iu the agricultural building, and at that se,•eu o'clock unfil about the time nu al basketball tournament and ex- Head of Electrical Department Returns from Washington- Attended tbe Meeting of Land Grant Profs. tinw twenty-three girls were initlnte<l Saturday morning the men stuclcnts temporaneous contest to be held at the Prof. J. A. Thaler of th(' electrical into the mysteries of t be order. :Prompt- <:clelJrated tl.Je of college the first part of March. One engineering department, rrturnrd the ly at 7:30 o "cloek the tortures began, examinations or else drowned. the ir high school-that of Yirginia City- early part of this week from n two and it was four hours later when the noulJle in the general golld rime. sent in regrets that it could not be weeks' trip in the east, where he at- last candidate o,·er the burning The first part of the progr:im was represented. Those who have accepted tended the meeting of the l'eprcsenta· 5-ands. Although they bad been told of at Bohart's hall, where thirty- so far are Billings, Brnnite c.ounty. th·es of the land grant engineering the miseri es for W('('ks before the time: four men were iniLi atied into the m:'s- Teton count:·, Missoula, Helena, Sweet schools of the United Stat..-•s. The meot- th-e girls went th r ough the ordeal teries of tile grent Stags. Fearful and Grnss county, Gal1ntiu county, Ana- ing was held in Washington, D. C., and und are to be congratulated on fieudish, terrible and terrifying, were conda, Be:i.verbead county, Cnrbon eoun- wa attended by "Ome thirty l'epresen- their initiation. the stunts which they were compelJed ty and StevensYille high sehools. Ac- The erow1l, in number, to perform. 11 in the !ranch of Fate, 11 ceptances haYe been coming in with The object oi the meeting was to co 11-;i.;;tiug of the al'ti,·e nwmbers andl''On tht> Bridge of 8yze 1 1 ' 11 8f'at of eYer:· mail, and it irs probable that c:e,-- perfrct an organiz:1tiun of the land mauy alumnae and theu re- '' ' 1 Descent on :\Ian," 1 'A C'ral others will be in the hatuls of the grant (!ngineering bt;bvolli for their mu- paired to the it ::;Cienee dining Toast to Prcxy 's Ilea Ith'' and 11 'fhe eomruittee b;y the time the papi•i rench- tu al benefit. This orga.niza.tiou is to roo111, where n two -course dinner was Oilded Braud'' were n few of the ec; its readers. be similar to the organization of gov· sen·c<l. part o( rbe progr:tru weird things the iuitiates <lid in order Plans fo r the en•nt are also ernment t>xpcriment station workers in o\·er by the whil(' the to join the :wciety. ing at the college. It is first planned agri cul ture. freshmen ai<ll'll in ::;erving. 'fhe girb A bout 9:4.) an eluborat'e banquet was that Pach society will have it.c; 'liem- One phase of engineering work did ju=--tit:e to a menn. and] sen-ed to about 17.5 in the dining room bers sign up for one or two tickets brougJ1t up the indllstria.l exteu- agaiu returned to the club rooml'I, wh€!re ot' the hotel. were within the next week nnd n half. The sion work, whfrh consists of. njght work each class gtwe :i 1 'srunt. · · gh-en during the e,·emng by Hugo contract 1dll call for the tickets to be and some correspondence work . No 'l'he freshmen were the first on the 1 Dahling, who responded to the toast deli,·ered nnd paill for by about the attempt was made to sf'eurc nppropria- program, and the membrrc; were trea.te<J ''Stags of Old,'" in place o( James fourth of :\!arch . A number ..,f mer- tions this year for !<1l{'h work. to one of the best show:, of the Anniu . '11, who was unable to be chants have :d!-o the pronosition Prof. Tba l er poke on tbe establish· wheu the doors were thrown open and present; Alex Christie, C.:barler. Ilan!;en, approved by the Young )!en's Bus- ment of wirele!:!S gtatiuns at :ill the la.nd in marched a real, JiYe circus parade. Alden · webstrr srnrl .John B. Tnit . Ex· iness and more signature 8 will grant schools, the primary object of .:\fonkeys, elephants, horse...._in facr, ll ayor Chns. P . XeYin closed the pro- be secured in the next few daY:;. Taken 't\ hich wng for use in f'xperimental 0 ,·ery mentionable animal ·was repre- gram by gi\"ing <lll address on "Prac- altogether, plans for the eYent are com· work. Snch stations would bring sentcd in the procession, while the ticaJ Politics.'· The menu was as fol- ing nicel;y. the colleges closer togetbn anll tend crowd was connilsed in laughte r by lows: to strengthen them by 90 doing. the nntics of "encle ·· After Sirlo in of Beer, Borde laise )fr. G. B. ('on way, neC'ountant, The talk was fn\'orably recei"ecl auU djsbaudiug. se\·era l mC'mbNs sang or OJi,·es Parker IIouse Rolls has been in the city for the pa!';t few resolutions were adopted fa\'Ol'iug !iUCh recited hits on the sophomore or junior Sweet Pickles p days checking up the :tccounts of the action. Prof. Tbn1er wa:-; appointed as unch different :'iJr. Conwin· a. committee of one to organize the while a Spanish dance also Chicken ga,·e :1 talk before the a"i;;cmbl,\- la;t added to the freshman show. )l ashed Potatoes wo.rk of installation. Xl'xt came the sophomores. a" little boys and and was getting off jokes on the frt>o;;hmeu and juniors. of the hits were ori- French Peas wliich will be rem<.'mbere-d hy The off icers of the perfe<'ted organ· «rern .\ pple Pie Ameril·nn Cheese man:· as one of the hec;t heard on the ization were: Dean .J. P .. Jack!--on of Saratoga Fhtkes hill last year. ::\Ias:;: :u: !Jnserts lu,,.titu1e of Technology. Cigars Cigarettes president, and Dean A. )f:t'lton of Iowa ginal and all were funny nod showed a About Febrnary 1st the entire pnrty close obsen·n.tiou of around aUjournecl to the Lyric theater, where the college. a program wns gh -c n. :.\fnsic was fur- BOOSTERS HOlD ONE :--itate collC'ge, An executin• co mmittee wa'.'l aho :ip- poiuterl. among whom ·wf're Pruf. Tyler from Tlll'ltitnte of nology, and Dc-an Bic:qeU from the .Agri C' ultur al college. Dressed as gbosrs, the jnniors next made their app('nranc.e and, with the lights turned off, to make weird noises and sing · weird ' 1 John Bro\\·11 1 1 ' in wh ich en ch girl sang just one word, was one of their be1:-t 11 !Stunt.;:.'' The chose to gh·e n coronation of 11 Qu('en . .\nn · · as their part of the program. Dressed in eomfon l and bearing a chafing dish for a crown. the entered the room aud . with all the diguity of ueca-:ion=--. proceed.eU to crown the quePn. These shows were all enjoyed by rhot\e μn•s- en t. and the yo ung ludie:s hardly real- ize<I that it was nenr1y four o'clock whpu the last ''stunt 11 was o,·er. ThP party then up, each (Ill(' YOting it to be one o! the mo!-t enjoyn hie parti('s e\·er held . nished by Eugene Quaw at the piano, George Gr iffith at the violin, T ... vle Tin- tinge1· at the eornet. and E1l .Jarobs nt the clarinet. A few boxing or BEST DANCES rET 'rhe organization to meet annually and trapeze were put on by S(',-- Good Music an d Good Crowd H elp oral of lhe fellows. Hugo Dahling I Mak F t' f h B to and eat.'11 i'- to have one '·ote. In way <'Y('ry whether large or will ha q• t•qn:i I repre - sentation. rendered a few songs and some high e unc ton one o t e est class(!) vaudc,·illc stunt• were pulle<l of the Year. off. About thrt"e o 'cloek the- Stags troop- ed back to Bohart 's linll. where blnek· jack, roulette wheel, poke r and other games of chance got the st:!ge money, hnndell out to the phl_yers. The bunch graclnaly dwindle<l as daylight ap· proached. Lncloubtedly the enjoy:i.hle col- l<'ge dance of th(' took pince Monday eYening when the Booster club held forth in the drill haJI with one of their popular danees. Since Tuesday ·was a holiday on the 11111. was a most au8picious time tu hold !'illlC'h an Tho reception cnmmittees were '\" .. J. f'nterrninment, as it a Y('r\· \\"hit worth, \ Valter ''' illson, lfalph Bra- pleasant as well as heneficial ·btooki l .. aurence " 'ylie, Alonzo Truitt tion after the strenuous and. uerve- aud Ernest Border. Thp progrnm com- raeking "iege of the semestC'r exnmina- mitt<"e C'onsistecl of E. .T. 'Vi11inms, A. tions. A feature of the dau ee was the \\"llile Prof . Thaler \'i,itE"d the \\'P:-tinghouge eompany at Pittsburgh, when" he mN and llined with a ntnn - brr of -:\[. 8. C ', graduates who are at- tending the grn1lnatl ' of that company. 'While in Prof. visited with Donnlilson, :11](1 George )forgau. 'l'halt:-r 0. t, nothing bas been done on this . The <lair,\· hill ha!-. also been J"C· ted favorably from committee. The The eledion of officcr'i fur tlit• next E. HC'amans and D. .lof' I markell absence of a11v state, where she had mnrh to do R.o.pC'r, Louis Dahling nnd Robert Ke!- elcmC'nts whieh mll,{ht marred the with the tra\'elina art exhibit of Bnrnes year was not held at thi .. time. but the 1 I i I f ti f h <!.' inc_ .c o io re res ments. of the e,·ening: p\-erythlng )Iii:..; llnrn•na <'annon of tbt> fresh- m:ln elass, left \\"e dnr:sday for her homl• in Kalispell, whf'rt' -;he will spend the remaindc>r of the <:<•hooJ yf'ar. )[iss. ('annon 's tlepanurf' from will l.>(' regreltl•d hy hl'r rn:my t n of this bill is to haYf' a dairy 1oeatt."ll at Tie1ena to o,·er- the dniry work gojng on in the t e. Just what the final outcome of hills wlJI be unknown, but h hoped thnt at least a part of m-will pac:..;, ' MNASIUM TO BE 1 ' GIVEN NEXT SEMESTrn Organized and Training to be Started-College Credit for A ttendanc e Given. county and with th(' ,,oeial renter eom member.;:; wiJI meet nt 'Oilll' early date The ret1rmg of1ccrs arc John C. Whar- was in perfect harmony, and aJI those mittees that h.1 ,·e g::i.lne<l su<'it wirle for that purpos.<'. luu, prt:>sicleut; Solberg. l°i<'e· who had the g:oocl fortune tn atlend pr ominence in that state. president; r.eorge Roo:se\·elt, secretan·. The main feature of this fnl\·eling Cua H. Herrirk became ae u:iintNl and l'ly<le Stieb tri."'asurer. The art collectinn is thC' eeonom\· with which q · elf.'t·retl for th e coming year AlonziJ 1 1 · . . . . which resulted in )!is!. Deet11 tire'-1- t I(' people inng rn the rural d1stnc:t:- 1 . , . J'ruiu, pn•si<h,nt i George Hoose,· <' It, and "-' hO!-<t• childrnn. arc i11 attcn<lauce j e.nce durrng the lountr.'· Life <:vnH•n- vice-p resident; Lyndall Daxi<lson, sec- at the mral schools may see omc of 11011 nnd ht.·r at Hamilton hall. jl rernry, auU Roy Rpaiu treasurer. the wor l d's greatest paintings. 'rhe school boards of the county appro- priated n certain amount to be ex- pended in getting :-icpia copies of some of the best known today. The"e are suitably framed and fall two of these are pl::ire<l in one of the r ural schoohi, where they st uy for the rt.>mainder of the school year. \\'ht"n the next year eomes, they are ex· changed for others of like style. differ - ent schools exchanging each year. The social center committee i dea is another means of "'l '(' UrinJ? for the peo- BASKETBAll TEAM GAAAOll GlUB BY BIG SCORE were Yery much pleased with the <lance. Beginning prompt! yat l."ight-thirty o'clock, ('hisholm 's orchC'stra, H?-1sistecl by )fr. George Griffith on the violin, played the first number on tho pro· gram of twenty-two and from then on, with the extl 'p tiun of a ten- minute iutermisbion for rt't're!-.hments. dan C' ing was indulged in until about tweh·e-thirty, when the tire1l and happy thr oug l>roke lip and r<'pnire<l to their hom{""· Ahout fol't.Y w<'re ent, and there would have surely been mau_,. more had the weather been less severe, for many of the town p('ople could not attend on aecount of tbe snow and cold. Those who did a tteu{l IS AT WORK ON ijUESTION Minimum Wage Question to be Aigued with Un iversity and Utah Aggies on Pl atform Soon. The <lcl>nting c.qurtd, of DaYid teel 1 A. Paul Thomp'-lon, AlfrOO Alfred Linfit•ld, Brookt.> llart· man nod Rowland JTnt"gel(', nn<ler the efficient uf Prof. Cilruth o 'clol•k on Tue:;days an<l pie li,·iug iu rural districts some of the Victory to Tune of 56 to 25 Is lot of Collegians in Cap- ital City Friday Evening--Better Ball Played Than Against University the Night Before found the ball in a ,·ery satisfactory h:l\'l' been waking "t<'nd_v prog1'i' Sl{ th(' state of warmtl1, so thnt, having OtH'C last few week\!, iJeqpite the cnterf'd, the inten!ile col<l wa::s for 'Otions by exnmin:ltiou<i !Hii i t g trntion. Although tht" matnial orflered enD. . h . . . 1 timt- ngu ha:- nut yt"t arrhecl, the the gym ela!" .. will hold gular in the C'ollege drill 11, when training in boxing, Indian and <lnmh bell and otlH'r for the Je\'t:>lopment of the ndentq will be giqm, It iis aJ-.o at regular college C.l'e\lit will be gi\'en r the work lll'O\'iJing tbo-.e who take ("Ontinut.> in the wor'k durinf? the full nH•..;ter. About thirty men siguifiE"d dr intention of joining the claiss. nn<l e first instruction will be given next It js thought thnt a large iount of ean be derived by any the and it is hoped at more will ccme out fo r the work soon as it is well under wny. enjoyments that c:ome to people Ji,·ing in larger The euunty fedcmtiou of wom<'n 's elubs appoints at the be· ginning of each year a number of com- mittees of tlnee women, efteh of who111 is able to t::ike place in an eutertnio ment of some The fedcrat il>n then offers the of one of these Rm:irting untler th ddt·ut cit the hands of tlic uni,·erc.ity. the n.1l lt>J:!t' lt•(I thl· "l'f.ll'l' Oil th(' l't(l WiJ. Capital C'ity }'or the colleg1\ ( 'ot uer and "'ileomb fi,·e playeJ a second j.!U.lll1' iu Jl plt•ua gatu rllay night uud wou from the C... :\r- were the highe:-t point winners, al- though e\·C'ry man on the team found eommittees to the people of a certain roll club b.'" the score of 56 h• !:-chool district and a tommittee that is the m•tting f.or one or nwr t> haskets. situated coa\?enicntly to the -;choo l 3ud :i program of music, literatu re and other ubjeets is gi ven by it. Deem is the head of the deport· ment of school ar ts of the Xorth Da- ko ta normal college at Valley City. It was at th is place th at she and The ream the wbolf' game Uermain aud Foley did the hrs t work s;uperb Oasklo'tl>nll rind, for "0 a .fo r tbe St:nators anti :iCCllr<'ll of hall, their team work w::i. .. ext:"t'Jlt'nt The st:·Je of pby of the ll1•1ena :i_μgn'- gntion · wa!S similllr to thnt (.1f the Y:1r- sity, but the college fh·e played 1J:1" ketball instead or walking in n. with a re&u lt tha t they more t.lian donb· their points. 'fhe lineup was as fol- R elena-Hartley and Wilson, gunrdq; Germni11 1 center ; Loller und Foley, forward.... For thC' 1•ol1<'ge- Flnbr nn<l. Cotner, forwnrd.i;; Wilcomb, center; llartmnn 3.nd H odgskiss, g uards. urrng t o Ml lstuntial . conbbtinj:t of itl' cream, question, . '.Hl'soln·d , 'J hat a minimum cake and coffe<', werl' !-it:'rved 10 tht· 1 wag sca le op('rat iv1• in work dnneer!; by l"'n<lem nnU q.orf's and Janel of the College Union lunl•h couu the sweated indu..tr1Ps ir th'-' Cuitt•cl ter, proYing Yen· agreC'ahle to thl' Stateq should he p1'1n i1h·tl for h.Y law, I h · b 1 . . . constitutiona11Y eonl'edt>d, 1 l1:1s bt•en voung peop e w o were ,. t 11o;; time 111 I · condi1i on to aprE"ciatr. the-111. thoroughly .in rvnnd table lnlcl 11ftl·n as po-s· Th e rt•putntion of th• Hoostt'r'.'I a" sible. hosts was apprecinhl,\• l'trengt hen<'d b;· this entertainment, and it hope<l thnt they will repeat them at !1lwrt intnYals during the remainder of th(' !-iChool .n·ar. Professo r Alfred Atkin son doparte<l for HunCley, where h(' will tl('- U'\'"er a lecture in the local Civic League course offe red at that place . '\Vednesday night, br icf"'I for both ttw ncgnthe nnd afflrnrnti'\t• ""'rt' matl!! out and the squad diidecl at·ronlin!!;ly 'fhe memher s will wrHr their and regular debates and rebuttals will be held from now on until tbe debate with the Unh·e rsity of :\fontana the latter par t of February.


Nov 26, 2020



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Laboratory at College

Senate and is Ready for

Report of House.

nat,. Bill ~ ·o. ~2. whil'h proYi<l.P-..

a Latt' gra·n lal1orator.'· to lie lu·

1 at Bo7.t'rnnn in connel'tion with

t•Xpl·rimt"nt station :rncl in charge

he agronomiflt of that station, hn!I

tl the t>PnUtf' :rnd h<-cn favorably re·

d from tht> houi:ie committee. ac-


Pupils in School of Music Held Re·

cital ln Assembly Hall Saturday

-McNeely in Charge.

An exercise of performance in public

·wa!l given by pupils of the music

r-;ehool Haturday afternoon in the as­

seml>h- hall. Twch·e pupils took pnrt,

eaeb ~ne showing plenslng skill in the

iu.lerprNatiou of his or her selection,

and evideul~es of !i!peeJy progress under

the tutelage of Prof. and ~iis.s McXeeiy.

The following progrnm was rendered at

this recital:

ing to a lc"tter rt,•eeivecl by ProfE"~· 8chnecker ·- A Twilight Id.d

Atkinson thC' e.irly part of this Miss Josie Holderby

. Jt now n~main<i for the bill to Espen, op. Au Revoir

thf' hoo ... 1•• The bill earries an ap Kargnnoff, op. :?J 1 Xo. 6 ... _Sc berzino

rlation of $2:,1100 for the t'quipping Miss Oliv6 Hussetb

teh u. lab . atory ancl ~!:UWO for the Hein!f. op. 171-. .......... Shepberd 's Drenm

iten anct· of it. It wa~ drawn up

$!i,00o for maiutenanl"e, but this

to be cut In half, due to thf' short·

of fund!", It pro\·idei. that people

e '<t1tP may IHlYf' ~ample~ of grain

~a for it~ milling and baking qual·

, and it further proyide~ thn.t ger­

ition and seed tefltH may be made.

~ furtht.'r providt•d that bulletin~

tl b£' s1•nt out from time to time,

1 ng of the work of' the laborator~·.

a the administration of it sha11 rest

ll 1 the dirt•etor of thC' qtntion, the di­

or in charge' of the lnborator'" and

l 'Montana RC'ed Growers' a~socia­• If pa!"!<f'tl. rhe bi11, in addition to

g of gn.~at Yalne to the farmer" of

~tafC', will bring a great deal of

tical work h1·fore th(' .. tudent" of

collegf' nnd will be of great ,~nine

his wny.

one of th<' other ldll?-1 of intt~rest

be <'o11ege are a" far nhrng as ~bi!'.

!'r tlu~ failure of the llill for con­

lation, another l>ill was introdncetl.

io~ing thflt the Dnrston plan of

aging- the in~titutlon be adopted.

i plan authorize~ the tja1e hoard of

.1,~ation to employ a chancellor. to

de nt Helena, anll hnn:• general su­

·isfon of the !-<<'hool« of the state.

further pro\'idC'~ that the ~tate h<1ard

its di~cretiou and cut out any

r!les that may hi." duplications of

-,e offered at the other institution".

s expected that if thjs plan should

- ·y the graclutttes from each c:chool

he J!h·en diplomas from the {rni­

- ~ity of ~Iontana, as thE' noified

Dol sy!;fem of )Santana would be

ed. The bill hn~ been referred to

mittet" nn<l no report on it has as

been heard.

he bill for a ~erum laboratory has

Schytte :Miss Francis Xorton

Senncri.nnen uud

~Iiss Elsie Beck Jodlcr

Pnrfow .. . ln der !:iehmide

::Mi~s Blanche Jlusseth

Spindler, op. 116 ........... Convent Bells

Miss Frankie Koch

Godard, op .. )4.. . ... Second )(azurka

Mr. Worth Orvis

Bohm ........................ Polacca-Brillinute

Miss Mabel Lyons

Sinding, op. 32, ~o. 1, )Jarchc Grote:;que

Miss Florence Thorpe

Schubert --····-···-·····-··· ... '' 'Menuetto, · · from the .Fantaisi('

Grieg, op. 19, No. 3 .. From the Canih-nl

Miss Ruth Hnrtman

:\faeDowell, op. 10, Xo. 2 .. Praeludium

Chopin, op. 36........ .. ........................... .

---··--·-_] mpromptu in P Sharp 3fajnr

Miss Gladys Griffith

Chopin, op. 31 ........ Heherzo in l' Rbarp 3tinor

.\[is~ ?t.faud Alexander


Head of Departmen t of School Arts in

North Dakota Normal College

Takes P art in Program.

One of the most interesting spe~l.ker-.

during the Country Life COll\'ention.

which came to an end at the college

last week, was :\Iiss ~fary Goodrich

Deem of Yalley ('it~r . Xorth Dakota.

Misi; Deem gave se,·era l talk'! to the

women of the co1lef!e, nnd her remark::. been reported from conunittee. ~o

!dings will be gh·en for thi~ labora- were highly :ippre«iated. She is one of the widest lwnwn Wlllll­

j 1 "• but a fund or $l,OOO will he ap- en in the Xorthwest. having sen·ed on

; priatf'tl for the purclrn~t' aud prep- the Uural Sehool com mi ssion of .\"orth

_,. tion of s<'rum" and for inYestigati<ln

1 the Yaluc of them. ~hould the bill Dakota, wher<' her work has nttracte1l

r:-. Further than the committee re- wido attention . She is also one of the most prominent club wom('n of th~tt


ferent Tortures--Classes E

Give •• Stunt.''

Af t er E xami..n a tions F riday-A

L arge N umber I nitia ted.

Third Annual Tournam ent is

Increasing Da ily.

Friday evening tbe <'igbth annual Uoe The tenth annual roundup of the Ele,·en high schools ban• aC'eepted

p:nt~~ was heltl in the Cuiou C'lub room~ Stags was held Priday night. From the fn,·itation to attend the thircl nn­

iu the agricultural building, and at that se,•eu o'clock unfil about the ~ame time nu al basketball tournament and ex-

Head of Electrical Department Returns

from Washington- Attended tbe

Meeting of Land Grant Profs.

tinw twenty-three girls were initlnte<l Saturday morning the men stuclcn ts temporaneous contest to be held at the Prof. J. A . Thaler of th(' electrical

into the mysteries of t be order. :Prompt- <:clelJrated tl.Je ~n<:Cl's~ful pa~..;agc of college the first part of March. One engineering department, rrturnrd the

ly at 7:30 o "cloek the tortures began, examinations or else drowned. the ir high school-that of Yirginia City- early part of this week from n two

and it was four hours later when the noulJle in the general golld rime. sent in it~ regrets that it could not be weeks' trip in the east, where he at­

last candidate p.a~:;ed o,·er the burning The first part of the progr:im was represented. Those who have accepted tended the meeting of the l'eprcsenta·

5-ands. Although they bad been told of gin~n at Bohart's hall, where thirty- so far are Billings, Brnnite c.ounty. th·es of the land grant engineering

the miseries for W('('ks before the time: four men were iniLi atied into the m:'s- Teton count:·, Missoula, Helena, Sweet schools of the United Stat..-•s. The meot­

th-e girls went th rough the ordeal teries of tile grent Stags. Fearful and Grnss county, Gal1ntiu county, Ana- ing was held in Washington, D. C., and

bra\·l~ly, und are to be congratulated on fieudish, terrible and terrifying, were conda, Be:i.verbead county, Cnrbon eoun- wa attended by "Ome thirty l'epresen-

their ~u'ccessful initiation. the stunts which they were compelJed ty and StevensYille high sehools. Ac- tatiYe~.

The erow1l, ~ixty-three in number, to perform. 11 in the !ranch of Fate, 11 ceptances haYe been coming in with The object oi the meeting was to

co11-;i.;;tiug of the al'ti,·e nwmbers andl''On tht> Bridge of 8yze11

' 11 8f'at of eYer:· mail, and it irs probable that c:e,-- perfrct an organiz:1tiun of the land

mauy alumnae and ex-student~, theu re- ~DC'!-<tiny, '' '1 Descent on :\Ian," 1 'A C'ral others will be in the hatuls of the grant (!ngineering bt;bvolli for their mu­

paired to the it ::;Cienee dining Toast to Prcxy 's Ilea Ith'' and 11 'fhe eomruittee b;y the time the papi•i rench- tu al benefit. This orga.niza.tiou is to

roo111, where n two-course dinner was Oilded Braud'' were n few of the ec; its readers. be similar to the organization of gov·

sen·c<l. 'l'lti~ part o( rbe progr:tru wa~ weird things the iuitiates <lid in order Plans fo r the en•nt are also progre~s- ernment t>xpcriment station workers in

pre~iderl. o\·er by the Sl~niori;, whil(' the to join the :wciety. ing at the college. It is first planned agricul ture.

freshmen ai<ll'll in ::;erving. 'fhe girb About 9:4.) an eluborat'e banquet was that Pach society will have it.c; 'liem - One phase of engineering work

did ju=--tit:e to a ~plen<lid menn. and] sen-ed to about 17.5 in the dining room bers sign up for one or two tickets brougJ1t up wa~ the indllstria.l exteu­

agaiu returned to the club rooml'I, wh€!re ot' the Bo~einun hotel. ~pce<:hes were within the next week nnd n half. The sion work, whfrh consists of. njght work

each class gtwe :i 1 'srunt. · · gh-en during the e,·emng by Hugo contract 1dll call for the tickets to be and some correspondence work . No

'l'he freshmen were the first on the 1 Dahling, who responded to the toast deli,·ered nnd paill for by about the attempt was made to sf'eurc nppropria­

program, and the membrrc; were trea.te<J ''Stags of Old,'" in place o( James fourth of :\!arch . A number ..,f mer- tions this year for !<1l{'h work.

to one of the best show:, of the e,~eniug Anniu . '11, who was unable to be chants have :d!-o ~igned the pronosition Prof. Tbaler poke on tbe establish·

wheu the doors were thrown open and present; Alex Christie, C.:barler. Ilan!;en, approved by the Young )!en's Bus- ment of wirele!:!S gtatiuns at :ill the la.nd

in marched a real, JiYe circus parade. Alden ·webstrr srnrl .John B. Tnit . Ex· iness lea~ue. and more signature8 will grant schools, the primary object of

.:\fonkeys, elephants, horse...._in facr, llayor Chns. P. XeYin closed the pro- be secured in the next few daY:;. Taken 't\•hich wng for use in f'xperimental

0 ,·ery mentionable animal ·was repre- gram by gi\"ing <lll address on "Prac- altogether, plans for the eYent are com· work. Snch stations would al~o bring

sentcd in the procession, while the ticaJ Politics.'· The menu was as fol- ing nicel;y. the colleges closer togetbn anll tend

crowd was connilsed in laughter by lows: to strengthen them by 90 doing.

the nntics of "encle Jo~b . ·· After S irlo in of Beer, Bordelaise )fr. G. B. ('on way, ~tnt(' neC'ountant, The talk was fn\'orably recei"ecl auU

djsbaudiug. se\·eral mC'mbNs sang or OJi,·es Parker IIouse Rolls has been in the city for the pa!';t few resolutions were adopted fa\'Ol'iug !iUCh

recited hits on the sophomore or junior Sweet Pickles p days checking up the :tccounts of the action. Prof. Tbn1er wa:-; appointed as

unch different departm('nt~. :'iJr. Conwin· a. committee of one to organize the

classe~ . while a Spanish dance also Chicken ga,·e :1 talk before the a"i;;cmbl,\- la;t

added to the freshman show. ) l ashed Potatoes wo.rk of installation.

Xl'xt came the sophomores. dre~seU a"

little boys and girl~, and ~pel'ialty

was getting off jokes on the frt>o;;hmeu

and juniors. ~fany of the hits were ori­

French Peas :~ear wliich will be rem<.'mbere-d hy The officers of the perfe<'ted organ·

«rern .\ pple Pie Ameril·nn Cheese man:· as one of the hec;t heard on the ization were: Dean .J. P .. Jack!--on of

Saratoga Fhtkes hill last year. ::\Ias:;::u: !Jnserts lu,,.titu1e of Technology.

Cigars Cigarettes president, and Dean A. )f:t'lton of Iowa

ginal and all were funny nod showed a About Febrnary 1st the entire pnrty

close obsen·n.tiou of student~ around aUjournecl to the Lyric theater, where

the college. a program wns gh-c n. :.\fnsic was fur­BOOSTERS HOlD ONE

:--itate collC'ge, ~ecretarytrf'a~urer.

An executin• co mmittee wa'.'l aho :ip­

poiuterl. among whom ·wf're Pruf. Tyler

from lo.Iassachu~ets Tlll'ltitnte of Tech~

nology, and Dc-an Bic:qeU from the

~(ichigan .Agri C' ultura l college. Dressed as gbosrs, the jnniors next

made their app('nranc.e and, with the

lights turned off, proc~cled to make

weird noises and sing ·weird Eoong~

'1 John Bro\\·11 1

1' in which en ch girl sang

just one word, was one of their be1:-t 11 !Stunt.;:.''

The ~eniors chose to gh·e n coronation

of 11 Qu('en . .\nn · · as their part of the

program. Dressed in eomfon l gnrb~

and bearing a chafing dish for a crown.

the J>roce~sion entered the room aud .

with all the diguity of ~uch ueca-:ion=--.

proceed.eU to crown the quePn. These

shows were all enjoyed by rhot\e µn•s­

en t. and the young ludie:s hardly real­

ize<I that it was nenr1y four o'clock

whpu the last ''stunt 11 was o,·er. ThP

party then hrok~ up, each (Ill(' YOting

it to be one o! the mo!-t enjoyn hie

parti('s e\·er held .

nished by Eugene Quaw at the piano,

George Gr iffith at the violin, T ... vle Tin­

tinge1· at the eornet. and E1l .Jarobs nt

the clarinet. A few wre~tling, boxing

or BEST DANCES rET 'rhe organization i~ to meet annually

and trapeze stunt~ were put on by S(',-- Good Music and Good Crowd H elp

oral of lhe fellows. Hugo Dahling I Mak F t ' f h B

to and eat.'11 ~tate i'- to have one '·ote.

In thi~ way <'Y('ry in~titution, whether

large or ~mall, will ha q• t•qn:i I repre­

sentation. rendered a few songs and some high e un c ton one o t e est

class(!) vaudc,·illc stunt• were pulle<l of the Year.


About thrt"e o 'cloek the- Stags troop­

ed back to Bohart 's linll. where blnek·

jack, roulette wheel , poker and other

games of chance got the st:!ge money,

hnndell out to the phl_yers. The bunch

graclnaly dwindle<l as daylight ap·


Lncloubtedly the mo~t enjoy:i.hle col­

l<'ge dance of th(' ~ea~on took pince

Monday eYening when the Booster club

held forth in the drill haJI with one

of their popular danees. Since Tuesday

·was a holiday on the 11111. thi~ was a

most au8picious time tu hold !'illlC'h an

Tho reception cnmmittees were '\" .. J. f'nterrninment, as it fnrni~hed a Y('r\·

\\"hit worth, \Valter ''' illson, lfalph Bra- pleasant as well as heneficial relax~ ·

·btooki l .. aurence " 'ylie, Alonzo Truitt tion after the strenuous and. uerve­

aud Ernest Border. Thp progrnm com- raeking "iege of the semestC'r exnmina­

mitt<"e C'onsistecl of E. .T. 'Vi11inms, A. tions. A feature of the dau ee was the

\\"llile ea~t Prof. Thaler \'i,itE"d the

\\'P:-tinghouge eompany at Pittsburgh,

when" he mN and llined with a ntnn­

brr of -:\[. 8. C', graduates who are at­

tending the grn1lnatl' ~i'l1ool of that

company. 'While in \\'ashin~ton Prof.

visited with Nohl~ Donnlilson,

r~tNs :11](1 George )forgau.


0. ~-

t, nothing bas been done on this

. The <lair,\· hill ha!-. also been J"C·

ted favorably from committee. The

The eledion of officcr'i fur tlit• next E. HC'amans and '\\~m . D. Ro~-.. .lof' I markell absence of a11v fli~ngreenhle state, where she ha~ had mnrh to do R.o.pC'r, Louis Dahling nnd Robert Ke!- elcmC'nts whieh mll,{ht h~~' l' marred the

with the tra\'elina art exhibit of Bnrnes year was not held at thi .. time. but the 1 I i I f ti f h

~ <!.' inc_ .c larg~ o io re res ments. plea~ure of the e,·ening: p\-erythlng

)Iii:..; llnrn•na <'annon of tbt> fresh­

m:ln elass, left \\"ednr:sday for her

homl• in Kalispell, whf'rt' -;he will spend

the remaindc>r of the <:<•hooJ yf'ar. )[iss.

('annon 's tlepanurf' from 1·ollr~e will

l.>(' regreltl•d hy hl'r rn:my f1·i~·1Hls.

t n of this bill is to haYf' a dairy

uni~~ioner 1oeatt."ll at Tie1ena to o,·er-

the dniry work gojng on in the

te. Just what the final outcome of

the~e hills wlJI be i~ unknown, but

h hoped thnt at least a part of

m-will pac:..;,


Organized and Training

to be Started-College Credit

for A ttendance Given.

county and with th(' ,,oeial renter eom member.;:; wiJI meet nt 'Oilll' early date The ret1rmg of1ccrs arc John C. Whar- was in perfect harmony, and aJI those

mittees that h.1 ,·e g::i.lne<l su<'it wirle for that purpos.<'. luu, prt:>sicleut; ~<·!mer Solberg. l°i<'e· who had the g:oocl fortune tn atlend

prominence in that state. president; r.eorge Roo:se\·elt, secretan·.

The main feature of this fnl\·eling Cua H. Herrirk became ae u:iintNl and l'ly<le Stieb tri."'asurer. The offil'e~s

art collectinn is thC' eeonom\· with which q · elf.'t·retl for the coming year AlonziJ

1 1 · . ~ . . . which resulted in )!is!. Deet11 ·~ tire'-1-t I(' people inng rn the rural d1stnc:t:- 1 . , . J'ruiu, pn•si<h, nt i George Hoose,·<' It,

and "-' hO!-<t• childrnn. arc i11 attcn<lauce j e.nce durrng the lountr.'· Life <:vnH•n- vice-president; Lyndall Daxi<lson, sec-

at the mral schools may see omc of 11011 nnd ht.·r ~la:'· at Hamilt on hall. jl rernry, auU Roy Rpaiu treasurer.

the world's greatest paintings. 'rhe

school boards of the county appro­

priated n certain amount to be ex­

pended in getting :-icpia copies of some

of the best painting~ known today.

The"e are suitably framed and e~1ch

fall two of these are pl::ire<l in one of

the r ural schoohi, where they s tuy for

the rt.>mainder of the school year. \\'ht"n

the next year eomes, they are ex·

changed for others of like style. differ­

ent schools exchanging each year.

The social center committee idea is

another means of "'l'('UrinJ? for the peo­


were Yery much pleased with the <lance.

Beginning prompt! yat l."ight-thirty

o'clock, ('hisholm 's orchC'stra, H?-1sistecl

by )fr. George Griffith on the violin,

played the first number on tho pro·

gram of twenty-two dancl~s, and from

then on, with the extl'ptiun of a ten­

minute iutermisbion for rt't're!-.hments.

dan C' ing was indulged in until about

tweh·e-thirty, when the tire1l and happy

throug l>roke lip and r<'pnire<l to their

hom{""· Ahout fol't.Y couple~ w<'re pt~s­

ent, and there would have surely been

mau_,. more had the weather been less

severe, for many of the town p('ople

could not attend on aecount of tbe

snow and cold. Those who did a tteu{l



Minimum Wage Question t o be Aigued

with University and Utah Aggies

on Platform Soon .

The <lcl>nting c.qurtd, {·onsi~ting of

DaYid teel 1 A. Paul Thomp'-lon, AlfrOO

}~herle, Alfred Linfit•ld, Brookt.> llart·

man nod Rowland JTnt"gel(', nn<ler the

efficient l'Onc hin~ uf Prof. Cilruth

o 'clol•k on Tue:;days an<l pie li,·iug iu rural districts some of the

Victory to Tune of 56 to 25 Is lot of Collegians in Cap­

ital City Friday Evening--Better Ball Played Than

Against University the Night Before

found the ball in a ,·ery satisfactory h:l\'l' been waking "t<'nd_v prog1'i'Sl{ th('

state of warmtl1, so thnt, having OtH'C last few week\!, iJeqpite the int~rrup­

cnterf'd, the inten!ile col<l wa::s for 'O t· tions cau~c<l by exnmin:ltiou<i !Hii i n•gi~-

t g trntion. Although tht" matnial orflered

enD. . h . . . 1

~ome timt- ngu ha:- nut yt"t arrhecl, the

lur~day~ the gym ela!" .. will hold it~

gular meeting-~ in the C'ollege drill

11, when training in boxing, Indian

~b and <lnmh bell exereise~ and otlH'r

erti!'e~ for the Je\'t:>lopment of the

ndentq will be giqm, It iis aJ-.o ~tatcd

at regular college C.l'e\lit will be gi\'en

r the work lll'O\'iJing tbo-.e who take

("Ontinut.> in the wor'k durinf? the full

nH•..;ter. About thirty men siguifiE"d

dr intention of joining the claiss. nn<l

e first instruction will be given next

('~<lay. It js thought thnt a large

iount of ~ood ean be derived by any

~ takin~ the cour~e. and it is hoped

at mor e will ccme out fo r the work

soon as it is well under wny.

enjoyments that c:ome to people Ji,·ing

in larger plncf'~. The euunty fedcmtiou

of wom<'n 's elubs appoints at the be·

ginning of each year a number of com­

mittees of tlnee women, efteh of who111

is able to t::ike place in an eutertnio

ment of some ~Ort. The fedcrat il>n

then offers the sen·ic.e~ of one of these

~till Rm:irting untler th ddt·ut cit

the hands of tlic uni,·erc.ity. the n.1l lt>J:!t'

lt•(I thl· "l'f.ll'l' Oil th('

l't(l WiJ.

Capital C'ity

}'or the colleg1\ ( 'otuer and "'ileomb fi,·e playeJ a second j.!U.lll1' iu Jl plt•ua

gatu rllay night uud wou from the C... :\r- were the highe:-t point winners, al­though e\·C'ry man on the team found

eommittees to the people of a certain roll club b.'" the score of 56 h• ~.i.

!:-chool district and a tommittee that is the m•tting f.or one or nwrt> haskets.

situated coa\?enicntly goe~ to the -;chool

3ud :i program of music, literatur e

and other ubjeets is given by it.

~iss Deem is the head of the deport·

ment of sc hool a r ts of the Xorth Da­

kota normal college at Valley City.

It was a t th is p lace that she and ~rs.

The ream <lurin~ the wbolf' game pla~·t.1d Uermain aud Foley did the hrst work

s;uperb Oasklo'tl>nll rind, for "0 ~mall a .fo r tbe St:nators anti :iCCllr<'ll mo~t of

hall, their team work w::i. .. ext:"t'Jlt'nt

The st:·Je of pby of the ll1•1ena :i_µgn'­

gntion ·wa!S similllr to thnt (.1f the Y:1r­

sity, but the college fh·e played 1J:1"

ketball instead or walking in n. tr:inc~.

with a re&ult tha t they more t.lian donb·

their points. 'fhe lineup was as fol­

low~: R elena-Hartley and Wilson,

gunrdq; Germni11 1 center ; Loller und

Foley, forward.... For thC' 1•ol1<'ge­

Flnbr nn<l. Cotner, forwnrd.i;; Wilcomb,

center ; llartmnn 3.nd H odgskiss, g uards.

urrng t o interm1!':!~1on Ml lstuntial .

refreshment~, conbbtinj:t of itl' cream, question, . '.Hl'soln·d , 'J hat a minimum

cake and coffe<', werl' !-it:'rved 10 tht· 1 wag sca le ~o h~ op('rat iv1• in work

dnneer!; by :\[e~~rs. l"'n<lem nnU ~uther shop~, faetorie~. dl'p~rtu1t>nt q.orf's and

Janel of the College Union lunl•h couu the sweated indu..tr1Ps ir th'-' Cuitt•cl

ter, proYing Yen· agreC'ahle to thl' Stateq should he p1'1n i1h·tl for h.Y law,

I h · b

1. . . constitutiona11Y eonl'edt>d, 1 • l1:1s bt•en

voung peop e w o were ,. t 11o;; time 111 I · ~l condi1i on to aprE"ciatr. the-111. H"r.'~ thoroughly di~cu~'-t'<l .in rvnnd

table conference~. ln•lcl n~ 11ftl·n as po-s·

Th e rt•putntion of th• Hoostt'r'.'I a" sible.

hosts was apprecinhl,\• l'trengt hen<'d b;·

this entertainment, and it i~ hope<l thnt

they will repeat them at !1lwrt intnYals

during the remainder of th(' !-iChool .n·ar.

Professo r Alfred Atkinson doparte<l

1o<la:'~ for HunCley, where h(' will tl('­

U'\'"er a lecture in the local Civic League

course offered a t that place.

'\Vednesday night, bricf"'I for both ttw

ncgnthe nnd afflrnrnti'\t• ""'rt' matl!!

out and the squad diidecl at·ronlin!!;ly

'fhe memhers will wrHr their ~1wechc:1

and regular debates and rebuttals will

be held from now on until tbe debate

with the Unh·e rsity of :\fontana the

latter part of February.



The Weekly Exponent. lmanrl .. m:l.rlf' upon hl.m . Th1 ... " nloi_r<' 1supportrd by :t llmiH•1l numht:'r .nf ~tn: l ,-- ---------------­

Establuihed Jan. l, 1910.

OutgrowlL of fonthly E:c.Jl'lnent,

lali)i:;becl .hn. ~, J '\!l.),

ae in •wo "!'\~- .. ; f1r .. t. h • " m l•l trf'l dent.... Thi~ m:ty ht.' trur •1

r It m3

_:. v I t' hi .. li'l lur~w.1111.t hl:lmf" ·h{' '<('hn('ll nr not 11• tn11•. Jn whil•ht•\"f'f (':t't'. th1•re a en 1nes

t"' t>l"l' rr~n•t bi.; f:lilur ..... to ~t:'t lht' w11rk :lrt' err1ain .... tu1il'nt .. whu 1kri\"i'' plt"•3y whC'n ht• h:td the nppMtuuit_,·; :tn•i ... ~<'- ure or profi· from t•:tch <"lltl'tprise, and ond: hi ... fodur,• In tht• hu ... i111• ...... w.ifl,l 1t i'l :tlmn ... t JlllJ"'"'"ihl1..• t•) thrnk nf \\"OUhl 1111•1rn 1h:11 th1• ....... h.rnl woul1I n•- ah·ili~hin.iz :rn_,. i.'t.•rntin '.'<IU1lent at:tlvit~·­l'{'in' :l hlark f'.\"t~. fi~ur:lt n•ly "P<':tk· I Tbr one w;1~· l«' r.ii~l'. tl~t' ... tandard ~f ing. Thi'I j ... unfair h.ith to th1• '-l'ho·~l I tbo~f· th:lt ~:ln .. urn' t' I" ~o makt: it and tht• 1,tht'r ~ra1luat1•-. from thL' pbtn tn Nh: h onr •lit thE.' htll thnr too qo: hcl<ll rt l' lll Unl 1.h' ('XJ't'l'tt•J th:lt 1Ull{'h <.!JouJ.l ll••t lH' :ttll'lll)•tt•d :Ul•l tlw .. t•hool \\Ill kt>i'J' lll.\· man nh11 1.:111


1nht1tc,••r h t.1k1•11.~1p~houl1l n'l'l'l'C' 1h1•

Publi~bed c,·ery l"rida.'' of the Col· lege yenr by su cditorinl 1'taf! chosen from thl' hlttdE'nl:-i (J, the :Montana

8tate Collt"~C of .\1-?riC'ullure and

Mechnnir Arts, Hounwn, \[Qntana.


Editor·inf'h1t1 Solberg, '14

Businc~"' 'lttna:!t'r . t'n•d E. lnurion, ·13

nnt k1•1•i1 up 111-. -.r111l1t_'-., 11 ,, m.1111•r wh:1t -.u1clt•11t .. hi•-..t 1'1lllrt" h·· Ill I\ h.n I' 1lon1• f•ll tht• in .. [lltl ! Ml. Jt 11 .1 ... Al"O 111•1•11 "lll!J,;t'S!(•ll th It lH'

~.1 mn:•h for thi.... It 11111 -.1 ht• l'' itl1• n t J.111;.r11t:.! t • .tu\· :ithlrttc ll':im. l•l tlh'

:.!re.1 fr .. t -.rn ..... 111 1h1•

And Valentine Post




Headquarters at the Hub Both Phones

')'he Exponrnt is thL' bc..,t me<linm for to r('t1Ch ('ollt'!:!;e stu<lents.

COSTLY DELAYS Mo'\t p<"Ople intend to SOME TIME, .\_nd "hil~ puttinJ: il (lff let htg agcre~Ate of little sums 11 through t heir fing~N. The way to san• .:;.uccr~~fullv to ~an• NOW. · " ·hy not hegin to ":'1\'e at t au~pit'iou~ mouu•nt hy openin ~flYiug-. 8l'<'llllllt !1t


Capital Sl00,000 w_ f'. n_~' IDRox, Cn•hier.l WW

1.rana~in}.{ Edilor .. C}\I l <l ...;)1(1\l },j l.!- \I' ,l JH'l' .. n 11 :1 l' l'rt ~li ll numlwr of t' rt'ilit" :1" rht1"t' 1!L\"t'11 out hy

Lyndall I' D:n·1·b•m, '15 Ci:cubt'on '{ana~i•r '\ ,\ l hf'n, "1r,l rt\\ •• u rt' -! r·i 1Tllt' ... 111.f1•1ir ... n 1

11·. :u1.J 111 1111 .... "·''. tht•


...... T. Ernc'it Bnrder, 'l:i t• • , 111 i •' d ut , 1ti1•-. \\"lw'lt'Y ~ r .1 p\'r ... t11°l1·11·..., kl'jlt fr.._1m on•rl11:11lin;.:-.. lu-.t

A .. :-t. Ru:-.inl's-. ~lan:l(?er ..., , 1 l' , 1 1rr' hl" ... fu •l if' ' 1 11.J J,l'1'p di 1ow t 1i -. nn !!h~ "" '' rk our i..., nnk•1own. Harrell U. }[tbbard. 'lJ of h i-. w 11r1, up t•• :l hh::h ~t:tn•bnl. it lfowt.•Y1-•r. Ila• 1divitiC''"' nwntiont.•rl

.\ .... t. Bu-.iuc .. , ~[:\n:t~t.·r · .. onlv f:dr th:it 'I' ... houltl t :t l~l' .1 p.1rt :lbcnt' n•qu1r(' ·1 br:!t' amount ~1t' time. Roy E. )fal~or, 'l.'i iu th•," wc1rk .( 11t 1~ 11ri:.1n, z:tti11n .. on ti1t• ·ind it .. 1-'1-'lll" only t:11r that tlh'.'" -.;hould

to $3.50

- at-


What is More Appropriate for a Valentine

than a beautiful bouquet of Cut

Flowers? We have them. Come

Asst. Circulation :Manager hill. :-iwh :I' thf' 1•ollt.'~l' pap1•r. lht· l·h(• gin•n 1·n•1li1-.. 1h1• -.;:1111<' a" i:- tlw and see. Rny c. Clark, 'H Y:tri,,0 .. duh-. :rn1l .... u1·h thinl-!"'· Rut -11 pn~ition 11f pn• ... iih•nt of :1n 1\rg:rniza

Jntercolk~iatc Editor ····-······ ····-···· 1lning t'1 i" 1'nt• thiuir -.hould 1'1~ k1•p1 in tion . t~urtlu•r, thi::; plan woulil kN•p a Hbodn. Dawe~, '13 mind. :rnd th:tt i-. 1t1 mak1• ~11 1 1d iii :rn_,. pt-r'lllll fr("lm fln.•rloading-. Teu Cfl'llitg

Athletic Reporter Hobt. T. Kelley, 'l.J :tt•th·it.'· t•nh•rNI upon. Din•dor llllW· nre no'' :tllom•(l. llow('\1-.r, ii t'rt'• l it'I Cangobr's 6teenbouses

f:C'nnnl Hepflrler _ . .. ... _ ·an! 1)f rh1• h:rnd. :--:1i1l thnt therC' WL'rr Wl'l't.' :-illowl•t! ft1r lht• C'nlt.'IPri""t':' lllL'U· Yionsl.'' ~mttll C'nrollment, had nnt beeu

ll. J,('-.JiC rl•ttigrCW, '.l;}rnh•nt)lC'l''"i n( thnt or_g:nniznti1H.l W!Hl l'~Hdfl tii:1U('1\ :thOH', lll<llt." 'ilU1kt1t:' WOttllf introdlll'('d ill the rhrmi<;itr_y depat1.· GPn('ral Hcportcr . ... ... •. not rC".11l tiH' mu...,i1• pl:1t•C'1l lwfon• them. han-. mon• than a mn:dmum. ment :II thf' college .

. (hn~. \. Whippll•, n ~nd 't't th1•y hl•l1HI~ to .i. numlwr 1"lf \\·hnh•n•r , ... 1lnnC'. it jo; l'l•nain tb31 .\11 thl' membt•r ... of thr chemistn·

G~neral R<.'tlOrter. !\fyrtlo Alderson, ·13 "lht'r :-tt11lrn1 oq:rauizn1ion-.. prohn.hly cad1 "tudt•nt ~houl1I rt•memht•r first staff. both of tht• rollcg'e a.ud the e~­General lfoporter_ .. ... .. . .. / 1foin1! no hNtN ~n an_,. of tht•m than iu that he i-. h~rl' lo get hi:-- dn"'> room pl'rimcnt "tat inn, arr <'llnllled in the

• .•.. _\. l":tul Thllmpson, '1-l th<' h3nd. Xnw, in -.uC'h n l':l't'. it work, n111l then that it will hrin)! thl' ~lrgnniz:ni1ll1. a.; W('li ~s the "tndent-. in mu:.t he t•d1lt•11t th:ll ii w1ml1l hl" lnrµ-t.•...;t rt•lurn" ii ht• make~ J!Ontl iu thC' l.'our .. e ~\ tti--ntlatH'<' will nt'lt be hcttC'r for the ~1111knt t, drop hi ... otht•r flllt.' or pt>:-... ihl_,. tW1l out-.i1l1• a1•th·it'.e.., r1• .... trictt•tl, howe,·t.•r. :tnrl anyou(' who I~ :ll'tj, i1i1•..., a111l 111:1k1• ;.!11111! in rh1• h:in•l: thnu if hr t:1k1• ;t part in a lnr).!t' num: inll'rt''t1•rl 11 thi~ linC' of ·work may

BOZEMAN CAB CO. Automo\>ile same as hack f!.ir

city calls

H ome P hon e , 132 B ell , 230-2 Subl3erlpt.ion Rate-Two Dollar<; per

:'-l•nr. five ct~nts pC'r l'OP.''· .\dn:-rtis· in~ rntr~ m:l1l<' knllwn ou application.

Entl"rell s.., ~l·cond ch1...,s mail matter at Bozeornn. Montana, undt-r .\ct of <"ongre"s of March 3, l i!l.

or. lt h1• pn•frrn•11. to drop thr han.! h1•r arnl mak1• ~uo•l in ll>lllt' nt lht'lll. att('nrl.

iu auy !lilt' Papl'I"" on rl1fft->rl"'nt fr:11nre.., of chl'm· 1---------------­t~n1 of thl• Mlu•r a~'tl\"ilLt''· Thi"" 1•:1:-1' BURKE ADDRESSES of tht• ha11tl i-. tl111• illu.,tr:1ti1111. O!lll•r-.. CHEMISTRY SEMINAR

The fir-..· 111e1•t1111! uf thr n1't\ ly or· ~ani1.1•1l ( IH'mi:-t ry :-l'rninar wa-.. ht•ltl

rni;.:-ht I.1• dr:iwu frc1111 1'H'l"Y :H·tidty in The Weekly Expoueut is strictly a i•ollegt•. lu t.•n('h ('fht' th<' ...•nt g-ain~

nothiuj:! wha1evt•r from lwin:..r c·1111rll•l'T1•1l .n'-.;frrtl:iY itt•rnnon iu thP h'c·l11r1• room "~ith tht• or~nnizari1111, an1l the• 11r(!'a11-! nl th1• 1'hl'mbtry 1kp:ut111t•nt. Tlw prin iz:iti1111 not 0111.'" ~:till" 1111thing irmn~t·ip:il :-;pt'ak1•r wa-. ('11i1•£ ~·1w111i-.1 Ed

rh:1t pe~q,11~ ·.,. l'on1h't•tlou "ith ir. hu1 I rnn1H1 Bnrkt• ot tilt' Pxpcriith'lll station. lo:-t'"· ~o 1f I' urt'l!•l th::ic 1'VC'r_,. 'i!tt who '"'Jl•lkf' on ··Thi• 1·orrCl'I lntf'rprN; \

student enterprise. Its chief purpose is to preseut to its rea.ders each week

an a.ccur3te aud complete record of the developments in college affairs during that period and it is wtended that its mnuence shall be exerted for the up­building of M. S. C. The paper is the ree:ult of voluntary effort put forth by the students who compose the staff.

== ===-=-=-~--==== ('ALE1'D-\ H.

dent makr g-0011. ::1-. far a., p1i...-.ihlt'. in ri»n 1lf S11il .\ n~tl.'"l'"· ·· \\-hntt"'\'~r IH' ma.'" un1lNtakl'. horh ior The -.eruinar in 1h1~ t•hf•mi .. try th.'p:irt· hi-: own a:ood 311tl in jn~ti1·e t•l tht• ~H" ment h:t" hl'('ll org;111tZ('1l ro fuliill ::1

th·ity in which ht• enter... dcm:111d thar h:1-.. hN•n foll for -.omt.'

k:-tl muk "-ill h1• n•:-ttl 8t thf'se n1t.•et· ing-~ :'llhl di~t·n~!'ions hel11. Out~ide

rcailing will lH• ll('('('<.;..;;;n~·. nnd it i~ E'X·

P<'\'tf'rl th:lt 1t will he t'l'qnir('d that ~

<· amount of lih r:l.ry work hC' d11111• b.' 1•:11·h mt.'mhl"'r.

)f. L. \\'il~on. 1liret.'tnr of the dry fornting .. t:i1io11~ of thr<•. returned thi . .., week from Chicagt', where he :'It· tendf'rl thl' meetinir 11f the Fla;ot: De\·('1 4

opm('nt l erigur whieh met ar that place

J:'lnu:H_,. ~Sth. ThC' league bas gi\·en ~'..:?.000 ti) be u<:ed hy the <:tatlon in field work in th(' promotion of the growing of flax in thh ~tate.

Frida,V", F\•brunr,Y 7-C'iYif Lague,

It has al:-o hrl'n ~:i.i1l thnt rhf'l"C' :i.r1' time in th:i.i line ol work. Tht' c;;em·

ton m:rn_v ~tudent arti,·itit'" on thr hill ,~n:lr i!oi a Jt•:i.1111·1• in th(' r~i1 f rn•111 co111·""t.'" -that all of tbl'm cnnn1lt h1-• pr1"lpt'.'rly

1 in rlw ..,<'hool, hut nwrng- to tl11· pre·

~====~==========--=-=-==-=--= ].Jitchfield T rio; opt"'rn house, 8:30.

Tue·ulay, Febrn:H.\' 11--~ I is~ Cora Me l l"at tQu in 11 Arm:. :\lld the Man;··

Chrbt ian ellurch, ~:~O; utHll'r auspiC(''I

of .fock o 'L•rntl'l"n \'inh. Fri tfay, Frbrunry H, basketbn.11 at

drill hall, Unh crsit.'· ot' Ftnh ,."'. Mon· tana ~tah' <'oll('gl'.

Frida_,., PL•hnt:'lr~' ~I, ba-.ketba11 :tt

drill hall, Uuin•rsit~- 11f ) "'· )fontana :4t:tl e t..'olleA"1'.

Frida.\· nttl :::;:1tunb.'·· l•~t>lnuar.\· ~1

:rnil :!:! -(')1kg:1• b:111tl pn•,t•nr... rl:\y in

1•prr.~ h11u:,r; ':30 :111<1 !I on.

Fri4ia)', 1"'\•lln1;try ;::...,-Pr1~p:tr:ltnry

t'Xll•mpor:1nC'oti-. 1·C111tr ... 1 !\ll•i h:i-.krth:lll ~Jnw; 1.lrill 11.111. ll;\1(1,

-.;atunln._v, )farch 1-1 lYH' LC'agm•:

01•1•r:1 IMIJ-.t', i.,;30.

'rlllll"'i•Ll), J'1 ill:t~, S·1tu1ch)'. "\hreh tl, 7. '\ ·Third annual ha-.k1•th.dl 10111·

nanwnt 11111 .. 1u•aking- c•vntt•-..t.

Make Good 111 Whatever You Attempt,

Tht.•n• h;ts h1•t.•n :-.Ollh' t llllllll'nt made

latt•l,y on tlu• hM rha' a fl'w or po-s,,i· hi~· a L.trg"C' numl.wr ,,f tb1~ ,tnJents on

the hiU, in adtlition to l'.lrrying :i full -.chrt.111 \ (• of WtHk in ('tlllt~JZ'-'. :tr1• earn-. lng so mud.1 out!oidl• work that thl'•; a~e unnblo to dtl full ju,tke to :luy 11.{ thE'

work, in .sf.houl or t)nt. I t is ~ known fact tbnt lont!'\1w 8wte cnllcge h:is :i~ many slu<lt•nt rntt>rp r i::;e" :i... are UHl:lll,v found in :i much larg:e r school. Tt t.·:i n alNo bC' said that nlmo~t C\4 ery

one of thr:-;e rntl'rpriSC'" are held up t\) :l ,·er.r hii::,h !.tantlard Howe,·er. i! works a btt.rrl,;bip on "0111P. 1lf tht• -.tu

1lt-nt:- nnd it I'• :dlcg1•1l thnt it i:-; im­

po .. :--ihh• for -.omr of tht• -.tudt>uh ti)

t·:trr.'· all th:1t tht',Y .trt• llJI\\' attempting to9r~ T~~'~"'~~~~nt~~~~~~~~~~~~=========~~=~~~~~==~==~============ til hl· 1111:-.i11tt.•q11l'tl•d :l" di:it.•ouraging I -.tndPnt:-. from takin~ ;1 part in the var G ivin g Away the S ecret. I iou:-- :td1viti1•-.. 11f tht• ~wlHH1l, hut 1t 1hw.. 0 $ uq.~{' l'::tl'.h -.rndl'lll makt> .. ~l.hhl in ur 22.50 Suit and Overcoat Line .. \\"hat j..i thr ... t•crN of '

11('l:l'" ~ • •

tht• work ht> 1101•-. 1•any. I a..;kl'd thi• ~phinx. Fir-.t und forl'lllt1st, l':\l'h -..tudl'llt h rnrm:-. tilt• higge~t part uf o:1r ~tofk Thi~ portion of 0111 , · l' u~h •.. :-:1itl lhC' Uutttiu.

1 stock j.,. -.n111('Wh:'lt hrokt•n in -.iz('-;, :ind w1• :\r1.• 11 fil•rin~ tJii.. I ··Xe' ~r ht" lt•:1tl.'' f;\ai~l till' l'eul""il.

tt'l"1' lo gt•I nn t>1lucat1nu -t11 fit him· C'ntirC' linC' for- ··Taki• pain", .. ~aid tht• \\"indow. "'1·1f for ;1 li"l'fHI 1•:1rt•1•r aft1•r gnul 11 ~1

I ··Ah\ av ... k1•1-•p 1•u11l,'' -.ai1l thl• lt('.

tidll. [1 ht• llt'l!h'l'I' thi.. J':lrt tlf hi" '"'"*'.!t' Iii<', h•::- rni:-- ... iug 011· mo .. t im· $14. 15 ··~c up-to-datt>,'' -..aid till• t'ult'1lflar. '' :\t•vt•r 10'"'1' your hl~:1d. ·' <o:iid rhc-

p nt:111t p.u I of all, :1111l 1t m·g-ht ht:> "l:lid I Barrl?'l. hl' h:11l ht•:-t -..t:\' uut df :ill stu F.'NY Ont• of tlw -.uih C'lre guarantt•('..f tu lit• :'111 wool 11i

E. W. THOMPSON F our Chair B a rbe r Shop

(::::.ucccssor to F. E . Da\·is) PLAIN AND TURKISH BATHS

Corn C' r of )(ain and T ra.ey.



28 West Main Jpecial Attention Paid to Stlld•nts



Everything that is new in Spring Boots are now on dis­play; all the latest leathers and colors.

Champagne, brown and grey; Buck---white nu buck, blacks and tans of all kinds.

It costs no more to be fit right.


NON- ~A --c BALKABLE- -,.. SELF-POINTING A Hammerless Gun with Solid Frame. Eui.eot operating and 1mooth·

, eet action, ,

THE STEVENS Repeating Shotgun No: 520


AT $25.00, Is indorsed by Shoot· ers ewerywhere as

Fi;d~r,erb for Trap or

Made In five styles and illus tra t ed a nd described in Ste vens

S hotgun Catalog. H ave your Dealer show you a Stevens Repeater.


P. 0 . Box 5004, CHICOPEE FAUS, MASS.

·h•nt .1di' ith•.., nnil mak1• g'ch)il in hi-; thi~ s1·a~on ·.., -;tylt• and patt\.'rn. ~EE FOH tCH.l{~ELF. Fi~:~lttkt• light nt t'n'•} thing-, .. s:i.1rl th~ -.tu1lH'" th.w att1•mpt to 1•:1rr_,. t.10 nrnc-h I "0o :1 ilndn;!"'<o .... ' ' .... aid tht"! ----------------

"nrl fail. Tin, ''""' i, ven- nftrn lo<! I w I h ' Hanunor. 11 'ii.1'hl 111, ·11111 tht• -.tuili•nt whtl Ill:\\" a s s tigh('<\t :1ttt•n1 l:in t•t.• mark .. t•I h,· aay t·1il rn fl" 1· b. . . '' A<11 pirf' 10 ~Tt>:1tt•r thli1J?"t, ·• "a11l rh,.. t'1lllt•sr11 in th t• -;tntf'. Th" ott,'11•1•. ,, •• . • • d'Otlnt. o __ t•111g. 1110 pn1111inC'nt :\: ·· '" .. ~ .. -111 -.•111h

1nt :11•t1ntll'"

1,tti•n ft>t•b th:'lt · ~l~meg. . _ I r'or tbl' y e:tr will r1•t11·h nrnrly thf• ninr


If :·ou arc in the market for son C4):tl


Bear C'ret~k and )!oontuin Hoc1 -lump and egg; wood and kin ling.

"-e haxe the best town.


are our long suit. Di you ever try a

Pocket Knife

or a pair of Shears, 01 .

a tool of this brand 1

Call for it and learr · something.

Owenhouse Hardwar1 Company

We still have a lot o

Fine Candies, Fruits a1 · other good things to

eat at


Sugar Bowl Opposite Lyric Theatre.



Thelen & Hane J Up-to·date Livery

and Automobile H oJ..Ue P bone 2541 Bell Phone •

WE Rt.•sprctfull~· birl for a :-.b . .ir•:o

:i-·our tnul(', and will crrta

t rC'at you fair. Try u •


P hone 20 Opp. Court H,

carrC'r of a "ttulrnt. For J ti t' 1

e\lllC'go trt'dit will be 1lJ•duC'trd. a pupil ml~~('"' morr th:1n ::'11 p1 oi the d:t~!IC'-4 in n l!our ... t~ hf' w

for th•• <'<> lh•g t• .u """" , 1.,,J.•nt ,,rr,., ---------------------------....:::==:.·j' - Rieknl""~ is the only ('Xt'U'i(' t o

tlw hQ():...lin~ ht• ha" dnnt• I Be ~harp 111 all '

1Htr d\~:ding .. , - "ai1l hundred mrnk .

the K uifr. I 'houl<I Pnt1tl.• lnm to •'xtra .. onsi•l••rn "Find 3 i:roo<I thing"'"' ''"·k 10 i1 ." A nr~- gra<luatr ni:rna""' ho• heon tba: <'Ollr<o. 3t tho end of '.ho•• lion. ~urh, h""'"'''., ;, nnt tlh' °'""· "~'.1 tho Glllr. rlo\'!o<l to take drnrgt• o~ :ill ;hr •tn- ollowe<I for a1tondanc1' nt cla '9 and it I .. only ri~ht that it :'h•>n\1! u1H FOR THE STUDENT . Do th~ .work you arr Mtitl.'d for,.,' den t body :1ff:'liN at tht- t • 11i,·er~itY of bf' th1• l'~~e. ff t()


\ bx 011



rh :1. i-aid thro ( himnf'\", t'rom l>ii·k J.~f'rrh' I V·/aqhingt on. Rnlph Hor r 1 11 . w3q A woorlpMkM lit on

p1lin as this, that s:lmr -..tud:t>nt w11



~l'r~lp Bo\lk. ebosen man3grr, re-Hi\'ing


11 inc .out ot' henrl

•'>!'•":' t•> , ..,.uro " ·liphrn1a tor th•• in- College Stationery, Fountain Pens, College Emblem olp,·on mt .. t'O't. Ho wil l ro<Oi\-p a And •ettlod down to drill, rc>rr... b(I h:i•l tul..1•11 111 -.tuiii•nt ~H·thi T hr> dog "'toot! on tht- r;\ilro:.ul tnh·k . 'i:.lbr.'· of -~ltiOO :t .''r t1r. He bored aw:.'" for half a day.

11r• Th''" in a1·t1ul hf.>, on in tht• Pennants, Pillows, Table Scarfs, Etc. _\ <milt• '"" 00 hi s dsagr; I _\ nd finally. broke bi• drill.-worl•l, hf' woul•l tin,! him-..

1•1f fni·Nl r I{(' did nn "f't' rht' rr.iin appro:lt·h· .\ ne 'T system ha~ been adopted at


t'tllllJlf'l'' " ith t ht• 111:1

n "hil h:l-. t ht' T ilot 1

T•lOf ! hologn:i .. "'i"q:ts:('. ' I"ni'"rr"lt.' · of Orrgon for tho~e .,.. ho eut There' iit a new<;p:tp('t ....-a r on

1•1h1t•:ui1'n ,'\ncl tht• ahilit' 10

mt"et thi• PHILLIPS' BOOK STORE ('l:J4q('"l. ll t"renft l·r, :ti! :ih<tanh'('!\ from t •niYrr!ti t,· of \\.fqcon~in. Th,· pn1hlt•m:-. \\h it•h i"'l»l' 111 ~ to a man

10 1>111in;,! 1h1• pu .. t w1•t•k the ~outh Da· cb_~ ... C'!' w ill lw rrportefl to tht"' rf>gi~tr:i.r,is hetwe;n tbe \\'i ~eon~ln Dnil: "

pr:11~·i1·.1l \\1,rk .rn~t b1• w 1u!.l fin.I him Agency Spalding Athletic Goods kcn:1 l-l t;.1t1• ~ 'lllll·~e flttt.•ndam•r r"iJ:ture-. daily n:nd :l linf' fine of one ~l:nh of 3 3 new nnin,,~i ty paper. t\ll•l th ... t'ff :1 fa1lur1•-11n:1blt• fll ntt"l'I tht' !ltt p:i.-.ql~ 1 t d1t' l'ig-ht hnndrrcl m:'lrk in tot:tl ('O llrgt" rred11 w ill h,• impoc;erl on the Cardinal, w hleh i~ alo nt" r1•t


I :1tt1•1lfl:l.111·f• for 1hi" Yl'~tr. Th i ~ i~ thl' .. tudrnt. Tht• pl'n:tlty i t o he ~H'l'lltnll· 1 !'\~ ihe official unh•('r-lty publica



fre!'u ~'



aster Comes· Early this Year I:ome in and pick out your new SPRING SUIT. it reserved for you.

If you don't want it now, have

You'll be doing

a wise



Both Phones Frank H;yle, Agent


H R H • Does your Suit need pressing?

• • arrJS, The Tailor, 20 West Main

If you come and look for

your Spring Suit now.

No need to buy it yet

if you' re not ready to use

it , but you can have it

laid aside while the selec­

tion is big. I make ~eally

good Suits at $20.00 to

$30.00 and can refer you

to lots of your friends

who wear them.



J COLLEGE NOTES of tlil' •11homor€'

mlwr Sat 11il n rd niu~ to rt:"~

f'C'1 m.l ,_.e1111• .. ter un :.\fou·

gli-ib, \\HS uLH' of thf' jndg1·.., h

haft' r t•tw1•en tlw ., luml.m" an<l

y"' ti g-L. s bool.o: Q.' tlu~ ~tttPr pl:.H'f•

"'~11rn~. H.- r1•turnf'd to

Meet Me at Gleason's Cigar Store

- you can get what you

want there.

Alhert l'rb::i.t'h nf LiY i11g~tu11 . aud

?\oyE'!:i Lnrent7. .,f TO"'ldn, ,£ratl.u:ite .. of h:lq regi""t<'red in sp<'cial work in hom1~

the> prr-paratury 1lf'p:lrtmC'nr las! .'"l':lT, sclcnc:'C' . She i~ enrnlle<l ns a frc.,hman.

w1;1"r .. \l-.1tor.., at thL• r1llh•~1' Fri1la.'· an.I ------- I

Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

Practie~l courses - in. C1nl, 3n~ 'Mechanical Engineering,

~ecbnmc Arts, .A..gnculture, Dairy. Horticulture Domestic Science

Industrial Chetmstry, Economic Biology, Mathematics, Literature, For~ cstry, Pharmacy, Music and Art.

Beautiful grounds, commodious Uuildings, complete wood and iron

:~~p~r~X:teunJii~'-e laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, music

e<;-.or TJ. B. ~\.\1og-lr wa"' .-lown in

'I Saturih.v lo :\l't a.; one of the

in a 1lrb~t·" 11eld ftt that pl:trf"

Raturday. They :tttl.'ndrd tbt~ prep st:tg COOK BOOK READY

Prid:n· ('\ enin)!. FEBRUARY FOURTEENTH

Tho~r in t'hnrg~· of the ('ook hook

J. R. Parker of the expt>rinwnl sta- annuunrf' that it will surely make ih

tion .. rn.ff, hac.i bet>n away th<> larger apepar:llWl' not later th:rn Pehru:iry

part of thi-1 WN•k 011 farmC'rc;' in~titut(' }~th. Tht• _printing ha~ ht•Pn finished,


l ~~~~~~~~~~--J '' J. 1'1. Hamilton; President

Columbu"' ind Hdling"'I high


---:•- work In the f'lark ·~ FtHk Yallt""Y. the prnof rcailiug done and all that rc-OUB STOCK IS COMPLETE OUB PRICES ARE RIGH'l'

11,c: tlw t•hang1'"' of i•our<1~~ at the ----<•- main" i<.1 to hinil lh<' book. 1t wa" UNIVERSITY NOTES OUB SERVICES THE BEST

ing of t1it <lt'Ult"·ter we-rC' .;;e,·ernl Two 1ww namel<t h:l\"t"' h1•Pn :11ldNl to the inh•ntion of thr girl'i to g<'t th<'

t' !-11tphomore t•fa-.)-1, Among them thr. roll in thf' 1-ibnrt l'llllrsc iu home pul.Jlication 0~1t b~for.e th~ holidays-., J The ;.;ophomores are preparing to

t of Ruwlan•1 Haegt""le, who t>h:1.Dg- !'Cienl'f'. '1 i~~ Ellf'n DeI:rnr.'- llf Ten- but a rlelay 10 pr1ut1ng pren•nted it stage a play, ''Captain Racket,'' about

~ n ~J-.trat on from :t~rku ltnr<' tr) nei.,.see, who 1 ~ m:tking her home with coming out on thi~ d:ite. It j.., with February 10. Professor Palmer, <lebnte

ht"r unrle, Dr. DPlan<'r, of thi., l'it,·,

Flint-Lynn Lumber Company

and )fb~ <'bra Kinc;~y of Rt"lgrad.e, ah~o lnte as~urnnce tlrnt H will now b(' coach, is coaching the actors. The

I Il T •,rt• th• )"Otina ladt•• • 1111 thP h.rnds of th<' rrn<fi:irs on the elaFis will u~e the funds to ('1n·er !\

\\"hi. worth an1l .Torn . a1t •• ~ '"" , t:"' junior :t ld sopbiilflorP i•l:i ...... t'" of · -·>-- abO\f' lll('nhon<'d d11tc, :11111 It •~ the pos!:lible deficit on t.heir year hook, the

IDtention of thf' Y . w_ (.' _\ to .. ('ll 191.) Sentinel.

ullPg-1•. rp-.p~·t·tin•ly, h:tn• uut r<'g ~ri"~ Hhoda ]),1w(• .... ot thr t.eniur I the bcinkq :i.ftN ac;i.~e111hh· on .F1ebnrn1v

ti for thl· t•o111111~ .. 1•1111•-.ter of col l'J:i..;::c;i,. "P<>nt thr we('k enrl in Big Tim- 14th. Later the book ,~-ill he on sale

work. Both expPC't rn rr1nrn to ber, where she visitNl ~{is~ Grace Kirk at the Postoffice News Rtand.

ho111e1 rn Deer Lodge aud Ana.- of the Hlll elas~. ).liss Kirk i~ in

-:·-charge ot' the home 'idcnce department R. A. COOLEY PREPARES

of the Sweet Grnc;;R CQunty high school REPORT OF ENTOMOLOGIST

? high srhool debating team, and Miss Dawes reports rhat she iq

t drfeated a tram from thl"> prepar- getting nlong fine in the work there. The tenth annua l report of State

dt"p:irtment earlier in tbr year, -+-- Entomologist R. A. Cooley, bead of the

eyed to Dillon Saturday, where entomology depal'ttncnt of the college,

. w on a unanimous decision from An amendment to the appropriations is now com ing f rom t he press. T he re-

3eaverbead county high school. It to the bureau of entomology gi\'es the port co ntain~ a brief account of eaeb

he fir~t time that the two ~chools sum of $2.3,000 to be spent In in,·esti- of the pe~ts injurious to pbnt~ of the

('\"er met fn debate. gating the Rocky :\fountain spotted state and gi,-e!'-1 a brief account of their

--:.- fen."r tick. The bill was introduced by depredations for the year. together with

!I resnlt of th(' r:tther c.;e,·ere weath· Senator ::\fycr~. Should it carry, a what the state entomologist ha, been

The annual Buckley oratorical con·

test bas been postponed from February

J to the last week in ~larch. 'fhis is

the first year the students have bad

complete control of all activities. As

a result, neglect o f duty on the par t

of the studen t c.ommlttee on oratory

made the postponement uecessar.Y.

The prospecti,-o contestants were

ealled together last week. As a result

of the meeting se\'eral promised to

ente·r the contest if tiem were gi,-en

fol· the prepara tion of orations.

101 East Main Street








~ the paFit Wt""Ck, se,·eral minor large P3rt of the money will probabi)- able to do to suppress the pests. Rec- The interstate oratorica l leagut?, com-

1~es hnve ht'cn madt' in th(' drill be spent in this state, as It ls one of ommendatiou for further work in this posed of Montana, 'Vashington and ---------------­

At the !-IOuth end two new heatin~ the states most concerned with the tick lin o is also made In the bulletin, as Oregon, has been dissoh-cd. \\'a!;hing-

~ ha\'e be~·n insta11ed. It has bC'cn abo,-e referred to. well as a lengthy writeup of tbt'." spot- ton nnd Oregon withdrew to enter the

I<'r difficult in the 1rnst to -"!•- ted feyer tick and the work doue in Northwest Conference oratorical. All

• the ball when there was a wln<l A numher of the young ,..--omen of that fie ld. Something of the work of th~ im po rtant c•ollC'~C'l'I of the :iorthwest

ng, hut it is ('xpeC'tt>d thar tht~ rhe collC'ge were in :i.ttendance at the dist_ributiug information i~ :\lo,o told wi th the exception of Idaho are in- I fnn of thse sto,·es will go far to formation of the .Junior auxiliary to f tl t I

o lll lC' rcpor · eluded in the new league. The uni,·er-1 [

this state of affairs. thr 'Vornan 's club of Bozeman, which

-•!•- tonk place at thC' citr library last Sat- PREPS HOLD SECOND siry will attempt to secure membership .,

i-. gf'nn:illy the ('a~e. the "l'hed11lf' urday. The meetings nnd the work of ANNUAL STAG PARTY in the llC'W league. I hecn f'nfirrl.'· re-arranged this Fie- the junior organization arc to he un- 1 --- Only in rare instances are persons

-.r, thPrt:>hy <'au ... ing a Jtirgl' :imount Iler the direction of ~Ir~ . l'"na B. Her- Rt•tte-i· than C',·cr" ii:i fhC' "a.'- the Forty freshmen were pll'd{{Nl to fra- found whose eyes are exactly bal-

ork nnd worry for Professor Tall· riek, who will gh·e a ('nur~t' in gym- hoys of the prcp:i.ratory depart- ternities when the fa~uhy retently or- anced in power of vision. You may

who hn""' l·hari.tL' of this matter. a.n'iium work SJH"('ializing jn g_vmua- rncnt rC'f('r to their f"eL·OtHl nnnual ganizcd tho temporar:T abandonment of I not be able to not ice a. difference be-

arrangt•nwnt of it took ronsidC'r- ~ium danl'ing. ~tag pnrt_y. held fa..,t Prirla_v in ~fox- the rnlt"" provitling that nn mnn be tween your eyes, but it is more than

time on )fnudoy anil Tne~<l:iy lrnt - :·- well 'shal l. Fifteen new member'"' were pledged to a fraternity until hr lrnd ar-1likely that there is a. difference. E ach

tlu• 1•xt· •fior of a fl"'w minor l'3"1'" Till' .Jark o'L.:rnrE"rn (']ub ht•lll ih initiatNl into the organization, and to tained sophomore stnncling-.. \ t three eye needs separate examination and

"<'hf'dnli · j.., 1•rogrC'ssing \'€'!r,.,,- well regular rneetinj! in lhe a~:-<rinbly hall test them out, they were \!ompellcll tn o'cloek one afternoon the faculty com- invariably different kinds of lenses.

and l'l:1, .... 1•" li"H' het""ll lll<'('ting 1111- Tuesda,v eYening. at which timt' the undergo a course of treatment ,-arying hiittt•e agreed with the fraternit ies Consult us if you want the best fit ·

... i t the entire week. be from running a gauntlet of p:uldle<;; to that they might pledge :1.t any time. ting glasses it ts possible to get.

cluh took up in detail th(' work to "stunts'' prepared hy the electr ical R I f 1

- •!•- J done in preparing for thf' readrng- to ~ epreseutat Yes met at one o t tt'.'

""l Ii. :Wilson has gone to B1llings, . • · tudcnts of the department· houses and del'idecl to plt•clg(' nt fin•

·1• ht• \\~ ill nwet the tea<'her.; of b~e gnen by Miss Cora._ :llel Patten .of At eleYen o'cloek the parly marchecllo'eloek the same day. 'Vri tten bitl!! Leslie E. Gage county on Saturday to nrrang-C' ( h1<"a~o. Tue<.:.<lay e' rn11~g The ch_ief io the Elk~' Home eafe, where n t~tl' · were distributed the mt'n to

fentu1e of the program \\as the read in g I kev supper was ser\'ed . during which , · . · Jeweler and Graduate Optometrist

.. lie ho_vs' fl IHI S(il'lc;;' industrial eon- of Ibsen's , '1.'he Doll ,5 H ouse,., by

1 • _ . come to the rcspeetn e houses. Dur111g

t to he ht•l1l during the coming . . ~ . . · nan,\ of the students responded to the interim between the distribution of

.Miss Ald:i Snnth. :Miss ~m1th explain- I ton~ts t\t the:> annual 1/n!\inec;;s mf'et· .

.Jn . As wn!-1 the ca<>e this year, oue ed different passages of the play as o;;hc ina. w~ir~ follow~d t~e tol1owi;1g offi - the bids an d the pledge call no f~::ite~:

and ooe girl from each county will read it. and the ..,elect inn wa::1 ,-cry ce,., rs were elected; Pres.irlent , Al ber t nity man was a llowed to "talk frat Eat Your Dinner

.. ~lvcn t\ trip to th(' stnte fair wi th much C'njoye<l. "Xelsonj \'ice-president , Alge r Pop<' i to tho prospecti,·cs.

_ <'XpPn< paid by the stair fni r - ·:0-Friday

~d- In addition free instruction ~ecrernry, Frank Rttlne: trra!'urer, S. Th e basketba ll team is practlcing-

1 be gi,·en by members of thC' state The t:upbonic club gc:n-e the second )Iori:irity, and ).fr. Kately of the foe- hnrd fo r the coming game. Pat -:\fc-

1ge f:iculty. Tbo.,e who win thi~ of their most enjoyable dance!'! a t the ulty, wac;i. elected an honornry member. 'I (' I I· I b J' d Carth.' ·· star fo rward of last year. has

ol<l Elks· hall Saturday e \·ening. Owing ~' onte nr o, :it w u c l was to c oun . .


on The Bungalow's mce,

are to be the ones who securC' fir!-lt

e in industr ial conrrc;ts held in

i eonnt,i,· of the state. From now

'lleeting!i ,,~jJl be held in e:1eh of

counties with a \'iew of getting

preliminary work for the contests

of the way.


Ladies' Russia Calf

button boots

$2.65 . 6 buttons, flexible heavy

~oles, short

gh toe, a


vamp, reguLU.



to the fact th at thC' night was the one a ll t he games of chance. antl a stref't returned for prnctiel' .. Th.e team will

folJow ing thP Stag and Doe parties, car ni\·al pro,·idcd the member~ with perhaps .meet the. U111,·ersity of Utah

the attendauee was not as large ~s I plenty of amu8ement until ~ayhreak, I her(' dunng the midd le of the month.

had Ucen hoµed for. but tho::ie who du.1 1 " .. hen the party broke up wtth C'\"('ry I

neat, nifty,

crest dishes.

new, burnt

attend report a most enjoy:tble eC'n1ing. member pledged to nt:lke next yrar's MISS CORA MEL PATTEN

Raymond George W<ls. rnanag~r of the party e\'en better. WILL SPEAK TUESDAY

('\'('nt, :i.nrl the followi ng furnished mu· I ---------------

>i<: George Griffith . ,·iolin; Gone Ly RIC THE AT RE Quaw, piano ; LylC' TintingL'r, C'orol'.'t: I ('ly1le Srie-b. ti·omboue. and Ed .fat•ob:-..

cl:tri1wt. Hefre ... )nn('nl~ w<'n'

aml e\·('rything do11e to m:tkl' tlw ('\'('nt

a ~uccess.

High Class

Moving Pictures

I .\ 'ipN·ial asst•mbl:· will ht• held Tut' ...

da_,. morning in tht• ('•)llt•~e a~.:;emhly

I hcdl. at which timt' ).[is-. ('ora ).f('l Pat

ten w i ll gi\'C' a readinf: of thl' play.

'·Tht' l'a~"'ing of 1ht• Third Floor

l·'R:iek. ·' 'rhf' nssC'mhh- will ht'.' l\('Jd at


Capital Stock .............. $150,0Jll.OO

Burplu:1 and Profits .. .. :"!50,000.GO


ilt1Z('Ill3.ll -Montana

~===========================~==~ ell"'\'('11 o\·lrwk :rn1l it j-; dC";:in•cl tlwt ac;i. many of the 1ownspcoplt"' as pO!-iSihll' i·--------------­!lttt°'"'n<l :ts ,,.,.JI ac.i all thr :--tuilt•nts at


The latest ideas in Portraitures and

Artistic Mountings

"Photographs of the Better Sort"


tho college. That '°"'• owning- ~ti" WILLIAM H. WATSON'S Patten will gi,·e n ren{liug in the ( 'h ri'I - ! Pictures, Stories, Lectures Dramas

I tian ehurch under tlw :rn ... piL't""-; nf the '· 'J'bp ro 11J-'t'n..;11~ of pn•s~ opinion of

.Jack 0 'Lanterns. ltoth l'tllllinent"l, ~pe:lking" ('Joqn~ntl~· 11f l,r_ \\":ll!-!On '!- work. i!'l thnt he is a

I PAGE BILL PASSES THE llHl'.'<.t1•r of art and litl"' l':tture. Highly in.,trudi\·(', illuminntiug a11d \'Cry won·

SENATE- NOW IN CONFER.ENCE drou~ book-s_ Endt picture :1. work of __ J.\ rr.· •

The Pnge bill, which pro,·ido• ~14.· ART SCHOOL PUBLISHING 000,000 for extension work :i nd indm1- COMP ANY

I trial training in "e-l'o1nlary ""t•hool11, has 1

2317 Michigan Ave., Chicago, u . s. A .

bill, which the P:tj:!i' bill replaced in THE PALM.

I now passed rhe ~en:itt• - Thr Lever

the <.1enah"' . bnrl pas~ed thi-• hou...,e, ~o 1

now the two bills !ire being conft'rred Jla,·p openrd 3 ne'""' •rnd up· to-date

over. Just what the vuttome of thr lun('h counter :1.nd eafe at I~ East

1 conference will be i11 unknown. Tllf'

I fiord b ill will undouht<'dh- ht"' mnC"h

differen t th:in eith<'r of th e two 111('111

tioned :ibo,·e. HoW('\'er, it is l'Xpe<"tNl

I tbttt a part of each bill will be held

?i.fn in street. Open dny nnd nig-ht. 'V r

a lso b:wc i1·e Crt."'am nnd ~oft drink~ o.nd

<'arr~- :i f.ull li ne of thf' crlrbratrd P~lJnq

candit?s. ('all and u~. ·w e will

trl'at you right.

Phone 82


J . E . RAGSDALE, M . D.

Suite No. 17.



Booms 1 and 2 Story Block

Phone 46 blk. Bozeman, Moat~



Golden Rule Blk. Bell Phone 97 bllr,



Office and Residence ~01 S. Third

Phones-Bel! 494 red-Home ~96~

Bozeman, Montana.




Ten per cent discoount to students

Commel'cial National Bank Bldg.

Bozeman, 1!ontnna



Post Office Block. Bozeman, )Cont







Suite ;J Galla ti n Blo<k;

Nelson Cab Co. Oldest and most reliable in

the City Cabs for weddings, parties

and funerals a specialty Bell Phone273 Home Phone 1962






320 West Main Bt.

Bee3U!ll' a student haz:ng afr'oir pro\.·

i"d fatal, the trustee~ Of the raiYeritit1'"

CHOLSON'S SHOE STORE to and probabl.'· a large ...;um of morwy

will be antilable to thC' laud gran t l~ol

h'ge"' npxt yetir for rxlt•n-iion work.

FRANKE. D.\\" L, of North Cn.rolina ba\·e ,,etitlont•d th6

t us do your shoe repairing 0. ~L .f_\ f'Ql"E~. I legis lature to pn.3-t :t law which will

-.\ \h'_ make hazing :l crime.




to take your order for an Easter Suit. Our new spring samples are in. Let us take your measure now and

get an early selection.

THE HUB--"Howard's" Ed and Lou Howard, Props.




Gives that distinction, style and individuality that we claim for all our work

SCHLECHTEN'S STUDIO Makers of Fine Photographs.

The High Class Barber Shop for College Men TUXEDO BARBER SHOP

C. A. McINTIRE Michigan Building

Notice, Students! Eat with "Red" and "Short;y"

At the College Union

We Have Moved to corner of Central and Babcock

- one block from Main.

The Suit Shop


We claim to be able to produce more attractive printing, on better grades of stock, than any other print shop in this section of the state. If you don't believe this, step in and we will prove it to you.



Basketball===hp Bob VALENTINES

We have the most complete and elaborate line lt ;, hard to '"Y ju<t whor ,J;d hap· ' Before the cln>h with the Yar,it~ .. , Valentines in the city. Call and see this new Jin~

pen in tht• Y;tr'iity g:une, but one thing howt'ver, the ,•olleg(' fi,·e will be seen

is rertain-the l'Ollt•j!e olid not pby in action <'n the Hth of February, POSTOFFICE NEWS ST AND ~

~tRtl'~ thtH from all npprarancr" the l'tnh. The )formon" haYe one of the bu~krthall. r:n.•n a :\lissmlls 1.c1per I when tb<'y met:"t the Pni,·c rsity of I c11Jl€'gt> had far 1hr he~t ng-gre1?ation of best quintette:o: in tbe we~t ~rnd )I. S. !...--------------------------':3. b:i.,kt't ~hOtlll'r"', be~t lt•am wMk and C. will haq• to put for t h e ,·er~- effort =========-=========:------====3 hij.!J!t'r ntl'n. On p:ipt•r, the blul' and if ~he hopr .. to _win tbi<i gaw('. I ' gol<l .. twnld h:in:• \\"\In two tfl on<' and. l no mat11•r whnt 1ht> cin•um-:tanc•c!\ were With the mo~t important games :n~t The Girl will Appreciate a Bouquet of Violets n:urinl? th(' gam(' . they ~hou1i1 1i:nt· at to he played. iutere.._t i"' 1ngging among for that Dance. We have them. 1C':1 .. : 110 .... t'•l thl' \":1r ... ity out of the bi~ the !'lturl<'nt~. ancl hut one or two be.

end of the ~core. "·hether the stu side tlit• re,!!ul:ir team are reporcing for TRACY FLORAL CO. dents say so or nor. tht:'y fel~I that practice'. \Yithout thp best kind of Both Phones Free Deli

Frida~ nil!hl · .. fifl"t'll W3" :1n <''·erla-.t· work11111:-, tin· team 1•annot bop<' to ============================ inu dis(?'r:it'l' ro tht" collrgl', anil it i~ succeed. nna nnw that the examinations -thl' duty of l'\ 1•ry man on that team are o,·er thNt> i" no rPa!'lun why tho!'le

to remov(' that d<'feat befort> the sea· who wert" out beforr cannot ag:liu get J

son i~ on•r. out and help th(' .. qund :1long.

Little rould ho <:du if the_,. had lost/ The cla" tea1~ now praotiein~ tlll' j!3111(' on the following <''·enlng in regularly nnd tho~e who will rt:'pr<'sent

Helt'na, fnr th('n it W{)nhl only hin·e their cln.sscs on thcs(' aggrcf?ntious will bec>n n question nf a poor team, but be chosen soon. The freshmen have a when they play against prnetica11y the 1 large numbf.'r out for places and the

snnH' sort of :rn aggregation one night juniors also a good r<'presentation. The 1atrr. :rnd ... imply wulk o\·er them, there ~opbomores and ~enior" ha,·e beE'n some·

is sona•thing" 'Hong. ' 'ithont saying what baekw!lrd and will ha.•e to get in

anothl'r ,,·ord. it is up to eYery iuau and clisr if tht'.'" hopr to compete ,,;th wht> pfayed in tlrnt g-ame to redeem the other eb.sse°'. himsrlf in the eye!'l of th<' student bod.,-/

before the .. t~:1~on j.., ovcr. Th(> ~iris 3"i ~·ct hnxe not takc>n any

__ step~ toward organizing . nnd it is I


llcrou Xo. 2 1·2 L. C. Sliced Peaches Heron Xo. 2 1·~ Apricots ............... ..... . lleron Xo. 2 1-2 Bartlett Pears


per I doz. f

.$~.oo I .. l.o5 I


~~: ~ J:~ y\.~~~~~~t~~~~h~~·.·.·.·.-................................. -~·.· ... ::~~~~ ~~~·.', ~~·~~~ !~~ ~:: Xo. 21-2 L. C. Sliced Peacbes ...... .................. per doz., ..,2.85; per can

~~: ~ ~--~ i~~t~~t~fne::;pi~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~;z~,' ::.";~.; ::: ~:: Monar~h Y egetables at equal reduced prices. Reduce the ~ost of li by letting us ba,·e your order whj]e thili snle is on.

THOS. H. REA & CO. Prompt Delivery

Both Phones 24

'Y lwn till' 1wxr game will he playe~ doubtful if they will ha,·e a tourney with the Yar~ity ha"> not b('('n deter· th is year. One of the featnrec:; of last

mi1wd. ;dthon~h Coach Do<'kstader is year's interela~s <'Ont('!'lts w3s the girls'

t•nill'a,·orinj? to brinR them here during,gnm('. It is hoped tbnt tliey will agajn 1-----------------------------I tht• tour1rnmt•nt. show ~omc interl'st in tb('se matters:

-- and pla.Y their grimes as usual. J"nr M'H~l'ul yeari;; the <'o ll ege has

journeyed to :.\(i~qoul:l early in ~fay

with ouJ.,- 1.1 few weeks of practice to tnke part in the trnc:k meet and do their sh!ln~ to :lid the unh·crslty finan ­cially in thr suec!'"" of the interschola!i>­tie meet. True. there arc some ad ,·an-

BACK TO WORK AGAIN T he loss of Georg-c Blinn will be

keenly felt by the college track te3m next spring. Owing to his excellent I work last spring :1t ~[issoula . he was again elected captain of the team, and there was en:•ry reac;on to suppose th3t

tages in taking part in that meet, but tht> eolleg!' would again he rpre5ented the colleg,• offers ext'letly the opportu- by n -n-inning trnek team. nities to the university nt the time of the tournaml'nt. Tt will cost them Jess to come. they will m<'et hiJ?h -.chool students from all parts of the state and thl'." will ha,.<' the f:upport of

!<ome of thes:e sehooh in the game with the eoll('gC'. It is a mnttn of dollars and C'enh to the rollrge as it is to

thf> Ynrsft.'· cluring the track meet. If :\L S. f'. aclth :i.nything to the inter· .... l·hoJa,tie tral'k m<'rt. it is only fair

that th<.' uniq•r;:;ity should reciprocate hy playin,:..r hN1~ during- thr com ing tour·

Now that we are settled .down again it is time to t

over this laundry business. Time is money. D worry with a wash-woman. Save _time and money phone--


(Ballatin bannrb:~ aLnmµan W. !I. VESTAL, JR., COLLEGE AGENT

Bell "vhono 79 Red Home ·phone

George ·was one of the best sprinters that <''·er wore the rollej?e color..:, and I it wa!'l due to his unexpecteit work at the meets that added many a point tot

the blue ancl gold score. I Starting with the c>entury dash. he '---------------------------~!

also pnter<"l.1 the 2:10 in 1911 with a ----------------------------! pMc::ibility of nclding a point or two .r---------------------------1 for tl1e col1ege. The rc-.u1t of that race

is famiHnr to nenrl.'- every student on the hill. Tn the last fe''" stride~ he no!'lell out the Yar:-oity runner. thus adrl­ing a fir .. t in!<.tracl of a ~econd or thi rd for the rollege.

Lac;;t year he also eutcred the 4-40 wi1h about the ~nme intentiou. ...\g:tin be surpri!'led e\'eryon!' by taking' fir~t

place nnd annexing anotheT fh-e to

the score. It wa~ due ro the abilih- to meet th(' rmergenc>ir~ that made bi.m fl I valuable track man anrl one who will

Tuxedo Billiard Parlor


Michigan Block F. C. Brandeburg, P

Littlf> tn11re 1•:1t1 ht• ndaed as to the eausl' of thf' di~n..,trous defoat at the hanit:'l of t b(' Yar .... ity thnn wnc:; pub­

li!'l.bell in till~ ln:-.t i'sue of thr Expo· nent. The team returned home Satur­<la:'- morning. :i.ntl all thnt an~ one of them will c;;ay about the game is, "'Te hHt. ·' Oil<' !'l<'em~ pnrticularl.v 3n:xious for the> gnme in Bozeman to

bl'.' played . and it i~ pMc;;ible that the member~ art"' wnirin·g for that chauce

to T<'gain th<'ir 101'-t pre"itige.

lon,1? be rememhered h.'p fl\"<'r~· student


"----------------------------1 on the hi11 for his work on the cinders.

ponrd nt lfon..r<l. Tho cost of cat· education of the drnf, hlind and feeble·

ing has increa .. ed 35 per cent at minded of the state. Congratulations,

1 Princeton . Ou{'I reason for the in· brothers, may we fare one-twelfth as creased eost of living at colleges, and well.

it is the -iame en•ry otht'-r pfoce. is Washburn College i!'l making an effort

that tb(' o;tandard of liYing i~ far to secur(' the Xationnl Prohibition eon· different from ~·hat it used to be.- test which ; ,. to be h<'ld in the !=lpring Exchaniro. of 1914.

The vfficial ('nrollmC'nt of X('w York The a,~erage ~tudt?nt at Prineeton

rnin~r~ity !'-<howed a lot3I Cnrtlllment spends :t919 per )'Nlr. The Jll:lximum of .J,.l:!S stucle11t:-<. an increase of 500 last year was $~,.100 ancl 1hc minimum [ sine'(' tht' s:tmf' time Inst .'·erir. was $~j0.

THE RIGHT PLACE To get your clothes cleaned and pressed -will call for and deliver.


~~::::===~;::===================-= _:_: _: _:_: _: _: Thl' go,·ernment is building FACULTY HOLDS MEETING


NORTON-JOSLYN. OVl"r to the (lntit•"' indilt•nt upon r.?gi!'l- 1-\iu!<k on tbe erimpus of h<' l'ni,·er­

tration, ~uch a ... the 1.'oJnsitlerntion of !"it.'· of Kan-.a!'l. Kiosk will eontain On .Tan. 1.i Miss )Jignon .Jo~l.n1 and

)fr. Tom )\ortnn were united in mt'lr­riag-e nt the home of the bride's _par­t•nt~ in Porlland, Ore.

At tho mertin~ of the faculty \\ ... ed ne<::day, most of the time wali gin:u



We are the agents for Gal­

latin county for these highest grade

Gymnasium and Track


Ca!-t>s whNt' ~tutlenb wi .. h to carry

lllllrC than the r1..•gular uumhllr of crl'il· it:-o. Oar nthn matter raml' up. and that was in regard to the management of th<' C"ollcgl~ t"nion or club rooms. It w3s decided that matters could not be permitterl to f.!O on ns had been the C3se to date. It was brought out that M far the :rooms had been allowed to take care of themselves i;ritb the result that townspeople as weJJ as college stu­dents were making regular use of the

rooms, and further, that certain de­

partments of the institution were mo· nopollzing them a great par t of the time. It wns therefore decided that a regular committee of. three faculty mem­bers and fi,·c i:;tudents should be given complete charge of the room~, and rules for their management laid down by this committae. Those from the fac-

This company makes all ultv who w<ll he on the committee are

h d · JJ d "lJ Professors Brewer, Dearborn and At· t e goo S It Se S an WI kin,.,n . Tho appointment of a commit·

make to order garments in I'''" of students will probably "be left . . with tht~ Student Senate. and the joint

any desired color or combma- , , .. m111111e,, \Yill me,•t and make n eom

tion. pl 1'lt" M't 11f rl'gulations Yery soon.

Until you try these goods College Expenses Are Interesting.

lnsrruments to rr~ist('r th('! climatic conditions in thi ... rf'~ion. Prom it m:i.y be l~arned all things pertaining to temperatur('1 rainfall and the barometer. It will be pla<'l"tl in front of the mRin ti ntranoe to the l'ni,·ersity Hall.

Thf' H ort ('Jub of the )lil~higan Agri· cultural College offerl; fiye prizes for

the five best piel'l made by students. First priZ<.', . ;}.OO In gohl; second prize.

one barrel of appl<'s., :ind third p r ize, one box of npples. The fourth nnd fifth prize.s will bl' ~uitable and useful.

My Symphony.

To live eontent wilb Rma.IJ me.ans; to seek eleganre rathrr than lu.xury; and refinement rnther than fashion; to be worthy, not re~pl'ctnbte; and wealthy, not rich;

To stud~~ bard, thing quietly, talk gently, act frankly;

To Ji!\ten to star .... and bird~. babes and sages with open heart~;

To benr all ehl'erfully; Do all bra,·ely; Await oeca:-;iomii Hurry ne,·eri

~fr. and :\Jn;. Xorton will make their home on th(' Xortou fruit farm near Yictor, Mont.

Both )fr. antl ~rr~. Xorton were stu­dent!\ at ~L S. C.:. «eYeral years ago. and hn,-e many friends who extend congratulations.

Baldwin Comes Through. Baker uniY("r'1.ity ha~ begun to ratsc

$5001000 endowm<"nt fund in additi-.)n I to the .. l~.:i.000 tan•lirional fund given by the general edul':ttion board of :Xew York. The eitizcn~ of Hnh1'\lll

1 a town

of only l,-1011 peoplr. hnve rnised $25.-000 after ha,·ini.r made many other gen· erous pro,·ision!. for the college. 'l'he minister~ of the ~outh Kan~as confer­l'Ul'c> have pledged $~.i.000 and the re­mainder of the ~um will be Tai1-1ed with­

~:g!he natural eon>tltueney of the co1.

1 Princeton.

you will not know how much better they are.

I n a word, to 1et th!:' spiritu:d, un·

'<i·. ,·. ,,·, . .., bidden and uneonsl·lou..... l?row up " that 1:1v1..• ht>en gathered through the common.

I Fire for a tim-~ threatened to clcst ro~v I the wholt• of \\ 11hrr!<i11onn hall, one of

the unher!'iit,v 's larR~:-,t dnrmi torie~, rc­ecntl.'T· lt wa!'i t•xtiuguished after :ibout "1,.)1)(1 worth uf property was damage<l. Pre. id('ot-rll·d \\"oodrow W ilson room­

ed iu ""ither ... poon ball during his un· dl'rgraduate dny~.

rfhe Willson Co

:it fift.'· one uni,·rr,..lth·' r~garding This h to bei my ~-'pmphon~· fht> l'o ... t of ll\'ing 'hows th:tt the cost

of living 3t C1ll11..•gl' .... h:t"- ri:-t>u from Large Appropria.ti.On. :!.) to :"ill pl'r 1.·ent Tht~ !!;re:-ite-.1 ad-

1 vance i .. s.t O:lrhimonth. J. ~~ per ct>nt The .Minnesot.s legislnture recentlv

1 ~dYanc(' in the cost ot bonrd 1., re-1

appropriated over $3,200,000 fo r th~

A mo\•ement is on foot in Wisconftin I at pres<.'nt to drop the old distri"t / achi>ul and eRtnblish modern central schools throughout the s tate.

Alooilo -po...J ..... /1"• ..., • .....,_


Method, they sa. is the arithmetic success.

Don't choose yo tobacco haph aza 1

-be a su ccessf smoker.

multiplies yo1 pleasures and adds~ your friends . It temptin~ly rich a1, satisfying-the cho est gr6wth of Burl· leaf from which h! been subtracted e\•e trace of bite and bm.