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耶穌的比喻 (二)- The Parables of Jesus 2

Apr 18, 2015



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Page 1: 耶穌的比喻 (二)- The Parables of Jesus 2
Page 2: 耶穌的比喻 (二)- The Parables of Jesus 2

Parable of the Lost Sheep

If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, he leaves the ninety-nine and goes to the mountains to look for his lost sheep. And when he finds it, he is so glad that he puts it on his shoulders and carries it home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors and says, “Let’s celebrate! I’ve found my lost sheep.”


一個牧羊人有一百隻羊,走失了一隻,他撇下那安全地在羊圈裡的九十九隻,去尋找那走失的一隻。找到的時候就歡歡喜喜地扛在肩上,回到家裡, 就請朋友鄰舍來,對他們說:『我失去的羊已經找著了,你們和我一同歡喜吧!』

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Jesus is our shepherd. He always has hope for us, no matter how far we’ve strayed. So if you feel far from God, you need only open your heart to receive His love and forgiveness.


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Parable of the Two Houses

Jesus said, “If you obey Me and love God and others, you are like a wise man who built his house on a strong, sturdy rock. When the rains and floods came, the house stood strong.



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“But if you don’t obey Me and love God and others, then you are like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. When the rains and floods came, the foolish man’s house was washed away.


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You are the carpenter of your life. Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Your attitudes and the choices you make today build your house for tomorrow. Build wisely!


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Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

One day a king decided to call in his officials and ask them to give an account of what they owed him. As he was doing this, one official was brought in who owed him sixty million silver coins. But he didn’t have any money to pay what he owed. The king ordered him to be sold, along with his wife and children and all he owned, in order to pay the debt.


有一天,一個王要和他僕人算帳。 才算的時候,有人帶了一個欠一千萬銀子的來。 因為他沒有什麼償還之物,主人吩咐把他和他妻子兒女並一切所有的都賣了償還。

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The official got down on his knees and began begging, “Have pity on me, and I will pay you every cent I owe!” The king felt sorry for him and let him go free. He even told the official that he did not have to pay back the money.

那僕人就俯伏拜他,說:『主啊,寬容我!將來我都要還清。』 那僕人的主人就動了慈心,把他釋放了,並且免了他的債。

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As the official was leaving, he happened to meet another official, who owed him a hundred silver coins. So he grabbed the man by the throat. He started choking him and said, “Pay me what you owe!”

The man got down on his knees and began begging, “Have pity on me, and I will pay you back.” But the first official refused to have pity. Instead, he went and had the other official put in jail until he could pay what he owed.


他的同伴就俯伏央求他,說:『寬容我吧!將來我必還清。』 他不肯,竟去把他下在監裡,等他還了所欠的債。

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When some other officials found out what had happened, they told the king what the first official did. The king called the first official back in and said, “You’re an evil man! When you begged for mercy, I said you did not have to pay back a cent. Don’t you think you should show pity to someone else, as I did to you?” The king then ordered the official to be punished until he could pay back everything he owed.

眾同伴看見他所做的事,就甚憂愁,去把這事都告訴了主人。 於是主人叫了他來,對他說:『你這惡奴才!你央求我,我就把你所欠的都免了。 你不應當憐恤你的同伴,像我憐恤你嗎?』


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Be kind and forgive each other, just like God forgives you.


The Lost Sheep: Matthew 12:18-14; Luke 15:4-7

The Wise Man and the Foolish Man: Matthew 7:24-27

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant: Matthew 18:23-34


馬太福音 12:18-14; 路加福音 15:4-7

兩棟房子的比喻: 馬太福音7:24-27

無憐憫心的僕人: 馬太福音18:23-34

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