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VOL. XVI, NO. 33, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1899 PRICE. 5 CENTS BLOODY SCENES IN THE SOUTHLAND. THE MOBS' WILL VIRTUALLY SUPREME. The Sheriffs are Helpless, the Governors are Im¬ potent and the President of the United States Silent, COLORED MEN SLAUGHTERED. A Terrible Scene of Carnage.Some Nation Might Well Interfere "in the Interest of Humanity." Atlahta, Ga., July 36 .Governor Candler to-night rfoeired the follow¬ ing message from Sheriff Patterson of Decatur county, at Bainbridge, Ga: "Town in the hands of a xuob. Send a<d quiek." Governor Candler at once ordered the State militia stationed at Valdoita and Thorn air il le to proceed with all haste to Bainbridge. Savannah, Ga*, Joly 26 .Telegraph¬ ic orders were received here to-night from Governor Candler, addressed to Captain Middleton, of the State rn iii* tia at Valdosta, and Captain Smith of Thomaaville. to report to Sheriff Pat¬ terson at Bainbridge with all your available men at once,'' and to "act strictly under his orders." ataTSBAQB MABDATOBT. The Governor's message is mandato¬ ry. It says:''Go at onoe." The com¬ mercial wires having closed, theae mea«agaa were transmitted over rail¬ road wires from here, and arrange¬ ments were immediately made for spe¬ cial oars on the Plant System to take the troops. The train will arrive at Bainbridge at 8 a. m. The troops are wanted to protect the Sheriff and the jail against the attack of a mob that ia after John, Williams, <colored) who is charged with assault and attempt to rape upon two white girla. Williams entered their room while they were asleep, and had seized one of the girls whsn he was ft ighteu- ed away. A large crowd of country Eeople are in town, and swear they will ave Williams if they have to dynamite the jail. Th* Decatur jail is one of the strongest io the State, fchould an at¬ tack upon it be made before the arrival of the troops, there would probably he bloodaheJ HORRIBLE BKUTALITY. Brinson. Ga , Joly 25 .Charles Meek leader of the gang that has been rob¬ bing and raping in this vicinity, was lynched at Saffold to-day, and his body cut into hundreds of pieces. Mack, af¬ ter being identified, wes taken to the big oak tree near the Ogletree home on which Sammina met his death, and strong up. As his feet left the ground hundreds ef shots from the mob were fired into his body. After he was dead he was taken down and the body cut into email pieces and distributed among tbe mob. which numbered from two to five honored. Mack and Sammina entered the Ogle- tree home, and after robbing the house assaulted Mrs. Ogletree in her hus¬ band'* presence. BADLY WBIPFKD. Bainbridge, Ga., Jnly 26.The mob which r*mm lynched several Negroes wituaa*. vne last few days for complici¬ ty in the Saffold outrage is still abroad looking for the remaining member* of the gang. Ihey located "Kid Jim." one of the culprits, in a hotase near Pinckard, bat be made his escape. Sam Thompson, an old colored man, who harbored him, was severely whipped. Leesbarg, Ga.; July 26.An unknown colored mau, was shot and killed in a remote part of this county yesterday by a posse composed of three men. There were two eolored men in hiding in that vicinity, and they were thought to be members of the Bainbridge gang. iaf-ffoo»rr maw xillsd. G. A. McDonald, who discovered the Colored men, earns to town and re¬ ported the matter. Both tba Sheriff and his deputy being ont of town, Mr. McDonald was advised to gat up a .posse and arrest the colored man. He succeeded in getting W. A. Smith and H. D Sanders to accompany him on the mission. When the Negroes wera approached they showed fight and one of them waa killed, the other getting away. The Coroner's jury haa returned a verdict that the dead man was killed, by shots fired by the three men named in self-defense. Atlanta,Ga., July 26.Will Wright, a eolored man, identified by J. B. Og¬ letree as one of his wife's assaulters, was arrested yesterday at Troy, Ala., and brought to Montgomery for aafe keeping. As a further safeguard Gov. Candler to night ordered ihat the pris oner be brought to Atlanta oe tbe train leaving Montgomery at 6 o'clock ta-morrow morning. Other Mea Butchered. Houston, Tex., July 36..Some two weeks ago a eolored man, was lynahed in Orimes County. Last night a chureh at Fuqua Prairie waa burned by an in¬ cendiary ; suspicion fell on John and Randall Hamilton, eolored. The lat¬ ter was first found and. withe rope around his neek, he eonfeased that John burned theehureh. John waa found at his home, his an¬ swer to a demand for surrender was a volley of buckshot, Yan Wright beiag fatally wounded aad Tuck Moody slightly injured. The colored man, e< caped, beaty wounded, but was recap¬ tured today at noon and *\t once strung up. Ko lu * .li ti trouble is expected Revenge for a former lynching, it ts thought, was the motive of the incen¬ diaries. Denies the Charge. Thomasville, Ga., July 21..John Williams, eolored, was arrested here to-day for an assault on a white wo- nit»n in Decatur County one month agc. He denied that he is guilty of the crime specified, bat admits that he had to leave the eountv because of an assault. Williams was then taken aboard a Plant system train this even¬ ing for Bainbridge. It is feared that in the excitement [attending last night's crime at Saffold, Williams will be lynched upon arrival at Bainbri jge. Mexico, Mo., July 22..Frank Em- bree, the eolored man. charged with assaulting Miss Dougherty, near Ben. ton, Howard county, a few weeks ago, while en route to Fayette to-day to be tried for his crime was taken from of¬ ficers by a mob at Steinmetz and hanged to a tree. The man denied hia guilt. ' rn * oo LYIOHIHO COLORED HRH BYTES WHOLESALE. A Deplorable Condition. Wilmot, Ark., July 2*4..Chick Davis the eolored murderer of Will Grin, a respectable farmer, was lynched here early to-day. He was overtaken in a cornfield and snapped both barrels of his gun at the pursuing party, and was then fired upon by them and instantly killed. A special to the Atlanta Conititution of Sunday from Bainbridge, i^a . aa ya : A coloreu man captured near Iron City last night waa brought to Haff -ld aud identified as one of the assailants of Mrs. J. E. Oglatraa last Thursday night. He was lynched at daylight this morning neac baff-jld. Two other dead colored men were found along (Continued on Fourth Page.) [TROUBLE AT THE SHIRT FACTORY. Colored Girls Find That They Cannot Win There. TOO LITTLE MONEY. Over Two-thirds Leave on Pa}' Day. New Ones Come In, But Not Enough To Fill Vacancies. The Old Dominion Shirt Co.. opened a branch of its factory at 727 North 3rd St. Sewing machines were put in place and run by a 7-horse power gas engine. At its main factory in Manchester, Va., it had much trouble with the white girls on account, it is alleged, of the low wages paid In this ease however, it was adver¬ tised that girls could make from $3 to 16 per week, and it was bu: » short time before 260 colored girls had regis¬ tered their names although only from 40 to 60 were needed. The establishment has been running about three weeks or more and the girls became restless as to the amount of compensation. They were given books in which were placed the result of their labor. On Saturday last they got an idea of how much they would be paid,"which was 31**' cents for sewing twelve pair sleeves, one cent per dozen for hem¬ ming and six cents for making oue dozen shirts, the patterns being cut out before band. As a result of this on Monds/ for two and three weeks' work some of the girls received from 80cts. up to f 1.60, a few received as much aa two dollars. Tuesday morning, out of over forty girls employed, not over ten or twelve reported for work. New ones were sent for and the number on, Wednes¬ day last increased to about twenty, bat there are many vacant spaces at tbe machines. Those who seem to know by experi¬ ence leout the idea of being able to make $3 CO per weex, believing that only an expert could accomplish the teak. The hours of work were from 7 o'clock to half past five, one half hour being allowed for lunch. AT BEA-8LDE PARK* A number of Richmond's citizens went down to Virginia Beach on Mon¬ day week to visit Sea-Side Park. The place only needs to be seen to be ap¬ preciated. Every natural advantage desired is there.good level ground, ocean front, with a beach as desirable as anyon the Atlantic, railroad nearby, pine groves, plenty of clear water con¬ venient, workmen putting up bath¬ houses and other improvements. This offer to the colored people cannot he surpassed,*, acquiring such ^valuable ground at ao little con* Lots are sell¬ ing for $26 each, $2.60 cash aad IOj, per week, payable at the True Bef arm¬ ers' Bank. Mr. Nelson Williams, Jr., had charge of the train and everj body enjoyed themselves and spent a profitable day. The company invites tbe eloaeat in¬ vestigation, of property and plat, of operation. The whole property is well situated and could not bs better for the purpose intended. The party, re¬ ceived every attention from Mr. Sam¬ uel W. Bowman, secretary of Virginia Beach Company, who answered in de- tai] every question asked. Messrs. W. I. Johnson, Sidney Stin¬ ton, 8. Shackleford, Wm. Ellis, Jr.. B. M. Sublatt, Nelson Williams, Jr , Wise Ellis and many others refreshed them¬ selves in the wavea of me Atlantic. Bath houses for ladies will be ready by August 1st. Revs. J. H. Holmes, Z. D. LewkS. W. H. White, Captain B. A Graves, John R. Chiles, A. rV. Hughes, Thomas Smith. Mrs. M. A. Browne, Mrs P.. D. Bowser, Mrs. Joseph Farrar, Mrs. A. W. G. Farrar, Mrs. A. T. Grimes, Mrs. M. A. Cross, Misses L V. Bolling. Annie Hatkins and many others whose names we do not remember were among those who£expres«ed themselves as be¬ ing highly pleased with the situation. Mr. Nelson Williams, Jr., tells us the company desiree to place in Hich¬ mond 500 lots. We have no doubt from what wss seen and from what we have heard that thia end will be attained very soon. Everybody returned to Richmond with a pleasant recollection of a hapDV day spent at Sea-Side Park with privi¬ leges never before offered to eur peo¬ ple. If you are in doubt go down and see for yourself. The committee will try to arrange for August 7th. MASS-MEETING* Odd Fellows in Conference. Tbe second monthly meeting of the Odd Fellows' Conference will be b^ld at the New Odd Fellowa' Hall, 3rd St , Monday, July 31st at 8:80 p m. Every Odd Fellow who wishes the success of the Order is rr quested io come and take a part in the meeting. Subject for a pee i al discussion : "The Past Benefits of ihe Order, iu Present Condition and Foture .'.".ibilitiee." Discussion opened by M. \ P.. il or too Deane, followed by P. M. ¥.. W. O. Turner. Five minutes speeches will theo be allowed on the subj sot under discussion. Let every member come to the meet ing. M. V.' P., R. Brrohir Taylor, President; M. V. P., Biniv Mallort, Sec'y. OLD BANISTER SPEAKS* The First Gun of ths Association. Resolved, That this Association standa by the Virginia Baptist State Convention and that we reaffirm our allegiance thereto. 2nd. That we endorse Virginia Sem¬ inary and ita management, and that we do heartily approve the course per- sued by Prof. G. W. Hayes, that our prayers and money go with the Semi¬ nary for its success. Committee on Resolutions. BAMISTRK OH OO-OPRRATIOK. Resolved. That wa, Tha Banister Baptist Association, endorse "The Co¬ operative Plan," as is understood and accepted by tba Va. Baptist State Con¬ vention, The Home Mission Society, and The Southern Baptist Convention. But ba it distinctly understood that we favor eo-operation only so long aa the Va. Baptist State Convention is or may be a party to tbe contract. F. T. Hrkdrrson. MATTAPONI SUNDAY t CHOC L CONVRKTIOaT arra k -j. The abov? named intelligent body, composed of aome 42 schools in session last week at Beaver Dam, endorsed the Baptist State Convention, tbe National Baptist Convention and the National Baptist Publieation Board, And so the good work mores on. W. F. Gbaham. Y. M. 0. A. ROTES. Meetings in>he city jail were con¬ ducted last Sunday by Brothers James Hernes, George Edwards and Brown. Tbe committee reported 110 boys and men, and 16 girls and women in jail. The boys enjoyed a treat last Sunday Asst. J. J. Spottswood gave them an address that was full of good advice. Subject, "The Truthful Boy." Mr. J. L Philips of Washington. D. C., held ths attention of tha men last Sunday for thirty minutes with an ad¬ dress that all men should have heard. Subject. "True Manhood." We are very proud to know that two of our young men have beea successful in securing appointments for schools in Henrico, Profs. Thos. H. Wyatt and W. H. Morgan both are worthy young men We know their former pupils and friends regret to give them up. We jrish them Ooth mush success. Mr. Edward Ellis, Jr., will address the boys Sunday -i P. X. All boys are invited. B -other J. Y. Harris, one of our faithful workers will address the men Sunday 6:80 P. M. Subject, "Power." Free to ail men Good singing, led by Director O. C. Willinma, accompanied by our organist, Prof. Thomaa H. Wy¬ att. Tell the next man. Our rooms are pleasant.plenty of fans. Our President, Mr. R. T Hill, is much better. We hope to see bim out very soon, -The collector is polite. Pay him promptly pL-a-je. A SOLDIER SPEAKS PLAINLY. CONDITIONS IN CUBA. Colored Officers and the Regulars. NO SIGNS OF DISLOY¬ ALTY. A Stinging Rebuke. The letter bearing date of June 18th, 189©, and signed "Lieutenant, Casual Detachment," discrediting the patri¬ otism and loyalty of our men of the 24th and 25th Infantry, which wai pub lished in the Plamrt. may have been written by a civilian who used the title of'lieutenant" to give weight to his malicious statements; but it is quite likely that the writer used his true title. A RKCKStT APPOlNTBR. If the latter be true the cither in question was without doubt either one ot the recent appointees to commis¬ sions in the Regular Army who has not seen enough service to know any* thing of the colored saldier or by one who is too much of a coward to face the Fillipinos in battle himself snd hopes to keep his regiment at home by harping on tha untrustworthiness ol its men. A CLOAK FOR COWARDICE. To the majority of the read- era of this letter, most of whom bow well know something of the Negro as a soldier, this writer, sheltered under the protecting title of 'lieutenant," ahows how baae ha ean be. It would have been far better had he dispensed with the title, for his more conscientious brother officers feel it their duty to see that titles are not used in the Army aa a doak for cow¬ ardice. A WORD ABOUT THR MAJORS. And be would have the four majors of the 24th and 28th Infantry deatined for the Phillipines to use their influ¬ ence to keep the two regiments in the United States for fear of being shot ? Well, if those four majors are like the majors with whom I have come in con¬ tact, they will do no such thing, and our "lieutenant" will go to the Philli¬ pines unless he oan devise some other m*ana to keep back. I know several officers who were hated by their men about as much as any offloera ara aver hated and went through the Cuban campaign without being shot by their men and are so-day with their regi¬ ments. HO PARTICULAR OBUDOR AOAIRST HIM. I hops the "lieutenant" will not try to influence officers of high rank with the idea that we hold any particular grudge against them. As a rule they are the fairest toward us. Had those holding civil positions been as liberal toward us as have been many of our Army otVicers, many of whom have their haads tied, numbers of our men who endured the hardships of the San¬ tiago campaign would now be holding aubstantial positions in the Govern¬ ment service. But, does not the very way this offi¬ cer goes about making public the dis¬ covery show cowardice? THAT CHARO*. OP DISLOYALTY. Does it not ahow that he is too mueh of a coward to make officially a charge of disloyalty, attach his name and send it to the proper authorities through the proper military channels as lt is his duty t> do? Is it not his sworn duty to make this report? Does it not place him outside of the pale of respect of his brother offlsers to shirk in this manner so important a military duty, and thus change what would properly be an official report into what is very improperly a base slander? True, this ''lieutenant" did not hear himself the words of unpatriotism and disloyalty, but if the words of his in¬ formant were grounds enough for his letter, it should have been grounds for oharges. WILL UPHOLD ""HR NATION'S HONOR. Much as we detest this Fillipino wsr we hope always to uphold the honor of American soldiers, to whom mutiny is a stranger, wherever we be, whether ahooting Cuban bandits or suppressing patriotic Fillipinos. I would say to the "lieutenant" in question it would be far better for him to attend strictly to his duties until be has been in the servioe long enough to know something about the character of the men he has been sent to soso- mand, and not stop to calculate on his .fiances for life when ordered on an er¬ rand of any kind, for if he do his courage will surely fail him ; but if he is really afraid to go to the Philippines resign, resign ! The Regular Army is no place for cowards. Don't try to oljak your cowardice under the Negro's lask of patriotism and loyalty, bat resign anti let lome other brave white man take your place or aome Negro first sergeant will have to lead your company in the fight PaasLY Holliday, 8erg't Troop B. Cavalry. Gibarr, Cuba, July 10. 1899. MR. HUB'S PLAR. A G'.rantic Scheme.An Appeal to the Oslored Folks* Dear Sir :. I would colonize the Negro on indus¬ trial plans which I think oan be accom plished by subscriptions. We are aware of the fact that while we have from eight to ten millions of Negroes in this country, we could raise from five to eight millions of dollars by asking for voluntary subscriptions of ene dol¬ lar or more, as each one teds disposed to give : or tbe following plan could be adopted, for instance, we could form four classes: Class A could give $20 00 each; deas B. $10 06; class (J, $5 00; class D. $1.00. and thus we can reach all conditions. I would that the Bishops au'horiz-> each minister under his charge to act as agent, to rollect money from all the in the Parish in wriahhe lives, and I believe by so doing that in one year the Council oan raise very nearly the amount and we can make arrangements with the True Reform ers to deposit in their bank, and th* money to be used bj the council fer colonisation. TO INVRST IR PROFRHTY. Let the appeal come through the churches to our petiole all over the country made by the Afro-American . 'ouneil. I think that two or three millions of dollars should be invested in pronerty. and colonize it mostly from Mississipni. Georgia, North and South Carolinas, and as many who wiah to migrate from any other part of the country on industrial plana. There will be employment for all trades and professions. Liet us lav out our colony, build in¬ dustrial schools and colleges. Bj thia plan the Negro would have his own colony and could invite capitalists to to invest and we would do well and prosper* I feel that if our leading men would approve of some sn<*h a plan aad agi¬ tate it before our people, they would grasp the idea and very readily fall in with our plans. Great things would be accomplished aad the race problem would be solved, Bkvrrlxy Tibbs, 86 Spring St., Worcester, Maa*. VIOLATED THE LAW. Peculiar Conditions is Hew lork State Ths Proprietor Arrested. Pouohkbrpsir. N. Y., July 25.Thos. Jackson, eolored, today had Harry Tied je brought into court. Tiedje keeps one of the large ice-cream places in this cit/. The charge against him is violating the civil rights law. As a re¬ sult the city is showing signs of race trouble. Jackson is a waiter. He hal a half holiday yeaterday and, with two eolor¬ ed girls, stopped into Tieaje's restaur¬ ant, which was well filled with custom¬ ers. He went tc tha tablfe in the cen¬ tre of the dining room and Tiedje fol¬ lowed. Tied ja is quoted as .having said: "You cannot get ice-cream here. I will sell you ice-cream soda at tbe fountain, but no ice-cream at the ta¬ bles. We do not serva eolored people here." Jackson, who says he has "never be¬ fore suflfc-x'd indignity in public be¬ cause of hia color," was offended. The girls with bim cried and he led them out. Then he returned and aaked for au explanation. Tiedje ssid he had observed the rule of excluding colored people from his tables for years. Jackson consulted lawyers, and ear¬ ly this morning Policeman Charles H. Caae showed Tiedje a warrant for his arrest on a charge of misdemeanor. This bad been issued on the advice of Fred. £ Ackerman and Gains Bolin, the latter a colored lawyer. The law¬ yers went before Recorder Joseph Morsel auber and swore out the war¬ rant. Colored people, of whom there are more than 1.0C0 in the city, are agitat¬ ed about the case. Before the record¬ er Tiedje waived examination and was held for the grand juty in $500 bail. -Did you pay the collector or did you tell him to call again ? Iiave the money ready for him when he returns NOTES FROM WEST POINT. Wrst Point, Va., July 28,1899. Several excursion parties were here last week. Mr. Albert Boyton was here, the guest of Mr. George Allen. Miss Mary White was married to Mr. Yorkey Walker of West Paint T.iesday, 18th inst., at 7:33 o'clock. The? will reaide here. Rev. W. W. Harris is pastor of the F.rst Baptist Church. Rot. Edwards preached Sunday. There was a grand rally at the Ses- ond Baptist Church, Rev. R. J. Bass, pastor. Rev. W. H. Stakes preached in able sermon. Amount raised wss )2f.79. Mr. C. C. Williams visited here last Sunday also Miss M. E, Lucas. THE PROGRAM ~~ FOR CHICAGO. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AFRO-AMERICAN COUNCIL. Live Topics of Special Race Interest to be Discussed by Speakers of Wide spread Reputa¬ tion. The following program haa been ar¬ ranged for the annual meeting of tbe Afro-American Council, to be held August 17.18 and 19, 1899, at Bethel Church, Chicago: Thuraday, 17th. 10 A. M..Opening prayer, Bishop C R. Harris, D. D., Sal¬ isbury, N. C. Roll call of members. Seoretarj of Council. Welcome ad¬ dress to the city by the mayor, Hon. Carter Harrison ; on behalf of the pul¬ pit, Rer. R.e. Ransom, D. D., Chicago ; on behalf of the people, A. H. Roberts , Esq, Chicago. Responses: Bishop H. M. Tamer. D. D , LL. D.. Atlanta; Mra. Josephine St. P. Bullio, Boston ; Kev. E C. Morris, Helena, Ark.; Hos. George H. White, M. C. Addresa of the pietident, Bishop A. Walters, D.D. Report of secretary. Mea. Ida B. Wella Barnett. Treaaurer'a report, John ff. Thompson. Appointment of commit¬ tees. Report of committee on creden¬ tials. Report nf literary bureau. »x- Governor Pinchback. chairman. Dis¬ cussion of report: Prof. Peter H. Clark. St. Louis; Mrs. Josephine T. Wash¬ ington, Birmingham. Ala.; Hon. BL. C. Smith, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Fan¬ nie Barrier Williams. Muaie. "Busi¬ ness Enterprises or the Race and How to Foster Them," by Prof. W. E. B. DuBois, A. M., Atlanta; Biahop B. W. Arness, D. D.. Wilberforce, Ohio; Mr. Warren C. Coleman. Concord, N. C.; Hon James Hill, Jackson, Miss.; W. R. Pettiford, Birmingham, Ala. Gen¬ eral discussion by the delegates. Friday, 10 A. M..Devotional exer¬ cises. Report of Emigration Bureau*. Robt. Pelham, Detroit. Mich. Discus¬ sion of paper. Hon. H. P. Cheatham, Isiah T. Montgomery, Bishop H. M. Turner* Friday. 2 P. M..Prajer. Routine Business "How Shall the Council be Sustained?" paper by Robert H. Ter¬ rell. Washington, D. C. Discussionr T. Thomas Fortune, New York; Biahop A. Grant, D. D , Philadelphia; J. B. Bruce, Albany; Dr. N, F. Mosed], Philadelphia; G. W. Lee, Washington ; R r\f. Thompson, Indianapolis. Friday 8 P. M..Report of Legisla¬ tive Bureau by Mr. Daniel Murray. Washington, D C. "Phases of Work,** ."Disfranchisement," P. L. Barnett, Chicago. "Separate Cor ch Lew," Hon. Judson W. Lyons, Register of the Treasury, Hon. George H. White ; 'Convict Lease System, Mrs. C. O. Keeler. "Lynch Law in America,** John Mitchell, Jr , Richmond, Va. Dis - suasion : J. R Clifford, HTest Virginia ; Mrs. I. B Wella Barnett, Mrs. W. E. Henderson, late of Wilmington, N. C. ''Hardships of the Colored Laborers who are* Transported from the Sooth to Work in the Northern Mire*." Rev. H.T Johnson, D. D. Camden.N. J. Saturday. 10 A. M.."Brst System of Education Needed for the Race," Prof. Keller Miller, Washington ; Miss M&riav Baldwin, Cambridge, Mais. ; Mrs .{A. J. Cooper. Washington; Prof. S G. At¬ kins Winston, N. C. ; Miss Washing¬ ton. "Moral Training.Its Needs and Methods." Bishop G W. Clinton, D. D., Charlotte, N. C. ; H. T. Kealing. Waco, Texas; Mrs, J. 3ilone Yates, K-vnsas City, Mo. Saturday. 2 P. M.."Home Train¬ ing," Mrs. Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee, Ala.; Rev. W. Bishop John¬ son, Washington ; Miss Joanna Moore, Nashville, Tenn.; Mrs. Mary Church Terrell, Mrs. Julia Mason Layton, Washington, D. C. "Afro American Daily," W. A. Pledger. Atlanta. Ga. Discussion: J. F. Taylor, Salt Lake City, Utah ; J. C. Danoy.Salisbury. N. C*; J. W. Henderson, Providence, R. I.; G. L. Knox, Indiansapoli, Ind.; William H. Ferris, Boston; E. E. Cooper. Washington ; I. E. Scott, New Orleans, Charles Alexander, Hunte** ville, Ala. Principal speakers will be allowed SO minutes. Those appointed to discus* subjects, 15 minutes; others 5 minutes. Address to the Country.Committee : W. A. Pledger, Peter H. Clark, H. C. Smith, Bishop J. W. Hood, D. D., Mra. Booker T. Washington, F. L. Barnett, I. F. Bradley, J. Frank Blagburn, Lu¬ cy Mofcen, W. H. Steward, T. B. Mc*> ton, T. Thomas Fortune, P B. 8. Pinch back, H. P. Johnson, J. Silone Yatee. Jp*,?"'Red used rates on the certifi¬ cate plan have bjen secured on all railroads. -Don't be borrowing the Pi,After. Hav* it seit to your door. It ii cheap enough, Oaly T> 1.60 per year.


Apr 06, 2020



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THE MOBS' WILL VIRTUALLY SUPREME.The Sheriffs are Helpless, the Governors are Im¬

potent and the President of the UnitedStates Silent,

COLORED MEN SLAUGHTERED.A Terrible Scene of Carnage.Some Nation

Might Well Interfere "in the Interestof Humanity."

Atlahta, Ga., July 36 .GovernorCandler to-night rfoeired the follow¬ing message from Sheriff Patterson ofDecatur county, at Bainbridge, Ga:"Town in the hands of a xuob. Senda<d quiek."Governor Candler at once ordered

the State militia stationed at Valdoitaand Thornair il le to proceed with allhaste to Bainbridge.Savannah, Ga*, Joly 26 .Telegraph¬

ic orders were received here to-nightfrom Governor Candler, addressed toCaptain Middleton, of the State rn iii*tia at Valdosta, and Captain Smith ofThomaaville. to report to Sheriff Pat¬terson at Bainbridge with all youravailable men at once,'' and to "actstrictly under his orders."


The Governor's message is mandato¬ry. It says:''Go at onoe." The com¬mercial wires having closed, theaemea«agaa were transmitted over rail¬road wires from here, and arrange¬ments were immediately made for spe¬cial oars on the Plant System to takethe troops. The train will arrive atBainbridge at 8 a. m.The troops are wanted to protect the

Sheriff and the jail against the attackof a mob that ia after John, Williams,<colored) who is charged with assaultand attempt to rape upon two whitegirla. Williams entered their roomwhile they were asleep, and had seizedone of the girls whsn he was ftighteu-ed away. A large crowd of countryEeople are in town, and swear they willave Williams if they have to dynamite

the jail. Th* Decatur jail is one of thestrongest io the State, fchould an at¬tack upon it be made before the arrivalof the troops, there would probably hebloodaheJ


Brinson. Ga , Joly 25 .Charles Meekleader of the gang that has been rob¬bing and raping in this vicinity, waslynched at Saffold to-day, and his bodycut into hundreds of pieces. Mack, af¬ter being identified, wes taken to thebig oak tree near the Ogletree home onwhich Sammina met his death, andstrong up. As his feet left the groundhundreds ef shots from the mob werefired into his body. After he was deadhe was taken down and the body cutinto email pieces and distributedamong tbe mob. which numbered fromtwo to five honored.Mack and Sammina entered the Ogle-

tree home, and after robbing the houseassaulted Mrs. Ogletree in her hus¬band'* presence.


Bainbridge, Ga., Jnly 26.The mobwhich r*mm lynched several Negroeswituaa*. vne last few days for complici¬ty in the Saffold outrage is still abroadlooking for the remaining member* ofthe gang. Ihey located "Kid Jim."one of the culprits, in a hotase nearPinckard, bat be made his escape.Sam Thompson, an old colored man,who harbored him, was severelywhipped.Leesbarg, Ga.; July 26.An unknown

colored mau, was shot and killed in aremote part of this county yesterdayby a posse composed of three men.There were two eolored men in hidingin that vicinity, and they were thoughtto be members of the Bainbridge gang.

iaf-ffoo»rr maw xillsd.G. A. McDonald, who discovered the

Colored men, earns to town and re¬ported the matter. Both tba Sheriffand his deputy being ont of town, Mr.McDonald was advised to gat up a.posse and arrest the colored man. He

succeeded in getting W. A. Smith andH. D Sanders to accompany him onthe mission. When the Negroes weraapproached they showed fight and oneof them waa killed, the other gettingaway.The Coroner's jury haa returned a

verdict that the dead man was killed,by shots fired by the three men namedin self-defense.Atlanta,Ga., July 26.Will Wright,

a eolored man, identified by J. B. Og¬letree as one of his wife's assaulters,was arrested yesterday at Troy, Ala.,and brought to Montgomery for aafekeeping. As a further safeguard Gov.Candler to night ordered ihat the prisoner be brought to Atlanta oe tbetrain leaving Montgomery at 6 o'clockta-morrow morning.

Other Mea Butchered.Houston, Tex., July 36..Some two

weeks ago a eolored man, was lynahedin Orimes County. Last night a churehat Fuqua Prairie waa burned by an in¬cendiary ; suspicion fell on John andRandall Hamilton, eolored. The lat¬ter was first found and. withe ropearound his neek, he eonfeased that Johnburned theehureh.John waa found at his home, his an¬

swer to a demand for surrender was avolley of buckshot, Yan Wright beiagfatally wounded aad Tuck Moodyslightly injured. The colored man, e<caped, beaty wounded, but was recap¬tured today at noon and *\t once strungup. Ko lu * .liti trouble is expectedRevenge for a former lynching, it tsthought, was the motive of the incen¬diaries.

Denies the Charge.Thomasville, Ga., July 21..John

Williams, eolored, was arrested hereto-day for an assault on a white wo-nit»n in Decatur County one monthagc. He denied that he is guilty ofthe crime specified, bat admits that hehad to leave the eountv because of anassault. Williams was then takenaboard a Plant system train this even¬ing for Bainbridge. It is feared thatin the excitement [attending lastnight's crime at Saffold, Williams willbe lynched upon arrival at Bainbri jge.

Mexico, Mo., July 22..Frank Em-bree, the eolored man. charged withassaulting Miss Dougherty, near Ben.ton, Howard county, a few weeks ago,while en route to Fayette to-day to betried for his crime was taken from of¬ficers by a mob at Steinmetz andhanged to a tree. The man denied hiaguilt.

' rn * oo


A Deplorable Condition.

Wilmot, Ark., July 2*4..Chick Davisthe eolored murderer of Will Grin, arespectable farmer, was lynched hereearly to-day. He was overtaken in acornfield and snapped both barrels ofhis gun at the pursuing party, and wasthen fired upon by them and instantlykilled.

A special to the Atlanta Conititutionof Sunday from Bainbridge, i^a . aa ya :A coloreu man captured near Iron Citylast night waa brought to Haff -ld audidentified as one of the assailants ofMrs. J. E. Oglatraa last Thursdaynight. He was lynched at daylightthis morning neac baff-jld. Two otherdead colored men were found along

(Continued on Fourth Page.)


Colored Girls Find ThatThey Cannot Win There.


Over Two-thirds Leave on

Pa}' Day.New Ones Come In, But Not Enough

To Fill Vacancies.

The Old Dominion Shirt Co.. openeda branch of its factory at 727 North 3rdSt. Sewing machines were put in placeand run by a 7-horse power gas engine.At its main factory in Manchester, Va.,it had much trouble with the whitegirls on account, it is alleged, of thelow wages paidIn this ease however, it was adver¬

tised that girls could make from $3 to16 per week, and it was bu: » shorttime before 260 colored girls had regis¬tered their names although only from40 to 60 were needed.The establishment has been runningabout three weeks or more and the

girls became restless as to the amountof compensation. They were givenbooks in which were placed the resultof their labor.On Saturday last they got an idea

of how much they would be paid,"whichwas 31**' cents for sewing twelve pairsleeves, one cent per dozen for hem¬ming and six cents for making ouedozen shirts, the patterns being cutout before band.As a result of this on Monds/ for two

and three weeks' work some of thegirls received from 80cts. up to f1.60,a few received as much aa two dollars.Tuesday morning, out of over fortygirls employed, not over ten or twelve

reported for work. New ones weresent for and the number on, Wednes¬day last increased to about twenty,bat there are many vacant spaces attbe machines.Those who seem to know by experi¬

ence leout the idea of being able tomake $3 CO per weex, believing thatonly an expert could accomplish theteak.The hours of work were from 7

o'clock to half past five, one half hourbeing allowed for lunch.

AT BEA-8LDE PARK*A number of Richmond's citizens

went down to Virginia Beach on Mon¬day week to visit Sea-Side Park. Theplace only needs to be seen to be ap¬preciated. Every natural advantagedesired is there.good level ground,ocean front, with a beach as desirableas anyon the Atlantic, railroad nearby,pine groves, plenty of clear water con¬venient, workmen putting up bath¬houses and other improvements.This offer to the colored people cannot

he surpassed,*, acquiring such ^valuableground at ao little con* Lots are sell¬ing for $26 each, $2.60 cash aad IOj,per week, payable at the True Befarm¬ers' Bank.Mr. Nelson Williams, Jr., had chargeof the train and everj body enjoyed

themselves and spent a profitable day.The company invites tbe eloaeat in¬vestigation, of property and plat, of

operation. The whole property is wellsituated and could not bs better forthe purpose intended. The party, re¬ceived every attention from Mr. Sam¬uel W. Bowman, secretary of VirginiaBeach Company, who answered in de-tai] every question asked.Messrs. W. I. Johnson, Sidney Stin¬

ton, 8. Shackleford, Wm. Ellis, Jr.. B.M. Sublatt, Nelson Williams, Jr , WiseEllis and many others refreshed them¬selves in the wavea of me Atlantic.Bath houses for ladies will be readyby August 1st.Revs. J. H. Holmes, Z. D. LewkS. W.H. White, Captain B. A Graves, JohnR. Chiles, A. rV. Hughes, ThomasSmith. Mrs. M. A. Browne, Mrs P.. D.Bowser, Mrs. Joseph Farrar, Mrs. A.W. G. Farrar, Mrs. A. T. Grimes,Mrs. M. A. Cross, Misses L V. Bolling.Annie Hatkins and many others whose

names wedo not remember were amongthose who£expres«ed themselves as be¬ing highly pleased with the situation.Mr. Nelson Williams, Jr., tells usthe company desiree to place in Hich¬

mond 500 lots. We have no doubt fromwhat wss seen and from what we haveheard that thia end will be attainedvery soon.Everybody returned to Richmondwith a pleasant recollection of a hapDVday spent at Sea-Side Park with privi¬leges never before offered to eur peo¬ple. If you are in doubt go down and

see for yourself. The committee willtry to arrange for August 7th.


Odd Fellows in Conference.

Tbe second monthly meeting of theOdd Fellows' Conference will be b^ldat the New Odd Fellowa' Hall, 3rd St ,Monday, July 31st at 8:80 p m.Every Odd Fellow who wishes the

success of the Order is rr quested iocome and take a part in the meeting.Subject for apeei al discussion : "ThePast Benefits of ihe Order, iu PresentCondition and Foture .'.".ibilitiee."Discussion opened by M. \ P.. ilortooDeane, followed by P. M. ¥.. W. O.Turner. Five minutes speeches willtheo be allowed on the subj sot underdiscussion.Let every member come to the meet

ing.M. V.' P., R. Brrohir Taylor,

President;M. V. P., Biniv Mallort, Sec'y.


The First Gun ofths Association.

Resolved, That this Associationstanda by the Virginia Baptist StateConvention and that we reaffirm ourallegiance thereto.2nd. That we endorse Virginia Sem¬

inary and ita management, and thatwe do heartily approve the course per-sued by Prof. G. W. Hayes, that ourprayers and money go with the Semi¬nary for its success.

Committee on Resolutions.BAMISTRK OH OO-OPRRATIOK.

Resolved. That wa, Tha BanisterBaptist Association, endorse "The Co¬operative Plan," as is understood andaccepted by tba Va. Baptist State Con¬vention, The Home Mission Society,and The Southern Baptist Convention.But ba it distinctly understood that wefavor eo-operation only so long aa theVa. Baptist State Convention is or maybe a party to tbe contract.


arra k -j.

The abov? named intelligent body,composed of aome 42 schools in sessionlast week at Beaver Dam, endorsed theBaptist State Convention, tbe NationalBaptist Convention and the NationalBaptist Publieation Board, And sothe good work mores on.

W. F. Gbaham.

Y. M. 0. A. ROTES.

Meetings in>he city jail were con¬ducted last Sunday by Brothers JamesHernes, George Edwards and Brown.Tbe committee reported 110 boys andmen, and 16 girls and women in jail.The boys enjoyed a treat last SundayAsst. J. J. Spottswood gave them anaddress that was full of good advice.Subject, "The Truthful Boy."Mr. J. L Philips of Washington. D.C., held ths attention of tha men lastSunday for thirty minutes with an ad¬dress that all men should have heard.Subject. "True Manhood."We are very proud to know that twoof our young men have beea successful

in securing appointments for schoolsin Henrico, Profs. Thos. H. Wyatt andW. H. Morgan both are worthy youngmen We know their former pupilsand friends regret to give them up.We jrish them Ooth mush success.Mr. Edward Ellis, Jr., will address

the boys Sunday -i P. X. All boys areinvited.B -other J. Y. Harris, one of our

faithful workers will address the menSunday 6:80 P. M. Subject, "Power."Free to ail men Good singing, led byDirector O. C. Willinma, accompaniedby our organist, Prof. Thomaa H. Wy¬att. Tell the next man. Our roomsare pleasant.plenty of fans.Our President, Mr. R. T Hill, is

much better. We hope to see bim outvery soon,

-The collector is polite. Pay himpromptly pL-a-je.



Colored Officers and theRegulars.


A Stinging Rebuke.

The letter bearing date of June 18th,189©, and signed "Lieutenant, CasualDetachment," discrediting the patri¬otism and loyalty of our men of the24th and 25th Infantry, which wai published in the Plamrt. may have beenwritten by a civilian who used the titleof'lieutenant" to give weight to hismalicious statements; but it is quitelikely that the writer used his truetitle.


If the latter be true the cither inquestion was without doubt either oneot the recent appointees to commis¬sions in the Regular Army who hasnot seen enough service to know any*thing of the colored saldier or by onewho is too much of a coward to facethe Fillipinos in battle himself sndhopes to keep his regiment at home byharping on tha untrustworthiness olits men.


To the majority of the read-era of this letter, most ofwhom bow well know something ofthe Negro as a soldier, this writer,sheltered under the protecting title of'lieutenant," ahows how baae ha eanbe. It would have been far better hadhe dispensed with the title, for hismore conscientious brother officers feelit their duty to see that titles are notused in the Army aa a doak for cow¬ardice.


And be would have the four majorsof the 24th and 28th Infantry deatinedfor the Phillipines to use their influ¬ence to keep the two regiments in theUnited States for fear of being shot ?Well, if those four majors are like themajors with whom I have come in con¬tact, they will do no such thing, andour "lieutenant" will go to the Philli¬pines unless he oan devise some otherm*ana to keep back. I know severalofficers who were hated by their menabout as much as any offloera ara averhated and went through the Cubancampaign without being shot by theirmen and are so-day with their regi¬ments.


I hops the "lieutenant" will not tryto influence officers of high rank withthe idea that we hold any particulargrudge against them. As a rule theyare the fairest toward us. Had thoseholding civil positions been as liberaltoward us as have been many of ourArmy otVicers, many of whom havetheir haads tied, numbers of our menwho endured the hardships of the San¬tiago campaign would now be holdingaubstantial positions in the Govern¬ment service.But, does not the very way this offi¬

cer goes about making public the dis¬covery show cowardice?


Does it not ahow that he is too muehof a coward to make officially a chargeof disloyalty, attach his name and sendit to the proper authorities throughthe proper military channels as lt ishis duty t> do? Is it not hissworn duty to make this report? Doesit not place him outside of the pale ofrespect of his brother offlsers to shirkin this manner so important a militaryduty, and thus change what wouldproperly be an official report into whatis very improperly a base slander?True, this ''lieutenant" did not hearhimself the words of unpatriotism anddisloyalty, but if the words of his in¬formant were grounds enough for hisletter, it should have been grounds foroharges.

WILL UPHOLD ""HR NATION'S HONOR.Much as we detest this Fillipino wsr

we hope always to uphold the honor ofAmerican soldiers, to whom mutiny isa stranger, wherever we be, whetherahooting Cuban bandits or suppressingpatriotic Fillipinos.

I would say to the "lieutenant" inquestion it would be far better for himto attend strictly to his duties until behas been in the servioe long enough toknow something about the characterof the men he has been sent to soso-mand, and not stop to calculate on his.fiances for life when ordered on an er¬rand of any kind, for if he do hiscourage will surely fail him ; but if heis really afraid to go to the Philippinesresign, resign ! The Regular Army is noplace for cowards.Don't try to oljak your cowardiceunder the Negro's lask of patriotismand loyalty, bat resign anti let lome

other brave white man take your placeor aome Negro first sergeant will haveto lead your company in the fight

PaasLY Holliday,8erg't Troop B. Cavalry.Gibarr, Cuba, July 10. 1899.


A G'.rantic Scheme.An Appeal to theOslored Folks*

Dear Sir :.I would colonize the Negro on indus¬

trial plans which I think oan be accomplished by subscriptions. We areaware of the fact that while we havefrom eight to ten millions of Negroesin this country, we could raise from fiveto eight millions of dollars by askingfor voluntary subscriptions of ene dol¬lar or more, as each one teds disposedto give : or tbe following plan could beadopted, for instance, we could formfour classes: Class A could give $20 00each; deas B. $10 06; class (J, $5 00;class D. $1.00. and thus we can reachall conditions.

I would that the Bishops au'horiz->each minister under his charge to actas agent, to rollect money from all in the Parish in wriahhelives, and I believe by so doing that inone year the Council oan raise verynearly the amount and we can makearrangements with the True Reformers to deposit in their bank, and th*money to be used bj the council fercolonisation.


Let the appeal come through thechurches to our petiole all over thecountry made by the Afro-American. 'ouneil. I think that two or threemillions of dollars should be investedin pronerty. and colonize it mostlyfrom Mississipni. Georgia, North andSouth Carolinas, and as many whowiah to migrate from any other part ofthe country on industrial plana. Therewill be employment for all trades andprofessions.

Liet us lav out our colony, build in¬dustrial schools and colleges. Bj thiaplan the Negro would have his owncolony and could invite capitalists toto invest and we would do well andprosper*

I feel that if our leading men wouldapprove of some sn<*h a plan aad agi¬tate it before our people, they wouldgrasp the idea and very readily fall inwith our plans. Great things would beaccomplished aad the race problemwould be solved,

Bkvrrlxy Tibbs,86 Spring St., Worcester, Maa*.


Peculiar Conditions is Hew lork StateThs Proprietor Arrested.

Pouohkbrpsir. N. Y., July 25.Thos.Jackson, eolored, today had HarryTied je brought into court. Tiedje keepsone of the large ice-cream places inthis cit/. The charge against him isviolating the civil rights law. As a re¬sult the city is showing signs of racetrouble.Jackson is a waiter. He hal a half

holiday yeaterday and, with two eolor¬ed girls, stopped into Tieaje's restaur¬ant, which was well filled with custom¬ers. He went tc tha tablfe in the cen¬tre of the dining room and Tiedje fol¬lowed. Tiedja is quoted as .havingsaid: "You cannot get ice-cream here.I will sell you ice-cream soda at tbefountain, but no ice-cream at the ta¬bles. We do not serva eolored peoplehere."Jackson, who says he has "never be¬

fore suflfc-x'd indignity in public be¬cause of hia color," was offended. Thegirls with bim cried and he led themout. Then he returned and aaked forau explanation. Tiedje ssid he hadobserved the rule of excluding coloredpeople from his tables for years.Jackson consulted lawyers, and ear¬ly this morning Policeman Charles H.Caae showed Tiedje a warrant for hisarrest on a charge of misdemeanor.This bad been issued on the advice ofFred. £ Ackerman and Gains Bolin,the latter a colored lawyer. The law¬yers went before Recorder JosephMorsel auber and swore out the war¬rant.Colored people, of whom there are

more than 1.0C0 in the city, are agitat¬ed about the case. Before the record¬er Tiedje waived examination and washeld for the grand juty in $500 bail.

-Did you pay the collector or didyou tell him to call again ? Iiave themoney ready for him when he returns


Wrst Point, Va., July 28,1899.Several excursion parties were here

last week. Mr. Albert Boyton washere, the guest of Mr. George Allen.Miss Mary White was married to

Mr. Yorkey Walker of West PaintT.iesday, 18th inst., at 7:33 o'clock.The? will reaide here.Rev. W. W. Harris is pastor of the

F.rst Baptist Church. Rot. Edwardspreached Sunday.There was a grand rally at the Ses-

ond Baptist Church, Rev. R. J. Bass,pastor. Rev. W. H. Stakes preachedin able sermon. Amount raised wss)2f.79.Mr. C. C. Williams visited here lastSunday also Miss M. E, Lucas.




Live Topics of Special RaceInterest to be Discussedby Speakers of Wide

spread Reputa¬tion.

The following program haa been ar¬ranged for the annual meeting of tbeAfro-American Council, to be heldAugust 17.18 and 19, 1899, at BethelChurch, Chicago:Thuraday, 17th. 10 A. M..Opening

prayer, Bishop C R. Harris, D. D., Sal¬isbury, N. C. Roll call of members.Seoretarj of Council. Welcome ad¬dress to the city by the mayor, Hon.Carter Harrison ; on behalf of the pul¬pit, Rer. R.e. Ransom, D. D., Chicago ;on behalf of the people, A. H. Roberts ,

Esq, Chicago. Responses: Bishop H.M. Tamer. D. D , LL. D.. Atlanta;Mra. Josephine St. P. Bullio, Boston ;Kev. E C. Morris, Helena, Ark.; Hos.George H. White, M. C. Addresa ofthe pietident, Bishop A. Walters, D.D.Report of secretary. Mea. Ida B. WellaBarnett. Treaaurer'a report, John ff.Thompson. Appointment of commit¬tees. Report of committee on creden¬tials. Report nf literary bureau. »x-Governor Pinchback. chairman. Dis¬cussion of report: Prof. Peter H. Clark.St. Louis; Mrs. Josephine T. Wash¬ington, Birmingham. Ala.; Hon. BL.C. Smith, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Fan¬nie Barrier Williams. Muaie. "Busi¬ness Enterprises or the Race and Howto Foster Them," by Prof. W. E. B.DuBois, A. M., Atlanta; Biahop B. W.Arness, D. D.. Wilberforce, Ohio; Mr.Warren C. Coleman. Concord, N. C.;Hon James Hill, Jackson, Miss.; W.R. Pettiford, Birmingham, Ala. Gen¬eral discussion by the delegates.Friday, 10 A. M..Devotional exer¬cises. Report of Emigration Bureau*.Robt. Pelham, Detroit. Mich. Discus¬sion of paper. Hon. H. P. Cheatham,Isiah T. Montgomery, Bishop H. M.Turner*Friday. 2 P. M..Prajer. RoutineBusiness "How Shall the Council beSustained?" paper by Robert H. Ter¬rell. Washington, D. C. DiscussionrT. Thomas Fortune, NewYork; BiahopA. Grant, D. D , Philadelphia; J. B.Bruce, Albany; Dr. N, F. Mosed],Philadelphia; G. W. Lee, Washington ;R r\f. Thompson, Indianapolis.Friday 8 P. M..Report of Legisla¬tive Bureau by Mr. Daniel Murray.Washington, D C. "Phases of Work,**."Disfranchisement," P. L. Barnett,Chicago. "Separate Corch Lew,"Hon. Judson W. Lyons, Register ofthe Treasury, Hon. George H. White ;'Convict Lease System, Mrs. C. O.Keeler. "Lynch Law in America,**John Mitchell, Jr , Richmond, Va. Dis -

suasion : J. R Clifford, HTest Virginia ;Mrs. I. B Wella Barnett, Mrs. W. E.Henderson, late of Wilmington, N. C.''Hardships of the Colored Laborerswho are* Transported from the Soothto Work in the Northern Mire*." Rev.H.T Johnson, D. D. Camden.N. J.Saturday. 10 A. M.."Brst System of

Education Needed for the Race," Prof.Keller Miller, Washington ; Miss M&riavBaldwin, Cambridge, Mais. ; Mrs .{A. J.Cooper. Washington; Prof. S G. At¬kins Winston, N. C. ; Miss Washing¬ton. "Moral Training.Its Needs andMethods." Bishop G W. Clinton, D.D., Charlotte, N. C. ; H. T. Kealing.Waco, Texas; Mrs, J. 3ilone Yates,K-vnsas City, Mo.Saturday. 2 P. M.."Home Train¬

ing," Mrs. Booker T. Washington,Tuskegee, Ala.; Rev. W. Bishop John¬son, Washington ; Miss Joanna Moore,Nashville, Tenn.; Mrs. Mary ChurchTerrell, Mrs. Julia Mason Layton,Washington, D. C. "Afro AmericanDaily," W. A. Pledger. Atlanta. Ga.Discussion: J. F. Taylor, Salt LakeCity, Utah ; J. C. Danoy.Salisbury. N.C*; J. W. Henderson, Providence, R.I.; G. L. Knox, Indiansapoli, Ind.;William H. Ferris, Boston; E. E.Cooper. Washington ; I. E. Scott, NewOrleans, Charles Alexander, Hunte**ville, Ala.Principal speakers will be allowed SO

minutes. Those appointed to discus*subjects, 15 minutes; others 5 minutes.Address to the Country.Committee :W. A. Pledger, Peter H. Clark, H. C.Smith, Bishop J. W. Hood, D. D., Mra.Booker T. Washington, F. L. Barnett,I. F. Bradley, J. Frank Blagburn, Lu¬

cy Mofcen, W. H. Steward, T. B. Mc*>ton, T. Thomas Fortune, P B. 8. Pinchback, H. P. Johnson, J. Silone Yatee.

Jp*,?"'Red used rates on the certifi¬cate plan have bjen secured on allrailroads.

-Don't be borrowing the Pi,After.Hav* it seit to your door. It ii cheapenough, Oaly T> 1.60 per year.