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ry <&flt &otrtJifrit ' t,' JWZLfM \ GREENVILLE, S* C. WKDKE8BAT, HBXVAKY 9, 1970. THE EHTEBPBISE. i Enlargement on the 9th February i .Hew Heading .A Double Cir- i culation. JR < Next week, which will bo the 9th February, ] we expect to appear before ear readers, in an enlarg«l and otherwise ia proved foras. Tie addition of space wilt be considerable, giving oa mora room to devote to our readers. uur patrons will (bus tea that we are working for them with all our might and main, and wo uk them lo reward ut accordingI/. TU proprietora barn tbe midnight lamp in their ecr- ' viee and tax their anargiaa to the utmost. J The subscription price of the Emterpri»« re> J mains nncbangod at two dollars a joar, which I we think is aery cheap, and wo hopo to tnaVe I np the differooce by additions to our list, now I very handsome. ] To Adrortisrrs. On the snme date. Ys will issue a Double Circulation, for grstaitouB dii» j tribution in Qrocnvilio, sending aleo to tbo < contiguous pott offices in the adjoining Court- ties of Aoderaon, Pickens, Spartaaburg, gad Western North Carolina. A rare opportunity for advertisers. <! » The Bchool BUI. The School Bill before the Legislature of this State, lias some very good provisions and some very ol-jectiooable. The control of the education of the children of tbe State is, by the provisions of tbe Bill, Indirectly vested in the Governor, aod the peo- plo will have no influence or power over j the teachers of their children. We any the power is vested in the Governor, who tney turn out to be an Infldel, or Mormon, or Fourierite, or any sort of moral or political monster, and yet, by the power nnconatitu- < tionally given to him, he may control every 1 eingie tree scnooi in every County In tlie entire Slate. There is a monarchey established by the Rill in the training and edu- J cation of the children of the people. The 4 citizens of a County or Township will be t obliged to aubniit to just such teachers and 1 instructors as the Governor and his creatures may select. This ia eaaly piovoJ. The State Constitution requires eacli County to ] elect one School Commissioner to have l charge of the publie schools, and seems « plainly to intend that this most important I dutj* eliall he discharged hy officers select- ed by the people; but lul ibis School Rill * authorizes the Governor to appoint, in each F County, two persons to act with the School Commissioner as a Board of Education, and thus gives the servants of the Governor a e majority in every County Board. They a are to select and remove teachers, and do c nil other things in eonlrol of the schools.. v This is the legislation of a body calling 1 itself to on« single * man the right to mould the minds and mo- ' rals, and religion, perhaps, of the children of the people. Incendiaries Arrested. The frequent act* of incendiarism, which ( have alarmed our City for months past, ar roused ilia active vigilance of the author! 1 ties, and means of detection were adopted that have at last proved efficient in overhauling the alleged perpetrators. On Fri. day evening last, some were detected in the ( very not of firing the stables on the premises of Mi8. Divia, near the Methodist * Church. The fire was extinguished without difficulty. Next morning three negroes, } Gilbert Milebe), Charley Moore and Nelson % Jenkins, charged with this and other nets of the same kind: wore »-m«i«<1 ' . ' *' ried before Magistrate Bacon and commit- P ted to jail. Another, named Pinckney Ed- u ward# alias MeKalroy, implicated, was ar rested on Monday at Spartanburg C. H. by , Capt II. II- Hicks, of Charleston, who went V thers for the purpose. Captain Hicks lias been lending his valuable aid In detecting j the incendiaries. Mayor J onus and the City Council do serve great credit for their exertions in prosecuting measures for detecting the criminals. A reward of $800 had been offered by tha City Couneil for a discovery and proof to eonvict; and tha Mayor applied in person to Gov. Scott, who was induced to offer, very properly, s reward of $600. Let who ever is guilty, suffer ilia punishment meiited by such horrible crime. A Farmers' Club for Greenville Counfy' in We are pleased to see that soma of our pros greesivo and mast enlightened farmers have re determined to organise a Farmers' Club for this County, and haro given a notice, which " appears in our columns, of a meeting on saia- tb day next for that purpose. We hop* tha o( meeting wilt be well attended. It is a remark able fact that decided improvements in term- r< ing in modern times have always beea asaoci- h ated with if not preceded by tbeae farmers' clubs or societies. Every friend of farming who wishes to learn, or who has the liberality «< of soul to desire to aid his fellow citisous, (| should join the Club. They will find it prof- ... itable in every way to mako them better farm- ' era and better men, by the interchange of in- pi formation in the praetirn! operations which en belong to their pursuit. Again we urge agea- eral attendance on sale»day of ail wbo ean conveniently come to tbe City. . .- el The Wanda. a< We hare received a pamphlet of tbsAfando a1 Mining any Manufacturing Company, con- |f taining advertisement of the Wando Fertiliscr, of which Mr. Junius C. Skits, of this *' City, ia agent, and of whom a copy can be ob- d taincd. f, Tbis Company offers tbo following pre mi urns, through the South Carolina Agricultural ° Society, no commercial manure to be used ex' cept tbe Vfando; vie: - . For the best yield of unland cotton, from ten acres of land, five hundred dollars. For the boat yield of oofn, from ten aerea of t; land, one hundred do] tara.' For the brat f.old of small grain, from ten acres of land, one hand red dollars. h Cotton Stealing. h A bale of gotten belonging to Mr. Puilk- p wait Jlt rr, of thfa County, wbieh was lying in the wagon yard of Jfesars, A Mo- 8 IlRtaa, was stolen one night last week. Tbe It thief a negro named Perry Hodge, was arrest- tj rd ea Saturday by Sharif Vicunas, amd tonmitted to Jail, aereral others are auppoeed to " be implicated. The eeMsn waa carried e mile R or two up the Buncombe road and the-"bale g( itivided amongst the rogaes j a pert of it only has been reeoreMd. " a , enlvsu I i ' ' m tr'ffe return thenhe to biRDriR Oia-Jt® no.*, Ksq., for a lot of Oarden Seeds, from the pi .Department of Af rfealinre, Washington. R We also retnrn thanks to Mr. W- M. WApian for a bundle of Harden Seeds, of bis own * raising and putting up. ro * 4 ; niJLsf i. .HMWi imposing oath* not provided (brh the Contlilut ion, ill* 8UU hie been admitted lulu the Union. Virginia complied With the reconstruction laws* end ^eet «foi|Hi Congress ; but ihejndTtflrfj majority y4?dnaf^ keep fa Ui with her. It Is said that the aegro population Is feet leaving the 8tst«, to that those clauses relative to that population will prove Iras cumbrous than in itatsa farther aonth. A Wind Storm. On Monday afternoon, this section t«s 'raited with a violent Stoma of wind ftora ho Weal. Little or no rain attended.. here was no damage of any eonacqneneo ixpirhnc.din this immediate neighborhood, tot wa learn that, m the vicinity of Chick's lp rings, trees were aprooted and fen ©in g tlowu down. The storm prevailed severey also in the Fairview neighborhood There ta, perhaps, no port of I he United States leee subject to storms than the upper bounties of Sooth Carolina bordering the aouatnlns. . - > . The Bin to PunUb Bribery. The present Legislature lias done a good thing In passing a bill to punish bribery and torruptlon in public < ffieers or reprssenlaLivee; both the offerer and reeelrer of a bribe are liable te the peneleotiary as well se fine. The law will be a terror to lobbylata and those seduced by theni, and is eal culated to parity the fodutnine oi law and justice. We asp ret to publish the act next week. Legislative Proceedtogs. We refer the reader to the letter of J. B. Ff. for an interesting account of legislatire loingn. Wa thank our correspondent for lie continued favors. jWTThe Williametoa Hotel wad recently old by the Assignees of the Batata of Joan W. Shady, Bankrupt, (or on six months lime, and was purchased by a number of Sreenville gentlemen, Cap*. Sasokl Strad- uk s ouu uiucrsi The Beldvllle School . We ere nalhoriicd by the GlwlnnM of the Hoard of Trot tee* of tho Roidrille llifh schools to aay that both their Behoois will toinmenoo aa usual on the flrat Mondaj la February instant, with a full oorps of coapoent teachera. Circumstances bare .dflayed be appearance of advertisemoats giving full >articuiara. They will appear next week. Personal. > > We had a call the other day. from Mr. lloa- tBT M. Storks, an old follower of the Press, ud who has for the paat three yeara boon onncctcd with the Asheville (N. C.) JVew»( rhtch ho haa conducted in aeuperior manner, le haa now returned to this Stato, and win loon take charge of the Unionrillo Ttme*, vhioh now Beld wa with him ranch aueceaa. . . Removal. Mr. W. II. Camnrr, Qanamith and Maehlnst, has removed from hia old atand oa Main itroct to a more commodious one in reer of )ld Court House.the place formerly occupied >y the late J. II. BiisoLPi aa jeweler. Tho Old Ouard. A Monthly Drvoted to Literature, Science \nd Art, and the Political Principle! of 1776 ind 1860. We hare received the January No. 1. of To1. 8 of this valuable magazine, with ita rery interesting contents. It is published u New York by Van Krsiz Hobton A Co., fo. 162 Nassau Street, at usual dedue iona for clnbe, from two to twenty. Jolumhift fcrrataaiulawse laaiksMi -r- w.« Enterprise. 9*a/4 of Judge Booxcr.Air Line Railroad i .Greenville and Atheville Extension. South Carolina Western Railroad.Edu rational Bill.Medical Assistance for the Poor.Salaries of Judges. Code of Prae ' ties.Election for Associate Justice.Titles I of oojtie Acts that Mass pasted and been " Confirmed. . Columbia, S. C., January 81sf, 1870. ^ Messrs. Editors.On Monday, the 24th ° ist, lha death o' Judge Boozer wee an. a >unced ia the Houee, and alter adopting 11 olutione of sympathy and respeat, the ouee adjourned to eseort his remains to t< to depot. In thla sad doty, mingled mom . ! all polltieai creeds, anxious to pay their ; srpect to ths memory and worth of SS 1 onest and upright cilisen. The loss of ich a man in high official position, ia ealilaled, at any time, to enst a gloom over v i# State, but more eepeeially at a lime * ke the pr<*ent, when the bilternasa of g irtr passion and prejudice is aecking to r >frupt tbe eery temple of justice. We ? nd that friends end Cues all unite ia atv t >rding to hint a soul thai aould soar high t>ore all party passion and prejudtee, sad ! Iminletered the law with exaet javtiee to | if. He haa left, an example worthy the 1 nitallon of ell men. Few men hare erer red that hare discharged their oflteUl utlrs with the success and general aatia ictioa that has attended all the public eels < f Jodge Booxer'e Hfe. On Toeeday, 16th, * uloglea were pronounced In both Honeee , nlll tbe hear el adjournment. I In i prerhwi loiter, I Intimated that. In ' II probability, tbe charter of the Ahr-Ltoe :*ilroed would ho repealed. The Baoata i a* paeoed the bill to rapoal, and it hoa I ->m« to the Iloaea lor oaiiao, I hare ' ope that it* will not glide through th# j [oaaa with aalitclo erilieiem aa it did tha j Mate. Tha prima Koren in thta matter < are, eo far, aaeaped publla oansora Iron ' i# deloaioaa of the preaa, is making tha J stlon of Mr. Buford (tha President of tha ] oad) in raftrwaai to (ha 8ontl» Carolina * tnatore, the only eaoee tor the rapoal of j 10 charter^ hot the troe eanaal*, that tha ( oaeyed iotercet that ara developing la t m State, hare taken advantage of Chi I vjudloe that he* been exoited agalnat Mr. " uford, and have turned it to advantage la ^ enra tha repeal of the ekerter of a a ad (hat ifeay in time prove a dangeroo* « of the pofehMe. A legal qiestioa has bean raised on this poln*. In the Iloaee, end will, can't be lie re that the Houh will ever stoop loaneh contemptible, mean andjlttle legia Xn"«>X%io InjoiCtff'oiti^? or. IX StaMrfork33bK« of i^nXiiyifirA . of one who is not a eitiaen of ths CHSte, sod wbo, by-a mere assidua*, liapjuaa la »r« >ki»> lltn. - If *k *w A' bus cu c«ie:it can be established under 0*« GLsastb tution and MMteliu^ N «IIIH lli«4nWliig werige for breaking op Mm-«I )Ih oht**t charters In the Stale, Md will at all times «xpose corporate com pan lee to the Tactions of legislative bodi«S.andespecislly those tlmt Mr hara incurred their displeasurc-eny eooiraet and agreement entered into bv the Stat* and oorporaied. bodies, are liable at any time to be repeated; and consequently must work injury to tlxe prosperity of the Stat#, and will dnyf Capitalists out fj. the State to seek in vestments, where their rut ed rights will not roterToieS wlth.-i, There is a principle and a legal right involved in thia Aet. the* >1| the eitisens of ths Stata.are interested in, and 90 lis dschJon (Jcncnds. in s jrrCftt DacasOre, this prosperity of blithe priocip*fj»a*faes4 interests ef tlis 8t»U." ThfrtjuriOMl U so exceedingly haaardoua, that whan: sober reason dictates, it roust be abandoned. Tt is evident' that the 9tock of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad has. Or a majority of it, pamed into the hands of one ef lha wealthiest 09mpanics of the United States, Their object Is not yet fully developed, but it if gratifying to know the Road It now in the hands.and toon will ba under ths control.of those that are parleslfy able to make it s first class road that will make the trip from Greenville to Columbia ib abc hours, jaat as safe, and with mors ease, than it is note made in twelve hours. This would be progress. And we may expect even more.the extension to Aalievilte and other important changes. But it is probably best not to be too sanguine. A Bill has been introduced to chartcrthe Western Sontli Carolina Railroad Company. Tliis road. If it should be s«ecee»ft|l, will pass through Greenville Oouaty, and give us direct oororounlsslloo wiLh Georgia.and North Carolina, and shorten the present route to Columbia by about-twenty three ] miles. There is some opposition to the charter, but not of a serious nature. Doubt- lees the pcop'e of Greenville and llie upper Counties all feel interested in its success. The School Bill was, on the ?Tth uit, recommitted to a special' tce to aoasid er sections four and eight. The main part of difference seems to ba who shall seleot the text books for the echoole. The tyranny of the bill constats in this proposition to fAonn as *- n.wi Li. .LtlJ a. 1 v«vv mm vii ««« I.U aclIU IIIB cni'U W il QCUUUi and study booka that he rosy Dot conecieneiously approve of, la a high move for a Republican Government. It might aaiVtr for a despotism, but not for a free Goverall en t. 1 he biil proposes that the School CTommireiooera of each County, shall meet in Columbia as the State Beard of Eduoe* ' lion annually, and make the selection.. Another plan ia to have litem inserted in . the bill at once. Another.and by far tha moat jnst. is to allow eaeh County , School Commissioncj choose (or their rv> elective Counties such booka aa may meet the approbation of the Count v. But there ia so much wire wording by the book houses, that it ia doubtful what will be the reault. The bill will douhtlew pass in some shape, aa the other previsions are not so objectionable. Tho usual effort of the Senate to increase the salaries of circuit and supramo judges, was detested in the House. Too reading of j the Code has commenced today in the House. The only amendment as yet mode was to change the sittings of the Supreme Court hack to Colombia; the Code as R left the Benate proposed to have a court bold In j Ureenvillo and Charleston ; which was more convenient to the interest of the people gener- ally, as tho Supreme Court is now and has been heretofore, it ie almost a prohibition of appeal in small cases, if the parties live remote from the Capital; but the pretence Is that the House bea refused le inorease the salaries of its judges, and no change eon be effected now. Both Houses meet on Tuesday, the 1st, la j loint assembly, to elect an associate justice. ( The nromioent candidates are Whlpper and Wright; bdfh are colored, and it is hardly j mfo to vouture an op>iou »o which will be . the choice; f«r WO know ;l>at when " 0rack , iieets llrsek then comes the tog «. war. . Their abilities are about en eel t Wlilpper If mperfor ia natural ability! wrlght Is sup».'ior D sducation. y A Joint resolution passod the Hons* author* . sing the ooanty commissioners to provide u aedical assistance for tha poor. Tha ohjeet ki.n..*. ....1 V 1 * If 1. .-.* 1 p w..w~..v . ..v. wppuTUIVUlf 11 lb »I1 SUCCCOU rithout liMomiof buH«D«*n« to the counties y imposition. Doubtless the Sonata will connr. Several bills of public interest have pasted * sd become law. I cannot attempt to name Jem all or to delineate their provisions.I rill mention one or two. ', > A btQ to MttbotWe administrator., execo»rs aad other. to tell eerteiii evidences of tnebtedneee at publie eale, and to compromise a certain eases.- This bill is of general pnbllo ® nterest, and will aeaiat materially In the wind* ng np of estates. Also a bill to provide for the payment of toronors' jurors, as other jurors in State eases. Also an act tp designate 1hc ofloers by rbom salea ordered by the Court of Common Meaj and the oourts of Prolate shall he made, 'he act was defeated at last semion en the ' round that it was injustice to t|ie clerk to , squire of hiai all the work aad to (ire to heriffs the pro (Ha of oht after every paper ma been prepared and all 'the principal porlon of the work dona by the trJerk, but tor , o-.ue eaoae the 11 mite did not sen nV time aa 1 bey did then. I do ate believe Jbat tt Is a uat act, bat it has been gotten through in the nterest of sheriff's; and. on trial I think it will »e found te work wrong, and will ynt have to i# amended or repented. I. B. Jf. Da. W. II. Tott A Lawn. .The enterprise >f this now celebrated House nf Aupstt,. ihows whet the South, And Southern meg tan achieve. Nothing h«* been or 6dri be aid in lha way of complimeat thai the»0 1 ^eollenr.ln da npt peforye.; JTjt lake the 1 ollowing from a Nor thorn aottree. the < Washington Chronicle : t.\ On a meant visit to Angus'*, (H, we had he pleaeore ot vlsitipg the Whnleeeke Drag ' louse of Meeera. We, H. Tutt A |«ao<L We 1 tad na idea that there was »uch a house in ' .he Sooth. la fast, it ha* few equut* in the * lountrjr. Hit» piful fatw. and aide a >orfect bee-hire. Their Laboratory, wbiuk J Hscupie* the seeoad floor of tba adjoining building. ie vary complete. Here we found i t boey crowd of men »od Scmmi, weeper* i ng the *»M>r*t«4,letter Pijlu, JwpMH'1 I Elair T)y#f RdofetoMqt, %ixi SpraaMriila, I Ad Queen s IJeTTght Tor shipment. V* t ears told that at the time Hot ware behind I heir order* nearly ti»re« week* Wa could a eereaiy eredk it foe we sew'in full opera* J ion a pitt machine, fmppHed from Rog- J and, which turneddtftIt thousand pill* a , einute, all wall mnda and rwatfy tor Ike i ox. These preparation are now aafd hf J Imnet every town end village In thy South e nd West. Swaeeee, say we, id So nth em nterpriee..Tht Morning ChronicIt. - a JOUsOISslS J be City of I C.tuteWa, by tbe Wcnef'oMke State, te tbit HT?*t fit »^»*'Qar^»aUn»a trite < Ml IU UUIIWw« bfth* uo«f§amit*Vr3iSt~ M mmmnnw iimi dc pporaua in eseiy T""' ftliftlit fofw§i(ii RMRf# to .* The' Committee for Gr^eofitts Codnty, 1 wMbe folly tftg«nlA«d as itfel M fM^lbU. 4 Chairman Committee, Greenville County. N v ..»? y ; ; » ' 9-u; Afrit't. r> o « L%rr.^M¥h/,'s.'8Psr?a% dtriak*. The great tide of wdtersity vhieh T hae-«*rpt ovjr »pe unhappy land. h«« w WWiaSM 4btoA*&*4i'*¥it*'} to*1 m not, therefore, have j^>r, hearts o*a*ed to beat for the {leriew dead. Bearaefy I* thtic on* h aiong WhoelA'ibdagbt 4mm dwt; h oh the first m>qtW|roI bar- <WHf» turq at Mi ou««, vitii loving anectlun, to tone gf-ave G which title mtnunvii! iblbbded to honor. Mothers, wid.i w^ ststcrft, d a u g h t e r *, m whose heart* theff ftllng to the soldier'* grate, let as tlxa tehl with aa ea facet, luting effort in thie holy duty. Let even x our lisping little ones be brought to give t| Lhsir mite to lie accomplishment; that Ihu* Impressed up oh "their minds, they may fa. never forget to love and honor the memory it oi tboa* who battled and fell in oar eauae. w If a lost aanee, even Ihdeaiesta the mora boly. Even therefore doe» Ubfaoase the more luoumbentupon us, to bring tp this gieat saotl J| fice ol pure purpose And heroic dead, that ~ homage and veoaratfon whiab the world " pays only la success. ft . Wllb the wish that all who have shared 1 in a common sorro#; nutt share also tn the * privilege of raising lists testimonial to our « ItAft heroes, the annual subscription far T membership Is nut at the lowest paint preo< ?! tleabte; that libs if-otsy be Within lbs * reach of thoas, W«bo, hlrtfag llule Do give, ^ hsve.iiill lh^ right', ihrH(fob'tears and suN M fering, to join hi thi ml/llmctit 61 this ,i most sacred duty/»tl " ' d »To all otiiars tasa as well aa vmbss, bl old aod all who oUmUIi the J* name of Caroitnian, and cling with a fond bl Tore to wh»levet U l< ft lo us of our " good P* old State, we won Id say, give to as freely 1 Iceording tv your means; give generously ; ~ give gratefully to the memory of ihoos who jave their lives for us. _ 8. McCORD, 1 Presidents. C. Monument Association. . > Mtasincnr Ldttiif F«nia.'Wtbft*r'd " Juiirto PietloMrv hu putrd through vwi >us edition*, eoch en lmprov«m«it upon ind en enlargement of1 the preceding, until t bn* culminated Ih the pr***nl magnificent literary and linguistic fabric. The reputa- jj loo of thie work Va not confined h Amvi«t. q ffl find It Itafed that io the Alexandra g sate, tried ia the Oeurt at- Rxeheqner at g Westminster Hall, under purely English g law, no other dictionary, Engliah or Amer- B lean. <fn«vteA-AA^lb|4«A>Aa than hi*. C The Lord Chief IJaron, In Mf decision, pro © nounetd " Wrbrie*,'* Dictionary a work at C lie greatest learning, yrarareh, and ability." 9, Besides' tha nurrteroua iUu<lrtti«oa with £; whieh the volume la interspo-st-d, there are ~ at the end sixty-aeven pegae ef die moat An* j lalied pictorial illiuOraliana, repteeentiag almoat every conceivable olceeyin nature, j] wience, and art. 9t wonld be an necessary, j if we were competent to the M»k, te tub- i, ject thia work to a critical ana^'**"- lUra- L putation la firmly established. It it built L upon a rock, and eah bid d fi^noe to any petty atorm that tlia critic* ean raiee. [ Rithmond Whig, ifmy t, 188A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M ~ ^"uavTT^ A ilaaLvav Diouno!*.. Lite ia rendered N miserable when the digeattt*'organ* are ia- P |>eired. Food hsesmas Nfabin; the body * smaciatad ; tb* mtaU dcpceaccd. and walan- 8 eh oljr broods over too. JTUTT'8 VEUKTA- 8 BLK 1,1V KB PILLS la the remedy for theee ivfle; they produce eeupd digeeBtu ; erents a rood appetite, impart refreshing steep and Si rhecrfulncss of infnd. ^ *T-2 J Iirr m Kwf.O <«»To dartfc^frn vSant ad Y. tooii, 'ashes and B'lnde, we>efer to the driertisenteni pf P. P- *di.f*-U»e large manfaeturer of- those aotdl in, Otv'^hW'. rice list furnished on appUMilP0* 9-tf CowecjKNoa in moat men, ta but the nlicipation of the opinions of oljiafl). {Toylqrfr Statmma^ c, muit.ii 11i'i i jjiui|iu..i i in. * Ootruain, 6. C., Jaaunry SI. ' Bales of eottou te-tWy,.about ttlaitf mid" llinga WJ&tSJ. # Raw You a, January SI. Quid 21}: ©ottoa ddlVat «M- Accosts, January SI. * Cotton market dnll and lower. with sale* >f 4SO hales; receipt* 6Wt. MMIiuga SSf. Ciisatprra*, fauuary S). v.uion mill and |(3ic. lover. wUh eaten ° >f 200 bain, middling* l4f ; receipts 1,06#. ^ Irrit%blf « I*I>I0F.STI0!1 not <niy adeems physical f naltb, but the dfepoebtOipWi tempera «fWa jj riotIns. Tba Jyapeptle tyaaaam toe, la a * ensure demoralised V M*ea«nin*e. Be fc ~ rSiiw ienBitireness.wbWh cannot see Urol, leads * bin (a ini*cnn»true the words and nets of * hoe© around Bin, and hta Intercourse even * with tboaa nearest aad danreat t* bin la not ^ anlreqnentljr marked by exhibitions of tcsttnest foreign to bla real nature. These »ro tbe u arttal pbaaonuan eftbe disease, fof which tbe invalid cannot be iuttly held responsible, *; but tbej odoueloh much household dittvtofort. r [t hi to tbe Istorest of tbe bone rifely M b P leeeutial to fwnil/ hamnny m well arte tbe J? rescue of tbe prineipel anfferer from a state set » far removed (rem Incipient Insanity, that ® jSDa'lSSI !>roflu«io* ft. thorough M< afcrtAry «hap*ga^ * Wsi^^'rss^TSrK i ** aaltag, tofciM*g\*4 aJiflgfr- . «r ao<l tb*fty»a]*at wbiab l*id* Mttaityka * hair remedial *frt«ae U (be p«Ve»t wd I6) * hat can ba eattwrtad ftratn »b«r m«t whatk _ ««» <rf all oefeala. Ttb-aoanlt rye. We * ^5SS3^fea^f|3 Milaegtteer a»4 liHUMWly, an} ttta *»pM °* Fart « 4f » ¥ > -4- rs t p n i s 55|3| Vaado lEbiing ifc fits at their works i: WW. C. DUKES A NO. 1 fiOtPjPH fULlllS C. SMITH, AC Petbraary1 C V,' f ><t< " 7<<f */: Marbikb, m lb« 27th Isrt,, by R«t. [ogh M«Im% Dr. J H. PEAK, of Gre-n» ill*. MIm M AKIE. daughter of th« l*le T. P. W. Synim*, ofPenSieloh,* 0. " 7m/ 'T MA«niKi>, OB the 20th J ,n 1870. by Rev. . D. 6 win, il the boot* of the bride'* father, [r. JOHN M. ROBKKTH to Mia* LOU a IATUEW& All ol OroenvDie County, 8 0. M anaiau, Oft the mornlns of the 80th alt, yllev.T. J. *wr1-, Mr. II. C. DAVIS. ol qtlierfordlop. V. C. and Mia. JULIET M. OODLBTT, of tbi* County, pr Frietei'* f*e received. Dikd, at Mayfleld, Milnm County. Toxa*. > the 20th Iteoember, 1809. JOHN ALLEp OWNK8, youngest wit of Msj. 6. A. Townc*, (*d 19 year* and 8 day*. The dcoeaaed w«» a native pf Greenville, but kd lived for two year* preceding ble death, i Tea**. His disease was sudden; About* eek before bi* Ulnea*, be wrote to on* ef tb. itnily that be waa in An* health and spirit*. Eulogy on tb* deed may be Indtsertaalnat* ad unwarranted, but it b just and right stow it when tb* destroyer ha* cut down m honored or, the noble-hearted.the gettera* and the promising, however unknown te int. There charaetcristiss belong to J. Allee owner. He waa remarfcsMn for hi* Intelllenee, bi* kind, affeetionate and tasgnanimoui { position; ehaerlmi and witty, be arm* a fa6rite with hi* family and friends. Indnatrius, temperate, moral and honorable in all It action*, ba murt hava . eeeadad in tb. kreer of life, bad not deatb so soon, alas, rougbt It to a alo*a in a distant land. Hi* treiy aMicted father, brother and surviving star, and all bis relative* and friends, will apply mourn his departure from this world, at should be eeasoled by the bap* that tb. asott* ruerived from a pious mother, bar. een efleetual, by the mercy of God, to trans»rt hi* spirit to be witb ber end all tb* ju.l i Paradise. i 1 uii-_ .a.'.'J --i-i .-u.-ujujb ENTERPRISE RICES CURRENT. J ilS r t ' CORRECTED WEEKLY, IT IE8SR9. DAVID li STRAOLEY, MERCHANTS . ORKKXVIMK, B. C., FEB. 1,1870. AGON.Sides, 1ft lb, 18@ JO «, llama, " " » Shoulders, ^ lb, 16 e, ALE ROPE, Iftlb, . 10e AOQIMQ, Owmy, m, yd. ...26035 « AUQINO, Dundee, W jd 20026 e PR LAPB - _...U UTTER, fk lb, 20 All* EES WAX, » lb ..,«« .....300 32. HICK ENS, rft heed,......,.....;....20 023 e OFFKK, V &>. Rio, 22 0 28 a ORN, 1ft bushel . $1 OTTON, Middling 221c QGS, 1' dosen,. ... 20c LOUR, 1ft M«k, $4 500*5 2! OLD . 150*1 20 NDIUO, Spanish Float, *2 0002 21 " South Carolina, .......J|l 7502 N RON, R lb, American, 7108c RON TIES, 10c. ARD, ^ lb, . 25030c. EAD, -r» lb .. 20 e. KATIIER, V «>. Sola, Uemiock,.*60JI7i c. u a a u Oalrw....4505O e, ** " - Upper .70076 e, ** u it ]|(raeM, .....65060c. IOLASSES, » gal., Muscovado, 75@*l 0(1 " " " New Ori. Syrup, *1 23 AILS, 1ft kef- ...~*7 6008 00 ORK, gross and net, .121c. YB, » bushel ....1 2001 40 ALT. * sank, Livorpool, ..^....*S 71 UOAR, 1ft lb, Brown, 16 0 20 e. " " " Clarified,. 200221* " " " Crushed ...26 e. BIRT1NO, seren eights, fl bale,. ..I2le. " " retail 16 e. AT.riiW w a : - BEAT, y boahel m TA 1BN, Factory, by ba»aw...^....,....._4l H * . M beach1* latest quotations of ftuthern seourities, ;n oharlwfow, b. a >rr«eied W*kly for th« FFBRPM8H by a. C. kaufman. BrtOtP*. No. 25 Broad Street. » . j\nuary si, ma Stat* fiteuriti* .South Carolina, old AM; d<r new,.@7*; do, rtfM'd atoek, i fob. 6%7&. 'i City fftc*r'tii».A ugnrta, da. llonda, M |M t Charleston, S. C. Stoek, (all qr ioO 63fit I) do. Fir* I«M Bead*,.(j|7A ; Cflowbia, C. Bovida, .@70. Railroad Bond*.Btaa Rid**, (drat aaart* age).Add i Charlaatoa and Seraaaab, MA I > Charlotte, Oolaaibfc aad AnKfuU,.@8fj heraor and Darlington,.@A# f QnMavffM »d Colombia, (lit mart).@75 , do, (Stat* uaranfoe) MAM: Northeaster*, MAU| arannak and Charleston, Mat mort).@7Sj », (State go a ran tee).@#4 j Booth Carolina, <n>M j da, TI j Spartaabnrg m4 UliNr ^Railroad Stoat a.Chart" tte, Columbia ad Aageita,.§»| Uraaariila and Colum5 WuSgtoWLW3 rhole eh area) M@M; do, (half do) ISQt&f Bttrhango, d"-~new y*r| Sight, 1 ad gar old, lMAIMUSilrer, 1I»A"7. Am/A fW.». Book BHU. <** Bank of OhiihMa.M.«. i .@ . Bask of Naw berry .@. dak of Cam dan aeeaa»ft0(® .. oak of Beorgetoam.,..^. M on* 01 oomtm ,uip»nk ofCkeoto^ w>.« ....«*....~*IS&. fctik oiWtBb<fi^M.t«i,.rt..iti.i<Uii*/...tfl " lak of fttaU of B. o, prior H *«<U Wfar«7JTictaHMUt. ^...,-.< > a.i * . t i* iTini u v) ti i ii%" ryifc 11 "wwl llWsWWWw !* ! MHNk Wl f.'. "*** **. |o«thw*at«ni *. H. B»«k of ukor» . _ko»t"n,jnow) ^. - *> »rns«ri' »»4 lukH«a Bask of Ctoloaloo ...r^T..;. _<»J ok.1» Bwk «C Oota«Mo-«...........«*(». (XKMoroUl Bonk of Colanbi* y.._ 3<& rorahoofi lUk of»<£IwW Book of Boirtrkf... fiS . B > My 4#<%ovleoU» Clioog* b5o »orkod Ikrf. [ ) oro kotog rodoonod t tko Bonk Ceantora of eooh. Y 3 i V ^ N>\ ^ Ht.,.* J'? 4 «v -£41 fl|l nr . - >»* *E4«D CROPS, ^ fiii Mm uTiani inn&ctaring Company, 4 N CHARLESTON, 8. C. J i COti Gen. Agents, ® CX.ANTIO WHAHft rf, GREENVILLE, S. C. I caw confidently My that Simmons' Lirsr lUgititor bu dose m »i*i» wood than all U>« n«4Mit X tf«r naod. I (bill stvir ba wfthont It. JOHN J. ALLKN, , Bibb ooouty. Ilia that Fun is Hxm To..Scrofala or King's BtU, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swelling of the Gland* and Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, Secondary Syphilis with nil its train of arils. Iaanurs Dlood. Feeael* Diseases, Low I F Spirits, Lieer Complaint, Nervousness, Ac., I Ac., fall to tlaa lot of uianiiSud. Bat, happily, they knee their antidote. DR. TUTT'S RAR SAI'AKIIjLA and QUEEN'S DHLIGI1T pos( setses tho qualities U> expel tbara from tbs system, restore perfect health, and prodtee happiness, where nil was misery. 37-1 jTotice. " g AUCTION SALE f | On Nrxl Monday (Saleday) in 1 Dr. long^ stork, orrosiTK the Southern Hotel. I will e«ll Dry Goods, Hats and Shoes, Saddles, Bridles, Ac. C. F. WATERS, Auctioneer. , Feb 1 37 1_ CHESTER FIGS | IB AVE for sale n VERY SUPERIOR lot af CHESTER PIGS about sir weeks old, from one of thejbeal Sows seer brought to this place, and as Sue Pigs as has ersr been seen. JULTUS a SMITH, r Feb a 87 1 IX el ice. 4 - . \ rTMlX Farmers of tha County era requestJL ed to meet io the Court llouss on Sales day in February, (next- Monday.) for S the purpose of organizing a Farmers Cinb , for Greenville County. Feb 2 87 J For Sale. « & THE HOUSE and LOT, on the RotbIII erford Road.known as the Uoodlett JjJL house.for farther information apply to THOMAS 8TKKN. Fab 1 37 . . tf r J' 7 » 7*~J T"1 T, For Sale. A6j~< THAT pleasantly tilaiUd HOUSE Mini and LOT, on tba Corner of Coflko and BlliiLMcBco 81reel*.for terms and narticn: tort, toqulw of THOMAS BTKEN. \ lob* 37 tr Taken Upj T>Y the subscriber, slmnt the first of Oe, 1) lober last, a RED BULL YEARLING, wfth no mar^ about fifteen month# old. I The owner will please come and take it I away. Can be found at my residence, three I miles from the City of Qr«nnville, on tbe I Laurens road. W. n. WASSON. Feb 2 87 1 Notice THEREBY forewarn all persons from trading with or trusting my wife, Jane Ashmore, on my aceount, as I am determined to pay no obligations contrasted by her, unless compelled by law. ANDERSON aSHMORE, Colored. Feb 2 27 8* County Troaiurorls Office, 1 GREENVILLE COURT HOUSE, 8 C, February 2J, 1870. I NOTICE is hereby given, that my Office " wiH be open tor the purpose of re* eeieiog the Stale apd County TAXES fur the year 1809, on /he 15/A day of fHimmty, 1870 For general parpoaea of 8tate goveramsnt, ona-half ( )) of on* par cent. on all Fortune! and Real Property. For Canity purposes, three It) mil la on the dollar. On each Taxable Foil Otoe Dollar. Up | So Mm 1st of April, the Single Tax only will bo ohorged. Aftor At 1st of April, aed ap to the 20th of Jnna, e psnalty of 20 Cr oent. will be attached. After the 20tb Jnas the Troasnrer will proceed to ool leet by distress,, legstker wish a penalty of firs per cent, as Collection Fees. There wITT positively be no extea ion of l)m* ! rolleetton of these Taxes. VfU. W. ROBERTSON, County Treasurer, ,>«b 2 fl * tmSBB DECREE IV EQUITY. ANNE K. KARLE re JULIA EARLE, ef ml. jTV/FKH8 will he reoslrsd for the follow. V kty vslusble PROPERTY, st Private Sals, until Um 12th Pohresry inti tlltw litTfir t.ixn -ui. i . - «-wi(iruvf mania tbareon. eonaiUlng of o two tUtry frumt building ooutainlng six upright roopta, 1 with M<m If I, partff, kiUkn, and othor MiTtaiMt ouihouaaa, together with atabla i and earriaga honaaa. a cardan and thrifty young fruit oroharrf, In tha County of Qrean attlo, abowt ona mila front Graan*ilia C. H.I* tha Boutb'eaat of. and porallal to. Pond la1 too road; beginning at a ataka 8 X book of Lot aold to 8. 8. Call lard, on a Wat 80 faat w ida, and ran* thanaa along aaid atroat N. 16 t 600 faat. U a atak« 8 X; lhanaa . Worth Mt. dk) «aat, to a ataka on a Hon on a traat of toad bolonglag to Mia aalata t of L. If. McBao, deooaaad, thaaao with DM , of aaid Iraot 8. 16 W. 400 faat, to atrcat 60 faat «Mt; thonea along aofcl alraot 8 It R 600 foat to |ho beginning 5 aoM to 000" tola aboot fire ooraa, bo tha ao*o mtfo or Una. , , AUUt, , ' > MM . . . ' ' «n Mi i kaui ur wei.l TIMBbkku FORES* LAND, Mltohl* for tlfebor or feel iboM tHroo mUm Iron 0 wnettle Court. H«om, m the right bid tldivf (hi Pendleton Rood; miUIiIm 108 ooree, folly boeeelhed fo plot Ay John Wotooo, Aet«d 4th Doe* mbor, I MR bo lb* mom tooro or looo. ^ 7Vm#.Ooellilrtt *e»h bale nee in ore Mdl two yeore. hi erjnol 'jietobnenU. wRM «' kotereet Bom dor of oil, peynbi* ononaMy, mow red by bond end Mortgoge of the preen lee* Mid. IoeoronM o( the bulldiego IM irigtimeiU of tb* policy *o the Referee (, Porehooer to poo tor pepoi* end etompo. I r. JAMBBW ORAtV , Kpeeiel Referee. Chorleetoo, Jon, Mib. 87 8 J ^ . > t L >., \ . ^; Jtj\ i <\^t"V H;iJS «IOTf rog $ wiAijing aoNO xv ft IK ft rj ? tx] r?/ jt ox* ' ' 4 V . * » * hih mi J . k' » A. '. i *' : " »* »A-vl > n i - -* XH9HOS i 000 9 * , i < r i 4 *. 1 IIO.I m 4DKXJLO ftn-i i v SJSOSMi IWi i »U-« i>, . riM » ». 11*.1 it If » !..* ' '' t .*"> ',l| V « ' ." > .* "jt dflllddila nno uoj HIOOU OVN ox nacrao mi 1)1(1 .»*)*» <(»' v .'*« A .*> .O .WWAUi .A.*." ia9MEU rt«tf * ' / »4 ilOTIi) 4JL JL03 W ell \JL Cr f IF re ill SHOOS nnn U 11 u ri h -.<*-'AaM ' igtly y ' r1 T .1 > J » - " ifl ' > * H rt II U. Min< ..<< , ' |«£* ' :n \ ,*%b bf*._ U .*1 ,VA? ' /{ >' t" hr yr-' " 111T V'l U 1 " ill CO 1$ iol #wT | I "I \y t I »-«<#' ' "i 'OA KOM3MMOO ISA m 'AUVMVf nx6f * at® mma. J 1
1€¦ · ry

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<&flt &otrtJifrit 't,' JWZLfM \




Enlargement on the 9th February i.Hew Heading.A Double Cir- iculation. JR<

Next week, which will bo the 9th February, ]we expect to appear before ear readers, in an

enlarg«l and otherwise iaproved foras. Tieaddition of space wilt be considerable, givingoa mora room to devote to our readers. uurpatrons will (bus tea that we are working forthem with all our might and main, and wouk them lo reward ut accordingI/. TU proprietorabarn tbe midnight lamp in their ecr- '

viee and tax their anargiaa to the utmost. J

The subscription price of the Emterpri»« re> Jmains nncbangod at two dollars a joar, which Iwe think is aery cheap, and wo hopo to tnaVe Inp the differooce by additions to our list, now Ivery handsome. ]To Adrortisrrs. On the snme date. Ys will

issue a Double Circulation, for grstaitouB dii» jtribution in Qrocnvilio, sending aleo to tbo <contiguous pott offices in the adjoining Court-ties of Aoderaon, Pickens, Spartaaburg, gadWestern North Carolina.A rare opportunity for advertisers.

<! »

The Bchool BUI.The School Bill before the Legislature of

this State, lias some very good provisionsand some very ol-jectiooable. The controlof the education of the children of tbeState is, by the provisions of tbe Bill, Indirectlyvested in the Governor, aod the peo-plo will have no influence or power over jthe teachers of their children. We any thepower is vested in the Governor, who tneyturn out to be an Infldel, or Mormon, or

Fourierite, or any sort of moral or politicalmonster, and yet, by the power nnconatitu- <

tionally given to him, he may control every 1eingie tree scnooi in every County In tlieentire Slate. There is a monarchey establishedby the Rill in the training and edu- Jcation of the children of the people. The 4citizens of a County or Township will be tobliged to aubniit to just such teachers and 1

instructors as the Governor and his creaturesmay select. This ia eaaly piovoJ. TheState Constitution requires eacli County to ]elect one School Commissioner to have lcharge of the publie schools, and seems «

plainly to intend that this most important Idutj* eliall he discharged hy officers select-ed by the people; but lul ibis School Rill *

authorizes the Governor to appoint, in each FCounty, two persons to act with the SchoolCommissioner as a Board of Education, andthus gives the servants of the Governor a emajority in every County Board. They aare to select and remove teachers, and do cnil other things in eonlrol of the schools.. v

This is the legislation of a body calling 1itself to on« single *

man the right to mould the minds and mo- '

rals, and religion, perhaps, of the childrenof the people.

Incendiaries Arrested.The frequent act* of incendiarism, which (have alarmed our City for months past, ar

roused ilia active vigilance of the author! 1ties, and means of detection were adoptedthat have at last proved efficient in overhaulingthe alleged perpetrators. On evening last, some were detected in the (very not of firing the stables on the premisesof Mi8. Divia, near the Methodist *

Church. The fire was extinguished withoutdifficulty. Next morning three negroes, }Gilbert Milebe), Charley Moore and Nelson %Jenkins, charged with this and other netsof the same kind: wore »-m«i«<1 -» ' . ' *'ried before Magistrate Bacon and commit- Pted to jail. Another, named Pinckney Ed- uward# alias MeKalroy, implicated, was arrested on Monday at Spartanburg C. H. by ,Capt II. II- Hicks, of Charleston, who went Vthers for the purpose. Captain Hicks liasbeen lending his valuable aid In detecting jthe incendiaries.Mayor Jonus and the City Council do

serve great credit for their exertions inprosecuting measures for detecting thecriminals. A reward of $800 had been offeredby tha City Couneil for a discoveryand proof to eonvict; and tha Mayor appliedin person to Gov. Scott, who was inducedto offer, very properly, s reward of$600. Let who ever is guilty, suffer iliapunishment meiited by such horrible crime.

A Farmers' Club for Greenville Counfy' inWe are pleased to see that soma of our pros n«greesivo and mast enlightened farmers have redetermined to organise a Farmers' Club forthis County, and haro given a notice, which "

appears in our columns, of a meeting on saia- tbday next for that purpose. We hop* tha o(meeting wilt be well attended. It is a remarkable fact that decided improvements in term- r<ing in modern times have always beea asaoci- hated with if not preceded by tbeae farmers'clubs or societies. Every friend of farmingwho wishes to learn, or who has the liberality «<of soul to desire to aid his fellow citisous, (|should join the Club. They will find it prof- ...itable in every way to mako them better farm- 'era and better men, by the interchange of in- piformation in the praetirn! operations which enbelong to their pursuit. Again we urge agea- eralattendance on sale»day of ail wbo eanconveniently come to tbe City.

. .- elThe Wanda. a<

We hare received a pamphlet of tbsAfando a1Mining any Manufacturing Company, con- |ftaining advertisement of the Wando Fertiliscr,of which Mr. Junius C. Skits, of this *'City, ia agent, and of whom a copy can be ob- dtaincd. f,Tbis Company offers tbo following premiurns, through the South Carolina Agricultural °Society, no commercial manure to be used ex'cept tbe Vfando; vie: -.For the best yield of unland cotton, from tenacres of land, five hundred dollars.For the boat yield of oofn, from ten aerea of t;land, one hundred do] tar a.'For the brat f.old of small grain, from ten

acres of land, one handred dollars. h

Cotton Stealing. hA bale of gotten belonging to Mr. Puilk- p

wait Jlt rr, of thfa County, wbieh was lyingin the wagon yard of Jfesars, A Mo- 8

IlRtaa, was stolen one night last week. Tbe Itthief a negro named Perry Hodge, was arrest- tjrd ea Saturday by Sharif Vicunas, amd tonmittedto Jail, aereral others are auppoeed to "

be implicated. The eeMsn waa carried e mile Ror two up the Buncombe road and the-"bale g(itivided amongst the rogaes j a pert of it onlyhas been reeoreMd. "a

, enlvsu I i ' ' m

tr'ffe return thenhe to biRDriR Oia-Jt®no.*, Ksq., for a lot of Oarden Seeds, from the pi.Department of Af rfealinre, Washington. RWe also retnrn thanks to Mr. W- M. WApianfor a bundle of Harden Seeds, of bis own *

raising and putting up. ro

*4 ;niJLsf i. .HMWi

imposing oath* not provided (brh the Contlilution, ill* 8UU hie been admitted luluthe Union. Virginia complied With thereconstruction laws* end ^eet «foi|HiCongress ; but ihejndTtflrfj majority y4?dnaf^keep fa Ui with her. It Is said that theaegro population Is feet leaving the 8tst«,to that those clauses relative to that populationwill prove Iras cumbrous than initatsa farther aonth.

'»A Wind Storm.

On Monday afternoon, this section t«s'raited with a violent Stoma of wind ftoraho Weal. Little or no rain was no damage of any eonacqneneoixpirhnc.din this immediate neighborhood,tot wa learn that, m the vicinity of Chick'slprings, trees were aprooted and fen©ingtlowu down. The storm prevailed severeyalso in the Fairview neighborhoodThere ta, perhaps, no port of I he UnitedStates leee subject to storms than the upperbounties of Sooth Carolina bordering theaouatnlns.

. - > .

The Bin to PunUb Bribery.The present Legislature lias done a good

thing In passing a bill to punish bribery andtorruptlon in public < ffieers or reprssenlaLivee;both the offerer and reeelrer of abribe are liable te the peneleotiary as wellse fine. The law will be a terror to lobbylataand those seduced by theni, and is ealculated to parity the fodutnine oi law andjustice. We aspret to publish the act nextweek.

Legislative Proceedtogs.We refer the reader to the letter of J. B.

Ff. for an interesting account of legislatireloingn. Wa thank our correspondent forlie continued favors.

jWTThe Williametoa Hotel wad recentlyold by the Assignees of the Batata of Joan W.Shady, Bankrupt, (or on six monthslime, and was purchased by a number ofSreenville gentlemen, Cap*. Sasokl Strad-uk s ouu uiucrsi

The Beldvllle School .

We ere nalhoriicd by the GlwlnnM of theHoard of Trottee* of tho Roidrille llifhschools to aay that both their Behoois willtoinmenoo aa usual on the flrat Mondaj laFebruary instant, with a full oorps of coapoentteachera. Circumstances bare .dflayedbe appearance of advertisemoats giving full>articuiara. They will appear next week.

Personal. > >

We had a call the other day. from Mr. lloa-tBT M. Storks, an old follower of the Press,ud who has for the paat three yeara boononncctcd with the Asheville (N. C.) JVew»(rhtch ho haa conducted in aeuperior manner,le haa now returned to this Stato, and winloon take charge of the Unionrillo Ttme*,vhioh now Beld wa with him ranch aueceaa.

. .

Removal.Mr. W. II. Camnrr, Qanamith and Maehlnst,has removed from hia old atand oa Main

itroct to a more commodious one in reer of)ld Court House.the place formerly occupied>y the late J. II. BiisoLPi aa jeweler.

Tho Old Ouard.A Monthly Drvoted to Literature, Science

\nd Art, and the Political Principle! of 1776ind 1860.We hare received the January No. 1. of

To1. 8 of this valuable magazine, with itarery interesting contents. It is publishedu New York by Van Krsiz Hobton A Co.,fo. 162 Nassau Street, at usual dedueiona for clnbe, from two to twenty.

Jolumhift fcrrataaiulawse laaiksMi-r- w.«

Enterprise.9*a/4 of Judge Booxcr.Air Line Railroad i

.Greenville and Atheville Extension.South Carolina Western Railroad.Edurational Bill.Medical Assistance for thePoor.Salaries of Judges.Code of Prae '

ties.Election for Associate Justice.Titles Iof oojtie Acts that Mass pasted and been "

Confirmed. .

Columbia, S. C., January 81sf, 1870. ^Messrs. Editors.On Monday, the 24th °

ist, lha death o' Judge Boozer wee an. a>unced ia the Houee, and alter adopting 11olutione of sympathy and respeat, the

ouee adjourned to eseort his remains to t<to depot. In thla sad doty, mingled mom .

! all polltieai creeds, anxious to pay their ;srpect to ths memory and worth of SS 1onest and upright cilisen. The loss ofich a man in high official position, ia ealilaled,at any time, to enst a gloom over v

i# State, but more eepeeially at a lime *ke the pr<*ent, when the bilternasa of girtr passion and prejudice is aecking to r

>frupt tbe eery temple of justice. We ?nd that friends end Cues all unite ia atv t>rding to hint a soul thai aould soar hight>ore all party passion and prejudtee, sad !Iminletered the law with exaet javtiee to |if. He haa left, an example worthy the 1nitallon of ell men. Few men hare ererred that hare discharged their oflteUlutlrs with the success and general aatiaictioa that has attended all the public eels <

f Jodge Booxer'e Hfe. On Toeeday, 16th, *

uloglea were pronounced In both Honeee ,nlll tbe hear el adjournment. IIn i prerhwi loiter, I Intimated that. In '

II probability, tbe charter of the Ahr-Ltoe:*ilroed would ho repealed. The Baoata ia* paeoed the bill to rapoal, and it hoa I->m« to the Iloaea lor oaiiao, I hare '

ope that it* will not glide through th# j[oaaa with aalitclo erilieiem aa it did tha jMate. Tha prima Koren in thta matter <

are, eo far, aaeaped publla oansora Iron '

i# deloaioaa of the preaa, is making tha Jstlon of Mr. Buford (tha President of tha ]oad) in raftrwaai to (ha 8ontl» Carolina *

tnatore, the only eaoee tor the rapoal of j10 charter^ hot the troe eanaal*, that tha (oaeyed iotercet that ara developing la tm State, hare taken advantage of Chi Ivjudloe that he* been exoited agalnat Mr. "

uford, and have turned it to advantage la ^enra tha repeal of the ekerter of a aad (hat ifeay in time prove a dangeroo* «

of the pofehMe. A legal qiestioa has beanraised on this poln*. In the Iloaee, end will,can't be lie re that the Houh will ever stooploaneh contemptible, mean andjlttle legiaXn"«>X%io InjoiCtff'oiti^? or.IX StaMrfork33bK« of i^nXiiyifirA .of one who is not a eitiaen of ths CHSte,sod wbo, by-a mere assidua*, liapjuaa la

»r« >ki»> lltn. - If *k*w A' bus cu

c«ie:it can be established under 0*« GLsastbtution and MMteliu^ N «IIIH lli«4nWliigwerige for breaking op Mm-«I )Ih oht**tcharters In the Stale, Md will at all times «xposecorporate companlee to the Tactions oflegislative bodi«S.andespecislly those tlmtMr hara incurred their displeasurc-enyeooiraet and agreement entered into bv theStat* and oorporaied. bodies, are liable atany time to be repeated; and consequentlymust work injury to tlxe prosperity of theStat#, and will dnyf Capitalists out fj. theState to seek in vestments, where their ruted rights will not b« roterToieS wlth.-i,There is a principle and a legal rightinvolved in thia Aet. the* >1| the eitisensof ths Stata.are interested in, and 90lis dschJon (Jcncnds. in s jrrCftt DacasOre,this prosperity of blithe priocip*fj»a*faes4interests ef tlis 8t»U." ThfrtjuriOMl Uso exceedingly haaardoua, that whan: soberreason dictates, it roust be abandoned.

Tt is evident' that the 9tock of the Greenvilleand Columbia Railroad has. Or a majorityof it, pamed into the hands of one ef lhawealthiest 09mpanics of the United States,Their object Is not yet fully developed, butit if gratifying to know the Road It nowin the hands.and toon will ba under thscontrol.of those that are parleslfy able tomake it s first class road that will makethe trip from Greenville to Columbia ib abchours, jaat as safe, and with mors ease, thanit is note made in twelve hours. Thiswould be progress. And we may expecteven more.the extension to Aalievilte andother important changes. But it is probablybest not to be too sanguine.A Bill has been introduced to chartcrthe

Western Sontli Carolina Railroad Company.Tliis road. If it should be s«ecee»ft|l, willpass through Greenville Oouaty, and giveus direct oororounlsslloo wiLh Georgia.andNorth Carolina, and shorten the presentroute to Columbia by about-twenty three ]miles. There is some opposition to thecharter, but not of a serious nature. Doubt-lees the pcop'e of Greenville and llie upperCounties all feel interested in its success.The School Bill was, on the ?Tth uit, recommittedto a special' tce to aoasid

er sections four and eight. The main partof difference seems to ba who shall seleotthe text books for the echoole. The tyrannyof the bill constats in this proposition tofAonn as *- n.wi Li. .LtlJ a. 1v«vv mm vii ««« I.U aclIU IIIB cni'U W il QCUUUiand study booka that he rosy Dot conecieneiouslyapprove of, la a high move for aRepublican Government. It might aaiVtrfor a despotism, but not for a free Goverallen t. 1 he biil proposes that the SchoolCTommireiooera of each County, shall meetin Columbia as the State Beard of Eduoe* '

lion annually, and make the selection..Another plan ia to have litem inserted in .

the bill at once. Another.and by fartha moat jnst. is to allow eaeh County ,

School Commissioncj choose (or their rv>elective Counties such booka aa may meetthe approbation of the Count v. But thereia so much wire wording by the bookhouses, that it ia doubtful what will be thereault. The bill will douhtlew pass in someshape, aa the other previsions are not soobjectionable.Tho usual effort of the Senate to increase

the salaries of circuit and supramo judges,was detested in the House. Too reading of jthe Code has commenced today in the House.The only amendment as yet mode was tochange the sittings of the Supreme Courthack to Colombia; the Code as R left theBenate proposed to have a court bold In jUreenvillo and Charleston ; which was moreconvenient to the interest of the people gener-ally, as tho Supreme Court is now and hasbeen heretofore, it ie almost a prohibitionof appeal in small cases, if the partieslive remote from the Capital; but the pretenceIs that the House bea refused le inoreasethe salaries of its judges, and no change eonbe effected now.Both Houses meet on Tuesday, the 1st, la jloint assembly, to elect an associate justice. (

The nromioent candidates are Whlpper andWright; bdfh are colored, and it is hardly jmfo to vouture an op>iou »o which will be .

the choice; f«r WO know ;l>at when " 0rack ,iieets llrsek then comes the tog «. war. .

Their abilities are about en eel t Wlilpper Ifmperfor ia natural ability! wrlght Is sup».'iorD sducation. yA Joint resolution passod the Hons* author* .sing the ooanty commissioners to provide uaedical assistance for tha poor. Tha ohjeetki.n..*. ....1 V 1 * If 1. .-.* 1p w..w~..v . ..v. wppuTUIVUlf 11 lb »I1 SUCCCOUrithout liMomiof buH«D«*n« to the countiesy imposition. Doubtless the Sonata will connr.Several bills of public interest have pasted *sd become law. I cannot attempt to nameJem all or to delineate their provisions.Irill mention one or two.', >A btQ to MttbotWe administrator., execo»rsaad other. to tell eerteiii evidences of tnebtedneeeat publie eale, and to compromise

a certain eases.- This bill is of general pnbllo ®

nterest, and will aeaiat materially In the wind*ng np of estates.Also a bill to provide for the payment of

toronors' jurors, as other jurors in State eases.Also an act tp designate 1hc ofloers byrbom salea ordered by the Court of Common

Meaj and the oourts of Prolate shall he made,'he act was defeated at last semion en the 'round that it was injustice to t|ie clerk to ,squire of hiai all the work aad to (ire toheriffs the pro(Ha of oht after every paperma been prepared and all 'the principal porlonof the work dona by the trJerk, but tor ,o-.ue eaoae the 11 mite did not sennV time aa 1

bey did then. I do ate believe Jbat tt Is auat act, bat it has been gotten through in thenterest of sheriff's; and. on trial I think it will»e found te work wrong, and will ynt have toi# amended or repented. I. B. Jf.

Da. W. II. Tott A Lawn. .The enterprise>f this now celebrated House nf Aupstt,.ihows whet the South, And Southern megtan achieve. Nothing h«* been or 6dri beaid in lha way of complimeat thai the»0 1^eollenr.ln da npt peforye.; JTjt lake the 1ollowing from a Northorn aottree.the <

Washington Chronicle : t.\On a meant visit to Angus'*, (H, we hadhe pleaeore ot vlsitipg the Whnleeeke Drag 'louse of Meeera. We, H. Tutt A |«ao<L We 1tad na idea that there was »uch a house in '

.he Sooth. la fast, it ha* few equut* in the *

lountrjr. Hit» piful fatw. and aide a>orfect bee-hire. Their Laboratory, wbiuk JHscupie* the seeoad floor of tba adjoiningbuilding. ie vary complete. Here we found it boey crowd of men »od Scmmi, weeper* ing the *»M>r*t«4,letter Pijlu, JwpMH'1 IElair T)y#f RdofetoMqt, %ixi SpraaMriila, IAd Queen s IJeTTght Tor shipment. V* tears told that at the time Hot ware behind Iheir order* nearly ti»re« week* Wa could a

eereaiy eredk it foe we sew'in full opera* Jion a pitt machine, fmppHed from Rog- Jand, which turneddtftIt thousand pill* a ,einute, all wall mnda and rwatfy tor Ike iox. These preparation are now aafd hf JImnet every town end village In thy South end West. Swaeeee, say we, id Sonthemnterpriee..Tht Morning ChronicIt.

- a

JOUsOISslS J be City of IC.tuteWa, by tbe Wcnef'oMke State, tetbit HT?*t fit »^»*'Qar^»aUn»a trite <Ml IU UUIIWw« bfth* uo«f§amit*Vr3iSt~ M

mmmnnw iimi dc pporaua in eseiy T""'

ftliftlit fofw§i(ii RMRf# to

.*The' Committee for Gr^eofitts Codnty, 1

wMbe folly tftg«nlA«d as itfel M fM^lbU. 4

Chairman Committee, Greenville County. N

v ..»? y ; ; »'

9-u; Afrit't. r> o «

L%rr.^M¥h/,'s.'8Psr?a%dtriak*. The great tide of wdtersity vhieh Thae-«*rpt ovjr »pe unhappy land. h«« wWWiaSM 4btoA*&*4i'*¥it*'} to*1 mnot, therefore, have j^>r, hearts o*a*ed tobeat for the {leriew dead. Bearaefy I*thtic on* haiong d» WhoelA'ibdagbt 4mm dwt; hoh the first m>qtW|roI bar- <WHf» turq at Miou««, vitii loving anectlun, to tone gf-ave Gwhich title mtnunvii! iblbbded to honor.Mothers, wid.iw^ ststcrft, d a u g h t e r *, mwhose heart* theff ftllng to the soldier'*

grate, let as tlxa tehl with aa eafacet,luting effort in thie holy duty. Let even xour lisping little ones be brought to give t|Lhsir mite to lie accomplishment; thatIhu* Impressed upoh"their minds, they may fa.never forget to love and honor the memory itoi tboa* who battled and fell in oar eauae. wIf a lost aanee, even Ihdeaiesta the mora boly. f«Even therefore doe»Ubfaoase the more luoumbentuponus, to bring tp this gieat saotl J|fice ol pure purpose And heroic dead, that ~

homage and veoaratfon whiab the world "

pays only la success. ft. Wllb the wish that all who have shared 1in a common sorro#; nutt share also tn the *privilege of raising lists testimonial to our «ItAft heroes, the annual subscription far T

membership Is nut at the lowest paint preo< ?!tleabte; that libs if-otsy be Within lbs *reach of thoas, W«bo, hlrtfag llule Do give, ^hsve.iiill lh^ right', ihrH(fob'tears and suN Mfering, to join hi thi ml/llmctit 61 this ,imost sacred duty/»tl "

' d»To all otiiars tasa as well aa vmbss, blold aod all who oUmUIi the J*name of Caroitnian, and cling with a fond blTore to wh»levet U l< ft lo us of our " good P*old State, we wonId say, give to as freely 1

Iceording tv your means; give generously ; ~

give gratefully to the memory of ihoos whojave their lives for us.


8. McCORD, 1Presidents. C. Monument Association.

. >

MtasincnrLdttiif F«nia.'Wtbft*r'd "Juiirto PietloMrv hu putrd through vwi>us edition*, eoch en lmprov«m«it uponind en enlargement of1 the preceding, untilt bn* culminated Ih the pr***nl magnificentliterary and linguistic fabric. The reputa- jjloo of thie work Va not confined h Amvi«t. qffl find It Itafed that io the Alexandra gsate, tried ia the Oeurt at- Rxeheqner at gWestminster Hall, under purely English glaw, no other dictionary, Engliah or Amer- Blean. <fn«vteA-AA^lb|4«A>Aa than hi*. CThe Lord Chief IJaron, In Mf decision, pro ©nounetd " Wrbrie*,'* Dictionary a work at Clie greatest learning, yrarareh, and ability." 9,Besides' tha nurrteroua iUu<lrtti«oa with £;whieh the volume la interspo-st-d, there are ~

at the end sixty-aeven pegae ef die moat An* jlalied pictorial illiuOraliana, repteeentiag almoatevery conceivable olceeyin nature, j]wience, and art. 9t wonld be an necessary, jif we were competent to the M»k, te tub- i,ject thia work to a critical ana^'**"- lUra- Lputation la firmly established. It it built Lupon a rock, and eah bid d fi^noe to anypetty atorm that tlia critic* ean raiee.

[ Rithmond Whig, ifmy t, 188A^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M~ ^"uavTT^A ilaaLvav Diouno!*.. Lite ia rendered N

miserable when the digeattt*'organ* are ia- P|>eired. Food hsesmas Nfabin; the body *smaciatad ; tb* mtaU dcpceaccd. and walan- 8eh oljr broods over too. JTUTT'8 VEUKTA- 8BLK 1,1VKB PILLS la the remedy for theeeivfle; they produce eeupd digeeBtu ; erents arood appetite, impart refreshing steep and Sirhecrfulncss of infnd. ^ *T-2

JIirr m Kwf.O <«»To dartfc^frn vSant ad Y.tooii, 'ashes and B'lnde, we>efer to thedriertisenteni pf P. P- *di.f*-U»e large manfaeturerof- those aotdl in, Otv'^hW'.rice list furnished on appUMilP0* 9-tf

CowecjKNoa in moat men, ta but thenlicipation of the opinions of oljiafl).{Toylqrfr Statmma^ c,muit.ii 11i'i i jjiui|iu..i i in.

* Ootruain, 6. C., Jaaunry SI. '

Bales of eottou te-tWy,.about ttlaitf mid"llinga WJ&tSJ. #

Raw Youa, January SI.Quid 21}: ©ottoa ddlVat «M-Accosts, January SI. *

Cotton market dnll and lower. with sale*>f 4SO hales; receipt* 6Wt.MMIiuga SSf.Ciisatprra*, fauuary S).

v.uion mill and |(3ic. lover. wUh eaten °

>f 200 bain, middling* l4f ; receipts 1,06#. ^

Irrit%blf «I*I>I0F.STI0!1 not <niy adeems physical fnaltb, but the dfepoebtOipWi tempera «fWa jjriotIns. Tba Jyapeptle tyaaaam toe, la a *ensure demoralisedV M*ea«nin*e. Be fc ~

rSiiwienBitireness.wbWh h« cannot see Urol, leads *bin (a ini*cnn»true the words and nets of *hoe© around Bin, and hta Intercourse even *with tboaa nearest aad danreat t* bin la not ^anlreqnentljr marked by exhibitions of tcsttnestforeign to bla real nature. These »ro tbe uarttal pbaaonuan eftbe disease, fof whichtbe invalid cannot be iuttly held responsible, *;but tbej odoueloh much household dittvtofort. r[t hi to tbe Istorest of tbe bone rifely M b Pleeeutial to fwnil/ hamnny m well arte tbe J?rescue of tbe prineipel anfferer from a state set »far removed (rem Incipient Insanity, that ®

jSDa'lSSI!>roflu«io* ft. thorough M< afcrtAry «hap*ga^ *

Wsi^^'rss^TSrK i** aaltag, tofciM*g\*4 aJiflgfr- .«r ao<l tb*fty»a]*at wbiab l*id* Mttaityka *hair remedial *frt«ae U (be p«Ve»t wd I6) *hat can ba eattwrtad ftratn »b«r m«t whatk _

««» <rf all oefeala. Ttb-aoanlt rye. We *

^5SS3^fea^f|3Milaegtteer a»4 liHUMWly, an} ttta *»pM °*

Fart « 4f »


rs t p n i s

55|3|Vaado lEbiing ifc fits

at their works i:WW. C. DUKES A

NO. 1 fiOtPjPHfULlllS C. SMITH, AC

Petbraary1 C V,' f ><t< " 7<<f */:

Marbikb, m lb« 27th Isrt,, by R«t.[ogh M«Im% Dr. J H. PEAK, of Gre-n»ill*. t» MIm M AKIE. daughter of th« l*leT. P. W. Synim*, ofPenSieloh,* 0." 7m/ 'T

MA«niKi>, OB the 20th J ,n 1870. by Rev.. D. 6 win, il the boot* of the bride'* father,[r. JOHN M. ROBKKTH to Mia* LOU aIATUEW& All ol OroenvDie County, 8 0.M anaiau, Oft the mornlns of the 80th alt,yllev.T. J. *wr1-, Mr. II. C. DAVIS. olqtlierfordlop. V. C. and Mia. JULIET M.OODLBTT, of tbi* County,prFrietei'* f*e received.

Dikd, at Mayfleld, Milnm County. Toxa*.> the 20th Iteoember, 1809. JOHN ALLEpOWNK8, youngest wit of Msj. 6. A. Townc*,(*d 19 year* and 8 day*.The dcoeaaed w«» a native pf Greenville, butkd lived for two year* preceding ble death,i Tea**. His disease was sudden; About*eek before bi* Ulnea*, be wrote to on* ef tb.itnily that be waa in An* health and spirit*.Eulogy on tb* deed may be Indtsertaalnat*ad unwarranted, but it b just and right t«stow it when tb* destroyer ha* cut downm honored or, the noble-hearted.the gettera*and the promising, however unknown teint. Therecharaetcristiss belong to J. Alleeowner. He waa remarfcsMn for hi* Intelllenee,bi* kind, affeetionate and tasgnanimoui{ position; ehaerlmi and witty, be arm* a fa6ritewith hi* family and friends. Indnatrius,temperate, moral and honorable in allIt action*, ba murt hava .eeeadad in tb.kreer of life, bad not deatb so soon, alas,rougbt It to a alo*a in a distant land. Hi*treiy aMicted father, brother and survivingstar, and all bis relative* and friends, willapply mourn his departure from this world,at should be eeasoled by the bap* that tb.asott* ruerived from a pious mother, bar.een efleetual, by the mercy of God, to trans»rthi* spirit to be witb ber end all tb* Paradise.

i1 uii-_ .a.'.'J --i-i .-u.-ujujb


J ilS r t




ORKKXVIMK, B. C., FEB. 1,1870.AGON.Sides, 1ft lb, 18@ JO «,llama, " " »Shoulders, ^ lb, 16 e,

ALE ROPE, Iftlb, . 10eAOQIMQ, Owmy, m, yd. ...26035 «AUQINO, Dundee, W jd 20026 ePR LAPB - _...UUTTER, fk lb, 20 All*EESWAX, » lb ..,«« .....300 32.HICK ENS, rft heed,......,.....;....20 023 eOFFKK, V &>. Rio, 22 0 28 aORN, 1ft bushel .$1 3«OTTON, Middling 221cQGS, 1' dosen,. ... 20cLOUR, 1ft M«k, $4 500*5 2!OLD . 150*1 20NDIUO, Spanish Float, *2 0002 21

" South Carolina, .......J|l 7502 NRON, R lb, American, 7108cRON TIES, 10c.ARD, ^ lb, . 25030c.EAD, -r» lb ..20 e.KATIIER, V «>. Sola, Uemiock,.*60JI7i c.

u a a u Oalrw....4505O e,** " - Upper .70076 e,** u it ]|(raeM, .....65060c.

IOLASSES, » gal., Muscovado, 75@*l 0(1" " " New Ori. Syrup, *1 23

AILS, 1ft kef- ...~*7 6008 00ORK, gross and net, .121c.YB, » bushel ....1 2001 40ALT. * sank, Livorpool, ..^....*S 71UOAR, 1ft lb, Brown, 16 0 20 e." " " Clarified,. 200221*" " " Crushed ...26 e.

BIRT1NO, seren eights, fl bale,. ..I2le."" retail 16 e.AT.riiW w a : *« -

BEAT, y boahel m TA1BN, Factory, by ba»aw...^....,....._4l H*


M beach1*

latest quotations offtuthern seourities,

;n oharlwfow, b. a

>rr«eied W*kly for th« FFBRPM8Hby a. C. kaufman. BrtOtP*.

No. 25 Broad Street. ».

j\nuary si, maStat* fiteuriti* .South Carolina, oldAM; d<r new,.@7*; do, rtfM'd atoek,

i fob. 6%7&. 'iCity fftc*r'tii».A ugnrta, da. llonda, M|M t Charleston, S. C. Stoek, (all qr ioO 63fitI) do. Fir* I«M Bead*,.(j|7A ; Cflowbia,C. Bovida, [email protected] Bond*.Btaa Rid**, (drat aaart*age).Add i Charlaatoa and Seraaaab,MAI > Charlotte, Oolaaibfc aad AnKfuU,.@8fjheraor and Darlington,.@A# f QnMavffM»d Colombia, (lit mart).@75 , do, (Stat*uaranfoe) MAM: Northeaster*, MAU|arannak and Charleston, Mat mort).@7Sj», (State go arantee).@#4 j Booth Carolina,<n>M j da, TI j Spartaabnrg m4 UliNr^Railroad Stoat a.Chart"tte, Columbiaad Aageita,.§»| Uraaariila and Colum5WuSgtoWLW3rhole eharea) M@M; do, (half do) ISQt&fBttrhango, d"-~new y*r| Sight, 1 ad garold, lMAIMUSilrer, 1I»A"7.

Am/A fW.». Book BHU. <**

Bank of OhiihMa.M.«. i .@.

Bask of Nawberry [email protected] of Camdan aeeaa»ft0(® ..oak of Beorgetoam.,..^. Mon* 01 oomtm ,uip»nkofCkeoto^ w>.« ....«*....~*IS&.fctik oiWtBb<fi^M.t«i,.rt..iti.i<Uii*/...tfl "lak of fttaU of B. o, prior H *«<U Wfar«7JTictaHMUt.

^...,-.< > a.i

* . t i* iTini u v) ti i ii%" ryifc 11"wwl llWsWWWw !* ! MHNk Wl

f.'. "*** **.

|o«thw*at«ni *. H. B»«k of ukor». _ko»t"n,jnow) ^. - *>

»rns«ri' »»4 lukH«a Bask ofCtoloaloo ...r^T..;. _<»J

ok.1» Bwk «C Oota«Mo-«...........«*(».(XKMoroUl Bonk of Colanbi* y.._ 3<&rorahoofi lUk of»<£IwWBook of Boirtrkf... fiS.

B >My4#<%ovleoU» Clioog*b5o »orkod Ikrf. [ ) oro kotog rodoonod

t tko Bonk Ceantora of eooh.

Y 3 i V ^N>\ ^

Ht.,.* J'? 4 «v -£41fl|l nr . - *» >»**E4«D CROPS, ^

fiii Mm uTiani

inn&ctaring Company, 4N CHARLESTON, 8. C. Ji COti Gen. Agents, ®


I caw confidently My that Simmons' LirsrlUgititor bu dosem »i*i» wood than all U>«n«4Mit X tf«r naod. I (bill stvir ba wfthontIt. JOHN J. ALLKN,

, Bibb ooouty.

Ilia that Fun is Hxm To..Scrofala orKing's BtU, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellingof the Gland* and Joints, Eruptions of theSkin, Secondary Syphilis with nil its train ofarils. Iaanurs Dlood. Feeael* Diseases, Low I

F Spirits, Lieer Complaint, Nervousness, Ac.,I Ac., fall to tlaa lot of uianiiSud. Bat, happily,

they knee their antidote. DR. TUTT'S RARSAI'AKIIjLA and QUEEN'S DHLIGI1T pos(setses tho qualities U> expel tbara from tbs system,restore perfect health, and prodtee happiness,where nil was misery. 37-1

jTotice. "

gAUCTION SALE f| On Nrxl Monday (Saleday) in 1

Dr. long^ stork, orrosiTK theSouthern Hotel. I will e«ll DryGoods, Hats and Shoes, Saddles, Bridles,

Ac. C. F. WATERS, Auctioneer., Feb 1 371_


af CHESTER PIGS about sir weeksold, from one of thejbeal Sows seer broughtto this place, and as Sue Pigs as has ersrbeen seen. JULTUS a SMITH,

r Feb a 871

IXelice. 4 - .

\ rTMlX Farmers of tha County era requestJLed to meet io the Court llouss onSales day in February, (next- Monday.) for Sthe purpose of organizing a Farmers Cinb

, for Greenville County.Feb 2 87J

For Sale.« & THE HOUSE and LOT, on the RotbIIIerford Road.known as the Uoodlett

JjJL house.for farther information applyto THOMAS 8TKKN.Fab 1 37 . . tf

r J' 7 » 7*~J T"1 T,For Sale.

A6j~< THAT pleasantly tilaiUd HOUSEMini and LOT, on tba Corner of Coflko andBlliiLMcBco 81reel*.for terms and narticn:tort, toqulw of THOMAS BTKEN.\ lob* 37tr

Taken UpjT>Y the subscriber, slmnt the first of Oe,1) lober last, a RED BULL YEARLING,wfth no mar^ about fifteen month# old.I The owner will please come and take itI away. Can be found at my residence, threeI miles from the City of Qr«nnville, on tbeI Laurens road.

W. n. WASSON.Feb 2 871

NoticeTHEREBY forewarn all persons from

trading with or trusting my wife, JaneAshmore, on my aceount, as I am determinedto pay no obligations contrasted by her,unless compelled by law.

ANDERSON aSHMORE, Colored.Feb 2 278*

County Troaiurorls Office, 1GREENVILLE COURT HOUSE, 8 C,

February 2J, 1870. INOTICE is hereby given, that my Office


wiH be open tor the purpose of re*eeieiog the Stale apd County TAXES furthe year 1809, on /he 15/A day of fHimmty,1870 For general parpoaea of 8tate goveramsnt,ona-half ( )) of on* par cent. onall Fortune! and Real Property. For Canitypurposes, three It) mil la on the dollar.On each Taxable Foil Otoe Dollar. Up |So Mm 1st of April, the Single Tax onlywill bo ohorged. Aftor At 1st of April,aed ap to the 20th of Jnna, e psnalty of 20

Cr oent. will be attached. After the 20tbJnas the Troasnrer will proceed to ool

leet by distress,, legstker wish a penalty offirs per cent, as Collection Fees.There wITT positively be no extea

ionof l)m* ! rolleetton of these Taxes.VfU. W. ROBERTSON,

County Treasurer,,>«b 2 fl*

tmSBB DECREE IV EQUITY.ANNE K. KARLE re JULIA EARLE, ef ml.jTV/FKH8 will he reoslrsd for the follow.V kty vslusble PROPERTY, st PrivateSals, until Um 12th Pohresry intitlltw litTfir t.ixn -ui. i

. - «-wi(iruvfmania tbareon. eonaiUlng of o two tUtryfrumt building ooutainlng six upright roopta,1 with M<mIfI, partff, kiUkn, and othorMiTtaiMt ouihouaaa, together with atabla

i and earriaga honaaa. a cardan and thriftyyoung fruit oroharrf, In tha County of Qreanattlo, abowt ona mila front Graan*ilia C. H.I*tha Boutb'eaat of. and porallal to. Pondla1too road; beginning at a ataka 8 X book ofLot aold to 8. 8. Calllard, on a Wat 80faat w ida, and ran* thanaa along aaid atroatN. 16 t 600 faat. U a atak« 8 X; lhanaa

. Worth Mt. dk) «aat, to a ataka on a Honon a traat of toad bolonglag to Mia aalata

t of L. If. McBao, deooaaad, thaaao with DM, of aaid Iraot 8. 16 W. 400 faat, to atrcat 60faat «Mt; thonea along aofcl alraot 8 ItR 600 foat to |ho beginning 5 aoM to 000"tola aboot fire ooraa, bo tha ao*o mtfo orUna. ,

, AUUt, ,'> MM ... ' '«n Mi i kaui ur wei.l TIMBbkkuFORES* LAND, Mltohl* for tlfebor or feel

iboM tHroo mUm Iron 0wnettleCourt. H«om, m the right bid tldivf (hiPendleton Rood; miUIiIm 108 ooree,folly boeeelhed fo plot Ay John Wotooo,Aet«d 4th Doe*mbor, IMR bo lb* momtooro or looo. ^7Vm#.Ooellilrtt *e»h balenee in oreMdl two yeore. hi erjnol 'jietobnenU. wRM «'kotereet Bom dor of oil, peynbi* ononaMy,mow red by bond end Mortgoge of the preenlee* Mid. IoeoronM o( the bulldiego IMirigtimeiU of tb* policy *o the Referee (,Porehooer to poo tor pepoi* end etompo. Ir. JAMBBW ORAtV ,Kpeeiel Referee.

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