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Державний навчальний заклад «Уманський професійний аграрний ліцей» Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням Міні – підручник для учнів ПТНЗ за професією «Електромонтер з ремонту та обслуговування електроустаткування Шевчук Т.В. викладач іноземної мови

ДНЗ "Уманський професійний аграрний ліцей"  · Web viewAn electrician’s tool belt will

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Державний навчальний заклад

«Уманський професійний аграрний ліцей»

Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням

Міні – підручник для учнів ПТНЗ за професією

«Електромонтер з ремонту та обслуговування електроустаткування

Шевчук Т.В. викладач іноземної мови

І категорії

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Упорядник :Шевчук Т.В, викладач англійської мови, першої категорії, ДНЗ «Уманський ПАЛ»

Рецензент : Кравцова С.І., заступник директора з навчальної роботи

Пропонований посібник – збірка текстів професійного спрямування з англійської мови для учнів ІІІ курсу професійно – технічних навчальних закладів із професії «Електромонтер». Теми підібрані і систематизовані згідно програми середньої загальноосвітньої школи для професійно – технічних навчальних закладів. В додатку до збірника запропоновані варіанти тематичних контрольних робіт. При складанні посібника врахований метод інтенсивного навчання англійської мови та метод аналітичного читання. Тому до кожної теми додані необхідний словниковий матеріал з перекладом та відповідними вправами. Посібник призначений для учнів та викладачів професійно – технічних навчальних закладів.

Схвалено методичною комісією суспільно – гуманітарних дисциплінПротокол № 10 від 29 травня 2014

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I. Physical base of electricity

Lesson 1

1. Read the text and answer the questions.


Electricity is a form of energy. Electricity is a flow of electrons. All matter is made of atoms, and an atom has a center, called a nucleus. The nucleus contains positive charges called protons and uncharged called neutrons. The nucleus of atom is surrounded by negatively charged particles called electrons. The negative charge

of electron is equal to the positive charge of a proton, and the number of electrons in an atom is usually equal to the number of protons. When the balancing force between protons and electrons is upset by an outside force, an atom may gain or lose an electron. When electrons are “lost” from an atom, the free movement of these electrons constitutes an electric current. Electricity is a basic part of nature and it is one of our most widely used forms of energy. We

get electricity, which is a secondary energy source, from the conversion of other sources of energy, like coal, natural

gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources, which are called primary energy. In the mid – 1800s, everyone’s life changed with the inventing of the electric light bulb. Prior to 1879, electricity had been used in arc lights for outdoor lighting. The light bulb’s invention used electricity to bring indoor lighting to our homes. Despite its great importance in our daily lives, most of us rarely stop to think what

life would be like without electricity. Yet, like air and water, we tend to take electricity for granted. Everyday we use electricity to do many functions for us – from lighting and heating/ cooling our homes, to being the power source for televisions and computers. Electricity is a controllable form used in the applications of heat, light and power.


a flow of electrons – потік електронів electricity - електрика

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a nucleus - ядро charge – заряд equal – рівний balancing force – врівноважуючи силаthe free movement – вільний рух an electric current – електричний струмprimary energy - носій енергії the electric light bulb - електролампочкаarc light – дугова лампа is upset – порушуєтьсяto gain – отримувати conversion - перетворенняQuestions:

1. What we call electricity? 2. From what all matter is made of?3. What is the construction of the nucleus?4. What is named an electron?5. What is named a proton?6. The negative charge of electron is equal to the positive charge of a proton, isn’t it?7. Is the number of protons equal to the number of electrons? 8. When does an atom gain or lose an electron?9. What we name an electric current?10. Is electricity one of our most widely used forms of energy?11. How we get electricity?12. What we call primary energy?13. When the electric light bulb was

invented?14. What kind of electric bulb had been used prior to

1879?15. What kinds of electric bulb we use indoor of our home?16. What electricity means in our life?17. What kinds of sources of energy do you know?

2. Find the English equivalents to the Ukrainian ones.

1. форма енергії; 2. позитивний заряд; 3. ядро атома; 4. негативно заряджені частинки; 5. позитивний заряд протона; 6. зовнішня сила; 7. вільний рух електронів; 8. одна з найбільш поширених вживаних форм природи; 9. інші джерела енергії, 10. атомна енергія; 11. природні джерела; 12. винайдення електролампочки; 13. зовнішнє освітлення; 14. приносити освітлення в середину наших домівок; 15. нагрівання/ охолодження наших домівок; 16. контрольована форма.

3. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Електрика це форма енергії, чи не так? 2. Електрика це потік електронів, а не протонів. 3. Кожен атом має центр, який називається ядром. 4. Ядро має позитивно заряджені протони і негативно заряджені електрони. 5. Вільний рух електронів встановлює електричний струм. 6. Ми отримуємо електрику від перетворення носіїв енергії таких як вугілля, природний газ, нафта.7. Eлектричну лампочку було винайдено в середині 1800 років. 8. Щодня ми використовуємо електрику для освітлення, обігріву і охолодження наших осель.

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Lesson 2

1. Match the words with their definitions.1. The light bulb a.This is a one of forms of energy.2. Neutrons b. It contains protons and neutrons.3. An electric current c. The negatively charged particles4. The nucleus d. The uncharged particles5. Matter e. It is always present between protons and electrons.6. The electrons f. The free movement of electrons in the conductive environment.7. The balancing force g. It is made of atoms8. The arc lights bulbs h. Coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power

and other natural sources are the first energy source

9. Electricity i. It is used to bring indoor lighting to our homes.

10. Primary energy j. They are used for outdoor lighting

2. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian.What is an electricity generator?

An electricity generator is a device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. The process is based on the relationship between magnetism and electricity. When a wire or any other electrically conductive material moves across a magnetic field, an electric current occurs in the wire. The large generators used by the electric utility industry have a stationary conductor. When the magnet rotates inside the stationary conductor it induces a small electric current in each section of wire as it passes. Each section of wire constitutes a small,

separate elastic conductor. All the small currents of individual sections add up to one current of considerable size. This current is what is used for electric power.

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Werner von Charles Wheatstone Siemens

The electric generator was first invented by the Hungarian inventor and engineer Anyos Jedlik between 1827 and 1830. Jedlik invented the generator, a simple dynamo, at least six years before Werner von Siemens in Germany and Charles Wheatstone in Britain, whose names are usually associated with the device’s invention. Though the electrical generator was invented around 1830, it wouldn’t be until Nikola Tesla’s pioneering work on rotating magnetic fields around

1882 that generators would become suitable for industrial use. Today exist electrical generators of all imaginable sizes, from 3 – 6 watt generators to power bicycle lights to the hydroelectric generators in the Three Gorges Dam (дамба «Три ущелини») in China, which provide 22, 5 gig watts of power when they were fully installed in 2012. The current worldwide production of electricity is about 20.000 terawatt – hours, with about 66% generated through nuclear, and

2% through renewable such as wind or solar power converting.

electrically conductive material – електропровідник a stationary conductor – статор lugs – наконечники yoke – ярмо brushes – щітки shaft - вал armature conductors – пази field windings – поле обмотокelectric utility industry – електроенергетика renewable - поновлений to exist - існувати

3. Read the text and find the English equivalents to the given Ukrainian ones.1. Взаємодія між магнетизмом і електрикою; 2. Прилад для перетворення

механічної енергії в електричну; 3. Електричний струм з’являється в провіднику; 4. Маленький електричний струм; 5. Еластичний провідник; 6. Винайдення приладу; 7. Всі уявні розміри

4. Match the given images with the names of energy.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a. solar energy; b. nuclear energy; c. hydro energy; d. wind energy; fossil energy.

5. Answer the questions.

1. What is named an electricity generator?2. What components of the electric generator do you know?3. What is the procedure of the induction electric current in the electric generator?

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4. Who was invented the electric generator?5. When the electric generator became suitable for industrial use?

Lesson 3

1. Match the beginnings and the ends of the sentences.1. An electricity generator a. are existed. is a device for … 2. The process is based on … b. first invented by the Hungarian

inventor . 3. When a wire moves across c. a stationary conductor.

a magnetic field … 4. The large generators used by … d. inside the stationary conductor.5. Each generator has … e. an electric current occurs in it.6. The magnet rotates … f. converting mechanical energy into

electrical energy.7. Each section of wire constitutes … g. add up to one current of

considerable size.8. All the small currents of

individual sections … h. a small, separate elastic conductor.9. The electric generator was… i. the relationship between

magnetism and electricity. 10 .Today electrical generators of

all imaginable sizes … j. the electric utility industry.

2. Complete the words and translate them. Put the words into plural.Ene …gy, gen ..rator, po … er, mag ..eti ..m, …lectron, c …arge, w … re, cur …ent, b …lb, in ..enti …n, de …ice, ind …stry, se …tion, co …du …tor, wa …t, bru …h, lu …p, sha …t.

3. Read the text and translate it.Voltage

Voltage , otherwise known as electrical potential difference or electric tension (denoted ∆ V and measured in units of electric potential volts, or joules per coulomb), is the electric potential difference between two points – or the difference in electric potential energy of a unit test charge transported between two points. Voltage is equal to the work which would have to be done, per unit charge, against a static electric

field to move the charge between two points. A voltage may represent either a source of energy, (electromotive force), or it may represent lost,

used, or stored energy (potential drop). A voltmeter can be used to measure the voltage (or potential difference) between two points in a system, usually a common reference potential such

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as the ground of the system is used as one of the points. Voltage can be caused by static electric fields, by electric current through a magnetic field, or a combination of all three.


electrical potential difference – різниця електричного потенціалу electric tension – електрична напруга; denoted - позначена; joules per coulomb – Дж на К a unit test charge - одиничний ел. зарядelectric potential energy - потенціальна енергія electromotive force - ел. рушійна силаa common reference potential- загально прийнятий потенціал potential drop – падіння потенціалу

4. Put “True” if the sentence is correspond to the text and “False” if the sentence is not correspond to the text.1. Voltage is known as electrical potential difference.1. Voltage is otherwise known as electric tension.2. Voltage is measured only in units joules per coulomb.3. Voltage is the difference in electric potential energy of a unit test charge transported

between two points.4. A voltage may not represent electromotive force, but it may represent lost, used, or stored

energy (potential drop).5. A stored energy otherwise as a potential drop.

5. Combine synonyms in pairs.Voltage, positive charges, electrical potential, protons, free movement of electrons, neutron, negatively charged particle, an electric current, uncharged particle, electron.

Eg: Voltage - electrical potential

Lesson 4

1. Match the English and Ukrainian variant of the words and word – combinations.

1. electrical potential difference - a. падіння потенціалу2. electric tension - b. різниця електричного 3. electric potential energy - потенціалу 4. a common reference potential c. електрична напруга 5. potential drop - d. електричні вольти 6. a unit test charge - e. Дж/К 7. electromotive force - f. накопичена енергія

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8. joules per coulomb – g. одиничний заряд9. electric potential volts - h. загальний заряд10. stored energy - i. електрорушійна сила

2. Read the dialogue and do the test.

DialogueCustomer Service Representative: Hello, Big City Electricity, how many I help you today? Mr. Peters: I’m calling concerning my electricity bill.CSR: May I have your account number?Mr. Peters: Certainly, it’s 4392107.CSR: Thank you what can I help you with?Mr. Peters: I think I’ve been overcharged for the past month.CSR: I’m sorry to hear that. Why do you think we charged you too much?Mr. Peters: The bill is 300% higher than last month.CSR: I’m sorry to hear that. Let me ask you a few questions and then I’ll see what can I do.Mr. Peters: OK. Thank you for your help.CSR: Of course, thank you for calling this to our attention. Now how much do you usually pay for your electricity?Mr. Peters: I usually pay about $50 a month.CSR: Thank you. And how much did we charge on this bill?Mr. Peters: $150. I can’t understand why.CSR: Yes, Mr. Peters. Was your usage different any way?Mr. Peters: No, it was average month.CSR: I’m sorry there certainly seems to be a mistake.Mr. Peters: Well, I’m happy you agree with me.CSR: I’ll contact a service representative to come out and check your meter. What’s your address Mr. Peters?Mr. Peters: 223 Flanders St, Tacoma, Washington 94998CSR: I’m terrible sorry about the misunderstanding. We’ll do our best to charge this as quickly as possible.Mr. Peters: Thank you for your help in clearing this up.

1. Mr. Peters is calling concerning his … .a. new meeting b. electricity bill c. water bill d. gas bill

2. CSR asks Mr. Peters about his … .a. home number b. telephone number c. car number d. account number

3. What kind of problem does Mr. Peters have?a. overcharged b. accident c. underpayment d. robbery

4. Mr. Peters thinks he charged so …

a. much b. many c. less d. small

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5. How much does Mr. Peters chard on the bill?a. $100 b. $50 c. $150 d. $300

6. In what way did the office clerk solve Mr. Peters’ problem?a. have leave some money b. to be a mistake c. he apologized

7. Clerk was very … man.a. polite b. professional c. charming c. ambitious

Lesson 51. Translate the given sentences into Ukrainian. Put the question to each of them.

1. The voltage between two ends of a path is the total energy required to move a small electronic charge along that path, divided by the magnitude of the charge.

2. Pressure is now obsolete, but tension is still used, for example within the phrase “high tension” (HT).

3. Voltage is defined so that negatively charged objects are pulled towards higher

voltage, while positively charged objects are pulled towards lower voltage.

4. The conventional current in a wire or resistor always flows from higher voltage to lower voltage.

5. Current can flow from lower voltage to higher voltage, but only when a source of energy is present to “push” it against the opposing electric field.

6 . Inside a battery, chemical reactions inside the battery provide the energy needed for current to flow from the negative to the positive terminal.

2. Read the text and understand it. Find the English equivalents to the given Ukrainian ones.

Electrical resistance

Ohm’s law states that the current I flowing in the circuit is proportional to the applied potential difference V. The constant of proportionality is defined as the resistance R. If V and I are measured in volts and amperes, respectively, R is measured in ohms. Microscopically resistance is associated with the impedance to flow of charge carries offered by the material. For example, in metallic conductor the charge carries are electrons

moving in a polycrystalline material in which their journey is impeded by collisions with imperfections in the local crystal lattice, such as impurity atoms, vacancies, and dislocations. In these

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collisions the carries lose energy to the crystal lattice, and thus Joule heat is liberated in the conductor, which rises in temperature.___________________________________________________________with the impedance to flow - з опором потоку constant - коефіцієнт is defined - визначається respectively - відповідноto the applied – прикладеної is associated- пов'язанийimpurity atoms - домішкові атоми vacancies – дірки

1. струм, який протікає в колі; 2. вимірюються у Вольтах і Амперах;3. асоціюється з опором потоку носіїв заряду; 4. металічний провідник; 5. полікристалічний матеріал; 6. носії віддають енергію кристалічній решітці; 7. тепло виділяється в провідник; 8. температура якого зростає.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What does the Ohm’s low state?2. How to define the constant of proportionality in the Ohm’s low?3. Resistance is associated with the impedance to flow of charge carries, is not it?

Lesson 6 (резервний)

Lesson 7

1. Translate the texts. Give the name for each.

A. Electricity is measured in units of power called watts. It was named to honor James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine. One watt is very small amount of power. It would require nearly 750 watts to equal one horse power. One kilowatt represents 1,000 watts. 6. A kilowatt – hour is equal to the energy of 1, 000 watts working for one hour. 7. The amount of electricity of a power plant generators or a customer uses over a period of time is measured in kilowatt – hours. 8. Kilowatt – hours are determined by multiplying the number of kW’s required by the number of hours of use.


The electricity is produced by a generator which travels it along cables to a transformer, which changes electricity from low voltage to high voltage. Electricity can be moved long distance more efficiently using high voltage. Distribution lines are used to carry the electricity to substations. Substations have transformers that change the high voltage electricity into lower voltage electricity. From the substations, distribution lines carry the electricity to homes, offices and factories.

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2. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Електрика – це форма енергії, чи не так? 2. Кожен атом має центр, який називається ядром. 3. Вільний рух електронів встановлює електричний струм. 4. Електричну лампочку було винайдено в середині 1800х років. 5. Електрика, вироблена генератором, транспортується вздовж кабелів до трансформатора. 6. Електрика – це потік електронів, а не протонів, чи не так? 7. Ядро має позитивно заряджені протони і негативно заряджені електрони. 8. Ми отримуємо електрику від перетворення носіїв енергії таких як вугілля, природний газ, нафта. 9. Щодня ми використовуємо електрику для освітлення, обігріву і охолодження наших осель. 10. Електрика вимірюється в одиницях потужності, які називаються ватами.

Lesson 8 (аудіювання)

Lesson 9 (тест)

II. Nature of the work of the electrician

Lesson 10

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1. Study the vocabulary

Vocabularyelectricity - електрика air condition - кондиціонерinstall – установлювати, монтувати connect – з’єднувати test - перевіряти electronic control - електрична система управління maintain - обслуговувати blueprint – планcircuit - ел. ланцюг, контур, схема outlet – розеткаload centers – центри навантаження panel boards – панельні плитиconduit - ізоляційна трубка pipe - трубка tubing - прокладка труб, тюбінг partition - перегородкаconcealed areas – скриті місця switches - вмикачіpull insulted wires – протягувати ізольовані проводи residential - житловийplastic – covered wire – ізольований пластиком провід circuit breaker – розмикачproper connection –правильне підключення safety of components – безпека компонентівwiring – монтаж проводівensuring electrical compatibility – intercom systems – селекторний зв'язок забезпечення електричної сумісності fire alarm – пожежна сигналізація

Exercise 2. Read the text and translate it. Give the title of the text.

Electricity is essential for light, power, air condition, and refrigeration. Electricians install, connect, test, and maintain electrical systems for a variety of purposes, including climate control, security, and communications. They also may install and maintain the electronic controls for machines in business and industry. Although most electricians specialize in other construction or maintenance, a growing number do both. Electricians work with blueprints when they install electrical systems in factories, office buildings, homes, and other structures.

Blueprints indicate the locations of circuits, outlets, load centers, panel boards, and other equipment. Electricians must follow the National Electric Code and company with State and local building codes when they install these systems. In factories and offices, they first place conduit (pipe or tubing) inside designed partitions, walls, or other concealed

areas. They also fasten to the wall small metal or plastic boxes that will house electrical switches and outlets. Then they pull insulted wires or cables through the conduit to complete circuits between these boxes. In lighter construction, such as residential plastic – covered wire usually is used instead of conduit. Regardless of the type of wire used, electricians connect it to circuit breakers, transformers, or other components they join the wires in boxes with various specially designed connectors. After they finish the wiring, they use testing

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equipment, such as ohmmeters, voltmeters, and oscilloscopes, to check the circuits for proper connections, ensuring electrical compatibility and safety of components. In addition to wiring a building’s electrical system, electrician may install coaxial or fiber optic cable for computers and other telecommunications equipment. A growing number of electricians install telephone systems, computer wiring and equipment, street lights, intercom systems and fire alarm and security systems. They also may connect motors to electrical power and install electronic controls for industrial equipments.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions: 1. What does electricity mean for our life?2. What do operations electricians usually do?3. Do electricians work with blueprint?4. What is the role of the blueprint?5. What do electricians must fallow?6. What do electricians do in factories and offices first?7. Where is the plastic – covered wire used?8. When do electricians the tasting equipment use?9. What kinds of testing equipment did you know?10. For what purpose the testing equipment is used for?11. May electricians maintain the computers?12. What is the field of electrical servicing nowadays?

Exercise 4 Match the words from the left column with their translations from right column.

1. electrical systems a. телекомунікаційне обладнання2. install electrical systems b. телефонні системи3. indicate the locations of circuits c. комп’ютерна проводка4. residential plastic – covered wire d. приєднувати проводи в коробках5. join the wires in boxes e. використовувати тестуюче

обладнання6. specially designed connectors f. електричні системи7. use testing equipment g. визначати розміщення ел. кіл8. a building’s electrical system h. житловий пластиковий провід9. telecommunications equipment i. встановлювати ел. системи10. telephone systems j. будівельна електрична система11. computer wiring k. спеціально розроблені конектори12. street lights l. зовнішнє освітлення

1. Complete the words and translate them into Ukrainian.El … ctri …ity, ci …cuit, tubin …, con …ection, wi … e, blu … print, … utlet, p … pe, parti … ion, swit … h, …ircuit bre …ker, con … ector.

Lesson 11

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1. Describe the pictures using the word – combinations: to install the ceiling light, to check a fuse – box, using a voltmeter, to install electrical cabling, to install electric wires in a new building.

Use the example: The electrician measures the voltage using a voltmeter on the image 1.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5

2. Read the text and translate it. Copy the necessary words into your exercise – books.

Text. Special features of the electrician’s work Maintenance electricians spend much of their time in preventive maintenance. They periodically inspect equipment, and locate and correct problems before breakdowns occur. Electricians may also advise management on whether continued operation of equipment could be hazardous. When needed, they install new electrical equipment. When breakdown occur, they must make the necessary repairs as quickly as possible in order to minimize inconvenience. Electricians may replace items such as circuit breakers, fuses, switches, electrical and electronic components, or wire. When working with complex electronic device, they may work with engineers, engineering technicians, or industrial machinery installation, repair, and maintenance workers. Electricians use hand tools such as screwdriver, pliers, knives, and hacksaws. They also use power tools and testing equipment such as oscilloscopes, ammeter, and test lamps.


Maintenance - технічне обслуговуванняpreventive maintenance – профілактичне обслуговуванняbreakdowns – розриви, аваріїto minimize inconvenience - звести до мінімуму незручності replace items – замінити елементиcircuit breakers – автоматичні вимикачіfuses - запобіжникиcomplex electronic device – складний електричний пристрій industrial machinery installation – промислове встановлення обладнанняscrewdriver - викруткаpliers - плоскогубціа hacksaw - ножівкаpower tools – електроінструментиElectricians may also advise management on whether continued operation of equipment could be hazardous. - Електрики також можуть давати рекомендації по керуванню, чи коли продовження експлуатації може бути небезпечним.

2. Find and write out English equivalents of the word – combinations given in Ukrainian.

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1. спеціальні умови; 2. періодично оглядають обладнання; 3. нове електричне обладнання; 4. мусять робити необхідні ремонтні роботи;5. електричні чи електронні компоненти; 6. технічний інженер; 7. ремонтні робітники.

3. Complete the sentences according to the text:

1. Maintenance electricians spend much of their time in … .a. periodically inspect equipment;b. preventive maintenance;c. advise management;

2. They periodically … , and locate and correct problems before breakdowns occur.a. install new electrical equipment;b. make the necessary repairs;c. inspect equipment;

3. When breakdown occur, they must make the … as quickly as possible in order to minimize inconvenience.a. necessary repairs;b. work with engineers;c. testing equipment;

4. . When working with complex electronic device, they may work with … .a. power tools;b. electrical and electronic components;c. engineers, engineering technicians.

5. Electricians use … such as screwdriver, pliers, knives, and hacksaws.a. handtoolsb. testing equipment;c. power tools.

4. Answer the questions:

1. What the maintenance electricians do in much of their time?2. What electricians must do to prevent breakdowns occurring?3. When they must make the necessary repairs?4. Do electricians may replace items such as circuit breakers, fuses, switches, electrical and

electronic components, or wire?5. When electricians may work with engineers, engineering technicians, or industrial

machinery installation, repair, and maintenance workers. ?6. What sets of electrical tools electricians may use?7. What handtools do you know?8. What are there the testing equipment?

Lesson 12

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1. Translate into English sentences given below.

1. Ремонтні електрики проводять багато часу на профілактичному обслуговуванні. 2. Ремонтні електрики періодично перевіряють обладнання, чи не так? 3. Електрики також можуть встановлювати нове електричне обладнання, якщо це

потрібно. 4. Вони мусять зробити необхідний ремонт так швидко, як це можливо, щоб

максимально зменшити незручності. 5. Електрики можуть працювати з складними електричними пристроями. 6. Електрики користуються такими ручними інструментами як викрутка, плоскогубці

та ножівка. 2. Read the text, translate it and give the title.

1) Diagnose malfunctioning systems, apparatus, and components using tests equipment and hand tools, to locate the cause of a breakdown and correct the problem.

2) Connect wires to circuit breakers transformers or other components.

3) Inspect electrical systems equipment, and components to identify hazards, defects, and the need for adjustment or repair, and to ensure compliance with codes.

4) Advise management on whether continued operation of equipment could be hazardous

5) Test electrical systems, and continuity of circuits in electrical wiring equipment, and fixtures using testing devices such as ohmmeters, voltmeters, and oscilloscopes, to ensure compatibility and safety of system.

6) Maintain current electrician’s license or identification card to meet governmental regulations.

7) Plan layout and installation of electrical wiring, equipment and fixtures, based on job specifications and local codes.

8) Direct and train workers to install, maintain, or repair electrical wiring, equipment, and fixtures.

9) Prepare sketches or follow blueprints to determine the location of wiring and equipment and to ensure conformance to building and safety codes.

10) Use a variety of tools and equipment such as power construction equipment, measuring devices, power tools, and testing equipment including oscilloscopes, ammeters, and test laps.


malfunctioning – неполадкиto identify hazards – визначити небезпекиthe need for adjustment – необхідний монтажto ensure compliance with codes – для забезпечення відповідності кодів

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continuity of circuits in electrical wiring equipment – безперервність ланцюгів електроустаткування проводкиcurrent electrician’s license – ліцензія діючого електрикаidentification card – ідентифікаційна карточкаplan layout and installation – планувати розміщення і монтажa sketch – ескізto determine the location - виявити наявністьto ensure conformance – щоб забезпечити відповідністьsafety codes – правила безпекиpower construction equipment - електричне будівельне обладнання

3. Find from the text English equivalents of word – combinations to the given Ukrainian ones.1. діагностувати несправності системи; 2. щоб знайти причину пробою; 3. вимикачі трансформаторів; 4. огляд електричних систем; 5. перевіряти електричні системи; 6. Арматура; 7. Направляти і тренувати працівників; 8. готувати ескізи; 9. для задоволення діючих урядових постанов; 10. вимірювальні прилади.

4. Put “+”, if the sentence is true and “-“ if the sentence is false.

1. Maintain current electrician’s license or identification card to meet governmental regulations.

2. Electricians cannot connect wires to circuit breakers transformers or other components.

3. Advise management on whether continued operation of equipment could be trustful.

4. Electricians may test electrical systems, and continuity of circuits in electrical wiring equipment. 5. They mustn’t use a variety of tools and equipment, measuring devices, power tools, and testing equipment. 6. They must maintain current electrician’s license or identification card to meet governmental regulations.

Lesson 13

1. Read the text and translate it.

Text. Job duties of electricians 1. Install ground leads and connect power cables to equipment, such as motors.

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2. Perform business management duties such as maintaining records and files, preparing reports and ordering supplies and equipment.

2. Repair or replace wiring, equipment, and fixtures, using hand tools and power tools.3. Work from ladders, scaffolds and roofs to install, maintain or repair electrical wiring,

equipment, and fixtures4. Place conduit (pipers or tubing) inside designated partitions /рα:ti∫n/, walls, or other

concealed areas, and pull insulated wires or cables through the conduit to complete circuits between boxes.

5. Construct and fabricate parts using hand tools and specifications.6. Fasten small metal or plastic boxes to walls to house electrical switches or outlets.7. Perform physically demanding tasks, such as digging trenches to lay conduit and moving

and lifting heavy objects.8. Provide preliminary sketches and cost estimates for materials and services.9. Provide assistance during emergencies by operating flood lights and generators, placing

flares, and driving needed vehicles.Vocabularyinstall ground leads - встановлювати заземленняperform business management duties – виконувати робочі звітиmaintaining records - ведення записівordering supplies - замовлення матеріалівсonstruct and fabricate parts - будувати і виготовляти частиниspecifications - технічні характеристикиperform physically demanding tasks - виконувати фізично складні завданняdigging trenches - копання траншейmoving and lifting heavy objects - переміщення і підйом важких об’єктіврrovide preliminary sketches - представлення попередніх ескізівcost estimates – список витратemergencies - надзвичайні ситуаціїassistance – допомогаflood lights - прожекториplacing flares - розміщення спалахівvehicles - транспортні засоби

2. Find from the text English equivalents of words and word – combinations to the given Ukrainian ones.

1.під’єднувати силові кабелі; 2. заміна проводки; 3. риштування; 4. драбина; 5. розміщувати трубопровід в середині сконструйованих перегородок; 6. скриті поверхні; 7. протягувати ізольовані проводи чи кабелі через трубопровід; 8. замкнути ланцюги між коробками; 9. кріпити малі металеві чи пластикові коробки; 10. електричні вимикачі або розетки; 3. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Електрики можуть встановлювати заземлення і під’єднувати кабелі до обладнання. 2. Обов’язком електрика є ремонт чи заміна проводки, чи обладнання, чи не так? 3. Електрик також може виконувати ведення записів і файлів, підготовку звітів,

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замовляння матеріалів та обладнання. 4. Щоб встановлювати, ремонтувати чи обслуговувати електропроводку і електрообладнання електрик може працювати з драбин, риштувань та дахів. 5. Також електрики можуть кріпити маленькі металеві чи пластикові коробки на стіни будинків до електричних вимикачів та розеток.

Lesson 14

1. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents of the words.

1. Diagnose malfunctioning systems; a. підтримувати діючу ліцензію2. Connect wires to circuit електрика;

breakers transformers; b. тренувати робітників ремон - 3. Advise management; тувати електропроводку;4. Test electrical systems; c. діагнозувати багатофункціональні5. Maintain current electrician’s системи;

license d. давати поради керівництву;6. Train workers to e. під’єднувати провода до вимикачів

repair electrical wiring; трансформаторів;7. Plan layout and installation of f. тестувати електричні системи;

electrical wiring; g. прокладати трубопровід чи трубки;8. Prepare sketches or follow h. ремонтувати чи замінювати про -

blueprints; водку чи обладнання;9. Use a variety of tools and i. встановлювати заземлення;

equipment; j. планувати прокладку і встановлен - 10. Install ground leads; ня електропроводки;11. Work from ladders, scaffolds; k. готувати ескізи і супроводжуючі12. Repair or replace wiring or креслення;

equipment; l. забезпечувати допомогу під час 13. Place conduit or pipers; надзвичайних ситуацій;14. Fasten small metal or plastic m. працювати з драбин, риштувань;

boxes to walls; n. виконувати фізично складні15. Perform physically demanding завдання;

tasks; o. приєднувати маленькі металеві 16. Provide assistance during чи пластикові коробки до стін;

emergencies; p. користуватися різноманітними інструментами і обладнанням;

2. Read the text and translate it. Answer the questions: 1. What the basic tasks of the electrician?2. What education and experience required for the profession of electricity?3. What skills and competency is required for an electrician?

Test. Basic Tasks

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- Install Electrical wirings and connect it to the main fuse or source of electricity.- Repair malfunctions and damages.- Inspect the wiring and electric status.- Communicate with the client on the kind and style of electrical installation that they

want. - Communicate with engineers or architects on the electrical positioning (for building

electricians)- Inspect the electrical instrument to be used- Advise good and appropriate installation and the kind of instrument or product to be use.

Education and training requirements:

- Must have taken 2 years vocational course in Electrical Technology.- Must have at least 2 – 5 years experience as a Electrician

Skills and Competency Requirements:

- Must have wide knowledge and ability in Electric Installation and repair;- Knowledge in different kinds of installation;- Must have wide knowledge in repairing electric circuits;- Must have knowledge in electrical devices;- Knowledge in connecting wires and plugs;- Basic knowledge in reading blueprints;- Can communicate with Engineers or site coordinator for the installation;- Must have good communicative skills;

3. Match the left and right column.

1. install electrical wiring - a. оглядати проводку ;2. repair malfunctions b. гарні комунікативні навички;3. inspect the wiring c. встановлювати електропроводку;4. advise the kind of instrument d. спілкуватися з інженерами;5. communicate with engineers e. різні види монтажу;6. experience as a electrician f. базові знання;7. different kinds of installation g. знати електроприлади;8. basic knowledge h. порадити вид інструменту;9. have knowledge in electrical i. читання креслень;

devices;10. connecting wires and plugs; j. досвід електрика;11. reading blueprints k. підключення проводів і вилок;12. good communicative skills; l. ремонтувати неполадки.

Lesson 15

1. Match the right and left columns and make up word – combinations. Translate them.1. Diagnose … a. to circuit breakers transformers;

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2. Connect wires … b. malfunctioning systems;3. Advise … c. to repair electrical wiring; 4. Test electrical … d. license;5. Maintain current electrician’s e. management;

… f. systems;6. Train workers … g. installation of wiring;7. Plan layout and … h. and equipment; 8. Prepare sketches or … i. leads;

j. boxes to walls; 9. Use a variety of tools … k. follow blueprints; 10. Install ground … l. assistance during emergencies; 11. Work from ladders, … m. replace wiring or equipment; 12. Repair or … n. scaffolds;13. Place conduit or … o. tasks; 14. Fasten small metal or plastic … p. pipers; 15. Perform physically demanding 16. Provide …;

2. Read the text and translate them. Answer the question: What the abilities they need to be good electricians? Use the phrases: I think … ; I know … ; By my mind …; As I know … ; atc. Text. Abilities Needed for Electrician

1. Near Vision – the ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer)2. Problem Sensitivity – the ability to tell when something is wrong.3. Deductive Reasoning ( дедуктивне мислення) – the ability to apply (застосовувати)

general rules to specific (конкретних) problems to produce answers that make sense.4. Oral Comprehension – the ability to listen and to understand information and ideas.5. Written Comprehension – the ability to read and understand information ideas presented

in writing.6. Oral Expression – the ability to communicate in speaking so other will understand.7. Finger Dexterity– the ability to make precisely (точно) coordinated movements of the

fingers of one or both hands to manipulate, or assembly very small objects.8. Gross Body Equilibrium – the ability to keep or regain your body balance or stay upright

when in unstable position9. Static strength – the ability to exert maximum muscle force to lift, push, pull or carry

objects.10. Dynamic Strength - the ability to exert muscle force repeatedly or continuously over



Near Vision – близьке баченняclose range – близька відстань

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within – в межахSensitivity - чутливістьOral Comprehension – усне розуміння

Exercise 3. Find out from the text the English equivalents to the given Ukrainian ones.1. здатність бачити деталі на близькій відстані; 2. щось неправильно; 3. загальні

правила; 4. виробити вирішення; 5. слухати і розуміти інформацію; 6. читати інформацію, представлену у письмовому вигляді; 7. точно скоординовані рухи пальців; 8. збирати дуже маленькі об’єкти; 9. відновлювати баланс тіла; 10. стояти прямо, коли нестабільна позиція; 11. максимальна мускульна сила; 12. тягнути об’єкт; 13. штовхати об’єкт; 14. піднімати об’єкт; 15. переносити об’єкт; 16. напружувати мускульну силу;

Lesson 16

1. Group work. Learn the images of the steps of installing an outlet and ceiling fan. Translate them into Ukrainian. Make up maintenance instructions of an outlet and ceiling fan.

Installing of an outlet

1. Turn Off the 2. Strip Romex Wire 3. Cut Off the Excess 4. Stripping Wire Conductors

Power Sheathing Sheathing

5.Making the Ground 6. Making the Neutral 7. Making the Hot Wire 8. Attach an Outlet to a Box Connection Connection Connection

9. Install the Outlet 10. Turning On the Breaker Cover Plate

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Installing of the Ceiling Fan

1. Remove the existing 2. Remove box and 3. Attach new electrical 4. Glue on the ceiling light fixture cut a new hole box medallion

5.Mount the ceiling 6. Assemble the fan 7. Make the wire 8. Attach the blades and plate components connection light

Note: fixture - світильник to assemble – збиратиto remove – знімати to attach – прикріплюватиto glue – клеїти to mount – монтувати


1. Read the text and translate it in writing.

Text. Overview fixturesThere are few fixtures that can impact the look and livability of a room as much as a ceiling fan. It can keep you cool on sultry summer days, push warm air down into the room during winter, and even serve as the room’s primary illumination if you add a light. Replacing the existing light fixture with a fan is a simple, one – day task since the wiring is already in place. However – and this is very important – you can’t just hang the fan from the existing electric box. It’s simply strong enough to support the added weight and

vibration of a fan. If you don’t have access to the ceiling fan from above, you must either use a specially rated hanger and a box to mount the fan between joists or, better yet, screw a fan – rated “pancake box ( so called it’s because very thin). _______________directly to a ceiling – прямо до стелі

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livability - благоустрійoverview – огляд a ceiling fan - вентилятор existing electric box - розподільча коробкаsultry - спекотнийjoist – балка

2. Look at the scheme and describe the

installing of the ceiling fan.

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Lesson 18 (контрольне читання)

Lesson 19 (контрольне аудіювання)

Lesson 20 (контрольна робота)

III. Electrical Tools and Equipment

Lesson 21

1. Look at the images and learn the names of the electrician’s tools and things.

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Electrical Tool Beg - сумка для інструментів електрика2. Pliers - плоскогубці3. Screwdriver - викрутка4. Electrician Tool Belt – пояс для інструментів електрика5. Adjustable Wrench – розсувний ключ6. Needle Nose Pliers - гострозубці7. Electrical Level Measuring Tape - рулетка8. Stubby Nut driver - гайковерт9. Ratcheting Cable Cutter – обрізувач кабелю10. Drill - дриль11. Hacksaws - ножівки12. Hummer Loop – циклічний молоток13. Allen Wrenches keys set – набір шестигранних ключів14. Wire Strippers – зачищувач ізоляції проводу

2 Combine the names of tools with descriptions of their applications.1. This bag is not for food but is a. conduit reaming tool;

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for tools for electricians.2. This belt has several pockets b. wire stripper;

for tools.3. You can hummer nails, screws c. side cutting pliers;

and staples.4. They are primary electrician tools. d. electrician tool bag;5. This tool is required to unscrew e. electrician tool belt;

bolts and screws.6. This tool is used to not only f. pliers;

cut wire, but nails, staples.7. They are used for wire stripper. g. hummer loop;8. It is necessary for any electrician h. screwdrivers;

running conduit.Lesson 22.

1. Match the numbers with their names which are in the box.

a. Wire Strippers; b. Allen Wrenches keys set; c. Adjustable Wrenches; d. Pliers; e. Electrical Tool Beg; f. Screwdrivers; g. A Hummer Loop; h. an Electrician Tool Belt; i. Electrical Level Measuring Tape; j. Drill; k. Needle Nose Pliers; l. Ratcheting Cable Cutters; m. Stubby Nut drivers; n. Saws;

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

2. Read the text and translate it.Text. The Electrician’s Tool Belt

There are many styles of tools belt available, and most are aimed at the different trades expected to use them. An electrician’s tool belt will need several pockets on one side for small parts and supplies with pockets on the other side for hand tools. It should have a place to hang electrical tape and hammer loop.

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Too many pockets, however, can be a hindrance (річ, яка заважає). A tool belt gains weight as tools and parts are added – it can quickly become quite a job to wear it all day. Many electricians use a tool belt with only a couple of pockets for parts, though 3 or 4 is handy as parts don’t get mixed up. Several pockets will be needed for hand tools, with loops on both the inside and outside for pliers. For specialty work such as installing large of numbers of switchers or plugs a small sheath for just a screwdriver and a pair of pliers can be very handy as it eliminates most of the weight when the electrician knows they will need only a few hand tools for the day. Pliers – primary electrician toolsThere dozens of different styles of pliers available and the well equipped electrician tool bag will contain several of them.A good set of needle nose pliers (гострогубці) is indispensable for the electrician. Side cutting pliers (dikes) Side cutting pliers, or “dickes” are common to every electricians tool set. These are used to not only cut wire, but nails, staples, MC cable and other items. Make sure that the jaws are specially hardened for such use, not merely intended for cutting copper or aluminum wire. Wire strippers. A pair of wire strippers is a necessary item in the electrician’ tool belt. A top quality set of screwdrivers and of nut drivers from ¼˝ to at least 7/16˝ will be in every electrician’ tool bag. Allen wrenches are must be too. A socket set is used by all electricians. A couple of adjustable wrenches, or perhaps 8˝ and 10˝ length and pipe wrench will be found in the electricians tool set. A conduit reaming tool is necessary for any electrician running conduit. Such electrical meters and testers as a multimeter capable of reading up to 600 volts, a non contact or tick tester and specialized voltage tester are necessary for an eleсtrician. аvailable - корисний, доступний, дійсний, перспективний, придатний, популярний. conduit reaming tool - інструмент для розсвердлювання каналуside cutting pliers, or “dickers” – бокові плоскогубціa socket set - набір торцевих насадок a nail - гвіздoк a staple - скобa jaws - щелепи hardened - загартований hindrance - річ, яка заважає nut drivers - гайковерт pipe wrench – трубний ключ

Questions: 1. What the main features of the electrician’ tool belt? 2. What kind of hand tools should has an electrician?3. When the side cutting pliers are used?4. What electrician’ tool is named as the primary electrician tool?

Lesson 23

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. 1. Describe the contents of

Tool’s Belt using image 1 and image 2.

Image 2

1. Do you know the BASIC SAFETY RULES FOR HAND TOOLS? Read the instruction, translate and retell it. Add your point to these roles.



for your job. Follow the correct procedure for using EVERY tool. Keep your cutting tools SHARP and in good condition. DON’T work with OIL or GREASY hands. Handle SHARP – EDGED and POINTED TOOLS with

care. NEVER carry your tools in your pocket DON’T use tools which are LOOSE or CRACKED. DON’T use screwdrivers as chisels or pry bars. AFTER USING A TOOL – clean it and return it to its proper storage place. If anything breaks or malfunctions – report it to your instructor AT ONCE. Use the RIGHT TYPE of tool for the job

_______________________chisel – різець, долото, стамеска, зубилоleverage – важільpry – розкривати, зламуватиbreakage - поломка

2. Translate into English in aloud.1. Електрик повинен мати захисне спорядження для роботи. 2. Не працюйте руками,

які забруднені олією або жиром. 3. Зберігайте свої ріжучі інструменти гострими і в хорошому стані. 4. Ніколи не носіть свої інструменти в кармані. 5. Не використовуйте інструменти які зношені або потріскані. 6. Користуйтеся потрібним інструментом для роботи. 7. Не використовуй викрутку як стамеску. 8. Негайно повідомте свого інструктора про поломку інструмента.

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Lesson 24

1. Read the SAFETY TIPS WHEN WORKING WITH POWER TOOLS than refer them to the proper situation.

Text. SAFETY TIPS WHEN WORKING WITH POWER TOOLSA. Power tools are essential for people in the trade who want to

accomplish their job in a competent manner as well as for those who won’t to do it yourself’. Using the right tools can prove to be huge benefit in many ways like for example the right tools can save you time and money plus it can also make your job easier to accomplish.

B. A power tool can be very dangerous object if it used wrongly. Hence it is vital that the tool is handled in the correct way in order to avoid accidents and injuries. Some common reasons for disaster to strike are carelessness, overconfidence and not reading the

instructions.C. Here some safety tips to ensure you are save working with power

tools. It is most necessary to wear safety glasses because it will prevent dust or debris from flying into your eyes and it also counts for wood shavings, shards and fiberglass. Power Tools tend to create

a lot of noise and can especially appear to be louder in a workshop’s confined place. There for, it is a sensible idea to wear ear plugs or ear defenders, since it will not only help you to protect yourself but it will also avoid permanent damage to your ear drums.

D. Before starting any job you need to know which tool is best for the job as this will drastically help to avoid any injury to yourself for any damage to the machine. For these reasons it is highly recommended that you read the instructions manual which come with the power tool kit carefully and also familiarize yourself thoroughly with the safety measures.

E. Instructions on how to clean and store your tools carefully and how to take care of it are also included. You should always carry a power tool by its handle and never by its cord. It is necessary to disconnect it if it is not in use always make sure your fingers are far away from the switch incase

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you are using a tool which is connected to the power source. Remember to use a power breaker when working with high powered tools.

F. important to wear the right clothing and tie long hair back. It is equally important to avoid wearing loose clothing making sure that your whole body is covered to protect your skin.

G. Safety gloves must be worn along with goggles to protect your eyes from flying debris. Consider a dust mask to prevent breathing in dust and particles to protect your respiratory system if working indoors. Make sure the room is well ventilated.H. There are various situations where Power Tools should not be used. Power Tools should not be used in a wet environment or if it has been raining heavily. Under no circumstance should power tools be placed under water. Once you are done using the power tools away make sure that they are replaced in their appropriate cabinets as this will prevent them from being used by people who are not authorized to use them. Strong lighting has to be made accessible when working with tools especially in a basement or a cellular where natural light is not available.I. Never use power tools around children or animal and pets. This is primarily for their safety, but for yours also, so that you do not become distracted.J. Following the above tips can come a long way as it will not only stop you or others from getting injured or from accidents happening but it will also prevent the tools from getting damaged thus providing a friendly , safe and healthy environment for your tools, your surroundings and yourself.

________________ debris - сміття, осколки circumstance – обставина basement – підвал overconfidence - самовпевненість drums - перепонки

1. He always uses a power tool correctly to avoid injury. 2. Power tools are useful when you need to get the job dune quickly and efficiently. 3. Safety glasses will prevent dust or debris from flying into your eyes. 4. Here you may not use power tools because children play around. 5. I know that the power drill for this job is needed. 6. Following the above tips you can prevent the tools from getting damage thus providing friendly, safe and healthy environment for your tools, your surrounding and yourself. 7. Allowed to carry power tools by the cord. 8. It is very important to wear the right clothing. 9. Wet environment does not approach for work with power tools. 10. The room must be well ventilated while you work with power tools.

2. Work in groups. Discuss the following questions: How often do you follow the instruction of using the power tools? Do you think that the instructions for use of a power tool can be neglected? Can cause injury disregard the rules?

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Lesson 25

1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

a. sharp; b. electrician’; c. styles; d. clothing; e. overconfidence; f. tools;

1. There are many 1__of tools belt available.2. A pair of wire strippers is a necessary item in the 2__ tool belt. 3. Keep your cutting tools 3__ and in good condition.4. The right 4__ can save you time and money.5. Сarelessness, 5__ and not reading the instructions can cause demage and injury.6. It is very important to wear the right 6__ when working with power tools.

2. Found from the text (ex.1, lesson 23) English equivalents of the word – combinations to the given Ukrainian ones.

1. може виявитися величезною перевагою; 2. дуже небезпечний об’єкт; 3. деякі поради з безпеки; 4. носити захисні окуляри; 5. уникати постійного пошкодження барабанних перетинок; 6. схильні створювати багато шуму; 7. засоби захисту органів слуху; 7. комплект електроінструменту; 8. чистити і зберігати інструменти; 9. необхідно роз’єднати; 10. вимикач електроживлення; 11. зав’язати довге волосся назад; 12. захисні рукавички; 13. сире середовище.

2. Translate the sentences into English.1. Електроінструменти необхідні для людей чия професія є електрик.2. Перед використанням електроінструменту слід ретельно вивчити інструкцію.3. Необхідно носити захисні окуляри які захищають очі від пилу і осколків.4. Перед початком роботи ви повинні знати, який інструмент найкращий для цієї роботи.5. Електроінструменти не повинні використовуватися в сирому середовищі.6. Ніколи не користуйтеся електроінструментом коли поблизу є діти.

3. Match the images with their names.

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Image1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7

a. eye safety shield (visor); b. insulation shoes; c. hazard hat; d. electric resistant wear; e. rubber gloves; f. electrician; g. power drill.

Lesson 26

1. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian.Text. PPE – personal protective equipment

There are many types of PPE : rubber gloves, insulating shoes and boots, face shields safety glasses, hazard hats. PPE helps to keep you safe. It is the last line of defense between you and the hazard.

Super touch – dickers - high - cat – trademark – knee - work wear – visibility – safety - pad - trousersmen – poly polo shirtcotton - coverall

- Wear safety glasses with side shields or goggles to avoid eyes injury.- Wear proper clothing that is neither floppy nor too tight. Loose clothing will catch on

corners and rough surfaces. Clothing that binds is uncomfortable and distracting.- Wear your hair in such a way that it does not interfere with your work or safety.- Wear proper foot protection – wear shoes or boots that have been approved for electrical

work.- Wear a hard hat to protect your head from bumps and falling objects. Hard hats must be

worn with the bill forward to protect you properly.- Search out and use any and all equipment that will protect you from shocks and injuries.

Notes:personal protective equipment – індивідуальний засіб захистуrubber gloves – гумові рукавичкиinsulating shoes and boots – взуття на ізоляційній підошвіside shields – бічні щиткиhard hat - каскаsafety glasses – захисні окуляриgoggles – темні окуляри

Exercise 4. Find the English equivalents of the word – combinations to the Ukrainian ones.

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1. остання лінія оборони; 2. уникати пошкодження очей; 3. ні висячий, ні надто облягаючий; 4. чіплятися за кути і жорсткі поверхні; 5. не втручається у вашу роботу чи захист; 6. взуття, затверджене для електричної роботи; 7. щоб захистити голову від гуль і падаючих об’єктів; 8. каску потрібно носити козирком вперед; 9. все обладнання, яке захистить вас від шоку і травм; 10. належний захист ніг. 11. суперсенсорний робочий чоловічий бавовняний комбінезон; 12. надвидима захисна сорочка;

2. Learn the safety icons.

a b c d e

f g h

3. Complete the words and translate them into Ukrainian :

Scre … driver, pli … rs, hac … saw, dri … l, b … lt, cl… th … s, glo … es, sho … s, h … lm … t, to … ls, vi … or, i … stru … ent, dan … er, be … efit, e … uipm … nt, haza … ds, pr … tecti … n, in … truc … ion, app … roa … h, pe … sona … , in … ure, el … ctri … ian, s … ock, wa … ning.

Lesson 27

1. Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

What tools an electrician should have? Is it important for electrician to wear PPE? Can an electrician ignore the instruction of operation the power tools?

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2. Match the left side and the right side of the sentences.1. Wear safety glasses with… a. that will protect you from shocks

and injuries.2. Wear proper clothing that is … b. head from bumps and falling

objects. 3. Wear your hair in such a way that … c. that have been approved for

electrical work.4. Wear shoes or boots … d. it does not interfere with your

work or safety. 5. Wear a hard hat to protect your… e. neither floppy nor too tight. 6. Use any and all equipment … f. side shields or goggles to avoid eyes

injury.3. Work in groups. Describe the pictures.

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4

Use the word –combinations: at the power station, repair the malfunctions, installing the ceiling light, to test the fuses, to wear the helmet, to wear high visibility safety polo shirt, to learn blueprints.

4. Read the and put “True” if the sentence is correspond to the text and “False” if the sentence is not correspond to the text.

Text. Wiring methods Materials for wiring interior electrical systems in buildings vary depending on:

Intended use and amount of power demand on the circuit Type of occupancy and size of the building National and local regulations Environment in which the wiring must operate.

Wiring system in a single family home or duplex, for example, are simple, with relatively low power requirements, infrequent changes to the building structure and layout, usually with dry, moderate temperature, and non- corrosive environment conditions. Wires and cables are rated by the circuit voltage, temperature rating, and environmental conditions (moisture, sunlight, oil, chemicals) in which they can be used. A wire or cable has a voltage (to neutral) rating, and a maximum conductor surface temperature rating. The amount of current that a cable or wire can safely carry depends on the installation conditions.type of occupancy – тип володінняduplex – спаренийnon- corrosive – неагресивні умовиrelatively – відносноpower requirements - енергоспоживанняlayout – схема, план

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1. All materials for wiring interior electrical systems don’t depend from any causes.2. All materials for wiring interior electrical systems depend on power demand of the

circuit. 3. Wiring system in a single family home is not the same that in duplex home.4. Wires and cables are rated only by the environmental conditions and chemicals in which

they can be used.

5. Translate the word – combinations into Ukrainian.1. interior electrical systems; 2. size of the building; 3. amount of power demand on the circuit; 4. local regulations; 5. a single family home; 6. relatively low power requirements; 7. the building structure; 8. maximum conductor surface temperature rating; 9. installation conditions; 10. the amount of current.

Lesson 28 (контрольний тест) Lesson 29 (контрольне читання)

Lesson 30 (контрольне аудіювання)

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Lesson 31

1. Read the expression and learn it by heart.


2. Match the words with their definitions.

1. Current - a. the movement of electrical charge.2. Voltage - b. a measure of electrical force.3. Circuit - c. a complete path for the flow of current.4. Ground - d. a physical electrical connection to the earth.5. Energized (live,

“hot”) e. similar terms meaning that voltage present that can cause a current, so there is a risk of getting shocked.

6. Conductor - f. material in which an electrical current moves easily.7. Neutral - g. at ground potential (0 volts) because of a connection to


3. Read the text and translate it. Answer the questions.

Text. Electricity Is Dangerous

When ever you work with power tools or on electrical circuits, there is a risk of electrical hazards, especially electrical shock. Anyone can be exposed to these hazards at home or at work. Workers are exposed to more hazards because job sites can be cluttered with tools and materials,fast – paced, and open to the weather. Risk is also higher at work because many jobs involve electric power tools. Electrical trade workers must pay special

attention to electrical hazards because they work on electrical circuits. Coming in contact with an electrical voltage can cause current to flow through the body, resulting in electrical shock and burns. Serious injury or even death may occur. As a source of energy, electricity is used without much thought about the hazards it can cause. Because electricity is a familiar part of our lives, it often is not treated with enough caution. As a result, an average of one worker is electrocuted on the job every day every year! There are four main types of electrical injuries: electrocution (death due to electrical shock), electrical shock, burns, and falls.

1. When there is a risk of electrical hazards?

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2. Who is the most exposed to electrical hazards?3. What electrical trade workers must do to prevent electrical hazards?4. What can cause the electrical shock and burns?5. What the electricity is so dangerous?6. How many types of electrical injuries are there?

Lesson 32

1. Complete the words and translate them into Ukrainian.

Cu… rent, vol…age, ci…cuit, g…ound, en…rgi…ed, co…d…ctor, ne…tral, ha … ards, sho…k, ca…se, cau…ion, injur… , el…ctrocu…ion, bu…ns

2. Read the text and translate it. Found from the text the English equivalents of word – combinations to the given Ukrainian ones.

Text. How Is an Electrical Shock Received?

An electrical shock is received when electrical current passes through the body. Current will puss through the body in a variety of situations. Whenever two wires are at different voltages, current will puss between them if they are connected. Your body can connect the wires if you touch both of them at the same time. Current will puss through your body. In most household wiring the black wires and the red wires are at 120 volts because they are connected to ground. The connection can also made trough

Wires carry current a buried metal water pipe. If you come in contact with an energized black wire – and you are also in contact with neutral white wire – current will puss through you body. You will receive an electric shock. If you are in contact with a live wire or any live component of an energized electrical device – and also in contact with any grounded object – you will receive a shock. Plumbing is often grounded. Your risk of receiving a shock is greater if you stand in a puddle of water. But you don’t even have to be standing in water to be at risk. Wet clothing, high humidity, and perspiration also increase your chances of being electrocuted. Of course, there is always a chance of electrocution, even in dry conditions.

Black and read wires are usually Metal boxes should be grounded Always test a circuit to make sure it is de - energizedenergized, and white wires to prevent shock. before working on it.are usually neutral.

1. Електричний струм проходить через тіло; 2. проводи під різною напругою; 3.

приватна електропроводка; 4. вони під’єднуються до землі; 5. закопана металева водяна труба; 6. чорний провід під напругою;7. нейтральний білий провід; 8. отримаєте електричний шок; 9. провід під напругою; 10. заземлений об’єкт; 11. калюжа води; 12. висока вологість.

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2. Group work. Complete the sentence:

You will receive an electrical shock if a part of you body completes an electrical circuit by… - touching a live wire and an electrical ground- touching a live wire and another wire at a different voltage- …

Lesson 33

1. Read the text and arrange the senteces (1 – 9) given below to the paragraphs A - I.Text. Dangerous of Electrical Shock

A. The severity of injury from electrical shock depends on the amount of electrical current and the length of time the current passes through the body. The amount of internal current a person can withstand and still be able to control the muscles of the arm and hand can be less than 10 milliamperes (milliamps or mA). B. Current above 10mA can paralyze or ”freeze” muscles. When this “freezing” happens, a person is no longer able

to release a tool, wire, or other object. In fact, the electrified object may be held even more tightly, resulting in longer exposure to the shocking current. For this reason, hand – held tools that give a shock can be very dangerous. If you can’t let off the tool, current continuous through you body for a longer time, which can lead to respiratory paralysis (the muscles that control breathing cannot move). You stop breathing for a period of time. People have stop breathing when shocked with currents from voltage as low as 49 volts. Usually, it takes about 30 mA of current to cause respiratory paralysis C. Current greater than 75 mA causes ventricular fibrillation (very rapid, ineffective heartbeat). This condition will caused death within a few minutes unless a special device called a defibrillator is used to save the victim. Heart paralyses occurs at 4 amps, which means the heart does not pump at all. Tissue is burned with current greater than 5 amps.

D. Sometimes high voltage leads to additional injuries. High voltages can cause violent muscular contractions. You may loose you balance and fall, which can cause injury or even death if you fall into machinery that can crush you. High voltage can also cause severe burns. E. A severe shock can cause much more damage to the body than is visible. A person may suffer internal bleeding and

destruction of tissues, nerves, and muscles. Sometimes the hidden injuries caused by electrical shock result in delayed death. Shock is often only the beginning of a chain of events. Even if the electrical current is too small to cause injury, your reaction to the shock may cause you to fall, resulting in bruises, broken bones, or even death. F. The length of time of the shock greatly affects the amount of injury. If the shock is short in duration, it may only be painful. A longer shock (lasting a few seconds) could be fatal if the level of current is high enough to cause the heart to go into ventricular fibrillation. G. The amount of current passing through the body also affects the severity of electrical shock. Greater voltage produces greater current. So, there is greater danger from higher voltage. Resistance hinders current. The lower the resistance, the greater the current flaw will be. Dry

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skin may have resistance of 100,000 ohms. Wet working conditions or broken skin allow current to pass into the body more easily and give greater shock. When more force is applied to the contact point or when the contact area is larger, the resistance is lower, causing stronger shocks. H. The path of the electrical current through the body affects the severity of the shock. Currents through the heart or nervous system are most dangerous. If you contact a live wire with your head, your nervous system may be damaged. Contacting a live electrical part with one hand – while you are grounded at the other side of you body – will cause electrical current to pass across your chest, possibly injuring your heart and lungs. I. There have been cases where an arm or leg is severely burned by high – voltage electrical current to the point of coming off, and the victim is not electrocuted. In this case, the current passes through only a part of the limb before it goes out of the body and into another conductor. Therefore, the current does not go through the chest area and may not cause death, even though the victim is severely disfigured. If the current does go through the chest, the person will almost surely be electrocuted. A large number of serious electrical injuries involve current passing from the hands to the feet. Such a path involves both the heart and lungs. This type of shock is often fatal.

Learn the words and word – combinationsseverity – серйозність exposure – захищеністьsurely – звичайно ventricular fibrillation- мерехтіння шлуночківrespiratory paralysis – параліч диханняineffective heartbeat – неефективне серцебиттяmuscular contractions – м’язові скороченняsevere burns –серйозні опіки internal bleeding – внутрішня кровотечаdestruction of tissues – руйнування тканинhidden injuries – скриті травмиdisfigured - понівечений

1. Sometimes the victim is disfigured by current of high voltage but is not dead.2. The severity of the shock depends on the pass of the electrical current through the body.3. The greater resistance of the body then the less current passing it and the lighter injury.4. A victim in muscular contractions resulting may lose his balance and fall, that can cause

injury and even death.5. The greater length of time of the shock than the greater injury.6. A severe shock is often only the beginning of a chain of events.7. А special device called a defibrillator is used to save the victim.8. Current from 10 to 30 mA can cause “freezing” of hands and legs and stop breathing for

a period of time.9. The amount of current in 10 mA gives the person to control her body.

Lesson 34

1. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents.

A.1. the severity of injury - a. область грудної клітки2. respiratory paralysis – b. контактна зона

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3. muscular contractions – c. вологий робочий стан4. internal bleeding – d. зруйновані сухожилля5. hidden injuries – e. спасти потерпілого 6. the amount of electrical current – f. електрифікований об’єкт 7. the electrified object - g. кількість електричного струму 8. to save the victim - h. скриті травми

9. destruction of nerves – i. внутрішня кровотеча 10. wet working condition - j. м’язові скорочення 11. the contact area – k. параліч дихання 12. the chest area – l. серйозність від травми

B.1. ventricular fibrillation- a. серце і легені 2. ineffective heartbeat – b. частина кінцівки3. severe burns – c. контактна точка 4. destruction of tissues – d. зламані кістки 5. disfigured body - e. різке скорочення м’язів6. to release a tool – f. контролювати дихання 7. to control breathing – g. відпустити інструмент8. violent muscular contractions – h. понівечене тіло 9. broken bones - i. руйнування тканин 10. the contact point - j. серйозні опіки 11. a part of the limb - k. неефективне серцебиття 12. the heart and lungs - l. мерехтіння шлуночків

2. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

- You will be hurt more if you can’t let go a tool giving a shock.- The longer the shock, the greater the injury.- Low voltage does not mean low hazard!- High voltage cause additional injuries!- Higher voltages can cause larger currents and more severe shocks.- Some injuries from electrical shock cannot be seen.- The greater current, the greater shock!

- Severity of shock depends on voltage, amperage, and resistance.- Low resistance cause greater currents.- Currents across the chest are very dangerous.

3. Match the words with their definitions.

1. Ampere (amp) – a. unit of measurement for electrical resistаnce

2. Milliampere (milliamp or mA) – b. electrical current that passes through a part of the body3. Shocking current – c. 1/1,000 of an ampere 4. Resistаnce – d. a comprehensive listing of practices to

protect workers and equipment from

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electrical hazards such as fire and electrocution

5. Ohm – e. the unit used to measure current 6. NEC – National Electrical Code – f. a material’s ability to decrease or stop

electrical current

4. Complete the sentences:

The danger from electrical shock depends on …- the amount of the shocking current through the body- the duration of the shocking current through the body- the path of the shocking current through the body

Lesson 351. Read the text and translate it.

Text. How Do You Recognize Hazards

The first step toward protecting yourself is recognizing the many hazards you face on the job. To do this, you must know which situations can place you in danger. Knowing where to look helps you to recognize hazards.

Inadequate wiring is dangerous. Exposed electrical parts are dangerous. Overhead power lines are dangerous. Wires with bad insulation can give you shock. Electrical systems and tools are not grounded or double – insulated are dangerous. Overload circuits are dangerous. Damage power tools and equipment are electrical hazards. Using the wrong PPE is dangerous. Using the wrong tool is dangerous. Some on – site chemical are harmful. Defective or improperly set up adders and scaffolding are dangerous. Ladders that conduct electricity are dangerous. Electrical hazards can be made worse if the worker, location, or equipment is wet.

Inadequate wiring – неповноцінна проводкаExposed electrical parts – відкриті електричні частиниOverhead power lines – повітряні лінії електропередачOverload circuits – перевантаження електричних ланцюгів

2. Learn the terms:1. Ampacity – maximum amount of current a wire can carry safety without overheating.2. Amperage – strength of an electrical current, measured in amperes.3. Bounding – joining electrical parts to assure a conductive path.4. Bounding jumper – a conductor used to connect parts to be bounded5. Circuit breaker – overcurrent protection device that automatically shuts off the current in

a circuit if an overloads occurs.6. Double – insulted – equipment with two insulation – barriers and no exposed metal parts7. Fuse - overcurrent protection device that has an internal part that malts and shuts off the

current in a circuit if there is an overload.8. Ground – physical electrical connection to the earth.9. Guarding – covering or barrier that separates you from live electrical parts.

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10. Insulation – material that does not conduct electricity easily.11. Overload – too much current in a circuit.12. Chance - that injury or death will occur.13. Trip – automatic opening (turning off) of a circuit by a circuit breaker.14. Wire - gauge – wire size or diameter (technically, the cross - sectional area).15. Risk – the chance that injury or death will occur.16. Ground fault – a loss of current from a circuit to a ground connection.

3. Arrange the paragraphs (A – J) with the sentences (1 – 10) given below.

A. An electrical hazard exists when the wire is too small a gauge for the current it will carry. Normally, the circuit breaker in a circuit is matched to the wire size. However, in older wiring, branch lines to permanent ceiling light fixtures could be wired with a smaller gauge than the supply cable. Let’s say a light fixture is replaced with another device that uses more current. The current capacity (ampacity) of the branch wire could be exceeded. When a wire I too small for the current it is supposed to carry, the wire will hart up. The heated wire could cause a fire.

B. Electrical hazards exist when wire or other electrical parts are exposed. Wires and tarts can be exposed if a cover is removed from a wiring or breaker box. The overhead wires coming into a home may be exposed. Electrical terminals in motors, appliances, and electronic equipment may be exposed. (2)

C. Most people do not realize that overhead power lines are usually not insulted. More than half of all electrocutions are caused by direct worker contact with energized powerlines. Powerline workers must be especially aware of the dangerous of overhead lines. (3)

D. Insulation prevents conductors from coming in contact with each other. Insulation also prevents conductors from coming in contact with people. When insulation is damaged, exposed metal parts may become energized if a live wire inside touched them. (4)

E. The metal parts of an electrical wiring system that we touch (switch plates, ceiling light fixtures, conduit, etc.) should be grounded and at 0 volts. If the system is not grounded properly, these parts may become energized. It will cause to electrocuting. (4)

F. Wires and other components in an electrical system or circuit have a maximum amount of current they can carry safely. If too many devices are plugged into a circuit, the electrical current will heart the wires to a very high temperature. (5)

G. If you touch a live wire or other electrical component and you are standing in even in a small paddle of water, you will receive a shock. If you touch a live electrical component with an uninsulated hand tool, you are more likely to receive a shock when standing in water.

H. Do not use metal ladders, use ladders made of fiberglass. (Although wooden ladders are permitted, wood can soak up water and become conductive). (12)

I. Your tools are the heat of your craft. Tools help you do your job with high degree of quality. But they can cause injury or even death! You must use the right tools for the job. You must take care of your tools so they can help you and not hurt you. (9)

J. There are many types of PPE: rubber gloves, insulation shoes and boots, face shields, safety glasses, hard hats, etc. Even if regulations did not exist requiring the use of PPE, there would still be every reason to use this equipment. PPE helps keep you safe. (

1. Electrical hazards can be made worse if the worker, location, or equipment is wet.2. Inadequate wiring is dangerous.3. Ladders that conduct electricity are dangerous.4. Exposed electrical parts are dangerous.5. Electrical systems and tools are not grounded or double – insulated are dangerous.6. Using the wrong PPE is dangerous.

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7. Using the wrong tool is dangerous.8. Overhead power lines are dangerous.9. Wires with bad insulation can give you shock.10. Overload circuits are dangerous.

Lesson 36

1. Group work. Describe the situations on the given images.

a. b. c. d. e. f.

2. Match the terms with their definitions.1. Ampacity - a. a loss of current from a circuit to a ground connection.2. Amperage - b. the chance that injury or death will occur.3. Bounding - c. wire size or diameter (technically , the cross - sectional

area).4. Bounding jumper - d. that injury or death will occur.5. Circuit breaker - e. material that does not conduct electricity easily.6. Double – insulted - f. a conductor used to connect parts to be bounded.7. Fuse - g. maximum amount of current a wire can carry safety

without overheating.8. Ground - h. strength of an electrical current, measured in amperes.9. Guarding - i. joining electrical parts to assure a conductive path.10. Insulation - j. overcurrent protection device that automatically shuts

of the current in a circuit if an overloads occurs.11. Overload - k. equipment with two insulation – barriers and no

exposed metal parts.12. Chance - l. overcurrent protection device that has an internal part that malts and shuts off the current in a circuit if there is an overload.13. Trip - m. physical electrical connection to the earth.14. Wire – gauge - n. covering or barrier that separates you from live

electrical parts.15. Risk - o. too much current in a circuit.16. Ground fault - p. automatic opening (turning off) of a circuit by a circuit


3. Answer the questions.

1. What the first step of an electrician to protect himself?2. In which situations an electrician can expose himself to hazard be electrocuted?

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Additions TESTS

Lesson 8


Physical base of electricity


I. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents.1. Electricity - a. висока напруга2. Circuit - b. розмикач кола3. Outlet - c. ротор4. Insulted wire - d. електричний провідник5. Circuit breaker - e. електродугове освітлення6. Negatively charged electron - f. магнітне поле7. Inside lighting - g.ізольований провід8. Arc lighting - h.негативно заряджений електрон9. Electrically conductive - i. електричний контур10. High voltage - j. електрика11. Rotating shaft - k. внутрішнє освітлення12. Magnetic field - l. розетка

Total mark - 3 II. Put the proper words from the box in to the gaps and complete the sentences.

a. multiplying; b. inventor; c. horse power; d. units; e. watt; f. energy; g. kilowatt – hours; h. represents;

1. Electricity is measured in 1 __ of power called watts. 2. It was named to honor James Watt, the 2 __ of the steam engine. 3. One 3 __ is very small amount of power. 4. It would require nearly 750 watts to equal one 4 __ . 5. One kilowatt 5 __ 1,000 watts. 6. A kilowatt – hour is equal to the 6 __ of 1, 000 watts working for one hour. 7. The amount of electricity a power plant generators or a customer uses over a period of time is measured in 7 __ . 8. Kilowatt – hours are determined by 8__ the number of kW’s required by the number of hours of use.

Total mark - 6

III.Translate the sentences into English.

Електрика – це форма енергії, чи не так? 2. Кожен атом має центр, який називається ядром. 3. Вільний рух електронів встановлює електричний струм. 4. Електричну лампочку було винайдено в середині 1800х років. 5. Електрика, вироблена генератором, транспортується вздовж кабелів до трансформатора.

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Total mark - 9 Test

Physical base of electricity

2 variant

I. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents.1. To install a. ізольований пластиком провід2. To maintain b. форма енергії3. A switch c. потрібний зв’язок4. Plastic – covered wire d. зовнішнє освітлення5. Proper connection e. встановлювати6. A form of energy f. електрична лампочка7. Outside lighting g. обслуговувати8. Electric lighting bulb h. електростанція9. Stationary conductor i. низька напруга10. Electric utility station g. вмикач11. Low voltage k. електричний струм12. Electric current l. статор

Total mark - 3 II. Put the proper words from the box in to the gaps and complete the sentences.

a. transformer; b. voltage; c. generator; d. transmission lines; e. distance; f. distribution lines; g. change; h. a substations.

1.The electricity is produced by a 1 __ which travels it along cables to a 2__ , which changes electricity from low 3__ to high 3__. 2. Electricity can be moved long 4__ more efficiently using high voltage. 3. 5 __ are used to carry the electricity to 6 __. Substations have transformers that 7 __ the high voltage electricity into lower voltage electricity. 4. From the substations, 8 __ carry the electricity to homes, offices and factories.

Total mark - 6

III. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Електрика – це потік електронів, а не протонів, чи не так? 2. Ядро має позитивно заряджені протони і негативно заряджені електрони. 3. Ми отримуємо електрику від перетворення носіїв енергії таких як вугілля, природний газ, нафта. 4. Щодня ми використовуємо електрику для освітлення, обігріву і охолодження наших осель. 5. Електрика вимірюється в одиницях потужності, які називаються ватами.

Total mark - 9

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Lesson 9 (аудіювання)

1. Listening to the sentences and do the test.

The basic unit of measure of electric power is the Watt, and one thousand Watts are called a kilowatt. Your electric utility bills you by the kilowatt – hour – the number of kilowatts per hour.

2. Listen to the text and do the test

Electricity is a type of energy. We see electricity when the number of electrons something has are either more then usual or less than usual. If the electrons stay where they are, the thing that has too many or too few electrons with attract or sometimes repel (відштовхують) other things. If the electrons move from where there are too many to where there too few, then we will see a flow of electrons, electrical current.There is electricity in nature as well as electricity that is man – made. We see electricity in nature as lightning, and as the way some things attract each other and stick together. Scientists have found we can make electricity if we pass a magnet close to a metal wire, or if we put the right chemicals in a jar with two different kinds of metal rods. We can also make static electricity by rubbing two things, for instance a wool cap and plastic ruler, together. This may make a spark.Scientists have observed that electricity can flaw like water from one place to another, either as a spark or as a current in a metal. They now know that all matter has an electric charge, but this is mostly cancelled out by the presence of matter with an opposite charge. We only see an effect when there is too much or too little electric charge in the place so that it is not cancelled out.Since the nineteenth century, electricity has been used in every part of our life. Until then, it was just curiosity or a force of nature seen in a thunderstorm.To be useful, electricity has to be made by using different sources of energy such as burning coal or oil or from wind or from flowing water. Electricity arrives at our homes through wires from the places where it in made. It is used by electric lamps for producing light, electric heaters to produce heat. Etc. It is also used by many devices such as washing machines, electric cookers, etc. for doing work. In factories, electricity is used for running machines and computers.The people who deal with electricity and electric devices in our homes and factories are called “Electricians”.Test

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Lesson 18Test

ReadingVariant 1

1. Read the text. Find out English equivalents of the word – combinations to the Ukrainian ones.

Text Electricians are responsible for installing electrical machinery and maintaining and repairing existing infrastructure. They specialize in electrical wiring, and are sometimes involved in designing electrical system. Electricians have various job titles. Construction electricians handle the actual wiring of buildings. Service or maintenance electricians are primarily for troubleshooting wiring problems and making necessary repairs. Electricians work with transformers, motors, electronic controllers and generators. They install electrical equipment in accordance with the codes of public safety. For the installation process, electricians generally consult blueprints. They may also work in tandem with line installers, maintenance workers, engineers, and engineering technicians. In accordance to the nature of their work, electricians should be prepared to work in all kinds of weather conditions. Most of their work is carried out at construction sites, which may be outdoors or indoors depending on the project. Electricians normally have 40 hour work week with the possibility of overtime. Those employed in maintenance services may frequently have to work at odd hours in the evenings and nights. Also, due to the nature of their work, electricians are prone to injuries from cuts, falls, and electric shocks.

1. відповідальні; 2.ремонтування існуючої інфраструктури; 3. задіяні в розробці електричної системи; 4. будівельні електрики; 5. усунення неполадок проводки; 6. виконання необхідних ремонтів; 7. відповідно до природи їх роботи; 8. будівельні майданчики; 9. можливість надурочної роботи; 10. часто мають працювати в додатковий час; 11. cхильні до травм від порізів.

2. Put “True” if the statement is correspond to the text and “False” if the statement is not correspond to the text.

1. Electricians are responsible for designing electrical machinery and existing infrastructure.

2. Sometimes electricians to be involve in designing electrical system. 3. Electricians may do only a kind of job.

4. Maintenance electricians are first of all is used for making necessary repairs.

5. Electricians work only with electronic controllers and generators.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What do electricians responsible for?

2. Electricians have various job titles, haven’t they?

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3. What are job titles preliminary for maintenance electricians?

4. In accordance with what electricians install electrical equipment?

5. In accordance to what electricians should be prepared to work in all kinds of

weather conditions?

Exercise 4. Translate the first paragraph of the text in pen.

Lesson 18Test

ReadingVariant 2

1. Read the text. Find out English equivalents of the word – combinations to the Ukrainian ones.

Text Electricians are responsible for installing electrical machinery and maintaining and repairing existing infrastructure. They specialize in electrical wiring, and are sometimes involved in designing electrical system. Electricians have various job titles. Construction electricians handle the actual wiring of buildings. Service or maintenance electricians are primarily for troubleshooting wiring problems and making necessary repairs. Electricians work with transformers, motors, electronic controllers and generators. They install electrical equipment in accordance with the codes of public safety. For the installation process, electricians generally consult blueprints. They may also work in tandem with line installers, maintenance workers, engineers, and engineering technicians. In accordance to the nature of their work, electricians should be prepared to work in all kinds of weather conditions. Most of their work is carried out at construction sites, which may be outdoors or indoors depending on the project. Electricians normally have 40 hour work week with the possibility of overtime. Those employed in maintenance services may frequently have to work at odd hours in the evenings and nights. Also, due to the nature of their work, electricians are prone to injuries from cuts, falls, and electric shocks.

1. встановлення електричного механізму; 2. електропроводка; 3. різноманітні види роботи; 4. обслуговуючі електрики; 5. виконання необхідних ремонтів; 6. електронне управління; 7. працювати в усіх видах природних умов; 8. залежно від проекту;9. обслуговуючий сервіс; 10. у зв’язку з природою їх роботи; 11. електричний шок.

2. Put “True” if the statement is correspond to the text and “False” if the statement is not correspond to the text.

1. It is not necessary for electricians to know blueprint.2. Electricians may work in tandem with line installers, maintenance workers, engineers,

and engineering technicians.3. In accordance to their skills, electricians should be prepared to work in all kinds of

weather conditions.4. Most electricians must do their work only at construction sites, which may be outdoors or

indoors depending on the project.5. Frequently electricians are prone to injuries from cuts, falls, and electric shocks

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3. Answer the questions.1. What do electricians specialize in?2. Electricians normally have 40 hour work week, haven’t they?3. What electrical equipment do electricians work with?4. When do electricians consult blueprints? 5. Due to what electricians are prone to injuries from cuts, falls, and electric shocks?

4. Translate the third paragraph of the text in pen.

.Lesson 19


I. Listen to the sentences and do the test1. An electrician is a …b specializing in electrical wiring of buildings,

stationary machines and related equipment.

a. specialist c. worker b. tradesperson d. person

2. Electricians may be employed in the installation of new electrical components or the maintenance and repair of existing electrical infrastructure.

a. installation c. repairingb. fixing d. testing

3. Electricians may also specialize in wiring ships, airplanes and other mobile platforms.

a. building c. wiringb. tubing d. repairing

II. Listen to the text and do the test.

“Special features of the electrician’s work” Maintenance electricians spend much of their time in preventive maintenance. They periodically inspect equipment, and locate and correct problems before breakdowns occur. Electricians may also advise management on whether continued operation of equipment could be hazardous. When needed, they install new electrical equipment. When breakdown occur, they must make the necessary repairs as quickly as possible in order to minimize inconvenience. Electricians may replace items such as circuit breakers, fuses, switches, electrical and electronic components, or wire. When working with complex electronic device, they may work with engineers, engineering technicians, or industrial machinery installation, repair, and maintenance workers. Electricians use handtools such as screwdriver, pliers, knives, and hacksaws. They also use power tools and testing equipment such as oscilloscopes, ammeter, and test lamps.

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1. Maintenance electricians spend much of their time in … .

a. testing equipment c. preventive maintenanceb. installing wiring d. building constructions

2. Electricians may also … management on whether continued operation of equipment

could be hazardous.

a. advise c. repair b. replace d. control

3. Electricians also install new … .

a. outlets c. cables b. electrical equipment d. ceiling light

4. When breakdown occur, they must … as quickly as possible in order to minimize inconvenience.

a. put off the power c. put on the powerb. replace broken unit d. make the necessary repairs

5. When working with complex electronic device, they may work with engineers, … , or industrial machinery installation, repair, and maintenance workers.

a. engineering technicians c. buildersb. controllers d. electricians

II. Listen to the text again and decide whether the statement below are true or false.

1. High voltage electrical installers spend much of their time in preventive maintenance.2. Maintenance electricians periodically inspect equipment, and locate and correct problems

before breakdowns occur.3. Electricians may not also advise management on whether continued operation of

equipment could be hazardous.4. When needed, the electricians can install new electrical equipment.5. Electricians may replace circuit breakers, fuses, switches, electrical and electronic

components, or cable.6. Electricians often use power tools and hand tools.

IV. Listen to the text again and name the hand tools and power tools which are used by the electricians.

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Lesson 20Test

1 variant1. Match the words from the left column with their translations

from the right column. 1. electrical systems a. телекомунікаційне обладнання2. install electrical systems b. телефонні системи3. indicate the locations of circuits c. комп’ютерна проводка4. residential plastic – covered wire d. приєднувати проводи в коробках5. join the wires in boxes e. використовувати тестувальне

обладнання6. specially designed connectors f. електричні системи7. use testing equipment g. визначати розміщення ел. кіл8. a building’s electrical system h. житловий пластиковий провід9. telecommunications equipment i. встановлювати ел. системи

Total mark – 3

2. Put the proper words from the box into the gaps.

a. buildings; b. engineers; c. equipment ; d. transformers ; e. maintenance; f. blueprints; g. necessary; h. various.

Electricians have 1__ job titles. Construction electricians handle the actual wiring of 2__ . Service or 3__electricians are primarily for troubleshooting wiring problems and making 4__ repairs. Electricians work with 5__, motors, electronic controllers and generators. They install electrical 6__ in accordance with the codes of public safety. For the installation process, electricians generally consult 7__. They may also work in tandem with line installers, maintenance workers, engineers, and engineering technicians.

Total mark – 63. Match the name of ability with their definition.

1. Near Vision – a. the ability to exert maximum muscle force to lift, push, pull or carry objects.

2. Deductive Reasoning – b. the ability to read and understand information ideas presented in writing.

3. Written Comprehension – c. the ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense.

4. Finger Dexterity– d. the ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer).

5. Static strength – e. the ability to make precisely coordinated movements of the fingers of one or both

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hands to assembly very small objects.Total mark – 9

Lesson 20Test

2 variantI. Match the left and the right column.

1. install electrical wiring - a. оглядати проводку ;2. repair malfunctions b. гарні комунікативні навички;3. inspect the wiring c. встановлювати електропроводку;4. advise the kind of instrument d. спілкуватися з інженерами;5. communicate with engineers e. різні види монтажу;6. experience as a electrician f. базові знання;7. different kinds of installation g. знати електроприлади;8. basic knowledge h. порадити вид інструменту;9. have knowledge in electrical i. читання креслень;

devices;10. connecting wires and plugs; j. досвід електрика;11. reading blueprints k. підключення проводів і вилок;12. good communicative skills; l. ремонтувати неполадки.

Total mark – 3

2. Put the proper words from the box into the gaps.

a. electrical; b. nature; c. construction; d. project ; e. wiring; f. overtime; g. weather; h. installing.

Electricians are responsible for 1__ electrical machinery and maintaining and repairing existing infrastructure. They specialize in electrical 2__, and are sometimes involved in designing 3 __ system. In accordance to the 4__ of their work, electricians should be prepared to work in all kinds of 5__ conditions. Most of their work is carried out at 6__ sites, which may be outdoors or indoors depending on the 7__. Electricians normally have 40 hour work week with the possibility of 8__ .

Total mark – 63. Match the name of ability with their definition.

1. Problem Sensitivity – a. the ability to exert muscle force repeatedly or continuously over time.

2. Oral Comprehension – b. the ability to communicate in speaking so other will understand.

3. Oral Expression – c. the ability to listen and to understand information and ideas.

4. Gross Body Equilibrium – d. the ability to tell when something is wrong.5. Dynamic Strength - e. the ability to keep or regain your body

balance or stay upright when in unstable position.

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Lesson 28Test

1 variantI. Match the images with their names. Use an example: a – electric tool belt

a. - electric resistant wear b. – rubber gloves

c. - electric tool d. - power tool

e. – wire stripper f – Electricity Multimeter

g. – Hummer Loop h. Cable Cutter

i. measuring tape j. Adjustable Wrench

k. – electrician l. electric tool beltTotal mark – 3

II. Put the proper words from the table into the gaps.

a. wet ; b. water ; c. tools ; d. authorized ; e. basement; f. power ; g. available ; h. situations; i. replaced;

There are various 1_h_ where Power Tools should not be used. Power Tools should not be used in a 2__ environment or if it has been raining heavily. Under no circumstance should power 3__ be placed under4__. Once you are done using the 5 __ tools away make sure that they are 6__ in their appropriate cabinets as this will prevent them from being used by people who are not 7__ to use them. Strong lighting has to be made accessible when working with tools especially in a 8__or a cellular where natural light is not 9__.

Total mark – 6

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III. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian in writing. Put questions to the underlined sentence.

1. During the work with a power tool an electrician must have a visor or a safety glasses. 2. Wires and cables are rated by the circuit voltage. 3. Wear a hard hat to protect your head from bumps and falling objects.4. Safety glasses will prevent dust or debris from flying into your eyes.5. Power Tools should not be used in a wet environment or if it has been raining heavily.6. If anything breaks or malfunctions – report it to your instructor at once.

Total mark – 9

IV. Tell about the general advices of using the hand tools in writing.

Total mark – 12

Lesson 28Test

2 variantI. Match the images with their names. Use an example: a – electric tool beg

a. – insulation shoes b. – hazard hat

c. dickers –high visibility d. – circular saw

e. electric drill f. hacksaws

g. nut drivers h. wrenches key set

i. staple j. needle nose pliers

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k. screwdrivers l. electric tool beg Total mark – 3

II. Put the proper words from the table into the gaps.

a. eyes ; b. noise; c. glasses ; d. defenders ; i. dust ; f. yourself; g. fiberglass ;h. safety; i. damage.

Here some 1 __tips to ensure you are save working with power tools. It is most necessary to wear safety 2 __because it will prevent 3__ or debris from flying into your 4. __ and it also counts for wood shavings, shards and 5__. Power Tools tend to create a lot of 6__ and can especially appear to be louder in a workshop’s confined place. There for, it is a sensible idea to wear ear plugs or ear 7__, since it will not only help you to protect 8__ but it will also avoid permanent 9__to your ear drums.

Total mark – 6III. Translate the sentence into Ukrainian in writing. Put questions to the

underlined sentence.1. There are many styles of tools belt available. 2. Keep your cutting tools sharp and in good condition.3. Clothing is major factor to remember when working with power tools.4. Wear proper foot protection – wear shoes or boots that have been approved for electrical

work.5. A wire or cable has a voltage rating, and a maximum conductor surface temperature

rating.Total mark – 9

Lesson 29Reading

Test1 variant

1. Read the text and match the English and Ukrainian variants of word – combinations. Then translate it into Ukrainian.

Text. Early wiring methods The first interior power wiring systems used conductors that were bare or covered with cloth, which were secured by staples to the framing of the building or on running boards. Where conductors went through walls, they were protected with cloth tape. Splices were done similarly to telegraph connections, and soldered for security. Underground conductors were insulated with wrappings of cloth tape soaked in pitch and laid in a wooden trough which were then buried. Such wiring systems were unsatisfactory because of the danger of electrocution and fire, plus the labour cost for such installations. --------------------------------------------------a wooden trough – дерев’яне корито

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1. interior power wiring systems - a. були захищені тканинною стрічкою 2. covered with cloth - b. припаяні для надійності 3. secured by staples to the framing - c. пройшли крізь стіни4. running boards - e. надійно закріплені скобами до

обрамлення 5. went through walls - f. підніжки6. were protected with cloth tape g. небезпека смерті від електричного струму і пожежі7. soldered for security - h. внутрішня система електропроводки8. the danger of electrocution and fire- i. покритий тканиною

2. Translate the words into Ukrainian: Conductors, bare, building, through, splices, similarly, connections, underground, insulated, wrappings, soaked, pitch, unsatisfactory, danger, installations.

3. Decide is the given sentence true or false.1. The first interior power wiring systems used insulted conductors.2. Conductors covered with cloth were fixed to the framing of the building.3. Splices of conductors were done similarly to telegraph connections.4. Underground conductors were insulated with wrappings of cloth tape.5. A wooden trough used to bury the conductors.6. The first interior power wiring systems were satisfactory because the danger of

electrocution is non - available.

Lesson 29Reading

Test2 variant

1. Read the text and match the English and Ukrainian variants of word – combinations. Then translate it into Ukrainian.

Text. Knob and tube The earliest standardized method of wiring in building in common use in North America from about 1880 to the 1930s, was knob and tube (K&T) wiring: single conductors were run through cavities between the structural members in walls and ceilings, with ceramic tubes forming protective channels through joists and ceramic knobs attached to the structural members to provide air between the wire and the lumber and to support the wires. Since air was free to circulate over the wires, smaller conductors could be used than required in cables. By arranging wires on opposite sides of building structural members, some protection was afforded against short –circuits that can be caused by driving a nail into both conductors simultaneously.______________________

1. The earliest standardized method a. будівельні конструкції of wiring -

2. short –circuits b. циркулювати по проводах3. single conductors c. Протилежні сторони будівлі

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4. building structural members d. одиночні провідники5. protective channels e.коротке замикання6. to provide air between the wire f. найлегший стандартизований метод

and the lumber електропроводки7. to circulate over the wires g. захистні канали8. opposite sides of building h. для подачі повітря між дротом і


2. Translate the words into Ukrainian:

Knob, tube, cavities, ceilings, ceramic, joists, attached, to support, cables, protection,

Lesson 30


I. Listen to the text and do the test.BASIC PRINCIPLES OF GOOD WIRING

Before beginning any electrical repair, shut off the power. Remove the fuse or trip the breaker for the circuit you will be working on your service panel. Use a neon tester to be sure the power is off. If there is any doubt, you can remove the main fuse or trip the main breaker. Remember: removing the main fuse or tripping the main breaker will usually shut off the power to the entire house.Electrical wires are color coded to prevent wiring errors. White wires almost connect to other white wires or to chrome terminal screw on switches and receptacles some wiring devices – such as receptacles – are back wired by pushing the bare wire end into spring grip holes. Switches are nearly always connected into black wires in cables. The only exception is where a cable is extended, making it necessary for the white wire to play the role of the black wire. When this is necessary, the white wires should be painted black to prevent future wiring errors. Study the wiring diagram. This will help you understand the basic principles of good wiring. Always use the same size cable for a continuation of any extended wiring circuit.

to trip - відключатиterminal screw – гвинтова клемаreceptacles- штепсельна розеткаюbare wire end - оголений кінець проводуspring grip holes - пружні стискуючі отвориexception- винятокis extended – видовжується

1. Before beginning any electrical repair, … the powera. switch on c. shut onb. shut off d. switch off

2. It is necessary to use a … tester to be sure the power is off.

a. ceramic c. neon b. glass d. electric

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3. Remember: removing the main fuse or tripping the … will usually shut off the power to the entire house. a. main breaker c. fuseb. main contactor d. power

4. Electrical wires are color coded to prevent wiring errors. a. is color coded C. were color coded b. was color coded D. are color coded

5. White wires almost connect to other … wires. a. red c. whiteb. black d. blue

6. Switches are nearly always connected into … wires in cables.a. red c. whiteb. black d. blue

7. When this is necessary, the … wires should be painted black to prevent future wiring errors.a. red c. whiteb. black d. blue

8. Study the wiring diagram.

a. insulation c. installing b. wiring d. maintaining9. Always use the same size cable for a continuation of any extended wiring circuit.

a. size c. colorb. weigh d. length

II. Listen the text again and choose the correct answer.1. What should you do before beginning any electrical repair?

a. shut off the power c. shut off the lightb. shut off the breaker d. shut off the fuse

2. How you may shut off the power to the house?a. cut the wire c. remove the fuseb. shut off the breaker d. switch off the light

3. What the electrical tool do you need to be sure that the circuit is no energized? a. drill c. screwdriverb. pliers d. tester

III. Listen the text again determine which sentences are the truthful and which are false.

1. Before beginning any electrical repair an electrician may shut off the power.2. Remove the fuse or trip the breaker for the circuit to be sure that you will work on your

service panel.3. Use some tester.4. Tripping the main breaker will usually shut off the power to the entire house.5. White wires almost connect only to white wires.

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6. Switches are nearly always connected into white wires in cables. Lesson 37


1 variantI. Read the text and complete it using the words from the box.

a. contact; b. electrocuted; c. cluttered; d. hazards; e. source; f. familiar; g. attention; h. higher; i. exposed; j. injury; k. power; l. shock.

When ever you work with 1. … tools or on electrical circuits, there is a risk of electrical 2 … , especially electrical shock. Anyone can be 3. … to these hazards at home or at work. Workers are exposed to more hazards because job sites can be 4 … with tools and materials, fast – paced, and open to the weather. Risk is also 5. … at work because many jobs involve electric power tools. Electrical trade workers must pay special 6 … to electrical hazards

because they work on electrical circuits. Coming in 7. … with an electrical voltage can cause current to flow through the body, resulting in electrical shock and burns. Serious 8. … or even death may occur. As a 9. … of energy, electricity is used without much thought about the hazards it can cause. Because electricity is a 10. … part of our lives, it often is not treated with enough caution. As a result, an average of one worker is 11. … on the job every day every year! There are four main types of electrical injuries: electrocution (death due to electrical shock), electrical 12. … , burns, and falls.

II. Find the English equivalents in the text to the given Ukrainian word – combinations.

1. електричні кола; 2. електричні інструменти; 3. може піддаватися; 4. робочі майданчики; 5. може бути захаращений; 6. професійні електрики; 7. електрична напруга; 8. може спричинити струм; 9. серйозне пошкодження; 10. джерело енергії; 11. в результаті; 12. електричні ушкодження.

III. Put “True” if the sentence is correspond to the text and “False” if the sentence is not correspond to the text.

1. Always there is a risk of electrocuted while you work with power tools.2. The electrical hazards can occur only on the job sites.3. Workers can be exposed electrical hazards when they work in wet conditions.4. All power tools are safe.5. Electrical circuits carry special hazards because they are under voltage.6. Electrical burns can occur when a worker come in contact with power tool.

IV. Answer the questions.

1. When there is a risk of electrical hazards?2. Can anyone be exposed to electrical shock at home?3. Where there is the most dangerous risk to be electrocuted? 4. When the body receives the electrical shock?5. What are there the types of electrical injuries?

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Lesson 37Reading


I. Read the text Read the text and complete it using the words from the box.

puddle; body; energized; water; puss; wiring; neutral; component; voltages; through; current; electrocution.

An electrical shock is received when electrical 1. … passes through the body. Current will puss 2. … the body in a variety of situations. Whenever two wires are at different 3. … , current will pass between them if they are connected. Your 4. … can connect the wires if you touch both of them at the same time. Current will 5. … through your body.

In most household 6. … the black wires and the red wires are at 120 volts because they are connected to ground. The connection can also made trough a buried metal 7. … pipe. If you come in contact with an 8. … black wire – and you are also in contact with 9. … white wire – current will puss through you body. You will receive an electric shock. If you are in contact with a live wire or any live 10. … of an energized electrical device – and also in contact with any grounded object – you will receive a shock. Plumbing is often grounded. Your risk of receiving a shock is greater if you stand in a 11. … of water. But you don’t even have to be standing in water to be at risk. Wet clothing, high humidity, and perspiration also increase your chances of being electrocuted. Of course, there is always a chance of 12. … , even in dry conditions.

II. Find the English equivalents in the text to the given Ukrainian word – combinations.

1. електричний шок; 2. різні ситуації; 3. проводи різної напруги; 4. під’єднані до землі; 5. білий провід; 6. електричний прилад під напругою; 7. заземлений об’єкт; 8. риск отримання шоку; 9. калюжа води; 10. мокрий одяг; 11. висока вологість; 12. сухі умови.

III. Put “True” if the sentence is correspond to the text and “False” if the sentence is not correspond to the text.

1. When electrical current through a body, an electrical shock is received.2. Current passes through a body only way.3. Electrical current always passes between two wires.4. The black wires and the red wires are at 120 volts because they are connected to

ground in all households. 5. You will receive an electrical shock if you are in a contact with a live wire or a

live component of any energized device.6. There is no chance to be electrocuted in dry conditions.

IV. Answer the questions.

1. What is happening when the electric current passes through the body?2. In what case the current flows between two wires?

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3. Can the ground connection also made trough a buried metal water pipe?4. Will you receive an electrical shock or a burn if an electrical current passes

through your body?5. When the risk of electrocution is the greatest?

Lesson 38


I. Listen to the interview and do the test.

1. Sophie Jones is a qualified … .a. electrician c. trade workerb. builder d. physicians

2. She became interested in electrical work at … and it was a natural move for me.

a. home c. schoolb. sites d. university

3. Sophie Jones works as … electrician.a. constructive c. maintainingb. installation d. repairing

4. We have to lay the main electricity … , which is housed in protective pipers or conduits.a. cable c. conduitb. grounding d. wiring

5. Sometimes we also use small generators to provide us with … for our drills before the mains are ready for use.

a. add power c. mobile powerb. voltage d. amperage

6. This means I am now a fully qualified electrician.a. qualified c. semi – skilledb. skilled d. unskilled

7. I like meeting different people and each day produced different … which have to be solved.a. solutions c. malfunctionsb. problems d. tasks

8. Being good at communication is also vital in this work.a. communication c. conditionb. saving d. attention

I. Listening the interview again and put “true” or “false”.

1. Sophie Jones is an unqualified electrician.2. Every day Sophie Jones installs electricity to new houses and building on constructing

sites.3. I now have a trade which will give me some good money.

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4. Installation electricians are responsible for all the lighting and power points needed in the buildings together with the mains supply, wiring and repairing.

5. Sophie Jones and her co – workers have to lay the main electricity wiring, which is housed in protective pipers or conduits, from the main transformers into central areas where the structure is being built.

6. While working she uses some hand tools and power tools.7. I started work as the apprentice straight from collage.8. I like have deals with different people and solve difficult tasks.9. She’s sure for that to be a good electrician you must be able to read drawing and have an

eye for detail.

II. Answer the questions.

1. What’s Sophie’s profession?2. What’s the Sophie Jones’s duty on her work?3. Why does she like her profession?

III. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. a qualified electrician; 2. installing electricity; 3. constructing sites; 4. a useful qualification; 5. the lighting and power points; 6. to fit the wiring for cookers, washing machines and central heating; 7. to lay the main electricity wiring; 8. protective pipers or conduits; 9. portable electric hand tools; 10. electrical test equipment; 11. to read drawing; 12. skills and qualities.

Text. 1 Why did you choose to become an electrician? Sophie Jones is a qualified electrician. She works for an electrical contractor (електричний підрядчик) and is based in Northern England. Most of her job involves installing electricity to new houses and building on constructing sites.

Interviewer: Why did you choose to become an electrician?

Sophie Jones : I became interested in electrical work at school and it was a natural move for me. I liked the variety of work that comes with the job and I wanted to obtain(отримати) a useful qualification. I now have a trade which will give me a good living.

Interviewer: What does job involve?(включає)

Sophie Jones : Installation electricians are responsible for all the lighting and power points needed in the buildings together with the mains supply and wiring. We also have to fit the wiring for cookers, washing machines and, in some cases, central heating.

Interviewer: When do you start working on the site?

Sophie Jones : We get involved before the building even starts and just after the foundations have been laid. We have to lay the main electricity wiring, which is housed in protective pipers or conduits, from the main transformers into central areas where the structure is being built.

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We then have to come back when the building is almost finished to complete the wiring into the premises and to specific power points. The initial plans for the site and the buildings show where the wiring is to be laid and the position of the electrical points to be installed.Interviewer: What equipment do you use?Sophie Jones : Drills, screwdrivers and portable electric hand tools. Sometimes we also use small generators to provide us with mobile power for our drills before the mains are ready for use. We also use electrical installation testers and other electrical test equipment to check that our electrical installations are safe.

Interviewer: What training have you done so far?

Sophie Jones : I started work as a Modern Apprentice straight from school. During the first year I attended college for 12 weeks in four sessions of three weeks. During the second year I went to college for six weeks and a further two weeks in the third. I spent the remaining time on – the – job training with my employer. After three years I passed the NVQ Level 3 and Achievement Measurement (AM2) in Electrical Installation. This means I am now a fully qualified electrician.

Interviewer: What do you like best being an electrician?

Sophie Jones : I like meeting different people and each day produced different problems which have to be solved. No two days are the same.

Interviewer: What skills and qualities are needed for this work?Sophie Jones : Being able to work in a team, using your initiative and not being afraid to ask questions. Being good at communication is also vital in this work. You must be able to read drawing and have an eye for detail.

Sophie’s electrician tips:

1. Contact companies to check on the availability of work experience.2. Always be willing to learn.

Note:electrical contractor - електричний підрядчикconstructing sites - будівельні площадкиinvolve - задіює

Lesson 39Test

1 variantI. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents.

1. ventricular fibrillation- a. автоматичний вимикач струму2. Double – insulation b. перехідник3. severe burns – c. контактна точка 4. destruction of tissues – d. зламані кістки 5. disfigured body - e. різке скорочення м’язів6. to release a tool – f. контролювати дихання 7. to control breathing – g. відпустити інструмент8. violent muscular contractions – h. понівечене тіло

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9. broken bones - i. руйнування тканин 10. the contact point - j. серйозні опіки 11. bounding jumper k. подвійна ізоляція 12. сircuit breaker l. мерехтіння шлуночків

II. Choose the best variant to complete the sentence.

1. Electrical hazards … when wire or other electrical parts are exposed. (b)a. exists c. is existing b. exist d. is existed

2. The overhead wires … into a home may be exposed. (d)a. come c. is comingb. comes d. coming

3. Electrical terminals in motors, appliances, and electronic equipment may be exposed. (b)a. is exposed c. exposedb. be exposed d. be expose

4. Most people do not realize that overhead power lines are usually not insulted.A

a. insulted c. insultingb. was insulted d. insult

5. More than half of all electrocutions are caused by direct worker contact with energized powerlines. D.a. caused c. is causedb. cause d. are caused

6. Powerline workers must be especially aware of the dangerous of overhead lines. aa. must be c. can beb. have be d. could be

III. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Inadequate wiring is dangerous.2. Overhead power lines are dangerous.3. Electrical systems and tools are not grounded or double – insulated are dangerous.4. Damage power tools and equipment are electrical hazards.5. Using the wrong tool is dangerous.6. Ladders that conduct electricity are dangerous.

IV. Make up the list of the positive sides of the profession of the electrician.

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Lesson 39Test

1 variantI. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents.

1. ampacity - a. область грудної 2. respiratory paralysis – b. провідник3. muscular contractions – c. вологий робочий стан4. internal bleeding – d. зруйновані сухожилля5. hidden injuries – e. спасти потерпілого 6. wire – gauge - f. електрифікований об’єкт 7. the electrified object - g. поперечний переріз проводу 8. to save the victim - h. скриті травми

9. destruction of nerves – i. внутрішня кровотеча 10. wet working conditions - j. м’язові скорочення 11. сonductor - k. параліч дихання 12. the chest area – l. максимальна кількість струму в колі

II. Choose the best variant to complete the sentence.1. Insulation … conductors from coming in contact with each other. a

a. prevents c. is preventedb. prevent d. is preventing

2. Insulation also prevents conductors from … in contact with people. ca. come c. comingb. is coming d. was coming

3. When insulation is damaged, … metal parts may become energized if a live wire inside touched them. aa. exposed c. was exposedb. is exposed d. expose

4. The metal parts of an electrical wiring system that we … (switch plates, ceiling light fixtures, conduit, etc.) should be grounded and at 0 volts. ba. are touched c. is touchingb. touch d. was touched

5. You must take care of your tools so they can help you and not hurt you. c

a. care c. take careb. took care d. taking care

6. Current greater than 75 mA … ventricular fibrillation.d

a. is caused c. causeb. caused d. causes

III. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.1. Exposed electrical parts are dangerous.2. Wires with bad insulation can give you shock.

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3. Overload circuits are dangerous.4. Using the wrong PPE is dangerous.5. Defective or improperly set up adders and scaffolding are dangerous.6. Electrical hazards can be made worse if the worker, location, or equipment is wet.

IV. Make up the list of the negative sides of the profession of the electrician.

Used literature

“Safety and Health for Electrical Trades” Student manual